Happenings Newsletter
14 November 2014 No. 1649
Photo: S Njoroge, ICRISAT
Mr Michael D Higgins, President of Ireland, being escorted by Dr Siambi at ICRISAT-Malawi office.
Irish President visits ICRISAT-Malawi
Strengthening partnerships in seed technology
he Malawi Seed Industry Development Project, which has directly reached at least 2.2 million households in providing legume seed, demonstrates the potential of partnerships with national agencies. The project, funded by Irish Aid and being implemented by an ICRISAT-led consortium, has also benefited neighboring countries such as Tanzania, Zambia and Mozambique. The achievements were shared during the visit of the President of Ireland, Mr Michael D Higgins, and his wife, Ms Sabina Higgins, to ICRISAT-Malawi on 12 November. The Irish Ambassador to Malawi, Ms Aine Hearns, was also present on the occasion. “The Malawi Seed Industry Development Project is crucial. I wish many more people from Ireland could see what a great result is coming from Irish Aid
assistance and the multiplier effect it has where it is most important,” Mr Higgins said. The Malawi Seed Industry Development Project, which started in 2008, works with small-, mediumand large-scale seed producers. The project contributes to the government’s Agriculture Flagship Program, the Farm Input Subsidy Program (FISP), by supplying 4,500 tons or 54% of seed planted in 2013 alone. The 2013 seed infusions into the FISP translate into revenue of about US$ 5.7 million per annum from seed and grain sales and US$ 3.3 million worth of consumed legumes and grain in households. During his address the President said, “I’m very pleased to see how research is being communicated to where it really matters - the smallholder farmers whose welfare is the welfare of Malawi.” to page 2 ...4