F A RAS V o l u me1 Ca mi l oRa mí r e z
De s i g ni sf u n !
Dedicated to my beloved family...
Volume 1
Writen and illustrated by Camilo RamĂrez
“A Fara?, what in the world is a Fara?,� is the question that maybe you are asking yourself right now...Well... the objective of this book is to respond this tricky question. First of all, these creatures are known for having...
...Veryafiladas... pointed teeth...(and a bad breath) Garras Estos son los faras... De dientes puntiagudos...
Orejas redondas... ...Round and soft ears...
Garras afiladas...
...Sharp claws...
...An excellent sense of .smell... ...y adnode ....y adnoder ziraN
lagobaS aruaL zerĂmaR olimaC
lagobaS aruaL zerĂmaR olimaC se rop odati
...Night vision... Ponzo単osos ojos que te miran en la oscuridad...
...And a furry and very long tail, (their most beloved possesion)
These animals live in the countryside and enjoy making all kinds of mischiefs everywhere..
For example, they are very talented sanillag-abor serodeor selbimeT chicken-stealing...thieves...
l e , an t u fr s... s i d ona e u ...Inqthe day, s they have the strange sport of r e o t as pbad taste jokes to other people... s u making l l g Chanceros a de mal gusto que disfrutan, el a s m ada pes hacer bromas pesadas a las personas...
All in all, they are little naughty creatures, always lurking in the dark, waiting to commit their next misdeed... Chaparritos chillones y revoltosos que andan siempre al acecho en la sombra como peque単os villanos esperando el momento adecuado para salir y hacer de las suyas...
fortunately, not all the faras are so bad, there was one in particular, who did not steal chickens, made pranks or damaged private property... To be continued on volume 2...