SPECIAL: Fairview Real Estate Section
Six Fairview Students Rehearse for a Rocking Summer
PLUS! Fairview School District Newsletter Fairview Township Newsletter Summer Parks & Recreation Programs
IT’S A NEW ERA IN NEUROSURGICAL CARE. With our ongoing promise of bringing higher-end services and even greater clinical expertise to our region, UPMC Hamot has assembled a team of neuroscience specialists whose collective abilities are unsurpassed in the region. At the UPMC Hamot Neuroscience Institute, we continue to provide innovative solutions in neurosurgery and pain management, as well as introduce revolutionary technology and expertise to deliver comprehensive care of the brain and spine. Call 814-877-5330 to make an appointment with one of our specialists, or visit UPMCHamot.org to learn more.
J. Brad Bellotte, MD
Raymond F. Sekula, Jr., MD
William P. Diefenbach, MD Elio D. DeMeira, MD
Cordell V. Preciado, MD
David M. Irwin, DO
Real Fairview SPECIAL:
ion Estate Sect
IN West County is a non-partisan community publication dedicated to representing, encouraging and promoting the Erie County area and its comprising municipalities by focusing on the talents and gifts of the people who live and work here. Our goal is to provide readers with the most informative and professional regional publication in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
IN West County | SUMMER 2012 |
sletter rict New PLUS! er School Dist Fairview p Newslett Programs Townshi on Recreati Fairview Parks & Summer
Circulatory Centers What if I don’t receive treatment for my varicose veins? .............................. | 10
UPMC Hamot Spine Center .................................. | 24
Get Your Life ‘Back’
State Farm Insurance ON THE COVER
M4 Members (left to right): Catherine Siegel, singer, 6th grade; Ben Semple, guitar, 6th grade; Charlie Root, drums, 6th grade; Chad Tucker, bass, 6th grade; Bowman Root, guitar, 7th grade; kneeling in front, Matthew Yost, guitar, 5th grade. Photo: joecottrellphoto.com
Most Accidents Happen when Kids are Out of School .............................. | 27
Edward Jones Give Your Portfolio a ‘Spring Cleaning’ ........ | 31 BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT
Coldwell Banker Celebrating 40 years in Erie
...................... | 40
Fairview Elementary Build Me a Better Lab ................
Fairview School District Newsletter ..............................
Fairview Parks and Recreation ........................................
What’s Happening in West County .................................
More Than a Library .............................................................
Fairview Township Municipal News ...............................
Bringing History to Life .......................................................
Home Trends Influence Design and Construction ............... | 36
Mercyhurst Eat Your Vegetables Program ....................
View from the Front Porch ............... | 38
History and Art On The Move with West County .......
Exploring the Man Cave
Fishing in Fairview ...............................................................
West County Real Estate Special Section
............... | 39
Exploring A Real Estate Career ....... | 41
Welcome to the summer issue of West County magazine. This year, it seems summer started in early March. However, the warm days have given people a reason to get outside early and often. Bulbs are blooming earlier and joggers are out in force. So I hope you’ve had a chance to get out there and take advantage of the early summer, and while you’re at it, let us know what you’re up to. We try to feature as much local content as we can in each issue and hope that you enjoy that content. Now, we want to get even more local and ask you directly for your stories in each issue. These features don’t have to be about you or someone you know doing something extraordinary like climbing Mt. Everest or swimming the English Channel. We want to know what makes our readers tick. It could be that you’ve always wanted a classic Thunderbird and have been restoring one for the past few years. We’d like to see it, and I’m sure others would too. So let’s start off with that, since we’re coming into car cruise season: If you or someone you know has a pretty interesting restoration project going on in their garage, let us know! Email our editor, Pamela Palongue, at p.palongue@incommunitymagazines.com or call us at 724.942.0940. We’ll be happy to hear your story and may even send one of our photographers out to capture your work for the next issue. Keep in mind, the project doesn’t necessarily need to be current – if you’ve been cruising in your restoration project for some time now, that’s okay, too. But we’d like to know what you did at the nuts and bolts level to get your baby roadworthy. If you’re just not sure one way or the other if you think you have a good story, call Pamela and she’ll be happy to help you out! Looking forward to seeing some whitewalls and chrome in the fall issue! Have a great summer!
Wayne Dollard RE GION AL E DIT ORS
Pamela Palongue [North and East] p.palongue@incommunitymagazines.com Mark Berton [South and West] mark@incommunitymagazines.com OF F ICE MAN AGE R
Leo Vighetti leo@incommunitymagazines.com AD PL ACE ME N T COORDIN AT OR
Debbie Mountain d.mountain@incommunitymagazines.com SCHOOL & MUN ICIPAL CON T E N T COORDIN AT OR
Megan Faloni m.faloni@incommunitymagazines.com GRAPHIC DE SIGN
Cassie Brkich Anna Buzzelli Sharon Cobb Susie Doak
Jan McEvoy Joe Milne Tamara Tylenda
John Barrera Jonathan Barnes Jennifer Brozak Matt Fascetti Tracey Fedkoe Mike Ference Jacob Flannick Britt Fresa Heather Holtschlage Aimee Nicolia
Nick Keppler Chelsea Kozera Leigh Lyons Dana Black McGrath JoAnne Nasser Melanie Paulick Gina Sallinger Judith Schardt
Wayne Dollard, Publisher
Mark Fainstein Ginni Hartle Brad Lauer
Len Pancoast Kathleen Rudolph Gary Yon
Derek Bayer Tom Poljak
Tamara Myers
Brian Daley Gina D’Alicandro Tina Dollard Karen Fadzen Julie Graf Jason Huffman Connie McDaniel Brian McKee Gabriel Negri
Aimee Nicolia Annette Petrone Vincent Sabatini Jennifer Schaefer Michael Silvert Karen Turkovich RJ Vighetti Nikki Capezio-Watson Sophia Alfaras
This magazine is carrier route mailed to all district households and businesses. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. Copyright 2012.
Do you have a classic car that you’ve restored? If so, we’d like to hear about it. Email your name and contact information to p.palongue@incommunitymagazines.com.
CORRESPONDENCE Direct all inquiries, comments and press releases to: IN Community Magazines Attn: Editorial 603 East McMurray Road McMurray, PA 15317 Ph: 724.942.0940 Fax: 724.942.0968 www. incommunitymagazines.com
Fall content deadline: July 22
Please recycle this magazine when you are through enjoying it.
Fairview Elementary Build A Better Me Lab Promotes Activity While Learning By Dana Black McGrath At Fairview Elementary School, students are learning how to be active while strengthening their academic skills. The Build a Better Me Lab program was started as a way to help those students who may be struggling to improve their benchmarking skills, explains Megan Sperry, a first and second grade learning support teacher who worked on developing the program for the school district. Build a Better Me integrates gross motor skills with cognitive skills, she explains, a practice that other schools have adopted, but many do not have a supporting curriculum to go with it. At Fairview, the lab approach was developed and works differently than most other programs because the physical activities are actually tied into the curriculum, Sperry explains. For example, students might hop or jump while reading sight words. Sperry explains that Build a Better Me offers about 2,000 curriculum tiles that are each tied to a gross motor task. “Students are active while they are learning at the same time,” she says. The school started experimenting with the program last year, and started going “full-force” this year. A special area has been set up within the school that is dedicated to the lab so that equipment does not have to be torn down and set up each day. A routine is set up in the lab and will remain for two weeks, Sperry explains. During the first week, students learn to conquer the physical elements of the routine. Once they are more comfortable with that,
The lab is always open to students during the day, and there always is an adult present who is trained to guide students through the experience.
during the second week, the curriculum is intensified and becomes more challenging. “The students love it,” says Sperry. “It is a huge motivator and really works to build their self-confidence.” She finds the students to be very enthusiastic about the lab and that they develop an “I can do it” type of attitude. Build a Better Me targets students in kindergarten and first grade as well as students in the learning support program. Small groups of kindergarteners and first graders come before school, and during the day the learning support students have access to the area. Also during the day, small groups within the classroom have the opportunity to use the lab during language arts time. The lab is always open to students during the day, Sperry says, and there always is an adult present who is trained to guide students through the experience. Build a Better Me will continue to be offered through the end of the school year in June. Data that has been collected throughout the experience will be used to make adjustments to the program and its curriculum. Sperry says there are plans to continue the program into next school year. “It is working very well for us.” Although this is only her second year at Fairview, Sperry does have previous teaching experience. She got involved with developing Build a Better Me during her first year at Fairview. “It has been really nice to develop something that is working for the district.”
