IN South Fayette

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outh Fayette

Happy Holidays!




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Contents South Fayette | WINTER 2010 |


22 Publisher’s Message FEATURES







2010 Holiday Card Contest | 4 South Fayette Band Festival | 22 South Fayette Police Officer Plays Traditional Irish Bagpipe Music, Earns National Achievement | 24 Marcellus Shale – What’s Going On In Your Backyard

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South Fayette Township | 6 South Fayette School District Older Adults in South Fayette Houses of Worship | 47 In Kids | 57


Straighter Teeth in Six Months | By Dr. Daniel Rairigh | 40 Control Holiday Stress with Exercise By Lisa Troyer | 43 Is Asset Allocation Dead? | By Philip C. Henry | 48 Animal Acupuncture | By Dr. Joanna Rubin, VMD | 51

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John Edward Color and Design



Congratulations to South Fayette’s 2010 District Holiday Card Contest winner, Chris Guyan, Class of 2011. See the runner-up artwork on page 4.


Please recycle this magazine when you are through enjoying it.

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Welcome to our winter issue! At this time of year, I want to take this opportunity to thank you for taking that journey with us that was 2010. This year was one full of blessings for IN Community Magazines, as we’ve grown to serve 32 communities throughout Western Pennsylvania. While it’s been a challenge for us, it was one that we met head-on, and with great success. For that, I would like to thank my staff. I’d also like to thank two other groups who make this magazine what it is—you, our readers, and our advertisers. Firstly, it’s our readers who help shape this magazine into what you see in your hands right now. Those of you who took the time to call, e-mail or write in with your ideas and events are the ones who set our table of contents. We pride ourselves on the fact that we listen to you and your ideas because, in the end, this is your community and you know it best. So I continue to encourage you to send in your ideas to our editor at Secondly, to our advertisers, I thank you for your continued support of IN Community Magazines. I’ve heard from so many of you that advertising with us is working for you, and I’m proud that our magazines are a great vehicle for you. But what is also important is that by advertising with us, you’re also supporting your community. You’re giving those who read these magazines the content that they enjoy and look forward to each issue. Because of you, our readers can be entertained and informed. So, readers, in this last issue before 2011, I urge you to take a second or third glance at the advertisers who support your community magazine before you make your holiday gift lists. If you like this magazine, let them know, and make a point to stop in their businesses. They’re not just trying to sell you something, they’re also your neighbors and community sponsors. I wish everyone a safe and happy holiday season and the best that 2011 has to offer! Wayne Dollard Publisher As the holiday season approaches, I hope you'll step away from the list making and cookie baking for just a few minutes to enjoy the information we have compiled for this edition of South Fayette. As always, our goal is to offer a bit of insight into the community. Some of our most interesting features focus on residents and their passion in all things “community.” As you are going through your busy days (and holiday parties) please don't forget to let us know about any person or organization who you feel would be interesting for us to feature. We get some of our best story ideas and are so inspired by our readers! The amount of good will and charitable activity that seems to flow from the South Fayette community is amazing and awesome. From all of us at In Community Magazines, we hope your holiday will be filled with a good dose of of peace, a little bit of joy and surrounded by the love and companionship of those who mean the most to you.

Marybeth Jeffries Managing Editor

outh Fayette WINTER 2010 IN South Fayette is a non-partisan community publication dedicated to representing, encouraging and promoting the South Fayette area and its comprising municipalities by focusing on the talents and gifts of the people who live and work here. Our goal is to provide readers with the most informative and professional regional publication in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. PUBLISHER

Wayne Dollard AS S I STA N T TO T H E P U B L I S H E R

Mark Berton M A N AG I N G E D I TO R

Marybeth Jeffries O F F I C E M A N AG E R

Leo Vighetti E D I TO R I A L AS S I STA N T

Jamie Ward WRITERS

Jonathan Barnes Kelli McElhinny Pamela Palongue GRAPHIC DESIGN

Michael Andrulonis Cassie Brkich Anna Buzzelli Susie Doak Pati Ingold

Bill Ivins Jan McEvoy Joe Milne Tamara Tylenda Tracey Wasilco


Rebecca Bailey One Way Street Productions A DV E RT I S I N G S A L E S

Nicholas Buzzell David Mitchell Brian Daley Tamara Myers Gina D’Alicandro Gabriel Negri Tina Dollard Robert Ojeda Rose Estes Annette Petrone Beatriz Harrison Tara Reis Jason Huffman Vincent Sabatini Jessie Jones Michael Silvert Connie McDaniel RJ Vighetti Brian McKee This magazine is carrier route mailed to all district households and businesses. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. Copyright 2010.

CORRESPONDENCE All inquiries, comments and press releases should be directed to: IN Community Magazines Attn: Editorial 603 East McMurray Road McMurray, PA 15317 Ph: 724.942.0940 Fax: 724.942.0968

Every piece of the universe, even the tiniest little snow crystal, matters somehow. I have a place in the pattern, and so do you —TA Baron 2 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE

South Fayette

1 Spring Issue Deadline: Jan. 4, 2011



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2010 Holiday Card Contest Runner Ups

4 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE

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Complete Family Care a satellite office of Claysville Family Practice

Comprehensive Friendly Progressive Special Care by Special People Ja y M. Zie gle r, M.D. Fr e d e rick J. Lande nwitsch, M.D. Ja nine K . Rihm la nd, M.D. Jo hn D. Six , M.D. Abiga il Te m ple to n, M.D. E liza be th O shno ck , D.O. W ilm a D. Gro e the , CRNP

Complete Family Care and Claysville Family Practice are comprehensive Family Practice Centers that will care for your entire family. We are proud of the care and services we offer and strive to be flexible, open-minded, and respect your individuality. We vow to maintain high standards of care and to keep learning and changing to best meet your needs. The Family Practitioners of Complete Family Care and Claysville Family Practice bring to bear unique attitudes and skills to provide health care to the entire family. Our role is to serve as the patient’s advocate in health related matters, including the appropriate use of consultants and community resources. We are privileged to impact and share in the lives of our patients and thank you for this enriching opportunity!

4000 Waterdam Plaza, Suite 280 McMurray, PA 15317

724-260-0830 Call us today! South Fayette | Winter 2010 | 5



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South Fayette Township

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South Fayette Township has a variety of ways for its residents to stay informed on timely information about upcoming meetings, events and agendas. If you want to know the latest township news, add your name to the South Fayette e-mail list by sending an e-mail to You can also connect to the township’s website at, where you can find: • Meeting Agendas • Public Notices • Calendar of Meetings • Special Notices Through the new Community Cable TV Station (46 Verizon and 14 Comcast), township information is at your fingertips at any time!!!



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6 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE

South Fayette

RECENT BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ACTIONS NEW ORDINANCES/RESOLUTIONS A. The Board adopted a resolution authorizing the submission of a $200,000 grant application to the U. S. Soccer Foundation for the development of the youth-size turf court at the proposed community center. B. The Board adopted a resolution setting the 2011 police employee Pension Contribution rate at 3.5%. C. The Board adopted a resolution setting the 2011 Employee Pension contribution Rate at 8.90%. D. The Board adopted a resolution opposing HB 2431 and SB 1357 which would establish the county as the lowest form of local government. E. The Board adopted an ordinance accepting various road segments in the Berkshires Plan of Lots and the Parkes Farm Estates plan of Lots. PROJECTS AND PROGRAM A. The Board awarded a contract to Hilltop paving in an amount not to exceed $38,780 for the 2010 Roadway Sealing Project. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT No new plans were approved by the Board of Commissioners within the past few months. For more information on these pending plans or to learn how to provide input to the Board of Commissioners, contactTownship Engineer David Gardner at 412.221.8700.



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TOWNSHIP EXPANDS LEAF RECYCLING PROGRAM The South Fayette Township Board of Commissioners has set dates for the community-wide leaf curbside collection program. Residents can place their leaves and other yard waste in biodegradable bags at curbside on November 13 and 20. All bags must be biodegradable, sealed tightly and weigh less than 25 lbs. Biodegradable bags are available for purchase at many local stores. Waste Management, the township’s waste haulers, will pick up leaves and recycle them at a nearby leaf recycling plant. This program is being offered at no additional cost to township residents. Also, the township is please to announce a new and expanded leaf recycling program initiative that includes a new leaf drop-off facility. Residents may drop off leaves in biodegradable bags at the center located at the Boys Home Park. This facility is open year-round. The township still encourages on-site composite piles and reminds residents that the burning of leaves is prohibited in all of Allegheny County. The township will also hold a spring leaf collection program in April 2011. Please contact the township for additional information-

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Many visitors to the Fairview Park may be asking what is the big green tower with lights on it. Well, the township entered into an agreement with Clearwire Communications for the leasing of a communications tower. The tower was constructed by Clearwire and will house a bank of the field lights for Field A. In addition, the township will receive lease payments of $1,500 per month for use of the tower. Proceeds from the lease will be used to expand the township parks and recreation system.

Leaf Drop Off Facility – Boys’ Home

Some of the hunters and volunteers from the ninth annual Disabled Sportsmen Deer Hunt ~ October 21, 22 & 23 A big thank you to all our sponsors: Collier Sportsman’s Club Coraopolis Sportsman’s Club Cuddy Sportsman’s Club E.R. Shaw Custom Barrels John Kosky Contracting Keystone PVA Gander Mountain Pepsi-Cola If you would like to volunteer for next year’s hunt, contact Jerry Males 412.221.8700 or

Reliable Sales

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South Fayette Township The Bridgeville/South Fayette Rotary Club presented a check of $10,000 to the Board of Commissioners to be used toward the construction of a large pavilion at Fairview Park. The township anticipates the pavilion will be open in the fall of 2011. The Rotary Club was able to raise these funds through their annual Chili Cook-Off.

TOWNSHIP PARK AND RIDE STARTING TO TAKE-OFF Beginning Sunday, September 5, Port Authority riders have had a new Park and Ride option in South Fayette Township. The new South Fayette Park and Ride is located at the former Star City Cinemas at the intersection of Hickory Grade and Millers Run roads. The lot offers 125 parking spaces and will be free to use. The new Park and Ride serves the following routes: 31 Bridgeville (formerly 31D and 31E): This route will operate seven days a week between downtown Pittsburgh and the Park and Ride via Millers Run Road, then along current 31D routing to downtown. G31 Bridgeville Flyer (formerly 33D and 33E): This route will operate on weekdays only between downtown Pittsburgh and the new South Fayette Park and Ride via Millers Run Road and Route 50 to Carothers Avenue, Main Street, and Mansfield Avenue to the West Busway. The new Park and Ride is the result of an agreement between Port Authority and South Fayette Township officials, including township commissioners and Township Manager Mike Hoy. “The new South Fayette Park and Ride is a prime example of how organizations can work together to benefit the community,” said Port Authority CEO Steve Bland. “We are deeply appreciative of their cooperation and commitment to improving public transportation in Allegheny County.” 8 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE

South Fayette



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Boys Home Trail – Non-Motorized Trail

Fairview Park Phase II


The South Fayette Township Parks and Recreation Department and the Township Board of Fairview Tennis Court Commissioners are pleased to announce the completion of several parks improvements. Through the efforts of the Public Works Department and the donation of materials from Allegheny County, the Township was able to complete approximately one mile of trail in the Boys’ Home Park. The new trail is suitable for walking, hiking and bike riding. The township will continue to extend the trail over the next few years. The trail is open for use by the general public. The township, in conjunction with the Charwest COG, was able to extend the existing paved walking trail in Fairview Park by almost 600 feet. The new section now provides for a completely paved walking trail around the entire perimeter of Field B at Fairview Park. The township also recently completed the rehabilitation of the tennis courts at Fairview Park. The courts were repaved and repainted. Finally, the township has made significant progress on the Fairview Phase II expansion project. This stage of the project was possible through the joint efforts of the township and the developers of the proposed Newbury Development. The township anticipates the New Fairview Park Trail completion of the project in the fall of 2011.


Over the past year, South Fayette Township Police, along with the four Township Fire Departments (Sturgeon, Oakridge, Fairview and Cuddy VFD’s), have been working closely with the Township Emergency Management, EMS, South Fayette School District Officials and Public Works to perfect our emergency response. During these discussions, we found that there we have a great need for an Emergency Response/Command Post vehicle that could be used and adapted to our needs at a critical incident. The township currently does not have any type that could be used for this purpose. Mobile Command Vehicles have become an integral part of responding to and the management of emergency incidents, largely because of their versatility. Mobile command vehicle use includes an unlimited number of situations where a complex operational response to an emergency or crisis situation is necessary. Some examples include: fire scenes, natural disasters, search-and-rescue missions, HAZMAT incidents, hostage/barricaded situations, crime scene investigations or even planned events (such as parades or demonstrations). They are used for providing the incident command team an adequate place to work, an assembly point (staging) for incoming resources, and a place to house essential resources needed by emergency service workers. The Mobile Command Vehicle will be particularly effective in

isolated areas where there may be limited or no accessibility to technical resources necessary for effective on-scene management of an incident or event. Faced with a lack of funding to purchase such a vehicle, the emergency service departments, along with township Commissioner Thomas Sray, together approached Representative Nick Kotik and Senator John Pippy for financial help to make the need a reality. Representative Kotik saw to it that a $25,000 grant was awarded for the purchase of a 2010 Ford E-350 van. Senator Pippy assisted in securing a $25,000 grant, which outfitted the vehicle to carry a variety of assorted emergency, communications and computer equipment. The addition of this highly specialized and equipped vehicle will aid in more efficient command and control of a situation and will be a self-sufficient emergency command post. The vehicle will be able to serve the community well into the future. South Fayette | Winter 2010 | 9



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South Fayette Township

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CHARITY FRAUD There are many charities that have very legitimate-sounding names or names very close to that of a well-known charity, that are nothing more than an organization of scam artists. They call with promises to help the needy, the poor, the hungry or others with your donation, but simply pocket the money instead.

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Look for the warning signs that may indicate a scam: You have to make your decision “to help” immediately, or that the people “urgently need your help.” The charity’s name sounds legitimate, but you still don’t recognize it. The charity can’t, or won’t, send you a brochure or donor form, or doesn’t have a Web site that you can visit. A door-to-door solicitor doesn’t have the proper permit. The solicitor tells you can only donate by giving him or her money. During a telemarketing call, you’re asked to give confidential information such as a bank account or credit card number. They call with promises to help the needy, but simply pocket the money instead.

SWEEPSTAKE FRAUD Every year, mailboxes are flooded with giveaways that include large gifts such as trips, jewelry and new cars. These solicitations state that in order to increase the odds of winning, or collect these seemingly lavish gifts, all you need to do is make a small payment.

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Look for the warning signs that may indicate a scam: You are notified that you’ve won a contest you didn’t enter. You are asked to pay shipping and handling fees, or a gift tax, in order to get your FREE prize. You are pressured to make an immediate decision or keep your “winnings” a secret from family and friends. A mailing is sent to you at the bulk mail postage rate, but is marked “urgent” or “priority mail.”

What you should do if you suspect a scam: Request written information from any sweepstakes or contest. Never call a 1-900 number to claim a prize. You are billed the cost of the call. Read the fine print. Very few consumers actually win a prize that is worth more than the cost to acquire it. 10 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE

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South Fayette

What you should do if you suspect a scam: Find out if a charity is legitimate, log on to Get a number where you can call after you have confirmed their legality. Check the number against your local telephone directory to verify it is authentic. Ask for a brochure or other written materials to be sent to you in the mail. Plan your yearly budget for charities and don’t go over it even if you get a high-pressure call.



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HOME REPAIR SCAMS If a person, who identifies themselves as a repair expert/ contractor, knocks on your door and tells you they noticed your home needs a repair, you could end-up the victim of shoddy workmanship for a job that didn’t need to be done at all.

TELEMARKETING FRAUD Telemarketers call every day with offers that sound too good to be true. In your excitement, you could be setting yourself up for a number of outrageous hidden fees and charges, especially if the telemarketer works for an unreputable company. Look for the warning signs that may indicate a scam: You’re asked to pay shipping and handling fees in order to get a FREE prize. You’re asked to give confidential information such as a bank account number, Social Security number, date of birth or credit card number. The call is before 8 a.m. or after 9 p.m.

