i-con 30 gaming schedule

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GAMING I .C Schedule 30 6



APRIL 15-17


Friday Night


6:00 PM

6:30 PM

7:00 PM

7:30 PM

Blood Bowl Roundtable

Gorkarama Rises Again

8:00 PM

8:30 PM

9:00 PM

9:30 PM

10:00 PM 10:30 PM

New Tourneys at I-CON 30 Warmachine Roundtable

Warhammer Chariot Races: Every Hour on the Hour Open Wargaming Tournament Preregistration Warmaster Throwdown

Epic: The Other GW Game

The Legend of Zelda: Hyrule's Conductor Small Blind: Top Secret (TSR)


The Delivery: Paranoia (WEG) Save That Civilization! (Star Trek: TNG) Danger Patrol Heroic Tier: LR Hobbies Dungeon Delve

(D&D 4th)

Paragon Tier: LR Hobbies Dungeon Delve Epic Tier: LR Hobbies Dungeon Delve

(D&D 4th) (D&D 4th)

Settlers of Catan

Fresco Founding Fathers


Board Gaming

Fresh Start:

Open Boardgaming

Cargo Noir


Sid Meiers Civilization: The Board Game

Fare Game

Castle Ravenloft


Small World Tournament Qualifier Merchants and Marauders

Small and Simple Games

Cosmic Encounter Brass

Munchkin Zombie Launch Event Give Me the Brain Launch Event

CCGs (ESS 069) Consoles

Go Co-op Gaming - Make New Friends!

Crossover Versus Tournament

Castle Crashers & Resident Evil 5

Marvel Vs. Capcom 1-3

Lego Harry Potter & Star Wars III

Marvel vs. Street Fighter

N+ & Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

Mortal Kombat vs. DC

Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles (GCN)

Tatsunoko vs. Capcom

New Super Mario Bros.

Capcom vs. SNK (PSX)

Goof Troop (SNES) + More

Speed Run Competition Mega Man 9 Mega Man 10 Open Console Gaming

More games are available than what we can fit here, come to our Consoles Room!

Magic: The Gathering Drafts all weekend long in ESS 069 Yu-Gi-Oh Tournament (ESS 079)

Saturday Morning 10:00 AM

10:30 AM

11:00 AM

11:30 AM

12:00 PM

12:30 PM

1:00 PM

1:30 PM

Battletech Event Wargaming

Heavy Gear Tournament Blood Bowl Tournament Open Wargaming: Find a foe and match your wits. Mini Medic: More Green Stuff than you'd ever need. Heavy Gear Demo

Flames of War Demo

Painting Demo

Speed Painting Contest

Final Strike (Doctor Who) The Drugged King (Dark Refuge) WarGiants in the City (Dark Refuge) Serve with PRIDE (Star Trek TOS) RPG's

Hatchlings (D&D 4th) Smallville: Blockbuster w/ Cam Banks The Pharoah's Tomb (D&D 3D Modified) Run Grocery Run w/ Chris Adams

Kobolds Ate My Baby (D&D 3.5) Heroic Tier: LR Hobbies Dungeon Delve

(D&D 4th)

Paragon Tier: LR Hobbies Dungeon Delve Epic Tier: LR Hobbies Dungeon Delve

(D&D 4th) (D&D 4th)


Endeavor Ticket to Ride

Board Gaming

Early Birds (Open)

Middle East Junta Pillars of the Earth Lords of Vegas Small World Tournament Qualifier

Small World Tournament Qualify

Tichu Tournament Qualifier Through the Ages: A Story of Civilization Munchkinsanity Speed Run Competition

Retro Gaming

CCGs (ESS 069) Consoles

SNES, NES, PSX, GCN, N64, more! Star Fox 64 (N64)

Super Mario Bros. 3 (NES)

Smash Bros Tournament

Smash Bros. Brawl

Super Mario World (SNES)

Smash Bros. Melee (GCN)

Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (Gen)

Smash Bros. (N64)

I-Con Pokemon League: Gym Leader Showdown (ESS 001)

More games are available than what we can fit here, come to our Consoles Room! MTG Children's Gaming (ESS 069)

