African Villas 2010 3Urban

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Urban Sanctuaries Step inside our urban sanctuaries and you can almost feel your pulse slow. Perhaps it’s the views —a lush and verdant garden, a cool Zen courtyard, or a sparkling cityscape, strewn below your feet like a jeweler’s treasure chest. Or perhaps it’s the sounds: the rustle of the breeze through the treetops, a burbling mountain stream or tinkling fountain, a distant foghorn. Certainly it’s a sense of space, combined with the comfort of a cocoon—safely cut off, yet within touching distance of the city you’ve traveled so far to see. It’s an indefinable atmosphere that sets our urban sanctuaries apart, but we handpick them much the way we do all our villas—with an eye on overall design, a natural flow that leads you out onto sun-splashed terraces and pools, décor that invites decadence and relaxation in equal measure, and an unpretentious comfort that says this is a real sanctuary. Because being in the heart of the city shouldn’t mean you have to dance to its beat.



Bridge House ncluded in the Phaidon Atlas of 21st Century Archi-

ered here to celebrate their city sojourn in suitably glam

tecture, and recipient of numerous design awards,

style. Located on the mountain slopes, the house is totally

Bridge House is a true icon of Cape Town’s best

secluded from its neighbours, yet the glass-walled bedrooms

contemporary architecture. Timber walkways connect

and public spaces all provide uninterrupted garden and city

separate glass and steel boxes that appear to float at tree

views. With numerous private decks set in the indigenous

canopy height, while below Cape Town city and harbour

garden, and a heated rim-flow pool that appears to spill into

views beckon. Furnished in a sleek and uncluttered style,

the gurgling mountain stream that tumbles down the slopes

Bridge House—owned by modern design enthusiasts—is

of Table Mountain, this is the ultimate urban sanctuary: sur-

the ideal city pad for a group of friends who have gath-

rounded by birdsong, yet minutes from the city’s nightlife.


AT A GLANCE LOCATION: 12B Glen Avenue, Higgovale, Cape Town. SLEEPS: 8 in 4 double rooms. LIVING SPACES: :LWK Ć RRU WR ceiling glass windows and sliding WLPEHU VKXWWHUV WR ZDUG RĹż WKH VXQ (or ensure total privacy), the main RSHQ SODQ OLYLQJ DUHD IHDWXUHV D ĆˆĆ‡ ĆˆĆ‰ VHDWHU WDEOH DQG ORXQJH DUHD DURXQG WKH Ć€UHSODFH 7KH kitchen is well equipped and IHDWXUHV PRUH Ć RRU WR FHLOLQJ YLHZV ZLWK VXQ VSODVKHG PRGHUQ FRXQWHUV Stairs lead down to another, smaller dining room and kitchenette with Ć RZ RXW WR WKH ODUJH WLPEHU GHFN IXUQLVKHG ZLWK GHHS FRPIRUWDEOH daybeds and loungers alongside WKH ULP Ć RZ SRRO 'HVLJQHU SLHFHV abound throughout.

%('5220 &21),*85$7,21: 7KUHH YLUWXDOO\ LGHQWLFDO HQ VXLWH bedrooms connected via timber ZDONZD\V DOO IHDWXULQJ JODVV ZDOOV with mountain or garden views. Bedroom one is reached via a EULGJH IURP WKH HQWUDQFH OHYHO DQG KDV D VHSDUDWH ZDON LQ FXSERDUG area; below is bedroom two, with its own lounge area. Bedroom three is in a separate wing, but together these share the small second dining room and kitchen. Bedroom Ć‹ NQRZQ DV Ĺ&#x;'RQJDĹ LV UHDFKHG YLD D VWRQH SDWKZD\ WKDW IROORZV WKH stream through the garden. Every EHGURRP KDV 79 '9' DQG $ & 287'225 )$&,/,7,(6 Natural indigenous garden with mature WUHHV DQG VWUHDP 1DWXUDOO\ VW\OHG URFN SRRO *DUDJH IRU Ɖ FDUV

6(59,&(6 6(&85,7< )XOO WLPH housekeeper. Serviced daily. Secure ZDOOHG HQWUDQFH 6WDWH RI WKH DUW DODUP $UPHG UHVSRQVH EDFN XS 1(,*+%285+22' Higgovale is the PRVW VRXJKW DIWHU FLW\ ERZO VXEXUE ORFDWHG KLJK RQ WKH VORSHV RI 7DEOH 0RXQWDLQ MXVW ĆˆĆ‡ PLQXWHV IURP WKH :DWHUIURQW RU EHDFK DQG ZDONLQJ GLVWDQFH WR .ORRIĹ?V UHVWDXUDQW VWULS The area boasts gorgeous city and KDUERXU YLHZV IUDPHG E\ KXJH established trees: testament to the IDFW WKDW WKLV LV D YLUWXDOO\ ZLQG IUHH DUHD WKLV VPDOO HQFODYH LV WKH PRVW YHUGDQW RI WKH FLW\ VXEXUEV As a result, Higgovale has tradition ally attracted owners that value contemporary architecture, and has WKH KLJKHVW FRQFHQWUDWLRQ RI LFRQLF modern homes in the city.


