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Winter 2012


Shaler Township Prepares for


Up” Night!


Shaler Area School District Township of Shaler

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Pamela Palongue [North and East] Mark Berton [South, West and Erie] OF F ICE MANAGER




Cassie Brkich Anna Buzzelli Sharon Cobb Jan McEvoy

Mike Miller Joe Milne Tamara Tylenda


Jonathan Barnes Jennifer Brozak Matt Fascetti Tracey Fedkoe Mike Ference Britt Fresa Heather Holtschlag Nick Keppler

Chelsie Kozera Leigh Lyons Dana Black McGrath Joanne Naser Aimee Nicolia Melanie Paulick Judith Schardt


Mark Fainstein Ginni Hartle Len Pancoast

Kathleen Rudolph Gary Yon


Tamara Myers

Tom Poljak


Sophia Alfaras Pamela Arder Brian Daley Julie Graff Laurie Holding Jason Huffman Connie McDaniel Brian McKee

Gabriel Negri Aimee Nicolia Annette Petrone Vincent Sabatini Mark Seamans Michael Silvert RJ Vighetti Nikki Capezio-Watson Derek S. Wickman

This magazine is carrier route mailed to all district households and businesses. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. Copyright 2012. CORRESPONDENCE Direct all inquiries, comments and press releases to: IN Community Magazines Attn: Editorial 603 East McMurray Road McMurray, PA 15317 Ph: 724.942.0940 Fax: 724.942.0968 Spring content deadline: 03/13/13 Winter content deadline: October 15

From the Publisher  Welcome to the Winter issue of

Shaler Area magazine!

I hope that the slow descent into cooler temperatures and the start of the changing leaf colors bring a smile to your face, as they do mine. Fall is one of my favorite times of year. It marks the start of ski season, a sport I share with my whole family. It also means warm cider on chilly nights, the return of some amazing stargazing as the skies darken earlier, and lower electric bills as the air conditioners can finally be removed from the windows. We also have Halloween, of course, which allows us to share some fun with the kids either through haunted hayrides and houses, or just making the rounds from door to door, filling that pillowcase to the brim with sugary delights. Halloween kicks off the holiday season, and it seems that every year, the last three months on the calendar flip faster than the previous nine. Thanksgiving gives way to Christmas and Hanukah, followed by New Year’s. It will be over before you know it, so take some time to have that extra cup of cider, make a few extra wishes on those stars, spend a few more runs down the slopes, and take the time to walk door-to-door with the kids this Halloween. This time is something we can never get back, which makes it one of the most valuable things we have. Enjoy your winter with the ones you love, Wayne Dollard Publisher

Miracles Happen Every Day... Have you or someone in your family ever experienced a miracle in your life?

A check arrives from an unexpected source, just as the house was about to be foreclosed upon? Someone was healed, despite all odds and predictions? Or maybe you were reunited with someone by circumstances that were far too phenomenal to be called coincidence... If you have, we would love to hear your story and so would your friends and neighbors. Because at the end of the day, we could all use a little hope and encouragement. Miracles really do happen all the time! Please mail your story to: IN Community Magazines Attn. Pamela 603 East McMurray Road, McMurray, PA 15317 or you can email it to Pamela at: Photos are welcomed with submissions, but not required.

Please recycle this magazine when you are through enjoying it.


IN Shaler Area is a non-partisan community publication dedicated to representing, encouraging and promoting the Shaler Area area and its comprising municipalities by focusing on the talents and gifts of the people who live and work here. Our goal is to provide readers with the most informative and professional regional publication in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

IN Shaler Area Magazine | WINTER 2012 |



Health & Wellness .......................... | 44 Comfort Food .................................. | 53 InDuSTry InSIghTS

Perman Funeral Home This Year, Be It Resolved.......................... | 13 on The cover

Edward Jones

Shaler Township Prepares for “Lite Up� Night! Photo by Gary Yon.


Become Familiar With These Five Key Areas ....................................... | 43

Casper Insurance Staying stress-free during the holiday season ............................ | 51 BuSIneSS SpoTlIghT

Supercuts 5



communITy InTereSTS

A Former U.S. Marine Turned Author .................................... | 4 Shaler Area School District .......................................................... | 5 Millvale Community and Economic Director ..................... | 14 Harvest Moon Wine Festival..................................................... | 16 Shaler North Hills Library Art Show...................................... | 18 Violet Rowe Retires as Glenshaw Public Library Director .......................................... | 20 The Santa Watch Continues in Shaler ................................... | 22 Shaler Basketball 2012-13 Season Preview ........................ | 24 UPMC Today | Health and Wellness News ..................................... | 25 Township of Shaler ........................................................................... | 35 The Incomparable Barbara Millicent Roberts ...................... | 54 How I Met My Spouse ..................................................................... | 56

Serving you and your community ............. | 34

A Former U.S. Marine Turned Author By Heather Holtschlag

Jim Vuksic of Glenshaw is not a writer by trade. In fact, he never had any intention of publishing a book. “I initially decided to write a book just to see if I could, and had no intention whatsoever of seeking publication,” he explains. “I figured that it would be a constructive and interesting way to pass the time for three or four months and then on to something else.” That three or four months quickly turned into 14, as he wrote his first completed, polished manuscript, a fiction piece called Levels. And although it was officially released and made available for commercial distribution in August 2011, the audio book was just released in September. Levels follows a man named Jonathan as his formal primary education comes to an end. Jonathan now has the chance to explore the world on his own and put his acquired teachings and knowledge to the test. He is subjected to an orchestrated series of physical and mental challenges, and to advance to the highest levels of society and learn the true nature of the sheltered world in which he was raised, he must display courage, tolerance and maturity.

4 724.942.0940 to advertise


“It is my sincerest wish that readers will find Levels to be entertaining, and hopefully, as they share the characters’ life experiences from childhood through adulthood, form such a personal bond with them that they may sometimes find themselves laughing, crying, becoming angry, frustrated, or being frightened along with them,” Vuksic said. “But most of all, I hope every reader will leave my imaginary world of the future determined to help make our real, present-day world a better place – a world in which being different is OK and what one thinks of oneself is the only opinion that really matters.” According to Vuksic, feedback from the book’s readers so far has been quite positive, though with some very strong opinions. “Some readers find the subject matter to be commendable or even inspirational and have felt that the world of Levels was a utopia – the kind of world they would love to be a part of someday,” he explained. “Other readers found the very same subject matter to be disturbing or even blasphemous and stated that such a world must never be permitted to exist. Whatever their opinion, every reader I have heard from was encouraged to think – and that is always a good thing.” Vuksic says that although he has no plans to submit anything more for publication at this point, he

“I hope every reader will leave my imaginary world of the future determined to help make our real, present-day world a better place – a world in which being different is OK and what one thinks of oneself is the only opinion that really matters.”

has recently completed a brief overview of the entire King James Version of the Old and New Testaments and has given copies to his four adult children and some friends. He adds, “I have had the good fortune to experience and appreciate a number of phases in my life: Seminarian, Marine, musician, husband, father, grandfather, plant manager (at H.J. Heinz) and author.” For more information about Levels or to purchase the book, visit Vuksic’s website at

Shaler Area School District

A messAge from the superintendent

Dear Shaler Area Friends and Families:


ach year our students are evaluated in reading, math, science and writing through the Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA). Students in grades 3-8 and 11 are tested in reading and math. A science assessment is given to students in grades 4, 8, and 11. Writing is also assessed in grades 5, 8, and 11. The district, and each individual school, is evaluated on three criteria: test performance, test participation, and graduation rate. The state uses the term Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) to determine if a school has met the benchmarks each year. Seven of our eight district buildings made AYP for test participation and performance in 2012. This means that greater than 95% of our students participated in the test and that we met the performance targets as established by the department of education. In addition, our students performed higher than the state average in every grade and subject except 5th grade math which fell just 3 points under the state average of 71% proficient and advanced on the PSSA. I feel strongly that our students are making good progress. While our students at the high school outperformed the state average in reading, math, science and writing, unfortunately this performance at the high school still fell below the state expectations in two areas: student performance and graduation rate of students with an IEP. We are working to implement plans for school improvement in all areas and we are working with the state to correct the IEP graduation rate. Like our elementary and middle school students, I expect continued growth and improvement in all areas. We continue to identify areas for improvement and we realize there is much room for growth. Our teachers and administrators are dedicated to the success of our students and we work very hard, each day, to provide curriculum and instruction that will keep our students competitive with the rest of the state. We cannot do it alone. The commitment to improved student achievement requires the support of the home as well. Please contact the office of your child’s school to learn how you can support your child’s education. Go Titans! Dr. Shipley

Shaler | Winter 2012 | 5

Shaler Area School District


Photos on this page by C. Grossman 6


2 012

Shaler Area School District On Saturday, October 13th Shaler Area “Tooned in” to Homecoming Festivities. • Parade on the Boulevard at 10:30 am

• Football game at 1:30 - Shaler vs Pine Richland

• Picnic at noon in front of SAMS featuring food and wares from SASD Booster Organizations

• The event wrapped up at 7:30 with a Dance at the High School

Thank you to everyone who helped to make the day a success!

Photos on this page by Primetime Shots Shaler | Winter 2012 | 7

Shaler Area School District

21st Century Learning in Shaler Area Classrooms

By Kara E. Eckert – Assistant to the Superintendent What is 21st Century Education? 21st Century Education encompasses learning that will prepare our students with the life and career readiness skills to be successful in a global society. Skills such as communication, creativity, independent thinking, collaboration and infusion of informational technology are just some of the skills addressed in this learning environment. It is important for our teachers to provide instructional opportunities for all of our students to exercise their ability to learn and connect to the content taught in an interactive and engaging manner. 21st Century Education is not only apparent in our classroom instruction, but within our curriculum, professional development for teachers and administrators, as well as intertwined with the real-world learning experiences for our students. As a Community of Learners, we will all be able to transform education to encompass a higher degree of learning experiences to ensure success in today’s world for our students. For more information about 21st Century Learning, visit: How is Shaler Area Elementary transforming classrooms to integrate 21st Century instructional strategies? An exciting learning opportunity for the students at Shaler Area Elementary School is coming alive thanks to an $80,000 grant from the Grable Foundation. One of the classrooms at the Elementary School on Scott Avenue will be transformed into a Dream Flight Adventures simulator. Through the grant, the school will receive iPads, a Promethean board, projector and other technology to operate this hightech simulated learning experience. This program will be a first in Western Pennsylvania as we partner with Gary Gardiner (program founder), the Grable



Foundation, Spark, the Center for Creativity, and many others to create a fascinating 21st Century learning experience. Dream Flight Adventures is a themed, interactive learning environment—a real-life “Magic School Bus”—that teaches teamwork, critical thinking, and problem solving. It’s part simulator, part game, and part theater—and it creates an out-of-this-world experience! Its missions are aligned with the Common Core standards and designed with 21st Century curriculum components in mind. Each mission includes crucial STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering or Math) topics and integrates concepts relating to history, literature, and the humanities. The simulators are immersive interactive environments that throw students in the middle of epic stories. During the simulations, students become active participants, not just passive observers. They must learn how to operate the technology controls,

and then they must apply that knowledge in pursuit of their mission. By virtue of the simulator’s unique design, each mission— regardless of content—teaches over forty 21st Century skills. On top of this, each mission is packed with a variety of content unique to that adventure. Each player has individual responsibility for his or her station, which contains several important tasks. Then, players must work as a team to accomplish their mission. The experience creates a strong emotional impact, which helps imbue the concepts deeply in our students’ memory, so the lessons they learn remain with them for their lifetimes. (Gary Gardiner, for more information, visit: The administrative team and the planning committee for Dream Flight Adventures are extremely excited to launch this innovative learning experience for the students of Shaler Area Elementary School.

21st Century Student Outcomes and Support Systems Learning and Innovation Skills – 4Cs Critical thinking • Communication Collaboration • Creativity

Core Subjects – 3Rs and 21st Century Themes

Shaler Area School District

Pennsylvania Keystone Exams: 2012-2013 By Bryan O’Black – Director of Curriculum & Technology

Beginning in 2012-2013, the Pennsylvania Department of Education is replacing the grade 11 PSSA tests in mathematics, reading, writing, and science with statewide Keystone Exams. Keystone Exams have been developed in the areas of Literature, Algebra 1, and Biology. These three Keystone Exams have been developed to provide information about student achievement in those areas and to satisfy the federal requirements of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB). In this year of statewide assessment transition, Pennsylvania requires that Keystone Exams be administered to 11th graders in the areas of Algebra 1, Literature, and Biology. Also, beginning this year, the Pennsylvania Department of Education requires that students in other grade levels take these Keystone Exams as they complete a course related to Literature, Biology, or Algebra 1. This means that students will take the Literature and Biology Keystone Exams as they complete their Algebra 1, English and Biology courses this year. In math, many students will be taking the Algebra 1 Keystone Exam because they did not have the opportunity to take the Algebra 1 test as they completed the course prior to the assessment being released.

