Happenings 1542

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26 October 2012

No. 1542

CGIAR Fund Council Chair Rachel Kyte addresses ICRISAT management and staff during her visit to ICRISAT-Patancheru.

CGIAR Fund Council Chair visits ICRISAT

Generating agricultural R4D impacts against global hunger and poverty Under the new CGIAR reform process, agricultural research-for-development (R4D) priorities and initiatives will be geared towards generating more outcomes and impacts that benefit the poor. The CGIAR system will advance its mission to help reduce global poverty and hunger, improve human health and nutrition, and enhance ecosystem resilience through cutting edge international agricultural research, partnership and leadership.


hese views were shared by CGIAR Fund Council Chair Rachel Kyte during her visit to ICRISATPatancheru on 19 October. Speaking before ICRISAT management and staff and representatives from sister Centers, Ms Kyte stressed that while “agriculture is once again on top of the development agenda, donors and funders need to be convinced that investing in agricultural R4D will yield better value for their money and will benefit more people than ever before.”

“We need to better communicate the impacts of investing in R4D with some degree of certainty, on how our research has contributed to increased yields and farm incomes of smallholder farmers and the attainment of food and nutrition security, has reduced the vulnerability of agriculture to climate change, and has built a more sustainable and resilient environment,” Ms Kyte added. to page 2 ...4

CGIAR Fund Council Chair visits ICRISAT....from page 1 As ambassador and champion for the CGIAR, Ms Kyte said that she needs stories to tell on how research results have yielded evidence-based CGIAR contributions to development that will help the System gain more funding support. The new CGIAR, according to Ms Kyte, will foster more effective partnerships with a wider range of organizations than ever before – strong (Left) DDG-R D Hoisington giving the welcome remarks during the FC Chair’s national agricultural systems, presentation. (Right) Dr Dar presents Ms Kyte with a memento. advanced research institutions, civil society organizations and the alignment of research outputs with the four strategic private sector. system level outcomes (SLOs) namely: reduction of She pointed out gender issue as a priority area – noting that a more inclusive approach to gender in research leads to better impacts such as improved nutrition and livelihoods, poverty alleviation, and development in general. Overcoming malnutrition should also be a critical component of research programs, and is a high priority among donors.

rural poverty, increase in food security, improving nutrition and health, and more sustainable management of natural resources.

Ms Kyte also acknowledged ICRISAT’s R4D activities during her visit, noting the Institute’s outstanding facilities and programs. She expressed a better understanding of the need for long-term funding to sustain the gains made by research. The new funding scenario, according to her, will be multi-year and flexible.

Director General William Dar led the Management Group, senior scientists/staff and representatives of partner centers in welcoming and receiving Ms Kyte, who is also World Bank (WB) Vice President for Sustainable Development, to ICRISAT Patancheru. She was accompanied by Ms Fionna Douglas, WB Communications Manager; Mr Juergen Voegele, WB Director for Agriculture and Rural Development; Mr Jack Stein, WB Director for South Asia Sustainable Development, and Ms Laura Taylor-Kale, WB Special Assistant to the VP. g

She also spoke about improved governance and management of centers and the whole system through the CGIAR Research Programs (CRPs), designed as the key instrument to achieve greater

Ms Kyte and her team meet with members of management. 2

ICRISAT Happenings 26 OCTOBER 2012/1542

Through her visit and personal interactions with teams in the field, she committed to bring forward and champion the successes of ICRISAT’s research for development programs.

Fund Council Chair’s visit in pictures

FC Chair Rachel Kyte at the pearl millet demo plot.

Poster viewing at the chickpea demo plot.

At the Lysimetric facility.

In the watershed improvement program area.

At the RS Paroda Genebank.

Briefing at the groundnut demo plot.

At the Platform for Translational Research on Transgenic Crops (PTTC).

At the Center of Excellence in Genomics (CEG).

