African Villas
Handpicked gorgeous
African Villas
Handpicked gorgeous
Villa Blanc Gorge Villa Villa Yvette Villa Ava Llandudno Beach Villa Rodwell House The St James Birkenhead Villa Mosselberg Villa Villa David Pezula Castle McGrath Villas
10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32
Bridge House Ellerman Villa Signal View Madiba Villa Villa Vuyo Hoëveld House 33 Melville Road
36 38 40 42 44 46 48
Eagle’s Nest Journey’s End Paarl Rock
52 54 56
1933 Lodge Ulusaba Cliff Lodge Pioneer & Granite Villas Africa House Royal Madikwe Morukuru Tarkuni Sarili & Bushman’s River Lodge Samara Manor House
60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76
Mount Anderson Oceana Owner’s Villa Tamarina
80 82 84
Journeys are the midwives of thought —ALAIN DE BOTTON, THE ART OF TRAVEL
am fortunate enough to do something I feel incredibly passionate about. I launched Icon Villas with just a few special places in 1997; since then I have visited and experienced literally
thousands more, slowly handpicking our portfolio. Over the years I have come to realize that luxury does not lie in the choice of finishes, the breadth of facilities, or the quality of the detailing— these are a given in an Icon Villa. What I really seek is something more intangible: the soul of a place must somehow root the visitor in this thrilling continent. An African Villa is not one that shouts its location with faux animal prints, or displays of ethnic crafts. It is a more subtle play of elements, such as a generosity of space, reflecting our huge skies and landscapes; the seamless flow between the indoors and outdoors to maximise the sublime weather; the use of vibrant or earth-like colours to excite or soothe in turn; an eclectic approach to décor that showcases the cultural melting pot that is Africa— an exhilarating mix of influences that has spawned so many design tomes. Icon Villas are all filled with a certain energy; decorated with flair and subtlety, and offering an ambience filled with subtle, rich textures: wine goblets that tell their own story; a set of locally crafted kieries; the book selection on the shelves; the confident mix of the weathered and the manicured. Aside from character and design, the other key criterion is privacy. The truth is, I deal essentially in experiences, not properties. My wish is to facilitate the unique bond that builds when an extended family or a group of friends spend uninterrupted time together, with no fixed itinerary or other social intrusions. To create a cocoon for you or your clients, in a home that is the equal of, or better than, your own. Here, then, is a selection of some of the most iconic properties in Africa, prepared and waiting, ready to become part of your journey…
Beach Villas There’s nothing quite like waking up on a beach. That mesmerizing horizon, in matchless shades of blue. The primordial, endless movement of the ocean, shimmering like a snakeskin in the sun. Being lulled by the waves, just meters from your feet. The sensual pleasure of sand between your toes, with nothing but a scuttling crab to witness your footprints wash away. Because only when you live on it, do you experience the beach at its best— peaceful, serene; deserted but for the seagulls heading into the setting sun.
Villa Blanc his stylish three-levelled bungalow enjoys arguably the best possible location on Cape Town’s famously glitzy Atlantic Seaboard:
fall out of bed and you are lying on the gleaming white sands of Glen beach, backed by large granite boulders, and watching a great break rolling in. With two separate kitchens, this beach bungalow is ideal for two couples, possibly travelling with children, or a family travelling with a rather lucky au pair. Camps Bay, with its plethora of beach-view bars and restaurants, lies a short stroll along the beach away. That is if you can tear yourself away from the cool comforts of home: offering that wonderful combination of unbridled luxury and unpretentious comfort, Villa Blanc’s finishes and furnishings are a soothing, clean, crisp white—a great contrast to the sparkling azure waters and indigo horizon that shimmers beyond every room.
AT A GLANCE SLEEPS: 10 in 5 double rooms (can be changed to 4 doubles and 1 twin). LOCATION: Victoria Road, Glen Beach, Cape Town. LIVING SPACE: Enter the Moroccan doors WR ƀQG \RXUVHOI LQ D ODUJH OLJKW ƀOOHG OLYLQJ space and open-plan show kitchen. The living room has all the mod-cons, including a gas ƀUHSODFH ODUJH SODVPD VFUHHQ 79 VXUURXQG sound speakers, and i-pod docking station, and a 3m long dining table with wooden benches. The kitchen has all the built-in appliances needed for hassle-free entertainLQJ 7KH VHOI FRQWDLQHG ƁDW LV LPPHGLDWHO\ adjacent, with open-plan living and dining area (table seats10 people); kitchen enjoys VLPLODU LQ ƀQLVKHV WR WKH PDLQ KRXVH
A small exclusive enclave, much loved by locals but largely missed by tourists, Villa Blanc is located on Glen Beach, one of Cape Town’s best-kept secrets.
BEDROOM CONFIGURATION: The main bedroom (king-sized bed) is huge, with its own living area (with TV and DVD player), dressing room and open-plan bathroom, all featuring stunning sea views. The en-suite bathroom features a Jacuzzi bath, big enough for two, and separate shower. The second en suite bedroom (queen-sized bed), also features a walk-in cupboard and Jacuzzi bath. The third bedroom is furnished with 2 singles that can be turned into a king, while the fourth bedroom has a double bed. Bedrooms 3 and 4 VKDUH D EDWKURRP 7KH VHOI FRQWDLQHG ƁDW KDV another double bedroom. The bedroom (with queen-sized bed) is en-suite and features a Jacuzzi bath and separate shower. OUTDOOR/FACILITIES: The entrance level leads out to an outdoor deck furnished with comfortable daybeds and showcasing the stunning sea views. The bedroom level also RSHQV RQWR D GHFN 7KH ƀQDO OHYHO RSHQV RQWR a deck with plunge pool and a gas BBQ. Direct access to beach through Moroccan doors. Wi-Fi throughout. Garaging for one car and one more secure parking bay. SECURITY & SERVICES: Serviced daily. Fully alarmed, with armed response back-up. NEIGHBOURHOOD: Glen Beach is a small exclusive enclave adjacent to Camps Bay beach; much loved by locals but largely missed by tourists, it is one of Cape Town’s best-kept secrets, with only a handful of low-key homes clustered above the beach. Camps Bay—one of the most exciting happening nightlife areas in Cape Town, its restaurants and bars all facing the palm-lined beach and gorgeous sunsets—is walking distance away.
Gorge Villa ike neighbouring Villa Blanc, this cool clapboard
onto the Glen break, just beyond your sandy doorstep. The
bungalow hangs on the lip of bite-sized Glen beach,
penthouse is an entirely self-sufficient, ideal for honey-
hidden from the world. Up in the penthouse,
mooners or young family, but if you’re traveling in a bigger
cocooned in uncomplicated luxury, your focus is con-
group, the interconnecting four-bedroom house below will
stantly drawn to the scene below your terrace. Views of the
provide enough space for 11 thoroughly spoilt souls. Like
sky and the ocean spill in through gigantic glass doors;
most Gorge Villa guests, you’ll probably feel content doing
fold them away and the waves sound close enough to
nothing at all, other than perhaps occasionally sauntering
touch. Done out in chic coral hues offset by dark wood,
over the rocks to see what all the fuss is about in Camps
and patches of burnt orange, brown and tan, it’s a cosset-
Bay—you’ll find plenty of social action there, but there’s
ing environment designed for romance - even the open-
nothing wrong with permanently stationing yourself on
plan bathroom enjoys views of the sea and surfers rising
your own semi-secret beach, and remaining lost from view.
AT A GLANCE LOCATION: Victoria Road, Glen Beach, Cape Town. SLEEPS: Main house sleeps 7 in 3 doubles and 1 single. Penthouse sleeps 4 in 1 double and 1 twin. LIVING SPACES: Aside from the eyecatching views, the main house’s open-plan living area has a comfortable suede lounge suite arranged DURXQG WKH 79 DQG HDV\ ƁRZ WR the pool area. The adjacent dining room (seats 10) is open to the wellequipped kitchen. The main openplan living area in the penthouse is similarly furnished and equipped, though more compact; dining table here seats 4 to 6. BEDROOM CONFIGURATION: The main house has 4 bedrooms, all on the pool level. The main bedroom with king-size bed opens onto a private courtyard; the en-suite bathroom features separate tub and shower. Bedrooms 2 and 3 (both en-suite, shower only) are furnished with queen-size beds. The single bedroom has a separate bathroom (tub and shower). The penthouse above has two bedrooms, both with
stunning sea views; the main is furnished with king-size bed while second bedroom has 2 single beds. Both bedrooms are en-suite (separate tub and shower). OUTDOOR/FACILITIES: The timber and sandstone decks are furnished in comfortable couches/sun loungers arranged around the heated pool, and cold plunge pool at rear. Gas BBQ. SERVICES & SECURITY: Cleaned Monday to Friday; weekends and public holidays on request. No garaging. Fully alarmed with armed response back up. NEIGHBOURHOOD: Like Villa Blanc, Gorge VIlla is located on exclusive Glen Beach, the tiny enclave adjacent to Camps Bay. It is a favoured local spot, particularly with surfers, and is shared by a handful of lucky residents who live just above the beach. Camps Bay—one of the most exciting happening nightlife areas in Cape Town, with palm-lined beach and gorgeous sunsets, as well as a small retail heart—is a stroll away.
Villa Yvette
et into the sloping mane of Lion’s Head, Villa Yvette
spectacular panorama, there is so much more to please
is indeed king of all it surveys. From the crescent
the eye. From the outstanding selection of contemporary
sweep of Camps Bay beach to the imposing granite
South African, American and Italian art, to the ultra-
backdrop of the Twelve Apostles, standing guard over the
luxurious finishes and thoughtful touches, every detail in
glittering bay, every view is a postcard. Enjoy the most
the Villa has been hand-selected by the stylish owner. Add
glorious sunset views with cocktail in hand from the
to this the clever use of space: spread over four floors, con-
rim-flow plunge pool on the edge of the deck, or recline in
veniently connected with an internal glass-walled lift, this
the sumptuously furnished lounge to the tinkling of the
Villa is able to host a sensational gathering, yet intimate and
grand piano. Should you tire of drinking in Nature’s
comfortable—the perfect family home, Hollywood-style.
AT A GLANCE ADDRESS: Clifton Road, Clifton, Cape Town. SLEEPS: 12 in 6 double rooms. LIVING SPACES: The vast lightspilled living area, with unimpeded ƁRZ IURP WKH SRRO LQ WKH HDVW WR WKH plunge pool in the west, is located RQ WKH VHFRQG ƁRRU DFFHVVHG E\ staircase or internal lift. Entertain ODYLVKO\ DW WKH ƈƋ VHDWHU GLQLQJ table (seated on Philippe Starck’s Louis Ghost chairs), or kick back in either the formal or informal lounge. The adjoining kitchen is open-plan for showmanship FRRNLQJ ZLWK D VHSDUDWH SDQWU\ DQG VFXOOHU\ DUHD BEDROOM CONFIGURATION: 7KH WKLUG ƁRRU RSHQV RQWR WKH spacious main bedroom (king-size extra-length bed) with stupendous views, large walk-in cupboard area and luxurious double bathroom. Adjacent are three more en-suite bedrooms, each with views. There LV D WRWDOO\ VHSDUDWH JXHVW VXLWH
(queen-size bed) with own lounge DUHD DQG YHUDQGD RQ WKH ƀUVW ƁRRU as well as a smaller double en-suite bedroom. OUTDOOR/FACILITIES: Deck pool and outdoor shaded verandas. /DUJHU IDPLO\ VL]HG SRRO DW WKH UHDU Super spacious garage for four to six cars, including Aston Martin 2007, available for rental. OpenSODQ VWXG\ DUHD ZLWK LQWHUQHW DFFHVV RQ WKLUG ƁRRU SERVICES & SECURITY: Full time KRXVHNHHSHU VHUYLFHG GDLO\ 6WDWH RI WKH DUW DODUP V\VWHP Armed response back-up. NEIGHBOURHOOD: Villa Yvette is located in Clifton, the most expensive and exclusive real estate coastline in Cape Town: a haven WKDW RſHUV VSHFWDFXODU YLHZV architecture and sunsets. Perched KLJK DERYH SDOP OLQHG &DPSV %D\ with its plethora of restaurants and WUHQG\ EDUV DQG D VPDOO UHWDLO KHDUW DOO ZDONLQJ GLVWDQFH DZD\
Villa Ava ith easy access to the city, fynbos-smothered
fortune. Elegant, cool and clean-lined, Villa Ava offers
mountains, and some of the world’s most
plenty of breathing space, greatly enhanced by the mas-
sublime beaches, this chic villa is situated in
sive picture windows framing the Atlantic Ocean hori-
the heart of Camps Bay, one of Cape Town’s most sought-
zons. It’s a vista that’s impossible to tire of, but when you
after coastal precincts. Built on the sheer slopes of the
fancy a change of pace, it’s good to know that you’re in
Twelve Apostles, the mountain range that culminates in
striking distance of Cape Town’s lively shopping scene,
the drop-dead gorgeousness of the city’s glitziest sunset
its unhinged nightlife, and all kinds of adventures, from
strip, Villa Ava is built like a cocktail hour amphitheater,
paragliding off Lion’s Head to climbing Table Mountain,
compelling you to drink in the view, and toast your good
or nipping round the Peninsula by helicopter.
AT A GLANCE LOCATION: Medburn Road, Camps Bay, Cape Town. SLEEPS: 6 in 3 double rooms. LIVING SPACES: Aside from the uninterrupted views, Villa Ava has a wonderful HDV\ ƁRZ ZLWK DQ RSHQ SODQ ORXQJH dining area (seating 8), and a beautiful, modern kitchen with stainless steel ƀQLVKHV 'RRUV VOLGH EDFN WR FUHDWH seamless access to the pool and more gorgeous views. Overall design is clean and contemporary, and the additional family room is a great area for kids to relax and entertain themselves.
