FALL 2011
Thank you, Pittsburgh. At UPMC Health Plan, we don’t set out to win awards. We simply focus on doing what’s right for our members. Like providing them with access to world-renowned UPMC doctors and hospitals as well as outstanding community hospitals and physicians. Giving them the tools and programs they need to live a healthy lifestyle. And offering them a personal Health Care Concierge and online chat capabilities to answer all of their questions. So when J.D. Power and Associates ranked us Highest in Member Satisfaction among Commercial Health Plans in Pennsylvania, we don’t see it as adding another award to the trophy case. We see it as doing our jobs.To learn more visit upmchealthplan.com.
“Highest Member Satisfaction Among Commercial Health Plans in Pennsylvania” UPMC Health Plan received the highest numerical score among commercial health plans in Pennsylvania in the proprietary J.D. Power and Associates 2011 U.S. Member Health Insurance . Study based on 33,039 total member responses, measuring 11 plans in the Pennsylvania-Delaware Region (excludes Medicare and Medicaid). Proprietary study results are Plan StudySM based on experiences and perceptions of members surveyed December 2010-January 2011. Your experiences may vary. Visit jdpower.com.
Contents Norwin | FALL 2011 |
Publisher’s Message COMMUNITY INTEREST
6 |
North Huntingdon Chef Wins Award Norwin School District
Irwin’s Art & Jazz Nites Older Adults in Norwin The Senior Dance | 18
The Sleep Connection to Aging | 19
Historic Hanna’s Town iN Kids
63rd Annual Circleville VFD Street Fair Norwin Public Library
The Norwin Chamber of Commerce |
Education Section
Relight the Lamp in Irwin
Can Breakfast Really Make or Break a Student’s Day? | 24 The Secret Art to Getting into College | 25 How to Choose a Preschool in Norwin | 26
Real Estate in Norwin
Fall Landscaping Ideas | 36 Making Your Home More Accessible to All Generations | 37 INDUSTRY INSIGHTS
Duffy & Nichols – Attorneys at Law
Routine Title Search Does Not Include Search to Determine Legal Owner of Oil & Gas Rights | 20
Promise Hospice
A Caring Community | 21
North American Karate and Fitness Self-Help for All | 32
All Kare Chiropractic The Experts Weigh In | 33
| Child re-enactors walk on stilts in Historic Hanna’s Town
FALL 2011
s the summer winds down, and the kids get ready to go back to school, I sincerely hope that you and your family had some time to get away from it all and relax. It seems that these days, parents driving the family taxi, and kids with their sports/lessons/parties rarely get a chance to enjoy the slow pace of an ever more elusive “lazy summer.” Ask yourself – when was the last time everyone ate together around a family table? When did everyone gather to play a board game? Does anyone remember board games? If your answer was “That one night that the power went out,” then you might be trapped in the 21st century jail of hyper-life. (I made that term up, but I can do that – I’m the publisher.) I’m not an old guy, unless you ask my kids, but I think that life should be simpler. Moms, dads, brothers, sisters, should all try to spend some time with each other as a family more than that one night when the power goes out. Family time is an important part of being a community. And every community should value quality time with their families – it’s how we teach our children values, etiquette, and more importantly, how to participate in a family structure so they can pass on to their kids what you have worked so hard to build. Recently, I saw a commercial where a father shut off the main power to the house so that the family could enjoy dinner together and blamed the outage on a thunderstorm. The Xboxes were dead. The Facebook was closed. The kids came downstairs in disillusionment to ask what happened. While the commercial was pushing some tasty Wayne Dollard dinner product, the message was more palatable – you Publisher have to make family time. I would take that message one step further – you have to make family time a priority. I hope that it’s one of yours. Have a great fall!
IN Norwin is a community publication dedicated to representing, encouraging and promoting the Norwin area and its comprising municipalities by focusing on the talents and gifts of the people who live and work here. Our goal is to provide readers with the most informative and professional regional publication in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. PUB LIS H ER
Wayne Dollard M A NAGING ED ITOR
Marybeth Jeffries marybeth@incommunitymagazines.com REGIONA L ED ITOR
Monica L. Haynes m.haynes@incommunitymagazines.com OFFICE M ANAGER
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Jack Megaw j.megaw@incommunitymagazines.com W RITERS
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Anna Buzzelli Cassie Brkich Sharon Cobb Susie Doak
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hile it might not be music to the kids’ ears, I love the sound of school buses in the morning. It sounds like – education! ! I was actually one of those weird kids that loved going to school. This edition of Norwin Magazine has the information parents and students need to get the school year started off right, plus a few other stories, including how some students got their science on at Camp Invention. One of my favorite subjects in school was history. As you can see on our cover, we have a great story about the establishment of Hanna’s Town, a must-read for history buffs. Also along those historic lines, we feature in this edition the efforts of a group of Irwin area residents to save the 74-year-old Lamp Theater. And since we’re in the area of downtown Irwin, we’ve got a story about Irwin’s Art & Jazz Nites, a great event to hear some cool jazz, see some hot art and eat some great food. We also have a feature on awardwinning chef Regis Holden of North Huntingdon. As always, we want to hear from you. What’s going on out there that we should be covering? Monica L. Haynes What’s happening in your schools, organizations, Eastern Regional Editor churches? What friend or family member deserves a profile? Please, drop me an email at m.haynes@incommunitymagazines.com. Yes, it’s back to school time. So parents, enjoy sending them out the door and onto the path of knowledge, and enjoy this edition of Norwin Magazine!
724.942.0940 to advertise |
Autumn Altieri Kathleen Rudolph
Debbie Mountain
Derek Bayer Brian Daley Gina D’Alicandro Tina Dollard Rose Estes John Gartley Jason Huffman Lori Jeffries Rita Lengvarsky Connie McDaniel Brian McKee
David Mitchell Tamara Myers Gabriel Negri Robert Ojeda Annette Petrone Vincent Sabatini Michael Silvert RJ Vighetti Nikki CapezioWatson
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Winter content deadline: 11/1 www.incommunitymagazines.com
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he joy of cooking for Chef Regis Holden is that moment when someone lifts to his lips a fork bearing food that he’s prepared, tastes it and then smiles as if in food heaven. “You get no better feeling than to see if somebody enjoys something you’ve created,” Holden said.
Throughout his career, Holden has volunteered for a variety of Be that as it may, he probably didn’t feel too shabby when he community activities and charities and is a past recipient of the recently received the Produce Excellence in Food Service Award Jefferson Award for Public Service, the Walter B. Lowrie from the United Fresh Produce Association. Holden, of North Volunteer of the Year Award, the Chef of the Year and President’s Huntingdon, is senior director of culinary services for Eat’n Park Awards from the American Culinary Federation’s Laurel Restaurants. He was one of six chefs across the country to be Highlands Chapter. He currently serves on the honored during the association’s annual Culinary Curriculum Advisory Boards for the convention and expo in New Orleans. He was City of Pittsburgh Public Schools, Northern selected for the award because of his ongoing Westmoreland Career and Technical School, and contributions to developing healthy, fresh the Westmoreland County Community College. menu options. He is also a certified food service instructor and “I was really pleasantly surprised and kind has served as an adjunct instructor at of humbled to be chosen for the award simply Westmoreland County Community College because it was in recognition of our use of where he also serves as a judge for the fresh produce, but we really never think of it as apprenticeship cook-off exams. anything out of the ordinary,” Holden said. While he realized his most recent award was Holden got his start in the food industry at pretty special, he said he didn’t realize how big of the age of 14 when his parents started a a deal it was until he got to the convention in restaurant in Manor called Holdens and Halls New Orleans. Pub. During that time, his father was also a Regis Holden Holden and his wife Sarah have a daughter, bricklaying instructor at Central Senior Director of Culinary Services, Victoria, who is a graduate student at the Westmoreland Vo-Tech, which had built a new Eat ‘n Park Restaurants University of Michigan and a son, Vincent, school and established a three-year food who’ll be entering his sophomore year at University of Pittsburgh service program. Holden signed up for it. “There are a lot of little things [in food service] that played toward my personality. There’s this fall. “Just from my kids being so close to the food industry, they have a good appreciation and education about food, what to always a deadline. It’s fast paced,” Holden said. “I thrive on that. I look for in quality.” just really love the fast-paced kitchen.” There’s also no such thing Another honor that Holden is proud of is taking first place as having weekends off, which is why after Holden worked as a for the last three years at the National Hamburger Festival in cook and chef at various places including Seven Springs, Ben Akron, Ohio. It’s especially pleasing, he said, because he’s won Gross Restaurant on Route 30 in North Huntingdon and as for his American Grill Burger, an old family recipe from his executive chef at la Mirage, he came to Eat’n Park. He wanted a parents’ restaurant. This year’s festival is scheduled for August more stable lifestyle and learned that the managers for the restaurant chain got one weekend a month off. “I was 24 and I had 20. But he’s not done collecting accolades. He received the Excellence in Professionalism Award at the American Culinary never had a weekend off in my life.” Federation Conference in Dallas in July, and will be inducted Holden eventually became a general manager and then moved into the Westmoreland County Community College Hall of into purchasing and on to menu development, a job he’s been Fame in November. doing for the past 15 years.
Norwin | Fall 2011 | incommunitymagazines.com 3
n behalf of the Board of Directors, it is, indeed, a pleasure to welcome our Norwin School District students, parents, employees, and the greater community to a new and exciting school year. Building on the academic and financial success of this past school year, we look forward to meeting the many challenges and rewards to preserve and strengthen public education. The reasonable voices of Board governance and effective leadership provide the necessary foundation for the administration and faculty to fulfill the goals and action plans of the District’s Strategic Plan. Knowing that good schools are a great investment, nothing is too good for public education and nothing but the best will do to meet the high expectations of quality set forth by the Norwin School District. With cutbacks in state and federal funding, it will require a collective effort on the part of all key stakeholders to preserve the fidelity of Norwin’s educational programs and services. With this notion, and coupled with prudent financial management and fiscal responsibility through the reallocation of resources, the District will make educational and financial investments based on best practices, proven methods, and strategies for long-term success. Norwin currently has the lowest real estate millage of 17 school districts in Westmoreland County, which demonstrates a cost-effective and efficient manner of operations and reflects the values and desired investments of the greater school community for high-performing schools. Norwin performs exceptionally well with overall student achievement and academic rankings—second-highest out of 17 school districts in Westmoreland County, 10 out of 105 school districts in southwestern Pennsylvania, and 32 out of 496 school districts based on the Pittsburgh Business Times 2011 Guide to Western Pennsylvania Schools. Students who have strong academics, sophisticated technical skills, and a personal commitment to excellence will have the best opportunity to be successful in the future and it is the responsibility of the School District to ensure that graduates, in this respect, are well-prepared as life-long learners. The District will continue to enhance its educational programs and services with a high priority on STEM education with expanded learning opportunities in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. This K-12 initiative with successful programs such as the Elementary Camp Invention and Secondary Robotics Initiative will help prepare our students for the high-tech jobs of the future with an increased degree of competitiveness in an ever-growing international arena. The District plans to sponsor a NorwinSTEM Summit, which will bring business and education partners together to share ideas and identify new ways to create advanced STEM 4
educational opportunities that will encourage our students to become an integral part of tomorrow’s leading workforce. The School District continues to place emphasis on literacy and writing, advanced placement opportunities, health and wellness, college and career pathways, senior internships, engineering camps, character education, and special and gifted education programs and services. The Norwin Center for 21st Century Learners will provide a hybrid model of instruction through its own Cyber School Academy for on-line learning and will expand virtual learning opportunities through a new Board policy for course offerings taught by Norwin teachers. Instructional delivery will be enhanced so that Norwin can remain competitive in a world of school choice for academic success and accountability, integrating new strategies to meet the changing needs of 21st century learners. K-4 students will experience a new schedule for health, physical education, music, art, library, and computer instruction, with additional time for enrichment and remediation periods by classroom and itinerant teachers and career awareness by guidance counselors. Intermediate and Middle School students will have an improved class schedule for equity and access to course selections and High School students will be issued I.D.’s with a password for Internet access for educational programming and research. The Norwin Center for Performing Arts will continue providing opportunities for creativity, art education, technology, music and drama to build on the Norwin tradition of outstanding performances and competition. Equally so, the tradition and pride of Norwin athletics, recreation, health and fitness, and intramural sports will continue with the same offerings and emphasis on building character and good sportsmanship through competition and active life-styles. All employees will continue to be part of a Professional Learning Community where human and financial investments are made for staff development and training. Whether it is enhanced instructional methods through the use of technology, better food and nutritious meal selections, improved techniques to keep schools well-maintained, clean and safe, or increased productivity to meet the changing needs of the school operations, Norwin School District will continue to believe and invest in its key stakeholders to retain the status of a premier School District. Without question, every consideration and decision made will be based on what is best for our students educationally, now and in the future. Best wishes as the Norwin School District begins the 2011-2012 school year!
