IN Peters Township

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Wet Pets Celebrates 20 Years


Peters Township Newsletter Inside!



IN Peters Township is a non-partisan community publication dedicated to representing, encouraging and promoting the Peters Township area and its comprising municipalities by focusing on the talents and gifts of the people who live and work here. Our goal is to provide readers with the most informative and professional regional publication in the Commonwealth of Pe nnsylvania.

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IN Peters Township | April/May 2012 |

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Jeff Morris Outdoor Kitchens ....................................... | 64

Dr. Jay Feuer Wake Up! Snoring Can Be a Serious Problem .................................................... | 71

Karen K. Luther, D.P.M. ON THE COVER


Time to Get Moving ................................... | 73

The Taimuty family celebrates 20 years of business in Peters Township with Wet Pets.

Garrett S. Hoge, RFC, CFP®, MS The American Dream of Home Ownership .. | 74


Ron Gaab

Health and Wellness News You Can Use

10 Ways You Can Save $ on Your Homeowners Insurance – And Provide Better Protection for Yourself and the People You Love! ............... | 76 Let’s Get Physical What can a daily dose of moderate physical activity do for you? Plenty! As you get older, regular exercise is a key to staying strong, energetic, and healthy. To learn more about the link between fitness and aging, turn to page 3.



Colleen Bratkovich What’s Inside page 2

Need Quick, Convenient Care? Head to UPMC Mercy’s South Side Walk-in Clinic

page 3

Fit at Any Age

page 4

Surviving Allergies: What You Can Do Putting Ergonomics to Work for You

page 5

Brightening Lives With Light

page 6

A Walk to Remember

page 7 © 2012 UPMC


Veteran’s Pension Benefits and Aid and Attendance ............................................... | 79

A Lasting Legacy of Caring


Mike Pensenstadler, VMD Pet Obesity ............................................... | 80

Wet Pets & Friends Celebrates 20 Years of Excellence ................................................................................



Mortland Physical Therapy Building ............................................... | 81

Peters Middle School Essay Wins Award .......................



Bob & Lori Santo Second Languages for Young Children ......... | 82

PT Boys’ Lacrosse Hungry for Upcoming Season .......



Library Art Show ....................................................................



2012 Baseball Team Looking to Repeat as Section Champs .....................................................................



Summer Classes and More Awards for the Pittsburgh Youth Ballet Co. & School ............................



Wesley Spectrum Hosts Spring Gala ...............................



Peters Township Municipal .................................................



Premier Home Design Center ....... | 68

Peters Township Parks & Recreation ...............................



Swift Audiology ................................. | 78

Peters Township Library .......................................................



Beinhauer Family Services ............. | 84

UPMC Today | Health and Wellness News You Can Use ...........



Summit Physical Therapy ............... | 90

Special Value Coupons ........................................................



Sugar Run Nursery............................. | 94


Anna Wooten, M.D. Raise Your Glass and Your Body to Greet the New Year ..................................... | 86

Amie Guarino Yadouga 2012 Color of the Year ................................ | 87 Shaina Dymond Let the Dogs be Dogs ................................ | 89 BUSINESS SPOTLIGHTS

eters Township PUBLISHER


Marybeth Jeffries

elcome to the April/May issue of Peters Township magazine. This year, it seems summer started in early March. However, the warm days have given people a reason to get outside early and often. Bulbs are blooming earlier and joggers are out in force. So I hope you’ve had a chance to get out there and take advantage of the early summer, and while you’re at it, let us know what you’re up to. We try to fe ature as much local content as we can in each issue and hope that you enjoy that content. Now, we want to get even more local and ask you directly for your stories in each issue. These features don’t have to be about you or someone you know doing something extraordinary like climbing Mt. Everest or swimming the English Channel. We want to know what makes our readers tick. It could be that you’ve always wanted a classic Thunderbird and have been restoring one for the past few years. We’d like to see it, and I’m sure others would too. So let’s start off with that, since we’re coming into car cruise season: If you or someone you know has a pretty interesting restoration project going on in their garage, let us know! Email our editor, Mark Berton, at or call us at 724.942.0 940. We’ll be happy to hear your story and may even send one of our photographers out to capture your work for the next issue. Keep in mind, the project doesn’t necessarily need to be current – if you’ve been cruising in your restoration project for some time now, that’s okay, too. But we’d like to know what you did at the nuts and bolts level to get your baby roadworthy. If you’re just not sure one w ay or the other if you think you have a good story, call Mark and he’ll be happy to help you out!



Mark Berton [South and West] NORTH ZONE COORDINATOR




Debbie Mountain GRAPHIC DESIGN

Cassie Brkich Anna Buzzelli Sharon Cobb Susie Doak

Jan McEvoy Joe Milne Tamara Tylenda


Heather Holtschlage Kelly Lotter Leigh Lyons Dana McGrath

Joann Naser Gina Salinger Judith Schardt


Looking forward to seeing some whitewalls and chrome in the fall issue!

Ginni Hartle Brad Lauer

Have a great summer!


Derek Bayer Tom Poljak

Wayne Dollard, Publisher

Do you have a classic car that you’ve restored? If so, we’d like to hear about it. Email your name and contact information to

Kathleen Rudolph Gary Yon Tamara Myers


Brian Daley Gina D’Alicandro Tina Dollard Karen Fadzen Julie Graf Jason Huffman Lori Jeffries Connie McDaniel Brian McKee Gabriel Negri Aimee Nicolia

Robert Ojeda Ralph Palaski Annette Petrone Vincent Sabatini Jennifer Schaefer Michael Silvert Karen Turkovich RJ Vighetti Nikki Capezio-Watson Sophia Williard

This magazine is carrier route mailed to all district households and businesses. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. Copyright 2012. CORRESPONDENCE Direct all inquiries, comments and press releases to: IN Community Magazines Attn: Editorial 603 East McMurray Rd. McMurray, PA 15317 Ph: 724.942.0940 Fax: 724.942.0968 www.

June/July content deadline: 5/4/2012 Please recycle this magazine when you are through enjoying it.

4 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE |

Peters Township

Peters Township | April/May 2012 | 5

Peters Township Municipal Pages 

Dates to Remember

The next “National Drug Take Back Initiative” is rapidly approaching. As a result of the previous collections the Peters Township Police Department has collected 530 pounds of unwanted medications. The police department keeps a drop-box in the lobby of the police station to make it as convenient as possible for residents to dispose of unwanted medications. The next collection date is April 28, 2012, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Police officers will be manning collection sites in Peters Township at the following locations. The collection sites will accept medications in pill or liquid form. They w ill not accept needles or epi-pens.

McMURRAY DAIRY BAR 601 East McMurray Road McMurray, PA 15317 KMART 4041 Washington Road McMurray, PA 15317 WALGREENS 200 East McMurray Road, McMurray, PA, 15317 This program is unique in that it provides every individual an opportunity to do something good for their community and society as a whole. Disposing of unwanted medications properly protects the environment and keeps those medications from being abused. Please take the time to clean out your medicine cabinets and drop them off at one of the above locations.


Peterswood Park Expansion Dedication /Opening


2011 Year End Earned Income Tax Reconciliation due (send to Jordan Tax Service)


Clean Up Day at CRC 9 a.m.


EQB special recycling 9 a.m. to noon at the Public Works Garage


Taste of the Township 7-11 p.m. Valley Brook Country Club


First Quarter Earned Income Tax Due (Pay to Keystone Collections)



Memorial Day—Municipal Offices, CRC, Library Closed


Memorial Day—Garbage collection delayed one day all week.


Municipal Real Estate Tax Due at Discount


Tennis Fun Day at Tennis Center 9 a.m. -1 p.m.


Community Day 11 a.m. – 5 p.m. Peterswood Park Fireworks 9:30 p.m. CRC Closed

The annual roadside Clean Up Day is also clean up along streams, parks or other public areas. Saturday, April 21st. Volunteers will To sign up and gather at the Community Recreation Center at 9 a.m. Street request a location in advance, call assignment/ requests will be Public Works at made at that time. While you are 724.941.6161. If this is there you can enjoy a breakfast of not a good day for you, donuts, coffee or juice. We will please contact us to provide you with garbage bags, make accommodations safety vests, gloves if you need for a different day. them and a Peters Township T-shirt. This is a great opportunity to help make our township look nice and clean for spring. If you are concerned about working on a road, you can

Peters Township Council Members

Frank Arcuri

Robert Atkison

6 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE |

David M. Ball Peters Township

James F. Berquist

Robert Lewis Chairman

Monica R. Merrell

Gary J. Stiegel, Jr. Vice Chairman

I want to build a… Spring is almost here! It is the time of year when many residents think about installing pools, constructing additions, building decks, or making other various home improvements. Before beginning any project, it is important to contact the Township’s Planning Department because most home improvement activities require a permit. Permits are required so that the Township can ensure that all development activities meet Township requirements, or codes; these codes are in place to ensure that the right development occurs in the right place and prevent activity from occurring that will negatively impact surrounding properties. For example, would you want your neighbor constructing a large illuminated sign that flashes all night? No, that type of activity should be limited to commercial areas, such as Route 19. Below are some of the types of permits and the activities they enable. BUILDING PERMITS: If you want to build any type of structure – an addition, a shed, a deck or a pool (in-ground or above ground) – you will have to obtain a building permit. ZONING PERMITS: A Zoning Permit is required (rather than a building permit) for accessory structures 120 sq. ft. or less. This includes, but is not limited to items such as: sheds, sport courts, outdoor fireplaces, and play structures. REMODELING: Certain types of remodeling projects require a permit. Remodeling projects require permits if they are structural in nature or include electrical or plumbing changes. Changes such as siding and roof shingle replacement do not require a permit. GRADING: A permit is required if you are creating a slope that exceeds a 1-foot rise in a 3-foot distance (1:3), if you are filling or excavating more than 500 cubic yards, or if you are filling or excavating more than 4 feet in depth. FENCES AND FREESTANDING WALLS: A survey is required showing the proposed location of a new fence or free standing wall. Check with the Township on the maximum height and setbacks permitted. No fences or walls shall be located within a public or private road right-of-way. TEMPORARY SIGN PERMITS: If you want to advertise a sporting event, club meeting, fundraiser, charity event, etc. a temporary sign permit is required. One temporary sign per property may be installed for a period of two weeks after a permit is acquired.


My property looks amazing! But, that one… In addition to home improvements, spring is the time when routine chores such as mowing the lawn, pulling weeds, and removing unwanted trash are necessary to maintain your property in a clean, safe, and sanitary state. Peters Township is one of many municipalities in the area to enact a property maintenance code to prevent and enforce maintenance issues. When properties are unkempt, unsanitary, or unsafe, surrounding properties are negatively impacted. Some of the items the code attempts to address include: HIGH GRASS/WEEDS: Grass and weeds cannot be higher than 10” and vegetation may not grow into the streets blocking safe views for drivers. TRASH: Garbage, rubbish, waste materials, old building materials, litter, and other debris of any kind may not be left or accumulate on any property so as to create a nuisance and/or be detrimental to the public health and safety or to the environment. UNSAFE STRUCTURES & EQUIPMENT: Structures and/or equipment are determined to be unsafe when they pose a danger to the life, health, property or safety of the public or the occupants of the structure. The Building Inspector can require that any unsafe structures be repaired or demolished.


When applying for most permits, you must submit two to-scale surveys of your property (stamped with a surveyor’s seal) that show the exact location of the proposed construction activity as well as two sets of any architectural/ engineering drawings. The Department will review the plans to ensure that the proposed activity does not occur within any setbacks, easements or in any other unpermitted locations. The Building Inspector will also review any structural plans. Once the permit is approved, it is the sole responsibility of the property owner, and/or their representatives, to properly identify the exact location of all lot boundaries, easements, and setbacks and ensure that the structure is built in a location and manner approved on the permit. Should anything be erroneously constructed in a non-approved area or manner, the Township can require that the structure be altered or removed at the property owner’s expense, no matter the value of the structure or cost to alter or remove.


Property Maintenance Code

SWIMMING POOLS: Swimming pools must be in good repair and are not permitted to contain stagnant water.

If you have any question about permits, please do not hesitate to drop by or call the Planning Department. The Planning Department is located on the lower level of the Municipal Building and is open weekdays from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The phone number is 724.942.5005. If you have concerns with properties not being maintained, please call the Planning Department or email us your concern by going to the Peters Township homepage and clicking on the Citizen Action Line. 724.941.4180 Peters Township | April/May 2012 | 7

  

Peters Township Municipal Pages

Congratulations to those employees who have worked for the Township for 20 or more years; they include Police Officers Ron Robich, James Stevick, Gerald Maloni, David Stanton and Captain Michael Yanchak, as well as Building/Construction Inspector Richard Bright and Adm. Asst. Finance Linda Coyle. L to R: Richard Bright (25 yrs.), Linda Coyle (25 yrs.), James Stevick (20 yrs.), David Stanton (20 yrs.) and Michael Yanchak (30 yrs.). Not shown are Ronald Robich (20 yrs.) and Gerald Maloni (20 yrs.).

Photo by Gar y Yon

 The youth commission is a board of volunteers appointed by Council and the Washington County Juvenile Court Judge swears in members. The committee works with youths who are first time offenders for minor crimes, such as vandalism, trespassing, and criminal mischief. The Police Chief assigns the youths to commission review, if both the parents and victim agree. This is an alternative to juvenile court. A training program is developed for the members of the commission and all commission members have Act 34 and 35 clearances. Applications for the board are being accepted. L to R: (Sitting) Cathy Skidmore, Tammy Conrad; (Standing) Harry Fruecht, Doyle Holliday, Paul McGrath. Not shown is Timothy Skraitz.

Garbage Collection Discounts Peters Township Senior Citizens, age 65 or over are eligible for a 10% discount on garbage service. You can receive a discount by simply providing a photo ID that includes you date of birth and current address. You can stop by the Municipal Building to register or you can fax your photo ID to 724.942.5022. In addition Senior Citizens age 65 or over, widow or widowers age 50 or over and those totally disabled with an annual income below $35,000 may be eligible to receive an additional discount. To find out more or for an application form, call the Peters Township Municipal Office at 724.941.4180. 724.941.4180 8 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE |

Peters Township


As is the case for all municipalities in the state of Pennsylvania, Peters Township is transitioning from collecting Earned Income Tax on a local level to collecting the tax on a countywide basis. While change can be difficult, taxpayers can help themselves by following a few simple rules. 

Jordan Tax Service is responsible for Earned Income Tax collection for wages and income earned in 2011. Fourth quarter payments of these taxes should be sent to Jordan Tax Service. Likewise all Peters Township taxpayers must submit their 2011 Earned Income Tax return accompanied by the appropriate documentation to Jordan Tax Service no later than April 15, 2012. 

Commencing January 1, 2012 Keystone Collections Group is the new local earned income tax collector for all Washington County municipalities and school districts including Peters Township. As of January 1, your employer is required by Pennsylvania state law to withhold earned income taxes for all employees. Check you most recent paystub and verify that the Earned Income Tax is being withheld. If it is not, immediately contact your payroll department to have this corrected. Paul Lauer, Peters Township’s Assistant Manager, can be contacted at 724.941.4180 to assist you or your employer’s payroll department with any questions or concerns. Failure to withhold taxes by employers can result in fines, as well as penalty and interest being levied. To be able to correctly administer the collection of the Earned Income Tax, each employee is required to complete and return to your employer a new tax form called the Certificate of Residency. Copies of this form can be obtained on the Peters Township website – Do not return the Certificate of Residency form to Keystone Collections Group. If you are self-employed or if you have earnings reported on Form 1099, report your income and pay your tax quarterly. Please go to, select “Taxpayer Resources” and choose e-File. If you prefer to file by mail, you may alternatively contact Keystone by telephone at 724.978.2860 to obtain quarterly forms. Self-employed taxpayers must file and pay Earned Income Tax every quarter, either on-line or by mail, to avoid penalty and interest.

   Peters Township is encouraging residents and visitors to interact with the Township through Facebook and Twitter. The Township, along with the Parks & Recreation, Library, and Cable TV Departments, is excited about using this direct method of communication to keep residents informed and engaged on Township news and events. For more information on the Township's social media efforts, including links to the various Facebook and Twitter pages, visit the Social Media Links section of the Township’s website at

   Peters Township received 2nd Place in the state for our Popular Annual Report. This was awarded by the Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors. This is the largest group of municipalities in the state. Our 2011 annual report will appear in the next issue in IN Peters Township.

Peters Township | April/May 2012 | 9

Peters Township Municipal Pages

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site in 2011: 78 s Township Web


Visitors to the P

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Peters Township

Reading, Rec & More Parks and Recreation Department 700 Meredith Drive / Venetia, PA 15367 724.942.5000 COMMUNITY RECREATION CENTER HOURS Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. – 9 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Sunday 1 – 5 p.m.

SESSION 3 (8 weeks) May 7 – July 3, 2012 Registration begins April 16, 2012


CLOSED for the respective holidays Monday, May 28 (Memorial Day) Saturday, June 30, 2012 (Community Day)

EASY WAYS TO REGISTER: Online: Walk in: cash/check/Visa/MasterCard accepted Mail in: check and registration form to the Parks and Recreation Department, 700 Meredith Drive, Venetia, PA 15367


Special Events PETERSWOOD PARK EXPANSION PROJECT RIBBON CUTTING Join the Township in a ceremonial ribbon cutting commemorating the opening of the Peterswood Park Expansion project. There will be some honorary first pitches, and unveiling of the Bruni Drive street sign and a plaque in honor of the McMurray Rotary Club for their contribution to the purchase of tables for the observation deck. Softball will have some demonstrations and light refreshments will be served. We hope you will attend to share this memorable event! Date: Saturday, April 14 Time: 9 a.m. Location: Peterswood Park Expansion Site

34TH ANNUAL COMMUNITY DAY Mark the date... good food, entertainment, raffles, games and more will be taking place on June 30, 2012 at our 34th Annual Community Day in Peterswood Park. Learn more about local vendors and what they have to offer. If you would like to donate and have your business listed in our advertising or to participate in this successful event, contact us. (Fireworks at 9:30 p.m.) Date: Saturday, June 30 Time: 11 a.m. – 5 p.m. Location: Peterswood Park

What if a program is cancelled? Please register for programs at least one week prior to the start date to avoid cancellation. All classes must meet a predetermined minimum number of participants to be held. The Parks and Recreation Department reserves the right to cancel, combine or change any aspect of a program it deems necessary. Residents are given first priority during the registration process for events and classes. Sports programs are open to residents only. Refund policy: Full refunds will be given if requested more than 7 days before a class begins. All refunds requested by participants less than 7 days before a class begins will be assessed a $5 processing fee, plus any supplies already purchased. Refunds will not be given after the second class. Sorry, but refunds are not offered for special one-day classes or events, unless canceled. Call 724.942.5000 for information regarding day trips. Please allow 2-4 weeks for refunds to be processed.

BICYCLE SAFETY DAY (AGES 2 – 92 YEARS) If you enjoy biking and want to make sure your bike is safe, bring the whole family and enjoy some activities to get ready for the “Bike Season.” After you get your bike inspected, learn bike safety tips, go through the bike obstacle course and have your bike registered with the police department. After the event, feel free to bike on Arrowhead trail with your family. Program is held in conjunction with the Peters Township Police Department. (This is a great way to introduce the kids to the safety factors involved in biking.) Safety Handouts, advice and a great time! Date: May 13 (rain date May 20) Time: 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Location: Side parking lot at Recreation Center Fee: None (Pre-registration requested but not required) 724.942.5000 Peters Township | April/May 2012 | 11


Reading, Rec & More

Summer Camps




(AGES 6 – 11 YEARS) Three one-week sessions held in Shelter 4 (9 a.m. – noon) Weeks of July 9, July 16 and July 23.

(AGES 4 – 8 YEARS) Three one-week sessions held on Monday, Wednesday and Friday’s only at Elm Grove Park (9:30 a.m. – noon) Weeks of August 6, 13 and 20 More details will be included in the next magazine.

(AGES 7 – 12 YEARS) One-week session, held at the Peterswood Park Amphitheater (1 – 4 p.m.) Week of July 16.

  BASKETBALL FOR CHILDREN


(AGES 3 – 6 YEARS) Minimum 8 – Maximum 15 Enjoy learning the glorious team sport of basketball. Have a blast learning to make baskets, dribble, pass and play. Enthusiasm, excitement and energy will be a part of every class! Instructor: “Koach” Tim Conroy Day: Monday Time: 1 – 1:45 p.m. (Begins May 7) Day: Thursday Time: 9:30 – 10:15 a.m. (Begins May 3) Day: Thursday Time: 12:30 – 1:15 a.m. (Begins May 3) Fee: $77 Member / $115 Non-Member

(AGES 2 – 6 YEARS) Minimum 5 – Maximum 20 Class will include dinosaurs, geysers, kaleidoscopes, ice cream making and fun science experiments specifically for the preschooler. This interactive class will captivate their attention in science at an early age - a great class for siblings to work side by side. Instructor: Kathy Heinz Day: Monday Time: 9:30 – 10:30 a.m. OR Day: Wednesday Time: 1 – 2 p.m. Fee: $80 Member / $120 Non-Member Material Fee: $30 paid to instructor at the first class

TINY TOTS BALLET ENVIRO ART CLASSES (AGES 3 – 6 YEARS) Minimum 4 – Maximum 16 Art classes that are inspired by nature. We will learn about artists like Seurat and Mondrian and how nature inspired them. We will make a color wheel, learn different art techniques, and explore working with watercolors, clay, pastels and more. All materials are included, and after every class the students will have a finished piece of artwork to take home. Certified Instructor: Sue Ralston Day: Thursday Time: 12:30 – 1:30 p.m. Fee: $80 Member / $120 Non-Member

GAME TIME (AGES 3 – 6 YEARS) Minimum 8 – Maximum 20 What time is it? Game Time! Join “Koach” Tim Conroy for a brand–new program featuring kickball, Sharks and Minnows, soccer, relay races, Mr. Fox and much more! “Koach” will help the young athletes learn skills, sportsmanship, and the fun of playing games! Instructor: “Koach” Tim Conroy Day: Monday Time: 10 – 10:45 a.m. (Begins May 7) Fee: $77 Member / $115 Non-Member 12 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE |

(AGES 2 – 3 YEARS) Minimum 7 – Maximum 12 Magic Wands, Teddy Bears, & Tutus! Your child will love this action packed FUN class. They will be introduced to ballet, creative movement, learn ballet steps, use props, sing songs and begin to understand dance terminology. (Adults wait outside of the classroom.) Instructor: Richelle Tropeck, Dance Force Kids (Begins May 10th) Day: Thursday Time: 10 – 10:30 a.m. Fee: $69 Member / $104 Non-Member

KIDS TUMBLE & MOVE (AGES 2.5 – 4 YEARS) Minimum 7 – Maximum 12 Learn basic tumbling like crab walks, log rolls, jumps, bear walks, and leap frogs. Fun movement games and dances to help promote balance, rhythm, and body control. While practicing taking turns, performing in front of each other, working with partners, sing songs, dance with props, and more! (Adults wait outside of the classroom.)

