June 2019 Issue
Take a ride on the green side
Keep green and keep our planet clean
Go green so there will be a tomorrow
Shawwal 1440 A.H.
“ Assalaamualaykum young Companions, The hustle and bustle of late night taraweeh prayers and the festivities of Eid are still fresh in our memories. And so are the ever-welcoming community Iftars at our Masajids. But perhaps you might have noticed how these community iftars, along with bringing laughter and good times, also resulted in wasted water bottles, misuse and abuse of disposable products, and probably a lot of thrown away food. Lately, we have been hearing much about global warming and a worldwide pollution crisis. While we try to figure out solutions, we might as well admit being part of the problem. For example, according to Upworthy, wasted food, per year, causes climate change pollution that equals to the effect of 37 million cars. So, throwing away food is just as bad for our planet as it is for our book of deeds. Allah subhan wa ta'ala sent us to this world as His caliph - caretakers of this planet and its inhabitants. As we strive to uplift people spiritually, we also must pay attention to the physical environment that is being affected by our actions. In this issue, we will be tackling these problems so you, our future, can come up with better solutions and have a healthier Earth to live on. Write to us if you come up with a going-green action plan after reading this issue. We also want to hear from you regarding how we can improve the Companion magazine. So please don't forget to send us your valuable feedback.
Happy Reading! Was salaam. “
Water has been mentioned in a lot of Ayahs of the Quran and Hadith too. Water is such a simple thing we are all blessed with, so why is it important? Here is one example from the Quran and specifically the last Ayah of Surah Mulk. Say, “Have you considered: if your water was to become sunken [into the earth], then who could bring you flowing water?� This Ayah also states something very important and something that we should think about. We tend to ignore it and don't give it too much value. If Allah was to take water from us out of anger, or there was to be a drought- what could we do? Absolutely nothing! Allah is the one that gave us water and we should try to take as much care of it as we can because if we don't there won't be any way to get it back and we won't be able to do anything because water is the source of life. Lots of times young children and sometimes even adults keep the tap on for too long or stay in the shower for too long and this wastes a lot of water. If we see this, we should kindly explain the importance of water and even refer to Quran and sunnah to help them understand.
Trivia: Do you know the Arabic word for water?
By: Hafsah Hasher
I am a sea turtle. Hundreds of thousands of my species are dying because of ingesting plastic. In the year 2013, studies show that 50% of sea turtles like me are ingesting plastic and dying because of it. In 2015, a study estimated 15 trillion pieces of plastic in the ocean. Imagine now how much there is! This is not good. Now, you would be wondering, what even is the cause of this? Trash? It could be trash sometimes. But most of the time it is us using plastic bags. We might UHF\FOH WKHP DOO WKH WLPH %XW WKH\ GRQ·W DOZD\V HQG XS DW WKH UHF\FOLQJ center. Some blow away into the wind and then, eventually, make their way into the ocean. Sea turtles mistake the plastic bags as food, and they eat it. Therefore sea turtles are dying; because of plastic. Fortunately, we can help. Here are some tips: •Instead of using plastic bags at the grocery store, use reusable bags from home. •Instead of buying bottled water, use a reusable water bottle. •Instead of drinking your beverage with a plastic straw, buy metal straws, or say no to straws.
You might think that there are seven continents, but there are actually eight. However, this 8th continent is not natural. It is a giant island made out of plastic in the middle of the Pacific Ocean! The island is as big as the country of France, but instead of anything living there, instead there are animals dying! The plastic is broken down into miniscule shards due to weathering. As fish swim through the water, the plastic shards inevitably slip into their gills or mouth. The plastic is indigestible causing the fish to die due to clogging within its intestines or to have plastic stuck within it. Fishermen catch many fish with plastic within their bodies and sell the same fish. The fish eventually make their way to us, where we eat the plastic that we threw away. Ever tasted plastic? Well if you eat fish, you probably have. Thus, we must cut down on our plastic usage and wastage. How are we supposed to treat animals in Islam? Here is a short story in which the Prophet Muhammad (S) shows us what a great honor it is to care for animals: “A man felt very thirsty during his journey through the desert. While he was on his way, he came across a well. He got water from the well with a lot of struggle, quenched his thirst and came out. When he came back out, he saw a dog panting and licking mud because of excessive thirst. He said to himself, “This dog is suffering from thirst as I did.” Although the way to get water was so difficult, he still did it. He went down the well again, filled his shoe with water, and brought it up being held with his mouth. He then fed the dog the water.
