“I’d like to have my questions answered in just one phone call.”
Here’s the Plan At UPMC Health Plan, we believe customer service should be a service to you, not a headache. That’s why we offer you a personal health care concierge. A live person who lives here and can answer all your questions in just one phone call. Sure, we win awards for our customer service. But it’s the reaction we get from satisfied members that we find most rewarding.
To find out more visit
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From the Publisher I hope that the slow descent into cooler temperatures and the start of the changing leaf colors bring a smile to your face, as they do mine. Fall is one of my favorite times of year. It marks the start of ski season, a sport I share with my whole family. It also means warm cider on chilly nights, the return of some amazing stargazing as the skies darken earlier, and lower electric bills as the air conditioners can finally be removed from the windows. We also have Halloween, of course, which allows us to share some fun with the kids either through haunted hayrides and houses, or just making the rounds from door to door, filling that pillowcase to the brim with sugary delights. Halloween kicks off the holiday season, and it seems that every year, the last three months on the calendar flip faster than the previous nine. Thanksgiving gives way to Christmas and Hanukah, followed by New Year’s. It will be over before you know it, so take some time to have that extra cup of cider, make a few extra wishes on those stars, take a few more runs down the slopes, and spend time to walk door-to-door with the kids this Halloween. This time is something we can never get back, which makes it one of the most valuable things we have. Enjoy your fall with the ones you love, Wayne Dollard, Publisher
we want to know:
What is the best
gift you’ve
ever received? Spring content deadline: 2/19/13
It’s time to start thinking about the holiday season. While it’s always better to give than receive, we want to know what the best gift you’ve ever received was, and we don’t necessarily mean material things. Let us know! Email your story to or mail them to IN Community Magazines, 603 East McMurray Road, McMurray, PA 15317. Please indicate which of our magazines you receive so we know where to place your story. Photos are encouraged and should be 1MB or greater. Actual photos are accepted as well, but cannot be returned. South Fayette | Winter 2012 | 3
INdustry Insight
IN South Fayette is a non-partisan community publication dedicated to representing, encouraging and promoting the South Fayette area and its comprising municipalities by focusing on the talents and gifts of the people who live and work here. Our goal is to provide readers with the most informative and professional regional publication in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
IN South Fayette | WINTER 2012 |
Industry Insights
Northwest Savings Bank.............. | 4 Henry Wealth Management
To convert or not to convert in 2012? ....... | 37
South Fayette teams are swimming and diving into the upcoming season. See story on page 58.
Teachout Insurance........................ | 48 Advanced Dental Solutions of Pittsburgh.................................... | 56 Fitness Fanatics............................... | 64 Business Spotlight
Newbury............................................ | 7 46
D.L. Townsend Insurance.............. | 39
community interests
Steel City Airsoft............................ | 44
South Fayette School District ...................................................... | 8
Supercuts.......................................... | 51
South Fayette Township .................................................................. | 18 UPMC Today | Health and Wellness News ...................................... | 29 South Fayette Library Events ....................................................... | 52
For special values, see coupons on page 50. Cover photo courtesy of the South Fayette School District. Victoria DiGiacomo holiday card artist.
South Fayette Girls and Boys Swim Teams ............................ | 58 Features
South Fayette Band Festival South Fayette celebrates 65 years of the Little Green Machine ................... | 26
Special Feature: Health and Wellness ....................................... | 40 Fawcett Church celebrated 200th Anniversary ................... | 46 Family Promise of Southwestern Pennsylvania Working to End Homelessness One Family at a Time ................................. | 54 We Want to Cover You! Do you have an event coming up that you’d like to publicize? Do you have an event that you want us to cover? Let us know! Go to and fill out the form. Events will be announced in the upcoming issue. If our deadlines don’t match yours, we may decide to send our photographers to cover the event for an upcoming issue. We’re looking for fundraisers, charity drives, social functions, class reunions, church festivals, awards presentations and more! If you’re not sure you have an event worth featuring, give us a call at 724.942.0940 and we’ll help you out!
South Fayette | Winter 2012 | 5
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South Fayette
Business Spotlight
Newbury Features New
Green EcoCraft Homes
ou already know that Newbury is one of the region’s fastest-growing and bestselling communities in the South Hills, but you may not know that Newbury’s on the cutting edge of green technology as well. “This is an exciting time because it’s the penultimate demonstration of the residential vision of Newbury,” said Brett Malky, President of EQA Landmark Communities. “These homes are, at every level, of the highest quality and the most ecologically friendly homes in the market.” Newbury’s EcoCraft homes are based on the designs and hard work of Elliot Fabri, Sr., who has been building homes for more than 30 years. In 1992, he founded New Era Building Systems, and founded EcoCraft in 2012. EcoCraft Homes are assembled off site in a specialized climate and quality controlled facility. Their advanced home manufacturing process leads to more consistent quality construction, faster build times, and superior energy performance. EcoCraft luxury modular homes can be built in as little as 90 days and are 85 percent complete before they even reach the construction site. They have air-tight building envelopes, high R-value cellulose and spray foam insulation, 98 percent efficient HVAC systems and tankless water heating systems. The whole construction process produces less than 5 percent waste and 95 percent of the waste
generated is recycled. But perhaps the biggest selling feature of EcoCraft homes is the fact that homeowners will notice their energy bills will be a lot lower. EcoCraft’s Smart home model consumes 72 percent less energy than a standard new home. And with the solar panel systems on the roof, EcoCraft homeowners could actually be rewarded for selling electricity back to the grid. “In addition to lower utility bills, residents in our smart homes will enjoy a 30 percent federal tax credit that is available with our solar energy systems,” said Elliot Fabri, Jr., Vice President of EcoCraft. “The panels we use are virtually maintenance free, they have no moving parts, and the manufacturers guarantee them for up to 25 years. Although solar energy is a reasonably new technology, research and testing done on older systems indicate that solar panels should enjoy lifespans of 30 plus years.” Fabri also said that homeowners will own the solar units outright, and the tax credits it generates can be sold for a profit each and every year. And, contrary to the weather you’re probably seeing right now as you look out the window, Pennsylvania solar production capabilities are actually on par with much of the Southeastern United States, ranking only slightly less than places like Texas, California and Florida.
Not only are EcoCraft homes more energy efficient, but they are healthier too. EcoCraft Homes feature Heat Recovery Ventilators (HRV’s), which remove stale, contaminated air from inside the house while simultaneously filtering in fresh outside air, and distributing it evenly throughout the home. “Indoor air pollutants have been ranked among the top five environmental risks to public health,” Fabri said. “And according to studies by the EPA indoor pollutant levels are five to ten times higher than what is found outdoors.” And don’t forget that water savings are found in EcoCraft homes as well. Their Smart homes feature a wide array of water efficient technologies that can reduce water consumption for a family of four by over 20,000 gallons every year. By combining super-efficient tankless water heaters with Kohler WaterSense highperformance faucets and shower heads EcoCraft homes not only conserve water, but also reduce hot water costs by as much as 50 percent. Of course, like all Newbury homes, the attention to quality and detail means homeowners will recognize the craftsmanship of Boral Cultured Stone, Carrier, Kohler, Whirlpool, James Hardy and Andersen Windows to name a few. Take a look yourself and see, most importantly, the home is beautiful! And finally, by the end of this year, not only will the old 84 Lumber be torn down to begin work on the Newbury Market entrance, Malky will be ready to announce the new tenants for the Gateway Retail parcel of Newbury Market, with announcements for all Phase I market tenants set for the Spring. For more information on Newbury, including scheduling a tour, and links to their Facebook and Twitter feeds, go to or call 412.680.5200.
South Fayette | Winter 2012 | 7
South Fayette School District
3680 Old Oakdale Road McDonald, Pennsylvania 15057 Phone 412.221.4542
Fax 724.693.0490 Dr. Bille P. Rondinelli
Dear South Fayette Township Community Members, Autumn is in full swing at the South Fayette Township School District, and anticipation for the Thanksgiving holiday has begun. With the spirit of Thanksgiving in mind, it is a good time to reflect on all that is good in our lives and to express gratitude. Nobel Peace Prize author Albert Schweitzer said, “To educate yourself for the feeling of gratitude means to take nothing for granted, but to always seek out and value the kind that will stand behind the action. Nothing that is done for you is a matter of course. Everything originates in a will for the good, which is directed at you. Train yourself never to put off the word or action for the expression of gratitude.” The South Fayette Township School District wishes to express gratitude to those who support the District, its Mission and Vision, and, most importantly, to those who partner with us on a daily basis to provide the best education possible for each child and enable the district to “Build CapaCITY.” Daily partners to whom we express gratitude include, but are not limited to: the elected board of school directors; administration and staff; students; parents; higher education institutions, collaboratives, and/or organizations; regional public and private schools; businesses; volunteers; state and local representatives/ officials; and, associations. Our district theme, “Building CapaCITY II: The World is Our Classroom,” would be impossible to implement without the aforementioned existing relationships and establishing new partnerships. It is the energy and commitment from the talented individuals involved in these varied partnerships that enable students to have the opportunities that will encourage their success stories. Success stories become increasingly more challenging for districts and students to achieve as state policymakers enact/mandate new assessments and requirements, such as the Keystone Exams, aligned to the Common Core Standards. While districts continue to work toward excelling at PSSA Standards criteria in grades three through eight, they must also embrace aligning curriculum to the Common Core Standards while effectively instructing secondary students so that they proficiently pass end-of-course tests,
thank you!
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known as the Keystone Exams, in order to meet graduation requirements. As stated on the Pennsylvania Department of Education’s website, “The Keystone Exams are end-of-course assessments designed to assess proficiency in the subject areas of Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry, Literature, English Composition, Biology, Chemistry, U.S. History, World History, and Civics and Government. The Keystone Exams are one component of Pennsylvania’s new system of high school graduation requirements. Keystone Exams will help school districts guide students toward meeting state standards.” portal/ At South Fayette, we embrace this change as an opportunity to better prepare our young people for their post-secondary choices. We have a responsibility and a commitment to our students and to those who have supported the district to prepare our students for their digital world. Historical Educational Reformer John Dewey once stated, “One cannot foresee the world in which the child we educate will live.” Requirements of today’s students differ from yesterday’s text and content-driven society. Inquiry Learning and Project-Based Learning opportunities in and out of the classroom setting promote critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. Students must be focused and actively engaged in authentic learning experiences. The District remains committed to working through the changes required of educating our next generation of students. Again, we express our genuine thanks and sincere gratitude to those who work and partner with us to generate the energy and opportunities that enable South Fayette students to succeed.
WPIAL/PIAA Sportsmanship Award Congratulations to our South Fayette High School and the athletic department for earning a second consecutive WPIAL Sportsmanship Award! The WPIAL Sportsmanship Committee met Oct. 1 to review submitted applications for the 2011- 2012 PIAA Sportsmanship Award. The application, submitted by Athletic Director Joe Farkas, demonstrates South Fayette’s efforts to maintain a high quality of dignity, respect and sportsmanship on and off the playing surface. Coaches, players, staff, parents, students, fans, and community members all positively contribute to earning this prestigious award. After a thorough review of each application, the WPIAL
Join the South Fayette High School Band and Choral Concert to be held on Tuesday, December 18 at 7:00 p.m. in the High School Theatre.
Sportsmanship Committee selected South Fayette High School as one of the four schools to receive the 2011-2012 awards. This is the second consecutive year that South Fayette has received this award. The PIAA Sportsmanship Banner for the 2011-2012 awardees will be presented to school officials and students at the 2012 WPIAL Sportsmanship Summit at the Heinz History Center Wednesday, November 14. The South Fayette Township School District sincerely thanks the WPIAL Sportsmanship Committee for its work and recognition of all participating schools. We are especially grateful that the District’s efforts to promote the WPIAL/PIAA vision of dignity, respect, and high quality sportsmanship have been acknowledged in such a positive way. You Are Invited: No RSVP Required Please join the District to celebrate upcoming academic, athletic, or arts events such as the South Fayette High School Band and Choral Concert to be held Tuesday, December 18 at 7:00 p.m. in the High School Theatre. We invite you to stay “in tune” with upcoming events through our website calendar at; however, if for some reason you cannot access the website, please do not hesitate to contact the district at 412.221.4542 for any information or assistance. Intermediate Elementary Building Update As scheduled, the South Fayette Township School District Intermediate Elementary (Grades 3, 4, and 5) construction is moving forward with its progress. District personnel continue to define the educational curriculum that will emphasize literacy skills combined with a STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics)
approach to Inquiry-Based and Project-Based Learning opportunities. Large and Small Group Instruction (LGI/SGI) areas, referenced as “studios,” will enable teachers and students to explore creative, innovative, and problem-solving experiences. As the district enrollment hovers at just above 2,700 students, the transition of students to the new building will be welcome. The current South Fayette Elementary School will focus on Early Learning - Literacy, Computational, and Foundational Skills K-2, while the South Fayette Middle School will continue to embrace and foster the middle level team approach in grades six through eight. Exciting STEAM and Inquiry/Project-Based Learning concepts have already been introduced at all levels and will continue to be embedded in the curriculum through design work and daily lessons, all of which are in the process of being aligned to the Pennsylvania Common Core Standards. We are beginning the process of forming a parent and communitybased committee to assist with the building transitions and opening celebration of the new school. The elementary Parent Teacher Association (P.T.A.) already has some wonderful ideas of how to support the two buildings moving forward. If you are not currently an active member, please consider supporting this group as they work hard to partner with the district and foster building level initiatives.
All the best,
Superintendent of Schools
South Fayette | Winter 2012 | 9
South Fayette School District
Students Assist CMU Professor in Designing Software for Mobile Pen-based Computing “Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it.” ~ Steve Jobs
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South Fayette
hree students from the South Fayette Township School District are taking their love of programming to the next level as they create a mobile pen-based computer application for the tablet, using C# programming language, to benefit students and teachers. The “Flashcards” program was originally conceived to be a flashcard challenge game and study guide for students K-12, to help raise students from below proficiency to proficiency in basic math skills. However, the team went further and the software is now capable of being used in any curricular area. Varun Thangavelu, 12th grader, Radhir Kothuri and Ben Kenawell both 11th graders, were original participants in the 2011 Android App Lab where they learned to make an App for Android devices. The following year the three students, joined by Merline Paul and Jack Previte, became mentors to
the South Fayette Township and Quaker Valley School District App Labs. Varun, Radhir, and Ben continued to advance in programming skills as they took Introduction to Java with programming teacher Sharon Perry, and an online AP Java course to improve their understanding of programming. After the completion of two App Labs several students met with Aileen Owens, Director of Technology and Innovation, to explain that they would like to take their programming skills to the next level. The students were intent on finding and creating new experiences to continue developing their skills. Owens contacted Dr. Ananda Gunawardena, Professor of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University, to ask if he would consider taking on three student interns for a summer project. Because Gunawardena’s travel schedule prohibited him managing this project on site at CMU, they came up with a more manageable solution. They agreed that the students would intern under Gunawardena but would work as a project team Monday through Thursday throughout the summer at
South Fayette, supervised by Owens and Shad Wachter, Instructional Technology Assistant. The team met weekly with Gunawardena to problemsolve and present project updates, alternating between Skype conferencing sessions and on-site meetings at CMU. Thangavelu, Kothuri and Kenawell also collaborated with Gunawardena through a social media site called Classroom Salon ( The Salon enabled the exchange of information and the ability to post updates and programming code to work effectively from a distance. The South Fayette team was given their first assignment through Classroom Salon: to review an earlier version of the Tablet PC Flashcard program and determine how to improve the system and prepare a scope and sequence for completing their improvements. Owens provided each student with a C# programming book and a $50 Wacom Bamboo tablet, and their introduction to software development had begun.
uring the summer, the team consulted with Laurie Gray, Elementary School Principal, and Greg Wensell, Intermediate School Principal, to gain input on the aspects of the design that could prove valuable to teachers. Among the improvements the student interns built into their design include: (1) an option for teachers to align the cards to Common Core Standards and PA Common Core Standards, (2) two game modes in the deck; one for basic facts and the other for contextual open ended questions such as word problems, (3) a teacher dashboard that allows teachers to create flashcard decks and assign categories to personalize student learning, (4) a student dashboard that allows students to play the card deck delivered from the teacher’s account and to create their own unique card decks for their own individualized practice, (5) an interface response option to alert students to problems that are incorrect and for immediate gratification for correct answers, and (6) a system to identify student scores and the amount of time it took to complete the card deck challenge. The importance of the design is that it uses
a pen-based model, which is proven to be more learner-friendly compared to other input modalities. Rather than having students use the keyboard, students will use a digital pen or stylus to interact with the computer. Kothuri explains, “Research actually shows that a stylus is more cognitive and intuitive, leading to a higher performance on the task unlike touch or keyboard modality.” The significance of this project is that our South Fayette student team, under the direction of Gunawardena from CMU, is creating an innovative product, relevant to our K-12 curriculum, to help improve teaching and learning for our district and eventually for others.
hase I of the project, creating the software prototype, has recently been completed. But the most difficult work is yet to come. “Building the software was challenging but it’s meaningless unless the software is actually used and makes improvements for the way kids learn,” said Thangavelu. “That’s why what happens this year is critical.” Thangavelu, Kothuri and Kenawell are currently creating the teacher-training guide and will begin alpha testing to include one teacher from each of the following grade levels: K - 2nd; 3rd -5th; 6th - 8th, and 9th -12th. Their plan for moving forward is to work with four teachers in the district, staggering the start-up so that they are not all running simultaneously.
enawell talks about their implementation plan; “Each time we train a teacher we expect that there will be revisions that need to be made before rolling out the project with their students. For this reason we will build time to work with one teacher at a time to perfect the project as we go. Keeping up with our existing school class load, sports and extracurricular activities will make this difficult if we don’t plan properly.” ,” he said. As they begin to expand their project team, the trio plans to get by “with a little help from their friends.” They will be announcing openings soon to include additional student programmers and graphic
designers to help with the workload. With help from their expanded software design team, they are considering including a motivational element replicating aspects of a video game to motivate young students to want to play the game. Kothuri explains his career goals by stating, “In the future, I would like to pursue a career in computer science, perhaps as a software engineer. My experiences during the App Lab and the internship definitely bolstered my interest in programming as well. These opportunities are exceptional in that they allow high school students to create new products that may have been limited to professionals and industries.” Gunawardena speaks of the success of the project by stating, “I am very impressed by what these students have accomplished this summer. It is a good way to learn how to take an idea, build a product and take it to the next level. I look forward to working with them this fall and beyond.” As a matter of fact, Gunawardena has given the team an additional incentive for pushing forward with their research and development of the project by inviting the students to prepare a presentation proposal for a national conference on the Impact of Pen and Touch Technology in Education in March 2013. If selected they will have a lot to look forward to. Kothuri explains, “This opportunity will allow us to present to a wider audience, and hopefully attract interest for our project.” There is much hard work ahead, but the students have found their passion and we believe great things will happen.
