16 minute read

Team Finalists


Epic Pharmacy Lismore, Australia

The way the Epic Pharmacy Lismore team came together to support — and to save — each other and our patients is nothing short of extraordinary. Over the course of one month, Lismore was hit with two major flooding events — the worst the region had ever seen. Amid a pandemic and a natural disaster, the team demonstrated resilience, teamwork, and unbelievable compassion for our patients. As the town of Lismore woke up to the devastating flooding, dedicated team members still came into the pharmacy to check that the generator was working and that the local hospital had enough supplies. With flood waters still inundating the main centre, team members were advised to stay home. Feeling helpless and worried for patients, several team members still travelled into the pharmacy (that no longer had electricity or computers) to keep the supply of medication going to the local hospital. Epic Pharmacy Lismore was the only pharmacy out of seven that stayed open. The challenges this team faced were incomprehensible — together, they worked to find alternate ways to deliver care, including handwriting medication labels, figuring out a new weekly supply drop, and assisting in delivering medication and scripts to patients by boat. In addition to supporting their patients and local community, the team rallied together to provide support for each other — with some preparing meals for team members who had lost power to their homes. The camaraderie and iconic spirit this team demonstrated is inspiring. Thank you for your commitment to our values and incredible teamwork.


Icon Cancer Centre Fengcheng, Mainland China

The Icon Cancer Centre Fengcheng team has been instrumental in the success of Icon meeting the growing need for quality cancer care in Mainland China. The team keeps our patients in China at the heart of every healthcare decision and leads with the core belief that all people should have access to the best care possible. They are a highly motivated, purpose-driven team that has fostered deep connection and collaboration, despite the challenges of working in an organisation where most operations are offshore. This is no easy undertaking, but the team has persevered with incredible dedication to their work, each other, and the communities they serve. This year the Fengcheng team also reached a significant milestone as they became Icon’s first cancer centre to offer a PET-CT service globally. The centre, which provides the most technologically advanced radiation therapy, fills a significant healthcare gap for patients in Fengcheng and the broader Jiangxi province. The outstanding service and impact this team has made is shaping Icon’s reputation in China and, in turn, is giving more patients in their region the confidence to seek care when they need it.


凤城ICON肿瘤中心的团队在ICON集团满足中国大陆对高质量肿瘤医疗服务的需求中起到了 重要作用。该团队将患者视为每项医疗决策的核心,并秉持着一个核心信念:每个人都应该获 得最好的医疗服务。这是一个高度积极和目标明确的团队,尽管大部分的集团业务都分散在海 外,团队会面临许多挑战,但他们还是在促进深厚联系和合作上起到了关键作用。这不是一件 容易的事,但团队坚持不懈地对他们的工作、彼此和所服务的社区作出了令人难以置信的奉献。 今年,凤城团队也达成了一个重要的里程碑,他们成为ICON集团在全球第一个提供正电子发射 计算机断层扫描(PET-CT)服务的癌症中心。该中心提供最先进的放射治疗技术,填补了凤城和 整个江西省患者在医疗保健方面的一个重大缺口。这一团队出色的医疗服务和影响力正在塑造 ICON集团在中国的声誉,反过来,也让当地患者有信心在需要时寻求医疗服务。


Icon Cancer Centre Wesley, Australia

Over the last year the Icon Cancer Centre Wesley team has demonstrated true grit, strength, and perseverance in the face of many obstacles. In late February, severe flooding blocked entry and exit to the clinic, and team members were forced to temporarily cease all on-site patient operations. The team, many of whom had also been personally impacted by the flooding, continued to provide care for patients on a limitedservice arrangement. To prevent serious interruption to patient treatment, team members travelled to the site across a railway line, and others went to work in nearby clinics. The team’s camaraderie was inspiring, with team members jumping in to spot-fill different roles to keep the clinic going. In the backdrop of this devastating weather event remained the ongoing challenges of COVID-19, which caused several outbreaks across the team and resulted in many rescheduled appointments. In response, our amazing nursing staff volunteered their time on weekends to catch up, enabling the clinic to get back on track and our patients to be treated in an incredible two weeks! These efforts are above and beyond the call of duty and are truly iconic.

Icon Cancer Centre Windsor Gardens

(including the South Australia Medical Physics Team)

The Icon Cancer Centre Windsor Gardens and the South Australia Medical Physics teams have gone above and beyond this year in delivering exceptional patient care. The entire team has played a critical role in Icon’s successful expansion in South Australia. From administration to nursing to the doctors and medical physicists, each team member has exceeded expectations and created a benchmark of workflow best practices and overall clinic excellence that has been modelled across the new Noarlunga site. The South Australian Medical Physics team, comprising physicists from Windsor Gardens and Noarlunga, has also done an outstanding job supporting a busy single-linac site at Windsor Gardens, often working extended hours and weekends in order to ensure minimal patient disruption. Additionally, the team has been dynamic commissioning a new SXR machine and a new TrueBeam linac at Windsor Gardens while also contracting a new TrueBeam linac at the Noarlunga site. The depth of these accomplishments are truly remarkable.


