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Spring 2010


Inside Senior Women Love Softball

Plus A Blooming Summer

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Heinz Hall Christmas Tree Photo: Jason Cohn



6 community interest

13 3 6 9 13 26

William E. Anderson Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 In Kids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Penn Hills School District . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28

PENN HILLS WOMEN’S SOFTBALL COMBINES SOCIALIZING WITH SPORT SPRING LAWN CARE, YARD WORK KEY TO BLOOMING SUMMER SOCIAL-LITE UPMC TODAY – ST. MARGARET’S EDITION VACATIONS ON THE FLY on the cover From left to right: Beth Hack, Mary Wetmore, Laurie Cunningham, Marian "Memaw" Rex, Barbara "Babs" Kraynick, Alice Harkiewicz, Jan MacDonell

Please recycle this magazine when you are through enjoying it.

IN Penn Hills | Spring 2010 | 1

FROM THe PuBLISHeR elcome to the spring issue of IN Penn Hills Magazine. Spring is a season of hope, change and new beginnings. The harsh cold and freeze of winter gives way to the gentle thaw of a growing sun’s strengthening rays. For us at IN Community Magazine, spring is a time of new beginning as well. Our staff works diligently to plan out the entire year of features and news that will keep you informed and entertained. We have received numerous story ideas from you and have been putting them together for your friends and relatives to read and enjoy. You, our readers, continue to be the single most important “employee” of the magazine. Without your ideas, input and critique, this magazine would be a shell of the vibrant and lively magazine that it is. So keep all of those great story ideas coming in! Call 724.942.0940 with your story and we’ll be delighted to include it in an upcoming issue. Sincerely,


enn Hills Spring 2010 IN Penn Hills is a non-partisan community magazine dedicated to representing, encouraging and promoting the Penn Hills School District and its comprising municipalities by focusing on the talents and gifts of the people who live and work here. Our goal is to provide readers with the most informative and professional regional publication in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

PUBLISHER Wayne Dollard ASSISTANT TO THE PUBLISHER Mark Berton MANAGING EDITOR Marybeth Jeffries OFFICE MANAGER Leo Vighetti WRITERS Jonathan Barnes Karen Ferrieri Kelli McElhinny Pamela Palongue Sandy Trozzo Chris Weber



pring! even the sound of the word gets me brewing with excitement about the beautiful days which I know must be coming soon! Days spent in the garden, walking my boys to school or watching the days sun set just a bit later. With the beginning of each season, you can expect a little bit of good news from us. Our staff is hard at work following up on all of your phone calls and emails which let us know about things that are happening in the community. Whether it is a resident who is volunteering and making a difference, or your favorite organization hosting a fund raiser, please, keep me up to speed! You can email me at

GRAPHIC DESIGN Cassie Brkich Susie Doak Bridget Michael Katelyn Ruffing Tamara Tylenda PHOTOGRAPHERS Rebecca Bailey One Way Street Productions SALES TEAM Stephanie Baker-Wolfson David Mitchell Renee Bennett Tara Reis Tina Dollard Vincent Sabatini Rose Estes Michael Silvert Linda Hall Maureen Smith Jason Huffman RJ Vighetti Brian McKee CORRESPONDENCE All inquiries, comments and press releases should be directed to: IN Community Magazines Attn: Editorial 453 Valley Brook Road, Suite 300 McMurray, PA 15317 Ph: 724.942.0940 Fax: 724.942.0968 SALES INQUIRES 724.942.0940

Summer Issue Deadline: April 20, 2010 IN Penn Hills is carrier route mailed to all district households and businesses. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. Copyright 2010.


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   by Jonathan Barnes

Staying physically fit into old age is recognized as a lifestyle choice that can help a person live a longer, fuller life. Working out or jogging, though, isn’t everyone’s idea of a good time. But for some gently aging gals interested in staying active and fit while making friends, softball could be their game. And if they are in the Penn Hills area they are in luck, because of all of the games being played there by women’s softball teams. It all started with a feisty lady named Kay Ray. In 1992, the spirited Penn Hills woman organized the Senior Women’s Softball League of Western Pennsylvania and led the group as it grew to seven teams. Kay Ray passed away a few years ago, but her legacy continues on, especially in the two senior women’s softball teams currently in Penn Hills, as well as in an annual league softball tournament attended by teams from outside the area. The tournament is the Kay Ray Tournament and can bring in 10 or more teams to compete together. The now well-established women’s pastime in Western Pennsylvania can be traced back to the energy and commitment of that one hard-working woman. “She is really the one responsible for this,” said Jan MacDonell, 57, a player on one of the Penn Hills teams. The two women met by happenstance. From 1991 to 1999, MacDonell coached her daughter’s softball teams in Penn Hills. Ray also was involved with the youth league as a coach and the experience led her to start the women’s league. “Coaching is a lot of work, but playing yourself is a lot more fun,” said MacDonell, who joined the women’s league in 1998. Players in the league, properly known as the Western Pennsylvania Senior Softball Women’s Division, range in age from 45 to 73. The teams practice from April through August, while league games start in May and finish in August. Penn Hills Women’s Softball teams play between 16 and 24 games per season, including a double elimination playoff. Penn Hills Park is home field for the league’s two North Hills teams, as well as for the two Penn Hills teams. On Wednesdays during the playing season, it’s not unusual for four or five games to be played at

the field. Wednesday’s final night game is followed by a cookout, during which players munch on food and socialize together. The McKeesport team’s home night is on Mondays, when games are played in the community’s sprawling Renziehausen Park. At one time, the league was comprised of seven teams. These days, the teams include those from North Hills, Penn Hills and McKeesport, and also a Glassport team. The league’s teams fiercely compete and lately the Penn Hills teams have had winning seasons. Often, a Penn Hills team ends up at least second place in the league, MacDonell said. Currently, 20 women are on the Penn Hills roster. “It’s a very competitive league, but it’s also played with a lot of fun, among friends,” MacDonell said. In a way, MacDonell is re-living a slice of her youth, since she played for Penn Hills High School’s softball team in the 1960s and 1970s. Playing in the league costs players just a $20 registration fee at the start of the season. In addition to its athletic aspect, part of the focus of the league is its social aspect, MacDonell noted, saying that’s part of the fun. In April, the Penn Hills players take a cushy “spring training” trip for a weekend at Oglebay. Once a month, players from the Penn Hills group also contribute their time by volunteering for bingo games at Penn Hills Senior Center. “It’s just a really great time,” MacDonell said.        

IN Penn Hills | Spring 2010 | 3

Penn Hills Municipal Information Municipal Departments All departments are located in the municipal building unless otherwise stated.

