Happenings Newsletter
8 May 2015 No. 1674
This women’s group in Nigeria sells bread, cakes, biscuits and other traditional dishes made from millet, sorghum and groundnut. The profit they earn from the sale is used for their children’s education.
Creating jobs and opportunities through agriculture in Nigeria
reating jobs and opportunities through agriculture, processing and market connections were high on the agenda during discussions between ICRISAT partners and Dr David Bergvinson, Director General, ICRISAT, in Nigeria last week.
feed. Increased production and productivity is the goal of the Ministry, with successful impacts already being seen through ICRISAT’s work on the sorghum value chain. Participating farmers have seen yield increase from less than 1 tons per hectare to 2-2.5 tons per hectare.
Significant improvements in the productivity of sorghum and groundnut were highlighted at a meeting with key staff of Nigeria’s Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (FMARD), including Representative of the Permanent Secretary, Mr Jide Olumeko.
Similarly, the ICRISAT partnership on groundnut improvement in 16 states has seen participating farmers increase yield from about 1 tons per hectare to 1.7 tons per hectare. Dry season groundnut production is spreading rapidly and seed availability has increased significantly.
In Nigeria, sorghum is used for malt products, high energy foods, flour for pastries and bread, and also for animal
Ministry staff strongly welcomed ICRISAT’s plan to establish an aflatoxin lab to support research, training and for commercial purposes to address aflatoxin detection and control in groundnut.
Key staff of Nigeria’s FMARD with Dr Bergvinson and Mr Olumeko, Representative of the Permanent Secretary (center).
On this trip, Dr Bergvinson also met with partners: Catholic Relief Services (CRS), Agricultural Research Council of Nigeria, Institute for Agricultural Research, Centre for Dryland Agriculture, Bayero University, women’s groups and Cellulant - a mobile services company. g More on: http://dgblog.icrisat.org/