Ellerman Villa


llerman Villa is in a class of its own. Like a

finishes are unrivalled, with essential creature

21st century ship floating from a spectacularly

comforts such as electronic drapes, a choice of spa

elevated cliffside site, there is nothing but a

rooms, resident therapist, a gourmet stocked fridge,

sheer, dizzying drop between you and the crashing

and your personal choice of DVDs and CDs down-

Atlantic Ocean below. Walls of glass disappear to cre-

loaded into the villa’s main server. Housing one of the

ate a seamless flow, leading you from the ultra modern

finest private art collections in South Africa, this is also

interior spaces—a multitude of lounges, bedrooms

the best introduction to South African art. It’s the most

and pools, all spread over large, open-plan levels—into

exclusive address, in one of the world’s most beautiful

azure shades of sky and sea. The lighting, fittings and

cities, and—for as long as you want it—it’s yours.


AT A GLANCE LOCATION: Queens Road, Bantry Bay, Cape Town.

The downstairs spa rooms can be changed into two double rooms.

SLEEPS: 6 (2 double rooms and 1 twin) or 10 (spa rooms turn into 2 doubles).

OUTDOOR/FACILITIES: Huge teak decks and plunge pool. The Ellerman Hotel gardens are adjacent.

LIVING SPACES: Walls disappear from the main lounge-diningstudy area, opening it to the pool deck. A separate entertainment URRP ZLWK Ć DW VFUHHQ SODVPD television, and two spa rooms. A high-tech stainless steel kitchen, fully stocked with gourmet delicacies.

SECURITY & SERVICES: Butler, private chef and housekeeping team. Rates include airport transfer, breakfast, laundry and local beverages. State-of-the-art alarm and CCTV cameras; gated entrance.

BEDROOM CONFIGURATION: The three en-suite bedrooms (two king; one twin), all with sensational sea views, are on the top level. Bathrooms are ƀQLVKHG LQ WUDYHUWLQH DQG IHDWXUH large showers and separate tubs.

NEIGHBOURHOOD: On a virtually VKHHU FOLſVLGH ZLWK VSHFWDFXODU views that evoke comparisons with the French Riviera, Bantry Bay is one of the most sought after Atlantic seaboard suburbs. Within easy striking distance of Sea Point’s boulevards and Camps Bay’s beachfront strip. The city centre and Waterfront lie 15 minutes away.


Signal View L ocated on the peaceful slopes of

10 minutes drive away. A beautifully

Signal Hill, above the gorgeous

furnished and supremely comfortable

turn-of-the-century homes

multi-level home, Signal View provides

that define the city’s architectural

guests with the kind of space that you

landscape, Signal View offers the best

can disappear and congregate with

of both worlds: a contemporary home

ease, enjoying the flow from indoors

built in the most gracious city sub-

to shaded terraces to enjoy the superb

urb, offering jaw-dropping views of

views, or curl up with a book in the

Cape Town’s iconic mountain and its

secluded pool courtyard. Situated in a

ever-changing moods. Aside from the

secure gated estate, this is arguably the

stunning views of Table Mountain,

most relaxing, peaceful holiday you

the city is literally at your feet, while

can have within walking distance of

the Waterfront and beaches are a mere

the city centre.


AT A GLANCE ADDRESS: Tamboerskloof, City Bowl, Cape Town. SLEEPS: 7 in 1 double room & 2 twin-bedded rooms & 1 single room.

Signal View offers the best of both worlds: a contemporary home built in the most gracious suburb, with jawdropping views.

LIVING SPACES: The double-volume lounge has huge windows and doors framing the Table Mountain and city views; opens onto an outside patio. Luxurious furnishings, UDQJHG DURXQG D FHQWUDO ƀUHSODFH make the most of the view. A few steps above this is the TV room with DVD and music system, furnished with large, comfortable sofa and armchairs. The adjacent dining and kitchen area is large and open-plan, with doors opening onto the pool patio. The dining table is a feature item: a long refectory table that can comfortably seat 12 people, it invites entertaining on a grand scale, as does the beautifully equipped granite-and-wood-topped kitchen, featuring all you need for gourmet entertaining, and more wonderful city and mountain views.