Norwin Board of Education FRONT ROW (left to right): Del P. Nolfi, Jr., Becky A. Gediminskas, Barbara A. Viola, Ronald R. Giuliana, Dennis J. Rittenhouse BACK ROW (left to right): Jerry O’Donnell, Donald W. Rhodes, Jr., Robert J. Perkins, President, Thomas J. Sturm, Vice President
Michael Bartolac, Junior >>
<< Rachel Geizura, Senior
group of about 25 students from Hillcrest Intermediate School homerooms read John Grisham’s first book for children entitled Theodore Boone, Kid Lawyer. Hillcrest’s Summer Book Club, led by teachers Mr. Thom Swenson and Ms. Sharon Welty, conducted two book club meetings this summer to discuss portions of the book. The first meeting was June 29 at the Norwin Public Library. They discussed the book and were joined by a special guest speaker, local attorney Meagan Bilik DeFazio, who is a practicing criminal lawyer in Greensburg, to emphasize the courtroom theme. For the second meeting of the summer, July 13, the group met at the Greensburg Courthouse where Judge Debra Pezze met with the students in her courtroom. The students had the opportunity to ask questions about the judicial system. Hillcrest students with guest speaker Attorney Meagan DeFazio
Hillcrest students pose for a picture at the Westmoreland County Courthouse
Hillcrest students with Westmoreland County Judge Debra Pezze
Norwin | Fall 2011 | incommunitymagazines.com 5
News You Can Use
SECOND ANNUAL CAMP INVENTION Scenes from Camp Invention 2011
early 75 elementary-aged students learned about science, technology, engineering and mathematics at the second-annual Camp Invention at Norwin School District. The camp was held the week of June 20-24 at Hillcrest Intermediate School for children entering first through sixth grade. Each camper participated in five fun and interactive lessons at Camp Invention: • “Wild: Wondrous Innovations and Living Designs,” which focused on nature; • “The Curious Cypher Club,” in which every student became a detective and used recycled materials to solve a mystery; • “Bounce! An Atomic Journey,” in which students learned about atoms using bouncing balls; • “Game On: Power Play,” which challenged campers to transform traditional games; • “I Can Invent: Edison’s Workshop,” in which students created and marketed a multistep machine. District teachers, assisted by elementary education college students from Pitt-Greensburg, provided the instruction. The creative and interactive approach of Camp Invention keeps students engaged during the summer, and it featured a hands-on approach to learning, according to program Director Larissa Sturm.
COMMUNITY CONNECTIONS – AUTUMN 2011 COURSES To emphasize the importance of an ongoing and lifelong education, the District proudly offers classes for youth and adults through our Community Connections program. From opportunities in physical fitness to learning about foreign languages in a survey course, our fall offerings provide a wonderful chance to experience something new while meeting others who share your interests. During this session, we welcome Wilmerding YMCA fitness instructors in an effort to make healthy options available close to home. We hope you will join us for a class or two this autumn.
We continue to be on the search for some community instructors interested in sharing their talents. As the instructor, you decide the content, number of classes, and times. A proposal form is available at www.norwinsd.org. Please direct questions about the summer offerings or course proposals to the program coordinator, Julie Painter, at 724.861.3010 x4123 or send an email to jpainter@norwinsd.org.
Exploring Languages for Tweens Exploring Languages is designed for students to explore and appreciate languages of the world, with a goal to better understand the rich and diverse cultures that surround us. Latin is highlighted as the mother tongue of all the Romance languages, followed by an introduction to French and Spanish. German is emphasized as a Germanic language. An introduction to Japanese will culminate the course. The course will be communicative in nature with a song embedded into most lessons, which will include a vocabulary set, culture point, and spotlight on a particular region of the world. Focus is placed on the skills of listening and speaking. After successful completion of this course, the student is able to explain the significance of learning a language, and is ready to select a language to study in later grades. Instructors: Kelly Ketler & Norwin Language Faculty Dates: Tuesdays 3:15 p.m. - 4:45 p.m. Course cost: $55.00
Age range: Students in Grades 5-7 September 20, 27, October 4, 11, 18, & 25, 2011 Location: Hillcrest Room TBA
Zumba Class With the days growing longer, are you looking for ways to include exercise into your routine? This fun class provides an opportunity to improve cardio fitness while learning popular Latin dance styles such as Merengue, Salsa, Cumbia, Calypso, and Ragaeton. Tone your glutes, abdominals, legs and arms and burn between 500-800 calories per session. Work-out clothing is suggested. As with all exercise programs, interested individuals should consult a doctor prior to participating. Instructor: Michele Dvorznak Dates: Tuesdays 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Course cost: $38.50
Age range: Adults September 13, 20, 27, October 4, 11, 18, & 25, 2011 Location: Middle School Cafeteria
Cardio Tone This class consists of various cardio moves and intensity to increase oxygen uptake to the cardiovascular system. Core strength and body dynamics are used to tone muscles while improving agility, balance, coordination and flexibility. This class will take your fitness skills to a new level. Instructors: Wilmerding YMCA Fitness Instructors Dates: Tuesdays and Thursdays 3:30 p.m. – 4:15 p.m. Course cost: $35 YMCA Members, $55 Non-Members
Age range: All are welcome September 6, 8, 13, 15, 20, 22, 27, 29, October 4, 6, 11, 13, 18, 20, 25, & 27, 2011 Location: Middle School Cafeteria
Core and Stretch The core is the body’s powerhouse. This class improves abdominal and low back strength and flexibility. This class will leave you feeling energized, relaxed and ready to face the day. Instructors: Wilmerding YMCA Fitness Instructors Dates: Tuesdays and Thursdays 4:30 p.m. – 5:15 p.m. Course cost: $35 YMCA Members, $55 Non-Members continued on page 8
Age range: All are welcome September 6, 8, 13, 15, 20, 22, 27, 29, October 4, 6, 11, 13, 18, 20, 25, & 27, 2011 Location: Hahntown Cafeteria Norwin | Fall 2011 | incommunitymagazines.com 7
continued from page 7
Women’s Self Defense Come join the class, have some fun and you will not have to run. This class will allow you to have confidence in yourself. The fundamentals learned in this program will help you in all walks of life. Learn how to defend yourself from common weapons such as clubs, knives, and men. Feel empowered and take charge of the opportunities that lay before you. Instructors: Wilmerding YMCA Fitness Instructors Dates: Thursdays (Two sessions are offered) Session 1: 3:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Session 2: 4:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. Course cost: $35 YMCA Members, $55 Non-Members
Age range: All are welcome September 8, 15, 22, 29, October 6, 13, 20, & 27, 2011
Location: Hillcrest Library
Registration Autumn 2011 To register for YMCA Fitness Classes please contact: Wilmerding YMCA • 1 Memorial Field, Wilmerding, Pa. 15148 • 412-823-9000 • lfeerst@ymcapgh.org For all other courses, please complete the registration form and send with payment to Norwin School District; the address is listed below. Due date for registration is September 2, 2011. Our classes for this session will be held during September through November. Each description lists specific dates, times, and locations. Please note that if Norwin School District cancels school, there will be no evening activities. Occasionally inclement weather also causes the cancelation of evening activities; please check the District website for updates. If a class is canceled, the day of the week and time when the make-up class is held will remain the same. Complete participant contact information is essential for notification of a cancellation. Courses have a minimum and maximum number of participants, so please register early. If you have any questions, please contact Julie Painter at 724-861-3010 x4123 or jpainter@norwinsd.org. Please join us during this session. Community Connections • Norwin School District • 281 McMahon Drive, North Huntingdon, Pa. 15642
AUTUMN 2011 REGISTRATION FORM Name Address Preferred Phone
Alternate Phone
E-mail Course Request
Course Cost
Due date for registration is September 2, 2011. Please make checks payable to Norwin School District
Additional registration forms are available on the District’s website at www.norwinsd.org. 8
Norwin High School
Norwin Band Preview Event
Fall Fantasy Parade
Seneca Valley HS
Varsity Football Game
Upper St. Clair HS
Varsity Football Game
Baldwin HS
Varsity Football Game
Vandergrift, PA
Kiski Band Festival
Norwin High School
Varsity Football Game
Norwin High School
Bands of America – North Huntingdon Regional
Gateway HS
Varsity Football Game
Norwin High School
Homecoming Varsity Football Game
Irwin, PA
Homecoming Parade
McKeesport HS
Varsity Football Game
Akron, OH
Bands of America – Akron Regional
Norwin High School
Varsity Football Game
Imperial, PA
West Allegheny Band Festival
Penn Trafford HS
Varsity Football Game
Norwin High School
PIMBA Championships
Indianapolis, IN
Bands of America – Grand Nationals
orwin School District will be unveiling an updated Web site starting with the 2011-2012 school year. The new design has several advantages over the previous Web site, said Ms. Kathy Curran, Coordinator of Educational Technology. “It will allow teachers to easily create Web pages, and it will allow parents and community members to register and sign up for school-level or
District-level email communications,” Ms. Curran said. It will also have a clean, streamlined look and a search tool that allows viewers to search the site. It will also have the opportunity to showcase more dynamic content, such as photo galleries of student academic activities. All of the same information that was on the prior design will be on the new Web site, but will be located in slightly different areas that better fit the new organizational structure. The new Web site is through Schoolwires, a Pennsylvania company that already serves the majority of Westmoreland County school districts. The Web address will be the same at www.norwinsd.org.
Norwin | Fall 2011 | incommunitymagazines.com 9
Sports VARSITY FOOTBALL (BOYS) Seneca Valley Sept. 2 Sept. 9 Upper St. Clair Sept. 16 Baldwin Hempfield Sept. 23 Gateway Sept. 30 Oct. 7 Connellsville McKeesport Oct. 14 Latrobe Oct. 21 Oct. 28 Penn Trafford
7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m.
J.V. FOOTBALL (BOYS) Sept. 3 Seneca Valley Sept. 10 Upper St. Clair Baldwin High School Sept. 17 Hempfield Sept. 24 Oct. 1 Gateway Oct. 10 Connellsville McKeesport Oct. 15 Oct. 22 Latrobe Oct. 29 Penn Trafford
10:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m 10:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m.
FRESHMAN FOOTBALL (BOYS) Sept. 1 North Allegheny/Blackhawk Sept. 8 Connellsville Hempfield Sept. 15 Sept. 22 Franklin Regional Sept. 29 Greensburg Salem Greensburg Salem Sept. 29 Indiana Area Oct. 6 Oct. 13 Derry Oct. 20 Penn Trafford Oct. 27 Indiana Area
3:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m.
7TH/8TH GRADE FOOTBALL (BOYS) Sept. 7 Penn Hills Sept. 14 Fox Chapel Sept. 21 Kiskl Sept. 28 Plum Oct. 5 McKeesport Oct. 12 Gateway Oct. 19 Penn Trafford Oct. 26 Franklin Regional
4:00 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 3:45 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 1:30 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m.
VARSITY/JV. SOCCER (BOYS) Sept. 2 Baldwin/Chartiers Valley/ Seneca Valley Sept. 8 Butler Sept. 10 Peters Twp. Sept. 13 Connellsville Sept. 14 North Hills Sept. 15 Kiskl Sept. 20 Latrobe Sept. 22 Hempfield (Varsity only) Sept. 24 Penn Trafford Sept. 27 Bethel Park Sept. 29 Connellsville Oct. 4 Kiski Oct. 6 Latrobe (Varsity only) Oct. 7 North Allegheny Oct. 10 Fox Chapel Oct. 11 Hempfield Oct. 13 Penn Trafford Oct. 15 Greensburg C. C. Oct. 18 North Allegheny
6:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m. 5:45 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 5:45 p.m. 7:15 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 5:45 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 5:45 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 5:45 p.m.
VARSITY/J.V.SOCCER (GIRLS) Sept. 7 Albert Gallatin Sept. 8 Shaler Sept. 9 Mt. Lebanon Sept. 10 Peters Twp. Sept. 12 Laurel Highlands Sept. 14 Bethel Park Sept. 19 Latrobe Sept. 21 Connellsville Sept. 22 Hempfield (Varsity only) Sept. 26 Penn Trafford Sept. 28 Albert Gallatin Oct. 1 Laurel Highlands Oct. 3 Franklin Regional Oct. 5 Latrobe (Varsity first) Oct. 10 Connellsville Oct. 12 Hempfield Oct. 17 Penn Trafford Oct. 18 North Allegheny
4:00 p.m. 5:45 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m. 5:45 p.m. 5:45 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 5:45 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 5:45 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 5:45 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 5:45 p.m. 6:15 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
FRESHMAN SOCCER (BOYS) Mt. Lebanon Sept. 7 Sept. 12 Butler Sept. 16 Pine Richland Shaler Sept. 19 North Allegheny Sept. 21 Sept. 23 Seneca Valley Pittsburgh C.C. Sept. 26 Butler Sept. 28 Sept. 30 North Hills Oct. 3 Pine Richland Shaler Oct. 5 Oct. 10 Seneca Valley Oct. 12 Pittsburgh C.C. Mt. Lebanon Oct. 17
4:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m.
VARSITY/J.V. VOLLEYBALL (GIRLS) Aug. 23 Shaler Gateway Sept. 2 Sept . 7 Penn Hills Sept . 10 Shaler (Tournament) Hempfield Sept . 13 Latrobe Sept . 15 Sept . 17 Shaler (Tournament) Sept . 20 Kiskl Franklin Regional Sept. 22 Sept. 26 North Allegheny Sept. 27 Penn Trafford South Park Sept. 29 Fox Chapel Oct. 3 Oct. 4 Hempfield Oct. 5 Linton-Penn Hills Oct. 6 Latrobe Oct. 11 Kiskl Oct. 13 Franklin Regional Oct. 18 Penn Trafford Oct. 20 Greensburg Salem Oct. 22 Norwin Varsity Tournament
4:00 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m.
7TH/8TH GRADE BLUE BASKETBALL (GIRLS) Sept. 7 O’Block Middle Sept. 13 Jeannette Sept. 15 Mt. Pleasant Sept. 19 Harrold - Hempfield Sept. 21 Southmoreland Sept. 23 Derry Sept. 27 Penn Middle-PT Sept. 29 Trafford Middle-PT Sept. 30 Gateway Oct. 3 Jeannette Oct. 5 Mt. Pleasant Oct. 7 Harrold - Hempfield Oct. 10 O’Block Middle Oct. 11 Southmoreland Oct. 13 Derry Oct. 17 Penn Middle-PT Oct. 19 Trafford Middle-PT
3:45 p.m. 3:45 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 3:45 p.m. 3:45 p.m. 3:45 p.m. 3:45 p.m. 3:45 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 3:45 p.m. 3:45 p.m. 4:00 p.m.