South Fayette | Winter 2012 | 11
South Fayette School District
South Fayette Food & Nutritional Services Update
! n e p p a h it e k a m t a th Meet the people
By Tricia Wood, MSLBE, BS, DTR, SNS Director of Food & Nutritional Services COMPASS Liaison s we returned to school this past August, big changes in the food service department were unfolding. Some of the biggest changes included increased portions of fruit, vegetables, grains, and limits set on milk fat content, which only allowed skim and fat free milks. The focus has changed regarding the “center” of the plate. While meat (protein) and potatoes regularly were the center of the plate, they are now being called accompaniments (or side items), while the center of the plate is now filled with fresh fruits and vegetables. Focus is on sodium content, processed food items and guidelines to meet new minimums and maximum calorie allowances for the students. Grains being offered this year will need to be 50% whole grain and only 100% full grain items will be offered next school year. As you recall, President Obama signed into law Public Law 111-296, the Healthy, HungerFree Kids Act of 2010. This law required the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) to update school meal nutrition standards to reflect the most current dietary sciences. These measures are needed to help combat the epidemic of childhood obesity and childhood hunger. The last update to the school meals standards was over 15 years ago. As the Director of Food Services, I must say that our food service department would not be the model food service it is today without the guidance from our kitchen leaders and the commitment of our staff. We have approximately 30 staff members and four kitchen leaders/ cooks. Under the guidance of Deb Deep, district employee and Elementary Kitchen Leader for approximately 19 years, her team worked to create the “Garden Veggie Cart” at the elementary level. Deb Deep “We thought that giving vegetable choices would be time consuming and
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hard for the students to maneuver; however, I am pleasantly surprised how quickly the students select their items and head to the cashier. The students are excited. I actually heard the students say, ‘oh good, cucumbers’.” We offer cucumbers, broccoli, red and orange bell pepper slices, cauliflower, celery with a peanut butter packet, mini salads, hummus cups and fruit on a daily basis. Although we miss our daily potato, the vegetables are a big hit. We really appreciate Deb’s leadership and all of the cafeteria staff that tend to our little ones. The elementary meals have increased over the past several years from 250 meals per day to approximately 600 meals per day. We want to thank Deb for her input and ideas that have assisted in getting the new meal service underway. Our Middle School, under the leadership of Judy Howcroft (district employee and Middle School Kitchen Leader of 13 years), has always offered whole grains and 16 to 21 fresh fruits and vegetables daily. The new mandates did not change procedures as drastically at the middle school level. Judy Howcroft Several years ago, we were recognized by “Jared from Subway” for having the best middle school lunches and were featured on a television commercial with Jared promoting our program. Our middle school serves lunch to approximately 95% of the students. Judy utilizes her business experiences at her position; she is friendly, professional and a great model leader for
South Fayette
our employees. She oversees not only the middle school but handles most of the business dealings in the food service department. Leader/Cook for the district, Judy Kirkpatrick spends most of her day prepping food items for the middle school and elementary school. She personally prepares over 700 meals per day. “Judy Kirkpatrick is a talented and efficient cook and organizer. She knows how to prudently Judy Kirkpatrick work through the mandates.” Thanks to Judy Howcroft and Judy Kirkpatrick, the middle school has one of the most effective and efficient leadership teams. High School Kitchen Leader, Aimee Dernosek, has been with our South Fayette food service team for 18 years. Her “Traditional Treasures” section includes a choice of two fruits, two vegetables, whole grain and milk to accompany the main entrée choice. Aimee orchestrates the Aimee Dernosek special event packages, “Sports 2 GO” packages for our traveling athletic teams, and she also oversees the production and flow of the high school food court. Highstepping and fast paced is what our high school food service is about. Aimee is in charge of all HACCP charts, monitoring, help desk and ordering. Her calm demeanor holds the entire team of 10 together. Most of the cafeteria employees are community members, either having had children or currently have children in the district. Many are mothers, aunts or grandmothers of our students, all adding a personal touch to the daily activities. Each day at South Fayette, our employees look forward to serving your student as if they are our own. Thank you all for your tremendous dedication and kindness.
South Fayette Township School District Required Annual Notices Highly Qualified Teachers: All public school teachers with primary responsibility for direct instruction in one or more of NCLB’s core content areas are required to demonstrate that they satisfy the definition of a “Highly Qualified Teacher.” This requirement includes: • Elementary level (grades K-6) teachers who teach all subjects to a particular grade; • Middle- and secondary-level (grades 7-12) core content area teachers; • Special education teachers who provide direct instruction in one or more core content areas; English as a second language (ESL) teachers who provide direct instruction in one or more core content areas; and • Alternative education teachers who provide direct instruction in one or more core content areas. Pennsylvania’s Definition of Highly Qualified Teacher To satisfy the definition of a Highly Qualified Teacher, teachers must: 1. Hold at least a bachelor’s degree; 2. Hold a valid Pennsylvania teaching certificate (i.e., Instructional I, Instructional II or Intern certificate but not an emergency permit); and 3. Demonstrate subject matter competency for the core content area they teach. In Pennsylvania, the NCLB core content areas include English, Reading/Language Arts, Mathematics, Sciences, Foreign Languages, Music and Art, and Social Studies (history, economics, geography, and civics and government). In the 2011-2012 school year 100 percent of the teachers at South Fayette Township School District met or exceeded the highly qualified criteria. Also, in the 2011-2012 school year, 100% of Title 1 and Special Education paraeducators have met the highly qualified criteria. Parents’ Right to Know: As stipulated in the No Child Left Behind Act, parents/guardians may request information regarding the professional qualifications of their child’s classroom teacher(s). Specifically, individuals have the right to ask for the following information: • Whether the student’s teacher has met state qualifying and licensing criteria for the grade level or subject he/she is teaching; • Whether the teacher is teaching under emergency or other provisional status; • The teacher’s college major, the baccalaureate degree, and/or any advanced degrees earned by the teacher; • Whether the child is provided services by paraprofessionals and, if so, their qualifications. To obtain this information, please submit your request in writing to Dr. Michael Loughead, Assistant Superintendent who oversees teacher/paraeducator certifications/qualifications. Each request should include the child’s name, his/her teachers’ names and the school he/she attends. Please be certain to include your name, address and a telephone number at which you can be contacted during the day. South Fayette Township School District Attn: Dr. Michael Loughead, Assistant Superintendent 3680 Old Oakdale Road McDonald, PA 15057-3544 412-221-4542, Ex. 409
South Fayette Township School District’s Annual Child Find Notice and Student Records Notice — August 2012 The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA - C.F.R. Part 99), was most recently amended January 8, 2008, state regulations (Chapter 14-Special Education Services and Programs, Chapter 12-Student Rights and Responsibilities) and district policy. It is the intent of this Annual Notice and policy to inform both parent(s)/guardian(s) and eligible children (i.e. students 18 and older) of their rights relevant to their privacy rights in the collection, maintenance, release and destruction of these records as required by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), 20 U.S.C. ‘1232g. 34 C.F.R. part 99 and the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. Annual notice of this policy is given on the District’s website, in the School Calendar, in building handbooks and hard copies are available in the main lobby of the administration building. The different categories of information maintained by the school district are as follows; educational and health records, personally identifiable information and directory information. Information known as directory information can be released without consent. Parents may opt out of this by requesting in writing to the school principal that some or all directory information not be released. In addition, photographs and/or videos may be used in newspaper articles highlighting various school activities or television coverage of school events. If you do not wish your child to be photographed or videotaped for these purposes, you must inform the district in writing. Education Records include records directly related to a student that are maintained by the South Fayette Township School District. The Educational Records of the District may include all of the following (this list is not intended to be exhaustive): grades, standardized test results, student evaluation reports, samples of student work, records transferred from sending schools, discipline records, medical records and any other records created and maintained by the school district directly related to the student. Educational records do not include communications with legal counsel that are attorney client privileged. Educational Records do not include records maintained solely by the creator for their personal use, not shared with others. The contents of a student’s educational file shall be determined by the District unless a specific parental request is made or a complaint is made, consistent with this Notice. The District shall permit the parent/guardian(s) of a student or an eligible special education student, who is or has been in attendance in the District, to inspect and review the education records of the student upon written request. The District will comply with a written request to review records within a reasonable period of time (never to exceed 45 calendar days from the date of written request) after the request has been made. When there are special cases and where necessary, a parental request to review records will be granted and arranged as soon as possible. Visits to review a student’s records shall be arranged and facilitated by the building principal or designee, or any party selected by the District, for the purposes of security and assistance in explaining or interpreting the data. The right to inspect and review education records includes: 1. The right to a response from the District to reasonable requests, made in writing, for explanation and interpretations of the record; and 2. The right to obtain copies of records from the District where failure of the District to provide the copies would effectively prevent a parent or eligible student from exercising the right to inspect and review the educational records (e.g. where the parent lives too far to come review the records personally). A reasonable fee of .25 will be charged per page for duplicate copies
of documents already provided to parents/guardians. In accordance with FERPA, the District will not produce or compile documentation that does not already exist. It is presumed by the District that both natural parent/guardian(s) of a student has authority to inspect and review the education records of the student at the school in the child’s attendance area (main office) by appointment unless there is evidence that there is a legally binding instrument, or a State law or court order governing such matters as divorce, separation or custody, which provides to the contrary. A District designee will sit with the parent when the parent reviews the records in a private conference area of the main office. Under federal law, parental consent is not required for the release of Directory information, which is information contained in an education record of a student that would not generally be considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if disclosed. The District designates the following as Directory Information means: information contained in an education record of a student that would not generally be considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if disclosed. (a) Directory information includes, but is not limited to, the student’s name; address; telephone listing; electronic mail address; photograph; date and place of birth; major field of study; grade level; enrollment status (e.g., undergraduate or graduate, full-time or part-time); dates of attendance; participation in officially recognized activities and sports; weight and height of members of athletic teams; degrees, honors and awards received; and the most recent educational agency or institution attended. (b) Directory information does not include a student’s — (1) Social security number; or (2) Student identification (ID) number, except as provided in paragraph (c) of this section. (c) Directory information includes a student ID number, user ID, or other unique personal identifier used by the student for purposes of accessing or communicating in electronic systems, but only if the identifier cannot be used to gain access to education records except when used in conjunction with one or more factors that authenticate the user’s identity, such as a personal identification number (PIN), password, or other factor known or possessed only by the authorized user. A written record of this information, or microfilm copy of the same, including grade level completed and year completed, may be maintained at least 100 years after a student attains age 21. A parent/guardian or eligible student may notify the District in writing of their refusal to allow the District to release directory information without prior consent. Such written refusal for consent must be sent to Director of Pupil Personnel, Dr. Nanci A. Sullivan, South Fayette Township School District, 3660 Old Oakdale Road, McDonald, PA 15057-3544. Pursuant to Section 9528 of the No Child Left Behind Act, the District is required to release student directory information (access to names, addresses, and phone numbers of high school juniors and seniors) to military recruiters and college admissions officers. The No Child Left Behind law requires high schools to release information to colleges or other higher learning institutions upon request. Any parent/guardian or student who has reached age eighteen may notify the District in writing of their refusal for this information to be released. Letters seeking the withholding of information to military recruiters should be sent to: Dr. Nanci A. Sullivan, Director of Pupil Personnel, South Fayette Township School District, 3660 Old Oakdale Road, McDonald, PA 15057-3544. Per federal guidance, student medical records, maintained by the nurses’ office, are considered educational records and will be shared with staff who the district determines have a legitimate educational interest in the information and a need to know medical information to protect the safety and health of the student. Once provided to the District, specific parental consent will not be sought to share information on a need to know basis. Parental requests to maintain the confidentiality of specific medical information must be made in writing to the nurse’s office. Requests for complete confidentiality of medical information will be granted at the discretion of the nurse. These requests will be granted unless dangerous to the student. If the agency reported a crime committed by a student with a disability the district will ensure that copies of the special education records and disciplinary records of the student will be transmitted properly and only to the extent possible that the transmission is permitted by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. The District can communicate about sex offenders from agency to agency. The District shall obtain the written consent of the parent(s)/guardian(s) of a student age eighteen before disclosing personally identifiable information, other than directory information, from the education records of a student to a third party. Consent is not required where the disclosure is to the parent/guardian(s) of a student who is not an eligible student or the student himself or herself. Personally Identifiable Information The term includes, but is not limited to — (a) The student’s name; (b) The name of the student’s parent or other family members; (c) The address of the student or student’s family; (d) A personal identifier, such as the student’s social security number, student number, or biometric record; (e) Other indirect identifiers, such as the student’s date of birth, place of birth, and mother’s maiden name; (f) Other information that, alone or in combination, is linked or linkable to a specific student that would allow a reasonable person in the school community, who does not have personal knowledge of the relevant circumstances, to identify the student with reasonable certainty; or (g) Information requested by a person who the educational agency or institution reasonably believes knows the identity of the student to whom the education record relates. Uses of Personally Identifiable Information: The district may disclose personally identifiable from the education records of a student without written consent of the parent/guardian(s) or the student or the eligible student in several situations. See 34 C.F.R. Part 99. Some important examples of when no consent to release information include (list not exhaustive): 1. To other school officials, including teachers, guidance counselors, nurses, and I.U. personnel within the District who have been determined by the District to have legitimate educational interests or are providing instruction or services to students. The District has determined that all school employees involved in the direct supervision of a student (academic or non-academic) (including support staff) have a legitimate education interest in academic and health related student information if the information is necessary to ensure appropriate fulfillment
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South Fayette School District
Questions regarding the above information or requests for a copy of the records policy may be referred to: Dr. Nanci A. Sullivan, Director of Pupil Personnel, South Fayette Township School District, 3660 Old Oakdale Road, McDonald, PA 15057-3544.
Screening and Evaluation
South Fayette Township School District Required Annual Notices (continued) of their professional duties and to ensure the health and safety of the student. 2. To officials of another school or school system or post-secondary schools in which the student seeks or intends to enroll, subject to the requirements set forth in 99.34. Parents may request a copy of the record sent. 3. To appropriate parties in a health or safety emergency, subject to the conditions set and 99.36, if knowledge of the information is necessary to protect the health or safety of the student or other individuals. 4. Information designated by the District as Directory Information. 5. Generally, schools must have written permission from the parent/guardian or eligible student in order to release any information from a student’s education record. However, FERPA allows schools to disclose those records, without consent, to the following parties or under the following conditions (34 CFR § 99.31): • Specified officials for audit and evaluation purposes • Appropriate parties in connection with financial aid to a student • Organizations conducting studies for or on behalf of the school • Accrediting organizations • To comply with a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena • State and local authorities, within the juvenile justice system, pursuant to specific state law • Contracted, consultant, volunteer, or other party to whom an agency or institution has outsourced institutional services or functions may be considered a school official under this paragraph--(1) Performs an institutional service or function for which the agency or institution would otherwise use employees; (2) Is under the direct control of the agency or institution with respect to the use and maintenance of education records; and (3) Is subject to the requirements of §99.33 (a) governing the use and redisclosure of personally identifiable information from education records. (ii) An educational agency or institution must use reasonable methods to ensure that school officials obtain access to only those education records in which they have legitimate educational interests. An educational agency or institution that does not use physical or technological access controls must ensure that its administrative policy for controlling access to education records is effective and that it remains in compliance with the legitimate educational interest requirement. When providing records to authorized third parties, the District will make a reasonable attempt to notify the parent/guardian(s) of the student or the eligible student of the transfer of the records at the last known address of the parent(s)/guardian(s) or eligible student. Per state law, the District will not provide any notice of transfer of records of a student to a school in which a student seeks or intends to enroll. The District maintains student records in a locked storage room located at South Fayette High School. This storage room contains special education student records, gifted education student records, student health records, 504 Student Service Plan records, etc. Current original special education records with psychological records are maintained in the Department of Pupil Personnel. All district records of students (K-12) who were evaluated by the school psychologist(s) and found not to be non-exceptional are kept and are secured in the school(s)’offices. All records are kept in a secure location and access to files is limited. PLEASE NOTE: SOUTH FAYETTE TOWNSHIP SCHOOL BOARD POLICY 216 PROVIDES RESIDENT STUDENTS AND THEIR PARENTS WITH NOTICE THAT THE DISTRICT MAY DESTROY RECORDS UNDER THE FOLLOWING CIRCUMSTANCES AND TIMELINES: (a) Records that include a student’s name, address, grades, attendance records, classes attended, grade level completed and year completed may be destroyed once 100 years have passed since the student’s 24th birthday. (b) Special Education records, Section 504 records, Instructional Support Team (IST) records, and health records may be destroyed once 10 years have passed from the date a student has graduated or reached graduation age (if exiting the district before graduation) as long as there is no outstanding request to inspect and review the records and the records are no longer deemed useful to the school district. (c) Notice of destruction of these records is provided annually via this publication. Educational records of a student are longer needed by the District to provide educational services at the end of one year following a student’s graduation from the District. A parent/ guardian may submit a written request for the destruction of all education records at that time. (d) Destruction will proceed where parents or eligible students have not requested copies by November 1st of the year the records may be destroyed as per paragraphs A&B above. Parents or students over eighteen have the right to request a copy of their record before destruction. (e) Parents are reminded that copies of the records might be needed for the acquisition of Social Security benefits or for other purposes. Amendment of Education Records A Parent/guardian or eligible student has the right to request amendment of a student’s educational file if it is believed that any information is inaccurate, or in violation of a student’s rights. The educational agency shall decide within a reasonable time whether to amend the record. If the school district decides not to amend the educational record it shall notify the parent/student of the right to and arrange an informal hearing. The hearing will be conducted by an official of the District without an interest in the outcome, who will be either the Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment or their designee. The parent may present relevant evidence. The District will issue a written decision based on the hearing. Informal inquiries may be sent to: or The website address is: Complaints regarding violation of rights accorded parent(s)/guardian(s) and eligible students with respect to student records are to be submitted to Director of Pupil Personnel, South Fayette Township School District, at 3660 Old Oakdale Road, McDonald, PA, 15057-3544, in writing. All Complaints will be investigated and responded to in writing within a reasonable period of time. If complaints cannot be satisfactorily resolved by the District, complaints can be filed with the following: Family Policy Compliance Office U.S. Department of Education 400 Maryland Avenue, SW Washington, D.C. 20202-4605
14 724.942.0940 to advertise
South Fayette
The South Fayette Township School District employs the following procedures for locating, identifying and evaluating the needs of school age students who may require special education programs and/or services. These procedures, as required by state regulation, are as follows: As prescribed by Section 1402 of the Pennsylvania school code, the district routinely conducts health screenings for kindergarten (K) through 12th grade students and new students without history of recent exams: Vision (Gr. K-12); Hearing (Gr. K, 3, 7 and 11 and any student with a known history of hearing loss); Mandated Physical Exams (Gr. K, 6, and 11); Dental Screenings (Gr. K, 1, 3, and 7); Scoliosis Screening (Gr. 6, 7) and Body Mass Index (BMI) screening (Gr. K-12). Speech and language skills are screened in kindergarten and on a referral basis by speech clinicians. Gross-motor and fine-motor skills, academic and social-emotional skills are assessed by the teachers and support staff. Screening activities include: review of group-based data such as cumulative enrollment and health records, report cards and academic skills scores. Identified needs from these screening sources, as well as information obtained from parents and outside agencies, is assessed, noted within the student’s record and discussed with parents. South Fayette Township School District has intervention/prevention teams in place to support students as a pre-referral system. At the elementary school (K-4), a child study team has been established as part of the pre-referral intervention process. The team consists of principals, guidance counselor, regular education teachers, reading specialists, school psychologist when needed and special education staff when needed. Parents are also part of this process and are contacted and strongly encouraged to participate in all phases of the child study team process. The Child Study Team assists teachers and parents with supporting students who are experiencing academic, behavioral, medical, emotional and social skills difficulties. In the middle school, an “Instructional Support Team (IST)” model is utilized as part of the pre-referral intervention process. The middle school has an IST teacher who coordinates and oversees the IST pre-referral process. She coordinates all meetings between parents and staff and identifies researched evidenced-based strategies that can be implemented in the regular education classroom setting for students who are at-risk. She assists the IST Team with developing appropriate academic goals that the students need to achieve in order to succeed academically in the regular classroom setting. The IST teacher also monitors the effectiveness of the instructional strategies that are utilized in the regular classroom environment. She also works with students on study skills, organizational skills, preparedness, etc. She will on occasion provide individual or small group focused tutoring sessions. The South Fayette Student Assistance Team (SAP) is an additional support used by the district to identify at-risk students. SAP teams are currently in place at the middle and high school levels. SAP is a cooperative effort with parents in utilizing the support staff, students, and community through contracted services with FamilyLinks and Turtle Creek. It is a proactive prevention/intervention program that attempts to provide intervention before school performance is seriously compromised. The SAP Core Team of individuals are trained in the SAP Model and focus on screening/intervention for student who may be experiencing drug and alcohol, depression, and/or family issues, referrals to appropriate agencies or treatment facilities, aftercare for those returning from treatment, and crisis intervention as needed. If appropriate, a referral process is initiated at each building level through the Child Study Team, Instructional Support Team, and Student Assistance Teams (SAP), guidance departments, principals or the Department of Pupil Personnel Services. Assessment data is used by the team to meet the student’s specific needs by recommending modifications or adaptations to the regular education program, creating interventions to address the problem and monitoring the student’s response to intervention, or to document the need for further evaluation. If it is determined that a student is in need of further evaluation, the student is referred for a multidisciplinary team (MDT) evaluation, which requires parent permission and includes parent input. Next, a “Permission-to-Evaluate Consent Form” is issued to the parent to sign giving the school district permission to conduct the evaluation. The school district has 60 calendar days to complete the evaluation. After the evaluation is completed, an evaluation report is prepared which includes specific recommendations for the types of intervention necessary to meet the needs of the student and to determine the child’s eligibility for special education services based upon a disability. When the evaluation report is completed parents are invited if necessary to a multidisciplinary team meeting to review findings and plan for the student’s needs. After the MDT evaluation is completed, the parents are given a NOREP, which they sign to indicate their agreement or disagreement with the recommendation. Parents of students who suspect that their child has a disability and is in need of special education may request an Intervention Team meeting or multidisciplinary team evaluation of their child through a written request to the building principal or Director of Pupil Personnel. You may find information regarding the appropriate developmental milestone descriptors for infants and toddlers at the Center for Disease Control (CDC) website: http://www.cdc. gov/ncbddd/autism/ActEarly/default.htm For additional information regarding the signs of developmental delays, please contact Dr. Nanci A. Sullivan, Director of Pupil Personnel at 412221-4542, Ext. 429, Mrs. Gretchen Tucci, School Psychologist at 412-221-4542, Ext. 415 or Mrs. Conchetta Bell, School Psychologist/Transition/504 Plan Coordinator at 412-221-4542, Ext. 404.