12245 Frankstown Road Penn Hills, PA 15235

P lanning D ep art m ent 412.798.2126

C ode E nf orc em ent 412.798.2132

P olic e/ P olic e E m erg enc y 911

D at a P roc essing 412.798.2100

E M S 412.798.2041/2040

F inanc e 412.798.2112

P olic e R ec ords 412.798.2035

T ax C ollec t ors Sewage Tax: Central Tax 600 West Railroad Street Verona, PA 15147 412.828.4812

P ub lic W ork s 412.798.2151 6600 Leechburg Road Penn Hills, PA 15147 P urc h asing D ep art m ent 412.798.2120/2121 S enior S ervic es C ent er 147 Jefferson Road Penn Hills, PA 15235 412.244.3400 W at er P ollut ion C ont rol 125 Sandycreek Road Verona, PA 15147 412.798.2172

Municipal Meetings

D ep ut y M ayor Sara Kuhn C ounc il Gary N. Underwood Joseph N. Palumbo Dr. J-LaVon Kincaid, Sr.

C ounc il M eet ing s 1st & 3rd Mondays • 7:30 p.m. Council Chambers

Z oning Hearing B oard 4th Wednesday • 7 p.m. Council Chambers

*Meeting dates changed due to holiday, summer schedule or elections.

P lanning C om m ission 4th Thursday • 7 p.m. Council Chambers

P ersonnel B oard As needed R ec reat ion A dvisory B oard 2nd Monday • 7 p.m. Council Chambers

C ont roller Theresa A. Sciulli 412.798.2116

Hist oric al C om m it t ee 2nd Monday • 7 p.m. Room 209

D ep ut y C lerk Diane Gionta Fitzhenry


C it iz en S ervic e 412.798.2131

M unic ip al T rash C ollec t or Allied Waste Services 1.877.788.9400

M anag er 412.798.2100

D ist ric t J ust ic e Leonard Hromyak 85 Universal Road Pittsburgh, PA 15235 412.731.0100

P ark s and R ec reat ion 412.798.2147

A ll O t h er T ax : Penn Hills School District 309 Collins Drive Penn Hills, PA 15235 412.793.7063

The Municipality of Penn Hills

M ayor Anthony DeLuca, Jr.

A dm inist rat ion D ep art m ent 412.798.2100

T raf f ic S af et y C om m it t ee 2nd Thursday • 7:30 p.m. Council Chambers For additional information on meeting dates or agenda materials, call 412.798.2103.

L ib rary B oard 3rd Wednesday • 7 p.m. Wm. e. Anderson Library

For automated information about meetings, call the Municipal Bulletin Board at 412.795.3500, ext. 2 or visit For additional information on meeting dates or agenda materials, call 412.798.2103. Persons with a disability who wish to attend the meeting and require an auxiliary aid, service, or other accommodation to participate in the proceedings are requested to call 412.798.2103 at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting to discuss your needs.

724.942.0940 to advertise | IN Penn Hills

Legislature U S C ong ress 1 4 t h D ist ric t Michael F. Doyle 11 Duff Road Pittsburgh, PA 15235 412.241.6055 1 8 t h D ist ric t Tim Murphy 504 Washington Road Pittsburgh, PA 15228 412.344.5583 S t at e S enat e 4 3 t h D ist ric t Jay Costa, Jr. 1501 Ardmore Blvd. Pittsburgh, PA 15221 412.241.6690 S t at e L eg islat ure 3 2 nd D ist ric t Anthony M. DeLuca 7205 Saltsburg Road Pittsburgh, PA 15235 412.793.2448

Community Parks


P enn Hills P ark 120 Colorado Street Verona, PA 15147

B on A ir Treemont Street

T urner- F riendsh ip P ark 1340 Hunter Road Verona, PA 15147 U niversal M em orial P ark 1 Memorial Park Drive Pittsburgh, PA 15235 D uf f P ark Duff Road Pittsburgh, PA 15235 M illt ow n P ark 231 Boda Road Verona, PA 15147

L ee D rive P ark Lee Drive L inc oln P ark M ult ip urp ose C ent er Lincoln Road M eadow A venue North Meadow Avenue N ort h B essem er Old Leechburg Road P at S enec a Long Road P enn V iew P ark Penn View Drive

X t rem e S p ort s P ark s Duff Road Pittsburgh, PA 15235

R oss S t reet Ross Road W m . M c K inley C ent er 7th Street & Center Avenue

Community Athletic Groups Greater Pittsburgh Dek Hockey 412.793.1966 Penn Hills Baseball Association 412.795.1900 Penn Hills Youth Basketball League Grd. 1-6 412.795.2600 or 412.798.2147 Penn Hills Ice Hockey Grd. 5-12 412.798.9201 Penn Hills Youth Football Association 412.583.3324

Highlands Aqua Club 412.372.5558 Penn Hills East Communities YMCA 412.795.2600 Penn Hills Soccer Association 412.793.3081 Rosedale Beach Club 412.793.1782 (only when the pool is open) Mailing: PO Box #100 Verona, PA 15147

Location: 5401 3rd St. Penn Hills

Penn Hills Girls Softball Association Girls aged 6 - 18 Penn Hills Eagles Track Club 412.832.2005 Penn Hills Jr. Wrestling 412.244.1761

Not listed? e-mail your information to

Penn Aqua Club 161 Lynnwood Drive 412.731.8480. Blackridge Swim Club 412.241.3500 (in season only)

IN Penn Hills | Spring 2010 | 5

n i r Sp

w a l g

k r o w d r a y , e r a c n

by Jonathan Barnes

s the remaining winter days dwindle and the weather mellows, green-thumbed folks itch to get out and do a bit of digging in the dirt. So even before buds shoot from vegetation that’s been asleep all winter, many folks don their boots and gloves to put spades into the soil, or take clippers to the shrubs. They should remember that completing yard maintenance tasks is just half of the work needed to have a fresh and vibrant yard. With yard maintenance, timing is everything, since completing yard chores at the proper times is almost as important as doing them, if you want to get the full benefit from the work. Doing certain tasks at the wrong times can do more harm than good. experts sometimes vary on when or how often they prefer to prune shrubs, mulch flowerbeds or re-seed lawns and do other common yard maintenance tasks performed in springtime. But most landscape pros agree that not completing yard maintenance tasks could haunt a homeowner when the weather is nice.


