APJ Solicitors are helping clients with mis sold pensions in the UK

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APJ Solicitors are helping clients with mis sold pensions in the UK APJ Solicitors is a leading firm of solicitors in the UK specialising in mis sold pensions. Their team of pensions experts assists a growing number of clients with their mis sold pensions claims to ensure the best possible outcome for their individual case. APJ Solicitors work closely with their clients to identify their specific requirements and empathise with their situation. They are able to provide advice to clients about what compensation they are entitled to for their mis sold pensions in the UK. APJ Solicitors has a customer base across the UK for their mis sold pension services. Clients with mis sold pensions can rely on APJ Solicitors to provide specialist experience in handing financial claims related to UK pensions. Their dedicated team assesses each investment and determines if there is a strong case against the pension provider. Clients looking for help with their mis sold pensions UK claim can get in touch with APJ Solicitors’ specialist pensions team, who provide clients with a free consultation where they determine if there is a legitimate compensation claim to be made for the mis sold pension. They help clients by submitting a mis sold pension plan claim on their behalf, which gives the provider eight weeks to address the accusation of the mis sold pension. APJ Solicitors’ team deals with mis sold pensions in the UK where clients were not asked about their personal circumstances, were not given enough advice to make an informed decision about their pension investment, or were wrongly advised about the terms or cooling off period for the pension agreement. A spokesperson from APJ Solicitors commented: “Here at APJ Solicitors, we have a dedicated team of solicitors and legal specialists who specialise in dealing with claims from simple mis sold pensions through to the most complex pension mis selling cases. Our team of pension advisers could help you reclaim thousands of pounds as a result of pension mis selling. If you have experienced a negligent mis sold pension transfer, an annuity, or a mis sold pension plan, then we can help.” For any media enquiries please contact Emma Brand at Iconic Digital – 020 7100 0726. For all other enquiries please contact APJ Solicitors – 0800 028 9791. For more information about APJ Solicitors’ mis-sold https://www.apjsolicitors.co.uk/legal-services/mis-sold-pension/






About APJ Solicitors APJ Solicitors (Anthony Philip James & Co) is dedicated to investigating, negotiating and settling a broad range of claims against a wide variety of financial services providers. The team focuses solely on this type of work, challenging banks, advisors, lenders and investment providers regarding their negligent advice and services.

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