Happenings In-house Newsletter
12 April 2013 No. 1566
15 March 2013
The ICRISAT Governing Board with the Management Group and Research Committee at the 68th Board meeting in Dakar, Senegal.
68th Governing Board Meeting
Stronger and more dynamic partnerships, science and institutional vigor recognized Committed to a stronger and more dynamic agricultural research-for-development partnership as the way forward in tackling food security and poverty reduction in West and Central Africa (WCA), ICRISAT’s 68th Governing Board meeting was strategically held in Dakar, Senegal on 6-10 April.
gainst the backdrop of renewing and revitalizing partnerships in the region, new ways of collaboration were forged and key decisions were made during the week-long event. The 68th Governing Board meeting commenced with a visit by the ICRISAT Board members and management to the largest research station of the Senegalese Institute for Agricultural Research (ISRA) in Bambey and the Centre d’étude regional pour l’amélioration de l’adaptation à la sécheresse (CERAAS) near Dakar on 6 April. ISRA has a strong and active agricultural research program which ICRISAT has been working with for 40 years now. Recognizing that partnership is the key to overcoming poverty and food insecurity which remain as serious
challenges in the WCA region, a Partnership Day was organized by ICRISAT, ISRA, and the West and Central African Council for Agricultural Research and Development (CORAF/WECARD) on 8 April. The Partnership Day succeeded in further strengthening ties and in exploring new opportunities for collaboration and sharing of expertise and resources between ICRISAT and its partners in WCA. A highlight of the week-long event was a courtesy meeting with Senegal’s Prime Minister, Mr Abdoul Mbaye and Minister of Agriculture, Mr Abdoulaye Baldé on 9 April. The ICRISAT delegation met with the Senegalese officials to seal common commitment and support to stronger agricultural research partnerships within the region. to page 2 ...4
68th Governing Board Meeting....from page 1 The series of committee meetings set the stage for the Governing Board’s plenary meeting on 10 April, where the Institute’s enhanced commitment and efforts in maintaining a good balance of science and institutional vigor, financial strength and stability, staff morale and development, and excellent management were recognized. In his report to the Board, Dr Dar emphasized that ICRISAT’s financial health is strong and The 68th Board meeting in session. stable, with an approved budget for 2013 of US$67 million. He also updated the Board on the The completion of studies for the first phase of the overall achievements of the Institute, topped by the impact assessments was also lauded, as well as major approval and launch of the CGIAR Research Programs efforts made across the Institute for cultural change, on DrylandCereals and GrainLegumes. He expressed staff morale and staff development. There was a his eagerness to demonstrate the power of good discussion on achieving gender balance in partnership in these bold and innovative new ICRISAT at all levels as well as diversity in the staff Programs, and work with hundreds of research-forfrom developed and developing countries. To further development partners worldwide. To move the achieve gender parity, the Board approved the staff activities forward, the Board approved that hiring targets to be reported as percentages of management actively prepare for the next phase women scientists for 2013 -2015. proposals for the two Programs. In his report as Board Chair, Dr Poole stressed the One of the key decisions during the meeting was the need to achieve impacts for future funding. He also approval of the ICRISAT Marketing Plan to serve as noted the significant time he spends working with the blueprint in working within the new CGIAR the CGIAR Consortium Office and donors in assisting funding processes and mechanisms, and in vigorously with the reform processes. He expressed how pursuing bilateral programs and new partnerships. pleased he was with the success of the launch of the The Board requested a progress report of the DryandCereals and GrainLegumes and the active Marketing Plan at the next meeting in September, engagement among partners during the event. He particularly on the India Fund strategy and fund likewise highlighted the importance of the upcoming raising with the private sector. World Agricultural Forum (WAF) to be held in Hyderabad in November 2013, which opens up The Board also approved that management in opportunities for ICRISAT to build its profile and consultation with the internal auditors develop a due interact more with the private industry. diligence mechanism for the NARS partners. Further, as part of the internal audit plan, the internal Other decisions made at the Board meeting included auditors should conduct an annual review of at least the selection of three Centre Commissioned External one or two of the NARS partners. Reviews (CCERs) for 2013: implementation of the Inclusive Market-Oriented Development (IMOD) framework; Investment Policy and Currency Exchange Risk Management Policy; and ICRISAT’s sub-Saharan Africa Strategy.