Catherine Di Stasi, Idy Lam, Jacky Ip, Judy Tan, Rena Toh, Wen Fei Tai

H Zentre Project Team, Icon Cancer Centre, Hong Kong

Building a new centre from the ground up is a major undertaking that combines exceptional team collaboration, determination, passion, and energy. The small H Zentre Project Team has truly moved mountains this year — completing the new 5,000 square feet centre in only three months from its initial construction. The complexity of this work is significant and involved working with numerous partners and stakeholders including doctors, clinic teams, design firms, and multiple equipment vendors. Project managed seamlessly, the team also worked diligently with local health authorities to ensure the facility met the highest professional standards and that we could obtain a licence for chemotherapy operations quickly. The H Zentre Project Team’s efforts are truly iconic and have allowed patients in Hong Kong to access necessary treatment sooner. Thank you for your incredible contributions — they are life-changing.

ICON 香港癌症中心 — H Zentre 項目 團隊

建立一間新的中心是一項重大的項目,當中需要卓越的團隊協作、決心、熱城和能量。 小型 H Zentre 項目團隊今年翻山越嶺,從最初的建設開始,僅用了三個月的時間便完成了這個佔地 5,000 呎的新中心。 雖然這項工作非常複雜,需要與眾多合作夥伴和利益相關者合作,包括醫生、 診所團隊、設計公司和多家設備供應商,但H Zentre 項目團隊不僅管理得天衣無縫,更與當地衞 生署積極合作,以確保中心達到最高專業標準,並確保集團能夠以最快的速度獲得化療手術牌 照。H Zentre 項目團隊的努力付出展現了iconic的一面,讓香港的患者們能夠更快地獲得需要的 治療。 感謝H Zentre 項目團隊的貢獻,你們的貢獻為集團和患者們帶來重要的轉變。


Bree Metcalf, Canny Hui, Timothy Cheng, Helen Gu, Steven Zhou, Anita Balakrishnan, Julia Shanahan, Timothy Meehan, Shannyn Crutchfield

Senior Finance Leaders, Corporate Office Brisbane, Australia

Our finance team has been key to our success in what continues to be a time of amazing growth for Icon Group. The exceptional technical and leadership skills of every member of our senior finance team is second to none. This year’s exhaustive list of achievements is almost too long for a single nomination. Looking both ahead and around the corner, the team was critical in delivering Icon’s Full Potential Plan (FPP). In support of our FPP, they produced a comprehensive five-year financial model, population of data from over 8,000 documents, and completion of vendor and multiple buyer due diligence processes, all of which received high praise from several external advisory firms. The team has also responded to hundreds of due diligence queries and completed the refinance of the Group’s debt facilities, resulting in the placement of the largest Australian term B loan in the market. In addition to achieving the FY23 budget process, they have completed the most extensive year-end audit process in Icon’s history. These iconic efforts were accomplished on top of business as usual. The team consistently goes above and beyond — often behind the scenes — to ensure that our reporting and compliance obligations are met to the highest global standard. We would not be able to achieve our mission of providing the best care possible to as many people as possible and having the global reach we do without these incredibly talented and passionate team members. Thank you for the important work you do.


Slade Health New Zealand Rollout Team, Compounding, New Zealand

(Starting from the previous page) Andrea Fearnley, Andrew Inchley, Brodie Ellington, Chris Fox, Chris Rauchle, Christopher Jay, Ciaran Ebbs, Colin Webster, John Leenaerts, Kim Dibley, Kimberly Soriano, Mark Holmes, Mark Hubble, Mark McArthur, Paula Clark, Peter Kebernik, Philippa Trout, Quan Zhou, Samantha Butler, Scott Macdonald, Shev Karafistan, Yvonne Gordon

Not pictured: Erica Puggioni, Sarah Carley, Smriti Bhandari

- See next page for details

Slade Health New Zealand Rollout Team, Compounding, New Zealand

(Starting from the previous page) Andrea Fearnley, Andrew Inchley, Brodie Ellington, Chris Fox, Chris Rauchle, Christopher Jay, Ciaran Ebbs, Colin Webster, John Leenaerts, Kim Dibley, Kimberly Soriano, Mark Holmes, Mark Hubble, Mark McArthur, Paula Clark, Peter Kebernik, Philippa Trout, Quan Zhou, Samantha Butler, Scott Macdonald,