Allah appreciated him for that deed and forgave him for everything.” While the Companions were listening, they said, “O Allah’s Messenger! Is there a reward for us in serving the animals?” He replied: “There is a reward for serving any living being.” – Sahih Al Bukhari. Here the companions are scrambling to help animals while we carelessly let them die. If we can’t be out on the field to physically help the effort to clean this island, we can at least try not mess it up anymore. We must remember that the Earth we live on is a blessing. Not in the trillions of galaxies in space, each containing trillions of exoplanets have we ever found one like EARTH? To turn this great blessing into a wasteland would be denying the responsibility we are given by Allah SWT to take care of the earth and the beings living on it. We must remember that Allah SWT has given us a superior intellect so that we may protect the rest of His creation such as animals. To help and to stop this island from growing any larger, we can: •Recycle •Reuse bags and containers •Use compostable materials •If possible, use glass or ceramic dishes and utensils •Instead of paper towels, use cloth towels.
Be a Superhero: How Can kids Save the Planet? By Sr. Sabiha Shariff, Senior ICNA Sister, Murphy, TX
Children have been failed by their parents when it comes to preserving and saving our planet Earth. This earth was entrusted to us by Allah SWT and we were made caretakers of this beautiful planet so we could pass it on from one generation to the next, for everyone to enjoy. However, the greed and complacency of our times has endangered the world and created unhealthy living conditions. What can our children do to undo the harm and save the planet? Conserve is the first thing that comes to mind. Small habits, like turning off the lights when leaving a room as well as shutting off the television when finished watching, can go a long way in conserving electricity. Not wasting water is another top priority. They can turn the water off while brushing their teeth, while soaping in the shower and use water wisely while performing wudu. Reusing containers is yet another great habit. Instead of baggies they can pack their lunches in reusable containers. They can ask their parents to stop using single use plastic bags for their groceries and instead start bringing reusable bags to the grocery store. Children and parents can both set a fine example by saying no to plastic straws and extra napkins at restaurants. Recycling is another important thing that we and our kids can do to save the planet. Bottles, cans, magazines, newspapers, should be properly recycled and not thrown into the regular trash bins. Planting trees, growing fruits and vegetables in our backyards is yet another valuable way to make our environment green and improve air quality. Trees clean the air we breathe. One tree alone can absorb 22 kilograms of carbon dioxide in a year! It can supply enough oxygen for four people to breathe. Finally, we must stop the use of Styrofoam products. These are not biodegradable, and they stay in landfills forever. Drinking warm beverages in Styrofoam cups is a health hazard too. Let us teach our children to lead mindful lives by example. If we love our children, will we not want them to be inheritors of a safe and beautiful planet?