BEDROOM CONFIGURATION: The en-suite master bedroom has a queen-size bed and double doors that open onto a large, romantic patio with stunning city and mountain views. The second bedroom, the highest in the house, has two single beds, more gorgeous views and an en-suite bathroom (shower only). The third (two single beds) and fourth (one single bed and en-suite toilet) bedrooms share a third bathroom with shower. All three bathrooms feature quality PRGHUQ ƀWWLQJV DQG VOLFN JUDQLWH WRS ƀQLVKHV OUTDOOR/FACILITIES: Patio facing Table Mountain and city views with table and chairs. Outdoor covered living area (with comfortably furnished seating area) on protected north side of property. Pool (2.5m x 5.5m) with wooden deck. BBQ. SERVICES & SECURITY: Daily maid service. Double garage. Gated security complex. Alarm system with armed response back-up.


Madiba Villa T

ucked away on the historic Cellars-Hohenort estate, in the winegrowing valley of Constantia, Madiba Villa is a peaceful idyll, ideal for a small family or couple who wish to escape the hurly

burly of the city. Surrounded by lush, award-winning gardens, guests enjoy verdant views from every window, and wonderful proximity to the Constantia wine route, where Cape wines have been produced since the 1600s, including the legendary Vin de Constance, favourite tipple of both Jane Austen and Napoleon. Providing all the facilities you’d expect from a Relais & Chateaux property (the hotel is adjacent), Madiba Villa combines decadent service levels with the atmosphere of a semi-rural retreat. Yet, for those who love to shop: the Villa is minutes from the shopping meccas of Constantia Village and Cavendish, less than 20 minutes from the city centre and Waterfront, and just over 20 minutes from the quirky antique and clothing shops of the coastal village of Kalk Bay.


AT A GLANCE LOCATION: Brommersvlei Road, Constantia, Cape Town. SLEEPS: 4 or 6 in 2 or 3 double rooms. LIVING SPACE: Enter from your private courtyard and plunge pool into a comfortably furnished sitting and dining URRP DUHD VHDWLQJ Ć? ZLWK JDV Ć€UHSODFH built-in bar and small service kitchen. BEDROOM CONFIGURATION: Two bedrooms are located upstairs, with a large main en-suite double room (separate tub and double shower) and second en-suite bedroom (shower and tub combined). Both have walk-in cupboards and Juliette balconies. There is an optional third HQ VXLWH EHGURRP OHDGLQJ RĹż WKH ORXQJH area. All bedrooms are air-conditioned and have under-carpet heating.

The villa combines decadent service levels with the atmosphere of a semirural retreat.

OUTDOOR/FACILITIES: The villa has a small private courtyard and plunge pool. 7KH &HOODUV +RKHQRUW HVWDWH RĹżHUV WZR large heated swimming pools; two superb restaurants; boules pitch; a tennis court; a spa and hair salon, and a Gary Playerdesigned chipping and putting green. SERVICES & SECURITY: Part of the ultrasecure Cellars-Hohenort Hotel, Madiba Villa enjoys 24/7 butler service. Complimentary transfers at set times to Groot Constantia Wine Estate, Virgin (fullservice gym), Waterfront, Constantia Village, Kirstenbosch and Cavendish. NEIGHBOURHOOD: Known as Cape Town’s ‘mink and manure’ belt, Constantia’s leafy lanes meander past paddocks and large country estates, and are surrounded by views of vineyards DQG IRUHVWV FDUSHWLQJ WKH Ć DQNV RI 7DEOH Mountain. Home to one of the best shopping villages in the Cape, and (aside from the charming wine route), provides easy access to the quaint coastal villages of the southern peninsula.


Villa Vuyo


t’s the view that does it. But before you find yourself

(and elevating) yoga studio. Then there’s the accommoda-

floating above the lush, treed valley of Hout Bay, there

tion: three gorgeous light-filled bedrooms, and a separate

is the all-encompassing peace of the villa itself. Aside

three-bedroom lodge for guests. And of course, a view from

from the size—a sprawling villa over 495 sq m, there is the

every window. Gazing at the grandiose granite outcrops

harmonious and soothing palette: taupe and turquoise,

that define the valley, the sheer green slopes dropping into

mushroom greys and olive greens, a touch of bronze or

the unique ‘Republic of Hout Bay’, where horses graze on

drop of chocolate. And everywhere the raw honesty of

fields alongside some of the Cape’s quirkiest stores and

natural materials—thick linen, pure cotton, real hide,

fabulous restaurants, one can’t help but feel privileged.

quality hardwoods. It’s a sensual earthy home, a place to

Seconds from the world famous Chapman’s Peak drive.

nurture the spirit, from the private steam room to the

Minutes from Llundudno beach or the Constantia wine-

well-tended herb garden; spruce tennis court to elevated

lands. But most importantly: at home, and at peace.