We can help you find your perfect place. Let us help you and help the homeless. West County | Summer 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 3
West County
Four Fairview Teachers Honored
West County | Summer 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 5
West County
Fairview to Host
Foundation Appoints Director of Development
West County | Summer 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 7
West County
West County | Summer 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 9
What if I Don’t Receive Treatment for my Varicose Veins? By Paul Shields, DO Women are more likely than men to suffer from abnormal leg Treatment of a DVT involves blood thinners and further medical veins. However, both men and women can be affected by varicose testing to determine the extent of the clot. If a blood clot travels veins. Heredity is the number one contributing factor causing to the lungs it is called a pulmonary embolus and the outcome varicose and spider veins and more than 30% of American adults can be fatal. are affected by varicose veins. Because puberty, pregnancy, Varicose veins are a progressively deteriorating condition. By menopause, birth control pills, estrogen, and progesterone affect the time a patient notices visible varicose veins or experiences the disease, up to 50% of American women may be affected at symptoms of leg heaviness, nighttime cramping, swelling, achiness, some time in their life. Other predisposing factors include aging, tenderness or has experienced phlebitis, they need to be evaluated obesity and leg trauma. by a physician. Potential complications from untreated With the evaluation and treatment methods Patients with the following varicose veins do exist and their severity will available today, spider veins, varicose veins and venous conditions are at a greater risk insufficiency can be treated at a level of effectiveness vary from person to person depending on for developing DVT: the individual circumstances. Many people and safety previously unattainable and frankly will experience continued symptoms of unimaginable. Success depends on careful assessment Over 60 years of age pain, fatigue and swelling of the legs. With of the problem by a knowledgeable phlebologist Recent surgery more advanced disease, hyperpigmentation (a physician specializing in varicose vein treatment). Prior DVT (darkening of the skin), lipodermosclerosis There are many underlying causes of varicose veins, Prolonged inactivity (hardened, glistening skin), venous leg so successful treatment of a particular vein problem Cancer ulcers, spontaneous bleeding, superficial requires a treatment plan developed by a physician Obesity thrombophlebitis and a potentially who is familiar with the many causes and all potential Pregnancy and Postpartum life-threatening condition called deep treatment options. Infection vein thrombosis can occur. At Circulatory Centers, each patient is assigned Veins are tubes that carry blood back to the a Patient Account Representative who will help them heart and lungs after tissues have used the oxygen blood carries. navigate the often confusing sea of insurance regulations and This means blood that pools in varicose veins is depleted of billing. Our physicians are all board certified and experienced in oxygen and nutrients. This causes a high pressure setting and evaluation and treatment of varicose veins. veins do not tolerate high pressure. This allows red blood cells and fluid to leak out of the varicose vein and into the tissues of the leg and results in swelling. The red blood cells that leaked into the tissues cause inflammation and hyperpigmentation. After years of increased pressure and blood cells leaking into the tissues, lipodermosclerosis will occur. This results in a thickened, hardened, glossy appearing skin, commonly occurring in the lower leg. Superficial varicose veins may also bleed spontaneously. When left untreated, the skin over the veins can become thin and eventually the vein can be exposed and easily injured by clothing, bedding or furniture. The blood loss from these spontaneous bleeding episodes can be significant. With chronic venous insufficiency, a potential significant complication is a venous leg ulcer. These ulcers are due to increased pressures from underlying varicose veins. They are painful and difficult to heal. Often, these ulcers will not heal until the underlying that keeps people guessing venous insufficiency or varicose vein is treated. Inflammation of a vein just below the surface of the skin is called superficial thrombophlebitis. This is caused by inflammation due to abnormal blood flow through the vein and damage to the vein. Thrombophlebitis produces skin redness and a firm, tender, warm vein. Symptoms generally improve in one to two weeks although DON’T LET YOUR LEGS GIVE IT AWAY. the firmness of the vein may persist. Because varicose veins can alter the normal blood flow pattern, Call today for your FREE consultation! another potential complication of venous insufficiency is deep 1.800.426.9601 | veinhealth.com vein thrombosis (DVT). DVT is often first noticed as a pulling Visit our convenient Erie office located or pressure type sensation in the lower leg and can be quite at 2501 West 12th Street, Suite #1. painful. Associated symptoms may also include warmth, The vascular experts doctors recommend most. redness and swelling.
age is but a number
West County
Fairview Parks and Recreation: Summer 2012 Program
All programs are available to Fairview residents and non-residents alike.
Class sizes are limited and spaces will only be reserved with payment. No checks will be accepted at the pool. The FPRA DOES NOT MAIL CONFIRMATIONS for class enrollments. Please assume you are enrolled for the class you paid for unless otherwise notified. FOR INFORMATION ON CLASS AVAILABILITY, CALL THE FPRA OFFICE AT 474-5077.
The Fairview Parks & Recreation Authority Board of Directors meets the second Tuesday of every month at 7:00 p.m. in the Fairview Township building. The public is welcome to attend & encouraged to bring new program ideas that will benefit the community.
Fee for all levels is $40.00 per session. All classes run Monday thru Thursday. Session A Date: June 11 thru 21 Session B Date: June 11 thru 21 (PM Classes) Session C Date: June 25 thru July 12 (No class July 2-5)
Session D Date: July 16 thru 26 Session E Date: July 16 thru 26 (PM Classes) Session F Date: August 13 thru 23
PARENT WITH TODDLER (ages 6 months to about 3 years)
A water orientation class that will teach a parent how to work safely and effectively with a young child in the water. Skill-appropriate water activities will be included. Time Date
10:45 - 11:15 a.m. Choose from Sessions A, C, D
Time Date
5:15 - 5:45 p.m. Choose from Sessions B & E
PRESCHOOL (ages 4 to 5 years) Designed for the child to develop a comfort level in the water as well as a readiness for learning how to swim. Children will also receive an introduction into the basic swimming skills. Time Date
10:45 - 11:15 a.m. Choose from Sessions A, C, D
Time Date
5:15 - 5:45 p.m. Choose from Sessions B & E
LEVEL 1 (ages 6 years thru adult) Designed for children just beginning swim lessons who may be uncomfortable in the water. Time Date
This program guide & registration form are also available at www.fairviewtownship.com/parks.
11:15 - 11:45 a.m. Choose from Sessions A, C, D
Time Date
5:45 - 6:15 p.m. Choose from Sessions B & E
You can call 814-474-5077 or email parks-rec@fairviewtownship.com. Office hours are M-F from 12:00-4:00 p.m.
Time Date
4:15 - 4:45 p.m. Session F
LEVEL 2 (ages 6 years thru adult) Prerequisite: Preschool or Level 1 with no fear of the water. Gives students success with fundamental skills. Time Date
11:15 - 11:45 a.m. Choose from Sessions A, C, D
LEVEL 4 (ages 6 years thru adult) Prerequisite: Level 3 or equivalent. Develops confidence in the strokes learned and improves other aquatic skills.
5:45 - 6:15 p.m. Choose from Sessions B & E
Time Date
Time Date
Time Date
11:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Choose from Sessions A, C, D
Time Date
3:45 - 4:14 p.m. Session F
6:15 - 7:00 p.m. Session B & E
LEVEL 3 (ages 6 years thru adult) Prerequisite: Level 2 or equivalent. Builds on the skills in Level 2 by providing additional guided practice. Time Date
11:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Choose from Sessions A, C, D
Time Date
6:15 - 7:00 p.m. Session B & E
Time Date
3:00 - 3:45 p.m. Session F
PRIVATE SWIM LESSONS $10.00 for ½ hour for private $15.00 for ½ hour for semi-private
Call to schedule lessons Kathy Iszkula at 814-474-7439.
Time Date
3:00 - 3:45 p.m. Session F
Time Date
4:15 - 4:45 p.m. Session F
West County | Summer 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 11
Fairview Parks and Recreation: Summer 2012 Program
ACTIVITIES for CHILDREN LITTLE TIKE SOCCER FAIRVIEW FINS SWIM CLUB The FINS swim team is a conditioning and technique focused team that plans on competing in USA Swimming competitions for all interested members. We cover technique training for all four competitive strokes: Freestyle (front-crawl), Backstroke (back-crawl), Breaststroke and Butterfly. Skill testing will be held from 4:30 - 5:30 p.m. on Monday, June 4 FOR NEW SWIMMERS ONLY! A parent meeting will be held on June 11 at 6:30 p.m. at the FHS pool. The summer session will run from Monday, June 11 thru Thursday, July 25 for grades K-4 and July 26 for grades 5-12. No FINS practice July 4 & 5.
Grades K-4 Fee Day & Time
$90.00 Monday thru Thursday 9:30 - 10:30 a.m.