By:Haniya Kashif, Age:14
Forests and other ecosystems are very important to our living. It is a huge thing Allah has blessed us with and we should be thankful towards him, but why is it important? Forests are important to all life on Earth, including humans. Not only do their ecosystems provide homes and habitats to millions of animals, plants, and insects, they also provide important resources for humans like wood, food, oxygen and much more. They clean and purify the air and Allah loves purity. All ecosystems are important to us as they provide many resources. They purify the air so we can breathe properly, they pollinate our crops, so we do not go hungry, and cycle nutrients so we have access to clean drinking water without costly machines and infrastructures to do it for us. This results in less pollution as well since we do not have to use those big plants to cleanse the water. Another way it helps our atmosphere and climate is that the more trees there are, the less carbon in the air which will decrease our global warming rates. “…And do not desire corruption in the land. Indeed, God does not like corruptors” Qur’an 28:77 Littering, deforestation, destroying the nature, toxic waste, and pesticides are all wrong doings/corruption and Allah does not like people who do wrong, hurting many of Allah’s creations. According to the Quran, these things take human lives, and when these actions are not corrected, it only ends up in more pollution. We need a balance of everything in nature. Allah says we ourselves are responsible for the catastrophes that exist in our lives. Allah said in the Quran to let us taste the consequences of our wrongdoings, then maybe we will return to righteousness and start fixing our problems. “…And do not commit abuse on the earth, spreading corruption.” Qur’an, 2:60 It is said in the Quran not to hurt our earth. The act of removing forests and ecosystems is harming the earth, and the resources generously given to us by Allah are being wasted and abused by us (ex. we are wasting a lot of water). Allah has created these resources and ecosystems for us on the earth with a reason, and each of them plays its own part, so removing even one may have a bad impact.
Allah has entrusted us with the Earth, and made us all his Khalifas, a magnificent word with multiple meanings like deputy, guardian, and ‘friend of Earth’. Human beings are the most intelligent beings on earth so it makes sense that they have the responsibility to care for the planet, to give it a hug and checks. We should keep Allah’s trust and remain friends with the Earth because if we don’t, no one else will. Muslims are supposed to hold this responsibility deeply. We are not the masters but we have been given a short-term trust. Anyone who makes pollution, it abuses their power and they have broken this trust. Such a person fails and needs to earn their title back.
How to keep our ecosystems safe • Pro-gardening or grow something. Anything. At the least, your pot of ‘wildlife’ will encourage pollination and eco-systems. • Cut a tree, plant a tree. For every bouquet of flowers, you give, plant flower seeds; at least once a year; grow fruit trees with your kids. • Don’t pick flowers unnecessarily • Composting and recycling and reusing • Eat more greens and fruits but still eat meat • Take time out to appreciate and be thankful to Allah for these blessings of beautiful meadows and foliage around us. These moments of reflection count as worship for Muslims, they are moments of connection to the Creator. Just be thankful to Allah.
By: Emaan Syed, Age:10 Frisco, Texas
I started as a seed, ended as a tree I gave oxygen, I got carbon dioxide I produced juicy fruits that everyone enjoyed I was watered, I was taken care of I grew, I grew, I grew But then one day, I was chopped down I was no longer needed, I was a stump of plain brown I got sat on, there was no space for me I heard whirring, chopping, smashing, building I was no more, my friends were also gone You should learn from me, I played an important role Save me to help me, Allah created me to help you