Services for School Age Students with Disabilities or Mental Giftedness The South Fayette Township School District provides a free, appropriate public education to students with disabilities or mental giftedness according to state and federal rules. To be eligible, the child must: n Be of school age. n Have a disability or mental giftedness and be in need of specially designed instruction. n Meet eligibility criteria for one or more of the following physical or mental disabilities as set forth in the Pennsylvania State Standards: autism, deaf-blindness, blindness, visual impairment, emotional disturbance, specific learning disability, other health impairment, traumatic brain injury, and speech/language impairment, orthopedic impairment, hearing impairment, deafness, multiple disabilities or mental retardation. Services designed to meet the needs of eligible disabled students include: n The annual development of an individualized education program (IEP or Gifted IEP). n A triennial multidisciplinary re-evaluation for students with disabilities (except for those students with mental retardation where evaluation remains biennial). n A range of supports for students from itinerant level to supplemental level to full time level special education support within the school district or placement in a full-time special education disabilities class outside of the regular school. The extent of special education services for disabled or mentally gifted students and the location for the delivery of such services are determined by the parents and the district staff at the IEP team meeting and are based on the student’s identified needs and abilities, chronological age and the level of intensity of the specified intervention. The school district
also provides related services, such as transportation, physical therapy, occupational therapy and assistive technology if they are required to enable the student with disabilities to derive educational benefits. (a) Prior to initiation of services, parents of a student with disabilities are presented a “Notice of Recommended Educational Placement/Prior Written Notice” (NOREP) and parents of a mentally gifted student with a “Notice of Recommended Assignment” (NORA) with which they agree or disagree. If parents agree to the program outlined by the multidisciplinary team and the parent signs either the NOREP or NORA, then the program is implemented for their child. If parents disagree with the program being recommended, they have the right to request IEP facilitation, mediation and/or a due process hearing. Parents are issued their “Procedural Safeguards” which outlines in detail their legal rights as a parent of a child identified as having a disability or considered mental gifted. Lastly, if a child proves to have a disability or handicapping condition under PA Chapter 15 and the American Disabilities Act and it is determined the child is entitled to services and accommodations that are necessary to enable them access and safety when participating in programs and activities of the school, then a 504 Student Services Plan is outlined between the parent, district LEA and district staff. Parents are also given “Procedural Safeguards” for Chapter 15 504 Student Services Plans which outlines their rights as a parent of a student who has a disability and requires accommodations. Detailed information regarding Chapter 14 special education, Chapter 16 gifted education and Chapter 15 504 Service Plan/Agreement procedures and services may be obtained by calling the Pupil Personnel Department at South Fayette Township School Schools, (412) 221-4542, extensions 428, 415 or 429. Services for Students in Nonpublic Schools Public school education may be accessible to resident students attending nonpublic schools on a dual enrollment basis in a special education program operated in a public school. A multidisciplinary evaluation which determines the child’s eligibility for services must be conducted and, if eligible, an individualized education program plan (IEP) is developed. Parents of nonpublic school students who suspect that their child is disabled and in need of special education may request a multidisciplinary evaluation of their child through a written request to the building principal or Director of Pupil Services. Services for Protected Handicapped Students The school district will provide to each protected handicapped student without discrimination or cost to the student or family those related aids, services or accommodations which are needed to provide equal opportunity to participate in and obtain the benefits of school programs and extracurricular activities to the extent appropriate to the student’s abilities. To qualify as a protected handicapped student, the child must be of school age with a physical or mental handicap which substantially limits or prohibits participation in or access to an aspect of the school program. Services for protected handicapped students are distinct from those applicable to disabled students enrolled in special education programs. Protected handicapped students fall under Pennsylvania’s Chapter 15, sometimes known by its federal name, Section 504 (of the 1973 Rehabilitation Act). In contrast, students with disabilities who qualify for special education services are covered by regulations contained in Pennsylvania’s Chapter 14. While both Chapter 14 and 15 provide services to students, there are technical differences between the two. Additional information about evaluation procedures and provision of services to protected handicapped students is available by contacting the building principal. Services for Preschool Age Children Act 212, the Early Intervention Systems Act, entitles all preschool age children with disabilities to appropriate intervention services. Young children experiencing developmental delay or physical or mental disabilities are eligible for early intervention services if it is determined that they meet eligibility requirements. The Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare is responsible for providing services to infants and toddlers, defined as children from birth to three year of age. Contact the Early Learning Institute, 2510 Baldwick Road, Pittsburgh, PA, 15205-4104, 412-922-8322. The Pennsylvania Department of Education is responsible for providing services to preschool age children from ages three through five. Contact the Allegheny Intermediate Unit, Project DART, 425 East Waterfront Drive, Homestead, PA 15120, 412-394-5941. Confidentiality of Student Records The privacy rights of parents and students are mandated by federal legislation known as the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA - C.F.R. Part 99), most recently amended in November 1996, state regulations (Chapter 14-Special Education Services and Programs, Chapter 12-Student Rights and Responsibilities) and district policy.
South Fayette School District Public Notice on Surrogate Parents For Students with Special Needs — June 2011 Surrogate Parent Program Federal law establishes the right of a free and appropriate public education for all children with disabilities. To ensure that this right is realized for all such children, procedures are written into the laws to ensure that children with disabilities who are wards of the state, or whose parents are unknown, unavailable, or have had their parental rights legally terminated, have appropriate representation when educational programming decisions are made. This is provided through the recruitment, training and assignment of volunteer surrogate parents who represent the child during the educational process. In Pennsylvania, Intermediate Units have been given the responsibility of recruiting, training and assigning parents to children meeting the qualifications listed. The South Fayette School District works with the Allegheny Intermediate Unit #3 in providing this service. Identification of Children Eligible for Surrogate Parents Special needs preschool and school-aged children receiving a free and appropriate education in a public school or an approved private school, who meet one of the following criteria, are eligible for the assignment of a qualified surrogate parent: (1) The Child is a ward of the state, or (2) The child’s parent(s) or guardian(s) are unknown or unavailable. To be identified as being in need of a surrogate parent, the preschooler or school-aged child must have special needs, or be thought to have special needs, and be in need of special education services in the South Fayette School District or IU operated program or be enrolled in an approved private/private school. Qualification for Surrogate Parents Surrogate parents must meet the following qualifications: • Be of a person of good character, • Be at least 18 years of age, • Possess reasonable abilities to make decisions regarding a child’s educational needs, • Be willing to acquaint themselves with the child’s educational needs and with the special education system in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, • Have no vested interest that would conflict with the primary allegiance to the child they are representing. The surrogate parent should not be an employee of the agency responsible for the care of the child,
• Foster parents may be considered if they meet all other qualifications, • Have Act 33 and Act 34 clearances from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, • Be willing to complete a training program conducted by the Allegheny Intermediate Unit. Responsibilities of the Surrogate Parent The surrogate parent is expected to act in place of a parent for the student concerning his or her educational program. This involves: • Attending a planning conference to develop an individualized educational program, • Being familiar with appropriate procedures for due process and confidentiality of school records, • Receiving and responding to requests and notices concerning the evaluation and/or educational placement of the assigned student, • Making self-familiar with the unique educational needs of the assigned student. The surrogate parent takes on certain quasi-legal responsibilities in order to serve the best interests of the child. The primary function is to represent the student in those circumstances in which decisions need to be made concerning the student’s educational program or placement. It is necessary for the surrogate parent to receive considerable training to familiarize him or herself with all aspects of the surrogate parent role. The demands of the role may be extensive and require the volunteer to make a significant commitment of time and learning in order to serve the best interest of the child. If you are interested in being a surrogate parent for a child/youth with disabilities, please contact one of the following individuals at South Fayette School District: English as a Second Language Services (ESL) In accordance with federal law and state regulations, the South Fayette School District must identify all students who have “limited English proficiency” (LEP). These students typically have a primary language other than English that is used in their homes. Students identified with a limited English proficiency are eligible for ESL instructional services to help them attain proficient skills in their use of the written and spoken English language. All students must have a Home Language Survey completed by their parents prior to admission into the school district. This survey allows the South Fayette School District to identify possible LEP students. Our ESL teacher, Mrs. Marcia Fink, will screen any student identified as possibly having a limited English proficiency and will provide direct services to students based on their level of need. Parents or guardians who feel that their child may have a limited English proficiency should contact Dr. Nanci Sullivan, Director of Pupil Personnel, at 412- 221-4542 (Ext. 429) OR Mrs. Gretchen Tucci, ESL Coordinator at 412-221-4542 (Ext. 415) for more information. Title I Performance Report South Fayette Elementary School receives Title I funds annually. The funding is used to provide the Title I Reading Services to kindergarten and first grade students who are below basic or basic in their reading skills. In the 2010-2011 school year, 100% of the South Fayette Elementary Faculty met the No Child Left Behind Standards for highly qualified teachers. A highly qualified teacher, according to the United States Department of Education, is fully certified, has a bachelor’s degree, a content area major and has passed a content area test. In addition, fully certified teachers in Pennsylvania have completed pedagogical course work in education, including student teaching. We take pride in the tremendous skill and dedication of our faculty and staff. Please note that, as parents, you have a right to request and receive timely information regarding the professional qualifications of your child’s classroom teacher. If you have any questions about our Title I Program or about your child’s teacher, please feel free to contact Mrs. Laurie Gray, Elementary Primary Principal, at 412 221-4542, extension 612. School Board Policy #918, Title I Parental Involvement, can be found in the back of the Handbook. Department of Pupil Personnel: Pupil Support Services Education Department: 412-221-4542
Nanci A. Sullivan, Ed.D. Director of Pupil Personnel Extension 429 Gretchen Tucci, M.S. Ed. Assistant Director of Pupil Personnel/School Psychologist Extension 415 Conchetta Bell, M.S. Ed. School Psychologist/Transition and 504 Plan Services Coordinator Extension 404 Celeste Whaley Administrative Assistant Department of Pupil Personnel Extension 428 Tara Rao ACCESS Coordinator/Administrative Assistant Department of Pupil Personnel Extension 403
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South Fayette School District
Home Home Home
3:30 Time 3:30 3:30 3:30
----Bus -------------
----Dism. -------------
West Allegheny Hopewell Quaker Valley Ambridge
Home Away Home Away
3:30 3:30 3:30 3:30
----2:15 ----2:00
----2:00 ----1:45
Hopewell Freedom Ambridge Moon
Away Away Away Home
3:30 3:30 3:30 3:30
2:15 2:00 2:00 ------
2:00 1:45 1:45 -----
Freedom Montour Moon West Allegheny
Away Away Home Away Away Away
3:30 3:30 3:30 3:30
2:00 2:30 -----2:30 2:30 2:15
1:45 2:15 ----2:15 2:15 2:00
2:30 ----2:15 -----
2:15 ----2:00 -----
Thursday Tuesday Tuesday
Dec. Dec. Dec.
13 11 18
West Allegheny Moon (Scrimmage) Quaker Valley
Thursday Thursday Tuesday Thursday
Dec. Dec. Dec. Jan. Dec. Jan.
13 20 183 208
Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan.
3 10 8 15
Thursday Thursday Tuesday Tuesday
Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan.
10 17 15 22
Thursday Thursday Tuesday Tuesday
Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan.
17 24 22 29
Thursday Thursday Tuesday Tuesday Thursday Thursday
Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb.
24 31 295
Jan. Feb. Feb.
317 5
Thursday Tuesday Thursday Thursday Tuesday Tuesday
Moon (Scrimmage)
Montour Quaker Valley West Allegheny Hopewell
Away Home Away Home
Quaker Valley Ambridge Hopewell Freedom
Home Home Home Away
Ambridge Moon Freedom Montour Moon
Home Home Away
3:30 3:30 3:30 3:30 3:30 3:30 3:30 3:30 3:30 3:30 3:30 3:30
*Non-Conference Games. First Day Of Practice: Monday, December 3, 2012
2012-2013 SOUTH FAYETTE HIGH SCHOOL VARSITY & JUNIOR -7th Grade Games Played First. -All South Fayette Home Games Played At South Fayette Middle School. *Non-Conference First“AAA” Day Of Practice: Monday, December 3, 2012 VARSITY GIRLS BASKETBALL SECTION VGames. - CLASS 2012-2013 SOUTH FAYETTE HIGH SCHOOL VARSITY & JUNIOR -7th Grade Games Played First. -All South Fayette Home Games Played At South Fayette Middle School. Time
*Bethel Park (Scrimmage)
Wednesday Saturday Friday Wednesday Saturday Friday Tuesday
Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec.
5 1 7 5 8 7 11
8 14 11
*Fox Chapel (Scrimmage) *Bethel Park (Scrimmage) *Avella Tip-Off Tournament *Fox Chapel (Scrimmage) *Avella Tip-Off Tournament *Avella Tournament *BishopTip-Off Canevin
Away Away Away Away Away Away Home
Friday Friday
Dec. Dec.
14 20
Thursday Friday Friday Thursday Thursday
Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Jan.
27 20 28 273
Monday Monday Thursday Thursday Monday Friday Thursday Friday Friday
Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan.
Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan.
7 14 10 17 14 18 17 25 18
Friday Saturday
Jan. Jan.
25 26
Monday Saturday Thursday
Jan. Jan. Jan.
28 26 31
Saturday Friday Tuesday
Friday Monday Thursday Thursday
Dec. Jan. Jan. Jan.
Jan. Feb. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb.
282 31 4 2 7 4 11
JV: 7:30 – Auxiliary Gym) *C.J. Betters Tournament (@CCBC Dome) Keystone Oaks *C.J. Betters Tournament (@ CCBC Dome) *C.J. Betters Tournament (@CCBC Dome) Quaker Valley
287 3 10
Monday Saturday Thursday Monday Saturday Thursday Monday Monday Thursday
*Avella Tournament *South Tip-Off Park (Varsity: 6:00 – Main Gym *Bishop JV: 7:30 Canevin – Auxiliary Gym) *South Park (Varsity: 6:00 – Main Gym Keystone Oaks
*C.J. Betters Tournament (@ CCBC Dome) Moon Quaker Valley Montour Moon Trinity Montour South Park
Trinity *North Hills South Park Keystone Oaks (Varsity - 7:45- Main Gym *North JV: 6:00Hills - Auxiliary Gym)
Keystone Oaks (Varsity - 7:45- Main Gym *Peters Township JV: 6:00 -Valley Auxiliary Gym) Quaker *Peters Moon Township Quaker Valley *Washington Moon Montour *Washington Trinity (Senior Recognition) Montour *Canon McMillan
Trinity (Senior Recognition) *Canon McMillan
Away Home Home
10:00 AM Time 6:00 10:00 AM TBA 6:00 TBA TBA 6:00 TBA 6:00 6:00
8:45 AM Bus 4:15 8:45 AM TBA 4:15 TBA TBA -----
----Dism. -----------------------------
TBA ---------
Home Away
6:00 6:00
Away Away Away Away Home
TBA 6:00 TBA TBA 6:00
TBA 4:45 TBA TBA -----
Away Away Home Away
6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00
6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00
5:00 4:45 ----4:45 4:45 ----4:45 ---------
Home Home
6:00 1:00
Away Home Home
6:00 1:00 6:00
4:45 ---------
Away Away Home Home
Away Home Away Home Home
Away Home Home Away Home Home Away Away
TBA 6:00 6:00 6:00
TBA 5:00 ---------
6:00 1:00 6:00 6:00 1:00 6:00 6:00 6:00
4:45 --------5:00 --------5:00 5:00
*Non-Section Games
*Non-Section Games 2012-2013
Peters Twp./Charleroi (Tri-Scrim.)
9:00 AM Time
8:00 AM Bus
Dec. Nov.
1 24
Chartiers Valley Mega-Scrimmage Peters Twp./Charleroi (Tri-Scrim.)
9:00 AM
8:15 AM 8:00
Friday Saturday
7 1
*ChartiersValley Houston Inv. Tournament Chartiers Mega-Scrimmage
TBA AM 9:00
TBA AM 8:15
TBA ----
Saturday Friday
8 7
*Chartiers Houston Inv. Tournament
Saturday Wednesday
8 12
*Chartiers Houston Inv. Tournament Carlynton
Away Home
TBA 7:15
TBA -----
19 12
Avella Carlynton
Away Home
7:30 7:15
6:00 -----
Friday Wednesday
28 19
*Steve DeAugustino Holiday Classic Avella
TBA 7:30
TBA 6:00
TBA ----
(@ West Mifflin HS) Holiday Classic *Steve DeAugustino
*Steve DeAugustino (@ West Mifflin HS) Holiday Classic
(@ West Mifflin HS) Holiday Classic *Steve DeAugustino
South Park (@ West Mifflin HS)
2 9
South Park (Senior Recognition) Fort Cherry
Friday Wednesday
11 9
*Allegheny County Tournament Fort Cherry (Senior Recognition)
Away Home
TBA 7:15
TBA -----
TBA ----
(@ Fox Chapel HighTournament School) *Allegheny County
*Allegheny County (@ Fox Chapel HighTournament School)
(@ Fox Chapel HighTournament School) *Allegheny County
Chartiers Houston (@ Fox Chapel High School)
Jan. Feb.
16 6
Chartiers Houston South Side Beaver
4:00 5:15
Saturday Wednesday
9 6
*McGuffey Duals South Side Beaver
TBA 7:00
TBA 5:15
*McGuffey Duals
16 724.942.0940 to advertise
South Fayette
*Shady Side Academy
Tuesday Friday Thursday
Dec. Dec. Dec.
18 7 27
*Chartiers Valley *Mt. Lebanon *West Allegheny Diving Invitational
Home Home Away
Thursday Thursday Friday Tuesday Friday Thursday
Dec. Jan. Dec. Jan.
27 3 28 8
*West Allegheny Diving Invitational Cornell *West *CanonAllegheny McMillanSwimming Invitational
Away Home Away Away
Thursday Saturday Tuesday Thursday
Dec. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan.
28 10 3 12 8 17
*South Park Diving Invitational Bishop Canevin Cornell *Central York High School Invitational (TBD)
Away Home Home Away
Thursday Thursday Saturday Thursday
Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan.
10 24 12 31
Thursday Tuesday Thursday Thursday
Jan. Feb. Jan. Feb.
17 5 24 14
Thursday Tuesday Tuesday
Jan. Feb. Feb.
31 19 5
Thursday Friday Tuesday Friday
Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec.
13 28 18 28
*Shady Side Academy *West Allegheny Swimming Invitational *Chartiers Valley *South Park Diving Invitational
*Canon Academy McMillan Obama Bishop Canevin Carlynton
Home Away Home Away
6:00 Time 6:00 6:00 TBA
----Bus --------TBA
---Dism. ----------
TBA 6:00 TBA 6:00 TBA 6:00
TBA ----TBA 4:45
TBA -------------
4:45 4:45 ---------
6:00 TBA 6:00 TBA
6:00 TBA 6:00 6:00
Away Home Home Away
----TBA ----TBA
4:45 --------4:45
6:00 6:00 TBA 6:00
*Central York High School Invitational (TBD) Northgate Obama *PetersAcademy Township (Senior Recognition)
Away Home Home Home
Carlynton Montour Northgate (No Diving) *Hopewell
Away Away Home Home Home
6:00 6:00 6:00
*Hopewell (No Diving)
*Peters Township (Senior Recognition)
6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00
*Non-Section Meet - Possible Invitationals Will Be Added To This Schedule (To Be Determined).
2012-2013 SOUTH FAYETTE HIGH SCHOOL VARSITY & JUNIOR VARSITY 2012-2013 SOUTH FAYETTE HIGH SCHOOL VARSITY & JUNIOR VARSITY BOYS BASKETBALL SECTION V - CLASS “AAA” *Non-Section Meet - Possible Invitationals Will Be Added To This Schedule (To Be Determined). BOYS BASKETBALL SECTION V - CLASS “AAA” Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday Friday Friday
Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec.
27 27 4 4 11 11 12 12 14 14
Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Friday Friday Wednesday Wednesday Friday Friday Thursday Thursday Friday Friday Tuesday Tuesday Friday Friday Saturday Saturday Wednesday Wednesday Friday Friday
Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan.
18 18 19 19 20 20 27 27 28 28 2 2 4 4 8 8 11 11 15 15 18 18 19 19 23 23 25 25
Tuesday Tuesday Friday Friday Tuesday Tuesday Friday Friday Sunday Sunday Monday Monday
Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb.