Greening Lawns Proper lawn maintenance early in the year can help ensure that in the dog days of summer, family and friends will be barbecuing, playing and lounging on a soft green carpet of grass, rather than scuffing around on a ragged lawn riddled with brown spots and bare spots. Creating or maintaining a verdant lawn doesn’t have to be a difficult task, if you plan wisely. Regular maintenance is necessary,


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though, because a lawn left unchecked can soon become a dandelionclover-infested unsightly mess. So plan ahead, and stick to a schedule of yard maintenance that begins each year in the spring. Begin with the lawn care. Start the process by warding off crab grass through a treatment to inhibit the weed’s growth, said George Girty, owner of Library-based George Girty Landscape and Design. “Once crab grass is growing, you can’t kill it,” Girty said. “Put down a pre-emergent crab grass control in March or April… If you don’t do it, you’ll probably have to live with crab grass until you can apply the treatment in the fall.” Crab grass control comes in granular form and as a liquid. The treatment works to inhibit growth of the weed when it goes to seed at different times of the year. Cleaning out the dead stuff is key to maintaining an attractive yard, be it a tree, or shrub, but especially with a lawn. Marco Viglio, owner of Wilkins-based Viglio Landscaping, likes to dethatch and re-seed his clients’ lawns in springtime in order to start the lawn’s growing season off strong. “De-thatching gets all the dead thatch out and then you seed right into the lawn. That new seed helps to thicken up the lawn,” Viglio said. When re-seeding a lawn, it is important to use the most appropriate seed. Viglio and Girty both recommend using the brand Penn State Mix because it is made for this climate and its soil, which has a heavy clay content, and also because the mix is resistant to dry seasons. William Dugan, owner of Finleyville-based Wm. “Dirt” Dugan Landscaping, prefers a seed mix that is a three-way blend of Perennial Rye, which is compatible with a lawn made up of mostly Kentucky Bluegrass, he said. Both types of seed mix are available at Home Depot and other garden stores. Southern grass seed varieties, such as Zoysia Grass, should be avoided when seeding or re-seeding a lawn, local experts agree. Zoysia Grass is drought-resistant, but it stays green for only about five months, browning out for the winter after the first frost. It also is an invasive species that is hard to contain once it is well-established. The best time to seed a lawn is from mid-April to mid-May. Soil temperatures at that time of year are warm enough to germinate seeds,

key to bloo ming su mmer and it’s not going to be too hot or too dry for seed growth. A good rule of thumb for applying seed for a new lawn is nine pounds of seed per 1,000 square feet. After seeding, cover the seed with mushroom manure, peat moss or straw, and water the lawn once or twice a day for up to two weeks. The idea is to keep it moist. After two weeks, water it every other day, and cut the grass once a week. Yard-lovers should not apply crab grass control if they plan to re-seed the lawn, because crab grass control will kill a lawn.

Mulching, Pruning & Fertilizing In spring, homeowners also should start to fertilize their lawns with a fertilizer of high potassium content, for healthy root development. This should be done in early May, Girty said. Girty and Viglio both recommend using the widely popular fertilizer Milorganite. It’s an organic fertilizer with a high potassium content (for root development), and a lot of nitrogen for good green color. Girty said it’s crucial to fertilize new lawns and lawns comprised of freshly installed sod. “They’ll check out without the help,” he said. In preparation for the bursts of seasonal color that happen in Spring, homeowners should pay attention to their flowerbeds, which may look bedraggled from winter. usually, Viglio edges flowerbeds for his clients in springtime. It’s one way that he works to clean up the contours of yards. He also mulches flowerbeds at that time, because his clients prefer that he do so and because spreading a fresh layer of mulch over the beds brings back the color in those beds and spruces up planting areas. Mulching also controls the weeds in the flowerbeds and helps to retain moisture. Standard mulch is double-shredded hardwood bark, and usually goes for $15-$25 per yard, picked up. Tripleshredded mulch runs $18-$30 or more per yard. Dyed mulch costs even more, but since it is chunkier, it retains its color and can last two or three years. Dugan shies from the brighter-colored mulches. “Anything in the outdoors should be

subtle,” he said. Trees and shrubs in the yard should be inspected for damage, with dead growth and “dieback” parts of the plant removed. Roses, which are pruned in fall, also are pruned in spring because they usually have winter dieback. That pruning will ensure that the bush grows properly and looks good as it’s blooming. With rhododendrons, azaleas and other spring-blooming broadleaf perennial bushes, there is a six-week window after blooming during which these plants can be cut back. Pruning these bushes later will result in decreased blooms later in the yard, or worse yet—no blossoms at all. “You can’t see the flower buds, but you’re cutting them off,” Dugan said.

IN Penn Hills | Spring 2010 | 7

W I L L I A M E. A N D E R S O N L I B R A R Y T yrone W ard

Spring Programs

Executive Director

M ary A nn Z eak Librarian & Children’s Services

J ean K anouf f Adult Librarian

M ain B ranc h 1037 Stotler Road Pittsburgh, PA 15235 412.795.3507 Monday-Thursday: 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Friday & Saturday: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Sunday: 1-5 p.m.

L inc oln P ark S at ellit e 7300 Ridgeview Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15235 412.362.7729 Monday-Thursday: 10 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Friday: 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Closed Saturday & Sunday

F riends of t h e L ib rary The Friends of the Penn Hills Library is a nonprofit organization dedicated to bringing together people who are interested in the well being of the library. The Friends work to provide many extras for the library, items not included in the regular library budget. The Friends welcome gifts of time, money and materials from their members and the community. These donations are channeled into gifts that benefit the library and its patrons. To join the Friends, choose a membership category below: Individual: $10 Donor: $50 Family: $25 Patron: $100 Organizations/Associations: $30 Dues are paid at the time of registration. Stop in at the library for a membership form or send your name, address, telephone number to: Friends of the Penn Hills Library 1037 Saltsburg Road Pittsburgh, PA 15235


Make checks payable to Friends of the Penn Hills Library.

| For Kids Call 412.795.3507 ext. 115 for information or to register.

Preschool Story Time 1st & 3rd Wednesdays, 1:30-2 p.m. 3rd Tuesday, 6:30-7:00 p.m. Ages 3-6

Join us for storytime fun!

Spring Story Hour Thursdays, April 1-29, 10 a.m. or 1 p.m. Ages 3-6 Advance registration required in the Children’s Library.

Join us for a story, a film and a craft in each hour-long program. There is a nominal fee for the 5-week session. No parents permitted in the Story Hour Room during the program.

Mother Rabbit's Visit March 22, 6:30 p.m. Ages 3-6 Advance registration required in the Children’s Library.

Chess Group 1st & 3rd Wednesdays, 6:30 p.m. • Saturdays, 10:30 a.m. Ages 6 and up

The library is offering time for practice, play and learning for chess enthusiasts. Adults are welcome! Instructors available to help hone your chess skills. Fun! Stress Free! Challenging!

New Books, Videos and Cassettes each week there are new books, videos and cassettes. If you see something you like, you can find it on the new book rack. Or get in touch with us to reserve any title you like. You can also go to Our Home Page

and search and reserve materials from the Library Catalog. There's always something new in the Children's Department! New Books Missing in Action by Dean Hughes Incarceration in America by Kerry Hinton Taking Action Against Racism by Cath Senker The London Eye Mystery by Siobhan Dowd They Came From Below by Blake Nelson Meeble's Magic Box by Wendy Body The Veterans Day Visitor by Peter Catalanotto & Pamela Schembri A Planet Called Home by Lisa S. French Looking Like Me by Walter Dean Myers New Videos Biology (DVD) Astronomy (DVD) Predator and Prey (DVD) Fungi (DVD) New Audio Books My Brother Sam is Dead by James Lincoln Collier & Christopher Collier The Wish List (CD) by eoin Colfer Half Moon Investigations (CD) by eoin Colfer Artemis Howl (CD) by eoin Colfer New CD-ROMs Prehistoric Animals I See Sue the T.rex New CDs Roc ketship Run by the Laurie Berkner Band Best of Both Worlds Concert by Hannah Montana Disney's Greatest Volume 3 by Various Artists Yummy Yummy by The Wiggles

| For Adults Call 412.795.3507 ext. 120 for information or to register.