Grades 5-12 Fee Day & Time
June 20 Fairview @ Kahkwa 4:30 p.m. Warm-up / 5:00 Meet June 27 Fairview @ Northeast 5:00 p.m. Warm-up / 5:30 Meet July 3 Fairview @ Lakeshore 4:30 p.m. Warm-up / 5:00 Meet July 9* Edinboro vs. Fairview 4:30 p.m. Warm-up / 5:00 Meet July 17 Tri-meet: 5:00 p.m. Warm-up / 5:30 Meet Iroquois & Fairview @ Girard July 19 Fairview @ Harborcreek 4:30 p.m. Warm-up / 5:00 Meet July 21 Fairview @ McDowell 8:30 a.m. Warm-up / 9:00 Meet *Parent volunteers will be needed for the home meet.
Championship Meets @ McDowell July 25 10 & Under 2:30 p.m. Warm-up / 4:00 Meet July 26 11 & Up 2:30 p.m. Warm-up / 4:00 Meet
West County
$30.00 per player Pleasant Ridge Park Soccer Field Monday & Wednesday July 30 thru August 15
GOLF FOR JUNIORS (must be at least 8 years old) Fee Site Day
(Rain Date August 16)
Time Ages
5:30 - 6:30 p.m. 4 & 5 year olds
Time Ages Coach:
6:30 - 7:30 p.m. 6, 7 & 8 year olds Lauren Opalka
This program will focus on basic soccer instruction & rules followed by mini games. 20 kids max per session time. GIRLS 5/6th GRADE BASKETBALL Fee Site Date Day Time
$75.00 + uniform cost Fairview Middle School Gymnasium July 9 thru 30 (Open Gym) Monday & Wednesday 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
$125.00 Monday thru Thursday 8:00 - 9:30 a.m.
Schedule of Lake Erie Swim Meets optional for FINS members:
Fee Site Day Date
Date Day Time
July 14 thru August 25 Saturday (Open Gym) 9:00 - 10:30 a.m.
Date Day Time
August 1 thru 22 Monday & Wednesday 9:00 - 1 1:00 a.m.
$45.00 per Session Elk Valley Driving Range Monday (Rain dates will be scheduled as needed)
Early Class 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. Late Class 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. Date Session 1 - June 4 thru 25 Session 2 - July 9 thru 30 Instructor: Tom Peterman, Elk Valley Golf Teaching Professional
Each session consists of 4 classes plus one rain date. A minimum of 3 golfers will be needed for each class. Please specify Session 1 or 2 and Early or Late class when registering. Only paid registrations will be accepted first come-first served.
PAWS: Beginner, Ages 5 – 10 years old
• Classes will be held at the Chris Batchelor Tennis Courts at the Fairview High School. • All payments are due in advance of the first class session. • There are no refunds after the first playing date. • Proper clothing and tennis shoes (no black soled shoes) are required. • Four students necessary for any class to begin. • Racquets are available for those who have never played before. • Please let instructor know when you will miss a class. Rain dates and missed classes can be made up by scheduling with the Director. • You may leave a message for the Director at the tennis court phone (814) 474-4592.
Session 1: June 11 – July 13 Session 2: July 16 – August 16
Site Day Time Date Grades Coach
Fairview Elementary School Gymnasium & outdoors if weather permits Monday thru Friday 9:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. June 11 thru 15 K-4th (going into 5th) Aaron Garrity
This is a great opportunity for your child to have a week of summer fun with their friends! Tiger Camp will focus on teaching the correct fundamentals and skills in a variety of different sports and activities. Learning skills such as listening, confidence, cooperation, and following directions will be a main focus throughout the week. The goal is to leave the week being respectful, improving in drill work and overall confidence, and of course having lots of fun each and every day. The skill work, sports, and activities are geared toward being age appropriate. The age groups will be broken up to keep the skills, games, and activities age appropriate. A snack and drink will be provided.
Director: Rick Sertz, FHS Head Tennis Coach, Pennbriar Tennis Pro
Day Time
$40/once a week or $55/twice a week Monday and/or Wednesday 9:00 – 10:00 a.m.
CLAWS: Choose either Beginner or Intermediate, Ages 10 – 14 years old Fee Day Time
$50/once a week or $75/twice a week Monday and/or Wednesday 10:00 - 11:00 a.m.
TIGERS: Advanced, ages 14 – 18 years Fee Day Time
Fee Day Time
$80/once a week or $130/twice a week Tuesday and/or Thursday 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
$40.00 Thursday 9:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Fitness for girl tennis players as well as other female athletes who are entering the world of competitive high school athletics and aspire to increase flexibility and cardiovascular stamina. Will work on calisthenics and stretching that will help one gain an edge in preparation for their sport. PRIVATE TENNIS LESSONS $15.00 for ½ hour lesson $30.00 for 1 hour lesson Call Rick Sertz to schedule lessons at 814-881-0996 or 814-825-8111 ext. 21.
West County | Summer 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 13
Fairview Parks and Recreation: Summer 2012 Program
Passes may only be purchased at the pool. Evening open swims will take place immediately after summer swim meets.
Fee Site Day Time
$75.00 per Session (includes all
Site Day Time Date
Fairview High School Computer Lab Tuesday & Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon Session 1- July 17 thru August 2 Session 2- August 6 thru 23 16 and up
Family Pass Individual Pass 55/Plus Pass Per person $3.00 Days & Times Date
$75.00 $30.00 $27.00 Monday & Wednesday from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. June 11 thru July 30
FREE Keck Field Track Monday thru Sunday 6:00 a.m. until sundown (when not in use)
June 11 thru August 28 (No walking July 4)
This is available for the community to use. There is a turnstile you must use to gain access to the track.
(No open swim July 2, 4 & 9) AND
Days and Times Date
Tuesday & Thursday from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. June 12 thru August 23 (No open swim July 3, 5 & August 2 thru 9)
Days and Times Date
Monday & Wednesday from 7:30 - 9:00 p.m. August 13 thru 27
Bathing caps required for shoulder length hair, no cutoffs or t-shirts allowed. Pool users must be 10 years of age and able to swim one length of the pool unless accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. Walk-ins encouraged; you must sign in every day; payment due at every class & exact change is appreciated! Please be respectful of school property and do not throw and/or leave items in/around the pool. CHAIR CANING & SEAT WEAVING Fee Site
$40.00 + $15.00 material fee Fairview Presbyterian Church Adult Lounge Day Thursday Time 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon Date June 7 thru August 2 Ages 16 and up Instructor: Charles Elliott
You will need a plastic pail or bucket, a small flat head screwdriver, ice pick, or small scratch awl and a small water spray bottle. For a fee of $15.00, we will supply you with the seat weaving materials you need for your project, plus a caning awl, caning pegs, caning chisels, clips, and any tool you may need for your project. Maximum 10 people.
West County
supplies except camera and flash drive)
Fee Site
$40.00 per Session Avonia Beach Park 101 Avonia Road Fairview, PA 16415 Day Monday & Wednesday Time 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. Date Session 1- June 4 thru 27 Session 2- July 9 thru August 1 Session 3- August 6 thru 29 Ages 13 and up Instructor: Casandra Bardsley, Certified Hoopnotica Level 1 Instructor
What was made popular by Wham-O (remember the Hula Hoop?) has transitioned into a non-impact, fat-burning workout that strengthens your core and calms your mind. The stress of the day begins to melt away as you lose the ability to focus on anything other than keeping the hoop up! In doing so, you are strengthening your core and burning up to 600 calories per hour. The class requires an “Adult Size” hoop. If you have your own hoop, bring it! If not, hoops will be available for rent at $2 per class or purchase for $35 (cash/check only). Recommended clothing: cotton workout pants/tops are suggested (hoop does not “cling” well to synthetic fibers). Bring your own water.
This workshop is designed for students with little or no experience in photography. This course will cover all the basic photographic skills, both technical and aesthetic. You will learn photographic camera operation, functions, and settings, exposure, lighting techniques, and Adobe Photoshop software. You will have access to a computer lab with scanners and printers, including unlimited printing. We will edit and critique photos as we work. There will also be on location shooting at our local parks and beaches. You must provide a camera and a flash drive to save your work. A camera with interchangeable lenses and manual settings is ideal, but any digital camera is acceptable for this workshop. KNITTING & CROCHET Fee Site
$40.00 Fairview Presbyterian Church Adult Lounge Day Thursday Time 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon Date June 7 thru August 2 Ages Will accept students from age 9 to adult. Please call the FPRA office for details. Instructor: Florence Elliott
We will begin with four weeks of crochet and switch to four weeks of knitting. Be ready to learn a lot and to make wonderful gifts and wearables after completing the class. We will complete a project of your choice: mug rug/coaster, dishcloth, scarf or other item you’d like to try. This class covers basic stitches and extra techniques. If you already knit and/or crochet but need help with patterns, we do that, too. Come ready to relax, learn and have fun. Coffee and tea will be provided. All members of the class are welcome to bring snacks to share. Material list can be found at www.fairviewtownship.com under program schedule. Maximum 20 people.
