outh Fayette WINTER 2011
Thank you, Pittsburgh. At UPMC Health Plan, we don’t set out to win awards. We simply focus on doing what’s right for our members. Like providing them with access to world-renowned UPMC doctors and hospitals as well as outstanding community hospitals and physicians. Giving them the tools and programs they need to live a healthy lifestyle. And offering them a personal Health Care Concierge and online chat capabilities to answer all of their questions. So when J.D. Power and Associates ranked us Highest in Member Satisfaction among Commercial Health Plans in Pennsylvania, we don’t see it as adding another award to the trophy case. We see it as doing our jobs.To learn more visit upmchealthplan.com.
“Highest Member Satisfaction Among Commercial Health Plans in Pennsylvania” UPMC Health Plan received the highest numerical score among commercial health plans in Pennsylvania in the proprietary J.D. Power and Associates 2011 U.S. Member Health Insurance Plan StudySM . Study based on 33,039 total member responses, measuring 11 plans in the Pennsylvania-Delaware Region (excludes Medicare and Medicaid). Proprietary study results are based on experiences and perceptions of members surveyed December 2010-January 2011. Your experiences may vary. Visit jdpower.com.
We would like to thank everyone who came to the Nutcracker performance this year! The show was phenomenal and we look forward to another season of great performances! We here at Pittsburgh Youth Ballet wish all of your families a magical Christmas and Happy New Year!
2 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE
South Fayette
outh Fayette WINTER 2011 PUBLISHER
Marybeth Jeffries marybeth@incommunitymagazines.com REGIONAL EDITORS
Mark Berton [South and West] mark@incommunitymagazines.com Dana Black-McGrath [North] d.mcgrath@incommunitymagazines.com Monica L. Haynes [East] m.haynes@incommunitymagazines.com OFFICE MANAGER
Leo Vighetti leo@incommunitymagazines.com AD PLACEMENT COORDINATOR
Debbie Mountain d.mountain@incommunitymagazines.com GRAPHIC DESIGN
Cassie Brkich Anna Buzzelli Sharon Cobb Susie Doak
Jan McEvoy Joe Milne Tamara Tylenda
Welcome to the Winter issue of South Fayette Magazine. I hope you and yours had a wonderful fall, that the kids transitioned back to school well, and that you had an opportunity to catch a few Steelers games along the way. We all view winter differently – some see it as the holiday season, some see it as the gloomy period when we long for the swim trunks and patio furniture we put into storage. Othe rs see it as their opportunity to break out the skis and sleds and hit the slopes. No matter how you view it, winter is a time when we have to be the most diligent—despite our mood about snow, or our preoccupation with playing in it—for those who need us the most…our seniors. While it’s hard enough for many of them to get around in good weather, the winter months can be a trial of terror for the elderl y. Who’s going to shovel the snow? How will I get groceries? Will I be home before it’s too dark for me to see the road well enough to drive? And for those who have transitioned to assisted living facilities, the questions might be of an altogether different, but equally unsettling nature. Will anyone visit me for Christmas? Hanukah? New Years? These are our mothers, fathers, friends and neighbors, and they don’t like to ask anything of us. But they need us just the same. I know the economy is bad, and I’m not saying go out and spend money you don't have, but going caroling with a church group, or visiting someone who has no one is free to all of us. Chances are, you’ll not only put a smile on their face, you’ll be giving them something money can’t buy – the feeling that someone cares.
Heather Holtschlage Kelly Lotter Leigh Lyons Joann Naser
Pamela Palongue Gina Salinger Judith Schardt
Have a joyous holiday and happy New Year! Wayne Dollard, Publisher
Brad Lauer Kathleen Rudolph
Gary Yon
Derek Bayer Tom Poljak
Tamara Myers
Bruce Burkley Brian Daley Gina D’Alicandro Tina Dollard Karen Fadzen Julie Graff Jason Huffman Lori Jeffries Connie McDaniel Brian McKee Gabriel Negri
Aimee Nicolia Robert Ojeda Ralph Palaski Annette Petrone Vincent Sabatini Jennifer Schaefer Michael Silvert Karen Turkovich RJ Vighetti Nikki Capezio-Watson Sophia Williard
This magazine is carrier route mailed to all district households and businesses. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. Copyright 2011. CORRESPONDENCE Direct all inquiries, comments and press releases to: IN Community Magazines Attn: Editorial 603 East McMurray Road McMurray, PA 15317 Ph: 724.942.0940 Fax: 724.942.0968 www. incommunitymagazines.com
Spring Content Deadline: 2/19/12
Dovetailing off what Wayne said above, he’s right. Through college, I worked one of my part-time jobs as a waiter at Asbury Heights. And while Asbury is known as one of the better “old folks homes” out there, the great quality of the facility and staff couldn’t make up for what many of the residents didn’t have – family. Oftentimes, a new resident would show up in the dining room and f eel out of place. Much like high school cafeterias, the two shifts of dinner were comprised of residents who had been together for years. They sat in the same seats at the same tables day after day and even ate the same dinners often enough that you knew what they were going to order before they had the chance to order it. New residents either had to be compellingly outgoing to break into an establish ed crowd, or, more often than not, had to find an open seat and make friends with whoever sat across from them. Sometimes it worked out, sometimes not. But the most heartbreaking sight was around the holidays, when families would show up that you never saw throughout the course of the year – even though they were always welcome for dinner. Many residents had to sit alone, watching those families celebrate the season. I can’t read minds and say they felt sad or envious. But I can say that if it were me, I would be both. I’m not blameless. I have a grandmother in a local “old folks home” that I think of more than I visit, but I'm trying to do better. When we look around this holiday season and see the gifts in the stores or Santa riding on the fire truck and entertaining children in the malls, most of us should be thankful that we have people on our lists to buy for and with whom we can expect to share time together. Others don’t have that luxury, and haven’t for some time. We can all make someone smile this winter, so why not try? Mark Berton, Editor
Please recycle this magazine when you are through enjoying it.
South Fayette | Winter 2011 | incommunitymagazines.com 3
DEL R. BONI, D.M.D. Specialist In Orthodontics Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics For Children and Adults
Boni Orthodontics is pleased to announce the opening of their newest location at 995 Beaver Grade Road, Moon Township.
! # #
www.boniorthodontics.com 4 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE
South Fayette
IN South Fayette is a non-partisan community publication dedicated to representing, encouraging and promoting the South Fayette area and its comprising municipalities by focusing on the talents and gifts of the people who live and work here. Our goal is to provide readers with the most informative and professional regional publication in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
IN South Fayette | WINTER 2011 |
Older Adults in South Fayette Caring Choices for Senior Care .................. | 48 Nutrition ............................................... | 56 Make Your Home Cleaner and Greener ...... | 61 Real Estate Make Your Home Cleaner and Greener ...... | 61 Outsmarting Ol’ Man Winter ..................... | 62 ON THE COVER
South Fayette School District Competition. Victoria Diacomo’s (Class of 2015) Christmas Card won First Place in the See other winners on page 44.
Phil Henry, Henry Wealth Management Riding the Storm Out ............................... | 27 Northwest Savings Bank ............... | 45 Fitness Fanatics ................................. | 54 Dr. Daniel Rairigh .............................. | 64 BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT
South Fayette School District ..........................................
South Fayette Township ......................................................
UPMC Today | Health and Wellness News You Can Use ...........
South Hills Choral ................................................................
South Fayette Library ..........................................................
Money Saving Alternative Energy Choices ..................
South Fayette Swim Team Dive into Season ...............
Settler’s Cabin, Montour Trail to Receive Funding ....
Steel City Pharmacy Pharmacists and Friends ........................... | 43 G&G Catering Two Generations of Culinary Expertise ........ | 47
How do you Beat a Bully? South Fayette Dignity and Respect Program
Honeymoon Travel Romance at a Price You Can Afford .................................................
South Fayette | Winter 2011 | incommunitymagazines.com 5
South Fayette School District
3680 Old Oakdale Road McDonald, Pennsylvania 15057 Phone 412.221.4542 Fax 724.693.0490 www.southfayette.org
Dr. Bille P. Rondinelli
Dear South Fayette Township Community Members, Dear South Fayette Township Community Members, As the South Fayette Township School District approaches this time of Thanksgiving, it is not only a wonderful opportunity to reflect on good fortune, but also a time to appreciate the struggles we and others face. Now is the right time to give to those less fortunate, volunteer, donate, and spread kindness. The South Fayette Family remains exemplary in displayin g those positive attributes amid difficult economic times. We strive to maintain the spirit of innovator Walt Disney who said, “To the youngsters of today – believe in the future, the world is getting better; there is plenty of opportunity.” DIGNITY & RESPECT: In the spirit of spreading kindness and showing “Dignity & Respect” for all, the South Fayette Township School District has partnered with UPMC to promo te the Dignity & Respect campaign. “Treating others the way they want to be treated is about respecting differences. It is one of the pillars of cultural competency.” Please visit www.dignityandrespect.org for additional information on Dignity & Respect. Together with our Board of Education, Administrators, Staff, Parents, Families, and Community Members, we want South Fayette children and their families to “feel included, valued and appreciated.” SPoRTSmaNShIP awaRD: hIGh SChool aND aThlETIC DEPaRTmENT lIoN PRIDE: Congratulations to our South Fayette High School and Athletic Department for earning the WPIAL Sportsmanship Award which will be awarded to the District during the WPIAL Play-Off Games at Heinz Field on November 26, 2011. Sportsmanship is about Dignity & Respect on and off the field for athletes and fans. We are proud of the high school efforts to promote high expectations regarding Sportsmanship and all that has been accomplished in that endeavor. BuIlDING CaPaCITY: The South Fayette Township School District remains committed to holding high expectations for student achievement and helping students to make responsible educational and life choices. Exemplary school maintenance and ongoing creation and innovation demands individual and collective team efforts. The school District has once again successfully met Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) and has an increased focus on “Building CapaCITY.” The District’s Operational Plan theme this year is Building CapaCITY. We are working to Build CapaCITY within the organization, the region, and throughout the globe. Our students must possess knowledge and skills for their future. Author Kentaro Toyamo states, “For the first time in history, we are preparing students for a future that we cannot clearly describe.” His article continues, “We need to 6 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE
South Fayette
learn to distinguish between the tools of modern life and learning the productive skills in an information economy.” Toyamo describes the skills, referenced universally as the 4 C’s, Critical Thinking; Collaborative Skills; Communication Skills; and Creativity. Source: https://edutechdebate.org STraTEGIC PlaN mID-PoINT REvIEw: Intentionally, South Fayette’s recently completed, required Strategic Plan Update focuses on program development, goal-setting, established action plans to achieve goals, measured assessments of accountability, and continuous transformation. We thank the dedicated Board, Staff, and Communi ty members who participated in reviewing the current plan and providing the necessary input to update the framework for submission to the Pennsylvania Department of Education. INTERmEDIaTE ElEmENTaRY BuIlDING uPDaTE: As scheduled, the Intermediate Elementary Building Plan is progressing while District enrollment continues to grow. Bid openings occurred on November 9. The building educational program di scussion remains focused on literacy skills and integrating STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Technology) Experiential Learning/Project-Based concepts. While the building construction occurs, the District will continue to focus on the educational program and transition of students to the grades three, four, and five configuration. aN oPEN INvITaTIoN: We invite parents to stay positively involved in their children’s education and ask community members to partner with the South Fayette Township School District to promote Dignity & Respect. Public Education is facing a challenging time and the District is working hard to turn economic and mandate challenges into opportunities. Thomas L. Friedman and Michael Mandelbaum (2011) state, “We need to reconnect with the values and ideals that ma de the American Dream so compelling for so many generations of Americans, as well as for so many millions of people across the globe.” Our children are innovators and bright with promise for the future. Know that the South Fayette School District values and appreciates your support of our work on behalf of children. Please join us to celebrate upcoming District Academic, Athletic, or Arts events such a s the South Fayette High School Band and Choral concert on December 14 at 7:00 p.m. in the South Fayette High School Theatre. As ever, we believe in the importance of fostering Tradition, Pride, and Excellence through Academics, Athletics, and the Arts. All the best,
Dr. Bille P. Rondinelli Superintendent of Schools
2011-2012 SOUTH FAYETTE MIDDLE SCHOOL 7TH & 8TH GRADE JV/VARSITY BOYS BASKETBALL SOUTHWEST CONFERENCE Monday Thursday Friday Tuesday Wednesday Friday Friday Tuesday Wednesday Friday Tuesday Thursday Monday Wednesday Friday
Dec. 12 Dec. 15 Dec. 16 Dec. 20 Jan. 4 Jan. 6 Jan. 13 Jan. 17 Jan. 18 Jan. 20 Jan. 24 Jan. 26 Jan. 30 Feb. 1 Feb. 3
Fort Cherry (Scrimmage) Moon Ambridge Montour (David E. Williams) *Fort Cherry Hopewell Quaker Valley West Allegheny (Middle School) *Fort Cherry Moon (Middle School) Ambridge (Junior High) Montour Quaker Valley West Allegheny Hopewell (Gym “A”)
Away Home Home Away Away Home Home Away Home Away Away Home Away Home Away
Time 3:30 3:30 3:30 3:30 3:30 3:30 3:30 3:30 3:30 3:30 3:30 3:30 3:30 3:30 3:30
Bus 2:30 ————2:30 2:30 ————2:30 ——2:30 2:00 ——2:00 ——2:15
Dism. 2:15 ————2:15 2:15 ————2:15 ——2:15 1:45 ——1:45 ——2:00
First Day Of Practice: Monday, December 5, 2011 *Non-Conference Games -7th Grade Games Played First. -All South Fayette Home Games Played At South Fayette Middle School.
2011-2012 SOUTH FAYETTE HIGH SCHOOL VARSITY & JUNIOR VARSITY BOYS BASKETBALL SECTION V - CLASS “AAAA” Tuesday Tuesday Friday Saturday Monday Friday Tuesday Friday Tuesday Wednesday Tuesday Friday Tuesday Saturday Tuesday
Nov. 29 Dec. 6 Dec. 9 Dec. 10 Dec. 12 Dec. 16 Dec. 20 Dec. 23 Dec. 27 Dec. 28 Jan. 3 Jan. 6 Jan. 10 Jan. 14 Jan. 17
Friday Saturday Tuesday Friday
Jan. 20 Jan. 21 Jan. 24 Jan. 27
Tuesday Friday Friday Monday
Jan. 31 Feb. 3 Feb. 10 Feb. 13
*Non-Section Games
*Moon (Scrimmage) *Vincentian (Scrimmage) *Fort Cherry Tournament *Fort Cherry Tournament *West Mifflin McGuffey Trinity *New Castle *C.J. Betters Tourn. (@ CCBC Beaver Dome) *C.J. Betters Tourn. (@ CCBC Beaver Dome) Waynesburg Washington Ringgold *Shady Side Academy Montour (JV: 5:45 - Auxiliary Gym Varsity: 7:45 - Main Gym) McGuffey *Preston HS, West Virginia Trinity Waynesburg (Varsity: 5:45 - Main Gym JV: 7:45 - Auxiliary Gym) Washington Ringgold (Senior Recognition) Montour *Chartiers Valley
Away Home Away Away Home Away Home Home Away Away Away Home Away Away Home
Time 4:00 4:00 TBA TBA 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 TBA TBA 6:00 6:00 6:00 12:00 5:45
Bus 3:00 ——TBA TBA ——4:30 ————TBA TBA 4:30 ——4:30 10:15 AM ——-
Dism. —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— ——
Home Home Away Home
6:00 2:30 6:00 5:45
————4:45 ——-
—— —— —— ——
Away Home Away Away
6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00
4:45 ——4:45 5:00
—— —— —— ——
J.V. Games Played First. South Fayette | Winter 2011 | incommunitymagazines.com 7
South Fayette School District 2011-2012 SOUTH FAYETTE HIGH SCHOOL BOYS/GIRLS SWIMMING & DIVING SECTION VI - CLASS “AA” Thursday Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Saturday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday
Dec. 15 Dec. 20 Dec. 27 Dec. 28 Dec. 29 Jan. 10 Jan. 12 Jan. 14 Jan. 19 Jan. 24 Jan. 26 Feb. 2 Feb. 9 Feb. 16
*Shady Side Academy *Chartiers Valley *South Park Diving Invitational *West Allegheny Diving Invitational *West Allegheny Swimming Invitational *Canon McMillan Cornell Central York High School Invitational Bishop Canevin *Peters Township Northgate (Senior Recognition) Carlynton Montour West Allegheny
Away Away Away Away Away Home Home Away Home Away Home Away Home Away
Time 6:00 6:00 TBA TBA TBA 6:00 6:00 TBA 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00
Bus 4:00 5:00 TBA TBA TBA ————TBA ——4:45 ——4:45 ——4:45
Dism. —— —— —— —— —— ———— —— —— —— —— —— —— ——
*Non-Section Meet - Possible Invitationals Will Be Added To This Schedule (To Be Determined).