Some 9th grade and 10th grade students will not be required to take the Algebra 1 Exam because they had participated in the Algebra 1 Keystone Exam when it was offered by the state two years ago, and they scored at the advanced or proficient levels. Students in our middle and high school will participate in Algebra 1 testing as they complete Algebra 1 courses. To summarize, in this year of statewide assessment transition most 10th and 11th graders will be taking Keystone Exams. In addition, Algebra 1 testing will take place at the middle school level for students who completed an Algebra 1 course in previous years and as students complete the Algebra 1 course during the 2012-2013 school year. In future years, students who enter their junior year having already demonstrated proficiency in one or more of the three areas will not need to take an additional test. They will have already met the requirements before their junior year. Please visit for updated information and FAQ’s regarding the Keystone Exams and PA State Assessment Transition. More information will be provided to parents of affected students as it becomes available.

Fairchild Challenge Kick Off At Phipps By Brandon Fawcett, Amanda Brunick, Josiah Johnson, and Alexis Schnepp On September 28th, Shaler Area G.A.T.E. students kicked off the Fairchild Challenge with the Eco-Challenge at Phipps Conservatory. The Fairchild Challenge is a national challenge based out of the Fairchild Tropical Botanical Gardens in Florida and locally out of Phipps Conservatory. The objective of the Fairchild Challenge is to have students from different schools compete in a variety of tasks based on the environment. At the Eco-Challenge we participated in several educational activities that promote being eco-friendly. First, we interviewed botanists at Phipps to find out who they are and what they do. Many of them are studying “green” issues, such as how heavy metals in plants affect the animals that eat the plants. With this information, we created a poster about the botanist and shared our findings with other high school students. Our next activity involved recycling. Phipps uses many recyclable materials every day. We took recycled newspapers and, creatively, made them into various “outfits.” (See photo: Robin Hood and the Flapper) We also participated in a scavenger hunt in which we learned about the ways Phipps Conservatory is helping the environment. Phipps has incorporated many eco-friendly features into their new welcome center. For example, many of their roofs are “green roofs” which include native plants on top of the building. This insulates during the winter and keeps the building cool during the summer. Their new building, opening this fall, will have a net-zero energy consumption, which means it will produce as much energy as it uses. Our goal through participating in the Fairchild Challenge is to increase environmental awareness. We want to include the school,

robin hood and the flapper—Left to right: elliott fix (9), Brandon fawcett (12), robin hood/Josiah Johnson (10), the flapper/Lexi schnepp (12), delaney dobracki (11), Christina palladino (teacher), Amanda Brunick (12), raeanna Wohlfarth (12)

community, and our homes in protecting the environment. With the Fairchild Challenge we hope to improve our own greenhouse project at the High School. We hope to continue our work in the community and reach out to others through our environmental projects.

Shaler | Winter 2012 | 9

Shaler Area School District Upcoming Events

Holiday Music in the District: SA High School

• 12/11/12: Orchestra Concert – 7:00 p.m. –w/SAMS • 12/19/12: Choir Concert – 7:00 p.m. • 12/20/12: Band Concert – 7:00 p.m.

SA Middle School • 12/4/12: Band Concert – 7:00 p.m.


You Can’t Take It With You

Friday, November 30th at 7:00 p.m. Saturday, December 1st at 2:00 p.m. & 7:00 p.m.

• 12/14/12: Chorus Concert – 7:00 p.m.

High School Auditorium 381 Wible Run Road Pittsburgh, PA 15209

SA Elementary School

Tickets are available at the door. Adults: $7, Students and Senior citizens: $5.

• 12/11/12: Orchestra Concert – 7:00 p.m. - SAHS Auditorium w/SAHS

• 12/6/12: 6th Grade Chorus –Time TBD • 12/12/12: 5th and 6th Grade Orchestra – 6:00 p.m. • 12/18/12: 5th and 6th Grade Band – 6:00 p.m. Visit for the most up to date Holiday Happening information!

Be sure to get your Silver Titan Pass Silver Titan Passes are available to residents, 62 years of age or older, for free/reduced admission to any regular season event at Shaler Area School District. Passes are available, with proper ID, at the Shaler Area Central Administration Offices, 1800 Mt. Royal Blvd., Glenshaw, PA 15116. If you have questions, call 412-492-1200 x 2809. (Passes cannot be used for activities that are held by outside organizations on school property.)


By Kathleen Elder

The Shaler Area Education Association has been fundraising for scholarships to be awarded to graduating seniors at Shaler Area who are planning to pursue a degree in education. Teachers contributed money to the scholarship funds in order to be eligible to wear denim on a school day, baked items for a bake sale during the student talent show, bought cookies that were donated by Eat N Park, and even made open donations. Through these events, $3,500 was raised. Last year, many seniors wrote essays, submitted transcripts and a letters of recommendation in order to be considered

for the scholarship. Three were selected, and the winners were announced at the June 7th Senior Awards Dinner, held at the high school. The top winner for the class of 2012, Iris Matijevic, was awarded a $1,500 scholarship. Two additional winners, Catherine Potter and Marissa Kealy, were awarded a $1,000 scholarship. This scholarship, in varying amounts, has been awarded by Shaler Area Education Association for the past ten years. Applications for seniors graduating in 2013 will be available in the high school guidance office in May. Eligible seniors must be planning on majoring in education.

Burchfield Primary has enrolled in the Bottom Dollar Classroom Connections Program! This program, offered by Bottom Dollar Food stores, provides free educational equipment and supplies to local non-profit public and private schools, kindergarten through high school.

The Classroom Connections program allows parents and supporters to enroll their Membership Card to a local school. Then, each time they shop with their card, the school automatically earns points. Throughout the program year, the school can redeem the points for free equipment and supplies from our catalog. The catalog features thousands of items including pens, pencils, books, art supplies, electronics, sports equipment and much more! Register your Bottom Dollar Card (Burchfield Primary’s school ID is #53327) at 1-877-742-9767 or and Burchfield can earn points which are redeemed for educational equipment. If you do not have a Bottom Dollar Card, you can sign up for one at Thank you for supporting Burchfield Primary school!



Shaler Area School District

Trip to Italy for Shaler Students

By Jessica Alexander and Kristen Barie

In June of 2012 Jessica Alexander and Kristen Barie, both teachers at Shaler Area High School, took twelve Shaler students to Italy where they visited Rome, Pompeii, Capri, and Sorrento. Mrs. Alexander and Mrs. Barie spent two years planning and organizing this trip for students. They held after school meetings, organized fundraisers, and Mrs. Alexander gave Italian lessons after school in order to prepare their students to communicate while in Italy. “Traveling out of the country opens up the world to students. They go outside of their comfort zone and experience life with different cultural norms and customs. All parents will tell you that they saw a change in their son or daughter after they returned home. It truly is life changing.” says

Mrs. Alexander. While in Rome, students toured the Coliseum, Roman Forum, the Pantheon, and the Vatican. Students were able to see and experience all of the history that they learned about in Latin class. “Rome’s history dates back thousands of years, so just being able to walk the streets that gladiators once walked is such an amazing feeling.” says Ali Tappe, a 2012 Shaler Area graduate. In the Latin program at Shaler, students learn about a Pompeian man named Caecilius (pronounced Kaey-keel-ee-us) and his family. He lived in Pompeii and died in the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 A.D. Students learn about Caecilius’ life but also about daily life in Pompeii at this time. On the trip, students toured Pompeii and actually saw Caecilius’ house! “I will remember our trip to Italy for the rest of my life. Our group was given the chance

Teachers and Students in photo: Mrs. Alexander, Mrs. Barie, Bradley Baker, Klancey Burford, Kristel Chatellier, Samantha Gavin, Blake Greil, Darren Kusar, Michael Laux, Alex Mammay, Michael Mudd, William Schmelzer, Ali Tappe, Sara Vogal

to further our learning of Latin to a whole new level by seeing Pompeii, Ostia Antica (ancient Roman seaport which contains many Roman ruins), Caecilius’ house, the Coliseum, Roman Forum, and the Vatican.” - Layne Baker, a senior at Shaler Area High School. “This trip honestly was life changing and there is not a day that goes by that I don’t think back to the trip and remember all of the amazing times that I had.” – Ali Tappe, 2012 Shaler Area graduate “Italy gave me a whole new perspective of the world.” – Layne Baker, senior at Shaler Area High School “The Italy trip was the best experience of my life. We saw things that we learned about in class, like the coliseum and Caecilius’ house. Everything was connected with our Latin class. It was an amazing experience and I want to thank everyone who made it happen.” - Sara Vogel, 2012 Shaler Area graduate

Shaler Area School District Upcoming Fundraisers

Spaghetti Dinner held to follow the Grand Unveiling of Seeds of Hope Garden Millvale, PA - The Grand Unveiling of the Seeds of Hope Garden will be at 731 Wible Run Road in Pittsburgh, PA at 3PM on Sunday, November 11th, 2012. This will be followed by the Seeds of Hope’s annual Spaghetti Dinner from 4PM to 8PM at the Millvale Community Center located at 416 Lincoln Ave. Exceptional supports of Seeds of Hope will be honored at the ribbon cutting ceremony. These supporters will be able to see the sustainable gardens the Seeds of Hope members have created. The ceremony will be immediately followed by the Spaghetti Dinner. An $8.00 donation will allow Seeds of Hope to spread its branches to other local

communities. Also, it will provide the community with information about veterans’ daily struggles and what they can do about the shocking statistics. The dinner will be accompanied by local bands and artists Act 80, Restricted High Ways, and Scott Hughes. Auctions and raffles of Seeds of Hope merchandise will be ongoing throughout the evening. Seeds of Hope is an organization which originated in Shaler Area High School. Alexis Werner, a daughter of a military mother and step-father, realized that there was a need for an organization to create awareness about the stress and difficulties veterans face when returning home.

Awareness is raised by youth and community members through planting victory gardens. This organization aims to show the utmost appreciation of American troops and their families by providing them with gift baskets full of their fresh crops and produce. For more information, please visit or contact Lexy Werner at awerner@ or 412-651-6992.

Shaler | Winter 2012 | 11

Shaler Area School District Upcoming Fundraisers

Shaler Student to March in Rose Bowl Parade with the Bands of America Honor Band Steven MacDonald, a sophomore at Shaler Area High School, has been selected to be a member of the prestigious Bands of America (BOA) Honor Band to perform in the Tournament of Roses Parade (also known as “The Rose Bowl Parade”) on January 1, 2013. He is the son of Steve and Holly (Anewalt) MacDonald, and his band director at Shaler Area High School is Mr. Tepshich. In addition to playing trumpet in the Shaler Area HS Marching Band and with his church’s instrumental ensemble, Steven plays piccolo trumpet with the Mon Valley Express Drum & Bugle Corps. Always looking for new ways to explore his musical interests, Steven plays in his church handbell choir, has sung in his church choir, and has begun playing tuba in the Shaler Area HS Symphonic Band. Steven, who started playing trumpet at age 3, is very enthusiastic about music and hopes to make music his career. In the past he has enjoyed being a music tutor, and is currently teaching his younger sister to play the trumpet. Along with his participation in BOA, Steven plans to begin piano lessons, create an original piece of music, and conduct a trombone choir in 2013. While it is a great opportunity to be chosen

for the BOA Honor Band, the students must pay their own expenses for travel and a week’s lodging in California. Steven is working on several fundraising projects to help pay his expenses. Please help support Steven in this once-ina-lifetime opportunity on November 12, 2012 by dining at the Route 8 Burger King between 4 & 8 p.m. 909 Butler Street (near the Glenshaw Shop-N-Save) A portion of the day’s profits will be donated to Steven’s BOA Honor Band fund. Your support is greatly appreciated! Many Thanks to Burger King! As a member of the BOA Honor Band, Steven will spend a week in Los Angeles, California, where he will have rehearsals, performances at the Tournament of Roses Bandfest and at Disneyland, other special activities, and a featured appearance in the world-famous Tournament of Roses Parade. To be selected for the Bands of America Honor Band is a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

The band is made up of 325 members representing all 50 states and chosen by recorded audition from hundreds of applicants nationwide. The band includes brass, winds, and percussion instruments as well as a flag and dance team. This will mark the third time the Bands of America Honor Band has been invited to perform in the Tournament of Roses Parade, having previously performed in 2005 and 2009. This year’s Honor Band will be directed by Bob Bruckner, retired director of the Western Carolina University Marching Band. You can also contribute to Steven online at the secure website below. Please designate Steven MacDonald as the person you are supporting.

Hockey Lockout??? No Hockey??? No Way!!! The Shaler Area Varsity Ice Hockey Team has been chosen as one of the eight teams to participate in the 2012-13 PIHL Outdoor Charity Series Games. Four games will be played at the outdoor rinks at South Park and North Park this upcoming January. Each set of games will benefit a charity. Just announced - the Shaler Area Varsity Ice Hockey Team will take the ice against Bethel Park on January 11, 2013. Scheduled for 8:30 p.m. at the South Park Ice Rink this game is slotted to benefit the Paul Scuillo II Scholarship Foundation. Paul Scuillo was one of the three City of Pittsburgh Police officers killed in the line of duty on April 4, 2009. Mr. Scuillo, an avid hockey fan, played hockey for, and captained the Central Catholic High School squad. The Paul Sciullo Scholarship is awarded to high school students in order to provide assistance toward college tuition. Given by PIHL, this scholarship is awarded to a high school student based on high academics, community involvement, merit and extracurricular activities.



