Happenings Newsletter
5 December 2014 No. 1652
Farmers sampling finger millet products at a national field day in Western Kenya. (File photo)
HOPE project survey in western Kenya
Survey reveals effectiveness of field days
ore than 80% of the farmers who took part in the field days organized by ICRISAT and partners in Western Kenya, successfully applied the knowledge on their farms, a survey has revealed. Another surprising finding of the survey was that women walked longer distances than men did to attend the finger millet field days. While no male participants travelled farther than 5 km, 32% of female participants travelled more than 5 km to field day sites. Women seemed more willing to take part in field days and were ready to walk longer distances if required. The Harnessing Opportunities for Productivity Enhancement (HOPE) project team recently conducted a survey in Kenya to evaluate the effectiveness of field days as communication channels
for technology dissemination to finger millet farmers in Western Kenya. Most women farmers who attended the field days applied seed selection technologies learnt during training. This is attributed to the role women traditionally play in finger millet seed selection and storage. “Future trainings in finger millet seed selection should focus more on women,� the survey team observed. On the other hand, a significantly smaller proportion of women than men reported trying out technologies on fertilizer and manure use. This indicates an underlying constraint that limits women more than men in applying fertilizer or to page 2 ...4