$50.00 per Session Fairview High School Pool & Avonia Beach Park Thursday 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. Session 1- June 14 thru July 5 Session 2- July 12 thru August 2 Fred Evanoff; NCAA & AAU Certified Coach
Learn new skills, refine, or regain lost skills and confidence. All levels welcome. Instruction will be skill level appropriate. Weather permitting, an open water swim will take place in Lake Erie at Avonia Beach Park on the last class of each session for those interested. GOLF FOR ADULTS Fee Site Day
$55.00 per Session ELK VALLEY DRIVING RANGE Wednesday (Rain dates will be scheduled as needed)
Early Class 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. Late Class 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. Date Session A - June 6 thru 27 Session B - July 11 thru August 1 Instructor: Tom Peterman, Elk Valley Golf Teaching Professional
Each session consists of 4 classes plus one rain date. A minimum of 3 golfers will be needed for each class. Please specify Session A or B and Early or Late class when registering. Only paid registrations will be accepted first come-first served. ADULT TENNIS CLASSES Fee Location
$40.00 per Session Chris Batchelor Tennis Courts at Fairview High School Days Wednesday Time 7:30 – 9:00 p.m. Date Session 1- June 11 thru July 13 Session 2- July 16 thru August 16 Instructor: Rick Sertz, FHS Head Tennis Coach, Pennbriar Tennis pro
All levels are welcome! See “Junior Tennis Program” description for further details.
MORNING YOGA at the BEACH Fee $40.00 per Session Site Avonia Beach Park 101 Avonia Road Fairview, PA 16415 Day Thursday Time 8:00 - 9:00 a.m. Date Session 1 - June 7 - 28 Session 2 - July 12 - August 2 Session 3 - August 9 - 30 Instructor: Cathleen Norris, RYT, CYT
Start your day at Avonia Beach Park and increase your flexibility and strength, create a positive mood and a great feeling of well being through yoga. You will connect with nature by hearing birds sing, breathing fresh air and listening to the water… awakening you physically and mentally. This will provide you with an awareness to your mind, body and spirit to begin your day. This class is relaxing yet energizing and is designed for those of any level of fitness. Dress comfortably and bring a yoga mat and water. A minimum of 4 students needed to hold the class. Class will be held inside the Brugger house if bad weather is forecasted.
Experience the peaceful space at Avonia Beach Park where you can enjoy the sights and sounds of the water and sundown while releasing stress and stiffness in your body from a busy day and week. Not to worry if you are “flexibly challenged,” we will perform yoga poses that are for those of any fitness level that will rejuvenate your body and mind. Dress comfortably and be prepared to release your stress and tension while connecting with nature. All levels of yoga welcome. Please bring your own yoga mat and water. A minimum of four students are needed to hold the class. Class will be held inside the Brugger house if bad weather is forecasted.
ERIE COUNTY TENNIS TOURNAMENT Will be held at the Chris Batchelor Memorial Tennis courts at the Fairview High School July 26 thru 29, 2012. Visit www.fairviewtownship.com for registration form and more details or call the FPRA office at 814-474-5077.
Fee Site
Day Time Date
$40.00 per Session Avonia Beach Park 101 Avonia Road Fairview, PA 16415 Tuesday 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. Session 1 - June 5 - 26 Session 2 - July 10 - 31 Session 3 - August 7 - 28 Cathleen Norris, RYT, CYT
Fee Site
$40.00 per Session Avonia Beach Park 101 Avonia Road Fairview, PA 16415 Day Thursday Time 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. Date Session 1- June 4 thru 25 Session 2- July 9 thru 30 Session 3- August 6 thru 27 Instructor: Amy Eisenberg
Enjoy learning the Yang Long Form of Tai Chi: a series of slow, graceful movements developed in China to promote relaxation, increase flexibility, improve balance and enhance overall good health while being surrounded by nature. Beginners are encouraged to attend. Minimum of five students needed to hold the class. Class will be held inside the Brugger house if bad weather is forecasted. *In cases of financial hardship scholarship applications are available upon request.*
West County | Summer 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 15
Fairview Parks and Recreation: Summer 2012 Program
TOUR DE WEST COUNTY 2012 Saturday, July 21, 2012 A Fundraiser, from which all proceeds go directly to The Lance Armstrong Foundation. This is a family friendly ride and expo that promotes awareness and helping others LiveSTRONG with cancer. ALL are welcome including cancer patients, survivors, families and friends to participate in all or any of the day’s festivities! The TdWC will be held Saturday, July 21, 2012 at Pleasant Ridge Park in Fairview and is sponsored by the Presque Isle Cycling Club. Races start at 8:30 a.m. (5, 12, 25 and 50 mile rides to choose from). Registration forms available at www.emergycare.org. Immediately following will be the TdWC Family Expo with music, food and beverage, silent auction, fire safety house, dunking booth, karate demonstration and much more.
BACK TO SCHOOL BLAST FREE CONCERT IN THE PARK Saturday, August 25, 2012 Bands Erie Heights Brass Ensemble, M-4 and one other band will play at this free, end of summer concert at Pleasant Ridge Park. The concert will be held from 4 -9 p.m. on the lawn. Bring your own lawn chairs, blankets, yard games, drinks (non-alcoholic only), and any food you want. Some food will be available for purchase. This family friendly event also allows your four footed family members (must be on a leash). This event will be held rain or shine. Questions? Call the Fairview Parks & Recreation Authority office at 814-474-5077 or visit www.fairviewtownship.com.
West County
Race time: 7:45 p.m. on a candle-lit course. Pig roast and social gathering to follow race. For more information contact Jim Cardman at (814) 392-6224, the FPRA office at (814) 474-5077 or visit our website at www.fairviewtownship.com.
READ AND SIGN THIS WAIVER AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY INDEMNIFICATION In applying for registration in the program and facility, the following agreements must be endorsed: (1) I agree on behalf of myself and in behalf of my minor children to release and discharge the Fairview School District, Fairview Township, Fairview Parks and Recreation Authority, its officers, representatives, and employees from any and all liability and claims arising out of or in any way connected with any program being operated by the Fairview Parks and Recreation Authority. The applicant hereby assumes all risks of injuries or damages to the person on behalf of myself and any minors to which I am a parent or guardian which might occur as a result of participation in the program of the Fairview Parks and Recreation Authority. (2) I agree to abide by the regulations for operation of the facility used for the program, and regulations for the registered individual activity. (3) I further hereby agree to indemnify and save harmless the Fairview School District, Fairview Parks and Recreation Authority, Fairview Township, its officers, representatives and employees, from any and all liability that may occur to myself or members of my immediate family in any Fairview Parks and Recreation Authority program. This indemnification is to include and is not necessarily
limited to any and all cost of litigation, medical expenses, judgment, or subrogation interests. (4) I acknowledge that passes and registrations may not be loaned or transferred; the permit and privileges associated with it are not transferable and will be lifted, if presented by any other person than the one to whom issued. We will consider your application for registration as acceptance of the above items. THE SIGNATURE OF PARENT, GUARDIAN OR ADULT PARTICIPANT INDICATES ACCEPTANCE OF THIS WAIVER AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY AND INDEMNIFICATION. The waiver and release of liability must be signed before participation by adult participants or by a parent or guardian on behalf of minors. The Fairview Parks and Recreation Authority, Fairview Township and its Supervisors and the Fairview School District assume no liability for injuries that may be suffered as a result of participation in these activities as well as and including transportation to and from any class or program. If you have read, signed and agree to the waiver and release of liability, fill out the registration form to include all necessary information (name, address, telephone number, class, etc.).
Youth or Adult
West County | Summer 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 17
Elk Valley Garden Club will be selling plants and flowers on Friday, May 18, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturday, May 19, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in Wells Park.
14, 15, 16
in West County
West County
American Legion Girard Post 494 Memorial Day Parade is scheduled for Monday, May 28. The parade begins at 2 p.m. and will travel west on Vine Street, South on Rice, east on Main and north on Church Street to the cemetery.
The Lake City Fire Department Carnival will be June 14, 15 and 16 at the fire department grounds. For more information, please visit the website www.lakecityfire.org/carnival2012.htm.
JUNE 20 through AUG 22
The Elk Creek Recreation & Leisure Board will sponsor concerts in Wells Park for the fourth year. The first one on June 20 will begin at 8 p.m., all others begin at 7 p.m. June 20
Ischabaha, Breakneck Blues Band, Pat Williams, PW Shmed (Bring non-perishable food items for the local food pantry.)
June 27 July 11
Erie Heights Generic Grass
July 18 July 25 August 8 August 15 August 22
Four Grads Forsythe Specialist Gem City Loose Change Parade Street Dixieland
For more information, email elkcreekrec@gmail.com.
The 2012 Relay for Life of West County, PA will be held July 20 and 21 at Girard High School.
The Albion Fair will be held September 11-15, rain or shine. For more information, visit www.albionfair.com.