Teams chosen to play in the Charity Series are asked to raise $5,000 per game for their foundation…but the sky is the limit. Last year one team raised $20,000! This year’s Titan Team will be raising money in a variety of ways during the months leading up to the game.

events, theater, eateries, points of interest… again the sky is the limit!! • Assist with transportation to and from the South Park Ice rink • Buy an ad in the program or buy a flasherboard ad for the Rink

Some of the ways to contribute to this wonderful, worthy event are: • Buy a ticket: Pre-sale $5.00 / Game day $7.00 • Buy a T-shirt: Pre-sale 12.00 / Game day $15.00 • Buy a Ticket and T-shirt package: Pre-sale $15.00/ Game day $20.00 • Participate in any of the fundraisers that will take place including basket raffles, scarf sales, bake sales and others • Donate items for auction/sale/ raffle that would help benefit this endeavor i.e. Steelers tickets, Penguins tickets, Pirates tickets, tickets for local

Most of all, the Shaler Area Titans need your support and attendance at the game! This event is a fantastic way for high school hockey players to experience the game outdoors, similar to the NHL Winter Classic, while supporting a great cause. The Shaler Area Titans look forward to giving back to the community and hope you might attend!! For more information, please contact Team Manager Johnna Zacharias at or Stephanie Evans at herronlane@

This Year, Be It Resolved… O

k, I’ll admit it. I procrastinate.

My wife’s eyes are rolling right now. “No kidding,” she says. I am on a journey to get my affairs in order. Most of us do not think about what would happen if something happens to us. I am not just talking about our own death. I’m talking about disability, retirement, potential health problems and business succession. The list of things to do is long, very long. We all need to get the paperwork in some order to ensure as painless and seamless a transition as possible. Please contact your professionals such as attorney and accountant to help with these plans. This list is by no means complete or may not pertain to your own life and situation. This list can include: 1. A will – to help ensure an orderly transition of your personal property and assets. 2. Trust Accounts – for easier transfer of assets and keeping assets out of probate.

There can be many more possible things to plan ahead. To put your mind at ease, take time to talk to your attorney, accountant or to me to set up different portions of your total estate plan. Let’s face it, this stuff is not exactly fun to gather. While you are getting these papers together, make sure you have some fun doing the things on your Bucket List. Travel, ride a zip line, skydive, learn a new language, go see a NASCAR race, do a triathlon. Reconnect with family or friends. Live life to its fullest while planning ahead. Don’t wait. Good luck on your own plan to put your mind at ease. This Industry Insight was provided by Frank Perman, licensed funeral director and owner of Perman Funeral Home and Cremation Services, Inc, 923 Saxonburg Blvd. at Rt 8 in Shaler Township. Mr. Perman believes that an educated consumer makes the best decisions. Questions can be made to Mr. Perman at 412.486.3600 or email at

3. Funeral Pre-Arrangements – to let your family know how you want to say goodbye. 4. Health Care Directive – to ensure your health care wishes are communicated. 5. Powers of Attorney – to handle legal, health, financial or business matters in case of temporary or permanent disability. 6. Veterans Papers – the VA would need separation papers such as DD 214 for benefits. 7. Union or Fraternal Memberships – may have benefits from each. 8. Gather and analyze insurance policies – store in a safe and secure place, ensure proper beneficiaries. 9. Pensions and Work Related Group Life Insurance Policies – proper beneficiaries and benefits need analyzed. 10. IRA and 401k Plans – adjust investments, payments and beneficiaries. 11. Investment Accounts – adjust investments and beneficiaries. 12. Deeds, Mortgages and Titles – gather them and store in a safe and secure place. 13. Internet Security Passwords and Login Information – for all websites and social media sites. 14. Bank Account Information – checking, savings, CD accounts and safety deposit box keys. 15. Personal property – designate or transfer ownership or asset distribution or dispersal. 16. Important papers – decide dispersal. 17. Business continuity plans – make decisions about how to continue a business before disability or death. Shaler | Winter 2012 | 13

Community and Economic Director Brings a Fresh Approach To Enhance Millvale Residents’ Lives Story and photos by Kathy Rudolph


t would be a daunting “to do” list: Help breathe new life into a town that has been through a lot, including Hurricane Ivan in 2004, a smaller flood and the U.S. recession in 2007, while trying to uplift the mood of the residents who live there. But things must be going better for Millvale, because walking down the bustling streets, you don’t think about it as being a town underwater or a mill town, but a place that is going through a renaissance. The town has an artistic vibe, full of restaurants, shops and businesses that offer residents many options to enhance the quality of their lives, just steps away from their homes. From the baked delights at Jean-Marc Chatellier’s French Bakery to the famous, presidentially-loved pancakes at Pamela’s P & G Diner, there are many unique dining options that bring foodies back for seconds. The gardener who likes to eat fresh fruits and vegetables can also take advantage of volunteering at the community garden, now filled with 30 plots and an orchard, or shopping at the farmers markets – a great way to learn about sustainable gardening and visit with neighbors. For an artist, musician, or someone who appreciates the arts, there is inspiration throughout the town from the Maxo Vanka murals, found at St. Nicholas Croatian Catholic Church, stained glass works of art found at Kelly Art Glass or viewing the revolving collection of paintings at Panza Gallery. Mr. Smalls provides a great concert venue that attracts a steady stream of diverse bands from all over the country and Attic Records satisfies the music collectors’ craving for a wide selection of LPs and CDs. There are also kids events throughout the year including The Creepy Harvest Festival and The Great Millvale Egg Hunt. Families

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can also enjoy many recreational experiences from bowling at Millvale Bowling Lanes or picnicking, biking, rowing or kayaking at Millvale Waterfront Park. Other events include a Super Big Yard Sale and Millvale Days. The positive direction the town is taking is in part because of the hard work of Eddie Figas, who is the Community and Economic director for Millvale Borough Development Corporation (MBDC).

“Millvale is special. The people of Millvale, from the homeowners to the business owners, are the ones who sell the community. They make the community inviting and really control the fate of what happens here, and so far, everything has been moving in a really positive manner.” “Millvale is special,” said Mr. Figas. “The people of Millvale, from the homeowners to the business owners, are the ones who sell the community. They make the community inviting and really control the fate of what happens here, and so far, everything has been moving in a really positive manner. Millvale is a place of genuinely good people and wonderful business owners.”

interested in moving into the borough. We are offering $20,000 loans at 2% interest to qualified businesses and are extremely excited to get that into place and know that the money is available.” To fund these and other programs, the MBDC has successfully marketed to beer and wine connoisseurs with the annual Millvale Brewfest and the Harvest Moon Wine Festival. At the popular brewfest, local and regional craft beers are offered, along with food and a live band. The wine festival features local wineries and locally grown and prepared cuisine, live jazz, and vendors. Both are located at the atmospheric Millvale Riverfront Park, along the Allegheny River. There is also an annual golf outing to help raise funds. “There are some wonderful beer and wine festivals out there, but the difference is that ours has the best setting in the city,” said Mr. Figas. “They are also successful because of the wonderful volunteer base that we have working at them. As the events that we are running become even more successful, we are always looking to expand our programs and other ways to invest back into the community.” Mr. Figas gets satisfaction out of his job. “The people I work with are great,” said Mr. Figas. “I work with a lot of volunteers and so much of what I do is based on volunteer help. These are 95% of people that are from the community and they have a vested interest in seeing the community improve. Just to work with people dedicating their time and effort is special. They are really the ones who drive this. We couldn’t make what has happened happen without them. Moving forward with volunteers is so important.” To learn more about upcoming events or how you can donate or volunteer, visit Millvale Borough’s website at

The corporation’s mission is to “stabilize, revitalize and rejuvenate Millvale’s neighborhoods, through the development of housing, businesses and skills of individuals. The MBDC recognizes the collaboration of the diverse talents and skills of people within the community as an integral part of the process.” “Our main focus after Ivan, and then with the small flood two years later, was to give the community a sense of themselves and a way to feel good about themselves,” said Mr. Figas. “We thought that we had to do that before we went out and invested in businesses and homes in the community.” Getting residents out to volunteer to clean up trash, paint over graffiti, plant flowers, create a community garden and a farmers market, and participate in family activities brought the community together and helped them to rally. “We had to have all of that in place before we finally hit that point where the town felt good about itself for the most part,” said Mr. Figas. “Then we actively looked at businesses and tried to get into a revitalization model that people would actually see and notice.” To continue to move forward with the revitalization of the community, there are many offers to entice both businesses and residents. “We are happy about being able to form a facade program here,” said Mr. Figas. “Money that is raised for this program is done through the MBDC and we offer $500 matching grants to businesses and homeowners within the community to do facade improvements whether it’s signs, doors, or what have you. The program has been successful and it is something that we are very proud of. The other program is a revolving loan fund for small businesses that are Shaler | Winter 2012 | 15

eddie figas, millvale Bor. Commun. and econ. dev. dir. illvale Bor. Councilman, John Kelly and millvale

Cabernet, Chardonnay, Merlot, Sauvignon Blanc and many other wines paired with delectable cuisine and live jazz created the perfect ingredients for a memorable fall evening at the Harvest Moon Wine Festival at Millvale Riverfront Park. John Kelly, Millvale Borough Council vice president and chairperson of parks and recreation, volunteered at the festival. “This is the only outdoor wine festival in town,” said Kelly. “It has local food, local

tina Walker, mBdC president and denise rudar, mBdC Board member, volunteering for enginehouse 25 Winery

Pennsylvania wineries and local musicians and is a wonderful event for people who [usually] only see views of the river from their cars. It is also great to have so much support from the community. We are able to use the decorations and some of the proceeds from the festival for our Halloween party that we host for kids who live here.” Four hundred guests swirled, smelled and sipped wines from Enginehouse 25, Glades Pike, Greenhouse, Rustic Acres and Narcisi rd a o B wineries. Some of the savories and sweets that C Bd rudar, m complemented the wines came from Catering denise member by Chef Lenn, Jean-Marc Chatellier’s French Bakery, Yetter’s Chocolate and Apodea Apiary. There were also one-of-a-kind gifts from the Glass Gallery and t-shirts available to take home. The picnic tables and benches were positioned to enjoy scenic views of the Allegheny River. Hay bales provided seating around a large bonfire which made for great visiting areas while Cool Jazz, an all-female jazz band, entertained in the background. Wandering down to the Allegheny River with your full wineglass was encouraged. It resembled a painting with its scenery of bridges, fishing boats and families of ducks floating by on the tranquil water. Hosted by the Millvale Borough Development Corporation (MBDC), the proceeds from the festival go to “stabilize, revitalize and rejuvenate Millvale’s neighborhoods, through the development of housing, businesses and skills of individuals.”

narcisi Winery

16 724.942.0940 to advertise


A Toast to Millvale: Harvest Moon Wine Festival Held on the

Banks of the Picturesque Allegheny River Story and photos by Kathy Rudolph

greenhouse Winery

Cool Jazz

Denise Rudar is a Millvale resident, an oncology nurse and also a MBDC board member. She bikes to work using the Millvale Riverfront Park trail when the weather cooperates. She spoke about the MBDC volunteers who made the festival possible. “I love that people are volunteering, not for themselves, but for the community of Millvale, and that is fantastic. It is a group of people who really care. They care about Millvale right now, but also its future. We are looking for long-term things that will be easy to care for, lasting and will promote a green light for people in the future.� To learn more about upcoming events in Millvale, visit the website at

Catharine fairbairn, sarah dermody, Christine Walther

Shaler | Winter 2012 | 17

Shaler North Hills Library

Offers COmmunity a Brush Of inspiratiOn Over 58 local artists from teens to seniors showed off their imaginative talents in the Fourth Annual Art Show at Shaler North Hills Library (SNHL). The thoughtfully-crafted and unique, traditional and abstract art pieces were in a variety of mediums and proved you don’t have to travel to a major city to view fine art. The show was created and organized by Diane Grguras, volunteer and artist, and Marie Jackson, SNHL librarian. “The first year that we hosted the show we thought that we would get just a few artists that were interested,” said Grguras, who also had her pastel drawings on display in the show. “But we had over 40 artists and each year the show gets bigger and bigger. We really found an untapped wellspring of creative talent in the area.” With the use of acrylics, oils and watercolors, artists used bold brushstrokes and vibrant hues to tell their story. Others preferred charcoal, ink, pastels, pencils and even markers to accomplish shading and pattern that successfully evoked emotion from the viewer. Quilts and woven tapestries that hung throughout the show were clearly labors of love, containing small and intricate details. Also displayed were jewelry created from handmade beads and precious stones that would complement any outfit or stand on their own as works of art. Sculptures formed in ceramic, wood and papier-mâché represented creativity, but also technical excellence. The show even included photography that successfully captured lighting, texture and movement. Diane Grguras, art show volunteer organizer, with two of her drawings

Marie Jackson, Adult Services Librarian and art show organizer 18 724.942.0940 to advertise


Jackson enjoys providing events like the art show for the community.