The Board and management celebrating Dr Dar’s birthday during its 10 April meeting. 2 ICRISAT HAPPENINGS 12 APRIL 2013 1566
Dr Poole also recognized the excellent contributions and committed and dedicated services over the years of Dr Dave Hoisington as Deputy Director General for Research and Mr Hector Hernandez as Director, Human Resources and Operations, who were both attending the Board meeting for the last time. g
Field tour to ISRA, Bambey
ISRA and ICRISAT forge stronger strategic partnership
Food security is on top of our government’s priority, and we are addressing this through initiatives to improve the production of millet, sorghum, maize and rainfed rice,” said Dr Macoumba Diouf, Director General of ISRA, during the visit of the ICRISAT Board members and management to its Bambey station near Dakar, Senegal on 6 April. “Coping with drought, poor soils and exposure to pests and diseases and climate change are some of the major challenges for research in Senegal,” Dr Diouf added in his comprehensive orientation briefing of ISRA’s crop research initiatives, challenges and successes. He led the ICRISAT team on a field tour of the Bambey station to show the different varieties of crops being tested in the harsh drylands of Senegal. “Our partnership with ICRISAT through the years has been very beneficial to our country, highlighted by nearly 3,000 varieties of sorghum exchanged between ICRISAT and ISRA as well as nearly 200 varieties of groundnut and 100 varieties of pigeonpea,” stressed Dr Samba Thiaw, Director of the Centre National de Recherches Agronomiques de Bambey (CNRA-Bambey). Dr Thiaw acknowledged ICRISAT’s important role in ISRA’s research initiatives, particularly in varietal development and in training and capacity building of scientists in cereals, legumes and natural resources. He noted the many ISRA
ISRA Director General Dr Macoumba Diouf (center) with Dr Dar and Dr Poole.
scientists who have spent time at the ICRISAT headquarters in India for training on crop breeding/ improvement, opening vast opportunities for joint research undertakings. “I am very excited to be here to witness the value of the ICRISAT-ISRA partnership. I see the many ICRISAT varieties being used in research here and benefiting the country and its people; this shows that we have chosen our partners well,” said Dr Nigel Poole, ICRISAT Board Chair.
ICRISAT Board members and management with ISRA and CNRA officials and staff.
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Field tour to ISRA, Bambey....from page 3 Director General William Dar, meanwhile affirmed a strong support to elevate the partnership between ISRA and ICRISAT with the CGIAR Research Programs as the platform. In response to Dr Dar’s statement of support, Dr Diouf has offered to host the implementation of some CGIAR Research Program activities in Senegal. The ICRISAT Board members and management also visited CERAAS, a national center of ISRA open to regional cooperation. Dr Ndiaga Cisse, Director of CERAAS, pointed out that his organization, which focuses on crop adaptation to drought, benefits much from its collaborative work with ICRISAT on dryland cereals such as sorghum, pearl millet and fonio, as well as on legumes such as groundnut, sesame and cowpea. g (Top right) Board members and management with ISRA and CERAAS officials and staff. (Right) A CNRA scientist explains his institute’s pearl millet research during the field visit. (Below) Young scientists of CERAAS who trained at the ICRISAT headquarters in India with ICRISAT management.