I Am Water By: Saima Ahmed, Age:13 Atlanta, GA
I am water Ȅĩ ŁƢĩƪʼnĩƪƷ ŻŁ ŁƢĩƪʼn ǜþƷĩƢ ŦŦþʼn ŦŎǽƷƪ ůĩ ƿƟ ŁƢŻů Ʒʼnĩ Żěĩþű àŎƷʼn þ ƪƟĩěŎȁě ƷǢƟĩ ŻŁ ůŻƷŎŻű S łŻ ƷŻ Ʒʼnĩ ěŦŻƿĢƪ űĢ Nĩ ůŻǛĩƪ ůĩ ƷʼnƢŻƿłʼn Ʒʼnĩ ěƢŻǜĢƪ S ěŻůĩ Ěþěţ ŁþŦŦŎűł tŻƷ ţűŻǜŎűł S݂Ģ Ěĩ ƢƿűĢŻǜű NŻǜ S ǜŎŦŦ Ěĩ þ ǜþƪƷĩ űĢ űŻƷ ƟƢþŎƪĩĢ ŁŻƢ ůǢ łƢĩþƷ ƷþƪƷĩ ĩěþƿƪĩ ܒS þů ŠƿƪƷ ǜþƷĩƢ űŻƷ ƷŻŻ ŎůƟŻƢƷþűƷ þƪ ƷʼnĩǢ ůŎłʼnƷ ƪþǢ ƪ ŁŻƢ Ʒʼnĩ ʼnþĢĩĩƷʼn ƷʼnþƷ ŻƿƢ ĚĩŦŻǛĩĢ ůĩƪƪĩűłĩƢ ʼnþĢ ƪþŎĢ Ŏű þ ĚŦĩƪƪĩĢ ǜþǢ ܿæĩƪ ܒǜþƷĩƢ ƪʼnŻƿŦĢ űŻƷ Ěĩ ǜþƪƷĩĢ ĩǛĩű ǜʼnĩű ƿƪĩĢ Ŏű þ dzŦŻǜŎűł ƢŎǛĩƢ ܿ ŦŦþʼn Ŏƪ Ʒʼnĩ ŻűŦǢ łŎǛĩƢ űĢ ǜʼnǢ ƪʼnŻƿŦĢ ǢŻƿ ǜþƪƷĩ ůĩ S ƟŦĩþ þűĢ ƟŦĩþ ƿƷ ǢŻƿ ƪƷŎŦŦ ĢŻ ŎƷ þƪ þű ŎƢƢŎƷþƷŎűł dzŦĩþ dƿƪƷ ƪþǛĩ ůĩ S ƟŦĩþ ĩěþƿƪĩ ǢŻƿ űĩǛĩƢ ţűŻǜ ǜʼnĩű S ǜŎŦŦ ĩűĢ ƿƷ ǜʼnĩű S ĢŻ ǢŻƿƢ ƪƷŻůþěʼnƪ ǜŎŦŦ ĚĩűĢ ŦŦþʼn ʼnþƪ ŻƢĢĩƢĩĢ ǢŻƿ þűĢ ƷʼnþƷ Ŏƪ Ʒʼnĩ ĩűĢ ĩěþƿƪĩ ܒS þů ǜþƷĩƢ Ȅĩ ŁƢĩƪʼnĩƪƷ ŻŁ ŁƢĩƪʼn ǜþƷĩƢ
By: Asiya Bhatti, Age:13 Murphy, TX
I strived to win every single time, When I lost, I said it's fine. Deep down I knew that was not true, I felt hurt, and jealous too. I never liked when people said you still won, I didn't win, they were wrong. It took some time for me to understand, Winning isn't just about being on top. It's about helping and good Sportsmanship, It's about being kind and compassionate to the people around you. I then realized, I'm a winner too. 12
Orange Trees
By: Asma Abbas, Age:13 Germantown, Maryland
I pressed my face against the cool window. Outside I saw the signs passing by too quickly for me to read them. I groaned. We were far from home and I was tired on a bus full of people. I turned to my brother sitting next to me, scrolling through the news on his phone. “Did you seriously have to suggest this to mom?” I said, “You’re so annoying!” He looked up from his phone, turning to me and said with a smile, “It’ll be good for us, you’ll see It’ll be totally worth it in the future…” “What a waste of a weekend!” I mumbled crossing my arms. He sighed and went back to his phone. It was my precious Saturday morning, and I was on my way to plant a tree! “Your friends ar-” my brother began, but I cut him off quickly. “I know.” “Then why aren’t you checking your texts?” “Unlike me, my friends are all having fun, but I’m here stuck with my annoying older brother.” “I’m not that bad,” he pointed out. “You told me it’s bad to be jealous and envious of other people.” I said, trying to sound smart. “I did! That’s why I actually do stuff with you.” Finally, the bus slowed down to a stop. I saw a sign that read “Tree Planting Event: TODAY!” I sighed and got off the bus. A jolly middle-aged man approached us waving very ambitiously. “Are you all here for the tree planting event?” he said as he motioned towards a small stand. “Let’s jump right into it then, shall we?” We each walked to the stand with several tiny beige seeds in our hands. We walked carefully over to the empty fields. “Alright folks, I want you to dig a hole about five inches deep.” He bent down and picked up a trowel. “Once you’re done, I want you to place your seed into the hole and cover it up with the dirt you dug up. Each person gets to plant three seeds.” We all followed the steps, waiting for everyone else to finish. I stood up and wiped the sweat the from my forehead. I forgot to pick up some gloves, so my hands were covered in dirt. I glanced over at my brother, who seemed to be struggling to dig his hole. As annoyed as I was, something made me pause to think and look around. I began to observe my surroundings. The sun felt nice and warm against my face, and I saw a few birds pass by. They landed on the ground, chirping together in unison. I stared at them. I was so into it; I didn’t notice the man come up behind me. “This place is a real beauty, huh?”