2011-2012 PIHL SOUTH FAYETTE HOCKEY CLUB FRESHMAN Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Monday Thursday Friday Tuesday Tuesday Monday Friday Thursday
Date Oct. 25 Nov. 8 Nov. 15 Nov. 29 Dec. 8 Dec. 13 Dec. 22 Jan. 3 Jan. 9 Jan. 19 Jan. 27 Feb. 7 Feb. 21 Feb. 27 Mar. 2 Mar. 8
Opponent Canon McMillan (Blue) Bethel Park Peters Township (2) Wheeling Central Thomas Jefferson Canon McMillan (Gold) Trinity Upper St. Clair (2) Chartiers Valley Wheeling Park Canon McMillan (Gold) Mt. Lebanon Chartiers Valley Baldwin South Park Morgantown
Home/Away H H A H A H A H A H A H H A A A
Time 6:20 7:40 9:20 7:40 9:00 6:20 8:05 6:20 9:50 7:00 7:20 6:20 7:40 8:20 7:00 7:00
*Hockey Club is not affiliated with the WPIAL (Western Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic League) or the PIAA (Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association). **Hockey Club is affiliated with the Pennsylvania Interscholastic Hockey League (PIHL). 8 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE
South Fayette
2011-2012 SOUTH FAYETTE HIGH SCHOOL VARSITY & JUNIOR VARSITY GIRLS BASKETBALL SECTION V - CLASS “AAA” Wednesday Saturday Friday Saturday Wednesday Friday Monday Thursday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Monday Thursday Tuesday
Nov. 30 Dec. 3 Dec. 9 Dec. 10 Dec. 14 Dec. 16 Dec. 19 Dec. 22 Dec. 27 Dec. 28 Jan. 5 Jan. 6 Jan. 9 Jan. 12 Jan. 17
Thursday Saturday Monday Friday
Jan. 19 Jan. 21 Jan. 23 Jan. 27
Tuesday Thursday Monday Thursday Monday
Jan. 31 Feb. 2 Feb. 6 Feb. 9 Feb. 13
*Keystone Oaks (Scrimmage) *Bethel Park (Scrimmage) *Moon Basketball Tip-Off Tournament *Moon Basketball Tip-Off Tournament *Avonworth *Washington *South Park *Vincentian *C.J. Betters Tournament (@CCBC Dome) *C.J. Betters Tournament (@ CCBC Dome) Trinity *North Hills Chartiers Valley McGuffey West Allegheny (Varsity: 5:45- Main Gym J.V.: 7:45 - Auxiliary Gym) Montour *Bishop Canevin *Seton LaSalle Trinity (J.V. - 5:45- Auxiliary Gym Varsity: 7:45 - Main Gym) Chartiers Valley McGuffey West Allegheny Montour (Senior Recognition) *Serra
Home Home Away Away Home Away Away Away Away Away Away Away Home Away Home
Time 4:00 10:00 AM TBA TBA 6:00 6:00 6:00 5:30 TBA TBA 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 5:45
Bus ————TBA TBA ——4:45 4:45 4:00 TBA TBA 4:45 4:30 ——4:30 ——-
Dism. ——————————————————————————————-
Away Away Home Home
6:00 2:30 6:00 5:45
4:45 1:15 ————-
Away Home Away Home Home
6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00
5:00 ——5:00 ————-
*Non-Section Games
2011-2012 SOUTH FAYETTE HIGH SCHOOL VARSITY WRESTLING SECTION I - CLASS “AA” Saturday Saturday Friday Saturday Wednesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Wednesday Wednesday Friday
Nov. 26 Dec. 3 Dec. 9 Dec. 10 Dec. 14 Dec. 21 Dec. 29 Dec. 30 Jan. 4 Jan. 11 Jan. 13
Jan. 14
Wednesday Saturday Monday Wednesday
Jan. 18 Jan. 28 Feb. 6 Feb. 8
Fox Chapel Mega-Scrimmage Chartiers Valley Mega-Scrimmage *Chartiers Houston Inv. Tournament *Chartiers Houston Inv. Tournament Fort Cherry Burgettstown *Southmoreland Holiday Tournament *Southmoreland Holiday Tournament South Park Carlynton *Allegheny County Tournament (@ Fox Chapel High School) *Allegheny County Tournament (@ Fox Chapel High School) Chartiers Houston *Chartiers Valley Duals *Yough *Avella (Senior Recognition)
Away Away Away Away Home Away Away Away Home Home Away
Time 9:00 AM 9:00 AM TBA TBA 7:15 7:30 TBA TBA 7:15 7:15 TBA
Bus 7:45 AM 8:15 AM TBA TBA ——4:15 TBA TBA ————TBA
Dism —— —— TBA —— —— —— —— —— —— —— TBA
Away Away Away Home
7:00 TBA 6:00 7:15
3:45 TBA 3:45 ——
—— —— —— ——
South Fayette | Winter 2011 | incommunitymagazines.com 9
South Fayette School District 2011-2012 SOUTH FAYETTE MIDDLE SCHOOL JUNIOR HIGH WRESTLING SECTION I Saturday Wednesday Friday Wednesday Wednesday Friday Saturday Wednesday Saturday Wednesday Friday Saturday Wednesday Friday Wednesday
Nov. 26 Dec. 14 Dec. 16 Dec. 21 Jan. 4 Jan. 6 Jan. 7 Jan. 11 Jan. 14 Jan. 18 Jan. 20 Jan. 21 Jan. 25 Feb. 3 Feb. 8
Chartiers Valley (Mega-Scrimmage) Fort Cherry *Mt. Lebanon (Mellon School) Burgettstown South Park *Keystone Oaks Tournament *Keystone Oaks Tournament Carlynton *Blackhawk Tournament Chartiers Houston South Side Beaver Tournament South Side Beaver Tournament *Upper St. Clair (Fort Couch School) *Montour Duals *Avella
Away Home Away Away Home Away Away Home Away Away Away Away Away Away Home
Time 9:00 AM 6:00 4:00 6:00 6:00 TBA TBA 6:00 TBA 5:00 TBA TBA 4:00 3:30 6:00
Bus TBA ——TBA 4:15 ——TBA TBA ——TBA 3:45 TBA TBA 2:30 2:00 ——-
Dism. ————TBA ————TBA ——————TBA TBA TBA 2:15 1:45 ——-
*Non-Section Matches
2011-2012 PIHL SOUTH FAYETTE HOCKEY CLUB VARSITY Monday Monday Monday Monday Tuesday Monday Monday Thursday Monday Thursday Tuesday Monday Thursday Monday Thursday Monday Monday Thursday Monday Monday
Date Oct. 31 Nov. 7 Nov. 14 Nov. 21 Nov. 29 Dec. 5 Dec. 12 Dec. 22 Jan. 2 Jan. 5 Jan. 10 Jan. 23 Jan. 26 Jan. 30 Feb. 2 Feb. 6 Feb. 13 Feb. 23 Feb. 27 Mar. 5
Opponent Home/Away Quaker Valley H Knoch A Hampton A South Park H Mars A Serra Catholic H Bishop McCort H Quaker Valley A Thomas Jefferson H Serra Catholic A Westmont Hilltop A Mars H South Park A Thomas Jefferson H Serra Catholic A Greensburg Central H Sewickley Academy (Postponed) A Thomas Jefferson A Freeport H Kittanning H
Time 8:00 9:00 7:10 8:00 8:30 8:00 8:00 8:30 8:00 8:55 7:30 8:00 8:40 8:00 8:55 8:00 9:15 8:20 8:00 8:00
*Hockey Club is not affiliated with the WPIAL (Western Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic League) or the PIAA (Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association). **Hockey Club is affiliated with the Pennsylvania Interscholastic Hockey League (PIHL). 10 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE
South Fayette
What do you get
lIttlE lIoNS’ aCaDEmY:
when you mix laughter, fun, and excitement in the halls of South Fayette Elementary School in the summer? The Little Lions’ Academy, of course! This summer, the Little Lions’ Academy hosted more than 370 children in various theme-inspired classes. The academy was held during two weeks in July from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. each day. The staff of instructors included South Fayette teachers, residents, and non-residents. High school students who- volunteered their time in some of the classes included mallory vetter, Sarah Kimutis, megan Byham, and madaisha Pitcock. The students had many opportunities to explore their creative sides through crafts and drawing, get active through sports and exercise, and become the next “top chef” through baking. Students in the Silly Science class put on their lab coats and m ade crystal snowflakes, “ublek,” and their own fossils. World of Dance students were able to explore various forms of dance including ballet, jazz, tap, and modern. Other students had the chance to discover the types of birds that inhabit South Fayette Township, as well as visit the school’s wetlands and dissect owl pellets. The students were engaged in many activities ranging from drumming, quilting, building model rockets, basketball, yoga, and jewelry making. A listing of classes
Fun and Active Learning Even in the Summer! offered were: All About American Girls, Let’s Score Some Soccer Skills, Learn to Play the Drums, Super Summer Sports, The Pampered Princess, Come Fly with Us, Ultimate Outdoor Sports, Summer Craft “Sun”sations, Silly Science, Baking Treats with Sweets, Get Your Groove On, Etch-A-Sketch, Yoga Fun and Exercise, Snapology Legos and Robotics, Celebrati ng the Holidays in July, World of Dance, Basic Model Rocketry, Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah Days, Wild About Wetland Science, Book Cooks, Fruitful Quilts, Hoop Skills, and Solar Bead Jewelry. The Little Lions’ Academy is a successful event that takes place every year, and we look forward to seeing you next summer!
South Fayette School District Officially Begins the Dignity and Respect Campaign South Fayette School District has partnered with UPMC’s Center for Inclusion, Dignity and Respect (D&R) Campaign. This school year a focus on the positive “Dignity and Respect” statement will replace anti-bullying education within the district. Beginning with the Elementary and Intermediate schools the teachers and administrators were assembled for the D&R kickoff September 27, 2011 during a faculty meeting that featured Winifred Torbert, Program Director K-12 Initiatives, UPMC Center for Inclusion was the guest speaker. Winifred discussed the positive spin of using the phrase “I will treat everyone with Dignity and Respect” to educate students across the region that everyone deserves Dignity and Respect. She included various programs and projects that her group is working on for curriculum enhancements and D&R focused initiatives. South Fayette 3rd and 4th grade students took part as a host school with eight other schools in the region in the first annual D&R Campaign on October 25th. Charlie Batch was the guest speaker and focused on the importance of getting along and teamwork toward the common goal of treating everyone with dignity and respect. During the live internet connection, SF students had the opportunity to ask questions to Charlie. South Fayette students were among the 1,500+ students who took part in this event throughout the region either as host schools or visitors through the AIU’s Allegheny Connect System.
New alumni gr oup is formed! Are you a past m em
ber of the South band? If so, you Fayette ar South Fayette B e invited to join the new an group will ende d Alumni Association. Our avor to maintai n the history and tradition of th supporting the e band, while simultaneously current instrum en of the South Fa yette Township tal program School District. At the end of th e school year, w ew two graduating band members ill present with scholarships, na m directors, Mr. D ed in memory of our first two ominic Scacchitt i and Mr. John Testa. Our grou p of 1951 all the w ranges in age from the class ay more informatio to 2011, so please join! For n, sfbandalum@gm please e-mail ail.com or call R 412-667-1150. yan at
South Fayette | Winter 2011 | incommunitymagazines.com 11
South Fayette School District
South Fayette School District Awarded STEM and STEAM Grants for 2011-2012
South Fayette School District was awarded two $5,000 Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math (STEAM) grants from The Grable and The Benedum Foundations respectively. In addition, South Fayette High School was awarded $1,500 from PAESSP - Hershey Company Mini-Grant for our STEM project based education programs. High School Principal, Scott Milburn will be presented with the award at the annual PAES SP Conference October 22 through 24, 2011 at Penn State University. South Fayette High School was the only school in the state to be awarded this grant in the academic area. The district’s commitment to providing students with real time problem solving and 21st Century skills experience is expanding this year through these grants to include two All-Clad Teams, two Bots IQ Teams, Three Team America Rocketry Challenge with one of those teams being an all girls group all headed by Tech Education Teacher, Brian Garlick. In addition, Frank Kruth’s All Girls Middle School Rocket and Robots after school program has been an exciting addition to the project based experiences as the female students are encouraged to expand their knowledge and interest in the science and math academic areas. This has been a very successful feeder program for the high school STEM classes. Recruitment for females in STEM related fields in the workplace is at an all time high and is projected to grow throughout the decades. South Fayette High School is also partnering with Siemens Corporation’s Building Technologies Division through the SF Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) club team led by Brandon Flannery and Shawn Mc Ardle, Co-FBLA Advisors. LanXESS Corporation is also providing a real time experience for students in physics and chemistry that will be headed by Physics Teacher Michael Beran. None of these opportunities would be available to the students without the commitment and enthusiasm of the teachers involved in these projects. Their willingness to go the extra mile for the students to have these exper iences is extraordinary.
t c e j o r P l a P n e P Technology: ry tu n e C t s 21
dle e South Park Mid er mentors to th pe as nal d tio te ca ac s vo ie e disabilit shared th disabilities and uth Fayette ith e So w r sid ts in ou en th ar ud ye bo st ol School in weekly -2011 scho to they participated During the 2010 ts at the opportunity th en d es ha ud st nc ss rk rie cla Pa t pe h or ex e Sout ning Supp e classroom. Th t which in the High School Lear and outside of th y Pen Pal projec ur about their jobs nt ns Ce tio st es 21 qu a rs to en n m pe er of participate in pe ponent asked their e traditional com ents incorporated th nology ch te y ur mmunity. nt co ficial for the stud Ce st with 21 incredibly bene as w e le ce nc ab en rie pal letter writing be er pe to nf o co This ex rtunate d Polycom vide We were very fo l Pa n using iMovie an Pe l and staff alike. na a traditio logy to transform rite e w no tiv ch to va te ty e equipment. no ni us in rtu l Pa po Century Pen ts had the op st en 21 ud a st to HS in e SF e nc Th experie education e school special t ric letters to a middl st project. Di ol 2 school year, ho South Park Sc for the 2011-201 m f” of fro ick e om “k th ro , a ss rs As cla ng Support these lette school year. In gh School Learni Hi tte s ye st Fa re h te ut in throughout the So sharing Middle School connections by d South Fayette te vi in ts r eir en tte students made ud le st g ticin participate in th tions while prac es pport students to ss Su rk cla ng Pa th ni h and asking ques ar Bo ut Le s. So ill e year with and grammar sk conference of th video i o in de m . vi writing, spelling, a st om te fir ro ea ss cr cla use iMovie to ecial education were also able to Middle School sp ce themselves ed activities du ar sh tro d in an to es es lv ss ection duced themse nn allowing the cla tro co in al ts su look en vi a ud W e st The em to mak er months. e which enabled th d over the summ ye jo l video ls. en pa na ey n tio th pe di e at th respectiv a live cipation in ad in rti pa ed ’ at ts cip en rti ud to each of their pa st ts ol year. forward to our year, the studen o ughout the scho To conclude the During the vide portunities thro ls. op pa ce n en pe r er ei nf th co with with video conference School students uth Fayette High So r ou , ce en er conf 12 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE
South Fayette
Mae Jemison was the keynote speaker for the Regional Arts Education Day sponsored by the Arts Education Collaborative and hosted by the South Fayette Township School District on October 10.
ARTS EDUCATION COLLABORATIVE INVITES DR. MAE JEMISON TO EXPLORE LINKS BETWEEN THE ARTS AND SCIENCES FOR REGIONAL ARTS DAY The 10th annual Regional Arts Education Day 2011, hosted by South Fayette High School, joined educators, administrators, artists, cultural organizations and policy makers in southwestern Pennsylvania to gain a better understanding of how the arts and sciences are critical components of a comprehensive education. Dr. Mae Jemison, the event's keynote speaker, has led a remarkable life; in addition to being a doctor, engineer, academic, entrepreneur and dancer, Jemison spent six years with NASA as an astronaut, during which she became the first woman of color to go into space. Dr. Jemison resigned from NASA in 1993 and founded The Jemison Group, Inc., a technology and consulting firm
to consider socio-cultural impacts when designing technologies. In her book “Find Where the Wind Goes,� Jemison writes about growing up on the south side of Chicago, cultivating her aspirations to be a scientist and professional dancer, her experiences as a medical student in Africa and her historymaking journey into space. Throughout the day, the event highlighted the rich learning and teaching that occurs through strengthening collaboration between the arts and sciences across the curriculum, inspired educators from multiple disciplinary backgrounds and administrators to take steps towards experimentation with the integration of subjects in their schools and showcased regional initiatives from arts and
cultural organizations, along with higher education entities, that demonstrate crossdisciplinary learning and problem-solving. The Pittsburgh-based Arts Education Collaborative sponsored the event and works to achieve its mission through professional development programs, advocacy projects and collaborative initiatives among artists, arts organizations and educators. The collaborative engages teachers, administrators, artists, cultural organizations, and parents in strengthening quality arts education throughout a region that is known for its cultural and educational richness, according to its website.