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What you should do if you suspect a scam: Never give out confidential information over the phone to a person or company you do not know or do not have a previous relationship. Hang up. The longer a scam artist is allowed to talk, the more likely you may be to buy. Tell them to stop calling. If you do not wish future contact with a telemarketer, they are required by law to honor your request. If you suspect a scam, hang up. It’s the best way to protect yourself.

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Look for the warning signs that may indicate a scam: The “contractor” uses high-pressure sales tactics. A small repair suddenly becomes a big problem. There is pressure to make a decision immediately. The “contractor” is unwilling to provide an estimate or references. The “contractor” demands up-front payment for services.

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What you should do if you suspect a scam: If you feel threatened or intimidated by someone who as at your door, trust your instincts. Better to be rude than taken advantage of, or worse. Use a local, well-established contractor. Ask for references and check with other customers to find out if they were satisfied with the work performed. Get competitive bids on all work and be wary of any bid that seems too good to be true. Be extra cautious when opening your door to a stranger.

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INVESTMENT FRAUD Seniors lose millions each year in “get rich” schemes that promise high returns and low or no risk. Many of these scams are perpetrated by people posing as licensed investment professionals, estate planners, prepaid funeral consultants or salespeople with an “incredible business opportunity.” The only business many of these people are in is robbing seniors of their hard-earned retirement funds. Look for the warning signs that may indicate a scam: Many legitimate investment professionals will make “cold calls” to attract business. Be wary of calls that use high-pressure sales tactics or insist you invest today. Some may offer a free financial analysis or overview. They will ask for your bank account, Social Security or other private account numbers—never give them to someone you don’t know or trust. They will try to persuade you to send money right away, not giving you the chance to think things over or do some investigating on your own. Never give your account numbers to someone you don’t know or trust.

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What you should do if you suspect a scam: Never send money to anyone who you have only met over the phone—even if they have called several times and you feel like you know them. Don’t answer an e-mail, direct mail piece or television commercial without checking out the company first. Consider doing business locally, with people who you can meet face-to-face. You can verify customer references and sit-down with local businesses if there is a problem in the future. Take your time in making a decision about investments and consult with someone you can trust to collaborate on your investment decisions. Legitimate organizations will not solicit investments via e-mail. Always be cautious of e-mail solicitations.

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South Fayette Township

TRAVEL CLUB FRAUD Travel clubs are a popular way to “see the world.” Many travel clubs promise alluring trips to exotic locations which include first-class accommodations, seemingly unlimited amenities and rockbottom prices. While some deliver these things, others simply get the money and leave you stranded.

INTERNET SCAMS Seniors are one of the fastest growing groups of users of the World Wide Web today. Internet criminals use high tech scams, product offers or fear to deceive consumers into disclosing credit card numbers, bank account information, Social Security numbers, etc. Look for the warning signs that may indicate a scam: You receive an urgent e-mail telling you your account with a financial institution is in some type of jeopardy and needs your immediate response—including critical account or other numbers. You are sent an e-mail-only offer that sounds too good to be true and is only available by responding immediately. The Web site does not offer a secure connection when processing sensitive information such as your credit card number, address, etc. Never give your bank account, Social Security or other identifying information over the Internet. What you should do if you suspect a scam: If you sense a problem, call the institution sending the e-mail. Use a number other than one provided in the e-mail to verify if the message sent to you is legitimate. If you don’t recognize the sender’s name, delete the e-mail without reading it. Remember—legitimate institutions do not trust e-mail to deliver critical news about your account or financial status. Assume any solicitation e-mail is a scam until you can verify it. Never give any bank account, any Social Security numbers or other identifying information over the Internet. If you decide to make a purchase via the Internet, make sure you know the following before you buy: • Company from whom you are buying • Specific product you are buying, • Company’s shipping and handling charges, • Company’s return policy and their “privacy policy” regarding your purchase.

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12 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE

South Fayette

Look for the warning signs that may indicate a scam: Benefits sound too good to be true. The company has no permanent address and all presentations are held in rented conference rooms. They can’t, or won’t, provide you with references. They don’t want to give you an itemized list of what’s included in your trip until you have already signed the contract.

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What you should do if you suspect a scam: Don’t sign any contract during the travel presentation. They are high-pressure events intended to stir the emotions of an exotic vacation. Contact a respected travel agent in town, give them the specifics of the trip, and ask if that seems consistent with industry pricing. Shop around. Compare your trip with other travel packages being offered to seniors.

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FOREIGN LOTTERY SCAMS Scam operators are using the telephone and direct mail to entice U.S. consumers to buy chances in high-stakes foreign lotteries from as far away as Canada, Australia and Europe. In addition, lottery hustlers use victims’ bank account numbers to make unauthorized withdrawals or their credit card numbers to run up additional charges. Be careful! If you purchase a foreign lottery ticket, respond to an e-mail, or answer a telephone call, your name will be placed on “sucker lists” that fraudulent telemarketers buy and sell so expect more bogus offers for lottery or investment “opportunities.” Look for the warning signs that may indicate a scam: If you hear these—or similar— “lines” from a telephone salesperson, just say “no thank you,” and hang up the phone. • “You’ve won big money in a foreign lottery.” • “You must send money right away.” • “You have to make up your mind right away.” • “You don’t need to check our company with anyone”— including your family, lawyer, accountant, local Better Business Bureau, or consumer protection agency. • “We’ll just put the shipping and handling charges on your credit card.”

What you should do if you suspect a scam: Ignore all mail and phone solicitations for foreign lottery promotions. If you receive what looks like lottery material from a foreign country, give it to your local postmaster. Don’t give out your credit card and bank account numbers. Just hang-up!

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REDUCE JUNK MAIL OR UNWANTED TELEMARKETING CALLS Americans receive over two million tons of junk mail each year. If you feel that you (or someone you love) may be an unwitting victim of unwanted mail or telemarketing calls, you can do something about it. What you should do: You can eliminate a vast majority of unwanted junk mail and telemarketing calls for up to five years by registering at the Federal Trade Commission’s “Do Not Call” Web site at: Or, you can call 1.888.382.1222 or write the following organizations:

Mail Preference Service Direct Marketing Association P.O. Box 9008 Farmingdale, NY 11735 Telephone Preference Service Direct Marketing Association P.O. Box 9014 Farmingdale, NY 11735


Each time you receive a call from a person or entity, you must request that they not call you again.


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Everyone, regardless of age, sex, education level, financial situation or where they live, is a potential victim—including seniors. Don’t be afraid to hang up—it’s okay to be rude. Seniors may be targeted more because they are perceived by scam artists to have more free time and tend to be alone more. Educate yourself and talk to others. These are the most effective ways to prevent scams. There will never be a solution to eliminate scam artists—they are constantly changing their methods to keep from getting caught. Don’t be afraid to ask a neighbor, family member, friend, banker, or trusted advisor if you have doubts about an offer or business. Call law enforcement immediately if you think you have been victimized. Never accept the help of someone who calls you and offers to help recover the losses in a scam “for a small fee.” Odds are it’s the same scam artist coming back for more. Protect your personal information by shredding the following: Receipts Credit card statements. Copies of credit applications. Insurance forms. Physicians’ statements. Bank checks and statements. Expired charge cards. Credit cards and other offers of credit. Mailing labels from magazines. Any other item that might have account numbers, customer numbers or membership numbers.

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South Fayette School District

3680 Old Oakdale Road McDonald, Pennsylvania 15057 Phone 412.221.4542 Fax 724.693.0490

Dear South Fayette Township Community Members,

Dr. Bille P. Rondinelli

The South Fayette Township School District is honored and humbled to announce that our South Fayette Elementary School was recognized on September 9, 2010 as one of 304, 2010 National Blue Ribbon Schools by U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan. “Our nation has a responsibility to help all children realize their full potential,” Duncan said. “Schools honored with the Blue Ribbon Schools award are committed to achievement and to ensuring that students learn and succeed. Their work reflects the conviction that every child has promise and must receive a quality education.” The schools – 254 public and 50 private – will be honored at an awards ceremony on November 15-16 in Washington, D.C. Principal Laurie Gray and elementary teacher Jayne Miley will formally accept the award. Gray said, “It is a goal we worked very hard to achieve and a dream come true.” The award honors public and private elementary, middle and high schools whose students achieve at very high levels or have made significant progress and helped close gaps in achievement especially among disadvantaged and minority students. South Fayette Township Elementary School is being recognized as an elementary school whose students achieve at high levels. The Blue Ribbon Schools Program sets a standard of excellence for all schools striving for the highest level of achievement. Each year since 1982, the U.S. Department of Education has sought out schools where students attain and maintain high academic goals, including those that beat the odds.

performance on state assessments or in the case of private schools that score at the highest performance level on tests referenced by national norms in at least the most recent year tested. 2) Schools with at least 40 percent of their students from disadvantaged backgrounds that improve student performance to high levels as measured by the school’s performance on state assessments or nationallynormed tests. “Re-Imagine the Future” is the District’s theme and goal statement for this year. At one time, it was only imagined that the National Blue Ribbon Award would be realized. Attaining the National Blue Ribbon Schools award and recognition is a realization of a long-held dream by the staff and administration at South Fayette Elementary School. The attainment of this award would not have been possible without the support of the Board of School Directors, Leadership Team, PTA, parents, students, and support of community members. Academic excellence, defined by rigor and achievement, is now articulated K-12 and acknowledged through the Blue Ribbon Award secured by the South Fayette Middle School (2006), the Newsweek’s America’s Best High School Award (2010), and now the South Fayette Elementary Award (2010). We celebrate and honor the excellence as the District continues to ReImagine the Future. The elementary school will receive a plaque and flag/banner to signify its National Blue Ribbon School status at the November ceremony. A celebration to honor academic excellence with the students will occur after the November 16 awards ceremony.

The Blue Ribbon Schools Program honors public and private schools based on one of two criteria: 1) Schools whose students, regardless of backgrounds, are high performing. These are schools ranked among the state’s highest performing schools as measured by their


14 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE

South Fayette

Dr. Bille P. Rondinelli Superintendent of Schools



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Congratulations to Josh Patterson and Ashton Seward, South Fayette’s 2010 Homecoming King and Queen!

Social Studies Teacher Selected as the State’s Senior High School Student Government Advisor of the Year


The South Fayette School District will be hosting a Transition Night on Thursday, December 2, 2010 from 6:30 pm until 9 pm in the South Fayette High School Theater.

This event will be open to students and parents of those students receiving special education and/or Chapter 15/Section 504 Services: 8th through 12th grade.

Felix J. Yerace, South Fayette High School social studies teacher, was selected as the State's Senior High School Student Government Advisor of the Year at a recent PASC Conference held at the University of Scranton. PASC (Pa. Association of Student Councils) sponsors the award. Mr. Yerace was earlier this year selected as Advisor of the Year for District 3 which encompasses all public and private middle and high schools in Allegheny County, including the City of Pittsburgh. Mr. Yerace has a Bachelor's degree in History and Political Science from the University of Pittsburgh and a Master of Education degree from Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania. He is currently enrolled at the H. John Heinz III College of Carnegie Mellon University to obtain his Master of Public Management degree and K-12 Principal's Certification. He is President of the Board of Directors for Global Solutions Education Fund/Pittsburgh and is a member of Phi Delta Kappa-Three Rivers Chapter and the Kappa Delta Pi Education Honor Society. At South Fayette High School he teaches AP US and Comparative Government and Politics, Honors and regular American Cultures, and Leadership Studies and has been the student government advisor for the last six years. As advisor, he has guided the students on many projects and innovative programs, such as Homecoming Carnival, weekend trip to Washington, DC for juniors, Student Leadership Recognition Program, 8th grade move-up day, Holiday Food drive, hosting PASC conferences, and voter registration drives. Student members of SFHS student government have attended PASC conferences since 2006 and several have also successfully presented workshops at various PASC Conferences, HOBY Conferences, and I-Lead with Integrity Conferences. He is now Pennsylvania's nominee for the National Student Government Advisor of the Year award which will be presented in St. Louis at the National Student Government Conference in June 2011.

Keynote Speaker to include: Dave Carson, author of: “Survival Guide for College-Bound LD Students” Representatives from Goodwill and Project Search, Chartiers Activities Program, Allegheny County Department of Human Services, Airport Corridor Transportation Authority, Job Corps, Parkway West Career and Technical Center, AHEDD (a specialized human resources organization) and MORE!!!! CHILD CARE AND REFRESHMENTS WILL BE PROVIDED!

Please RSVP to Mrs. Conchetta Bell, school psychologist/transition coordinator for the South Fayette School District by November 30th, 2010. 412-221-4542, ext 404 or

(l-r) South Fayette High School Student Government members Hannah Drake, Jessica Stickel, Abby Bastaroli and Shannon Holley were present when Felix J. Yerace was presented with the State Student Government Advisor of the Year Award. South Fayette | Winter 2010 | 15



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South Fayette School District Community Learning Nights

South Fayette School District held their first Middle School Community Learning Night on September 23rd. More than twenty families attended. Community Learning Nights bring parents, community members, and students together to experience project-based learning. The events were born out of an idea of a group of Middle School teachers who were looking for a solution to positively impact student learning. By bringing parents and students together to learn, these teachers felt that not only could they learn together, but also, from each other. Furthermore, because of learning extensions that are put on the Middle School website under the CLN logo, parents and students can continue their learning at home by doing fun-filled learning projects. The projects that families complete together at CLN range across all of the disciplines of learning. On this night, the activity involved Social Studies, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. Parents and students had to build a futuristic transportation vehicle that would transport passengers across a

suspended guideway powered only by a balloon. While some found it tough at first, everyone was successful by the end of the night. The CLN committee plans to hold its second Community Learning Night on November 18th from 6:30 to 8:30 in the Middle School foodcourt. Walk-ins are welcome, although it is suggested that interested families should RSVP with the number of students and adults to Any questions may also be directed to any member of the committee by phoning the Middle School at 412.221.4542 and entering the following extentions: Frank Kruth, Technology Education – ext.630 Marie Ford, Mathematics – ext. 565 Jennifer Leapline, Science/Social Studies – ext. 705 Scott Litwinovich, Science – ext. 560 Scott Philipp, Social Studies – ext 510 Matt Popovic, Math/Science – ext. 610 Elizabeth Windisch, Social Studies – ext. 579

S out h Fa ye t te S c ho ol D is t ri c t P a r t ne r s w i t h U P M C ’ s D i g ni t y a n d Re s p e c t C a m p a i g n

South Fayette School District is an active member of UPMC’s Dignity and Respect Campaign through their Center for Inclusion in Healthcare. The mission of the campaign is to raise awareness and designed to join individuals, community leaders, community organizations, educational institutions, businesses, and corporations under the common notion that everyone deserves dignity and respect. What started in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania as a local community effort, has now become a national initiative dedicated to driving inclusion and promoting campaign launch efforts in every major city in the U.S. The purpose of the Dignity & Respect Campaign is to: • Promote behaviors that represent dignity and respect of self and of others. • Encourage every major city to launch a Dignity & Respect Campaign. • Drive inclusion through community collaboration, multicultural awareness, and service. • Reinforce and compliment existing organizational and community inclusion efforts. • Share best practices related to national inclusion awareness campaigns and initiatives. • Provide tools, resources, and solutions to build unity and raise multicultural awareness. South Fayette School District is proud to have been a part of this campaign from its inception in 2008 and continues to be actively involved within the College Prep Sub Committee. This committee provides information to all school districts in the region with resources for career and post secondary pathways. It also provides resources for children and parents through regional youth initiatives and programs. To learn more about this campaign and to spread the word go to 16 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE

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South Fayette High School teams with Catalyst Connection’s Adventures in Technology and All-Clad for a third year. South Fayette Technology Consultants are once again working on a real time solutions based project with All-Clad Metals Corporation. This will be the third year in a row for the student consultants to work with engineers and managers from the company. This year’s team under the direction of Mr. Garlick includes Apurva Shinde, Chris and Nick Guyan, Dylan Kerney, Eric Myers, Grace Klimek, Jonathan Bernhardt, Jonathan and Anthony Walasik, Paul Wakim, Robert Stewart, Ryan Eberle, Ryan Long, Zach Fisher and returning as advisors from the 2009-2010 team is Dan Leger, Jonathan Albert, Nick Miller, Richie Klimek, Roger Antkowiak, Jessica Barton and Joe Leja. The team met at the All-Clad factory in Canonsburg on September 15th with the company team led by Bill Groll, Vice President of Research and

Leadership Award The Leadership Award will be presented to the person(s) with a clear vision of the mission of and a proven ability to help lead to the fruition of that mission. Examples of this type of leadership would include, but not limited to, enthusiastic promotion of existing programs, willingness to approach development of new programs/features with an open mind, mentorship, willingness to share knowledge and use of, and a passion to be part of the success of

Nomination for Blended Schools Leadership Award: Kim Sahady

The entire team in front of the All-Clad Corporate Office Building Students tour production facility in All-Clad Plant Students meet with All-Clad team for a briefing

Development. The students toured the facility and were able to witness first -hand the entire manufacturing process of the top of the line All-Clad cookware.

