Editor’s words Dear all, Time flies, it’s already the second term now and I believe you are getting well on track to your course and work. But if that‘s not the case, don’t get stressed out! Reading PASSTIMES is always a good way to relax, please enjoy! ICPASS has had a fruitful year, we have organised some brand-new events like food distribution as well as our traditional events like internal discussion forum. In this issue, I have recapped the highlights of our events from October to early January, including our flagship event Famine 24 and other joint-u events. Following up, there are two very intriguing articles focusing on HK recent news from Cherry Kwok, Arnold Ho and Mike Cheung. Of course, our president has also had a message for the members as you will see on the next page. For the coming events, you may refer to the timeline on P.4. Before making this too wordy and long, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the authors and helpers, especially Rosie Shen and Jasmine Chan from the prodction team, who have helped me a lot on editing and graphics design. Hope you will enjoy the PASSTIMES. We look forward to seeing you in the future events and good luck with all the tests/ essays/ labs/ exams…
Best regards, Jonathan Loo Editor-in-chief
Article Contributors and proofreading: Adrian Leung
Arnold Ho
Brian Yeung
Cherie Wong
Cherry Kwok
Doris Yuen
Jasmine Chan
Joanne Leung
Jonathan Loo
Justin Cho
Rosie Shen
Kelvin Chan
Vivian Hui
Mike Cheung
Rinne Cheung
********************************************************************* Disclaimer: The contents published on PASSTIMES is created by individual authors, and do not represent the views of ICPASS. ICPASS is not liable to any opinion expressed by contributors. 免責聲明:此刊物內容純為個人意見,並不代表倫敦帝國學院公共事務及社會服務學會的立場或政見,並不 會為發表者的言論負責。 P. 2
President’s message Wow. Just around 10 months ago, when it was still the elections season and when the committee for the 201415 session was formed, ready to face the challenges in the academic year ahead, we had absolutely no idea what we would run into. With the first term ‘in office’ just passed, looking back, ICPASS has grown a great deal. Notable highlights would of course include our flagship event Famine24 which supports World Vision. Raising £800 with just over 60 participants is no easy thing, and without the contribution from all of you, and in particular the subcommittee who came up with the incredibly inspiring and innovative workshops and games, these twenty-four hours would not be as successful. Despite starving for a long period of time, I do hope there was plenty of food for thought to take away. On the public awareness side of things, Hong Kong has recently experienced (and arguably, still experiencing) the largest scale of political awakening. The Umbrella Movement undoubtedly affected the lives of many in our beloved city, but thousands of miles apart, PASSes across the UK continue to act as platforms engaging in critical discussions. Beyond the Barricade, the first ever London 4U PASS Conference was held in early November to address the huge interest on the topic, with various distinguished guest speakers from different professions and fields of expertise. ICPASS did not just stop there though, collaborations with Wulun from the Chinese Students and Scholars Association at Imperial meant that we could deliver our case and explain the issues surrounding the Movement to our fellow Chinese students. This is at the heart of ICPASS, acting as a voice as we raise awareness of those around us, especially as we see students coming from hometowns where information and news are categorically restricted, where there is a lack of freedom of press. ICPASS has not ceased its good work to serve the community around us either, with fundraising events throughout the term and a food distribution trip in Hong Kong during Christmas, reaching out to the needy and giving them necessities and warmth in the cold hard winter. In the coming term, ICPASS shall keep the momentum we have set at the beginning of the year, organising and participating in discussion forums and debate competitions, as well as setting up charity sales. Hands-on volunteering opportunities are currently being explored, with possibilities of serving the Chinese community in London, relating many of our members back to our roots in the East. A huge array of events is being lined up, and there is definitely something for everyone. With 2015 just beginning, there is so much that ICPASS can do, and the aforementioned are just a small peek into the vast variety of events we could do to improve the society through PA and SS. I have yet to find a word which would describe the journey as being on the committee more fittingly than the simple ‘wow’, but when my term in office ends, I trust that ICPASS would continue to flourish, and impact lives of those around us at Imperial, in London, in Hong Kong, and all around. Martin Luther King Junior once said that ‘Only in the darkness can you see the stars’. So let us be stars, lighting up and giving hope to bigger (and sometimes, more and more often nowadays, described as broken) society, making a bit better at a time- just by our smaller student society; just by us.