South Fayette | Winter 2011 | incommunitymagazines.com 13
South Fayette School District
Foundation Continues to
Enhance Learning
South Fayette Foundation for Excellence
In September, The South Fayette Foundation awarded its second annual “Success for the Classroom Grants” for innovative new programs submitted by South Fayette faculty. Winners for 2011-2012 included Deborah Kuntz in the Elementary School for a new challenging mathematics program for 4th graders, Frank Kruth and Joe Becker in the Middle School for a Soapbox Derby project, Shad Wachter in the Middle School for a m orning news video project, and Jim Hausman in the High School for an interactive classroom learning program in the English department. The South Fayette Foundation for Excellence (SFFE), formed in January 2009 and approved as a 501 (c ) 3 non-profit community organization in January 2010, helps provide funding for activities and programs which enhance and enrich the artistic, academic and athletic curricul um offered in the South Fayette School District. All revenue generated by SFFE directly benefits the students and teachers of the district over and above what the school district budget can provide. Funding for the SFFE comes from donations, memberships and fundraisers such as the upcoming Second Annual Evening with The Mansfield Five and The Four Townsmen which will be held on March 3, 2012 at the SNPJ Club, Bridgeville.
High School English Teacher and Grant Awardee, James Hausman and Principal Scott Milburn during the presentation of this grant for an interactive classroom program
This past May, four seniors from the Class of 2011 were awarded the Dr. Mary Ravita Memorial Scholarship which is overseen by the foundation. The Board also works closely with the South Fayette Alumni Association, producing the new alumni directory which was distributed
4th Grade teacher and Grant awardee Deborah Kuntz and Principal Greg Wensell pose with the students who will be benefitting from her 4th grade Math curriculum
14 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE
South Fayette
Middle School Industrial Technology teacher Frank Kruth accepts the Classroom Grant from Charlotte Smith, SFFE President. Also pictured are 8th grade science teacher Joe Becker and middle school students who will be participating in the Soapbox Derby project.
this past February. They also have assisted the newly formed South Fayette Band Alumni Association. For the second year in a row, SFFE partnered with the Mylan Classic (PGA Golf Tournament) held this past September at Southpointe Golf Club as one of their Tickets FORE Charity recipients. As an approved non-profit organization, any donation or investment in SFFE is tax deductible. For more information or to contribute to its cause, please visit the website www.southfayette.org and click on the tab “Foundation4Excellence� or call Maureen Pedzwater at 724-6933047. For tickets and more K-8 Technology Assistant and Grant information about the March 3, Awardee, Shad Wachter with 2012 fundraiser, call Charlotte Principal Dave Deramo and Assistant Smith at 724-693-9441. Principal Tom Kaminski as Shad is awarded his grant for a Middle School News Project. South Fayette | Winter 2011 | incommunitymagazines.com 15
South Fayette Township
yoga ADULT
When: Starts: Time: Place: Price:
Tuesday & Thursdays January 17th 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM Middle School LGI Room $50.00 for 5 weeks
Join Heather Black for an introduction to yoga. The classes will concentrate on body alignment, yoga therapeutics and stress relief. Classes are designed for all ages and levels of ability. Let yoga help with weight loss and improving your overall well being. You will need a yoga mat.
For more information call 412.319.7441. 16 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE
South Fayette
1234 All residences and buildings in South Fayette Township are required to have numbers visibly and prominently displayed facing the road. In fact, this small detail could be a matter of life or death when paramedics, firemen or police are dispatched to any address. If the address numbers are not visible, it will be quite difficult for emergency vehicles to locate the residence, especially at night and in dimly lit areas. When adding or replacing numbers, please be certain they are large enough to be easily and quickly read from the street. Also, when numbers are on mailboxes, it is not always easy to identify which box belongs to which home, especially with multi-family housing. In placing the numbers on the post of a mailbox, make sure to place them on both sides of box so that the can be seen from either di rection of travel. Please do your part and help our emergency services and delivery services find your home when called upon.
Reports and Photo Copies Copies of police reports and accident reports can be obtained Monday-Friday from 8:00 AM until 4:00 PM. It is advised that you call in advance to ensure that the reports are complete and that the materials requested are available. Cost of reports: Accident reports: $15.00 Complaints: $5.00
ABANDONED VEHICLES The PA Vehicle Code defines an abandoned vehicle as: 1. Any vehicle that is physically inoperable and is left unattended on a highway or other public property for more than 48 hours. 2. The vehicle has remained illegally on a highway or other public property for more than 48 hours. 3. The vehicle is left unattended or along a highway or other public property for more than 48 hours and does not bear ALL of the fol lowing: a. Valid registration plate b. Valid certificate of inspection c. An ascertainable VIN 4. The vehicle has been left on private property without permission for more than 24 hours. SouTh FayEttE TownShiP CODE DEFINES AN ABANDONED VEHICLE AS: Any vehicle which does not have lawfully affixed thereto an unexpired license plate, if the vehicle is required to be licensed in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania or any other state, or a current motor vehicle safety inspection certificate, if required by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania or any other state in which the vehicle is registered for operation of the vehicle on public highways, or the condition of the vehicle is wrecked, dismantled, inoperative, abandoned or discarded.
DOGGY STUFF All dog owners are reminded that dogs must be licensed. Applications for dog licenses are available at the municipal building but must be mailed to the address listed below. Also, dog owners are reminded that Township ordinances prohibit owners from allowing their dogs to bark and/or disrupt the peace on a continual basis. Dog owners should also be mindful to clean-up after their pets when taking them for their nightly walks. Owners are not permitted to allow their dogs to relieve themselves on public streets and/or on other’s private property.
Allegheny County Treasurer’s Office Room 108, Court House Pittsburgh, PA 15219 South Fayette | Winter 2011 | incommunitymagazines.com 17
South Fayette Township
You are in your bed sleeping and are awakened by a burglary in your residence — what should you do? Do not make any sound or movement. Do not confront the intruder. Pretend you are asleep. Let the intruder take whatever property he wants. Give the intruder an opportunity to escape. Never run or chase the person. Dial 911 for the police. KEEP BURGLARS FROM ENTERING YOUR RESIDENCE BY: 1. Turning on the spotlights. 4. Set timers on your interior lights. 2. Activating your alarm service. 5. Locking all doors and windows. 3. Trimming back trees and bushes. PROTECTING YOUR PROPERTY CAN BE MADE SIMPLE WITH JUST A FEW EASY STEPS: 1. Mark your valuables with an engraver (name, serial number). 2. Record all valuables on paper with serial number, value, etc.
3. Keep valuables like jewelry & collectables in a safe or safety deposit box. 4. Burglars do not like stealing things marked with identification.
IDS K R O F Trusted family and Y T E F parents, good friends that you know should SA always be with you, wherever you go; to school, back home or out where you play, bring your friends and your family to brighten your day. If you are walking alone, and home seems so far, don't fall for the line "come, get into my car"! Don't pay attention to them, don't even go near them. If a stranger asks you to help find something, or offers a ride or money or gifts, say "NO"! Get away fast. If you get lost from a parent at the mall or in a store, stay where you are and don't leave with anyone for any reason. Your parents are going to come back for you to the last place they saw you when they realize you are lost. Lights are good friends at home or on the street at night. When outside, stay where it is bright and open and get home before dark. You have a right to not let anyone touch you in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable. Say "NO" and tell someone you trust if you ever have a problem. Make a list of phone numbers you can call for help in an emergency. Don't give information to strangers over the phone. Talk to mom and dad about who is permitted in the house when they are away. Always have a Safe House in your neighborhood where you can go to if you need help and are not near your home. Always remember, you can trust a police officer to help you. Police care about kids too.
18 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE
South Fayette
FINGERPRINT SERVICES South Fayette Police Department provides fingerprint services to the public as follows: It is suggested that you call to schedule fingerprinting. Fingerprinting will not be done without valid photo identification. Please bring all necessary cards with you. We do not provide fingerprint cards. Fees are as follows: Residents $5.00 NoN-residents $10.00 To check on the availability of fingerprint services call 412-221-2170.
PREVENTING IDENTITY THEFT Identity theft is a multi-billion dollar business in the United States. Even though you may only lose a few dollars to these criminals, it may take years for you to regain your good name and credit. TIPS: 1. When ordering checks, do not provide unnecessary information. 2. Always save your ATM or banking machine receipts and never throw them in a public trash container. 3. Always shred preapproved credit card applications, credit card receipts, bills or other financial information before discarding them. 4. Memorize your passwords. Do not record them on paper or carry them in your wallet or purse.
Teens are Crime's Most Frequent Target • Once every 19 seconds, a teen in the U. S. is a victim of crime. • In 1983, over 1.7 million crimes of violence and 3.6 million crimes of theft were committed against teens. • One in four rape victims in 1984 was a teenage girl; one in five assault victims were a teenage boy. But teenagers represent only about one-tenth of our population. • It's a fact. Teenagers (people 12-19 years old) are more frequent targets of crime than any other age group in the U.S. • Crimes such as robbery, assault, rape, larceny, are all the same crimes of which adults are victims. • If you are a teen, what are your chances? Out of a gym filled with 2,000 teens, between 358 and 362 were probably victims of personal crimes in the past year. Fill that same gym with 2,000 parents (ages 35-64) and you'll probably find about 144-147 victims. Replace them with 2,000 grandparents (people over 65) and expect 54-58 victims. • Why don't the police do something? Because teens don't tell them about it when they are victimized. Teens report crimes of theft and violence far less frequently than adults; for some crimes, less than half as often. Teens can cut their chances of being targets, by following common sense tips to prevent crime. Using your head to keep your body out of crime's way is good advice for people of all ages.
When you are going away on vacation, make sure to make arrangements with trusted friends or family to pick up your mail and newspapers on a daily basis. Tips when you are going away: 1. Contact South Fayette Police Department and inform them when you will be gone. Fill out a vacation home check so police can make periodic checks. 2. Stop all deliveries or arrange for a neighbor to pick them up. 3. Arrange for someone to mow your lawn, shovel snow, etc., to make your house look lived in. 4. Turn radios and lamps on at different times. 5. Hide garbage cans inside. An empty can is a sure clue you are away. 6. Turn the ringer on your phone down. 7. Make sure all doors and windows are locked and secure. 8. Leave emergency numbers where you will be with a neighbor in case of an emergency.
South Fayette | Winter 2011 | incommunitymagazines.com 19
South Fayette Township HOW TO USE THE
early everyone will have to use 9-1-1 during their lifetime. When a person is not properly trained in responding to an emergency, then fear, panic and doubt can take hold. Fortunately, if an individual is trained and applies some basic principles and procedures, he/she can respond properly to an emergency. HOW TO CONTROL YOURSELF IN AN EMERGENCY: When you are faced with an emergency situation-REMAIN CALM! Calm yourself by taking a deep breath and a split second to regain your composure. Assess the situation, collect your thoughts and understand what is happening. Ask yourself: WHAT MUST I DO? By concentrating on what you must do, you will avoid panic. TIME IS CRITICAL DURING AN EMERGENCY:Time is extremely important and can make the difference between life and death. For example: When someone is not breathing, it takes only four minutes to die or for permanent brain damage to occur. Therefore, you must respond immediately to an emergency situation. Never waste a second as one second could mean the difference between life or death.
WHEN CALLING 9-1-1 DO THE FOLLOWING: 1) Know the location of the emergency. Try being as specific as possible. 2) Specify the kind of emergency. Police, Fire or Ambulance 3) What specific emergency. A crime has to, or is about to, occur. Robbery in progress, a house is burning, a person is unconscious, a traffic accident, etc. 4) What is needed. Police, Paramedics, Ambulance, Fire truck, Utility Co. Tow truck, or any special equipment needed. 5) If weapons are involved. A handgun automatic weapons, knives, etc. 6) Number of persons involved.Total number of people to the best of your knowledge, type of vehicles and direction of flight. 7) Keep your information factual. DO NOT EXAGGERATE THE SITUATION. However, never be afraid to state the seriousness of the situation. Tell the 9-1-1 dispatcher what you do know, and if you don't know something, tell 9-1-1 you don't know or aren't sure.
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FaMily ViolenCe What can i do? The abuser's power is based on secrecy. Abuse must be brought into the open and talked about. Many women's health centers and mental health centers sponsor support groups for abused women and children. Call and give yourself the chance to talk to other victims. You'll find out you are not alone. No single tactic may work by itself if you're a victim of abuse. In many cases, a combination of legal intervention and counseling is the best way to protect victims, help the batterer, and minimize damage to family relations. Don't let yourself believe it won't happen again. Tell someone and help to protect your future. Here are some comm only shared Myths and the true facts about Family Violence. • mYTh: Family violence is not a crime. It occurs in the home and is strictly a private matter that doesn't affect anyone else. • FaCT: Any physical attack against a person is a crime, no matter where it happens or who does it. Violence within a family threatens the entire community. Children of abusive parents often are physically or sexually abused . In many cases these children perpetuate the cycle of violence by later abusing their own children. • mYTh: Family violence happens mostly among low-income groups and minorities. • FaCT: Although violence in family is drastically underreported, it is known to affect all ages, races, and economic levels. • mYTh: No one can help. The police, the courts, and social workers either don't want to get involved o r can't do anything effective about a family's problems.
• FaCT: Women's health centers, mental health agencies, volunteer groups, and law enforcement in more and more areas are trying to help victims of family violence by providing safe shelters, counseling, emergency assistance, and legal aid, and mediation programs. IF YOU ARE VICTIM OF FAMILY VIOLENCE, OR KNOW SOMEONE WHO'S A VICTIM OF FAMILY VIOLENCE , YOU CAN CONTACT: THE WOMEN'S CENTER & SHELTER OF GREATER PITTSBURGH 412.687.8005 Or WOMENSPLACE 412.678.4616 OR IN AN EMERGENCY, THE SOUTH FAYETTE TWP. POLICE DEPT.
How to Report! Make Your Own Record. Whether adrenaline, excitement, fear, or panic, if we are confronted with something we should report, our bodies are going to fight everything we do to maintain calm and remember what is required for a good report (fight or flight). If we practice how we would report, when we are not affected by the distracters, we may establish some habits that will allow us to do the same when we are distracted. Never confront or try to directly check out something that is suspicious and never put yourself in danger. If you feel in danger, leave the area, hide or seek a crowd, and call 911. Just because something doesn't feel right is not automatically a reason to report it. Often it is a series of red flags that by their preponderance would cause us to make a report.
When reporting, think of what you are trying to describe as a word picture. You see the picture of what you are describing, you want the person you are describing the incident to see the same picture and you have only words to do it. Describe in detail what you saw and try to leave assumptions, prejudices, etc. out of it. "Only the facts ma'am" (Joe Friday, Dragnet). It is often helpful to be able to explain why you thought s omething was suspicious. Possibly contrast it against what is normal for that time/area ...... Human nature being what it is, it doesn't hurt to add legitimacy to your report. Finally, make your own written record of what you saw and who/when you reported it. You would be amazed at how time can change your perception of what you saw and this record may help later investigators. South Fayette | Winter 2011 | incommunitymagazines.com 21
South Fayette Township
ask yourself: • How many places do you pass daily that have been vandalized in some way, like graffiti on buildings, broken windows, missing traffic signs? • How many times in one day did you see vandalism in your school — obscenities and racial insults scrawled on bathroom walls; ripped pages in textbooks; damaged sports equipment; a damaged pay phone that doesn't work, even in an emergency? Maybe you've heard that vandalism is just mischief and doesn't really hurt anyone. That's not true. On average a broken school window can cost as much as $315.00 to replace, and to remove graffiti from walls and doors can cost around $3,400.00 for cleaning and painting. That means less money for new books, band uniforms, sports equipment and student activities. A homeowner has to replace damaged property such as mailboxes, flowers and any other damaged property. The town taxpayers (your parents) have to pay the costs of replacing damaged property with higher taxes. Property that is damaged makes the neighborhood look bad and encourages more destruction. let's all make sure we think before we act and use vandalism as a way to vent angry feelings or damage someone else's property, just for the heck of it.
let's continue to make South Fayette Township a beautiful place to live.
22 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE
South Fayette
Make your yard the envy of the neighborhood with • How to get started? • Learn what Ph is and how it affects your plants • Weed control • The right plant for the area. • Fertilizers and pesticides
(Pre-Registration Required) $10.00 per session Space is limited ❑ January 28th ❑ February 4th Ornamental Shrubs/Trees ❑ February 11th Lawn Care ❑ February 18st Perennial/Annual Flowers ❑ February 25th Vegetables
Mail to: South Fayette Townshipv Department of Parks & Recreation 515 Millers Run Road, Morgan, PA 15064
# of Sessions @ $10.00= $__________
Name__________________________________________________________ Address________________________________________________________ City_________________________________ State_________ Zip_________ Phone #__________________ E-Mail________________________________ Question for the Instructor: _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________
Guidelines and Rules
• I will pay a fee of $___ to help cover garden expenses.($25.00 Security Deposit) • I will have something planted in the garden by (date) and keep it planted all summer long. • If I must abandon my plot for any reason, I will notify the Township. • I will keep weeds at a minimum and maintain the areas immediately surrounding my plot. • If my plot becomes unkempt, I understand I will be given 1 week's notice to clean it up. At that time, it will be re-assigned or tilled in. • I will keep trash and litter out of the plot, as well as from adjacent pathways and fences. • I will participate in the fall cleanup of the garden. • I will plant tall crops where they will not shade neighboring plots. • I will pick only my own crops unless given permission by another plot user. • I will not use fertilizers, insecticides or weed repellents in the organic section. • I understand that I am not guaranteed the same plot every year. • I will not bring pets to the garden. • All fencing, border material, stakes, cages and non-biodegradable material will be removed by November 1.