Kim Sahady has a rare gift. She possesses the ability to empower teachers and to instill the confidence needed to be successful in achieving their vision. Kim leads with a purpose and is guided by her passion for learning and for helping others succeed. Kim’s influence can be seen throughout the entire district of South Fayette, through her leadership and dedication in developing a community of teachers participating in Blendedschools online learning environment. Rarely is it possible to trace one person’s influence; however it is clear to see that Kim, through her passion and tireless efforts, has transformed the South Fayette School District from a traditional learning environment to one that embraces the use of emerging technologies and online opportunities, to address diverse learning styles; creating an environment in which all students can be successful.

The students came away from the experience with a new found respect for the field of manufacturing and also realizing a connection between their South Fayette academic experience and how it relates to the real world. The team will have 10 weeks to work on the solutions and present their findings to the entire management staff of the company in mid December. This partnership with Catalyst Connections, Adventures in Technology and All-Clad has become an annual event and one that continues to grow, as more students realize the benefit of applying their classroom knowledge to the real world of engineering, marketing and economics. For more information, please contact Maureen Pedzwater at 724-693-3047 or via email at South Fayette | Winter 2010 | 17



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Varsity Sports Schedules

BOYS/GIRLS SWIMMING & DIVING Thursday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Monday Thursday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday

Dec. 16 Dec. 21 Dec. 29 Dec. 30 Jan. 10 Jan. 13 Jan. 20 Jan. 25 Jan. 27 Feb. 3 Feb. 10 Feb. 17

*Shady Side Academy *Chartiers Valley West Allegheny Diving Invitational West Allegheny Swimming Invitational *Canon McMillan Cornell Bishop Canevin *Peters Township Northgate Carlynton Montour West Allegheny (Senior Recognition)

Time 6:00 6:00 TBA TBA 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00

Home Home Away Away Away Away Home Home Away Home Away Home

Bus --------TBA TBA 4:30 4:30 --------4:30 ----4:30 -----

Dism. -------------------------------------

*Non-Section Meet Head Coach: Matt Tucker / Assistant Coach: Stephanie Reinweld / Diving Coach: Christopher Rebholz Trainer: Robert McCabe, Jr.


Nov. 27 Dec. 4

Monday Tuesday Friday Monday Wednesday Thursday Thursday Friday Tuesday Thursday Monday Thursday Saturday Monday Thursday Monday Thursday Monday Thursday Monday

Dec. 13 Dec. 14 Dec. 17 Dec. 20 Dec. 22 Dec. 30 Jan. 6 Jan. 7 Jan. 11 Jan. 13 Jan. 17 Jan. 20 Jan. 22 Jan. 24 Jan. 27 Jan. 31 Feb. 3 Feb. 7 Feb. 10 Feb. 14

*Keystone Oaks (Scrimmage) *Bethel Park/Greensburg Salem (Scrimmage) (@ Bethel Park) *Moon Basketball Tip-Off Tournament *Moon Basketball Tip-Off Tournament *Washington *South Park *Vincentian *Bishop Canevin Trinity *North Hills Chartiers Valley McGuffey West Allegheny Montour *Serra Catholic *Seton LaSalle Trinity Chartiers Valley McGuffey West Allegheny (Senior Recognition) Montour *Avonworth

Away Away

Time 10 AM 10 AM

Bus 9 AM 9 AM

Dism. ---------

Away Away Home Home Home Home Home Home Away Home Away Home Away Away Away Home Away Home Away Away

TBA TBA 6:00 6:00 6:00 2:00 6:00 6:00 4:30 6:00 6:00 6:00 1:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00

TBA TBA ------------------------3:30 ----5:00 ----11:15 a.m. 4:45 4:45 ----4:30 ----4:45 4:30


*Non-Section Games Head Coach: Matt Bacco / Assistant Coach: Colleen Hough / Volunteer Coach: Steve Maiolo Trainer: Robert McCabe, Jr.

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BOYS VARSITY & JUNIOR VARSITY BASKETBALL Saturday Tuesday Monday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday Tuesday Wednesday Friday Tuesday Saturday Tuesday Friday Tuesday Friday Sunday Tuesday Friday Friday Monday

Nov. 27 Dec. 7 Dec. 13 Dec. 14 Dec. 21 Dec. 28 Dec. 29 Jan. 4 Jan. 5 Jan. 7 Jan. 11 Jan. 15 Jan. 18 Jan. 21 Jan. 25 Jan. 28 Jan. 30 Feb. 1 Feb. 4 Feb. 11 Feb. 14

*Moon (Scrimmage) *Vincentian (Scrimmage) *Fort Cherry *North Catholic Trinity *C.J. Betters Tourn. (@ CCBC Beaver Dome) *C.J. Betters Tourn. (@ CCBC Beaver Dome) Waynesburg McGuffey Washington Ringgold *Shady Side Academy Montour McGuffey Trinity Waynesburg *Shaler (@ Robert Morris University) Washington Ringgold Montour (Senior Recognition) *Chartiers Valley

Home Home Home Home Away Away Away Home Home Away Home Home Away Away Home Away Away Home Away Home Home

Time 1:00 4:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 TBA TBA 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 2:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 TBA 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00

Bus ----------------4:45 TBA TBA --------4:45 --------4:45 4:30 ----4:30 TBA ----4:30 ---------

Dism. ----------------------------------------------------------------

*Non-Section Games – J.V. Games Played First. Head Coach: Rich Bonnaure / Assistant Coaches: Dwayne Canton, Richard Zewe, Mark Keener Trainer: Robert McCabe, Jr.

BOYS 7TH & 8TH GRADE JV/VARSITY BASKETBALL Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday Friday Monday Wednesday Tuesday Friday Monday Wednesday Friday Monday Wednesday

Dec. 14 Dec. 16 Dec. 21 Jan. 4 Jan. 5 Jan. 7 Jan. 10 Jan. 12 Jan. 18 Jan. 21 Jan. 24 Jan. 26 Jan. 28 Jan. 31 Feb. 2

Cornell (Scrimmage) Montour Moon Quaker Valley Hopewell West Allegheny Ambridge Brentwood Montour Hopewell Moon Quaker Valley West Allegheny Ambridge Burgettstown

Home Home Away Away Away Home Home Away Away Home Home Home Away Away Home

Time 3:30 3:30 3:30 4:00 3:30 3:30 3:30 3:30 3:30 3:30 3:30 3:30 3:30 3:30 3:30

Bus --------2:30 2:45 2:15 --------2:00 2:30 ------------2:30 2:15 -----

Dism. --------2:15 2:30 2:00 --------1:45 2:15 ------------2:15 2:00 -----

*Non-Conference Games – 7th Grade Games Played First. – All South Fayette Home Games Played At South Fayette Middle School. Head 8th Grade (Var.) Coach: Alex Hobbs / Head 7th Grade (J.V.) Coach: Joe DiDonato Jr. / Trainer: Robert McCabe, Jr. South Fayette | Winter 2010 | 19



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Varsity Sports Schedules


Dec. Dec.



Wednesday Friday Wednesday Wednesday Thursday Wednesday Wednesday Friday

Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Jan. Jan. Jan.



Wednesday Saturday Saturday

Jan. Jan. Feb.



4 Chartiers Valley Mega-Scrimmage 10 *Eastern Area Invitational Tournament (@ Gateway High School) 11 *Eastern Area Invitational Tournament (@ Gateway High School) 15 Fort Cherry 17 *Yough 22 Burgettstown 29 *Southmoreland Holiday Tournament 30 *Southmoreland Holiday Tournament 5 South Park 12 Carlynton 14 *Allegheny County Tournament (@ Fox Chapel High School) 15 *Allegheny County Tournament (@ Fox Chapel High School) 19 Chartiers Houston (Senior Recognition) 29 Chartiers Valley Dual Tournament 5 William Jenkins Memorial Duals (@ Uniontown HS) 9 *Avella

Away Away

Time 9 AM TBA

Bus 8:15 AM TBA

Dism. ---TBA





Away Home Home Away Away Away Away Away

7:30 7:00 7:00 TBA TBA 7:30 7:00 TBA

4:45 --------TBA TBA 4:45 5:00 TBA






Home Away Away

7:00 TBA TBA







Head Coach: Michael Ladick / Assistant Coach: Richard Pattinato Trainer: Robert McCabe, Jr.

MIDDLE SCHOOL / JUNIOR HIGH WRESTLING Saturday Wednesday Saturday Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday Thursday Monday Wednesday Saturday Wednesday Friday Saturday Thursday Wednesday Friday Saturday

Nov. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb.

27 15 18 21 22 5 6 10 12 15 19 21 22 27 9 11 12

Chartiers Valley (Mega-Scrimmage) Fort Cherry *Montour Duals *Mt. Lebanon Burgettstown South Park *Moon *Canon McMillan Carlynton *Blackhawk Tournament Chartiers Houston South Side Beaver Wrestling Classic South Side Beaver Wrestling Classic *Upper St. Clair *Avella *Waynesburg Tournament *Waynesburg Tournament

*Non-Section Matches Head Coach: Robert Reasey / Assistant Coach: Michael Nale Trainer: Robert McCabe, Jr. 20 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE

South Fayette

Away Away Away Home Home Away Away Away Away Away Home Away Away Home Away Away Away

Time 9 AM 6:00 TBA 4:00 6:00 6:00 3:30 4:00 6:00 TBA 6:00 TBA TBA 4:00 5:30 TBA TBA

Bus 8:15 AM TBA TBA --------4:45 2:15 2:45 5:00 TBA ----TBA TBA ----4:00 TBA TBA

Dism. ------------------------2:00 2:30 ------------TBA ------------TBA TBA



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Sportsmanship: Think Before you Act By Christian Brumbaugh, Nick Faraci, and Nicole Hilton “Think before you act” is one of the most well known sayings anywhere. This saying is important in all aspects of society; however, it is especially important in athletics. As an athlete, this can save you from a red card or a fifteen-yard penalty. As a coach, you can be removed from your position and thrown out on the game. As a fan, you can lose your privileges of attending a sporting event if bad sportsmanship is exhibited. Overall, it is clear that sportsmanship in sports is essential, and athletes, coaches, and fans must show it. The most obvious type of sportsmanship is that shown by the athletes. Helping other players up and shaking hands show typical forms of sportsmanship. Not “talking trash” is a prime example of being a good sport. We talked to a premier three-sport athlete at South Fayette, Josh Patterson, about the way he shows great sportsmanship. He said, “An athlete should always respect referees, coaches, spectators, and other athletes; this respect should continue even if others may not respect you.” South Fayette athletes always remember to keep ideal sportsmanship, as shown by our nomination for the WPIAL Sportsmanship Award. Some of the best athletes in the world show great signs of sportsmanship and South Fayette tries to instill that message. We have captains meetings where we talk with the administration, referees, and other captains about good sportsmanship and the proper ways to enforce it. Not only do athletes portray great sportsmanship, so do coaches. Coaches are the role models for all high school athletes, which is why it is vital that they show good sportsmanship. The main way coaches show sportsmanship is by enforcing it on their own teams. Other ways they show this are by shaking hands with opposing coaches and treating the officials appropriately, even if they do not agree with the calls. As South Fayette head football coach Joe Rossi always says, “do the right things.” This quote can apply to many things, but sportsmanship is the prime message behind it. He tells his players to play the game the right way and not worry about what the other teams do. This idea also applies to the spectators of the game. Fans play a major role in

sports. In basketball, they are considered the sixth man, and in football the twelfth. Ways they maintain this are by cheering for their own team and not belittling apposing players or referees. An excellent example of this is South Fayette student, Sean Hart. At football games, you might recognize him in his green man suit in the front row of the student section. He says that, “You have to have respect for your opponents and have a loving passion for your team. You should always show respect for opposing fans and referees, although you might not agree with what either of them say.” South Fayette fans are the epitome of sportsmanship and hopefully can strive to be better because of these rules that they follow. Athletes, coaches, and spectators all obviously play an important role in sportsmanship. As a community, South Fayette is a prime example of a township that exemplifies proper sportsmanship. As John Winthrop said, “We shall be a city upon a hill.” South Fayette is at the top of its class but can always improve. There can never be too much good sportsmanship. That is where we propose the challenge for the community of South Fayette to become the “city upon a hill” and strive for perfection in the form of great sportsmanship.

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a F y e h t te Hig t u o S h

School’s Lit

M n e e r G e tl

What a show! South Fayette High School hosted their annual band festival on a beautiful evening in October. Fans enjoyed a great performance by our own Little Green Machine Marching Band and seven visiting high school marching bands – Brentwood, Fort Cherry, Franklin Regional, North Hills, Peters Township, Schenley and South Allegheny. These bands sure know how to please a crowd with terrific music, formations and routines!

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d F n e a stival B e n i h c a en M

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South Fayette Police Officer Plays Traditional Irish Bagpipe Music, Earns National Achievement

“The Midnight Piper” 24 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE



outh Fayette Police Officer Chuck Handerhan is of Irish descent, but it was a trip to the Boston St. Patrick’s Day parade that introduced him to the beauty and history of bagpiping. Years later, he’s the first Pennsylvania piper to be name the “Midnight Piper” by the National Law Enforcement Officer’s Memorial Fund (NLEOMF) in Washington, D.C. The Midnight Piper is a special designation by the NLEOMF, and is a bagpiper charged with playing a tribute to fallen heroes at the memorial annually. The memorial has more than 18,661 names, representing officers who have fallen in the line of duty. The original Midnight Piper, Jimmy O’Connell, passed away in early January. “I was nominated by Rich Desmond, Camden County Police Emerald Society Pipes and Drums and past president of the National Police Emerald Society. The vote was cast at the National Police Emerald Society’s meeting in New Jersey this past spring,” Handerhan said. “I was humbled and honored and thrilled. I could never replace Jimmy, but did my best to pipe in his honor. Being nominated and chosen as the Midnight Piper is the greatest honor among police pipers.” For his vigil, Handerhan played “Flowers of the Forest,” “Going Home,” and “Drummers Lost,” a tune written in memory of NYPD Officer Stephen Driscoll, who perished in the World Trade Center attacks on September 11, and received a posthumous Medal of Honor. As to whether he will be the permanent Midnight Piper or not is something that Handerhan thinks should be given great consideration.