Writers Group 1st & 3rd Thursdays each month • 7-8:30 p.m.

MotherDaughter Book Club

Join Violeta Garcia-Mendoza’s writers' group at the library. Participants will spend a part of the time free writing and part sharing their writing with the group.

3rd Saturday each month • 2 p.m.

Book Clubs

A club for young ladies and their mothers. Contact Nicole Henline at to join. enjoy an afternoon of food, fun & good conversation!

3rd Wednesday each month • 2-3 p.m. 3rd Thursday each month • 7-8 p.m.

Books are chosen in advance so that everyone has a chance to read them over the month. There's no need to buy the book. Most are distributed to the group, can be found in the stacks or put on hold.

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Fishing Club 3rd Tuesday each month • 7 p.m.

 Dedicated to the Fine Art of Living Within the Community by Marybeth Jeffries

Hosting a Party Have a reason to celebrate? How fabulous! Party planning may seem a little daunting, but with the right organization, you are on your way to a fun and entertaining time for you and your guests. The “how to” starts with a software program or a good oldfashioned notebook. For my purposes, I always rely on a software program that will list and locate all of my contacts for a guest list, required vendors, and a place to establish a timeline leading up to the party.

establish a Goal and Theme To make your party a success, you will need to establish what the goal for the party will be. Try to think about this in terms of who the guest of honor is and how to best make him or her happy. Generally, a theme for the party should be established. This will make your job so much easier! For a graduation party, you might want to plan the party around your graduate’s favorite activity. If those themes don’t work, then create one! I love island-themed parties; guests dress in their favorite resort wear and drink tropical drinks to the sounds of a steel drum band.

Timeline Once you have established a theme, get busy with a timeline. Figure out when you want to host your party and work backwards, noting when to order food, send invitations, and RSVP dates. Now you have some deadlines to work with and can keep your cool because you’re so organized.

Decide if You Need Help You’ll want to decide early in the process whether you will require help in the planning or execution of your party. For those who decide that they don’t want the work of planning their own party, a full-service event planner can handle all of the details including what foods to suggest, hiring service staff, coordination of rentals, and decorations to make your party special. Other planners may decide that all they need is one person to run your kitchen while you are attending to guests. Many times a family member or close friend will step in to take over the kitchen. You’ll want to enlist the help of family and friends, or hire an event planner as soon as possible.

Where to Have Your Party There are many places to host a great party. Most people choose their homes, and are able to set up their backyard, garage, or deck to accommodate their guests. There are other really great choices if you simply don’t have enough room to handle a large crowd. Check out local fire or church halls, hotels or parks located in your municipality. Hosting your party at home can be done easily with the right setup. Party rental houses can rent tables and chairs, a dance floor, as well as tents and lighting to create the perfect atmosphere. Also, it is always a good idea to have a rain plan. I always count on it raining in Southwestern Pennsylvania in late spring or early summer! If you get lucky, you’ll have a beautiful day and if it rains, you’ll be prepared with a tent to keep everyone dry!

Day of the Party Once the basic plan is in place, you can cut down on your “day of party” stress by taking care of the party preparation ahead of time. “Make-ahead” food items will cut down on your time away from guests, so try to give that some additional thought when planning your menu and drink selections. Most rental companies will deliver your party items the day before the party to give you time to set up. Arrange a beverage station where guests can help themselves to cans of soda or premade punches. A good caterer will help you choose foods that don’t require a lot of extra handling and will remain delicious throughout the party! Placing trash receptacles in places where guests can dispose of paper products will help cut down on your after-party cleanup. This gives you the time to meet all of your guests and enjoy the fruits of your labor! Once your party has started, you can enjoy spending time with your guests and seeing the results of all of your hard work. Party planning doesn’t have to be a chore. If you stay organized, you may actually enjoy the process.

Marybeth Jeffries has been planning corporate and social events for over 20 years.

IN Penn Hills | Spring 2010 | 9

C HuRCHeS S eRVING P eNN H ILLS A ll S aint s E p isc op al C h urc h 412.793.0270

K err P resb yt erian C h urc h 412.793.5508

S t . B art h olom ew ’ s C h urc h 412.242.3374

A p ost les L ut h eran C h urc h 412.793.4899

L ak et on Heig h t s M et h odist 412.241.9170

S aint G erard M aj ella 412.793.3333

B eulah P resb yt erian C h urc h 412.242.4570

M t . Hop e C om m . C h urc h 412.793.0227

S t . J am es E p isc op al C h urc h 412.242.2300

M t . O live C h urc h of G od in C h rist 412.361.0503

S aint J osep h 412.795.5114

C h rist adelp h ian E c c lesia of P g h 412.828.6157 C h rist ian S c ienc e C h urc h 412.731.1204

N ew V ision C om m unit y C h urc h 412.241.6160

C h urc h of L at t er D ay S aint s 412.798.3011

P ark w ay J ew ish C ent er 412.823.4338

R edeem er O rt h odox P resb yt erian N at ion 412.795.2956

P enn Hills B ap t ist C h urc h 412.793.6640

E p ip h any L ut h eran C h urc h 412.241.1313 F ait h C om m unit y C h urc h 412.242.0210 F irst B ap t ist C h urc h 412.371.5335 G rac e E vang elic al L ut h eran 412.793.1394 Heb ron U nit ed P resb yt erian C h urc h 412.371.2307

If your church is missing from this list, please e-mail

P enn Hills F ree M et h odist C h urc h 412.793.7263 P resb yt erian C h urc h of A m eric a 412.793.7117 Q ueen of t h e R osary C h urc h 412.672.6390 R olling Hills B ap t ist C h urc h 412.795.1133 R osedale U nit ed M et h odist 412.793.2019

I n Him M inist ries 412.795.4272

S ri V enk at esw ara T em p le 412.373.3380

J eh ovah ’ s W it nesses P it t sb urg h 412.241.8188

S ec ond B ap t ist C h urc h 412.371.6445

S t . S usanna 412.798.3591 T h ree R ivers A ssem b ly of G od 412.372.3453 T rinit y L ut h eran C h urc h 412.828.7799 T rinit y T ow er U nit ed M et h odist 412.793.9000 U niversal U nit ed P resb yt erian C h urc h 412.793.1355 V erona U nit ed M et h odist C h urc h 412.828.8844 V erona U nit ed P resb yt erian C h urc h 412.828.4494 V ic t ory T em p le O rig . C h urc h of G od 412.243.5308 Z ion L ut h eran C h urc h 412.242.2626


Are you a member of the clergy who would be interested in writing a short inspirational feature? Please contact Marybeth Jeffries, Managing Editor at

1 0

G ood S h ep h erd Braddock 412.271.2492

S t . I renaeus Oakmont 412.828.8444

S t . J osep h Verona 412.828.7213

S t . M auric e Forest Hills 412.351.5403

S t . B art h olom ew Penn Hills 412.242.2511

S t . J am es Wilkinsburg 412.242.3515

S t . B ernadet t e Monroeville 412.372.7255

W ord of G od Swissvale 412.371.8587

N ort h A m eric an M art yrs Monroeville 412.373.0889

S t . J oh n t h e B ap t ist Plum 412.793.0555

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Put YOUR Business in the Spotlight!