• I understand that neither the garden group nor owners of the land are responsible for my actions. I THEREFORE AGREE TO HOLD HARMLESS SOUTH FAYETTE TOWNSHIP FOR ANY LIABILITY, DAMAGE, LOSS OR CLAIM THAT OCCURS IN CONNECTION WITH USE OF THE GARDEN BY ME OR ANY OF MY GUESTS. Name___________________________________________________ Address__________________________________________________ City_____________________________________________________ State________________________ Zip_________________________ E-Mail___________________________________________________ Phone # (____)____________________________________________ Signature________________________________________________ Plot #______________
South Fayette | Winter 2011 | incommunitymagazines.com 23
How do you beat a Bully? By amanda S.F. hartle While many districts take a negative approach to bullying, South Fayette School District has opted to stay positive to combat the problem with a new optimistic program. Launched in South Fayette this fall, the Dignity and Respect Campaign aims to create a welcoming district that values all individuals, said Bille Rondinelli, South Fayette superintendent. “South Fayette School District is a growing community. It is changing in demographics and we really want to be inclusive of everyone and everything.” The campaign, which grew from an initiative at the Center for Inclusion at UPMC two years ago, is designed to unite school districts, individuals, nonprofit groups and businesses under the banner that every person has the right to dignity and respect.
South Fayette is one of 20 districts that will take the campaign’s 30 Tips to Promote Dignity and Respect and implement them throughout their classrooms. The campaign was launched this fall incrementally and targets the approximately 400 third and fourth-grade students in the district. Students met Dr. Diggy, the campaign’s mascot, on the first day of school and heard from Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Charlie Batch during an October assembly, where they pledged to treat each other with dignity and respect. The assembly showed the reach of the campaign, according to Maureen Pedzwater, high school career coordinator. Batch was the center square in a video feed designed in a way reminiscent of the game show “Hollywood Squares” and students from partnering districts surrounded him in separate squares. “Over the past few years it is has just grown
Top: DR. Diggy on the bus. Right: : Maureen Pedzwater receiving the UPMC Center for Inclusion Community Champion awared for the South Fayette and UPMC “Next Steps” website development project at the UPMC Partnership Council Annual Event. Below:
DR. Diggy welcoming students in the elementary center on the first day of school.
24 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE
South Fayette
and grown. So uth Fayette is one of the districts that has embraced it totally,” said Pedzwater, who also was recognized for her campaign involvement as a UPMC Center for Inclusion Community Champion for the South Fayette and UPMC Next Steps website development project. It has been an easy incorporation for the district because it harmonizes with initiatives already in place to promote the same ideals such as the OLWEUS pr ogram that addresses bullying, the middle school Word of the Month effort used to reinforce character traits and secondary level community service outreach efforts. “It fits very well into the philosophy of our
Winifred Torbert, Stefanie Massari and Philip Greenes – adults and students Brian Schuchert, Jonathan Albert, Tyler Kosmacki and Jessica Barton receiving an award at the August 16 South Fayette school board meeting for their involvement with the UPMC Next Steps website development project.
district,” said Rondinelli. “We were already trying to build an environment of dignity and respect and this really just compliments and enhances what we were already doing.” At the classroom level, each teacher remains responsible for incorporating the
campaign’s 30 tips into their daily curriculum. Tips include treat others they way they want to be treated, practice patience, do the right thing and remembe r we all make mistakes among 26 other simple suggestions. Other ideas such as creating a South Fayette quilt with squares created by students
detailing ways they have promoted the ideals could come to fruition in the future allowing students to have a visual reminder of the campaign. But for right now, district officials are set on teaching the tips and spreading the word about the campaign across district comm unities and into each student’s home, said Pedzwater. She urges parents to ask their children about the campaign and enforce the ideals. “We can only do so much at school. We want parents to be part of this.”
South Fayette Hires Interim Manager With the exit of longtime manager Michael Hoy, South Fayette has hired former Monroeville Manager Marshall Bond to serve as the interim manager until a permanent replacement can be found. Hoy resigned this November to pursue a job in the private sector after more than a decade with the township. Bond was the manager of Monroeville for more than 20 years, and retired in 2010 as part of a tax-saving incentive program. He started at Monroeville in 1968 as an intern, and took a position with the municipality as the assistant manager after serving a three-year tour of duty in Vietnam.
South Fayette | Winter 2011 | incommunitymagazines.com 25
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Riding the Storm Out
Business Spotlight INdustry Insight
Say NO to the parachute and YES to the seat belt By Phil henry Imagine yourself on Flight 101, headed for Retirement Isles. You have been planning this trip for a long time. In fact, 30 years ago you realized if this trip was ever going to be remotely possible you would have to play your part. You did by maxing out your contribution to your company’s retirement plan. Now on board with a ways to go but with the end in sight, you experience occasional turbulence, which makes you jittery. The Captain does issue warnings. Which one seems more realistic and hence, apt to be agreed to and obeyed by you? Warning 1: This is the Captain. We are about to enter a very rough, turbulent stretch. By all means, feel free to move about the cabin. Flight attendants will be down the aisle soon offering parachutes for those wishing to abandon the craft. Our aim on Self Airlines is to help you do what you want to. Warning 2: This is the Captain. We are about to enter a very rough, turbulent stretch. Please return to your seats and securely fasten your buckles. The first warning would get some great laughs on a Saturday Night Live skit. But it is no laughing matter as it relates to getting you to your retirement destination. Yes, but how low can we go? The Dow Jones Indus. Avg.* declined significantly in the 3rd qt. Here are some quick 2011 stats: (Source: yahoo Finance) 1-03-11 Opening bell, Dow at 11,577 3-31-11 Close of Q1, Dow at 12,350, YTD gain 6.7% 6-30-11 Close of Q2, Dow at 12,414, YTD gain 7.2% 7-07-11 Peak for year, Dow at 12,719, YTD gain 9.9% 9-30-11 Close of Q3, Dow at 10,913, YTD loss 5.7% At Henry Wealth Management, we maintain that this present volatile, turbulent stretch has been caused by political backlash and rising global fears. In our opinion, many public companies appear to be doing quite well, especially relative to the last correction/ bear market of late ‘07 to early ‘09, when corporations by and large went into survival mode. Due to a perceived lack of leadership and vision from Washington, many companies are presently holding off on plans for expansion and additional investment/ hiring, as they await more political clarity. Times like this may cause some to wonder if it’s better to take the parachute offer, exit the stock market and re-enter at some future “calm” point, rather than staying the course. We believe that the easiest decision in the world is to jump, or sell, while the hardest one is to re-enter, or buy. Selling and then re-buying requires that the investor be right TWICE. In our opinion, to use asset allocation, which is to utilize an optimal stock to bond ratio based on ones’ goals, time frames and risk preferences, and to do so using global diversification, requires only ONE right decision, that being, to execute on the strategy once it is identified and agreed to*. Talk about a lesson in extreme jumping! Apparently the City of Pittsburgh Pension Plan Trustees thought they could properly “time” the stock market. According to an Aug. 26, 2011 article in the Pgh. Business Times, acting on the advice of its financial consultants, the plan trustees unanimously voted to sell all equities in August of 2010. Then seven months later in March of 2011, a buy was executed and the plan re-entered the stock market. According to experts who later examined this maneuver, it was estimated that this “timing tactic” cost the city and its over 7,000 employees and retirees, between $25-35 million in lost account value, as compared to simply maintaining their previous 60-40 allocation (60% stocks, 40% bonds). Especially at volatile times like the present, we need to avoid allowing periods of intense negativity result in the derailing of our long-term strategic plans, possibly to the point of thinking that we could successfully engage in market timing, aka, “jumping ship”. Here is the buckle-up mentality that we advocate; however, please consult your financial professional, attorney, or tax advisor with regard to your individual situation. Five years or more to retirement: If your stock-to-bond ratio was set based on long-term accumulation goals and you are more than five years to retirement, you may want to do nothing! In fact, if you have excess cash reserves, you may want to consider BUYING! This present market turbulence/correction has created an
“On-Sale” opportunity. within five years of retirement: If you are nearing retirement, you should have been considering a decrease to your stock-to-bond ratio, not because of current events, but because your plane has started its’ descent! You may have certainly been impacted by this latest decline but at least, to a lesser degree. already in retirement: You’ve already arrived at Retirement Isles? To the extent that you can reduce or eliminate portfolio withdrawals during volatile times, opting instead for withdrawals from cash accounts, that can help preserve your principal. Hopefully your retirement plan draws from several income sources (social security, pension, part-time or rental income and/or portfolio withdrawals) so the potential to reduce or put portfolio withdrawals on hold is available. Buckle up and try to do something other than hyper focus on current events. This too shall pass. Philip C. Henry, ChFC, CFS, is the President of Henry Wealth Management, LLC, an independent financial services firm located at 1370 Washington Pike, Bridgeville, PA. He offers Securities and Investment Advisory Services through NFP Securities, Inc., Member FINRA/SIPC. This article was co-authored with Daniel L. Henry, CLU and the firm’s Vice President. Dan offers Securities through NFP Securities, Inc., Member FINRA/SIPC. NFP Securities, Inc. is not affiliated with Henry Wealth Management, LLC. Phil may be reached at 412-838-0200 or through email at Phil@HenryWealth.com. The firm’s website is www.HenryWealth.com. The opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the authors and may not necessarily reflect those held by NFP Securities, Inc. This is for general information only and is not intended to provide specific investment advice or recommendation. NFP Securities, Inc. does not provide legal or tax advice. Past Performance does not guarantee future results. *Using asset allocation as part of your investment strategy neither assures nor guarantees better performance.
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Health and Wellness News You Can Use
BundleUp,Baby Remember how Mom made you bundle up before going outdoors in the winter so you wouldn’t get sick? She was right. So be sure you dress for the weather — and that means covering your head, ears, mouth, and hands. Turn to page 4 to learn why your ears, nose, and throat need extra care in winter.
What’s Inside
© 2011 UPMC
page 2
UPMC Now Offers Imaging Services in West Mifflin
page 3
When Your Body Talks ... Be Sure to Listen
page 4
Make a Date with Your Doctor Three Cheers for Your Ears, Nose, and Throat
page 5
Technology for 21st Century Hospitals
page 6
Taking on Tourette Controlling a life in motion at Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC
page 7
Changes Continue to Transform UPMC Mercy Emergency Dpeartment
UPMC Now Offers Imaging Services in West Mifflin For West Mifflin area residents, the new UPMC West Mifflin facility is bringing UPMC’s high quality care, including the latest in imaging technology, right to their doorstep. “We understand that not everyone can or wants to travel outside their community for treatment or a particular test,” says Stephanie Pankow, administrative director of UPMC West Mifflin. “Our communities and neighborhoods are at the heart of what makes Pittsburgh such a special place to live and work. Helping to keep them strong and healthy is important to us,” adds Ms. Pankow. Located at 1907 Lebanon Church Road in West Mifflin (near Century Square), the new facility is home to the UPMC Cancer Centers, Quest Diagnostics, and UPMC Imaging Services. The new facility also features comfortable and attractive waiting and testing areas, as well as free parking.
Onsite, subspecialty trained radiologists provide your doctor with fast, high-quality readings, important results your doctor uses in making an accurate diagnosis and crafting a treatment plan. “Physicians in the UPMC network can choose to get their patient’s imaging results electronically,” says Ms. Pankow.
“Our communities and neighborhoods are at the heart of what makes Pittsburgh such a special place to live and work. Helping to keep them strong and healthy is important to us.” — Stephanie Pankow
The care you need — close to home Whether your doctor suspects a broken pinky finger and wants a quick x-ray or your specialist has ordered a CT scan, MRI, or ultrasound, UPMC West Mifflin gives residents easy access to a wide range of imaging services.
“UPMC West Mifflin has the most advanced imaging technology available, including a state-of-the-art 64-slice CT scanner that is faster and offers more accurate images,” says Melissa Kovtun, executive director of Imaging Services. Imaging services available onsite include:
Moving the well-established UPMC Cancer Centers to the new UPMC West Mifflin location adds to patient convenience and comfort by making imaging services available nearby. “Patients can be assured that all of the center’s advanced cancer detection, diagnosis, and treatment options still will be offered — just in a different location,” says Ms. Pankow. UPMC West Mifflin 1907 Lebanon Church Road West Mifflin, PA 15122 Imaging Services Phone: 412-653-8030 Hours of operation: Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday by appointment UPMC Cancer Center Phone: 412-653-8100 Hours of operation: Monday through Friday 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.
• MRI • CT • General/Vascular • General Radiology (including x-rays) • Ultrasound
For more information about UPMC West Mifflin, visit UPMC.com.
When Your BodyTalks…
Be Sure toListen Being attuned to changes in your body can help in the early detection and treatment of cancer and other serious medical problems Is your body trying to tell you something important? It can be an excellent communicator — if you pay careful attention to its symptoms. There are numerous warning symptoms for cancer, many of which also can point to other serious medical conditions. That’s why you should call your primary care physician (PCP) if you have any unusual or persistent symptoms lasting longer than two or three weeks, says Edward Chu, MD, chief of the Division of Hematology/ Oncology at UPMC and deputy director of the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute. “The vast majority of patients will get a clean bill of health from their doctor,” says Dr. Chu. “But when it comes to cancer, time is often of the essence. Early detection can help keep cancer from spreading, allow for faster treatment, and improve your chances for recovery.”
Symptoms that reveal Most of us know to be on the lookout for such important cancer warning signs as a sore that does not heal; a thickening or lump in the breast, or other parts of the body; blood in the stool or urine; or changes in the size or color of a mole.
Dr. Chu says it’s also important to be aware of more generalized body changes (also known as constitutional symptoms) that can compromise your physical performance and overall well-being. By getting to know what’s typical for your own body, you’ll be better able to recognize unfamiliar changes when they occur. They can include: • Extreme tiredness (fatigue) • Unexplained weight loss (typically 10 pounds or more) or loss of appetite • Changes in how food tastes • Fever and chills • Night sweats • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing “These symptoms don’t necessarily mean you have cancer,” he emphasizes. “But if they linger or worsen, it’s important for your doctor to rule out — or treat — possible problems.” If you are interested in locating a PCP or specialist in your area, visit UPMC.com/FindADoctor or call 1-800-533-UPMC (8762).
Did You Know? The University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute (UPCI), based at the Hillman Cancer Center in Shadyside, is the only National Cancer Institutedesignated Comprehensive Cancer Center in western Pennsylvania. Learn more about UPCI and its partnership with UPMC Cancer Centers at UPCI.UPMC.edu.
Cancer Screenings: Are they right for you? Another important tool in the early detection of cancer is screenings. “When combined with regular checkups with your family doctor or specialist, screenings like mammograms, PAP smears, and colorectal exams have proven to be invaluable in the fight against cancer,” says Eric Safyan, MD, of UPMC Cancer Center at UPMC Mercy. “Your personal and family medical history, risk factors, age, and other considerations will help your physician recommend the right tests — and frequency — for you.” To learn more about the programs and services at UPMC Cancer Center at UPMC Mercy, visit UPMCMercy.com.
Health Tips from UPMC Health Plan
Make a Date With Your Doctor You take your car to the mechanic for an annual inspection to be sure it’s running properly. So why aren’t you giving your body the same kind of attention? When you’re in good health, it’s easy to put off going to the doctor. But regular checkups can help you stay healthy, and avoid disease and disability. That’s why scheduling a physical is the one New Year’s resolution you should keep. “Your annual exam is the perfect time to talk with your doctor about illness prevention, healthy lifestyle choices, and any recommended screenings,” says Timothy Campbell, MD, of Campbell/Philbin Medical Associates PC and UPMC Mercy. “That information helps you and your doctor create a plan to maintain your health, or make changes to improve your health.” Building an ongoing relationship with a primary care physician (PCP) also means peace of mind. “There’s real value to being seen by someone who knows you and your health history — someone you trust to guide you through an illness or emergency,” adds Dr. Campbell.
Your exam checklist How can you make the most of your annual exam? Here are four things to do before you see the doctor:
1. Make a list of all medications you are taking Include all prescription drugs, over-the-counter drugs, vitamins, and supplements that you currently take, how often you take them, and why.
2. Update your family history Your family history can provide important clues about your risk for certain diseases, including diabetes, some cancers, and heart disease.
3. Ask about health screenings Screenings can be important tools in preventing some illnesses and diseases. Get a list of recommended screenings and talk about them with your doctor.
4. Make a list of questions or health concerns Asking questions and sharing your concerns about health issues helps your doctor improve your care. One final piece of advice: Be honest. “Never be afraid or embarrassed to tell your doctor something,” adds Dr. Campbell. “What you don’t disclose could be important for your doctor to make an accurate diagnosis or prescribe the best treatment plan.”