South Fayette

“Pipe Major, Chris Jackson, Metro DC Police Pipes and Drums, has asked me if I would consider being the permanent piper. But I think the honor should be shared with other police pipers around the nation,” Handerhan said. “Next year, I would like to see the honor go to an NYPD Emerald Society piper or Port Authority New York/New Jersey Police band piper. It is the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 tragedy. These men have lost friends and family members and other band members like Det. Sgt. Stephen Driscoll, a member of the NYPD Emerald Society Honor Guard. I have had the privilege of playing alongside these men and would gladly step aside. I am proud to call them friends. They were also the first police officers to contact me in April of 2009, during the Pittsburgh Police funerals for Eric Kelly, Stephen Mayhle and Paul Sciullo. They stepped up and assisted us pipe our fallen brothers home.” Kelly, Mayhle and Sciullo were slain April 4, 2009, in a Stanton Heights shootout with accused cop killer Richard Poplawski, who currently is awaiting trial, which is slated for April 2011. Prosecutors are seeking the death penalty in the case. Handerhan was a City of Pittsburgh police officer when he first took up the bagpipes, and a retired colleague of his who worked the West End played bagpipes. Handerhan sought him out, became friends with and eventually learned the art of playing bagpipes from him. “I went to the Boston St. Patrick’s Day parade with some friends of mine a few years back, and we met up with some officers up there who played Irish music and talked to them about it. When we came back to Pittsburgh, a group of us got



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together in Carnegie to start a band, and it was up and running,” Handerhan said. “I never played it before in my life until I came back from Boston. It’s basically set up similar to a recorder. It’s only nine notes, but there’s a constant flow of air, and you can’t change that flow of air. Anyone can learn the scales and open notes, but to play it properly, it takes a little more time to master all of the flourishes and nuances.” Handerhan said modern bagpipes have an advantage over vintage ones in that the air bladders are a synthetic blend of nylon and leather that don’t need annual seasoning to keep up. “What you need to do, basically, is keep the seals tight and waxed,” he said. “The modern pipes are relatively simple to maintain.” Today, the Pittsburgh Police Emerald Society Pipes & Drums play police events statewide, and are available for weddings, parties and events. Members recently played at the Pittsburgh Irish Festival in early September as well. “We play a lot. We play all police funerals in the state of Pennsylvania, all police academy graduations and ceremonies,” Handerhan said. “Every year, we play in Washington, D.C. for Police Week. We play at the annual police memorial service in Eighty Four. Basically, any police memorial or event, we’re there.” The band plays traditional Irish music in military police attire – LAPD blue, long sleeve shirts with patches, with kilts. For more information, or to book the band for an event, go to

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n cardi exercises-



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Keeping the Most Important Muscle Fit


hen it comes to exercise, it’s hard to break through the hype and advertising ploys for the newest and best cardio machine or workout. However, the best cardio workout depends on engaging the heart through a multitude of levels and workloads, said Dan Griffin, general manager of Oxford Athletic Club. Griffin, who is certified by the American College of Sports Medicine, said people are becoming more educated when it comes to their cardio workout. “People understand you do not have to do long, slow distance exercises, to be in the fat-burning zone. The studies are showing now that low-intensity heart maintenance levels are just as efficient for calorie burn. Middle heart rates – the

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“It’s all about keeping kind of exercises where you can talk to your neighbor, but can’t recite the Gettysburg Address – those work well also,” Griffin said. “The higher heart levels have a whole different physiological response and work on different parts of your body. Some who do a little bit of exercise in all three ranges lose weight quicker, and it doesn’t take more time. You take those 30-40 minutes you usually dedicate to your workout and break it up.” Griffin said there are new workout machines that take advantage of that data to help athletes meet those various heart ranges. “There always are machines that are the ‘hot machines.’ In the ‘80s and ‘90s, it was the stepper, and now it’s treadmills, ellipticals, and multi-angular training. With a treadmill, you’re in one plane, moving forward. With multi-angular and multi-plane machines you’re moving forward, and you’re also going left, right, forward and back,” Griffin said. “Another hot machine right now is the ArcTrainer, which is a cross between a stepper and an elliptical. With step training, few people can last long enough to make that work right, so the ArcTrainer is a favorite among tennis players and other athletes who come in.” In addition to specialized cardio machines, Griffin said circuit training still gives people a great workout. “Circuit training is still alive and well. We have trainers who take people through workouts that are as demanding as can be,” he said. “Unless you need bulk and heavy lifting, there’s a lot to be said for this functional training where you’re pushing sandbags and working out without stopping between sets. I’ve done it, and have gotten my heart rate from 130 up to 170, and it stays within that range within the whole half hour. The key though, is to do it in a circuit fashion. That way, you don’t have to stop between exercising.” Griffin said that because circuit training focuses on different muscle groups, the workouts typically are faster to get through. “Muscularly, you don’t need the rest because you’re working a different muscle group each time,” he said. “ Cardio-wise, you may have to wait 30 seconds or so between sets, but you can definitely be fit by doing that.”

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“...the best cardio workout depends on engaging the heart through a multitude of levels and workloads...”

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W I N T E R 2 0 1 0 -1 1

Health and Wellness News You Can Use

Here’s to a Happy, Healthy Winter If winter isn’t your favorite season, look inside for some great ways to keep your health and spirits intact.

What’s Inside

© 2010 UPMC

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Falls Are No Laughing Matter

page 3

The Difference a Number Can Make New UPMC Rehab Institute President

page 4

Be Happy and Healthy this Winter Are You Sad? Understanding Seasonal Affective Disorder

page 5

New Hope for Pancreatic Cancer Patients

page 6

When Kids Get Hurt, We’re Ready

page 7

UPMC Offers Expanded Imaging Services in South Hills



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Falls Are No Laughing Matter Here’s how you can help avoid them at any age Prat falls on TV sitcoms may make us chuckle, but in real life, they’re deadly serious. Falls are the leading injury-related reason people go to the emergency room. Each year, more than a million Americans suffer a slip, trip, or fall injury, resulting in more than 17,000 deaths. Falls don’t have to be an inevitable part of life. There are many proactive strategies you can take to prevent them from happening to you and others. “Have you ever noticed that athletes tend to be injured late in a game? That’s because they’re tired, distracted, or rushed,” says Gary P. Chimes, MD, PhD, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, UPMC Mercy South Side Outpatient Center. “These same conditions are often at play during a fall. You may blame a fall on a slippery sidewalk or unstable chair, when the real underlying cause is entirely different. Knowing what causes a fall is key to addressing the problem.” Your “personal safety margin” diminishes when factors such as age, fatigue, body weakness, and chronic illness are added to the equation.

“Falls often point to other underlying health issues. That’s why it’s so important to be aware of what your body is telling you,” says Dr. Chimes.

Treating a Fall

Exercise: Exercises that promote strength, balance, and body coordination are especially important to prevent falls. Dr. Chimes recommends the martial art of tai chi, especially for older adults.

“If you’ve taken a fall and suspect a serious injury, such as a broken bone, severe cut, or concussion, seek immediate medical attention,” advises Lisa R. Blackrick, MD, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at UPMC Mercy. The Level I Trauma Center at UPMC Mercy is specially equipped to evaluate and treat serious and complex injuries.

See your doctor regularly: Schedule annual physical and eye examinations to uncover underlying medical problems that could lead to falls. Notify your doctor if you feel unstable or experience problems like dizziness due to medications.

For less serious injuries such as a sprain or pulled muscle, follow the RICE procedure, she says: rest, ice, compression, and elevation. “If your pain worsens or does not diminish within two or three days, you should contact your family doctor for what to do next.”

Check your surroundings: Clutter-proof your home, especially steps. Make sure carpets and handrails are secure. Use a non-skid mat in your bath. If you have small children, use safety locks on windows and be sure cribs, infant swings, and other equipment are placed securely. Older children should always wear protective gear when biking, skiing, or skating.

After a fall, many people — especially seniors — fear that it will happen again. “The good news is that there are many things that can be done to minimize the reoccurrence of falls, including physical therapy and exercise, medication adjustments, and lifestyle changes,” says Dr. Blackrick. “The important thing is to maintain a dialogue with your health care provider.”

Three things you can do to avoid falls

To learn more about fall-related injury treatment options at UPMC Mercy, call 412-232-7865.

Quick Facts About Falls • Children under the age of five and seniors over the age of 70 have the greatest fall rates.

• Among older adults, more than two-thirds of those who fall are likely to fall again within six months.


• The most severe falls among children are linked to baby walkers, windows, and play equipment. Source: U.S. Centers for Disease Control



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The Difference See a Number Can Make how your numbers stack up for See how your numbers stack up for peace of mind — or a wake-up call peace of mind — or a wake-up call! Many numbers are part of your daily life, from your cell phone to your ATM code. But do you know the numbers that are critical to your physical health? Here are the three top numbers you should remember and monitor regularly:

120/80: Optimum blood pressure There’s a reason high blood pressure (hypertension) is known as the “silent killer.” You can have it for years and never know it. As it damages the walls of your arteries, it also can wreak havoc on your heart, kidneys, and brain. High blood pressure can lead to a heart attack, kidney failure, or stroke. When you have high blood pressure, the pressure of blood within the arteries — which carry blood from the heart throughout the body — is persistently elevated. Optimal blood pressure in an adult is under 120/80. The range for prehypertension is 120 to 139/80 to 89. High blood pressure is any reading of 140/90 or higher.

99: Blood sugar level It’s a good idea to have your blood sugar checked. High blood sugar — diabetes — can lead to a host of other medical problems if left unchecked, including vision and circulatory problems. Your optimal blood sugar level should be 99 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL) of blood or less. A count of 100 to 125 mg/dL is a pre-diabetes wake-up call; a level of 126 mg/dL or higher indicates diabetes.

200: Optimum cholesterol Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance made by the liver — and not all forms of it are bad. Sometimes, our bodies create too much cholesterol, which then circulates through the blood stream. To check your cholesterol levels, your doctor will ask you to fast before having blood work drawn. Your test results will show the amount of cholesterol in your blood.

It’s the bad, arteryclogging cholesterol (LDL) that puts you at risk, so shoot for an LDL of under 130 mg/dL. Conversely, the higher your good cholesterol (HDL) the better, because it helps remove harmful LDL from your arteries. An HDL of 50 mg/dL or higher is ideal. You should aim for a total cholesterol number (HDL + LDL) under 200 mg/dL. A count of 200 to 239 is considered borderline, while levels of 240 and above double your risk of coronary heart disease. For more information about important lifesaving numbers like body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, grip strength, and thyroid level, visit Sources: American Heart Association, American Diabetes Association

New UPMC Rehab Institute President Her position as the president of the UPMC Rehabilitation Institute may be new, but Margaret (Peg) Reidy, MD, is a seasoned UPMC veteran. A physical medicine and rehabilitation physician, she began her career as a resident at the Hospitals of the University Heath Center of Pittsburgh (now UPMC). Today, as president of the UPMC Rehabilitation Institute, Dr. Reidy oversees western Pennsylvania’s largest provider of inpatient rehabilitation services.

Margaret (Peg) Reidy, MD

The UPMC Rehabilitation Institute offers accredited, specialized care for patients after illness and injury, including stroke, spinal cord injury, brain injury, amputation, and multiple traumatic injuries. Services are provided in seven acute care hospitals throughout the area: UPMC Mercy, UPMC Horizon, UPMC McKeesport, UPMC Montefiore, UPMC Northwest, UPMC Passavant, and UPMC St. Margaret.

During her career, Dr Reidy has seen dramatic changes in the way physicians deliver rehabilitation services. She describes the UPMC Rehabilitation Institute as a “very different kind of institute”. Since inpatient rehabilitation services are provided at seven locations, patients can remain close to home and under the care of their physician. “Having world-class care in their own neighborhood benefits patients and their families,” she adds. As Americans live longer and healthier lives, the demand for quality, convenient inpatient rehabilitation services will continue to increase. “Baby boomers are expected to regain functional ability, whether they are recovering from surgeries or injuries, or coping with chronic illnesses,” says Dr. Reidy. “We are committed to helping them get back to a full life.” For more information on the UPMC Rehabilitation Institute, visit





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Health Tips from UPMC Health Plan

Be Happy and Healthy This Winter Is your favorite winter activity staying indoors under a warm blanket in front of the television with a bag of snacks in hand? You’re not alone. Getting through the cold weather with your health and spirits intact is difficult but not impossible. Follow these suggestions for a happier, healthier winter.

Fight the flu Cold and flu season is fast approaching. Here are some ways to avoid the sniffles. • Washing your hands for 15 seconds using soap and warm water is your best defense against germs. If soap and water aren’t available, use an alcohol-based antibacterial product. • Getting a flu shot can reduce your risk of infection by 90 percent. If you don’t like needles, a nasal spray vaccine is available. • Eating plenty of fresh fruits and veggies, getting plenty of sleep, and reducing stress will help boost your immune system.

Winterize your skin As the weather turns colder, the dry air causes itchy, dry skin. To keep skin more comfortable during the winter months: • Switch to oil-based moisturizers with a minimum SPF of 30 for your face and body, and use them frequently. • Protect your hands from the elements with a heavy-duty hand cream, and always wear gloves outdoors. • Lips need extra protection, too. A moisturizing lip balm with vitamin E will help prevent chapping. • Use a humidifier to add moisture to the air in your home.

Banish the winter blahs with exercise Don’t pack your exercise gear away with your summer clothes. Staying active during the winter months can lift your mood, help your immune system, and keep you from gaining weight. Be sure to talk with your doctor before beginning an exercise program. • Walk indoors at a local mall. Need extra motivation? Join a walking group. • Check out an exercise video at your local library or borrow one from a friend. • With proper planning, walking outdoors in winter can be fun and exhilarating. Walk during daylight hours, dress appropriately, and wear skid-resistant shoes.


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Are You Sad?


Understanding Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

If the darker, shorter days of winter really get you down, you may be suffering from seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a type of depression that begins in the fall and gets better in the spring. “Seasonal affective disorder is directly related to a decrease in sunlight during the winter months,” says Edward S. Friedman, MD, a psychiatrist at the Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic of UPMC. The lack of sunlight disrupts the body’s internal clock, which can lead to feelings of depression. In addition to seasonal onset, SAD sufferers experience what Dr. Friedman describes as a kind of hibernation. “They stay indoors, conserve energy, eat more, and sleep more,” he explains. Those behaviors can distinguish SAD from other types of depression. And individuals who already suffer from clinical depression may feel worse in the fall. If you are diagnosed with SAD and your symptoms are severe enough to affect your daily life, your doctor may recommend antidepressant medications, light therapy, or psychotherapy. While it’s normal for anyone to have a down day occasionally, don’t brush off those feelings. “Anyone with symptoms of depression that last more than two weeks should see their doctor,” advises Dr. Friedman.

Did You Know? • People with SAD are more likely to have a blood relative with the condition. • More women than men are diagnosed with SAD. • Exercise can help boost your mood, and relieve stress and anxiety.





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Innovation at UPMC

New Hope for Pancreatic Cancer Patients Robotic technology revolutionizing Whipple surgery When Coy Smith* found out he had pancreatic cancer and needed a Whipple procedure, he started getting his affairs in order. He even considered going without surgery. “It occurred to me that I might not come back home,” says Mr. Smith. Although he left most of the worrying up to his wife, a licensed practical nurse, he knew enough to realize the surgery would not be a simple task. Whipple surgery — one of the most complex surgeries performed — involves the removal of the head of the pancreas, gallbladder, bile duct, part of the stomach, and small intestine. But the 58-year-old Altoona-area resident was lucky. He was one of the first patients at UPMC Cancer Centers to undergo a non-invasive version of the Whipple procedure using state-of-the-art robotic technology. He was operated on in October 2009 by the surgical team of A. James Moser, MD, and Herbert J. Zeh, MD — co-directors of the Pancreatic Specialty Care Center and two of just a handful of surgeons worldwide who perform the Whipple procedure using robotic surgical technology. Mr. Smith woke up in recovery and immediately began joking with the nurses. After a week’s stay in the hospital, Mr. Smith began six months of chemotherapy. One year later, he is cancer-free. “I’m healthy and very fortunate,” Mr. Smith says. * Mr. Smith’s treatment and results may not be representative of similar cases.

“This is pioneering technology — the first major innovation in pancreas surgery in more than 100 years — and UPMC is considered among the world’s leaders,” says Dr. Moser.

Potential Benefits of the Robotic Whipple Procedure • smaller incisions • minimal scarring • reduced blood loss and need for transfusion • less pain • shorter hospital stays • faster recovery time and start of treatment

Precise robotic technology Surgeons use the da Vinci® Si Surgical System, a robotic surgical device that allows them to operate through a series of small incisions (including one to accommodate a miniature camera) with greater dexterity and range of motion, plus a magnified threedimensional view of organs on a large, high-definition screen. Instead of the “chopsticks” used in laparoscopy, robotic surgery equipment allows for more natural movements, including wrist function, explains Dr. Zeh. “It has a 360-degree range of motion, which has much more freedom of movement than your own hand,” says Dr. Zeh. “You can get into places where your hand can’t go.” The robotic technology enhances the surgeon’s ability to see detail and manipulate anatomical parts with great precision. Like conventional laparoscopic surgery, robotic surgery is minimally invasive.

