ICRISAT Business Plan, 2011-2015

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Internal document

ICRISAT Business Plan, 2011-2015 Implementing the ICRISAT Strategic Plan to 2020

Our vision a prosperous, food-secure and resilient dryland tropics Our mission to reduce poverty, hunger, malnutrition and environmental degradation in the dryland tropics Our approach partnership-based international agricultural research-for-development that embodies science with a human face


Research Committee

ICRISAT’s Business Plan, 2011–2015, describes how we will fulfill the commitments presented in our Strategic Plan to 2020, for the first five years of the decade. A three-year Medium-Term Plan, updated annually, will provide additional ‘how’ detail, indicating expected yearly milestones at the activity level. This Business Plan will be most useful for guiding the Institute’s own management and operations with a five-year horizon, including mechanisms for monitoring and assessing progress. The Medium-Term Plan’s main purpose is for annual activity planning (with a rolling three-year horizon) and for reporting to the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR).

Dave Hoisington Deputy Director General, Research

Peter Craufurd Director, Resilient Dryland System

MCS Bantilan Director, Markets, Institutions & Policies

CLL Gowda Director, Grain Legumes

Oscar Riera-Lizarazu Director, Dryland Cereals

Peter Ninnes Director, Resource Planning and Marketing

Farid Waliyar Director, ICRISAT-West and Central Africa

Said Silim Director, ICRISAT-Eastern and Southern Africa

Rex Navarro Global Leader (Acting), Knowledge Sharing & Innovations

Copyright © International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), 2010. All rights reserved. ICRISAT holds the copyright to its publications, but these can be shared and duplicated for non-commercial purposes. Permission to make digital or hard copies of part(s) or all of any publication for non-commercial use is hereby granted as long as ICRISAT is properly cited. For any clarification, please contact the Director of Communication at icrisat@cgiar.org. ICRISAT’s name and logo are registered trademarks and may not be used without permission. You may not alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other notice.

ICRISAT Business Plan, 2011-2015 Implementing the ICRISAT Strategic Plan to 2020

Science with a human face

Table of Contents Foreword


Executive Summary



Introduction and Background



Implementing ICRISAT’S Vision, Mission and Approach



Implementing a Systems Perspective within the Inclusive Market-Oriented Development (IMOD) Framework



Enhancing the Critical Focus Areas



Strategic Research Services



Implementing Purposeful Partnerships and Capacity Strengthening


VII Resourcing the Agenda


VIII Resource Mobilization and Communication



Human Resource Management



Implementing Cultural Change



Measuring Progress and Performance


XII Conclusion




ICRISAT Governing Board


Nigel Poole Chair

S Ayyappan Vice-Chair

William Dar Member

Chandra A Madramootoo Member & Chair Programme Committee

Meryl Williams Member & Chair Nomination Committee

Philip Ikeazor Member & Chair Audit Committee

P K Basu Member

Deborah Delmer Member

S V Prasad Member

Molapo Qhobela Member

Gry Synnevag Member

Adama Traore Member

Foreword Great ideas only deliver value when they are executed well. This ICRISAT Business Plan, 20112015, outlines how we will implement change in the directions called for by our new Strategic Plan to 2020 during its initial five year period. Following the principle that form follows function, this Business Plan explains how our organizational and management structures, mechanisms and processes will serve our Vision, Mission, Approach and research-for-development targets. Change starts with leadership, so we begin by describing our leadership positions and consultative committees. Our management and research committees will strive for dynamic teamwork and efficient decision-making, not leastcommon-denominator solutions. Our change dynamics will simultaneously adapt to the major reorganization now underway at the CGIAR level. The Strategic Plan commits us to adopt a systems perspective to our research-for-development. In support of that aim, our research leaders will foster teamwork between scientists of different disciplines including those beyond the borders of the institute through our partnerships. Greater teamwork will be achieved not through burdensome matrix management structures but rather through more frequent consultations among research leaders, a stronger teamwork culture, and increased accountability for these outcomes monitored and incentivized through performance management indicators. At the same time we will encourage a strong culture of innovation by strengthening critical focus areas and capacities across our global establishment. Much of this strengthening will come through more effective partnerships that bring in new ideas and energy. As a consequence of the CGIAR’s reorganization, our financial and resource mobilization dynamics will also change in significant ways that are yet to fully unfold. We will remain agile and adapt to new circumstances while maintaining a forward posture of growth so that we can become even more effective in serving our Mission. We present three financial scenarios that outline the ways in which we might adapt to these uncertainties. We explain how we will improve our communications and knowledge-sharing to ensure that our stakeholders continue to fully appreciate that ICRISAT delivers steady value even in times of change. To implement these changes, we will embark on major institutional reorganization and process reforms particularly during 2011. Change is sometimes uncomfortable, but when challenges become difficult we will draw inspiration from our shared commitment to our Mission of reducing poverty, hunger, malnutrition and environmental degradation in the dryland tropics of the developing world. The power of this guiding light will illuminate the path to overcome any obstacles that we may encounter. Sincerely yours,

William D. Dar Director General


Executive Summary This Business Plan for the period 2011-2015 describes how the major new elements of ICRISAT’s Strategic Plan to 2020 will be implemented during its first five years. It also describes how we will dovetail with the new CGIAR Strategy and Results Framework (SRF) and CGIAR Research Programs (CRPs). It highlights organization and management mechanisms, human, financial and infrastructural resourcing plans, and change management initiatives. The Business Plan is primarily for the use of senior management and the Governing Board. It may also be shared with the Consortium and certain investors at the discretion of the Director General and Governing Board. It also sets the stage for our rolling three-year Medium Term Plan (MTP) that will provide more detail on research-for-development (R4D) output, outcome and impact targets. Our top management structure will maintain continuity with a Management Group led by the Director General and composed of the Deputy Director General for Research and the Directors of Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA), West and Central Africa (WCA), Resource Planning and Mobilization (RPM), Communication, Finance and Human Resources and Operations. The Management Group will meet at least monthly (physically and virtually) to advise the Director General on major policy and management issues. Research will be coordinated and integrated through a Research Committee led by the Deputy Director General for Research and composed of the Directors of ESA, WCA, RPM and the four Research Programs, the Global Leader for Knowledge Sharing and Innovation, and the Head of the Impact Assessment Office. The Research Committee will meet physically at least three times per year, supplemented by monthly virtual meetings as feasible. The Research Committee will identify R4D opportunities and priorities, foster crossProgram interactions and teamwork, monitor and evaluate ICRISAT’s participation in the vi

CGIAR Research Programs, oversee the championing of the Critical Focus Areas, and monitor and evaluate progress towards targeted R4D outputs, outcomes and impacts utilizing the assistance of a new Impact Assessment Office. Annual Research Meetings (ARMs) will be organized, alternating between a global meeting involving all scientists/staff members and regional meetings involving all regionallybased scientists and senior management. These ARMs will be conducted early each year to discuss achievements during the previous year and plan the current year’s work. As stated in the Strategic Plan to 2020, our R4D will utilize a systems perspective within the inclusive market-oriented development (IMOD) unifying conceptual framework. The Research Committee will determine the intended high-level outcomes of the R4D agenda that lead towards the Mission goals through this framework. The four Strategic Thrusts outlined in the Strategic Plan will be implemented through four corresponding Research Programs, each led by a Research Program Director. These Research Programs will contribute to the objectives of one or more of the CRPs. The Strategic Plan also identifies a number of cross-program capacities that we consider strategically important to strengthen during the Strategic Plan period, termed as Critical Focus Areas (CFAs). These CFAs will be strengthened by initiating and/or enhancing efforts in various R4D areas/units. We will designate a ‘Champion’ to catalyze each CFA through annual work plans of the relevant Research Programs, and senior management will monitor and evaluate progress. The Business Plan elaborates the projected human, financial and infrastructure resources across the Institute required to achieve success. We project a growth in total internationally-recruited staff (IRS) of around 40 positions. Growth in IRS numbers will be greater in sub-Saharan Africa (30 positions)

compared with India (10 positions) resulting in an approximate ratio of IRS positions between sub-Saharan Africa and India of about 45:55 from the earlier 30:70. A natural staff turnover rate of 5% per year will also provide flexibility for bringing in new capacities. A road map of present versus desired configuration of capacities will be developed by management to guide recruitment over the Business Plan period. Performance management indicators will be monitored to assess staff productivity and effectiveness in pursuit of our institutional objectives. Funding for these positions and projected requirements for our partners will require a growth in our R4D budget of approximately 10% per year. This will result in an increase in spending per annum from $56.5M in 2011 to $79M by 2015 (about 40% growth) in expenses. We will ensure that administration costs do not increase in proportion to the overall budget, and thus be only 13% of the total expenses by 2015. This will also include maintaining Governing Board expenses at not more than 0.8%. We will maintain our financial reserves within the Governing Board instructed range of 125-140 days. If the reserves fall below the 125-day level, immediate action will be taken to rectify the situation for the longterm survival of the institute. To achieve the proposed level of growth, we will require an increase in funding from $57M in 2011 to $81M by 2015. Funding will be sourced through both the new CGIAR Fund Council windows, bilateral projects between specific investors and ICRISAT and Center earned income. Given the CGIAR’s reform process

and uncertainty regarding funding post2010, we indicate various funding scenarios required for such income growth, and discuss other options for reducing expenses, fund raising and/or adjusting our growth rate to funds available. To more effectively manage expenses and budgets, we will implement full-cost budgeting, a modern and integrated management information system, a new budgeting system providing budget responsibility and accountability at the appropriate level, and we will continually evaluate the efficiency of in-house versus outsourced support services and R4D activities. No major infrastructure changes are envisaged for the next five years apart from the completion in early 2011 of the Platform for the Translational Research on Transgenic Crops (PTTC) building at Patancheru, India, and the additional office accommodation at Samanko, Mali, and the upgrading of field stations and R4D facilities as and when funding permits. The regional headquarters of ICRISAT in sub-Saharan Africa are currently located in Nairobi for ESA and Niamey for WCA; and management will consider a longer-term plan for regional oversight in WCA. The Business Plan concludes by describing how the cultural changes committed in the Strategic Plan will be achieved in order to transform ICRISAT into a more agile, responsive, learning and high performing organization. Cultural change will be led by the Director General, who will be assisted by a Change Management Team and with strong follow-through by all members of the Management Group and Research Committee.