Three Cheers for Your Ears, Nose, and Throat Winter is the season for sniffles, scratchy throats, and earaches — often all at once! And with good reason: our ears, nose, and throat all are connected and affect each other greatly. Otolaryngologists (also known as ear, nose, and throat doctors or ENTs) are physicians who specialize in caring for this complex, interrelated system. Test your ENT knowledge with this quick quiz:
Who gets earaches more often — children or adults? Nearly every child experiences at least one ear infection between infancy and the age of five — something weary parents know firsthand. Because children have shorter, straighter Eustachian tubes (which connect the nose to the ears), it’s easier for bacteria to migrate into their ears.
Why are you more likely to get a nosebleed in winter? The same heated indoor air that makes your home cozy in winter also can dehydrate the inside of your nose. It can become crusted or cracked, or can even bleed. A dry nose makes you more susceptible to germs, so exercise good nose care. Lightly coat the inside with petroleum jelly. Overthe-counter saline mists and sprays (not decongestants) also are helpful.
Will antibiotics cure laryngitis? Most cases of laryngitis are caused by viral infections that make the vocal cords swell — so antibiotics are ineffective. Your best course of action? Drink plenty of fluids, rest, and cut back on talking. Straining your voice when you have acute laryngitis can damage your vocal cords. Source: American Society of Otolaryngology
Technology for 21st Century Hospitals How technology is working to transform the quality of your care during hospitalization If you ever have to be hospitalized, you’ll certainly want to be cared for at a place that delivers quality health care using the latest technology available. That’s precisely what patients find when they are admitted to a UPMC hospital. “UPMC’s vision of quality is for every patient to receive the right care, at the right time, in the right way — every time,” says Tami Minnier, RN, and chief quality officer for UPMC. “Technology lets us serve patients more efficiently and accurately. Most of all, we’re able to give patients greater control of their health care.” Here are just two of the ways UPMC hospitals are delivering on that goal.
SmartRoom® technology brings it all to you Launched three years ago by UPMC in partnership with IBM, SmartRoom is an impressive technology. First used at UPMC Shadyside and UPMC Montefiore, it is gradually being introduced in other UPMC hospitals. All patient rooms at the new UPMC East will be equipped with SmartRoom technology. SmartRoom brings all essential data related to your care to your bedside. Its computerized software programs give caregivers fingertip access to all the information essential to your care — from your electronic medical records to the tests you’ll need that day.
The SmartRoom concept simplifies workflow and makes documentation of your care faster and easier. Each room has two screens: one for your caregivers, and another for you to access email, entertainment, and a vast library of patient education videos and information.
The right meds at the right time “It is our goal to make the hospitalization and discharge experience as stress-free as possible for our patients and their families,” says Jacqueline Dailey, UPMC’s vice president for Solutions for Medical Science, Research, and Patient Centered Accountable Care. “Not surprisingly, by the time patients leave the hospital, they’re often confused and overwhelmed by changes in their medications and how to take them.” “We begin when you’re admitted with an electronic assessment of your current medications and how they’re being taken,” explains Ms. Dailey. “As medications are adjusted or eliminated during your stay, this information is instantly available to all your physicians — from your family doctor to the specialists caring for you. That’s especially important if you transition from one level of care to another, such as intensive to acute care.” An added layer of safety: both a pharmacist and the nurse administering the medications verify any new medication orders from your doctors. Throughout your stay, you’ll receive comprehensive instructions on your medications. “We know that people learn in different ways, so this information will be shared multiple times and in multiple ways,” notes Ms. Dailey. “We also urge patients to contact their doctors for help with any questions they may have on their return home.”
Taking on Tourette Controlling a life in motion at Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC That’s especially difficult for adolescents who want to fit in. Tics, such as throat clearing, turning, or shaking, also can cause pain.
Seven Barnishin was just 11, playing with action figures alone in his Pitcairn home, when the tics began — involuntary arm flicks, head jerks, and sounds. “I freaked. It seemed like something else was controlling me,” he says.
At the Tourette Syndrome Clinic, patients have access to a trio of experts: two pediatric neurologists with training in neurodevelopmental disorders, and an adult neurologist trained in movement disorders who provides transitional care for older teens.
Tom and Amy Barnishin first thought their son’s behavior was linked to the start of the school year and peer pressure. When symptoms grew worse, and other tics emerged, their doctor sent Seven to Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC where he was officially diagnosed with Tourette syndrome (TS) in January 2009. “We were blindsided,” says Amy.
Be in the know about TS Treatment varies.While there’s no cure, medication sometimes helps control tics. Psychologists can teach habit reversal and relaxation techniques to help patients cope with stress and reduce symptoms. But the most important treatment is education, says Dr. Coffman. “That includes educating families, educators, and the general public about TS.”
Diagnosing Tourette syndrome TS is a neurodevelopmental disorder affecting one in 100 people, says Keith Coffman, MD, a pediatric neurologist and co-director of the Tourette Syndrome Clinic, part of the Brain Care Institute at Children’s Hospital. Most cases are diagnosed between ages 3 and 12; the majority are boys. The main symptoms are sudden, repetitive, uncontrollable movements and sounds called tics, including throatclearing, sniffing, blinking, gestures, and head jerking. For a true TS diagnosis, tics must start before age 18, include two or more motor tics and at least one vocal tic, and last at least one year. Tics peak at the onset of puberty. Approximately 60 percent of children outgrow the tics, or the tics become so subtle only that person knows when they occur.
Did You Know? An estimated 200,000 Americans have TS, but misconceptions still surround the disorder. For example, TS is not an emotional or behavioral condition. It is an inherited neurodevelopmental disorder that causes abnormalities in the brain.
Coping with Tourette “People with TS cannot control their tics. They experience a sensation that makes them feel like they have to move — like having to sneeze,” Dr. Coffman says. The earlier the diagnosis, the sooner children can benefit. Movements can interfere with school work. Children with TS often are bullied, teased, or viewed as being disruptive.
Other TS facts include: • TS patients have the same IQ range as the general population. • People in every walk of life, including professional musicians, athletes, authors, and scientists, have TS. • Less than 15 percent of TS patients swear or use inappropriate expressions.
“Knowledge is power. I’d be unnerved if I didn’t know what it was,” adds Seven, now age 14. Although he cycled through almost every tic, the movements and sounds have subsided with treatment. The Barnishins credit the team at Children’s for helping them understand TS, guiding them through treatment options, and providing support. “Children’s gave us answers and helped us gain control over an uncontrollable situation. Instead of being spectators, we were part of the process. That helped lower Seven’s anxiety, which helped ease the tics,” says Tom. To learn more about the Tourette Syndrome Clinic and the Movement Disorders Clinic at Children’s Hospital, visit chp.edu, choose Neurology as the service, then click the Clinics and Services button on the left.
Changes Continue to Transform UPMC Mercy Emergency Department Recently completed makeover cuts wait times with focus on care UPMC Mercy’s Emergency Department (ED) has put the finishing touches on a major expansion and renovation project with the opening of a new patient observation unit in December. Known as a Clinical Decision Unit (CDU), the 17-bed facility provides a special transitional area for patients — including those with chest pain, asthma, or abdominal pain — who need more time for treatment or testing before a decision is made to discharge or admit them. Patients will stay in the CDU while awaiting their test results, freeing up beds for other emergency and admitted patients, says Michael Turturro, MD, chief of Emergency Services at UPMC Mercy. “All of our ED improvements focus on enhancing the patient care experience. We’re treating patients more quickly, more efficiently, and more comfortably,” Dr. Turturro says.
Expanded capacity Before the 18-month expansion and renovation project began, the UPMC Mercy ED treated approximately 45,000 patients annually. Last year, the ED reported 70,000 patient visits. Now averaging nearly 200 patients a day, UPMC Mercy’s ED is on track to see at least 73,000 patients this year. The new ED, with 36 beds, also has created more capacity by improving its efficiency. “But no matter how many rooms or beds we add, there are always challenges,” says Valerie Krasneski-Schreiber, RN, BSN, MS, unit director of UPMC Mercy’s ED. “Our top priority is to deliver safe patient care quickly and more efficiently.”
New Super Track: Quick assessments and streamlined care Key to achieving that goal is a redesigned reception area staffed by a clinical nurse who makes quick assessments and assigns patients to one of three levels of emergency care. Dr. Turturro says ED patients now move from the reception area to a treatment room within an average of 10 minutes of arrival.
In addition, the Mercy ED’s innovative new Super Track concept offers speedy care for patients with minor injuries and illnesses needing less urgent care — moving them through treatment to discharge in under an hour. “With Super Track, our goal is to ensure that patients who come to the ED with minor injuries and illnesses quickly get back to their lives after receiving prompt, comprehensive care,” says Tom Gronow, MHA, vice president of operations at UPMC Mercy.
Faster lab results Another important ED upgrade is the addition of a mini-lab providing critical point-of-care-testing for ED patients. That means faster urine tests, rapid strep, blood analysis, and other key tests that can speed up treatment. “Having test results in minutes absolutely makes a difference,” says Ms. Krasneski-Schreiber. “In stroke patients, for example, time is of the essence. We need vital information to make the right decisions and act quickly.” Other ED improvements include: • Thirty-six newly renovated treatment bays • Two new state-of-the-art trauma resuscitation bays for treating the most acutely injured patients • A new 128-slice CT scanner offering the latest imaging technology with faster scanning capability • An expanded and modernized patient and family reception area (featuring stained glass panels from the original Mercy Hospital chapel) • Wireless Internet access and flat-screen TVs To learn more about UPMC Mercy and its ED services, visit UPMCMercy.com.
UPMC Mercy 1400 Locust St. Pittsburgh, PA 15219
UPMC Today is published quarterly to provide you with health and wellness information and classes and events available at UPMC. This publication is for informational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice or replace a physician’s medical assessment. Always consult first with your physician about anything related to your personal health.
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South Fayette | Winter 2011 | incommunitymagazines.com 37
South Hills Chorale
to Hold Holiday Potpourri Dec. 16, 17 Voices from all over the South Hills will converge this December to sing as one for “A Holiday Potpourri” On Friday, December 16, and Saturday, December 17, 2011, The South Hills Chorale will perform their annual holiday celebration concert, and will host the Mount Lebanon High School Percussion Ensemble conducted by Rick Minotte as guest performers. This marks the third time that the Chorale has collaborated with the Mt. Lebanon High School Percussion Ensemble in their holiday concert. A collection of Holid ay favorites will also be performed. The program will be performed at 7:30 p.m. at Mt. Lebanon United Methodist Church, 3319 West Liberty Avenue in Mt. Lebanon. Come join us for a night of fun and music! The Chorale's music staff consists of henry D. monsch Jr. – music Director, Barbara mcauley & Rick minotte – assistant Directors, and Patricia Reavel – accompanist. For 52 years, the Mt. Lebanon-based, 90-voice So uth Hills Chorale has been thrilling many audiences and hundreds of organizations throughout Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania. The Chorale performs two major concerts annually consisting of their spring concert in May and their holiday concert in December.
The Chorale also performs 10-20 private shows for community, religious, and social groups. They also fulfill a community mission through many on-site per formances at facilities serving our elderly and challenged persons. Recently they have collaborated with the Pittsburgh Philharmonic Youth Orchestra in a holiday concert series. For concerts requiring a smaller venue, the South Hills Chorale Mixed Ensemble will
IF YOU WISH TO ATTEND Tickets ($15) are available by advance sale or at the door. Group rate ticket sales ($12) are also available for groups of 10 or more. To place either advance sale or group rate ticket orders, please send a check or money order made payable to South Hills Chorale to 1624 Terrie Dr., Pittsburgh, PA 15241. For more information, call 412.220.4227or go to the Chorale’s website at www.southhillschorale.org.
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South Fayette
perform concerts upon request. Henry D. Monsch Jr., became Music Director of the Chorale in 1966, and his innovative leadership has been an integral part of the Chorale’s success for the past 48 years. The group prides itself on the ability to perform a wide variety of music styles in a way that “wows” the audiences over and over again. Just click on the "Audience Comments" category on this website to view actual comments from the Chorale's audiences. The Chorale’s singing members come from all walks of life, but they share one common goal -- they love to sing and entertain! If you are looking for a great evening of musical entertainment, just attend one of the performances of the Chorale’s A HOLIDAY POTPOURRI, at 7:30 p.m. at Mt. Lebanon United Methodist Church. Once you see one of their concerts, you will su rely be “hooked”!
South Fayette | Winter 2011 | incommunitymagazines.com 39
South Fayette Township Library 515 Millers Run Rd. / P.O. Box 436 Morgan, PA 15064 412.257.8660 www.southfayettelibrary.org Monday – Thursday: 10 a.m. – 8 p.m. Friday – Saturday: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Sunday: CLOSED
6:30-7:30 PM. Chess Club. For children in grades K-8. Current session runs from November 7 to December 12, with a tournament on Saturday, December 17 from 1-3 p.m. Participants must attend at least 4 Monday evening sessions to be eligible for the Saturday afternoon tournament. Beginners and experienced players are welcome. Players enjoy half-an-hour of play and half-an-hour of strategy instruction. Registration is now required, as space is limited. To register, click on Events at http://www.southfayettelibrary.org or call 412-257-8660.
12:00-1:00 PM. PALS Book Club. Bring a brown bag lunch and join PALS members for a spirited discussion. Book selections are popular favorites recommended by club members and Barnes & Noble Booksellers. This program is co-sponsored by the Allegheny County Library Association. Registration is requested, but not required. To register, click on Events at http://www.southfayettelibrary.org or call 412-257-8660. Sign out your book at the beginning of September at the library checkout desk.
6:30-7:30 PM. Adult Book Club. Every 4th Monday, book club members have a lively discussion and suggest their favorite books for upcoming sessions. Registration is requested, but not required. Go to http://www.southfayettelibrary.org , or call 412-257-8660 to register or request books.
6:30-7:30 PM. Ted Talks Adult Discussion Group. Ted Talks are “riveting talks by remarkable
TUESDAYS & WEDNESDAY MORNINGS 10:30-11:00 AM. Mother Goose Story Time. For little ones from birth-3 years and their caregivers. We sing songs, perform finger plays, read books and enjoy flannel board stories. This gentle program develops early language, motor and social skills. No registration is required.
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South Fayette
people.” (See www.ted.com.) Participants will watch a Ted Talk (approx. 20 minutes) on a topic such as technology, entertainment, business, science or a global issue, then enjoy a discussion of “ideas worth spreading.” Don Balya will lead discussions. Registration is requested, but not required. To register, click on Events at http://www.southfayettelibrary.org or call 412-257-8660.
EVERY 3RD THURSDAY OF THE MONTH 6:30-7:30 PM. Mary Pope Osborne's Magic Tree House series inspires crafts, readings, science experiments, film clips and other adventures for children with a 2nd to 4th grade reading level. Space is limited. Go to http://www.southfayettelibrary.org , or call 412-257-8660 to register or request books.
SATURDAY MORNINGS 10:00 AM-10:45 AM. Snapology Junior Creator's Club for Ages 2-3. 11:00 AM-11:45 AM. Snapology Junior Creator's Club for Ages 4-6. Four-week session runs every Saturday morning from October 22-November 12. $40 for 4-week session to be paid at first class. Duplo blocks, Lego bricks, jumping, singing...what fun! In
this program, younger children participate in various creative play activities designed to promote the creative, social and expressive skills of children. You'll be amazed at the improvement you'll see in your child's gross & fine motor skills after just a few classes. The 10:00 AM session for ages 2-3 is an adult/child participation class. Registration is required. To register, click on Events at http://www.southfayettelibrary.org or call 412-257-8660.
FRIDAY MORNINGS 10:30-11:00 AM. Tales 'N Tunes Story Time. For ages 3-5 years with caregivers. We sing songs (with motions), read stories and enjoy age-appropriate art activities. This high-energy program develops language, math, motor and social skills. No registration is required.
SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5 AT THE TWP. SENIOR CENTER Friends of the Library Book Fair. Gently-used books and media at great prices. Support the library and add to your own collection. No registration is required.
ONE SATURDAY A MONTH 12:00-1:00 PM. Young Writers Program for Grades 6-8. The Young Writers Program is a fun, free writing program where middle school teens (grades 68) who share a passion for writing explore their craft. Teens write novels and scripts, share word-count goals and achievements, and brainstorm with other writers via online message boards. Brittany Ketter, a seasoned NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) and ScriptFrenzy veteran, guides teens through the Young Writers Program. Participants learn about inciting incidents, character building, plot making, dialogue and also work to improve writing skills, grammar and formatting of novels. Please email Brittany at ketterb@einetwork.net for information on upcoming online, in-library and Skype sessions.
ONE SATURDAY A MONTH Writers Unleashed! Session 9. High School Writing Program. Writers Unleashed! is a Young Writers Program directed by Brittany Ketter and designed for high school teens who share a passion for writing. At Writers Unleashed! participants learn the art of storytelling, sharpen their writing skills and learn how to
create inciting incidents, build strong characters, craft plots and work through dialogue. Participants also write a novel and, if desired, are taken through the publishing process. Please email Brittany at ketterb@einetwork.net for information on upcoming online, in-library and Skype sessions.
