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October 7, 2014 12:21 am
William Dar advocates easier access to published research By William Dar
Grassroots needs: a Turkana woman in Koriabok, north of Lodwar, in the drought-stricken Turkana region of Kenya this March
More than 200 years ago, Thomas Jefferson spoke of “an ardent desire to see knowledge so disseminated through the mass of mankind that it may, at length, reach even the extremes of society: beggars and kings”. He spoke at a time when only a tiny elite had access to education. Yet today, despite the spread of universities, digital libraries and internet access in the developing world, research is not easily available. Among the culprits is academic publishing. Researchers are often judged by their “impact factor” – the number of articles they publish in reputable journals with a very strict peer review process. However, subscribing to these journals is expensive, restricting them to a limited audience. Research output remains inaccessible to many in the developing world. Over more than 40 years, the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) has been helping poor smallholder farmers in the drylands through cutting-edge and scaleable agricultural research. Preserving high-quality research publishing is important. But I also believe research should be judged through its uptake and use on the ground. Look at the contribution of agricultural research to global food security. Today, nearly 1bn people suffer from hunger. Many of these are smallholder farming families in developing countries. Solutions exist, nurtured by many agricultural research institutions and universities from the north, but also, increasingly, from those in Africa, India and elsewhere in the south. Examples include better yielding, heat- and drought-tolerant crops, like new chickpea varieties in Ethiopia that enable small farmers both to increase their income and enrich their soil. But far too often, these innovations remain confidential, adopted by few. One key is to ensure that agricultural knowledge flows freely and is easily available to people in the developing world, including farmers, researchers and students. This should normally be integrated into the mission of any public research institution. In fact, in recent years, donors such as the UK Department for International Development have made all their funded research openly accessible. Open access means anyone with an internet connection can have free, unrestricted sight of peer-reviewed scholarly research. With the internet more available and affordable, this not only helps make university research more accessible but also helps to build the research capacity of poorly endowed universities in sub-Saharan Africa or south Asia. It also helps people to tailor global research into useful local applications more quickly. In 2009, ICRISAT launched open access for all its publications and this has proved hugely successful.