Instructor: Richelle Tropeck, Dance Force Kids (Begins May 10th) Day: Thursday Time: 10:30 – 11 a.m. Fee: $62 Member / $93 Non-Member

PRINCESS PRE-BALLET (AGES 3 – 5 YEARS) Minimum 7 – Maximum 14 Calling all Princesses! In this magical princess themed class, they will learn ballet, creative dance, individual steps, across the floor movement and dance combinations. While dancing to their favorite princess music they will use fun props like scarves, magic wands, & more. All dancers will perform in class, on the last day of the session. Instructor: Richelle Tropeck, Dance Force Kids (Begins May 10th) Day: Thursday Time: 11– 11:45 a.m. OR Day: Thursday Time: 4 – 4:45 p.m. Fee: $69 Member / $104 Non-Member

DANCING TOGETHER! (ADULT PARTICIPATION) (AGES 1.5 - 3 YEARS) Minimum 7 – Maximum 12 Class is designed to give children the beginning elements of dance in a fun, comfortable, and creative learning environment. Class is guided through both listening and moving activities, and dances to get you both dancing around hand in hand. We will use props, sing songs, let the children explore the dance space, and have fun! (Adult participation required.) Instructor: Richelle Tropeck, Dance Force Kids Day: Thursday (Begins May 10th) Time: 11:45 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. Fee: $62 Member / $93 Non-Member 724.942.5000

Peters Township


Peters Township Parks and Recreation Department Tennis Center, Tennis Fun Day Event, sponsored by the Tennis Association and the High School Tennis. All are invited to a free day of tennis clinics, round robin play, speed serving contests, prizes, giveaways, food, refreshments and more. Contact the Tennis Center for more information.

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Open to Intermediate through Tournament Training level Junior Program Members. Ladder matches can be played any day or time as walk on court time. There will be a form passed out in the spring session and online with more details.


RESIDENT NON Spring/Fall Spring/Fall Peewee (3 – 5 years) Thursday 11—11:30 a.m. $40/$32 $60/$80 Thursday 1—1:30 p.m. $40/$32 $60/$80 Beginner/Advanced Beginner Tuesday 6—7 p.m. $80/$64 $120/$96 Thursday 6—7 p.m. $80/$64 $120/$96 Intermediate/Advanced Inter Tuesday 4—6 p.m. $160/$128 $240/$192 Thursday 4—6 p.m. $160/$128 $240/$192 Friday 4—6 p.m. $160/$128 $240/$192 Saturday 12–2 p.m. $160/$128 $240/$192 Advanced/Tournament Training Monday 4—6 p.m. $160/$128 $240/$192 Wednesday 4—6 p.m. $160/$128 $240/$192 Match Play coaches will be on hand to help players focus on shot selection, tactics, strategies, court positioning and mental toughness in singles and doubles Saturday 2—4 p.m. $100/$80 $150/$120 Sunday 12—2 p.m. $160/$128 $150/$120



Session 1 June 11 – July 1 (3 weeks) Session 2 July 2 – July 22 (3 weeks) Session 3 July 23 – August 12 (3 weeks) Session 4 August 13 – September 2 (3 weeks) **All classes move to evening times 4 – 6 p.m. and 6 – 7 p.m. beginning August 27**

LEVEL DAY Peewee (3 – 5 years) Tues & Thurs Fee Includes 2 classes per week (pick any 2 days) Beginner/Advanced Beginner Mon – Thurs Friday Saturday Intermediate/Advanced Inter Mon - Thurs Friday Saturday Advanced/Tournament Training Mon - Thurs Friday Saturday

TIME 10:30 —11 a.m.


NON $72

11 a.m. —12 p.m. 9 – 10 a.m. 1 – 2 p.m. 12 – 2 p.m. 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. 2 – 4 p.m. 12 – 2 p.m. 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. 2 – 4 p.m.

$96 $96 $96 $192 $192 $192 $192 $192 $192

$144 $144 $144 $288 $288 $288 $288 $288 $288

MATCH PLAY One Time Per Week LEVEL Intermediate/Advance Inter

Advanced / Tournament Training

DAY Wednesday Saturday Thursday Saturday

TIME 2 – 4 p.m. 4 – 6 p.m. 2 – 4 p.m. 4 – 6 p.m.

RESIDENT $60 $60 $60 $60

Twice Per Week. Contact Tennis Center for pricing. LEVEL Intermediate through Tournament Training

DAY Monday – Thursday Saturday

TIME 2-6 12-4

NON $90 $90 $90 $90


Peters Township | April/May 2012 | 13

Reading, Rec & More

YOUTH AND TEEN SOUTH ARTS CLASSES DRAWING, PAINTING AND SCULPTURE WILD ANIMALS (AGES 5 – 12 YEARS) Minimum 3 – Maximum 10 Students will enjoy unleashing their wild creativity by exploring wild animals in this themed class. Lions, Zebras, Elephants, and much more. Day: Monday Time: 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. Fee: $85 Member / $128 Non-Member

JR. DRAWING & CARTOONING (AGES 5 – 12 YEARS) Minimum 3 – Maximum 10 Let’s draw realistically, and then turn that drawing into a cartoon! Students will learn the basics of drawing such as shading and drawing marks of a specific subject and then use their imaginations for a fun cartoon. Please bring an 11 X 14 sketchbook or larger, a #2 pencil and a black Sharpie marker. Day: Tuesday Time: 6 – 7 p.m. Fee: $85 Member / $128 Non-Member

CREATIVE CLAY & SCULPTURE FOR KIDS (AGES 5 – 11 YEARS) Minimum 3 – Maximum 10 In this fun “hands on” class, students will express their creativity with air-dry clay. Exciting projects will include: a pinch pot, a coil vase, an animal sculpture, and much more! Day: Wednesday Time: 6 – 7 p.m. Fee: $85 Member / $128 Non-Member 14

Peters Township

KIDS’ HIP HOP BOOGIE (AGES 5 – 8 YEARS) Minimum 7 – Maximum 14 Bounce, Jump, & Spin! They will learn basic hip hop dance moves to fun kid’s music while building confidence, coordination, and rhythm. Movement games, using their imagination, and being creative is all a part of this great class. Instructor: Richelle Tropeck, Dance Force Kids (Begins May 10th) Day: Thursday Time: 4:45 – 5:30 p.m. Fee: $69 Member / $104 Non-Member

YOGA FOR YOUNG ATHLETES (AGES 7 – 13 YEARS) Minimum 5 – Maximum 10 Use yoga to increase strength, balance, flexibility and mental focus as well as to help injury prevention. Class will be on overall athletic fitness with a focus on the benefits of each pose to the particular sport(s) class participants are in. Instructor: Anne Chaikowsky, At OM Yoga Day: Monday Time: 7:15 – 8:15 p.m. Fee: $60 Member / $90 Non-Member

CHOI KWANG DO / MARTIAL ARTS INSTRUCTION This martial art is designed for all ages. Great for fitness, self esteem, attention span, self control, respect of others and learning to become a leader. There will be belt rank testings done with positive encouragement every two months at Choi Kwang Do of South Hills school. Instructor: David Hinerman Day: Thursday Ages: 3 – 5 Time: 5 – 5:30 p.m. Minimum 2 - Maximum 8 per class Ages: 6 – 13 Time: 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. Minimum 2 – Maximum 20 per class Family class ages 6 and above: Time: 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. Minimum 2 – Maximum 20 per class Fee: $90 Member / $135 Non-Member Uniform Fee: $25 uniform not included; paid to instructor 724.942.5000

Reading, Rec & More Adult




(AGES 14 – ADULT) Minimum 3 – Maximum 20

Minimum 6 – Maximum 20

You will be guided through a full body workout. Warm-up exercises, building stamina and increasing your balance; enjoy the beauty, benefits, and pleasure of ballet exercise for toning/elongating muscles, cardiovascular fitness and mental alertness. No prior experience required. Instructor: Janet E. Furtney of Improvement thru Movement Day: Wednesday Time: 7 – 8 p.m. Fee: $64 Member / $96 Non-Member

BEGINNER/INTERMEDIATE YOGA Minimum 6 – Maximum 20 Terry Gustas, certified yoga instructor, offers a blend of various styles of yoga including Kripalu, Ashtanga, Sivananda and Yin yoga. Increase strength, flexibility and endurance and reduce the effects of stress using breath work, meditation, and yoga posture. YOGA MAT REQUIRED! Instructor: Terry Gustas Day: Tuesday Time: 9 – 10 a.m. Fee: $50 Member / $75 Non-Member

DIRTY 30 BOOT CAMP Minimum 10 – Maximum 20 Everyone has time for this 30 minute POWER class of cardio, strengthening and core exercises. Stations, drills and so much more... you might even have fun!! Modifications will be shown. Instructor: Suzie Bode, AFAA certified Day: Thursday Time: 9:30 – 10 a.m. Fee: $25 Member / $38 Non-Member

POWER HOUR BOOT CAMP Minimum 10 – Maximum 20 Kick it up a notch with this 60 minute class that WILL challenge your body and soul to become stronger, leaner and more powerful. All types of equipment and challenges are utilized! Modifications will be shown. Instructor: Suzie Bode, AFAA certified Day: Monday OR Wednesday Time: 9 – 10 a.m. Fee: $50 Member/ $75 Non-Member

This class will utilize the gym space to really get you moving! We will alternate between rotating cardio stations and group strength training. This class is packed with so many fresh ideas, you’ll be wondering where the time went! Certified Instructor: over 20 years experience, Jennifer Alexander. Day: Monday Time: 9 – 10 a.m. Fee: $40 Member / $60 Non-Member


Certified Instructor: over 20 years experience, Jennifer Alexander. Day: Friday Time: 9 – 10 a.m. Fee: $40 Member / $60 Non-Member

YOGA - EVENING Minimum 8 – Maximum 30

BALLS ‘N BANDS Minimum 6 – Maximum 20 Trim, tone and tighten without ever using free weights! This class will use only resistance bands and stability balls for improved muscle tone and endurance. Any fitness level can be accommodated with the various ball sizes and variety of resistance bands. Certified Instructor: over 20 years experience, Jennifer Alexander. Day: Monday OR Friday Time: 10 – 10:30 a.m. Fee: $25 Member / $38 Non-Member

CARDIO PUMP Minimum 6 – Maximum 20 This class will keep you moving with intervals of step, kickboxing and plyometrics combined with shorter intervals of sculpting. Weights, stability ball, or resistance band to keep on moving right into the next cardio interval! All fitness levels are welcome! Certified Instructor: over 20 years experience, Jennifer Alexander. Day: Tuesday Time: 9 – 10 a.m. Fee: $40 Member / $60 Non-Member

TOTAL BODY SCULPTING Minimum 6 – Maximum 18 Join this strength training workout designed to shape and tone the body without building muscular size or bulk. The class will challenge your body by using free weights, resistance bands and the body ball. Any fitness level can enroll.

Yoga helps improve balance and flexibility. Other benefits are increased muscle strength, endurance, coordination and spinal elongation. In basic yoga we introduce breath work and light meditation to reduce stress and promote relaxation. Bring a yoga mat and yoga block. Instructor: Lynn Duda Day: Tuesday Time: 6 – 7 p.m. Fee: $56 Member / $84 Non-Member

IRON YOGA Minimum 6 – Maximum 20 Add a little zing to traditional yoga! Yoga poses are done with light hand weights to develop muscle definition, flexibility and balance. This is done through controlled movements, with an emphasis on breath and body awareness. Bring a yoga mat. Instructor: Gayle Zacharia, RYT Day: Monday Time: 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. Fee: $53 Member/ $80 Non-Member

MIXED LEVEL – YOGA FOR EVERY BODY Minimum 8 – Maximum 15 This Hatha Yoga class joins the breath (prana) to the postures (asanas) to create a flowing practice. This class is designed to increase strength, flexibility and balance for overall health, well being and harmony. Instructor: Gayle Zacharia, Certified RYT Day: Wednesday Time: 9:30 – 10:30 a.m. OR Day: Thursday Time: 9 – 10 a.m. Fee: $55 Member / $83 Non-Member

STEP IT UP + ABS Minimum 6 – Maximum 18 High energy, heart pumping classes using step choreography to keep you moving and grooving to the beat of the music! No two classes are ever the same! Intermediate to advanced levels. Instructor: Marjorie Kay Yaksich, Aerobics and Fitness Association of America Certified. Day: Tuesday Time: 7 – 8 p.m. Day: Thursday Time: 8 – 9 p.m. Fee: $30 Member / $45 Non-Member

Peters Township | April/May 2012 | 15


ZUMBA Minimum 10 – Maximum 75 Zumba is a fusion of Latin and International music and dance themes creating a dynamic, exciting, effective fitness system. *Includes Zumba Toning which utilizes lightweight toning sticks/or dumbbells. Sticks can be purchased from instructor or bring 1-3 lb. hand weights. Certified Zumba Instructor: Debbie Colditz Day: Tuesday Time: 7:15 – 8:15 p.m. Day: Wednesday * Time: 9 – 10 a.m. Day: Friday Time: 9 – 10 a.m. Fee: $50 Member / $75 Non-Member

ZUMBA GOLD Minimum 10 – Maximum 75 Zumba Gold targets the largest growing segment of the population: baby boomers. It takes the Zumba formula and modifies the moves and pacing to suit the needs of the active older participant, as well as those just starting their journey to a fit and healthy lifestyle. What stays the same are all the elements the Zumba FitnessParty is known for: the zesty Latin music. Active older adults want camaraderie, excitement and fitness as a regular part of their weekly schedule. Zumba Gold is the perfect fit. Day: Tuesday Time: 6:30 – 7 p.m. Fee: $25 Member / $38 Non-Member

ZUMBA TONING Minimum 20 – Maximum 30 Take the original Zumba fitness class to the next level utilizing an innovative muscle training protocol and the addition of lightweight toning sticks or dumbbells. Must bring 1-3 lb. Zumba toning sticks or dumbbells. (Toning sticks are preferred since the Toning Program is designed for their use.) Sticks can be purchased at This class is not recommended for anyone with neck or shoulder pain/injuries. Certified Zumba Instructor: Debbie Colditz Prerequisite: Participants must have attended a minimum of one Zumba session at the Recreation Center. Day: Wednesday Time: 10:15 – 10:45 a.m. Fee: $25 Member / $38 Non-Member


Minimum 7 – Maximum 15

Minimum 8 – Maximum 20

This class is designed for folks ages 50 – 65. We’ll strengthen and stretch muscles to help increase strength, bone density, flexibility, and balance. The class includes strength training with weights and bands as well as gentle stretching and stability balls. Add strength and reduce strains and pains to feel better! Certified Instructor: Robbie Schuldt Day: Tuesday Time: 1 – 2 p.m. Fee: $56 Member / $84 Non-Member

This program is easy on joints, yet tough on muscles. 30 minutes of upbeat free weights and core work, followed by 30 minutes of mat pilates. Nancy’s enthusiasm and upbeat programming will keep you entertained as you melt away inches and relieve stress. All levels. (No class June 21) Instructor: Nancy Griffin Day: Thursday Time: 9 – 10 a.m. Fee: $56 Member / $84 Non-Member



Minimum 6 – Maximum 15

Minimum 8 – Maximum 30

Tai Chi for Health improves balance and ease, and generates vitality and strength through gentle flowing movement. This “meditation in motion” is a time tested practice to energize your body and calm your mind. Relaxing yet challenging, it can be rewarding for all ages and fitness levels. Instructor: Tracy Eisenman Day: Thursday Time: 6 – 7 p.m. Fee: $56 Member / $84 Non-Member

It’s the hottest fitness trend! Hooping is exercise, dance and fitness that burns over 500 calories an hour. Learn basic hoop moves, drop weight and have a blast. Flatten your abs and feel like a kid again with these over-sized hoops available through Nancy. (No class June 19) Instructor: Nancy Griffin Day: Tuesdays Time: 10:15 – 11 a.m. Fee: $56 Member / $84 Non-Member



(AGES 14 – ADULTS) Minimum 6 – Maximum 24

Minimum 8 - Maximum 20

Forget your troubles! Learn ballroom for exercise, cruise, wedding, social etiquette, school dance, or just for fun!! This course gives an introduction to the most popular dances requested at this time. It includes the slow and fast social dances in Ballroom and Latin styles. Instructor: Kathy Burchill of Dryden Dance Center

BALLROOM III Learn basic steps and patterns in Quickstep, Rumba, Tango and Samba Day: Tuesday Time: 6 – 7 p.m. Fee: $75 Member / $113 Non-Member

BALLROOM I Learn basic steps and patterns in the four most used dances; Foxtrot Swing/Freestyle, Waltz and Cha Cha Cha/Salsa Day: Tuesday Time: 7 – 8 p.m. Fee: $75 Member / $113 Non-Member

BALLROOM II (Ballroom 1 required) Review dances in Ballroom 1 and add new patterns. Day: Tuesday Time: 8 – 9 p.m. Fee: $75 Member / $113 Non-Member

Minimum 6 – Maximum 15


Runners get great cardio exercise, but need flexibility and strength training for well-balanced fitness. This class focuses on upper body strengthening and lower body stretching. Learn some quick and effective pre-run and post-run stretch routines to add to your training. Certified Instructor: Robbie Schuldt Day: Monday Time: 8 – 9 p.m. Fee: $56 Member / $84 Non-Member

Minimum 5 – Maximum 15


Peters Township

Line dancing will open your life to a whole new world!! It’s great fun, and good exercise for the mind and the body! Line dancing has been proven to be the best exercise to help prevent Alzheimer's disease! Two left feet?? No problem! Instructor: Frieda Hayson Day: Thursday Time: 9:15 – 11:15 a.m. Fee: $55 Member / $83 Non-Member

Melt away inches and the tension and pain in your joints. 30 minutes of strength and core work followed by 30 minutes of mat pilates. No need to watch the clock, Nancy will keep you laughing as you melt away inches and stress. All levels. (No class June 18) Day: Mondays Time: 7 – 8 p.m. Fee: $56 Member / $84 Non-Member

KETTLELATES: KETTLE BELLS, PILATES & YOGA “NEW!” Minimum 8 – Maximum 30 30 minutes of kettlebells, with minimal rest, followed by 30 minutes of pilates and a yoga warm down. Once you try Kettlebells you will be hooked! Sculpt your physique, flatten your abs and join the elite! Bring your own Kettlebells. Questions? Contact Nancy 888.733.7375 (No class June 19) Day: Tuesdays Time: 9 – 10 am Fee: $56 Member / $84 Non-Member

MEN’S ADULT VOLLEYBALL A drop-in format. Meets on Thursdays from 6:30 – 9 p.m. Must be a township resident and a member of the Community Recreation Center. Coordinator: Dave Davis

MEN’S OVER 30 BASKETBALL Drop-in program meets on Thursdays from 7 – 9 p.m. and Sundays from 1 – 3 p.m. Must be a township resident and a member of the Community Recreation Center.

  HOW A PLANT-BASED LIFESTYLE CAN HELP YOU TO PREVENT, RESOLVE, OR FIGHT YOUR CHRONIC CONDITION Do you or a loved one have high blood pressure? elevated cholesterol? chest pain? type II diabetes? osteoporosis? cancer? battles with weight? Take control of your condition and choose a natural, yet effective alternative to a lifetime of drugs, repeated surgeries, and side effects. Instructor: Tracey Eakin Dates: Attend one or all session. May 15 Time: 7 – 9 p.m. May 19 Time: 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. June 2 Time: 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. June 10 Time: 2 – 4 p.m. Fee: $25/Members, $38/class non-members

BATH SALTS AND POTPOURRI Come and learn how to make bath salts or potpourri using herbs from your garden. Instructor: Master Gardener Day: Saturday, May 19 Time: 10 – 11 a.m. Fee: Free Material Fee: $5


FAIRY GARDENS Learn how to transform a small garden, focal area or even a container into a fairy garden. We will discuss the type of small structures and accessories that will complement your garden and the best plants suited for wee gardening. Let your imagination run wild and invite children of any age to help you create this whimsical habitat designed exclusively for fairies. Instructor: Master Gardener Day: Saturday June 9 Time: 10 – 11 a.m. Fee: Free

ANIMAL REIKI Learn how to soothe your cat, dog, horse or husband. Reiki works on all animals and humans. Come see how energy works. Location: Community Room, 200 Municipal Drive, in the back of the Police Station (off of McMurray Road, near the Library). Choose a date to attend. Day: Sunday, March 25 Time: 3 – 4 p.m. Day: Sunday, April 22 Time: 3 – 4 p.m. Fee: $10 Member / $15 Non-Member


Rei is Japanese for universal and Ki is energy Reiki is an ancient healing practice; it reduces tension, promotes healing, and aids peaceful Test Anxiety bothering your child? Learn how guided imagery can calm and reinforce positive sleep. It’s useful for cancer patients, trauma incidents, children and animals. A very easy outcomes on tests and other areas of life. method to learn, it is powerful, yet simplistic. Changing thoughts can change your outcome Choose a date to attend. for the better. Children and adults welcome. Instructor: Lois Reich Instructor: Lois Reich Time: 3 – 4 p.m. Day: Tuesday, May 8 Time: 7 – 8 p.m. Day: Saturday, March 17 Time: 3 – 4 p.m. Day: Tuesday, May 22 Time: 7 – 8 p.m. Day: Sunday, April 1 Day: Tuesday, June 7 Time: 7 – 8 p.m. Fee: $10 Member / $15 Non-Member Fee: $15 Member/ $23 Non-Members




(For small breed puppies and adult dogs up to 25 pounds maximum) Small breed dogs are just as capable as larger dogs of learning basic obedience commands and good manners. However, our experience has taught us that small breed dogs--and their owners--can feel overwhelmed in a classroom full of big dogs. Also, training methods--and even hand signals--sometimes need to be modified in order for you to communicate effectively with your small dog. So we have created a class just for the little guys! Come and learn the most effective ways to train your small dog and avoid the common mistakes small breed owners make. Multiple techniques, including clicker training and confidence-building exercises will be presented. We will teach you how to treat your little dog like real dog, while keeping in mind the special considerations small breeds require. Class limited to 10 small breed dogs. Dates: Thursdays, May 17 – June 21 (6 one-hour sessions) Time: 7 – 8 p.m. Fee: $90 Residents / $135 Non-Residents ($30 for non-handler auditors) Instructors: Deborah Miller-Gurchak and assistant Kelly Pontiere Location: Community Room, 200 Municipal Drive, in the back of the Police Station (off of McMurray Road, near the Library) Requirements: All dogs must be in good health and have up-to-date vaccinations. No aggressive dogs.