Introduction and Background

Our ICRISAT Strategic Plan to 2020 articulates what we will do and why at the macro thematic level. This Business Plan describes how we will pursue those objectives, during the first five years (2011-2015) of the Strategic Plan period. ‘How’ at the Business Plan level focuses mainly on management mechanisms and organizational structures, rollout plans, resources and capacities, and major logistical arrangements. A three-year rolling Medium Term Plan (MTP) updated annually will provide additional ‘how’ detail extending to the working activity level. The Strategic Plan is intended for both internal (ICRISAT) and external audiences needing a broad understanding of the Institute’s priorities

and directions. This Business Plan will be most useful for guiding the Institute’s own management and operations with a five-year horizon, including mechanisms for monitoring and assessing progress. It is primarily for the use of senior management and the Governing Board. It can be shared with the Consortium and certain investors at the discretion of the Director General and Governing Board. The MTP’s main purpose is for internal annual activity planning (with a rolling three-year horizon) and for reporting to the CGIAR. The development of our strategic, business and medium-term plans is timely since these coincide with comprehensive changes underway in the CGIAR including the development of a new Strategy and Results Framework (SRF) and the new CGIAR Research Programs (CRPs). Our Business Plan will align with the SRF principles and business plans of CRPs in which we participate or lead, as these become available.



II. Implementing ICRISAT’s Vision, Mission and Approach

Our Vision, Mission, Approach and Aspirational Targets, as described in our Strategic Plan to 2020, provide the toplevel guiding beacons for our work. This chapter introduces the main management and organizational features that will guide us towards those beacons.

Senior Management and Committees The Director General will continue to serve as the Institute’s top executive and main representative to stakeholders globally, and to report to the Governing Board and to link and interact with the new CGIAR Consortium CEO and Consortium Board on relevant major aspects of ICRISAT’s activities. The Director General will chair the Management Group (MG), our senior management team. The MG provides support to the Director General in setting the policies and directions of the Institute, in ensuring the overall administration and R4D agenda is consistent with the


Organogram of ICRISAT – 2011

Governing Board

Director General

Director Business & Country Relations

Director Human Resources & Operations

Director Finance

Director Eastern & Southern Africa

Deputy Director General, Research

Director Resilient Dryland System

Director Markets, Institutions & Policies

Director Grain Legumes

policies and financial parameters set by the Governing Board, and in protecting and advancing the interests of the Institute and staff at all locations according to the Vision, Mission and Strategy of the Institute. The MG membership includes the Deputy Director General for Research (DDG-R), the Directors for Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA), West and Central Africa (WCA), Communications, Finance, Human Resources (HR), and Resource Planning and Marketing (RPM) (see Organogram). The MG will draw upon other Directors and scientific/support staff as required. The MG will meet regularly (at least once per month if possible) using both inperson and virtual meeting formats.


Director Resource Planning & Marketing

Director West & Central Africa

Head Impact Assessment Office

Head Internal Audit

Head Intellectual Property Office

Director Dryland Cereals

Director Communication

Program Leader Farm Engineering & Transport

Global Leader Knowledge Sharing & Innovations

Under the Director General’s supervision, the oversight, integration and coordination of the R4D portfolio will rest with the DDG-R, who will chair the Research Committee (RC). The RC membership will include the ESA and WCA Directors, the four Research Program (RP) Directors, the RPM Director, the Global Leader-Knowledge Sharing and Innovation, and the Head of the Impact Assessment Office. The RC will draw upon other Directors and scientific/support staff as required. The Research Committee will play an advisory role to the MG on R4D policies and priorities. It will promote a systems perspective to our agenda by defining top-

level Outcomes from which priority systems within the IMOD framework are derived. It will identify R4D opportunities and priorities. It will also foster cross-Program interactions and teamwork, monitor and evaluate ICRISAT’s participation in the CRPs, oversee the championing of the Critical Focus Areas, and monitor and evaluate progress towards targeted R4D outputs, outcomes and impacts utilizing the assistance of a new Impact Assessment Office. To manage its range of responsibilities, the Research Committee will meet physically at least three times per year (including in the regions synchronized with Annual Research and Governing Board meetings), supplemented by monthly virtual meetings as needed. The duration of physical meetings will be extended to 2-3 days each with a formal agenda and record. Field visits will be organized to partner research locations in the region.

Aligning ICRISAT with the New CGIAR Structure A major change occurring in parallel with our Strategic Plan to 2020 and Business Plan is the reorganization of the entire CGIAR to integrate the fifteen Centers’ research and funding mechanisms. As explained in our Strategic Plan, the CGIAR Vision and Strategic Objectives are congruent with our own. We are intentionally organizing our work in ways that align with the new CGIAR structure in order to minimize additional transaction costs for planning, managing and reporting. The CGIAR is reorganizing into two bodies: the Consortium of CGIAR Centers and the CGIAR Fund Council. Because this new structure has major implications for how we work, we outline the relevant main features of these two bodies below. Consortium of CGIAR Centers

An Assistant Director each for ESA and WCA will be designated, and Country Representatives in regions will assist/represent their ESA/WCA Directors when necessary. Regional Coordinating Committees in ESA and WCA, chaired by the Director of each region and composed of Assistant Directors/ Country Representatives and Research Program representatives will provide support to the Directors on Research Program and regional issues.

Newly established in early 2010, the Consortium of CGIAR Centers will lead, coordinate and support the fifteen Centers to increase inter-Center teamwork, synergy, impact and efficiency. In addition to increasing R4D effectiveness and transparency, an important purpose of this consolidation is to harmonize the interface with development investors, who have formed a CGIAR Fund Council (described below). A harmonized interface between the Consortium and the Fund Council is expected to reduce complexity and fragmentation in funding the CGIAR agenda.

ARMs will be organized, alternating between a global meeting involving all scientists/staff and regional meetings involving all regionally-based scientists and senior management. These ARMs will be conducted early each year to discuss achievements during the previous year and plan the current year’s work. Partners will be invited to the regional meetings so that staff can mainstream their ideas into the global meeting. Project meetings in the regions will also provide a means for partner influence to flow into regional planning and into the ARMs.

The Consortium’s functions relative to those of the Centers are delineated in the Consortium Constitution, available on the CGIAR website. The Consortium is articulating a strategic and programmatic convergence among Centers through its ‘Strategy and Results Framework’ (SRF). The SRF defines seven Thematic Areas that encompass fifteen ‘CGIAR Research Programs’ (CRPs - see below). The Consortium is led by a Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and governed by a Consortium Board. We will develop close working interactions with the new CEO and his office. We have already established communications with the Consortium Board


Member who has been designated as the liaison point for ICRISAT. The new SRF commits the revitalized CGIAR to increase its efforts in documenting the results achieved from R4D investments. ‘Results-Based Management’ will be implemented in which the commitments between funders and executors of research programs will be tracked in accordance with ‘performance contracts’. A transparent logical pathway connecting our R4D outputs to CRP commitments is essential, and is the reason why we have closely aligned our Research Program with the CRPs Consortium Research Programs (CRPs)

The SRF identifies fifteen CRPs (listed below). ICRISAT has initially allocated all of its R4D activities and budget across the seven CRPs (denoted with an asterisk). • CRP1.1* Integrated agricultural production systems for dry areas • CRP1.2 Integrated systems for the humid tropics • CRP1.3 Harnessing the development potential of aquatic agricultural systems • CRP2* Policies, institutions and markets to strengthen assets and agricultural incomes • CRP3.1 WHEAT: Global alliance for improving food security and the livelihoods of the resource-poor • CRP3.2 MAIZE: Global alliance for improving food security and the livelihoods of the resource-poor • CRP3.3 GRiSP: a global rice partnership • CRP3.4 Roots, tubers and bananas for food security and income • CRP3.5* Grain legumes: enhanced food and feed security, nutritional balances, economic growth and soil health (ICRISAT is the Lead Center) • CRP3.6* Dryland cereals: food security and growth for the world’s most vulnerable poor (ICRISAT is the Lead Center) • CRP3.7 Sustainable staple food productivity increase for


• CRP4* • CRP5* • CRP6 • CRP7*

global food security: livestock and fish Agriculture for improved nutrition and health Durable solutions for water scarcity and land degradation Forest and trees: livelihoods, landscapes and governance Climate change, agriculture and food security

In the case of CRP1.1, CRP2, CRP4, CRP5 and CRP7, a member of the RC will be designated as the CRP Contact Scientist for ICRISAT. These designations are expected to require approximately 25% time, and will involve responsibility for ensuring that ICRISAT’s obligations under the CRP are represented at the CRP level and fulfilled by the Institute. In the case of the two CRPs where ICRISAT is the Lead Center (CRP3.5 and CRP3.6), a CRP Leader will be appointed to provide overall leadership to the CRP. This position is expected to be nearly full-time, at least during the first 3-5 years as the new CRP structure begins to function. The CRP Leader will be responsible for research management across all CRP partners, and thus will need to be a strong leader and good communicator willing to continuously engage in a participatory way with sister Centers. It is planned that the existing RP3 and RP4 Directors will assume the responsibilities of corresponding CRP Leader, with the appointment of an Assistant Research Program Director each for RP3 and RP4. Most of the CRPs are currently under development. As these are finalized they will provide the framework for the development of our ICRISAT MTP, including detailed schedules of activities and outputs and attendant work plans at the individual scientist level. These work plans will then form the basis by which the outputs of scientists will be assessed during annual performance appraisals. This will ensure that individual scientists’ work plans and performance are integrally linked to work plans and expectations of our ICRISAT R4D strategy as well as that of the CRPs.