Patients benefit The two surgeons have published papers on the robotic Whipple procedure and have spoken at conferences around the world. They are now compiling data on patient outcomes.

While it is not yet clear whether this approach produces better surgical outcomes, both surgeons say it is clear that patients may benefit in many ways, including less pain, reduced recovery time, minimal scarring, and reduced need for blood transfusions. That means patients can begin chemotherapy sooner. “We are pleased to be able to offer this new technology,” Dr. Zeh says. “The data shows that as a whole, patients who undergo the robotic-assisted Whipple procedure do as well as patients who have the traditional open surgery.” Perhaps the biggest benefit is reducing fear in patients. According to Dr. Moser, as many as one half of all pancreatic cancer patients choose not to have surgery to remove their tumor because they are afraid of a large incision and the long recovery time associated with traditional surgery. “We hope that by minimizing the trauma of surgery we can get more people to select this treatment and continue on with chemotherapy,” Dr. Moser says. “Not everyone with pancreatic cancer is doomed. This procedure is giving patients hope.” For more information about the robotic Whipple procedure or any of UPMC's pancreatic cancer treatments, call 1-888-623-PANC (7262).





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When Kids Get Hurt, We’re Ready Children’s Express Care Centers open in Pittsburgh’s North and South Hills It never fails. Just as you settle in for a relaxed evening or weekend, your child suddenly develops a painful earache or takes a nasty tumble and breaks an arm. Thankfully, parents in the North Hills and South Hills now have convenient “after hours” access to the pediatric specialty care found at Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC. The new Children’s Express Care Centers in Wexford and Bethel Park offer expert care for minor injuries and illnesses. “All we do is take care of kids — that’s our specialty. That’s important because kids are different from adults. Their illnesses and injuries are different and their medicines and treatments are different,” says Raymond D. Pitetti, MD, medical director of Children’s Express Care.

Urgent care just for children Some pediatric health concerns are urgent but not life threatening. Those are exactly the types of cases that the Children’s Express Care Centers are designed to handle, says Dr. Pitetti. The Express Care Centers provide exclusively pediatric-focused treatment in offices that are specially designed for children. Staffed by pediatricians, emergency medicine physicians, physician’s assistants, and nurses who are specifically trained to care for kids, the Centers operate evenings and weekends when pediatricians’ offices are closed. “The entire experience is geared toward kids — from the size of the equipment, to the medications and staff, and even the décor. We also know how to interact with kids and their parents to make them feel at ease,” Dr. Pitetti says.

After-hours service, convenient locations The new centers in the North Hills and South Hills — Children’s North in Wexford and Children’s South in Bethel Park — are open 5 to 9 p.m. Monday through Friday and noon to 8 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays. No appointments are necessary, and walk-ins are welcome. Parking is free. A third location will open in the Monroeville/Murrysville area next spring.


Children’s Express Care Centers Can Help The pediatric specialists at the centers can treat a wide range of illnesses or injuries in children and teens, including: • animal bites • bronchitis, pneumonia, and asthma attacks • colds, fevers, flu, and other viral illnesses • cuts, bumps, lacerations, abrasions, and splinters • ear, throat, and sinus infections • incisions and abscess drainage • nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and dehydration • rashes, poison ivy, and allergic reactions • simple fractures, twists, sprains, strains, and dislocations • splinting • cyst removal The Express Care Centers also offer on-site x-ray services, EKGs, blood tests, urine and throat cultures, and urinalysis.

If necessary, children with more serious conditions will be fast-tracked to the Emergency Department at Children’s Hospital, or referred to pediatric specialists. If follow-up care is needed, children will be referred back to their own pediatricians along with a report on their visit to the Express Care Center.

Children’s Express Care Wexford Children’s North 2599 Wexford Bayne Road Sewickley, PA 15143 Phone: 724-933-3644 Monday through Friday: 5 to 9 p.m. Weekends: Noon to 8 p.m. No appointments needed. Walk-ins welcome. Children’s Express Care Bethel Park Children’s South 1300 Oxford Drive Bethel Park, PA 15102 Phone: 412-692-3145 Monday through Friday: 5 to 9 p.m. Weekends: Noon to 8 p.m. No appointments needed. Walk-ins welcome.

Benefits of the Express Care Centers include: • access to treatment when your primary care physician is not available • quality pediatric care for non-life threatening illnesses and injuries for children and teens • convenient locations • free parking • no appointments needed • referrals for further evaluation and treatment • access to lab tests and diagnostic imaging



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UPMC Offers Expanded Imaging Services in South Hills UPMC Imaging Services of South Hills, located just off Route 19 in Bethel Park, has become a convenient choice for area residents. With MRI and more breast imaging services now available, the South Hills center is even better prepared to provide for your imaging needs. UPMC Imaging Services of South Hills offers the following services on-site: Radiology • MRI • general x-ray Magee-Womens Imaging Services • digital mammography • ultrasound • DXA bone density testing UPMC Cardiovascular Institute • nuclear medicine • echocardiography • peripheral ultrasound • vascular studies

“We recently added MRI, digital mammography, and on-site breast biopsy, to give South Hills residents more services right in their neighborhood,” says Lori Collins, director of imaging services at UPMC Mercy. “With our advanced, state-of-the-art technology, our staff can provide fast, high quality images,” she adds. Imaging services, especially for children, are now available at the new Children’s Express Care center, located in the same building as UPMC Imaging Services of South Hills. “When a child needs an x-ray, it’s reassuring for parents that it can be done nearby instead of driving to another location,” adds Ms. Collins. (Read more about the Children’s Express Care Center and its hours of operation on page 6.) UPMC Imaging Services of South Hills participates in most insurance plans. The center also offers comfortable and private waiting rooms and testing areas, as well as free parking and valet service.

UPMC Imaging Services of South Hills 1300 Oxford Drive Bethel Park, PA 15102 Radiology Services (x-ray and MRI) Phone: 412-851-8740 Hours for x-rays Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, 8 a.m. to noon. Same-day appointments available. Hours for MRI Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m to 4 p.m. Same-day appointments available.

Magee-Womens Imaging Services Phone: 412-833-9000 Hours Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday, 7:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. Tuesday and Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.

UPMC Cardiovascular Institute Phone: 412-347-3240 Hours Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.

For more information about all imaging services at UPMC, visit





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UPMC Mercy 1400 Locust St. Pittsburgh, PA 15219

UPMC Today is published quarterly to provide you with health and wellness information and classes and events available at UPMC. This publication is for informational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice or replace a physician’s medical assessment. Always consult first with your physician about anything related to your personal health.

Follow UPMC on Facebook.

Time to Take Care of You Holidays are for celebrating all of the things that make life special. Don’t let a major illness, injury, or even a sore throat keep you from enjoying them. UPMC Mercy physicians’ offices are open and conveniently located near you. Our physicians are accepting new patients, and in most cases even offer same-day appointments. Just call 1-800-533-UPMC (8762) or visit, and we’ll get you an appointment with one of our doctors. It doesn’t matter why you need us; it matters that we’re here if you do.



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Orthopedic & Sports Physical Therapy With a Manual Therapy Approach

Scott D. Schafer, PT, MSPT 100% Attentive, Personalized & Professional Care by a Licensed Physical Therapist Call or stop by for an appointment. Convenient hours available including early morning & late evening.

412-257-0314 Portman Country Commons Plaza 3249 Washington Pike, Suite 1102 Bridgeville (South Fayette Twp) Accepting Most Health, Motor Vehicle, and Workers' Comp Insurance

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Good Tidings for the Greatest Generation

Older Adults in South Fayette A

Tax Planning for The New Year by Jamie Ward

mericans filing federal returns can expect year-end tax planning to be a bit more complicated this time around because we don't know what the tax rates will be for 2011 just yet. The current rates, known as the Bush tax cuts from 2001, are due to expire on Dec 31st of this year. So when the new rates get passed, taxpayers won't have a whole lot of time to plan. Jeff Marzina, executive vice president at Bill Few Associates says that the best plan of action here is to be prepared. “For this year I think its very important that people be paying attention to what happens in the political spectrum in terms of tax rates for the new year and to make sure you have your advisers lined up so when rates are set, you don’t wait.” Each year, an individual is allowed to give a financial gift of up to $13,000 to any or as many individuals as they want to without being subject to a gift tax. If you give beyond this, you must fill out a gift tax return, which goes against the unified credit amount that they are allowed to give at their death. Which right now is not determined. So you could give gifts of up to $13,000 to 15 grandchildren and not pay a tax on it. According to the IRS, You can't deduct the value of gifts on your income tax return unless 38 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE

they are left to a charitable organization. Federal estate taxes may have been repealed for 2010 but are set to return on January 1, 2011, and will tax up to 55% on estates valued at more than $1 million. In 2009 the rate only imposed a 45% tax on estates in excess of $3.5 million, and all assets got a “step-up” in basis when someone died. This meant that no tax would have to be paid on appreciated assets like stock and real estate. But under new laws all assets inherited may be subject to the capital gains tax. If the current administration's proposal to allow rates to expire and return to 2009's rate, the “step-up” in basis will return. Another proposal is to have most of the current brackets stay but raise tax rates of the highest bracket, and taxes on dividends and capital gains jump from 15% to 20%. The Republican proposal is to extend current tax rates for a period of 2 years and cap dividends and capital gains at 15%. Marzina says that the question many people are asking is, if you have assets that have significant capital gains built in, should you accelerate taxes and sell those assets in 2010 to ensure 15% tax rate? Instead of waiting for 2011 and having the rate jump to 20%. The problem here is that taxpayers wont have a lot of time to make these decisions.

South Fayette

According to Marzina, if the new tax laws are in place by Dec 1st, there will only be a 30 day window to make any decisions this year, so the

best thing to do is make those decisions as quickly as possible. “Death and Taxes are certain, and we certainly want to live longer and pay less in taxes. Taking advantage of presumably lower capital gains rates in 2010 as well as shifting IRA funds to a Roth by the end of this year will undoubtedly benefit some”, Says Phil Henry of Henry Wealth Management, “ As always, a client should ensure he/she is getting sound financial, tax and estate planning advice, and that the advisors work in concert”.


How to Prevent Injury this Winter




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by Jamie Ward

ith the winter months approaching, it’s time to put away the golf clubs and short sleeve shirts and break out the

jackets. It’s also time to start thinking about safety. According to the National Institute of Health, more than 1 in 3 Americans over the age of 65 slips and falls each year. It’s the number one cause of injury related deaths. So with snow and ice just around the corner (and if moving to Florida is out of the question), it’s a good idea to review some tips on keeping yourself safe this winter: • Buy shoes with a non-skid sole or with good traction to get a better grip with the ground. Leather and plastic-soled shoes have the worst traction in winter weather. • Check for icy railings and avoid icy and uncleared sidewalks and walkways. • Take your time to map out the best route to get wherever you are going, and don’t hesitate to ask for assistance when you feel you may need it. • If you have to walk over an icy surface, bending your knees

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Senior Agencies Chabad of the South Hills 1701 McFarland Road Pittsburgh, PA 15216 412.341.1494

ACCESS 65 Plus and ACCESS ADA Program 412.562.5353 or TDD 1.800.654.5984 Transportation For ACCESS is door-to-door, Older Adults There are several agencies advance reservation, shared-ride transportation that offer free or reduced rate transportation services provided throughout Port Authority’s service area. to individuals who qualify. It serves primarily senior citizens and persons with Medical Assistance disabilities. There are no Transportation Program restrictions on the purpose (MATP) or number of trips which 1.888.547.6287 may be taken by riders, Provides non-emergency except that riders are medical transportation to required to share their residents of Allegheny vehicle with others County who have a valid traveling in the same Pennsylvania Department direction and at the of Public Welfare Medical same time. Assistance Card.

and taking slower steps can reduce the risk of falling.

And as always, safety begins at home. Make sure the areas around your home are salted and cleared. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention suggests using rock salt or another chemical de-icing compound. If needed, ask a family member or neighbor to help you.

participating transportation providers. Call 412.442.2000 for the location nearest to you.

Older Persons Transportation Transportation for medical appointments, grocery shopping, senior center activities and other needs throughout Allegheny County is available to adults 60 years of age and older who live in Allegheny County. Call SeniorLine at 412.350.5460

Free Bus Pass for Senior Citizens The Port Authority allows Allegheny County residents, 65 years of age and older, to ride free on local public transportation (buses, trolleys and rapidtransit lines). Participants must obtain identification cards, which are available free of charge, from

Are you a nonprofit Senior Center serving the needs of our community’s older adults? We would be happy to post your contact information. Contact Marybeth@incommunity with your center’s name and phone number.

South Fayette | Winter 2010 | 39



be fo re

Straighter Teeth in Six Months 11/12/10

9:24 AM

hen people hear that someone is getting braces, immediately images of “metal mouth” come to mind. This treatment is most commonly associated with teenagers and at one time may have led to embarrassment and insecurity. However, today braces are so widely accepted during the school-age years that children are sometimes eager to begin orthodontic treatment. It is refreshing to see this shift in acceptance among teenagers. What about the adults who have crooked, crowded, uneven, or spaced smiles? There are adults who may have missed the opportunity to straighten their teeth when they were younger and are now looking at their options. The workplace can be as unforgiving as high schools once were. However, this shouldn’t limit adults from the opportunity to have a straighter, more attractive smile. There are currently a few options for adults to have their teeth straightened.

Six Month Smiles Short Term Cosmetic Braces Six Month Smiles is a new, short term, affordable option to straighten your teeth. This is a great option for adults!

Benefits of Six Month Smiles Cosmetic Braces • Tooth colored brackets • Tooth colored wires • Little discomfort • Quick treatment times (5-8 months) • Cost effective (less than invisalign and traditional braces) • Tooth whitening is included! • Multiple financing options • Less chance of cavities with faster treatment



180 Fort Couch Road, Suite 200 Pittsburgh, PA 15241

Advanced Dental Solutions of Pittsburgh


Daniel L . R air ig h, DDS

the dentistwith the artist’s touch


w w 40 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE

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The traditional method of metal braces and wires over a treatment time of a couple years is still a great option for a straigher smile. For some patients’ teeth this may be the only real option. Many people do, however, fall into a category that can benefit from Invisalign or “Short Term Orthodontics.” Almost everyone has heard of Invisalign, and it is a great treatment option for patients with mild crowding and moderate spacing. However, there are limitations in tooth movement for more severe cases. Short Term Orthodontics can provide an alternative to traditional braces and Invisalign. All three options have their benefits and limitations that should be explored before making a decision. 6 Month Smiles is a cosmetic short-term orthodontic option that uses clear brackets and tooth-colored wires. The average treatment time is six months. The technique works by focusing treatment on the patient’s primary concern. The faster treatment times are accomplished by treating only the teeth you see when you smile, not by increasing the forces on the teeth. 6 Month Smiles does not make major changes to the alignment of the back teeth as traditional braces can. Fortunately, most adults’ primary cosmetic concerns do not involve the back teeth. The treatment comfort is comparable to traditional braces. With 6 Month Smiles, your smile can be straighter and more symmetrical in 5 -8 months. Whitening is also included with treatment. Another benefit of 6 Month Smiles is that it is typically a more economical choice due to shorter treatment times and lower cost. 6 Month Smiles is not a replacement for traditional braces, but rather an alternative that can provide a more symmetrical and pleasing smile for adults who are not interested in the time, costs, or cosmetics of traditional braces. Children are still best treated by traditional comprehensive orthodontics, but it is nice for adults to have one more option for a straighter smile. Dr. Rairigh is a certified Invisalign and 6 Month Smiles provider. Learn more at or This INdustry INsight was written by Dr. Daniel Rairigh. Dr. Daniel Rairigh practices at Advanced Dental Solutions of Pittsburgh on Fort Couch Road. He received his degree from West Virginia University School of Dentistry. Dr. Rairigh is a member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry and the Academy of General Dentistry. He is a certified Invisalign provider and is certified in MDI placement. Dr. Rairigh is also an accomplished artist who has won numerous awards for his artwork. You can learn more about Dr. Rairigh or send him an email if you have article suggestions at



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Academically Speaking what’s going on at

Our Lady of Grace School

A Foundation in Gospel Values, Service to the Community, and Academic Excellence. 1734 Bower Hill Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15243 • 412.279.6611

Mark Your Calendar: January 24, 2011: Kindergarten Experience Day 2011 for families interested in kindergarten for the fall. January 30, 2011: Open House 1-3 p.m. for anyone interested in enrolling in pre-school or k-8. February 17, 2011: Registration Evening 7p.m. Students learn about explorers during social studies using an interactive whiteboard.