7TH/8TH GRADE GOLD BASKETBALL (GIRLS) Sept. 7 Mt. Pleasant 4:00 p.m. Sept. 13 Gateway 3:45 p.m. Sept. 14 Yough 4:00 p.m. Sept. 15 Linton Middle School 3:45 p.m. Sept. 19 Franklin Regional 3:45 p.m. Sept. 21 O’Block Middle 3:30 p.m. Sept. 23 Woodland Hills 3:45 p.m. Sept. 26 Fox Chapel 3:45 p.m. Sept. 27 McKeesport 3:45 p.m. Sept. 30 Trafford Middle-PT 4:00 p.m. Oct. 3 Gateway 3:45 p.m. Oct. 7 Franklin Regional 4:00 p.m. Oct. 11 O’Block Middle 3:45 p.m. Oct. 13 Woodland Hills 3:45 p.m. Oct. 17 McKeesport 4:00 p.m. Oct. 20 Penn Middle-PT 3:45 p.m. Oct. 21 Fox Chapel 3:30 p.m. VARSITY/J.V. TENNIS (GIRLS) Aug. 24 Kiski Aug. 29 Penn Trafford Sept. 1 Connellsville Sept. 2 Greensburg C.C. Sept. 6 Latrobe Sept. 7 Indiana Area Sept. 8 Franklin Regional Sept. 12 Hempfield
4:00 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m.
Sept. 14 Sept. 21 Sept. 26 Sept. 28 Oct. 3 Oct. 5 Oct. 11 Oct. 12
Kiski Penn Trafford Connellsville Latrobe Franklin Regional Hempfield Mt. Pleasant (Var. only) Derry
3:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m.
VARSITY GOLF (BOYS) Aug. 23 Derry Greensburg Salem Aug. 24 Aug. 25 Indiana Area Aug. 29 Latrobe Hempfield Sept. 1 Yough Sept. 4 Sept. 7 Greensburg C.C. Sept. 8 Penn Trafford Derry Sept. 13 Sept. 14 Elizabeth Forward Sept. 15 Greensburg Salem Indiana Area Sept. 21 Latrobe Sept. 22 Sept. 28 Hempfield Sept. 30 Yough Penn Trafford Oct. 3
3:30 p.m. 2:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 2:30 p.m. 2:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 2:30 p.m. 2:30 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 2:30 p.m. 2:30 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 2:30 p.m. 2:30 p.m.
VARSITY GOLF (GIRLS) Penn Trafford Aug. 22 Derry Aug. 25 Aug. 29 Franklin Regional Aug. 31 Shadyside Academy Sept. 2 Fox Chapel Sept. 6 Mt. Pleasant Sept. 7 Gateway Sept. 12 Bethel Park Sept. 14 Franklin Regional Sept. 19 Shadyside Academy Sept. 23 Fox Chapel Sept. 26 Gateway Sept. 28 Shaler Oct. 3 Elizabeth Forward
3:00 p.m. 2:30 p.m. 2:30 p.m. 2:30 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 2:30 p.m. 2:30 p.m. 2:30 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 2:30 p.m. 2:30 p.m. 2:30 p.m. 3:00 p.m.
VARSITY/J.V. FIELD HOCKEY (GIRLS) Sept. 2 Ellis School Sept. 6 Fox Chapel Sept. 7 Woodland Hills Sept. 8 Peters Twp. Sept. 13 Latrobe Sept. 15 Pine Richland Sept. 19 Upper St. Clair Sept. 20 Hempfield Sept. 22 North Allegheny Sept. 27 Penn Trafford Sept. 29 Woodland Hills (Var. only) Sept. 30 Pine Richland Oct. 3 Latrobe Oct. 11 Hempfield Oct. 12 North Allegheny Oct. 18 Penn Trafford Oct. 19 Peters Twp. Oct. 20 Mt. Lebanon
3:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m.
VARSITY CROSS COUNTRY (COED) Sept. 10 Red, White and Blue Sept. 13 Franklin Reg/Yough Sept. 17 Slippery Rock Inv. Sept. 20 Greensburg Salem Sept. 24 Blue Devil Invitational Sept. 27 Derry Oct. 4 Indiana/Hempfield Oct. 13 WCCA Cross Country Oct. 20 Tri-State Invitational Oct. 27 WPIAL Championships
8:50 a.m. 4:00 p.m. 12:10 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 2:30 p.m.
7TH/8TH GRADE CROSS COUNTRY (COED) Sept. 7 Plum/Latrobe/Norwin Sept. 14 Norwin/Hempfield/ Franklin Regional Sept. 21 Hempf/Kiski/Norwin Sept. 28 Plum/PT/Norwin Oct. 5 Gbg Salem/Indiana/ Norwin
4:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m.
For the most recent sports schedule, please visit highschoolsports.net.
17-18 19 22
Staff Development Day Teacher Clerical Day First Day of Instruction
1 5 6 7 13 15
Open House - High School Labor Day (NO SCHOOL) Open House - Middle School Open House - Elementary K-4 Open House - Hillcrest 6th Grade Open House - Hillcrest 5th Grade
8 24-25 28
Act 80 Day - Parent Teacher Conferences K-6 (NO SCHOOL for K-6th Grade only) Thanksgiving Recess (NO SCHOOL) Staff Development (NO SCHOOL for students)
Winter Recess (NO SCHOOL)
2 3 16
Winter Recess Classes Resume Clerical Day (NO SCHOOL)
17 20
NO SCHOOL - 1st snow make-up day NO SCHOOL - 2nd snow make-up day
9 12
NO SCHOOL - 3rd snow make-up day Staff Development (NO SCHOOL for students)
5 6 9 10
NO SCHOOL - 4th snow make-up day Spring Break (NO SCHOOL) Spring Break (NO SCHOOL) NO SCHOOL - 5th snow make-up day
4 25 28 29 30
Staff Development (NO SCHOOL for students) Last Day for Students/Graduation Memorial Day (NO SCHOOL) School Picnic Clerical Day (NO SCHOOL for students)
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15 22 29
16 23 30
17 24 31
18 25
19 26
20 27
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General Information
Acceptable Use of the Internet Norwin students have access to the Internet for the purpose of academic studies within each school building. In order to use the Norwin School District Internet, students must agree to the terms and conditions as outlined in the Student Internet Access Agreement. This agreement is made available to students at the beginning of each school year. Students and their parents or guardians are required to sign a consent form before the students will be permitted to have access to the Internet. The acceptable use agreement outlines appropriate and unacceptable use of the Internet within Norwin School District. Students who violate the provisions of the agreement may be subject to disciplinary actions listed in the Student Rights, Responsibility/Discipline Code as well as the loss of the privilege of access to the Norwin School District network and the Internet. The District’s computers are equipped with filtering software which limits access to inappropriate material as required by the No Child Left Behind and Children’s Internet Protection Acts. Questions regarding the Student Internet Access Agreement may be referred to Mrs. Katherine Curran at 724.861.3000 ext. 1139. AIDS Instruction Norwin School District provides instruction about Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) and related issues at all three (3) levels of curriculum: elementary, middle school and high school, as part of District policy and state regulations. Pupils may be excused from the formal instruction within the health curriculum when the instruction conflicts with the religious or moral beliefs of the parents/guardians or the pupil. A written excuse is required and must be presented to the building principal, prior to the instruction, for the pupil to be excused. Curricular outlines and materials used in conjunction with AIDS instruction are available for examination by calling the appropriate building principal for an appointment during regular school hours. Attendance Parents/guardians are reminded that regular school attendance is a necessity if a child is to have a successful school year. Students should bring a written excuse, signed by their parent/guardian, the day they return to school following an absence. Failure or refusal to supply a valid excuse within three (3) days upon return to school will result in an unexcused absence. Students excessively absent will be required to submit a physician’s excuse within five (5) days of returning to school. The District will follow the provisions of 24 P.S. 13-1327 Compulsory Attendance and Truancy Elimination Plan of August 8, 2006. BMI The Pennsylvania Department of Health requires public school nurses to calculate the body mass index (BMI) of students based on their height and weight measurements. The index is a part of the scheduled screenings done at school.
BMI is a weight and stature index that is used to determine whether a student is within a normal growth pattern, overweight or at risk for becoming overweight or underweight. Building Emergency Emergency situations sometimes develop in individual school buildings too late to cancel or delay school for that building. The situations may be temporary in nature and not necessitate a cancellation or delay. In either situation, the District attempts to provide a safe and comfortable educational environment for students. In order to do so, students may be bussed to another building, at regular intervals, to use lavatory facilities or moved to another building for the day. The District believes that this plan of action provides the best avenue for the child’s education and welfare. Your patience and cooperation during these unusual times is appreciated. Bullying/Cyber Bullying The Norwin School District is committed to providing all students with a safe and civil school environment in which all members of the school community are treated with dignity and respect and are free from harassment or bullying. The District recognizes that bullying creates an atmosphere of fear and intimidation, detracts from the safe environment necessary for student learning, and may lead to more serious violence. Therefore, bullying is strictly prohibited and will not be tolerated. Bus Transportation/Schedule Most students at Norwin enjoy the privilege of riding the school bus to and from school. All students, their parents, and members of the community can help maintain safe transportation for Norwin students by remembering: • Students should be at the bus stop at least 10 minutes before the scheduled arrival time. • Parents who wait to pick up their children at bus stops should have alternate plans prepared in case of early dismissals, emergencies, etc. • Students should stay a safe distance from the road while waiting for the bus. • Students must behave while waiting for and riding the bus. • Students are not permitted to eat or drink while on the bus. • Students must remain seated while the bus is in motion. • Students may be assigned seats by the driver at any time. • The bus driver is responsible for maintaining bus discipline. • Students should wait until the driver signals “all clear” before crossing in front of the bus. • Students should not reach under the bus to pick up dropped items. Rather, the driver should be asked for help. • Students must board and unload at the designated spot unless permission to do otherwise is obtained in advance.
• Drivers are required to come to a complete stop to enable students to be picked up and dropped off. • Nothing is to be sticking out of an open school bus window. • Late students should avoid injury by not running after the bus. • Students should avoid injury by not touching the outside of the bus. • On arrival, students should report directly to their building. Transportation assignments for the 2010-2011 school year are posted on Norwin’s website at www.norwinsd.org and on the front door of each of Norwin’s school buildings. The information includes bus number, bus stop location and pick-up time. If there is a question regarding your child’s assignment, please call Mr. J. Randall Rovesti at 724.861.3006. In order to assist the transportation process, parents/guardians should check the information for accuracy and report any errors to First Student (724.863.2262). Parents/guardians of students whose bus stops will change, should report that change to First Student or the Norwin Transportation Office (724.861.3006). Cellular Phones and Electronic Devices Students are not permitted to have electronic devices in school, on school property, at school-sponsored events and on buses or other vehicles provided by the school district. These include, but are not limited to: radios, tape and CD/DVD players, MP3 and iPod players, video games, headphones, universal remotes, laser pens, pagers, beepers and other portable devices. Cellular phones that have the capability to take photographs or record audio or video are not permitted to be turned on during the school day in district buildings. Additionally, any device that provides for a wireless, unfiltered connection to the Internet is not permitted to be used during the school day in District buildings. Complaint Procedure When a parent/guardian has a complaint, it is District procedure that it should be resolved at the lowest possible level. The process typically would follow the steps below when there is a classroom concern: Step (1) Step (2) Step (3) Step (4)
Classroom Teacher Building Administrator District Office Administrator School Board
Following this procedure will ensure that the process is not delayed. All complaints must be filed within 90 calendar days of the alleged incident.