Friends President, Lois Levi at (412) 969-1396.
BECOME A FRIEND OF THE LIBRARY The Friends of the South Fayette Township Library Group is looking for members. If you’re interested in library advocacy and helping the library provide quality materials and programming, come join us. Pressed for time? You can help a little or a lot, depending on your schedule. Call
DONATIONS OF BOOKS, DVD’S, ETC. FOR FRIENDS BOOK SALE ON SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5 We welcome donations of gently used books, DVD’s, VHS tapes and other media.
2011 DHS HOLIDAY PROJECT uring the month of November through the first week of Drop-off t December, the Allegheny County Department of Human D if G Services Holiday Project is accepting gift donations for children and youth receiving services from the Office of Sites Throughout
ty Allegheny Coun
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Children, Youth and Families, the county agency charged with protecting children from abuse and neglect. Through the generosity of community groups and individual donations, the DHS Holid ay Project’s goal is to provide each child in need at least one meaningful gift during the holidays. New unwrapped gifts are needed for children and youth, ranging from toddlers to those 18 years old. To meet this goal, DHS has partnered with businesses across the county to set up conveniently located donation drop-off sites this holiday season. Monetary donations are also welcome. Checks should be ma de payable to “DHS Donations Fund” with “Holiday Project” written in the memo line. Checks may be sent to the Event and Donations Team, Human Services Building, One Smithfield Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15222.
For a list of drop-off locations, collection dates and gift ideas, visit: www.alleghenycounty.us/dhs/holidayproject South Fayette | Winter 2011 | incommunitymagazines.com 41
Academically Speaking what’s going on at
Our Lady of Grace School
A Foundation in Gospel Values, Service to the Community, and Academic Excellence. 1734 Bower Hill Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15243 • 412.279.6611 www.olgscott.net
42 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE
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Business Spotlight
Steel City Pharmacy—
Pharmacists and Friends The days of the small-town pharmacy seem to be a thing of the past, until you walk into Steel City Pharmacy. Manager Jenny Rowley-Funk said that Steel City Pharmacy grew out of a private, closed-door pharmacy that serviced long-term care communities. The team decided to open their doors to the public to offer their specialized services to anyone who needs them. “R etail pharmacy is a new avenue for us here,” she said. “But that gives us the ability to focus on services for our clients that are becoming more difficult to find.” One of the biggest differences you’ll find at Steel City Pharmacy is their ability to specialize in “compounded” medications. What that means to a lay person is Steel City Pharmacy can prepare medications in strengths, flavors or dosage forms th at are not available from pharmaceutical manufacturers. “In cooperation with your physician, we are able to provide specialized medications that aren’t commercially available,” Rowley-Funk said. “A lot of dermatologists, for example, want two medications put together that aren’t commercially available. We can create that for our clients. If someone’s allergic to a particular ingredient, we can make it w ithout that ingredient. Some thyroid medications are prescribed in strengths that aren’t commercially available as well. We can create those strengths to ensure that our clients are getting exactly what they need. We can prepare medications in dosage forms that allow for easier administration such as topical gels or liquids and we can flavor oral products to make them taste better.” Steel City Pharmacy o pened its doors to the public on September 8, so you may not even realize that they’re in the neighborhood yet. But at 3109 Washington Pike, they’re in the heart of Bridgeville and South Fayette. Their fast, free delivery has a 5 mile radius, ensuring that all local neighborhoods are covered, and most insurances are accepted. Steel City Pharmacy is open from 8:30 a.m. to 7 p.m., Mondays through Fridays, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturdays. In addition to preparing compounded prescriptions, they have a complete line of prescription medications, over-the-counter products and assorted health-related items. Patrons of Steel City Pharmacy can be assured they will be greeted with a smile and treated like an individual. The pharmacy’s five employees are all local residents, so many clients are known on a first-name basis. “Being a small, independent pharmacy allows us to provide the personal service and interaction that our clients can’t get anywhere else,” RowleyFunk said. “We know our clients, we know their needs and we know how to communicate with them about their medications. At Steel City Pharmacy, we won’t just leave you to read a page or two of small-print possible sideeffects and interaction precautions after you pick up your prescription. We
take the time with each client and walk them through what those sideeffects are and how they may impact them. We want to make sure that every client goes home knowing that what they’re taking is going to help them, not confuse them.” What’s more, Steel City Pharmacy can fill veterinary prescriptions as well, ensuring that your pet gets the same care and attenti on to detail that you do. They also have an immunization certified pharmacist on staff, so adults can get their vaccinations, including flu vaccine, administered at the pharmacy. For more information on Steel City Pharmacy, including online refill requests and specialty medications, go to www.steelcitypharmacy.com or call 412.257.2838.
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2nd Place
t Stephanie Ricker Class of 2012
3rd Place
Carolyn Droyynski
Honorable Men Sarah Hertyletion: r Class of 2015
Class of 2012
NOW A HOLIDAY TRADITION FOR IN SOUTH FAYETTE MAGAZINE, we are honored to have the winner of the South Fayette School District’s
Congrat ulat ions
holiday card competition as our winter cover. However, many talented and creative students enter this peer-judged competition every year, and we assume we have the same dilemma the judges have – how can you show just one? Featured here are the “runners up,” who while they didn’t get the cover, or the card, put forth a stunning effort for this year’s competition.
to All!
: e Mention l b a r o n o H eid Rachel R 2012 Class of
44 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE
South Fayette
Honorable Men Kristien Rumiotion: n Cla ss of 2012
Honorable Mention: Amy Huostal Class of 2012
INdustry Insight
Ahavath Achim Congregation . . . . . . . 412.279.1566 All Saints Episcopal Church . . . . . . . . . 412.835.7330 All Saints Polish National Catholic Church . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412.276.9677 Atonement Episcopal Church . . . . . . . 412.279.1944 Bahai Faith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412.278.1096 Bethany Presbyterian Church . . . . . . . 412.221.5132 Bible Baptist Church of Pittsburgh . . . 412.276.7717 Bridgeville Methodist Church . . . . . . . 412.221.5577 Calvary Full Gospel Church . . . . . . . . . 412.257.1707 Carnegie Presbyterian Church . . . . . . 412.279.3223 Cecil Alliance Church . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412.221.4177 Christ U P Church . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412.276.0222 Crossroads Vineyard Christian Fellowship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412.999.0141 Fawcett United Methodist Church . . . 724.745.1240 First Baptist Church . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412.221.4232 First Baptist Church of McDonald . . . . 724.926.4216 First United Methodist Church of Bridgeville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412.221.5577 Gladden United Presbyterian Church . 412.257.0922 Holy Child Roman Catholic Parish . . . .412.221.5213 Hillside Christian Community . . . . . . . . 412.279.2996 Holy Trinity Church . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412.279.4652 Holy Virgin Russian Orthodox Church 412.276.6234 Journey Church . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412.221.9000 Lakeview Christian Life Church . . . . . . 724.746.3200 McDonald Presbyterian Church . . . . . 724.926.8561 Methodist Church Parsonage . . . . . . . 412.221.9311 Miller Gary Minister . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412.279.5030 Noblestown United Methodist Church 724.693.2755 Old Saint Luke's Church . . . . . . . . . . . . 412.531.9333 Our Lady of Fatima Church . . . . . . . . . . 412.276.2558 Our Lady of Victory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412.278.0841 Rennerdale U P Church . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412.276.2268 Rennerdale United Presbyterian Church . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412.276.2268 Saint Andrew Lutheran Church . . . . . . 412.279.3615 Saint John Lutheran Church . . . . . . . . 412.279.2952 Salvation Army . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412.276.4757 Second Baptist Church of Carnegie . . 412.276.6606 Solid Rock Foundation Ministries Inc. 412.278.3411 St. Barbara Rectory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412.221.5152 St. Bernadette’s Church . . . . . . . . . . . . 814.763.2831 St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish . . . . . . 412.276.1011 St. George Antiochian Orthodox Church . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412.221.2277 St. Mary's Church . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412.221.0595 St. Peter & Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Greek Church . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412.276.9718 Victorious Faith Evangelistic . . . . . . . . 412.276.5073 Zion Lutheran Church . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412.221.4776 If your place of worship was not on our list, please email the information to mark@incommunitymagazines.com.
South Fayette Graduate & Brain Surgery Survivor Speaks to Congress AND Gets Named to a High Honor in Pittsburgh! Ashley Boynes-Shuck was a 2002 graduate of South Fayette High School and a 2007 graduate of the University of Pittsburgh. Through all of her years at South Fayette, she was active in the school and in the community. Her parents and in-laws still live in SF, though Ashley has moved to Green Tree wh ere her husband teaches at Keystone Oaks School District. Ashley, however, has taken a step above and beyond what she's done in SF to  move on to even bigger things both locally in the City of Pittsburgh and beyond on a national & international level with her self-help and advocacy work in the field of arthritis and wellness. And people are starting to take notice of all that she does! Ashley is many thing s: a newlywed, a blogger for Glitzburgh, Maniac Magazine, and the Arthritis Foundation (among others!), a social media consultant, a young woman with chronic illness, a volunteer & advocate, a Christian, a pet owner and animal lover, a fashionista, and a recent brain surgery survivor. However, Ashley now has another thing to add to the list: she recently received a high honor as she was named to the pre stigious Pittsburgh's Top 40 Under 40 of 2011. To read more about Ashley's trip to the Captiol, go to: http://midatlanticarthritis.wordpress.com/2011/09/23/ashle y-goes-to-washington-advocating-for-arthritis-you-can-do-it-tooby-ashley-boynes-shuck/
hen Gloria Perkins started G&G Catering more than 25 years ago, she wanted to ensure that her clientele had access to delicious food and an event that went off without a hitch. Now, as she prepares to hand off the business to her daughter, Lisa Daugherty, and son, Gregory Perkins, both professional chefs themselves, the second generation is adding a new twist on the family business. “We’ve always helped with the business through the years,” Daugherty said. “But we’ve gone our own ways over the years. Now we’re coming together to take over the business from our mother, and we’re establishing it in the South Fayette Fire Hall.” What that means, is that any party catered at the South Fayette Fire Hall will have the benefit of G&G Catering’s diverse menu of entrees and homemade pastries, and the satisfaction of knowing that part of their event costs help benefit the fire department. “We’re really trying to promote the fire hall,” Daugherty said. S.F.V. Fire Dept. and G&G are providing new kitchen equipment and upgrading the facility. It’s been around since 1937 and our goal is to bring it back to the For more community. There will be functions to information, profit the firemen specifically.” Parties of up to 300 can be or to book accommodated on site, and, given your event, G&G’s chefs experience with catering events of 3,000 and more, those who call G&G rent out the facility can be assured that their service will be professional, Catering at attentive and efficient. 412.257.3017. “My brother and I have worked with big companies. I was the executive chef at Bayer Corporation, and he’s worked for major hotel chains all over the country, so 300 guests is more than a comfortable number for us to handle,” Daugherty said. G&G Catering has been contracted in the fire hall for a 3-year term. And while they’re a business with bottom lines like any other, they truly understand what it means to be part of the South Fayette neighborhood, and perform many charitable functions for the community. “Each year, we have a Thanksgiving Dinner where we cook for the community. It's sponsored by our church, The Church at South Hills where my father, Gregory Perkins, Sr. is the Pastor. It’s free and open to anyone that needs to be fed for Thanksgiving – the elderly, whoever can’t cook or is hungry,” Daugherty said. “We go to local restaurants and vendors and they donate gift cards or baskets that we give away. We try to get enough so that everyone gets something in addition to free meal. And, that get harder as we get bigger every year.” G&G Catering handles all booking for the hall and is ready, willing and able to help you plan your next party, wedding, picnic or corporate event.
Business Spotlight
“We’re ramping up and will be happy to assist anyone planning their event,” Daugherty said. “This is our new baby. This is our priority. And we’re looking forward to satisfied clients and the ability to help the firemen at the same time.” The Church of South Hill & G&G Catering would like to thank once again the S.F.V. Dept. and all the businesses, family & friends that helped make the 6th annual Thanksgiving Day a success.
Savor great cuisine We offer a diverse menu of entrees and homemade pastries under the direction of our Professional Chefs. Events • Par ties • Weddings • Celebrations Attentive Personal Service
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“Catering done with a smile”
661 Millers Run Rd. P.O. Box 256 Cuddy, PA 15031 www.royalegrandhall.com chefperkins1@verizon.com
South Fayette | Winter 2011 | incommunitymagazines.com 47
O L D E R A D U LT S I N S O U T H FAY E T T E Whether you are a mature adult facing changes in your living arrangements or the child of an aging parent, the prospect of discussing this major life change can be a formidable one. Most experts agree that it is best to broach the subject earlier rather than later.
By Pamela Palongue
n the popular 1990s TV series “The Golden Girls,” Dorothy always had a secret weapon she used to coerce her mother into cooperating with her. Dorothy would periodically threaten her with the ominous warning, “Shady Pines is getting your room ready as we speak…” But nowadays, only around 7% of people over age 75 live in nursing homes, according to census figures, and there are more choices than ever for different lifestyles and levels of care. There are as many as 20 different types of senior care facilities, and before looking at any new living arrangement, it’s important to have a basic idea of what the different levels are to avoid feeling overwhelmed with choices. The following are some of the most popular living arrangements for seniors of today. One favorite for mature adults is the active adult community, sometimes referred to as a retirement community or independent living. These dwellings are usually homes or condos with individuals living independently and owning their own home, but in a grouping or housing plan with other seniors. Many times these communities will offer a clubhouse and have planned social and cultural activities and limited 48 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE
South Fayette
transportation. They may also provide housekeeping and communal meals for a monthly fee. They are probably best suited to individuals who are active and able to assume total care for themselves, but desire social interaction with others in their own age group. Assisted living facilities usually allow individuals to have the privacy of their own apartment or home, while offering daily assistance with bathing and dressing. Some communities may also help with administering medications. This is an attractive option for many seniors because residents may be able to bathe and dress themselves initially, but as health and mobility decline the help becomes readily available without having to make a change in living arrangements. Communal dining may also be an option for an added fee. Residents rent their apartment or home and may pay one ‘all inclusive’ fee for services or may be charged ‘a la carte’ for each additional service needed. This is a good choice for a mature adult who is currently ambulatory, but who may have concerns about future mobility problems or perhaps has the beginning of mobility issues. Another increasingly popular option for mature adults is home health care, which allows individuals to remain in their homes while receiving professional assistance with bathing, dressing and meal preparation. The care may also extend to medical needs such as the administration of
medications and the ongoing management of blood pressure or diabetes. Medicare and Medicaid may provide financial assistance in some cases, but there are several eligibility requirements which must be met. This is a particularly good option for individuals who are emotionally attached to their residence and do not have a strong need for social interaction with other seniors. Rehabilitation facilities are primarily a temporary option for those recuperating from injury or illness. Rehab helps the individual recover and provides adaptive techniques for preparing the patient to return to independent living. While the person may not function at the previous level, the goal of rehab is to enhance the patient’s quality of life by improving mobility, speech and self-care. Though people seldom look forward to going to a nursing facility, skilled nursing homes provide 24-hour care for individuals with serious illness, injury or mental decline. The good news is that there have been several improvements in the quality of care received in nursing facilities since the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987. Nurse aides now have more training, and each resident must be fully evaluated upon admission so that an individual care plan can be established. Meals are planned by a dietician to ensure proper nutrition, and many nursing facilities now include regular exercise as a part of their managed care for residents. Whether you are a mature adult facing changes in your living arrangements or the child of an aging parent, the prospect of discussing this major life change can be a formidable one. Most experts agree that it is best to broach the subject earlier rather than later. Try to discuss the different options with aging parents and find out which ones appeal to them. Certain conditions such as serious
“It’s Like Lasik for your Gums”
dementia may prevent a meaningful discussion of these topics later. By talking about the choices now, your loved one can weigh in on the decision and help you decide based on personal preferences. The topic is also easier to discuss when it seems a long way off, rather than inevitable in the near future. The older person will also have more time to make decisions, rather than hastily settling on a new home. When beginning the discussion, always reassure your loved one that you want him/her to remain as independent as possible for as long as possible. Ask questions rather than offering advice. This will help your parent to feel more in control of the conversation. Try not to force any decisions with only one discussion. Give your loved one a chance to digest the idea and to form some thoughts on the subject. Suggest the possibility of a visit to an independent or assisted living community. Many parents who are initially reluctant to even discuss moving become excited about the prospect of making a change when they are able to see firsthand the positive social aspects and activities offered at assisted living facilities. Finally, enlist the help of one of your parent’s friends already in independent or assisted living as an advocate. Oftentimes parents may feel that their children are “ganging up” on them if they are confronted by several siblings telling them what they should do. However, an individual in their own age group who has made the adjustment and is happy is the best advocate. For more information on finding a home for your loved one, you may want to consult www.aplaceformom.com, a free elder care referral service. For more tips about speaking with your parents or services available for your loved one, visit the Area Agency on Aging website at www.alleghenycounty.us/dhs/aaa.aspx.
Call Today
Where’s Your Spot?