Snack time enjoyed in the “Castle Room.”

March 3, 2011: Registration Evening 7p.m. Tours: Thursday at 9:30 a.m. or by appointment Students in computer lab practice Excel spreadsheets.

Pre-school learns about pumpkins and how we grow.

5th graders learn firsthand how whales stay warm in cold water.

8th graders learn and construct molecules in the school’s science lab.

Students enjoy games of basketball and other instructional games during bi-weekly physical education classes in OLG’s full-size gym. First graders give thanks to God before snack time. South Fayette | Winter 2010 | 41



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an SUV full of ski equipment and a 40-minute drive to find some slopes, Iyouupmay want to look into the fast-paced and enjoyable sport of platform tennis. f you’re looking for something to do this winter that doesn’t require loading

Played outdoors on aluminum courts, platform tennis is a growing recreational choice for thousands of Americans each year. Once found only in country club settings, the American Platform Tennis Association has made great strides through the years to make the sport more accessible for the masses through public outreach and by setting up a grant program for local clubs to make improvements to existing facilities or to build new ones. The sport is similar to tennis in that there’s a court and a net, but that’s where the similarities end. Courts are fenced in and shots may be played off the fence. League play is designed for all ages and skill sets, so that everyone can enjoy the fun. Spectators gather with players between sets in small, indoor settings called “paddle huts,” which range in size from trailers to stand-alone buildings. Racquets are similar to those used in racquetball, with holes drilled through them for aerodynamic advantage. Balls are made from a rubber-based material with a surface that keeps them from skidding off the court. While the sport is played in the dead of winter, most courts have heating systems beneath them that keep them clear and free of snow and ice. Additional maintenance usually is provided by club staff or dedicated volunteers. If you ask any platform tennis player what the appeal of the sport is for them, you almost always get the response that the sport is genuinely fun, and camaraderie and new friendships are forged in the paddle huts. For more information about platform tennis, check out the APTA website at, or the Western Pennsylvania Platform Tennis Association’s website a: PLATFORM TENNIS COURTS VENUE


Mt. Lebanon Twp


Valleybrook Country Club


St. Clair Country Club


Upper St. Clair Twp


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Control Holiday Stress with Exercise! Yphysician ou will always be advised to consult your before beginning any exercise program. You will hear it from your personal trainer; you will see it at the beginning of any exercise video. However, I think you should consult your physician before beginning any NON-EXERCISE program. It’s probably more appropriate to consult your doctor if you lead a life that includes very little physical activity. People who don’t exercise are more prone to disease than an active individual, and perhaps a lot more stressed. Stress is the number one cause of illness. It has been proven over and over that exercise can help control stress are entering an extra stressful time of the year—the holidays. There are many ways that exercise controls stress. Exercise can make you feel less anxious. In fact, it is being prescribed by health professionals to help treat nervous tension. Following a workout, clinicians have measured a decrease in electrical activity of tensed muscles. People are less jittery and anxious. Exercising can also relax you. One exercise session generates 90 to 120 minutes of relaxation response – known as “post-exercise euphoria or endorphin response.” Exercise makes you feel better about yourself. A little feeling of self-worth goes a long way and contributes to stress relief. When you exercise regularly, you tend to be more conscious of the food you eat. This is really helpful during the holidays with so many temptations of unhealthy foods. Good nutrition helps the body manage stress better.

The stress and anxiety you experience may bring you down and make you feel depressed. You may reach for things that you think will make you feel good, like food, alcohol, sleep or drugs. These things will make you feel worse not better. It is more important, now than ever that you really take care of yourself. There is nothing wrong with a little indulgence, but just remember how much better you will feel if you indulge in something that is good for you – like exercise. This isn’t the time to set crazy exercise goals. Simply squeeze in a few workouts each week. This may keep you from having to consult your physician for anything. It has been said that if exercise were a pill used for preventative medicine, it would be the most powerful medication known to humans.

Purchase three months of personal training and receive one month FREE! Hurry! Offer Ends 1/31/2011 Call today for details!

Did you know that you can achieve your fitness goals 40% faster when working with a personal trainer?

Regardless of how overwhelmed you feel – remember to take your exercise pill. Cope with the stress, keep exercising, and have a healthy and happy holiday season!

“Living a healthy lifestyle will only deprive you of poor health, lethargy, and fat.” Jill Johnson

Yes, the holiday season is upon us and many of us will begin to feel crazed. How will you manage to fit exercise into your crazy schedule? It’s actually quite simple. Just keep telling yourself how exercise affects stress. Remember that the therapeutic benefits of regular physical activity are without rival. The positive mood states associated with frequent exercise are just what you need to carry you through. This INdustry INsight was written by Lisa Troyer. Lisa has been in the fitness industry for more than 17 years and is the owner of Fitness Fanatics in the Great Southern Shopping Center. She currently holds four nationally recognized fitness and personal training certifications and can be reached at 412.220.4190, ext. 3 or at Check out for more great fitness tips.

412-220-4190 w w w. f i t n e s s f a n a t i c s i n c . c o m


Great Southern Shopping Center 1155 Washington Pike | Bridgeville ................... PREMIER PERSONAL TRAINING FACILITY CLUB MEMBERSHIP • GROUP EXERCISE SPINNING • PILATES South Fayette | Winter 2010 | 43



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Winter Slow You Down –

Winterizing Your Car Can Keep You Rolling Despite the Conditions A lot of people think that getting ready for winter simply means an annual furnace check, turning off and draining outside faucets, and some shrink wrap over their windows. However, if you don’t winterize your vehicle, you may be stuck in that comfy living room waiting for a ride to come pick you up.


interizing your vehicle isn’t nearly as hard as it may sound. In fact, thanks to the moderate climate of western Pennsylvania, and the expediency of our regional public works professionals, there’s little if anything for us to do to prep our cars for winter weather – but there are some things that are just good sense. • Consider changing to thinner oil for the winter. The regular oil you use in the summer can get thicker in the cold of winter, leading to longer start-up times until your engine is properly lubricated. If you aren’t the type who changes your oil on your own, ask your local mechanic about changing viscosity for the winter months. • Check the basics! If you don’t do anything else, make sure you cover the basics: make sure your windshield wiper fluid is full with a fluid that won’t freeze in low temperatures, and carry an extra gallon in the trunk. When the Pittsburgh slush flies, it’s easy to go through a full container of wiper fluid. Make sure your tires are inflated properly and that you have enough tread on them. A rule of thumb for minimal thread is to stick a penny in your treads with Lincoln’s head down. If the rubber doesn’t meet his hairline, your tread’s too low. Some people switch to snow tires for the winter, which is never a bad idea. Make sure your spare is inflated properly and that you have a roadside assistance kit. Emergency blankets can easily fit in glove boxes, as do flashlights, ice scrapers and extra gloves. • If you don’t have jumper cables, get some! Most car batteries lose charge due to cold temperature. Carrying jumpers not only increases the chances that you’ll find a good Samaritan to jump a charge off of, you can also be the good Samaritan who helps others who may be in distress. Winter driving poses a multitude of challenges, but if you cover these basics, you’ll eliminate a good bit of them. However, you can’t eliminate bad driving. So be alert and keep an eye out for others on the road this time of year.

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Resolve to Keep Your

Resolutions This Year


efore the last notes of “Auld Lang Syne” fade and the last mouth horn goes silent, chances are you’ll be suckered into making another New Year’s Resolution that will also fade as fast.

Whether it’s to get fit, stop a habit, travel more, or reduce stress, experts say that while it takes time to develop a habit or behavior, the expectation of changing that developed habit over night are basically unrealistic. Studies have shown that little over 10 percent of those engaging in New Year’s resolutions actually follow through with their goals. Success in achieving those goals stems from taking baby steps, or realistic approaches to achievement. Denise Hardt, owner of Anytime Fitness at Robinson Towne Center, said burnout is a major factor in people not following through with their workout routines. “Everyone should start a workout program in moderation,” Hardt said. “Control your motivation and enthusiasm so you don’t burnout after only a few weeks of exercise, and incorporate minor modifications into your workout every four weeks. Overhaul you’re entire workout program every two to three months.” Hardt also said that figuring out where cardio exercise belongs in their routine also is

“Studies have shown that little over 10 percent of those engaging in New Year’s resolutions actually follow through with their goals.”

a factor that can help them to avoid burnout. “Most people think that starting out with cardio is good because it helps to warm up muscles before weight training. Other people feel starting out with cardio may cause too much fatigue, which could lower your workout intensity and make lifting with proper form more difficult,” she said. “Truthfully, there is no right or wrong answer. Different people will need to rotate their routine differently. The best advice is to pay attention to your fitness goals. If you are focused a bit more on endurance try to do your cardio first when you’ll have the most energy. On the other hand, if your goal is to pack on muscle mass

work the weights first before cardio.” Pursuing a healthier lifestyle is always a good idea, and while many people make it their New Year’s resolution to get back in shape, experts agree that any health program should be focused on progressive, attainable and realistic goals. However, it’s also a great idea not to overindulge during the holidays in the first place. Gaining 10 pounds after partying for a month, grazing cookies at the office and having extra desserts at grandma’s, is a lot easier than doing 30 minutes at the gym everyday for two weeks to negate those calories. While it’s a cliché, moderation is still the key to a balanced lifestyle, and you’ll be doing yourself a favor bypassing that cookie tray or second glass of wine in the first place.

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s p o t l i g h t

John Edward Color and Design – Release your Inner Beauty


ohn Edward Gamble, owner of the newly renovated John Edward Color and Design on Washington Avenue says, "releasing the inner beauty in dull, drab hair has always been my passion." Speaking of the hair color he specializes in for his clients at his full service hair and nail salon, he added, "Nothing enhances a client's appearance and personal style more than a rich new hair color." John Edward Color and Design is a Matrix Salon, and specializes in Matrix color. In 2006, John was certified as a Matrix C.R.A.F.T. Color Master after testing at the Matrix Global Academy in New York City, and is only one of 150 color masters in the United States. “I started using Matrix hair color in 1981 right out of cosmetology school. They continue to strive to improve their products, which allows me to be creative and consistent,” John Edward said. We also carry a full line of Matrix styling products to allow our clients to replicate their styles at home." John believes that to be a successful business, you must have a twofold approach, beginning with relationships. "We have been blessed to have known many wonderful people over 29 years. Businesses are recognizing in today’s economy that service is paramount, but the truth is, service has always been the key. If your concern for your client is genuine, they will sense it." he said. Nurturing comes naturally for John. In 1993, in a quest for self improvement, he went back to college and became a registered nurse. The second aspect of success is quality service provided consistently. "Many of my clients have been with me for decades and they trust that

Winter New Client Specials ••• • • • • • • • any • $20.00 ••••• • • • • • • off ••••• • • •&• Color • •Cut ••••••• • • • •Service ••••••••••• ••• • • • •or•Cecilia • • Vivian •with ••••••••••• ••• • •any • • • •off • •$5.00 •••••• • • • Service • •Nail ••••••••••• •••••• ••••• ••••••••••• ••••••••••• ••••••••• • • • • • John •••• • • • • • • • • • • Edward •• • • Design • • • • • •& • • • • Color New Clients only • Valid until 12/31/10

429 Washington Avenue, Suite 5 • Bridgeville, PA 15017-2350 412.221.2466 • – a career growth company – – employment opportunities available –

••••••••••••••••••••••• 46 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE

South Fayette

they will be pleased with every visit," he said. John began his career as an assistant for his mentor, Rodney Shrum, learning valuable lessons he continues to use today. He received his license in 1981, but attends education seminars regularly, the most recent being in Naples, Florida, with nationally-known colorist Beth Minardi. John's predictions for fall and winter are fuller hair with more waves and luxurious, warmer shades with rich, golden highlights. “This season transforming our guests with semi permanent glazes creating multidimensional shades in hair that’s turned dull,” John said. You can find John Edward Color and Design on the same property as Northwest Saving Bank, on the corner of Washington Avenue and Bower Hill Road, in the heart of Bridgeville. In the same location for 22 years, John Edward Color and Design offers plenty of free parking, and clients can be dropped off at the door. It has just undergone a complete renovation, and colorizing with a decor that's a relaxing mix of brown and amber with light wood flooring. John Edward Color and Design is a fullservice hair, nail, and waxing salon. The staff is friendly and professional with many years of experience. The nail studio, waxing studio, and pedicure rooms are elegant and private. Visit us at or call for appointments at 412.221.2466.





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WORSHIP Vatican Splendors: A Journey Through Faith and Art

Ahavath Achim Congregation . . . . . . . 412.279.1566 All Saints Episcopal Church . . . . . . . . . 412.835.7330 All Saints Polish National Catholic Church . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412.276.9677

The Heinz History Center is one of only three venues in North America to host Vatican Splendors: A Journey Through Faith and Art . The 10,000-square-foot exhibition displays more than 270 rare objects, illustrating 2,000 years of art, history, and culture. Highlights of the exhibition include original works by Michelangelo, a reliquary containing the remains of Saint Peter and Saint Paul, and a bronze cast of the hand of Pope John Paul II.

Bahai Faith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412.278.1096

The History Center also worked closely with Bishop David Zubik and the Diocese of Pittsburgh to exhibit 70 rarely seen regional artifacts on loan from churches, the history centers archives and the Andy Warhol Museum.

Bethany Presbyterian Church . . . . . . . 412.221.5132

The exhibit will be featured through January 9, 2011.

Bible Baptist Church of Pittsburgh . . . 412.276.7717

For more information, visit or

Atonement Episcopal Church . . . . . . . 412.279.1944

Bridgeville Methodist Church . . . . . . . 412.221.5577 Calvary Full Gospel Church . . . . . . . . . 412.257.1707 Carnegie Presbyterian Church . . . . . . 412.279.3223 Cecil Alliance Church . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412.221.4177 Christ U P Church . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412.276.0222 Crossroads Vineyard Christian Fellowship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412.999.0141 Fawcett United Methodist Church . . . 724.745.1240 First Baptist Church . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412.221.4232 First Baptist Church of McDonald . . . . 724.926.4216 First United Methodist Church of Bridgeville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412.221.5577 Gladden United Presbyterian Church . 412.257.0922 Holy Child Roman Catholic Parish . . . .412.221.5213 Hillside Christian Community . . . . . . . . 412.279.2996 Holy Trinity Church . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412.279.4652 Holy Virgin Russian Orthodox Church 412.276.6234 Journey Church . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412.221.9000 Lakeview Christian Life Church . . . . . . 724.746.3200 McDonald Presbyterian Church . . . . . 724.926.8561 Methodist Church Parsonage . . . . . . . 412.221.9311 Miller Gary Minister . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412.279.5030 Noblestown United Methodist Church 724.693.2755 Old Saint Luke's Church . . . . . . . . . . . . 412.531.9333 Our Lady of Fatima Church . . . . . . . . . . 412.276.2558 Our Lady of Victory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412.278.0841 Rennerdale U P Church . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412.276.2268 Rennerdale United Presbyterian Church . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412.276.2268 Saint Andrew Lutheran Church . . . . . . 412.279.3615 Saint John Lutheran Church . . . . . . . . 412.279.2952 Salvation Army . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412.276.4757 Second Baptist Church of Carnegie . . 412.276.6606 Solid Rock Foundation Ministries Inc. 412.278.3411 St. Barbara Rectory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412.221.5152 St. Bernadette’s Church . . . . . . . . . . . . 814.763.2831 St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish . . . . . . 412.276.1011 St. George Antiochian Orthodox Church . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412.221.2277 St. Mary's Church . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412.221.0595 St. Peter & Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Greek Church . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412.276.9718 Victorious Faith Evangelistic . . . . . . . . 412.276.5073 Zion Lutheran Church . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412.221.4776 If your place of worship was not on our list, please email the information to

*Bust of an Angel *mosaic from about 1304 A.D., by Giotto di Bondone. South Fayette | Winter 2010 | 47

I s A sse t Al l o c a t i o n De a d ?




