Saint John • Kennebecasis Valley • Hampton • Sussex • Grand Bay - Westfield
supporting local business in saint john
March 2011
Meet Andrew Baskin Giving Clients the Royal Treatment
new inside!
Premiere issue of It’s YOUR life
Breaking new ground with E-ZEE Gas
621 Rothesay Ave 633-1500 “The Echelon by Majestic can be installed in just about any space. With its highly modern style and leading-edge technology it has turned up the heat on contemporary gas fireplace design.” – Kathy Blair, Manager
“The Renaissance Rumford fireplace is a blank slate for your architect or designer. It grants the freedom to create various styles whether craftsman, contemporary or anything in between. “ - John Jones
Great Heating Options for You, your Architect or Designer
“The M55 by Enviro is a beautiful cast iron pellet stove with the nicest pellet flame in the industry!” - Kathy Blair, Manager (Kathy is loading pellets into the hopper)
“Here are a couple of Town and Country gas fireplace options. On the left is a beautiful flame in a bed of beaded glass. On the right is a large bold flame in a bed of wood logs.” – Simon Pothier
4 Cover Story Andrew Baskin from Century 21 explains his big dreams and bold plans to become top of the real estate industry
If you feel your organization has a unique level of expertise in your industry and you would like to consider advertising in a future issue – please call us on: 1-506-849-1670 or email:
We also welcome your comments and feedback to any of our local team cast members at: Eric Durant
Feature Articles
New kitches and your local home show Avondale Kitchens
Does your life or business sometimes feel upside down? True Life Training Inc.
Breaking new ground E-ZEE Gas Interest Articles
Service through membership Rotary Club
innovations® is proud to introduce inside:
Danny McLaughlin Lisa Thorsteinson Alicia DeLong Victoria Craig Lesley Hooper Innovations Media Inc. would like to extend our many thanks to everyone who worked behind the scenes contributing so much to this magazine: Kathy Kaufield, Ann Fullerton Contributing Editor Jennifer MacLean, Hemmings House Informative Computer Solutions Inc. Lisa Hatfield Professional Photography Alicia DeLong, Graphic Design and Layout Lisa Thorsteinson Executive Administrator
© Innovations Media Inc., 2010. All Rights Reserved The publisher reserves the right to refuse any or all advertising. The publisher bears no responsibility for advertisers messages and or errors. Printed in Atlantic Canada. The publisher and Innovations Media Inc. assumes no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts and other materials and cannot return them unless they are accompanied by a self-addressed stamped envelope. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior written consent of the publisher.
Big Dreams
and Bold Plans Confident, determined and passionate about providing top-notch service, 22-year-old Andrew Baskin is using the latest technology and old-fashioned hard work to propel him to the top of the real estate industry The self-proclaimed Real Estate King of the Saint John area, Andrew Baskin has big goals.
He wants to be the number one real estate agent in the Saint John area in four years, write a book by the time he is 30 and eventually develop a luxury condominium complex in the uptown.
Sound bold? You bet.
That’s just the way Baskin likes it. Innovations chatted with Baskin about his recent move to Century 21, his use of leading-edge technology and his passion for real estate.
Why did you decide to call yourself The Real Estate King? I wanted something different to set myself apart. Differentiation is crucial so I decided to go with The Real Estate King. It’s bold. I like bold. It exudes confidence. I’m a very confident person. People will remember it, and they will remember me.
What do you love about what you do? 4
I love everything about real estate. I love houses. I love the people. I am a very outgoing person. Negotiating is probably my favourite part. I love smiling and shaking someone’s hand and hearing that I have done a great job. That is probably the most rewarding. I like to help people achieve their real estate goals.
How did you start in real estate at such a young age? I come from a family of entrepreneurs in Sussex. My father owns his own construction company and my sister just opened a spa. I think it is in our blood. I knew I wanted to be an entrepreneur when I was 15 and started working at McDonald’s and I realized I didn’t want to work for anyone else. I want to pick and choose my own hours, although it turns out I am picking and choosing 80 hours per week in real estate. After taking business and marketing at NBCC in Moncton, I earned my real estate license. I went to UNBSJ last winter and studied applied management but my heart wasn’t in it. I wanted to be on my phone making sales calls. You’ve got to do what you love, and I love real estate.
Tell me about your move to Century 21. I started out with Mawhinney Real Estate and then moved to Exit Realty, where I had solid sales last year. I realized that in real estate, as long as you are willing to put in time, effort and a lot
of hard work, blood, sweat and tears, you can get the job done and really excel. I decided in November that I wanted to move to a smaller office like Century 21. There are a lot of experienced agents here, and this is a positive office for me to learn and grow. It’s a good fit for me and my future plans.
Tell me about how you use the latest technology to help clients.
Do you see your youth as an advantage or a challenge? An advantage, most definitely. I’m up and coming. I’ve got loads of energy, and I’m working hard for my clients full-time. I am going to hustle every day of the week to get your property sold. I am extremely accessible and respond quickly to clients. I put myself in the consumer’s shoes, and I am everything I would want in a real estate agent.