Partnership Day
ISRA, CORAF/WECARD and ICRISAT strengthen ties for food security and poverty reduction in WCA
he power of partnership in advancing food security and poverty reduction was highlighted at the Partnership Day organized by ICRISAT, ISRA and CORAF/WECARD on 8 April in Dakar, Senegal. “We are committed to strengthen and stimulate our partnerships in WCA. Under the ICRISAT-led CGIAR Research Programs Dr D Hoisington addressing the participants of the Partnership Day. on GrainLegumes and on DrylandCereals, national “With the support from the Indian Council of and regional organizations like ISRA and CORAF/ Agricultural Research (ICAR) headed by its Director WECARD will play more significant roles in ensuring General, Dr S Ayyappan, who is also Vice-Chair of the that research results benefit the smallholder ICRISAT Board, this partnership mode is now moving farmers,” said Dr William Dar. incredibly fast. IS-SI is truly unlocking the entrepreneurship of people in countries in this The potential of South-South cooperation between continent and improving the process of knowledge India and Africa was also highlighted during the exchange between India and Africa,” Dr Poole Partnership Day, especially in the context of the ICRISAT South-South Initiative (IS-SI). “Two years ago, pointed out. we launched the IS-SI aimed at building upon the already strong and successful India-Africa partnership to scale up its role as a driver of prosperity and economic opportunities in the dryland tropics,” said Dr Nigel Poole.
CORAF/WECARD Executive Director, Dr Harold Roy-Macauley, highlighted his organization’s common mission with ICRISAT and CGIAR. “CORAF/WECARD provides opportunities and facilitates CGIAR research partnerships with national organizations in the region. We have a growing strength of collaboration with ICRISAT and other CGIAR Centers, as well as similar and complementary interests and willingness to work together to improve the well-being of the poor.”
Dr Dar, Dr Poole, ISRA DG Dr M Diouf, and CORAF/WECARD Executive Director Dr Harold Roy-Macauley during the MoU signing.
“Our partnerships respond to priorities of WCA on food security and livelihood improvement. to page 6 ...4 ICRISAT HAPPENINGS 12 APRIL 2013 1566 5
Partnership Day.... from page 5 Together with ICRISAT and the CGIAR, we create value addition in investments structured to ensure economies of scale and spillover effects in countries in the region,” Dr Roy-Macauley added. “There are many people to feed and climate change is a continuing challenge. We can do more together to advance development and poverty reduction in WCA,” said Dr Macoumba Diouf, ISRA Director General. ICRISAT, ISRA and CORAF/WECARD in a show of solidarity for food security The Partnership Day was capped with the signing of and poverty reduction in WCA. a Memorandum of partnership and set the scene for tackling new Understanding (MoU) between ICRISAT and ISRA challenges together and creating more impacts. to renew and revitalize 40 years of research collaboration on groundnut, pearl millet and A press conference was held after the Partnership sorghum. Highlighting ICRISAT’s relationship with Day program to answer questions from the media CORAF/WECARD, an MoU was also signed related to ICRISAT’s global programs and activities, between the two organizations to formalize the and its partnerships in Senegal and in WCA. g
The press conference after the Partnership Day.
Meeting with Senegalese officials
Senegal Prime Minister supports new partnerships to improve livelihoods of the poor
Our agriculture must be able to feed our people, and at the same time provide solutions to the problem of unemployment in our country. Agricultural development and food security is a priority of our government, and we need your support on this more than ever,” said Prime Minister of Senegal, Mr Abdoul Mbaye. “We want to use science-based solutions for agricultural growth to create opportunities for employment, as well as to cope with the changing climate conditions. Your work with our national institutes on cereals and legumes has contributed much to increasing and diversifying sources of incomes for our people,” added the Prime Minister.
Senegal Prime Minister Mr A Mbaye (left) with Dr Poole and Dr Dar.
Highlighting the importance of research partnership in view of current agricultural challenges, Senegal’s Minister of Agriculture, Mr Abdoulaye Baldé, said: “We are about to modernize our agriculture. We need a more effective system of research and dissemination of agricultural technologies. This is a priority for the government of Senegal and we are committed to work together with ICRISAT towards achieving this goal.” Senegal’s Prime Minister Mbaye and Agriculture Minister Baldé both expressed commitment to a stronger and more dynamic research-fordevelopment partnership during a courtesy visit by the ICRISAT delegation led by Dr Nigel Poole, together with Dr William Dar, Dr S Ayyappan, Vice-Chair of the Board, and Dr Farid Waliyar, Regional Director for WCA on 9 April.