(For adult dogs and puppies 10 weeks and up) Do you take your dog for a walk, or does he take you? Are you tired of the pulling? Have you tried everything and still have a problem? Or perhaps you have a puppy or young dog and want to prevent these problems before they start. Come and learn modern, gentle methods of training your puppy or adult dog to pay attention to you and walk nicely on a loose leash. We will teach you several techniques (including clicker training) that will change the way your dog thinks while on a leash, and make walking more enjoyable for both of you. A 4 to 6-foot fabric or leather leash (no retractable leads, please), a regular buckle collar, and some treats are all you will need. Adult dogs as well as puppies (10 weeks and up) are welcome. Class limited to 8 dogs. Dates: Thursdays, May 17 –June 21 (6 one-hour sessions) Time: 8:15 – 9:15 p.m. Fee: $90 Residents / $135 Non-Residents ($30 for non-handler auditors) Instructors: Deborah Miller-Gurchak and assistant Kelly Pontiere Location: Community Room, 200 Municipal Drive, in the back of the Police Station (off of McMurray Road, near the Library) Requirements: All dogs must be in good health and have up-to-date vaccinations. No aggressive dogs. 724.942.5000 Peters Township | April/May 2012 | 17

Reading, Rec & More

 

   FENCING – BEGINNER 1/ BASIC SKILLS 1 CLASS (AGES 7 AND UP) Minimum 6 – Maximum 20 Fencing combines power, finesse, strategy, speed, balance to form an exhilarating sport that is enjoyable for a lifetime. Covering a brief history of fencing, proper technique, and introducing fencer’s rules, and how to compete against each other in a bout. Instructor: Three Rivers Fencing Day: Wednesday Time: 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. Fee: $70 Member / $105 Non-Member Additional Fee: $35 paid to instructor for equipment rental

FENCING – BEGINNER 2 CLASS (AGES 7 AND UP) Minimum 6 - Maximum 20 After passing Beginner 1 Class test will take the basics learned in Beginner Class, expanding the options for fencers wanting to know more. Including an introduction to electric fencing, concluding with a mini tournament for participants during the last class. Instructor: Three Rivers Fencing Day: Wednesday Time: 7:30 – 8:30 p.m. Fee: $70 Member / $105 Non-Member Additional Fee: $35 paid to instructor for equipment rental

SILVERSNEAKERS® YOGA STRETCH AND MUSCULAR STRENGTH & RANGE OF MOVEMENT CLASSES: MUSCULAR STRENGTH & RANGE OF MOVEMENT (AGES 65 AND OVER) Fee: $80 Member / $120 Non-Member Fee charged if not covered by health insurance. This includes all classes offered in the session.

MUSCULAR STRENGTH & RANGE OF MOVEMENT Have fun and move to the music through a variety of exercises designed to increase muscular strength, range of movement, and activity for daily living skills. Handheld weights, elastic tubing with handles, and a ball are offered for resistance; and a chair is used for seated and/or standing support. Free to select Medicare/local health care plan qualified participants. Day: Monday & Wednesday Time: 10 – 10:45 a.m.

YOGASTRETCH Move your whole body through a complete series of seated and standing yoga poses. Chair support is offered to safely perform a variety of postures designed to increase flexibility, balance and range of movement. Restorative breathing exercises and final relaxation will promote stress reduction and mental clarity. Instructor: Suzie Bode Day: Thursday Time: 8:30 – 9:15 a.m.


Peters Township

(AGES 50 PLUS) Classes review rules of the road, accident prevention and overcoming the effects of aging on driving performance. (Must show proof you completed the previous 8-hour class to attend the 4 hour refresher class.) All classes held in the Community Room (by police station) Fee: $12 for AARP members/$14 for non-members. Checks payable to AARP; register at the Parks and Recreation Department. Date: May 14 Refresher course Time: 4 – 8 p.m. Date: May 19 & 20 8 Hour Course Time: Noon – 4 p.m. (Saturday and Sunday from both days)

SENIOR BUS TRIP All aboard! A “Vegas Getaway” on the Three Rivers! Come enjoy a 2 hour cruise on the Gateway Clipper with a great luncheon buffet and Bo Wagner’s “Frank and Dean Revue” then after the cruise, we are off to the River’s Casino for some time to unwind. Departing approximately 10 a.m. and returning home at approximately 6:30 p.m. Date: Monday, June 11 Fee: $87 Deadline for Registration: May 21


Card Players meet the fourth Tuesday afternoon of the month at the community center from 1–4 p.m. Drop-ins welcome. No pre-registration required. Men and women of all ages are welcome. Beverages and snacks are provided. Donations welcome. For more information call Rae Helman at 724.941.1081.

Luncheons are held at the Recreation Center on the second Wednesday of each month from 12 – 2 p.m. We ask that you bring a covered dish and share with others. The second hour we provide entertainment or a lecture. Date: May 9 Fee: Free (smiles required)



500 BID

We are looking for new players! Fee: $15 per year used for supplies and a charitable donation. For more information call Joan Knoll at 724.743.1767. Location: Community Room, 200 Municipal Drive, in the back of the Police Station (off McMurray Road, near the Library) Marathon Bridge: First Tuesday of every month from 9:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Duplicate Bridge: Third Tuesday of every month from 9:30 a.m.-1 p.m. 724.942.5000 18


Picnics are held outside in Peterswood Park, shelter 4, weather permitting, if inclement weather, picnic will be moved to recreation center. We provide hot dogs and hamburgers; we ask that everyone bring a covered dish. Sponsored in conjunction with Area Agency on Aging. Dates: June 13 Time: 4 - 6 p.m. July 11 Time: 4 - 6 p.m. Fee: Free (but request a smile and a covered dish to share)

Reading, Rec & More


Closed: Friday, April 6; Sunday, April 8; Sunday, May 27 (start of closed Sundays in summer); Monday, May 28 Peters Township Public Library 616 E. McMurray Road McMurray, PA 15317 724.941.9430

Library Hours Monday – Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday (Sept.–May)

National Library Month Reading Challenge!

9 a.m. – 9 p.m. 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. 12 noon – 4 p.m.

  AfterSchool Edge The library’s new AfterSchool Edge workstation is a complete digital learning solution loaded with 50 educational software titles for young learners ages 6 – 14. AfterSchool Edge offers children a safe, standalone computer not connected to the Internet that is ageappropriate, engaging, and academically relevant for children. Software covers seven curricular areas including reading, math, science, social studies, writing, arts and music, and reference. Take a look the next time you’re in the Children’s Department! Playaway View Have you seen the new Playaway Views in the Children’s Department? Playaway Views come pre-loaded with multiple videos – users just need to press play to get started! Playaway Views are portable (the hand held device weighs only 5.4 ounces and is comparable in size to a GPS navigation device), durable, and convenient – each Playaway View can hold several hours of content and can be charged with a standard AC Adaptor. Headphones may be used but are not required. Playaway Views are only available at libraries, so come in soon to check them out!

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Save the date for our 11th Annual Taste of the Township. Join your neighbors, friends and family for a fun night of delicious food, terrific silent auction and Chinese auction items and great entertainment. Tickets are $50 per person and are available at the library’s circulation desk. All proceeds benefit the library.

Hurry… tickets are limited!

National Library Week is April 8 – 14, 2012, but we’re celebrating the whole month of April with a special reading challenge for children ages 12 months – 18 years! Using our “This Little Piggy Went to… the Peters Township Public Library” Knowledge Bank, participants can check out from the library and read books (or have books read to them) to compete for prizes. Beginning April 2, read five library books to receive your “Knowledge Bank” – keep checking out and reading library books to receive one raffle ticket per book read to place in your bank (banks must stay at the library for the duration of the challenge). On Monday, April 30, all tickets will be entered in a raffle, and three lucky winners will be selected for special prizes. Everyone who participates will get to pick up their bank after April 30. Please see the Children’s Department Reference Desk for more details. Happy reading!

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Reading, Rec & More  Call or stop by the library to sign up for weekly children’s programs. See our website at for a full listing of programs. Please register in the Children’s Department unless otherwise noted.

Learn to Massage Your Baby

Programs for Kids and Parents

Ages: Parents and babies of All Ages! Day/Time: Saturday, April 21 and Saturday, April 28, 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. We Love Our Library! National Presented by: Diana McLaughlin, M. Ed., LPC Library Week Story-Time In this free class for parents and their babies, parents will learn of the benefits of infant massage. Baby massage helps babies sleep Day/Time: Tuesday, April 10, better, improves digestion, reduces fussiness and colic, deepens 6 – 6:45 p.m. Join us as we begin National Library bonding and helps communication. Week with an extra-special Family Pajama Story-Time. Join us for crafts, Programs for Grades One stories, and games celebrating one of our favorite places – the library! and Up

LEGOs at the Library!

Girls’ Night Out Ages: Girls Grades 3 – 6 Day/Time: Mondays, April 16, May 14, 6 – 8 p.m. Sometimes you need a night out—just us girls! Enjoy snacks, books, crafts, games, chick flicks, and more in this special book club for girls only!

Fans of Fantasy Book Club Ages: Grades 4 – 8 Day/Time: Thursdays, April 26, May 24, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. Fans of fantasy get together for a fun-filled night of games, snacks, prizes, crafts, movies, and much more! We’ve already traveled through the lands of Inkheart, Eragon, Narnia, Spiderwick, Ember… and beyond. Join us as we meet once a month to talk about the new books we’ve read and what we will read next.

Paws for Reading Ages: Grades 1 and up Day/Time: Saturdays, April 14, May 12, 10 – 11:40 a.m. Come into the library, curl up with a canine companion, and… you guessed it, read! In this returning program, children in grades 1 and up can visit with a registered therapy dog at the library to gain extra selfconfidence and fluency by 20

Peters Township

spending time reading to these attentive animals. Call or stop in to sign up for your 20-minute time slot.

Chinese Language for Children Ages: Grades 2 – 8 Day/Time: 7 weeks, April 28 – June 9, 2012 Saturdays, 9:30 – 10:50 a.m. Cost: $55 Instructor: Barbara Chen, native Chinese speaker, M. Ed. This class is designed with the idea that children learn best from the content which is relevant to their everyday lives. Students will learn pronunciation, meaningful characters, phrases, sentence structures, writing and cultures. Students will apply what they learn in real-life situations through our roleplaying and acting which makes learning fun and exciting. Beginners are welcome. Any other questions, please email Register at the library's circulation desk.

Day/Time: Saturday, May 5, 1 – 2:30 p.m. Bring your parents and your LEGOs for a fun-filled LEGO extravaganza! Build new creations and compete with your friends for the most amazing things you can make from your imagination! Show off your LEGO skills and have a LEGO day! Play Lego games on the Wii… plus watch clips from an awesome LEGO movie! Let’s go to LEGOs at the Library!

Star Wars Story-Time Day/Time: Tuesday, May 8, 6 – 6:45 p.m. Long, long ago in a galaxy far, far away… comes to a library near you! Wear your Star Wars costume or outfit! Make your very own light saber! Share stories from the Star Wars universe and watch R2-D2’s favorite video! Use the force and come to the good side at our Star Wars Story-Time.

Mother’s Day Story-Time and Craft Day/Time: Thursday, May 10, 6:30 – 7:15 p.m. Come for a special story-time and make a craft for MOM just in time for Mother’s Day!

ART PROGRAMS Charcoal Pencil & Colored Chalk Pastels Ages: 4-6 Day/Time: 4 weeks, April 3 - 24 Tuesdays, 2:30 – 3:30 p.m. Limit: 12 children Cost: $13 plus supplies Ages: 7 – 13 Day/Time: 4 weeks, April 3 - 24 Tuesdays, 4 – 5:30 p.m. Limit: 15 children Cost: $15 plus supplies Students will learn basic techniques with charcoal pencils and colored chalk pastels. Register at the library’s circulation desk; please see supply list when registering.

Watercolor Pencils Ages: 4 – 6 Day/Time: 4 weeks, May 1 - 22 Tuesdays, 2:30 – 3:30 p.m. Limit: 12 children Cost: $13 plus supplies Ages: 7 – 13 Day/Time: 4 weeks, May 1 - 22 Tuesdays, 4 – 5:30 p.m. Limit: 15 children Cost: $15 plus supplies Students will learn basic techniques with watercolor pencils. Register at the library’s circulation desk; please see supply list when registering.

Movie Nights Day/Time: To be announced; check at the Children’s Reference Desk for the latest listings. It’s movie night at the library! Bring your whole family and watch terrific new release movies. We’ll provide the popcorn and candy – you don't even have to buy tickets! What could be better? Just bring a sleeping bag or stuffed animal friend. See you at the movies!

Reading, Rec & More

YOUNG ADULT PROGRAMS Programs for Tweens and Teens in 6th – 12th grade unless otherwise noted; please register at the Teen Desk unless otherwise noted.

PROGRAMS Egg-Decorating Party

Chinese Language for Young Adults / Adults

Ages: 9th grade and older Wednesday, April 4, 3:30 – 5 p.m. Dates/Times: 7 weeks, April 28 – Get into the spring-time June 9, 2012 spirit with an afternoon eggSaturdays, Noon – 1:00 p.m. decorating craft! All supplies Cost: $45 will be provided. Instructor: Barbara Chen, native Chinese speaker, M. Ed. National Library Week This class is designed to build Celebration students’ understanding of Dates/Times: Thursday, April 12, Chinese language and culture with themes and topics that are 3:30 – 5 p.m. relevant to their daily lives. The Celebrate National Library Week with this special program in relevant context makes learning fun and effective. The the Teen Reading Room. We’ll motivational design inspires have crafts, snacks, stories and students with confidence to raffle off an awesome prize to explore Chinese language and one lucky winner! culture. Students will apply what they learn in real-life situations Russian 1 Language for through our role-playing and Young Adults / Adults acting which makes learning fun Ages: 12 and older and exciting. Beginners are Dates/Times: 6 weeks, welcome. Any other questions, April 21 – May 26, 2012 please email When: Saturdays, 10:45 a.m. - Noon Cost: $30 In addition, a text book will be on reserve to purchase at Barnes and Noble book store at South Hills Village ($20) Minimum: 3 students Instructor: Ivanka Nikolova, Ph. D. Students can learn basics of Cinco De Mayo Fiesta the Russian language (some reading and writing as well) from Dates/Times: Wednesday, May 2, 3:30 – 5 p.m. native Bulgarian and Russian Join us in the Teen Reading graduate, Ivanka Nikolova. Room for an afternoon fiesta Lessons are interactive, audio celebrating Cinco de Mayo! We’ll and pleasant to attend. Students have food, a craft and a movie will learn the Russian alphabet, based on the holiday. Olé! basic phrases to introduce themselves and ask for directions, as well as questions ONGOING PROGRAMS about everyday life. Free Anime Club conversation on Russian culture and life will be offered at the end Dates/Times: Fridays through May 25 (no session on April 6), of each session. Dr. Nikolova 3 – 5 p.m. offers a unique opportunity to All Otaku are welcome to learn about the Russian culture.


TOURNAMENTS Mario Kart! Dates: Saturdays, April 21, May 12 (Grand Championship) Times: Noon – 3:30 p.m. (Check in is at 11:30 a.m.) All Ages Welcome! Cost: $2 entrance fee Start your engines and join us in the Teen Reading Room to show off your racing skills to all your friends. Each participant will have the chance to race once, and the top two winners will move on to the final three qualification rounds. Top two winners from each tournament will advance to the Grand Championship in May! celebrate your love of Anime and Manga. During this weekly program, we’ll discuss and watch our favorites in comics, DVDs and magazines! Also, be sure to check out our brand new Anime collection in the Teen Reading Room!

Afternoon Movie & Munchies Dates/Times: Thursdays, April 5, May 24, 4 – 6 p.m. Need a break from homework or a chance to get out of the cold? Then join us for a relaxing afternoon of movies in the Teen Reading Room. You pick the movie, we’ll provide the popcorn!

Culinary Creations Dates/Times: Wednesdays, April 18, May 16, 3:30 – 5 p.m. Join us after school to make delicious treats in the Teen Reading Room. Get creative with food and learn how to make delicious and simple no-bake recipes.

Teen Art Club Dates/Times: Thursdays, April 26, May 17, 3:30 – 5 p.m. Every month, we’ll have a new project to try. Painting, button-making, t-shirt design, duct tape crafts, beading and a whole lot more! Stop in for a crafty afternoon!

After Hours Movie Night Dates/Times: Fridays, April 13, May 11, 6 – 8 p.m. (Teen Room opens at 5 p.m.) All ages welcome Love going to the movies, but hate paying full price for a ticket? Then join us monthly in the Teen Reading Room to watch a movie and have popcorn, FREE OF CHARGE! For your convenience, the Teen Room will remain open after hours, from 5 – 8 p.m. Call the Teen Desk or check our website to see what movie we’re showing each month.

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Reading, Rec & More

 For all free programs, please register at the library’s circulation desk, by telephone at 724.941.9430, online at the library’s website ( through EventKeeper or by email at (please include name of program, name of participant, and phone number). For those programs with fees, registration must be completed in person at the circulation desk; registration is not complete until payment has been received.

Introduction to Crochet

Guiding Eyes for the Blind

Celebrate Earth Day 2012

4 weeks, April 2 – 23 OR 4 weeks, April 30 – May 21 Mondays, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. Cost: $30 per 4-week session (includes a start-up kit with crochet hook and yarn) Maximum: 6 Instructor: Cathy Layton Join us for a 4-week class to learn the basics of this old, now-new-again art of crochet. We’ll enjoy learning about the originality of this craft and see how to use it in decorative and creative ways that are limited only by your imagination. It’s not just about afghans!

Wednesday, April 18, 7 – 8 p.m. Presented by: Susan Dishart, Vice President of Marketing and Development for Guiding Eyes for the Blind Join us as we learn about Guiding Eyes for the Blind, an internationally accredited nonprofit guide dog school founded in 1954. Guiding Eyes for the Blind is one of the foremost guide dog schools in the world, known for its cutting-edge training programs, commitment to excellence, and dedication to its elite and superbly trained guide dogs. The school provides professional instruction and follow-up support services to the blind at no cost to them. We will also be meeting a local graduate of the program. Please see for more information.

Sunday, April 22, 1 – 4:30 p.m. The Peters Township Public Library GO Green Club will host an afternoon of familyfriendly activities at Celebrate Earth Day 2012. The celebration kicks off with a special storytime featuring Scott Blasey of The Clarks reading “The Lorax” by Dr. Seuss, to be followed by a hands-on seed-planting project for the kids, games, and other fun learning experiences. Information will be available on “green” topics for the whole family. A screening of the film “Bag It” (run time: 74 minutes) will begin at 3 p.m. This documentary follows the story of an average guy who makes a resolution to stop using plastic bags at the grocery store. Little does he know that this simple decision will change his life completely. No registration is necessary for the afternoon drop-in events. To attend the film screening, please register at programs@ptlibrary or at the circulation desk.

Large Pond Management Saturday, April 14, 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Cost: $15 (materials will be included) Limit: 20 Presented by: Dana Rizzo and Susan Boser, Water Quality Educators Penn State Extension, and Tim Wood, Pond Consultant with Aquatic Edge Consulting Ponds can provide many recreational benefits to homeowners, but they have their share of problems. Some may develop leaks or fill with sediment, or the water may be muddy, or choked with weeds and algae. And sometimes, that big fish you hoped would be there for the kids to catch just doesn’t materialize. Presenters will offer tips and advice on common pond problems and proper management, with a special focus on identifying and controlling nuisance plants and algae. Online registration is not yet available, but those interested may call 724.837.1402 to be put on a list and contacted when registration is open. Registration closes on Wednesday, April 11, 2012 and is limited to 20 people.

Achieving Peak Performance Saturday, April 21, 10 a.m. – Noon Presented by: Thomas M. Crea, Coach/Consultant What is your definition of success? Those who are most self-aware and true to their unique strengths seem to be happier and have it easier. Why? In this workshop we’ll explore secrets of successful individuals and teams such as the 1980 U.S. Men’s Olympic Hockey “Miracle on Ice” who triumphed despite their underdog status. This workshop is open to adults as well as students (middle school and older). Parents and children are encouraged to attend together to get the most out of the information provided.