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T h e lo s t de c a d e fo r t h e U S w a s n o t a n i ss u e f o r t h e g l o ba l l y a ll o c a te d inv e s to r

f you somehow missed the town crier’s recent proclamation, here’s the recap; according to the Nat’l Bureau of Economic Research, the recession ended in June - not June of 2010, but June of 2009! Yes, June, 2009 was the technical, official ‘end date’ of the most recent downturn, the longest and deepest one plaguing the U.S. economy since the Great Depression, according to most economists. The Bureau took care to mention that the end of the recession by definition is the point in time when the economy reaches its low point. Therefore, just because a stated fact is "technically" true doesn't mean it is “practically” true.

The Lost Decade The recently dethroned recession also appears to have been accompanied by the end of a long, U.S. bear stock market. Referred to as the Lost Decade, this specific time period from Jan. 2000 through Dec. 2009 is marked by the fact that investors in U.S. Stocks, as measured by the S & P 500, lost money! A $100,000 investment into the S & P 500 at the start of Y2K would have closed out 120 months later at a disappointing $90,896. (source: It’s hard to recall a ten year investment in the S & P 500 ever losing money, yet this recent occurrence begs the question about investment diversification, namely, “does it work?” It is crucial to note however, that the Lost Decade only impacted the investor who allocated 100% to large cap U.S. stocks. What about the more prudent investor who allocated his/her assets across a global and more highly diversified investment spectrum? The Benefit of Global Diversification The argument for diversification, dubbed Modern Portfolio Theory was first introduced in the late 1950’s by Dr. Harry Markowitz. His impact resulted in a 1990 Nobel Prize in Economics and his findings

Invest with a Plan and Purpose Call the Architects for Wealth

Member FINRA/SIPC and a Federally Registered Investment Advisor. Henry Wealth Management, LLC

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have had a significant impact on how people invest and diversify (source: Key to his assertions was that investors benefit by diversifying into many different, non-correlated asset classes. Simply stated;

Securities whose prices tend to move in the same direction over time are said to be “positively correlated”. Securities that tend to move in opposite directions over time are “negatively correlated”. Thus, a well diversified portfolio, not just of domestic but global investments, would be comprised of securities that exhibit a low to negative correlations. Securities from different asset classes tend to display this attribute. A globally diversified portfolio would include allocations to domestic large, mid and small-sized companies, international and emerging market companies, as well as domestic and international real estate and bond holdings. Dr. Burton Malkiel, Professor of Economics at Princeton University and author of the hugely popular book, “A Random Walk Down Wall Street”, is a firm Markowitz proponent. Here is his summation of the benefits of being broadly and globally diversified during the Lost Decade; "If you were in U.S. stocks alone, you ended the decade with less money than when you started, but if you diversified, you did very well…The rest of the world is growing faster than we are - in particular emerging markets. If you had diversified broadly across markets, across the world, and with some bonds as well as stocks, you actually ended the decade with about twice as much money as when you started."(source: What to do The lesson learned? Decide to allocate assets utilizing many global, low and/or negatively correlated asset classes. Are you are unsure how to do this? Are you are an investor who practices “emotion and reaction” over “thought and reason”? If so, seek a qualified financial advisor to guide you. Certainly your goals, time frames and propensity towards risk will be significant considerations in arriving at a final recommended allocation. Once built, ensure that your portfolio is rebalanced yearly, so that originally-desired allocations are maintained. At Henry Wealth Management, LLC, we believe that global asset allocation is alive and well and represents prudent strategy for the next decade…and beyond! Phil Henry, ChFC, CFS, is the President of Henry Wealth Management, LLC, an independent financial services firm located at 1370 Washington Pike, Bridgeville, PA. He offers Securities and Investment-Advisory Services through, NFP Securities, Inc., Member FINRA/SIPC. NFP Securities, Inc. is not affiliated with Henry Wealth Management, LLC. He may be reached at 412838-0200 or through email at The firm’s website is The opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and may not necessarily reflect those held by NFP Securities, Inc. This is for general information only and is not intended to provide specific investment advice or recommendation. NFP Securities, Inc. does not provide legal or tax advice. Using diversification as part of your investment strategy neither assures nor guarantees better performance and cannot protect against loss of principal due to changing market conditions. Past Performance does not guarantee future results.





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Jean Betschart Roemer, MN., MSN., CRNP., CPNP., CDE., is a pediatric nurse practitioner and diabetes educator in the Department of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism at Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh. She is a past president of the American Association of Diabetes Educators and a recipient of the American Diabetes Association Outstanding Health Professional Educator Award. She has worked with children with diabetes and their families since 1980. Ms. Roemer, mother of three, and a Grandma, was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in 1968. For more information or to purchase a book, visit

Do you know of a local author who has recently published a book? We are interested in featuring local authors! Contact Marybeth Jeffries, Managing Editor of In South Fayette Magazine for more information at

Members of the American Legion Bridgeville Post No. 54 treated friends, family and neighbors to a piece of Bridgeville history as they celebrated their 90th anniversary this past September. Guests enjoyed perusing lots of wonderful, old community photos, historical documents and other memorabilia that were on display in the Station Street building that has housed the organization since 1931. The post’s original charter, which was signed in 1919 by the 15 men who formed it, was also on display! State Representative Nick Kotik, representatives from Congressman Murphy and Senator Pippy’s office, and Mayor Dolde joined the celebration and presented proclamations honoring the “longevity, loyalty, and accomplishments” of Bridgeville Post No. 54.

Ce le bra ting 90 Ye a rs

Officers (left to right): Gil Taylor, Sgt. at Arms Al Cretti, Chaplain Craig Coleman, Jr. Vice Commander Thomas Hughan Jr., Commander William Kerr, Adjutant Thomas O'Donnell, Treasurer

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MARCELLUS SHALE IF YOU’VE PAID ANY ATTENTION TO THE NEWS IN THE PAST YEAR, you’ve probably heard a lot about Marcellus Shale in western Pennsylvania. But what is it? And how could it impact you? Because of where we live, geographically, the mid-Atlantic Region – Pennsylvania, New York and West Virginia – harbors a layer of rock about 5,000 to 8,000 feet below us called the Marcellus Shale, which is estimated to be about 390 million years old. Other pockets exist throughout the U.S. as well. What’s unique about this layer is that its imperviousness makes it perfect for keeping pockets of natural gas trapped in the earth. Why that gas is important now is because of the rising costs of natural energy resources, and technology in the last two decades has made it easier for drilling companies to access that gas. What have made headlines regarding Marcellus Shale are the controversies surrounding both the profits to land owners who lease their land to drilling companies and the drilling process itself. Because the technology for drilling is so new to western Pennsylvania, many communities are scrambling to put ordinances in place that would regulate how the extraction of natural gas from Marcellus Shale occurs. If drafted correctly, municipalities and land owners stand to gain substantially from land leases. Once situated on the land, the drilling process utilizes vertical and horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing of the shale itself, or fracking. It is this fracking process that has raised many eyebrows around the region because the hydraulic fluid used isn’t just water, although water is the main ingredient. The DEP has compiled a list of chemicals used throughout Pennsylvania obtained through material safety data sheets supplied by drilling companies. Those chemicals range from mineral spirits to toluene and xylene, chemicals that are toxic to humans and the environment. Through the state permitting process, drillers are required to include a plan for storage and remediation of the wastewater created during the drilling activities. Drillers also must supply plans for other environmental impacts such as water run-off and land erosion. Despite DEP regulation, long-term effects of Marcellus Shale drilling are still being studied by the Environmental Protection Agency, which is expected to conclude their study in 2012. In the meantime, reports of deformed and dying livestock, ruined wells and bad smells have dominated the news. On the flip side, the potential for profits and energy recovery take the debate into the political arena, where legislators are using the issue for election purposes and taxing opportunities. At the time this article was written, Governor Ed Rendell suspended leasing state forest land for drilling because the state legislature could not pass a tax on the practice. Political advocates watching the governor’s race are paying close attention to how much money is donated to candidates from drilling companies. Politicians are weighing the potential for taxation and job creation against pollution and environmental discord. While the impacts of water pollution are known, advocates say that air may also be polluted through the fracking/drilling process. In the end, what happens in Pennsylvania will likely lead the nation in Marcellus Shale practices for years to come because Pennsylvania has the largest deposits to yield. It may be the answer to an energy crunch or the start of many environmental lawsuits to come. Either way, it’s an issue that should be studied by all so that the right decisions may prevail.

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Animal Acupuncture More options for your pet coming soon


s winter approaches, we observe with renewed appreciation the beauty of autumn. It will soon be winter and our beloved four legged family members can get into a lot of trouble during these cold months. These include, but are certainly not limited to, eating holiday food and treats, tenderness and wounds on the feet from the salt on sidewalks and roads, and worsening of stiffness and/or lameness from arthritis. Whatever the season, it is with great pleasure that I introduce a new treatment that soon will be available at Bridgeville Animal Hospital: Veterinary Acupuncture. In our last article I emphasized our hospital’s multimodal approach to disease. The best of what “western” medicine has to offer combined with or alone, our ability to offer our patients alternative therapies. These include therapeutic laser therapy, cutting laser surgery, digital radiography, many nutraceuticals, and now, proudly, acupuncture. Dr. Carolyn Brown has endeavored to pursue this specialty with great passion and very hard work. We are proud to include this in our treatment plan when indicated and as a companion to traditional therapies, or alone. The practice of acupuncture is as complex as it is ancient. Acupuncture has been around for over 3000 years. It involves stimulating the body’s Qi (pronounced chee), or the energy of the body to heal and rebalance itself. Acupuncture is one of the safest therapies available. The technique uses tiny metal needles inserted into specific points along acupuncture meridians or lines to stimulate the healing process. Sterile needles approximately 25-50 times thinner than a hypodermic needle are inserted into acupuncture points. Therefore, this is a relatively painless process for the pet. Stimulation of acupuncture points can be achieved by inserting these needles, injecting medication, applying electric stimulation, heat, and/or massage. Once stimulated, very complex reactions take place on the cellular level which includes the release of many types of neurotransmitters and inflammatory mediators. Some of the more common types or neurotransmitters are endorphins (natural pain killers), serotonin, and nervous system hormones. There are three possible outcomes with acupuncture: the patient improves, the patient temporarily worsens up to 48 hours after treatment then improves, or the patient does not improve at all. Some pets may be sleepy or lethargic for 24 hours following acupuncture. Contraindications to using acupuncture include severely weak pets, sepsis (systemic infection), or severe bleeding disorders. Acupuncture is not a cure-all, but can help to enhance your pet’s health and comfort when it is indicated. The first treatment involves a complete exam and a treatment protocol or plan that best serves the patient and will typically take about an hour. Follow-up treatments typically last about 30 minutes. An acute, or sudden problem, may need just one treatment whereas chronic conditions typically take about three treatments to see if the pet will benefit from this therapy. Acupuncture can provide pain relief, regulate gastrointestinal motility, have anti-inflammatory effects, and promote circulation, to name a few of its possible benefits. Some examples of conditions that acupuncture can help include, but are not limited to allergies, asthma, arthritis, back pain, epilepsy/seizures, kidney disease, stomatitis (infection of the mouth), urinary cystitis (inflammation and/or infection of the bladder), dry eye, separation anxiety, chronic skin infections and ear infections.

Only licensed veterinarians are eligible to practice animal acupuncture in most states in the United States. We at Bridgeville Animal Hospital are very pleased to have this treatment option in the near future to be offered to our clients by Dr. Carolyn Brown. After completing 152 hours of continuing education in acupuncture Dr. Brown will take the acupuncture certification exam in April 2011through The International Veterinary Acupuncture Society. Please call our office at (412) 220-9400, and schedule an appointment with Dr. Brown to discuss if this may be a beneficial therapy for your pet. This INdustry INsight was written by Dr. Joanna Rubin, VMD. She is the President of the Bridgeville Animal Hospital. Dr. Rubin graduated in 1997 from the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine. The Bridgeville Animal Hospital is located at 420 Bower Hill Rd. Bridgeville, PA 15017. Call for appointments: 412.220.9400.

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Holiday Heart-to-Heart

Have a Family Features

The holidays are known as a time for family gatherings, catching up with relatives, and sometimes even the occasional family conflict. Like drama at the holiday dinner table, in many ways your health — for better or for worse — is influenced by your family. This year, why not start a conversation that benefits everyone? Gather your family health history. Why it’s important Family history of disease is an important part of understanding your risk for developing a number of serious diseases, including type 2 diabetes. Diabetes is a serious disease that, if left untreated, can lead to serious health problems including blindness, loss of limb, kidney failure, heart disease, and early death. In fact, most people with type 2 diabetes have a family member — such as a mother, father, brother, or sister — with the disease. By knowing your family health history, sharing it with your health care team, and taking important steps such as maintaining a healthy weight or losing a small amount of weight if you are overweight, making healthy food choices, and being physically active, you can prevent or delay type 2 diabetes (as well as other serious diseases) and help ensure that you will be enjoying holiday family gatherings for years to come. Four questions you should ask The answers to these key questions could help you prevent type 2 diabetes in your future. • • •

Does anyone in the family have type 2 diabetes? Who has type 2 diabetes? Has anyone in the family been told they might get diabetes? Has anyone in the family been told they need to lower their weight or increase their physical activity to prevent type 2 diabetes? Did your mother get diabetes when she was pregnant? This is also known as gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM).

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If the answer to any of these is yes, or you have a mother, father, brother, or sister with type 2 diabetes, you may be at an increased risk for developing type 2 diabetes. Talk to your doctor and visit to learn more about managing your risk and preventing or delaying type 2 diabetes.



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Want to List Your Home? REAL ESTATE

IN South Fayette


If you’re sitting around wondering what you’re going to do after the playoffs – assuming the Steelers continue their success with the return of Big Ben – you may want to consider getting a move on listing your home. January is the perfect time to get your house ready for sale, said Lori Crandell, realtor and associate Broker with Coldwell Banker. “January is definitely a good time to list a house. It’s the beginning of the spring market,” she said. “Especially after football season is over, people get bored and start looking at buying. I always tell people, if you’re going to list in the spring, shoot for January or early February because you’ll get a leg up on the spring market before it gets saturated.” While you may not see a lot of foot traffic right away, Crandell said you can rest assured that your house will start getting online attention. The foot traffic you get will be from serious buyers, not people just browsing. “The latest statistics that I saw said that 88 percent of buyers start out looking for a home online,” Crandell said. “So it’s really important that sellers go online themselves and look at the differences between brokers. is a very good source and the most popular website for consumers.” Another aspect of winter selling is the weather itself. Crandell said that some people worry about how their home will show if there’s a foot of snow on the ground, but if your house is attractive and inviting in the winter, you know it’s going to look good when it’s 85 degrees and sunny.

It’s the beginning of the spring market. While you may not see a lot of foot traffic right away, you can rest assured that your house will start getting online attention. “During the winter is when it’s probably going to look its worst. Sellers, if they have pictures from the spring and summer, should make those photos available to the agent,” Crandell said. “If someone’s yard looks good in the winter, it’s going to look good in the spring, but if we have the snow that we had last year, it might hold someone back who can’t make out if the yard is sloped or flat. That’s why sellers should bring out pictures of the yard in other seasons.”

Other things that the winter provides advantages for include an opportunity for buyers to see how the furnace operates, whether the home heats evenly, and whether or not it has any drafty areas you’ll need to address. “There are some things you can’t tell in the winter, like air conditioning,” Crandell said. “You can’t tell if the air conditioning is working [when it’s] under 55 degrees, but that’s where a home warranty comes in handy. At least you’re covered by a home warranty and can get that rectified before it gets too hot.”