To monitor and evaluate CRP performance, it is expected that the Consortium will organize periodic external reviews that will therefore also become mechanisms of accountability for ICRISAT and other CRP partners, as well as requiring considerable ICRISAT time involvement for those CRPs that we lead. The Consortium will also liaise with the CGIAR Fund Council as that Council also carries out its own independent reviews, presumably under the auspices of the new Independent Science and Partnership Council (ISPC). Bilateral investors may also require reviews and impact assessments. To ease the review burden, we will strive for monitoring and evaluation indicators and protocols that will serve the purposes of multiple review and assessment mechanisms.

The CGIAR Fund Council

The SRF also describes the main contours of CRP governance and management. The CGIAR will recognize a lead Center for each CRP that will sign a performance contract with the Consortium, operate under the oversight of the Consortium Board and (for Center-related issues) Center Boards, and have the option of engaging a scientific advisory pool. The Director General of the lead center for a CRP will chair a Steering Committee to provide overall governance of that CRP.

The Consortium Board Chair represents the Consortium to the Fund Council. Center representatives may be called upon to participate in Fund Council meetings to discuss particular CRP issues. Center interactions outside those meetings with the Fund Council are also acceptable as long as the Consortium Office is kept informed. Centers will also interact directly with the ISPC on a needs basis on science-related questions related to the Fund’s processes. On bilateral funding issues, Centers will remain free to approach members of the Fund Council and other non-CGIAR development investors on an individual basis.

CRPs will develop their own Business Plans and will operate on a full-cost budgeting basis, ie, all expenses must be covered from the CRP’s own budget; no subsidies or free services will be provided by the CGIAR or Centers. Certain cross-CRP service functions, paid for by the CRPs collectively may be facilitated by the Consortium to benefit from economies of scale. We will participate in the evolution of such service functions to ensure that ICRISAT’s needs are met in a cost-effective manner.

The CGIAR Fund Council, being established under Word Bank trusteeship over the course of 2010, will foster coordination among development investors in strategic financing of the CGIAR agenda by interfacing with the Consortium and funding work through the mechanisms described above (CRPs). Fund members may designate their funds in one of three ways: unrestricted funding to the entire CGIAR program portfolio; programmatic funding for one or more CRPs; and/or institutional funding for one or more Centers. The Fund is managed by a Fund Council, led by a Chair; and is assisted in its deliberations by the ISPC of scientific experts. The Fund Council Secretariat is housed at the World Bank.

The Fund Council meets twice yearly and organizes a biennial Funders Forum to consider the Consortium’s SRF for funding, based on performance contracts for resultsbased monitoring. The first Funders Forum in July 2010 accepted the Consortium’s initial SRF draft as a work in progress and called for its revision for reconsideration.



III. Implementing a Systems Perspective within the Inclusive Market-Oriented Development (IMOD) Framework

As explained in the Strategic Plan, Inclusive Market-Oriented Development (IMOD) is the unifying conceptual framework for ICRISAT’s R4D effort to 2020. This will require taking a systems perspective within the IMOD framework. We currently work on a number of IMODrelevant issues; however we (and other Centers) have generally not conceived or organized this work in a systems perspective within the IMOD framework. This chapter of the Business Plan explains how this will be implemented through the R4D management structure. It also describes how that management structure will interoperate with the new CRPs at the CGIAR level.

Guiding institutional change towards a systems perspective within the IMOD framework The RC will define priority Outcomes in a systems perspective within the IMOD


framework that are of major regional and global importance towards our Mission. The RC will then ensure that Research Programs organize their R4D agendas in a logical framework to achieve those Outcomes, particularly ensuring vigorous inter-Program, inter-disciplinary systems thinking and teamwork. RC will also monitor and account for performance towards the Outcomes. The agenda and format for Annual Research Meetings at both regional and global levels will include significant amounts of time to discuss plans and progress towards these Outcomes so that scientists can orient their work in this direction. Annual Program Reports will also give high visibility to progress towards these Outcomes. Annual staff evaluations for both RC members and scientists will be modified to include Outcome-relevant performance indicators such as percentage of time spent leading, managing or working in inter-disciplinary teams, and related indicators (publications, partnerships, etc.). An award will be considered to commend the best example(s) of systems thinking, teamwork, progress and innovation in the Institute during the year. The RC will encourage the formation of ‘communities of practice’ that facilitate knowledge-sharing among the scientists working towards particular Outcomes, taking advantage of the internet to further enhance (not replace) in-person team interactions. Relevant partners will be integrated into these communities of practice and included in planning, implementation and M&E (monitoring and evaluation) work to provide the holistic critical mass needed to address systems. As well as increasing R4D effectiveness, these purposeful partnerships will provide a platform for capacity strengthening.


Achieving the research-for-development agenda via Four Research Programs Our scientific capacities will be housed in four Research Programs (RPs) corresponding to the four Strategic Thrusts listed in the Strategic Plan: • Research Program 1 – Resilient Dryland Systems: Reducing vulnerability to drought and climate change while increasing crop diversity and value; • Research Program 2 – Markets, Institutions and Policies: Harnessing development pathways for inclusive prosperity; • Research Program 3 – Grain Legumes: Raising and securing productivity for health, income and sustainability; and • Research Program 4 – Dryland Cereals: Increasing productivity to help end hunger. Each Research Program will be led by a Research Program Director (RPD). Initially, the RPD positions will be half-time commitments and will be based at ICRISAT Headquarters in India. For Research Programs whose RPDs also lead CRPs (ie, as planned for CRPs 3.5 and 3.6), an Assistant Research Program Director each will be appointed to assist in the management of RP3 and RP4. Development of a specific RP will be led by the relevant RPD in close consultation with the DDG-Research and Directors of ESA and WCA to ensure that the Institute’s requirements, such as the new systems perspective within the IMOD framework, are appropriately reflected in the MTP and attendant work plans of individual scientists. All scientists will be assigned to a maximum of two RPs with a primary home (more than 60% time allocation) in one RP. For inter-disciplinary work across Programs, the relevant RPDs and ESA/WCA Directors will seek consensus in work planning, performance evaluation, project development and reporting.


IV. Enhancing the Critical Focus Areas In the Strategic Plan to 2020, a number of areas were identified as requiring significant strengthening to ensure that we will be able to deliver our R4D outputs, outcomes and impacts: • • • • •

• •

Monitoring, evaluation and impact assessment; Gender and equity analysis; Geospatial science methods; Modeling and scenario analysis; Modern breeding platforms integrating genetic, genomic and phenotypic information; Knowledge sharing and innovation; and Fostering agro-enterprise.

We will strengthen and modernize these Critical Focus Areas (CFAs) both through


enhanced partnerships and internal capacity strengthening. These CFAs are cross-cutting capacities that will be strengthened through activities embedded in RP work plans, not isolated functions or new organizational units. Enthusiastic ‘Champions’ will be identified to catalyze action in each area. A Champion will be a role taken on by an existing staff member, not a new line-reporting staff position. The RC will take responsibility and foster the progress of these CFAs. Specific plans for each CFA are described in the sections that follow.

Monitoring, evaluation and impact assessment Effective M&E must have a significant degree of independence from the activity areas that it evaluates. To achieve necessary focus, responsibility, authority and resourcing, we will establish a new Impact Assessment Office (IAO) reporting directly to the DDG-R. The IAO will be led by one full-time impact assessment

scientist. Additional scientific support will be provided by the appointment of 4-5 scientists (across all regions) with at least 25% time commitment, resulting in at least 2 full-time equivalents (FTEs) in the IAO. The IAO will be able to draw upon additional inputs from all ICRISAT scientists as required in conducting assessments and M&E across the projects. Depending on the demand and resources, additional full or part-time appointments may be necessary. The IAO will be charged with ensuring that all RPs and projects set clear, concise and measurable targets, and an appropriate M&E plan. The IAO will then oversee the M&E of these (which may be actually conducted by other ICRISAT and partner scientists), ensuring that quality reports and feedback are provided to the projects and stakeholders. The IAO will also be responsible for assembling the Research Performance Indicators on Outputs, Outcomes and Impacts as part of the Annual Performance Evaluation.

Gender and equity analysis (Note: it is imperative to distinguish this topic from ‘gender diversity in staffing at ICRISAT’, which is discussed under Human Resources in Chapter IX). The gender and equity CFA will strengthen our capacity to improve particularly the well-being of women — and the children who depend on them — but also that of other disadvantaged groups as described in the Strategic Plan. We recognize the limited expertise we currently hold on the topic of gender and equity analysis. We will therefore engage highly reputed consultants to help us to plan and implement this CFA, including advising us on internal staffing and other organizational needs so that this area of emphasis can be institutionalized for the longer term.

Geospatial science methods and modeling and scenario analysis Geospatial or geo-statistical science methods are those used to interpolate data in time and space (spatial-temporal models) within a probabilistic framework. In the short to medium term the limitation externally (and internally)

will be the availability of suitable regional/ local data for analysis and the skills to do this. During the period of this Business Plan: •

Geospatial analysis/methods will be considered to be an essential part of a scientist’s toolbox and training/capacity building in these methods will be a priority. At each ICRISAT hub (Asia, WCA, ESA), Geospatial/GIS, modelling, and database/ programmer positions will be prioritized. These will link to other disciplines to make a core team. Currently ICRISAT has a GIS or remote sensing expert at each hub (but no IRS or SMG positions), a modeller at two hubs (both IRS) and no database/programmers. ICRISAT will recruit a geospatial scientist at the IRS level to give scientific leadership and to make geospatial analysis a core R4D program, as well as to have the expertise to utilise external resources, especially developments in ICT. This position will link with the new Data Management Unit.