Regards, Joanne Leung President of ICPASS P. 3
Production team
Jonathan Loo
Editor’s Words
Jasmine Chan
President’s message
Article Contributors
Rosie Shen
Cherie Wong
Event reviews
Justin Cho
The Progression of Society Cherry Kwok(郭卓宜)
Vivian Hui
Kelvin Chan
HKTV潮文 何子卓+張穎康
Sponsorship 新界奇華餅家,恆滔製衣
P. 4
HKTV 潮文 何子卓+張穎康 是咁的。話說呢個HKTV喺11月19日開台,咁我就梗係買定個小米盒子,嗰晚步住個電視等佢開台啦。 咁一開波睇《選戰》嘅時候,唉!拍得咁暗,連校光個mon 都睇到佢個樣。Ok fine,你學美劇咁拍,個 感覺又的確係唔同啲嘅,係好睇嘅,之不過HKTV你可唔可以比曾偉權威一鑊呢?兩套劇都係衰包奶, 咁同大台次次都係比高鈞賢做色魔有咩分別呢?因住佢嬲嬲豬呀!再講呀,依家weekday一期得一劇, 你要點樣keep個收視率呀?我平時就算唔睇電視都開住你個app同你谷收視啦,但係你連新聞台都無我 仲可以睇啲咩呀?唔通真係煲《Shopping hero》咩?遇著啲同我口味唔啱嘅劇,咁嗰個月成個月就唔使 開電視睇啦! 《警界線》套劇爛尾成點,大家知㗎啦,點解我上高登,一對佢稍有作出批評,就見到show blocked user同埋一大堆人派膠比我?你哋係都派膠比唐寧先啦,自己走入上司嘅辦公室摷野,又無事、立亂放 走個犯,又無事。你真係香港警隊嘅一個bug,旨意你捉犯走死得啦。 不過咁,之前睇個介紹HKTV拍咗嘅嗰啲劇嘅trailer,覺得《客家女人》應該會係啲婆婆媽媽,好似《溏 心風暴》咁,睇到成屋人結曬冰嘅師奶爭產劇。點知你改左做《來生不做香港人》之後,又真係幾好睇 喎。張可頤做女主角,點都好過楊怡嘅,個鼻又自然啲、啲表情又入肉啲,唔通真係睇馬國明溝木偶鼻 咩? 你諗下,前排我呀媽同我講,國際台做《維也納新年音樂會》。大佬,佢每個禮拜日都做,我年中都唔 覺意睇過幾次。個次諗住煲下劇,又撞正羅樂林連環死五次,唉!你班人比我唞下啦! 總之啦,HKTV整翻好啲節目時間,搞翻掂個app嘅穩定,等亞視執左之後,發埋個牌比你,到時我就 可以重回晚晚坐定係電視機前面煲劇嘅日子啦。 唔講咁多啦,我喺2015年嘅呢個moment要開始追佢套新劇《童話戀曲201314》啦。再見。
淺談社會的演進—過去與未來 The Progression of Society Cherry Kwok 郭卓宜 從9月28日發射的87枚催淚彈掀起序幕,到12月15日最後的銅鑼灣佔領區被清場,在政 府寸步不讓,人大831決定繼續屹立之下,香港有史以來罕有地大規模的社會運動悄然 結束。然而,無容置疑的是香港自雨傘運動後不會再一樣:香港人對於民主的呼聲變 得前所未有的清晰和響亮,而中央和特區政府的立場亦前所未有的堅決。在這場公民 抗命結束後的今天,我們以後的路該怎樣走?我們的社會又應走向何方? 讓我們從最根本開始探討:人。亞里士多德其中一個最廣為人知的命題就是「人天生 就是政治動物」: Human beings are by nature political animals ——《Politics》Aristotle[1] 最廣義來說,政治就是在個人、公民整體以至全球層面上影響他人的理論和實踐,由 此可見政治是起源於人與人的接觸。