Villa Ava is built like a cocktail-hour amphitheater, compelling you to drink in the view and toast your good fortune.
%('5220 &21),*85$7,21 The main en-suite bedroom has a small lounge and stunning sea views from the king-size bed. The two en-suite guest bedrooms, both with queen-sized beds, feature views of Camps Bay beach and the Twelve Apostles respectively. %DWKURRPV DUH ƀQLVKHG ZLWK FRQWHPSRUDU\ GHVLJQHU ƀWWLQJV 287'225 )$&,/,7,(6 7KH ULP ƁRZ SRRO is surrounded by a wooden deck and lawn RQ WKH VDPH OHYHO DV WKH LQGRRU RXWGRRU entertainment area. There is a gas BBQ DQG :HEHU 'RXEOH JDUDJH IRU Ɖ FDUV 6(59,&(6 6(&85,7< The house is VHUYLFHG 0RQGD\ WR )ULGD\ $ODUPHG ZLWK armed response back-up. 1(,*+%285+22' &DPSV %D\ RſHUV the most accessible beach in the city—a mere 10- to 15-minute drive over Kloof Nek into the city center (although in rush KRXU WUDƂF FDQ VORZ WR D WULFNOH $ VDQG\ crescent lined with tall palm trees, the Camps Bay strip is also one of the most happening nightlife spots in Cape Town.
Llandudno Beach Villa B uilt above the dense
flooring, and no clutter to
green coastal vegeta-
distract, the ocean surround-
tion, with judicious
ings are celebrated from every
use of dark stone to reflect
angle, whether enveloped in
the smooth boulders that
your pure-cotton percale bed
define the tiny coastal enclave
or celebrating yet another glo-
of Llandudno, this designer
rious sunset on the capacious
home is the essence of pared-
deck. Keep cool in the lap pool
down glamour. Well elevated,
below, where views are enhanced
yet within walking distance
by swaying blooms in the pretty
to Llandudno and Sandy Bay
indigenous hillside garden. Then
beaches, the villa offers glori-
book a spa therapist for a private
ous 180-degree views from
massage, or simply lie back on a
every room. With floor-to-
lounger and allow the rhythmic
ceiling glass walls that fold
sound of the ocean to create a
away completely, seamless
similarly meditative state.
With no clutter to distract, the coastal surrounds are celebrated from every angle, while the rhythmic sound of the ocean will reduce you to an equally meditative state.
AT A GLANCE LOCATION: Sunset Avenue, Llandudno Beach, Cape Town. SLEEPS: 12 in 6 double rooms, or 4 double rooms and 2 twin-bedded rooms. LIVING SPACE: Designed by award-winning architect Johann Slee, the modern open-plan living area has wonderful proportions, and FKDUFRDO WRQHV DUH Rſ VHW E\ ZKLWH OHDWKHU suites. The Villa’s home automation system SURYLGHV ƀQJHUWLS FRQWUROV IRU OLJKWV PXVLF DQG KRPH WKHDWUH V\VWHP *UDQR ƁRRULQJ used throughout blends inside-outside living, punctuated with plush rugs. The open-plan gourmet kitchen features chef’s essentials such as a steam oven, gas stove, Teppanyaki hot plate and a great selection of utensils. BEDROOM CONFIGURATION: All 6 bedrooms are identical in size and feature king-size extralength beds with uninterrupted views opening onto private sun decks. Two are situated on the upper level; the remaining four on the pool deck level. In-room amenities include TVs with surround sound, DVD players, A/C, stocked mini bars (included in rate), mobile telephones, and international plug points. The bed linen is pure cotton percale with a thread count of 600. 0RGHUQ EDWKURRPV IHDWXUH XQGHUƁRRU KHDWLQJ and separate tubs and rain showers.
OUTDOOR/FACILITIES: Living areas open onto the spacious wrap-around Balau deck, which is furnished with oversized, comfortable deck furniture, dining tables and chairs and a built-in barbecue. On the lower level \RX ZLOO ƀQG WKH KHDWHG SRRO PRUH VXQdecks, sun loungers as well as a steam room and a guest bathroom with a shower. Wi-Fi throughout. Small boardroom. SERVICING & SECURITY: Serviced daily. Villa housekeeper and butler included in the rate. Daily champagne breakfasts included, as are VXQGRZQHU FDQDSHV WHD DQG FRſHH DV ZHOO DV selected wines, beers, spirit coolers and soft drinks. In-house chef on arrangement. NEIGHBOURHOOD: Llandudno is an entirely separate coastal village on the Atlantic seaboard, embraced by imposing mountains on the coastal route that runs between Camps Bay and Hout Bay. Built on steep slopes that culminate in a picture-perfect beach, the village is home to tousle-haired surfers and millionaires alike. There are no shops, giving it a uniquely laidback atmosphere, while Hout Bay’s great retail and restaurant options, and fabulous activities are a short hop away. Camps Bay, the city and Waterfront are all within easy reach along one of the most scenic roads in the world.
Rodwell House ith the mountains at your back and the arc
and patios, comfortable lounges and impeccably stylish
of False Bay at your feet, Rodwell House—
suites, it’s an Old World kind of place but far from old-
built in the 1930s by billionaire randlord
fashioned, with graciously integrated modern conven-
J.B. Taylor—feels off-the-beaten track, yet brings you easy
iences to complement the pukka period elements. Rise
access to the Peninsula’s more subtle pleasures. From here,
early to watch the locals taking their daily dip in the refresh-
it’s a short hop to swim with the Boulders’ penguins, or the
ing waters of the tidal pool; better still, shed your shoes
empty beaches of Cape Point, or visit the Constantia wine
and join them. In true colonial spirit, just about anything’s
estates. Easier still, pop downstairs to plunder one of the
possible, thanks to impeccable staff who make you feel at
country’s finest private cellars. With its terraced garden
ease in a space that’s homely and regal in equal measure.
In true colonial spirit, anything is possible here, ZLWK LPSHFFDEOH VWDſ creating an atmosphere that’s homely and regal in equal measure.
AT A GLANCE LOCATION: Rodwell Road, St James, Cape Town. SLEEPS: 16 in 8 doubles. A 9th suite is available by prior arrangement. LIVING SPACES: Multiple lounges, terraces, dining areas, library and drawing room HQMR\LQJ ƀQHVW VHD YLHZV 2XWVWDQGLQJ G«FRU renowned art collection (Amex USA Top 10 Hotel Art Collections in the World, 2009). BEDROOM CONFIGURATION: Seven en-suite EHGURRPV RQ WKH VHFRQG ƁRRU DQG RQH Rſ WKH Moroccan-style courtyard. All feature private balconies or patios; most enjoy gorgeous sea views. Various sizes, all furnished to the same exacting standard as the public spaces. Six of the suites feature 2-person tubs and walk-in showers; two are shower only. OUTDOOR/FACILITIES: Large pool fed by a mountain stream, set in landscaped gardens DQG OXVK ODZQV %RXOOH ƀHOG (QWHUWDLQPHQW %%4 terrace for al fresco dining. Moroccan-style courtyard with fountain. Excellent wine cellar and tasting room with sommelier. Wine-maker dinners and bespoke wine tours. Contemporary art gallery, bar and casual TV lounge, in-suite massages and treatments. Gym. Wi-Fi. Secure parking for 5 cars. SERVICES & SECURITY: On-site management WHDP DQG VWDſ WR VHH WR DOO JXHVWV QHHGV Breakfast included. Walled privacy and security. NEIGHBOURHOOD: St James, known as the ‘millionaire’s mile’ of False Bay, has a wonderfully genteel atmosphere; quite GLſHUHQW IURP WKH EXVWOLQJ EUDFLQJ $WODQWLF 6HDERDUG 6SOHQGLG UHVWDXUDQWV DQG FRſHH bars, coastal walks, safe bathing, water taxis, VXUƀQJ OHVVRQV JDPH ƀVKLQJ ZKDOH ZDWFKLQJ and much, much more are on your doorstep.
The St James A century ago the slopes overlooking False
stroll from the fishing harbour of Kalk Bay, The
Bay were the favoured seaboard of the
St James is, like nearby Rodwell House, typical of
country’s wealthy Randlords, who built
the stately turn-of-the-century retreats, beautifully
grand mansions here, eager to escape from the
crafted and detailed, from the chiselled sandstone
pressures of making millions on their highveld
exterior to the carved wooden interior panelling,
mines, but not the pleasures of high society. Now
salvaged from an old shipwreck. Now owned by
this sweep of coast is making a comeback as one
Rovos, creators of the most luxurious trains in
of the trendiest areas to stay in Cape Town, with
the world, The St James underwent a thorough
quaint boutiques, art galleries, independent
revamp in 2009, and the grand old lady of
theatre and a plethora of restaurant choices. Just
‘Millionaire’s Mile’ is now preened, ready to
above the tidal pools and beach, a five minute
receive the next generation of illustrious guests.
AT A GLANCE ADDRESS: Main Road, St James, Cape Town. SLEEPS: 12 adults in 5 double rooms and 1 twin-bedded room. LIVING SPACES: A spacious mansion with various lounges and a large dining room table for private dinners as well as several individual tables. There is a comfortable library and internet lounge as well as a circular sun room. BEDROOM CONFIGURATION: Six en-suite bedrooms. Four sea-facing suites with lounge areas. The twin room has an en-suite bathroom with glassed in shower over the bath. All other bedrooms have bathrooms with tubs and separate showers. All bedrooms have A/C, TV, DVD SOD\HU XQGHU ƁRRU KHDWLQJ DQG complimentary minibar.
This sweep of coast is making a comeback as one of the city’s trendiest options.
OUTDOOR/FACILITIES: Beautiful sea-facing garden as well as a raised terrace in the back with a heated salt water pool, all with wonderful views of the False Bay coast. SERVICES & SECURITY: Serviced GDLO\ 0DQDJHU RQ KDQG WR RſHU personalized concierge services. Breakfasts are inclusive, as are all beverages. Secure walled entrance; state-of-the-art alarm and armed response back-up. NEIGHBOURHOOD: Five minutes stroll from your front door lies the charming Kalk Bay harbourside village, which attracts locals and visitors all year round. You FDQ SXUFKDVH IUHVK ƀVK IURP WKH ORFDO ƀVKHUPDQ RU RSW WR GLQH in one of a number of excellent seafood restaurants. Main Road is a hive of novel antique and boutique style shops, delis and DUW JDOOHULHV 6W -DPHV RſHUV HDV\ access to Boulders Beach, Cape Point and Constantia. Numerous walking trails in the mountains. Perhaps the biggest attraction is the land-based whale watching, often appearing literally meters from the shoreline ( July-Dec).
Birkenhead Villa
here can be few better places
decorated suite—or your king-size bed,
to spot your first whale than
or gather together around the pool and
reclining in this elegant beach
grassy decks. The house also offers direct
villa, in such close proximity you’ll
access to the beach, and there is always
swear you can feel its spray on the wind.
someone on hand to pack a picnic basket
Perched above the rocky cliffs of Walker
and a couple of bats at the drop of your
Bay, a few steps from the beach, the ever-
beach hat. The elegant, open-plan design
changing seascape draws the eye west,
of the house means the doors are always
following the trajectory of the sun, while
flung wide open, with that great sense of
the sweeping heights of the Overberg
being outdoors even when ensconced
mountain range forms a majestic back-
in a comfortable couch, and sandy feet
drop. Drink it all in from your private
are never frowned upon. Cool, classy and
balcony—leading off each lavishly
discreet—the perfect beach retreat.
AT A GLANCE LOCATION: Voëlklip, Hermanus, Western Cape.
2XWGRRU FKLOGUHQŝV SOD\ DUHD 'LUHFW access to the beach.
LIVING SPACES: One lounge area and one dining area, open-plan to the kitchen. Sliding doors from NLWFKHQ DQG PDLQ ORXQJH ƁRZ through to pool area. Wonderful REMHFWV DQG VHOHFWLRQ RI DUWZRUNV throughout.
SLEEPS: 12 adults in 5 doubles.
Mosselberg Villa A
ll that separates Mosselberg
decks, all flowing inexorably to face
Villa from the soft white
the sea, as well as lazy days hibernat-
sands of Hermanus’ famous
ing in the many private nooks. It’s a
blue flag beach is a dense green car-
skillful blend of private and public
pet of proteas, restios and ericas—a
spaces, with interconnecting rooftop
richly textured indigenous garden
walkways creating an intimacy that
that blends with the natural vegeta-
is ideal for wedding parties or fami-
tion, and is appealing as the blue wa-
lies. And while every bedroom has a
ters that shimmer beyond. Designed
sea view, perhaps the most alluring
by Johann Slee, one of South Africa’s
views are those of the mountain the
leading architects, this is the kind of
villa is named for —the imposing
sprawling villa that invites big-time
Mosselberg, standing sentinel over
entertaining in the huge sheltered
the continent’s most famous whale-
courtyard-cum-living areas and
watching bay.
AT A GLANCE LOCATION: Grotto Beach, Hermanus, Western Cape. SLEEPS: 10 adults in 5 double rooms and up to 6 children sharing.
This is the kind of sprawling villa that invites big-time entertaining in the sheltered courtyard as well as lazy days hibernating in the many private nooks.