Dee Lesczynski, holding her handmade, beaded jewelry

Story and photos by Kathy Rudolph

 Aldi Foods

“I am very interested in the creative mind and how it works and am a patron of the arts,” she says. “It is so wonderful to be surrounded by art and the community is so appreciative when we present programs like the art show. People don’t stop learning as they age and it is important to offer programs that interest them and for them to be around others. That is why we started ‘People’s University,’ where we offer lifelong learning programs.” Another People’s University program that is offered to artists, poets, writers and musicians is a forum to discuss creativity and explore technique. It is an ongoing art and inspiration class that is facilitated by artist William Rock. Other programs include art classes, writing groups, poetry series and more.

 Fresenius Medical Care  KMART  Long John Silvers  Monte Cello’s  Nails 1  Northern Medical

Shaler Plaza

Associates  PNC Bank

Route 8, Pittsburgh PA 15223

 Renee’s Hallmark  Rite Aid  Vitamin Gallery

To find out more about upcoming events at SNHL, visit the website at

 PA Wine & Spirits

Edyn Takacs with two marker renderings

Cheryl McLaughlin with her quilt Shaler | Winter 2012 | 19

After Almost 50 Years of Serving the Community,

Violet Rowe Retires as Glenshaw Public Library Director Story and photos by Kathy Rudolph


iolet Rowe has an easy way about her. With a twinkle in her eye and a quick laugh, it is obvious why people loved visiting her at the Glenshaw Public Library. Rowe retired as the library director after 47 years. “I would still be the director if not for my eyesight,” she says. “I had to quit driving because of it and my son was taking me to work. But I couldn’t keep asking him to do that. Plus, it was hard to weed books and file cards at the library.” Retirement has been busy for Rowe, who recently attended her granddaughter’s wedding and visited with extended family. She also enjoys reading and has embraced listening to audio books from Carnegie Library for the Blind and Handicapped. “I have several favorite authors, but one that I think writes very interesting books is Beverly Lewis, who writes about the Amish,” says Rowe. “I also enjoy mysteries and like to read Mary Higgins Clark books. I have two listening devices, one that is digital and one that is a tape recorder. I have four books for one and three books for the other that I am listening to!” A mother of three, grandmother of two and resident of Shaler for over 60 years, Rowe remains active with the library and is on the board. Once its only employee, her personal touch is still felt everywhere, from the historical wedding gowns on display that she

20 724.942.0940 to advertise


collected and researched, to the Shaw Family Tree that was framed by her son-in-law and hangs on the stairway wall. What she remembers most are the patrons that she has met over the years. “Some of my best memories are of the kids who grew up here, got older, got married and would come back and bring their kids here,” says Rowe. “I was just telling my sister about Meghan Kelly, who came here and is Shaler Police Chief Bryan Kelly’s little sister. She loved the Nancy Drew books. After she got married and before she moved to Virginia, I sold her the whole series. Much later, I got a call one afternoon and it was Meghan. She said that she was moving to Texas and was packing up her Nancy Drew books and thought of me. She knew that I worked on Fridays, so she gave me a call.” Rowe even remembers when the library was Glenshaw School’s library, and children in the third to eighth grades would walk down Butler Plank Road from the school to check out books. “The kids would come over on Fridays and get their books and

they loved it,” muses Rowe. “It was something that they always remembered.”

remembers Rowe. “We lost a lot of old books that were stored there and were very valuable, along with rugs and other things. Everything had to be thrown out. The whole basement was flooded and we had to get a new furnace, water heater and electrical boxes. The board members came and helped to clean it all up. Nancy Stadler, one of our board members, and her husband, Bill, who was very good at maintenance, did a lot of the work. He repaired the floors, scrubbed the walls and replaced the wallpaper with wainscoting, which looks so nice. They also replaced the rugs.”

After Busy Beaver moved in between the school and the library, the students were no longer allowed to walk the road because of the increased traffic. Rowe helped to make sure that students still had access to the library.

“I love the library and it has been my life,” says Rowe. “I have made so many friends and I loved all of the people who would come in and sit and visit. It is a lovely place for people to come.”

“The township would send trucks down and we would pack up books for each class,” she explains. “The books would be available in each class for a month and then the trucks would bring the books back to the library and we would do it all over again.”

To find out more about Glenshaw Public Library, visit the website at www. Rowe’s book, Images of America, is available at the library.

Rowe is herself a published author who penned Images of America - Glenshaw, a collection of historic images of Glenshaw between the mid-1800s and the 1940s. All of the proceeds go toward the Glenshaw Public Library. One of the ways she became interested in local history was while researching the history of Glenshaw Valley Presbyterian Church for a skit that she and her friends performed through the church’s Couples Club. Before that, she was inspired by members of Glenshaw’s founding family. “My resource was the Shaw family,” says Rowe. “They were my good friends and they knew so much about the local history because they were one of the oldest families around. Dr. Katherine Shaw would come in every Friday and tell me about all of the people in the photographs that were hanging on the library walls. She even recognized a little boy who had sneaked into a class photograph! Some of the photographs were from the 1800s. Carolyn Shaw, who was on the library board, would also tell me about Glenshaw. When they got sick and couldn’t come down to use the library, I would take books up to them and visit. That was how I became interested in the history of Glenshaw.”

“I love the library and it has been my life. I have made so many friends and I loved all of the people who would come in and sit and visit. It is a lovely place for people to come.” There were a few bumps in the road over the years. The library, which is an historical landmark established in 1895, was damaged by flooding during Hurricane Ivan in 2004. Pine Creek overflowed its banks from the copious amounts of rain.

Be a volunteer reader, tutor or mentor for a student in Allegheny County, whether you have an hour a week or an hour a year. Learn more or sign up now at or dial 2-1-1. VOLUNTEER


“About a foot of water was in the Mary Simmons front room,” Shaler | Winter 2012 | 21 BA6GM.incommunity.FITZGERALD.indd 1

9/4/12 2:45 PM

The Santa Watch Continues By Pamela Palongue


ccording to Minnie Elfkin, public relations coordinator for Santa Claus Operations North America, the iconic Christmas figure will be keeping a dizzying schedule of public appearances this holiday season. During November and December, Mr. Claus will be visiting as many cities and towns across the U.S. as possible, including

22 724.942.0940 to advertise


appearances in Shaler, Etna, Millvale and Reserve Township. Those wishing to consult Mr. Claus to make a particular gift request should check the shopping malls and local holiday parades. Mr. Claus also may be seen in the vicinity of 34th Street in New York City and any cold, mountainous region where reindeer may live. In other news from the North Pole, Prancer has been placed on the injured reserve list, although he is expected to be healthy for the Christmas Eve event. A young reindeer named Techno is being called up from the farm team as a possible replacement if Prancer is unable to fly by Christmas. Elfkin stresses, “Presents WILL BE delivered on time and there will be no lapse in service regardless of personnel changes.� Elfkin also reminds homeowners to leave the damper open to provide easier access through the chimney. This season Mr. Claus is watching his cholesterol intake and low-fat snacks are much appreciated.

Helping Students Manage Money Money management is one skill that can be difficult for young adults to master as they head off on their own. But no matter what stage of life – whether they’re entering college or the workforce – every young adult should learn how to handle money.

in Shaler Elfkin also reports that the United Federation of Elves has been working on some exciting, new toys this season that should please any toddler or preschooler. Children are alerted to be on their best behavior, now that Santa Claus has Skype capabilities.

EStABlISh A BudgEt. Sit down together with your student and map out all monthly expenses including room and board or rent, books, supplies, food, personal care and medications, transportation, gas, entertainment and payment for phone, mobile devices, cable and Internet access. Stick to the budget PrIOrItIzE NEEdS vS. WANtS. have your student do the math on how much some of the “necessities” will cost them, and then talk about how to weigh purchase decisions. FINd WAyS tO SPENd lESS. A little planning can help young adults spend less and get more value for their dollar out of cellphone use, food, clothing and entertainment. BE SMArt ABOut CrEdIt CArdS. Make sure your student understands the impact of interest rates; discuss setting limitations on using a credit card to avoid non-academic debt (emergencies, travel, school expenses, etc.). Equipping your student with some basic financial skills will help him/her make wise money choices now and for the rest of his/her life.

Although there have been many imposters, there is still no official Santa Claus website at this time. Santa Claus cannot be liked on Facebook or followed on Twitter due to the covert nature of his operations in the North Pole region. Those children wishing to write Mr. Claus should send all correspondence to the usual address, Santa Claus, North Pole. All children in the Shaler area are requested to go to bed no later than 10 p.m. on Christmas Eve. Santa Claus will be arriving in Shaler sometime between 2:17 and 2:18 a.m. Eastern Standard Time. In order to receive a present from Santa, children should make sure to pick up their toys and eat all their vegetables. In the meantime, keep a sharp eye toward the northern sky and watch for flying reindeer and twinkling lights. To All a Merry Christmas and to All a Good Night.

Shaler | Winter 2012 | 23

Shaler Basketball

2012-13 Season Preview By Stephen Jeffries

Boys Basketball The 2011-12 version of the Titans boys basketball team went 25-4 and dominated Quad-A section 3, going 11-1 and claiming the title. Yet, the season would be characterized as unfulfilling by some. Shaler was stunned 46-44 by upstart Pittsburgh Central Catholic in the WPIAL semifinals. The team had entered the playoffs as the number one seed. Then, in the PIAA playoffs, they lost in the quarterfinals 52-49 to Erie Cathedral Prep. The 2012-13 Titans look to take the next step and win the WPIAL championship. Head Coach Paul Holzshu will have to combat the loss of seven seniors from last year’s squad. Among those who graduated were J.P. Holtz, the third leading scorer and leading rebounder. Number two scorer Zack Taylor and number two rebounder Brain

Bittner have also moved on. However, leading scorer (21.4 points per game), and second in assists, Geno Thorpe returns. He will be asked to carry much of the load offensively this season as he is the only returning starter. Seniors Lou Ferraro and Bill Reinheimer along with juniors Zack Weaver and Jake Mathias complete the returning core. This group is relatively inexperienced, since so many seniors played key roles last season. “Next man up” is a common phrase used by coaches when players are lost to injury or graduation. This year’s team will need to live by those words and get contributions from the entire lineup to have a chance to repeat as section 3 champions. The North Allegheny Tigers pose the stiffest challenge to Shaler’s title. The Tigers and Titans split two meetings last season,

with each winning on their home floor. The 75-69 loss was Shaler’s only section loss and first loss last season after a 3-0 start. That was used as a spark. They ripped off 17 straight wins against WPIAL competition before the stunning semifinal loss. Other challenges will come from playoff teams Seneca Valley, Butler, and Central Catholic. The 2012-13 Titans have a lot of potential. Based on last season, they are certainly capable of making another deep playoff run.

Girls Basketball 13 Titans return nine of 12 players, and they hold much promise for another playoff berth.

The 2011-12 Shaler girls basketball team went 14-10 (6-6 section 3), which was good enough for fourth place in the section and a spot in the WPIAL AAAA postseason. They upset Section 1 champion Penn-Trafford 42-41 in round one. However, their season ended in the quarterfinals with a 39-28 loss to the number five seed, Baldwin. The 201224 724.942.0940 to advertise


Head Coach Neal Martin leaned on seniors Ashley Domachowski, Cate Potter and Payge Ferraro to carry the team in 201112. They made significant contributions, but were not alone. This year’s team will have six seniors and three juniors to form a strong core. The seniors include Jess Le, Courtney Bauer, Gwen Polluci, Alia Bradford, Casey Bardsley, and Marisa Bens. The juniors are Paige Quinn, Abbey Conrad, and Carly Harris. They definitely have some big shoes to fill, but their depth will give them a nice advantage.

Section 3 is traditionally the toughest section in Quad-A. Oakland Catholic is a perennial championship contender, while North Allegheny and Pine-Richland also pose formidable challenges. Seneca Valley finished just one game behind the Titans last season, and will be gunning for their playoff spot. Shaler swept Seneca Valley last season, which vaulted the team into fourth place and the playoffs. That experience plus the upset victory in the playoffs will only help this year’s returning players. The 2012-13 Shaler Lady Titans are primed for a deep playoff run. Based on 2011-12, they have the depth and experience to pull it off.

Business Directory

Shaler | Winter 2012 | 33

Shaler Stylists Mary Beth, Cathy, Samantha, Becky and Karly are ready to help you with your new look today.


utting hair isn’t just a business for Supercuts stylists, it’s also a way to give back to the customers they love and the community they call home.

serving you and your community

Guests know that they can always count on superb service and a welcome smile when they visit the Shaler Supercuts salon. Our expertly trained stylists offer a multitude of services including haircuts, waxing, blow-outs, color and more.