Gregory S. Peterson D.M.D St. Clair Building 1725 Washington Road Suite 600 Pittsburgh, PA 15241 412.833.3944 gregorypetersondental.com
South Fayette | Winter 2011 | incommunitymagazines.com 49
By Pamela Palongue
LTERNATIVE ENERGY SOURCES ARE GAINING POPULARITY IN THE U.S., PARTIALLY FUELED BY THE COST OF HIGH ENERGY PRICES BUT ALSO STEMMING FROM A DESIRE TO PRESERVE THE ENVIRONMENT. .The U.S. Dept. of Energy states in its five-year plan regarding the cleanup of nuclear waste; “Fifty years of nuclear weapons production and [nuclear] energy research generated millions of gallons of radioactive waste, t housands of tons of spent nuclear fuel and special nuclear material, along with huge quantities of contaminated soil and water.” So what can families do to save money on energy costs and also protect the environment? One alternative is solar power. According to MakeSolarPanels.org, the cost of installation of solar panels pays for itself within four years and greatly increases the value of your home. The website explains how to make and install your own solar panels and has a list of resources for determining the best location in your home for maximum sun exposure. Of course, the more panels installed, the more power generated; if more power is generated than you need, you can actually sell the power for extra income. Also, the PA Alternative Energy Investment Act offers rebates up to 35% for the cost of p anel installation. Solar power can be used for baking, heating water, heating a pool, or for electric lights in your home -- and according to Pennsylvania Solar (www.pasolar.org), Pennsylvania receives as much solar radiation in the month of June as southern Florida! Another alternative for heating your home is an ancient European invention called the masonry stove, which seems to be making a comeback. This stove is made of cast iron and is covered in ceramic tiles which radiate heat evenly in the home. They use very little wood and burn the wood completely and cleanly. Instead of the room becoming cold after the wood has burned, the tiles continue to radiate the heat for up to 12 hours. Trees are a renewable resource and grown as a crop, much the same way that cotton or tomatoes are grown, with the difference being that they are harvested every 14 to 20 years, rather than annually. Giant redwoods and 200-year-old historic oak trees are not harvested for use as fuel.
Another environmental concern with wood burning is the smoke released into the atmosphere. But according to the Alternative Energy Primer, because trees remove carbon from the atmosphere as they are growing, the release of carbon into the atmosphere as they burn is an equal exchange, making for a neutral effect on the environment. Also, the growing and harvesting of more trees actually improves the environment by providing ecosystems for wildlife and improving air quality. The masonry stoves come in a variety of sizes, from small models to heat a single room to larger systems equipped to heat an entire home. They can be very basic or may have computer regulated thermostats. There is also a great variety in the appearance of the stoves, ranging from plain, monochromatic tiles designed to blend in with the wall color to elaborate, decorative designs. Another attractive feature of this source of heat is that it is completely off the power grid, with availability even during power outages. For more facts on masonry stoves, The Masonry Heater Association of North America has a library of information and a gallery of stove designs at www.mha-net.org. A discussion about alternative energy sources would not be complete without wind power. Pennsylvania ranks 16th in the nation in total wind capacity installed, and according to the American Wind Energy Association (www.AWEA.org) is one of the best states for wind power. One reason is an abundance of wind; anoth er is the excellent tax incentives and rebates for installing wind power. Wind energy has become more efficient over the past few years as turbine technology has improved, making it more viable than ever. In fact, 180,000 homes in Pennsylvania are at least partially powered by wind. Wind power is clean and produces no greenhouse gas emissions during operation and generally has less negative effect on the e nvironment than any other source of power. The cost of a typical size turbine for a residential home is about $5,000 to $8,000, plus the cost of installation. Like solar power, the cost pays for itself over time and any excess power produced can be sold back to the utility company for a profit. If you are interested in wind power for your home, you may find it helpful to consult the U.S. Dept. of Energy Wi nd and Water Program page at www.eere.energy.gov which has a helpful list of frequently asked questions for examining the feasibility of wind power for your home. Alternative energy sources can help save your family money while helping the environment in a meaningful and lasting way.
Energy Choices
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South Fayette
South Fayette Swim Team into Season by Elissa Emmerling Matt Tucker, head swim coach of the South Fayette Lions swim team for the past eight years, has coached enough to know that every team has a personality. “Every year brings a different dynamic,” he said. Although he started the Middle School team four years ago, he now coaches varsity. Tucker went to Bethany College where he swam for four years and was the captain of his varsity team. Tucker was very confident that they would be in the top 3 in the WIPALS this year. There are various WPIAL Championship Qualifying Standards. Teams must have 10 competitions between swimming and/or diving prior to a WPIAL Meet and must submit a copy of the completed schedule when submitting entries to the WPIAL Meet. Individuals must also be in uniform and ready to swim at 75-percent of the team contests to be considered for postseason competition. “We were in 4th place in the WPIALS last year, and the girls were in the top 2,” he explained. The 2010/2011 meet schedule is not quite complete yet. Tucker confirmed that there is a preliminary meet schedule in place; however, there is no athletic director so they are basically waiting on Allderdice. South Fayette AA Swim/Dive team had 46 members last year, and they are in a cooperative sponsorship with Fort Cherry High School. “We have a strong young team,” Tucker said. They didn’t have a lot of graduating seniors last year, so they have a lot of returning swimmers, he said. “There are many swimmers to watch this season.” As far as girls, Morgan Fink and Mary Rosati are strong juniors, Maddie Bartrug and Sydney Briner are his strong sophomores, and
Gracie Klimek is his strong freshman. Klimek does state diving. Tucker has three strong junior boys this year. His hopes are that Ryne Fromholcer, Brett Ley, Anthony Walasik will become strong leaders for the team. He also has a set of twins, Evan and Stephen Zombek. Stephen is the 9th WIPAL champ in diving. “The other 8 places ahead of him were seniors who will not be retuning this year,” Tucker said. “Our strong swimming and diving program really help us in WIPAL and dual meets.” Many competitions will be tough for the team this season. “Definitely West Allegheny who are the WIPAL Champs in our section,” Tucker remarked. “Shady Side Academy is division AA and will be difficult as well, and we will have to compete against them in our first dual meet.” Tucker explained that invitationals are beneficial because they give the team an opportunity to see the competition they are up against. Tucker’s team will compete against West Allegheny 4 times this season. South Fayette will compete against Shady Side Academy at home Thursday, December 16, at 6 p.m., and they will also compete at home against Chartiers Valley at 6 p.m. December 21, and Wednesday, December 29, at the West Allegheny Diving Invitational, and Thursday, December 30, at the West Allegheny Swimming Invitational. All these competitions are away, with the times to be announced. A Swim Parent Meeting will be held at the Middle School cafeteria on Wednesday, December 21, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. The Flipturn Club with Fort Cherry will be holding a pool party on December 9, at the South Fayette Middle School for grades 4-6 from 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. The cost is $9 per swimmer. Pizza and snacks will also be available for sale. For additional information visit www.sfsswim.org or call Matt Tucker at 412.861.3096.
Windows Phone All I know is that it
just makes calls I don't need a cell phone
5% South Fayette | Winter 2011 | incommunitymagazines.com 51
Settler’s Cabin, Montour Trail to Receive State and County Grant Funding improvements in the county parks. This matching grant from the Pennsylvania includes $250,000 from the Colcom Department of Conservation and Foundation, $25,000 from the R.K. Mellon Natural Resources and Allegheny Foundation, $25,000 from an anonymous County Parks Foundation will fund portions of donor, $20,536 from the PNC Charitable the Settlers Cabin Connector Trail, and to Trust, $20,000 from the Laurel Foundation, connect South park Park to the Montour Trail and $340,036 in matchin g funds from by the end of next summer. The Settlers Cabin Connector Trail Project Allegheny County. will receive $500,000 in state and county “On behalf of the Allegheny County Parks funding for construction, benches, signage and Foundation Board of Directors, I want to thank landscaping. The tra il connector will link the County Executive Dan Onorato for his vision in creating the foundation and for serving as a park to the Panhandle Trail, which stretches 29 tireless advocate of the county parks,” said John miles from Carnegie to Weirton, W.Va. The Surma, Chairman and CEO of United States Panhandle Trail connects to the 46-mile Steel Corporation. “The generous dollar-forMontour Trail that runs from Coraopolis to dollar county match Clairton. The Montour Trail joins with the helped to leverage Great Allegheny Passage, a 150-mile biking and this state grant. hiking trail that connects with the 185-mile Today, we thank the C&O Canal Towpath at Cumberland, Md. Together, the Great Allegheny Passage a nd Department of C&O Canal Towpath create a 335-mile trafficConservation & and motorized-vehicle-free route between Natural Resources Point State Park in Downtown Pittsburgh and for awarding this Pennsylvania. Various seasonal and year-round Washington, D.C. grant to our programs, activities and amenities provide In addition to the South Park Fairgrounds foundation, and we residents with educational and recreational Improvements and Settlers Cabin Connector also recognize and opportunities, while also contributing to the Trail, the foundation’s board of directors has thank state Senator economic vitality of the region. also identified the North Park Lake Trail and John Pippy for The Allegheny County Parks Foundation’s South Park Montour Connector Trail as two of advocating for the mission is to help improve, conserve, maintain, its signature projects. state funding. This protect, preserve and restore Allegheny County The South Park Montou r Connector is a money, coupled park facilities and open spaces, and also to with foundation and support educational, recreational, natural a nd two-mile trail that links South Park to the individual gifts we Montour Trail. The parks foundation has cultural activities. The Parks Foundation assists have received to received $320,000 for the project, which will be in the transformation of the nine Allegheny date is a solid matched by Allegheny County. The connector County Parks by assembling resources, foundation upon trail is in final design and expected to be improving assets, and mobilizing public and which we can build completed late next summer. private stakeholders to advance strategies and and will allow us to “The Allegheny County Parks Foundation aspirations to make parks signature assets of begin work on our four signature projects, all of affords us tremendous opportunity to raise Southwestern Pennsylvania. which will play an important role in efforts to private and public funds to help with the “Everyone associated with the Allegheny renovation and renewal of our park facilities, as secure the long-term viability of Allegheny County Parks Foundation is eager to begin well as the development and expansion of County park system.” putting our plans into action so that these recreational programs,” said County Executive Allegheny County operates nine public valuable assets can continue positively Dan Onorato. “County Council and I have parks that span more than 12,000 acres and impacting our region’s quality of life as they pledged $10 million in capital funds to match, offer a wide array of sporting, leisure, cultural have for so many generations before us, said dollar for dollar, the first $10 million raised by and entertainment opportunities. The parks foundation Executive Director Christine the foundation so we can quickly double the Allegheny County Parks system serves to Fulton. “This DCNR grant and the matching amount of funds to address deferred enhance the quality of life and well-being of funds it triggers from the county are important maintenance, recreational improvements and citizens of Allegheny County and Southwestern steps forward in our overall efforts, but we are facility enhancements. I far from finished. We want to thank the For additional information on Allegheny County parks, visit encourage all county commonwealth and parks www.alleghenycounty.us/parks. Follow the Allegheny County Parks on residents and friends of foundation for helping us Facebook at www.facebook.com/AlleghenyCountyParks and on Twitter our parks to j oin us to to start these two at www.twitter.com/AC_Parks. ensure that these nine significant projects.” parks covering more than The parks foundation 12,000 acres remain a To learn more about the Allegheny Parks Foundation and its projects, has also received $681,072 vibrant part of our region make a donation, or volunteer, visit the foundation’s website at for programmatic for decades.” www.acparksfoundation.org or like the foundation o n Facebook
The South Park Montour Connector is a twomile trail that links South Park to the Montour Trail.
at www.facebook.com/AlleghenyCountyParksFoundation. 52 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE
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Quality Dental Care in Uncertain Economic Times By Dr. Steven R. Crandall
ust about everyone is looking for ways to save money these days. Dental care is one thing that people might think that they can set aside for a while. I try to offer a way for patients to receive quality care that they can schedule to suit their time and budget. Following graduation from dental school at the University of Pittsburgh, I took advanced study at the Pankey Institute in Florida. There, I learned to implement what is called phased dental care which is to determine what is in the patient’s best interest and then sequence that dental care. The patient can then implement the treatment sequence at a rate that suits their time and budget so that they don’t have to compromise on what they end up with. The process begins with a tho rough exam and taking the time for a diagnosis and treatment planning. Too often, insurance-driven practices don’t allow dentists enough time for the diagnosis and treatment planning portion of dentistry. Dr. Pankey’s philosophy is that you find out exactly what is needed through proper diagnosis. This takes more time than is normally given at a regular dental office visit. It allows for the dentist to hel p the patient accomplish what is best suited for them. At the Pankey Institute I was educated to do a complete exam of the teeth and oral tissues, including oral cancer screening. I review that information when the patient is not in the office and make the proper diagnosis. Then the patient returns to discuss the outcome that they are hoping for and what is most important to them. Then I can develop treatme nt options that fit their individual needs and circumstances. Once a decision on treatment has been made I can sequence treatment so that things are done in the right order allowing the patient to achieve the outcome that is most important to them. The first step in phased dental care is to eliminate destructive dental disease and then stabilize the person’s bite. Once that is done I can provide more comprehensive dental care. If they want to get into improving their smile or restore some of their teeth to proper form and function, we can do that. This is a way to enable them to dictate how quickly they get things done, yet not compromise the final product. It is a shame how often I see people who have already spent a lot of money on dentistry that wasn’t done as well as it could have been. Now they have to do it again to have it done right. There is nothing more expensive than having to redo dentistry over and over again. That can be frustrating no matter what the economic climate. South Fayette | Winter 2011 | incommunitymagazines.com 53
INdustry Insight
Purchase 10 Personal Training Sessions and Receive Two Sessions FREE! Plus A Complimentary One Month Club Membership (includes group classes)
Act now! Offer Ends Soon! Did you know that you can achieve your fitness goals 40% faster when working with a personal trainer?
Fitness Challenge
By Lisa Troyer Twice a year my facility conducts a fitness challenge. “Spring into Shape” and “Fall into Fitness.” The challenges differ each year and our members totally look forward to them. Whether the grand prize is a trip to sunny Florida or simply a t-shirt, a huge percentage of the club will participate. When you rise to a challenge and you are forced to log or journal your workouts for a competition, even if you are only competing with yourself, it really helps you stick with it. This fall we held a challenge that required 70 hours of fitness over a 10 week period. Believe me; we caught some flack at first. Was this really a reasonable goal? This would mean that 7 hours of exercise would need to be logged every week. Were we crazy? Yes we’re crazy, no doubt about it. But in my opinion, we had a solid reply. You see most of these individuals were working out around 5 times a week already, so if we made the challenge “50 hours of fitness,” would it really be a challenge? Of course not….. a challenge needs to be a CHALLENGE! With that being said, I would like to throw out a New Year’s challenge to the readers of “IN
South Fayette.” Similar to the “Fall into Fitness” challenge that I described above, this will also run for 10 weeks. You will have a little more control over your challenge than I do, as you will decide the number of hours of exercise that you are going to strive for during this 10 week period. Consider how many hours you are exercising right now. For example; if you usually work out two hours a week, 30 hours of fitness could be an adequate challenge for you at this time. If you really want to push it thi s year, then shoot for 40 to 50 hours. Let’s say that you are currently leading a pretty sedentary life and aren’t exercising at all. In that case, 20 to 25 hours of fitness may be just what you need to jump start an exercise program. If you are already an avid exerciser…….. go for 70 hours of fitness! Once you’ve set your goal, pick a start date. You may still be busy with holiday stuff the first week in Janu ary so it might be more realistic to start midmonth. Print a blank calendar for each month so that you can record your activities. Don’t rely on your iPhone, Blackberry, or computer. You will be more successful when you actually see the calendar in its entirety every day. Activities can include all the things you enjoy; group exercise classes, running, biking, lifting, walking the dog, etc. If you’re moving and breaking a sweat, count it! Reports from my club indicate that everyone is still on track to complete their “70 hours of fitness.” Our challenge concludes on 12/25. We are witnessing so many success stories. When the work is complete, results are apparent. It’s incredible. You can do it too! Kick off the New Year with a challenge that will do wonders for your health and wellness. Feel free to email me i f you need an extra push or any advice. I’d love to hear your stories.
“Accept the challenges so that you may feel the exhilaration of victory.” George S. Patton
This INdustry INsight was written by Lisa Troyer. Lisa has been in the fitness industry for more than 17 years and is the owner of Fitness Fanatics in the Great Southern Shopping Center. She currently holds four nationally recognized fitness and personal training certifications and can be reached at 412.220.4190, ext. 3 or at fitnessfanatics@verizon.net. Check out www.fitnessfanaticsinc.com for more great fitness tips.
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Sometimes fact is stranger than fiction. It would seem reasonable that with millions of sperm and only one egg that the majority of infertility problems would lie with the female. Not true, according to the National Library of Medicine which tracks national statistics kept by fertility clinics. Difficulties with fertility are evenly split, with the source of fertility problems being linked to the male one third of the time and the female also having difficulties one third of the time. The final third is a mixture of situations where both parties have infertility issues and those cases where the cause is indeterminate. The good news is that there is hope for males who wish to start a family. Director of Male Reproductive Medicine Surgery at UPMC, Thomas Jaffe, MD, an urologist, offers a hopeful perspective for males experiencing difficulties with reproductive issues. “Because of many technologies and treatments, many men who previously had no hope of fathering a child now have treatment options that can be [effective.]” One important advancement in reproductive research is a relatively new diagnostic test called the DAZ test. The DAZ test detects a genetic mutation in the Y chromosome for sperm production.