LIVING SPACES: The main lounge area, with large wood-burning hearth, is open-plan to the kitchen and dining room, with doors that disappear to creDWH DQ RUJDQLF ƁRZ IURP WKH ODUJH SRRO courtyard to the timber deck overlooking the fynbos garden and ocean. There is a secondary lounge with TV, DVD and pool table opening onto the pool and courtyard. There is an enormous amount of seating with two 8- to 10-seater tables and a host of smaller tables in the indoor-outdoor area. BEDROOM CONFIGURATION: Bedrooms are all spacious, with seating space and minibar area, and views. )RXU RI WKH ƀYH EHGURRPV DUH RQ WKH second level with balconies overlooking the sea, the mountain or both. *URXQG ƁRRU EHGURRP DOVR ZLWK VHD view, opens onto courtyard. All have large sliding doors and shutters. Every bedroom is en-suite, all with shower, separate tub and 2 basins. All bedrooms have walk-in cupboards. OUTDOOR/FACILITIES: Large private courtyard, partly shaded verandah, with BBQ area and 10-12 seater table around pool area. Deck in front with loungers to enjoy sea view. WellVWRFNHG FHOODU 2ſ VWUHHW SDUNLQJ IRU ƌ cars; lock-up garage for 1 car. SERVICES & SECURITY: Serviced daily by a team of ladies. Live-in housekeeper and manageress. Secure walled entrance. State-of-the-art alarm with armed response back-up. NEIGHBOURHOOD: The Whale Coast, of which the coastal town of Hermanus LV WKH XQRƂFLDO FDSLWDO LV DQ HDV\ DQG beautiful) 90-minute coast-hugging drive from Cape Town. Close enough to the buzz, but in a quiet, tranquil environment, the Villa is a 5-minute drive away from Hermanus centre, or a leisurely hour-long walk along beautiful FOLſ SDWKV Ś LGHDO IRU VSRWWLQJ ZKDOHV GXULQJ VHDVRQ PLG -XO\ WR 1RYHPEHU The fynbos path to Grotto beach takes a few minutes. The nearest supply or grocery store is 1km away. The Hermanus Golf Course is 5 minutes away.
Villa David ow-slung dark grey walls glimpsed behind
but owner-designer Neil has that indefinable eye
dense green foliage and bleached tree
that can put together the well-thumbed with the
trunk fence announce the presence of
bespoke, making the most of both in the process.
something rather sexy in the otherwise low-key
Better still, the house is thoroughly lived in, with
coastal enclave of De Kelders. But the real sur-
racks of magazines, books, CDs and videos, and a
prise is when you step beyond the fortress-like
kitchen and dining room equipped with every-
gate through an enchanting indigenous garden,
thing you’ll need for five-star entertaining—just
and into the entrance hall. Looking across the
like home, only better, because a short stroll from
artfully decorated spaces (so delightful, one
your front door lies a beach that stretches for
barely notices the sea view glistening beyond) is
miles—prefect for early morning strolls, laid-
akin to stepping into a Fabergé egg: every inch
back whale-watching, or simply enjoying the sun
considered. It’s a rare talent that can for instance
with specially packed picnics, chosen from the
see the potential for a 70s corduroy sofa set to
gourmet stock your host David has hand-picked
be the finishing touch in a luxurious bedroom,
to celebrate your arrival.
AT A GLANCE ADDRESS: Main Road, De Kelders, Gansbaai, Western Cape. SLEEPS: 6 adults in 2 double rooms and 1 twin-bedded room. LIVING SPACES: The spacious and luxurious living area is centered DURXQG D KXJH ƀUHSODFH 'LQLQJ area (extendable 12-seater antique table) is open to the lounge, which is divided into two sitting areas by a 3m wood-inlay antique Italian table. Floor-to-ceiling cabinet of curiosities, housing collected items as well as books, magazines, CDs, videos and DVDs for entertainment, relaxation and inspiration. From here a glass walled alcove extends from the lounge area, housing a piano and day bed. Open-plan cooking area with wide counter and stools. Around the corner is the kitchen ‘wet’ area that leads to the separate laundry and pantry areas. BEDROOM CONFIGURATION: The three en-suite bedrooms all
have their own outside areas with views either over the garden or to the mountains behind the house. Room 1 has a queen-size bed, and a full en-suite bathroom with spa bath and shower. Room 2 is stylLVKO\ ƀWWHG ZLWK WZR VLQJOH EHGV en-suite shower room and separate toilet. The open-plan lounge area leads to the private patio garden. Room 3 has a king-size bed, also with lounge area. Shower room and toilet are en-suite and there is a small practical study space.
SERVICES & SECURITY: Serviced daily. Rate includes breakfast (if desired), and stocked fridge with local delicacies. Secure walled entrance. State-of-the-art alarm. $UPHG UHVSRQVH EDFN XS :L ƀ throughout.
NEIGHBOURHOOD: Gansbaai—a quieter, less frenetic option to its better known coastal cousin, HerPDQXVśKDV WKH EHQHƀW RI YLUWXDOO\ deserted beaches, as well as sensational marine attractions: From the world’s best shark-cage diving OUTDOOR/FACILITIES: Leading experience at nearby Dyer Island, to from the lounge, the wide terrace guided kayaking trips and some of is ideal for afternoon tea, or sunset the coast’s best boat- and shoredrinks looking out over the private based whale watching. There are Overberg garden, the village of De also numerous trails in the mounKelders and the sweep of Walker tains to discover the Cape’s fynbos Bay. The terrace houses an old on foot or horseback. Climb the fashioned Dover oven as well as stairs at Danger Point’s lighthouse, RSHQ ƀUH IRU D WUDGLWLRQDO %%4 ERWK or visit the southernmost tip of OHDG Rſ IURP WKH NLWFKHQ DUHD 3RRO Africa at Cape Agulhas. White wine section is secluded and shaded by lovers may also be interested to VLOYHU RDN WUHHV IXUQLWXUH IRU GLQLQJ know that the nearby tiny Elim wine and reclining available. Outside region produces some of the best VKRZHU IRU ULQVLQJ Rſ Sauvignon Blanc in the country.
Looking across the artfully decorated spaces is akin to stepping into a Fabergé egg: every inch considered.
Pezula Castle
he most unusual beach residence
feels totally secluded, yet is minutes
on the continent, Pezula Castle
from Knysna and its bustling restaurants
rises from the cliffs above a cres-
and quaint shops. That’s if you can bear
cent sweep of golden beach, its northern
to tear yourselves away from your royal
tip defined by the tea-coloured river
lodgings: with just five suites in three
emptying into the warm Indian Ocean.
separate castle units, it offers friends or
With the beach so empty as to be virtu-
family unheard of privacy, and the most
ally private, and back-dropped by lush,
romantic views of a beach that is regular-
dense indigenous vegetation typical of
ly rated by insiders as the most beautiful
the aptly named Garden Route, the Castle
on South Africa’s 2500km coastline.
AT A GLANCE LOCATION: Noetzie Beach, Pezula Estate (near Knysna), Western Cape. SLEEPS: 10 adults in 5 doubles. LIVING SPACES: Main Castle has a living room on each level and a 10-seater dining room. Honeymoon Castle has an open plan living and dining room which opens onto a terrace. The three castles can only be booked as a single exclusive-use unit. BEDROOM CONFIGURATION: Main Castle has 3 suites. Honeymoon
Castle has its own suite, as does &OLſWRS &DVWOH $OO VXLWHV KDYH stunning sea views and open onto balconies overlooking the beach. %DWKURRPV IHDWXUH KHDWHG ƁRRUV and separate tubs and showers. OUTDOOR/FACILITIES: There is a heated outdoor pool in the garden of the Main Castle. Honeymoon Castle has its own terrace with heated plunge pool. A gazebo perched above the sands provides shaded lounging. Fully-equipped gym.
SERVICES: A discreet team to see to every need, including a personal chef and a 24/7 driver for on-site transfers. Rates include all meals, snacks and drinks as well as the many activities on the resort, including hiking and canoeing excursions, tennis, archery, pétanque, horseriding and use of the golf practise range. SURROUNDS: Part of the Pezula Resort Hotel & Spa, Castle guests enjoy full access to amazing facilities.
The Castle is only 10 minute’s drive from the cosmopolitan town of KnyVQD ZLWK LWV ZDWHUIURQW FRſHH EDUV restaurants and speciality shops. Lagoon cruises and excursions to local animal sanctuaries close to Plettenberg Bay, as well as the Cango Caves and ostrich farms of Oudtshoorn can easily be arranged. $ QXPEHU RI FRPSDQLHV DOVR RſHU adventure activities in the area, including bunjy jumping, diving and forest canopy tours.
Villas by Liz McGr ath S
et like a gem in the centre of Bahia Formosa, ‘Beautiful Bay’, as the Portuguese sailors first named this pretty curve of white sands in the permanent embrace of the blue-tinged Tsitsikamma mountains, Plettenberg Bay is one of South Africa’s best-loved holiday destinations. And these three villas, individually styled by Liz McGrath, all make the most of the bay’s beauty—each with a different architectural style, but located in the best positions, and sharing a sense of cool space in ocean blues and soothing shades of white and taupe. So whether you are a large, active group wanting to be on Plett’s ‘Millionaire’s Mile’ (right across the road from Robberg beach) in swish Beachyhead Villa; or a more laid-back gathering looking to lose yourself in views from the appropriately named Lookout Villa, or prefer the intimate elegance of Beach House (where you enjoy all the luxuries that come with being adjacent to The Plettenberg, Liz McGrath’s 5-star boutique hotel), the best of Plett is at your disposal. Within walking distance of the beach, enjoying a bird’s-eye view of one of the most mammal-rich bays in Africa, yet ensconced in your own richly textured world.
AT A GLANCE LOCATION: Plettenberg Bay, Western Cape. SLEEPS: Beachyhead Villa sleeps 12. Lookout Villa sleeps 6. Beach House sleeps 4. LIVING SPACES: Beachyhead Villa: Open-plan OLYLQJ DUHDV ƁRZ LQWR HDFK RWKHU ZLWK IROG EDFN glass doors allowing for showcase entertaining (12 seater dining table; beautifully equipped kitchen) and easy access to the swimming pool WHUUDFH )HDWXUHV LQFOXGH D JDV ƀUHSODFH ƁDW screen television, DSTV and full surround sound system. Lookout Villa: Open-plan lounge and dining area (seating 10) on a split level; open to galley kitchen. The lounge (full audio and video VXUURXQG VRXQG V\VWHP XQGHU ƁRRU KHDWLQJ leads out onto a covered patio area with seating for 6. The patio is separated from the pool deck E\ D VPDOO ƁLJKW RI VWDLUV %HDFK +RXVH &RPSDFW and multi-levelled, with lounge, small service kitchen, dining room (seating 6), bedrooms, and pool deck. The lounge, situated on the upper OHYHO IHDWXUHV D JDV ƀUHSODFH DQG HQWHUWDLQPHQW system with surround sound.
$OO WKUHH YLOODV RſHU great locations on or overlooking the ‘Beautiful Bay’, providing cool spaces in soothing shades of white.
BEDROOM CONFIGURATION: Beachyhead Villa: 6L[ EHGURRPV DOO $ & XQGHU ƁRRU KHDWLQJ IRXU of them en-suite. Two large main bedrooms on WRS ƁRRU ZLWK VHSDUDWH GUHVVLQJ DUHDV DQG JUHDW RFHDQ YLHZV IURP EDOFRQLHV 7ZR JURXQG ƁRRU bedrooms each with private courtyards; direct access to the outside patio and pool area. Ensuite bathrooms feature large tubs and walk-in showers. Lookout Villa: Three en-suite bedrooms, all with A/C and TVs. The main bedroom leads out onto the deck and private pool. All bathrooms have separate baths and showers. Beach House: Two en-suite (separate baths and showers) bedrooms, both A/C with TVs. The main bedroom (four-poster king) leads onto a deck and private swimming pool, with spectacular views. OUTDOOR/FACILITIES: Beachyhead Villa: Upper OHYHO JURXQG ƁRRU DQG SRRO DUHDV DOO KDYH GHFNV Covered barbeque area and sundeck surround the pool. Lookout Villa & Beach House: Pool with terrace. A/C and Wi-Fi throughout all villas. SERVICES & SECURITY: All rates include breakfast. Beachyhead Villa: Housekeeper to see to needs and prepare breakfast daily (included in rate). Remote controlled gates. Secure parking for 3 cars. Lookout Villa & Beach House: Serviced GDLO\ E\ KRWHO VWDſ ƉƋ KRXU VHFXULW\ 2ſ VWUHHW parking for 2 cars. NEIGHBOURHOOD: Ŝ3OHWWŝ DV LW LV DſHFWLRQDWHO\ known, vies with Hermanus as the country’s most popular coastal destination: some of the best swimming beaches in South Africa, glam restaurants and a host of adventure activities within easy striking distance, including the most superb marine safaris, particularly from July to October.
Urban Sanctuaries Step inside our urban sanctuaries and you can almost feel your pulse slow. Perhaps it’s the views —a lush and verdant garden, a cool Zen courtyard, or a sparkling cityscape, strewn below your feet like a jeweler’s treasure chest. Or perhaps it’s the sounds: the rustle of the breeze through the treetops, a burbling mountain stream or tinkling fountain, a distant foghorn. Certainly it’s a sense of space, combined with the comfort of a cocoon—safely cut off, yet within touching distance of the city you’ve traveled so far to see. It’s an indefinable atmosphere that sets our urban sanctuaries apart, but we handpick them much the way we do all our villas—with an eye on overall design, a natural flow that leads you out onto sun-splashed terraces and pools, décor that invites decadence and relaxation in equal measure, and an unpretentious comfort that says this is a real sanctuary. Because being in the heart of the city shouldn’t mean you have to dance to its beat.