As the owner of the Supercuts franchise in Southwestern Pennsylvania, Laurel Breuner has not only added over 350 jobs to the region through her stores, but she and her employees have also been supporting local schools, sports teams, civil services and charities in those communities for more than 20 years. “We support the communities we serve,” Breuner said. “Giving back is important to us because the communities have given us so much.” Supercuts also invests in its employees through 34 724.942.0940 to advertise


“We take what they’ve learned at school, provide additional and ongoing education, and look to retain these employees for many years,” Breuner said. This strategy is apparently working because Supercuts was just rated one of the top places to work in 2012 by a Pittsburgh Post-Gazette survey.

extensive training programs and prides itself on hiring aspiring stylists graduating from local trade schools. “Pittsburgh is filled with talented people and we are thrilled to be able to hire vibrant employees, many of whom have recently graduated and are entering the work force for the first time,” Breuner said.

“It’s an honor to be recognized as a great place to work,” Breuner said. “Our employees are happy and that attitude is passed on to our guests. We not only offer a superior salon experience at an affordable price, but our locations are full of people who love and take pride in what they do and the community they serve.”

Supercuts hires only licensed stylists and mandates extensive education with two weeks of in-store training before stylists are sent to Supercuts’ own Hair Stylist Academy. Stylists attend an advanced training course conducted by the Supercuts Certified Trainer/Artistic Director. New stylists must pass the five-day, 40-hour course before they are able to actively work on the floor of the salon. After mastering this level, stylists will continue to undergo regular training to enable them to keep up with the latest styles and trends.

If you haven’t already experienced the full services Supercuts offers, please visit us soon. Supercuts has 30 Pittsburgh area locations; the nearest one in Shaler is located at 1736 William Flynn Highway, and is open 7 days a week, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Friday; 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturdays; and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Sundays. For more information on all of Supercuts locations and services visit , or to call ahead for faster service, call 412.487.5955. Walk-ins are always welcome!

Township of Shaler Administration 300 Wetzel Road • Glenshaw, PA 15116-2288 • P: 412.486.9700 • F: 412.487.4107 Business Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. • Telephone Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Township Manager timothy J. rogers, Esq. 412.486.9700, x213

Chief of Police Bryan B. Kelly 412.492.2222

Finance Officer Judith Kording 412.486.9700, x214

Public Works Director James henderson 412.486.9700

Township Engineer Kevin Creagh, P.E. 412.486.9700, x230

Deputy Chief of Police Kevin P. Boyle 412.492.2222

Building Inspector robert vita 412.486.9700, x222

Township Solicitor Joseph E. vogrin, III 412.486.9700

Commissioners David Shutter, President Bill Cross, Vice President Ed Duss Lori Voegtly Mizgorski Thomas McElhone Susan Fisher Jim Boyle

Treasurer and Tax Collector Erin Bartkins

District Justice

Municipal Government Meetings Open to the public

Board of Commissioners

2nd Tuesday

7:00 p.m.

Planning Commission

3rd Monday

7:30 p.m.

Zoning Hearing Board

2nd Thursday

7:30 p.m.

2nd Wednesday

7:30 p.m.

Library Board

(meet at Shaler Library, except July and August) Committee Meetings

4th Tuesday

6:30 p.m.

Environmental & Land Use, Public Works, Public Safety, Finance, Parks & Recreation (Except May, June, July, August and December) Pension & Insurance Committee

Robert P. Dzvonick

(meets quarterly)

9:00 a.m.

Township Directory

Business Hours Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Shaler Township Holiday Thanksgiving Holiday November 22 & 23

Christmas Holiday December 24 & 25

Business Office


Property Tax Department (MWF 9 a.m.-12 noon, 1:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m.)


Shaler North Hills Library (See page 41 for operating hours)


Police Administration


Hampton Shaler Water Authority (8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.)


All Emergencies 9-1-1

New Year’s Day


E-mail Notification: Sign up at for e-mail notifications regarding township news, emergencies or special meetings.

All residents of Shaler Township that work are required to pay Earned Income Tax. Please check your pay stubs to be sure that this tax is being withdrawn from your paycheck by your employer and paid to Keystone Municipal Services. The Political Subdivision Code for Shaler Township (PSD) is 711204.

Your 2012 Earned Income Tax payments are collected by Keystone Municipal Collections. Their contact information is: Keystone Collections Group 546 Wendel Road Irwin, PA 15642 1-888-328-0558

Shaler | Winter 2012 | 35

Township of Shaler

Township News

Fall Run Road Reconstruction Update Shaler Township has been wrestling with the deterioration of Fall Run Road since 2007. Fall Run Road connects Middle Road to Route 8 via a narrow road that has numerous blind bends. In 2008, upon the recommendation of the Chief of Police, it was made one way for traffic going from Route 8 to Middle Road. Since that time the erosion has worsened and a portion of the roadway has collapsed. This deterioration resulted in the Township closing the worst portion of Fall Run Road in 2011. The Township conducted a traffic study and determined that Fall Run is lightly traveled; however, from a public safety standpoint (Fire, Police and EMS) it is important that the emergency link be restored to this area of the Township. Shaler Township’s in-house engineer, Kevin M. Creagh, has determined that the only way to potentially eliminate the threat of the road continuing to erode is to shift the roadbed to the adjacent hillside. The Township hired a geotechnical services company to determine if the hillside could be easily fractured and excavated. The results allowed the Township to complete his design and seek funding.

The project will reconstruct the deteriorated section of Fall Run Road by shifting the roadway 20 feet into the hillside in certain areas. The preliminary designs call for two 11 foot wide travel lanes with 1’ wide curbs on either side. This is a difference from the 8’ wide travel lanes that exist for the majority of the road in its current state. The design also eliminates the blind bends that have hindered traffic on this roadway. The project is estimated to cost $330,000. Shaler Township secured grant funding from the Allegheny County Community Infrastructure and Tourism Fund (CITF) in January 2012 for $100,000. The Township has committed $60,000 for the first phase of work. For the first phase, the Township will relocate the utilities and start earthwork operations on the hillside. Once funding is secured for the remainder of the project, the roadbed will be prepared and the road will be re-paved. The Township continues to seek additional funding to complete this project.

Winter Road Maintenance It’s that time of year again when our public works crews prepare for winter snow removal. Residents are reminded of the following information. In addition to Township streets, our crews are responsible for all county and state roads within the Township with the exception of Route 8. Streets are prioritized and first priorities are high traffic, public transportation and school buses. Driveways: If possible, please wait until the road in front of your home has been plowed before cleaning out the entrance to your driveway. It is difficult for the Township to plow its roads without depositing snow in your driveway. Please do not shovel snow into the road or have your driveway plowed into the public street. This can cause a serious traffic hazard and subject the property owner to a hefty fine. If possible, it is best



to place snow on the side of the driveway opposite the direction that the Township’s plow travels. By implementing this technique, the plow will carry snow away from your driveway entrance rather than back into it. Mailboxes: Please help reduce the possibility of a broken mailbox. While plow operators are urged to take precautions to avoid hitting mailbox posts, experience has shown that reduced visibility during a storm can make it difficult for a driver to see a post in time to avoid striking it or pushing it over with plowed snow. Any installation within the street right-of-way, including a mailbox, is placed there at the owner’s risk. Therefore, homeowners are encouraged to install mailboxes at the maximum usable distance from the edge of the roadway. Posts should be checked for deterioration to reduce the possibility that the weight of the plowed snow could topple the post. The Township is not responsible for mailboxes damaged by plowed snow.

Township of Shaler

Township Dedicates Gally Park To honor the service of former Commissioner Joe Gally and retired Chief of Police Jeff Gally, the Township renamed the Bauerstown Tot Lot located on Evergreen Avenue, Gally Park. Commissioner Joe Gally served the Second Ward including the Bauerstown area of the Township from 1978 to 1994 and then from 1998-2009 for a total of 28 years. Former Chief Jeff Gally served with the Shaler Township Police Department from 1969 to 2012. The Shaler Township Board of Commissioners is pleased to honor these individuals for their commitment to the residents of the Bauerstown area.

National Flood Insurance Program The Township of Shaler continues to participate in the National Flood Insurance Program Community Rating System, which is designed to lower your flood insurance rates. Participation in this program consists of a number of activities ranging from storm water management to flood control to emergency response plans and public education. One of the activities requires the Township to provide public education material to residents who live in a flood plain area of the Township. By providing information through the Shaler North Hills Library and the Township’s website ( we hope to help you understand flood proofing techniques, learn about implementing flood prevention measures, and provide sources to obtain financial and technical assistance. More information can also be obtained at the Federal Emergency Management Agency website, A link to this organization is provided from the Township’s website. We hope you find the information valuable as it relates to protecting your home and property. If you do not have access to a computer, the Township office also has more booklets on file for loan and this information is also available at the Shaler North Hills Library located on Mt. Royal Boulevard.

Flood Protection News Shaler Township Engineer, Mr. Kevin M. Creagh, P.E. and the Shaler Township Building and Zoning Officer Mr. Robert Vita are willing to provide any Shaler Township resident with advice for flood protection. This advice is especially pertinent for those residents in a delineated floodplain of a major stream in the Township, such as Pine Creek and the two branches of Little Pine Creek, which are prone to periodic flooding. Both Mr. Creagh and Mr. Vita will assist you in determining the approximate floodplain delineation on your property. They will also provide technical advice on how to retrofit your property to protect against flooding. Shaler Township has all the current Flood Insurance Rate Maps on file at the Township Municipal Building, 300 Wetzel Road. If you would like to meet with Mr. Creagh or Mr. Vita to view these maps and determine what level of floodplain you may or may not be living in, feel free to call them at: 412-486-9700 Mr. Creagh, ext. 230 Mr. Vita. ext. 222

If you wish to know more about the Community Rating System, please contact the Township Engineer at: 412-486-9700, Ext. 230. or

Shaler | Winter 2012 | 37

Township of Shaler

Township News

Infrastructure Work Completed in 2012 The Township completed many public works projects in 2012 in a continuing effort to improve and preserve the infrastructure of the Township. These projects included: Township In House Work • Replacement of storm sewers on 34 roadways in preparation of the 2012 road paving program. • Construction of an addition at the public works garage that will be used for additional storage of equipment. • Televised inspection of nearly 8 miles of sanitary sewers. Upon receipt of the report, a contractor will be utilized to chemically treat root infiltrated areas. • Utilization of “no dig” technology to line certain segments of damaged sanitary sewer lines. • Turf improvements and installation of new sprinkler system at Lower Kiwanis ball field. Township Contracted Work • The Township spent $1.26 million to pave 6 miles of roadway. • Upgrade of the Seavey/Soose Roads and Parker Street intersection.

• Sight distance improvements to the Cherrywood/ Middle Roads intersection. • Demolition of four dilapidated homes that had become nuisance properties. • Installation of new support pillars at the water slide at Crawford Pool. • Installation of a new walking bridge near the waterfalls at Fall Run Park. • Installation of new steel awnings at the municipal building entranceways and new windows on the second floor of the municipal building. • A new roof was installed on the storage building located directly behind the municipal building on Wetzel Road. • Replacement of the Saxonburg Boulevard sewage pump station. The 2012 road paving program was the most comprehensive and expensive annual road paving program in the history of the Township. We continue to evaluate every Township roadway and all roads have been evaluated for inclusion into the road paving program designed by the Township Engineer and approved by the Board of Commissioners.

Commissioner Mizgorski Commissioner Lori Voegtly Mizgorski was selected to be a member of the Anne B. Anstine Class of 2013. The Anne B. Anstine Excellence in Public Service Series is an annual professional development and training program for women who are or will become leaders in Pennsylvania. The program aims to increase the number of women in government and politics. Each year, a class of talented women representing all regions of Pennsylvania participate in intensive training sessions over the course of ten months to gain information, tools and skills to enhance their participation in government and the political process. The training sessions will take place in various locations throughout Pennsylvania as well as Washington, D.C. and New York City. When asked about the Anstine Series, Commissioner Mizgorski responded, “I am honored to be selected for the Class of 2013. I look forward to improving my leadership skills and utilizing what I learn to better serve the residents of Shaler Township.” Commissioner Mizgorski is a 1985 graduate of Shaler Area High School and a 1989 graduate of Hood College in Frederick, Maryland. In January of 2010 she began her first term representing 38


the 2nd ward on the Shaler Township Board of Commissioners. Commissioner Mizgorski serves as the Chair of the Public Works Committee and as a member of the Parks and Recreation Committee. She also serves on the Board of Directors for the Allegheny River Towns Enterprise Zone (ARTEZ) and is the alternate delegate for the North Hills Council of Governments. Since 2006 Commissioner Mizgorski has devoted many hours to the award-winning Commissioner mizgorski Shaler North Hills Library by serving on the Board of Directors, where she chairs the Finance Committee. In addition to serving the residents of Shaler Township, Commissioner Mizgorski is employed by Ann Taylor Retail, Inc. She takes great pride in her family, including her husband of 20 years, David Mizgorski, and three children, Roslyn, Grant and Darin Mizgorski.

Township of Shaler

Public Safety Keeping Shaler Safe – Your Local Fire Company Residents of Shaler Township are protected by six volunteer fire departments located throughout their neighborhoods.