Slade Health New Zealand Rollout Team, Compounding, New Zealand

(See photos on previous page)

As part of our dedication to meeting the needs of more cancer patients globally, Slade Health committed to supplying much-needed compounding services to 40% of New Zealanders requiring chemotherapy. This incredibly bold mission would not have been possible without the exceptional efforts of team members involved in the monumental rollout of the Auckland compounding facility. The project’s scope was significant and complex — made even more challenging with team members collaborating across two countries in the middle of a pandemic. In an Icon first, the team had to find and secure a location for the site entirely over Zoom — virtually managing the design and construction of the 1,500 square metre aseptic compounding facility. Despite the hurdles, disruptions to supply chain, recruitment challenges, lockdowns, and border closures, the team successfully managed all aspects of the project, including facility and equipment qualification. They completed cleaning, process and computerised system validation, and delivered on a facility that met all requirements for Medsafe licencing on first inspection, which is extremely uncommon. During validation, and to make up for time while critical healthcare worker border exemptions were being processed, the team was working more than 12 hours each day, seven days a week to prepare. Despite any challenge thrown their way, the rollout team has built a fantastic and highly capable ground team of 25, trained in all aspects of the manufacturing process. The production technicians, who had no prior experience, have excelled because of the exceptional guidance and training received. Their scheduled four-week transition period was condensed to one, and yet despite the short timeframe being introduced to a live environment, they delivered terrific results. To further demonstrate their impressive efforts, the team completed 39 clinical trials which were not known about until the last minute. Up until days before the facility was set to go live, Te Toka Tumai Auckland was using a paperbased system and was ordering to make and treat same day. After trying for years to smooth out and expediate this process, Slade Health’s Ordering Tracking (SHOT) system provided solutions so their scripts could be completed on time and new processes could be implemented. This further demonstrated Slade Health’s world-class service. On top of these outstanding achievements, the Auckland facility has introduced Slade Health’s very first electric van to the organisation — an incredible step forward for Icon Group — and the site was opened with a blessing ceremony by the traditional Indigenous landowners to deepen belonging and promote inclusive care for all New Zealanders. The success of the project is captured in a statement by Te Toka Tumai — “They have gone above and beyond many times and have been calm and professional under immense pressure. Their can-do attitude and patient focus has been amazing to see — and they have never lost their smiles throughout! They have really lived the values of the partnership.”. Thank you, team, for your incredible work on this project — you are all inspiring.

Slade Health New Zealand Rollout Team, Compounding, New Zealand

As part of our dedication to meeting the needs of more cancer patients globally, Slade Health committed to supplying much-needed compounding services to 40% of New Zealanders requiring chemotherapy. This incredibly bold mission would not have been possible without the exceptional efforts of team members involved in the monumental rollout of the Auckland compounding facility. The project’s scope was significant and complex — made even more challenging with team members collaborating across two countries in the middle of a pandemic. In an Icon first, the team had to find and secure a location for the site entirely over Zoom — virtually managing the design and construction of the 1,500 square metre aseptic compounding facility. Despite the hurdles, disruptions to supply chain, recruitment challenges, lockdowns, and border closures, the team successfully managed all aspects of the project, including facility and equipment qualification. They completed cleaning, process and computerised system validation, and delivered on a facility that met all requirements for Medsafe licencing on first inspection, which is extremely uncommon. During validation, and to make up for time while critical healthcare worker border exemptions were being processed, the team was working more than 12 hours each day, seven days a week to prepare. Despite any challenge thrown their way, the rollout team has built a fantastic and highly capable ground team of 25, trained in all aspects of the manufacturing process. The production technicians, who had no prior experience, have excelled because of the exceptional guidance and training received. Their scheduled four-week transition period was condensed to one, and yet despite the short timeframe being introduced to a live environment, they delivered terrific results. To further demonstrate their impressive efforts, the team completed 39 clinical trials which were not known about until the last minute. Up until days before the facility was set to go live, Te Toka Tumai Auckland was using a paperbased system and was ordering to make and treat same day. After trying for years to smooth out and expediate this process, Slade Health’s Ordering Tracking (SHOT) system provided solutions so their scripts could be completed on time and new processes could be implemented. This further demonstrated Slade Health’s world-class service. On top of these outstanding achievements, the Auckland facility has introduced Slade Health’s very first electric van to the organisation — an incredible step forward for Icon Group — and the site was opened with a blessing ceremony by the traditional Indigenous landowners to deepen belonging and promote inclusive care for all New Zealanders. The success of the project is captured in a statement by Te Toka Tumai — “They have gone above and beyond many times and have been calm and professional under immense pressure. Their can-do attitude and patient focus has been amazing to see — and they have never lost their smiles throughout! They have really lived the values of the