Bridge House ncluded in the Phaidon Atlas of 21st Century Archi-
ered here to celebrate their city sojourn in suitably glam
tecture, and recipient of numerous design awards,
style. Located on the mountain slopes, the house is totally
Bridge House is a true icon of Cape Town’s best
secluded from its neighbours, yet the glass-walled bedrooms
contemporary architecture. Timber walkways connect
and public spaces all provide uninterrupted garden and city
separate glass and steel boxes that appear to float at tree
views. With numerous private decks set in the indigenous
canopy height, while below Cape Town city and harbour
garden, and a heated rim-flow pool that appears to spill into
views beckon. Furnished in a sleek and uncluttered style,
the gurgling mountain stream that tumbles down the slopes
Bridge House—owned by modern design enthusiasts—is
of Table Mountain, this is the ultimate urban sanctuary: sur-
the ideal city pad for a group of friends who have gath-
rounded by birdsong, yet minutes from the city’s nightlife.
AT A GLANCE LOCATION: 12B Glen Avenue, Higgovale, Cape Town. SLEEPS: 8 in 4 double rooms. LIVING SPACES: :LWK ƁRRU WR ceiling glass windows and sliding WLPEHU VKXWWHUV WR ZDUG Rſ WKH VXQ (or ensure total privacy), the main RSHQ SODQ OLYLQJ DUHD IHDWXUHV D ƈƇ ƈƉ VHDWHU WDEOH DQG ORXQJH DUHD DURXQG WKH ƀUHSODFH 7KH kitchen is well equipped and IHDWXUHV PRUH ƁRRU WR FHLOLQJ YLHZV ZLWK VXQ VSODVKHG PRGHUQ FRXQWHUV Stairs lead down to another, smaller dining room and kitchenette with ƁRZ RXW WR WKH ODUJH WLPEHU GHFN IXUQLVKHG ZLWK GHHS FRPIRUWDEOH daybeds and loungers alongside WKH ULP ƁRZ SRRO 'HVLJQHU SLHFHV abound throughout.
%('5220 &21),*85$7,21: 7KUHH YLUWXDOO\ LGHQWLFDO HQ VXLWH bedrooms connected via timber ZDONZD\V DOO IHDWXULQJ JODVV ZDOOV with mountain or garden views. Bedroom one is reached via a EULGJH IURP WKH HQWUDQFH OHYHO DQG KDV D VHSDUDWH ZDON LQ FXSERDUG area; below is bedroom two, with its own lounge area. Bedroom three is in a separate wing, but together these share the small second dining room and kitchen. Bedroom Ƌ NQRZQ DV ş'RQJDŠ LV UHDFKHG YLD D VWRQH SDWKZD\ WKDW IROORZV WKH stream through the garden. Every EHGURRP KDV 79 '9' DQG $ & 287'225 )$&,/,7,(6 Natural indigenous garden with mature WUHHV DQG VWUHDP 1DWXUDOO\ VW\OHG URFN SRRO *DUDJH IRU Ɖ FDUV
6(59,&(6 6(&85,7< )XOO WLPH housekeeper. Serviced daily. Secure ZDOOHG HQWUDQFH 6WDWH RI WKH DUW DODUP $UPHG UHVSRQVH EDFN XS 1(,*+%285+22' Higgovale is the PRVW VRXJKW DIWHU FLW\ ERZO VXEXUE ORFDWHG KLJK RQ WKH VORSHV RI 7DEOH 0RXQWDLQ MXVW ƈƇ PLQXWHV IURP WKH :DWHUIURQW RU EHDFK DQG ZDONLQJ GLVWDQFH WR .ORRIŝV UHVWDXUDQW VWULS The area boasts gorgeous city and KDUERXU YLHZV IUDPHG E\ KXJH established trees: testament to the IDFW WKDW WKLV LV D YLUWXDOO\ ZLQG IUHH DUHD WKLV VPDOO HQFODYH LV WKH PRVW YHUGDQW RI WKH FLW\ VXEXUEV As a result, Higgovale has tradition ally attracted owners that value contemporary architecture, and has WKH KLJKHVW FRQFHQWUDWLRQ RI LFRQLF modern homes in the city.
Ellerman Villa
llerman Villa is in a class of its own. Like a
finishes are unrivalled, with essential creature
21st century ship floating from a spectacularly
comforts such as electronic drapes, a choice of spa
elevated cliffside site, there is nothing but a
rooms, resident therapist, a gourmet stocked fridge,
sheer, dizzying drop between you and the crashing
and your personal choice of DVDs and CDs down-
Atlantic Ocean below. Walls of glass disappear to cre-
loaded into the villa’s main server. Housing one of the
ate a seamless flow, leading you from the ultra modern
finest private art collections in South Africa, this is also
interior spaces—a multitude of lounges, bedrooms
the best introduction to South African art. It’s the most
and pools, all spread over large, open-plan levels—into
exclusive address, in one of the world’s most beautiful
azure shades of sky and sea. The lighting, fittings and
cities, and—for as long as you want it—it’s yours.
AT A GLANCE LOCATION: Queens Road, Bantry Bay, Cape Town.
The downstairs spa rooms can be changed into two double rooms.
SLEEPS: 6 (2 double rooms and 1 twin) or 10 (spa rooms turn into 2 doubles).
OUTDOOR/FACILITIES: Huge teak decks and plunge pool. The Ellerman Hotel gardens are adjacent.
LIVING SPACES: Walls disappear from the main lounge-diningstudy area, opening it to the pool deck. A separate entertainment URRP ZLWK ƁDW VFUHHQ SODVPD television, and two spa rooms. A high-tech stainless steel kitchen, fully stocked with gourmet delicacies.
SECURITY & SERVICES: Butler, private chef and housekeeping team. Rates include airport transfer, breakfast, laundry and local beverages. State-of-the-art alarm and CCTV cameras; gated entrance.
BEDROOM CONFIGURATION: The three en-suite bedrooms (two king; one twin), all with sensational sea views, are on the top level. Bathrooms are ƀQLVKHG LQ WUDYHUWLQH DQG IHDWXUH large showers and separate tubs.
NEIGHBOURHOOD: On a virtually VKHHU FOLſVLGH ZLWK VSHFWDFXODU views that evoke comparisons with the French Riviera, Bantry Bay is one of the most sought after Atlantic seaboard suburbs. Within easy striking distance of Sea Point’s boulevards and Camps Bay’s beachfront strip. The city centre and Waterfront lie 15 minutes away.
Signal View L ocated on the peaceful slopes of
10 minutes drive away. A beautifully
Signal Hill, above the gorgeous
furnished and supremely comfortable
turn-of-the-century homes
multi-level home, Signal View provides
that define the city’s architectural
guests with the kind of space that you
landscape, Signal View offers the best
can disappear and congregate with
of both worlds: a contemporary home
ease, enjoying the flow from indoors
built in the most gracious city sub-
to shaded terraces to enjoy the superb
urb, offering jaw-dropping views of
views, or curl up with a book in the
Cape Town’s iconic mountain and its
secluded pool courtyard. Situated in a
ever-changing moods. Aside from the
secure gated estate, this is arguably the
stunning views of Table Mountain,
most relaxing, peaceful holiday you
the city is literally at your feet, while
can have within walking distance of
the Waterfront and beaches are a mere
the city centre.
AT A GLANCE ADDRESS: Tamboerskloof, City Bowl, Cape Town. SLEEPS: 7 in 1 double room & 2 twin-bedded rooms & 1 single room.
Signal View offers the best of both worlds: a contemporary home built in the most gracious suburb, with jawdropping views.
LIVING SPACES: The double-volume lounge has huge windows and doors framing the Table Mountain and city views; opens onto an outside patio. Luxurious furnishings, UDQJHG DURXQG D FHQWUDO ƀUHSODFH make the most of the view. A few steps above this is the TV room with DVD and music system, furnished with large, comfortable sofa and armchairs. The adjacent dining and kitchen area is large and open-plan, with doors opening onto the pool patio. The dining table is a feature item: a long refectory table that can comfortably seat 12 people, it invites entertaining on a grand scale, as does the beautifully equipped granite-and-wood-topped kitchen, featuring all you need for gourmet entertaining, and more wonderful city and mountain views.
BEDROOM CONFIGURATION: The en-suite master bedroom has a queen-size bed and double doors that open onto a large, romantic patio with stunning city and mountain views. The second bedroom, the highest in the house, has two single beds, more gorgeous views and an en-suite bathroom (shower only). The third (two single beds) and fourth (one single bed and en-suite toilet) bedrooms share a third bathroom with shower. All three bathrooms feature quality PRGHUQ ƀWWLQJV DQG VOLFN JUDQLWH WRS ƀQLVKHV OUTDOOR/FACILITIES: Patio facing Table Mountain and city views with table and chairs. Outdoor covered living area (with comfortably furnished seating area) on protected north side of property. Pool (2.5m x 5.5m) with wooden deck. BBQ. SERVICES & SECURITY: Daily maid service. Double garage. Gated security complex. Alarm system with armed response back-up.
Madiba Villa T
ucked away on the historic Cellars-Hohenort estate, in the winegrowing valley of Constantia, Madiba Villa is a peaceful idyll, ideal for a small family or couple who wish to escape the hurly
burly of the city. Surrounded by lush, award-winning gardens, guests enjoy verdant views from every window, and wonderful proximity to the Constantia wine route, where Cape wines have been produced since the 1600s, including the legendary Vin de Constance, favourite tipple of both Jane Austen and Napoleon. Providing all the facilities you’d expect from a Relais & Chateaux property (the hotel is adjacent), Madiba Villa combines decadent service levels with the atmosphere of a semi-rural retreat. Yet, for those who love to shop: the Villa is minutes from the shopping meccas of Constantia Village and Cavendish, less than 20 minutes from the city centre and Waterfront, and just over 20 minutes from the quirky antique and clothing shops of the coastal village of Kalk Bay.
AT A GLANCE LOCATION: Brommersvlei Road, Constantia, Cape Town. SLEEPS: 4 or 6 in 2 or 3 double rooms. LIVING SPACE: Enter from your private courtyard and plunge pool into a comfortably furnished sitting and dining URRP DUHD VHDWLQJ ƍ ZLWK JDV ƀUHSODFH built-in bar and small service kitchen. BEDROOM CONFIGURATION: Two bedrooms are located upstairs, with a large main en-suite double room (separate tub and double shower) and second en-suite bedroom (shower and tub combined). Both have walk-in cupboards and Juliette balconies. There is an optional third HQ VXLWH EHGURRP OHDGLQJ Rſ WKH ORXQJH area. All bedrooms are air-conditioned and have under-carpet heating.
The villa combines decadent service levels with the atmosphere of a semirural retreat.
OUTDOOR/FACILITIES: The villa has a small private courtyard and plunge pool. 7KH &HOODUV +RKHQRUW HVWDWH RſHUV WZR large heated swimming pools; two superb restaurants; boules pitch; a tennis court; a spa and hair salon, and a Gary Playerdesigned chipping and putting green. SERVICES & SECURITY: Part of the ultrasecure Cellars-Hohenort Hotel, Madiba Villa enjoys 24/7 butler service. Complimentary transfers at set times to Groot Constantia Wine Estate, Virgin (fullservice gym), Waterfront, Constantia Village, Kirstenbosch and Cavendish. NEIGHBOURHOOD: Known as Cape Town’s ‘mink and manure’ belt, Constantia’s leafy lanes meander past paddocks and large country estates, and are surrounded by views of vineyards DQG IRUHVWV FDUSHWLQJ WKH ƁDQNV RI 7DEOH Mountain. Home to one of the best shopping villages in the Cape, and (aside from the charming wine route), provides easy access to the quaint coastal villages of the southern peninsula.
Villa Vuyo
t’s the view that does it. But before you find yourself
(and elevating) yoga studio. Then there’s the accommoda-
floating above the lush, treed valley of Hout Bay, there
tion: three gorgeous light-filled bedrooms, and a separate
is the all-encompassing peace of the villa itself. Aside
three-bedroom lodge for guests. And of course, a view from
from the size—a sprawling villa over 495 sq m, there is the
every window. Gazing at the grandiose granite outcrops
harmonious and soothing palette: taupe and turquoise,
that define the valley, the sheer green slopes dropping into
mushroom greys and olive greens, a touch of bronze or
the unique ‘Republic of Hout Bay’, where horses graze on
drop of chocolate. And everywhere the raw honesty of
fields alongside some of the Cape’s quirkiest stores and
natural materials—thick linen, pure cotton, real hide,
fabulous restaurants, one can’t help but feel privileged.
quality hardwoods. It’s a sensual earthy home, a place to
Seconds from the world famous Chapman’s Peak drive.
nurture the spirit, from the private steam room to the
Minutes from Llundudno beach or the Constantia wine-
well-tended herb garden; spruce tennis court to elevated
lands. But most importantly: at home, and at peace.
AT A GLANCE ADDRESS: Stirrup Lane Extension, Hout Bay, Cape Town. SLEEPS: 6 in Main House (2 double rooms and 1 twin) and 6 in Court Lodge (2 double rooms and 1 twin)
From here you can see Table Mountain Park undulate its way to Cape Point, and at night the pulsating glow from Kommetjie lighthouse as it glistens across the sea.