Modern breeding platform integrating genetic, genomic and phenotypic information Through our germplasm improvement programs (RP3 and RP4) we will identify and obtain software for handling genetic resource information (eg, ICIS, GrinGlobal), for supporting the field breeding programs (eg, PRISM, AgroBase) and to handle genomic and phenotypic data (eg, ISMAB, ICRIS, ICIS). The most appropriate software will be installed and training provided to all scientists and staff involved in crop improvement. Electronic data capture using handheld devices will be initiated to allow for efficient and high quality data capture, storage and analysis. We will establish an effective breeding software support team composed of software developers, statisticians and bioinformatics specialists to provide 24/7 support in the use of the installed systems to all ICRISAT locations and scientists. The team will also


provide training and coordinate upgrades and enhancements to the software systems.

Knowledge sharing and innovation (KSI) The Knowledge Management and Sharing (KMS) group will be reorganized into a Knowledge Sharing and Innovation (KSI) unit beginning in early 2011. The Global Leader for KSI will be a member of the RC. The key organizational units to be strengthened through this CFA will be the Learning Systems Unit (LSU), the Information Services Unit (ISU), Library Information Services (LIS), and the Data Management Unit (DMU). LSU will capitalize on the new learning tools offered by the ICT revolution to offer highly-focused short courses in association with a consortium of ARI’s by blending inperson short courses supplemented by online mentoring/contact. It will also implement a more structured process of monitoring the impact of our capacity strengthening efforts in conjunction with the IAO. Physical book/document management by LIS will steadily be supplanted by a comprehensive suite of digital information services for staff and partners (data as well as e-documents). The initiative in Open Access will be enhanced to include data sets (validated by the newly created Data Management Unit). LIS will work in synergy with DMU to handle data warehousing and data publication. Large-scale digitization of archival library, grey literature, non-electronic datasets and other information will continue. The DMU will undertake critical data custodial functions on behalf of the Institute as well as provide data warehousing services with the Research Programs. Data warehousing will be a strategic investment area and we will provide leadership in this area by performing essential adaptive trials. The DMU will either host the data warehousing facility with the participation of ISU, or will act as a channel to avail such services via the “cloud”. Partnerships with ARIs and partners in CRPs will be a necessity.

Fostering agro-enterprise ICRISAT’s pioneering Agri-Science Park (ASP) initiative was established in 2004 at


ICRISAT’s Headquarters in India as a model for fostering agro-business to bring our and our partner’s R4D innovations to market for faster, wider-scale impact. Currently, we are providing prototype innovations, knowledge and expertise, training, and co-location with researchers for close interaction; while the entrepreneurs fine-tune the prototypes and take them to market, including bearing the risks and reaping the rewards involved. The various initiatives currently under ASP comprise the Agri-Business Incubator (ABI), Ag-biotech Innovation Center (AIC), Hybrid Parents Research Consortium (HPRC), Bio-products Research Consortium (BRC), and NutriPlus Knowledge Center (NutriPlus). Over time, ASP has evolved to encompass a range of creative approaches for putting ‘research into use’ and is no longer tied to a single physical ‘Park’ location. We intend to extend the model into our African locations as resources and opportunities allow. Therefore, during the Business Plan period the name, management structure and geographical scope of this unit will be reviewed and revised to reflect its evolution. A balance will be sought between maintaining close relevance to our R4D agenda, while also continuing to nurture a catalytic and creative agro-enterprise initiative. As a first step, the management of some of ASP’s well-established initiatives will be mainstreamed into relevant RPs. In particular, the respective Hybrid Parents Research Consortium (HPRC) will be part of the Grain Legumes Program and the Dryland Cereals Program for the respective crops in 2011. The purpose of this distribution is to tighten the links, dialogue and mutual support between researchers in the RPs and the intended users of the knowledge, products and services convened through the HPRC. Program integration will also streamline oversight, monitoring and reporting through the RP Directors to the RC. The remaining three major areas (AIC, ABI and NutriPlus) will continue to be managed under the ASP umbrella. ASP will be attached to KSI.


V. Strategic Research Services

A number of vital across program strategic services enable high-quality R4D across ICRISAT. These include our core genebank operations, the new Platform for Translational Research on Transgenic Crops (PTTC) and intellectual property (IP) management. Other key areas such as the Soil and Plant Analysis Laboratory and Genotyping Services Laboratory will be managed by one of the RPs.

Genebank Core Operations The CGIAR Consortium Board has commissioned a study to determine how best to manage the CGIAR genebanks across the system (~600,000 accessions in 11 Centers). The study will determine CGIAR System-level costs and potential funding mechanisms to support Centers’ custodial obligations under our agreement with FAO and the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture. Regardless of the outcome of this study, we believe that the operational aspects of


ICRISAT’s genebanks require ongoing attention in this Business Plan. ICRISAT currently maintains a genebank at Patancheru, India (>120,000 accessions) and at Sadoré, Niger (~35,000 accessions). We also maintain backup collections of breeding materials at Bulawayo, Zimbabwe and Kiboko, Kenya. At this time, ICRISAT spends approximately USD 3.0M on genebank operations and the core operations (collection, conservation, maintenance and distribution) of the genebank come under the terms of our legal agreement under the International Treaty. Oversight of these core functions will be assigned to the relevant Research Program(s), as will the use of the collections and associated R4D.

Platform for Translational Research on Transgenic Crops A major initiative to be completed during the first quarter of 2011 is the completion of a new laboratory and greenhouse complex for the development and testing of transgenic crops on the Patancheru campus. This facility is a joint project with the Department of Biotechnology, Government of India and will serve as one of the components of a new Platform for Translational Research on Transgenic Crops that is being initiated by DBT. The PTTC will provide state-of-the-art facilities as part of a network to enable the more effective production and delivery of transgenic crops to farmers, especially in India. ICRISAT will utilize the new facility as part of its efforts to develop improved legume and cereal varieties with enhanced disease and pest resistance, abiotic stress tolerance and nutritional qualities. The management structure of the PTTC will consist of an Executive Committee comprising five members from DBT, ICRISAT and ICAR, and chaired by the Director General of ICRISAT. The PTTC will function under the oversight of ICRISAT and will be managed by a Platform Director who will report directly to the Director General of ICRISAT and will be supported by a Scientific Advisory Committee comprised of representatives from ICRISAT, DBT, Indian Institutions and Industry for providing strategic guidance to the PTTC.

ICRISAT’s research on its mandated transgenic crops will continue to be supervised by the corresponding Research Program Director.

Intellectual Property (IP) Management Currently, IP at ICRISAT is managed by a 50% full time equivalent (FTE) IP Manager reporting to the DDG-Research. This position provides advice and guidance regarding IP clauses contained in agreements and contracts, transfer of material to/from ICRISAT via MTAs/SMTAs and other IP-related issues. The position is also the primary contact with the CGIAR’s CAS-IP program. Our new Strategic Plan focuses on moving farmers from a subsistence farming system to a more market-driven system. This will involve the development and deployment of value-adding crops, improved markets, and increased use of modern approaches such as biotechnology, ICT, and geospatial modeling. Each of these will bring with it issues related to IP and IPR through new types of partnerships and the acquisition of new technologies. In addition, as the PTTC at Patancheru matures and the ASP looks for new opportunities, especially in SSA, additional IP issues will arise and the need to enhance IP management becomes critical. Thus, the critical challenge will be to strengthen IP management capabilities within ICRISAT and to formally recognize these as a common resource/management unit across the institute. This unit needs to be staffed at an appropriate level to handle most routine IP matters that arise, but would also be the link to external advice/ help required. The services of CAS-IP have been useful, although the services are not sufficient for routine IP management. It’s also not clear what will happen with CAS-IP in the new Consortium. Even if CAS-IP, or some similar entity, continues in the consortium, ICRISAT will need internal capacity to manage the frequent IP issues that arise. With the development of a new Business Plan, there is an opportunity to consolidate IP management in a single office/reporting structure to oversee all IP-related areas such


as R4D proposals, negotiations, agreements and contracts that arise across the institute in all programs and regions. Training and awareness creation of ICRISAT scientists and staff would be a critical activity. Scientists are not necessarily the best persons to draft agreements, much less be involved in negotiating such with third parties, but do need to be aware of IP and know when to request help and advice. The office would provide centralized support to all ICRISAT locations, and thus requires resources to travel to regional facilities to provide updates and training on IP matters. As regional locations increase operations that involve IP (eg, establishment of local ASP, partnerships with SMEs and other private sector entities), a local IP manager may be required. Such local managers would still fall under the supervision


of the central IP manager to maintain proper coordination of IP matters for ICRISAT. Emphasis is also required to develop proper data management systems for agreements, etc. We plan to continue the current arrangement with a part-time (50%) IP Manager in the DDG-R office, but to supplement the position with a full-time assistant, ie, an IP Officer with one part- to full-time assistant (both secretarial and information technology). This enhanced staffing arrangement would allow the IP manager to handle strategic matters and to effectively manage IP needs across all locations. The IP Officer would assist in handling routine matters and provide a backup in the office while the manager is on travel. We also believe the office would require the services of an IP Consultant either from CAS-IP or other sources.