A discussion on south-south cooperation between India and Africa and other new partnership opportunities for agricultural development was also discussed during the visit. “There are similarities between Indian and African climates where a major part of the population consumes cereals such as millet and sorghum, and grain legumes such as groundnuts. Working with ICRISAT to develop varieties adapted to both Indian and African conditions is the key,” noted Dr Ayyappan. The visit was capped with Prime Minister Mbaye’s expression of full support to the revitalized ICRISATSenegal collaboration and the new partnership dynamics under the CGIAR Research Programs. g
“The organization of ICRISAT’s Governing Board meeting here in Dakar is a strong sign of the vitality of relationship between ICRISAT and Senegal, particularly through ISRA,” noted Dr Poole. “We are at a stage of elevating our partnerships in the region through the implementation of the CGIAR Research Programs, in which ISRA will play a significant role,” said Dr Dar.
(L-R) Dr F Waliyar, ICRISAT Regional Director for WCA; Dr S Ayyappan, Vice-Chair of the Board and ICAR Director General; Dr Poole; Dr Dar; Senegal’s Minister of Agriculture, Mr A Baldé; and ISRA DG Dr M Diouf. ICRISAT HAPPENINGS 12 APRIL 2013 1566 7
Director General W Dar receives alumnus award The Ilocos Sur Polytechnic State Colleges (ISPSC) Federated Alumni Association in the Philippines awarded Director General William Dar a Certificate of Recognition as a Distinguished Alumnus during its Centennial Alumni Homecoming on 1 April in Sta Maria, Ilocos Sur, Philippines. The award was given “in sincere recognition of Dr Dar’s outstanding accomplishments and achievements, and in grateful acknowledgement of his diligence, generous support and unselfish assistance and innumerable contributions in the establishment and attainment of goals and objectives, programs and projects of the Alma Mater particularly, the ISPSC Federated Alumni Association”. g
Blood donation camp successful The Blood Donation Camp organized by FMU on 10 April was a great success. Around 100 staff members turned up to contribute to this noble cause. Since the Institute of Preventive Medicine (IPM) had brought only 100 blood drawing sachets, not more than 100 donors could be accepted. The donors can collect the certificate issued by the Blood Bank from the medical unit.
Visitors’ log
Science with a human face ICRISAT-Patancheru (Headquarters) Patancheru 502 324 Andhra Pradesh, India Tel +91 40 30713071
ICRISAT-Liaison Office CG Centers Block NASC Complex Dev Prakash Shastri Marg New Delhi 110 012, India
ICRISAT-Nairobi (Regional hub ESA) PO Box 39063, Nairobi, Kenya
ICRISAT-Bamako (Regional hub WCA) BP 320 Bamako, Mali
ICRISAT-Niamey BP 12404 Niamey, Niger (Via Paris)
ICRISAT-Bulawayo Matopos Research Station PO Box 776 Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
ICRISAT-Lilongwe Chitedze Agricultural Research Station PO Box 1096 Lilongwe, Malawi
ICRISAT- Kano PMB 3491, Sabo Bakin Zuwo Road Tarauni, Kano, Nigeria
ICRISAT-Maputo c/o IIAM, Av. das FPLM No 2698 Caixa Postal 1906 Maputo, Mozambique
ICRISAT is a member of the CGIAR Consortium
8 April: Twenty-four farmers from Malegaon, Maharashtra. 9 April: One hundred students from Kerala Agricultural University, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. 10 April: Fifteen PhD students from Acharya NG Ranga Agricultural University (ANGRAU). 12 April: Fifty students from Maheshwari Engineering College, Hyderabad.