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Western PA Mushroom Club Tuesday, April 24, 6 – 8 p.m. The Western Pennsylvania Mushroom Club was created to promote the enjoyment, study, and exchange of information about wild mushrooms. Activities include regular meetings, projects centered on mushrooms, and walks and forays. Participants are invited to attend one meeting at no cost, after which, if they are interested in joining, they must submit a yearly individual membership fee of $15 or a family membership fee of $20. Members must also annually sign a release of liability form. To learn more about the Western PA Mushroom Club, go to

Reading, Rec & More

Take a Virtual Bike Trip from San Francisco, CA to Yorktown, VA

Social Media Implementation: Take Your Business to the Next Level Tuesday, April 24, 2012, 8 – 10:30 a.m. (8 – 8:30 Continental Breakfast catered by Farmhouse Coffee) Cost: $15 Presented by: Robert Stein, Director of the Informational Technology Leadership program at the University of Pittsburgh Institute for Entrepreneurial Excellence Do you have a Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn account – but do not know how to get your business on the sites? Do you want to learn step-by-step how to best use the features available to you? These topics and more will be addressed when Robert Stein, a nationally renowned innovator and advisor in the technology industry, discusses the intricacies associated with implementing social media for your small business. Learn step-by-step how to get your business on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. Already on these sites? We will review all the basic features of the sites as well as some advanced ones. Having your business on a social network can effectively promote your business online at little or no cost – now learn how! This program is presented by the University of Pittsburgh Small Business Development Center and hosted by Peters Township Chamber of Commerce and Peters Township Public Library.

Wednesday, May 2, 7 – 8:30 p.m. Presented by: Ed Bickar and Mark Imgrund In 2009, Ed Bickar, Mark Imgrund and Steve Imgrund took a 3,800 mile long, 48 day, self-supported bike trip from San Francisco, CA to Yorktown, VA. Join us as they share photos, maps and information about their cross country trip. They’ll also discuss how to plan a similar trip, what to expect along the way, and different route alternatives across the country. For armchair travelers or for those contemplating the bike trip of a lifetime, join us for a fun and fascinating evening!

An Evening in India Wednesday, May 16, 7 – 8:30 p.m. Presented by: Terry Jeggle, Adjunct Faculty member with the University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of International and Public Affairs Forty years of international work, travel and global experience in disaster risk management for the United Nations and CARE provides Terry Jeggle with broad insight into India. Don’t miss this rare opportunity to learn about the diversity, the historical development and the resulting human condition that comprise India in today’s world.


Introduction to Pet First Aid Wednesday, May 23, 7 – 8:30 p.m. Limit: 40 Presented by: Karen Sable of Pet Emergency Training, LLC and Deb Chebatoris of Chartiers Pet Custom Cremations This class will cover how to handle some of the most common types of emergency situations a pet owner might face, including bleeding injuries and choking, as well as precautions and treatment for heat stroke. A demonstration of rescue breathing and CPR for dogs and cats is included. The class will also discuss making an emergency preparedness plan for your pets, as well as a pet first aid kit. Please register by calling 412.220.7800.

An Evening with Billy Nardozzi! Thursday, May 17, 7 – 8:30 p.m. Join us for an evening of poetry reading by Pittsburgh’s-own Billy Nardozzi! Billy’s poems are regularly featured in the Tuesday edition of the Pittsburgh Post Gazette, and celebrate many things Pittsburgh and other things of universal appeal. Don’t miss this rare opportunity to hear our local poet!

Goal Setting and Problem Solving

Author Talk: Nancy Hahn

Saturday, May 19, 10 a.m. – Noon Presented by: Thomas M. Crea, Coach/Consultant Are you realizing your dreams? Why do some people consistently accomplish their goals while others’ success seems hit or miss? In this workshop, explore happiness and success by maintaining balance and being true to your values. This workshop is open to adults as well as students (middle school and older). Parents and children are encouraged to attend together to get the most out of the information provided.

Sunday, May 6, 1 – 2 p.m. Join us as we welcome Nancy Hahn, author of the children’s books One Lost Boy and The Adventures of Eshe the Ethopian Elephant series. She will share readings and discuss her books. Ms. Hahn is an award winning children’s TV producer and writer, in addition to being a BMI song writer.

Peters Township | April/May 2012 | 23

Reading, Rec & More

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All computer classes require a $5 fee (unless otherwise noted), and require basic mouse and keyboarding skills. There is a limit of 12 students per class, unless otherwise noted.

(for more information, please see the library’s website)

Cover Letter and Resumes Tuesday, April 10, 7 – 8:45 p.m.

Afternoon Book Club for Adults

Social Networking

3rd Wednesday of every month, 1 – 2:30 p.m.

Tuesday, April 17, 7 – 8:45 p.m.

Evening Book Club for Adults

Getting the Most Out of E-Mail

2nd Wednesday of every month, 7 – 8:30 p.m.

Mystery Book Club for Adults Last Wednesday of every month, 1 – 2:30 p.m.

Cooking Club 1st Thursday of the month, 7 – 8:45 p.m. Cost: $5 per meeting payable at the time of registration to defray the cost of food samples and plates/utensils. Questions? Please email the club at

Writer’s Workshop

Coupon Club

Mondays, 7 – 9 p.m. OR Wednesdays, 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. Cost: $20 per month The Writer’s Workshop meets weekly at the library and focuses on writing for children and teenagers.

1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month, 6 – 8 p.m. Questions about the club? Email

Adult Writing Workshop 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of every month, 6:30 – 9 p.m. Leader: Linda Foltz Adult writers of all skill levels and genres are welcome.

GO Green Club 3rd Monday of the month, 7 – 8:45 p.m. For more information or to join the club please email or call 724.941.9430.

Laughter Club Thursdays, June 21, September 20, December 13 Facilitator: Julie Ann Sullivan, Certified Laughter Leader

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Beading Club

Tuesday, April 24, 7 – 8:45 p.m.

Online Banking Tuesday, May 1, 7 – 8:45 p.m.

Digital Photography – Hardware Limit: 25 Tuesday, May 8, 7 – 8:45 p.m.

PowerPoint Presentations Tuesday, May 15, 7 – 8:45 p.m.

Digital Photography – Software

3rd Wednesday of the month, 6 – 8 p.m. Ages: 12 and up Instructor: Karen Krohner of Beads 2 Wear

Limit: 25 Tuesday, May 22, 7 – 8:45 p.m.

Photo Club

Tuesday, May 29, 7 – 8:45 p.m.

2nd Wednesday of the month, 7 – 9 p.m. Cost: $15 (annual dues)

“Roots” Genealogy Club 2nd Tuesday of the month, 1 – 3 p.m. Guide: Cathy Pigford

Technology Thursdays Every Thursday, 2 – 3 p.m. Location: KEENage Korner in the library

Wii Sports for Seniors Every Monday, 10:30 a.m. – 12 noon


Basic Excel Spreadsheets, part 1 Basic Excel Spreadsheets, part 2 Tuesday, June 5, 7 – 8:45 p.m.

412.221.2248 724.745.7422







$1,100 ON SELECTED CARRIER SYSTEMS March 1 to June 30, 2012

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hen it comes to family business success stories, perhaps none is cut from the cloth of the American dream more than that of Wet Pets and Friends. Starting off as a saltwater tank hobby for Ed Taimuty in the early 1960s, he quickly found that his oldest boys Brian and Ed Jr., had grown accustomed to their father’s hobby and developed their own passion for fish. By the 1980s the boys were saltwater experts, and their adoration of animals branched out to other critters, such as small animals and exotic birds. By the time Ed Jr. and Brian were teenagers, the boys were helping their father breed and raise angelfish, guppies, cory catfish, African cichlids, bettas, South American cichlids, severums, oscars, mollies, platies, swordtails and, ultimately, rare breeds of discus and even saltwater damsels and clownfish. With more than 120 tanks in their basement, the Taimutys started supplying retailers all over Pittsburgh with thousands of fish per week. The hobby had all of a sudden become a source of profit for the boys. After graduating art school and working in the art field for several years, Brian and Ed Jr. opened up their retail pet store in 1992 in Waterdam Commons with the help of their parents. For the first year and a half, Ed Jr., Brian and Patricia ran the store 12 hours a day with occasional help from the rest of the family. Ed Sr. was soon recruited to join them full time due to the fact the store had doubled in size in just three years. Dean was brought on full time in 2003 after earning his master’s degree in business administration and is now handling all the financial aspects of the operation. The store is now located on Washington Road next to McDonald’s in Peters Township. The entire Taimuty family is working there, and each has their own job responsibilities. Without their dedicated team of animal experts, Wet Pets would not have flourished the way that it has. The store is now 11,000 square feet and is home to many different animals and animal supplies. As you walk in, the store’s birds, BoBo and Peaches, greet you. Bobo is a 21-yearold, female blue and gold macaw and Peaches is a 15-year-old, male Moluccan Cockatoo. If you take a look inside the store, you will see a wide array of products and animals. Birds, reptiles, as well as tarantulas and scorpions are just a few animals that call Wet Pets home. Ball pythons, iguanas, and boa constrictors are just a few types of reptiles and snakes that Wet Pets has for sale. Cuddly small animals such as dwarf rabbits, guinea pigs,

26 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE |

Peters Township

hamsters, gerbils, and chinchillas are also available for purchase. For those fish fanatics out there, Wet Pets is known for its incredible collections of saltwater and freshwater fish, buying from only the most exclusive and trusted companies around the world. Specializing in rare and unusual fish, corals, and plants, the store has a 15,000-gallon showroom consisting of freshwater and saltwater marine animals. Among their most unusual items are piranhas, eels, stingrays, octopus, and sea horses. Hidden beneath the showroom floor, the basement contains an amazing 1,000 square feet of filtration. The high-tech filtration system pumps an astounding 50,000 gallons of water per hour. It includes 2,500 watts of UV sterilization, 2,100 square feet of micron pleats for mechanical filtration, multiple chillers, the largest commercial Euro style protein skimmers and state of the art refugiums. All year round, they sell and install custom aquariums of almost any size or shape. In assisting you with keeping up your fish tanks, Wet Pets offers year round service and maintenance. Wet Pets and Friends does not only house supplies and animals, but they also design and install beautiful waterfalls and ponds during the spring and summer months. Inside the 3,000 square foot greenhouse that is located in the backside of the store, there are many types of outdoor

Wet Pets & Friends Celebrates 20 Years of Excellence

aquatic life and accessories with which to fill your backyard. Stop in to see a piece of their artistry in pond designing. There you will find fountains, an indoor pond & waterfall, assorted pond gold fish, Japanese koi, pond plants, and pond supplies. As a graduate of the Art Institute with vast artistic ability and enthusiasm for embellishing customers’ existing ponds, Ed Jr. began to build waterfalls and waterscapes that have greatly exceeded his client’s expectations. His experience with fish, plants and filtration enhanced his skills to construct a beautiful water garden that is also ecologically sound. Ed will go to a site, look at the lay of the land and then start sketching up plans that match the existing landscape and the homeowner’s concept. Ed said that ponds generally range in price depending on many variables, such as excavation, site availability, size, etc. but the return on the investment of property is immeasurable. “We had one job where a gentleman had one of our waterfall ponds in his backyard and the people who bought his home bought it mainly because of that feature. It literally sold the house,” Taimuty said. Wet Pets also does corrective work for jobs that may look nice, but issues of sustainability and proper filtration have not been addressed. “A lot of times, other companies will design and create ponds that are biologically incorrect. They may lack proper filtration, among many other variables related to keeping the pond beautiful. What we create are small biological ecosystems in addition to a landscaping focal point,” Taimuty added. Wet Pets has all the supplies you need to build your own pond, or if you want a quote for Wet Pet’s Pond Crew to build your pond, call to get on their list. We can also educate you and provide the supplies needed to build your own pond. Most ponds require very little maintenance once they are up and running, however, homeowners will need to feed the fish, prepare the ponds for winter and keep up with algae so that it doesn’t overrun the pond. Keeping up with algae can be as simple as just adding the proper water treatments a few times a year. For more information visit them on their website at or give them a call at 724.942.4442. You can also follow them on Facebook, Twitter and MySpace. Peters Township | April/May 2012 | 27

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28 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE |

Peters Township

! t s i L s ’ D ea n

Ashley Ortosky, a freshman in the A.J. Palumbo School of Business Administration, daughter of Eric and Linda Ortosky of McMurray, has been named to the Fall 2011 Dean's List at Duquesne University. The Dean’s List recognizes full-time students who have maintained at least a 3.5 grade point average on a 4.0 scale, with no grade lower than a “C.”

Peters Township | April/May 2012 | 29

eter’s Township Dance Teams: Keep a Strong Beat! by Kathy Barnes, Dance Team Booster Organization Co-President

Cassie Pfeuffer, Alexa Connors, Coach Nique Deliere-Schuster, Camille Barnes and Alina Pappas.

VARSITY Coached by Dominique Deliere Schuster and Barbara Deliere Megan Amelio Camille Barnes, Captain Carla Buzzatto Alexa Connors, Captain Liz Hall Jess Joseph Val Mikec Alina Pappas, Captain Cassie Pfeuffer, Captain Savanna Schweizer Sydney Scott Lyss Townsend Lexi Uhler Maddie Williams Lauren Thomas: Alternate 30 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE |

Peters Township

rom Peter’s Township to

F PNC Park to Slippery

Rock to The Wide World of Sports in Orlando, Florida; PT Dance Teams competed against the top talent in the region and nation during their 2011-12 Season. The high school proudly displays all of the dance teams’ accomplishments in their new trophy case. On display are the 1st place trophies won by both the JV and Varsity teams at Robert Morris University in January. Varsity not only took home first place, but also won COA Grand Champions with the highest overall score of the day which came with a full paid bid to the COA Dance Finals in March. The Varsity Team also received the “WOW” award for impressing and entertaining the judges with their creative routine. The season started, for these 26 girls and 4 coaches, in July with a stellar participation in a UDA Dance Camp in Ohio. At the UDA Camp both teams earned invitations to compete at the UDA National Competition in Orlando, Florida. Individual recognition was received by the seniors as they were named All American Dancers. A series of local and regional competitions continued to prepare the girls throughout the year. The Peters Township High School Dance teams not only aim to please the judges and their audiences, but have a gift for warming the hearts of others in times of need. At holiday time, the dance teams filled stockings for soldiers overseas who were not able to make it home for Christmas. The girls also donated a portion of the proceeds from their Fall

JUNIOR VARSITY Coached by Ashlee Olivo and Megan Chicone Samantha Abraham Robyn Bisignani Gina Colosimo Jessie Fairbanks Riley Gillespie Sierra Jasek Bethany Kelly Erika Miller Christina Pahountis, Captain Stephanie Rossi Morgan Soika Lauren Thomas, Captain Competition Fundraiser to a local injured soldier who was badly wounded in the line of duty. They put together a care package for the injured soldier’s wife and family to help make their difficult time a little easier. When the dance teams aren’t practicing and preparing for competitions they are busy trying to give back to the community that supports them. As the season progresses, the coaches adjust the routines and costumes to reflect the most current styles of Hip Hop. The practices, throughout the week, allow the changes to be incorporated. Each

performance gets them closer and closer to being ready for the UDA National Competition. At the National Dance Team Championships, February 4-5th, sponsored by Universal Dance Association out of Memphis, TN, the PTHS Dance teams danced the night away. JV earned their way to Finals by taking 2nd in the Semi Final round. In the Finals, they again placed 2nd, behind a performing arts school. Congratulations, JV!! The Varsity team set a new personal / team record. During the Preliminary round, the team scored 1st place in their flight of 20 teams, earning a bid straight to the Final Round (one of only three teams to earn such an honor). The Varsity team did not have to compete in the Semi Finals. In the Final round, out of a total 58 Small Varsity Hip Hop Division, Peter’s Township Varsity took 3rd place in the Nation. Over 500 routines were performed, with over 300 teams in attendance and 35 states represented. Congratulations to both teams!

Peters Township | April/May 2012 | 31

         By Leigh Lyons

his will be the first year for Heidi Karcher as the Head Coach of the Peters Township Softball Team, but she is already optimistic for the upcoming 2012 season and for years beyond. Coach Karcher is allowed to be excited about her team due to the fact that she has seven returning seniors for this year’s team, and a crop of underclassmen who have the skill and drive to compete to help this year’s team have a successful campaign. Coach Karcher will rely heavily on those seven seniors to provide leadership to the younger athletes on the team. There will be no captains, because Coach Karcher believes that each senior will be able to contribute to the overall leadership of the team. “We have a great returning senior class, and the underclassmen are talented, dedicated and strong, which bodes well for our future,” Coach Karcher noted. Some of the seniors even have their college plans for softball picked out already. Seniors Morgan Matetic and Tara Konopka will both receive softball scholarships to play in college. Morgan will be playing at George Washington University, while Tara will play at Drexel University. Senior Courtney Golembowski will walk on at the University at Dayton, and senior Kellie Lewis will walk on to play softball at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. The Lady Indians have some lofty goals for the season ahead, including beating their rival, Baldwin, and winning both the section and W.P.I.A.L. championship. “We split games with Baldwin last year, so this year we want to beat them outright,” Coach Karcher stated. Beating Baldwin twice in the season would be a great start for the Lady Indians, because Baldwin has always had a reputable softball program that competes year in and year out. Competing in such a difficult section will rigorously prepare the team for challenges not only throughout their section, but for the eventual W.P.I.A.L. playoffs. Throughout their journey, the team will rely on the solid pitching of Tara Konopka, as well as the experience and fielding of Catcher/SS Morgan Metitic, Third Baseman Kellie Lewis and Right Fielder Courtney Golembowski. Talented younger players like Abby Cunningham and Kellyn Perich will also look to contribute heavily to the team this year. Besides the experience of the seven returning seniors, Coach Karcher is excited to coach the team because she describes them as incredibly hard workers on and off the field and great student athletes. Besides being talented student athletes, the coach whole-heartedly believes that these young women represent their community very well, which may be the highest compliment a coach can pay her young players. With talent, experience, and enthusiasm on the Lady Indians’ side, the future sure does look bright for Coach Karcher and her Lady Indians for the 2012 season… and beyond.

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Peters Township

Peters Township | April/May 2012 | 33

The 8th Annual Peters Township Girls Lacrosse Wine Tasting Fundraiser Photos by Debbie Mountain

Kathleen & David Windmueller

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Keith & Rita Berqstein

Rebecca Berquist and John Dray (President of the PTHS Girls Lacrosse Assoc.)

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Audrey Wilcox, Kellie Rogers Bootman, Rebecca Berquist (Chairperson of the Event and VP of the PTHS Girls Lacrosse Assoc.) and Dee Dee Dray

Peters Township

Kathy Glod and Lisa Steliotes

Linda Esposito, Richard Denning, Judy Denning, Matt Bootman, Alison Cocco, Audrey Wilcox, J.B. Wilcox and Joyce Carey

Debbie & Randy Slemmer

Kristin Caponi and Mary Kate Egan (Coaches of the Girls Varsity Lacrosse Team at PTHS) Bob & Judy Foster

Linda Esposito, John Dray, John Dignazio, Jeff Harrison, Rebecca Berquist and Janice Watson

Peters Township | April/May 2012 | 35


Peters Township Boys Lacrosse Hungry for Upcoming Season By Leigh Lyons

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he Peters Township Boys Lacrosse program is anxious to begin their 2012 season. Head Coach Mike McBride and his assistants, Nick Aspiotes and Dan Kohrs, looked forward to the official start of lacrosse season, which began on Monday, March 5th. The Indians will look to improve upon their 12-8 season record from last year, and they’ll be looking right i n the direction of Senior Captain Jared Bollman. “We graduated sixteen seniors last year, and the only returning captain is Jared Bollman,” Coach McBride said. This will be Jared’s fourth year lettering on varsity at Peters, and he garnered All-Section honors last year for his outstanding play in midfield. His fellow captains will be chosen within the first few weeks of the season. The captains and seniors on the team this year will have to start off the season with a few questions needing to be answered. The team has already lost Clayton Evans, who is a returning Varsity starter at defense, for 6-8 weeks. Evans is out due to a broken foot. The goalie position is also going to be a heated competition between a few talented goalies on the team. Last year’s All-Section goalie, Ben Wilcox, graduated in 2011; the refore, junior John Smith, sophomore Matt Cody, and freshman Michael Layton will be competing for that coveted starting position. Coach McBride is excited at the prospect of having all three of these goalies push each other to be the best they can be, which will ultimately only strengthen the team as a whole. While the team may have a few kinks that need to be ironed out, they have many more assets than liabilities to work with. Along with the talent and experience of senior captain Jared Bollman, who will lead the midfield unit, the Indians return long stick midfielder Zak Hindman. Hindman also received AllSection honors for his play last season, and Coach McBride praises the young man for his versatility and ability to play close defense. Besides the injured Clayton Evans at defense, the Indians also have two very able juniors in Chase McIntyre and Nick Tost who will be heavily relied upon to pick up the slack in Evans’ absence. “Chase’s athleticism allows him to play close defense, and he can be a lock-down guy on the ball,” Coach McBride raved. “Nick excels in one-on-one situations, and is very good at transitioning the ball up field,” said Coach McBride. Moving on up to the attack side of the team, C oach McBride is excited to see what senior

LAX Nico Summaria can produce this season. Coach McBride said, “Nico was second on the team in points last year, having one game where he had five goals and one assist. It’s not always pretty with Nico, but he will get the job done.” And putting points on the board is the bottom line with this team, which Coach McBride believes Nico is more than capable of doing. Coach McBride is also excited for his Junior Va rsity program to continue working hard in order to produce quality players who are ready and able to contribute when called upon for the Varsity team. “Our JV program is vital to our team success. It’s important that some of these players take time on JV to expand their skill sets, even though they could be varsity players at other programs. If they continue to expand their skills, then they will fin d their way onto our Varsity

sideline,” Coach McBride preached. With the strong leadership of Jared Bollman, the depth in the midfield unit, the strong defensive lockdown ability, and the scoring potential of Summaria, Coach McBride expects a very successful year out of his squad. Coach McBride said, “I truly believe we are a top program in the W.P.I.A.L., and we have the roster to get us deep into the pl ayoffs.” The coaching staff is looking forward to the challenge of managing the 2012 squad, and subsequently putting them in the best position possible to compete for a W.P.I.A.L. championship. Coach McBride left with one last thought, “The ability is there, and my guys are hungry to get onto the field against a different color jersey.” The Peters Township Boys Lacrosse team had opportunity on Friday, Marc h 23rd at home when they played Pickerington Central High School, winning 10-7. Peters Township | April/May 2012 | 37