In 2011 the volunteer fire companies responded to the following calls for services:

There are many residents who move into Shaler Township who are unaware that over 92% of the cost of fire and rescue services are provided by the individual departments and the volunteers that serve these companies. When annual donation requests are sent out, there are nearly 70% of residents who do not contribute. Many residents believe that fire fighting services are provided by local tax dollars. The cost of providing fire protection is expensive. A new fire engine costs over $350,000 and a ladder truck exceeds one million, and those costs do not include the equipment necessary to equip the vehicle.

Fire Company

Fire Calls


Fund Raising


292 Calls

1,850.0 Hours

850 Hours

Cherry City

221 Calls

985.5 Hours

4,300 Hours


258 Calls

771.0 Hours

238 Hours

Shaler Villa

413 Calls

459.0 Hours

500 Hours

Sharps Hill

87 Calls

343.5 Hours

192 Hours


197 Calls

840.0 Hours

400 Hours


1,468 Calls

5,249 Hours

11,729 Hours

You can support this vital portion of public safety in many ways: • It is most important for all residents to support your neighborhood fire department by sending in your tax deductible donation during the annual request.

Sgt. Sean Frank – Emergency Management Coordinator The Shaler Township Board of Commissioners appointed Sgt. Sean Frank as the Emergency Management Coordinator at the August 14, 2012 Board of Commissioners meeting. As the Emergency Management Coordinator, Sgt. Frank will be responsible for coordinating all emergencies declared within the Township and other matters as they arise. Sgt. Frank’s past experience and knowledge in this area of expertise has proved invaluable in Township emergencies.

• You can attend fundraising events and bring your family and neighbors. While you are at the fire station, ask to look at the vehicles and equipment that the members have worked so hard to purchase and maintain. • You can volunteer. All the departments are looking for new members. Stop by any of the stations or check out their websites which can be accessed through the Shaler Township website –

Police Blotter Check out the Police Blotter, a new addition to the Township Website. The Police Blotter will include statistics from the past week, along with target issues and the neighborhood crime reports. The Police Blotter will be updated weekly.

Shaler | Winter 2012 | 39

Community Events

Township of Shaler American Legion Post 785 Veterans Day Ceremony, Shaw Place 1900 Mt. Royal Boulevard Monday, November 12, 2012 – 11:00 a.m. The Shaler American Legion, Post 785, together with VFW Post 9199, will conduct a Veterans Day Ceremony at Shaw Place along Mt. Royal Blvd. on Monday, November 12, 2012 at 11:00 a.m.

23rd Annual Shaler Holiday “Lite” Up Night Saturday, November 17, at 7:00 p.m. Shaler North Hills Library & Middle School Mt. Royal Boulevard The Shaler Neighborhood Improvement Program Committee is proud to announce the 23rd Annual Shaler Holiday “Lite” Up Night celebration kicking off the 2012 holiday season. Mark your calendar and plan to join us for the celebration. Rudolph, Frosty, The Grinch, and other holiday characters will be on hand to help us welcome Santa and Mrs. Claus. Cookies and drink refreshments will be served in the Middle School cafeteria after the tree lighting ceremony and fireworks display by Pyrotecnico.

2013 PA Lottery Calendars on sale now. They make great Christmas/birthday gifts. Calendars are $25 each, over $10,000 given away. Please call 412-822-7000 The fire company will sponsor the 2nd Annual Mattress Sale at the station on December 8 and 9th. Check our website for further details.

Sharps Hill VFD Turkey Bingo - Sunday, November 18 – 1:00 p.m. Sharps Hill will be having its annual Turkey Bingo on Sunday November 18th starting at 1:00 p.m. Come join your family, friends and neighbors in this tradition, or meet new players.

Undercliff VFD Super bingo every Thursday, 7:00 p.m. Highest payouts – weekly specials – full kitchen. Fund drive in progress. Mail donations to PO Box 122, Glenshaw, Pa. 15116. Thanks for your support.

Visit their website at

Friday, December 7th, 2012 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Office of Senator Randy Vulakovich, 1407 Mt. Royal Boulevard, Glenshaw. Visit our district office in Shaler Township to meet Senator Vulakovich and his staff to learn about services provided by our office. Come enjoy an old fashioned Christmas complete with a train display and refreshments.


Cherry City VFD

Have you seen the Glenshaw Public Library lately? Stop in soon!

Holiday Open House


Volunteer Fire Departments

Township of Shaler

Shaler North Hills Library 1822 Mt. Royal Boulevard 412-486-0211

Please call the library to register for all programs.

The Library will be closed the following days: Monday, November 12 Wednesday, November 21, closes at 5:00 p.m. Thursday, November 22 – Friday, November 23 Sunday, December 23 – Tuesday, December 25 Monday, December 31, closes at 5:00 p.m. Tuesday, January 1 Friday, January 25

Saturday, December 8 at 7:00 p.m. Craftin’ and Snackin’ for Teens. A new club for teens who like to be crafty and try new recipes. Saturday, December 15 at 6:30 p.m.

Teen Movie Night. Call for the title of the movie. There are so many more programs offered for birth to kindergarten, kindergarten to 3rd grade, 4th grade to 6th grade, teens and adults!

The library will be open on Saturday, November 17 for Shaler Township’s Holiday “Lite Up” Night! Crafts, music, stories and fun with your favorite library folks will begin after the fireworks.

Visit for all library events. We are seeking volunteers for a special, year-long inventory project of the collection. In addition, we are always in need of “adopt-a-shelf” volunteers to keep the shelves in order. Hours for these tasks are flexible after training.

The library would like to thank Ed and Mark’s Shop ‘N Save for sponsoring the Friday Lunch Bunch. Lunch Bunch is a weekly program that meets on Fridays for children ages 4, 5 and 6. Call the library at 412-486-0211 for more information. The library would like to thank Papa John’s Pizza at the Shaler Village for their generous October fundraiser. The library also would like to thank our friends who donated on The Pittsburgh Foundation’s Day of Giving. As always, we use all donations for materials and programs. Many thanks!

Monday, November 26 at 7:00 p.m. Come hear the new sounds of “Middle Ages,” a local band. All ages welcome. Pirates Ahoy! Family Fridays! Friday, November 30 at 7:00 p.m. Shiver me timbers! Let’s celebrate like pirates! Dress up if you like! Ninjago Day! Saturday, December 1 at 11:00 a.m. Bring your LEGOS or use ours and we’ll watch Ninjago all day! Drop in and stay as long as you like. Happy Hanukkah! Tuesday, December 11 at 7:00 p.m. Join us for our annual celebration of the Festival of Lights.

Saturday, December 15 at 10:15 a.m.! Christmas

Celebration with the Man in the Red Suit. We’ll watch a special performance by the Titan Theater Troup. At 2:00 p.m. join us as we welcome the Celtic Band, Callan for holiday music! All ages!

The Friends of the Shaler North Hills Library

seeks interested volunteers for a new fundraiser they are developing to benefit the library. Mini-golf “fore” the library! A weekend in February, 2013 TBA! We are seeking families, friends and organizations to “sponsor” holes by building them and decorating them. We are excited about this new venture into fundraising that is sure to be fun for the whole family! Please call Sharon McRae at the library or email her at

Shhh! The library has a se Come find out w cret! ha is at Shaler Tow t it nship’s Holiday “Lite-U p” Night on Saturd ay, November 17 at 7: p.m. Miss Ing ca 00 n’t wait to see you!

Thursday, December 27 from 10:00 to 3:00 p.m.

Crafts from the Closet! We’re cleaning out the craft closet to get ready for the brand new year. Drop in and make something random and crazy! Shaler | Winter 2012 | 41

Township Township of of Shaler Shaler

Trash & recycling What’s new In recycling In the spring of 2012, Shaler Township joined many other communities with automated recycling collection. The implementation phase of the program had a few small glitches. However, the collector, residents and Township are now in full swing with the program. Residents are reminded that with the new cart system, all recyclable materials can now be combined in one single container. You are no longer required to separate materials such as newspaper and cardboard for the hauler. The following materials can be recycled and are to be placed in your cart for the weekly collection:

• Aluminum Cans • Corrugated Cardboard – broken down and placed in cart • Glass – all colors/shapes • Newsprint and Inserts • Office Paper • Plastics - # 1–6. • Steel Cans • Phone Books • Paperback Books • Junk Mail & Envelopes • Boxboard – such as tissue, dry food boxes, cereal, noodles and cake boxes

• Pizza Boxes – lid only (if not tainted by food) • Magazines and Catalogs Non Recyclable Materials includes window glass, light bulbs, mirrors, ovenware such as Pyrex, pottery or ceramics, pizza box bottoms, waxed boxed containers, aluminum foil, aerosol cans, electronics, tires and Styrofoam materials. If you have any questions regarding the recycling program, please contact the Township offices.

leaf – yard Waste collection Schedule Leaf collection continues throughout the Township until December 3, 2012. The remaining collection days are November 12, 2012 November 19, 2012 December 3, 2012 There is no collection for November 26, 2012. Leaf bags are 40 cents each and available at the Township Office, Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

holiday garbage Schedule Thanksgiving: Thursday, November 22 - Garbage will not be collected on Thursday, November 22. Thursday’s garbage collection will be Friday. Friday’s garbage collection will be Saturday. Christmas: Garbage collection will be delayed by one day. New Year’s Day: Garbage collection will be delayed by one day.

20% senior Discount

on Trash for Residents who are 65 years of age or older. • Stop in at the Shaler Township Municipal Building to register. • Please bring your photo identification. 42


Yard waste includes: leaves, garden residue, shrubbery with no dirt attached, limbs, twigs, brush and tree trimmings, and similar items, but does not include grass clippings. Yard waste must be placed in a bio-degradable paper bag or 33 gallon trash can. Tree trimmings not to exceed 3 inches in diameter, brush, limbs, twigs and shrubbery must be bundled in lengths not to exceed 4 feet.

covered Device recycling Act

electronic recycling event held october 6, 2012

The Covered Device Recycling Act 108 of 2010 prohibits the disposal of “covered electronic devices” such as televisions, computer monitors, laptops, printers and copiers in landfills starting January 2013. Watch for Shaler Township’s Spring Electronic Recycling Event.

Financial Focus Become Familiar With These Five Key Areas As an investor, what are your goals? You can probably think of quite a few — but over the course of your lifetime, your objectives typically will fall into five key categories. And once you’re familiar with these areas, you can start thinking of what they’ll mean to you in terms of your financial and investment strategies.

So, let’s take a look at each of these areas and see what they might entail for you:

withdrawals are used for higher education. (Withdrawals not used for education are subject to income taxes and a 10 percent penalty.)

• Preparing for retirement — With advances in health care and a greater awareness of healthy living practices, many of us can expect to live two or three decades in an active retirement. To pay for all those years, you’ll need to save and invest early and often. So, while you’re working, take full advantage of your 401(k) or other employer-sponsored retirement plan, as well as contribute to a traditional or Roth IRA. After understanding your desired retirement lifestyle, your financial advisor can help you determine how, and how much, to save to provide for your income in retirement.

• Living in retirement — Once you reach retirement, your investment emphasis will shift somewhat, from accumulating resources to making them last. By working with a financial advisor, you can develop a withdrawal strategy that can help make sure you don’t outlive the income you receive from your 401(k), IRA and other sources. At the same time, given the possible length of your retirement, you can’t ignore the need to invest for growth, so you may need to consider some growth-oriented vehicles in your portfolio to help your income keep pace with inflation.

• Planning for the unexpected — You can’t see into the future, so you’ll need to prepare for anything that comes your way. By building an emergency fund containing six to 12 months’ worth of living expenses, you can possibly avoid dipping into your long-term investments to pay for things such as a new furnace or a major car repair. And planning for the unexpected also means having sufficient life insurance to provide for your family in case anything happens to you.

• Transferring your wealth — When you’ve worked hard your whole life, you want to be able to leave a legacy — one that allows you to provide financial resources to the next generation and to those charitable organizations you may wish to support. So, when it’s time to think about transferring your wealth, you’ll want to consult with your financial and legal advisors to create an estate plan that’s appropriate for your needs. And because these plans can take significant time to create, you won’t want to wait too long to start.

• Educating your children — College is already expensive — and college expenses have been rising faster than the overall rate of inflation. If you want to help your children, or grandchildren, pay for school, you may want to invest in a college savings vehicle, such as the 529 plan. You can contribute large amounts to a 529 plan, and earnings have the opportunity to grow tax-free, provided

So, there you have them: five key financial areas on which to focus as you travel through life. By doing your homework, planning ahead and getting the help you need, you can make the journey a pleasant and productive one.

This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor.

Shaler | Winter 2012 | 43

By Matt Fascetti

Many people think of health and wellness as just diet and exercise. While those are two key components, there are many more factors that affect an individual’s overall vitality. Other areas of focus include dental and vision; specialties such as podiatry and audiology; preventive measures such as chiropractic visits and acupuncture/massage. Even feel-good procedures such as hair replacement and cosmetic surgery can boost a person’s demeanor and self-confidence.

With all of these areas of wellness to consider, it can be a daunting task to pay for the treatments and procedures that enhance the quality of our lives. So how do we decide what to spend our health-care dollars on? Which procedures are the most effective and beneficial? The following is a review of what to consider when choosing a healthier lifestyle.