A D V E R T I S E HE R E ! R eac h over

49,000 P ot ent ial C ust om ers in P enn Hills

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enn Hills

Giving A Gift To Families in Need n Saturday, December 12th Imani Christian Academy and Petra International Ministries in Penn Hills joined together with New Community Church from Wexford to bring Christmas to the families and individuals of the east Hills Community. This was the 7th annual party and hundreds of families from the North Hills and east Hills came together to celebrate Christmas. One of the highlights of the event was an extensive Christmas workshop that allowed financiallychallenged parents from the east Hills to “shop” free of charge for gifts for their children. This year, gifts were provided for about 500 kids. Over the last seven years, approximately 2,000 children have received gifts due to this event.


f I m ani adm ast er o e H , rd o if a M ilt on R

Activities of the day included games, crafts, refreshments and a special Christmas message given by Milton Raiford, Headmaster of Imani. each year a special family is blessed by the party. This year it was a woman with six foster children who came to the event and was able to receive Christmas gifts for each of these children. These are children without parents or a home, but they were able to celebrate Christmas nonetheless. Sponsors, Bruegger’s, Costco, Dudt’s Bakery, eat’n Park, Giant eagle, GetGo, Loafers, Panera, SweetHouse Bake Shop, Mars and Wexford Post Office Deli provided food for the party and gift cards that were raffled off to participants.

IN Penn Hills | Spring 2010 | 1 1

Comprehensive Breast Care Close to Home For comprehensive breast care services, women trust Magee-Womens Hospital of UPMC. With our convenient community location in the Monroeville , state-of-the-art imaging, expert diagnosis, and advanced treatments including breast surgery are all available close to home. Our community locations give women access to a broad range of diagnostic and therapeutic options, including breast surgery. We work closely with your primary care physician to provide seamless care and develop a personalized treatment plan. And every service we offer is backed by Magee, ranked among the nation’s best hospitals for gynecologic care, providing peace of mind when you need it most. Magee is now offering breast surgery services at UPMC Monroeville Surgery Center. For complete breast care and imaging, trust Magee-Womens Hospital of UPMC. To learn more about the full range of breast care services or to schedule an appointment, call 1-866-MyMagee, or visit

1 2

724.942.0940 to advertise | IN Penn Hills

Great Smiles

Go With


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• Braces for children and adults • Invisalign removable braces • Free consultation • Most insurance plans accepted

Visit our NEW website: A Certified Orthodontist Specializing Exclusively in Orthodontics.

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MILITARY FAMILIES Do you know of someone from the Penn Hills area who is serving in the armed forces?






We would love to highlight their commitment to our country!

Send along a photo, their name and where they serve to marybeth

IN Penn Hills | Spring 2010 | 2 1

Take the Hearing Health Quick Test by Dolores Y. Payne, M.A., CCC-A, Audiologist, owner of Allegheny Hearing Instruments

More than half of the 36 million Americans who suffer from hearing loss today are under 65 years of age. Hearing loss not only affects our awareness of the sounds around us, it affects our ability to understand speech and can negatively impact our social and emotional well-being—hearing impairment can decrease our quality of life! Individuals suffering from hearing loss are often unaware of the subtle changes in their communication ability and life in general because of the slow progression of the hearing loss. For that reason it is important that we all periodically ask ourselves the questions in the Academy of Audiology's Hearing Health Quick Test: 1. Do you find it difficult to follow a conversation in a noisy restaurant or crowded room? Yes No Sometimes 2. Do you ever feel that people are mumbling or not speaking clearly? Yes No Sometimes 3. Do you experience difficulty following dialog in a theater? Yes No Sometimes 4. Do you sometimes find it difficult to understand a speaker at a public meeting or a religious service? Yes No Sometimes 5. Do you find yourself asking people to speak up or repeat themselves? Yes No Sometimes 6. Do you find men’s voices easier to understand than women’s? Yes No Sometimes 7. Do you have difficulty understanding soft or whispered speech? Yes No Sometimes

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8. Do you have difficulty understanding speech on the telephone? Yes No Sometimes 9. Does a hearing problem cause you to feel embarrassed when meeting new people? Yes No Sometimes 10. Do you feel handicapped by a hearing problem? Yes No Sometimes 11. Does a hearing problem cause you to visit friends, relatives, or neighbors less often than you would like? Yes No Sometimes 12. Do you experience ringing or noises in your ears? Yes No Sometimes 13. Do you hear better with one ear than the other? Yes No Sometimes 14. Have you had any significant noise exposure during work, recreation, or military service? Yes No 15. Have any of your relatives (by birth) had a hearing loss? Yes No

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Scoring Yes=2 points Sometimes=1 point No=0 points Scores of 3 or more: You may have a hearing problem Scores of 6 or more: Strongly suggests that a hearing check is warranted If you believe you may have a hearing problem, have your hearing professionally evaluated and learn what is available to help you.

Don’t say“Huh?”Anymore Call Allegheny Hearing Instruments

• Hearing Evalutions by State Licensed Audiologists • Hearing Aid Sales & Service All Current Styles and Technology • Assistive Listening Devices . Hearing Aid Batteries & Supplies • Providers of Most Insurance Plans 800 Jonnett Bldg., Monroeville 412-373-1151 1910 Cochran Rd., Manor Oak Village 412-343-1320




l Winne r is... a d e 0 M The 2010 Caldecott Medal winner 1 0 is T h e L ion & t h e M ouse, illustrated e2 h and written by Jerry Pinkney (Little, T Brown and Company Books for Young Readers). The screech of an owl, the squeak of a mouse and the roar of a lion transport readers to the Serengeti plains for this virtually wordless retelling of Aesop’s classic fable. In glowing colors, Pinkney’s textured watercolor illustrations masterfully portray the relationship between two very unlikely friends.