West County | Summer 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 19
When Mary Rennie first began her career as a librarian 30 years ago, people from the Fairview area were talking and dreaming of a new library that would be located just a few minutes from their homes and would have at least some of the services and programs the city libraries oered. Though it’s taken decades to finally come to fruition, the Lincoln Community Center answers those long-held prayers for a state-of-the-art library that’s right around the corner. Opened in October 2009, the Lincoln Community Center has become a community gathering place. Rennie, who is branch library coordinator for Erie County Libraries, has worked in every library branch, including the bookmobile. “This is a wonderful facility for the West County area... there was a real need for a meeting space here,â€? she says. Nonprofit organizations can use the community meeting room 12 times per year for only a $25 annual fee. The room is equipped with a television, DVD player, a ceiling-mounted projector and adequate plug-ins for PowerPoint presentations. Other organizations and individuals can also rent the space at a higher rate. The library also has an adorable children’s area furnished with oversized chairs that resemble brightly-colored library books. It’s a great space where neighborhood children can come to participate in weekly story times on Thursday afternoons. In addition to being a great facility, the library is about the people it serves and enriching their lives. The Lincoln Community Center hosts many special events and programs throughout the year. This season it will host a group called “Theater on the Move.â€? They will present The Chocolate Box on May 22 which should be great entertainment.
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More than a Library –
It’s a Part of the Community By Pamela Palongue
Houses change... Home remains rema emains the same.
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West County
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The library will also have a program called “Dream Big – Read” to encourage people of all ages to read more books. Teens will have a special program for their age group called “Own the Night.” The reading program kicks off on June 4 and will feature incentives for completing books, such as tote bags, food coupons and other small prizes. Many of these programs would not be possible without the support of the Friends of the Library. They will sponsor The Great American Book Sale on June 10 through June 15 at the Villa Elementary School gym. The proceeds raised by this event will help to purchase supplies and to bring speakers, entertainers, musicians and other professionals to the library. Having a library in the West County area is a great advantage for area residents. Many people who do not own cars are not able to travel into the city, so having information close at hand is invaluable. The library is a great resource for everything from learning a foreign language to organic gardening. It can help you choose a college and then help locate the scholarship money to pay for it. The knowledge contained in the library can improve your health and broaden your horizons and there’s something waiting there for everyone. Why not visit your local library today and change your life for the better? For more information on your library, please visit the website www.erielibrary.org.
It’s a GREAT DAY to help a nonprofit. Erie
... ..Gives .......... ..........................
August 14, 2012 Due to the success of Erie Gives last year, we are hosting the celebration again! Donate $25 or more to your favorite nonprofit at www.ErieGives.org on Aug. 14, and a prorated match from a pool will be added to your donation! Last year, almost $800K was raised in one day for local nonprofits!
West County | Summer 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 21
Municipal Pages PAVING & ROAD WORK
Avonia Road Project
The township accepted ownership of Avonia Road from Route 5 north to Lake Erie in 2011. We spent last summer installing stormwater pipes and basins. This summer we will be reconstructing the road surface from Hathaway Drive north to the lake. Fairview has advertised for bids and expects the project to start shortly after school is out. This will be a full reclamation project – the contractor will be grinding the road six to eight inches deep and mixing product with the grindings to create a new base for pavement. The current road width averages about 18 feet. Once the work is done there will be a 22-foot wide roadway with a compacted gravel berm. A two-inch asphalt pavement with large 19mm stone will be placed on top of the new base and a seal coat with chip will then be applied over the asphalt. Standard double yellow center lines and single white outside lines will be applied to the new surface by the contractor. Driveways will be adjusted by the contractor to match the new roadway. Traffic will be maintained in and out throughout the project, but will be restricted at times. Restoration work for the entire project including where the stormwater pipe was installed will be handled by the contractor.
Township Paving Schedule The budget this year for resurfacing of our township roads is approximately $600,000. Every year the supervisors create a list of roads that need work and it is always more road than our budget allows. A plan is put together for the different types of resurfacing and a bid package is made with roads and quantities listed. Depending on the prices that are received, we then prioritize the roadways and go as far as our budget allows. The following is a list of roads that will possibly be receiving work this year, and on some of the roads only a portion will be worked on: Antolik Road, Sheramy Drive, Alameda Drive, Rosina Drive, Lake Shore Drive, Fernwood Lane, Shadyside Drive, Ridgeview Drive, Old Mill Road, Welcana Drive, Scott Lane, Lynann Lane, Wellman Drive, Northern Drive, Somerset Drive, Sunrise Circle, Sebago Drive, Valley Drive, Clover Drive, Seib Road, Kreider Road and Winthrop Drive.
Pleasant Ridge Park The township has a few changes planned for this year that should enhance the use of the facility. The upper end of the parking lot and area up to the pavilion will be paved for easier and cleaner access. A new sliding board will be added to the play structures for the kids and this will expand the designated play area. Also the Fairview Girls Softball League has worked hard at putting together a plan for two dugouts to be constructed at the main playing field. The dugouts will be a joint venture with the township. Gary Matczak created the building plans at no cost, A. Duchini Inc. is providing the block at cost, Carter Lumber has donated 50% of the building materials and Elk Creek Ready Mix has donated the concrete. The Navy CBs will be constructing the dugouts.
Avonia Beach Park The house at Avonia Beach will have its roof replaced this summer. The building is being utilized by the Parks and Rec Authority for activities as well as Fairview School District for educational events. The Fairview Garden Club is graciously donating some picnic tables for the park and we are very thankful for the group’s generosity.
West County
The Township’s Storage Building An addition is planned for our pole barn to expand the cold storage area for equipment. The pole barn is a Morton Structure built in the late ‘80s with a wood frame and steel sheeting. The exact size of the addition is yet to be determined.
Sidewalks Fairview Township is making efforts to improve our pedestrian traffic. Replacement of damaged sidewalk and plans for expanding the sidewalk system are in the works. The sidewalks fall into two different plans. The focus for the downtown area is one of connecting businesses with an inviting pedestrian corridor. The focus for the school district area is more of a hike and bike trail to tie neighborhoods to the school property and out to nearby parks.
Summer Intern This is the third summer that college interns will help in our GIS development. The township has enjoyed the benefits of working with these young men and women. The information gathered and mapped on the computers allows for better management of the assets that the township is responsible for maintaining. It also provides a better knowledge of how our infrastructure ties together. This year we plan to map out easements and right of ways. Providing the college students with hands-on experience and the gain of easily accessible information for the township has proven to be mutually beneficial.
New Computer Technician Fairview Township, after many years of working with Advanced Business Systems, has decided to make some changes in our computer world. ABS has served us since the start of computer use in our offices and we are thankful for their professional manner in carrying us this far. Upgrading our software has been a topic of discussion for some time now, and after talking with other municipalities we decided it was time for a change. A new accounting software program was purchased for our secretary/treasurer office and we contracted with Harborcreek Township for a software program its staff developed for planning and zoning. This opened the door for a new look at our entire computer system and we talked with a couple of technicians. We decided to hire Mark Carney as our new “IT guy.” He was able to give us solid recommendations as to how our system could be improved and simplified. Mark will be onsite for maintenance as we schedule with him and he will be available for emergencies as needed.