VI. Implementing Purposeful Partnerships and Capacity Strengthening

As indicated in the Strategic Plan, we are committed to effective partnerships and capacity strengthening that targets a clear R4D purpose. The systems perspective within the IMOD framework provides that purpose, steering partners towards well-defined and complementary entry-point challenges that get the most from each partner’s comparative advantages. Partners will account for their achievement of results through the regular M&E of progress towards the approved Outcomes. The Strategic Plan indicates that the systems perspective will require more diverse partnerships than in the past, including partners from beyond the R4D community. These diverse partners will originate from a wide range of sectors (public, private, nongovernmental) and societal levels (individual, community, institutional, governmental, regional, international). The RC will monitor to ensure that diverse partners are included


and that the experiential differences among such diverse partners are bridged for effective communication and collaboration. Regional Research Meetings held on an alternating year basis will include partners so that partner input can be mainstreamed into our Global Research Meetings (as explained in Chapter II). The communities of practice that form around intended Outcomes will also provide a valuable mentoring, advisory and capacity strengthening function among all partners (including ICRISAT). We will label agreements with partners as a “partnership agreement” rather than the current nomenclature of sub-award or subcontract, which tends to imply a “superiorsubservient’ relationship. As we move forward we will implement partnerships in a considered and structured way by initiating a formal process of review for new partnerships and renewal of existing partnerships (both where we partner and where we are a partner) within the new systems perspective, with the aim to have very clear expectations around the purpose of the partnership and the benefits that accrue to all partners.

Development investors as partners Development investors are increasingly engaged in our agenda, wishing to stay closely involved in project identification, planning, monitoring and evaluation. In the absence of coordination, initiatives sponsored by different investors can lead to fragmentation of the ICRISAT R4D agenda. We will also seek support for fewer, but larger, projects closely aligned with our RP structure. Maintaining continuing dialogue with investors will be essential for achieving these changes.

Experience has shown that the most effective meetings with development investors are held on an investor-by-investor basis rather than through a collective group of investors. Therefore, such bilateral meetings will be vigorously pursued and strong relationships and continuing communications maintained. We will therefore closely coordinate our resource mobilization activities with our communication activities (see Chapter VIII).

CGIAR Research Programs The new CRP structure is expected to significantly strengthen inter-Center partnership. Our mechanisms for managing this increased interaction were described in Chapters II and III.

Capacity strengthening The Strategic Plan organically links capacity strengthening with purposeful partnerships. A consequence is that our Outcomeoriented activities will automatically become capacity strengthening frameworks as well. Capacity strengthening line items will be added as standard proforma line items for all project proposals to ensure that this need is adequately resourced. A range of capacity strengthening mechanisms will be used, depending on the situation. The essence of capacity strengthening is the effective sharing of knowledge and skills. We will continue to operate a Learning Systems Unit to efficiently organize and implement regular training events and programs (eg, internships, short courses, special topic workshops, degree programs etc.) We will also enhance capacity strengthening using modern ICT methods as described in our CFA on KSI (see Chapter IV).



VII. Resourcing the Agenda

Staffing Targets to 2015 To increase our effectiveness and ability in meeting our Mission goals, we will need additional scientific staff, not only in existing areas, but also with new competencies. We will align all staff with the four Research Programs and then use this to identify staffing needs. We expect to finalize our proposed staffing plans in early 2011. Based on preliminary inspection, we are projecting an increase in the number of IRS by approximately 40, from their current level of 88 to 128 (approximately 8-10 new positions per year for the years 2012-2015). In addition to a growth in positions, there will be additional opportunities for restructuring around a natural turnover rate of 5% per annum. Growth in IRS numbers will be greater in sub-Saharan Africa (30 positions) compared with India (10 positions). By 2015, the ratio of IRS in India as compared to sub-Saharan Africa is projected to shift in favor of Africa


from its current level of about 70:30 to 55:45. A more detailed schedule of new positions, based on the needs of the Research Programs and Critical Focus Areas, will be developed during the first part of 2011.

Budget Projection to 2015 To achieve the desired increase in staffing, we are projecting an increase in the R4D budget of approximately 10% per year (see table). This increase has been calculated based on an average scientist cost of $375k per year ($33M divided by 88 staff) and the projected growth to 128 scientists by 2015. We are also projecting a similar 10% per year increase in the partner budgets given our emphasis on strong partnerships in the Strategic Plan. We have also elected to include the core genebank operational costs given the focus by the Consortium to identify specific funding for this critical activity. Capital renewal plans amounting to a total of $10M have been identified across ICRISAT: Patancheru ($5M), WCA ($2.5M) and ESA ($2.5M). We will adopt measures to ensure that administration costs will not increase, actually decreasing from the current 16% of our total expenses to 11% by 2015. We will also ensure the Governing Board expenses are maintained at less than 0.8% of total expenses. We have provided three scenarios to outline the funding required for 2011 to 2015. All scenarios are based on the Governing Board’s instruction to maintain the Institute’s reserves within the range of 125 to 140 days. This reflects our conservative attitude to financial management, and the fact that we are not a profit making organization. If the reserves fall below this range, immediate action will be taken to rectify the situation for the long-term survival of the Institute. All scenarios also assume that the income generated through investments by ICRISAT will remain constant at the 2011 level of $3M. Scenario 1 assumes that the funding from the Consortium through Windows 1, 2 and 3 will remain constant at the 2011 level ($13M). Under this scenario, bilateral funding would


need to grow by ~60% to $65M by 2015 to provide the projected 2015 budget of $79M. Scenario 2 assumes that we will maintain level bilateral funding at $41M each year. This would require ~180% increase in funding from the Consortium by 2015, resulting in an approximately equal percentage of funding from the Consortium and bilateral projects by 2015. The third scenario projects a linear decrease in bilateral funding from the current level of 72% of our total funding to 20% by 2015. This would require an even greater increase (375%) in Consortium funding by 2015. While it is impossible to predict the level of funding that will be available from the Consortium, we currently do not believe that there will be a significant increase in 2011 and 2012 in the Consortium funding to the Centers. Thus, we believe that we will need to continue an active resource mobilization effort, especially with key bilateral donors such that we are able to at least maintain our current level of bilateral funding for the next few years. Based on funding levels from the Consortium Board, we will revise our projections and plans for future years. We also believe that we must continue our efforts to reduce our costs, and our on-going and proposed efficiency gains are described in the next section. Finally, we realize that it may be necessary to delay the projected growth in some areas. We will use the priorities established for growth in scientific positions and research areas to guide our decisions. Our bottom line will be to maintain a financially healthy institute that can deliver on its promises while always looking for ways to innovate and grow.

Efficiency Gains Regardless of the fact that the changes in the external environment and attendant challenges may seem daunting, they also present opportunities for ICRISAT to streamline its operations through improved planning, budgeting and monitoring. The following opportunities will be examined and implemented (the list is not exhaustive):

Projected ICRISAT Budgets for 2011-2015 (in M USD).

• Administration costs: As income increases, administration costs will remain level and thus decrease to 11% of the total expense budget. Similarly, Governing Board costs will not exceed 0.8%. • Support services efficiency: Recent analysis of full costs of support functions at Patancheru has revealed certain major differences when compared with market rates that, under an outsourcing model for equivalent service, may be as low as 2550% of the costs of ICRISAT. This disparity will be reduced to near zero by 2013. While many ICRISAT costs reflect a higher quality of service than available elsewhere, our goal is to allow service users to purchase levels of service quality that they deem necessary and are willing to pay for, as long as the institute’s risk management and efficiency requirements (security, safety, transparency, accountability, compatibility, reliability, image, etc.) are not compromised.

• Efficiency of support services and research activities: As mentioned above, there are some support service areas where there is an inherently high cost structure that will be exacerbated by economic growth (eg, India) or competitive markets for skilled expertise (eg, Kenya). Each support service needs to review its internal processes and resource requirements (human and others) with the aim of better efficiency viability. Efficiency gains in the support services that comprise institutional overhead will lead to lower indirect costs and advances in R4D processes will lead to a more competitive pricing structure for R4D proposals. • Full cost recovery and budgeting: ICRISAT is in the process of implementing full cost recovery of all R4D and other support functions at the Patancheru Campus and will follow suit at our facilities/locations in sub-Saharan Africa. Direct costing of a number of support functions in CRPs and bilateral project formulation will be an


important component of ICRISAT’s strategy in the future. Full costs of all staff, activities and administrative costs will need to be fully included in CRP and bilateral project budgets. • Creation of “responsibility centers” for expenses: All expenses incurred by the Institute will be very clearly identified with research programs/regions/departments and Directors and managers will have authority for, and be accountable for, budgetary management. • New budgeting system: To reflect the above changes, it is important that a new budgeting system is implemented in 2011. The new budgeting system should have the following characteristics: a) allocation of budget responsibility and accountability to an appropriate level of management, consistent with implementation of ICRISAT’s new strategy; b) full costing (direct and indirect) of all staff and activities included in CRPs and bilateral projects; c) zero budget allocation to support services for which 100% cost recovery has been agreed; and, d) appropriate measures in place to ensure full budget compliance at all levels.

reliability and consistency; this is a must for guaranteed access and availability to all Institutional information and data services. The minimum bandwidth availability in regional offices will increase to 10 MBPS from the current 2 MBPS, while in Patancheru it will increase to 200 from the current 26 MBPS. • At least one-third of the desktop computers will be replaced with network-connected appliances and tablet computers will be used in field data collection. • Web and video/audio conferencing facility will be available at all locations while the facilities at Patancheru will be made more accessible. • Library services will invest more in server management and the delivery of digital services. • A data warehousing facility will be a key investment area since it can contribute to both increased effectiveness of internal as well as external knowledge, information and data sharing. Initially, options for availing such a service via the “cloud” can be considered with the aim to commission a facility at ICRISAT within 3 years.

Capital and Infrastructural Resources

Regional infrastructure

Year-on-year capital expenditure, based on ICRISAT’s depreciation schedule, amounts to approximately $1.0M, or $5.0M over the period of the Plan and so clearly there is a need for some accelerated capital improvements. Additional capital expenditure from bilateral funds amounting to about $10M have been identified for Patancheru ($5.0M), WCA ($2.5M) and ESA ($2.5M), primarily for upgrading of infrastructure such as buildings, roads, communications, water and irrigation supplies; and for modernization of research facilities and field equipment.