29 29 1 1 5 5 8 8 10 10 11 11
*Non-Section Games *Non-Section Games
*Moon (Scrimmage) *Moon (Scrimmage) *Vincentian (Scrimmage) *Vincentian (Scrimmage) Keystone Oaks Keystone Oaks *West Mifflin (Middle School) *West Mifflin (Middle School) South Park (Varsity: 7:45 – Main Gym South Park (Varsity: 7:45 – Main Gym JV: 6:00 – Auxiliary Gym) JV: 6:00 – Auxiliary Gym) Travel Date To Maryland (TBD) Travel Date To Maryland (TBD) *Maryland (TBD) *Maryland (TBD) *Maryland (TBD) *Maryland (TBD) *C.J. Betters Tourn. (@ CCBC Beaver Dome) *C.J. Betters Tourn. (@ CCBC Beaver Dome) *C.J. Betters Tourn. (@ CCBC Beaver Dome) *C.J. Betters Tourn. (@ CCBC Beaver Dome) *Shady Side Academy *Shady Side Academy Waynesburg Waynesburg McGuffey McGuffey Montour Montour Chartiers Valley Chartiers Valley South Park South Park *Preston, West Virginia *Preston, West Virginia *Washington *Washington Keystone Oaks (Varsity: 6:00 - Main Gym Keystone Oaks (Varsity: 6:00 - Main Gym JV: 7:30 - Auxiliary Gym) JV: 7:30 - Auxiliary Gym) Waynesburg Waynesburg McGuffey (Senior Recognition) McGuffey (Senior Recognition) Montour Montour Chartiers Valley Chartiers Valley *Legends Event (@ Robert Morris University) *Legends Event (@ Robert Morris University) *Butler *Butler
J.V. Games Played First. J.V. Games Played First.
Saturday Saturday Wednesday
Wednesday Saturday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Friday Friday Wednesday Saturday Saturday Friday Wednesday Wednesday Saturday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Friday Friday Wednesday Saturday Saturday Friday Wednesday Wednesday Saturday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Monday Monday Wednesday Friday Friday Monday Saturday
Bus Bus ----------------4:45 4:45 4:00 4:00 ---------
Dism. Dism. -------------------------------
Away Away Away Away Away Away Away Away Away Away Home Home Home Home Away Away Home Home Away Away Away Away Away Away Home Home Home Home
--------TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 TBA TBA 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00
--------TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA ----------------4:30 4:30 --------5:15 5:15 4:45 4:45 -------------------------
Away Away Home Home Away Away Home Home Away Away Home Home
6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 TBA TBA 6:00 6:00
4:30 4:30 --------5:00 5:00 --------TBA TBA -------
Dec. Nov. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec.
24 24 5
Chartiers Valley (Mega-Scrimmage) Chartiers Valley (Mega-Scrimmage) Peters Township/West Mifflin (Scrim.)
Time 9:00 AM 9:00 AM Time 4:00
Bus 8:15 AM 8:15 AM Bus -----
Home Home Home Home Home Away
TBA 6:00 TBA TBA TBA 4:00
TBA ----TBA TBA TBA -----
TBA ------------TBA -----
Peters Township/West Mifflin (Scrim.) Chartiers Valley (Mega-Scrimmage) Carlynton Carlynton Peters Township/West Mifflin (Scrim.) South Fayette Tournament
Home Away Home Home Home Home
Dec. Dec. Jan. Jan. Dec. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan.
19 15 2 2 194 24 5
Jefferson Lebanon) South South Fayette Park(Mt.Tournament South Park Jefferson (Mt. Lebanon) *Keystone Oaks Tournament
Away Home Home Home Away Away
Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb.
16 9 23 23 16 1
Fort Cherry *Keystone Oaks Tournament Chartiers Houston Chartiers Houston Fort Cherry *Upper St. Clair *Upper St.Houston Clair Chartiers *Montour Duals
16 15
Southwest Regional Regional Tour. Tour. (Norwin (Norwin HS) HS) Southwest
Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec.
Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan.
14 12 15 15 14 19
45 9 59 16
1 23 15 15 1 16
Saturday Feb. *Non-Section Matches *Non-Section Matches
*Non-Section Matches
South Fayette Tournament Carlynton South Fayette Tournament South Fayette Tournament South Fayette Jefferson (Mt.Tournament Lebanon)
*Keystone Oaks Tournament Tournament South Park Oaks *Keystone *Keystone Oaks Tournament Tournament *Keystone Fort CherryOaks
*Montour *Upper St. Duals Clair Southwest Regional Tour. (Norwin HS) SouthwestDuals Regional Tour. Tour. (Norwin (Norwin HS) HS) *Montour Southwest Regional Southwest Regional Tour. (Norwin HS)
Dism. Dism. -----
Away Away Home
5 24 12 12 5 14
Feb. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb.
Saturday Friday
Home Home Home Home Away Away Away Away Home Home
Time Time 3:30 3:30 3:30 3:30 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00
4:00 9:00 6:00 AM 6:00 4:00 TBA
4:00 TBA 6:00 6:00 4:00 TBA
Away Home Away Away Away Home
TBA 6:00 TBA TBA TBA 6:00
Away Home Away Away Away Away
Home Away Away Away Home Home Home Away Away
Away Away
6:00 TBA 5:30 5:30 6:00 4:00 4:00 5:30 TBA
----8:15 -----AM -------------
2:00 ------------2:00 TBA
----TBA 4:00 4:00 ------------4:00 TBA TBA ----TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA
----Dism. -----------------
1:45 ------------1:45 TBA
--------------------------------TBA TBA ----TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA
South Fayette | Winter 2012 | 17
South Fayette Township
Summer in now behind us and the winter season is right around the corner. One may think that winter maintenance is a seasonal activity, however Winter Operations is a “YEAR ROUND- ACTIVITY” The South Fayette Township Public Works Department would like to take a few minutes to share with our residence and the traveling public our Winter Maintenance Program. First: Why is winter operations a year-round activity? Winter Operations is divided into the four seasons: Spring, Summer, Fall, and of course Winter. Each season requires different task to be complete in order for a positive and successful “Winter Operation.” SPRING n Post Winter Meeting n Solicit Public Feedback n Organize Winter Data n Spring Cleanup n Conduct Road Field Inspections n Develop Comprehensive Snow Plan n (Plan of Action) SUMMER n Start to Implement Action Plan n Plan Drainage Work to Eliminate Ice Problems n Complete Equipment & Material Storage Building Repairs n Complete Obstruction Removal-(Iower man holes) n Remedy Action-prone Areas n Prepare bids & specifications for equipment and materials
FALL (Early) n Place 1st Order for Salt & Anti-skid Materials n Finalize Snow Agreement with Neighbors n Update Snow Map Fall (Late) n Inspect winter Equipment, Prepare & Calibrate n Conduct Winter training with Employees n Conduct Discussions with Union on any New Procedures n Meet with School District Officials n Conduct Dry Runs of all Snow Routes Winter n Be prepared for first Storm n Conduct Operational Review during Storm n Review Operations After the Storm n Complete & Review all Winter Documentation
As you can see Winter Maintenance Operations is truly a year round operation. I would now to like review some common resident questions in regards to public works.
18 724.942.0940 to advertise
South Fayette
What is South Fayette Township Public Works. How is it organized,? What is the size of its Operational budget? What is the size of its salt budget? South Fayette Public Works falls under the leadership of the Township Manager. The department is divided into three areas. First the management team consisting of a Director and two Foreman. Second is the Union Work Force consisting of Heavy Equipment Operators (3), full time Mechanics (2), Laborer I Truck Drivers (6). Third is the Parks Maintenance consisting of (2) Laborer I Truck Drivers. During winter operations the department operates fourteen trucks. Depending on the time, duration and intensity of the storm the department will have anywhere from 3 to 16 employees conducting winter maintenance operations. The department’s budget consists of two parts: operation$1,535,957.00 and Liquid Fuels (SALT )- $156,500. The department is on call 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
How and who determines when Winter Operations are needed? The South Fayette Township Police Department has officers who are on duty 24 hours a day - 7 days a week. The on duty police supervisor will determine when conditions warrant the necessity for winter maintenance operations. Once it is determined that conditions warrant winter operations the Police supervisor notifies the Director of Public Works. The Director will then determine the number of employees to be called in to handle the storm emergency! Many factors are taken into consideration when making this determination. A few examples are: • Type of storm: wet snow, fluffy snow, ice? • Day of week: Is it a work day? A weekend? A holiday? A school day? • Hour of day: Is it before morning or evening rush hour? Is it in the middle of the night? • What is the expected severity of the storm: Quantity of snow expected? Duration expected? Make up of storm. • Availability of resources. • Union Contract requirements. • Budgetary limitations. Now how do winter operations work? South Fayette Township is divided into 13 routes. Each of these routes is sub divided into Primary and Secondary routes. Once notified of a storm emergency the Director or Foreman will determine and notify the required manpower. He will then distribute the required routes to the available resources. All available manpower will start procedures to clear and treat their assigned primary routes. After all primary routes are completed and passable, they will proceed to their secondary routes. All drivers will notify the Director at the completion of their assigned routes. These drivers will then be dispatched to other routes that have not yet been completed. Primary Routes may require the necessity of several trips before secondary routes may be started. What is the difference between a Primary and Secondary Route. The primary routes are the main primary
roadways in the township. All school bus routes, roads required for emergency vehicle access, and any road or street leading to a health care facility are deemed Primary Routes. Primary entrance roadways leading from a development are also designated as a Primary Route. Secondary routes are side street and cul-de-sac in residential developments, along with sparsely populated residential streets and less traveled country roads. South Fayette Township Public Works regards all roads in the township equal as importance, however it serves no purpose if one can get out of your street but can not proceed any further! Residents can be assured that all public roadways will be treated in the safest, fastest, and most efficient manner possible.
Who does what? South Fayette Township has roadways owned and / or maintained by three separate political entities. They consist of State Roads maintained by PennDOT; State Roads maintained by South Fayette Township through contractual agreements; County Road maintained by Allegheny County, and local roadways owned and maintained by South Fayette Township. State Owned Roadways and Maintained by PennDOT • St. Rt. 50- From the intersection of Washington Pike to the Cecil Twp. / Washington County Line • Washington Pike- From Bridgeville to the Cecil Twp. / Washington County Line • Boyce Road- From Washington Pike to the Upper St. Clair Twp. Line • Mayview Rd.- From The Upper St.. Clair line to the Cecil Twp. Line • Rt. 978 Union Ave Ext. (Oakdale Hill)-From the top of Rt. 978(Battle Ridge Rd.) to the Oakdale Boro. / Washington County Line • Robinson Run Rd.-From the intersection of Rt. 978 (Battle Ridge Rd.) to McDonald Boro. / Washington County Line • Presto-Sygan Rd.-From the intersection with Millers Run Rd. to the intersection with Thorn’s Run Rd. South Fayette | Winter 2012 | 19
South Fayette Township State Owned Roads and Maintained by South Fayette Township Public Works • Oakridge Rd.-From the intersection of Presto-Sygan and Oakridge Rd. to the Intersection of Oakridge Rd. and Battle Ridge Rd. • Thorn’s Run Rd.- From the intersection of Thorn’s Run Rd. and Dutch Hill Rd. to the intersection of Millers Run Rd. and Rt. 978 Battle Ridge Rd.,) • Miller’s Run Rd.(East)- From the intersection of Miller’s Run Rd. and Rt. 50 to the intersection of Millers Run Rd. and Rt. 978 Battle Ridge Rd.) • Miller’s Run Rd. (West) Gladden Area- From the intersection of Millers Run Rd. and Rt. 978 to the Cecil Twp./Washington County Line County Owned Road maintained by Allegheny County • Tom’s Run Rd.- From Federal Hill to the intersection of Dutch Hill Rd. Township Roads owned and maintained by South Fayette Township Public Works • All township owned streets, alleys, and roads If there is any question as to who maintains the street or road that you reside at please contact the township or public works office. What are we doing to reduce cost and increasing productivity and safety! The most efficient method of reducing winter maintenance cost is to reduce the amount of materials (SALT) that is use and to also reduce the man hours of the labor applying the salt without jeopardizing the safety of our residents and the traveling public. South Fayette Township Public Works, through the use of new and effective technology, was able to achieve this result in a cost effective means. Last year we purchased two wetting systems for our fleet of snow fighting equipment. These two units spray the salt with salt brine while it is being dispensed onto the roadway. The salt brine reduces the amount of splatter of the salt thus keeping more of the product on the area where it is needed. The salt brine also increases the melting time of the salt thus quickening the time it takes to melt the snow and ice. The department plans on adding additional
20 724.942.0940 to advertise
South Fayette
wetting system to our fleet as budget permit. Another area that the department is looking into is being proactive to the winter storms rather than being reactive. This can be accomplished by applying the salt brine to the roadways prior to the winter storms also known as Anti-icing. Anti-icing has several advantages. • The first is the ability to apply the brine during better conditions ( before the storm). • Snow & Ice can be removed more easily and more quickly after brine is applied • Safety is increased in shorter time • Can reduce chemical use by 50 to 80% • Can be applied during normal work hours thus reducing overtime cost South Fayette Township Public Works has over 65 miles of roads and 15 miles of assigned state highways to maintain. There are several ways that you, the resident can help to make our job quicker, safer, and more cost efficient. n The first is vehicle parking: If at all possible, park off the road in your driveway. In the case of those with steep driveways, or multiple vehicles: park at the mouth, off the road The more of the driveway service that is protected, the less shoveling will have to be done. Cul-de-sacs are difficult to plow with no vehicles parked in them. It is next to impossible to plow when vehicles are park in them. Please park all vehicles in driveways and not in cul-de-sacs. Many cul-de-sacs have storm drains installed in them. This is where we try to put the snow, so that when it melts it will go directly into the storm sewer system. We can not do this if vehicles are park over the storm inlets. n Next are mail boxes: Please check the overall condition and position of your mailbox. Mailboxes are not permitted to extend over the edge of the road. The township is not required to replace your mailbox erected in township right of ways. We will not replace any mailbox that is damaged due to flying snow and ice.
Samuel K. Tranter Director of Public Works South Fayette Township • 515 Millers Run Road Morgan, PA 15064 412.221.8700 x23
We often receive complaints about plowing driveways closed after a resident has spent hours shoveling it open. Following these suggestions for shoveling your driveway will help prevent negative feelings later.
1 2
Wait until all plowing operations have ceased before shoveling your driveway.
When shoveling, open the mouth of your driveway, shovel 6’ out into the shoulder of the roadway, and 10’ in front of your driveway. This will allow the snow plow to unload any snow it is pushing before crossing in front of your driveway.
Pile Snow Here
Clear this area to allow plow to unload before driveway
When shoveling your driveway leave at least 6’ un-shoveled until the plowing operations have ended. This will permit the snow being pushed to remain on the plow and not be dumped into the freshly shoveled driveway.
Above all, please be patient. If you do have a problem, do not hesitate to call the township office (412.221.8700) between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. weekdays, leave your name, number, address, phone number, and nature of your problem. Calls received after 4:30 p.m. may not be acted upon until the next day. After 4:30 p.m. Emergencies Only should be reported to the Police Department.
South Fayette | Winter 2012 | 21
South Fayette Township
South Fayette Township Sets Dates for Township Wide Curbside Leaf Collection Pick-up South Fayette Township, in conjunction with Waste Management, will have a curbside leaf collection on November 3 and November 10 South Fayette Township has set the date for the community wide leaf curbside collection program. Residents can place their leaves and other yard waste in biodegradable bags at curbside on Saturday, November 3, 2012 and Saturday, November 10, 2012. All bags must be biodegradable, sealed tightly and weigh less than 25 lbs. Biodegradable bags are available for purchase at many local stores. Waste Management, the Township’s waste haulers, will pick up the leaves and dispose of them at a nearby leaf recycling plant. The Township still encourages on-site composite piles and reminds residents that the burning of leaves is prohibited in all of Allegheny County.
22 724.942.0940 to advertise
South Fayette
yoga ADULT
CLASSES When: Tuesdays & Thursdays through December 13 Time: 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Place: Middle School LGI Room Price: $50.00 for 5 weeks (once a week) $90.00 for 5 weeks (twice a week) Join Heather Black for an introduction to yoga. The classes will concentrate on body alignment, yoga therapeutics and stress relief. Classes are designed for all ages and levels of ability. Let yoga help with weight loss and improving your overall well being. You will need a yoga mat.
For more information call 412.319.7441. Name___________________________________________________________________ Address_________________________________________________________________ City_______________________________________ STATE________ Zip____________ Signature________________________________ Phone (_______)__________________ No refunds after start of the program
South Fayette | Winter 2012 | 23
South Fayette The South Fayette Township Department of Parks & Recreation Board Township and the South Fayette Township School District bring you
Breakfast s u a l C a t n a S with
South Fayette High School Food Court and Amphitheater (Courtyard) Enter the Rear of the High School Free Parking in rear of High School
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Event Time: 9:00 a.m. – Noon
9:00 – 11:00 a.m.
Pancakes, syrup, scrambled eggs, sausage, juice or milk, coffee
Cost for Breakfast:
$5.00 per person payable at the door, for those that wish to eat. Don’t forget to bring your camera to get your picture with Santa! Puppet show at 10:00 Please bring a new unwrapped toy for area children
24 724.942.0940 to advertise
South Fayette
South Fayette Township will be collecting toys for distribution to area children. Please bring a new unwrapped toy to the Township Municipal Building.
Distribution will be December 2nd For More Information Call 412.221.8700
South Fayette | Winter 2012 | 25
Sou t h Fayet t e B a nd F e s t i va l Ce l e b r at e s
of the
Little Green Machine
he South Fayette Annual Festival of Bands took place Sept. 9 in the high school stadium. High school bands appearing included Avella, Cornell, Fort Cherry, Mt. Lebanon, North Hills, Pittsburgh Obama, Quaker Valley,
26 724.942.0940 to advertise
South Fayette
Riverview, South Fayette’s own “Little Green Machine,” and Thomas Jefferson. Additionally, making its debut at the
festival was a performance from the South Fayette Alumni Band, directed by former LGM band directors Clem Rolin and Michael Mackey. This performance was in honor of the “Little Green Machine’s” 65th anniversary.
Continued on page 28
South Fayette | Winter 2012 | 27
65Years of the
Little Green Machine
28 724.942.0940 to advertise
South Fayette
Health and Wellness News You Can Use | Winter 2012-13
Stay Well This Winter Some people seem to sail through winter without a sniffle or a grumble. These simple steps may help you do the same: Spend some time in the fresh air, de-stress your holiday planning, wash your hands often, get plenty of sleep, and get a flu shot.
What’s Inside 2
What You Can Do to Beat the Flu
3 4
Absent From Pain Butt Out: New Reasons to Quit Smoking Brittle Bones
5 6 7
Shedding More Than Pounds Growing Up With Heart Disease Don’t Let Winter Slow You Down
© 2012 UPMC
What You Can Do to Beat the Flu Just because you’re healthy now doesn’t mean you won’t get the flu. Take precautions to protect yourself and others.
Each year, millions of Americans get the flu. Some recover easily. Others — especially older people, young children, and those with serious health problems — are more vulnerable. “The flu is a highly contagious respiratory illness that can cause serious complications,” says Mohamed Yassin, MD, chief of infectious diseases at UPMC Mercy. “More importantly, the flu can be deadly.”
Good behavior can help limit its spread. For example, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze, then trash that tissue. No tissue? Use your inner elbow instead of your hands. A flu virus can live up to several hours on hard surfaces, such as desks, doorknobs, tables, and keyboards. “Good hand hygiene is key to controlling the spread of the flu, so wash your hands often,” says Juliet Ferrelli, infection control coordinator at UPMC Mercy. Using soap and water, rub your hands together for at least 20 seconds, or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. And remember to keep your hands away from your face. “People touch their faces more than 3,000 times a day, giving flu germs plenty of chances to get into the body, ” says Ms. Ferrelli.
Mind your manners Being around others when you’re sick with the flu is just bad manners. A recent survey of 1,000 flu sufferers by the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases showed that nearly twothirds admitted to going about their daily activities — going to work, taking a business trip, having dinner with family or friends, even visiting an ailing parent or grandparent — while they were sick. Here’s how you can help zap the flu bug this season:
Get a shot, not the flu “Getting a flu shot is an effective, easy, and inexpensive way to protect yourself and others,” says Kathy McElheny, employee health coordinator at UPMC Mercy. “The flu vaccine is safe, and it can’t cause the flu,” adds Dr. Yassin. “In fact, it’s one of the biggest lifesavers in terms of infectious diseases.”