Planning/Zoning Office There has been a lot of time and effort put into the Comprehensive Plan document and we are reaching the final step of the process. Official announcement will be advertised twice in a paper of general circulation not more than 30 days or less than seven days prior to the public meeting. With the exception of a significant conflict from one of the reviews, an official resolution for the adoption of the Comprehensive Plan will be part of our Board of Supervisors meeting on June 21, 2012. The final draft will be posted on the website. Prior to the meeting, draft copies will be sent out to all neighboring municipalities, the Fairview School District, Erie County Planning, and Fairview Planning Commission. West County | Summer 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 23
UPMC Hamot Spine Center
For 10 years, Mark Louis, 49, battled the painful effects of a herniated disk. His pain, which radiated down his right leg, escalated to the point where he could no longer stand, sit, or lie down comfortably. Mr. Louis needed medical attention. He first spoke with his primary care physician, who convinced him to go to the Emergency Room. He then scheduled follow-up visits with an area pain management physician and a local neurosurgeon. But instead of feeling better, Mr. Louis decided to seek a second opinion. That’s when he learned about the UPMC Hamot Spine Center, the region’s first comprehensive center offering a multidisciplinary approach to total spine care. Whether you have a known spinal condition or are simply experiencing discomfort or pain in your back, neck, or extremities, the UPMC Hamot Spine Center – led by the UPMC Hamot neurosurgical team – can assess your condition and start you on an appropriate treatment plan. This expert team consisting of highly skilled neurosurgeons, a pain management specialist and anesthesiologist, and a neurointerventional surgeon is backed by UPMC Hamot’s dedicated diagnostic technicians, physical therapists, and other support staff. The team also works with patients to help them manage their condition so they have the best chance of enjoying a long and fulfilling life. “At the UPMC Hamot Spine Center, we are proud to offer a comprehensive approach to treating patients,” said Neurosurgeon J. Brad Bellotte, MD, who leads the UPMC Hamot Spine Center team. “We explore all treatment options – including surgical, nonsurgical, minimally invasive, and interventional pain management options – to steer patients down a path to recovery.” Mr. Louis is not alone. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and National Center for Health Statistics, for U.S. adults reporting pain, the neck, knee, and back are the top three causes of their pain. In Mr. Louis’ case, Dr. Bellotte met with him to review his x-rays, explain his options, and answer any questions. During the appointment, Dr. Bellotte shared studies of long-term results of patients who had surgery versus those who did not. He worked with Mr. Louis to develop a treatment plan that would suit his needs. After weighing his options, Mr. Louis decided to proceed with a microdiscectomy, a type of spine surgery. “My experience could not have been more positive,” Mr. Louis later stated. “Dr. Bellotte was so candid with my wife and me. He told us his only interest was in helping patients make informed decisions that were right for them.” Mr. Louis, who underwent his surgery in January, is glad to be on the road to recovery. “While I still have occasional pain, it is normal according to the doctor; it just takes time for the nerve ending to heal,” he stated. “I have been fixed!” “Without a doubt, the talented medical staff and all the employees we encountered at UPMC Hamot are fulfilling the organization’s mission through their commitment to their core values,” he continued. “We are so fortunate to have such world-class care available in our community.”
Get Your Life ‘Back’ Through the UPMC Hamot Spine Center “We explore all treatment options – including surgical, nonsurgical, minimally invasive, and interventional pain management options – to steer patients down a path to recovery.” - J. Brad Bellotte, MD
West County
The UPMC Hamot Spine Center is located within the Great Lakes Neurosurgery and Neurointervention office on the eighth floor of UPMC Hamot. To schedule a consultation, call 814-877-5330, or visit UPMCHamot.org for more information. No referrals are necessary.
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West County | Summer 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 25
By Pamela Palongue
Sabina Shields Freeman is a transplant to Fairview Township, but she is wellacquainted with the history of West County. The author of several books on the area, Freeman has woven the history of several different eras into various books that are full of major historical events and interesting anecdotes. She initially began her research of local history when hired as a publicist for the Fairview Community Council in 1975, during the bicentennial celebration of the United States. The research of West County piqued her interest and soon she was writing a local history column for the Cosmopolite Herald in Girard. She now has a list of books to her credit including her latest, entitled Cloud Busters - Neil McCray and the Erie County Airport, published in 2011. The book traces the story of the beginnings of aviation in Erie County and the airport which once bustled with activity in West County. Freeman also details the life story of McCray who, after serving in World Wars I and II, obtained his pilot license and opened the airport in the late 1920s. He also had an air ambulance service and was responsible for bringing many air competitions to the area. The airfield was eventually sold to the Kudlak brothers, who in turn sold the enterprise to developers in 1957. The last flight to land at the airstrip carried a young serviceman returning home for the funeral of his father. In an incredible coincidence, the deceased father was the former partner of Neil McCray in the airport venture. McCray also tried to start an airline, although his attempt was unsuccessful. Many more details about this adventurous man and his amazing life are included in Freeman’s book. Another book that Freeman hopes everyone takes the time to read is Those Were the Days. The book is a compilation of articles printed during the U.S. bicentennial, written by Freeman and Barbara Seidler, featuring Fairview businesses, schools and churches. Freeman enjoys weaving a timeline of national events and melding it with local history.
West County
The West County area has given Freeman a lot of material to work with for her writing. In another title, The Battles Story, she writes about the prominent Battles family of Girard Township. Their domain includes two large farmhouses, now owned by the Erie County Historical Society. One of the homes was built just prior to the Civil War, with the other dating to the 1830s. Both are decorated with beautiful fountains and furnished according to their respective time periods. Freeman is currently working on a book about Dan Rice, a 19th century resident of Girard Township who was a nationally famous circus owner and philanthropist. Although other books have been written about him, his colorful life will give Freeman much to write about that has not been previously covered. Freeman’s books are for sale at the Fairview Area Historical Society located at 4302 Avonia Road in Fairview at the Sturgeon House and are also available at her website www.hiflightpress.com and the Blasco Library. They include Twice Around the Township - Fairview History Retold, The Battles Story, Thomas Forster & Settling the Erie Frontier and Cloud Busters Neil McCray and the Erie County Airport. The Sturgeon House features historical reenactments during the year. For more information on the Fairview Area Historical Society, please visit the website at www.fairviewhistoryeriecoutypa.org or facebook.com/sturgeonhouse. The historical society for Girard Township is West County Historical Association located at 522 E. Main Street in the Hazel Kibler Museum. The society may be reached at 814.774.3653. For more information on Dan Rice Days, held in August, please visit the website at DanRiceDays.com.
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West County | Summer 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 27
Mercyhurst West
Mercyhurst West, located in Girard, is offering a new program called Community Supported Agriculture which will allow local residents to have a steady supply of fresh vegetables throughout the summer. This west campus of Mercyhurst University is located on 405 acres where vegetables are grown to supply the college cafeteria. Now residents can pay a one-time fee of $150 and pick up fresh vegetables every other week beginning July 16 and running into September. The fee entitles the subscriber to six pick-ups, and all of the vegetables are grown chemical free. Some of the vegetables will include kale, carrots, radishes, peas, pumpkins, beets and fresh herbs such as rosemary and thyme. For those who are unable to pay the $150 fee, the college has a Volunteer for Veggies program in which individuals can come and work for a few hours at the farm in exchange for free produce.
The vegetables will also be available at the farmers market outside the Girard Township borough building on Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 12 noon. Special orders can be placed for certain vegetables, such as tomatoes or cabbage, by calling the Mercyhurst West office. Any produce left over from the farmers market or Community Supported Agriculture program is subsequently donated to the Second Harvest Food Bank to help feed our hungry neighbors. According to Director Missy Lang, the school originally offered 30 shares for the Community Supported Agriculture program and only about 10 shares are remaining. Individuals interested in purchasing one of the remaining shares may apply by calling the Mercyhurst West campus at 814.774.0704 or visiting the campus website at www.mercyhurst.edu. Special orders may also be placed by calling the same number.
Mercyhurst College 2012 CSA Program What is a CSA?
Projected Crops for 2012
Volunteer for Veggies
CSA stands for “Community Supported Agriculture” where community members trade their time and/or money for a share of the farmer's harvest. You help support local farmers and the local economy, and receive healthy, delicious fresh produce in return! However, there is a great deal of unpredictability involved in a CSA. Depending on weather conditions, pest damage, disease, etc. the volume and type of produce from week to week can vary greatly. This is a risk but also part of the fun of a CSA; you never quite know what you'll get!
Although the harvest can vary, we do expect the following crops this season: Kale, carrots, radishes, peas, squash, pumpkins, cabbage, green & red peppers, beets, tomatoes, rosemary, and thyme.
Get your hands dirty and help pay for your share each week! Volunteering at the farm on harvesting days brings a lot of satisfaction and can also help offset your cost for the CSA program. A four-hour bi-weekly commitment will cover half the cost of your two week share. Harvesting will take place the Sunday before each pick-up date, beginning July 15, 2012.
West County
Harvest & pickup will be every other week, beginning the third week in July 2012.
If you decide to participate in this, $75 is due before the first pick-up. Space is limited for this program.
2012 CSA Application Form
Pricing Share $150 July 16, 2012 – September 24, 2012 6 pick-ups Each share should feed 4 people for one week.
Proposed Pickup Dates - Mondays July 16, 30 August 13, 27 September 10, 24
Please Check Any that Apply: Pick up at Mercyhurst Erie Campus Pick up at West Campus Farm I would like to pay for my share with my student account I am a Mercyhurst employee, and would like to enroll in the payment plan I am interested in the “volunteer for veggies” program I would like to make a donation (time/money) to help support the CSA program, or donate my share to a local charity Share for entire 12-week growing season ($150)
Total Cost:$_________
Checks may be made payable to Mercyhurst University. Shares MUST be paid in full before first pickup date. I have read the following, understand the risks and benefits involved in the CSA, and agree to uphold my financial commitment.
Please MAIL FORM TO: 824 Main Street East, Girard, PA 16417
12:00 noon – 4:30 p.m. Mercyhurst Erie Campus 501 E. 38th St Erie, PA 16546 - or -
10:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Mercyhurst West Campus 824 Main St East Girard, PA 16417
West County | Summer 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 29
Spending family time outside together !
