2 minute read
Triton 3300/6

You want to be ‘in’? You always like to have the latest stuff, the coolest toys? Play James Bond? Well, in that case we have found the must-have item for you: Your very own personal submarine! Pack a picnic, call your buddies or take the family, and off you go, exploring the oceans or finally shedding some light on whether or not there is an Ogopogo in Okanagan Lake!

For years, owners of megayachts have looked into the possibility of adding a small submarine to their collection of water-toys, as means of entertaining family and friends while at sea. However, until now, a 200’+ yacht with some extra storage and a lift or, even better, a support vessel was needed.
Two companies who have recently introduced their newest personal submarines are about to change the game and make underwater adventures very much a possibility in the real world... provided you have a few million to spare.
Made by Dutch manufacturer U-Boat Worx, Nemo is the world’s lightest manned submarine. At 5 feet tall and 5,510 pounds, the Nemo not only fits aboard a variety of ships (it’s essentially the same size as two jet-skis and will fit most superyacht garages), but is also light enough to be towed behind a mid-size SUV.

Under water, however, the two-seater offers even more impressive numbers. The craft is able to dive to a depth of 330 feet and reaches a top-speed of three knots. It can stay under water for up to eight hours.
You really want one? Not a problem. All it needs is USD 1,060,800 million.
Next up is the Triton 3300/6. This sub is truly a gamechanger. Florida-based luxury submersible company Triton Submarines has recently introduced the first six-person acrylic-hulled sub that can dive to a whopping 1,000 meters (3,280 feet). It won’t get you to the Titanic (which lies at a depth of 12,415 feet/ 3,784 m), but it will open a whole new world to you, the ‘deep-sea.’
Dubbed the “salon under the sea,” the 3300/6 features the world’s largest transparent, spherical passenger compartment, which has a diameter of 2.5 meters, providing an immersive underwater view for those on board. The interior space is said to be equal to that of a Cessna Citation CJ2 private jet, and at a top-speed of three knots, the air-conditioned sub has enough battery power and air for excursions of more than 10 hours.

“It’s a very exciting submarine,” Patrick Lahey, president of the company says, “but we’re not stopping there. We’re working on a vehicle that will carry three people to 7,500 feet and we’re continuing with a vehicle that will dive to 4,000 meters and carry two people in an even thicker hull. So it’s an exciting time that we’re living in.”
The price? Exploring the depths of the ocean does not come cheap. So how about USD 5.5 million?