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Peters Township | April/May 2012 | 39

2012 Baseball Team Looking to Repeat as Section Champs By Leigh Lyons It will be hard to beat last year’s season record of the Peters Township Boys Baseball Team. The team finished with an amazing 12-0 perfect record in section play, while going 19-1 in the regular season, and making it to the Western Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic League (W.P.I.A.L.) championship game. The boys eventually lost in the W.P.I.A.L. title game to Seneca Valley, but they finished their season with an outstanding record of 22-3 when it was all said and done. Coach Joe Maize is entering his 27th year as the Head Baseball Coach at Peters Township High School and is looking forward to the season ahead. The boys officially started their season on Monday, March 5th, and the goal is to once again be one of the best teams in the W.P.I.A.L. “We always set our goals in a progression,” Coach Maize said. The Indians will first look to be successful in their section, which is one of the most competitive in the entire W.P.I.A.L., and then they will build from there. Next on the list would be to qualify for the W.P.I.A.L. playoffs by finishing as one of the top three teams in their section. Then, the team will strive to finish in the top two of the W.P.I.A.L. in order to enable them to qualify for the PIAA state playoffs. The team will be returning a herd of seniors for the 2012 season, which is good news for the team, because these seniors will have the memory of being so close to W.P.I.A.L. gold burned into their mind. There will be thirteen seniors trying out for the team this year, and Coach Maize will look to these young men to lead his team back to where they left off last year. Some of the 2012 seniors have already chosen where they will play baseball beyond their Peters Township High School years. Senior Mike Bittel, Pitcher, will play at Seton Hill University. John Hlavinka, Catcher/OF, will pursue a degree at Penn State Behrend where he will be a part of the men’s baseball team. Third basemen/Pitcher, Zach Verner, will be playing college baseball at John Carroll University next year, and lastly, Centerfielder Andrew Erenberg will be playing a

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Peters Township

collegiate sport at Fordham University, but unlike his fellow baseball teammates, Andrew will be playing football. But before these thirteen seniors can move on, they will look to accomplish two ultimate goals. The first being to become W.P.I.A.L. champions, and the second being to become PIAA state champions. Coach Maize has been excited to see his team progress throughout the off-season, and he believes that the work in the off-season bodes well for them for the upcoming season. “Our players have been working very hard during our conditioning program. They are enthusiastic and looking forward to the upcoming 2012 season,” Coach Maize explained. And now that the season is upon them, the Peters Township Boys Baseball team will look to start the season off by remembering the reason why they began playing baseball in the first place. That reason being that when you break down all the hype and statistics and pressure and scouts, baseball is just plain fun. The team intends on continuing to work hard and compete each game for a win, but they can’t forget to have fun playing the game that so many of them grew up on simply because it was a good time. Coach Maize remembered, “Last year was a lot of fun from the very first game up until our last playoff game.” But the ‘it’s all fun and games’ attitude probably won’t fool any of the Indians’ opponents, because the team will “play hard and battle in every single game,” Coach Maize promised. And while the team may be a little inexperienced at some field positions, they will lean heavily on their seniors and experienced pitching staff to help them get through the ups and downs of a long baseball season. To get back to where they want to be, which is back in the W.P.I.A.L. championship game, the Peters Township Boys Baseball team will have to endure contests against rivals Bethel Park, Upper St. Clair, Canon McMillan, Baldwin, and Mt. Lebanon. If the Indians are able to survive their extremely competitive section and gain some high level game experience on the way, then they will effectively be putting themselves in an opportune position to make it back to the W.P.I.A.L. championship game, this time hoping to have a more fortunate final outcome. The commitment and work ethic for this team started well beyond March 5th, but once tryouts are over and the team is solidified, that is where Coach Maize and his team will begin the real work. If there were one single formula in sports where someone could look at specific facets of a team in order to predict the outcome of an upcoming season, they would surely look at key components such as coaching experience, playing experience and ability, past records, and upcoming talent. And if this hypothetical formula were used to evaluate the 2012 Peters Township Boys High School Baseball Team’s chance at success, then it would be clear that the Indians have all the right parts in place to make a run at the W.P.I.A.L. gold.

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Peters Township

              

                                                               Peters Township | April/May 2012 | 43

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Health and Wellness News You Can Use

Let’s Get Physical What can a daily dose of moderate physical activity do for you? Plenty! As you get older, regular exercise is a key to staying strong, energetic, and healthy. To learn more about the link between fitness and aging, turn to page 3.

© 2012 UPMC

What’s Inside page 2

Need Quick, Convenient Care? Head to UPMC Mercy’s South Side Walk-in Clinic

page 3

Fit at Any Age

page 4

Surviving Allergies: What You Can Do Putting Ergonomics to Work for You

page 5

Brightening Lives With Light

page 6

A Walk to Remember

page 7

A Lasting Legacy of Caring

Need Quick, Convenient Care?

Head to UPMC Mercy’s South SideWalk-in Clinic Open days, evenings, and weekends, it’s the solution of choice for busy patients As a single, working mother of two, Joanne Krapp feels fortunate to have the UPMC Mercy South Side Walk-in Primary Care Clinic available close by. She doesn’t have a car, but the clinic is just a 10-minute bus ride from her Carrick home. “It’s so convenient. You don’t need an appointment, and you’re in and out in no time,” says Joanne. “They treat you like you’re the first patient of the day, no matter what time you go.” Joanne first went to the clinic two years ago when she woke up with a burning rash all over her body. Diagnosed with multiple skin allergies — including sensitivity to various metals — she now takes precautions but periodically experiences allergic reactions. She’s been to the clinic for treatment about a half dozen times in two years.

A board-certified physician is on site at all times, along with nurses and other highly trained staff. Patients of all ages are accepted at the clinic, and walk-ins are welcome. Parking is free and plentiful.

A neighbor you can count on Kelly Sassaman, administrator of UPMC Mercy’s South Side Outpatient Center, says the clinic provides x-rays, sutures, blood work and screening, physical exams, and vaccinations, plus immediate care for such conditions as: • Colds and flu • Sore throats and earaches • Minor cuts and scrapes • Minor broken bones • Sprains and strains The clinic also serves as a primary care provider. Staff can refer patients to specialists, and they can provide a fast track to emergency services at UPMC Mercy, a Level 1 trauma center, she adds.

“I’m often treated by the same people when I go there. For someone like me who has a fear of hospitals, that’s important because it makes me feel very comfortable,” she says.

“We’re not an emergency room, but we handle many conditions,” explains Ms. Sassaman. “We’re meeting the needs of the community. Our neighbors don’t have to cross the river, deal with traffic or parking, or wait in an emergency room for treatment of minor injuries or illness. We can do that here.”

The Walk-in Clinic, located on the second floor of the UPMC Mercy South Side Outpatient Center at 2000 Mary St., is open from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. weekdays and 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturdays.

Joanne hopes she won’t have to return for treatment anytime soon. “But, if I do, I know I’ll be in good hands,” she says.

Quality care in a comfortable setting

Pain Management and More In addition to the Walk-in Primary Care Clinic, the UPMC Mercy South Side Outpatient Center offers a comprehensive range of outpatient services. The convenient, one-stop location also provides everyday care ranging from EKGs and laboratory work to same-day surgery, as well as pain management services. At the center’s Pain Clinic, specialists work with patients to diagnose the source of chronic pain, and then reduce it using interventional treatments. Specially trained surgeons perform procedures, including injections and radiofrequency ablation.


“We provide excellent care, and it’s so convenient for our patients. Most people are treated within a half hour,” says Jacqueline Belton, director of the Pain Clinic. The Pain Clinic, located on the ground floor of the outpatient center, is open weekdays from 1 to 5 p.m. To learn more about the UPMC Mercy South Side Outpatient Center and all the services available, visit and click on Hospitals and Facilities.

Fit atAnyAge Comedian George Burns — who lived to be 100 — often advised his audience to “Look to the future, because that’s where you’ll spend the rest of your life.” Vonda Wright, MD — a practicing orthopaedic surgeon at the UPMC Center for Sports Medicine and a nationally recognized author of several books on active aging and fitness — thinks that’s sound advice. “Nothing is more natural than aging,” she says. “Adults over 40 today are redefining what it means to age. They’re looking ahead — and doing what it takes to stay fit and vital. “With just 30 minutes of daily exercise, you can minimize your risk for 35 common illnesses — including high blood pressure, stroke, and diabetes,” says Dr. Wright, who also directs the center’s Performance and Research Initiative for Masters Athletes (PRIMA®), which focuses on maximizing the performance of both elite and recreational athletes over age 40.

Staying fit as you age “As we enter our 40s and 50s, we’re just starting to hit our stride, with the potential for many years of wonderful living ahead of us. A well-balanced exercise plan is a key to maintaining that quality of life as we grow older,” she maintains.

Many say that 50 is the new 30 as today’s mature adults enjoy more active, fitter, and healthier lives than any other generation.

“There’s no age or activity level to prevent any older adult from being active,” explains Dr. Wright. In fact, studies of 90-year-old men doing resistance training on a daily basis showed improvements in their strength and functioning.

Getting started

Starting — and sticking with — a fitness plan initially can be hard, says Dr. Wright. “The first step is to make exercise a part of your daily routine. Schedule it on your calendar, like an appointment,” she advises. “Don’t be a weekend warrior. Instead, try to maintain a moderate activity level throughout the week, and increase your exercise level gradually to reduce your chance of overuse or injury.” She tells her patients to FACE the future with a balanced, total body workout designed to achieve maximum benefits while avoiding injury:

F — Flexibility with daily stretching exercises A — Aerobic cardiovascular exercises every other day, using interval-style training Carry a load (or strength train) to build and maintain muscles in your arms, C — legs, and core (stomach, back, and abdomen) E — Equilibrium and balance through simple exercises like standing on one foot “Whenever possible, mix up activities like running, swimming, cycling, or rowing,” encourages Dr. Wright. “Cross training helps promote total fitness while reducing the chance for injury. Most of all, take that first step!” To learn more about UPMC’s PRIMA program for mature athletes, call 412-432-3651 or visit You’ll find PRIMA listed under Performance in the Our Services section.

Should you see a doctor first? You’re 50 years old and a pack-a-day smoker. You also have high blood pressure, and you haven’t exercised since Ronald Reagan was president. Should you see your doctor before hitting the local gym? “Regular exercise is the best gift you can give yourself. But it’s important to use common sense when getting started,” says Lance Brunton, MD, an orthopaedic surgeon at UPMC Mercy who sees patients at the UPMC Center for Sports Medicine. If you’re in generally good health and starting off with light to moderate physical activity, an extensive medical workup probably isn’t necessary. “But if you’ve been diagnosed with any medical condition, have been sedentary for some time, or are at risk for potential heart problems, it’s essential to talk to your doctor,” advises Dr. Brunton. “Working together, you and your doctor can create the right exercise plan based on your age, physical condition, family history, and other key factors.” If you’re over the age of 40, visit to take the American College of Sports Medicine’s Physical Activity Readiness Self-Exam.



Health Tips from UPMC Health Plan

Surviving Allergies: What You Can Do If you dread the approach of spring and the arrival of allergy season, here are a few ways to reduce your sniffling, sneezing, and itchy eyes

What to do If you take medication to control your symptoms, start treatment early — before your seasonal allergies flare up, says BJ Ferguson, MD, director of the Division of Sino-Nasal Disorders and Allergy at UPMC, and a professor of otolaryngology at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. In western Pennsylvania, tree pollen starts flying around by the end of February or in early March, when it warms up enough for trees to begin budding.

Medications to take Dr. Ferguson recommends starting with an over-thecounter (OTC) medication, preferably a non-sedating antihistamine. She cautions that some products can be sedating or even result in extreme drowsiness that can impair driving. Be sure to read the accompanying instructions or ask your pharmacist about side effects. OTC decongestants can relieve nasal congestion but should only be used on a short-term basis, Dr. Ferguson says. Decongestants can cause significant side effects, such as insomnia, agitation, heart palpitations, and a rise in blood pressure. A saline nasal wash also can help relieve congestion.

When to see a doctor “If you are getting no relief and it is impairing your quality of life, you should see a doctor about more effective alternatives and testing,” says Dr. Ferguson. • A doctor can prescribe medications that can provide effective relief from chronic congestion. • Allergy testing can determine precisely what you are or aren’t allergic to. A new sublingual immunotherapy administered under the tongue is just as effective as allergy shots, and with fewer side effects, says Dr. Ferguson. • Your doctor also can determine if your nasal blockage is caused by inflammation or nasal polyps, a deviated septum, enlarged adenoids, or an infection.


Putting Ergonomics to Work for You At home and on the job, ergonomics can help you avoid injury and discomfort — and even increase your productivity The goal of ergonomics is to make our places of work as safe, comfortable, and efficient as possible. But let’s not limit its uses to our day jobs! According to the physical therapists at UPMC Mercy, many of the aches and pains people experience can be attributed to ergonomic issues like poor posture, excessive repetitive movement, or improper lifting techniques. They advise applying basic ergonomic principles at work, home, or play to help avoid injury and perform at your best. • Use the right equipment. Make sure the tool fits the job and your body, whether you’re sitting at a desk, vacuuming, riding a bike, or swinging a golf club. • Work at the right height for you. A too-low computer chair or a too-high kitchen counter can wreak havoc on your neck, back, and shoulders. • Avoid contact stress. Wear gloves or use tools designed to reduce pressure on soft tissue to avoid blisters and other skin damage. • Keep items within easy reach. Extend your arms out on each side. Picture an imaginary arc in front of you from left to right. Place the tools or supplies you use most often within that area. • Avoid repetitive movements and working long periods in one position. Alternate tasks and change your body position regularly. Stretch every 20 to 30 minutes. Visit where you can find more ergonomic tips to use at work and at home.

Brightening Lives with Light Light therapy is proving to be an effective treatment for bipolar depression and other mood disorders Michele Twyman of Penn Hills always dreaded the approach of winter and the holidays. As the days shortened, she grew increasingly tired, sleepy, and depressed. All she wanted to do was crawl into bed — and stay there. “I didn’t enjoy anything — from decorating to shopping. I never felt like celebrating,” says Ms. Twyman, who has a bipolar disorder and has battled depression for more than 30 years. But last Christmas was different. For the first time in years, she decorated, shopped, and made wreaths and centerpieces. “I enjoy the holidays again. I realize now how much I missed being happy about life’s little things,” she says.

New treatment shows bright promise

People with bipolar depression are especially sensitive to changes in outdoor ambient light and the seasons, she explains. The onset of fall and winter can trigger symptoms similar to seasonal affective disorder (SAD), including fatigue, sluggishness, daytime sleepiness, carb cravings, loss of interest, and inability to experience pleasure. Individuals with bipolar depression also may have suicidal thoughts.

How and why it works

“There are few effective treatments for bipolar depression. That’s why we’re exploring novel approaches such as light therapy.” — Dorothy Sit, MD

Ms. Twyman credits her new outlook to an artificial light box provided by Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic (WPIC) of UPMC. Every afternoon, she sits in bright light for about a half hour while reading or planning appointments and activities. It took just a few weeks to feel the effects. She now wakes up feeling more rested and relaxed. She’s also better able to care for her 95-year-old father. “There are few effective treatments for bipolar depression. That’s why we’re exploring novel approaches such as light therapy,” says Dorothy Sit, MD, assistant professor of psychiatry at the University of Pittsburgh, and a researcher at WPIC who is leading an ongoing study in the use of light therapy for treatment of bipolar depression. “Most patients feel better within two weeks of starting it, and continue to improve for up to eight weeks.” According to Dr. Sit, treatment is inexpensive and effective. Patients with seasonal depression require 30 to 60 minutes of daily light therapy while patients with non-seasonal depression need 45 to 60 minutes.

Light therapy replaces lost sunlight exposure and resets the body’s internal clock, or circadian rhythms — important for everyone’s general health, mood, and thinking. That’s why light therapy also can help patients with jet lag, shift workers, and people with sleep disorders.

While light therapy is generally safe, patients with bipolar depression also must be on a mood stabilizer or they’ll be at risk for manic episodes, says Dr. Sit. Other possible side effects include headaches, eyestrain, irritation, agitation, and insomnia. These symptoms normally disappear following adjustments in the time and length of treatment.

Light therapy tips • Check with your doctor or mental health professional to see if light therapy is a good option for you. • Follow your doctor’s advice concerning any special precautions you need to take. • Use light therapy only with guidance from your doctor or mental health provider to minimize possible side effects and maximize benefits. Visit for more information on bipolar depression and the light therapy study. To participate in the study, call 1-800-436-2461. For information on light boxes, visit the Center for Environmental Therapeutics website at



AWalk to Remember UPMC Rehabilitation Institute helps make a seemingly impossible wedding dream come true Megan Dow was an athletic, carefree 27-year-old with so much to look forward to — from her upcoming wedding to a new house and barn. But a freak ATV accident on Memorial Day 2010 changed her life in an instant, leaving her paralyzed from the waist down. It took a week for Megan to realize her broken neck and back wouldn’t be a quick fix and another six months to acknowledge that her paralysis might have permanent effects. Despite the diagnosis, the Negley, Ohio, resident was determined to walk down the aisle on her wedding day 16 months later. “What means more to a girl than walking down the aisle at her wedding?” asks Megan, who became engaged just weeks before the accident.

Regaining the life she lost Initially, she couldn’t sit up without help and wore braces to support her back, neck, and legs. “I went from doing everything to not being able to brush my teeth; from being able to throw a bale of hay to not being able to pick up a gallon of milk,” Megan says. An avid outdoorswoman, Megan longed to return to her activities, including horseback riding, camping, volunteering as a 4H Club adviser, and working as an interior designer. “I absolutely loved the life I had before the accident. I had to work to bring these things back into my life,” she says.


At the UPMC Rehabilitation Institute’s spinal cord injury unit at UPMC Mercy, Megan’s team of specialists put her to work four hours a day, six days a week in an intensive rehabilitation program. Luckily, she had use of her quadriceps, which allowed her to walk with the help of braces and a walker. Slowly, she relearned everyday skills like dressing herself and walking. She also learned new skills, such as transferring to a shower chair from her wheelchair, and did exercises to build her strength. Megan vowed she’d walk without the walker by that Christmas (a goal she met by Thanksgiving) and down the aisle without a cane. A few weeks before her wedding, Megan donned her gown and practiced walking in the gym with her physical therapist.

Walking happily into the future On her wedding day — Oct. 1, 2011 — Megan did walk down the aisle. Among the guests were her UPMC doctor, physical therapist, and occupational therapist. “They’re a huge part of my life and the reason I’m where I am today. They had to be there!” exclaims Megan. “I’m so grateful to everyone at the Rehabilitation Institute. They gave me the tools I needed, and they encouraged and steered me in the right direction.”

Megan and Eric Dow walked down the aisle after exchanging marriage vows on Oct. 1, 2011.

Megan and her husband Eric honeymooned in Cancún, Mexico, where they snorkeled, swam, kayaked, and even explored some ancient ruins. Today, while she still uses a wheelchair and cane, Megan is thankful she can walk up to two hours with just leg braces. She’s also driving again, riding horses, camping, and doing other activities. “It was a miracle. I’m so grateful I can still do what I used to do — I just do them differently,” Megan says. To learn more about UPMC Rehabilitation Institute and its services, visit You’ll also find a link to Megan’s story and those of other patients who’ve benefited from the institute’s specialized care.

A Lasting Legacy of Caring It was 165 years ago that a small band of Irish nuns pioneered the ministry of Catholic health care in Pittsburgh — a spirit of compassionate care that is alive today at UPMC Mercy Catholic health care has a long and rich tradition in the United States, providing care to medically underserved, diverse, and poor communities. In Pittsburgh, that tradition took shape in the work of seven Sisters of Mercy who first came from Ireland in 1843 to care for the poor and sick. In 1847, those remarkable women built the Mercy Hospital of Pittsburgh, the first Catholic hospital in Pittsburgh. Today, at UPMC Mercy — the last Catholic hospital in Pittsburgh — their legacy of giving reverent, compassionate care of the highest quality to all patients is flourishing. To Sisters of Mercy, their fourth vow — caring for the poor, sick, and uneducated — is as sacred as the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. “Scripture provides the model we follow,” explains Phyllis Grasser, vice president of mission effectiveness and spiritual care at UPMC Mercy. “The healing ministry of Christ included a commitment to the poor and vulnerable.”

Securing our mission and identity When the Sisters of Mercy began seeking a partner to help secure the hospital’s future, preserving its faith-based mission of care was of vital concern. In 2008, Mercy Hospital merged with UPMC under an agreement that assured that the hospital would retain its Catholic identity and ethics. That agreement was one of the first of its kind in the United States between a Catholic hospital and a secular health system, and has since become a model for others. Partnering with UPMC also put the struggling hospital on solid financial ground and enabled it to upgrade facilities and bring in new specialized programs and advanced technologies, says Ms. Grasser. UPMC Mercy will continue to provide the best and most advanced medical care to the region’s underserved and most vulnerable populations.

“The executive team is very supportive of the mission, and they’ve encouraged us to strengthen UPMC Mercy’s Catholic tradition,” adds Ms. Grasser.

The mission in action Mercy has always been respected for the important role it has played in the lives of people throughout western Pennsylvania. For nearly 170 years, people have trusted the sisters to care for them with respect, regardless of social status or ability to pay. That has not changed, says Ms. Grasser. Since merging with UPMC, the hospital’s charity care has doubled. While some sisters remain actively involved at UPMC Mercy, the staff is comprised mainly of lay people. Although the lay staff come from a variety of religious traditions, they have a deep understanding of and commitment to the hospital’s faith-based mission. With the support and encouragement of the sisters and the Diocese of Pittsburgh, Ms. Grasser is helping to build a generation of lay leaders to carry Mercy’s mission and values into the future. To do that, she and her staff regularly host lay leadership training programs, as well as seminars for all employees that focus on the hospital’s Catholic identity. “The qualities of trust, teamwork, forgiveness, and generosity are at the core of who we are and what we do as people and as care providers,” explains Ms. Grasser. “They bind us to each other and to our patients.” “The mission, vision, and values of Mercy have not changed. Providing quality medical care with respect and reverence for all people is our responsibility — and our legacy,” says Ms. Grasser.