• Fitness • Exercise is the one thing most doctors stress when the subject of health and wellness is broached. Certainly there are other factors such as genetics, eating, smoking, drinking and medication that can play a significant role, but exercise is at the core of health and wellness. So what is the best way to stay fit? There is no perfect answer as it is different for each individual’s needs and desires. There are many ways an individual can exercise on his/her own such as walking, running, biking, hiking, at-home workout DVDs or weight training, just to name a few. Many Americans join gyms to help them stay fit. There are advantages to having a gym membership which include a wide array of equipment, fellow members to help motivate you, professional trainers and a monthly monetary obligation that can help you stay committed to your fitness goals. Unfortunately, gym memberships are not covered by health insurance, so it is up to the individual to not only foot the bill but to select one that best suits our needs. Most gyms have monthly payments, but some also have yearly or bi-yearly options as well. Depending on the facility and the region you live in, the average gym membership can vary from $10 a month to $100 a month. While gyms, fitness programs and personal trainers can be an excellent way to achieve cardiovascular health, just remember they are not the only way. If money is tight there are plenty of free alternatives that may work just as well for you.

Continued on page 46. 44 724.942.0940 to advertise


Our Health & Wellness


The audiologists of Metropolitan ENT are committed to providing you with the highest quality services for your hearing healthcare needs. Each audiologist holds a master’s or doctoral degree in audiology and is board certified and licensed by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. We work as part of a medical team and have advanced training in preventive, diagnostic and non-medical care of hearing problems. We believe educating you and your family is a critical component of improving your hearing. Metro ENT 724.940.5755 •

Positive Steps Therapy is a privately owned company which strives to be the region’s leading provider in therapy services for children and adolescents ages birth to 21. We employ passionate therapists in all disciplines including physical, occupational, speech, and developmental therapies and are consistently establishing new and innovative programs to assist children in all levels of their development. Positive Steps 412.366.3653 • 724.444.533 • 724.486.307

Since 1950, Casper Insurance has operated as a full service, independent PA insurance agency. Our extensive network of providers ensures that we can provide our customers with excellent coverage options. We are located in Pittsburgh, but we can write insurance throughout the entire state of Pennsylvania. Casper Insurance has written Pennsylvania insurance for over 60 years. We believe in treating our clients with respect and unmatched customer service. Casper Insurance 412.486.9200 • Shaler | Winter 2012 | 45

Health & Wellness Continued from page 44.

• Acupuncture and Massage • If you’ve ever been treated to a massage, you probably don’t need a list of advantages to persuade you to have one on a regular basis. Massage is the manipulating of superficial and deeper layers of muscle and connective tissue using various techniques, to enhance function, aid in the healing process, and promote relaxation and well-being. Massage involves working and acting on the body with pressure – structured, unstructured, stationary, or moving – tension, motion, or vibration, done manually or with mechanical aids. Target tissues may include muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia, skin, joints or other connective tissue, as well as lymphatic vessels, or organs of the gastrointestinal system. Massage can be applied with the hands, fingers, elbows, knees, forearms, and feet. There are over 80 different recognized massage modalities. The most cited reasons for introducing massage as therapy have been client demand and perceived clinical effectiveness. Massage is usually only covered by insurance in very special circumstances, so be prepared to pay out of pocket for these services.

According to, acupuncture involves the insertion of extremely thin needles through your skin at strategic points on your body. A key component of Traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture is most commonly used to treat pain. Traditional Chinese medicine explains acupuncture as a technique for balancing the flow of energy or life force known as qi or chi, (pronounced CHEE), believed to flow through pathways (meridians) in your body. By inserting needles into specific points along these meridians, acupuncture practitioners believe that your energy flow will re-balance. In contrast, many Western practitioners view the acupuncture points as places to stimulate nerves, muscles and connective tissue. This stimulation appears to boost the activity of your body’s natural painkillers and increase blood flow. Reasons for having an acupuncture procedure include chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting, fibromyalgia, headaches, labor pain, low back pain, menstrual cramps, migraines, osteoarthritis, dental pain and tennis elbow. As with massage, acupuncture is generally not covered by insurance.

• Chiropractic Care • According to, chiropractic care is a natural method of health care that focuses on correcting the causes of physical problems from subluxations or misalignments of the bones in the body, especially the spine. The field of chiropractic is considered holistic, improving people’s lives by optimizing the functioning of the nervous system. Every cell in the body is controlled by the nervous system, including taste, touch, smell, hormones, digestion and cardiovascular. Chiropractic does not just treat symptoms or problems, but allows for a healthy nervous system, so the body functions better. A healthy nervous system has the ability to resist disease and ill health. Chiropractic restores the body’s nervous system, thereby increasing its resistance to illnesses. Chiropractors are able to determine and remove blocks to the nervous system by locating subluxations or misaligned vertebrae and adjusting them. There is one issue that will arise with chiropractic care…visits are sometimes not covered by insurance. Although suggested by many health care practitioners, including primary care physicians, some insurance companies still consider chiropractors luxury visits in some instances. One session with a chiropractor can cost anywhere from $35-$100 depending on the region you live in, with additional fees for more complicated procedures. When it comes to chiropractic care, one must decide if the benefits outweigh the cost.

46 724.942.0940 to advertise


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Phone: 412-321-3160

• Dental Work • Dental care is a vital aspect of health and wellness. Many people incorrectly believe that dental care is important for aesthetic reasons only, but this is far from the case. According to the American Academy of Periodontology, there is a link between poor oral health and conditions such as endocarditis and cardiovascular disease, although researchers are not sure of the role that oral health plays in causing heart problems. Recent studies have also shown that women with periodontal disease are at three to five times greater risk for delivering a preterm infant than those who are periodontally healthy. There may also be a link between oral health and diabetes, Alzheimer’s and certain immune disorders. Whether you have a cracked tooth, a cavity, braces, dental implants or are needing a simple whitening or cleaning, dental care is a priority for most people. Because the costs of dental care keep increasing, some are choosing to cut out dentist visits all together. This is not recommended. However, if carrying dental insurance is not an option, then an individual should still stick to routine checkups. According to, the national average cost for a regular cleaning can range anywhere from $50-130 depending on the region in which you live. Skipping these checkups and cleanings can lead to more serious issues down the road that can cost thousands of dollars. In the meantime, as is the case with most healthrelated issues, prevention is the key. Brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss after every meal and you drastically increase your odds of having great oral health.

Our Health & Wellness


Kevin Slogick is an agent with State Farm insurance in the Hampton Township area located in Allison Park. Prior to opening his office at State Farm he spent seven years as a risk consultant with a global consulting company. Along with his risk consultant background he also uses his MBA education to help his clients ensure that their assets and finances are protected. State Farm - Kevin Slogick 412.487.6711 •

Three words can describe Vitamin Gallery owner Vinnie Goyal: knowledgeable, caring and ethical. He is passionate about people, especially his customers and genuinely wants to help them. Coming to this country in 1970, Vinnie pursued graduate work at Duquesne University and then spent 15 years in public service. In 1995, he opened a GNC in North Huntingdon and has been in the supplement and healthcare field for 17 years. Vitamin Gallery • 412.784.6679

• Vision Care • Many of us take our vision for granted. But we would certainly be completely lost without it, so it is essential we take good care of our eyes with regular exams and wearing glasses or contacts, if needed. According to the Vision Council of America, approximately 75% of adults need some sort of vision correction. Although drugstores sell non-prescription glasses for reading, which means anyone can buy them without seeing an eye doctor for an exam, there is no substitute for a professional vision exam by an eye doctor, with a customized prescription for glasses or corrective lenses. Approximately 30% of the American population is near-sighted and must use glasses for activities such as driving and schoolwork. About 60% of Americans are far-sighted meaning that they have trouble reading or sewing without glasses, but can focus well at a distance. The majority of young people who wear glasses are near-sighted. As people age, they are more likely to need vision correction

Everyone hopes to enjoy good health for a very long time. When the end does come, do we trust that medical decisions will reflect our values? One of the greatest gifts we can give our children and trusted friends is a living will that provides guidance for end-of-life decisions. Attorney Carolyn Spicer Russ will help you create a living will with personalized instruction for that critical, inevitable time. Attorney Carolyn Spicer Russ 412.492.8975 •

Continued on page 48. Shaler | Winter 2012 | 47

Health & Wellness Continued from page 47. for far-sightedness. About 25% of people who wear glasses to see distances will end up needing reading glasses or bifocals as they get older. The recommendations for the frequency of vision exams varies somewhat, but generally individuals are advised to have an eye exam somewhere between one to four years, depending upon their age group.

• Podiatry • Podiatry is the specialty devoted to the diagnosis and treatment of conditions affecting the foot. According to the American Podiatric Medical Association, most people log an amazing 75,000 miles on their feet by the time they reach age 50. Regular foot care can ensure that your feet are up to the task. With proper detection and intervention, most foot and ankle problems can be lessened or prevented. Many people are unaware of the many issues that can affect feet. Arthritis, peripheral arterial disease (PAD), peripheral neuropathy, common injuries (sprains, strains and fractures), Haglund’s deformity (bony enlargement of the back of the heel bone), heel pain and tendinitis can all create mobility problems for individuals. There are various skin disorders including athlete’s foot, corns and calluses, psoriasis, skin cancer of the feet, as well as toe joint and nerve disorders such as bunions, hammer toes and neuromas to consider. Individuals may also suffer from ingrown toenails.

Some basic but effective foot care tips include washing your feet daily, making sure to rinse off all soap and water especially between the toes and trimming nails straight across and not overly short to avoid cutting or digging at corners. Over the counter medications are not recommended for removing corns or calluses. A qualified podiatrist should be consulted for treatment and removal. Wear clean socks or stockings changed daily and make sure that they are not too tight. Always wear properly fitting shoes. If you do suffer a foot ailment, there are various ways to treat them. Prescription, custom orthotics, which are specially-made devices, are designed to support and comfort your feet and may correct the problem. For more severe issues, surgery may be needed in cases when pain or deformity persists.

• Audiology • Audiology is the evaluation, diagnosis, treatment and management of hearing loss and balance disorders in adults and children. It is an important component to health and wellness, yet it tends to be ignored unless there is a noticeable problem. Individuals should get their hearing checked yearly to ensure that everything is as it should be. An audiologist, commonly called an ear doctor, prescribes and fits hearing aids, assists in cochlear

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implant programs, performs ear or hearing related surgical monitoring, designs hearing conservation programs and provides newborn screening programs to test hearing levels. Audiologists may also provide hearing rehabilitation such as auditory training, speech reading and listening skills improvement. What many people don’t realize is that almost all types of hearing loss are treatable by an audiologist. No one should ever feel there is no hope with hearing loss. Some hearing related problems include occupational; earwax blockage; hearing loss related to aging; acoustic neuroma, a noncancerous tumor on the hearing nerve; Meniere’s disease, a serious tumor on the nerve ending; ringing in the ears; and fluid on the ear. Most hearingrelated procedures and tests will be covered by most insurance companies.

• Family Medicine • According to the American Academy of Family Medicine (AAFP), family practice is health care for the individual and family that integrates the biological, clinical and behavioral sciences. The scope of family medicine encompasses all ages, both sexes and every organ system of the body. Common services provided in family medicine include bone density screenings, EKGs, hospital care, immunizations and flu shots, lab services, minor surgery (warts, lesions, stitches), newborn health, gynecology and obstetrics, school and sports physicals and preventive visits. Family Medicine physicians work closely with patients to prevent disease and offer them a long and healthy life. Healthy lifestyle, exercise and weight control are often points that are stressed to all members of the family. For those with a personal history of chronic disease, specific measures are taken to ensure that they are being monitored and that their disease is being managed effectively. This is usually achieved with regular health maintenance exams and by keeping up with what is going on in their lives. The main focus and advantage of family medicine is the very personal and intimate care that is normally received. The attending physician almost becomes a member of the family. Another particular benefit of family medicine is that it concentrates on education as well. Everyone in the family should understand what good healthy living is and all the ins and outs of how to achieve health goals. This is done with open discussions with your physician.

• Pediatrics • Arguably, pediatric medicine is one of the most important areas of medical practice because it involves our children. This branch of medicine deals with the care of infants, children and adolescents. The ages treated usually range from birth to 18 years. According to, pediatrics differs from adult medicine in many aspects. The obvious body size differences are paralleled by maturational changes. The smaller body of an infant or neonate is

substantially different physiologically from that of an adult. Congenital defects, genetic variance and developmental issues are areas of greater concern for pediatricians. Treating a child is not like treating a miniature adult. A major difference between pediatrics and adult medicine is that children are minors, and in most jurisdictions, cannot make decisions for themselves. The issues of guardianship, privacy, legal responsibility and informed consent must always be considered in every pediatric procedure. In a sense, pediatricians often have to treat the parents and sometimes the family, rather than just the child. Adolescents are in their own legal class, having rights to their own health care decisions in certain circumstances. Pediatrics is a fairly new practice, only becoming a specialty in the mid-19th century. Today it is one of the biggest medical specialties in the United States, mainly because individuals tend to care more for their children than they do themselves and are therefore more likely to seek regular and consistent medical care for their children.