Drug Free Schools Parents, students, and members of the community are reminded that, under provisions of the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act (Act 211) and the approved Norwin School District Student Rights, Responsibilities and Discipline Code, mandatory standards of conduct have been set concerning the unlawful possession, use or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol at any time on school premises. Disciplinary sanctions, including expulsions and/or referral for prosecution, are in effect for violators of the provisions. The sanctions are included in the District’s Student Rights, Responsibilities and Discipline Code. Drug and alcohol counseling and rehabilitation and re-entry programs are also available through E-N.E.S.T. and N.E.S.T., the District’s student assistance programs. Entering a Building All members of the Norwin community are reminded of the District policy concerning entry onto school property and into school buildings. All District buildings are secured after students arrive; only one (1) entrance is opened to the public. You must identify yourself and your purpose to be buzzed in. When you enter the building, please first report to the main office to obtain a visitor’s pass. When you prepare to leave the building, please notify the office and return the pass. Unauthorized individuals will be required to leave the building voluntarily or forcibly. Following this policy will help us protect our children and our employees. Examinations As required by law, all students in Norwin School District must participate in medical and dental examinations. The examinations will be scheduled by the school nurse and conducted by the school physician and dentist throughout the school year. Parents may substitute a medical and/or dental examination by their family physician or dentist, at their own expense. Further information about medical and/or dental examinations, or their schedule, can be obtained from school nurses. Family Access Norwin School District is pleased to provide Family Access by Skyward, Inc., a secure Internet based website that will allow you to easily view your child’s attendance, grades, schedule, food service balance, progress, assignments, and emergency contact information. Family Access is a free service and will be available to all parents with children enrolled in the District. More information is available on the Norwin website, www.norwinsd.org, through the “Information” link on the left side of the web page. Foreign Exchange Students It is the policy (#202) of the Norwin School Board that foreign exchange students from American Field Service (AFS) and Rotary International will be given first priority. All foreign exchange students must meet specific minimum requirements to attend Norwin and must be approved by the Superintendent of Schools prior to
enrolling. District policy requires individuals violating the policy to reimburse the District for the student’s tuition and any ESL services required. Individuals interested in hosting a Rotary Exchange student or becoming an exchange student to a foreign country through Rotary Youth Exchange should contact Mr. Jon Babyak of the Norwin Rotary (724.863.3775). Hazing and Harassment It is the policy of Norwin School District that its students are free from hazing, initiations and other acts of violence, threats, intimidations and misconduct. The policy is reviewed with coaches before each athletic season and the coaches, in turn, review it with their students. Students receive a copy of the policy and are required to sign off on it in order to participate in the activity. Violators of the policy are subject to appropriate disciplinary action. Homebound Instruction The State Board of Education established the rules for homebound instruction. Students may be on homebound instruction for no longer than three (3) consecutive months unless a new physician’s request is submitted and approved. If the physician’s request is not submitted, or if the state does not approve the request, homebound instruction will cease. Immunizations All school age children attending school in Pennsylvania are required to have complete immunizations. The school nurse will inform you of any requirements that your child is lacking. If you want to see a complete list of required immunizations, go to the PA Department of Health website at www.health.state.pa.us and follow the links listed below: Health Services and Resources Immunizations School Children Immunizations Information Access Parents/guardians and students age 18 or older have access to information concerning the curriculum offered by Norwin School District, including instructional materials, academic standards and assessment techniques. Requests must be made in writing to the appropriate Superintendent of Elementary or Secondary Education, who will arrange for the review of the information under provisions of Board Policy #105.1. [See 22 PA Code § 4.4 and 20 USC § 1232h (a)]. Medication Policy The Norwin School District has specific procedures in place for dispensing medication to students during school hours. These procedures include: (1) written instructions from the physician on the proper procedure for the dispensing of the medication must be received; (2) the student must take the medication to the office/nurse upon arriving at school; (3) the medication shall be taken in the
presence of the parent/guardian, nurse or building administrator. The school staff is not responsible for errors in the written instructions received concerning dosage, administration or the supply of medication. If written communication is not received, no medication will be dispensed unless the building administrator or nurse has called the parent/guardian and/or the student’s physician. Parents are required to follow the procedures to assist the District in helping the students who need medication. Newborn Information If you know someone who lives in the Norwin School District, and has just brought home a new baby or is expecting one, please contact the Norwin Council of PTAs at norwincouncilpta@hotmail.com. The Council, in conjunction with the District, has developed a packet for new and expectant parents which includes pamphlets regarding immunizations, child safety, child development, Mr. Yuk stickers and more. Norwin Food Service As a partner in the education process, it is our commitment to provide safe, quality meals that reflect a high nutritional standard, while providing excellent customer service in a warm, friendly environment. At the Norwin School District, we believe that the breakfast and lunch programs are part of the educational system. We are responsible for teaching children nutrition and offering new and exciting food items that meet the nutritional standards set forth in the District’s Wellness Policy. We continuously strive to make the lunch menus more appealing, encouraging the children to eat breakfast and lunch at school. The Food Service Department tracks the sales of the various menu choices in order to provide the menu items that the students prefer. This is how we determine if a new item is a success, or if it needs to be changed or removed. Another resource that the Food Service Department uses to get feedback from students, parents, administrators, teachers and staff is the Food Advisory Council Meetings. These meetings are held on a regular basis in the high school auditorium and are open to anyone (i.e., students, parents, administrators, teachers or staff) who would like to attend. We discuss the current menu items, new menu items, and any other food-related issue. This gives the students a platform to air any complaints directly to the Director and the administration. It is also a great way for the Director to share important information with the folks that attend the meeting. To encourage students to make healthy food choices, the Food Service Department and the District, through education and curriculum, teach students how to select more health conscious choices. We also meet the dietary needs of any student who requires a special diet because of a medical reason. Forms may be obtained from the Director’s office. School food service is the world’s largest food service business, serving more meals a day than the fast food industry. School lunch has often been referred to as the
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General Information
original fast food operation: serving millions of lunches across the United States in a time span of 1 1/2 hours. The National School Lunch Act of 1946 established the National School Lunch Program to safeguard the health and well being of our nation’s children. Studies found that the overall health of Americans was poor and many were malnourished. Minimum nutritional requirements were defined. Prior to 1946, school lunches were done primarily by volunteer groups serving mostly cold lunches. The third addition of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans was released in 1990 and triggered the new guidelines for school meals. The School Meal Initiative is designed to meet 1/3 of the dietary guidelines for children for lunch. All school lunches have an age appropriate calorie allowance, with less than 30% of the calories from fat and 12-15% of the calories from protein. The Norwin School District participates in the Federal Food Program. The purpose of this program is to provide a hot, nutritious lunch for students of families in the low and below minimum income range. Guidelines and applications for this program are sent home with students at the beginning of each school year and are made available throughout the year through the district’s Food Service Office. When the applications are completed and returned, a determination is made whether the child is eligible for a free or reduced price lunch. Free and reduced lunch lists are also used by the district in determining individual building eligibility for Title 1 remedial reading services. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, age or disability. Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of all program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA’s TARGET Center at (202)720-2600 (voice and TDD). To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326-W, Whitten Building, 14th and Independence Avenue, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call (202)720-5964 (voice and TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Norwin Golden Age Cards All Norwin School District residents, 65 years of age or older, are entitled to a NORWIN GOLDEN AGE CARD. Those wishing to attend school functions without charge or at a reduced rate should bring identification, showing their birth date (such as a driver’s license) to the Superintendent’s Office at the Administration Building between 7:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. during the regular work week. An official seal will be applied to the card once a signature is secured. The card can be used immediately for District functions. Professional Qualifications Under provisions of the No Child Left Behind Act [20 USC § 6311 (h) (6) (A)], parents or guardians of students in District Title I buildings may request information regarding the professional qualifications of their child’s teachers. The information is limited to: 14
• whether the teacher has met state licensing criteria for the grade level(s) and subject areas taught • whether any teacher is on emergency or provisional certification • the undergraduate/graduate degree major of the teacher and the field of discipline of the certification or degree Parents interested in obtaining the information must send a written request to Mr. Thomas Wrobleski, Director of Human Resources. Title I buildings for 2010-2011 include Hahntown, Sheridan Terrace and Hillcrest Intermediate. Registration for New Students Students who will be new to the Norwin School District in 2010-2011 i.e., transfers in from other public schools, parochial or private schools, should register with a Norwin representative as soon as possible. Elementary students who will be entering Kindergarten through sixth grade in August of each year should register in the building where they will be attending, or may contact Dr. Mary Anne Hazer, Assistant Superintendent of Elementary Education, at 724.861.3021. Middle School students, grades seven and eight, should register with the Guidance Office at the Middle School (724.861.3010), High School students, grades nine through twelve, must contact the High School Guidance Office 724.861.3002 for an appointment to ensure that they will have a schedule ready for the fall term. High School Guidance Counselors will be available for new student registration and for anyone unable to schedule at an earlier time. Requests for Information Under provisions of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (20 USC § 7908) and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), 20 USC § 1232g, school districts are required to provide, upon request made by military recruiters or an institution of higher education, access to secondary school students’ names, addresses and telephone listings. Secondary students or their parents/guardians who wish to have their information excluded from disclosure without prior written consent, must do so in writing and send the written exclusion request to their child’s guidance counselor, the designated school official. Safeguard Program Once again, the Safeguard Program will be available in all elementary schools and Hillcrest Intermediate School. Through it, before and after school child care is provided for Norwin students in grades K-6. The program includes homework supervision, a snack, art projects and organized play. For hours of operation and fee information, please call the Safeguard Office at 724.864.1004. School Attire The Norwin School Board-approved Student Rights and Responsibilities Regulations addresses student attire. Students are not permitted to wear the following items at school:
• Slippers • Shoes with wheels; “Heelies” • Halters, tube tops, spaghetti straps, mesh or see-through blouses or shirts • Tank tops, undershirts, T-shirts advertising illegal products or behavior or which contain profanity • Any item of clothing which exposes the shoulder or midriff • Messages or wording across the seat of shorts, pants, sweatpants and skirts are not permitted • Cutoffs and clothing that is ripped, cut or has holes • Form-fitting athletic attire • Jewelry or ornaments which cause injury In addition, undergarments are not to be exposed. Pants and shorts must be secured at the waist and cannot be worn “sag style.” Students must wear clothing with sleeves. Students inappropriately dressed will be required to change to appropriate attire. In all cases, the decision of the Principal is final. School Closings Information relative to the emergency closing of schools in the Norwin School District is broadcast over the following television stations: KDKA, WPXI and WTAE. The decision to delay or postpone school due to weather conditions is made as early as possible. If weather conditions deteriorate while school is in session, early dismissals may occur. Special Education In compliance with state and federal law, the Norwin School District will provide to each protected handicapped student, without discrimination or cost to the student or family, those related aids, services, or accommodations which are needed to provide equal opportunity to participate in, and obtain the benefits of, the school program and extracurricular activities to the maximum extent appropriate to the student’s abilities. In order to qualify as a protected handicapped student, the child must be of school age with a physical or mental disability, which substantially limits or prohibits participation in, or access to, an aspect of the school program. These services and protections for “protected handicapped students” are distinct from those applicable to all eligible or exceptional students enrolled (or seeking enrollment) in special education programs. For further information on the evaluation procedures and provision of services to protected handicapped students or eligible students, contact Margaret Zimmer, Director of Pupil Services and Special Programs at 724-861-3000 x 1113 throughout the school year. NOTICE OF SPECIAL EDUCATION SERVICES AND PROGRAMS Child Find - Norwin School District Pupil Services and Special Programs 281 McMahon Dr., North Huntingdon, PA 15642 Phone: 724-861-3000 x1113 Fax: 724-863-9467
Each school district, along with other public agencies in the Commonwealth, must establish and implement procedures to identify, locate and evaluate all children who need special education programs and services because of the child’s disability. This notice is to help find these children, offer assistance to parents and describe the parent’s rights with regard to confidentiality of information that will be obtained during the process. The content of this notice has been written in English. If a person does not understand any of this notice, he or she should contact the school district (see contacts) and request an explanation. IDENTIFICATION ACTIVITY Child Find refers to activities undertaken by public education agencies to identify, locate, and evaluate children residing in the State, including children attending private schools, who are suspected of having disabilities, regardless of the severity of their disability, and determine the child’s need for special education and related services. The purpose is to locate these children so that a free appropriate public education (FAPE) can be made available. The types of disabilities, that if found to cause a child to need services are: Autism, deaf-blindness, deafness, emotional disturbance, hearing impairment, mental retardation, multiple disabilities, orthopedic impairment, other health impairment, due to chronic or acute health problems, specific learning disabilities, speech or language, traumatic brain injury and visual impairment including blindness, in the case of a child that is of preschool age developmental delay. The Norwin School District provides educational services for all eligible students either through district- operated classes, contracts with Intermediate Unit #7, or Approved Private Schools. Classes providing Learning Support, Life-Skills Support, Emotional Support, Physical Support, Multiple Disabilities Support, and Autistic Support are available for students at beginning school age through age 21, if necessary. Additional services include hearing, vision, and speech and language support. Each school district is required to annually provide notice describing the identification activities and the procedures followed to ensure confidentiality of personally identifiable information. This notice is intended to meet this requirement. Identification activities are performed to find a child who is suspected as having a disability that would interfere with his or her learning unless special education programs and services are made available. These activities are sometimes called screening activities. The activities include: Review of group data, conduct hearing and vision screening, assessment of student’s academic functioning, observation of the student displaying difficulty in behavior and determining the student’s response to attempted remediation. Input from parents is also an information source for identification. After a child is identified as a suspected child with a disability, he or she is evaluated, but is not evaluated before parents give permission for their child to be evaluated.
The Norwin School District follows procedures outlined in the special education regulations (Chapter 14) for determining eligibility and need for special education services. The Norwin School District will provide ongoing screening services. If you wish to learn more, have questions, or believe your child may need to be identified, please contact: Margaret Ford Zimmer, M.Ed. Director of Pupil Services and Special Programs 724-861-3000 x 1113 Student ID Cards All Norwin students will be issued/re-issued ID cards this year. Students in grades seven through twelve must carry their ID cards at all times during the school day. Cards will be used to borrow material from the library and to purchase meals from the cafeteria. Replacement cards will cost $1.00 for the first card and $5.00 for each subsequent replacement. The ID cards must be turned in at the end of the school year to meet District obligations. A student ID card must be presented to any administrator or staff member upon request. Student Records Parents/guardians and students have access to the student’s educational records and have the opportunity to amend them for accuracy. Parents/guardians or eligible students who wish to inspect the student’s educational records should make an appointment with their child’s counselor for the review. If, after the review of the records, the parent/guardian or eligible student wishes to amend the records for accuracy, he/she is required to make the request in writing. The request should specify the nature of the amendment desired, the reasons for the change and any verification of the change requested. Within a reasonable time, the District will determine whether to amend the records. Parents/guardians have the right to a hearing on their request to amend educational records. Additionally, parents/guardians have the right to file a complaint with the Family Policy Compliance Office (FPCO) in the U.S. Department of Education. Students and the Media During the school year, events and activities occur that are shared with the community through the local news media. Parents/guardians have the right to restrict this access at any time. Parents of elementary students should return the signed permission form to their child’s building principal indicating whether or not they have granted permission to have their child’s picture taken for local newspapers or to be videotaped. Parents/guardians of middle school or high school students should send a written request to the building principal if they do not wish to have their child’s picture taken or videotaped. It is District procedure that a school official be present during any media initiated photograph or interview of a student during the school day or activity.