Tree planting. ICRISAT Happenings 26 OCTOBER 2012/1542



Anniversary celebration in Niger


CRISAT Niger celebrated the Institute’s 40th anniversary on 11-12 October, marked by a walk and games on the first day, and an evening of celebration on the second day at the Training and Visitors Centers (TVC) in Niamey. Among the chief guests were Mr Allahoury Diallo, High Commissioner for Nigeriens Nourish Nigeriens (3N); Dr Mahamane Sabiou, Director General of the National Agronomic Research Institute of Niger (INRAN), representatives of farmers’ organizations,


ICRISAT Happenings 26 OCTOBER 2012/1542

and ambassadors and representatives of development partners in Niger. In his anniversary message Dr Farid Waliyar, ICRISAT Regional Director for West and Central Africa, thanked all partners for their support over the past four decades, and the staff for their dedication in making a difference in the lives of smallholder farmers in the Sahel. Loyalty awards were also given to some staff members during the ceremony. g

Farmers’ field day held at ICRISAT Kano


farmers’ field day was organized by ICRISAT Kano, Nigeria on 4 October at the research plots located within the Institute of Agricultural Research (IAR) Farm at Wase Minjibir, Kano. The field day, which was part of ICRISAT’s 40th anniversary celebration in Nigeria, showcased groundnut and sorghum breeding and management trials, some of which are being demonstrated in selected states of the country, to over 200 farmers, policy makers, scientists, extension agents and general public. ICRISAT Country Representative Dr Hakeem Ajeigbe (System Agronomist) welcomed the visitors and presented a brief history and achievements of ICRISAT in Nigeria. They were then shown the various trials which included the aphids-, rosetteand aflatoxin-resistant groundnut variety trials, the groundnut spacing and intensification trials, and the sorghum breeding and agronomic trials. ICRISAT souvenirs were presented to several partners including the Ministry of Agriculture, IAR, Agricultural Development Project, Heads of Department of Agriculture of LGAs and extension agents. Three agro-input companies and one

IAR’s groundnut breeder Prof Echekwu explaining the groundnut variety trials.

machine fabricator were also on hand to display their products. A DVD titled “Fighting Striga” which contains 10 short farmer-to-farmer instruction videos on issues related to soil fertility and Striga management, was distributed to the participants. Farmers and visitors were impressed with the performance of the groundnut and sorghum varieties and management trials, and requested for the distribution of seeds for on-farm demonstration and dissemination. g

CLL Gowda bags International Crop Science Award


r CL Laxmipathi Gowda, Research Program Director - Grain Legumes, received the 2012 International Service in Crop Science Award during the Annual Meeting of the Crop Science Society of America (CSSA) on 23 October at Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. The prestigious award is in recognition of Dr Gowda’s contribution to agriculture in the dryland

areas of Asia and sub-Saharan Africa in his nearly 37 years of scientific research work at ICRISAT. Dr Gowda is known for his significant contribution in developing improved chickpea cultivars with high yield and resistance to diseases and pests. He is also known internationally, particularly in ICRISAT’s focus regions (Asia, West and Central Africa, and East and Southern Africa) for his nurturing, scientific leadership in the areas of breeding, pathology, entomology, and physiology. Dr Gowda is one of the main architects of the Hybrid Parents Research Consortium (HPRC), ICRISAT’s flagship public-private partnership (PPP) program with private sector seed companies that is now a model for PPP in other international centers.

Dr CLL Gowda (left) receiving the Award from CSSA President Dr Jeffrey Volenec.

CSSA is an international scientific society comprising 6,000+ members with its headquarters in Madison, WI, USA. It advances crop science and fosters the transfer of knowledge on breeding and genetics; crop physiology; crop ecology; seed physiology; genomics, molecular genetics, and biotechnology; and biomedical plants, among others. g ICRISAT Happenings 26 OCTOBER 2012/1542


USDA delegation visits ICRISAT Mali


high-level US State Department (USDA) delegation visited ICRISAT Samanko station in Mali on 20 October. The group was composed of Eunice Reddick (Office Director, West African Affairs, USDA); Raffi Gregorian (Director, Office of Peace Operations, Sanctions and Counter Terrorism, USDA); Mary Norris (Director, Office of Accelerated Economic Growth, USAID in Mali); and Anton Ghost (Political Unit of the US Embassy in Bamako).

The delegation was welcomed by ICRISAT- The US State Department delegation during their visit to ICRISATWCA Director Farid Waliyar and scientists. Mali. An overview of the Institute’s ongoing research activities and its efforts to fight hunger and and technical expertise interacted with the malnutrition in WCA was presented by Dr Waliyar. delegation. The visit concluded with a tour of the Institute’s experimental plots on improved varieties In his presentation, Dr Waliyar expressed of cereals and legumes and integrated soil fertility appreciation to USAID for its continued project management. funding support (West African Seed Project or WASA-SP and the ongoing Africa Rising Project) On behalf of the delegation, Eunice Reddick which has been making significant impacts on the acknowledged ICRISAT’s work in the region and its livelihoods of smallholder farmers in the region. contribution to African agriculture and farmers, and pledged USAID’s continuous support to the Partners in seed production from cooperatives and Institute. g NGOs benefiting from ICRISAT’s financial support