“Y-yeah, it is.” I said, surprised. “You know, the reason we’re planting orange trees here is because this is a route that travelers take often.” He observed the birds. “I thought it’d be nice for them to be able to pick up some food here.” “Oh, really?” I had no idea that’s why they were planting trees here. Once everyone was finished, we put up small fences around the seeds, to prevent them from being destroyed or hurt once they began to grow. For some reason, I felt a lot better now, because by planting these trees, I was helping other people. We got on the bus to leave, and I quietly smiled to myself. Once everyone was finished, we put up small fences around the seeds, to prevent them from being destroyed or hurt once they began to grow. For some reason, I felt a lot better now, because by planting these trees, I was helping other people. We got on the bus to leave, and I quietly smiled to myself.
-Eleven years later“Can we hurry this up?” I said to my brother as he started the car. “I have work soon!” He simply smiled to himself and started driving. Where are we even going? I wondered to myself. I asked him before, but he said it was a “surprise”. We were headed down a road that had lush green grass beside it, and the surroundings started to look familiar. We pulled up at big green field, with rows of orange trees along one side. There were many birds, animals and people there. I got out of the car, feeling the nice warm sun against my face, and seeing the birds fly, I finally remembered where I was. I smiled at my brother, and he smiled back. We picked a few oranges and sat down under a tree to eat them. It was amazing how time flew by so fast. The scenery was so colorful and lush. There were so many animals, and people were happily eating the oranges from these trees. The seeds we planted became a sadaqah jariya for me and my brother. The Prophet (S) said: “If a Muslim plant a seed or cultivates a field, whenever a bird, a human or an animal eats of it, it will be counted as charity from him.” (Sahih-Muslim)
By: Haroon Abdulgader, Age 11, Stockton, CA
It was a very special day; Eid-al-Adha to be precise. Everyone was having fun at the park on this hot day. We had just learned the story of how Prophet Ibrahim (pbuh) had a vision that he should sacrifice his own son, Prophet Ismail (A). It was amazing how he was ready to do it. He understood that Allah wanted for this to happen and he calmly informed his son. Prophet Ismail prepared without hesitation. As the moment drew near, a ram fell from Jannah. Ibrahim (pbuh) slaughtered the ram instead, which we now commemorate as Eid-al-Adha. My sister, Rayann was also listening and she understood that the moral of the story was to sacrifice things you love . After hearing the story, we rushed off to play. It wasn’t very long before we could feel the sun’s blazing heat. We needed something to cool us down… FAST! One of the children spotted an adult with boxes of popsicles. As Rayann was about to unwrap her popsicle, she heard crying coming from behind her. She turned around to see a boy without a popsicle wailing to his mother, “I want a popsicle! Mommy, I want oooonnnneeee! Pleeeaaassseee!!!” The mother was frantically trying to calm the boy down. Rayann, remembering the moral of Eid-al-Adha, gave her popsicle to the boy. She watched him devour it. I won’t lie to you and say that Rayann was smiling. It wasn’t easy watching all the other children enjoying popsicles, and it certainly wasn’t easy watching someone else enjoying hers. Despite it being difficult, she insisted on the boy keeping his popsicle. I’ve never been prouder of my little sister! Afterwards, Rayann met the boy’s sister. They both played and joked together. This was the start of a beautiful friendship for the two of them. In the end, Rayann gave up her popsicle for someone who wanted it more, and in return, she got a lot of ajar and made a new friend!