Surveys The Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA) [20 USC § 1232H (b) ], gives parents and students who are 18 or older or emancipated minors rights regarding the District’s use of or participation in surveys, collection and use of information for marketing purposes and conduct of certain physical exams. These include the right to: 1. Consent, in writing, to federally funded surveys concerning protected information before the student provides information relating to the following categories: • political affiliations or beliefs of the student or the student’s parents/guardians • mental or psychological problems of the student or the student’s family • sexual behavior or attitudes • illegal, anti-social, self-incriminating or demeaning behavior • critical appraisals of student’s close family relationships • privileged or similar relationships recognized by law • religious practices, affiliations or income other than that required by law to determine program eligibility 2. Opt out of surveys and exams that involve: • the collection, disclosure or use of personal information obtained from students for purposes of marketing or selling or otherwise distributing information to others • protected information surveys as set forth above regardless of funding • any non-emergency, invasive physical exam or screening required as a condition of attendance administered by the District and scheduled by the District; and not necessary to protect the immediate health and safety of a student, except for hearing, vision or scoliosis screenings or any physical exam or screening permitted or required under state law 3. Inspect the following material prior to its use or administration: • protected information surveys of students • documents used to collect personal information from students for marketing, sales or distribution purposes • instructional material used as part of the educational curriculum • Parents and eligible students who believe their rights have been violated may file a complaint with: Family Policy Compliance Office, USDOE 400 Maryland Avenue, S.W. Washington DC 20202-4605 Weapons Prohibited Act 26 requires the expulsion, for not less than one (1) year, of any student who brings a weapon onto school property, a school transportation vehicle or to any school-sponsored activity. The Act requires parents who register their children for school to file statements concerning previous expulsions for offenses relating to weapons, alcohol, drugs or willful infliction of injury.
Norwin | Fall 2011 | incommunitymagazines.com 15
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hat could be better than cool art and jazz on a hot summer night?
How about the opportunity to shop, eat and socialize while enjoying that said art and jazz? Well, that’s what the Irwin Art & Jazz Nites in downtown Irwin are all about. Held on the third Thursday in June, July and August, it is a chance for Irwin retailers and restaurant owners to really shine as some folks discover and others rediscover the town’s business district. “People that come out and attend just love it,” said John Duncan of Duncan Financial Group, which had a large role in putting Irwin Art & Jazz Nites together this year. Some of Pittsburgh’s best have graced the event’s six stages, including Jimmy Sapienza and Five Guys Named Moe, Michelle Benson, Judi Sigel, Chris Pangikas, James Hovan, Tom Book and Jazz Express, and Harold Betters, who performed in July. The Art League also participates with caricature artists and others lending their talents. In previous years, the event was handled by Don Henderson, manager of the Irwin Project, and funded through a four-year grant. “The grant ended and there was a desire on the part of everyone to continue it,” said Gail Matriocce, vice president of the Irwin Business and Professional Association and a member of Irwin council (as well as a singer). The IBPA is a nonprofit organization, comprised of local businesses, which sponsors various events from car cruises to Halloween parades to help keep downtown Irwin vital. In the past, Matriocce worked with Henderson to secure talent for Irwin Art & Jazz Nites. So when it looked like it might be “lights out” for the event, Matriocce sprang into action contacting business owners to rally support. One of the folks she talked to was Duncan, who agreed that he and his company would work on the event this year, including finding the necessary sponsorships. “I’m very pleased with the participation from the local businesses,” Matriocce said. “I think John Duncan spearheading the sponsorship drive was a big help. He’s a community leader and people see that.” She handled hiring the musicians and Duncan and his staff took care of sponsorships, logistics, advertising and marketing. “In conjunction with the music, we have a shop crawl encouraging people who come to hear the music 16
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N i t es to come into our businesses, our stores and shop,” Matriocce said. As part of the shop crawl, participants could drop a ticket in for prize drawings after visiting eight stores and receiving a stamp from each. “The shop owners chipped in and helped out,” Duncan said. “Hopefully, it’s been good for them. All the local restaurants seem to do well when you get all those people down here in the borough. The whole idea is to create a little commerce in Irwin and bring people into the downtown area.” To carry the event off this year, Duncan had to solicit donations from businesses in the area. “We had to raise money and we had a lot of local businesses that were very generous with helping us out,” Duncan said. The group needed at least $5,600 to cover the cost of advertising, printing and paying the musicians. While warm weather is ideal, hot weather can cause a bit of a problem, as the folks learned in July when oppressively high temperatures resulted in outdoor music acts being moved indoors. “We were a little concerned because it was so hot. I don’t know if some of the bands could have played outdoors for that long in that intense heat,” Duncan said. Luckily, Cafe Supreme allowed a band to perform in its basement and the owner of a vacant building on Main Street allowed it to be used by another band. “I can’t stress enough that it would not have come off, at all, without the cooperation and hard work of the Duncan Financial team,” Matriocce said. “These men and women rose to the occasion and the Irwin Business and Professional Association can’t begin to thank them enough.”
“I can’t stress enough that it would not have come off, at all, without the cooperation and hard work of the Duncan Financial team.” – GAIL MATRIOCCE
Norwin | Fall 2011 | incommunitymagazines.com 17
Older Adults
“Dancing with the Stars” is one of the most popular shows on television and with good reason. The participants appear to be having a better time than the audience and the music is always so uplifting and fun. The health benefits of dancing are obvious, as many celebrities on the show have melted away several clothing sizes while in competition. But is dancing safe for senior adults? According to some recent studies, dancing is not only safe but very beneficial for the mature adult. Flexibility and muscle tone increase with repeated dance moves. And remembering the sequence of the dance steps may help decrease dementia. According to the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, the mental challenge of remembering a dance routine has been credited for a more alert mentation. In fact, learning in general helps to keep the memory fit, so learning new steps and moves combine the advantages of physical and mental fitness. Physically, older dancers have shown improvements in increased range of motion, balance and gait. Those with good balance and a steady gait are less likely to become victims of fall injuries. The movement of dance also increases respirations and heart rate for a good cardiovascular workout that is not overly taxing or jarring on the joints. Coordination also is increased in
those who dance regularly. The Mayo Clinic notes that exercise helps lessen the symptoms of depression by releasing endorphins which improve a person’s mood. The social aspect of dancing is very important to overall mental attitude and health as well. Human touch is essential to the development of a child. Several well-known cases of children deprived of touch in abusive situations do not develop normally either physically or psychologically. Touch is also very important to the health of adults as well. According to the Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals (ABMP), touch helps to lower the blood pressure, boosts the immune system and decreases stress levels. Just aboutMost any kind of dance encompasses the most important aspects of dancing that are beneficial to one’s health. Ballroom, square dancing, polka, and ethnic styles such as Greek dancing or Irish Step all involve an increase in heart rate, coordinated movements, memory of steps and social interaction. Find a style that works for you and start enjoying the benefits of dance. You’re never too old to learn a few new moves. *It is always advisable to check with your physician before beginning any new physical activity or exercise.
Good News for the Second Half of your Life 18
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Older Adults
hances are, if you’re over the age of 40 and have trouble sleeping, one of your sage friends has informed you that after a certain age, you don’t need as much sleep. Not true, says the National Sleep Foundation. Our body’s need for sleep remains pretty much constant throughout the life cycle. Sleep is the way our bodies repair themselves. When our respiratory, cardiovascular, mental and physical systems shut down for the night with minimal activity, our bodies are busy at work repairing the damage done by stress, inflammation and toxins that have invaded during daylight hours. If the heart rate or mental functions are still engaged in activity, the body cannot wholly devote itself to repair. Over time this can contribute to heart disease, diabetes and other ailments.
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What does change as we age are our sleep patterns. It may take longer to fall asleep or you may have noticed that you have trouble staying asleep. About 44% of older Americans have some form or insomnia. Much of the time it can be attributed to medications which either interrupt sleep or prevent deep sleep known as REM. If insomnia is caused by medication, it is well worth a trip to the doctor to discuss other alternative medications. Another contributor to loss of sleep as we age is snoring. Snoring is more prevalent in those who are overweight and unfortunately aging is often accompanied by weight gain. Losing weight may help alleviate some of the interruption of snoring. Loud snoring should be evaluated by a doctor since it may be a sign of a condition called sleep apnea. This is where the individual actually stops breathing for brief intervals, (usually a few seconds). In addition to preventing deep, healthy sleep it can also be potentially fatal. Acid reflux may also be the cause of sleepless nights. The strong digestive acid from the stomach flows back into the throat causing a burning sensation and awakening. This condition also warrants a trip to the doctor to rule out more serious conditions. While there are medications available to neutralize the stomach acid, the condition is also helped by eating earlier in the evening, giving the body more time to digest the food. Also, drinking more water will aid in digestion as well. If none of these problems seem to be the cause of sleeplessness, exercise or other physical activity may help you to enjoy a more sound sleep. Also avoiding caffeine and alcohol in the later evening hours will allow your body to relax before bedtime. More sedentary activities for an hour or so before bedtime such as reading a book, will also calm you down prior to sleep. Watching suspenseful action pictures or sporting events may raise your level of alertness so that more time is required to fall asleep. If you find that none of the suggestions or treatments prescribed by your doctor work, a visit to a sleep disorder clinic may be in order. Sleep is important to your overall health and well-being.
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Norwin | Fall 2011 | incommunitymagazines.com 19
Routine Title Search Does not include Search to Determine Legal Owner of
Oil & Gas Rights
Part II: Do I Own the Oil and Gas Rights to my property?
As indicated in the first part of this article in the last issue of the IN NORWIN COMMUNITY MAGAZINE, your average, routine title search absent specific additional actions on the part of a landowner will not confirm ownership in Oil and Gas Rights. Legal confirmation of the ownership of Oil and Gas Rights requires a highly specialized separate oil and gas search usually accompanied by an opinion of legal counsel, the timing and cost of which can vary dramatically. This type of specialized search is not included with, nor is it generally available as part of a standard title insurance policy. This generally confuses our clients. Most of our clients and/or customers are familiar with title insurance. Typically, a residential or commercial real estate transaction begins with an agreement of sale between or among the respective parties which, among other things, identifies the real property to be sold. With limited exceptions, once the agreement of sale has been delivered a real estate attorney or real estate settlement company charged with the duty of closing the transaction will commence the administration of the file by ordering a title search and ultimately issuing a title commitment and title insurance policy (collectively, a "Title Policy"). The purpose of the Title Policy is to research and confirm the ownership of the property as well as the existence of "title defects", such as existing liens, mortgages, judgments, certain legal proceedings or actions filed against the title to the subject property. In order to confirm those items a title abstractor will examine existing deeds of record and will search and examine any other relevant documents or instruments recorded in the public records or available through the various public offices of the County in which the subject property is located. The Title Policy represents a title insurance company’s commitment to insure the purchaser’s title to the property in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Title Policy and provide protection to an owner against covered title defects in the property by paying the costs to defend one’s ownership in court or otherwise, and covering any financial loss if a title defect cannot be removed or settled. However, contrary to popular belief, the Title Policy contains a standard exception to its coverage for "oil, gas or other mineral interests and all rights incident thereto now or previously conveyed, transferred, leased, excepted or reserved". In other words, a standard Title Policy does not insure the ownership of Oil and Gas Rights. To the contrary, ownership of Oil and Gas rights are specifically excluded from coverage. In order to confirm the legal ownership of Oil and Gas Rights one must order a specific oil and gas search and obtain a legal opinion from a licensed oil and gas attorney. An oil and gas search requires a much more extensive examination of the public records, generally tracing deeds and/or other recorded instruments to the early 1800s. Each document or instrument of record is examined to determine if Oil and Gas Rights have been severed. While a detailed description of the mechanics of an oil and gas search is beyond the scope of this article, suffice it to say there are numerous occurrences that result in both intended and unintended severance of Oil and Gas Rights including, but not limited to, the death of an owner or partial owner of the whole or a part of certain Oil and Gas Rights. Not to mention the difficulty of examining documents prepared and recorded throughout 20
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the 1800s. To be sure, an oil and gas search is highly specialized and time consuming, and as a result can become expensive. Timelines for completion range from 30 days to six (6) months at a cost ranging from $2,000 per tract to $8,000 per tract. In addition, oil and gas law is highly specialized and requires the attention of an experienced oil and gas attorney. As indicated, the Marcellus Shale play in Western Pennsylvania presents a unique opportunity to landowners not to be missed. If you are unsure as to the status of the Oil and Gas rights underlying your land and/or are in the process of buying or selling a substantial parcel of land, you should identify and consult an experienced oil and gas attorney to determine your rights and/or protect your interest. This Industry Insight was written by Mathew M. Nichols, Esq. Duffy & Nichols, Attorneys at Law, have dedicated their attention to understanding your individual needs and planning for a successful outcome. They work to keep your long-term interests in mind, not just the problems of the moment. Their extensive professional profiles are available at www.duffynicholslaw.com.
A Caring Community ore than 16 years ago I joined the Hospice team, first as a volunteer and then as a caregiver. I often think of the many people we’ve served and supported through a difficult time in their lives. Mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, daughters, sons, friends – all who wanted the best possible care for the one they loved. In each case, their journey began with questions. Perhaps some of these questions are yours, and we can help with the answers.
WHAT IS HOSPICE? Hospice is a way to deal with one of the great challenges in our lives. It is a caring community of doctors, nurses, aides, social workers, counselors and volunteers. This Hospice team is united in the common goal of helping patients with terminal illness live as fully as possible, and also to provide support for their caregivers. The experience and skills of the Hospice professionals provide quality of life, relief of distressing symptoms, and address concerns that arise when given a diagnosis of a terminal illness.
Hospice is NOT a place. Hospice care is provided at the patient’s residence, whether that is in their own home or in a nursing facility, assisted living, personal care home, etc. Most people choose to continue to live in the comfort of their familiar surroundings. Hospice strives to make this possible. Hospice is NOT a resignation to hopelessness and helplessness. In fact, the opposite is true. Hospice provides hope by helping people spend their precious remaining time in the way that is consistent with their wishes and needs. By Hospice dealing accurately and honestly with their patients, people can choose the path their journey is taking them. The relief of distressing symptoms helps to provide quality of life and greater independence. As the Founder of the Modern Day Hospice Movement so powerfully stated: “You matter to the last moment of your life, and we will do all we can not only to help you die peacefully, but to live until you die.” –Dame Cicely Saunders
Can Hospice help me to retain my independence? Hospice focuses on quality of life and the independence of the patient and family. In accordance with a patient’s wants and needs, services are coordinated by the Hospice team. Hospice respects and supports individual choices.