Pharmacy AX Inventory System Implementation

Andrew Wells, Brandon Buhler, Carol Vo, Clare Byrne, Creswell Casey, Desmond Ong, Donna DeRuyter, Elaine Picton-Warlow, Elyse Burdak, Emma Fielder, Glenn Sebek, Jane Stoll, Jessy Bodula, John Evans, Kim Dong , Lilly Ta, Lindsay Tomkins, Loredana Hempel,Peter Kebernik, Sabrina Censi, Sarah Holster, Scott Macdonald, Sharmila Narayan, Sonja Nel, Tamara Merridan, Teresa Chau, Timothy Meehan, Vivek Konatham

Not Pictured: Kevin Ly

- See next page for details

Pharmacy AX Inventory System Implementation Team, Australia

Andrew Wells, Brandon Buhler, Carol Vo, Clare Byrne, Creswell Casey, Desmond Ong, Donna DeRuyter, Elaine Picton-Warlow, Elyse Burdak, Emma Fielder, Glenn Sebek, Jane Stoll, Jessy Bodula, John Evans, Kim Dong , Lilly Ta, Lindsay Tomkins, Loredana Hempel,Peter Kebernik, Sabrina Censi, Sarah Holster, Scott Macdonald, Sharmila Narayan, Sonja Nel, Tamara Merridan, Teresa Chau, Timothy Meehan, Vivek Konatham


Pharmacy AX Inventory System Implementation

(See photos on previous page)

Over the last 18 months, the exceptional team members who made up the pharmacy AX inventory system implementation team championed cross-department collaboration with one goal in mind. The goal was to create a single system for Slade pharmacies to achieve uniformity — streamlining processes across the division and ultimately providing better, more consistent care for our customers and patients. The AX rollout to more than 25 pharmacies was no small undertaking. It was made all the more challenging with the team facing numerous roadblocks in the process due to COVID-19, including localised lockdowns, team member outbreaks, and absences. This incredible transformation project involved rolling out Health Director, updating and reconfiguring Fred Dispense, and migrating patient accounts from numerous legacy systems. This achievement will significantly improve workflow across Slade pharmacies and will continue to make impact long into the future. Thank you to the many experts across our organisation who came together and collaborated on this fantastic project — your efforts are truly iconic.

Pharmacy AX Inventory System Implementation Team, Australia

up the pharmacy AX inventory system implementation team championed cross-department collaboration with one goal in mind. The goal was to create a single system for Slade pharmacies to achieve uniformity — streamlining processes across the division and ultimately providing better, more consistent care for our customers and patients. The AX rollout to more than 25 pharmacies was no small undertaking. It was made all the more challenging with the team facing numerous roadblocks in the process due to COVID-19, including localised lockdowns, team member outbreaks, and absences. This incredible transformation project involved rolling out Health Director, updating and reconfiguring Fred Dispense, and migrating patient accounts from numerous legacy systems. This achievement will significantly improve workflow across Slade pharmacies and will continue to make impact long into the future. Thank you to the many experts across our organisation who


Timothy Cheng, Candy Ong, Evelyne Lauw, Iris Ting, David Tan, Yvonne Chong, An Chau, Wendy Soh

Plato Team, Icon Cancer Centre, Singapore

This year’s incredible leadership and innovation demonstrated by the Plato team is outstanding. Together, this group of exceptionally talented team members have overcome pandemic-related obstacles and made big dents in other tough challenges without compromising patient care. In 2021, the Ministry of Health (MOH) announced that a new financing model for outpatient cancer treatment would take effect in September 2022. The new model sought to implement lower claim limits for cancer drugs from a patient’s

MediShield Life and Medisave insurance. With most of the clinic’s patients being either citizens or permanent residents, the implications for our patients, and treatment processes were immense. The new model posed challenges to almost every clinic function, from workflow, record management, drug code matching, invoicing, and financial reporting. Additionally, patients undergoing treatment at the clinic were incredibly concerned and anxious about how these changes might affect them and their access to care. Dedicated to our mission of providing the best possible care to ALL patients, the Plato team went above and beyond to formulate a plan to manage the complex transition. The team engaged with multiple stakeholders, designed a new excel interface to assist with coding, transformed accounts and administrative workflows and developed training plans for team members and a comprehensive patient FAQ. They then closely supervised a trial run across the clinic and, finally, a successful transition of this new financing model. This incredible effort was achieved on top of regular duties. Thank you to Plato team — you have gone the extra mile for your patients, and your iconic work does not go unrecognised.

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