LIVING SPACES: The double-volume lounge, centred around a woodEXUQLQJ ƀUHSODFH LV RSHQ WR WKH GLQLQJ area (seating 10) and kitchen. Surrounded by windows, you are drawn by the valley views; step outside onto the timber deck and pool or slide back the glass doors opposite to relax on the shaded patio, back-dropped by a lush green dell. There is a separate entertainment lounge, with large-screen TV and surround sound system. Located above the tennis court, Court Lodge has its own lounge-cum-kitchen and RXWVLGH VHDWLQJ DQG LV VLPLODUO\ ƀQLVKHG with quality furnishings. BEDROOM CONFIGURATION: Two en-suite bathrooms (one furnished with a king-size bed, the other with twins) on the ground level. Both feature large bathrooms with walk-in drench showers and separate tubs. Both have gorgeous views, but the stunner is the main en-suite bedroom, located in the huge loft space. From here you can see Table Mountain Park undulate its way to Cape Point, and at night the pulsating glow from Kommetjie lighthouse as it glistens across the sea. Court Lodge features a main en-suite bedroom and two bedrooms (double bed; twin beds) sharing a bathURRP 6LPLODU ƀQLVKHV DUH XVHG WKURXJKRXW OUTDOOR/FACILITIES: The main house has a large deck around the 13m pool, with bar and BBQ, and a table under shade seating 8. There is also a cool green garden area with patio furniture on the mountain side. Herb garden. Garage for 2 cars. SECURITY & SERVICES: Full time housekeeper/maintenance manager. Serviced daily. Secure walled entrance and electric fencing. State-of-the-art alarm and CCTV cameras. Armed response back-up. NEIGHBOURHOOD: A 15-minute scenic coastal drive from Camps Bay and the city, or 20 minutes through the wooded neck to Constantia, Hout Bay is ringed by majestic mountains. As such it has a unique character, so much so that it’s proud inhabitants have declared it the ‘Republic of Hout Bay’. Plenty of restuarants and shopping RSWLRQV KRUVHULGLQJ KDUERXU WULSV VXUƀQJ And that’s before you’ve left Hout Bay!
Hoëveld House J ohannesburg, Jo’burg, eGoli, Jozi . . . ever-
court. Interiors feel intimate enough for two,
evolving, the continent’s most happening
yet the house is able to absorb any number of
city is home to a socially vibrant society
guests (the pool pavilion alone can seat up to
that entertains on a level only found in Africa’s
80!) and is secure enough to house heads of
big apple. And Hoëveld (“Highlands”) House is
state. But above all, we love this house for its
certainly designed to celebrate the high life. An
soothing atmosphere: in this serene retreat,
elegant double-storey mansion, with gracious
seated in the shade of a century-old tree, it’s
French-influenced interiors that flow into the
hard to believe you are minutes from the urban
two-acre garden, the Villa makes the most of the
metropolis of central Sandton, where the
glorious highveld weather, with a magnificent
continent’s major financial deals are struck,
garden embracing the huge pool and tennis
and the country’s finest designers put up shop.
AT A GLANCE ADDRESS: 5th Avenue, Inanda, Sandton, Johannesburg. SLEEPS: 8 in 4 double rooms. LIVING SPACES: Two lounge areas and separate dining room. All the main living areas lead out to the expansive gardens. Aside from the study and cocktail bar there is a boardroom/ function room seating up to 60 pax at round tables. Well-equipped kitchen. Massage/resting room. BEDROOM CONFIGURATION: All four spacious bedrooms, individually decorated, are located on the second level. All bathrooms are en-suite with separate tub and shower. The main suite has his and her dressing rooms and bathrooms. All bedrooms have PLQLEDUV 79V DQG XQGHUƁRRU KHDWLQJ OUTDOOR FACILITIES: Beautiful garden, huge pool and pool pavilion. Floodlit tennis court. Cricket nets. Secure parking for up to 20 vehicles. SERVICES & SECURITY: Fully serviced. Full time estate manager/butler/ gourmet chef, housekeeper, 2 butlers and a gardener; all included in the rate. High-level security, including 24/7 manned guard house, electric fencing, fully-monitored security camera system and armed response back-up. NEIGHBOURHOOD: Within minutes of the city’s top shopping destinations— Sandton City and Rosebank. Aside from shopping, dining and nightlife in WKH QRUWKHUQ VXEXUEV WKH FLW\ RſHUV some excellent drawcards such as the Apartheid Museum, Soweto tours, and the Cradle of Humankind, a World Heritage Site where paleoanthropologists are still unearthing clues to humankind’s origins.
33 Melville Road
ituated in one of Sandton’s most exclusive
continent’s top safari destinations, the talented owner
residential suburbs, minutes from the city’s
has reinvented ‘Afro-chic’ with an eclectic mix of
most sophisticated shopping and business
vintage and modern, and a novel, playful approach
areas, 33 Melville Road epitomizes all that is best
to predictable ethnic artefacts. Walls display a superb
about living in Johannesburg: a rambling mansion,
collection of internationally renowned South African
subtly African in style, with sprawling gardens,
art, yet there is the wonderful irreverence of a
elegant, comfortable spaces that beg entertaining,
collection of 60s terracotta garden gnomes—just one
and discreet, intelligent staff. Designed by Stefan
of many delightful tongue-in-cheek touches. It’s this
Ahrends in the early 1950s, the house retains a
charming combination of class and humour that
gracious colonial feel, but it is the interiors that
makes 33 Melville Road such an appealing home. One
truly surprise and delight, augmenting the period
that welcomes those who know that true luxury is not
detailing and materials in an authentic yet very
defined by a price tag but by a discriminating eye for
off-beat way. Having spent years travelling the
the rare and unusual.
AT A GLANCE ADDRESS: 33 Melville Road, Hyde Park, Johannesburg. SLEEPS: 6 in 3 double rooms (or 1 double and 2 twins). LIVING SPACES: Enter the grand entrance hall into all the main entertainment areas. The original ballroom is still the social heart of this gracious home, with a variety of seating areas (accommodating up to 30 people comfortably), including a bar area. The room leads onto the deep shaded outdoor terrace overlooking the gardens and pool. The study lounge is a cozy URRP ƀOOHG ZLWK ERRNV ZLWK FRPI\ FRXFKHV 79 DQG ƀUHSODFH WR FDWHU for all tastes in entertainment. The formal dining room (accommodating up to 12 people) has doors opening onto the terrace; another leads to the breakfast room. The kitchen is large, open and sunny, with a breakfast table that can accommodate up to 12 people. More doors open to the patio, where there is another dining area shaded by umbrellas. BEDROOM CONFIGURATION: All bedrooms are equally spacious and overlook the gardens. Large, luxurious bathrooms (separate tubs and showers). Bedroom 1 (double bed; others have 2 single bases that can be made into king-size beds) has a comfortable anteroom. All bedrooms have TVs, individual sound systems and DVD players on demand. On the landing area (between all three rooms) is another anteroom with doors leading onto a furnished balcony for relaxing and enjoying the garden views.
OUTDOOR/FACILITIES: Deep shaded terrace functions as outdoor room with comfortable lounge and dining area (seating up to 12 people) overlooking the rose gardens, rolling lawns, tennis court and swimming pool. High tech entertainment facilities throughout; centralized music system extends to the outdoor terrace. Double garage houses two luxury cars for guest use (driver included). Ample parking for up to 8 extra cars. A small gym (private gym and tennis instruction can be arranged). SERVICES & SECURITY: Serviced GDLO\ %UHDNIDVWV FRſHH WHD VQDFNV and local beverages are all included in the rate, as is laundry. Airport and local transfers also included. The house is secured with walled entrance, state-of-the-art alarm and excellent armed response back-up. NEIGHBOURHOOD: Hyde Park, considered one of the most wellestablished, ‘old-money’ suburbs, RſHUV HDV\ DFFHVV WR WKH QRUWKHUQ suburb’s up-market restaurants, shopping malls, and clubs for moneyed socialites. It’s also considered one of the safest locations. Aside from dining and shopping, IXUWKHU DƀHOG WKH FLW\ RſHUV VRPH excellent tourist drawcards—don’t miss an opportunity to visit to the Apartheid Museum, take a tour of Soweto, and time allowing, visit the Cradle of Humankind, a World Heritage Site where paleoanthropologists are unearthing clues to humankind’s origins, or a visit the Origins Centre, where you can track your own ancestors with DNA testing.
Winelands Villas It has been said that vines only truly flourish in places of extreme beauty. Which may explain the exceptional character of the Cape’s wines, produced by a terroir typified by rich, fertile valleys watered by crystal-clear springs filtered through granite and limestone, and cooled by winter rains and summer coastal breezes. There are over a dozen designated wine routes in the Cape, but the most popular—Helderberg, Stellenbosch, Paarl, and Franschhoek—are contained within the area known as the Winelands, and offer the best combination of historic architecture, world-class wines and unparalleled dining—all served with a generous helping of vineyard-clad views. Which makes a Winelands’ Villa the perfect place for gourmands seeking sybaritic pleasures in rural peace, yet within 40 to 75 minutes from the city centre.
Eagle’s Villa P erched high above the Cape’s oldest wine-producing area, the aptly
named Eagle’s Villa takes full advantage of its panoramic surrounds, with large folding glass doors and extensive balconies and patios
from which to marvel at the lush forest, rolling vineyards and majestic
mountainscape. Interiors are uncluttered, with a natural palette to reflect the quiet and contemplative mood the house evokes. It’s a place that invites relaxation and engagement in equal measure: from working out in the 20m lap pool to reclining in the postcard-perfect picnic area in the garden, or strolling along the many gorgeous walks (all starting right from your front door!) and sampling the award-winning wines from the surrounding vineyards. A chic rural retreat, yet a mere 20-minute chauffeur-driven trip to the city centre. The Eagle has indeed landed.
AT A GLANCE LOCATION: Constantia Road, Constantia, Cape Town. SLEEPS: 8 in 4 double rooms (or 3 double and 1 twin-bedded room).
Perched high DERYH WKH &DSHŝV oldest wineproducing area, WKH YLOOD WDNHV IXOO DGYDQWDJH RI the panoramic surrounds, with ODUJH IROGLQJ JODVV doors, balconies and patios to HQMR\ WKH PDMHVWLF YLHZV
LIVING SPACES: A wrap-around ZRRGHQ GHFN OHDGV Rſ IURP DOO entertainment areas on the ground ƁRRU 7KH VXQNHQ IRUPDO ORXQJH ZLWK ƀUHSODFH LV RSHQ WR WKH GLQLQJ room with 10-seater table. The DGMDFHQW RSHQ SODQ NLWFKHQ LV IXOO\ HTXLSSHG ZLWK D VFXOOHU\ SDQWU\ DQG ODXQGU\ URRP DWWDFKHG 7KH VHFRQG ORXQJH ZLWK 79 ƀUHSODFH and bar area) runs alongside the kitchen and leads onto the outdoor entertainment/pool area. The third ORXQJH LV RQ WKH VHFRQG ƁRRU ZLWK workstation (desktop computer; printer; Wi-Fi throughout). BEDROOM CONFIGURATION: The VSDFLRXV DQG LPPDFXODWHO\ ƀWWHG open-plan master bedroom with IRXU SRVWHU NLQJ VL]H EHG ODYLVKO\
Journey’s End V
iews are always a key criterion when selecting our villas, but Journey’s End really is a showstopper. Travelling along the gravel road that climbs ever higher up the
imposing Hottentots Holland mountain range, past bucolic vineyards cooled by coastal breezes, you just know you’re heading somewhere special. And when the journey finally ends at this gorgeous estate, and you’re greeted by the dramatic sweeping views of the entire False Bay coastline, you know you’ve arrived. With craggy mountains that plunge into a glistening ocean seemingly as far as the eye can see, it’s a view that captures the majesty of the Cape, softened by the vineyard carpet at your feet, planted in a terroir that consistently produces awardwinning wines. A modern incarnation of the African farmhouse, Journey’s End offers sprawling easy-living spaces, built to make the most of the local lifestyle—a great space to entertain, kick back, cool off, get comfortable and really, really relax… Whoever said it’s the journey that counts, never ended it here.
Whoever said it’s the journey that counts never ended it here, greeted by the sweeping False Bay coastline.
AT A GLANCE LOCATION: Journey’s End Estate, Somerset West, Western Cape. SLEEPS: 10 in 3 double rooms and 2 twin-bedded rooms. LIVING SPACES: The living areas are all open plan with doors leading to the RXWGRRUV FUHDWLQJ DQ HDV\ ƁRZ WR WKH stunning views. The kitchen has an informal living area leading to the FRXUW\DUG DQG LQƀQLW\ SRRO DQG %%4 area. The more formal dining room (seating up to 12 people) has views of the pool. Most areas have panoramic views over the vineyards to False Bay—on a clear day you can see right through to the Cape of Good Hope. The loft-style TV area with sound system overlooks the lounge area. BEDROOM CONFIGURATION: $OO ƀYH rooms are en-suite with stunning views. Two of the bedrooms are downstairs; three are upstairs. One of the upstairs bedrooms has its own private entrance and kitchenette. OUTDOOR/FACILITIES: The outdoor entertainment area is well equipped ZLWK FRPIRUWDEOH VHDWLQJ DQG %%4
The pool has gorgeous views over the bay. There is a large veranda in front to enjoy more splendid views. )DFLOLWLHV LQFOXGH KRUVHULGLQJ ƀVKLQJ winetasting and hiking. SERVICES & SECURITY: Serviced daily. There is a farm manager living on the premises. State-of-the-art alarm system. A full catering service is available on request. SURROUNDS: The Cape Helderberg (45 minutes’ drive from Cape Town) is one of the most visually dramatic areas in the Cape, with the Hottentots Holland and Helderberg Mountain ranges a backdrop against which the valley descends into vineyards and ƀQDOO\ RQWR D FRDVWOLQH VZHSW ZLWK white, sandy beaches. A designated wine-producing region bordering 6WHOOHQERVFK LW EHQHƀWV IURP VRXWK facing slopes and coastal breezes. Aside from wine tours, and the beaches and waterfront delights of *RUGRQŝV %D\ WKHUH LV D PDJQLƀFHQW FRDVWDO URXWH WR +HUPDQXVśXQRƂFLDO whale-watching capital of the Cape.