Magic: The Gathering (ESS 069)

Yu-Gi-Oh Children's Gaming (ESS 079)

Yu-Gi-Oh Tournament (ESS 079)

Saturday Afternoon 2:00 PM

2:30 PM

3:00 PM

3:30 PM

4:00 PM

4:30 PM

5:00 PM

5:30 PM

Battletech Event Wargaming

Heavy Gear Tournament Blood Bowl Tournament Open Wargaming: Find a foe and match your wits. Mini Medic: More Green Stuff than you'd ever need. Malifaux Demo

Uncharted Seas Demo

Speed Painting Contest

Warhammer Fantasy Demo

The Drugged King

Age of Sorrow (Exalted)

WarGiants in the City

Game of Thrones

Serve with PRIDE (Star Trek TOS)

Big Blind (Top Secret)

Hatchlings (D&D 4th)



Smallville: Blockbuster w/ Cam Banks

(Marvel Superheroes) The Vampire Spacers

The Pharoah's Tomb

The Dumbari Lightning

The Day of the Humans is Gone (Call of Cthulhu) Into the Underhive (Dark Heresy) Run Grocery Run: Continuum RPG in the Yet Heroic Tier: LR Hobbies Dungeon Delve Paragon

Tier: LR Hobbies Dungeon Delve

Epic Tier: LR Hobbies Dungeon Delve Endeavor Carcassonne


Board Gaming

Middle East Junta Mystery Express

Small World Tournament Qualifier Fresco

Fare Game Tales of the Arabian Nights

Small World Tournament Qualify

Tichu Tournament Qualifier


Castle Ravenloft [Dungeon Crawling Event]

Puerto Rico

Through the Ages

Runebound Munchkinsanity

Vampire and Zombie Games (Open Demos with the Game Table)

CCGs (ESS Consoles 069)

Smash Bros Tournament

Smash Bros. Brawl

Zen Garden Gaming

Halo/CoD: Black Ops Tournament

Endless Ocean 1 & 2, IloMilo

Halo: Reach

Katamari Damacy 1 & 2 (PS2)

Call of Duty: Black Ops

Smash Bros. Melee (GCN)

Flower & Viva Pinata

Smash Bros. (N64)

Tetris, various versions

Open Gaming

I-CON Pokemon League: Championship Matches (ESS 001)

More games are available than what we can fit here, come to our Consoles Room! Magic: The Gathering Drafts all weekend long in ESS 069 Yu-Gi-Oh Tournament (ESS 079)

Yu-Gi-Oh Tournament (ESS 079)

Saturday Night 6:30 PM

7:00 PM

7:30 PM


6:00 PM

8:00 PM

8:30 PM

9:00 PM

9:30 PM

10:00 PM

10:30 PM

Battletech Event Overnight Gaming at Holiday Inn Sayville Room Age of Sorrow (Exalted) Game of Thrones

All In (Top Secret) Evil+Evil=Good?

(Marvel Superheroes)

Big Blind (Top Secret) RPG's

PC vs. PC CBT- Arena or Conflict (D&D Conflict) The Vampire Spacers (Dark Refuge) The Dumbari Lightning, Space Adventure (Dark Refuge)

Kobolds Ate My Baby (D&D 4th)

The Day of the Humans is Gone

Into the Underhive (Dark Heresy) Dwarven Citadel (D&D 4th) - LR Hobbies Dungeon Delve Heroic Tier: LR Hobbies Delve Paragon

Tier: LR Hobbies Delve

Epic Tier: LR Hobbies Delve Arkham Horror Thunderstone

Fury of Dracula Starfarers of Catan

Board Gaming

El Grande

Cargo Noir I-CON 30 Texas Hold em Poker Tournament (Psych A 137)

Fare Game


Battlelore Wok Star

Tales of the Arabian Nights

Betrayal at House on the Hill

Ca$h n' Gun$ Small World Tournament Finals

Tichu Tournament Finals Runebound [Dungeon Crawling Event]


Power Grid

Goa Munchkinsanity

CCGs (ESS Consoles 069)