2 0 1 0

    Hey kids- swing

by the library to check out the new Caldec ott Medal Winner! The Caldecott M edal was named in hono r of nineteenth century English illus Randolph Caldec trator ott. It is awarded annual ly by the Association for Libr to Children, a di ary Service vision of the American Librar y Association, to the artis distinguished Am t of the most erican picture book for childre n.

on the go...

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IN Penn Hills | Spring 2010 | 2 3

Calling All Scouts!

Snow Fun!

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11 ft

60 ft. 21 ft

18 ft

2 4

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Z A S O I D U T S A N M 5 7 7 1 2 Y L P E

T N G T P J I Y N O N E 7 2 6 4 2 U K L G

A M A U K I J I S G G T 9 9 5 9 3 P B I D

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IN Penn Hills | Spring 2010 | 2 5

Vacations on the Fly

Trips That Pack a Ton of Fun Into a Tank of Gas hen thinking about vacations, sometimes it’s easier to just get in the car and go, rather than spend hours comparison shopping through various mind-withering online sites. Fortunately, living in Western Pennsylvania makes it easy for us to get away for the weekend (or a few days more) without much hassle. The trick is looking at the map as if it’s your own little neighborhood, not some destination. We planned a few trips for you that are all based within a 100mile radius of Pittsburgh - as the crow flies, not as the car drives. Most of these trips are 250 miles or less and within three hours, give or take.


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Cleveland, Ohio – The bane of Steelers fans during the football season, this drivable city has amenities that definitely make it worth visiting. Boasting a world-class orchestra directed by Franz Welser-Most, the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, the Cleveland Museum of Art, the Cleveland Botanical Gardens and the Cleveland Playhouse, there’s never a lack of things to do in this booming town. More than 1,000 restaurants mean that you’ll never be stuck for cuisine, either. If you are in town, be sure to check out Trattoria on the Hill, for thirdgeneration, authentic Italian cuisine after a night at Severance Hall. Erie, Pennsylvania – Ah, Lake erie. Pennsylvania’s little oceanfront. Lake erie is not only a beautiful seascape destination to one of the Great Lakes, it’s also a great family funspot. From the historic Flagship Niagara and erie Maritime Museum to the Lake erie Speedway, whether your tastes are a little edmund Fitzgerald or a little Carl edwards, erie is a place you’ll go back to again and again. Literally one of the easiest places to get to – due north on I-79 – erie and its southern little brother, Conneaut, can give any family a full weekend of enjoyment year-round. Geneva, Ohio – Also known as “Geneva on the Lake,” this quaint destination is a great weekend getaway option. More recreational in nature because of its lakefront location, Geneva also has a bevy of nightclubs, restaurants and more to keep the cabin-fever away. If the weather’s cooperative, you can plan on plenty of fishing, boating, swimming, camping, concerts and golf. The Wild Water Works offers more than 750 feet of waterslides for those looking for a serious soaking. Look for the Mediaeval Fair in late July and August, and annual events at the abundant wineries throughout the region. Mansfield, Ohio – A perfect day trip into small-town America, Mansfield is home to an incongruous amount of interesting sights. From blueberry festivals to the Mansfield

Memorial Museum to the famous Carousel in the heart of town, Mansfield is a great family-oriented trip for all ages. One of the highlights for the technology and sci-fi fan in the family is elektro, the 7-foot-tall robot created by Westinghouse in 1937. This wonder of the time walked on command, had a 700-word vocabulary, and could discern between red and green light. elektro is on permanent display at the Mansfield Memorial Museum. Martin’s Ferry, Ohio – Founded in 1794, Martin’s Ferry is Ohio’s oldest settlement, and you can expect a lot of history in this destination, which is minutes from Oglebay Park. every June, Martin’s Ferry sponsors the All-American Soap Box Derby, the largest stock car division race in the u.S. Morgantown, West Virginia – Another destination rich in history, Morgantown is an eclectic blend of the past and the present. From its thriving cultural community to the Cheat River Watershed, with its annual festivals and riverfront events, the sky’s the limit in Morgantown. Highlights include the WV Bass Federation Tournament, the WV Wild and Wonderful MountainFest Motorcycle Rally, and the Triple S HarleyDavidson Hoop Group Summer Jamfest. Moundsville, West Virginia – Just outside of Wheeling West Virginia is Moundsville, home to Grave Creek Mound, the largest conical burial mound in the united States. This structure dates back to 250 B.C. and houses a visitor’s center and museum onsite. Across the street is the West Virginia State Penitentiary, a Gothic prison that was shut down in 1995. Today, the prison is open to ghost hunts, prison tours and a special “Dungeon of Horrors” tour each year around Halloween. Burial mounds and haunted prisons – a definite one-two punch of history and adventure!

Somerset, Pennsylvania – Ski, ski, ski! But did you know there’s a lot to do in this town of antique shops and wineries when the snow’s gone? If you can think of it, you can do it in Somerset. From horseback riding and hiking to mini-golf and white water rafting, you can find it all within two hours of Pittsburgh. Home to Seven Springs and Hidden Valley ski resorts, Somerset is a popular winter destination, no doubt. But when trying to find a nice place to get away from it all in the mountains, put this one on your calendar and just go. Sandusky, Ohio – Missing that warm weather and water? Then surf over to Sandusky where we found Great Wolf Lodge.( This indoor extravaganza of a water park is great for kids up to age 12 and their parents. They will love the water slides, giant fort and five separate pools filled with 200,000 gallons of water. You’ll love the fact that it’s always 87˚, very clean and when the kids get tired, they bunk down in their own sleeping area. This all suite resort got high marks for kid friendly fun. Butler County, PA – April is the perfect time to take a short trip up I-79 to Slippery Rock where you can enjoy the Kaleidoscope Arts Festival from April 14-25. Dance and music ensembles, lectures, theatre productions and a children’s day feature nationally and internationally known artists. Be sure to allow time to explore the area’s unique shops, like the Birdwatcher’s Store, Native essence, Slippery Rock Florist and Winfield Winery. You can also enjoy a delicious meal at a variety of eateries. To learn more about all you can see and do in the Slippery Rock area, check out

Living in Western Pennsylvania makes it easy for us to get away for the weekend (or a few days more) without much hassle. IN Penn Hills | Spring 2010 | 2 7

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District Receives Two State Awards The Penn Hills School District has received two awards in the 2009 Pennsylvania School Public Relations Association (PenSPRA) excellence in education Communications Contest. The District’s electronic newsletter, Penn Hills Pride, was recognized with an Award of excellence for the electronic Communication Category. An Award of excellence is given to the top en tries in a category. Penn Hills was one of three districts to receive this award. The District’s website was also recognized with an Award of Honor, which is presented to a high-quality entry with a score falling short of that earning the excellence award. The PenSPRA excellence in education Communications Awards were created to recognize outstanding school public relations efforts that address schoo l-related issues with professional skill, creativity, and resourcefulness.