UPMC Mercy 1400 Locust St. Pittsburgh, PA 15219

UPMC Today is published quarterly to provide you with health and wellness information and classes and events available at UPMC. This publication is for informational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice or replace a physician’s medical assessment. Always consult first with your physician about anything related to your personal health.

Follow UPMC Mercy on Facebook.

Community Open House April 19 5 to 7 p.m.

Peters Township | April/May 2012 | 53

           Douglas Muetzel, Wesley Spectrum’s Chief Executive Officer and wife, Linda

Rick Ubinger, Wesley Spectrum Foundation Board Treasurer and wife, Lori

Mari and Kevin Abbott, Laura Maines, W.S. General Counsel, Director of Funding and Public Affairs

54 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE |

Peters Township

By Kathy Rudolph The green and floral paradise of Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens in the gray of early spring was the perfect treat for gardeners and nature lovers at the Wesley Spectrum Spring Gala, sponsored by UPMC and other local corporations and businesses. Guests strolled through aisles of beautiful nature mixed with original art pieces while sipping cocktails, sampling hors d’oeuvres and listening to live jazz by Trinity Jazz Orchestra. Over 100 silent auction items also added fun to the evening and the second annual Dan Findley Award was presented to an exemplary Wesley Spectrum staff member. The proceeds from the event went to the children and families that Wesley Spectrum serves, including those at Wesley Spectrum Autism Services located on Mayview Road. Offering unique school, mental health, and family programs across western Pennsylvania, the nonprofit organization “provides a diverse range of autism, education, behavioral health, and family support” according to its website. Phipps was the perfect choice for the gala. “Just as Phipps showcases the glorious transformation of nature, Wesley Spectrum works to transform our community through programs and services grounded in our unique expertise in autism, behavioral health, education and family support,” said Wesley Spectrum’s Chief Executive Officer Douglas Muetzel. Fundraising events are essential for nonprofits that improve the quality of children’s lives in these times of economic instability. “There are two reasons that a fundraiser like this is so important for Wesley,” said Mr. Muetzel. “The first is that we want to get the word out that there is an organization like Wesley Spectrum that serves over 4,000 kids and families each year. The second is you don’t have to listen too long to hear the governor’s speech on the state budget and what is happening at the federal level. That has a serious impact on our funding so this allows us to raise funds that not necessarily are for daily operations but allow us to do the value add that we want to do for those people that we are privileged to serve.” Some of the autistic services that the Canonsburg location provides include behavioral health rehabilitation services, creative arts, inclusionary summer therapeutic activities program, autism outpatient mental health services and “Wonder Kids” social skills groups. To learn more or how you can help, please visit Wesley Spectrum’s website at

Peggy and Norman Mitry, President and CEO of Heritage Valley Health System Kristen Mahoney, Jennifer Stoner, Jackie Hart, W.S. Employees and Volunteers

Anne Weaver, W.S. Chief Program Officer holding client's handmade jewelry to be auctioned

Megan Liska, Nicole Gannon, Jan Davis, W.S. Employees and Volunteers Nancy Davidson, of Merck, Sponsor, Dawn Nowry, Mark Davidson and Julie Smith

Peters Township | April/May 2012 | 55

    The Customer Experience™ The Customer Experience™ will teach you to gain new 412.260.5724 customers, retain valued customers, increase sales and profits, and maintain a high performance culture. Learn to Manage Your Team To Excellence. Call us today to arrange a tour of our South Hills Training Center.

Do You Want Customers That Love You Forever?

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Peters Township

   Joseph Jasek, President Kelli Newmaster, Vice President Linda E. Webster, Secretary James R. Dolanch, Treasurer Michael L. Chaido, Esq. Cheryl Daniel David Davis Austin DeClaudio Greg Gold Lynne Horensky Sandra A. May Diane Page

Cartridge World Strabane Woods of Washington Minuteman Press Century 21 Frontier Realty Washington Financial The Washington Hospital David Davis Communications Rolling Hills Country Club Miller’s Ace Hardware Brentwood Bank Resident Page Signs

   Rolling Hills Country Club Scramble Event – Shotgun Start 1 p.m. $130 per Golfer 18 Holes of Golf with Cart Locker Room Facilities Lunch/Dinner Skill/Team/Door Prizes Call 724.941.6345 for info/registration Proceeds to benefit the Peters Township Volunteer Fire Department

Peters Township | April/May 2012 | 57

Peters Township School District Lacrosse: Katie Denning, Lafayette University

Baseball: Mike Bittel, Seton Hill University

  Please join the Peters Township School District as we recognize and congratulate the following nine senior athletes from Peters Township High School who signed letters of intent on February 1, 2012 to continue their impressive athletic careers at the collegiate level. These young men and women have brought great pride to the Peters Township School District and community through their athletic and academic accomplishments.

Softball: Morgan Matetic, George Washington University

Soccer: Matt Venanzi, University of Pittsburgh

Football: Andrew Erenberg, Fordham University

Softball: Tara Konopka, Drexel University Football: Clayton Evans, Notre Dame College

58 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE |

Field Hockey: Courtney Schratz, Robert Morris

Golf: Jeremy Merich, St. Francis University

Peters Township

Peters Township School District PTHS team members

 Thursday, February 9 marked the Peters Township School District’s annual Dodgeball Tournament. Sponsored by the High School National Honor Society, the funds raised support the Make-A-Wish Foundation. As is the tradition, the staff members from all five buildings battle for the bragging rights of Dodgeball Champion – with the Middle School coming out on top for the 4th straight year. The event raised over $4,500 for the Make-A-Wish Scholarship Foundation.

PTMS (in black) against the HS team.

Pleasant Valley (in blue) against Bower Hill (that is teacher Rob Cunningham on the ground)

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re you ready for a decorating change? A recent survey by the retailer HomeGoods found that while almost half of Americans haven’t updated their home décor in the last five years, only 20 percent are happy with it. If that sounds like you, then it’s time for some fresh ideas. These budget-friendly decorating ideas from Glade, the worldwide leader in home fragrance, and Giuliana Rancic, entertainment journalist and style guru, make it easy to discover your personal style. All it takes to refresh a room are a few simple updates and your home will be ready for entertaining in no time.

 “You don’t have to redo a whole room,” says Rancic. “Small changes like adding a new color or introducing a scent to a room really make a big difference. I love how the Glade Expressions fragrances not only match my design taste perfectly, but also help make my home feel welcoming and guest-ready by giving it that finishing touch of a signature scent.”   The entryway of a home is the first thing guests see, so make sure it’s impactful. Tidy up the outside area around the front door, and add some inexpensive pops of color with a planter full of seasonal flowers. On the inside, think about updating the walls with floral or damask wallpaper, or even a painted chevron pattern to add visual interest.  Sights, sounds, textures and scent all work together to complete the ambiance of a space. Try using soft lighting with lamps and dimmers for a warm and inviting atmosphere. Mix textures in the room by adding a soft throw to a modern, sleek sofa. Select a signature scent with one of the trueto-life fragrances from the new Glade Expressions Collection. The new fragrances combine classic scents with an exotic twist, and they’re available in two contemporary designs to complement any room’s décor. And for sound — think about tabletop fountains or a good music selection to play 60 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE |

Peters Township

  when you have guests. Rancic loves Frank Sinatra tunes for entertaining.    Live plants and flowers do wonders for a room. Lemon or orange tree topiaries are a popular way to add a natural pop of color. If you’re not sure about taking care of live plants, you can easily find artificial ones that look natural. Silk bamboo plants come in all sizes and fit on a table top or fill up an empty corner in a room.

  Rancic recommends taking cues from the things you love to add elements that express your personality without having to do a floor to ceiling makeover. Here are some more of Rancic’s ideas to get you inspired, which include fragrance options from the Glade Expressions Collection that complement different styles:    Match this energy with a fresh coat of paint in a bright color like electric blue or Kelly green. Add a vivid printed rug and vases of tropical flowers. Put the final touches on the space with a teak bowl or vase full of lemons to add a pop of color and sparkle to the room. Scent: Pineapple & Mangosteen.      Go global, placing old maps and a magnifying glass on a side table and adorning the mantle with beautiful apothecary jars filled with spices. Add rich, velvet fabrics and pillows with colorful prints and a monogrammed throw for a personal touch. Scent: Fuji Apple & Cardamom Spice.   Display elements from nature to add earthy touches to a room. Look for small terrariums, beautiful rocks and geodes, or even shells. Use natural fabrics, wood-wicked candles, and display sprigs of lavender and green leaves in ceramic vases or mason jars. Scent: Lavender & Juniper Berry.    Freshen up sofas and chairs with crisp cotton slipcovers, and white, flowing sheers on the windows. Add a couple of bright pillows or a colorful throw for a warm and sunny feel. Look for a few decorative tiles that remind you of Italy or Greece, and set them out on display. Show off white floral bouquets that have a few pops of orange. Scent: Cotton & Italian Mandarin.

  The first step in discovering your own style is to make a personal “styleboard.” You can create one on a bulletin board, in folders or make a virtual one at To create one at home, start by looking through magazines and websites and collect images of things you love, such as fashion, décor, or anything that catches your eye. Sort through the images and look for patterns. Do you find yourself drawn to clean lines and minimalistic décor, or do you see more traditional colors and furnishings? Is there a color that keeps popping up? This is a great way to narrow down your options when you are not sure of a style. On the Glade Facebook page, you can create an online styleboard to help you put together the perfect look and match it with a signature scent. Each personalized styleboard created on the application includes a Glade Expressions Collection fragrance, home furnishing suggestions, color and fabric swatches and music playlists — all of which can be shared with friends and family on Facebook. Glade has created hundreds of innovative scents in partnership with top fragrance houses and perfumers, so you can be sure to find an inspiring scent that’s just right for you.

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By Heather Holtschlag

Curb appeal is not necessarily something that most people will be able to define in precise terms, but they will know it when they see it. Simply put, it is about making your front yard and the front of your house stand out and look better than the rest. And, if people like what they see on the outside, including potential buyers, the chances are good that they will want to see what the house looks like on the inside. But what can you do to make your house stand apart? To begin, play up your home’s doorway—one of the first areas people see when looking at your house—with color, a clean door free of nicks, and clean metal fixtures. Consider adding a wreath or some other type of door decoration.

Low-voltage landscape lighting, particularly accent lighting displayed in nearby trees or throughout other outdoor fixtures, can not only enhance a yard’s appearance but provide a pathway of lighted safety for visitors. Potted colorful flowers can provide instant curb appeal and can be purchased already assembled at a local garden center, or you may choose to buy an empty container to fill with all of your favorite flowers on your own.

On a similar note, window boxes can be filled with your favorite flowers to match the rest of your yard’s color scheme. Consider adding some fixtures like birdbaths and wind chimes to add visual appeal to a yard, and a water fountain can sound heavenly on a warm summer day (but be sure to place them on level ground for optimum enjoyment). Shutters and trim work not only add texture and ventilation to a home, but provide added security as well.

To achieve the best curb appeal, paint the shutters in a color that matches the outside of your house and the rest of your yard. In addition, new garden beds are always a welcome sight. Consider planting new gardens in spots that will be most pleasing to the eye, such as along the driveway and in front of the house.

On a similar note, window boxes can be filled with your favorite flowers to match the rest of your yard’s color scheme.

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           

Peters Township | April/May 2012 | 63

  What to Think About when Considering an Outdoor Addition:

 We would like to create an outdoor

kitchen area behind our house. What is the first step in creating an outdoor kitchen? Are these worth the money in our cold weather climate?


Americans are spending more than ever on outdoor living spaces. This trend is certainly true here locally. As is the case indoors, the outdoor kitchen is usually the central hub of your outdoor living space. An “outdoor kitchen” is usually defined as containing at least one good quality cooking appliance like a grill, some countertop space and a sink. Planning and design are critical. Consider the following:

 Start with a master plan:

I recommend hiring a professional landscape designer to develop an overall

“master plan” of your backyard. While you may not construct all improvements at once, the master plan allows you to phase in projects as your budget allows. The designer will know how to orient the outdoor kitchen in relation to other outdoor features like decks, landscaping, firepits and water features.

 Location:

Many factors need to be considered. How much privacy do you want? How far do you want to walk from the main house to the outdoor kitchen? Consider the amount of sun and shade. You don’t want your family and guests blinded by the setting sun. Also, plan for how to deal with wind direction and the effect on ventilation and smoke from the grill. Remember that most local governmental agencies require you to secure a building permit for an outdoor kitchen.

 Cold temperature challenges:

An outdoor kitchen presents some challenges. Provisions for winterizing the kitchen must be thought of during the design phase. Plumbing drains can freeze during the winter and supply lines need to be drained. Most appliance manufacturers are now introducing appliances that are UL-rated for outdoor use. Propane powered patio heaters or electric infrared heaters can comfortably extend your time outside through the winter.

This Industry Insight was written by Jeff Morris, owner and CEO of Case Handyman & Remodeling, located at 2335 Washington Rd. in Canonsburg, PA. Case offers a variety of home repair services, from full-house remodeling to simple handyman jobs. For more information, visit or call 724.745.9888.

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100 Janis Drive ~ Peters Township 3 BR, 3.5 BA. Private yard. Updates. Sliding glass doors to private deck. Denise Levi

302 Deerfield Drive ~ North Strabane 4 BR, 2.5 BA. Corner lot. Convenient. Rear concrete patio backs to woods. Jodie Gallagher

139 Sandy Brae Drive ~ North Strabane 4 BR, 4.5 BA. Maintenance free. End unit. 63 Abbeywood Lane ~ North Strabane Fin. lower level w/kitchenette. Premium lot. 3 BR, 2.5 BA. Unusual open spacious flr. plan. Susan Accetta Huge kitchen, butlers pantry. Janet Sember

Peters Township Office Waterdam Commons 4215 Washington Road McMurray, PA 15317


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               

By Heather Holtschlag

More than half of the energy used in the average American home goes toward heating and cooling, and if your house is not properly insulated, much of that expense can go to waste. Insulation, particularly when installed in an area such as the attic, requires less work from the air conditioning and furnace systems, translating into less expense and fewer repairs. There are a number of things to note to properly install attic insulation, the first of which is called R-value. R-value measures the effectiveness of types of insulation; the higher an insulation’s R-value, the more effective it is. The recommended R-value for walls and floors in a mild climate is R-11; for ceilings and attics, it is R-19. In moderate climates, R-values should be a minimum of R-19 for walls and floors and R-30 for ceilings and attics. And, in cold climates, R-values for walls and floors should be R-19, and R-38 to R-49 for ceilings and attics. If you use your attic as living space, it is a good idea to install insulation in the walls and ceiling. If it is not used, you should still insulate, and the empty space will provide ample room for installation. If your attic is being insulated for the first time, it should include a vapor barrier, which is any material that does not absorb moisture and through which vapor will not pass. After it snows, it is recommended that you check the roof to see where the snow has fallen. If you notice specific areas on the roof where the snow has melted, this may signal an area that needs to be insulated or where the insulation is damaged. When installing insulation in the attic, the best method is to install it from the eaves toward the center of the room so as to leave more headroom when you need to cut or fit the insulation properly. If, upon installing the insulation, you discover that you need an extra layer, you can simply lay blankets on top of the insulation already there. To reduce fire hazard, cover the panels with wallboard or use fiberglass panels if you must install panels between the rafters in a ceiling that slopes. Also,if you use cellulose insulation, which is the most common type of loose-fill insulation, be sure that it has been treated with a fire retardant.

Peters Township | April/May 2012 | 67

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Need a Quick Room Makeover?

Look to Lighting Solutions


ver wonder how designers make the rooms you see in magazines or on decorating shows look so good? It doesn’t always depend on paint colors or fabric choices. From fresh and airy, to intimate and cozy – and everything in between – lighting sets the tone of a room and should be an integral part of its design and layout. And you can make dramatic changes by doing something as easy as switching out a light bu lb. So if you want to give a room a makeover, or just freshen it up a bit, use these tips from the lighting pros at SYLVANIA to brighten things up.

The type of light bulbs you use matter as well. Due to the EISA Act of 2007, traditional incandescent light bulbs will eventually be phased out; however there are several energy-efficient options, ranging from CFLs to halogen or LED light bulbs. No matter what room you’re looking to improve, there is an energy-efficient light option that will be a perfect fit.

A-Line 12-watt LED bulbs. They’re the brightest replacement for the typical 60-watt incandescent bulbs, while using 80 percent less energy. They also last 25 times longer. • Wall sconces and floor lamps are good sources of task lighting for reading or playing games, while track fixtures can be used to highlight art work or unique wall treatments such as wall w ashing or glazing. • Place light sources at various heights within the room to add visual interest. • Use translucent shades on table lamps to contribute to the ambient light level.

 • Using dimmers and layering wit h light gives you flexibility for different occasions. • For an elegant look, blend low levels of light sources throughout the room.   • When installing light over the dining room • General lighting can be provided by ceiling Not only does a good lighting plan make a room fixtures, chandeliers, fan lights, recessed table, be careful not to create shadows on the more inviting, it also makes it more functional. To downlights or wall sconces that use halogen or faces of your guests. Placing additional light create a good lighting plan, you’ll need different LED bulbs. sources elsewhere in the room helps to balance kinds of light: • Use a floor-mounted directional fixture to the light. project light th rough plants from the floor to • Use adjustable accent lamps with SYLVANIA • Ambient – Provides overall illumination and a soften a room with interesting shadows. Place halogen bulbs to highlight plants, artwork, or comfortable level of brightness, allowing the light behind a large plant or indoor tree and special furniture pieces. These bulbs are fully aim it through the leaves towards the ceiling. people to see and move around safely and easily. dimmable and use between 22 and 33 percent • Use a low wattage energy efficient bulb to • Task – Helps you perform a specific activity, less energy than standard incandescent bulbs. brighten up the closet. These bulbs have a such as reading or playing games, by long life and offer energy-efficiency and concentrating light in a particular place.  quality color. • Accent – Sets the mood and highlights certain • For general lighting, use fixtures with a • Provide light for reading by choosing swingareas and objects, such as paintings, walls and dimmer. The light source is concealed, and arm or flexible bedside lamps. with dimming capabilities you can change the collectibles. lighting of the room for various activities from • Decorative – Fixtures become an element of For mor e lighting tips and information about reading to movie watching. A good choice for the space themselves, such as chandeliers energy-efficient bulbs, visit these fixtures would be the SYLVANIA Ultra or pendants. or Peters Township | April/May 2012 | 69

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Snoring Can Be a     Serious Problem


t one point or another, just about everyone has had to deal with the unpleasant sounds of snoring. Maybe the culprit was an open-mouthed uncle sprawled out on the couch after Thanksgiving dinner or (just your luck) an exhausted camper whose chainsaw inhales managed to reach your not-so-secluded camp site through the darkness. Maybe you deal with it every day because it’s your spouse who snores, or may be it’s you! If you have a snoring problem, you might be dealing with more than unhappy roomies and a bad reputation; you might be losing quality sleep. While most chronic snorers are aware of the adverse effects of sleep loss, many do not realize that they may have a more serious condition called obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and that a qualified dentist can treat both conditions. Snoring is the audibl e vibration that can occur when soft tissues in the mouth and throat partially obstruct one’s airway and disrupt breathing. It can be caused by certain sleep positions, excess soft tissue, the natural relaxation of muscles or other factors that allow the uvula, epiglottis or tongue to fall back into the throat during sleep. Obstructive sleep apnea has similar causes, usually accompanied by snoring, but is chara cterized by stopand-go breathing due to complete obstruction of the airway. To an observer, the snoring sounds stop for up to several seconds before the sleeper gasps for air and resumes breathing. The cessation of breathing can cause a person to wake up hundreds of time each night, but they may not even be aware of the disturbances. How could someone be unaware of being woken up so many times? While the degree of the disturbance is strong enough to interrupt deep sleep, the duration of wakefulness is not always long enough for one to remember it. Many long-time sufferers of OSA are simply accustomed to feeling tired during the day. Perhaps you’ve met one of these types at the movies? They take frequent naps! In any case, such disruption in sleep can have severe health implications. The body doesn’t have a chance to fully recharge at night, oxygen levels in the blood can drop and the brain might not get all the oxygen it needs to retain memory and perform well. OSA is also linked to increased risk of cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, heart attack and stroke. The best treatment options for snoring and obstructive sleep apnea vary based on individual needs and the severity of the sleep-disordered breathing. Weight loss, quitting smoking or changes in medications or sleep position can be enough to ease certain cases, while others may need to be treated surgically with soft tissue hardening or removal, managed with CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) or corrected with the use of a dental appliance. CPAP machines work very effectively to force air into the throat and maintain its flow to the lungs, but they are undesirable to many for a variety of reasons. Some users and their spouses feel that CPAP machines make a noise just as disturbing as snoring, many find the masks uncomfortable, and the devices can be cumbersome to clean and too large for convenient travel use. A dental appliance is a light-weight, convenient alternative to surgery and CPAP treatment that opens the airway by shifting the lower jaw and

attached soft tissue forward during sleep. The slight repositioning of the lower jaw is temporary, working only when the device (similar to a mouth guard) is being worn. The devices are custom made and adjustable, and patients find them to be comfortable, discreet, easy to clean and convenient for travel use. If you suspect you might have OSA, talk to your physician before seeing your dentist. While a dentist with the proper qualifications can make a custom dental appliance for common snoring any time, treating obstructive sleep apnea requires prior diagnosis by a physician. This may require a sleep study, but once diagnosed, many medical insurance plans offer coverage for dental appliances. If you’re feeling drowsy right now, let’s hope it’s due to nothing more than an a rticle gone on too long. But on a serious note, if you think that you or someone you love is losing sleep from breathing difficulties, don’t ignore it. There is a great deal of information available on the causes and effects of snoring and obstructive sleep apnea, and your health care providers can help you to determine the best course of action for treatment. Everyone is entitled to a good night’s res t. This Industry Insight was written by Dr. Jay Feuer. Jay Feuer D.D.S., M.A.G.D. is a family dentist practicing at 3035 Washington Road in McMurray, PA. Call the office at 724.941.2200 for more information or visit his website at

Peters Township | April/May 2012 | 71

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t the first signs of spring, people want to get back outside and on the go. Walking and running are two activities that many people choose to help shake off the winter blues, but in your excitement to start exercising again, foot and ankle injuries can be setbacks to your regimen. Two of the most common injuries are listed below: Plantar fasciitis is an inflammation of the tissue bands on the bottom of the foot that extend from the heel bone to the toes. These can become inflamed and irritated just by everyday walking, but more so by running, walking, and exercises such as squats and leg presses. To prevent this, do stretching before and after every exercise session. If you feel you have symptoms of plantar fasciitis, start with home treatments, including ice to the bottom of the foot, stretching and antiinflammatory medications such as Advil and Aleve. Allow several days of rest from running and walking activities with these home treatments. Morton’s neuroma occurs in runners and walkers. It can feel like a burning, radiating pain in the ball of the foot or a wrinkle in your sock or pebble in your shoe. Sometimes the toes go numb, often the 3rd and 4th toes followed by the 2nd and 3rd toes and there is a feeling of fullness in the foot. Although neuromas are classified as benign nerve tumors, the discomfort can alter your workout schedule. If a shoe is squeezing the front part of your foot, you will have a tendency to develop a neuroma. The best prevention is to wear proper shoes with enough room and are not fit too tightly. Appropriate padding from the shoe or extra padding placed into the shoe will help reduce the pressure from long periods of running and walking. Prevention is the key and here are two simple steps to help you avoid injury. Replace your shoes at regular intervals of every 500 miles and be cognizant of the types of surfaces on which you are exercising. In regard to shoes, always shoot for a light shoe with a good fit. The toe box should be roomy and not compressing the outer aspect of the toes. Note that walking shoes should never be used for running, however, running shoes can be used for walking. With surfaces, the most forgiving materials are indoor or outdoor tracks and treadmills, which

cause less impact to the joints. Avoid concrete surfaces, which are the hardest and most unforgiving material you can walk on. Whether you have foot problems or not, limit the amount of time spent performing exercises on concrete. If you do walk regularly on a track, you should plan your workout to include walking in both directions to evenly distribute pressures on your feet. Start slow, take preventative measures and use the self treatments noted in paragraph two when necessary. If icing, taking an antiinflammatory and rest do not improve your symptoms, consider getting a professional podiatry consultation. And get moving!