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West County
Give Your Portfolio a “Spring Cleaning” Springtime is here. If you’re like many people, the arrival of spring means it’s time to spruce up your home. But why stop there? This year, consider applying some of those same spring-cleaning techniques to your investment portfolio. Here are some ideas you may want to put to work: • Get rid of clutter. You probably don’t have to look too far around your home to find things that are broken or simply no longer useful to you. If you poke around your portfolio, you might make similar discoveries: an investment that has chronically underperformed, duplicates another investment or met your needs in the past but is less relevant to your current situation and goals. Once you identify these types of investments, you may decide to sell them and use the proceeds to take advantage of opportunities that may prove more valuable to you. • Consolidate. Over the years, you may have accumulated multiple versions of common household items — brooms, mops, hammers — which pop up mysteriously in various parts of your home. You might find it more efficient, and even less expensive, if you consolidated all these things in one centralized location. As an investor, you also might find that consolidation can offer you some benefits. Do you have one Individual Retirement Account (IRA) with one financial services provider and a second IRA with another? Do you have a couple of old 401(k) accounts with former employers? And have you scattered investments here, there and everywhere? By consolidating all these accounts in one place, you can cut down on paperwork, reduce fees and, most importantly, unite your investment dollars so that it’s easier for you to see what you have and then follow a single, coherent investment strategy.
• Prepare for turbulent weather. As you know, springtime can bring heavy rains, hail, strong winds and other threats to your home. As part of your overall spring cleaning, you may want to check the condition of your roof, clear branches away from your house, clean your gutters and downspouts, and take other steps to protect your property from the ravages of Mother Nature. And just as you need to safeguard your home, you’ll want to protect the lifestyles of those who live in that home — namely, your family. You can help accomplish this by reviewing your life and disability insurance to make sure it’s still sufficient for your needs. • Get professional help. You may find that you can’t do all your spring cleaning by yourself. For example, if your carpets and rugs are heavily soiled, you may need to call in a professional cleaner. Or if your tree branches have grown out of control, you might need to bring in a tree trimmer. Similarly, when you decide to “tidy up” your portfolio, you’ll need some assistance from a financial professional — someone who can study your current mix of investments and recommend changes, as needed, to help ensure your holdings are suitable for your risk tolerance, time horizon and short- and long-term goals. Spring cleaning can reinvigorate your home and your overall outlook. And by tidying up your investment portfolio, you can help gain some of that same optimism — for your future.
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West County | Summer 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 31
First Lady Michelle Obama launched the “Let’s Move” campaign on February 9, 2010, in response to the growing concern of childhood obesity. Controlling weight gain in childhood and adolescence helps decrease the risk of diabetes and other weight-related health problems. Although the progression of adult obesity has slowed somewhat according to the 2011 Gallup-Healthways Index, there is still a majority of adults who are overweight or obese. In Erie County, 65% of adults are overweight or obese according to the 2009 Erie County Adult Profile. Obama’s campaign encourages communities to reverse this trend by using parks and trails to promote a minimum of one hour of daily physical activity for children and 30 minutes of activity for adults. With the goal to make Erie County residents a healthier population, Erie Yesterday, the Erie County Health Department and VisitErie have brought the cultural elements of art and local heritage together with healthy living in a program called Let’s Move Outside! Erie County Recreational Passport. “It’s a unique way to get people outside,” says Melinda Meyer, president of Erie Yesterday. “At the heart of this project is physical activity which we’ve combined with history, art and the outdoors.” The LMO! Passport features a network of 10 walking and biking trails that will be mapped out and include fun things to see and do in each of the communities. It will also contain interesting local history about each area and the trail markers, approximately four feet high, will actually be works of art. Lead artist on the project Tom Ferraro envisioned an easily recognizable platform for all 10 of the trail markers, but with individualized designs for each area that would be unique to the community. In West County, the Pleasant Ridge Park Trail located at 8271 Barker Road in Fairview and the Girard Township Urban Trail are being highlighted as great areas to help residents keep fit. The Girard Township trail was created especially for the Let’s Move Outside! project and was laid out by the West County Historical Association. It begins at the Hazel Kibler Museum located at 522 Main Street East in Girard. Ferraro worked with well over 40 students from the local area to draw inspiration for the design. Students from Girard Township in several grades including a group of gifted students provided their creative ideas, producing a wide array of imagery that included the township’s historical sights which are located along the trail.
West County
They provided “a dazzling group of work using a variety of geometric shapes that defined the community,” according to Ferraro. The students were brought together by teacher Lacey Brandt. In Fairview schools, art teacher Barb Wegner invited her beginning drawing class, her advanced class and the photography class to participate. “We focused on the natural beauty of Fairview, with images from the Lake Erie shoreline, world-class fishing along Walnut Creek, and farms and landscapes in the southern portions of the township,” says Ferraro. “The work presented by the three classes provided me with an abundance of diverse imagery that helped shape my ideas for the Fairview trail marker. The students and teachers at both of these West County schools provided very enthusiastic support for this project,” he adds. Ferraro will visit nine more groups in each of the trail communities to gain a consensus of ideas for the other area trail markers. The trail maps, which will also be a part of the project, will have interesting facts about the history of each of the areas. The history will no doubt highlight several prominent families who have inspired the names of present-day roads, creeks and mills. According to organizers of the LMO! Passport project, this will be a fun way to weave together art, heritage and physical activity, leading to good health. In addition to the obvious benefit of helping residents of all ages to get fit, participants will have access to coupons redeemable at trail community businesses. Participants will log on to the program website to access coupons, track their progress and enter a grand prize drawing for several great prizes. The LMO! Passport project will run from June 1 to October 20, 2012. If you are interested in participating in the program, please visit the website at www.letsmoveoutside.org. For more information on the Pleasant Ridge Park Trail, please visit the website at www.fairviewtownship.com/pleasant_ridge_park.asp. For more information on the Girard trail, please contact the borough office at 814.774.9683 or historical association member Jeanne Miller at 814.774.5703.
West County | Summer 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 33
Fishing in Fairview By Pamela Palongue
Fairview Township is fortunate to have some of the best fishing in the country right here at its doorstep. In fact, Jeff Spaaf of Poor Richard’s Bait and Tackle in Fairview has seen customers from all over the world coming to fish the area. “There are larger fish in other areas, but we have greater numbers of fish here,” says Spaaf. With gas prices predicted to increase to an unprecedented $5 per gallon this summer, it might be a great time to take advantage of the wonderful fishing for which others travel thousands of miles to enjoy. Indeed, an afternoon of angling can be like a little mini-vacation for the spirit and fishers can look forward to catching everything from steelhead to catfish, depending upon their particular preference and taste buds. Avonia Beach Park, located where Trout Run Creek empties into Lake Erie, is a scenic place to spend an afternoon. Although Trout Run is a nursery water and no fishing is allowed in the creek, plenty of fish can be caught on the lake shore side. The prized steelhead can be caught from fall through the spring. According to Spaaf, steelhead will sometimes eat their own eggs after spawning, so flies that resemble egg patterns work well as bait, along with insects, PowerBait and spoons, minnows and worms. In the early part of spring, smallmouth bass can be caught in local creeks and frequently hit minnows, nightcrawlers and crayfish.
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May is an excellent month for walleye at the mouth of Lake Erie. Spaaf recommends using a Rapala lure which mimics a small fish, about five inches in length. “Drag the lure slowly across the water to imitate an injured fish,” he advises for catching the walleye. As the summer heats up, fishing for catfish becomes popular. Spaaf says, “Catfish can be caught at the mouth of the creek that measure up to 24 inches.” Fishing is best in the late evening and nighttime, when the catfish come in to feed. Local fishers have had success using chicken and beef livers, but PowerBait, worms and nightcrawlers also work well according to Spaaf.
“Three-fourths of the Earth’s surface is water and one-fourth is land; it is quite clear that the good Lord intended us to spend triple the amount of time fishing as taking care of the lawn.”
In the early part of fall, steelhead can be found by trolling along the lake shore with plugs and spoons. “You run into a lot of nice people out there fishing,” says Spaaf. “It brings people together, fathers, sons and grandfathers... it’s something the whole family can do together.” Fishing is quite clearly not just about catching fish. It’s about engaging in an activity that is as enjoyable in solitude as it is with the whole family. It can be fun or frustrating, disappointing or exhilarating. But however the day turns out, it’s always much better than if you had just stayed home. The lawn will still be there when you get back.