This test is ordered when sperm production is unusually low. Another important factor in analyzing the quality of the sperm is its motility or movement. Generally, sperm with greater motility are able to more easily fertilize an egg. One common problem among men with fertility issues is type 1 or juvenile onset diabetes. Individuals with diabetes may experience what’s called retrograde ejaculation. Simply put, this is when the bladder stays open with ejaculatory fluids washing back into the bladder rather than exiting the body as with normal functioning. “This problem can be treated with Sudafed which helps the bladder to stay closed during ejaculation,” explains Dr. Jaffe. Retrograde ejaculation can also be a problem with spinal cord injuries, nerve damage or certain medications that contain alpha blockers such as high blood pressure medications. Another problem Dr. Jaffe sees among his patients are men who have little to no sperm production. “Even with no sperm, we have found that these men still produce limited numbers of sperm within the tissues of the testicles.” This sperm can be extracted from the tissue and remains viable to fertilize an egg.
One of the most common problems associated with male infertility is when an enlargement of a vein in the scrotum forms. These veins are specially equipped with one-way valves which insure that blood flows upward. When these veins become compressed, they crush the gonadal vein and heat and toxins build up in the scrotum inhibiting healthy sperm production. The vein can be surgically repaired however to promote normal function with increased sperm production and better quality with sperm motility increased. Finally, male cancer patients may experience fertility problems due to chemotherapy and radiation treatments. “Ideally ,we [harvest] sperm prior to treatment. We work with the Pittsburgh Cryobank to store the sperm until needed,” explains Dr. Jaffe. Although no treatment is an absolute guarantee, male infertility can often times be overcome with the right evaluation and treatment. For more information about Dr. Jaffe and treatment of male infertility, call 412.692.4100.
South Fayette | Winter 2011 | incommunitymagazines.com 55
“One Nutrition is Not
by Pamela Palongue
nformation on dieting and nutrition seems to be everywhere these days, and conflicting reports on what’s good for you are frequent. A bit of common sense applied to the situation, tempered with some consideration for your particular lifestyle and taste preferences, is in order. Leslie Bonci, director of sports nutrition for UPMC and author of The active Calorie Diet, has some surprising answers to some frequently asked questions. “Nutrition should be more inclusive, rather than exclusive,” says Bonci. “People give way too much attention on what to avoid and that becomes a negative focus.” Nutrition should be based on positive choices and pursuing good health, rather than avoiding bad health. There is no one perfect diet for every individual, due to age, medical conditions and different activity levels, but there are some general guidelines that make planning a healthy meal a little easier. “Thank goodness we got rid of the Food Pyramid. People don’t eat from a pyramid and it’s too abstract,” says Bonci. “The Food Plate is much more natural with the plate being divided into quarters made up of 50% fruits and vegetables, 25% proteins and 25% grains. The blue circle beside the plate represents dairy products such as milk, which supplies D-3, a vitamin that research has indicated prevents several serious diseases. Dairy products of course also supply calcium, an important mineral for everyone but especially women in the prevention of osteoporosis, a disease that the International Osteoporosis Foundation estimates affects 200 million women worldwide. The fork beside the plate is a reminder that the meal should be a sit-down affair, with time to eat and enjoy and appreciate the meal. 56 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE
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Noticeably absent from the Food Plate as a category is fat, but Bonci says, “The goal is not to eliminate fat entirely.” It is an important part of the diet which helps the body to use fat soluble vitamins and helps keep skin soft and supple. Unsaturated fats can be found in foods such as salmon, trout, flaxseed oil, walnuts, almonds and olive oil. While these fats are healthy in limited amounts, they still have a high density of calories and will sabotage any diet if left unchecked. They should be consumed in reasonable amounts. One recommendation that is common these days is the advice to eat six small meals per day, consuming something every few hours. “People in Europe and other parts of the world don’t eat this way; this is an American idea. I would like to see people eat three meals per day with a floating snack in between,” suggests Bonci. Of course, she points out, if you only have one meal per day and it is late in the evening, your body will have less time to expend the calories before bed, possibly resulting in excess weight. However, six meals a day is often not practical for those who work regular jobs in an office or other setting that prevents food while at work. While food allergies have gotten a great deal of media attention lately, Bonci explains that actual food allergies are relatively rare. What is more common are food sensitivities and food intolerance, such as those individuals who are lactose intolerant. There are alternative sources for calcium if a person is lactose intolerant, such as soy milk, almond milk, baked beans and canned salmon. These are all acceptable alternatives providing important nutrients. For people wishing to drop a few pounds, Bonci points out that it is a relatively simple principle, “You have to create a deficit. There
has to be fewer calories eaten than what is being Nutrition should be used.” This of course can be done by having smaller based on positive portions while still enjoying a variety of foods choices and pursuing to enable you to have a balanced diet. One suggestion is to use a good health, rather than smaller plate, making the portion size look a bit large. avoiding bad health. Another way to create a deficit in your caloric intake is to add activity. Exercise not only helps you to burn more calories, but the benefits are intensified in that most people devoting time to exercise begin to also focus more attention on their nutrition and calorie intake as well. Exercise changes your mindset to a healthier routine. Bonci adds that another advantage to exercising is that “when you are exercising, you’re not eating.” Many times people eat from boredom, and exercise or sports fill a void in an otherwise inactive lifestyle. Healthy nutrition is all about focusing on positive choices and realizing that food is not just something to be gulped down in five minutes on the way to the soccer game. It is an important part of our lives that deserves attention and appreciation and is instrumental in preventing diseases and promoting optimal health for a better life. For more information on eating a balanced diet, visit the United States Dept. of Agriculture website at www.ChooseMyPlate.gov. For healthy suggestions on how nutrition and exercise can affect your life in a positive way, Leslie Bonci’s books, Run Your Butt off and The active Calorie Diet, are available online at the Prevention Magazine website www.Prevention.com.
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Romance at a price you can afford
hen it comes to making travel plans, there’s probably no trip that will be more meaningful to you than your honeymoon. Making memories that last a lifetime at this special time in your life shouldn’t be done on a whim. It takes forethought and planning to make a honeymoon a romantic getaway. Anything less, could leave you high, dry, and searching for alternatives that may cause your first bout of marita l stress. The best way to start is by setting a budget. Once you’ve determined how much you can afford, you will know if New Zealand, Hawaii or Florida is in your future –and all three have spectacular beaches, resorts and amenities for you to enjoy. If you’re not a surf and sun couple, we can certainly help you find the right package for you.
The Celebrity Treatment
If money is no object, first, we congratulate you on your good fortune! The destinations open to you include Hawaii, the South Pacific and the French Riviera. Luxurious resorts such as the Mauna Lani Hotel in Kona, Hawaii, the Aman Resort in Bali, and the Hotel Cipriani and Palazza Vendramin in Venice are common names known for their over-the-top service and movie-set grandeur. Trips such as these can easily start in the $10,000 range and escalate in price from there. However, for those who can afford it, there’s no price tag to be placed on the memories you’ll bring back with you and the experiences you have at these resorts.
the British Virgin Islands, and the Four Seasons on Nevi or Sandy Lane in Barbados are a few that come to mind. While not all-inclusive, you will still find great sunsets, gourmet cuisine and beachfront property you won’t find anywhere else.
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If you’re willing to plan around sales and travel around the resorts’ off-peak seasons, you can still find your perfect honeymoon on the beaches of Mexico while keeping some money in the bank for your first mortgage. Having a travel agent can help you navigate the resorts and figure out how to save money the most. With their help, you can still find many four- and five-star resorts at affordable rates, as well as reasonable air fare to those destinations. Your travel agent has up-toWhile we may not all have $10,000 or more to spend on a the-minute rates and dates the world over, not just on the beachfront, honeymoon, most couples will splurge on this trip more than any so call them if you’re considering Europe, mountain retreats or a trip other future vacation because of the gift money from the wedding, and the fact that it’s a once-in-a-lifetime to the Big Apple. Chances are, they’ll be worth their weight in aspirin when it comes to the celebration. So if you’re in the $5,000 to $10,000 headaches you’ll avoid, range, you’re still going to and your honeymoon find great resorts in Custom n w o r will be a trip you’ll u o y k Hawaii and the To Boo n, and o ti want to take again a c a V r Caribbean. The Meridian Club in o n moo y e n o , H s and again. d e e Turks and Caicos, Peter Island in vel N
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Best Holidays are Safe Holidays By Pamela Palongue No one wants their holiday spoiled by an accidents, fire or tragedy. The following tips will help keep your holiday bright and full of cheer. Never mount lights with nails or tacks which may damage the wire insulation inside. Thread the light strings through hooks or insulated staples. Before hanging lights outdoors, make sure they are certified for outdoor use. If you have small children o r pets, it’s best to avoid breakable ornaments altogether. Make sure all ornaments are hung high enough on the tree to be free from the reach of small children. Check to make sure that your artificial Christmas tree is fireresistant. If you are buying a real tree, choose one that is fresh by checking the needles to make sure they are pliable and not brittle. Choose a place for the tree that is a safe distance from radiators, fireplaces and space heaters. Be sure to put plenty of water in the tree stand to keep the tree from drying out and becoming a fire hazard. Marc Rasschaert of Landmarc Products.com has invented a Smart Tree Keeper watering device which plays “Jingle Bells” when the tree becomes low on water. Rasschaert says, “A watered tree is the safest tree.” Never use electric lights on a metallic tree as the branches can become electrically charged if the lights are faulty. Avoid Christmas decorations that
resemble candy or food, since small children may try to eat or swallow them. Remember that poinsettias are poisonous when ingested, so avoid decorating with them if pets or small children will be attending your celebration. Never burn wrapping paper in the fireplace. The wrapping paper burns intens ely and can cause flash fires which have the potential to destroy a home. If you are using any ingredients that may cause an allergic reaction such as nuts or seafood, be sure to let your guests know before they eat the dressing with the oysters. Although it’s tempting to abandon the kitchen to hang out with your guests, unattended cooking accounts for a majority of home fires in the U.S. during the holidays. Keep an eye on the mulled cider. Finally, test your smoke detectors to make sure that they are all working properly. Have a safe and enjoyable holiday celebration!
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Make Your Home
Cleaner& Greener F
inding ways to go green in the home does more than help the planet. It helps your home’s environment, as well. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, levels of indoor air pollution can be two to five times higher than outdoor levels. These pollutants — as well as chemicals found in many products today — can irritate allergy and asthma sufferers. “More people than ever are looking to make natural changes in their home to help improve their family’s environmental health,” said Dr. Shannon Thyne, Associate Professor of Pediatrics at UCSF and Medical Director of the Pediatric Asthma and Allergy Clinic at San Francisco General Hospital. “It only takes a few Clear the air extra steps to make a home Here are a few tips for healthier, cleaner and greener.” clearing the air in your home. To that end, the maker of Green Works® products, HGTV n Open the window. Clean personality and green living with windows and doors open expert Carter Oosterhouse, and so you don’t trap air pollution Lowe’s have teamed up to inside. showcase ways to give your n Go barefoot. Take off your family a cleaner, greener home. shoes when you come inside. “Whether you could use help That way you’ll bring less dust, dirt, mold and pollens inside, enhancing the look of your and you won’t track them all child’s playroom, or you’re over the house. looking for ways to reduce n Buy a plant. Plants serve as chemicals and their fumes and natural air purifiers. African residues in your kitchen, there violets and ferns are beautiful are simple steps you can take ways to help clear the air. to make your home environment healthier, while still keeping it stylish and beautiful,” said Oosterhouse. While every home is different, here are some ways to make any home naturally beautiful and healthier.
— those with fewer than 150 grams per liter are often labeled “lowVOC” or “no-VOC.” n Buy only the amount of paint you’ll need for the project. If you wind up with leftover paint, store it safely or dispose of it according to local municipal regulations. n Open windows while painting and use fans to vent fumes. n When sanding or removing old paint, wear a dust mask or respirator to prevent particle inhalation. Keep the area well ventilated. Continued on page 63
Paint A fresh coat of paint is a great, low-cost way to bring new life to a room. But that new paint smell comes from Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), which derive from vapors released from toxic compounds. Use non-VOC paint to create an inviting, comfortable and beautiful room. Check the back of the paint can for VOC levels
South Fayette | Winter 2011 | incommunitymagazines.com 61
Outsmarting Ol’ Man Winter C By Pamela Palongue
old winter weather is inevitable in Pennsylvania, but you can make sure your home is warm and toasty by getting your home ready now for the snowy season. One important thing to do is to purchase some non-perishable food items that can be eaten without heating in case of a winter power outage. Also, make sure those flashlights have fresh batteries and are in a handy place. Make sure that smoke detectors and carbon monoxide (CO) detectors have fresh batteries. CO detectors become especially important in the winter months because of increased use of kerosene and gas space heaters, leaking chimneys and furnaces, wood stoves and gas stoves – all sources of carbon monoxide. CO detectors are inexpensive and install easily. Next, insulate all exposed water pipes to prevent freezing pipes in the coldest part of winter. Be sure to leave your heat set to at least 55 degrees if you are going to be away from home for a few days. Consider adding extra insulation to the attic. The U.S. Dept. of Energy recommends approximately 12 inches of insulation in attics in Zone 5. One important thing to remember when adding insulation is to avoid insulation with paper backing which will act as a vapor barrier and may cause moistu re problems. Seal up foundation cracks and any entry points into your home such as crawl spaces. This will deter mice and insects from coming into your house and also help with heating bills. Use weather resistant caulking for exteriors
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and masonry sealer for brick areas. Weather stripping around doors and caulking around windows will help prevent cold air from pouring into your home. Plastic may be used in basement windows for added protection. If your home has a fireplace, yearly cleaning by a chimney sweep is essential; twice a year if the fireplace is used frequently. The buildup of wood resins forms creosote and can create a combustible fire in the chimney that can destroy an entire home. Make sure that the chimney top has a grate to prevent small animals such as squirrels from entering your home through the chimney. A furnace inspection will not only ensure safety, but help lower heating bills by more efficient use of your furnace. Cleaning the ducts and replacing filters monthly helps your home to have cleaner, healthier air. Dirty filters restrict air flow and can potentially cause fires. One area of your home that may go unnoticed is the gutter spouts. These should be cleaned thoroughly and hosed down before temperatures drop. Leaving gutter spouts clogged with leaves will lead to snow and ice building up in the gutters with no way for melting snow to drain, causing possible water damage to your home. A really easy tip is to reverse your ceiling fan so that the blades turn in a clockwise direction. This will help force warm air down into living space, rather than collecting near the ceiling. With a little planning, your home can be safe and warm all winter long, no matter what the temperature outside.
Continued from page 61
Cleaning products It used to be that buying a natural cleaning product meant paying more money for worse performance. No longer. Natural cleaning products can provide great performance without leaving behind harsh chemical fumes or residues. Plus, they are increasingly cost effective. Green Works naturally derived cleaners offer a variety of products for the whole house, including naturally derived laundry detergent and bathroom cleaners that are priced very competitively. Flooring Carpets trap dirt, dust and other allergens. If possible, remove wall-to-wall carpeting and replace it with natural wood flooring, such as sustainable bamboo or cork flooring. n Sweep and vacuum floors regularly to control dust. n Wet mop with a microfiber mop to remove dust and dirt more efficiently. n Clean up spills right away. If the carpets and rugs must stay, vacuum frequently, using a vacuum cleaner with an allergen-trapping HEPA filter. Change the filter regularly to keep it working efficiently.
Furniture and window coverings Curtains and upholstery can trap dust, dust mites and pollen. n Blinds are a good, contemporary-looking alternative to drapes, but must be dusted occasionally. n Vacuum upholstered furniture — under the cushions, too. Appliances Upgrading to a more efficient washer and dryer can provide lifetime water and energy savings. n Run only full loads. Full loads use energy and water more efficiently than smaller loads. Adjust the water levels according to the load. n Wash in cold water. Most of the energy used to wash clothes comes from heating the water. Only the most stubborn stains really need hot or warm water. For more tips on getting a cleaner, greener home, visit www.greenworks.com, and watch Oosterhouse’s “Green It Yourself” web series at the Green Works Facebook page, www.facebook.com/greenworks.
What does it mean to be natural? The Natural Products Association (NPA) recently developed the Natural Standard for Home Care Products, making it easier than ever to tell what makes a product natural. Here are the NPA’s core criteria: n Natural: Ingredients that are at least 95 percent natural (excluding water) in addition to appropriate manufacturing processes. n Responsible: No animal testing during the development process. n Safer chemistry: Avoid ingredients from the NPA’s list of prohibited ingredients. n Sustainable: Use biodegradable ingredients with environmentally sustainable packaging whenever possible. For more about which Green Works® products are NPA certified natural products, visit www.greenworkscleaners.com.
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