It is important to explore your options. The Promise Hospice Caring Community is available to help. You Have Our Word. Please call: 724-515-5251.
How will my symptoms and pain be managed? Hospice provides the benefit of a team of nurses and doctors with extensive experience in symptom control. These professionals keep current in the areas of pain management and techniques that work for relief of distressing symptoms. Dietary consultation and therapies are also available if needed.
This Industry Insight was written by Eileen Malesky. Eileen and Co-owner Beth McGough founded Promise Hospice to provide exceptional end-of-life care to the residents of Norwin and surrounding communities.
What is the cost of Hospice care? Medicare instituted the hospice benefit in 1984, and most insurance companies followed suit. Hospice accepts whatever the Medicare or insurance benefit provides. There is never a charge to the patient or family for hospice care, which includes the cost of medications related to the diagnosis, supplies, durable medical equipment, and respite services. Social workers are available to address other financial support for which the patient or family may be eligible. Who will help my loved ones to cope and care for me? Hospice believes the patient and family need the assurance that they are not alone. Twentyfour hours a day, 7 days a week, the hospice team is only a phone call away. Visits by nurses and Hospice aides assure that no symptom will become overwhelming and that the patient is comfortable. Social workers provide emotional support, Hospice Chaplains offer counseling if the patient or family has spiritual needs they want to address. Volunteers and respite care are available when time away is needed. Bereavement counselors offer at least 13 months of grief support. WHAT HOSPICE IS NOT... Hospice is NOT just for Cancer Patients. Hospice is available to patients of any age, race, sex, religion or ethnic background who have a disease in its final stages. Hospice services benefit people who are coping with life limiting illnesses, such as Alzheimer’s, ALS, Parkinson’s, COPD, Congestive Heart Failure, Stroke, Multiple Sclerosis, Debility, Renal or Liver Disease. Hospice is NOT a death bed service for the last 48 hours. Hospice is a comprehensive care program for patients and families and is most effective during the final 6 months of life expectancy. The patient and family build a trusting relationship with the hospice team, and together share the journey.
Norwin | Fall 2011 | incommunitymagazines.com 21
hen Robert Hanna purchased 340 acres of land along Forbes Road in Westmoreland County, there was no town. Hanna built a log house that eventually became a tavern, and his land eventually became a town: Hanna’s Town.
When Westmoreland County was formed in 1773, Hanna was named a justice and Hanna’s Town had the distinction of being the first English court west of the Allegheny Mountains. The history of Hanna’s Town is the stuff of which movies are made. In this case, however, it’s no Hollywood fiction, but true pioneering hardships and revolutionary change that are among the threads woven through the town’s story.
When Hanna’s Town was established, Westmoreland County covered most of Southwestern Pennsylvania, from the Laurel Ridge up to present-day Cherry Tree and Indiana County to Kittanning, and along the Allegheny and Ohio rivers into the present-day panhandle of West Virginia. During the late colonial period and the early days of the republic, Virginia and Pennsylvania squabbled over which colony this area actually belonged to. The bitterly contested boundary was not settled until 1784. “It’s really a fascinating era of history because there was so much going on,” said Joanna Moyar, education coordinator for the Westmoreland County Historical Society. “People were in a very remote area of the country.” While there were a lot of people in the area who were in favor of revolution, there were also some who were loyalists, and some who were neutral. “These people were not of a homogenous group or thought of how it should be,” she said. Still these hearty pioneers made lives for themselves in Hanna’s Town, which Robert Hanna had laid out. When he sold parcels of land, he deemed that each landowner build a house 18 feet square within two years. However, since not all the deeds were recorded, there is no definitive description of the town. The town’s dimensions and streets today are based on archeological discovery of one of the forts that existed there. Archeological digs, which began at Hanna’s Town in 1969, have uncovered millions of artifacts. This summer, Indiana University of Pennsylvania will be conducting more archeological investigations, from July 5 to August 12. While visitors will not be able to dig, Moyar says they can observe and ask questions. There were stockades built in Hanna’s Town in 1774 and during the Revolutionary War to protect people from attack by British and Native American forces. The stockades greatly stemmed the loss of life during the infamous 1782
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Hanna’s Town’s annual Antiques and Collectibles Market takes place the second Sunday of each month through September beginning at 7:30 a.m.
attack, in which much of the town was burned down and one young woman was killed. It was also during this raid that Hanna’s wife and daughter, along with some others, were kidnapped and taken to Montreal, Canada. They were released the following year when the Peace Treaty of Paris was signed in 1783. Despite the heavy damage to the town, the county seat remained in Hanna’s Town until 1787, when the court moved to Greensburg. When Robert Hanna died, his wife moved back east to what is today Union County. The Hannas’ farm went into foreclosure, and was purchased by the Steele Family in 1826. It remained a farm until 1969, when a good portion of it was sold to Westmoreland County. The Westmoreland County Historical Society, in partnership with Westmoreland County Parks and Recreation, maintains the town. The historical society is also responsible for the interpretive and educational programming that takes place at the site. Hanna’s Town is open for tours Saturdays and Sundays through May, and each Wednesday through Sunday after Memorial Day.
For more information about Hanna’s Town, visit Westmoreland County Historical Society at www.starofthewest.org.
“We do a lot of school tours and we’re pretty well booked up,” said Moyar. Most of the students are elementary school age and really enjoy touring the site, candle dipping and trying on child size 18^th century style clothing. “They play with period toys and games and they have a great day,” Moyar said. Adding to the fun learning atmosphere are the dedicated volunteers, many of whom don period garb. New volunteers have the uniform option of wearing a simple blue polo shirt with the Hanna’s Town logo before deciding if they want to begin acquiring period apparel. “It is an investment to buy and put together an outfit,” said Moyar, who wears period garments. The historical society received a grant to have the child size outfits made. Guides do dress in colonial period clothing for school tours and for special programs. One of those programs is an annual Court Day celebration, held this year on July 16. “We do re-enactments of court cases that were heard there at the site,” Moyar explained. One such case was that of a Pittsburgh merchant named Mitchell, who was accused of passing intelligence to the British as well as selling banned British goods, such as tea and fabric. He was brought up in front of the Revolutionary Court and found guilty, Moyar said. While there are no original Hanna’s Town era buildings, there are some older homes that were brought to the site and some buildings constructed to fit the architecture of the time. The Murray Beacham House was relocated to Hanna’s Town from Murrysville and the Klingensmith House was moved there from Leechburg. The Steele family farmhouse, which is still there, was built in 1910, probably from logs that had been part of the fort, according to Moyar. The Hanna’s Town Tavern was built on the site in 1973 “in the style of what one would have expected to see of a tavern during that time,” Moyar said.
Norwin | Fall 2011 | incommunitymagazines.com 23
Break a
Student’s Day? By Leigh Lyons
he question of whether breakfast really does impact a student’s school day has been around forever. Students have been tested in studies since the early 1950s, and ever since it has been widely accepted that students who eat breakfast perform better academically. If you look at the idea of eating breakfast before school simply, it seems pretty obvious as to the benefits. You go to bed at night on a relatively empty stomach. You sleep roughly eight hours without consuming any food and then wake up for school in the morning. If you don’t eat breakfast, you are going into a full day without replenishing your body. Doesn’t make a whole lot of sense, does it? Terrill Bravender is a professor of pediatrics at Duke University, and he breaks it down in simple terms: “Without glucose, our brain simply doesn’t operate as well. People have difficulty understanding new
information, they have a problem with visual and spatial understanding, and they don’t remember things as well.” Glucose is the brain’s basic fuel. You wouldn’t take your car on an eight-hour road trip without filling up the gas tank first, would you? The next step is to maximize your breakfast potential by choosing foods that will allow you to raise your blood sugar level, but won’t cause a dramatic fall after a few hours. Most experts agree that any breakfast is better than no breakfast at all, but there are certain types of breakfast foods that will raise your blood sugar level slowly, and therefore will give you enough energy to last the entire morning. Sugary cereals are usually a favorite among young children, but these cereals will quickly raise the blood sugar level and then drop off a few hours later, leaving children sluggish before lunch. On the other hand, oatmeal contains roughly the same amount of sugar but it also
has more protein and fiber, and therefore has an overall lower glycemic index. The oatmeal will raise the blood-sugar level for the student which will last throughout the morning. Now, I have to admit, I was never a “morning person,” and I always preferred sleeping in to having breakfast. My mom always made me eat breakfast as a child, but when I was old enough, I chose to opt out of it. I did well academically, went on to college, and then graduated from law school. I figured breakfast really wasn’t as important as everyone always thought it was, and I was sure many other people agreed with me. I conducted my own small survey of friends and acquaintances on whether they all ate breakfast every morning growing up before school. To my surprise, out of 20 men and women, I was one of only two people who responded that I did not eat breakfast on a regular basis. Eighteen others responded that they ate breakfast every single day growing up, and still do to this day. These 18 people are all very successful and have jobs ranging from psychologist to lawyer to fashion merchandiser. Clearly, most people agree with the years of studies that show that students do better academically when they choose to start their day with breakfast. Next time you wake up a little late, or think that breakfast is not as important as everyone says, think again. Go ahead and grab a yogurt on your way out the door because, remember, any breakfast is better than no breakfast at all. Citations: “A Better Breakfast Can Boost a Child’s Brainpower” – Allison Aubrey, August 31, 2006; npr.com
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The to
Secret Art
Getting into
College By Leigh Lyons
he secret art of getting into college, sadly, does not exist. Please don’t be mad at my misleading title because while there is no one key element to gaining acceptance into the college of your dreams, there are proven elements to a successful candidate’s application portfolio that can be shared with prospective students. The obvious top elements of importance to admissions officers are still SATs and high school GPA, but there is so much more that a school is looking for. Below is a list of the top five elements that admissions officers look for in a prospective student’s application (information compiled from top news
The best way to go about the application process is to be prepared, be organized, and be yourself.
magazines and former admissions officers from various schools): 4SATs and GPA SATs and GPA have always been important, and they are still the most important aspects of a student’s application profile. 4Extracurricular Activities Colleges don’t want a long list of random activities from a student. They would prefer you to become a “specialist” in one area, rather than be a jack-of-all-trades. A former admissions officer at a top school said that colleges are looking to have a well-rounded student body of individual specialists. 4Personal Essays Show the real you. They don’t want you to make up extravagant stories, and they don’t want you to talk about taboo subjects such as natural disasters. Also, you do not want to become redundant. Explore new ways to tell more about yourself without being repetitive. 4Start Early Most academic advisors will tell you to have a plan, and start early. The “Common Application” that is used by many schools is not available until August 1, but usually there is an early version available to get ahead.
4Be Careful About Social Media Social media has become an intricate part of everyday life to students, but they must be careful. Admissions officers will not usually search specifically for a student’s social media profile/account, but oftentimes “tips” are sent to them, and they must explore them. Do not have anything discouraging on your profile that could be used against you. You may also use this space to show your talents; if you are a photographer, you can have a portfolio of pictures you have taken. We hope that this quick list will help you in your quest to be accepted into whichever college you choose, but remember, there really is no set formula in the application process. The best way to go about the application process is to be prepared, be organized, and be yourself. Sometimes you can have excellent grades, and a great score on the SAT, but you may be denied admission for reasons outside of your control. A former admissions officer said that a student who lives on a farm in North Dakota is not judged by the same criteria as a student living in a Pennsylvania suburb, like Upper St. Clair. This is something you cannot control, and therefore should not worry about. Just do the best you can with the main elements you can control, and we wish you the best of luck in the college application process.
Norwin | Fall 2011 | incommunitymagazines.com 25
How to Choose a
Preschool in Norwin
By Pamela Palongue
reschool-aged children are defined by the Pennsylvania State Board of Education as 2.5 to 5 years. These are some of the most crucial learning years of a child’s life. In fact a child’s ability to pick up languages peaks in the first three to four years of a child’s life. Also by the age of four, a child has begun to learn the concept of sharing and begins more social interaction with his peers. For this reason, choosing a preschool may be as important as choosing a college will be in later years. According to Bob Santo, who has over 20 years of experience working with children and is owner of the Goddard School in Peters Township, there are several key points that a parent should seriously consider before enrolling their child in a preschool. First of all, are the teachers certified in CPR and first aid? Although the State of Pennsylvania only requires one individual to be on the premises who is certified, a far more
ideal situation is a school that requires all of its staff to be certified. Also, be sure to examine the educational level of the staff. Pennsylvania preschool teachers are not required by law to have a 4-year degree; although some schools employ only those with bachelor degrees. Another important aspect of any school is the décor. Is it a bright and cheerful environment that encourages learning and play? Does it lend itself well to creativity and physical activities? Santo also feels that a school that emphasizes multicultural activities is important, because we live in a multicultural world. At his particular school, Spanish and sign language classes are taught as an ongoing curriculum. Santo points out, “It was once thought that teaching a child several languages at a young age would only confuse them. But we now know that children have an amazing ability to compartmentalize
Make sure that your child’s school has an open door policy where parents are welcomed at any time to visit the school and to observe classes. This ensures the integrity of the school and its staff. 26
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languages, without mixing English with Spanish or [other languages.] In fact, they have the ability to learn up to four languages at this age.” Do your homework! Make sure that your child’s preschool is accredited by a well-known and established accreditation organization. Although the State of Pennsylvania audits preschools to make sure safety requirements are met, no particular academic standards are required. Santo estimates that less than 30% of preschools are accredited. Finally make sure that your child’s school has an open door policy where parents are welcomed at any time to visit the school and to observe classes. This insures the integrity of the school and its staff.