What to do if you get sick If you’re in good health otherwise, get plenty of rest, drink lots of fluids, and avoid using alcohol and tobacco. If your symptoms are unusually severe or you have trouble breathing, call your doctor immediately.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that everyone over 6 months of age get a flu shot. People at higher risk of complications because of age or poor health, health care workers, and anyone who lives with or cares for older adults or young children should definitely be vaccinated.
If you’re over age 65, have chronic medical conditions, are pregnant, or have a sick child under the age of 2, see your doctor as soon as flu symptoms appear.
Since it can take up to two weeks for the vaccine to be effective, health professionals recommend getting the vaccine now.
It may be difficult to predict exactly when flu season will arrive or how severe it will be, but finding a place to get a flu shot is easy.
Keep your germs to yourself
In addition to your doctor’s office, flu shots are available at the UPMC Mercy South Side Walk-in Primary Care Clinic without an appointment. Hours are 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday, and 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday. For more information, call 412-488-5705.
“Because the flu is so contagious, it can spread quickly when people are in close quarters — in the classroom, office, gym, an airplane, or the grocery store,” says Ms. McElheny.
“There’s too much harm that can come from the flu,” says Dr. Yassin. “We all have to be responsible for controlling its spread.” So when you’re sick, just stay at home. Your family, friends, and co-workers will thank you.
Time to roll up your sleeve
Absent From Pain Most of us think of anesthesiology as the medical specialty that “puts you to sleep,” but it’s really all about pain relief.
internal medicine, pharmacology, and surgery. Many also pursue subspecialty training in such areas as pain medicine, and pediatric, cardiothoracic, or obstetric anesthesia. In today’s complex surgical suites, anesthesiologists lead an entire team of skilled professionals, which can include a certified registered nurse anesthetist, resident physician, student nurse anesthetist, and anesthetist assistant. “It’s a true team effort, with each member playing a distinct role in delivering patient care,” says Dr. Williams. Anesthesia’s role in health care extends far beyond the operating room. Anesthesiologists offer pain management in a variety of settings, enhancing the daily lives of patients with chronic diseases or complex medical conditions.
Getting to know you For minor operations, you’ll typically meet your anesthesiologist at the hospital, shortly before surgery. For major surgeries, you will be asked to participate in a pre-surgery consultation. “With patients who live at a distance, we’re now using telemedicine to conduct pre-op visits,” says Dr. Williams. “It allows us to get to know you, address your questions and concerns, review options, and determine if any additional tests or consultations are needed.”
What to tell your anesthesiologist
Anesthesia makes possible some of modern medicine’s greatest miracles. Can you imagine undergoing surgery without it? The father of Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes is generally credited with bringing the term into popular use in 1846, though references to anesthesia can be traced back to 1741. The term is based on a Greek word meaning “lack of sensation.” “Anesthesiology uses medicine to eliminate your ability to feel pain or other sensations,” explains John Williams, MD, the Peter and Eva Safar Professor and chair of the University of Pittsburgh’s Department of Anesthesiology. “Your anesthesiologist partners with your surgeon to manage your vital functions before, during, and after surgery. Everything from breathing, heart rate and rhythm, blood pressure, body temperature, blood clotting, and fluid loss is consistently monitored.”
A team of professionals Anesthesiologists are physicians who complete four years of residency after finishing medical school. Their extensive preparation includes training in cardiology, critical care medicine,
Prior to surgery, you’ll be asked to provide information about yourself. “Be candid and comprehensive. What you share will be held in strict confidence,” advises Dr. Williams. Be sure to include the following: • Previous reactions you or other family members have had to anesthesia • Any food, medicine, or latex allergies you have • Prescription, over-the-counter, or herbal medications you take • Your use of alcohol or recreational drugs
Did You Know? There are four basic categories of anesthesia: Local: Numbs a small, specific part of your body Regional: Numbs a larger area of your body, usually below the waist Twilight: Sedates and provides pain relief General: Renders you unconscious
Health Tips from UPMC Health Plan
Butt Out Despite dire health warnings, one out of five Americans still smokes. If you’re one of them, here are some new reasons to crush that butt. Before you light up your next cigarette, consider this: With every puff, you’re inhaling more than 7,000 chemicals. Hundreds of them are poisonous, and about 70 can cause cancer. And no organ or tissue in the body is immune to this toxic cloud. Most people know that cancer, heart disease, and lung disease are major health threats caused by smoking. But are you aware that smoking increases your risk of getting diabetes by 44 percent? That’s just one of the not-so-obvious reasons to put that butt out. Here are five more. 1. See the difference. If you smoke, your risk of age-related macular degeneration, a leading cause of blindness, doubles. Smokers also have double the risk of developing cataracts.
Brittle Bones Osteoporosis is quickly becoming a national health care concern.
It’s estimated that 10 million Americans now have osteoporosis and 34 million are at risk. Whether you’re young or old, male or female, chances are good that you — or someone you love — will be affected by the disease. “In osteoporosis, your bones become thin and brittle, putting you at increased risk of a bone fracture,” says Susan Greenspan, MD, UPMC’s director of osteoporosis prevention and treatment. “In advanced stages, simple acts like lifting a baby or sneezing can lead to a fracture.” Here are four facts everyone should know about osteoporosis: 1. Osteoporosis can appear at any age. But after the age of 50, one out of every two women — and one out of every four men — may experience a fracture due to the disease. These breaks occur most often in the hip, wrist, and spine. 2. Osteoporosis is silent. It’s often diagnosed only after a fracture. Menopause, family and medical history, physical build, and your lifestyle and diet can increase your odds of the disease.
2. Heal better. Smoking weakens the body’s ability to heal from surgery, disease, broken bones, and even minor back strains. 3. Now hear this. Smokers are more likely to develop hearing loss. Exposure to secondhand smoke also puts former smokers and nonsmokers at risk. 4. Stand tall. Smoking weakens bones and raises the risk of osteoporosis and hip fractures in men and women. 5. Keep your head. If your mind is cloudy, smoking may be the culprit. It’s been linked to memory problems and poor reasoning skills in middle-aged smokers.
You’re not just hurting yourself The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that secondhand smoke kills about 50,000 people every year and sickens many more. Children who live with a smoker are especially susceptible to lung and breathing problems, and they run an increased risk of hearing loss as adolescents. If you’re among the eight out of 10 smokers who want to quit, talk to your primary care doctor. To locate a doctor in your area, visit or call toll-free 1-800-533-UPMC (8762).
Sources: American Academy of Ophthalmology, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Journal of the American Medical Association.
3. You can take proactive steps at any age to promote bone health. These include: eating foods rich in calcium, such as milk, cottage cheese, and calcium-enriched juices; exercising (weight-bearing exercise like walking); stopping smoking; and limiting alcohol use. If needed, consider taking a calcium supplement and vitamin D daily. 4. The good news is early detection is easy. If you’re 65 years of age or older, Dr. Greenspan recommends talking to your doctor about your risks. A simple bone mineral density test can assess your bone health. To learn more about osteoporosis, talk to your primary care provider, or visit the National Osteoporosis Foundation’s website at
Shedding More Than Pounds Bariatric surgery helps free patients from a range of life-threatening health problems.
It’s well known that bariatric surgery can produce impressive weight loss. But there’s increasing evidence that it offers other health benefits, too. For example, a recent Swedish study showed weight-loss surgery can prevent diabetes among individuals who struggle with obesity. That news came as no surprise to Anita Courcoulas, MD, professor of surgery and chief of the Section of Minimally Invasive Bariatric and General Surgery at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. “It’s another study demonstrating the lasting impact of bariatric surgery on health improvement,” says Dr. Courcoulas. “The changes are real and durable.”
Is bariatric surgery right for you? Current national guidelines recommend bariatric surgery for patients who are 80 to 100 pounds overweight and with a body mass index (BMI) greater than 40, or a BMI of 35 or more for those with one or more significant obesity-related health conditions. Those guidelines may change, though. For example, at UPMC — one of the most highly funded centers of bariatric research in the country — Dr. Courcoulas is heading a study examining the impact of bariatric surgery on diabetic patients with lower BMIs (30–35). She predicts more and more patients will seek out bariatric surgery for health reasons — not just weight reasons. “We’re just beginning to understand its full potential,” she says.
Bariatric Surgery Centers at UPMC Each of UPMC’s four bariatric surgery centers has been named a Bariatric Surgery Center of Excellence by the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery. Our multidisciplinary approach to weight loss through both surgery and lifestyle changes is available at: UPMC Hamot: Offers gastric bypass surgery, laparoscopic adjustable gastric band surgery, and gastric sleeve. For more information or to schedule an appointment with Amjad Ali, MD, or Rodolfo Arreola, MD, call 814-877-6997. UPMC Horizon: Offers gastric bypass surgery, laparoscopic adjustable gastric band surgery, gastric sleeve, and revisional surgery. For more information or to schedule an appointment with Christopher Myers, MD, call 724-588-6660.
A life-altering surgery According to the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery, an estimated 72 million Americans are considered obese and nearly 200,000 undergo bariatric surgery annually. UPMC is a leader nationally in bariatric surgery and in the number of bariatric procedures performed annually. Dr. Courcoulas says bariatric surgery (including gastric bypass, gastric band, and gastric sleeve) can help reverse a variety of serious obesity-related health conditions, such as: • Diabetes • Heart disease
• High blood pressure • High cholesterol
• Sleep apnea
UPMC St. Margaret: Pittsburgh Bariatrics offers gastric bypass, laparoscopic adjustable gastric band surgery, gastric sleeve, and revisional surgery. For more information or to schedule an appointment with Joseph Colella, MD, or LeeAnn Peluso, MD, call 412-784-5900. Magee-Womens Hospital of UPMC: Offers gastric bypass surgery, laparoscopic adjustable gastric band surgery, gastric sleeve, revisional surgery, and clinical trials. For more information or to schedule an appointment with Anita Courcoulas, MD, director, Minimally Invasive Bariatric Surgery; George Eid, MD; Giselle Hamad, MD; Carol McCloskey, MD; or Ramesh Ramanathan, MD, call 412-641-3632. Each center offers free monthly information sessions. To learn more about bariatric surgery, or to find out if you’re a candidate, visit
Growing Up With Heart Disease Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC is responding to the special challenges facing adults born with congenital heart disease.
The ACHD Center — a joint program of Children’s Hospital and UPMC Presbyterian — provides specialized transition support and care for patients with congenital heart disease. “Despite surgery, patients can experience complications as adults, including arrhythmias, stroke, heart failure, and sudden cardiac death. Our care and follow-up enables these young people — now in their prime — to lead long, productive lives,” Dr. Cook says.
A healthy outlook Before her diagnosis, Alexis thought she was in great shape; she had lost 100 pounds, was running daily, and had completed a two-mile race. But her conditioning actually helped disguise her declining health. After undergoing surgery at Children’s last April to restore blood flow, she now realizes how much better she feels. This summer, she ran the race again.
Alexis Laney was only 14 months old when she underwent open heart surgery in Cleveland to repair a faulty valve. She had annual checkups until age 17, when her pediatric cardiologist referred her to an adult cardiologist. She scheduled sporadic checkups, but stopped going after giving birth to a son in 2005. “I felt fine,” says Alexis. Now 27, the young wife and mother finally gave in to her family’s urging last year and saw a cardiologist near her home in Youngstown, Ohio. Although her EKG and echocardiogram were normal, he urged Alexis to see a specialist at the Adult Congenital Heart Disease (ACHD) Center at Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC, saying, “I don’t know what to look for, but they will.” Tests conducted by Stephen Cook, MD, director of the ACHD Center, found scar tissue blocking blood flow to her aorta — a serious condition putting her at risk of sudden death. “I was shocked. I could have collapsed and died,” Alexis says.
Lifelong expert care Alexis is part of a growing population of adults born with heart defects who had lifesaving heart surgery as newborns and children. Thanks to advances in medicine and improved surgical techniques, “the number of adults with congenital heart diseases has outgrown the number of pediatric congenital heart disease patients,” says Dr. Cook.
“Last year, I was better conditioned, but I couldn’t breathe after the race. This year, I felt fantastic,” Alexis says. “I’m glad I went to Children’s. I’m more confident about exercising now. I know my heart can take it.”
ACHD Center Fast Facts A single childhood surgery is seldom a permanent cure for patients born with a heart defect. The Adult Congenital Heart Disease Center provides lifelong care and follow-up for patients with congenital heart disease who are: • Ages 18 and up with conditions ranging from simple to severe • Women of childbearing age needing pregnancy counseling or contraception • Adolescents (13 to 17) who receive guidance, support, and care during their transition to adulthood For more information, contact the Adult Congenital Heart Disease Center at 412-692-5540 or email
Don’t Let Winter Slow You Down Staying active during winter can be easier — and more beneficial — than you think.
When the days get shorter and temperatures plunge, many people go into “hibernation mode” — staying inside, curling up in front of the TV, and cutting back on exercise. But packing away those summer sneakers can cause you to pack on the pounds and lose stamina, strength, and flexibility. “No matter what your age, the best thing you can do to maintain your health is to keep moving during those long winter months,” says Mitchell Rothenberg, MD, an orthopaedic surgeon at UPMC Mercy. “You’ll feel better and be in better shape for spring and summer sports and outdoor activities.” “Weekend warriors who winter on the couch then head to the golf course, tennis court, or playing field in the spring are at risk of injury, including sprained ankles, shin splints, tennis elbow, and foot pain,” adds Lisa Blackrick, MD, also an orthopaedic surgeon at UPMC Mercy. People who hibernate can quickly lose muscle tone, balance, and strength, which can increase their chance of falling and breaking a bone, she adds.
Shake it Use household tasks such as vacuuming or dusting as opportunities to move vigorously. Put on music and put some muscle into mopping your floors. By picking up the pace and maintaining intensity, you can clean your house and get a workout.
Dress right If you do exercise outdoors, be sure to take steps to keep your workout safe and enjoyable. Dress in layers; keep your head; hands, and feet warm; stay hydrated; wear reflective gear; and be cautious on ice or slippery surfaces.
“You have to use it, or lose it. Staying active throughout winter helps you stay in shape and avoid injury and weight gain,” says Dr. Rothenberg. Drs. Rothenberg and Blackrick agree that fitting in at least 30 minutes of physical activity most days can provide health benefits. If you have trouble finding time in your busy schedule, try breaking your exercise time into three 10-minute segments throughout the day. Here are a few more of their tips for keeping up with winter workouts:
Turn it on Fitness videos and programs on TV and online can help you improve strength and flexibility. Or try doing crunches, arm curls, or leg lifts while watching your favorite show.
Get moving
Play it safe
Although moderate physical activity is safe for most people, talk to your doctor before starting any exercise program.
Walking is the easiest and least expensive way to stay active. If you can’t fit in a brisk walk outdoors or in the mall, try adding these extra steps throughout your day:
Drs. Rothenberg and Blackrick see patients at UPMC West Mifflin, located at 1907 Lebanon Church Road (near Century Square Mall).
• Take the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator • Park a healthy walk away from your office building or grocery store • Use part of your lunch hour to walk through your building or up and down the stairs • Get out of your car instead of using the drive-thru at the bank, pharmacy, or coffee shop
Dr. Rothenberg earned his medical degree from the University of Maryland in Baltimore. He completed an internship in general surgery and residency in orthopaedic surgery at the University of Maryland Hospital and a fellowship in sports medicine at the University of Wisconsin. Dr. Blackrick earned her medical degree from Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland. She completed her orthopaedic surgery residency at UPMC and a fellowship in traumatology at MetroHealth Medical Center in Cleveland. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Rothenberg or Dr. Blackrick, call 412-687-3900.
UPMC Mercy
1400 Locust St. Pittsburgh, PA 15219
UPMC Today is published quarterly to provide you with health and wellness information and classes and events available at UPMC. This publication is for information purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice or replace a physician’s medical assessment. Always consult first with your physician about anything related to your personal health.
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take time to take care of you Holidays are for celebrating all of the things that make life special. Don’t let a major illness, injury, or even a sore throat keep you from enjoying them. UPMC Mercy physicians’ offices are open and conveniently located near you. Our physicians are accepting new patients, and in most cases even offer same-day appointments. Just call 1-800-533-UPMC (8762) or visit Care and we’ll get you an appointment with one of our doctors. It doesn’t matter why you need us; it matters that we’re here if you do.
Affiliated with the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, UPMC is ranked among the nation’s best hospitals by U.S. News & World Report.
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9/28/12 12:58 PM
INdustry Insight
To convert or not to convert in 2012?
Higher expected income taxes scheduled for 2013 spark the consideration of whether to keep retirement account in traditional IRAs or convert to a Roth IRA By Philip C. Henry Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) are important retirement vehicles for millions of Americans. An IRA allows the owner to contribute funds on a pre-tax basis, enjoy tax-deferred growth, and then ultimately pay taxes on distributions. Roth IRAs are also designed to accumulate funds for retirement on a tax-deferred basis, yet contain three key differences when compared to traditional IRAs: • Roth IRAs are funded on an after-tax basis • Roth distributions in retirement are received income tax-free • Roth IRAs do not trigger mandatory distributions at age 70 1/2 Having these key distinctions as a backdrop, have you thought about converting some or all of your IRA to a Roth IRA? Do you know why the balance of 2012 might be an opportune time to act? Because IRA holders who convert to a Roth IRA recognize taxable income for the amount converted, consider that income taxes rates are presently scheduled to increase in 2013! The Bush Tax Cuts are scheduled to expire and current tax rates will increase unless Congress acts soon. Therefore, it might be advantageous to consider a conversion during the balance of 2012, especially if: • You believe your personal tax rate is likely to be higher in the future. • You have funds available (not IRA monies) to pay the conversion taxes, which will be due by April, 2013 for a 2012 conversion. No one can predict the final outcome, i.e., whether Congress will take measures to extend the current ‘lower’ tax rates or do nothing and allow rates to increase as scheduled. If taxes do increase in 2013, then the balance of 2012 presents a conversion opportunity at potentially lower tax rates (of course, you are encouraged to seek the advice of a tax professional). What about a “wait-and-see approach?” You do have until December 31st to effect a 2012 Roth conversion, but be careful to allow
sufficient time to have a needed Roth IRA account established. Finally, if you do convert and in hindsight, that decision ends up being the wrong one- not to worry! You’ll have until October 15, 2013 to “undo” your conversion. This tax “annulment” will be treated for federal tax purposes as if a conversion never occurred. Our Henry Wealth Management website contains a helpful calculator to estimate the taxes due upon a Roth conversion, as well to project taxes that will be saved later as a result. Visit, click onto “Learning Center” and then locate “Calculators.”
Phil Henry, ChFC, CFS, is the President of Henry Wealth Management, LLC, an independent financial services firm located at 1370 Washington Pike, Bridgeville, PA. He offers Securities and Investment-Advisory Services through, NFP Securities, Inc., Member FINRA/SIPC. This article was co-authored with Dan Henry, CLU, the firm’s Vice President. Dan offers Securities through, NFP Securities, Inc., Member FINRA/SIPC. NFP Securities, Inc. is not affiliated with Henry Wealth Management, LLC. Phil may be reached at 412.838.0200 or through email at The firm’s website is www.HenryWealth. com. The opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the authors and may not necessarily reflect those held by NFP Securities, Inc.
South Fayette | Winter 2012 | 37
he Firefighter Phil Program is in its 38th year of providing school safety programs to local communities. With the involvement of the South Fayette Township Fire District, the Firefighter Phil Program was presented to your elementary school. The program began with an introduction of the South Fayette Township Firefighters in attendance. It’s important for the children to know that the South Fayette Township firefighters are friendly and approachable. The children loved the first magic trick. It was a vanishing cane. This trick gets the children focused and reinforces some program “rules” such as paying attention, no talking, having fun, laughing, learning, etc. Then the children were asked to recall some fire safety rules. The children “tossed” up their ideas and the performer magically caught them and placed their “bright ideas” into an illuminated bag. The children loved this visual as they could see their ideas being shared with the audience. This lesson also shared with the children that, in addition to fire safety rules, they can also think of whom to call if there is an emergency. The next illustration was done with linking rings. One ring means to check your smoke detectors once a month. Two rings remind us that we need to have two ways out of every room. Three rings remind us to Drop, Cover Your Face, and Roll. The next lesson discussed was meant to teach the children what to do in the event of a fire. The children were reminded that they need to have a meeting place outside their home where everyone goes if there is a fire. Other important things such as feeling a door
for heat and staying low under the smoke were taught during the program. Of course, the children were reminded to call 911. Next the performer talked about the importance of “Get Out and Stay Out”. The children were reminded not to go back into the house for anything once they are safely out. They were reminded that pets will usually find their own way out since their noses can smell the smoke before we can. Their noses are 200 times more sensitive than human noses. A special friend of Firefighter Phil came with our performer. Al E Cat was very excited to be at school to talk about fire safety and fire prevention. Al E Cat reminded the children that the firefighters are always there to help them. They fight fires and also help when there are accidents.
r e t h g fi e r i F P hil Program
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he final review of all the safety lessons learned happened when the children participated in a game, “What would Firefighter Phil do?” The children were given different scenarios and asked to think about the answer. They were divided into two teams and the children had lots of fun coming up with the right answers. The programs ended with Al E Cat singing a song that captured all the lessons the children were taught. As a post assembly activity for a job well done, teachers, parents and children were encouraged to go to the website firefighterphil. com and request additional materials. There are Values in Action cards and a VIP poster that reinforce the lessons taught in the program. There are also activity books that the children received after the program. The South Fayette Fire District and the Firefighter Phil Program would also like to thank all the businesses that made the programs possible for the children.