In addition to the campus and facilities at Patancheru, India, ICRISAT has standalone facilities in sub-Saharan Africa that we own/manage at the following locations: Niamey (Training and Visitors Center, TVC) and Sadoré, Niger; Samanko, Mali; and Matopos (Bulawayo), Zimbabwe. In addition, ICRISAT has staff and facilities hosted by other institutions in: Nairobi (ICRAF and ILRI), Kenya; and Lilongwe (Department of Agricultural Research Services, Chitedze Agricultural Research Station), Malawi. We will soon be re-opening an office at IITA/IAR in Kano, Nigeria. The plan is to work through the national program by using appropriate research stations in this region of Nigeria.

To take advantage of rapidly growing opportunities to enhance our work through modern ICT, investments during the Business Plan period will address the following needs: • Investment in bandwidth upgrade and its advanced management at all locations for


In Niger, the Sadoré research station is located 45 km from Niamey on 500 ha of land with offices and laboratories (plant pathology, entomology, physiology/agronomy, soil/

plant analytical laboratory, DNA extraction lab). A regional gene bank conserves about 32,000 accessions of ICRISAT mandate crops appropriate for the region, and some of other important crops of the region. In addition we also have facilities such as a library, IT with fair internet connectivity, conference rooms and administration and finance services. Basic glasshouse facilities are available. At SadorĂŠ, we host the World Agroforestry Center (ICRAF), ILRI, AVRDC, JIRCAS, TSBF/CIAT, CIRAD and the CCAFS West African regional office. In Mali, the Samanko research station is located 25 km from Bamako on 124 ha of land with some office and laboratory facilities such as plant pathology, agronomy, plant breeding and entomology. Recently, ICRISAT and AVRDC invested in a new office block (20 offices and a conference room). In addition to the Samanko research station, we have a common GIS laboratory based at the National Program (IER), Sotuba research station. This facility serves not only ICRISAT and IER but also other NARS partners in the WCA region. In Mali, we are also hosting the World Agroforestry Center, ILRI, AVRDC and CIRAD. The regional headquarters for ESA are located on the ICRAF campus in Nairobi. In addition, some biotechnology activities are carried out by ICRISAT scientists at the Biosciences East and Central Africa (BecA) biotechnology laboratories located at ILRI and field activities

are conducted at KARI field stations at Kiboko, Kampi ya Mawe and Alupe. In southern Africa, ICRISAT has a 50 ha station, co-located with the Zimbabwe Department of Agricultural Research and Extension Services at the Matopos Research Station located 27 km from Bulawayo. One of the challenges for the Bulawayo operation is to broaden its operations beyond Zimbabwe to other countries in southern Africa. In Lilongwe, we own office buildings, laboratory, greenhouses, stores and cold rooms. Field activities are conducted at the Department of Agricultural Research Services, Chitedze Agricultural Research Station and in other locations in Malawi. At this time there are no plans for a Patancheru-type facility at any of the current, or future, locations. It is very difficult to see justification for an extensive stand-alone facility that could be built and maintained under the new Consortium funding scenarios. Where possible, ICRISAT will continue to partner with, and/or co-locate with, partners including national programs and sister centers. For the projected future, we believe the existing facilities are adequate for the regions. For example, at our SadorĂŠ station in Niger, we have extremely good facilities that could, potentially, accommodate double the number of scientists than we currently have.



VIII. Resource Mobilization and Communication

Resource Mobilization Resource mobilization will adopt a dual approach: i) active participation in the formulation and development of CRPs, especially those for which ICRISAT is the lead center; and, ii) active bilateral project development. Given the level of uncertainty surrounding the allocation of resources by the Fund Council and also due to signals from our current development investors, we need to pursue fund-raising on both fronts in the foreseeable future. We will initially target a level of bilateral funding of at least $41M per year (the level received in 2010). Resource mobilization will be better targeted towards larger projects to further reduce transaction costs associated with a large, loosely connected portfolio of projects. For example, as of mid-2010, ICRISAT’s bilateral project portfolio comprised 200 projects of which one-third (32%) were in the ‘very small’ category (total budget <$100K) and accounted


for less than 2% of our total funding. At the other end of the scale, one-fifth (21%) of our bilateral projects in the ‘large’ category (total budget >$1M) account for 81% of our total funding. During the period of this Plan, the target will be for 80% of our bilateral funding to be from large projects and 20% from smaller projects, including exploratory grants. ICRISAT will study the concept and likelihood of establishing a viable trust fund. A proposal will be provided to the Governing Board for consideration in September 2011. To pursue the foregoing funding outlook, an integrated resource mobilization and communication strategy will be prepared by March 2011 for implementation thereafter. Funding for our R4D needs in sub-Saharan Africa will be a major component of this strategy since more than half of ICRISAT’s R4D agenda is conducted in sub-Saharan Africa and is projected to increase. Donor engagement in Africa is high and we will position the Institute to take full advantage of the opportunities afforded. For example, new international initiatives like the USA’s Feed the Future, and large donors like USAID, DFID and CIDA increasingly place emphasis on regional and country strategies for agricultural investment. ICRISAT will engage with these partners and others such as the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA), funded through the Bill & Melinda Gates and Rockefeller Foundations. Investors For the near term (1-2 years), indications are that the CGIAR Fund is still consolidating and developing its support base of investors. Thus it may be premature to emphasize this investment channel. We will prioritize resource mobilization and communication targeted to bilateral investment windows for the time being (while keeping a close watch on trends in the Fund, and keeping them well informed of our progress). A considerable portion of our emphasis will be on person-toperson dialogues with decision-makers inside bilateral investment agencies, supplemented by print and multimedia materials.


Bilateral investors are usually most interested in achieving R4D impacts in short time frames. Therefore our communication effort will focus on explaining how inclusive market-oriented R4D is vital for research impact, using clear well-documented examples from our R4D activities. The closer we can draw a connection between the two, the more likely it is that we will be able to elicit their interest. Bilateral investors are often decentralized into regions and focus on countries with which they have some special interest, for various reasons (historical or current political ties, themes of particular interest/ relevance to certain countries, etc.) These investor’s interests often shift with changes in governments, and are usually announced publicly. We will closely monitor these interests and position our communication messages to be most relevant to their current interests. On the whole, relationships with bilateral investors are built on trust, respect, credibility and integrity. We will therefore strengthen our focused engagement with them to better understand their priorities, interests, needs and concerns.

Communication Communication plays a vital role in positioning ICRISAT, sharing research results and impact, packaging knowledge for scientific and capacity strengthening, and in supporting our resource mobilization efforts. Funding support is significantly influenced by the level of awareness, appreciation and understanding by donors, decision-makers and partners for our work. We will therefore pursue a focused communication approach targeted to the Fund Council, Consortium, non-traditional donors, decision-makers and public-private-civil society partners. To keep our priority audiences and the world at large well-informed and engaged with us, our communication thrusts for the Plan period are to:

• •

• • •

Promote the understanding and use of ICRISAT’s products, innovations and policy recommendations among dryland communities and policy-makers; Position ICRISAT in the new CGIAR; Solicit broad support for ICRISAT’s new Strategic Plan towards a prosperous and resilient tropical drylands; Facilitate information sharing among ICRISAT staff and its locations; Enhance the quality and reach of our publications; and Strengthen communications in our Africa regions through our Regional Information Officers.

To achieve the financial growth targets for the period, we will adopt strategic and personalized communication to be led by the Director General, DDG-Research, Directors of ESA, WCA and RPs with the full support of the Communication Office (CO), Knowledge Sharing and Innovations (KSI) and Resource Planning and Marketing (RPM) teams. We will especially focus and engage investors who have the most potential for possible increases in their contributions. To reinforce the foregoing, we will continue to share relevant and timely information about what we do with the world at large, which includes a large and diverse range of stakeholders and the public. We will also explore the potential of social media to engage and receive feedback from our investors, partners and key stakeholders. The relevant offices will work closely together for this purpose, eg, with the DDG-Research, Directors of ESA, WCA and RPs to get impactoriented R4D publications out to the world; with KSI ensuring vigorous information flows through a dynamic website, Web 2.0 and other innovative ICT channels; and with our Directors of ESA and WCA ensuring that their stakeholders are well reached and engaged through focused communication.

Our communication channels — be they speeches, meetings, annual technical and financial reports, website, one-pagers, flyers, e-newsletters, multimedia materials and others, will position and reinforce ICRISAT’s image as a highly credible global R4D institution that delivers results and impacts. In all our communication messages, we will highlight IMOD through evidence-based stories of successful market-oriented R4D interventions that are bringing about prosperity to the dryland poor. This is the ammunition that investors and other advocates need from us and gives credence to our inclusive marketoriented development strategy. Key top-level messages for the coming years include: •

Going beyond poverty alleviation to poverty eradication: IMOD to enable the poor to escape poverty, hunger, malnutrition and environmental degradation in the dryland tropics; IMOD requires complementary partnerships, new skills and modern science to conquer critical challenges; Funding for dryland agricultural R4D yields an extraordinarily high payoff in terms of human and social benefits in a zone of major importance (dryland tropics) to development investors engaged in the new CGIAR; and ICRISAT is the world’s most effective and efficient international agricultural R4D institution focused on the dryland tropics.

We will pro-actively harness innovative ICT channels and other new communication tools that add value to our communication approaches, drawing on the help of KSI and other relevant groups. We will continually enhance our website and explore opportunities for effective use of social media.