THE LAND OF THE MIDNIGHT SUN By: Fatima Bhatti, Age 10, Murphy, TX
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Dentist Visit in Ramadan By: Rumaysa Bhatti, Age 9, Murphy, TX
By: Farhan Faisal
This is the final promise Allah gave to keep us solid In our religion to keep us out of prison Remember Allah said He is the only one who controls life Then why do people keep guns To put the community in strife The one who is the last When others are in casts Gave us some advice That will help us find paradise Your life is for God That should keep you awed So do your duty to Allah And he will save you, Wallahi And not to live the fast life Cause we won’t reach the afterlife Your friends won’t defend you Not even your fam You will only learn when you are a sham. Don’t be ignorant and forget Allah’s capabilities He has the facilities, the utilities When all we have are responsibilities Live your life well Or you may as well dwell deep in the fire Where all your needs are dire.
By: Ehan Faisal Let me tell you a tale of old times, Of Firaun, who exalted in so many crimes, He called himself as the only god to exist He divided his people into castes and compelled them to co-exist, ‌. Bani Israel were the most oppressed caste, as they followed Abrahamic faith‌... A boy from them would finish him and be a source of wraith So, he decided to finish the game, and keep up with the fame Execute! he said the baby boys and let the women survive the treacherous flame Allah had his own plan and exterminated Firaun While he could do nothing but drown So, we learn that Allah is the only all-powerful deity & To treat the people equally, it improves the society Be grateful to Allah and live with much piety.
Story of Qarun I’ll tell you folks a story of a rich man. God gave him treasures that you just imagine. Took a gang of men just to open his vaults. But with all those blessings he did a great fault. The true believers told him not to be exultant. Instead give to charity but he was really reluctant. In reply he said all good he had was from his knowledge. Little he knew how arrogance was demolished. He walked through the streets of his people one day. Showing of his wealth he had on display. The materialistic wished they had his fortune. Believers replied God gives to those who are patient. Lo and behold! Qarun and his treasures vanished. This is what God does to those who are arrogant.
By: Abdullah Siddiqui
The Duas of Prophet Musa are so profound They teach us the real way to be crowned. Dua, the conversation with Allah the almighty. It keeps you safe it keeps you away. Away from all fears and injustices that can come your way. A source of connection that cannot sway. During uncertain and certain times, you should not dismay. Go to him with your hopes and dreams. This is what all Prophet’s did, Immediately repented to Allah whenever they slid. Promising never to indulge in it. Following it with an action in kind, These steps are a guide of repentance for all of mankind
By: Nisa Saleem K, Age 10, Flint, MI
Assalamualikum warahmatullahi wabarakatahu, First, I would like to thank Allah for sending you into this world as a mercy to mankind. If you were not here, none of us would have entered the gates of Heaven. If you were not here, we would have been lost in the wrong path. You have given us confidence and faith; you were the one who showed us the right path; you were the kindest, most understanding, generous, truthful, patient and forgiving. Even the brightest star is not brighter than you. I wish you were here now when we are facing challenges and obstacles in our way through life. I am thankful to be born in your Ummah, If I could have met you, I would have told you everything. Your Sunnah and your guidance help us believers conquer any problem. Your behavior has influenced me to always forgive, be kind and generous. Even in tough times in Makkah, you never gave up and continued to preach. I am trying to walk on the path you showed me. You are a cornerstone in my life. I will like what you like, and I dislike what you dislike. I love you and love whom you love!