Business Spotlight
South Hills Welcomes
D.L. Townsend Insurance Agency’s
New Location
or more than 30 years, the D.L. Townsend Insurance Agency has been serving residents of the South Hills from an office in a congested area in Brentwood. All of that changed over Labor Day, and clients can now find them in the relaxed and bucolic hills of Peters Township, along Route 19. If you’re not familiar with the D.L. Townsend Agency, you might recognize them by their former name – the Godleski Insurance Agency. David Townsend started
moving out of Allegheny County to enjoy the lower tax rates and the growing business opportunities surrounding South Pointe. We also have a much nicer business frontage with this location, which is perfect for walk-in business.” Not only that, but the new location allows D.L. Townsend to stretch their reach into not only Pennsylvania markets, but those of Maryland and West Virginia.
T working for Carl Godleski in 1993, helping Godleski grow his business until his passing in April of 2005. By May of 2008, Townsend was in a position to purchase the agency outright, keeping the business and its three other employees working for their clients. “It was at that time that we changed the name,” Townsend said. “And we decided to move to a more vibrant area to grow the business even more. There are lots of people
ownsend and his agents offer clients a choice between Erie Insurance and Progressive Insurance to protect them and their assets in case of emergency. They are an independent agency, focused on finding the best coverage at a competitive cost for their clients. The coverage offerings include auto, home, life, annuities and business insurance. They have access to specialty markets for ATVs, motorcycles, boats, snowmobiles and travel trailers. Mine subsidence and flood insurance is also available through D.L. Townsend. Their commercial offerings can help small business owners acquire property, liability and worker’s compensation insurance, as well as setting up a group life and retirement savings plan for their employees.
n addition to serving their clients with total professionalism and dedication, D.L. Townsend also serves the community as well. The agency is a supporter of the Bridgeville Athletic Association, several local scholastic sports programs and Angel’s Place, a non-profit dedicated to supporting low-income, single parents looking to complete their education in the pursuit of a self-sustaining career. For more information on D.L. Townsend Insurance Agency and to find out how they can help you, call them at 724.942.0007, or go to online to see their full listing of insurance offerings and to find out more about the agents serving you. Or better, yet, stop by their new location at location at 4120 Washington Road, Suite #180 McMurray, PA 15317 and welcome them to the neighborhood!
South Fayette | Winter 2012 | 39
By Matt Fascetti
Many people think of health and wellness as just diet and exercise. While those are two key components, there are many more factors that affect an individual’s overall vitality. Other areas of focus include dental and vision; specialties such as podiatry and audiology; preventive measures such as chiropractic visits and acupuncture/massage. Even feel-good procedures such as hair replacement and cosmetic surgery can boost a person’s demeanor and self-confidence. With all of these areas of wellness to consider, it can be a daunting task to pay for the treatments and procedures that enhance the quality of our lives. So how do we decide what to spend our health-care dollars on? Which procedures are the most effective and beneficial? The following is a review of what to consider when choosing a healthier lifestyle.
• Fitness • Exercise is the one thing most doctors stress when the subject of health and wellness is broached. Certainly there are other factors such as genetics, eating, smoking, drinking and medication that can play a significant role, but exercise is at the core of health and wellness. So what is the best way to stay fit? There is no perfect answer as it is different for each individual’s needs and desires. There are many ways an individual can exercise on his/her own such as walking, running, biking, hiking, at-home workout DVDs or weight training, just to name a few. Many Americans join gyms to help them stay fit. There are advantages to having a gym membership which include a wide array of equipment, fellow members to help motivate you, professional trainers and a monthly monetary obligation that can help you stay committed to your fitness goals.. Unfortunately, gym memberships are not covered by health insurance, so it is up to the individual to not only foot the bill but to select one that best suits our needs. Most gyms have monthly payments, but some also have yearly or bi-yearly options as well. Depending on the facility and the region you live in, the average gym membership can vary from $10 a month to $100 a month. While gyms, fitness programs and personal trainers can be an excellent way to achieve cardiovascular health, just remember they are not the only way. If money is tight there are plenty of free alternatives that may work just as well for you.
• Acupuncture and Massage • If you’ve ever been treated to a massage, you probably don’t need a list of advantages to persuade you to have one on a regular basis. Massage is the manipulating of superficial and deeper layers of muscle and connective tissue 40 724.942.0940 to advertise
South Fayette
using various techniques, to enhance function, aid in the healing process, and promote relaxation and well-being. Massage involves working and acting on the body with pressure – structured, unstructured, stationary, or moving – tension, motion, or vibration, done manually or with mechanical aids. Target tissues may include muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia, skin, joints or other connective tissue, as well as lymphatic vessels, or organs of the gastrointestinal system. Massage can be applied with the hands, fingers, elbows, knees, forearms, and feet. There are over 80 different recognized massage modalities. The most cited reasons for introducing massage as therapy have been client demand and perceived clinical effectiveness. Massage is usually only covered by insurance in very special circumstances, so be prepared to pay out of pocket for these services. According to, acupuncture involves the insertion of extremely thin needles through your skin at strategic points on your body. A key component of Traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture is most commonly used to treat pain. Traditional Chinese medicine explains acupuncture as a technique for balancing the flow of energy or life force known as qi or chi, (pronounced CHEE), believed to flow through pathways (meridians) in your body. By inserting needles into specific points along these meridians, acupuncture practitioners believe that your energy flow will re-balance. In contrast, many Western practitioners view the acupuncture points as places to stimulate nerves, muscles and connective tissue. This stimulation appears to boost the activity of your body’s natural painkillers and increase blood flow. Reasons for having an acupuncture procedure include chemotherapyinduced nausea and vomiting, fibromyalgia, headaches, labor pain, low back pain, menstrual cramps, migraines, osteoarthritis, dental pain and tennis elbow. As with massage, acupuncture is generally not covered by insurance.
• Chiropractic Care • According to, chiropractic care is a natural method of health care that focuses on correcting the causes of physical problems from subluxations or misalignments of the bones in the body, especially the spine. The field of chiropractic is considered holistic, improving people’s lives by optimizing the functioning of the nervous system. Every cell in the body is controlled by the nervous system, including taste, touch, smell, hormones, digestion and cardiovascular. Chiropractic does not just treat symptoms or problems, but allows for a healthy nervous system, so the body functions better.
A healthy nervous system has the ability to resist disease and ill health. Chiropractic restores the body’s nervous system, thereby increasing its resistance to illnesses. Chiropractors are able to determine and remove blocks to the nervous system by locating subluxations or misaligned vertebrae and adjusting them. There is one issue that will arise with chiropractic care…visits are sometimes not covered by insurance. Although suggested by many health care practitioners, including primary care physicians, some insurance companies still consider chiropractors luxury visits in some instances. One session with a chiropractor can cost anywhere from $35-$100 depending on the region you live in, with additional fees for more complicated procedures. When it comes to chiropractic care, one must decide if the benefits outweigh the cost.
• Dental Work • Dental care is a vital aspect of health and wellness. Many people incorrectly believe that dental care is important for aesthetic reasons only, but this is far from the case. According to the American Academy of Periodontology, there is a link between poor oral health and conditions such as endocarditis and cardiovascular disease, although researchers are not sure of the role that oral health plays in causing heart problems. Recent studies have also shown that women with periodontal disease are at three to five times greater risk for delivering a preterm infant than those who are periodontally healthy. There may also be a link between oral health and diabetes, Alzheimer’s and certain immune disorders. Whether you have a cracked tooth, a cavity, braces, dental implants or are needing a simple whitening or cleaning, dental care is a priority for most people. Because the costs of dental care keep increasing, some are choosing to cut out dentist visits all together. This is not recommended. However, if carrying dental insurance is not an option, then an individual should still stick to routine checkups. According to, the national average cost for a regular cleaning can range anywhere from $50-130 depending on the region in which you live. Skipping these checkups and cleanings can lead to more serious issues down the road that can cost thousands of dollars. In the meantime, as is the case with most health-related issues, prevention is the key. Brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss after every meal and you drastically increase your odds of having great oral health.
Our Health & Wellness
John Edward Color and Design 412.221.2466
Located in the heart of Bridgeville, John Edward Color and Design has been servicing residents of the South Hills and beyond for over thirty years. John Edward Color and Design is a full service salon offering all aspects of hair design specializing in color. John Edward’s staff is experienced and well trained in the latest techniques. They also offer nail services and facial waxing. John Edward’s staff is waiting to impress you. Call for an appointment today!
At Advanced Dental Solutions of Pittsburgh we treat our patients like family in a compassionate evironment while using the most advanced technology available. We offer all phases of emergency, cosmetic, restorative and general dentistry, including six month smiles cosmetic braces, Botox, Daniel L. Rairigh, DDS and Juvederm. We also offer sedation Advanced Dental dentistry for patients who are apprehensive Solutions of Pittsburgh about receiving the dental care they need to 412.854.2310 achieve a beautiful, healthy smile.
• Vision Care • Many of us take our vision for granted. But we would certainly be completely lost without it, so it is essential we take good care of our eyes with regular exams and wearing glasses or contacts, if needed. According to the Vision Council of America, approximately 75% of adults need some sort of vision correction. Although drugstores sell non-prescription glasses for reading, which means anyone can buy them without seeing an eye doctor for an exam, there is no substitute for a professional vision exam by an eye doctor, with a customized prescription for glasses or corrective lenses. Approximately 30% of the American population is near-sighted and must use glasses for activities such as driving and schoolwork. About 60% of Americans are far-sighted meaning that they have trouble reading or sewing without glasses, but can focus well at a distance. The majority of young people who wear glasses are near-sighted. As people age, they are more likely to need vision correction for far-sightedness. About 25% of people who wear glasses to see distances will end up needing reading glasses or bifocals as they get older. The recommendations for the frequency of vision exams varies somewhat, but generally individuals are advised to have an eye exam somewhere between one to four years, depending upon their age group. . South Fayette | Winter 2012 | 41
Health & Wellness • Podiatry • Podiatry is the specialty devoted to the diagnosis and treatment of conditions affecting the foot. According to the American Podiatric Medical Association, most people log an amazing 75,000 miles on their feet by the time they reach age 50. Regular foot care can ensure that your feet are up to the task. With proper detection and intervention, most foot and ankle problems can be lessened or prevented. Many people are unaware of the many issues that can affect feet. Arthritis, peripheral arterial disease (PAD), peripheral neuropathy, common injuries (sprains, strains and fractures), Haglund’s deformity (bony enlargement of the back of the heel bone), heel pain and tendinitis can all create mobility problems for individuals. There are various skin disorders including athlete’s foot, corns and calluses, psoriasis, skin cancer of the feet, as well as toe joint and nerve disorders such as bunions, hammer toes and neuromas to consider. Individuals may also suffer from ingrown toenails. Some basic but effective foot care tips include washing your feet daily, making sure to rinse off all soap and water especially between the toes and trimming nails straight across and not overly short to avoid cutting or digging at corners. Over the counter medications are not recommended for removing corns or calluses. A qualified podiatrist should be consulted for treatment and removal. Wear clean socks or stockings changed daily and make sure that they are not too tight. Always wear properly fitting shoes. If you do suffer a foot ailment, there are various ways to treat them. Prescription, custom orthotics, which are specially-made devices, are designed to support and comfort your feet and may correct the problem. For more severe issues, surgery may be needed in cases when pain or deformity persists.
• Audiology • Audiology is the evaluation, diagnosis, treatment and management of hearing loss and balance disorders in adults and children. It is an important component to health and wellness, yet it tends to be ignored unless there is a noticeable problem. Individuals should get their hearing checked yearly to ensure that everything is as it should be. An audiologist, commonly called an ear doctor, prescribes and fits hearing aids, assists in cochlear implant programs, performs ear or hearing related surgical monitoring, designs hearing conservation programs and provides newborn screening programs to test hearing levels. Audiologists may also provide hearing rehabilitation such as auditory training, speech reading and listening skills improvement. What many people don’t realize is that almost all types of hearing loss are treatable by an audiologist. No one should ever feel there is no hope with hearing loss. Some hearing related problems include occupational; earwax blockage; hearing loss related to aging; acoustic neuroma, a noncancerous tumor on the hearing nerve; Meniere’s disease, a serious tumor on the nerve ending; ringing in the ears; and fluid on the ear. Most hearing-related procedures and tests will be covered by most insurance companies.
• Family Medicine • According to the American Academy of Family Medicine (AAFP), family practice is health care for the individual and family that integrates the biological, clinical and behavioral sciences. The scope of family medicine 42 724.942.0940 to advertise
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encompasses all ages, both sexes and every organ system of the body. Common services provided in family medicine include bone density screenings, EKGs, hospital care, immunizations and flu shots, lab services, minor surgery (warts, lesions, stitches), newborn health, gynecology and obstetrics, school and sports physicals and preventive visits. Family Medicine physicians work closely with patients to prevent disease and offer them a long and healthy life. Healthy lifestyle, exercise and weight control are often points that are stressed to all members of the family. For those with a personal history of chronic disease, specific measures are taken to ensure that they are being monitored and that their disease is being managed effectively. This is usually achieved with regular health maintenance exams and by keeping up with what is going on in their lives. The main focus and advantage of family medicine is the very personal and intimate care that is normally received. The attending physician almost becomes a member of the family. Another particular benefit of family medicine is that it concentrates on education as well. Everyone in the family should understand what good healthy living is and all the ins and outs of how to achieve health goals. This is done with open discussions with your physician..
• Pediatrics • Arguably, pediatric medicine is one of the most important areas of medical practice because it involves our children. This branch of medicine deals with the care of infants, children and adolescents. The ages treated usually range from birth to 18 years. According to, pediatrics differs from adult medicine in many aspects. The obvious body size differences are paralleled by maturational changes. The smaller body of an infant or neonate is substantially different physiologically from that of an adult. Congenital defects, genetic variance and developmental issues are areas of greater concern for pediatricians. Treating a child is not like treating a miniature adult. A major difference between pediatrics and adult medicine is that children are minors, and in most jurisdictions, cannot make decisions for themselves. The issues of guardianship, privacy, legal responsibility and informed consent must always be considered in every pediatric procedure. In a sense, pediatricians often have to treat the parents and sometimes the family, rather than just the child. Adolescents are in their own legal class, having rights to their own health care decisions in certain circumstances. Pediatrics is a fairly new practice, only becoming a specialty in the mid-19th century. Today it is one of the biggest medical specialties in the United States, mainly because individuals tend to care more for their children than they do themselves and are therefore more likely to seek regular and consistent medical care for their children..
• Geriatrics • Geriatric medicine is quite unique because it usually deals with health issues related to age such as arthritis, heart disease, diabetes and more. Despite these challenges, geriatric wellness is better than it has ever been before. People are living longer and taking better care of themselves. Retirement goals for the senior citizen of today differ widely from the objectives of retirees in years past. Today’s senior has a desire to not only stay
healthy and prevent disease, but is passionate about living an active lifestyle. Exercise has been shown to increase longevity and quality of life.
Hair replacement candidates must have healthy hair growth at the back and sides of the head to serve as donor areas. Donor areas are the places on the head from which grafts and flaps are taken. Other factors, such as hair color, texture and waviness or curliness may also affect the result.
According to, the five categories of fitness include aerobic fitness, muscular strength, muscular endurance, body composition and flexibility. For the geriatric exercise participant, balance also plays a huge role in the development of a wellness program. For example, working on strength and balance to prevent falls is important, but in reality a trip, slip or fall will eventually happen. Exercises that build bone density and joint integrity along with flexibility are important to prevent fractures and other injuries.
Transplant techniques, such as punch grafts, mini-grafts, micro-grafts, slit grafts and strip grafts are generally performed on patients who desire a more modest change in hair fullness. Flaps, tissue-expansion and scalp-reduction are procedures that are usually more appropriate for patients who desire a more dramatic change.
The American College of Sports Medicine exercise guidelines for men and women 65 and older includes cardiovascular exercise at a moderate pace for 30 minutes, five days a week to improve aerobic fitness. It is also recommended that older adults engage in strength training two days per week. The focus should be on large muscle group exercises that mimic activities of daily living, such as standing, reaching overhead and pulling. It is also suggested that flexibility exercises be added at least two days per week. One should also utilize balance exercises to create a well-rounded program that focuses on both performance and prevention. The bottom line is, today’s world offers better opportunities than ever before for seniors to live and be healthy for many years to come..
• Hair Restoration • It is no secret we live in a society where looks are important to many people. So, naturally, hair replacement has become more and more popular. According to, hair loss is primarily caused by a combination of aging, a change in hormones, and a family history of baldness. As a rule, the earlier hair loss begins, the more severe the baldness will become. Hair loss can also be caused by burns or trauma, in which case hair replacement surgery is considered a reconstructive treatment, and may be covered by health insurance.
Remember, there are limits to what can be accomplished. An individual with very little hair might not be advised to undergo hair replacement surgery.
• Cosmetic Surgery • Cosmetic surgery is very popular in the United States these days. In fact, according to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, Americans spent a staggering $10.7 billion on cosmetic surgery in 2010. According to, the most popular cosmetic procedures include liposuction, breast augmentation, BOTOX®, eyelid surgery, thermage, facelift, rhinoplasty, tummy tuck and buttocks implants. While cosmetic surgery is generally a safe procedure, when it does go bad, results can be disastrous. The key is to research your doctor thoroughly, making sure he/ she has extensive experience and many references from satisfied patients. Insurance does not usually cover cosmetic surgery, so it is a rather expensive, completely out of pocket expense. For example, a liposuction can cost around $10,000. The only kind of cosmetic surgery that is generally covered by insurance is for conditions that may interfere with someone’s overall health and wellness. Good health is not just a linear concept of adhering to a rigid routine for everyone. Each individual is different, and his/her personality, lifestyle and priorities must be taken into account.
Baldness is often blamed on poor circulation to the scalp, vitamin deficiencies, dandruff, and even excessive hat-wearing. All of these theories have been disproved. It’s also untrue that hair loss can be determined by looking at your maternal grandfather, or that 40-year-old men who haven’t lost their hair will never lose it. Hair replacement surgery can enhance your appearance and your self-confidence, but the results are not always what you envisioned. Before you decide to have surgery, think carefully about your expectations and discuss them with your surgeon. It’s important to understand that all hair replacement techniques use your existing hair. The goal of surgery is to find the most efficient uses for existing hair.