– Chuck Clark
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West County | Summer 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 35
Real Estate in West County
It used to be that a first-floor laundry or home office was among some of the hottest home construction trends. Now that those are a standard more than a luxury, new home trends are emerging that reflect our changing needs as our lifestyle, culture and economy change with the times. In February, jurors for the National Association of Home Builders’ annual “Best in American Living Awards” identified several home design trends that are expected to last throughout the rest of the decade. Through that competition, which honored more than 80 single-family homes, apartments and condominiums as well as remodeling projects and subdivisions, several themes emerged among the honorees. Trends noted by the competition judges include classic yet contemporary designs that blend modern and traditional elements to create timeless, elegant spaces with interiors that are light and simple rather than ornate and heavy. According to local realtor, Matt Froehlich of Coldwell Banker, this national trend is reflected in local buyers as well. “People like informality and open floor plans are the buzz-word in what [consumers] are looking for.” Outdoor living spaces are another design essential for all regions, not just for single-family homes but also for multi-family properties. In our region, many have embraced this trend by enhancing their outdoor space with comfortable outdoor furnishings and even outdoor kitchens. Consideration of cost-effectiveness in building is another new trend. For instance, many new homes are rectangular because they are less expensive to build, innovative designs are cost-effective and efficient, and the trend is moving away from multiple odd roof lines that create unnecessary interior volumes; these are examples of ways to reduce construction and system costs for homeowners.
West County
These principles can be seen in many of the new construction developments around the region. Another trend is the elimination of the formal living room in favor of a flexible space or den that is adjacent to the kitchen and family room. Many who build new homes opt for only one “formal” room – rather than a formal living room and separate dining room. Kitchens, long known to be the heart of the home and one of the most important design elements of any house, are also being impacted by new trends. According to Bill Adams of Bill Adams Kitchen and Bath, kitchens have the biggest first impression impact. Adams has seen a trend towards darker stained woods in cabinetry and the widespread use of granite and quartz in counter tops. Froehlich agrees. “Buyers are wanting more upgraded finishes and appliances.” The judges noted that many designers are coming up with creative storage solutions to allow windows above the counter tops rather than cabinets, thus keeping the kitchen light and bright. Accommodations for multigenerational living have emerged as a result of a downturned economy and other cultural factors. Young adults are remaining with their parents, or older retirees are choosing to move in with their adult children; both scenarios are frequently seen in our region, especially with the high population of senior citizens. Examples of this trend include homes equipped with two master suites, often with one of the suites situated on the ground floor. Green design concepts are finding their way into more and more new homes to save energy and reduce home operating costs. Home construction and renovation projects embrace improvements such as energy-efficient appliances, use of recycled building products, solar elements, more efficient windows and even site considerations that take advantage of natural sunlight and shade for heating and cooling.
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Attractive design selections combined with superior finishes and green living choices are giving homeowners more options than ever before. West County | Summer 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 37
Real Estate in West County
By Heather Holtschlag
The front porch may rank near the bottom on the list of favorite rooms that people mention when talking about their homes, but it ranks near the top in terms of importance. Considered a home’s “welcome mat,” the front porch offers a home’s first – and oftentimes only – impression to family, friends, and passersby. The friendlier it looks, the more appealing the home. So how can you dress up your front porch so that it contributes to the charm of your neighborhood, or, if a front porch is still just a dream, how can you add to your house but stay within budget? If your goal is to add a front porch onto your home, you may first want to take a good
look at the front of your home and plan a porch that matches your home’s style. Think about whether you want the porch area to be a simple transition into your home, or whether you want to create an entirely new living space. Also, determine how much space you will have to dedicate to a front porch area. If it’s a small, transitional area, you may not be able to give the area a complete overhaul, but rather enhance the space that is already there with charming accents. When it comes time to decorate the front porch, consider what room the porch leads to within the house. If it leads to a traditional living or dining room, for example, you likely will not want to decorate the porch in a tropical theme. Also, choose a type of paint for the front door that contains a high gloss and a color that will be noticeable. Consider changing the hardware as well. Go for house numbers that appear strong and bold, which could give your entire exterior a new look, and add a door knocker for a touch of elegance. Before adding furniture to a roomier porch, make sure to attend to the paint on the sides and floor. Repair any paint that is peeling and add a fresh coat to the sides and floor first. And when adding the furniture, look for a piece such as a loveseat that can
hold two people, and an ottoman that can double as storage space. The largest piece of furniture should face outward, with smaller pieces surrounding it. Artwork that is made to handle the elements of the outdoors can add attention and attractiveness if hung above the sitting area, and look for rugs and pillows that can finish off the space. Blinds or curtains can help prevent sun damage to the furniture and artwork, and can be of aid when people are sitting there. One final note to keep in mind when designing and decorating your porch is to decorate for the seasons. Add pumpkin décor during Halloween or floral accents during the spring and summer. A harvest wreath in the fall and an evergreen wreath in the winter also can add to the beauty of the season.
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By Heather Holtschlag Some women are notorious for taking up space – closet space, hung that states “No Girls Allowed,” or a place where he can kitchen space and bedroom space can overflow with shoes, hang out with his buddies and not feel like he needs to impress clothes, jewelry and general knick knacks. And, especially if the anyone. Studies have shown that when a man has a place woman’s space is spread throughout the entire house, her man to call his own within the home, there is increased marital might just need one room to call his own: a “Man Cave.” harmony and decreased marital stress. The idea of a Man Cave is definitely not a Because these rooms are designed to meet new one, and may have been referred to by each man’s own personal taste, every Man Cave is A Man Cave different names, such as “The Boys Club,” a different. He may choose to stock his room with can be any “Mantuary,” or a retreat. The concept has been nice furniture, a big screen television, a bar or even around for years and has been marked by game accessories such as a pool table, pinball room in the random surges in popularity, the most recent machine, or dart board. Other popular must-haves house – the being just a few years ago when TV shows such are billiard lights over the pool table and a freeas “Man Caves” began appearing. Although the standing beer tap in place of a fully stocked bar. garage, an attic purpose of a Man Cave has changed from its If price is no object, the man may want to get the or even an initial appearance hundreds of years ago, the best of everything – from quality made bar stools basic concept remains the same: a place for and bar to the finest glassware. He may even extra bedroom men to go to escape the routine domesticities choose to adorn the walls with various video of everyday life. games or hang guitars. He can display his team A Man Cave can be any room in the house – the garage, spirit by hanging wall decals of his favorite team’s logo an attic or even an extra bedroom – designed and throughout the room, or even on the pool table, a set of decorated to a man’s tastes, and can incorporate cues, or glassware. In addition, he can buy pillows, a specific theme such as sports, cars or guitars rugs, lamps and other furniture to match, and other musical instruments. making his Man Cave the perfect place to In some homes, the purpose of a Man watch the game. Cave may be to provide some space to the Any room, no matter the size or shape, man where he can relax and unwind and can be transformed into the Man Cave of feel more at home in a house that often his dreams. All it takes is a bit of thought consists of female-driven décor and and creativity… and maybe a favorite accessories. In other houses, a Man football game. Cave might be a place where a sign is
West County | Summer 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 39
West County
Real Estate in West County
By Heather Holtschlag If a career that offers the freedom to create your own schedule, work at your own pace, and set your own financial goals is what you are looking for, then a career in real estate may be just the job for you. While a job in real estate provides the flexibility that is often most desired in a job, it can be competitive and you must be willing to work weeknights and weekends. However, in addition to all of the people you will get to meet, a career in real estate offers agents a rewarding lifestyle that encompasses much more than just helping individuals buy and sell houses, commercial properties, farmland or industrial locations. There are several different avenues to this type of career, including appraisals and research, marketing, real estate counseling, land development, and mortgage banking, each offering their own type of rewarding experience. To become a real estate agent, you may want to consider researching local colleges and universities, many of which offer courses in real estate, or you may choose to pursue a bachelor’s degree in real estate. Some colleges even offer graduate level courses. If you choose to further concentrate in one of the other various real estate career options, there are other educational opportunities to consider as well, as each path requires certain specialized knowledge. But the learning does not end with these courses. Prospective real estate agents are required to become licensed, and although the licensing requirements differ among states, each will need to take and pass an exam. Prior to becoming licensed, however, many states require special educational classes to be completed or a personal experience equivalent. Because these requirements
are constantly changing and being updated, it often is a good idea to do some research prior to pursuing a license. Upon earning a license and becoming a full-fledged real estate agent, you will have the choice of the type of environment in which you want to work. You may want to work for a larger corporate firm or a smaller business that employs fewer agents. After gaining enough experience, the next step to further your career would be to acquire a license as a real estate broker, which would give you the opportunity to own your own business and employ others. Getting started in this career not only requires the proper education and training, but it often helps to possess certain qualities that may help you achieve your goals and further your career. These include being self-motivated, ambitious, persistent and a people person. Continuing education also plays an important role in becoming a successful, well-known and sought-after real estate agent. The National Association of REALTORS® offers many educational opportunities to its members and also offers awards of designation to people who pursue a specialized area of real estate. These opportunities not only offer agents the ability to increase their knowledge and skills, but also the chance to earn additional income and increase their success.
West County | Summer 2012 | incommunitymagazines.com 41
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