As you get ready to head back to school in the Norwin School District, there are a few things you can do to keep healthy! Keep Your Hands Clean – make sure to wash with soap and water after a visit to the girls or boys room, and before lunch. It’s also a good idea to use hand sanitizer if soap and water aren’t available. • Sneeze into your elbow – if you feel a sneeze coming on, make sure you use the inside of your elbow to catch the sneeze! • Fuel Up! Every morning eat something healthy for breakfast. Some kid favorites include a waffle with peanut butter, hard boiled eggs, cereal with milk or fresh fruit and yogurt. • Get your rest – Did you know that kids between the ages of 6-16 need 10-12 hours of sleep each night? This helps your body recharge and get ready for the next day. •
word search
Find and circle all of the school supplies that are hidden in the grid. The words may be hidden in any direction.
Norwin | Fall 2011 | incommunitymagazines.com 27
6 9 7
Pictured: 1) The Zapanta Family, 2) Emily and Anna Dansak, 3) Angelo and Jason Sacramento, 4) Sue Simpson and Jocelyn Wilmotte, 5) The Acalotto Family, 6) The Rainey Family, 7) Gemma Moffatt, 8) The Radford Family, 9) Christine McCormack, Matthew Ricciuti, and Tim Acton, 10) The Earhart Family, 11) April Thorpe, Brenda Perfetta, 12) Winwood Family, and 13) The Patrick Family Photos by Autumn Altieri 28
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3 5
63rd Annual Circleville VFD Street Fair The much anticipated 63rd annual Circleville VFD Street Fair kicked off on Monday, July 25th in North Huntingdon. As one of the VFD’s largest yearly fundraisers, the event offered area residents six nights of carnival fun including a merry-go-round, the Scrambler, a fun house, and the “Shark Tank” dunker. Attendees also enjoyed a delicious menu which included haluski, hot dogs, pizza, French fries, and corndogs. Approximately 25 sponsors helped make the event such a success and an estimated 1,000 people visited the fair per night. Event organizer Nick Janosek stated, “Although short on manpower this year and the stormy weather on Monday and Thursday, I would say the event was a success.”
13 11
Norwin | Fall 2011 | incommunitymagazines.com 29
1 0 0
N O r W I N P u B L I C C a r u t h e r s L a n e • w w w . N o r w i n P u b l i c 7 2 4 . 8 6 3 . 4
L I B r A r y I r w i n , P A 1 5 6 4 2 L i b r a r y . o r g 7 0 0
Meet Pittsburgh Author
Always Open!
Nancy Martin
Downloadable Ebooks From NPL!
he Norwin Public Library is excited to announce local author Nancy
he Norwin Public Library has been open 7 days a week for years. Now library services are available 24 hours a day thanks to downloadable ebooks and audiobooks.
For our patrons on the cutting edge of technology, these downloads can help save
Martin, the winner of a 2009
Lifetime Achievement Award for mystery
hundreds of dollars. Ebooks and audiobooks can be downloaded to eReaders, iPads,
writing, will be visiting our library on
iPods, and all other kinds of mp3 players. Downloadable ebooks and audiobooks have been available at the Norwin Public
Wednesday, Sept. 21 at 7pm. Nancy has written 48 novels dealing with mystery,
Library website (www.norwinpubliclibrary.org) since May. In just a few short
romance, history and suspense. This
months, hundreds of items have already circulated to our patrons and more are
program is sponsored by the Friends of the
signing up every day. The collection of ebooks and audiobooks contains bestsellers, modern classics,
Norwin Public Library. Don’t miss the opportunity to meet this Pittsburgh author!
popular series fiction and the most intriguing non-fiction titles. Unfortunately, Amazon has not chosen to allow purchasers of their Kindle to
Please register by calling the library at
borrow books. That may soon be changing. According to a recent press release from
724.863.4700 x103.
Amazon, owners of their Kindle ebook reader will be able to download an App that will
Amnesty Coupon Bring this coupon and your overdue
items to the Norwin Public Library and receive amnesty for your fines.
allow them to borrow books from libraries. There is no specific date for the App to be released. For the moment, ebooks can only be downloaded to devices like the Barnes and Noble Nook, Sony reader, Apple iPad, and many others.
(Only one coupon needed per family. Not valid on previously accrued fines.) • Coupon valid through Dec. 31, 2011
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If you have a Kindle, keep checking our website at www.norwinpubliclibrary.org. We will let you know as soon as we do.
N O r W I N
P u B L I C
L I B r A r y
Opposing Viewpoints n decades past, the library would have had to be open 24 hours a day to meet the needs of all of our students. Even the most vigilant school-aged sprout can be found in need of a critical article or chart at the last minute. Thanks to the Opposing Viewpoints database, available through the Norwin Public Library webpage (www.norwinpubliclibrary.org), students have access to journals, magazines, and other resources that can put the final touches on research assignments for students of all ages. For students about to begin their Senior Projects, the Opposing Viewpoints database provides dozens of topics that are timely and easy to research. Choosing a topic is the most important part of a research paper and can mean the difference between a few hours of research and a few weeks.
Full text newspaper articles from all over the world, peer reviewed professional journals, graphs, and interactive maps all come with complete citations for your bibliography or Works Cited pages. From our homepage, simply click on databases. With the Opposing Viewpoints database, writing a research paper has never been easier.
Do you know?
...who these “pioneers” are, and what event they’re all dressed up for?
...where this former branch of the Norwin Public Library used to be located, and what currently occupies its former home?
...what the name of this former Norwin school house was and where it is? If you’d like to know, or just want to confirm what you already know, come check out the Norwin Public Library’s History Room! The History Room is open during normal library hours for all patrons with an interest in local history, genealogy and more! The answers to these questions are available upon request at the front desk of the Norwin Public Library.
Norwin | Fall 2011 | incommunitymagazines.com 31
Self-Help for All W
e all have things that we would like to do, have or be. Some may want to do something exciting or new to keep life fresh. Maybe you want to have more confidence to deal with the problems we all face in everyday life, whether it is at work or at home. With growing obesity in our great country, being fit has become important to many. Which one of these best fits your goals for you and your family? My name is John Yaremko and I am going to share a short version of my thoughts on these goals and/or desires, and how anyone can achieve them. There are lots of exciting things to experience in the world... but are they possible logistically for everyone? Some are...Confidence is built over time by facing challenges and succeeding, but how can we bring ourselves to face these challenges without already being confident? You can probably name a lot of ways to become fit, but will you stick to the program or shelve it, like I did with my Wieder home gym years ago because it was fun at first and became monotonous.
New and exciting things to do You could skydive, bungee jump, scuba dive or even hang glide, which all sound fun to me. Maybe a little too extreme... how about sailing/boating, traveling, skiing/snowboarding or even attending pro sporting events which can also be very new and fun, especially if you’re changing venues with the seasons? What do all of these things have in common? They’re all expensive and usually require scheduling, which is obviously very time consuming. I, like most of you, take part in some of these activities already, but on a limited basis due to the time and money constraints.
To have confidence Like a child feels more confident when near Mom or Dad, all people feel more confident when they are around certain people. Being in places where you know everyone, and they know you, is always comfortable, so we are all confident in these situations – but confidence cannot be built in this way. Wouldn’t it be nice if it could?
Being fit Achieving fitness goals looks easy on paper and in commercials for fitness products, but an overwhelming majority of people that try the different fitness products or programs don’t stick with them. They more than likely make excuses that are usually time based, but I’d bet it just got boring. People in our society tend to get bored easily due to the fast pace of the world we live in.
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My answer to the questions Like most of you are probably thinking, I wanted all these attributes and found them in one place: traditional martial arts training. Every level you achieve in the martial arts brings on a new, and in most cases, exciting challenge, and the cost is about the same for a month as you would spend on a day of the other new and exciting things previously listed. As for the confidence building, traditional martial arts are taught in the same fashion as our soldiers are taught, and I have not seen anything comparable at building confidence. How many soldiers do you know, lack confidence? Training in this way at least three times a week can increase your fit level immensely due to the yoga-like stances, Pilateslike core motions, isometric movements and the cardio that is achieved by almost constant movement. I always say, “Training in traditional martial arts is more bang for the buck.” Without a doubt, practitioners of these arts will be built up mentally, emotionally and physically. Isn’t that what each of us wants for ourselves and our families? John Yaremko, a Norwin Alum, class of 1989, is a certified 5th degree Master Instructor in Tang Soo Do (traditional Korean empty hand art) and a 4th degree Master Instructor of Haidong Gumdo (traditional Korean sword art) at North American Karate and Fitness, Norwin branch. He has been training for over 15 years, instructing for 12 years and has received many awards for teaching and competing in the martial arts.
The Experts Weigh In I was recently inspired to write this article by a new patient that came into my clinic in the last few months. Thank you to Sheryl for choosing ALL KARE. I am blessed to have been able to help her. Sheryl, not her real name, is 53 years old, 45 lbs. overweight, in menopause and in so much low back and joint pain that it affected her entire life. Many sleepless nights, no yard work, cleaning the house was minimal and exercise wasn’t even contemplated. On a scale from 1 to 10, a 10 being excruciating pain, Sheryl was always at 8-10. She had tried every solution that her General Practitioner had recommended with little success. Pain medication was always temporary. Surgery wasn’t an option. Physical Therapy seemed to make it worse. She reached out to a counselor because the pain was causing severe depression. She received good counseling but the pain was always there. She tried a holistic approach and that was unsuccessful. Then Sheryl found us at ALL KARE. We addressed the pain through chiropractic care to improve function. With small improvements at first, we were able to add in simple rehab exercise to strengthen her core muscles. This treatment plan lead to a little more activity which lead to more strength and flexibility which lead to even more activity, etc. This cycle, which is very common, lead to her losing some weight as well and eventually treating on the ZERONA LIPO LASER. To date as a patient she has lost over 14 inches from her stomach, waist, hips and thighs. Her pain level is at a 2-4 and she has put in a small garden of peppers and tomatoes, which I am excited to say, she promised to share some with me. And her self-esteem and self-confidence is so high, she is back to her old self. Sheryl is not alone with her rejuvenated outlook and attitude at ALL KARE. Her success and many others like her are the reason that I became a chiropractor in the first place. I would do it for just peppers and tomatoes if only I could! One of the most commonly asked questions of me: “How can I lose weight if I have pain (back, neck, knees, ankles, feet)? It keeps me from exercising, sleeping or walking etc. Research shows that the amount and type of exercise recommended for each individual will need to vary depending upon several factors including what joints are involved, the level of inflammation, how stable the joints are, and whether the pain is acute or chronic. As your doctor, and an expert, I will prescribe specific exercise and stretching programs for each unique case. I will recommend putting the patient into some form of chiropractic care and exercise rehabilitation program to help the patient with their pain as I did with the patient that inspired me to write this article. The goals and benefits of our exercise rehabilitation programs are far reaching and are designed to help for the long term effects of each individual. Preservation and restoration of range of motion in your
For more info, call ALL KARE Chiropractic & Laser Clinic at 724-864-3310. You can either come in for a free consultation or come to one of our free monthly seminars.
joints, increased muscle strength and endurance, improved balance and coordination, all decrease health risks associated with a sedentary lifestyle like diabetes, heart disease, cancer and Alzheimer’s, as well as raised selfesteem and energy levels. I don’t expect anyone to be a marathon runner or a gym rat but I do expect activity levels to rise because energy levels will increase with less pain. Advice and care plans: I don’t give it unless I live it! Early in my career I decided that I needed to be a better role model to my patients so they could have greater confidence in my ability to give them the help that they need to improve the quality of life. I make better choices more often and have journeyed to loose over 100 pounds and I keep it off. I have added the Zerona Lipo Laser to my practice to reach out and motivate even more people to jumpstart to better self-image and more importantly a healthier life that will be longer and more fulfilling. ALL KARE can help anyone that has decided, enough is enough, it is time for change.
Smart Phones Click Here
William H. Roscoe, D.C. Norwin | Fall 2011 | incommunitymagazines.com 33
the Lamp in irwin
n 1937, a guy could take a gal out to a matinee at the Lamp Theater in Irwin for 16 cents per ticket; 25 cents if it were an evening show… While the cost would be considerably higher these days, if Kathleen Heuer, Karen Glass, and a number of other volunteers have their way, the Lamp Theater will once again be a place where a guy can take a gal out on a date.
The Lamp Theater in 1936
Friends Heuer and Glass are spearheading organized efforts to “Relight the Lamp,” Irwin’s historic single-screen theater, which closed in 2004. The much-beloved theater is facing an uncertain future if money is not raised to make the necessary renovations. Heuer kicked things off with a Facebook page in May, prompted by an article she read in the Norwin Star. While a good portion of the necessary funding for the theater’s renovations would come from the state and county, chipping in $250,000 each, Irwin would have to come up with the last $150,000. “I didn’t think Irwin had that kind of funding available,” Heuer said. “I started the Facebook page to let people know that there was interest in getting the theater up and running again.” Not only would the Lamp serve as a movie theater but there are plans for it to serve as a live theater venue also. “It seems like everyone on the Irwin council is real supportive of it,” Heuer said. Betty and Theodore Kretchek met at the Lamp Theater and were married for 64 years.