This Industry Insight was written by Karen K. Luther. Karen K. Luther, D.P.M., Director of Pittsburgh Family Foot Care, P.C., Board certified, American Board of Podiatric Surgery, Board certified, National Board of Podiatry Examiners, Doctor of Podiatric Medicine, Pennsylvania College of Podiatric Medicine. 2001 Waterdam Plaza Drive, Suite 207, McMurray, Tel: 724.941.9440

Peters Township | April/May 2012 | 73


The American Dream

hen George Bailey rips the wooden apple off the banister for the umpteenth time and then glances around at the sorry state of his home, it doesn’t seem much like a wonderful life. But it isn’t home ownership or meeting the mortgage requirements that are upsetting him to the point of despair. George Bailey is simply irritated with his home’s poor state of repair. In reality, George loves his home – even including the wooden apple that never stays attached to the banister. Bailey believes in the fundamental right of people to own their homes and pay for them with a long-term, affordable mortgage. In my own frequent conversations with investors, I am often asked: “Is home ownership a good investment?” My initial sentiment is to say it depends on how you define “good investment.” If you look at it as doub ling your money every seven years or so, real estate is probably not a very good investment. But if you define a “good investment” as a secure and predictable way of saving for the future, home ownership is probably one of the best. In a recent study by the PEW Research Center’s Social and Demographic Trends, they found that 80% of respondents view home ownership as the best investment a person can make. Nevertheless, home ownership is not for everyone. Equal opportunity lending coupled with loans backed by government agencies such as Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae ended up being considered a bankrupt idea and by some to be the root cause of the 2008 credit market crisis. As a result of very lax lending practices, many Americans were persuaded to purchase homes they couldn’t afford or to borrow heavily fro m their equity portfolios for short term goals (such as vacations and auto purchases), only to end up losing their homes to foreclosure. For those who can afford it, however, buying a home offers many advantages, not the least of which is pride of ownership. Buying a home can be considered an investment in your future and offers a sense of independence, security, safety, comfort, and place. A home can repre sent many fond memories, and in my case our adult children strongly objected to the idea of us selling the home where they grew up. (But kids, you don’t live here anymore? It’s just your mom and me.) Besides the emotional issue, the financial aspects of home ownership make it even more difficult to determine if a home is, in fact, a good investment. There are taxes, insurance, maintenance, and possibly interest to consider. It all adds up. But consider this: If you rent, you are still funding these costs through your landlord, you have little control over future

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increases, and you have to appeal to your landlord to make any changes. Home ownership still offers preferential tax treatment. The mortgage interest and property tax deduction remains an advantage for those of us who itemize. Also, a property held for mo re than one year is considered a capital asset. More importantly, if you live in the home two out of the last five years prior to sale, you can exclude up to $250,000 for an individual and $500,000 for a married couple of profit from capital gains. As you pay down a mortgage or pay it off, you build equity. You are not building equity when you rent. A similar comparison can be made with the purchase of life insurance. Term insurance has been compared to “renting” the insurance coverage for a certain term—say 20 years. If you die during the 20 years, the insurance company pays, but if you live there is no benefit (except you are still above ground of course). After that, if you still need insurance coverage, the insurance company will charge you more because you are older. Cash value life insurance, on the other hand, will provide coverage for life. The premium is significantly higher than term insurance, but the premium remains level for life, and you also build cash value you can withdraw from for emergencies or opportunities (similar to a home equity line of credit). Cash value life insurance is probably no better an investment than owning your own home, but it should provide you with a rea sonable savings rate, return of capital, and peace of mind. Neither cash value life insurance nor home ownership are suitable for everyone. Term insurance and renting a place to live are the right choices for many people, but if you have sufficient cash flow, it’s better to build equity. Few people have the discipline to save or invest, but they will pay their mortgage and maintain their home just as t hey will pay their life insurance premiums and fund their 401(k) plans. The enforced savings element inherent in these investments has helped many Americans build a substantial net worth and secure financial future. The housing market crash in 2008 may have changed the way a lot of people think about home ownership. But for those who can afford it, home ownership should still be considered a big part of t he American Dream. This more than anything is the essence of the wonderful life.

This Industry Insight was written by Garrett S. Hoge. Garrett S. Hoge, RFC, CFP®, MS of H Financial Management, is a private wealth manager based in Southpointe serving the everchanging financial needs of his clients. Please contact Garrett at H Financial Management, 400 Southpointe Blvd., #420, Canonsburg, PA 15317, Phone: 724-745-9406, Email:, or via the Web: Securities offered through Triad Advisors, Member FINRA/SIPC • Advisory Services offered through H Financial Management. H Financial Management is not affiliated with Triad Advisors.

Peters Township | April/May 2012 | 75

      

our home is probably your most valuable asset. It is also a huge risk for you financially. What if something happens to it? A fire? A tornado? Vandalism? What if someone visiting you slips, falls, suffers a serious injury, and sues you? An accident like that could put a dent – or worse – in your financial security.

 There are two different ways to insure your home, both the structure and your personal property: replacement cost and actual cash value. Replacement cost is better. Under replacement cost coverage, the insurance will cover the cost of replacing the part of the structure that is damaged, up to a maximum dollar amount. Under actual cash value, the insurance will cover the cost of replacing the damaged structure minus an allowance for depreciation. Homeowners policies also have limits on coverage for such items as jewelry, fine art and guns. If you have lots of jewelry, fine art or guns, you should consider purchasing a special personal property endorsement or “floater” that provides the coverage you need.  1. One Insurer, Multiple Policies – If you have an automobile insurance policy, is it with the same insurance company that provides your homeowners insurance? If the answer’s no, you’re paying too much – for both policies. Most insurers offer multi-policy discounts. Usually, these discounts are at least 10%.

2. Raise Your Deductible – The deductible is the amount you pay before insurance kicks in if you have a claim. The higher the deductible, the less you have to pay for your policy. 3. New Is Better – Insurers really like newer homes. That’s because it’s less likely something will go wrong. In addition, the structure itself is in better shape. Discounts of as much as 8% to 15% may be available if your residence is new. 4. Monitor Your Automatic Inflation Adjustment – Virtually every home policy includes an automatic inflation adjustment every year. This means the company automatically increases your dwelling limit every year. The idea is to keep up with the rising costs of rebuilding your home and make sure your insurance will completely rebuild your home. That’s a good thing! But over time this automatic inflation adjustment can get out of whack with reality. If you think your dwelling limit is too high, ask your agent to run a new replacement cost estimate. You may be able to lower your costs while still being fully protected. 5. Location, Location, Location – If you’re in the Eastern United States, it’s better from an insurance perspective to have a brick or masonry residence because such a structure has a greater resistance to wind damage. The right structure in the right region can save you 5% to 15%. Further, if your home is near a fire station, you will pay less for homeowners insurance. 6. Insure the House, Not the Land – Fire and high winds won’t “destroy” your land. When deciding how much homeowner’s coverage to have, don’t include the value of the land, only the value of the house and other buildings on the property. If you include the value of the land, you’re paying too much. 7. Don’t Insure What You Don’t Have – Your home policy includes an automatic protection limit for your personal property. This amount IS adjustable. If you don’t need all that protection you can lower it to save some money. But be careful, you may also need more. Your agent should help you with a quick personal property calculation. Also, pay particular attention to items subject to special limits, items such as jewelry and guns. 8. Better Safe(r) Than Sorry – Smoke detectors, burglar alarms and deadbolt locks are usually worth discounts of at least 5%. 9. Where There’s Smoke . . . – There’s fire. Smoking produces more than 23,000 residential fires in this country each year. That’s why some insurers have discounts if residents in a home are nonsmokers. 10. Good Credit = Lower Rates – Most companies these days use your credit history as part of their pricing structure. People with better credit will pay less for their insurance in most cases. There’s more to this insurance game than saving money. In fact, while it’s nice to lower your insurance costs, it’s even more important to make sure you, your loved ones and your assets are covered adequately. So if you want to protect yourself, your family and your assets from a crisis or catastrophe or just see if you can save money on your insurance, call our office. My staff and I will be glad to help you. This Industry Insight was written by Ron Gaab. Ron Gaab is a Certified Insurance Counselor and has been working in the insurance industry for 39 years. He is licensed in Property and Casualty as well as Life Insurance. He is uniquely qualified to service your every insurance need. You can contact him at 724.225.8344 or visit

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ith more than 25 years of expertise when it comes to hearing improvement, Swift Audiology’s Debra Swift admits that the world of hearing aids can be an enormous, confusing sea of choices for those with hearing impairment. However, that same expertise allows her to help her clients cut through the confusion to get to a personalized solution that’s convenient, calibrated, customized and affordable. “A lot of pe ople think that buying a hearing aid is like buying a computer,” she said. “But once they have that computer, can they program it for future improvements to accommodate changes in their hearing? Can they maintain it and keep it functioning like the day it was new? We counsel our clients right off the bat about their hearing aids, how to develop good practices in order to maintain them at home, as well as pro viding free in office service, cleanings and replacement of parts as needed. Hearing is a brain function. The ears are the pathway and that pathway becomes damaged due to noise, aging, illnesses, ototoxic medications, or even hereditary factors. Almost 95% of hearing loss is sensorineural (nerve loss) and hearing aids are needed to make up for the damaged hair cells (nerve). Hearing aids get the missing inf ormation to the brain, so that the brain can cognitively process speech and the sounds of the world that keep us acclimated and in communication with people! This is called aural rehabilitation and it is a process that takes time. Studies posted in the Archives of Neurology have linked hearing loss to Alzheimer’s/dementia. For every 10% of hearing loss that goes untreated over a prolonged period of time, the risk for developing dementia is increased by 20%. We have certainly seen the relationship

Leslie Dunst Debra Swift, B.C.-H.I.S. MS.-CCCA Original Founder/President Senior Audiologist 25 yr. +

78 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE |

between hearing loss and dementia for years in our practice. How can we remember what we don’t hear or understand clearly? The brain slows cognitively and it takes extra effort to understand conversations, which is not only tiring but also frustrating, embarrassing and impacts the person’s self-confidence and sense of wellbeing, according to a National Council on Aging study. This study has shown that untreated hearing loss can lead to isolation and depression as well. Wearing hearing aids daily reverses these effects and maintains cognitive processing. “We set realistic expectations in our counseling when we’re fitting a patient. They know what to expect. They know the brain will adjust. In the first month, they come in for several visits during this acclimation period,” Swift said. “People with hearing aids, when set properly, have benefit, but it’s not overwhelming. Adjustments are made at future visits to provide normal hearing as the patient acclimates.” With Swift’s maintenance and counseling plan, which includes lifetime cleanings and free batteries every four months during free walkin clinics, patients can not on ly hear again at optimal levels, they can also go about their lives not worrying that their investments in their hearing will not be wasted. “Not having the extended services that we offer, is one of the reasons why so many hearing aids end up in the drawer after a time period,” Swift said. “A good provider will set you up on a program to cover all of these things on an ongoing basis. Then you have value and b enefit for the cost. Is it better to buy a hearing aid for $1,000 that ends up in a drawer, with no service, or to pay a little more with bundled services, batteries, and warranties that provide everything you need for the life of the aids to hear well and extends the life of the aids? If a patient needs that

Leslie Myers-Battisti AuD. Dr. of Audiology

Peters Township

price range, we have aids that include bundled services with them. We explain the differences and you make an educated choice. There are many options, and you’re never stuck with your choice, if it isn't satisfactory.” Swift Audiology has helped patients continue to hear well for the past 25 years. With free trials, 45 day NO RISK returns and 90 days to trade to another type or technology - these benefits make Swift Audiology stand out. Experience does matter when choosing a professional. Choose a local practice that you can trust, to help you find your most beneficial and functional hearing aids. Call Swift Audiology today at 724.942.4700 or 724.222.9010 for a no cost, no obligation hearing screening and demonstration.

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n 2010, there were 995,135 Veterans in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania1, yet many do not know of an invaluable benefit available to many of them and/or their widow/widower. As the population of our region ages, and the costs of health care continue to skyrocket, The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Pension benefits have become particularly valuable to elderly veterans and their families to help defr ay the high cost of long-term care. VA Pension benefits provide an additional stream of income to our veterans and their families, allowing them to decrease the rate at which their assets deplete when faced with a long-term care need. This benefit is truly a lifeline for our seniors and their caregivers and enables many families to be able to care for loved ones at home, instead of in an institutional setting. This amount can be anywhere from $1.00 to $24,239 a year, depending on who is applying, and what level of pension benefit they are applying for. The benefit is “needs-based” meaning that the VA will only give you what you can establish a need for. The VA Pension can be used to hire a caregiver to come into the home, for adult day care services, to pay for services at an assisted living facility , or pay for prescriptions or medical services. This pension, sometimes referred to as “Improved Pension” for the Veteran or “Death Pension” for the surviving spouse, is a Non-Service Connected disability pension for those either totally and permanently disabled, or over age 65. The Veteran must have served 90 days or more of active duty, with at least one day during a period of war, and have been disch arged under other than dishonorable conditions. Wartime service dates are designated by Congress for VA Pension purposes. The veteran did not have to serve in a combat zone to qualify, but merely during one of the designated periods. Additionally, the opportunity exists for veterans who may have served the majority of their service during peacetime, yet still qualify for the VA Pension because their ser vice time included at least one day during a period of war.2 The claimant’s income and net worth must also be within established thresholds to be eligible for the VA Pension benefit. Having high income or a large net worth do not automatically disqualify an individual from being eligible for these benefits. Unreimbursed medical expenses can be used to reduce countable income, and while the net worth limi t is determined on a case by case basis, there are ways to legally reduce your net worth to meet the guidelines. Unlike Medicaid,

the VA does not penalize claimants for transferring excess assets to others when it would be appropriate to do so; however, it should be done with the advice and counsel of a qualified elder law attorney. An elder law attorney can properly guide an individual on how to reduce n et worth by paying off debt, buying a new vehicle, or setting up irrevocable pre-paid funeral and burial arrangements for themselves and their spouses. Additionally, they may make accommodations or repairs to their homes, allowing the individual to stay in his or her home and out of a nursing home. Increased benefits are available to claimants who are eligible for Pension benefits and who also demonstrat e a need for “aid and attendance” or by reason of being “housebound.” Housebound eligibility can be established by showing that a claimant is substantially confined to his or her home because of their disability. Aid and Attendance is the highest benefit level, where it can be certified by the claimant’s physician that they require assistance with the activities of daily living. Few know about this high ly underutilized benefit, but for the families who are taking advantage, the VA pension has ensured a secure financial future for our Veterans, and provided a means to attain the level of care they most certainly deserve. 1 For statistics, see: 2 Periods of war can be found at:

About the Writer Colleen Bratkovich is an Associate with the elder law firm of Zacharia & Brown, PC. Zacharia & Brown is one of the oldest, most established elder law firms in Western Pennsylvania. Their practice includes life care planning for seniors, elder law, Medicaid & Veterans Benefits eligibility, nursing home asset protection, care review and advocacy, and estate planning and administration. Contact information:, 412.751.5670. 4500 Walnut Street, McKeesport, PA 15132.

Peters Township | April/May 2012 | 79

hen you bring your pet to the veterinarian for a wellness exam, there are several things we do. We ask you questions about your pet’s health at home, we do a thorough physical exam, and we may do blood testing, give vaccines and dispense parasite preventatives. All this is what we call preventative medicine, which is doing things while your pet is healthy to ensure he/she will stay healthy. Another area of preventative medicine on which we focus is your pet’s body condition, which means we determine if your pet is overweight or not. Why focus on this? I mean, what’s the big deal if your pet has a little extra around the middle? As it turns out, it is a big deal. Years ago we thought that the purpose of fat tissue was to store extra energy for when we needed it, nothing more. About 20 years ago, though, we discovered that fat tissue can also produce hormones, called adipokines. These adipokines are chemicals that affect how our bodies function. When there is an excess of fat in the body, these adipokines are produced in abnormal amounts and can lead to, or worsen, many diseases. We are discovering that dogs and cats that are overweight are at risk for arthritis, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, respiratory disease, and even some cancers. As a result, keeping our pets thin is an important and meaningful way for them to stay healthy, and even live longer. Unfortunately, we are seeing many more animals that are overweight or obese. Some studies estimate that 43% of dogs and 53% of cats are overweight or obese. Those numbers are huge, especially if you consider that heart disease, the le ading cause of death in people, affects about 30% of the U.S. population. That means heart disease affects 1 out of every 3 people,

This Industry Insight was written by Mike Pensenstadler, VMD Dr Pensenstadler practices at Pleasant Valley Veterinary Clinic, located at 211 East McMurray Rd. PVVC has been providing full service veterinary care to the Peters Township area since 1973. To make an appointment call 724.941.5484. To learn more about PVVC, visit

80 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE |

Peters Township

while being overweight or obese affects 1 out of every 2 cats and dogs. That makes obesity the most common health concern affecting our pets! Now it’s time to tell you some good news. Obesity is both preventable and reversible! The best approach, of course, is to make sure our dogs and cats never get overweight in the first place. That requires attention to diet and exercise at a young age, as early as 6-8 months old. Establishing good feeding and exercise habits early gives us a huge head start in preventing weight issues for our pets. But what if things get a little ahead of us and our pets become overweight? What do we do then? The answer is simple: make your dog or cat eat less and exercise more. Body condition is a balance between the calories gained by eating and the calories burned from metabolism and exercise. For weight loss to occur, the calories gained from food have to be less than those burned in exercise. Therefore, the mainstay of weight control is diet and exercise. Now this looks simple on paper, but who ever said simple was easy? In truth, getting pets to lose weight is one of the most difficult goals for owners to achieve. When people try on their own, only about 8% are successful in getting their pets to lose weight. Why is this so difficult? The difficulty becomes apparent when we look at the role our pets play in our lives. Our pets are now a part of our family. We share our house, our time and our lifestyle with them. Few things are more gratifying than watching our pets enjoy the food we offer them. It is one of the most bonding experiences we share. It follows that the closer we are bonded to our pets, the more we feed them. Combine this with the busy schedule of our lives, which limits the amount of exercise we can give them, and we get the perfect formula for weight gain. To get our pets to lose weight, we have to change the way we bond with them, and we have to adopt a more active lifestyle. These are fundamental changes. That is why getting our pets to lose weight is so difficult. Don’t despair. You don’t have to do this alone. We veterinarians can help. We can advise you on better ways to feed your pet, and how to implement an exercise program that is easy for you and your pet to follow. If things are still too difficult, we can even guide you through a medically supervised weight loss program. We are here to support and guide you on your path to keeping your pet happy and healthy for as long as possible. By focusing on all the issues that keep your pet healthy, including weight, we can succeed… and we’ll do it together.


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Long Lean Muscles– courtesy of Joseph Pilates! ...among the other countless benefits of practicing Yoga and Pilates

724.941.2411 451 Valleybrook Road Peters Township | April/May 2012 | 81

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ccording to language experts, sixmonth-old babies babble using 70 different sounds that make up all of the languages of the world. Children are not preprogrammed with the language(s) of their parents; they learn the language of their environments. For example, the child of parents who consistently speak multiple languages in everyday conversations will naturally speak both languages. Learning a second language is not as challenging for a young child as you may think. Teaching a one-year-old the word “red” and the Spanish version, “rojo,” is similar to teaching the words “stone” and “rock”. There is nothing confusing about this for a young child. The key to teaching your child a second language is to immerse him or her in the language. Your child’s teacher probably does this throughout the day by labeling and referencing items and actions in the classroom in different languages. You can work with your child’s teacher by referencing these labels and incorporating the language into your child’s play at home. With your participation, the immersion is complete. Remember, there are many forms of communication. Introducing young children to second languages such as Spanish, French and sign language encourages brain development in areas that would typically fall dormant. (Sign language can also demonstrate an infant’s listening vocabulary and fine motor development.) Second languages celebrate cultural

diversity and help to create an understanding of the written word. A second language can open doors and unleash curiosities of the world. Whether your child is an infant or a preschooler, immersing him or her in a second language is the key to success. If the language is new to you as well, label your surroundings so the words are readily available. Following are some age-appropriate activities to help you incorporate a second language into your child’s daily routine.