All-Day Preschool Program The Penn Hills School District has a limited number of spaces available in its Title I 2010-2011 All-Day Preschool Program. This Preschool is for 3 and 4 year olds that are Penn Hills residents. The program, which receives Federal Title I funding, will screen children and interview parents in May to determine which children would benefit most. The preschool program is held all day (8:30 a.m. until 2:30 p.m.), Monday through Friday, currently at Washington and Dible elementary Schools. To be eligible for next fall, children must turn age 3 by September 1st and must be toilet trained. Certified teachers provide developmentally appropriate curriculum, socialization opportunities, motor activities, language enrichment, and parent participation opportunities to preschoolers in the program. Parents must provide transportation. Parents must also agree to participate four times each month by attending classes with their children, arranging in-school conferences, attending PTA meetings, attending daytime group parenting sessions with our family specialist, or participating in activities with their children at home or at school. To schedule a screening appointment, call 412-793-7000, extension 279, by Monday, May 3rd. Screenings will be held on Monday, May 24; Tuesday, May 25; Wednesday, May 26; Thursday, May 27; and Monday, May 31, 2010. 2 8

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Changes to District 2009-10 Calendar Notification will be sent home with students regarding the make-up days that were announced during the public voting meeting on Monday, March 8th. To date, the District has not received any feedback from the State with reference to a possible make-up day waiver. The make-up days are as follows:

April 2, 2010 (Good Friday) April 5, 2010 (easter Monday) May 18, 2010 (election Day) June 14, 2010 June 15, 2010 June 16, 2010 (Graduation)

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3 Lakes Golf Course Public Play & Events

18 Holes INCLUDES cart $39.50 Any Day, Any Time!      

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The Rapp Funeral Home, Inc. 10940 Frankstown Road Pittsburgh, PA 15235 412.241.5415 fax: 412.241.0312 • Personalized Funerals • Pre-need Counseling and Arrangements • Cremation Services • Memorial Services

Thomas D. Turner IV. F.D. Supervisor

East Hills Coin Laundry 2766 Robinson Blvd • Open every day of the year 6:30a-10p • Corner of Frankstown and Robinson Boulevards across from the old East Hills shopping center • Always under surveillance for your protection

IN Penn Hills | Spring 2010 | 2 9

Facing Our Fears and As any resident of Penn Hills will tell you, there has been a longstanding, deepseated fear of crossing the river to venture into other areas of Pittsburgh. Rumors of people entering the tunnels never to return, have only served to heighten the fear. Many people subscribe to the theory that, “If you can’t get it in the South Hills, you probably didn’t need it anyway.” After all, no one knows those people over there anyway and they may have strange and exotic habits. Highways with unfamiliar numbers such as 65 and 376 may only lead to trouble and being lost in construction detours for days. But as we modern Pittsburghers now know, your car will not drop off the edge of the earth by crossing into the unknown zone. Science has proven this. And many wellrespected people have made the journey and lived to share their experiences with others. So if there is a great new restaurant you’ve been dying to try or a museum you’ve always wanted to visit, don’t despair. You, too, can successfully travel to the other side and return home safely, sometimes even on the same day.

Step 1 If you want to navigate the Golden Triangle, you must first begin by taking all of your street maps, driving experience and knowledge of standard traffic patterns and throw them away. That’s right. This will be hard at first, but you must overcome that obsessive desire to use logic when finding your way. This will only frustrate you and further alienate you from the locals. Once you have decided where you would like to go, do not waste time searching for a direct route on a major thoroughfare as there will likely not be one available. You MUST ask locals for directions once across the river. This is never a problem as Pittsburghers are friendly and more than willing to share with you their “special shortcut.” However, make sure that you are asking only one local at a time. If you are asking 10 different people, you will likely get 10 different sets of directions due to the myriad of ways to get lost on the way to your destination. Pick an individual who looks patient and sympathetic and then follow his directions to the letter. Do not listen to any other directions as they will not apply once you have begun your journey. *Important Tip – Avoid Mapquest and automated direction finder devices. Many Pittsburgh streets have not been discovered yet by the general public and therefore are not listed on Mapquest. GPS systems will likely have you driving into parking lots or off bridges. Some GPS systems in Pittsburgh have been known to malfunction due to damage inflicted by the direct use of hammers on the machine by the driver.

Step 2

The proper way to ask for directions cannot be emphasized enough. Unless you have successfully completed a Dale Carnegie course, please have pen and paper in hand. There will likely be 10 to 20 turns for getting to a destination only a couple of miles away. It will be very annoying for your direction-giver if they have to start all over again, repeating all the turns and landmarks. In this way, you can avoid exasperated looks (and

Step 3 Understanding the different types of turns and how to complete them is essential in city driving and especially in unfamiliar areas. There are three basic turns which you must be familiar with and able to execute safely. First, there is the regular turn. This could best be described as a simple 90-degree angle turn to the left or right. Second, there is a “soft turn” or what is also commonly referred to as bearing or veering. It is imperative to veer properly. This is more of a 45-degree angle turn you will complete while there are several hundred cars behind you waiting for you to decide which of the seven different streets you will veer onto. *Important Tip – If you make a wrong turn, turn around and go back at once! Do NOT under any circumstances attempt to “make the block” assuming you will end up back where you started. If you attempt this you will most likely end up in Ohio or West Virginia (see my subsequent article, “How to Get Out of Ohio or West Virginia).

bodily harm), by writing it down the first time. NEVER question the directions the person is giving you. If you should find that you have inadvertently offended one of the locals, just use the code phrase “Go Steelers!” and all transgressions will likely be forgiven. *Important Tip – Many times your direction-giver will not know the exact street names and may give you important landmarks instead, such as beer distributorships or bars. If there are no bars or beer stores nearby, a wine and spirits store may be used instead.

CrossingThat River Step continued 3 The third turn is called a “hard right” or a “hard left.” This is a very sharp turn that is generally illegal in any other part of the United States and most foreign countries. Do not be alarmed! It is perfectly legal across the river and socially acceptable to perform it anytime and anywhere the need arises. At first, it will feel awkward and strange, as though you are violating some sort of traffic law. That's perfectly normal. After a few hours of watching the locals skillfully maneuver their vehicles in a “U- turn” while simultaneously honking the horn and shouting, you will feel quite comfortable. *Important Tip – Generally the honking of a horn on a car is used as a warning device for other drivers. In certain boroughs of Pittsburgh, however, it may be used to say ‘hello,’ ‘thanks,’ ‘go ahead and pull out,’ ‘you're a jag-off,’ ‘the light's green stupid,’ or after any Steelers victory. The exact meaning of a particular honk will depend upon the situation and if it is accompanied by hand signals. (Hand signals are generally a negative gesture and should be interpreted as such.)

by Pamela Palongue

Step 5 Dealing with road construction. As with any major city, road construction is to be expected. An orange ‘detour’ sign will clearly mark the turn you are to make off of the main road. After that, you're pretty much on your own. Refer to Step 2 (asking directions).