“Joy of Christmas”
Craft Show
The DeMarillac Guild’s “Joy of Christmas” Craft Show will be held at St. Louise de Marillac School and Parish Center on Saturday, November 17, 2012, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The craft show features handmade crafts from 115 different crafters, a candy sale, bake sale, and Chinese Auction. Lunch is also available for purchase in the school cafeteria. South Fayette | Winter 2012 | 43
Business Spotlight
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Sturgeon Volunteer Fire Department is recognized by the State of Pennsylvania By Matthew J. Fascetti The Sturgeon Volunteer Fire Department in South Fayette Township has been recognized by Pennsylvania with three new state designations. According to Sturgeon Fire Chief Craig Delaney, who discussed the designations at a recent meeting of the South Fayette Board of Commissioners, the first designation was recognition as an official fire department as recognized by the Pennsylvania State Fire Commission. Sturgeon Volunteer Fire Department is the second department in the township to receive the official designation. Also awarded was the QRS (Quick Response Service) designation. This allows the fire department to assist EMTs and ambulances in emergency responses. This is a wonderful asset for the township because it gives the citizens even more resources they may need in a crisis situation. When lives are on the line there can never be enough assistance. In order to earn this designation, an onsite inspection is held to check that all equipment and supplies are up to code. In addition, the applicant must have an approved application form signed off by the state and meet other various requirements. The last designation received by the Sturgeon Volunteer Fire Department was in rescue training. Delaney added that Sturgeon is now the only department in the township with both the QRS and rescue training certifications. These certifications are a tremendous boost to the safety and well-being of the residents of South Fayette Township. Sturgeon Volunteer Fire Department has been serving the community for over 66 years. They provide services in fire, vehicle extrication, water rescue/flood assistance, search and rescue, ambulance assistance, traffic control, animal rescue and resuscitation and on-scene breathable air production. They boast an impressive fleet of fire and rescue vehicles and a dedicated, hardworking crew that enjoys serving the community. For more information about donating to the Sturgeon Volunteer Fire Department, hall rental or volunteering, please call 724.926.9149 or visit
South Fayette | Winter 2012 | 45
Fawcett United Methodist Church celebrates th
By Joann Naser Established around the time of the war of 1812 when the President was James Madison, the Fawcett United Methodist Church of Bridgeville celebrated its 200th anniversary on Sunday, Sept. 23. “It is a very self-reliant, country church in an urban development,” shared Pastor Jeff Conn. “It has endured because of many faithful members over the 200 years. It really is picturesque.” Purchasing the land for six cents in 1812 from John and Anne Fawcett, the members erected a plain square log building, said Jeffrey Fawcett, a descendant who attended the celebration with family members. A brick structure replaced it in 1843. “They were Quakers and originally came from Fawcett Gap, Winchester, Virginia,” said Fawcett, who is a foreign liaison division deputy with the Air Force at the Pentagon. “They were thrown out of the Quaker church because they were first cousins who married, and they chose to bear arms. Although marrying a cousin was commonplace then, the church did not approve. So they left and became Methodists and started the church in their home.” Significant in the Methodist history, Francis Asbury, who was one of the first Methodist bishops in America, preached in the Fawcett’s home twice, according to Bishop Asbury’s journal, said Glenn Simpson, a lifelong member of the church. “He traveled to their home by horseback,” Simpson said. John and Anne Fawcett of Monongahela receive invitations to major, special events and attend when they can, explained their son. Fawcett currently resides in the same area as his descendants, Fawcett Gap, Winchester, Virginia. In 1944, the building was damaged by fire and when they began repairs, a basement and vestibule was added, according to Linda Munger, council president and treasurer, who said an outhouse was removed around that time. At the anniversary celebration, Sandi and Jerry Rectenwald of Ellwood City presented special
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music. At the 175th anniversary, the couple wrote a special copyrighted song entitled “The Little Church,” which they performed again. Members of the congregation knew parts of the song. Some of the words to the song, allowed to be used here by permission: “In the little church, so big in the hearts of men so dear to the heart of God, so important in His plan. On roads and trails the preacher comes on horseback a circuit-riding servant armed with the power of the gospel’s truth on a mission to lead those rugged pioneers in the way of the old rugged cross. Today the sunshine finds the church still standing an outpost of God’s kingdom that He’s built with living stones a beacon shining out the love of Christ to a dark and dying world and the people pull up in their Chevys, Fords and Buicks and you just might see that preacher pulling in on a Yamaha though the times have changed the message is the same Jesus Christ is Lord and the Lord has blessed and the Lord will bless the little church.” Rectenwald is the daughter of Rev. Vic Brown, who was a past pastor at Fawcett church from 1985 until 1993, and he also attended the anniversary celebration. She cried, “This church has been more important to me than any other church that my dad served.”
“Once a month, we have a get together, share a meal, and talk. We all get along and it is great.”
“It is a very self-reliant, country church in an urban development… It has endured because of many faithful members over the 200 years. It really is picturesque.” “This is a remarkable historic church,” stated Rectenwald. “We have performed the song here a few times and we are always anxious to perform it.” Pastor Keith Dunn, currently of Johnstown, preached at the special service in the packed church. He grew up in the church and then went into the ministry. His brother, George, introduced him and said he was “shocked” he became a pastor. He gave the message, A Cloudy Witness. State Representative Brandon Neuman presented Pastor Dunn with a proclamation from the House of Representatives honoring the church, which has “touched thousands of lives and make our community even better.” After the service, a luncheon was held at the Lawrence Civic Center for the members and guests. Attending the luncheon was US Representative Tim Murphy who presented the church a federal proclamation commemorating this historic event. Also attending was state Senator Tim Solobay who presented a certificate from the Senate. Remembering other activities, Simpson reported, “we used to have chicken and biscuit dinners at the church and sometimes we served 500 people.” He was on making mashed potatoes duty regularly. “The old timers would remember the dinners,” he said. Attached to the church is a cemetery, which is maintained by the members. “No one has been buried there in years but we do take pride in maintaining it,” said Ms. Munger, who has been a member since 1952. “We have many graves dating back to the 1800s.” “To me, it is like a family,” said Ed Cononge, Council trustee member and member of the men’s group. “Once a month, we have a get together, share a meal, and talk. We all get along and it is great.” Herb Boone has been a member for 80 of his 82 years of life. He thought the anniversary service was “marvelous. I don’t think there have been many changes over the years but there have been many pastors.” Cononge’s wife, Nancy, organized the 200th anniversary celebration. She is also president of the ladies group. “I grew up in this church,” she explained. “It is a beautiful, little church. I hope it survives for another 200 years!”
South Fayette | Winter 2012 | 47
Life Insurance
INdustry Insight
Let’s face it Life Insurance can be very confusing. There’s certainly no shortage of “myths” or
misconceptions surrounding the topic. There are however, some myths that, despite being way off base, are pretty commonly believed. Here’s a brief look at seven of the most common myths about Life Insurance.
The coverage I get through work is sufficient.
The Group Life Insurance that many people have available through work is typically a great value proposition. It’s inexpensive and doesn’t require underwriting or qualification. Aside from these two advantages, there are numerous shortfalls involved in relying solely on Group Life Insurance. It rarely provided in an amount necessary to cover the several years of income that most people would want to have available for their loved ones in the event of their death. It’s not guaranteed – your employer can discontinue it at any time – and it doesn’t continue when you when you leave that employer or retire.
I’ll buy Life Insurance tomorrow.
The question is: How many tomorrows have come and gone since you said or thought “I’ll buy it tomorrow”? Most of us don’t like to think or talk about death, particularly our own, so we procrastinate and put it off. The reality is none of us knows for sure when our death will occur, but like taxes it is one of life’s guarantees. What we can be sure of is that by purchasing insurance, our loved ones will be provided for whether life’s ultimate eventuality occurs tomorrow or in the distant future.
I have other financial priorities right now.
According to industry studies those priorities are paying off debt, college tuition bills, and retirement savings. All of those are clearly legitimate expenses. They are also expenses that assume you will be alive to earn the income that supports those expenses. The overwhelming majority of those surveyed with children under the age of 18 admitted they would have trouble paying the bills if the primary breadwinner died today. When you look at it from this perspective, there are few, if any, priorities that rank higher than life insurance.
It’s too expensive.
The truth is people are living longer today than at any other time in history and because of that, the cost of Life Insurance is at an all-time low. A 40 year old male can buy a $250,000 policy for less than the $2 per day.
I don’t have time.
A life insurance agent can typically take and submit your application electronically in less than 30 minutes and medical exams, if necessary, can be done in your office or your home in less than 30 minutes. How much time did your spend planning your last vacation? Given that most of us spend considerably longer than an hour planning our vacation, doesn’t This INdustry INsight was written by Scot Teachout, an exclusive agent of Farmers Insurance. Teachout Insurance Agency helps individuals, families and business owners in the South Hills and Greater Pittsburgh protect the things they have worked a lifetime to accumulate. Scot has been serving the insurance needs of his clients for more than thirty years. Contact him at 412-735-8135 or
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investing an hour to secure the future of our family make sense?
My spouse is the primary breadwinner; I don’t need coverage.
Non-primary breadwinning spouses need coverage also. Whether it’s a secondary income, care of the home, care of the children, the absence of the non-primary breadwinner will present hardships for the remaining family members. In the case of child care, even if you are fortunate enough to have relatives nearby, feasibility and desirability become real issues when considering who will provide daily care for your children.
I don’t know enough about it.
The reality here is you’re not supposed to know a lot about Life Insurance. Knowing the details of the different products that are available and how they apply to your situation is your Life Insurance agent’s job, not yours. Your job is to get coverage. The above are just some the more common myths & misconceptions. Hopefully we have demystified them and helped set them straight. Your Life Insurance agent can complete that process. If you haven’t consulted an agent recently don’t wait until tomorrow. As you contemplate your life insurance needs and pick up the phone to call your agent, keep this acronym in mind: L.I.F.E. In your absence how will your family pay for or replace Loans & debts, Income, Final expenses, Education for the children.
South Fayette | Winter 2012 | 49
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Collier Township stylists Lori and Jessica, Sarah and Kevin, Libby and Melissa are ready to help you with your new look today.
utting hair isn’t just a business for Supercuts stylists, it’s a way to give back to the customers they love and the community they call home. Guests know that they can always count on superb service and a welcome smile when they visit the Collier Township Supercuts. Our expertly trained stylists offer a multitude of services including haircuts, waxing, blow-outs, color and more. As the owner of the Supercuts franchise in Southwestern Pennsylvania, Laurel Slaughter-Odelein has not only added over 350 jobs to the region through her stores, but she and her employees have also been supporting local schools, sports teams, civil services and charities in those communities for more than 20 years. “We support the communities we serve,” Slaughter-Odelein said. “Giving back is important to us because the communities have given us so much.” Supercuts also invests in its employees
“We take what they’ve learned at school, provide additional and ongoing education, and look to retain these employees for many years,” Slaughter-Odelein said. This strategy is apparently working because Supercuts was just rated one of the top places to work in 2012 by a Pittsburgh PostGazette survey. “It’s an honor to be recognized as a great place to work,” Slaughter-Odelein said. “Our employees are happy and that attitude is passed onto our guests. We not only offer a superior salon experience at an affordable price, but our locations are full of people who love and take pride in what they do and the community they serve.” If you haven’t already experienced the full services Supercuts offers, please visit us soon. Supercuts has 30 Pittsburgh area locations; the nearest one to South Fayette residents is in Collier, located at 1597 Washington Pike, and is open 7 days a week, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Friday; 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturdays; and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Sundays. For more information on all Supercuts locations and services visit, or to call ahead for faster service, call 412.278.2790.
serving you and your community through extensive training programs and prides itself on hiring aspiring stylists graduating from local trade schools. “Pittsburgh is filled with talented people and we are thrilled to be able to hire vibrant employees, many of whom have recently graduated and are entering the work force for the first time,” Slaughter-Odelein said. Supercuts hires only licensed stylists and mandates extensive education with two weeks of in-store training before stylists are sent to Supercuts’ own Hair Stylist Academy. Stylists attend an advanced training course conducted by the Supercuts Certified Trainer/Artistic Director. New stylists must pass the five-day, 40-hour course before they are able to actively work on the floor of the salon. After mastering this level stylists will continue to undergo regular training to enable them to keep up with the latest styles and trends.
South Fayette | Winter 2012 | 51
South Fayette Township Library 515 Millers Run Rd. / P.O. Box 436 Morgan, PA 15064 412.257.8660 Monday – Thursday: 10 a.m. – 8 p.m. Friday – Saturday: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Sunday: CLOSED
Monday Evenings
6:30-7:30 p.m. Chess Club. Six-week sessions run from October 22-November 26, and January 7-February 11. For children in grades K-8. Beginners and experienced players are welcome. Players enjoy half-an-hour of play and half-an-hour of strategy instruction. Participants must attend at least 4 Monday evening sessions to be eligible for the Saturday afternoon tournament. Tournaments are on Saturdays, December 1 and February 16 from 1-3 p.m. Registration is required and space is limited. To register, click on Calendar of Events at or call 412.257.8660.
Thursday Afternoons, November 1-December 13 (No class on November 22) 10:30-11:30 a.m. Preschool Science. Now only $5 per class due to a generous donation from Sorbara’s Shop ‘n Save. For ages 2-6 years with caregivers. Make the most of your child’s natural instinct to explore and understand their surroundings. Class themes include dinosaurs, color science, magnets, milk, the moon, senses, magic and bugs. All classes have fun and gooey, hands-on science experiments. The instructor shares a book relevant to the class theme. A snack is also provided. Registration is required. Go to Calendar of Events at southfayettelibrary. org, or call 412.257.8660.
Tuesday & Wednesday Mornings
10:30-11:00 a.m. Mother Goose Story Time. An entertaining program for little ones from birth-3 years
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and their caregivers. Children interact through songs, finger plays, and flannel board stories. This program gently develops awareness of letters, print and images. Motor and social skills are also enhanced. What a fun way to include reading readiness into a child’s schedule! No registration is required.
Wednesdays Evenings
6:30-7:30 p.m. E-Reader Drop-in Help Sessions. Need help using your e-reader or mobile device? Library staff will be available to guide you in using library resources on e-readers or smart phones. Support available for all e-reader types including Kindles, Nooks and iPads. If possible, please bring your laptop to the session. Call 412.257.8660 or check our Facebook page for more information.
Friday Mornings
10:30-11:00 a.m. Tales ‘N Tunes Story Time. For ages 3-5 years with caregivers. A high-energy program for preschoolers and their caregivers. Children sing songs with movements, listen to stories, and enjoy art activities. This program enhances vocabulary, language, social and motor skills. Get ready for
Become a Friend of the Library
The Friends of the South Fayette Township Library Group is looking for members. If you’re interested in library advocacy and helping the library provide quality materials and programming, come join us. Pressed for time? You can help a little or a lot, depending on your schedule. Call Friends President, Lois Levi at 412.969.1396.
South Fayette
Kindergarten with this exciting program! No registration is required.
Every 4th Monday of the Month
6:30-7:30 p.m. Adult Book Club. Book club members have a lively discussion and suggest their favorite books for upcoming sessions. Registration is requested, but not required. Go to Calendar of Events at southfayettelibrary. org, or call 412.257.8660 for book selections and registration. Click on Catalog to request books.
Every 3rd Tuesday of the Month
12:00-1:00 p.m. PALS Book Club. Bring a brown bag lunch and join PALS members for a spirited discussion. Book selections are popular titles recommended by club members and Barnes & Noble Booksellers. This program is co-sponsored by the Allegheny County Library Association. Registration is requested, but not required. Go to Calendar of Events at, or call 412.257.8660 for book selections and registration. Click on Catalog to request books. Sign out your book at the beginning of each month at the library checkout desk.
Every 3rd Thursday of the Month
6:30-7:30 p.m. Magic Tree House Club. Meets every third Thursday of the Month, SeptemberNovember. Mary Pope Osborne’s Magic Tree House series inspires crafts, readings, science experiments, film clips and other adventures for children with a 2nd to 4th grade reading level. Registration is required, as space is limited. Go to Calendar of Events at, or call 412.257.8660 for book selections and registration. Click on Catalog to request books. A limited number of books are available for checkout at the library.
One Saturday a Month
New! Young Writers Program for Grades 6-8. The Young Writers Program is a fun, free writing program where middle school teens (grades 6-8) who share a passion for writing explore their craft. Teens write novels
New Book Alerts
and scripts, share word-count goals and achievements, and brainstorm with other writers via online message boards. Brittany Ketter, a seasoned NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) and ScriptFrenzy veteran, guides teens through the Young Writers Program. Participants learn about inciting incidents, character building, plot making, dialogue and also work to improve writing skills, grammar and formatting of novels. To check dates and register, click on Events at http:// or call 412.257.8660. Registration is requested, but not required.
Want to know what is new in our collection? Click on New Book Alerts at Sign-up for newsletters, place holds for new materials, read & write reviews and more!
Free Online Book Clubs
One Saturday a Month
Writers Unleashed! for Grades 9-12. Writers Unleashed! is the Young Writers Program directed by Brittany Ketter and designed for high school teens who share a passion for writing. At Writers Unleashed! participants learn the art of storytelling, sharpen their writing skills and learn how to create inciting incidents, build strong characters, make unbelievable plots and work through dialogue. Participants also write a novel and, if desired, are taken through the publishing process. To check dates and register, click on Events at http:// or contact Brittany Ketter at 412.257.8660 or ketterb@ Registration is requested, but not required.
Saturday, December 15
1:00-3:00 p.m. Build a Gingerbread House. Go to Calendar of Events at, or call 412.257.8660 for details and registration.
Thursday, December 20
6:30-7:30 p.m. Cookie Swap Night. Go to Calendar of Events at, or call 412.257.8660 for details and registration.
Online Test Preparation & More
The Testing & Education Reference Center (TERC) is a start-to-finish resource with all the information and support materials needed to make informed, confident decisions to shape the rest of your life. TERC offers over 300 practice tests and courses, dozens of
ebooks containing valuable study material and practice tests, information on over 4,000 accredited schools, scholarship search featuring $8 billion in available scholarships, a resume builder and career modules covering subjects from career change to salary negotiations. Access this valuable resource from home at All you need is a valid library card.
Memorial & Honor Books
A memorial or honor donation to the South Fayette Township Library is a special way to remember a friend or loved one. Donations may also be made in honor of a special person or event (such as a birthday, anniversary, retirement, graduation, etc.). Your gift will be used to purchase an item for the library’s collection and a nameplate will be placed inside the item indicating the name of the honoree and the donator. To make a donation, go to memorialdonationinstructions/ or call 412.257.8660.
Subscribers can read the latest books in their email. Eleven new books are featured each week. Choose fiction, non-fiction, romance, business, good news, teen, mystery, audio or prepublication. To subscribe, click on Online Book Clubs at
Ink Cartridge Recycling
Gather up those empty ink jet cartridges for recycling at the library!
Ebooks, Audiobooks and more
You can check out and download ebooks, audiobooks and videos at http://carnegie. To access these digital materials you need, a valid library card, Internet access, and a computer or device that meets the system requirements for the type(s) of digital materials you wish to check out. You will need to download free software for the computer or device on which you wish to use the materials. A guided tour of the service is available. If you need additional assistance, schedule an appointment with a librarian by calling 412.257.8660.
Encyclopedia Brittanica
With a valid library card you can access directly from our website Britannica Online providing you with two sites in one—a child-friendly collection and an adult general reference collection. Students can access encyclopedias, Britannica-approved Web sites, and a Student Center with an atlas, biographies, multimedia, “How To” guides for school reports, and other learning materials. Older students and adults will find similar resources created for advanced information seekers in the Britannica Reference Center (adult) section. Go to storelibrarycard?id=southfayettetl or click the Encyclopedia Brittanica button on our homepage.
South Fayette | Winter 2012 | 53
Family Promise of Southwestern Pennsylvania:
Working to End Homelessness
One Family at a Time By W.B. Fresa he national statistics on homelessness in America are staggering; the number of people experiencing homelessness on a single night was just under 650,000 in January 2010. Almost 80,000 family households were homeless. Since 2009, the number of homeless families increased 1.2 percent, and the number of homeless persons in families increased 1.6 percent. (2010 Annual Homeless Assessment Report to Congress.) Luckily, Family Promise of Southwestern Pennsylvania (FPSWPA), an interfaith, nonprofit organization with family shelter programs in both Pittsburgh and Washington, works diligently to help homeless families who have nowhere to turn.
Completing Their Mission
amily Promise connects families displaced from their homes with a network of local congregations and dedicated staff, all focused on providing them with shelter, meals, hospitality, and support until they are able to return to sustainable, independent lives in their own homes. According to Laura Karl Vincenti, executive
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director, the last two years have seen an upswing in need. “The economy has definitely played a factor in the number of people needing assistance, along with a lack of affordable housing” said Vincenti. “More than 40 percent of the homeless population is parents with children. Homelessness is no longer the bag lady on the street or the dirty man living under the bridge. “In 2011, Family Promise assisted 33 families, including 78 children. Our families are substance-free, have no serious mental health issues and we look closely at everyone’s criminal background,” explains Vincenti. “Mostly, the families we serve have lost their housing because they’ve lost a job, or a marriage or parenting relationship has broken up, or they had to leave housing that was unsafe.”
Staying Together
hile there are programs providing shelter and food for the homeless throughout the region, a unique aspect of FPWSPA is their dedication to keeping families together. They accept two-parent families, whereas most shelters will only house mothers and their children, leaving the fathers to find shelter elsewhere. As well, they are the only local program that accepts single fathers with children and parents with teenagers - most shelters will not take a boy over 14 or older teen girls; and, of course, they accept single mothers and their children. For Christine and her family, former guests of the program, FPSWPA could not have come into her life at a better time. “I was seven months pregnant and had three year old Abby and one year old Jonah,” said Christine. “After my husband was laid off from his job for the third time, we just could not stay current with our rent and were evicted. I called Family Promise and we were en route to their Washington facility the same day. After some time in the program, we were able to secure a job and housing in Morgantown, West Virginia, and my husband Jason is now on track for a promotion at a new company. I cannot say enough good
things about the staff and volunteers at Family Promise. They helped me during the most difficult time in my families’ life and not once did I ever feel judged for the position I was in.” FPSWPA operates two family shelter programs, which can house up to four families each. In addition, each program has a day center facility, one in Washington and the other in Crafton, which serves as the base of operations and primary residence for guest families. They spend the evenings and overnight at a church facility hosted by congregational volunteers who provide transportation, meals, fellowship and support.