• Geriatrics • Geriatric medicine is quite unique because it usually deals with health issues related to age such as arthritis, heart disease, diabetes and more. Despite these challenges, geriatric wellness is better than it has ever been before. People are living longer and taking better care of themselves. Retirement goals for the senior citizen of today differ widely from the objectives of retirees in years past. Today’s senior has a desire to not only stay healthy and prevent disease, but is passionate about living an active lifestyle. Exercise has been shown to increase longevity and quality of life. According to, the five categories of fitness include aerobic fitness, muscular strength, muscular endurance, body composition and

Continued on page 50. Shaler | Winter 2012 | 49

Health & Wellness Continued from page 49. flexibility. For the geriatric exercise participant, balance also plays a huge role in the development of a wellness program. For example, working on strength and balance to prevent falls is important, but in reality a trip, slip or fall will eventually happen. Exercises that build bone density and joint integrity along with flexibility are important to prevent fractures and other injuries. The American College of Sports Medicine exercise guidelines for men and women 65 and older includes cardiovascular exercise at a moderate pace for 30 minutes, five days a week to improve aerobic fitness. It is also recommended that older adults engage in strength training two days per week. The focus should be on large muscle group exercises that mimic activities of daily living, such as standing, reaching overhead and pulling. It is also suggested that flexibility exercises be added at least two days per week. One should also utilize balance exercises to create a well-rounded program that focuses on both performance and prevention. The bottom line is, today’s world offers better opportunities than ever before for seniors to live and be healthy for many years to come.

• Hair Restoration • It is no secret we live in a society where looks are important to many people. So, naturally, hair replacement has become more and more popular.

According to, hair loss is primarily caused by a combination of aging, a change in hormones, and a family history of baldness. As a rule, the earlier hair loss begins, the more severe the baldness will become. Hair loss can also be caused by burns or trauma, in which case hair replacement surgery is considered a reconstructive treatment, and may be covered by health insurance. Baldness is often blamed on poor circulation to the scalp, vitamin deficiencies, dandruff, and even excessive hat-wearing. All of these theories have been disproved. It’s also untrue that hair loss can be determined by looking at your maternal grandfather, or that 40-year-old men who haven’t lost their hair will never lose it. Hair replacement surgery can enhance your appearance and your selfconfidence, but the results are not always what you envisioned. Before you decide to have surgery, think carefully about your expectations and discuss them with your surgeon. It’s important to understand that all hair replacement techniques use your existing hair. The goal of surgery is to find the most efficient uses for existing hair. Hair replacement candidates must have healthy hair growth at the back and sides of the head to serve as donor areas. Donor areas are the places on the head from which grafts and flaps are taken. Other factors, such as hair color, texture and waviness or curliness may also affect the result. Transplant techniques, such as punch grafts, mini-grafts, micro-grafts, slit grafts and strip grafts are generally performed on patients who desire a more modest change in hair fullness. Flaps, tissue-expansion and scalpreduction are procedures that are usually more appropriate for patients who desire a more dramatic change. Remember, there are limits to what can be accomplished. An individual with very little hair might not be advised to undergo hair replacement surgery.

• Cosmetic Surgery • Cosmetic surgery is very popular in the United States these days. In fact, according to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, Americans spent a staggering $10.7 billion on cosmetic surgery in 2010. According to, the most popular cosmetic procedures include liposuction, breast augmentation, BOTOX®, eyelid surgery, thermage, facelift, rhinoplasty, tummy tuck and buttocks implants. While cosmetic surgery is generally a safe procedure, when it does go bad, results can be disastrous. The key is to research your doctor thoroughly, making sure he/she has extensive experience and many references from satisfied patients. Insurance does not usually cover cosmetic surgery, so it is a rather expensive, completely out of pocket expense. For example, a liposuction can cost around $10,000. The only kind of cosmetic surgery that is generally covered by insurance is for conditions that may interfere with someone’s overall health and wellness. Good health is not just a linear concept of adhering to a rigid routine for everyone. Each individual is different, and his/her personality, lifestyle and priorities must be taken into account.

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Staying stress-free

during the holiday season Do the traffic jams, crowded restaurants, shopping lists, cleaning, decorating and unexpected visitors overwhelm you during the holiday season? The holiday season can be a stressful time. It’s also a time of year we look forward to like no other, because of all the aspects of the season that make us happy. Experts say having realistic expectations is the key to a happier holiday season. Take the time to exercise, and eat healthy to keep stress at a minimum which will help you to enjoy the holidays! Exercise has been shown to reduce stress, boost energy, build your immune system, and help beat seasonal depression. It is difficult to make the time to exercise during the holiday season with all the hustle and bustle. During the busier days strive for 20 minutes – whether it is walking on a treadmill in your office gym, or doing an at-home workout. In order to fit in a workout and see family and friends you could plan to take a walk after a meal together, or get together to participate in a winter activity such as ice skating, skiing, or snow tubing.

• Try to stay in the present. Reflect on your values and what is truly important. Avoid conflict with others, and holding on to past negatives and focus on the positives. • Organize your time and save some for yourself. List the activities you must do and put the rest to the side and if you get to them, great, and if you can’t don’t stress about it! • Too many events. It is ok to turn down invitations if you are feeling overwhelmed. • Don’t gain – maintain! During the holiday season don’t plan to lose weight – just plan to maintain. This Industry Insight was provided by Casper Insurance Agency, located at 611 Mount Royal Blvd. If you liked this article and would like to read more, check out our blog on Like us on Facebook

Holiday cookies, cakes and pies are everywhere! How can you balance eating healthy with food-focused celebrations? For starters, enjoy socializing with others rather than snacking at an event. Eat something before you go to a party – such as an apple or string cheese. When you offer to bring a food dish bring one on the healthier side. You should also avoid snacking during the day if you plan on splurging at a gathering – save your calories for the food you really want! If you drink alcohol plan ahead to only have 1 or 2 throughout the day to cut back on excess calories. Drinking water between drinks is also beneficial. Helpful hints for Happy Holidays! • Set realistic goals. This is key for keeping expectations reasonable for yourself and others. • Make a budget and stick to it. When it comes to hosting holiday parties and buying gifts you will want to decide what you can afford and don’t spend more than that. • Move it! Physical activity can help manage your holiday stress, weight gain, and winter blues. • Eat and drink well. Poor food choices, eating too much, or consuming alcohol in excess can leave you feeling run down and susceptible to illness and holiday weight gain. • Pace yourself. Don’t try to fit in everything in one day – take the time to spread out your activities throughout the holiday season. Shaler | Winter 2012 | 51

Glenshaw Century Club

Just a Reminder... The Glenshaw Century Club will hold its Annual Holiday House Tour, Traditional Tea Table and Craft Fair on Saturday, Nov. 17, from 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Tickets are available in advance by calling Linda at 412.487.8753 or at the Shaler North Hills Library. Tickets will also be available Nov. 17 at the craft fair and the home on tour.

Coming in Spring... On April 27, the club will host its Spring Luncheon and Fashion Show, “A Summer Day,� at the Fox Chapel Golf Club at 10:30 a.m.

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omfort food is different for everybody, but the deep satisfaction each mouthful brings is the same. To warm the body and the soul on a chilly day, give your favorite comfort foods a delicious makeover with gruyere cheese. Made from cow’s milk, gruyere is a great melting cheese with lots of flavor. It has a sweet taste undercut with a slightly salty flavor and is a good complement to a dish as it doesn’t overwhelm the taste of other ingredients. • Gruyere instead of Swiss Try in fondue, ham and turkey Panini, and classic onion soup. • Gruyere instead of cheddar Try in omelets, quiche, and lobster mac and cheese. • Gruyere instead of Parmesan Grate onto risotto or pasta carbonara.

During the cold winter months, there’s nothing more satisfying than a warm, comforting dish!

Yield: 1 1 1/4 1/2 2 1 1 1 6 3/4 1/2 8

9-inch store bought or homemade pie crust, pre-baked pound bacon, chopped pound oyster and shiitake mushrooms, sliced small leeks, cleaned, trimmed and thinly sliced teaspoon fresh thyme, chopped teaspoon nutmeg, freshly ground tablespoon fresh chives, chopped Salt and pepper to taste eggs cup heavy cream cup whole milk ounces gruyere, grated

Preheat oven to 425°F. Sauté bacon in skillet. When fully cooked, remove bacon and reserve half the drippings in skillet. Add mushrooms and cook for 3 to 5 minutes, until tender. Add leeks and cook for an additional 3 to 5 minutes. Return bacon to skillet. Season mixture with thyme, nutmeg, chives, salt and pepper; remove from heat. In large bowl, vigorously beat eggs; beat in cream and milk. Layer cheese and bacon mixture onto crust. Pour egg mixture over top. Bake for 10 minutes. Reduce oven temperature to 350°F and bake for an additional 30 to 40 minutes, or until egg mixture is set. Remove from oven and allow to cool at least one hour before serving.

Shaler | Winter 2012 | 53

The Incomparable

Barbara Millicent Roberts What is it about Barbara Millicent Roberts (better known as Barbie) that has fascinated generations of young girls? Exact figures are not known, but the number of Barbie dolls sold since her introduction in 1959 is in the billions. Before Barbie, most dolls were baby dolls. Created by Ruth Handler, Barbie was one of the first adult dolls ever produced. Her clothing designs were taken straight from the runways of Paris fashion houses. Over the years, the phenomenal Barbie has been a race car driver, pilot, avid skier, fashion model, astronaut, flight attendant and ballerina to name just a few. On September 28, the Shaler North Hills Library welcomed the 53-year-old icon, to the delight of a whole new generation of little girls, by hosting Barbie Fest, a celebration of all things Barbie.

Paige Johnston 54 724.942.0940 to advertise


Summer Dellomo

Payton Simmental

Within a three-week period, Bill suffered not one, but three strokes. Damage to the right side of his brain caused him to struggle with walking and controlling his hands. Putting his trust in the UPMC Rehabilitation Institute, Bill worked hard and steadily regained control of his hands and relearned to walk. He found motivation from therapists, nationally recognized researchers, as well as a therapy dog we introduced him to. So taken with a canine companion, Bill adopted and trained a therapy dog of his own upon leaving. Now he and Rudy, his Goldendoodle, volunteer at schools, nursing homes, and weekly at UPMC. To learn more about the UPMC Rehabilitation Institute’s seven locations, including UPMC St. Margaret, call 1-800-533-UPMC (8762) or visit

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Affiliated with the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, UPMC is ranked among the nation’s top 10 hospitals by U.S. News & World Report.

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Shaler | Winter 2012 | 55 10/12/12 12:03 PM

How I Met My


Regina & Tom McDermott

I truly think this marriage was meant to be...It was 1989 and I was 23 years old. I was going out to celebrate my roommate’s birthday at our favorite restaurant, Chi Chi’s. Our waiter was so cute! So much so that I commented on his looks to my roommate. “Do you know him?” my roommate asked. “No,” I answered, “he is not familiar to me.” She explained that he had gone to Duquesne University (where I attended). She happened to know his family and they were from Shaler. After she related the few facts she knew of him, I was tempted to leave my phone number with my tip, but that seemed a bit tacky and forward. Two weeks later my roommate and I were at another one of our favorite places, Jergals on Babcock Blvd., for karaoke night. When I heard her mention my name to someone, I turned around to see a young man who was her prom date from high school and another one who was none other than the waiter from Chi Chi’s. He had asked her who she was eating with the night we were there and if she could “hook us up.” Needless to say, we started dating and were married three years later. We celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary in July. -Submitted by Regina McDermott

56 724.942.0940 to advertise


Vicky & Kyle Blizzard

My future husband and I were working as tour guides for Ohio State University in Columbus. We met when we attended the same training class in January of 2006. As tour guides, we were responsible for walking backwards while talking to families of up to 30 people. We led them around the campus for two hours, reciting facts from our memorized 20-page tour script. Through the University Ambassador program, our common friend base grew and so did our friendship that is still the base of our marriage today. Over the next year and a half, we continued to spend more time together in Columbus, except for when I returned home to Pittsburgh during the summer. In November of 2007, the infamous annual rivalry game rolled around on campus – Ohio State versus Michigan. While Kyle and I enjoyed the game from separate locations, he managed to find me across the campus immediately following our big win and we made our relationship official. We enjoyed the rest of our senior year, and remained in Columbus following graduation.

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After working “big kid” jobs for a year, our relationship was tested when I was laid off and had to relocate to Pittsburgh for a new job. While the year following was very trying, Kyle fortunately found a position in January 2011 with a new company and joined me in Pittsburgh. We purchased a home in Shaler and closed on it in September. Kyle proposed that same day. We married this past August and couldn’t be any happier. While we don’t have the many years behind us that other couples do, we do have great role models to follow. My grandparents just celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary and we look forward to doing the same 70 years from now! – Submitted by Vicky Blizzard

Shaler | Winter 2012 | 57



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