IX. Human Resource Management

Talented and engaged people are the most important resource required to fulfill our Mission. We aspire to be recognized as the world-class leader in science and innovation for the benefit of smallholder farmers in the tropical drylands. This means confronting the challenge of realizing the full potential of our existing top performers, and those for whom their potential has not been fully tapped, and ensuring that we have mechanisms in place to ensure that we continue to recruit top performers. The strategies that will help us to deliver on our mission goals include: • • • •

Resource, develop and retain world-class staff; Deploy these diverse talents or staff in highly effective teams; Communicate, engage and recognize superior performance; and Monitor and evaluate gender and diversity goals and achievements.


In doing so, we must face a number of challenges including: • • •

Attracting and retaining talent, Embracing change and continuing innovation mindsets at all levels, Designing a performance management system that adds value to staff at all levels, and Achieving and maintaining a healthy gender and diversity balance among staff in general and among scientists/managers in particular.

In order to overcome these challenges during the Business Plan period we will: •

Map out ‘skills needed’ (to meet the goals of the new Strategic Plan) versus ‘skills available’ at present in ICRISAT, and devise a plan to evolve towards the needed competency configuration. Carry out a review of current recruitment and compensation practices with the aim to use data from market referenced benchmarks to ensure that remuneration packages are competitive; and to base selection and recruitment on competencies that reflect the needs of the Institute. Introduce awareness at all levels that encourages an attitude of “Think Consortium, act at the Center level” through “multi- level, multi- function” task forces across the Institute that actively encourage more “open space” discussions on the campus and during inhouse meetings, retreats and workshops. Review the current performance management process at all levels with the aim to develop a competency-based paperless performance management system that is seamless with the work plans of individual scientists working in CRPs and bilateral projects. Implement a gender and diversity policy that reflects best practice for international organizations.

A monitoring and evaluation mechanism will be established to record all information and provide access for reviewing the performance measures stated in the Gender & Diversity staff policy.


Attracting needed talent will require mobilizing expertise in rapidly evolving scientific areas. Many new skills can be brought into the service of ICRISAT’s agenda by mobilizing partnerships, rather than by hiring staff. Still, internal competencies will remain crucial, and ICRISAT must have certain basic expertise in order to identify, leverage and manage partnerships for high-quality results. In the past, contributing to ICRISAT required physical relocation and full-time employment at one of the Institute’s sites that is not always possible for many leading scientists, such as those who are well established in tenured positions at universities. To overcome this constraint, we will become more flexible in our staffing and partnership arrangements, creating options including part-time retainers and consultancies that do not require relocation of staff. These will be reinforced by short visits according to time available to enrich these relationships with face-to-face communications and field visits. These experts will be encouraged to deploy talented students to carry out R4D at ICRISAT locations to increase the intensity of cutting-edge R4D activity across the Institute, while also strengthening capacities and building lifetime relationships that benefit the tropical drylands. Organize, source and deploy talent ICRISAT’s strategy is to continue to reduce the number of hierarchical layers and encourage multi-level cross-functional teams. These provide higher levels of empowerment and accountability which in turn leads to faster ‘cycle’ times, higher productivity and the capabilities necessary to participate in and manage projects in CRPs. Our policy will be to encourage internal placements for vacancies but to retain the option of recruiting 35-40% of new positions from outside the Institute. Similarly, our external staffing strategy is to continuously seek ‘best-in-class’ men and women candidates globally. To be able to do this, we need to be perceived as one of the most attractive employers with a focus on gender

and diversity not only in the host country but also at other locations. Develop organization and staff or talent base We consider professional and personal development as an ongoing process, not just an event. Our strategy is to develop all employees to their highest potential. We consider each employee a talent. Early in their career, we will identify potential talents and provide staff with a career path that balances their own aspirations and that of the Institute. Individual employees are encouraged and ultimately expected to monitor and ‘own’ their personal development. This is encouraged via their continuing conversations and feedback with supervisors and HR. In return, the Institute will provide an environment rich with opportunities for enhancing personal growth and development. Communicate, engage and recognise performance To be empowered or enabled, staff must have access to meaningful information in a way that allows them to act on it. We intend to encourage responsive, two-way communication that brings facts to employees and helps create a win-win motivating working environment. Our strategy is to align team and individual performance and focus these on our goals, objectives and targets. Clearly set goals and behavioral/ value standards and expectations serve as a basis for fair performance reviews. Our performance management process is objectively based. We intend to encourage multiple ways of recognizing performance and contributions at the individual level as well as in teams.

under Critical Focus Areas in Chapter IV). A monitoring and evaluation mechanism will be established to record all information and provide access for reviewing the performance measures stated in the G&D staff policy. We will begin by undertaking a gender audit for the Institute including researchers and administrative staff, and by ensuring representation of women professionals at all levels in program/R4D teams. Enhance Human Resource functions Competency development project

The project, launched in 2010, aims to extend the existing competency-based human resource selection process to all staff and functions. As this involves a shift to make ICRISAT a worldclass people management practitioner, the project will involve many stakeholders in the Institute. This will improve the following human resource management processes: • • • • •

Staff categories and contracts

• • •

Review and streamline IRS/NRS categories. Revisit certain benefits aiming to simplify the process. Begin to harmonize policies under the “One Corporate System” of the new Consortium.

Career development at ICRISAT

Monitor and evaluate gender and diversity staff goals and achievements (Note: it is imperative to distinguish this topic from ‘gender and equity’ that is discussed

Recruitment and selection, Performance management, Individual career/ development planning, Talent management action planning, and Rewards and recognition.

Develop and implement a career development plan “owned” by the staff and anchored in a competency framework that will allow expanded opportunities for horizontal career movement without the need for hierarchical progression. Provide a budget for the NRS professional growth fund.



X. Implementing Cultural Change

The Strategic Plan commits to bold cultural changes that modernize and invigorate our institutional culture. It sets our goal for this change as becoming a ‘Learning Organization’ that is agile and responsive in recognizing, understanding, internalizing and adapting to changes in our external environment that affect the relevance and value of our work. Change towards a learning culture requires fundamental and far-reaching changes in attitudes and behaviors. This can only succeed through leadership from the top accompanied by consistent and persistent follow through by managers at all levels. Therefore, the Director General will spearhead cultural change at ICRISAT, with assistance from a Change Management Team and with strong support and follow through by all members of the MG and RC. The cultural change initiative will be a standing item on the MG agenda. The Human Resources Director will catalyze discussions in


the MG and follow up decisions by organizing consultancies, mechanisms and events to fostering change under the Director General’s leadership. Since management and the Board will wish to be appraised of progress in cultural change, the new Impact Assessment Office (IAO) will assist the HR Director in organizing the cultural change initiative in ways that can be effectively monitored and assessed, eg, by establishing baselines of current culture so that change can be monitored over time. Since cultural change is fundamental and since it is sometimes difficult to be circumspect from within concerning internal change, expert consultants where relevant will be utilized to review and assist in the planning and implementation of this initiative. Mechanisms may include, for example the following (subject to revision following these consultations): •

Professionally-facilitated mutual learning events such as periodic reviews of strategic priorities in a changing world; Seminars on key issues such as nonhierarchical dialogue techniques, appreciative enquiry, communities of practice, characteristics of agile organizations, knowledge sharing as power, inclusiveness; and Revision of annual evaluations to reward cultural change behaviors.

The following sections highlight some specific topical areas where cultural change is needed.

Resource mobilization and project culture change Over the past decade, all CGIAR centers have experienced a steady transition from program-based to project-based support and management of R4D activities. The project culture has created a number of management complexities and cultural difficulties. Since project support was driven by diverse donor priorities, it became difficult to harmonize them into an overall portfolio that fit the Institute’s priorities. Support for fewer but larger projects will be sought to reduce


staff fragmentation, transaction costs and managerial complexity. The CGIAR reform process is tackling these problems by harmonizing donor and CGIAR Consortium (funder versus implementer) processes. We will likewise harmonize our project culture through our unifying conceptual framework of inclusive market-oriented development. All funding support will be geared to support the Institute’s agreed work program. With this cultural change, the funding source will become less relevant over time; the important issue will become the effectiveness of our delivery on our R4D programs, CRPs and bilateral project commitments.

Human resources and cultural change The Human Resources office will assist the Director General, the Management Group and other leaders at ICRISAT by facilitating the processes of cultural change. It will organize expert consultancies, seminars, knowledgesharing experiences, and other events and processes necessary for change to succeed. Ultimately though, the success of the change management initiative will depend on the commitment and action of leaders at all level of the institution, particularly following the example of the Director General. New enabling HR programs Organization development project

This project using the “Appreciative Inquiry” approach aims to focus on strengths and positive experiences of the Institute but at the same time inspires its stakeholders to consider and reflect identified ‘provocative propositions’ as a catalyst for sustainable actions. Change agents from appropriate areas of the Institute will be identified and will form cross-functional teams across the Institute. The newly formed teams will be tasked to respond to these ‘provocative propositions.’ Staff morale, motivation, communication and performance

We will develop the framework for a rewards and recognition program that will integrate

all extrinsic and intrinsic awards/rewards to cover both individual and team efforts. In addition, we plan to institutionalize alternative means of communication in addition to the well-regarded ‘Happenings’ weekly news bulletin and notice boards; explore the use of focus group discussions, Open Space meeting technology, HR online Helpdesk for frequently-asked questions, Speak-Up program to raise issues with upper management, Skip Level Interviews for more candid dialogue between managers and staff; and other mechanisms.

Knowledge sharing for cultural change This first area is necessary to help staff and scholars of ICRISAT re-orient themselves to a paradigm where much of the established R4D outputs will be accessible as information and data services. Internally, we will foster a culture that enables staff and scholars to accept information sharing (over and above peer reviewed publications) as a viable and legitimate activity contributing to institutional impact. A variety of non-monetary incentives will be explored and the best implemented. This area will be primarily activated by the Learning Systems Unit (LSU) in close association with the Communication Office and Human Resources, under the guidance of the DDG-Research and the overall leadership of the Director General. The key technology used here would be social networking

and communities of practice with allied non-technological measures such as skill development in facilitation, or case study design and development.