For Sale in South Fayette






Mary Eve Kearns Associate Broker

Contact Mary Eve at: Office: 724.941.8800 x239 Cell: 412.889.7244 email:

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412.221.2248 Many Causes, 724.745.7422 Few Cures




Don’t Forget It’s Time to Tune Up Your Heating System PA6846 54 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE

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t’s the kind of thing that can come in an instant like a lightning bolt, or sneak in over the course of weeks like a persistent fog. In any form, it’s unwelcome and costs U.S. businesses millions of dollars in lost work and sick days. It’s back pain, and while it’s not totally understood, it’s totally real for millions of Americans. There are several varieties of back pain, each with their own names based on the location on the spine from which they seem to originate. One of the more common ones that you may have heard about is “lumbago,” or lower back pain. The name stems from the lumbar section of the spine, and the condition has fueled an estimated $70 billion industry in itself in physician services, selfhelp remedies, ointments, devices and more. America’s obsession with lumbar and its proper support has led to seats with lumbar adjustments being standard in most

I f yo u’ r e j us t d ea l i ng w i t h d a y- t o- d a y a c he s a nd p ai n s, mo s t d oc to r s ag r ee th at co mp r es se s of wa r m , m o i s t h ea t a r e t he be st w ay to c ope .



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high-end vehicles. For those who drive economy cars, there are pillows, wedges, lattices of beads and vibrating heating pads that plug into your car’s lighter socket, each proclaiming more relief than the next. Despite the accoutrements that one can purchase, few provide total relief. That’s because the actual causes of run-of-the-mill, everyday back pain are largely unknown. Many reasons for serious back pain are easily diagnosed because they have a direct causal basis or present with other symptoms such as weight loss, fever or incontinence. Someone in a recent car accident, for example, would know that their current back pain is a result of the collision. However, it’s been postulated that back pain may also be the result of stress at work or at home, reasons that would not show up in an MRI or X-ray. If you’re just dealing with day-to-day aches and pains, most doctors agree that compresses of warm, moist heat are the best

Exercise and patient ed uca t ion are t he bes t tools out there in helping the patient in the long term. way to cope. Over-the-counter pain relievers are also safe, so long as you take them as directed. Chiropractors and physical therapists may be able to suggest a stretching regimen that could alleviate some of the more common aches and pains associated with the spine. In fact, more and more chiropractors have integrated techniques into patient visits other than the basic routine adjustment. You might be surprised to find that your first chiropractic visit may include 15 minutes of massage therapy, where warm, moist heat compresses are placed on your back, followed by 15 minutes of TENS, or transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, which zings and zaps your muscles with a pleasant tingling sensation. While it all feels great, scientists are split as to whether any of it works for the long term. A study by the American Academy of Family Physicians came to the conclusion that while heat packs, deep heat, and massage are useful in the immediate relief of symptoms, long-term effectiveness is still in question, and the use of TENS therapy has demonstrated no long-term effectiveness at all. What the study did conclude is that unless the pain is the result of a deeper medical condition, like cancer or infection, exercise and patient education are the best tools out there in helping the patient in the long term.

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West Hills Symphonic Band The West Hills Symphonic Band will present its four-concert season series at West Allegheny High School beginning this fall. Included among the band’s 60 members are several South Fayette High School band alumni. Diana Wells/clarinet. Ryan Wolf/ trumpet, Paul Rolin/trumpet, Kelly Englert/flute, Ian Hughes/horn and Principal Conductor/Music Director Clem Rolin are currently with the ensemble. The WHSB was formed in 1967 and plays free concerts throughout the year.

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The 2010-2011 season schedule includes: Sunday December 12, 3 p.m. - Gala Holiday Concert featuring local choirs and festive favorites. Sunday March 27, 3 p.m. - Spring Concert with Music of the Masters and Broadway Gems Sunday May 15 3 p.m. - Swing into Summer with the Best of the Great American Songbook The WHSB will once again perform outreach concerts for many other local events. Last year's outdoor venues included concerts at Hopewell, Paris (PA), Oakdale, Moon and North Fayette Townships. If your civic, religious or private organization is interested in hosting an outreach concert, contact Principal Conductor/Music Director Clem Rolin at 412.788.4713. Find out more info at



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2 0 1 0

Giving Back


for the


he holiday season is the perfect time to spread cheer and give back to those who are in need. There are plenty of places around you to do this. Here are some fun ideas: & Volunteer at a soup kitchen & Donate toys you don't want & Donate canned goods to the community food bank & Donate clothes you've outgrown & Visit a nursing home

on the go...

find these things hiding in this picture.

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9:31 AM

Adopt a Pet Red

Sometimes things don’t end up the way you think they will. Take a look at me. I’m an AKC Red Beagle who was originally going to be a great hunting dog. But guess what: I hate guns! So that never panned out and I ended up here.

However, being at Animal Friends is great. I’ve discovered what I really love in life: toys! I love to play with toys and with you, and I’m always up for more. I’m very gentle and can even do well with children, as long as I’m supervised. I like going for rides in the car and I love to cuddle, too! I like some dogs, so if you have one, my friends the Adoption Counselors would be happy to set up a meeting to see if we get along. And good news for you humans: my adoption fee is sponsored! So you’ve got nothing to lose – come on down to Animal Friends and say hello to me, Red! To learn more about these adoptable pets, call Animal Friends at 412.847.7002 or visit us at 562 Camp Horne Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15237. Animal Friends is a non-profit companion animal resource center serving the needs of pets and people since 1943. For more information, visit

Winter Weather Safety Tips

@ Have a snack before going outside. It will give you energy and keep your body warmer. @ Make sure to wear sunscreen on your face. The snow can reflect up to 85% of the sun's ultraviolet rays. @ Dress in layers of clothes. Waterproof pants and jackets will keep you dry and warm! @ Never go sled riding alone. Always have a parent supervise. @ When you’re playing outside, go inside every once in a while to warm up. @ If you start to shiver or feel numb, go inside right away and tell an adult. 58 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE

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Sophie is a beautiful domestic shorthaired cat who asks for so little. She found herself at Animal Friends when her previous owner was no longer able to care for her.

This gray and white beauty would prefer to go to a quiet household where she can be the only cat. While quite affectionate with the people she has learned to trust, she is shy around strangers and needs time to get used to new surroundings. If you’re looking for a loving, quiet pet then Sophie could be your perfect match! Why not stop by Animal Friends and talk to an Adoptions Counselor?

It’s the Holidays! Find each of these words in this puzzle.


Holiday Jokes What do you sing at a snowman’s birthday party? Freeze a jolly good fellow!


kool kids cook

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What goes ho-ho whoosh, ho-ho whoosh? Santa caught in a revolving door!

What do snowmen eat for breakfast? Frosted flakes! What goes “oh, oh, oh”? Santa walking backwards!

How does a snowman lose weight? He waits for the weather to get warmer!

When does Christmas come before Thanksgiving? In the dictionary! What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire? Frostbite! Why is it always cold at Christmas? Because it’s in Decemberrrr! What do you call an old snowman? Water! What did one snowman say to the other snowman? Can you smell carrot?

String Cheese "Slaw"

Prep time: 15 Minutes Servings: 6 Crayon-sized string cheese cylinders can be sliced into "buttons" or stripped into "threads," then added to salads of all stripes. Here, the cheese strips are the main ingredient in a fun, carrot-flecked slaw. 6 Organic Valley Stringles String Cheese 1 1⁄2 cups carrot, cut into matchsticks or shredded 3 tablespoons cilantro, chopped (or parsley) 4 teaspoons fresh lemon juice 2 teaspoons olive oil black pepper, freshly ground Pull threads of cheese off each string cheese stick (not too thin). Toss with carrots, cilantro or parsley, lemon juice and olive oil. Add pepper to taste. For more information and coupons, visit

Pine Cone Christmas Tree Ornament You'll need: Dry Pine Cones Green Glitter Glue Sequins

Paint the pine cone with glue. Before the glue dries, sprinkle with green glitter. Top with a paper star. When it dries you can glue on sequins or tinsel.

kids craft

What do monkeys sing at Christmas? Jungle bells, jungle bells!


or a mouth-pleasing, brain-boosting after school snack, try serving up some of this fun String Cheese “Slaw” with a tall glass of Omega-3 milk. It may just turn chips into a snack of the past.

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Easy Ideas for Creating Custom, Memorable Holiday Cards Even with the popularity of using e-mail, social media, and texting to communicate with friends and family, holiday cards continue to be a time-honored tradition. In fact, according to a survey from holiday cards and thank you cards retailer, 43 percent of Americans prefer a greeting card from a loved one instead of $10, and 63 percent think sending a special occasion greeting through a social network is inappropriate. While survey results show most people prefer to receive holiday cards, people mistakenly think that creating these custom cards is time consuming. Thanks to technology, new products, and online greeting card sites, this isn’t necessarily the case. By following the tips below, creating custom, personalized holiday cards can be easy, fun, and inexpensive.

Picture Perfect – Getting a perfect holiday picture does not have to involve a three-hour photo shoot with an expensive photographer. Oftentimes the best holiday shots are the candid, everyday ones shot at home. For professionallooking DIY images, use natural light (if indoors, shoot near a window), get up close, and have the subjects involved in a favorite activity. Laugh, have fun, and shoot away. Even if the shots aren’t perfect, use photo editing software – sometimes just simply changing the image to black and white or cropping out unwanted parts can transform the image. Source:

Let Your Child Be the Artist – Instead of uploading a favorite photo for holiday cards, simply scan a child’s favorite drawing and quickly upload to a photo greeting card site. This is an especially cute idea for classroom or grandparent holiday cards.

Collage Card – Instead of spending hours deciding which photo to feature for the holiday card, just choose several photos taken throughout the year that highlight favorite adventures and memories. Visit a favorite online card store and select one of the many templates available.

60 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE

Keep It Simple

– Scour the crafting and dollar stores where there are a variety of inexpensive products to make handmade cards. Use blank cards and embellish with just one or two items – any more and it can be daunting, especially if more than 50 cards need to be made. For instance, punch out polka dots in festive holiday papers using a circle punch and adhere them to the card front in a random, whimsical pattern. Or, run a piece of grosgrain ribbon across the front of card and adhere a glittered embellishment or button.

South Fayette

Use a Kit

– For those who lack the creative bug or are really strapped for time, use pre-assembled DIY holiday card kits. has embellished card kits that combine the time-saving elements of digital photo cards with the personal, handcrafted touch of dimensional accents. Order the photo cards online. Once they arrive, decorate the cards with the provided coordinating stamps, gems, and glitter glue. Tips and creative inspiration included and no extra trip to the craft store needed!

By following these tips, you can create easy, thoughtful and meaningful holiday cards that share the festive joys of the season.





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Volunteering brings more j o y t h an i m a g i n e d .

ccording to Carol Diethorn, Kenneth Ochs was a bit of a daredevil in his day. And he’s got the stories to prove it. “When you’re 91, you’ve got all kinds of stories to tell,” Carol says of Mr. Ochs, whom she spends time with every week as a volunteer with Open Your Heart to a Senior, an initiative of United Way of Allegheny County in cooperation with Family Services of Western Pennsylvania and North Hills Community Outreach. “I used to be really active, and I was a tennis pro for a long time,” Mr. Ochs explains, “but my eyes became gradually worse, and now I don’t see.” Carol accompanies Mr. Ochs on walks through South Park once or twice a week and both enjoy not only the exercise, but also the company. “Carol is really good; she leads me so I don’t traipse anywhere I shouldn’t be,” he says with a laugh. Laughter seems to be a regular part of their routine. During their mile-long walks, they exchange stories of their lives and share advice. “It’s funny,” Carol confides, “he thinks he’s the care recipient, but he’s really doing more for me than I do for him. I get so much out of it, and I come home feeling great.” Currently unemployed and looking for a new job, Carol saw an opportunity to volunteer as a way to do something that gives her meaning. “It really puts perspective on things,” she says of her experience with Mr. Ochs and other seniors she drives to doctors’ appointments. “Who needs anti-depressants?” she jokes but quickly takes a serious turn, “It brings a lot of joy in my life.” Right now, Open Your Heart to a Senior is looking for volunteers in every corner of Allegheny County, from as little as an hour a month to routine weekly visits. Whether it’s help with grocery shopping, home safety checks or snow shoveling and yard work, thousands of seniors in our neighborhoods could use some assistance. In addition to individual volunteers like Carol, families and groups are also welcome. To learn more or become a volunteer, visit or call 412.307.0071. “It’s a fine organization,” Mr. Ochs volunteers. “I can’t say enough about it.” Given enough time and his penchant for storytelling, though, he probably could.

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9:32 AM

ost childhood Christmas memories are of joyful occasions with precious family-bonding moments: mom and dad singing Christmas carols; children with happy, angelic faces gazing up at them in tranquil adoration. My own memories are also quite happy. But after comparing notes, I have slowly come to realize that my entire family is quite possibly out of their spruce tree. So, for an inside look at how a dysfunctional family spends its Christmas, please read on… Immediately after Thanksgiving, a disturbing lunar phase would always begin at our house. My otherwise fairly normal, career-oriented mother would begin to clean our house in anticipation of my grandparents’ arrival for Christmas. Not the normal tidying up one might do for a family visit. No, this was more like a murder had been committed at our house and my mother’s cleaning was the frantic attempts of the killer to remove every shred of DNA evidence. My mother would methodically begin to disinfect every object in our house, including the dogs. Not even my toys, which were thoroughly soaked in bleach, were spared, resulting in my Malibu Barbie turning into a white-haired old lady in need of a sunbed. I have never been sure why my mother was so intimidated by her mother-in-law, but she apparently lived in fear that the frail, gray-haired woman would somehow drag a stepladder into the kitchen and, risking hip fracture, stand on the top rung to inspect for dust above the cabinets. My father’s style of celebrating the holidays was the polar opposite of a Brady Bunch Christmas. Less than enthused about stimulating the economy through gift-giving, he wasn’t terribly fond of the Christmas tree either. So in their new house, he ingeniously designed a special closet where a fully decorated Christmas tree on rollers could be wheeled out Dec. 1 and neatly rolled back into the closet on Dec. 26. Surely, he must be at least partially responsible for my quirky and oftentimes odd behavior. December 18 my grandparents would arrive. My grandfather would wheel into the driveway, screeching tires, and jump out of their Buick proudly announcing, “Made it in 6 hours and 15 minutes,” the goal being to shave minutes off of last year’s time. My grandmother, still whitelipped from the G-forces, would peel herself off the car seat and wobble in, complaining that my grandfather had driven 85 mph all the way. 62

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On Christmas Day, my mother, who does not cook but is highly skilled at thawing and microwaving, morphed into Betty Crocker, ing, attempting such hanksgiv T r e ft a ould complex dishes tely Immedia g lunar phase w herwise in as green-beanot a disturb our house. My t mother a casserole and d in e ays beg l, career-orient use in lw a congealed salad. ho rma fairly no gin to clean our arents’ Unfortunately would be n of my grandp . with the pressure tio anticipa al for Christmas iv of the day, she arr would usually charcoalize the green-bean casserole. (I’m not sure if charcoalize is a word, but I really like it.) One holiday, my thoughtful grandfather shocked the entire village by crossing gender lines and washing dishes. Unfortunately, while dishwashing, his dentures flew into the garbage disposal as if sucked out of his mouth by an unseen evil force. He quickly turned off the disposal and pulled out a set of mangled dentures. Silently, he turned the switch back on and threw the dentures back into the garbage disposal. I miss him. Maybe we are all a little dysfunctional in one way or another. With the holidays, it’s easy for anyone to get a little neurotic. So, in between cursing the bakery for selling the last Boston crème pie and that mad dash for the last parking space at the mall, just keep saying under your breath, “Peace. And on earth, good will toward mankind.” Happy holidays.



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Upcoming Events The Fourth Annual Symphony of Food – Chefs’ Showcase Dinner sponsored by WOMEN of Southwestern PA, Inc. Friday, January 28, 2011, 6:00 p.m.

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Business Directory


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Business Directory Together we can make the world one million women stronger.

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