Backyard Mission Trip
PSWPA is a network of 39 congregations who are the heart of the program. Host churches house families five to six times a year for a week at a time. Support churches are congregations that are committed to the mission but lack the space to actually host guests; so, they provide volunteers and other support throughout a host church’s week. “We are so fortunate to have such a giving church community,” said Vincenti. “And the volunteers, the people who spend their time helping the families and children – I cannot say enough about them. Family
“In 2011, Family Promise assisted 33 families, including 78 children. Our families are substance-free, have no serious mental health issues and we look closely at everyone’s criminal background…Mostly, the families we serve have lost their housing because they’ve lost a job, or a marriage or parenting relationship has broken up, or they had to leave housing that was unsafe.” Promise provides an opportunity for people of faith to give hands-on help. It’s mission work in their own backyard.” Dan Wolfe, the Family Promise Coordinator for Bethany Presbyterian Church in Bridgeville, applauds the work of the program and is grateful to be a part of the team. “I get to spend a lot of time with the families we host,” said Wolfe. “To be honest, I like spending time with them. Normally, I pick them up from the day facility
and bring them to Bethany. That way, I can make sure the kids feel safe and welcome. I’ve found the parents can relax when they see their kids will be safe and loved. “It’s surprising how close to homelessness so many families live,” Wolfe continued. “But, it’s is such an uplifting feeling to know Family Promise is working to keep families together and help them through the low spot in their life. And, I’m so happy to be a part of the process.” The list of participating churches who have volunteers like Dan Wolfe is vast (see below, bold denotes a host church), but Vincenti does not hide the fact that more help is needed. “We invite congregations to step forward and become hosts. And we welcome synagogues and mosques to join our network, too.”
Measuring Success
amily Promise’s unique blend of volunteers in an interfaith community has proven successful. They’ve returned a high percentage
of their guest to homes and independence. However, that’s not to say they don’t strive for better. “One of the challenges we faced was asking the families to step up their game, follow the rules, be gracious guests and meet the goals they set for themselves,” explained Vincenti. “We’ve focused a lot of effort on clarifying our expectations for guests and we’re doing a much better job communicating that. We’re also focusing on helping our volunteers better understand their guests. The backgrounds and experiences between the volunteers and families are often different and there can be a disconnect between the two. Family Promise volunteers are called to offer their hearts and hands to families in need without judgment.” Family Promise of Southwestern Pennsylvania, formerly Interfaith Hospitality Network, was founded in Washington County in 1995. Since its inception, they have assisted nearly 400 families made up of more than 1,300 individuals.
To find out more about Family Promise of Southwestern Pennsylvania and how you can help, visit their website at The Family Promise model – the partnership of congregations coming together to aid families in need – enables the program to help homeless families achieve lasting independence at less than half the cost of traditional shelters. • Baldwin Community United Methodist • Bethany Presbyterian, Bridgeville • Bethel Presbyterian, Bethel Park • Bower Hill Community Church, Mt. Lebanon
• Canonsburg United Presbyterian • Center Presbyterian, McMurray • Center United Presbyterian, Midway • Christ United Methodist, Bethel Park • Church of the Covenant, Washington • Crossroads Community Church, Finleyville • Emmanuel Lutheran, Castle Shannon • Faith United Presbyterian, Washington • First Baptist, Bridgeville • First Baptist, Crafton • First Bethel United Methodist, Bethel Park • First Presbyterian 1793, Washington • First United Methodist, Washington
• John McMillan Presbyterian, Bethel Park • Living Word Community Church, McDonald • McDonald Presbyterian • Mt. Lebanon United Methodist • New Wine Harvest, Baldwin • Our Redeemer Lutheran, McMurray • Peters Creek Church, Venetia • Pleasant Hills Community Presbyterian • Prince of Peace, Pleasant Hills • Southminster Presbyterian, Mt. Lebanon
• St. Alphonsus, McDonald • St. Benedict the Abbot, McMurray • St. John Lutheran, Carnegie • St. Louise de Marillac, Upper St. Clair • St. Thomas A Becket, Clairton • St. Thomas More, Upper St. Clair • Thomas Presbyterian, Eighty Four • Trinity United Methodist, McMurray • Westminster Presbyterian, Upper St. Clair • Unitarian Universalist of the South Hills, Mt. Lebanon • Wrights United Methodist, Venetia • Zion Lutheran, Bridgeville
South Fayette | Winter 2012 | 55
INdustry Insight
Straighter Teeth in Six Months after efor e
hen people hear that someone is getting braces, immediately images of “metal mouth” come to mind. This treatment is most commonly associated with teenagers and at one time may have led to embarrassment and insecurity. However, today braces are so widely accepted during the school-age years that children are sometimes eager to begin orthodontic treatment. It is refreshing to see this shift in acceptance among teenagers. What about the adults who have crooked, crowded, uneven, or spaced smiles? There are adults who may have missed the opportunity to straighten their teeth when they were younger and are now looking at their options. The workplace can be as unforgiving as high schools once were. However, this shouldn’t limit adults from the opportunity to have a straighter, more attractive smile. There are currently a few options for adults to have their teeth straightened. The traditional method of metal braces and wires over a treatment time of a couple years is still a great option for a
straighter smile. For some patients’ teeth this may be the only real option. Many people do, however, fall into a category that can benefit from Invisalign or “Short Term Orthodontics.” Almost everyone has heard of Invisalign, and it is a great treatment option for patients with mild crowding and moderate spacing. However, there are limitations in tooth movement for more severe cases. Short Term Orthodontics can provide an alternative to traditional braces and Invisalign. All three options have their benefits and limitations that should be explored before making a decision. 6 Month Smiles is a cosmetic short-term orthodontic option that uses clear brackets and tooth-colored wires. The average treatment time is six months. The technique works by focusing treatment on the patient’s primary concern. The faster treatment times are accomplished by treating only the teeth you see when you smile, not by increasing the forces on the teeth. 6 Month Smiles does not make major changes to the alignment of the back teeth as traditional braces can. Fortunately, most adults’ primary cosmetic concerns do not involve the back teeth. The treatment comfort is comparable to traditional braces. With 6 Month Smiles, your smile can be straighter and more symmetrical in 5 -8 months. Whitening is also included with treatment. Another benefit of 6 Month Smiles is that it is typically a more economical choice due to shorter treatment times and lower cost. 6 Month Smiles is not a replacement for traditional braces, but rather an alternative that can provide a more symmetrical and pleasing smile for adults who are not interested in the time, costs, or cosmetics of traditional braces. Children are still best treated by traditional comprehensive orthodontics, but it is nice for adults to have one more option for a straighter smile. Dr. Rairigh is a certified Invisalign and 6 Month Smiles provider. Learn more at or This Industry Insight was written by Dr. Daniel Rairigh. Dr. Daniel Rairigh practices at Advanced Dental Solutions of Pittsburgh on Fort Couch Road. He received his degree from West Virginia University School of Dentistry. Dr. Rairigh is a member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry and the Academy of General Dentistry. He is a certified Invisalign provider and is certified in MDI placement. Dr. Rairigh is also an accomplished artist who has won numerous awards for his artwork. You can learn more about Dr. Rairigh or send him an email if you have article suggestions at
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Happy Holidays!
Every year, South Fayette School District students draw images for the district’s holiday card cover competition. These were submitted to us as top choices for 2012.
Patience Kaslewicz
Kristin Stanek
Current issues of this magazine are also available online.
Victoria DiGiacomo
South Fayette | Winter 2012 | 57
boys swimming boys swimming boys swimming boys swimming boys swimming boys swimming boys swimming girls
South Fayette
Boys Swimming
Looking Forward to 2013 Season By Leigh Lyons fter a successful 2012 campaign, Coach Matt Tucker and his South Fayette Boys Swim and Dive Team will look to not only repeat as section champions, but improve upon the strides they made last season. The boys claimed the section title last year, an impressive feat only bolstered by the fact that it was their sixth section title in nine years. This year, Coach Tucker’s goal is for his team to finish in the top three in the W.P.I.A.L. Coach Tucker will rely upon his lone senior, Ryne Fromholzer to help lead the team. Fromholzer, who competes in both the 200 and 500 free, finished second in the 200 free and fourth in the 500 free at the W.P.I.A.L. Championships. For his efforts at states, he received All-State Honorable Mention. Fromholzer will also be accompanied by standout diver Stephen Zombek. Zombek, while only a sophomore this year, also received All-State Honorable Mention while finishing second in diving at the W.P.I.A.L. Championship and twelfth at the PIAA Championship. The boys season will start on November 16th and the swimmers are especially looking forward to the Big Six Invitational in York, PA. The players will get to travel to the Big Six Invitation on coach bus to compete at top-notch facilities. It is at this invitational that the team will meet their biggest rival, West Allegheny. Coach Tucker, his staff, and these swimmers commit an enormous amount of time weekly to their sport, and the team is hoping that their efforts will
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pay off by the end of the season. “The team will swim anywhere from 15 to 20 miles in a week’s time,” Coach Tucker said. “The type of dedication that it takes to be good at swimming attracts highly motivated individuals.” “Highly motivated” is an appropriate term for Coach Tucker’s athletes. There are several swimmers both on the boys and girls teams with multiple AP classes. Coach Tucker’s athletes learn to successfully juggle intense swim practices with a demanding high-school curriculum. With many of the boys now participating year round with swimming, the athletes, and the school district, is developing into one of swimming’s top contenders. Now that Coach Tucker has laid a solid foundation for his athletes to follow and grow in, it is evident that the South Fayette Boys Swim Team will be a W.P.I.A.L. contender this year, and for years to follow.
girls swimming girls swimming girls swimming girls swimming girls swimming girls swimming girls swimming
South Fayette
Girls Swimming
Dives Into Upcoming Season By Leigh Lyons ead Coach Matt Tucker will begin his tenth season as coach of the Varsity Girls and Boys Swim and Dive Teams. Coach Tucker also coaches the Aqua Club Teams at South Fayette as well, so he is well acquainted with the athletes as they make their way up the grade ladder at South Fayette School District. This year, Coach Tucker will have strong leadership and experience on his side as he returns five senior girls who are looking to one up the strong finish of last year’s team and claim the Western Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic League (W.P.I.A.L.) title. Last year’s team, who notably did not have any seniors on it, finished second in the W.P.I.A.L. and placed ninth at States. Three captains will return from last season on the girls side: Mary Rosati, Morgan Fink, and Grace Klimek. Rosati, Fink, and Klimek will all be seniors this year. They will be accompanied by fellow seniors Maddie Raubaugh, who participates in the 100 fly and 500 free, Hannah Mowod, and participating in 50 free and 100 free. Coach Tucker and his talented team will take the
season, which starts on Nov.16, step by step, or meet by meet if you will. The team’s first goal is to win the section. Moving forward from section action, the girls will work toward surpassing last season’s finish by winning the W.P.I.A.L. And finally, they will then strive to finish in the top two at the State meet. The goals are lofty, but for Coach Tucker and his athletes they are fully attainable. Last season, individually, many of the swimmers earned honors. Morgan Fink, swimming the 200 free and 400 relay, placed first at the W.P.I.A.L. meet last year. Mary Rosati placed first for the 200 free relay at W.P.I.A.L. last season, and for her efforts received two All-State honors at PIAA. Maddie Bartrug, an upcoming sophomore, placed first in the 50 free and 200 free relay at the W.P.I.A.L. meet in 2012. Fink, Rosati and Bartrug are also accompanied by a slew of young swimmers who Coach Tucker believes has enormous potential in the upcoming years. These swimmers and divers dedicate most of their free time to this rigorous water sport. Junior Sophia Hestad said, “I started swimming nine years ago, when I was going into
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Continued from page 59 seventh grade.” Hestad, who has the privilege of swimming alongside her younger sister, Emma (grade 9), is a prime example of the time and effort that many of the swimmers have committed to the sport throughout the years. A typical school week without a meet is eight swimming practices with two mornings from 5:30-6:40 a.m. before school, and three lifting practices. “The swimmers have to have a great deal of dedication to put up with this kind of schedule,” Coach Tucker realizes. Many of the swimmers swim year round as to take advantage of as much time as possible to hone their craft. “Right now, I have 26 varsity swimmers that swim on the South Fayette Aqua Club,” said Coach Tucker. Besides the Hestad siblings, there are four other sets of siblings on the boys and girls swim teams. “There are five sets of siblings on the team, “said Emma Hestad, “but it feels like we are all related sometimes with all the conditioning and practicing we do on a weekly basis together.” With spending all that time together, it’s no wonder that the girls team is so close. “The swim team is really close,” commented Sophia Hestad, “it’s like we’re a family; we stick together and work with each other to accomplish our goals both inside and outside of the pool.” Between the team’s senior leadership, young rising talent, extreme dedication and work ethic, and Coach Tucker’s enthusiasm and guidance, the South Fayette Girls Swim and Dive Team hopes to make this upcoming season a memorable one.
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Houses of Worship Ahavath Achim Congregation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412.279.1566 All Saints Episcopal Church. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412.835.7330 All Saints Polish National Catholic Church. . . . . . . . . . . . 412.276.9677 Atonement Episcopal Church . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412.279.1944 Bahai Faith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412.278.1096 Bethany Presbyterian Church. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412.221.5132 Bible Baptist Church of Pittsburgh. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412.276.7717 Bridgeville Methodist Church . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412.221.5577 Calvary Full Gospel Church . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412.257.1707 Carnegie Presbyterian Church . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412.279.3223 Cecil Alliance Church. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412.221.4177 Christ U P Church. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412.276.0222 Crossroads Vineyard Christian Fellowship. . . . . . . . . . . . 412.999.0141 Fawcett United Methodist Church. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 724.745.1240 First Baptist Church. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412.221.4232 First Baptist Church of McDonald. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 724.926.4216 First United Methodist Church of Bridgeville. . . . . . . . . . 412.221.5577 Gladden United Presbyterian Church. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412.257.0922 Holy Child Roman Catholic Parish. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412.221.5213 Hillside Christian Community. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412.279.2996 Holy Trinity Church . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412.279.4652 Holy Virgin Russian Orthodox Church . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412.276.6234 Journey Church. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412.221.9000 Lakeview Christian Life Church. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 724.746.3200 McDonald Presbyterian Church. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 724.926.8561
Methodist Church Parsonage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Miller Gary Minister. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Noblestown United Methodist Church. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Old Saint Luke’s Church. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Our Lady of Fatima Church. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Our Lady of Victory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rennerdale U P Church. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rennerdale United Presbyterian Church. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Saint Andrew Lutheran Church. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Saint John Lutheran Church . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Salvation Army. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Second Baptist Church of Carnegie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Solid Rock Foundation Ministries Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Barbara Rectory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Bernadette’s Church. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. George Antiochian Orthodox Church. . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Mary’s Church . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Peter & Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Greek Church . . . . Victorious Faith Evangelistic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Zion Lutheran Church. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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South Fayette | Winter 2012 | 61
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My Hip Hurts
Questions for Your Doctor
When Arthroscopic Surgery May Be an Option for Patients With Hip Pain
Characterizing Hip Pain Hip pain is a common complaint for people of all ages and fitness levels. It may develop as a result of an injury or fall, because of wear and tear, or because of developing arthritis. People often mistake hip pain for pain in the pelvic region. Pain in the pelvic region can be the result of a number of different diagnoses, each with its own defining symptoms. According to Vonda Wright, MD, a UPMC orthopaedic surgeon, “The pelvis has a number of different structures in it, and hip pain can be mistaken for a number of different diagnoses. The best way to differentiate the pain is to identify its location. Hip pain, for example, actually presents as groin pain.” Hip pain can be arthritic or non arthritic. Arthritic pain is dull and characterized by stiffness. Non arthritic pain that is the result of an injury, fall, or tear of cartilage is a sharp, intermittent pain in the groin area. For any type of pain that persists for longer than a week, a primary care physician or orthopaedic surgeon should be consulted.
Conservative Methods of Treatment The good news is that many types of hip pain can be treated by nonsurgical approaches, such as activity modification and physical therapy. UPMC orthopaedic surgeon Dharmesh Vyas, MD, notes, “I almost always prescribe a trial of non-operative management (physical therapy, NSAIDs, etc.) to my patients before considering surgical intervention. Having said that, some hip injuries do not respond to conservative treatment and a surgical option must be considered.” Until recently, open hip surgery was the next step in a patient’s treatment plan. The surgeon would make a large incision and dislocate the hip in order to repair any
injuries. Today, however, a minimally-invasive procedure called hip arthroscopy may be an option for some patients with hip pain. This procedure is similar to arthroscopies of the knee and shoulder, in which the surgeon makes two or three small incisions and inserts tiny cameras and surgical instruments to correct the problem.
Hip Arthroscopy Hip arthroscopy is often used to repair a tear in the ring of cartilage that surrounds the socket of the hip joint (known as a labral tear) and as a treatment for pain resulting from an inexact fit between the head and socket of the hip joint (known as a femoral acetabular impingement, or FAI). Hip arthroscopy is also used to repair cartilage loss in the hip or to remove loose particles in the hip. According to Dr. Vyas, “The ideal patient for this procedure is someone who is active and has the appropriate hip pathology. As long as the patient has an injury in an otherwise non-arthritic hip, he or she may be a candidate for treatment through hip arthroscopy.” Dr. Wright adds, “It’s about hip preservation at all ages and spectrums of activity. Hip arthroscopy, is a relatively new technology that allows us to access the hip in a way that we never have before, and therefore treat many hip related conditions.”
Before making any decision, it’s important to be fully informed. Make sure your doctor answers all of your questions, including these: • What is the diagnosis? • What does the procedure involve? • What are the risks and complications? • What are the benefits of having this surgery, compared to another procedure? • How long is the recovery period? • What is the chance of needing revision surgery? • What are the published outcomes?
When hip arthroscopy is used, the recovery time is often reduced due to the minimally invasive nature of the procedure, according to Dr. Vyas. “Arthroscopic surgery allows patients to experience more rapid returns to their lifestyle, including sporting activity.”
For more information, or to schedule an appointment, visit or call 412-432-3600. South Fayette | Winter 2012 | 63
INdustry Insight
Winter Weight Gain…
Say No!
By Lisa Troyer he days are becoming shorter; some of us leave for work in the dark and return home in the dark. The holiday season is right around the corner, the time of year that accounts for Americans putting on half of our nation’s annual weight gain. Surveys have indicated that an average of five to seven pound increases occur during the winter months. These are depressing pieces of information, but information that all of us are already well-aware of. Many people begin each New Year with a goal of losing weight. Do you really want to add to the number of pounds you would like to lose by gaining more over the holidays? Of course you don’t. A reasonable holiday goal may be to maintain and not gain. Now is a great time to change your attitude, prepare for the season and JUST SAY NO to everything and anything that is going to stop you from reaching that goal. If you stick to the 5 suggestions I have listed below, you are well on your way to success: Don’t put fitness on the back burner: Exercise = priority. It is so easy to replace it with all the things that you need to accomplish in the coming weeks. And when 5 o’clock rolls around it’s pitch black and freezing outside; you’re couch, a warm blanket and TV (and probably snacks) are calling your name. Setting a regular exercise schedule is key to keeping your weight off. The holidays can be stressful and working out is the best stress-reliever on the market. Fill up the belly before going to a party: Carbohydrates need to come from fruits and veggies, not Martinis and holiday cookies. Party food= empty calories. Fill
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up on a big salad, an apple or even a protein shake before you leave the house. Allow yourself one indulgence during the party. Savor a small treat and then move away from the food table. Limit alcohol: If you avoid it altogether you’re golden. If not: Moderation… everything in moderation! Calories in, calories out: If you do slip up and over-indulge, do damage control for the following day or two. Cut calories and add extra exercise. Don’t fall off the wagon because of one bad evening. Most importantly…ENJOY: This is a wonderful time of year. Fun celebrations with family and friends. This is truly what makes it special – it’s not about the food and drink. Identify the barriers that may keep you from being active. Strive to come up with creative solutions to hurdle these barriers. Get out your iPad, smart phone or day planner and schedule your exercise time the same way you do for your upcoming parties and family gatherings. Focus on how wonderful it will be to go into the New Year not feeling regret over November/December failures. You can do it and you’ll surely be glad you did!
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This INdustry INsight was written by Lisa Troyer. Lisa has been in the fitness industry for more than 17 years and is the owner of Fitness Fanatics in the Great Southern Shopping Center. She currently holds four nationally recognized fitness and personal training certifications and can be reached at 412.220.4190, ext. 3 or at Check out www.fitnessfanaticsinc. com for more great fitness tips.
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Current issues of this magazine are also available online.