AT A GLANCE ADDRESS: Stirrup Lane Extension, Hout Bay, Cape Town. SLEEPS: 6 in Main House (2 double rooms and 1 twin) and 6 in Court Lodge (2 double rooms and 1 twin)

From here you can see Table Mountain Park undulate its way to Cape Point, and at night the pulsating glow from Kommetjie lighthouse as it glistens across the sea.

LIVING SPACES: The double-volume lounge, centred around a woodEXUQLQJ Ć€UHSODFH LV RSHQ WR WKH GLQLQJ area (seating 10) and kitchen. Surrounded by windows, you are drawn by the valley views; step outside onto the timber deck and pool or slide back the glass doors opposite to relax on the shaded patio, back-dropped by a lush green dell. There is a separate entertainment lounge, with large-screen TV and surround sound system. Located above the tennis court, Court Lodge has its own lounge-cum-kitchen and RXWVLGH VHDWLQJ DQG LV VLPLODUO\ Ć€QLVKHG with quality furnishings. BEDROOM CONFIGURATION: Two en-suite bathrooms (one furnished with a king-size bed, the other with twins) on the ground level. Both feature large bathrooms with walk-in drench showers and separate tubs. Both have gorgeous views, but the stunner is the main en-suite bedroom, located in the huge loft space. From here you can see Table Mountain Park undulate its way to Cape Point, and at night the pulsating glow from Kommetjie lighthouse as it glistens across the sea. Court Lodge features a main en-suite bedroom and two bedrooms (double bed; twin beds) sharing a bathURRP 6LPLODU Ć€QLVKHV DUH XVHG WKURXJKRXW OUTDOOR/FACILITIES: The main house has a large deck around the 13m pool, with bar and BBQ, and a table under shade seating 8. There is also a cool green garden area with patio furniture on the mountain side. Herb garden. Garage for 2 cars. SECURITY & SERVICES: Full time housekeeper/maintenance manager. Serviced daily. Secure walled entrance and electric fencing. State-of-the-art alarm and CCTV cameras. Armed response back-up. NEIGHBOURHOOD: A 15-minute scenic coastal drive from Camps Bay and the city, or 20 minutes through the wooded neck to Constantia, Hout Bay is ringed by majestic mountains. As such it has a unique character, so much so that it’s proud inhabitants have declared it the ‘Republic of Hout Bay’. Plenty of restuarants and shopping RSWLRQV KRUVHULGLQJ KDUERXU WULSV VXUĆ€QJ And that’s before you’ve left Hout Bay!


Hoëveld House J ohannesburg, Jo’burg, eGoli, Jozi . . . ever-

court. Interiors feel intimate enough for two,

evolving, the continent’s most happening

yet the house is able to absorb any number of

city is home to a socially vibrant society

guests (the pool pavilion alone can seat up to

that entertains on a level only found in Africa’s

80!) and is secure enough to house heads of

big apple. And Hoëveld (“Highlands”) House is

state. But above all, we love this house for its

certainly designed to celebrate the high life. An

soothing atmosphere: in this serene retreat,

elegant double-storey mansion, with gracious

seated in the shade of a century-old tree, it’s

French-influenced interiors that flow into the

hard to believe you are minutes from the urban

two-acre garden, the Villa makes the most of the

metropolis of central Sandton, where the

glorious highveld weather, with a magnificent

continent’s major financial deals are struck,

garden embracing the huge pool and tennis

and the country’s finest designers put up shop.


AT A GLANCE ADDRESS: 5th Avenue, Inanda, Sandton, Johannesburg. SLEEPS: 8 in 4 double rooms. LIVING SPACES: Two lounge areas and separate dining room. All the main living areas lead out to the expansive gardens. Aside from the study and cocktail bar there is a boardroom/ function room seating up to 60 pax at round tables. Well-equipped kitchen. Massage/resting room. BEDROOM CONFIGURATION: All four spacious bedrooms, individually decorated, are located on the second level. All bathrooms are en-suite with separate tub and shower. The main suite has his and her dressing rooms and bathrooms. All bedrooms have PLQLEDUV 79V DQG XQGHUĆ RRU KHDWLQJ OUTDOOR FACILITIES: Beautiful garden, huge pool and pool pavilion. Floodlit tennis court. Cricket nets. Secure parking for up to 20 vehicles. SERVICES & SECURITY: Fully serviced. Full time estate manager/butler/ gourmet chef, housekeeper, 2 butlers and a gardener; all included in the rate. High-level security, including 24/7 manned guard house, electric fencing, fully-monitored security camera system and armed response back-up. NEIGHBOURHOOD: Within minutes of the city’s top shopping destinations— Sandton City and Rosebank. Aside from shopping, dining and nightlife in WKH QRUWKHUQ VXEXUEV WKH FLW\ RĹżHUV some excellent drawcards such as the Apartheid Museum, Soweto tours, and the Cradle of Humankind, a World Heritage Site where paleoanthropologists are still unearthing clues to humankind’s origins.