人類为了更完善的生活,互相接触交往,从而发 展出私有制的概念,形成社會[2]。只要一個群體達到某個大小,政治就必定由此而 生。在現今如此復雜而龐大的社會中政治必然在各個層面存在。 政治的存在方式與構成它的人密不可分,組成政治群體的人決定政治的存在方式,而 政治本身亦影響構成它一部分的人。其中一個很大的要素是群體的大小,簡單來說當 一個群體面對一個問題,幾十人組成的村落中可以所有人一起在一個地方討論,可是 有上幾十萬人的城市根本不可能這樣做,議員等職業則應運而生,為人民提出意見。 相反地,議員在村落裡只會是一名冗員。 如果我們追朔到人類開始形成群體之始,那群體一定是由一個十分小的單位,經過合 拼和生育導致的自然人口膨脹慢慢變大。人類學家Elman Service將群體以不同的大小 分為四大類:bands,tribes,chiefdoms和states為四個不同層面的政治組織。而隨著群 體的大小增加,政治系統亦會越催複雜,管治的權力變得集中。 在Elman Service的理論中擁有達七百萬人口的香港的社會當然是屬於states一類,可是 在社會變得成熟,走到states之後又會如何?如果依照一貫的發展趨勢,很大機會社會 結構會變得更複雜,而政府對人們的管制和監控在科技發展的協助下進一步加強。到 了一個極端的地步,就會成為「反烏托邦」。反烏托邦的定義沒有統一,但多是指社 會最不理想的形態,典型特徵包括非人化、高度控制、政府極權、環境災難等等。反
烏托邦文學的出現多與越趨惡劣的社會環境有關,從最有名的反烏托邦文學都出現在 第一和第二次世界大戰前後就可見一斑,例如George Orwell的《1984》(1949)、Aldous Huxley的《Brave New World》(1932)、Zamyaton的《We》(1921)等等。 但這一切並非必然發生。正如George Orwell於《1984》中對未來的預言並未成真,與 預言中的三個超級大國(super states)稱霸全球相對,蘇聯最終瓦解,冷戰結束,越 來越多地區以民族自決權為基礎獨立,至今聯合國成員國已經達到193個。我們在閱讀 反烏托邦文學並以此為警惕的同時,更應致力於創造更美好的社會,因为人和社会是 互相影响的,「一即是全,全即是一」[3],只要人們向着正面的方向发展,世界亦会 形成正面的洪流,反之亦然。最后让我稍作引用: 我們人類無論何時,都會以更美好的社會作為目標。 社會並不總是對的,因為如此我們必須立身以正。你想要拔正社會的這份決心和能力 是這個社會所需要的。社會是由一個個人聚集而成的,只要持身以正就能幫助社會走 上正道。 並不是社會選擇人們的未來,而是是人們選擇社會的未來。 《PSYCHO-PASS》 依稀記得半年前我寫過「香港在民主化的路上何去何從,仍無人知曉。」結果在2014 年夏天,發生了誰也沒能預測到香港會有長達個半月的佔領運動,而且是佔領金鐘、 旺角和銅鑼灣而不是中環。我們,作為社會的一部分,將會影響著、引領著社會的發 展。香港的未來究竟走向何方,我現在想答案大概是我們全部香港人的對「未來」這 個命題的答案的總和吧。香港今後的未來,將由我們一起合力譜寫,共勉之。 [1]《Politics》Aristotle [2]《Discourse on the Origin and Basis of Inequality Among Men》Rousseau [3]《鋼之鍊金術師》荒川弘
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