First pigeonpea hybrid training conducted at Odisha


he first pigeonpea hybrid training was conducted in Odisha on 16-17 October in Jaipatna, Kalahandi and Khariar, Nauparha. The training was sponsored by the Odisha pigeonpea project “Introduction and Expansion of Improved Pigeonpea Production Technology in Rainfed Upland Ecosystem of Odisha.” It was attended by 142 participants composed of farmer seed growers,

Vijay Kumar showing off-type pigeonpea plants. 6

ICRISAT Happenings 26 OCTOBER 2012/1542

private seed companies, NGOs, field assistants and district coordinators. A total 40 hectares of hybrid seed production (20 hectares – ICPH 2671; 20 hectares – ICPH 2740) was implemented in the state this 2012 cropping season. The training aimed to teach the participants on how to manage the growth and development of hybrid pigeonpea through practical sessions covering socio-economic importance, and biology and agronomic practices with emphasis on the most effective practices in producing pure seeds of hybrids. Along with poster presentations, the field visits exposed the participants to identification of off-type plants and pests and diseases. Lectures were given by ICRISAT’s Vijay Kumar, Sarat Tripathy and Myer Mula. They also monitored the seed production plots of Asha and Maruti variety, godown construction and dal mills. g

Mobile workshop on hybrid sorghum seed production held in Mali


three-day mobile workshop was conducted in Mali on 6-8 October to provide field-based experience and enable exchanges between a wide range of participants interested in hybrid sorghum seed production and marketing. The workshop aimed to strengthen the participants’ knowledge on hybrid sorghum seed production and to initiate a network of actors involved in hybrid seed production. The 42 participants from Mali and Burkina Faso represented the range of actors involved in the sector, including seed producer cooperatives and farmer organizations, government extension and seed service structures, NGOs, private sector and research organizations. Exchanging information on fertile and sterile anthers. The mobile workshop began at the ICRISAT-Samanko observe and discuss field layout, management, and site with visits to experimental fields on management village-level organization for optimizing productivity and design options for hybrid seed production and a and ensuring isolation. The workshop concluded tour of nurseries for hybrid parent development. Visits with a visit to the IER-Sotuba research station with to four farmers’ seed production plots in Samanko, tours of a range of nurseries and trials. g Siby and Kaka villages provided rich opportunities to

ICRISAT celebrates Ayudha Pooja Various sections/programs at ICRISAT-Patancheru celebrated Ayudha Pooja on 23 October. Ayudha Pooja, or “Worship of Implements,” is an integral part of the Navratri (festival of triumph), a Hindu festival traditionally celebrated in India.

FETS’ celebration of Ayudha Pooja attended by Director General William Dar.

At the SMCO Printshop.

At the DDG’s office. ICRISAT Happenings 26 OCTOBER 2012/1542


Happy retirement! Ms C Geetha, Head, Director General’s Office will be retiring on 31 October. Geetha joined ICRISAT on 1 September 1975 and held various positions in the Administration of ICRISAT. Team ICRISAT extends felicitation for her dedicated service and wishes her and her family good health, happiness and a contented retired life. Mr Tilak Singh, Farm & Engineering Associate (GCE), FETS-Farm Services, will be retiring after serving the Institute for over 30 years. Team ICRISAT wishes both of them a very happy retired life.

Rendezvous Lounge now open for coffee and drinks! The Rendezvouz Lounge is now open for coffee and other drinks after 5:00 pm! The much-anticipated indoor-outdoor cafe serves high quality fresh coffee/other drinks and pastries. It will be the perfect place to come and unwind with friends and visitors after office hours, or to casually discuss ideas and share opinions with colleagues. Stop by and check it out!

Visitors’ log 22 October: Fifty students from Paragon High School, Hyderabad; 140 students from Agricultural College, Navsari and Junagadh, Gujarat. 23 October: Twenty-five participants of the Natural Resource Management for Sustainable Rural Livelihoods from the National Institute of Rural Development, Rajendranagar (picture on right); 20 officials from the Vegetable and Fruit Promotion Council, Kerala. 25 October: Farmers from Nalgonda district through the Mother Theresa Rural Development Society. 26 October: Fifty-one B Tech students from the Sri Indu College of Engineering and Technology, Ibrahimpatnam, Andhra Pradesh.

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