Q&A I often volunteer at colleges with local MSAs to set up “Learn About Islam” tables, and so I interact with the youth quite a lot. Sometimes, I am amazed and in awe of the dedication and vigor the young men and women have for Islam and for spreading the Truth. However, I also note that some of the Muslim youth stay firmly away from such events. We try to reach out to them to make them part of the effort, but it is very difficult. Would you be able to give some advice about this? Before I answer this question, I would like to commend the brothers and sisters involved with their MSAs spreading the message of Islam. As far as those who wish not to get involved, I can suggest a few tips Firstly, I would converse with them respectfully to inquire about their reason of avoiding such events. If their reason of not attending is understandable such as having a busy schedule, then make du’a for them and continue to inform them of all upcoming events. If they have religious concerns, where they believe that certain Islamic values are being neglected in the name of dawah, then my recommendation would be to reach out to a local Scholar/Imam in your area for guidance in the matter. In the case that they disagree with the program or intentionally choose to stay away, then you must overlook their reason and move forward. There is no compulsion in our deen. Remember that you cannot please everyone and, in many cases, when pleasing everyone is the goal, then the chances of the program being successful is going to be low. Secondly, I would continue to make du’a for them. Allah SWT is truly the one who can change their hearts. Never underestimate anyone. Du’a should also be made for one’s own sincerity and steadfastness. Thirdly, interact with them observing the character of the Prophet SAW. In the Qur’an, Allah instructed Musa AS to converse with Pharoah in a gentle manner. If this is Allah’s order regarding a man who does not believe in Allah, then what about a person who does believe in Allah. I have observed many cases where Da’ees (people who give Dawah) began to adopt a mindset that they are superior than everyone else and eventually their mannerisms begin to suffer. The greatest Da’ee was the Prophet SAW and he brought many people to Islam through his character and Akhlaq. Lastly, continue to do the work with success, hard work, and sincerity. The Seerah of the Prophet is the perfect example for all of us. Not everyone initially agreed with the message of the Prophet but he remained focused and committed and eventually people believed in his message. People
...because you asked... Questions are answered by Imam Nadeem Bashir, EPIC Masjid TX
have a natural habit of coming together and contributing when they see success. As a working woman, I often find myself in situations where I am introduced to men, and they offer their hand for a handshake. In the past, I used to shake hands, however uncomfortably, but now I am trying to refrain from shaking men’s hands, but when the time comes, I feel too awkward saying ‘no’, and end up shaking hands again. Could you please give advice on how I may handle this situation? This is a controversial issue in Islamic Jurisprudence especially when it comes to the workplace. The default ruling in Islam is that a Muslim man or woman should avoid shaking hands with the opposite gender. In fact they shouldn’t be the ones who initiate such an act. ‘Aisha, RA said: “The Prophet’s hands never touched those of a woman,” (Muslim and Bukhari). Having said that, I personally give two important pieces of advice to both Muslim men or women who find themselves in this conflicting situations. Firstly, workplaces including employers and co-workers are required to be respectful of others’ religious values. Keeping that in mind, when a Muslim/Muslimah remains COMMITTED in not shaking hands with the opposite gender, people tend to be respectful. Though it does take time for the workplace to get adjusted to the idea, they eventually become accustomed to it. Many Muslim employees have shared their personal stories with me that when this method was adopted, not only did others respect their values but they were able to educate others too. Secondly, if you find yourself in a situation that a person of the opposite gender extends their hand because they are unaware of Islamic practices, I suggest that you shake their hand to avoid an awkward situation. Afterwards, they can be explained that you did shake their hand out of courtesy, but our religion teaches us that we are not allowed to do so. In this way, you’re able to show respect and educate the person. Thinking of the alternative situation, if one chooses not to shake their hand and the other feels offended or disrespected, though you may provide an explanation of your action, this experience would leave a bitterness in their mouth. These types of situations require a Muslim to apply Hikmah and wisdom. Unfortunately, many people in the Muslim community lack the knowledge as to how and when to apply wisdom in their affairs. A Muslim should always reflect on the possible outcomes of their actions and choose that path that will bring them and others long term success. Noor Magazine I 2020 | 37