Clinical Anatomy of Lumbar Puncture CME 2020

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Integrative Centers for Science and Medicine

Clinical Anatomy of Lumbar Puncture


This three-hour CME webinar will include a didactic session to present the clinical anatomy and evidence-based approaches to Lumbar Puncture, followed by three online sessions. Participants will 1) observe and identify the relevant anatomy via prosection, 3D virtual dissection of the “Visible Human,” and “Draw-It-To-Know-It” exercises; 2) observe the LP procedure on a simulated model and on a softembalmed cadaveric donor using ultrasound guidance via live-streaming from the Anatomy Lab; and 3) engage in a Problem-Based Learning case with the faculty as moderators.


Lecture - The Clinical Anatomy of Lumbar Puncture

Session 1 - Cadaveric Prosection and Virtual Lumbosacral Dissection (VH Dissector) Draw-It-to-Know-It Activity of Procedure

Session 2 - Interactive Demonstration of LP Mannikin Simulation

InteractiveDemonstration of LP on SoftEmbalmed Cadaveric Donor with Ultrasound Guidance

Session 3 - Interactive PBL Session


Physicians, advanced practice nurses, physician assistants, and nurses


•Identify relevant anatomy of the lumbosacral region, including spinal cord and meninges

•Demonstrate knowledge of appropriate technique for tapping cerebrospinal fluid

•Review and evaluate clinical aspects of lumbar puncture, including prevention of common complications

Saturday, July 25, 2020

9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Continuing Medical Education Webinar


Noel T. Boaz, PhD, MD President,Integrative Centers for Science and Medicine


Noel T. Boaz, PhD, MD Director, Laboratory of Biological Anthropology & Anatomy, Integrative Centers for Science and Medicine

D.Preston Grice, MS, MD Associate Professor, PM&R University of Virginia School of Medicine

Randy Smith, NRP, CCEMT-P Clinical Simulation Lab Coordinator Emory & Henry College School of Health Sciences


The live webinar will be recorded and the CME course can also be taken online asynchronously.


RegistrantType Fees

All Registrants $250

ICSM and Carilion Clinic reserve the right to cancel CME ac vi es. If an ac vity is canceled, registra on fees will be fully refunded. The providers reserve the right to change topics/ speakers if necessary.

Providership: This ac vity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the Essen al Areas and Policies of the Medical Society of Virginia through the joint providership of Carilion Clinic’s CME Program and the ICSM Center for Biomedical Educa on. Carilion Clinic’s CME Program is accredited by The Medical Society of Virginia to provide con nuing medical educa on for physicians. Carilion Clinic’s CME Program designates this live ac vity for a maximum of 3 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™.. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their par cipa on in the ac vity

Disclaimer Statement: ICSM and Carilion Clinic ensure balance, independence, objec vity, and scien fic rigor in all of their educa onal ac vi es. It is our policy that each person in a posi on to influence content of any CME ac vity must disclose any financial rela onship with commercial organiza ons as defined by ACCME. All commercial support of an educa onal ac vity must also be disclosed to the conference a endees, and indica on will be made of any unlabeled use of products that may be men oned in presenta ons. Disclosure informaon for each presenter and planning commi ee member will be provided to the audience in both oral and wri en forms prior to the event.

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