Paarl Rock Villa erched high on the slopes of
profile that covers stately Cape Dutch
Paarl mountain, under the
and frilly Victorian; well-proportioned
glistening granite rock that gave
Edwardian and colourful Art Deco.
the valley its name, you’ll feel rather like
Part of the beautiful Cape Winelands,
a leopard sprawled in the bow of the tall-
Paarl offers easy access to the estates
est tree, only far more comfortable. The
and wines that have put it on every
multi-levelled Paarl Rock Villa offers
oenophile’s map. After touring the
every luxury, but it’s the view (a familiar
region’s top wineries, as the sun starts
refrain!) we truly love. Embraced by the
to sink behind the mountains, there are
craggy Drakenstein mountain range,
few greater pleasures than retiring to
much of it covered in vineyards, Paarl
this elevated lair to sample your plunder
valley beckons below—third oldest town
—you’ll not have to lift a finger, other
in South Africa, with an architectural
than to summon your butler.
AT A GLANCE LOCATION: Monte Cristo Avenue, Paarl, Cape Winelands. SLEEPS: 10 in 5 double rooms. LIVING SPACES: The open-plan entertainment area (middle level) has two spacious lounges, dining room (seating up to 12) and bar, all leading onto the extensive pool terrace. The bar area has a Baby Grand; a few steps below lies the formal lounge, and the TV lounge OHDGV Rſ WKLV IUHH ƁRZLQJ entertainment area. Serviced by a state-of-the-art kitchen. BEDROOM CONFIGURATION: All the bedrooms, most of them (4) on the top level, enjoy spectacular views and have private bathrooms; three are en-suite while two have
bathrooms situated across the upstairs landing. All bathrooms have separate tub and shower. The main suite is the largest and features a Jacuzzi bath glass brick shower with a skylight. All bedrooms have a TV and DVD player.
SERVICES AND SECURITY: Serviced daily. Breakfast cooked daily when you rise (included in rate, as are FRſHH WHD DQG VRIW GULQNV %XWOHU service is also included in the rate. Security comprises alarm, perimeter beams and armed response back-up.
OUTDOOR/FACILITIES: Paarl Rock Villa is built on a double terraced plot with carefully landscaped gardens. The heated pool and fountain terrace (middle level) is furnished with comfortable seating, pool loungers and umbrellas, and dining table (seating 10). There is a gas BBQ and Weber. The fullyHTXLSSHG J\P RſHUV D -DFX]]L sauna and steam shower and opens onto the pool terrace. Garage and carport can both take two cars, ZLWK Rſ VWUHHW SDUNLQJ IRU D IXUWKHU four cars.
NEIGHBOURHOOD: Located in a quiet residential area, overlooking the picturesque valley. A mere 45 minutes from Cape Town, and 20 minutes from Franschhoek, Paarl Rock Villa is perfectly positioned to combine sightseeing trips to the city with visits to the Winelands’ numerous award-winning estates, restaurants and golf-courses (15 minutes from two championship golf courses), as well as a nearby polo venue. Aside from wine tours, there is plenty to enjoy, from FKHHVH WDVWLQJ WR EXWWHUƁ\ VSRWWLQJ
One of life’s great pleasures: retiring to this lair to sample your plunder.
Safari Villas Welcome to a world where nature is still all-pervasive, powerful, humbling. Safari means ‘journey’, and that is exactly what it is: a thrilling voyage that will leave you awed by the fundamental values of the wilderness—its timeless beauty and ceaseless cycles, indifferent to the presence of man. A reprieve from the constant assault of technology, the safari experience will leave you physically, mentally and spiritually refreshed. And what better than to share it with friends and family in your very own private bush home. Renowned for the beauty of its game-rich reserves, we bring you a selection of the most secluded, most romantic Safari Villas on the continent.
1933 Lodge ou have to know your
doors create a seamless connection
roots in order to find
with the romantic bushveld setting.
your wings.” This was
The look is classic-contemporary;
a favoured adage of Guy Aubrey
the feel weathered and natural, with
Chalkley, who purchased this pris-
muted tones and textures to blend
tine tract of bush back in 1933. With
with the bush surrounds. It’s sophis-
his prescient gift Chalkley, great-
ticated, ideal for the globetrotter
grandfather of the current owners,
used to luxury, yet a great destination
both rooted his descendents and gave
for kids, with a specially-designed
their imagination flight—used to ad-
children’s area with an interleading
mirable effect in the design of their
room for the au-pair. After all, 1933
unpretentious family bush home.
was designed by an African family
Located on a prime spot (where
that has been at home in this
Chalkley liked to sit and write), on
unspoilt wilderness for almost a
the shaded banks of the Sabie River,
century, and knows how to commune
large glass windows and sliding
and live in perfect harmony with it.
AT A GLANCE LOCATION: Lion Sands Private Reserve, Sabi Sands, Greater Kruger.
There is a private boma area, as well as a gymnasium, sauna and well-stocked wine cellar.
SLEEPS: 8 adults in 4 doubles and up to 8 children (plus au pair) in kid’s room.
SERVICES: Guests can create their own menu, prepared by their private chef, as well as their own itinerary, with game drives undertaken in their own open-topped vehicle with private game guide – morning and evening game drives or bush walks are part of your daily programme. These services are included in the rate, as are all local beverages and house wines, laundry and Skukuza airport transfers (25 minutes away).
LIVING SPACES: The lounge opens onto a large, wraparound wooden deck and lap-size swimming pool. An equally natural gathering place is the kitchen, which opens onto a dining area that’s equally suited to informal family meals or a banquet DſDLU DQG OHDGV RQWR WKH ZRRGHQ deck. The lodge also has a comfortable library/TV lounge with internet connectivity. BEDROOM CONFIGURATION: All four spacious suites enjoy private river views; one adjoins the main living area while the other three are separate units linked with raised wooden walkways. Bathrooms are equally inviting, with elegant tubs and outdoor showers. All rooms have A/C and stocked minibars (included in rate). OUTDOOR/FACILITIES: The timber deck, with various seating areas, and lap-size swimming pool overlook the perennial Sabie River.
NEIGHBOURHOOD: Lion Sands 1933 is located in the Sabi Sand Game Reserve, renowned for its great game viewing and the habituation of its wildlife, allowing for closeup animal encounters. Sabi Sands forms part of the Greater Limpopo Transfrontier Park, a vast unfenced area of wildlands incorporating the famous Kruger National Park. The location of Lion Sands, overlooking the perennial Sabie River, provides exceptional game viewing, particularly in dryer months (May-Sept) when animals are drawn to the river to slake their thirst.
The home was designed by an African family who has been at home in the bush for almost a century.
Ulusaba Cliff Lodge redictably, Richard Branson’s private African suite
losing out on urban pleasures. Accessed via a raised wooden
is not your traditional Safari Villa. Built into a steep
walkway from nearby Rock Lodge, Cliff Lodge is private
rock face that towers above a huge game-rich plain,
enough for special occasions although guests may choose
Cliff Lodge has views that will take your breath away, but
at any time to join those at the main camp, where activi-
facilities that will make you feel right at home: from the
ties as diverse as helicopter flips and stargazing in the bush
maxi bar to the mini Aroma Boma spa, the outdoor BBQ to
observatory are on offer, and the atmosphere is often as
the flat-screen TVs and Nintendo Wii, this is really for those
exuberant as the billionaire who built this lodge to celebrate
who want to experience the beauty of the bush, without
his abiding love for the African bush.
AT A GLANCE LOCATION: Ulusaba Private Game Reserve, Sabi Sand, Greater Kruger. SLEEPS: 5 adults (2 doubles plus a single) or 4 adults and up to 6 children.
The atmosphere is often as exuberant as the billionaire who built this exclusive lodge to celebrate his abiding love for the African bush.
LIVING SPACES: The main lounge/dining DUHDV RſHU SDQRUDPLF YLHZV DFURVV WKH savannah plain below and lead onto an outdoor deck and dining area where up to 10 people can have dinner; should you tire of staring at the unfolding drama below WKHUH LV D ƀUHSODFH ƁDW VFUHHQ 79 '9' player and Nintendo Wii. The kitchen is separate to this area and accessed towards the back of the lounge through a door. The second lounge area (open plan to the second suite bedroom) also features a ƀUHSODFH ƁDW VFUHHQ 79 DQG '9' %('5220 &21),*85$7,21 The two main bedrooms are very spacious with RSHQ SODQ VHDWLQJ DUHDV DQG NLQJ VL]H EHG Two children can be accommodated on VLQJOH SXOO RXW EHGV UHVSHFWLYHO\ %RWK HQ VXLWH EDWKURRPV DUH RSHQ SODQ ZLWK tubs built into a cove with windows opening RQWR WKH EXVK RſHULQJ VSHFWDFXODU YLHZV Showers are separate and feature more bush views. There are spacious dressing areas with separate WC. A small spiral staircase leads downstairs to a second bed room with daybed (for 1 adult or 2 children) DQG HQ VXLWH EDWKURRP ZLWK VHSDUDWH :& (shower only, no bath). This bedroom leads onto a lower deck with pool. 287'225 )$&,/,7,(6 &OLſ /RGJH IHDWXUHV D GLQLQJ GHFN ZLWK EXLOW LQ %%4 WKDW OHDGV from the lounge and main bedroom. Below is another deck with gorgeous views, private swimming pool and direct access WR D PLQL J\P DQG WKH PLQL Ŝ$URPD %RPDŝ spa. The second suite opens onto its own SULYDWH YLHZLQJ GHFN ZLWK -DFX]]L *DPH drives; walking safaris; cultural, wildlife or scenic tours, including helicopter trips. Bush observatory. Tennis courts. SERVICES: )XOO ERDUG ZLWK H[FOXVLYH XVH of a private chef and private game drive vehicle as well as drinks (quality wines and champagne) included in rate. 1(,*+%285+22' Ulusaba is located in ZRUOG UHQRZQHG 6DEL 6DQG 2OGHVW RI WKH private reserves in South Africa, the Sabi Sand is a pristine wilderness area, home to a vast wildlife population that moves untrammeled between it and the Kruger, known as the birthplace of sustainable wildlife tourism in Southern Africa.
Pioneer & Granite sk any seasoned safari-hopper: sighting leopard
private bush school teacher—will turn the most urban
on your first-game drive is pure luck. Unless
kid into an ardent nature lover. For grown-ups only, the
of course you’re traversing the 14 000-hectare
romantic Granite Villa is the best in the Kruger arena:
Londolozi, the best place in Africa to see these otherwise
three beautiful suites that appear as a natural extension
shy, elusive cats. But Londolozi offers so much more
from the granite boulders that flank the Sand River, with
than superb wildlife viewing. A family-run affair, staff
private plunge pools that appear to be built into the
is of the warmest, most welcoming in Africa, with a pas-
boulders. The emphasis is on space, light and privacy
sion for the bush that is infectious. The accommodation
with large doors opening directly onto the river to
is also unparalleled: families looking for a relaxed yet
create a wonderful integration with nature—close
luxurious safari will feel totally at home in Pioneer Villa,
enough to hear the burbling river while lying in bed,
where the superb children’s programme—featuring a
dappled by the 500-year-old riverine forest.
AT A GLANCE LOCATION: Londolozi Private Game Reserve, Sabi Sands, Greater Kruger. SLEEPS: 6 (in 3 double rooms) respectively. LIVING SPACE: Pioneer exudes a very relaxed atmosphere, with colonial memorabilia, Portmeirion crockery and mismatched pieces conveying a sense of lived-in elegance. The more contemporary Granite Suites mirror the extrusion RI JUDQLWH URFNV WKDW ƁDQN WKH FDPS LQ D SDOHWWH RI VLOYHU charcoal and elephant grey. BEDROOM CONFIGURATION: $OO VXLWHV RſHU WKH KHLJKW RI OX[XU\ ZLWK JHQHURXV VSDFHV NLQJ VL]H EHGV ƀUHSODFHV A/C, salas, indoor and outdoor showers, separate tubs and private heated plunge pools. Views from every angle. OUTDOOR/FACILITIES: In addition to the individual suite plunge pools, there is a main camp pool for family gatherings at Pioneer. Plenty of shaded outdoor seating and relaxation areas that make the most of the bush views in both Villas. SERVICES: A dedicated team to ensure your total comfort, including private ranger for morning and evening game drives in an open-topped vehicle, or bush walks with experienced trackers. Aside from meals and snacks, rates include all local beverages, house wines and beers, as well a daily yoga class, kids’ programme and laundry services.
Aside from being the best place on the continent to see leopards, this is a family-run affair, and staff is of the warmest, most welcoming in Africa.
NEIGHBOURHOOD: The 14000-hectare Londolozi is in the heart of the Sabi Sands Game Reserve, which in turn forms part of the Greater Limpopo Transfrontier Park, a vast unfenced area of wildlands incorporating the famous Kruger National Park. Renowned for the relaxed nature of the leopards, the Sabi Sands game reserve is also incredibly densely populated with lions, hyenas, rhino and ODUJH KHUGV RI HOHSKDQW DQG EXſDOR ,W LV LQ WKLV ULFK ZLOG wonderland that Pioneer and the Private Granite Suites reside, secluded amongst towering trees on the banks of the Sand River. Morning and evening game drives, bush walks and birdwatching are part of your daily programme.
Afr ica House
frica House is unlike any other Safari Villa on
the continent. Magpie collector and owner Liz Biden is a supreme master at combining the quirky with the classy, the timeless with the unexpected, creating gorgeous interiors with so much interest and texture that most first-time visitors keep reaching for their camera to capture it all. It’s not just the skill with which she combines objects; her use of colour is also exceptional: gold and chocolate off set with watermelon pink; turquoise with pale lime; sage with olive. Best of all, it’s a dressed down kind of decadence that invites easy, informal, barefoot living. Located near the Timbavati area, part of the greater Kruger Park, game viewing is also excellent. Located a short drive away, ‘The Waters of Royal Malewane Bush Spa’ is also regularly rated as one of the top in Africa. Food too is exceptional. Service of the best in the world. All in all, a pretty flawless experience. Which must be why so many of our celebrity clients choose to dock themselves here.