Partnerships and cultural change As indicated in the Strategic Plan, we are committed to effective partnerships and capacity strengthening that targets clear R4D purposes. The systems perspective and impact pathways provide the rationale and framework for such ‘partnerships with purpose’. The cultural change required will be to reorient ourselves away from ‘entitlement-based’ partnerships that lack specific objectives. Cultural change will enable us to refocus many of those vague partnerships into highly focused and accountable partnerships with purpose. Another essential direction of cultural change will be to move towards equal, shoulder-to-shoulder partnerships rather than hierarchical top-down partnerships. Processes and protocols will be revised to ensure that partners are included in all stages of the R4D process, from initial concept development through the development of project proposals, advocacy of proposals to development investors, project execution, monitoring and impact assessment. Project funding will include the costs of such processes and allowance in timelines for partnershipinclusive planning and consultation events.



XI. Measuring Progress and Performance

In Chapter IV, the establishment of a new IAO (Impact Assessment Office) was described in relation to a Critical Focus Area. This will be a significant upgrade of our impact monitoring and evaluation (M&E) capacity. It will institutionalize impact assessment in ways that harmonize and improve the scientific quality of methods used, and increase the quantity, regularity, independence and objectivity of M&E. Costs of the IAO activities will be largely supported through project line items for M&E. In our Medium Term Plan (MTP, rolling 3-year, updated annually) our four Research Programs will define and update our intended actions along the main stages of the impact pathway (Outputs, Outcomes and Impacts as defined from the systems perspective within the IMOD framework). The RPs with oversight by the RC will bear responsibility for meeting these commitments. Timelines and quantifiable milestones will be clearly indicated in the MTP.


In addition to the IAO, existing mechanisms of accountability will continue to be strengthened such as the oversight of relevant levels of performance indicators by the Governing Board, MG, RC, and the Directors within their responsibility areas (see below).


Annual Performance Indicators


The Governing Board and Senior Management will track the Institute’s individual and unit performance annually to ensure that our activities and ways of doing business are properly aligned and as productive as possible in leading to those results. The list below highlights R4D, HR, financial and governance indicators that we will monitor and evaluate annually. This list is preliminary and will be presented to the Governing Board for approval in 2011. The DDG-R will assume responsibility for assembling the annual indicators, with inputs from the RC, Directors of support services and the IAO.




Capacity Strengthening a. Number and diversity of degree students trained/being trained at ICRISAT b. Number of formal courses offered with number and diversity of participants c. ICRISAT scientist/staff training


Project Management a. Deviations from project technical and financial reporting deadlines

Human Resources 1.

Research Performance 1.

Outputs a. Output target/milestone achievement (as % of goal) b. Number of elite lines/varieties that entered National Performance/ Variety Trials c. Quantity of breeders’, foundation, registered, certified seed produced


Outcomes a. 3-4 Outcome statements (reviewed by 2-3 external reviewers)


Impacts a. 1-2 formal impact assessment reports/year (supervised by IA office, involving 2-3 external reviewers)



Information Dissemination a. Number of peer reviewed publications/scientist b. Number of TSI publications/scientist c. Percentage of publications coauthored with NARS scientists

Percentage of publications coauthored with women scientists Percentage time in inter-Program systems teamwork and quality of participation Assessment of innovation and creativity Data, information and knowledgesharing



Scientific staff turnover/recruitment (# positions, # applicants, diversity) Management/support staff turnover/ recruitment (# positions, # applicants, diversity) Staff gender and diversity

Financial Performance 1. Short-term solvency (liquidity) in days 2. Long-term financial stability (reserves) 3. Cash management 4. Bilateral project success rate 5. Number, budget and length of bilateral projects 6. Amount of carryover of funding (spend rate on projects) Governance 1. 2. 3.

Percentage of Board membership positions held by women Board members having professional qualification in financial management Board members having professional expertise in corporate governance


XII. Conclusion

This Business Plan for 2011-2015 provides a broad framework for the implementation of the new ICRISAT Strategic Plan to 2020 including management and organization structures and functions, advisory committee roles, and resources (financial, human and infrastructural) that will be needed to achieve the goals that we have set. The Business Plan will be augmented on a regular basis with a rolling Medium Term Plan (MTP) and attendant work plans at the individual scientist level. A number of important business processes remain to be elaborated in more detail during the early part of the BP period. Especially important among these include: 1. Mapping of present human resources versus the configuration needed to fulfill the aims of Strategic Plan, and a human resources plan for moving from the present to that future; 2. Responsibilities, authorities and resources of ICRISAT staff within


new CRPs as these unfold at CGIAR level 3. Shared support services among CGIAR Centers under the new Consortium umbrella 4. Adapting to financial resourcing decisions of the new CGIAR Fund and of bilateral donors as they emerge in the reorganized CGIAR context. We will drive the implementation of our new Strategic Plan forward as pro-actively as

we can while maintaining a close watching brief on the elements of uncertainty in the list above. We will prepare ICRISAT to be able to adapt rapidly to developments and opportunities as they unfold, for example by maximizing our cost efficiency and effectiveness. We will also prepare ourselves to be able to capture exciting opportunities as they emerge, for example by strengthening our modern science capacities and partnerships in ways that build investor confidence in our ability to effectively tackle the R4D issues that they care about most.




Agri-Business Incubator, ICRISAT Ag-biotech Innovation Center, ICRISAT Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa Advanced Research Institute Annual Research Meeting Agri-Science Park, ICRISAT The World Vegetable Center, Taiwan Biosciences East and Central Africa, Kenya Bio-products Research Consortium, ICRISAT Central Advisory Service on Intellectual Property, CGIAR Challenge Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security Chief Executive Officer Critical Focus Area Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research International Center for Tropical Agriculture, Colombia Canadian International Development Agency, Canada International Centre for Research in Agricultural Development, France CGIAR Research Program Department of Biotechnology, India Deputy Director General for Research Department for International Development, UK Data Management Unit Eastern and Southern Africa Full-Time Equivalent Food and Agriculture Organization Gender and Diversity Geographic Information System Global Rice Science Partnership Hybrid Parents Research Consortium, ICRISAT Human Resources Impact Assessment Office Institute for Agricultural Research, Nigeria Indian Council of Agricultural Research, India International Crop Information System World Agroforestry Centre, Kenya ICRISAT Crop Resources Information System International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics, India Information and Communication Technology


Institute for Economic Research, Mali International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Nigeria International Livestock Research Institute, Kenya Inclusive Market-Oriented Development Intellectual Property Intellectual Property Rights Internationally Recruited Staff Information System for Marker Assisted Breeding Independent Science and Partnership Council Information Services Unit Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences, Japan Kenya Agricultural Research Institute, Kenya Knowledge Management and Sharing Knowledge Sharing and Innovation Library Information Services Learning Systems Unit Monitoring and Evaluation Mega-Bits Per Second Management Group Material Transfer Agreement Medium-Term Plan National Agricultural Research Systems Nationally Recruited Staff NutriPlus Knowledge Center Plant Research Information Sharing Manager Platform for Translational Research on Transgenic Crops, ICRISAT Research for Development Research Committee Research Program Research Program Director Resource Planning and Marketing Small and Medium Enterprises Scientists and Managers Group Standard Material Transfer Agreement Strategic and Results Framework Sub-Saharan Africa Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility Thomson Scientific Index Training and Visitors Center, ICRISAT, Niamey United States Agency for International Development, USA West and Central Africa


Management Group

William Dar Director General


Dave Hoisington Deputy Director General, Research

Rajesh Agrawal Director, Finance

Said Silim Director, ICRISAT-Eastern and Southern Africa

Farid Waliyar Director, ICRISAT-West and Central Africa

Rex Navarro Director, Communication

Peter Ninnes Director, Resource Planning and Marketing

Hector Hernandez Director, Human Resources & Operations

Research Committee

ICRISAT’s Business Plan, 2011–2015, describes how we will fulfill the commitments presented in our Strategic Plan to 2020, for the first five years of the decade. A three-year Medium-Term Plan, updated annually, will provide additional ‘how’ detail, indicating expected yearly milestones at the activity level. This Business Plan will be most useful for guiding the Institute’s own management and operations with a five-year horizon, including mechanisms for monitoring and assessing progress. The Medium-Term Plan’s main purpose is for annual activity planning (with a rolling three-year horizon) and for reporting to the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR).

Dave Hoisington Deputy Director General, Research

Peter Craufurd Director, Resilient Dryland System

MCS Bantilan Director, Markets, Institutions & Policies

CLL Gowda Director, Grain Legumes

Oscar Riera-Lizarazu Director, Dryland Cereals

Peter Ninnes Director, Resource Planning and Marketing

Farid Waliyar Director, ICRISAT-West and Central Africa

Said Silim Director, ICRISAT-Eastern and Southern Africa

Rex Navarro Global Leader (Acting), Knowledge Sharing & Innovations

Copyright © International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), 2010. All rights reserved. ICRISAT holds the copyright to its publications, but these can be shared and duplicated for non-commercial purposes. Permission to make digital or hard copies of part(s) or all of any publication for non-commercial use is hereby granted as long as ICRISAT is properly cited. For any clarification, please contact the Director of Communication at icrisat@cgiar.org. ICRISAT’s name and logo are registered trademarks and may not be used without permission. You may not alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other notice.

Internal document

ICRISAT Business Plan, 2011-2015 Implementing the ICRISAT Strategic Plan to 2020

Our vision a prosperous, food-secure and resilient dryland tropics Our mission to reduce poverty, hunger, malnutrition and environmental degradation in the dryland tropics Our approach partnership-based international agricultural research-for-development that embodies science with a human face


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