Step 6 Stay the course and persevere. Do not give up!

Step 7

If you give up, tell the family that you are going to make a phone call. Then, after exiting your car, discreetly call one of the very fast and efficient cab companies located in Pittsburgh and tell them you need a cab. Casually return to your car as if nothing is wrong and inform your family that you are not lost and that everything is perfectly normal. Then play ‘I spy’ for the next 20 minutes. After the cab arrives, tip him generously and furnish him with a loaf of bread. Ask him to lead you back to your home as he drops breadcrumbs along the way in case you are An important separated. This is also very beneficial for the part of driving environment as the birds will be in Pittsburgh able to eat the proper is being breadcrumbs. able to climb After steep hills in your vehicle. You arriving will notice as you are ascending the hill that your accelerator is pressed all at your the way to the floor of your car and yet your speedometer reads 5 mph. This home (and is perfectly normal. Once you have reached the top of the hill, you will notice a having seen most of rapid increase in speed as you apply your brake to the floor and the speedometer Pittsburgh), fix yourself a reads 104 mph. This will eventually level off once you have reached the bottom of big plate of pierogies, open a the hill. If you are driving a small four-cylinder vehicle that lacks the power to Rolling Rock and get some sleep. climb steep hills, you may overcome the difficulty by: a.) downshifting, b.) backing Tomorrow you can pick up a bus up and getting a running start, or c.) having your family push the car up the steep schedule and try again. incline. (Not recommended for families with children under the age of 5).

Step 4

s ago, tation three year a historical presen ills’ history book. ve gi rs ge Ro y l historian Gar n of a Penn H After hearing loca d for his help with a new versio wrote the previous two verke as ho w ns r Jane Kim Hawki togenarian native of Penn Hills, in part to learn how far back he Hawkins is an oc y book in the 1980s and 1990s, was one of the original homemil y l histor sions of the loca in the area. She found that her fa t en family history w , having arrived there in 1851. w version of “The ea e work on the ne steaders in the ar ckground, Rogers knew that th r, Rogers grew up in Oakmont, love Because of his ba ed. That missed A lifelong history was a natural fit. ory that he said often is overlook Changing Hills” st abundance of hi ng, he said. where there is an of stuff he especially enjoys findi nn Hills, has written local hisPe rt material is the so ian, a former 11-year resident of ction published in 2005 of 25 or lle st co hi a ,” Towns the sale of the The Plum ater “Tales From Our ont-Verona area. Proceeds from g in ud eel,” after edgew cl in s ok tory bo y of edgewater St tgraf, Rogers also cothe Oakm or in e ist ac “H pl e th ok to ed at nn and Cheryl Ven ary. short stories th In 2007, he pe akmont Library. , Paula Calabrese br book benefited O ith local residents Vince Gagotta of which benefited Oakmont Li ical artifacts—the w le or g sa st e on hi th Al of . m y ed or fro os sit cl ds mill t,” procee other repo on an m fit ak ne O be of to es ed ag is being us authored “Im newspapers to al expertise again g old books and in ch ar Now, his historic ary in Penn Hills. se y library. jo en I Libr a way to help the family t Penn Hills. William Anderson discover little-known facts abou nated their work on the book as er H . ity al ip ic un “The goal was to said Rogers. He and Hawkins do e history that has happened in m ” th n, of io t “Since d witness of a lo find that informat ad in the 1850s. ,” Hawkins said. ad en a writer of an Hawkins has be hich was located along Verona Ro g to lime-making, to railroading n ankstow Ro otel, w uld travel all of Fr om coal minin Fr co u s. ill yo H g, owned Kim’s H nn un Pe yo d a lot in hen I was “We have change lation has increased greatly. W it unique among pu po e th , II ial heritage makes on and even str du in its s, World War nd a car.” rd toil of the regi dian hunting grou and hardly meet at became Penn Hills started as In the municipality speaks of the ha an-American population. of th Af ry ea he histo s a large ric While the ar Pittsburgh area. T ge ethnic population and now ha interesting, Hawkins said. e th in es iti un m other com history so has had a lar Hills historically of what makes its the nation. Penn the people of Penn Hills is part The diversity of ndreds of years on Penn Hills for hu in n ow gr s ha n, , erican Revolutio e Kim-Hawkins older than the Am e, tre e or m Rogers and J an ca y sy ar e G th by An old at s" le ill sa H "The Changing ary Foundation. The book is on Saltsburg Road. d tree graces the back cover of e Penn Hills Libr ol ar fit The 243 ye oceeds bene th Pr s. ill H "The Changing nn Pe y of $20. st two editions of ills" is a combinafir e th er an updated histor 37 Stotler Rd. in Penn Hills for th ge to gH 10 said she put recent "Changin library located at life long resident of Penn Hills, story. The most hi ily m fa a , r ns he ki in t in Kim-Haw her interest aracters you mee 1990's because of research. s." One of the ch rds and take them ill H Hills back in the with additional interviews and nn Pe t ou o st drunka wn facts ab tion of the first tw al was "to find those little-kno m 1928 to 1940. He would arre go s fro hi e bl ys ta sa ns Rogers rved as co rming itself d bail them out. k Smetak who se adapted, transfo the book is Fran he next day he would regret it an use Penn Hills has continually sidential re e rs ve T ca ills is a di to the county jail. title of the book is appropriate be ining and steel. Today, Penn H Rogers says the mmunity to one based on coal m what made re co wn dies. That's to from an agricultu 00 people. e th , es di at ,0 hen th community of 47 based on only one thing, and w ge." e an ar s ch ea to ar ty e ili om ab "S le...its book if ccessful and viab to purchase the anouff, Penn Hills so su w ho on n io at K rm fo an in Je e t or ac For m rary, cont to come to the lib 412-795-3507 ext 120. le ab un e ar u yo is Phone number the Penn Hills Library adult librarian. fit ne be ds ee oc pr ills Library Cost is $20 and ore information on the Penn H m r Fo Foundation. www.pennhillsli

3 2

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a series of health information presentations by UPMC

Free community health talk Fibroid Treatment Options and Information Uterine fibroids are noncancerous growths in the wall of the uterus, and are the most frequently diagnosed tumor of the female pelvis. They are not associated with cancer, do not increase a woman’s risk of developing cancer, and almost never develop into cancer. About 25 percent of women with uterine fibroids experience symptoms. Medical advancement now offer women choices and alternative for the treatment of fibroids. Please join experts from the Fibroid Treatment Center at Magee-Womens Hospital of UPMC for a free seminar explaining the various treatment options to help women choose the best treatment option for them. Magee-Womens Hospital of UPMC Auditorium, Level Zero 300 Halket Street Pittsburgh, PA 15213 Thursday, April 29, 6:30 p.m. Reservations required. To make a reservation, or for more information, visit and click on “More Classes and Events,” or by calling 412-802-8299.

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