AT A GLANCE LOCATION: Royal Malewane Private Nature Reserve, Greater Kruger. SLEEPS: 12 in 4 double rooms and 2 twin rooms (or 6 double rooms if you prefer). LIVING SPACE: Enter through huge iron-studded doors into the walled courtyard, where the tinkling of a fountain creates a cool and welcoming atmosphere. The lounge and dining room are large and open up to a covered deck with more seating and dining options. 7KH KLJK FHLOLQJHG VSDFH LV ƀOOHG with just enough clutter to render it cozy and intimate.
BEDROOM CONFIGURATION: Four of the large, comfortable suites feature four-poster king-size beds; two are twins. Spacious bathrooms with free-standing slipper baths, and indoor and outdoor showers. OUTDOOR/FACILITIES: Large deck with a pool and covered outdoor area on the deck. Private courtyard. SERVICES: Africa House is serviced by a dedicated team. Rates include private chef and all meals; private butler and all local beverages and house wines; own game ranger, tracker and vehicle, as well as incidentals such as laundry. John
Jackson, General Manager and Executive Chef, is both charming host and true perfectionist—you will want for nothing. RESERVE: Situated within the greater Kruger National Park, there is an abundance of game species found in this 13 000-ha private reserve, including the Big Five (black and white rhino), as well as more than 300 bird species. Game viewing is tailored to guests’ individual needs, either by open Land Rover or on foot. Royal Malewane is privileged to have the only surviving Master Tracker currently working in Southern Africa.
Royal Madikwe
oted one of the top four
making Royal Madikwe an ideal
villas in the world by
destination for families. Villa
the World Luxury Hotel
staff then also actively welcome
Awards, Royal Madikwe has it all:
children, with a full-time nanny
exclusivity, privacy and luxury, in
to assist parents, child-friendly
the heart of one of the most game-
rooms, as well as a host of activities
rich reserves in Africa. Bordering
designed on arrival around the
Botswana, Madikwe Reserve has
specific interests of your chil-
the second-largest elephant popu-
dren. With five open-style luxury
lation in South Africa, and guests
suites, each privately located, and
are virtually assured of sighting
a choice of generous indoor and
the ‘Magnificent Seven’: in
outdoor living spaces, the Villa
addition to the Big 5, there is the
offers the ideal environment for
thrill of spotting cheetah and wild
families and groups of friends to
dog, Southern Africa’s most endan-
enjoy the magnificence of the
gered predator. The reserve has the
African bush, in the barefoot
added benefit of being malaria-free,
comfort of their own company.
AT A GLANCE ADDRESS: Madikwe Game Reserve, NorthWest, bordering Botswana. SLEEPS: 10 adults in 5 double rooms, and up to 6 children. LIVING SPACES: The main lodge is a vast open area comprising a lounge, bar and dining area and surrounded by a variety of decks and seating areas; all designed to provide total comfort while viewing the game that visits the waterhole. On the second level is a library and TV lounge. BEDROOM CONFIGURATION: Five privately located freestanding suites, each with own plunge pool. The Royal Suite has its own kitchen and dining area, TV lounge and library, and accommodation for two children in addition to two adults. There is a children’s wing in the main
house (sleeps 4) plus accommodation for a nanny or au pair should you require. OUTDOOR/FACILITIES: There are numerous outdoor dining options, salas and large decks surrounding the main house and pool. Every suite has a viewing platform and private plunge pool. SERVICES: A team dedicated to seeing to your daily needs, including personal chef, ranger and private open-topped vehicle. Butler and nanny optional. Rates include all meals, local beverages, game viewing activities and laundry. RESERVE: Madkiwe’s rocky hills, perennial rivers, seasonal wetlands, acacia bushveld, savanna grassland, and arid Kalahari sandveld allow it to support a huge and varied range of species. Madikwe, SA’s fourth largest reserve, remains large enough to satisfy visitors starved for solitude and craving exclusivity, something the more popular reserves adjoining Kruger can’t always deliver.
Morukuru Villas erched under ancient Morukuru trees at the edge
bush setting on the other end of the reserve. At night, the
of the Marico River, its cascading waters a gentle,
range of experiences runs from sleeping under the stars in
subliminal backtrack, Morukuru’s riverside bush
a treehouse hide, to sampling award-winning wines from
villas—The Lodge and Owner’s House—are the perfect
the cellar, along with epic meals—served up how, where
nest: whether horizontal by the pool or reclining in your
and when you want. Nothing is too much for the staff here:
sala, the combination of leafy shade and water will coax
a joyous crew aiming to please and pamper. Aside from the
you into a permanent reverie. Privately located, yet within
enchanting setting, effortless service, and designer good
walking distance of each other, these can be booked as
looks, there’s the thrill of unforgettable game-drives: occu-
single sole-use villas, or together for a larger party. Alter-
pying a private game reserve that abuts the much vaunted
natively, there is the expansive new five-suite Farm House,
Madikwe reserve, Morukuru offers an authentic and
a sprawling villa enjoying a stunning and utterly private
exclusive experience that only a handful are ever privy to.
One of the continent’s undiscovered gems, able to satisfy the craving for solitude.
AT A GLANCE LOCATION: Morukuru Private Game Reserve, Madikwe Game Reserve. SLEEPS: The Lodge sleeps 6 adults (3 doubles) and up to 4 children. Owner’s House sleeps 4 adults (2 doubles). Farm House sleeps 10 (5 doubles). LIVING SPACES: Each bush villa has its own indoor and outdoor lounge areas with deep comfortable FRXFKHV DQG FUDFNOLQJ ƀUHV LQGRRU and outdoor dining areas, expansive decks and pool areas. The Lodge and Owner’s House are privately located, yet close enough to book as one; a large group preferring a more intimate bush home should look into Farm House, located 15 minutes drive from here. BEDROOM CONFIGURATION: The main lodge has three double ensuite bedrooms, each featuring a suSHU NLQJ EHG $ & DQG ORJ ƀUH DQG opening onto tree-shaded private decks. Spacious bathrooms have tubs with bush views and indoor and al fresco private showers. Two children can be comfortably accommodated in the family room, where they have access to recreational facilities such as satellite TV, internet and a DVD player. Two more
kids can be accommodated on folding beds in suites. Owner’s House suites are larger, more luxurious with similar private balconies. The )DUP +RXVHŝV ƀYH GRXEOH HQ VXLWH bedrooms are similarly spacious and beautifully appointed. OUTDOOR/FACILITIES: Large multilevel decks and walkways. ,QƀQLW\ SRROV VXUURXQGHG E\ FRPfortable loungers. Romantic starlit sleepovers at the treehouse hide. Comprehensive libraries of topical books, DVDs and CDs, and wellstocked wine cellars. SERVICES: Each villa comes with own chef, butler, nanny (if needed), a private safari guide and tracker for you to personalize your itinerary FRPSOHWHO\ $JDLQ QR ƀ[HG VFKHGXOH – you do what you want, when. RESERVE: Set within its own 2000hectare private game reserve on the Great Marico river, adjacent to the 75 000-hectare Madikwe Game Reserve, guests look forward to the Ŝ0DJQLƀFHQW Ǝŝ %LJ ƌ SOXV FKHHWDK and African wild dog). Madikwe remains one of the continent’s undiscovered gems, able to satisfy visitors’ craving exclusivity, yet provide game viewing to equal the busier Kruger.
Villa Tarkuni
swalu is not only the largest privately
the lack of vegetation. Set between two rolling
owned reserve in Southern Africa, but
mountain ranges, the exclusive sole-use Tarkuni
one of the continent’s most unusual
Villa has been designed to maximize your
and underrated gems. The undulating Kala-
experience of Tswalu, with vistas that will
hari sandveld landscape is breathtaking in its
beguile even the most jaded traveler, but never
expanse, the semi-arid plains punctuated by
at the expense of comfort. And what comfort:
rust red sand dunes and dusted with golden
sensually decorated by world-renowned Boyd
grasses—a stark and achingly beautiful contrast
Ferguson, five luxurious suites surround a
to the huge cobalt-blue sky. It also supports an
central communal haven beautifully integrated
amazingly varied game experience, with the
with the deep covered decks, and the enticingly
added advantage of clear visibility thanks to
clear waters shimmering in your pool.
AT A GLANCE Set within a vast and magical landscape, this is South Africa’s largest private game reserve, covering a massive 100 000 hectares.
LOCATION: Tswalu Kalahari Private Game Reserve, Northern Cape. SLEEPS: 10 in 5 double rooms. LIVING SPACES: Large open-plan lounge, ZLWK ƀYH VXLWHV EXLOW DURXQG WKH FHQWUDO OLYLQJ area. Separate dining area; large study-library XSVWDLUV ZLWK VHFRQG ƀUHSODFH BEDROOM CONFIGURATION: Five luxurious bedrooms (one is slightly larger) with en-suite bathrooms featuring tubs and indoor and outdoor showers. All suites have doors leading onto outdoor area with views of the mountains and the Kalahari landscape. OUTDOOR/FACILITIES: Very large covered deck leads to a private sala and a swimming pool; all overlook a very active water hole. Study has a laptop with dial-up internet connection and direct dial telephone. SERVICES: Like most of our Safari Villas, 7DUNXQL RſHUV WKH OX[XU\ RI DEVROXWH ƁH[LELOLW\ with a private vehicle, guide and tracker, as well as a dedicated host and chef. Rates include all meals, local beverages, laundry and game activities, including equestrian safaris. RESERVE: Owned by the Oppenheimer family, Tswalu Kalahari is South Africa’s largest private game reserve, covering an area of over 100,000 hectares (almost a quarter of a million acres!). This vast and magical landscape RſHUV VXSHUODWLYH JDPH VLJKWLQJV RI VRPH RI South Africa’s rarest and most extraordinary wildlife. These include the desert black rhino (Tswalu’s population represents one third of South Africa’s entire remaining desert black rhino), the black-maned Kalahari lion, WKH PDJQLƀFHQW VDEOH DQWHORSH DQG WKH YHU\ endearing meerkat.
Sarili Villa & Bushman’s River Lodge
ying deep within the 25 000 ha Shamwari Game Reserve, these two options—located 10km from each other via gravel roads—combine total privacy with the most exhilarating Big 5 game-viewing in the
Eastern Cape. Both overlook the fast-flowing Bushman’s River and feature spectacular views of the undulating Cape savannah, but beyond their geographic outlook, the villas are very different. Shamwari’s first sole-use lodge, the perennially popular and good-value Bushman’s River Lodge is an artfully restored Victorian settler farmstead dating back to the 1860s, offering just four rooms and an intimate, more historic atmosphere. Purpose-built Sarili is the more modern option, its open lines off-set by bold use of colour, comfortable, oversized furniture and warm detailing in stone, thatch and timber. Both are family-friendly havens, where gazing into the evening fire under a canopy of stars is as uplifting as the sight of a hippo lumbering into the river from the comfort of your pool lounger.
AT A GLANCE LOCATION: Shamwari Private Game Reserve, Eastern Cape. SLEEPS: Sarili sleeps 10 (3 doubles and 2 twins). Bushman’s River Lodge sleeps 8 (4 twins). LIVING SPACES: %RWK ORGJHV RſHU splendid views of the Bushman’s river, and indoor and al fresco dining options. Sarili’s open-plan lounge has a cozy central woodEXUQLQJ ƀUHSODFH DQG GLQLQJ DUHD that slides open to the pool courtyard. Bushman’s River Lodge has two lounges; one opens onto the pool and verandah overlooking the river; the dining room is separate. BEDROOM CONFIGURATION: Three of Sarili’s bedrooms (one with satellite TV) are located upstairs and overlook the river; the second two lead to the courtyard and pool. All are en-suite and feature own miniEDU $ & XQGHUƁRRU KHDWLQJ DQG direct dial telephones. Bathrooms all feature separate showers. %XVKPDQŝV 5LYHU /RGJH RſHUV IRXU twin-bedded rooms, all en-suite with A/C and minibars, and surrounded by a wrap-around verandah with bush views.
Sarili offers a chic contemporary feel, while Bushman’s is an authentic Victorian settler farmstead; both are supremely family-friendly.
OUTDOOR/FACILITIES: Both lodges have swimming pools; the pool at Bushman’s River Lodge overlooks the river while Sarili’s is in a proWHFWHG FRXUW\DUG %RWK YLOODV RſHU internet access; Sarili has Wi-Fi connectivity. Bushman’s River Lodge has a perimeter electric fence to keep predators out and will suit nervous travellers. SERVICES: Rates include all meals, local beverages and game activities. Both villas are serviced by own private team including a chef and tip-top ranger for private morning and evening game drives or bushwalks. RESERVE: The most famous and established of the Eastern Cape private game reserves, this 25,000hectare reserve has garnered scores RI DZDUGV DQG RſHUV DUJXDEO\ WKH best quality Big 5 game-viewing in the Cape. Hard to believe you are only 45 minutes from Port Elizabeth airport.
Samara Manor House
urrounded by an amphitheatre of mountains,
owners, the Manor House has a wonderfully lived-in feel,
Samara Manor House is an exceptional way to
eschewing colonial stuffiness in favour of the contempo-
experience the vast plains of the Karoo. Eland,
rary eclecticism of Afro-chic. With voluminous rooms and
buffalo and aardvark may wander unimpeded to your
bathrooms, a luxurious lounge and sun-kissed verandas,
veranda, while giraffe graze in the distance as you are
it echoes the unfolding space of the landscape, yet retains
served high tea. A true refuge, with relaxation granted as
a sense of intimacy. And even without elephant or lion,
much cachet as game viewing, Samara has a very different
the game viewing—of which tracking cheetah on foot is
feel and look from the bushveld of the north. Views are
a highlight—is so extraordinary that it was recently rated
more expansive, and a sense of peace permeates every-
one of the 15 greatest safari experiences in Africa. Like the
thing. Purpose-designed as the private family home of the
great herds that stir up the dust at twilight, you will be back.