Sid Meiers Civilization: The Board Game Motion Gaming Expo

Ladies' Night

Undead Gaming

Dance Central, Kinect Adventures

Metroid: Other M

Dead Space: Extraction

Wii Party & Sports Resort

Okami & Mirror's Edge

Dead Rising 2 & Left 4 Dead 2

Sonic Free Riders + EyePet

Tomb Raider: Extraction

Zombies Ate My Neighbors (SNES)

Red Steel 2 & Zack & Wiki

Beyond Good and Evil

Resident Evil 4 & 5

Rock Band Concert (Javits 102) More games are available than what we can fit here, come to our Consoles Room! Magic: The Gathering Drafts all weekend long in ESS 069 Yu-Gi-Oh Tournament (ESS 079)

Sunday Morning


10:00 AM

10:30 AM

11:00 AM

11:30 AM

12:00 PM

12:30 PM

1:00 PM

1:30 PM

Warmachine Tournament Warhammer 40k Tournament Heavy Gear Demo

Flames of War Demo

Open Wargaming: Find a foe and match your wits. Mini Medic: More Green Stuff than you'd ever need. Painting Demo

Battletech Demo Starlance (Doctor Who) Negotiations (Star Trek LUG) Once Again Our Heroes (D&D 3.5)

The Bloody Fishing Trip (Dark Refuge) Murder-Machine?!



(Dark Refuge) Save Conan! (Conan 2nd Edition)

LR Hobbies Dungeon Delve

(D&D 4th)

The Pharoah's Tomb (D&D 3D Modified) Into the Underhive (Dark Heresy) Leverage: The I-CON Job w/ Cam Banks Keepers of the Gateway (Spooky Beans) w/ Ben Morgan Gigacrawler Early Birds (Open)

Cosmic Encounter

Shadows over Camelot Dominion Survive: Escape from Atlantis!

Board Gaming

Space Hulk I-CON 30 Texas Hold em Poker Final Table 7 Wonders Puerto Rico Fare Game

Who Wants a Million Bars of Gold Pressed Latinum?

Order of the Stick [Dungeon Crawling Event] St. Petersburg Open Steve Jackson Game Demos Open Demos with The Game Table Blasted Wizard! w/ Chris Adams

CCGs (ESSConsoles 069)

Children's Gaming  Lego Batman, Star Wars, Harry Potter

Video Game Decathalon

Pokemon Rumble Open Gaming Magic: The Gathering Drafts all weekend long in ESS 069 Yu-Gi-Oh Tournament (ESS 079)

Sunday Afternoon


2:00 PM

2:30 PM

3:00 PM

3:30 PM

4:00 PM

4:30 PM

5:00 PM

5:30 PM

Warmachine Tournament Warhammer 40k Tournament Malifaux Demo

Uncharted Seas Demo

Open Wargaming: Find a foe and match your wits. Mini Medic: More Green Stuff than you'd ever need. Elfball Demo

Warhammer Fantasy Demo

Negotiations (Star Trek LUG) Once Again Our Heroes (D&D 3.5)


The Time Shredders (Dark Refuge) Save Conan! (Conan 2nd Edition) LR Hobbies Dungeon Delve

(D&D 4th)

The Pharoah's Tomb (D&D 3D) Into the Underhive (Dark Heresy) Leverage: The I-CON Job w/ Cam Banks Keepers of the Gateway Gigacrawler Shadows over Camelot Go

Board Gaming

Agricola Space Hulk Tobago Who Wants a Million Bars of Gold Pressed Latinum?

Open Steve Jackson Game Demos Open Demos with The Game Table

CCGs (ESSConsoles 069)

Blasted Wizard! Fighting Game Tournaments

Co-op Gaming - One Last Hurrah


Castle Crashers & Resident Evil 5

Super Street Fighter IV

Lego Harry Potter & Star Wars III

Soul Caliber Iv

N+ & Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

Tekken VI

Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles (GCN)

New Super Mario Bros. Magic: The Gathering Drafts all weekend long in ESS 069

Yu-Gi-Oh Tournament (ESS 079)

Goof Troop (SNES) + More

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