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“i’ve seen the positive impact that theaters have on a community.” – Karen Glass, Designer for Seton Hill University
Relight the Lamp – June meeting
She recalled the days of growing up in a small town of Barrington, near Chicago, which had a similar theater. She worked at a shop nearby, where people would come after the movies to order a sandwich. “With my experience with a theater like that in a thriving downtown location, I just kind of saw the possibilities for downtown Irwin,” Heuer said. Via Facebook, Heuer explained the situation to a couple of friends she knew were interested in the arts in this area. One of them was Karen Glass, a scenic designer for Seton Hill University. “First of all my background is live theater and during my time working with various theater companies, I’ve seen the positive impact that theaters have on a community,” Glass said, referring to why she got involved in the cause. “Also, I would like to see live theater in my own community, and a movie theater in my own town.” Toward that end, the group (which meets monthly) is making its presence felt at community events in Irwin, setting up a booth at the Irwin Flea Market and Farmers Market, seeking donations online via Facebook, and planning other fundraising events. Relight the Lamp has also become a committee of the nonprofit Irwin Project, which works to keep the town’s business district vital. As part of their efforts, Glass has spoken to the Irwin Chamber of Commerce, and the group makes regular reports to the Irwin Business and Professional Association. While some work has been done on the inside of the theater since it closed, the
Relight the Lamp group held a cleanup day in June to help spruce up the outside of the theater. Cafe Supreme provided lunch for the volunteers. “I just want people to know that there is such potential for this project,” Glass said. Obviously, some others feel the same way. The Facebook page is now up to 145 “Likes.” There is also a blog effort at www.relightthelamp.wordpress.com, where folks can share their memories of the Lamp Theater. One heartwarming story on the blog is that of Betty Kretchek, as told by her daughter Laura Johnson. Kretchek, 85, served as a ticket taker at the theater when she was just 15. While working there, she met a serviceman, Theodore, who came regularly to the shows. He eventually asked out the young ticket taker. The couple dated for three weeks before the serviceman was called up to enter World War II. When he came back, the couple were married. Betty and Theodore Kretchek were married for 64 years before he passed away in 2009. “Every time I drive by the Lamp with my mother, she looks at it and smiles, remembering how she met my father,” Johnson writes. Heuer said one of the things that makes Irwin special is its downtown area, which makes it convenient to walk to places such as the library, restaurants, and one day, once again, the Lamp Theater. “There are so many nice little things in Irwin,” Glass said. “It would just add one more thing that people could do when they come to Irwin.”
Norwin | Fall 2011 | incommunitymagazines.com 35
IN Community Magazines proudly announces a comprehensive look at the Norwin real estate market. In this section, you’ll find interesting information about creating beautiful spaces to live in, and other interesting facts about your community. F E AT U R E S T O R Y
FALL LANDSCAPING IDEAS When the dog days of summer are behind us and that first crisp snap of fall is in the air, energy seems to make a rebound and even the animals seems livelier, more alert. During this time, there’s nothing more wonderful than taking advantage of those last days of warmth to get outside and enjoy the outdoors by doing a little yard work. This is a great time to rake up all those leaves on the ground. But don’t just throw them into a trash bag to be hauled away. Leaves are great for composting and may have as much as three times the amount of minerals as fertilizer. They need to be shredded to be easier to work with, but this is easily accomplished by running a mower back and forth a few times over a pile of leaves. Also, be sure to add a little nitrogen to your compost pile with the leaves.
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If your summer flowers have faded, be sure to trim back dead leaves and blooms and add some fall flowers for some more vibrant color. Mums and sunflowers can be purchased in pots to accent any garden with a fall palette, but don’t forget purple as a great contrasting color to oranges, yellows and sienna. Some fall flowers with purple accents are pansies, purple coneflowers, asters and mums. All of these will grow well in zone 6. For some green accent, you might try growing some arugula in a pot or self-watering container. This spicy, leafy plant has long been popular in France and Italy and actually grows better in the fall than in the summer. The leaves will add zest to your salads and other fall dishes. Although the planting time for arugula is in the spring, seedlings can be purchased and transplanted, however they also do well if left in containers or pots.
Even if you’re not particularly good at growing plants and flowers, there are many ways to accent your lawn and garden with minimal effort and maintenance. Brightly colored pumpkins placed around pathways and steps give a whimsical touch to decorating. Avoid placing them in direct sunlight and directly on the ground and your pumpkin may well last for two to three months in the cool fall climate. Other low-maintenance decorations for fall are corn stalks and bales of hay. Hay bales also provide extra seating in outdoor areas. Summer may be over but your yard can still be a bright, cheerful place full of beautiful, living things. - by Pamela Palongue
MAKING YOUR HOME MORE ACCESSIBLE TO ALL GENERATIONS According to a study conducted by the Pew Research Center in Washington, D.C., homes where multiple generations of family have blended together under one roof are on the rise. With economic constraints and the high cost of child care, it is easy to see why children, parents and grandparents living together in one dwelling makes sense in many situations. It’s easy to see why multigenerational dwellings which appeal to the needs of all ages are quickly becoming the trend. From this perspective a ranch-style house on one floor is a good choice. Seniors with mobility problems will not have to deal with steps, but also parents will not have the added worry of their young children falling down stairs. Another important feature of multi-generational homes is the ‘mother-in-law suite,’ which could just as easily be called the ‘father-in-law suite.’ This is generally an area of the house that is designed for an aging parent, giving them a degree of privacy and independence while
still being a part of the nuclear family household. They are sometimes located in a basement for easier access for those with mobility issues and often times will have a separate entrance, giving it the appearance of a mini-apartment. They usually always include a bedroom and private bath, however they may also come with kitchenettes and a small living area as well. When accessibility becomes an issue with an older adult, there are many options for making the home more accessible without giving it the industrial-style, nursing home appearance. This is an important consideration when it comes to the re-sale of the house. First of all, if an individual is wheel-chair bound, doorways must be made larger to accommodate the chair. With a modern contemporary home,
this may be accomplished by removing walls for a more open floor plan which appeals to buyers or widening doorways with attractive archways. This will make the change look more intentional and less like a temporary fix for a mobility problem. Many times it becomes necessary to install grab bars in baths and showers for the safety of senior family members. Although there are many industrial style models from which to choose, there are a few companies on the web that are sensitive to the attractiveness of the grab bars and offer styles in decorative brass and silver. Walk-in showers and baths can be constructed with attractive glass enclosures that fit everyone’s style and are still accessible for seniors. A few changes to your home can help make it safer for seniors and children and more valuable when it comes time to re-sell. - by Pamela Palongue
Norwin | Fall 2011 | incommunitymagazines.com 37
Westmoreland County Suicide and Prevention Awareness Task Force
Suicide and Awareness Prevention Walk estmoreland County Suicide and Prevention Awareness Task Force will hold its 5th Annual Suicide and Awareness Prevention Walk on Saturday, August 27 at Twin Lakes Park. Event day pre-registration will take place 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. Check in and t-shirt pick up for those already registered, 10 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. The walk begins at 11 a.m.
W One person dies by suicide every 16 minutes in the United States.
There will be refreshments and prizes. New this year, survivor’s event, art therapy project and memory quilt. All proceeds from this event go towards the Westmoreland County Suicide Awareness and Prevention Task Force to provide
NEVER Clean Your Home Again! 9 Important Reasons why you should let us clean your home
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You have better things to do with your time. We clean it your way. Consistently thorough. Responsible, insured & supervised personnel. We bring our own ENVIRO SAFE equipment and cleaning supplies. We visit. We do not move in. Flexible scheduling. Great service. Fair price. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED!
educational programming, purchase materials, and support the Mental Health America’s Survivors Group. The mission of the task force, established in 2005, is to reduce the stigma associated with mental illness and suicide and to increase awareness that suicide is a national public health problem for individuals across the lifespan. One person dies by suicide every 16 minutes in the United States. By promoting awareness of signs and symptoms, suicide may be prevented. For information, call 724-830-3617.
Here’s How You Can Save An Average Of 7 Hours Of Time Each Week “I don’t have time. I have to clean the house.” Sound familiar? Isn’t your time more valuable? Time is the one commodity most busy people just don’t seem to have enough of these days. For many upwardly mobile and dual income families today, the home we’ve worked so hard to obtain is a timeconsuming chore to maintain. We can give you more time to do those things you need to do, or would rather be doing, instead of spending endless hours on mundane housework. Maybe it’s time you joined the ten million American households who have already turned to a professional residential cleaning service as a solution to their timeconsuming house cleaning chores.
Our weekly, biweekly and monthly services include: GENERAL CLEANING: Dust, polish or wipe all furnishings, baseboards, window sills, shelves, and ledges. Vacuum carpets and furniture. Dust mop bare floors. And more KITCHEN: Clean sink, counter tops, outside of cupboards and drawer fronts, refrigerator, stove, other appliances and floor. BATHROOMS: Clean and disinfect tub, showers, toilets and floor. Clean and polish sinks, fixtures, vanities and mirrors.
Visit us @ ecshousecleaningservices.com or call 412-292-6756 to schedule your free house cleaning consultation
724.942.0940 to advertise |
Directions to Twin Lakes From Points East and West Take Rt. 30 towards Greensburg. Turn onto Donohoe Rd. at the traffic light in front of Westmoreland Mall. From the east, this is a right turn. From the west, it is a left turn. Follow the road to the right towards the Toys â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;R Us store. Continue straight through a traffic light and two stop signs. Turn left after second stop sign and follow the signs to Twin Lakes Park. From Points North and South Take Rt. 119 to Greensburg and turn onto Rt. 30 East. Follow Rt. 30 East and turn left onto Donohoe Rd. at the traffic light in front of Westmoreland Mall. Follow the road to the right towards the Toys R Us store. Continue straight through a traffic light and two stop signs. Turn left after second stop sign and follow the signs to Twin Lakes Park.
Send your tradition or recipe to m.jeffries@icmags.com
Norwin | Fall 2011 | incommunitymagazines.com 39
2011 Norwin Chamber Member Scholarship Winner Joshua Botkin with his parents
IT’S A FACT! CHAMBER MEMBERSHIP HELPS YOUR BUSINESS! A recent study reveals that membership in your local Chamber of Commerce can significantly boost a business’ image among consumers, as well as among other businesses. In a scientific study of more than 2,000 US adults, The Shapiro Group, an Atlanta-based strategic consulting firm, found positive perceptions of Chamber members in a number of areas, including overall favorability, consumer awareness and reputations, and likelihood of future patronage. The study showed that when respondents were told that a particular small business was a member of its local Chamber, they were 44 percent more likely to rate it favorably than study respondents who were not told of the Chamber affiliation. In addition, respondents also were 63 percent more likely to want to purchase goods or services from a small business that is a Chamber member. It’s easy to see that Chamber membership is a great investment for your business. Every day the Norwin Chamber receives calls from residents wanting to know if local businesses are members of the Chamber. They check to see if we know if businesses are legitimate and if we have any of the business’s information. Not only will residents feel more comfortable with using your business if you are a Chamber member, your membership would give you additional opportunities to network, market and advertise, and put your face and name in front of hundreds of potential new customers. For more information on how you can join the hundreds of other businesses that belong to the Norwin Chamber of Commerce, contact 724-863-0888 or visit www.norwinchamber.com. Find out why we say Great Business, Great People, Great Community!
WHAT DO MEMBERS HAVE TO SAY ABOUT THEIR NORWIN CHAMBER MEMBERSHIP INVESTMENT? “Being a member of the Norwin Chamber has been great for our business. Not only have we grown our business through the Chamber’s networking opportunities, we’ve also found great new partners for our business across a wide range of services from insurance policies to printing.” Chris Juricich – Mr. Squeegy Window Cleaning “Since I have been a member of the Norwin Chamber of Commerce, I have met so many interesting and helpful business people. Not only have they patronized my business but many have been able to provide me with quality services to meet my needs. Some days my clientele is 78% Norwin Chamber members, therefore I myself am appreciative for their business and honored to be a Norwin Chamber member. For our appreciation, we continue to offer our 10% discount to all loyal Chamber members and their employees.” Michelle DiClaudio – Michelle’s Bella Boutique & Day Spa 40
724.942.0940 to advertise |
“The Norwin Chamber is an exemplary organization which works to sustain the organizational fraternity of business in our area. While they work behind the scenes growing each of our businesses, we always know that they are here to help, assist and guide us when requested. Our Chamber remains on the forefront of new and innovative ideas always finding ways to make our town(s) stand out above the others.” Gary Harvat – HC Global
PROGRAM SPOTLIGHTS: Norwin Chamber of Commerce Education Foundation. This foundation is a separate 501c3 organization. The Foundation is funded by the sales of candy bars and the Annual Lottery Calendar. Through the Foundation, The Norwin Chamber of Commerce awards a $2,500.00 scholarship to a Norwin senior. The senior and their parents are honored at the Chamber’s Norwin Networking luncheon in May/June of each year. This year the Norwin Chamber added a second $2,500.00 scholarship to be awarded to a child or grandchild of a Norwin Chamber member or employee of a member. The Beautification Committee, lead by Mr. Warren Gardner, is a group of volunteers who donate hours to the beautification of the islands at Route 30 at Norwin Hills, Route 30 at Dunkin’ Donuts and two spaces at Queen of Angels. This project is solely funded by the generous donations of Norwin Chamber members.
MEMBER BENEFITS HIGHLIGHT: The Member-2-Member Discount Program allows Norwin Chamber members to offer special discounts to their fellow members. These discounts are listed on the Norwin Chamber website and newsletter inserts. This program is free for members to participate in and use. The Membership Directory and Community Guide is printed annually and distributed to 3,000 Norwin Chamber members and the community at large. The directory is in full color and includes our membership listings as well as information on the Norwin community. Members can purchase advertising space in this directory/community guide to highlight their business.
Business Mixer at Royal Dutch Dog & Cat Grooming Business Mixers enable members to network their businesses after work hours in casual informal settings. Mixers are hosted by fellow Norwin Chamber members who receive the added opportunity to showcase their products and services.
4th Annual Norwin Chamber BBQ
The Norwin Chamber is always adding fun events as a way for members to build personal and professional relationships.
2011 Annual Dinner & Business Expo This event provides our membership with the opportunity to showcase their businesses during a vendor table expo, recognize the Board of Directors and honor the Chamber Person of the Year and Community Volunteer of the Year.
Photos taken by Nicole Mastrilli Photography
Norwin | Fall 2011 | incommunitymagazines.com 41
603 East McMurray Road McMurray I PA I 15317 724.942.0940 www.incommunitymagazines.com
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