Cheetah tracking on foot is offered here— one of the greatest safari experiences in Africa.
AT A GLANCE LOCATION: Samara Private Game Reserve, Karoo, Eastern Cape. SLEEPS: 8 adults (two double rooms and two twin) or 6 adults and 4 children. LIVING SPACES: The entirely openSODQ VSDFH ƁRZV IURP WKH HQWUDQFH hall into very large living room with two reading nooks, huge ƀUHSODFH DQG 79 7KH GLQLQJ URRP (seating 10) is separated from lounge by a pillar; there is also a comfortable bar. A breakfast room ƁRZV Rſ WKH GLQLQJ URRP DQG WKH kitchen is more or less open plan to this room though all meals are SUHSDUHG E\ VWDſ /DUJH JODVV doors open onto the patio from these rooms and provide views RYHU WKH ƉƈP LQƀQLW\ SRRO DQG RXW to the Karoo veld, mountains and spectacular sunsets. BEDROOM CONFIGURATION: The four suites are very privately situated with private verandas and expansive en-suite bathrooms with free-standing tubs and separate showers.
OUTDOOR/FACILITIES: In many ways the central heart, the main veranda is furnished with comfortable couches and looks out over the ULP ƁRZ SRRO WR D ZDWHU KROH RIWHQ visited by game in the early morning or evening. A variety of indoor and al fresco dining options are available, including a boma. Morning and evening game drives. Visits to rock art and fossil sites. Cheetah tracking on foot. SERVICES: Personal game ranger, chef and butler. Service is impeccable. Rates include all meals, local beverages and game activities. SAMARA RESERVE: In the heart of the malaria-free Great Karoo, the reserve comprises 70,000 acres of mountains and plains. Beautifully arid, the land turns a delicate green after rains, and boasts 60 mammal species, including the endangered cheetah, white rhino, Cape Mountain ]HEUD JLUDſH DQG EDW HDUHG IR[ DQG more than 180 species of birds. 7KH QHDUHVW WRZQ FKDUPLQJ *UDDſ Reinet, is 55km from here; Port Elizabeth is a 2.5-hour drive away.
Remote Villas Space. Miles of it. Empty of people, other than those hand-chosen by you. A remote retreat is the most replenishing place on earth, with nothing to distract from the aim of every great holiday: to utterly relax and reconnect with friends and family. Our Remote Villas offer that rare combination: a rarified escape from the hustle and bustle of the civilized world, but not at the expense of the comforts that make it so: beautifully appointed indoor and outdoor spaces, beds dressed in quality linen, bathrooms with deep tubs and high-pressure showers, and kitchens equipped for gourmet entertaining. Who would have thought feeling marooned could bring such pleasure?
Mount Anderson R anch
very trout fisherman owes it to himself to
species wheel overhead. And unlike the busier re-
fish the crystal-clear streams and pools
serves near the Kruger, Mount Anderson offers the
of the Drakensberg, one of Africa’s most
kind of serenity that comes with real space, with
impressive mountain ranges, at least once. And
every guest enjoying an effective 1000 hectares
what better place to cast your line than from Mount
to themselves! Furnished in the English country
Anderson, a pristine 8000-hectare mountain
manor style, the ranch is a comfortable perch from
reserve, tucked away on the northern Escarpment.
which to observe the tiered trout ponds into which
Giving rise to three major rivers, making it a seri-
mountain streams empty, and the soothing sound
ous catchment area for the nearby Kruger, Mount
of running water is ever present. It’s a boon for
Anderson is not only a haven for piscine species,
bird lover, mountain biker, horse rider and hiker
but mountain zebra, wildebeest, ostrich, baboons
alike, but should the natural beauty overwhelm,
and various antelope species graze on its grass-
Dullstroom’s boutique restaurants and charming
and flower-carpeted slopes, while some 200 bird
shops lie under two hours away.
AT A GLANCE LOCATION: Drakensberg Escarpment, Mpumalanga. SLEEPS: 8 in 3 double rooms and 1 twin bedded room.
Here every guest enjoys an effective 1000 hectares all to themselves.
LIVING SPACES: The main lounge area—an English-style drawing room arranged around a central hearth—is located in the heart of the house, and leads into the formal dining room where the large antique table seats 10 guests comfortably. The 2nd lounge is less formal and leads onto the verandah that overlooks the trout ponds. The 79 URRP OHDGV Rſ WKH ELOOLDUG URRP )LUHSODFHV ZDUG Rſ WKH FKLOO\ ZLQWHU afternoons or evenings; the house is also temperature controlled. BEDROOM CONFIGURATION: The master bedroom with 2 en-suite bathrooms (one with a shower and separate tub, the other with a walkin cupboard and tub) is situated in the main house. Like all the double rooms, furnishing comprises an extra-length king-size bed and a ! bed. Large sash windows provide views over the ponds and surrounding mountains. Two further en-suite bedrooms are located adjacent and separate to the main house; deep windows with lovely views. A smaller but comfortable en-suite
(shower only) twin-bedded room OHDGV Rſ WKH NLWFKHQ WKLV LV LGHDO IRU au pairs, children or tour leaders. OUTDOOR/FACILITIES: The veranda is a wonderful spot for afternoon tea, and to watch the sun setting RYHU WKH PRXQWDLQV $ %%4 DUHD Rſ the formal dining room is ideal for winter lunches or summer evenings. Lunches are eaten on the verandah whilst dinner is served in the dining rooms. There is no swimming pool but guests can dip in the ponds. SERVICES: 7ZR IXOO WLPH VWDſ members—a husband and wife team—are on hand to service the house and provide all meals DQG VQDFNV WHD DQG FRſHH (delivered to your bedrooms in the mornings), washing and ironing as well as drives and sundowners in the 8 000 ha reserve. Fishing, mountain biking, riding instruction and trips to surrounding areas are also all included in the rate. SURROUNDS: Part of the 1000kmlong Drakensberg range, Mount Anderson is natural haven with plenty of wildlife, though no predators, making it safe to explore. Aside IURP ƀVKLQJ DQG KLNLQJ WKH UHVHUYH has mountain-biking and horseriding trails (and bikes and horses!). The quaint historic town of Pilgrims Rest and Dullstroom’s restaurants lie within a 2-hour radius.
Oceana Villa E
very year the continent draws its hinterland population to the coastline, where we pause like lemmings on the shore
to stare into the vast and beautiful space of the ocean. It’s a view we are used to sharing, which is what makes Oceana Villa so special. One of the last remaining places on the continent to offer a thrilling combination of beach, bush and game, Oceana Villa enjoys that most magical of settings: a truly private perch above a 7km stretch of deserted beach, surrounded by a wild, untamed tract of coastline that stretches far beyond the eye can see. So remote and unpolluted, it feels as if you’re a million miles from civilization, yet with all the luxuries a pampered urbanite expects: a private chef to ensure personalised, gourmet dining; discreet housekeeping to match your pace; your own game guide and vehicle to explore at leisure, and an on-call spa therapist to ensure that you really are thorougly relaxed. And who would not be, with kilometres of empty coast at your disposal, trails through pristine natural bush to view land-based mammals, or the option of simply lying about, watching dolphin pods and breaching whales from your private vewing deck, sundowner in hand.
AT A GLANCE LOCATION: Oceana Beach & Wildlife Reserve, near Port Alfred, Eastern Cape. SLEEPS: 6 in 3 doubles. Additional children sharing can be accommodated. LIVING SPACES: The main living space (loungecum-dining area with bar and kitchen) is ORFDWHG RQ WKH JURXQG ƁRRU DQG OHDGV RXW RQWR the deck with private, heated plunge pool. Stairs lead upstairs to a secondary lounge. BEDROOM CONFIGURATION: Three large en-suite bedrooms furnished with four-poster beds, each leading out to a private viewing deck. Each with sleeper couch to accommodate one child or two children sharing. All bathrooms feature separate shower and Jacuzzi bath. All bedrooms have both A/C and XQGHUƁRRU KHDWLQJ 79 '9' DQG &' SOD\HU and minibar. OUTDOOR/FACILITIES: Oceana Villa guests enjoy access to all the facilities shared by Oceana Reserve guests. These include: Fully-equipped spa; health centre and gym; swimming pool with kids area; games room ZLWK SRRO WDEOH VKXƃH ERDUG PRYLH WKHDWUH free internet usage; boma area for outdoor drinks and/or dining; library; cigar humidor. SERVICES: Rates are inclusive of all meals, selected beverages, Port Elizabeth and East London transfers, as well as game drives, bush and beach walks. Aside from a private chef you will have your own game guide and vehicle. On-call spa therapist. NEIGHBOURHOOD: Situated on a wildlife reserve embracing a 7km beach, Oceana Villa RſHUV D UDUH FRPELQDWLRQ RI EXVK DQG EHDFK tracking an array of wildlife species ranging from the thrilling prehistoric-looking rhino, WR WKH QLPEOH DQG FRORXUIXO SDUURW ƀVK :LWK QR VHW LWLQHUDU\ DQG VWDſ FRPSOHWHO\ DW \RXU disposal, you are free to set your own pace, going on game drives, snorkelling the ocean, or nipping into Port Alfred for a round of golf, or a spot of shopping.
Tamarina Villas hecklist: excellent golfing, pris-
And if that isn’t relaxing enough, a spa
tine beaches, warm ocean, moun-
treatment in the privacy of your own villa
tain views, gourmet food, great
is the perfect way to end the day, whether
spa—on an island. Welcome to Tamarina!
spent on estate’s greens or golden sands.
Comprising just over 200 undulating
Influenced by the island’s French colonial
green hectares on the west coast of the
architecture, Tamarina Villas are available
island of Mauritius, Tamarina combines
in three or four-bedroom units scattered
a superb Rodney Wright-designed golf
throughout the estate, all sharing the
course with a shoreline lapped by gentle
elegant essentials you expect in your holi-
waves—a sound to lull even the most in-
day home, such as top-drawer crockery
sufferable insomniac into deep catatonia.
and glassware, and a butler to serve them.
The villas have all the essentials, like quality crockery and glasswear, and a butler to serve them.
AT A GLANCE LOCATION: Tamarin Bay, West Coast, Republic of Mauritius. SLEEPS: 8 adults in 4 doubles or 6 adults in 3 doubles. (Additional beds for children sharing may be added.) LIVING SPACES: The open-plan living and dining room (seating 6 or 8, depending on villa) opens onto a similarly sized and furnished exterior living area under a covered veranda in front of the pool. Living and dining room area generally separate the kitchen from the bedrooms. The kitchen is well equipped for in-home entertaining, and there is a separate laundry. BEDROOM CONFIGURATION: All bedrooms are en-suite. Master bedroom opens onto private patio; en-suite bathroom has tub and separate shower. All the other bedrooms open onto a veranda and feature tub and/or shower. OUTDOOR/FACILITIES: Large terrace with living and dining furniture. Private garden and pool. BBQ equipment available. With great views
of Tamarin Bay, and set around a large swimming pool, the estate’s Beach Club provides an alternative to your private terrace. There are also two restaurants on the estate. 6L[ WHH RſV SHU SHUVRQ SHU ZHHN DUH included in the rate. SERVICES & SECURITY: Serviced daily. Own butler. 24/7 security with regular patrols. NEIGHBOURHOOD: Villa residents can request shopping service, delivered direct to villa, or in-house catering. Tamarina Estate is 10 minutes from the commercial centre of 2 villages (Tamarin & Flic HQ )ODF ZLWK VKRSV EDQNV DQG ƀOOing stations. The estate is located 25 km south of the capital PortLouis and 45 minute drive from the island’s airport. A great family outing—the 14-ha Casela Nature Park, host to more than a 1000 ELUGV RI ƈƌƇ GLſHUHQW VSHFLHV DV well as animals like the Mauritian Macaque, tigers, lions, lemurs, ostriches and giant tortoises—lies a short distance away.
This African Villas brochure has been produced by Icon Villas and is a first for the South African Villa Stay market. We wish to thank all our Villa owners for creating the superb spaces on these pages. ICON VILLAS Icon Villas comprises an all South African team that provides handpicked and gorgeous properties, predominantly villas, along with a full concierge service to the well-heeled traveller wanting space and privacy that only a Villa Stay can offer. Icon Villas is the only South African Villa Specialist offering top-end villas throughout South Africa and offer a high level of personal service; as such they were recently recognised as the top villa rental specialist in Africa by the prestigious Condé Nast Traveler magazine in the US. 301 Buitenkloof Studios, 8 Kloof Street, Cape Town, South Africa T: 0861 VILLAS (845 527) or +27 21 424 0905 or +27 82 872 4057, F:+27 21 424 5694, ICON CONCIERGE SERVICES We love our country and our continent, and it is our sincere desire to ignite the same passion in you. As with every holiday, you will be faced with a plethora of choices – where to eat, what to do, where to shop, where to go and how… We are here to help in any and every way we can with a concierge team that includes seasoned travel writers immersed in the local scene throughout Southern Africa, providing you with insider advice on how best to spend your time and money, depending on your unique and personal interests. Whether it’s a special occasion, a special dietary requirement, a specialist shop or wine or spa, or simply a multitude of special experiences, we are at your service, and look forward to hosting you in our extraordinary country! THE BROCHURE TEAM Publisher: Therese Botha Editor: Pippa de Bruyn Co-ordination: Louise Hamman Art Direction: Francois Botha Layout & Design: Hanneke du Toit Admin: Johanita Von Lieres Martie Viljoen Map Illustration: Johan Horn Photography:
Fuji Image Studios, Andrew Brauteseth, Will Punt, Peartree; (Mosselberg & Llundudno Beach Villa) Elsa Young 072 846 2967 (Hoëveld Villa)
Trident Press