 • Sign as you say words. • Sign in one word syllables (e.g., more, mom, dad, ball). • Gently move your child’s hands to make a sign. • Play music from around the world.

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Repeat everyday words in all languages. Link words together. Prompt your child to attempt new words. While playing a game, such as “Memory,” recite words in both languages. • Begin to use common words in the second language without repeating in your native tongue. • Listen to music in other languages.

      • Use your everyday experiences for language opportunities (e.g., sign the food item you want your child to find at the grocery store). • Sing songs in other languages. • If your family has two native languages in your household, speak one language at home and the other outside of the home to practice proper language use. • Watch your child’s favorite movie in another language. Many DVDs now offer language choices. • Visit cultural fairs, food markets and restaurants of other cultures. Only the best preschools offer special enrichment programs at no extra cost, as part of the standard tuition. Enrichment programs — including a second / third language, yoga, dance, and music appreciation, for example — develop the whole child by encouraging their innate curiosity and imagination. This Industry Insight was written by Bob & Lori Santo. Bob & Lori Santo are the owners of The Goddard School®, located at 825 East McMurray Rd. in Peters Township. Goddard offers both full- and part-time Infant/Preschool/K programs. For more information, visit or call 724.941.6464.

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Beinhauer Family Services ~ 


s a proud father in a multi-generational family business, there’s no question that Scott Beinhauer can’t wait for his three daughters to enter Beinhauer Family Services as the company’s seventh generation of family leadership. And by the time they do, they will be in good company. Once considered a male-oriented profession, funeral services are increasingly becoming a female-dominated industry with more than 57 percent of female mortuary science students in school right now. It’s a trend not lost on Beinhauer’s, which has embraced female directors for over 40 years. Beinhauer Family Funeral Homes have been part of the community since 1860, with six generations of the family ownership. The staff has combined experience of more than 240 years of service as licensed funeral directors. “This is a family business, first and foremost, with more than a century and a half of heritage,” said Kelly Keddie, one of Beinhauer’s licensed funeral directors and certified funeral celebrant whose focus is on community outreach. “The fact that we’re not only a business in the community, but also a part of the community is due to the relationships we’ve built with our neighbors over the years. People know us, and they trust us.” Kelly is one of three female funeral directors at Beinhauer’s, who have been changing the face of the organization. Along with Ashley Fryer, a fifth-generation funeral director who is the youngest person in Beinhauer history to be a location supervisor, Margo Rinn, and intern Randi Strunk, the trio strives to continue Beinhauer’s commitment to the industry and community at large. The Beinhauer family serves five communities in the South Hills— Peters Township, Bethel Park, Bridgeville, Dormont/Mt. Lebanon, and Canonsburg. Their locations are family-friendly, providing children’s rooms, cafés where food and beverages can be served, and a community room where dinners and luncheons can be scheduled. “Church groups hold worship services in our community

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room, and other local groups meet here as well,” said Kelly. “The decision to open up the community room to groups is just part of our commitment to the community for all of their support through the years. You can’t be part of a community without giving something back.” Those same spacious rooms make Beinhauer’s stand out when it comes to funeral services as well. With parking for more than 125 vehicles, and over 16,000 square feet of interior space, Beinhauer’s can accommodate both large ceremonies for hundreds of guests or smaller personal ceremonies. Their professional staff excels and is committed to

providing dignified and honorable services, no matter what the family’s needs or budget. No other local funeral company can provide the funeral options they can in-house with their own professional staff and cemetery selections. Beinhauer’s can personalize services in a way that other funeral homes can’t. “Our business, while caring for the deceased helps families create an event or service that is as extensive as a loved one’s life, providing a meaningful experience for the family and community,” said Scott Beinhauer. Some of those personal touches include an interactive website, personalized DVD videos, and webcasting of funerals, giving those with physical limitations the ability to attend a loved one’s funeral service over the Internet. “Details are the most important part of funerals. It could be a photo collage, or a display of personal items that demonstrate the person’s hobbies or vocations in life,” said Ashley. “Every life is a story and every death leaves a void. No one dies without leaving their own distinct mark on this world, and we go above and beyond to exemplify that life, honor it, and celebrate it.” The Peters Township facility has an outdoor waterfall, open to all, for memorial services and special events such as dove and balloon releases in memory of a loved one or to celebrate an important event like weddings or baptisms. As a convenience for the families, Beinhauer’s offers Wi-Fi availability, space for caterers to set up and serve family members and friends, a room for kids to play in and more.

“People usually think of receptions as simply 2 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m., but there’s a lot of time in between for the family,” Kelly said. “If a family wants to have a catered lunch or dinner in between those hours, or celebratory events, we can do that for them. They don’t have to leave the premises to check their email, or arrange for something to eat. Our community room accommodates up to 300 people for these types of functions.” These same spacious rooms are available for anyone in the community to use, for seminars or training classes, breakfast meetings or community awareness events. Call Kelly Keddie at 724.969.2532 ext. 227 to schedule your next function. “My parents, Rick and Gina Beinhauer, have lived in the Peters community for over 35 years. I’ve also been blessed to live in Peters and raise my children here,” said Scott. “Offering the community room to our friends and neighbors was an obvious choice.” The Beinhauer family also owns and operates Woodruff Memorial Park Cemetery, located on Route 19 in North Strabane Township. The newly constructed Community Mausoleum offers magnificent crypt entombment as well as extensive cremation niches, including bronze and beveled glass and a beautiful indoor chapel. The Beinhauers also developed Peaceful Pastures Pet Cemetery, a pet funeral and burial center, which houses its own on-site crematory. As pet lovers themselves, the Beinhauers and their caring staff understand the terrible loss when a pet dies and treat them like the family member they were. For more information on Beinhauer Family Funeral Homes and their cemetery and cremation options, call 724.969.0200 or visit them at

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“Color of the Year” 2012


olor authority and forecasting group, Pantone Color Institute, has named “tangerine tango” the hottest hue for 2012. Dramatic and vibrant, this shade combines fiery red with the warmth of yellow for a color that packs an intense punch into spring wardrobes. A plethora of gemstones, some rarer than others, lend a radiant and sophisticated energy to jewelry this season. Fire opals are unique for their deep red-orange glow and extreme play of color. A majority of the world’s fire opals are found in Mexico and they are regarded as the national gemstone of that country. Fire opals are a powerful gemstone that conveys a feeling of warmth, peace and harmony to the wearer. Also, opals maintain water balance from the moisture in the air and the wearer’s skin, making it a great choice for regular wear. It is import ant, however, that fire opals should be protected from direct contact with cosmetics. Mandarin garnet is a brilliant gemstone discovered only a little over 20 years ago in a remote region of Africa. Richer and finer in color than citrine, they quickly became a favorite of gem enthusiasts and jewelry lovers. With mines tapped out and demand high, true Mandarin garnets are rare and considered highly valuab le. Its hardness and unusually strong brilliance make

this gemstone that has been described as having the “color of a ripe peach” a truly unique gemstone. Coral has been subject to controversy in jewelry in recent years. However, there are great measures being taken to regulate its uses and the jewelry industry is diligent in harvesting practices and respectful of the protected species. Coral is essenti ally the product or skeleton from living creatures. It is from these parts that jewelry is made. Coral grows in a variety of colors but the most popular are the red or “salmon” colored variety. Corals are the perfect materials for beads and carvings and embody one’s longing for sun, sea and warm summer nights. These are just a few gemstones that match this season’s “Tangerine Tango” obsession! This year let the glow, romance and energy sweep you away to the sunny days that lie ahead!!! This Industry Insight was written by Amie Guarino Yadouga. Yadouga is a jewelry stylist for Louis Anthony Jewelers. She has a bachelor’s degree in Fashion Merchandising from West Virginia University and has studied at the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York City. Amie has been involved in the family business since high school. For more information, visit Louis Anthony Jewelers at 1775 North Highland Rd., call 412.854.0310 or visit

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s we become more educated about dog psychology, doggy daycare is growing ever more popular with dog owners. I attribute this to the benefits both dog and owner enjoy from socialization in the daycare environment. Daycare provides a safer alternative to the dog park, as it is a controlled off-leash environment where dog behavior experts monitor socialization. I am not opposed to dog parks, per se, however I do believe most dog park visitors do not always properly control the pack. In fact, many owners unknowingly interfere with acceptable pack behavior, and fail to recognize and correct unacceptable behavior. Here is an example I often see at dog parks. Let’s say your dog, Scooby, is being repeatedly antagonized to play by a more energetic dog, Scrappy. Scrappy is not demonstrating aggressive behavior; he is simply enthusiastically asking your dog to play. Scooby happens to not be interested in play at that energy level, gets irritated, and snaps at Scrappy. The snap includes a specifically pitched bark and suggestions of a nip in Scrappy’s direction. There is no actual bite or follow through. This behavior is what I call a warning. Your immediate reaction is to scream at your dog “no!” and even perhaps remove him from the dog park to be punished. While you think you have corrected aggressive behavior, you in fact just told Scooby that he should not communicate to Scrappy. This causes confusion for your dog. Scooby was not displaying aggressive behavior. He was appropriately telling Scrappy, “I do not want to play with you.” Assuming Scrappy has good social skills, he should have received the message, backed down and moved away. We see this type of communication every day in daycare. The appropriate response you as an owner should have taken, would have been to simply monitor the energy level of the snap and make sure Scrappy respected Scooby’s message by moving away. In my experience in the dog park, most owners expect the dogs to never growl, bark or nip at each other, when in fact these are acceptable ways dogs communicate in the pack. Now I am not saying that dogs do not need supervision off leash; they certainly do. However, humans should never try to interrupt normal communication within the pack. Humans should be asserting as the pack leader, and allow the hierarchy of the rest of the pack to develop itself. Perhaps the greatest benefit of daycare is that socialized dogs typically have less behavioral issues than those that are restricted to mostly human contact. Through interaction with a pack, dogs learn how to behave in certain social situations. They learn to properly introduce themselves, greet new friends, ask for play, say yes or no to play, and share. Think of a child who never plays with other children. He/she would certainly not know how to interact with the other children on their first day of school. That child would likely exhibit fearful behavior. Like children, dogs that are not properly socialized are often insecure and fearful. And unfortunately, fearfulness often leads to aggression. There are many signs that your dog lacks proper social skills. For example, lunging or excessive barking at other dogs while on the walk, or at people who pass by or enter your home. If your dog had appropriate social skills, when he sees a dog during the walk, he should be using his nose to gather scent, not asserting himself with his bark. Remember exchange of the scent is like the human handshake. After the handshake, either play or disinterest should ensue. What is it about socialization that teaches dogs to act properly? Regular socialization gives dogs experience in interacting with dogs of all

Let the Dogs be Dogs energy levels, teaches communication skills, and provides your dog confidence as they learn their place in a pack. Beginning the socialization process in puppyhood is key, and just as important as continuing it throughout their life. Remember, dogs are social animals. We humans tend to forget this and expect them to understand English and act like humans. They are social pack animals, and it’s their nature to be among other dogs. If your dog has poor or completely lacks social skills, you may be amazed at what a little socialization in a controlled pack can do for them, and you!

This Industry Insight was written by Shaina Dymond, owner of The Pooch Pitt. The Pooch Pitt opened in February and provides crate free boarding, daycare, grooming and obedience training. We are the most conveniently located daycare and boarding facility in the South Hills, located in the St. Petersburg Center. Please visit or call 724.969.4200 for more information.

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   By Britt Fresa


can’t believe that building fit onto that piece of property!” Summit Physical Therapy owners Nick Martin and Mark Mascio say this comment is the one they hear most often from patients, friends, family and even the mailman, when they see the new, two-story office building on Wilhaven Drive in Peters Township. The building is co-owned with McMenamin Insurance Group and located near the intersection of Gateshead Drive and Route 19 across from Bob Evans. Commuters have more than likely watched the transformation since June 2011. Now complete, Summit Physical Therapy, which is located on the first floor, is proud to have their fourth clinic open and excited to bring their business and expertise to Peters Township. “My wife Sherry and I, along with Nick, and his wife Julie, have lived in Peters for almost 20 years,” said Mark. “We’ve made many good friends throughout the years and enjoy raising our kids here.” Martin and Mascio have been successful physical therapists for more than 20 years. After practicing their chosen field of study in other clinics in Southwestern Pennsylvania, they began Summit Physical Therapy in 1993. “Mark and I met during our undergraduate studies at West Virginia University,” said Nick. “Mark went on to complete his PT degree at Pitt and I completed mine at the Medical College of Virginia. We reconnected when my wife and I moved to Pittsburgh in 1989.” In addition to their PT licenses, Nick is certified as an Orthopedic Manual Therapist, a specialized area of physical therapy for the management of neuro-musculo-skeletal conditions. It uses highly specific treatment approaches including manipulative techniques and therapeutic exercises. Mascio also offers additional credentials. He is a Certified Workers Capacity Evaluator, which allows him to qualify potential employees for job-specific performances.

The New Clinic Summit Physical Therapy prides itself on providing personalized, hands-on care to all of its patients. They’ve treated tens of thousands of residents in their clinic s in Weirton, Follansbee and New Cumberland, W. Va., and have been voted “Best Physical Therapy Clinic in the Ohio Valley” every year since 1993 by the readers of Weirton Daily Times and Herald Star. But when it came to their new clinic in Peters, Mark and Nick decided to bring innovation to the table. Enter the AlterG® Anti-Gravity Treadmill. This breakthrough technology is like no other and until now has been reserved for elite athletes and rock stars. The AlterG® allows patients to walk without bearing their entire weight, which reduces impact on 90 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE |

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the body to optimize rehabilitation and physical therapy outcomes. The NASA-based technology applies a lifting force to the body that reduces weight on the lower extremities and allows precise unweighting – up to 80 percent of a person’s body weight, so patients c an find exactly where the pain stops and natural movement feels good again. “Our AlterG Treadmill is the only one in the South Hills. It will change the way people respond to their therapy,” said Nick. “We expect faster recovery times on lower extremity rehabilitation and are happy to offer this type of treatment to our patients.” Summit’s Hands-On Care While Martin and Mascio enjoy discussing the new t echnology introduced in their Peters clinic, they also stress the importance of patient care and their hands-on approach. “Nick and I pride ourselves on providing quality care to our patients,” said Mark. “It’s important to remember them as people first. They lead busy lives and want to resume normal activities as soon as possible.” “I agree,” said Nick. “When we talk about our hands-on care, it doesn’t only mean how we physically implement therapy. We discuss the patient’s history with them and what brought them to this point. This provides a better understanding of their lifestyle and goals for recovery.” Summit Physical Therapy is proud of their history and the business they’ve built. And, Martin and Mascio are excited they’ve brought their expertise to the residents of Peters Township... in a bra nd new building that fits so nicely on that piece of property. Visit Summit Physical Therapy’s website at or contact them at 724.941.3727 for an appointment.

Community Magazines

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    

 That’s the hope of the hundreds of Peters Township area residents who will begin their laps around the track at noon on June 2 for the annual American Cancer Society Relay For Life of Peters Township. It is that belief—that one day cancer will be eradicated—that keeps them walking at the Peters Township High School stadium, along with year-long fundraising efforts, to help raise money for cancer research and provide educational programs to the public designed to prevent and find a cure for the disease. Cancer, unfortunately, touches everyone’s lives at some time and that’s why Relay For Life is important to all, says American Cancer Society Washington County spokeswoman Margie Smith. “Relay For Life is a unique opportunity to bring communities across our nation together,” she said. “No other fundraiser offers every section of the community an experience as diverse as the one experienced at a Relay For Life event. Every range of emotion is evoked, every component part of the community can be involved from religious organizations to the business sector, student population, our neighbors, families, friends and social clubs and there is no limit to the number of reasons people get involved. That is because cancer knows no bounds. It is one of the most nondiscriminatory and pervasive diseases on the planet.’’ This year’s goal of Relay For Life of Peters Township is to raise $125,000. That includes fundraising from the June 2 relay as well at the second annual mini Corporate Relay For Life July 12, 10 a.m- 3 p.m, at Hilton Gardens Inn,

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Southpointe. Last year the relay in Peters Township raised $116,000. Opening ceremonies begin at noon. The Survivors and Caregivers Ceremony follows at 12:30 p.m. with Fight Back Ceremony at 7 p.m. The Luminaria Ceremony, which honors survivors and those who lost their battle with the disease, begins at 9 p.m. on June 2. Luminaria may be purchased with a $10 donation online or by mail with a donation from the heart. Contact Rita Reo at or Lilly Kauffman at for ordering or additional information. Luminaria may also be ordered by calling Reo at 724.263.9329. Closing ceremonies will be held at 7:30 a.m. June 3. This year’s theme is Reality Television Shows. Teams decorate their respective sites around the track reflecting the theme. Family style games, live musical entertainment and concessions will be available. The public is welcome to the event. Admission is free. If you are interested in forming or joining a Relay For Life team, would like to support a team or need more information, contact Margie Smith at 724.222.6911 or go to for details. Relay For Life is an event that can truly unite a community, Smith said. “In these times when people seem to be so polarized on such a large number of issues, this is one issue we can stand together on,’’ Smith said. “We are a united front against this disease and we will not stop until relaying until a cure is found.’’

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rom small yards to large, open, public areas, figuring out what to do with your outdoor space can be a property owner’s headache. But Sugar Run Nursery can help. Since 1986, Sugar Run Nursery has been providing high quality plant material to the South Hills of Pittsburgh. They also design beautiful landscapes and gardens, and help their clients follow through on all aspects of their gardening experience. “We not only provide creative ideas and designs, but we also approach each property realistically,” said Sean Bernarding, Jr., the owner of Sugar Run Nursery. ”We try to work with existing vegetation, topography, architecture and character of the space, as well as the client’s personal wishes, to create a concept that both functions and looks good.” Sugar Run clients can expect a level of expertise unavailable anywhere else. From onsite consultations and expert advice from their horticulturists, to guarantees that planted material will thrive and flourish, Sugar Run’s staff can transform your yard from boring to beautiful. “Our employees are passionate about your yard,” Bernarding said. “They are knowledgeable, friendly and willing to take the time with you to answer all of your questions.” What’s more, once you find that perfect specimen plant or shade tree at the nursery, Sugar Run’s staff offers delivery and expert planting services too. “We carry an enormous variety of common and specimen trees, shrubs, grasses, perennials, evergreens, dwarf conifers, ornamental trees, flowering trees, shade trees, many different varieties of Japanese maples, specimen plants, bedding plants, groundcover,

vines, and many more that are very different, rare, or unusual.” Don’t be fooled into thinking that just because Sugar Run serves major contractors that that’s all they do. The nursery is fully open to the retail public and browsing is encouraged. Because of the commercial side of the business, variety abounds at Sugar Run more so than typical retail outlets. “Our stock changes, literally from week to week,” Bernarding said. “So we see our nursery clients often as they peruse the constant influx of new plants.” Once you get home, and everything is perfect for that summer cookout or lazy August afternoon of reading under the sun, Sugar Run continues to help clients by helping to maintain their landscapes so they look as good in September as they did in May. “We take great pride in our work and we want our clients to be just as proud of their yards as we are. Exceptional landscaping adds value not just to curb appeal, but also to overall appeal and desirability. When your yard is beautiful, you have a better chance of selling your

home. You also have the luxury of ‘escaping’ to your own backyard for some rest and relaxation.” Sugar Run Nursery accepts major credit cards – Visa, Discover, MasterCard – as well as personal checks and cash. To see some of their gorgeous plants and examples of their landscapes, go to For more information, call 724.348.6050. Sugar Run Nursery is located at 1419 Sugar Run Road in Venetia. 94 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE |

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Tom Crea wants to be in your corner. And as someone with an impressive and storied resume, it’s probably not a bad idea to take him up on it. Crea has been presenting a series of motivational talks to parents and students at the Peters Township Library in an effort to share his accumulated wisdom and help kids learn how important it is to plan ahead, set goals and stay motivated. The programs have been pr o bono for the library, mainly because Crea said library director Pier Lee shares the same passion for educating kids that he does. “She seems very much interested in supporting programs that not only promote the library, but help kids,” Crea said. Crea’s experiences culminate from his years in the military, where he retired as a Lieutenant Colonel from the U.S. Army. There, he was in charge of various organizations, to include one unit with 13 helicopters worth more than $100 million. “My guys were always scattered and spread afar. They had to go to the four winds. That’s where I learned to coach them, and I found that I really enjoyed coaching,” Crea said. “My strength is getting information, distilling it and teaching it to the next person along.”

After he retired from the U.S. Army, Crea followed his wife’s career to Vancouver, Canada, where he started coaching basketball. When he came to Pittsburgh, he said he had a decision to make. “I could coach a sport, which would be fantastic, or I could be coaching the youth in areas of motivation, time management and self-awareness,” he said. “These things were shared with me when I was young, and now’s my time to give back.” So far, his Peters Townsh ip Library lectures have focused on achieving and maintaining peak performance, self-awareness, selfesteem, goal-setting, problem-solving, time management, and decision-making. While he said he can’t delve into the details of his craft in the hour and a half time frame he has to work with, he has time enough to engage the kids in spirited discussion and give them the basics. Those he has mentored over the years continue to stay in touch with him and provide him with glowing testimonials. “I still have a relationship with these individuals and continue to help them manage their long-term development,” he said. “It’s flattering to be called a motivational speaker, but that’s not my calling in life. I would really rather be known as a developmental coach.” For more information on Crea and how he can help you reach your full potential, go to


Leadership Coach Shares Experiences with Peters Township Youth



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603 East McMurray Road McMurray I PA I 15317 724.942.0940


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