33 Melville Road


ituated in one of Sandton’s most exclusive

continent’s top safari destinations, the talented owner

residential suburbs, minutes from the city’s

has reinvented ‘Afro-chic’ with an eclectic mix of

most sophisticated shopping and business

vintage and modern, and a novel, playful approach

areas, 33 Melville Road epitomizes all that is best

to predictable ethnic artefacts. Walls display a superb

about living in Johannesburg: a rambling mansion,

collection of internationally renowned South African

subtly African in style, with sprawling gardens,

art, yet there is the wonderful irreverence of a

elegant, comfortable spaces that beg entertaining,

collection of 60s terracotta garden gnomes—just one

and discreet, intelligent staff. Designed by Stefan

of many delightful tongue-in-cheek touches. It’s this

Ahrends in the early 1950s, the house retains a

charming combination of class and humour that

gracious colonial feel, but it is the interiors that

makes 33 Melville Road such an appealing home. One

truly surprise and delight, augmenting the period

that welcomes those who know that true luxury is not

detailing and materials in an authentic yet very

defined by a price tag but by a discriminating eye for

off-beat way. Having spent years travelling the

the rare and unusual.


AT A GLANCE ADDRESS: 33 Melville Road, Hyde Park, Johannesburg. SLEEPS: 6 in 3 double rooms (or 1 double and 2 twins). LIVING SPACES: Enter the grand entrance hall into all the main entertainment areas. The original ballroom is still the social heart of this gracious home, with a variety of seating areas (accommodating up to 30 people comfortably), including a bar area. The room leads onto the deep shaded outdoor terrace overlooking the gardens and pool. The study lounge is a cozy URRP ƀOOHG ZLWK ERRNV ZLWK FRPI\ FRXFKHV 79 DQG ƀUHSODFH WR FDWHU for all tastes in entertainment. The formal dining room (accommodating up to 12 people) has doors opening onto the terrace; another leads to the breakfast room. The kitchen is large, open and sunny, with a breakfast table that can accommodate up to 12 people. More doors open to the patio, where there is another dining area shaded by umbrellas. BEDROOM CONFIGURATION: All bedrooms are equally spacious and overlook the gardens. Large, luxurious bathrooms (separate tubs and showers). Bedroom 1 (double bed; others have 2 single bases that can be made into king-size beds) has a comfortable anteroom. All bedrooms have TVs, individual sound systems and DVD players on demand. On the landing area (between all three rooms) is another anteroom with doors leading onto a furnished balcony for relaxing and enjoying the garden views.

OUTDOOR/FACILITIES: Deep shaded terrace functions as outdoor room with comfortable lounge and dining area (seating up to 12 people) overlooking the rose gardens, rolling lawns, tennis court and swimming pool. High tech entertainment facilities throughout; centralized music system extends to the outdoor terrace. Double garage houses two luxury cars for guest use (driver included). Ample parking for up to 8 extra cars. A small gym (private gym and tennis instruction can be arranged). SERVICES & SECURITY: Serviced GDLO\ %UHDNIDVWV FRĹżHH WHD VQDFNV and local beverages are all included in the rate, as is laundry. Airport and local transfers also included. The house is secured with walled entrance, state-of-the-art alarm and excellent armed response back-up. NEIGHBOURHOOD: Hyde Park, considered one of the most wellestablished, ‘old-money’ suburbs, RĹżHUV HDV\ DFFHVV WR WKH QRUWKHUQ suburb’s up-market restaurants, shopping malls, and clubs for moneyed socialites. It’s also considered one of the safest locations. Aside from dining and shopping, IXUWKHU DĆ€HOG WKH FLW\ RĹżHUV VRPH excellent tourist drawcards—don’t miss an opportunity to visit to the Apartheid Museum, take a tour of Soweto, and time allowing, visit the Cradle of Humankind, a World Heritage Site where paleoanthropologists are unearthing clues to humankind’s origins, or a visit the Origins Centre, where you can track your own ancestors with DNA testing.


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