By: Abdullah Siddiqui
By: Arsalan Saleem K, Age 8, Flint, MI
Assalamualaikum warahmatullaihi wabarkatahu, First, I would like to say, I am satisfied whenever I hear your name. Thanks for being in our life; although you don’t live between us, you are in our hearts. Our lives were dark, and you lightened them for us. You are my role model. I have learned a lot of things from you. You are my favorite person in life. You are the best mannered person in the whole wide world. You are the kindest, most merciful, truthful, patient and forgiving and generous person I have ever known. I wish and try to follow your footsteps. I heard the story from my mother about the lady throwing garbage on you every day, and you checked on her when she did not throw garbage on you one day. It was so inspirational that when you found her sick, you helped her. That’s the best example of patience and forgiveness! This story helps me forgive and be patient in tough situations. In the sad situation of the world today, I wish you were here. I love you more than anybody after Allah. From one of your followers, Arsalan 21
Muslim Jokes By: Sarah Bhatti, Age 12, Dallas, TX
1. Why do Muslims have a good sense of humor? A. because they eat ha-ha-halal food 2. How does a Muslim close the door/ A. He s-lams it! 3. What is Sheikhs favorite drink? A. Milk Sheik 4. What did the bear say when he was fasting? A. I can't bear not eating anything anymore. 5. How do people sleep during Ramadan while fasting? A. They fall fast asleep. 6. When a sheep is born, what is its religion? A. Isla-a-am 7. What does a sheep say at Iftar? A. Wow! There's also ba-a-aklava! 8. What is a cow's favorite thing to have at Iftar? A. Samooosas 9. What Surah goes very well with cookies? A. Surah al-Mulk 10. What did the halal lettuce say to the halal cucumber? A. Let's make Salat!
By: Hadia Awwab, Age 9, Diamond Bar, CA Ingredients: •8 medium tomatoes •½ cup diced red onion •1 jalapeno pepper (serrano pepper also works) •½ cup fresh cilantro •1-2 garlic cloves •1 tbsp lime juice (if you don't have lemon you can use limes only) •1 tbsp. lemon juice •1 tsp salt •½ tsp cumin powder •½ tsp black pepper Steps: •Cut tomato, onion, jalapeno, cilantro, and garlic. •Squeeze lemon juice and lime juice into the bowl. •Put salt, pepper and cumin into the bowl. •Mix well and enjoy
For a fluffy, soft homemade pizza crust, simply knead the following: 4 cups all-purpose flour 1 tsp yeast 1 tsp sugar 1 tsp salt 1 tbsp olive oil
Cover and let it rise in a dark warm area (like in your oven) for about 1-2 hours. Roll out and put your favorite sauce, cheese, and toppings. Enjoy!
Do you know Spanish? Hello: Hola (O-la) How are you- como estas? (informal, to someone you know) (KOH-moh eh-STAHS) How are you?- Cómo está? (formal, to a stranger) (KOH-moh eh-STAH) Very good- muy bien (moy be-en) Bien: good What is your name?- come te llama? (KOH-moh te ya-ma?) My name is- me llamo (May ya-moh… ) Mucho gusto – Nice to meet you. (MOO-choh GOO-stoh) Por favor – please (por fa-vor) Gracias – thank you (GRA-thee-as [Spain] / GRA-see-as [Latin America]) Lo siento – “I’m sorry” Conversation: Marymam and Yusuf meet each other. Marymam: Hola. (Hi) Yusuf: Buenos días. (Good morning). Maryam: Me llamo Maryam. Cómo te llamas? (My name is Maryam. What is your name) Yusuf: Me llamo Yusuf. Mucho gusto (My name is Yusuf. Nice to meet you) Marymam: Encontado (en-con-taa-doe) ¿Cómo estás? (Nice to meet you too/Likewise. How are you?) Yusuf: Muy bien! Y tú? (e-tu) (very good! And you?) Marymam: Bien, gracias. (I’m good, thank you.) Yusuf: Hasta mañana (Ah-sta man-ya-na) (See you tomorrow) Maryam: Hasta luego (Ah-sta lu-ay-go) (See you later) Vocab: Family (familia) el padre-father el papá-dad, daddy la madre-mother la mamá-mom, mommy el hijo-son la hija-daughter los hijos-children (boys and girls) el esposo, marido-husband la esposa-wife el hermano-brother la hermana-sister los hermanos-siblings (boys and girls) El abuelo (grandfather) La abuelo (grandmother) Note: When talking to your family members, you don’t need to say the articles: el, la, los. Just say Madre. Note: ** The letter H in Spanish is silent. Two letter Ls in Spanish make a Y sound.