What are your future goals? I want to be the number one real estate agent in the Saint John area within four years and to develop a 40-lot subdivision in Quispamsis within 7-8 years. I also want to build a condominium complex in the uptown. I see it having 10 floors, with the main floor resembling a highI’m on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. I write a blog, do a video blog and have a website ( that uses all the latest technology to sell houses. I’ll still have a presence in the Real Estate Guide but using social media is the way of the future in this industry. One out of two Facebook users is online every day. The numbers on my Facebook page are going up every week. It’s a new strategy for 2011. I want to break away from the pack.
River-Valley Realty Ltd. (506) 977-2444
class hotel, with a door man, a valet, underground parking. I want to sell a glamorous lifestyle. I also want to write a book by the time I am 30 about my story. I know I will be a success by then, and I want to talk about my struggles, my background and how I persevered.
Those are big goals. I know. There will be a lot of hard work involved. But you won’t achieve anything if you don’t set goals. You have to be accountable to yourself, and if you don’t set goals for yourself on a daily, weekly, monthly and yearly basis, you are just going to spin around in circles. My life philosophy is love what you do, and you’ll never work a day in your life. I love what I do. And I never, never, never give up.
“Kitchen Talk” Jim Lawrence
New kitchens and your local home show It’s almost spring, the days are getting longer and the air is getting warmer. Before the robins make it back, there is always that sure reminder that spring will soon arrive. What’s that reminder? Your local Home Show. The 2011 home shows in your area will be held March 11th to 13th at Harbour Station in Saint John, and March 25th to 27th at Exhibition Park in Fredericton. What can a home show do for you? Lots! If you are thinking about big or small renovations or even building a new home or cottage, you simply must check out a Home Show in your area. This is the place where you can find the very latest in kitchens,
flooring, landscaping, counter tops and exciting new home improvement ideas all under one roof. A weekend home show can be many things to different people. It can serve as a cheap date night or a family outing while at the same time offering a very quick and broad educational experience. A home show can bring you up the speed with what’s happening and what’s new in the reno, building and kitchen businesses. Even if your building project is completed, it’s still a good place to touch base with the industry to check on things like warranties, final touch ups or maybe some minor add ons to your project.
For more info on the upcoming home shows check out: or
This article was written by Jim Lawrence of
They have designers in your area every week doing professional kitchen designs and quotes. 6
Residence of Glenn & Susan Dewar Quispamsis NB
Suzanne Lawrence at the Avondale Booth at your Local Home Show
At your local upcoming home shows stop by and see Avondale’s Kitchen & Bath booth Mar 11 to 13th Saint John Atlantic National Home Show
Mar 25, 26 & 27, 2011 Fredricton Lifestyles Home Show
Harbour Station, Saint John NB
Exhibition Grounds Frederiction NB
Harbour Station Home Show
Fredericton Home Show
Friday------Mar 11
Noon -9:00pm
Friday --------Mar 25
4:00pm to 9:00pm
Saturday----Mar 12
10 am - 9:00 pm
Saturday----Mar 26
10am to 9:00pm
Sunday-----Mar 13
11 am - 4 pm
Sunday-----Mar 27
11am to 5 pm
Tips for making the most of a home show. 1. Start with your map. When you enter the building, quickly read though the exhibitor list and note the location of any special exhibits you may want to visit. Those particular booths may be very busy and if you want to talk diectly with the exhibitor, you may have to check back in a couple of times. 2. Seminars. Make note of all seminar times in which you are interested. You will be able to find schedules and times on a poster when you arrive. With this schedule in mind, you will be able to manage your time to include both seminars and exhibitions in your visit. Avondale Kitchens will have the schedule of seminars in their booth for your convenience. 3. Extra time. Plan lots of extra time. You are going to see lots of old friends and family there and by the time you stop and say hi, time will quickly fly by.
“There’s three things you need in order to be successful in anything: a clear vision; unwavering focus; and massive action. This is my life!” Giant Within’), T. Harv Eker, (Author of ‘Secrets of the Millionaire Mind’), Mark Victor Hansen (Co-Author of the ‘Chicken Soup for the Soul’ series), and Les Brown (The world’s number one motivational speaker), some of whom he is bringing to Saint John this summer for “The Ultimate Success Summit”! ( He has learned from the best, and uses that knowledge and expertise to empower others. One participant of a business course attests, “Joshua gave me the tough love that I needed in order to get into action. I finally had the inspiration to create my website, and started generating revenue that week! Thanks Joshua.” (Greg - GK Media) Joshua’s company True Life Training Inc. offers a variety of courses, and seminars including “Vision To Success”, where you will discover the three most important things you need in order to be successful in anything you choose, and “The Ultimate Action Accelerator”, where you will dispel all negative and nonsupporting beliefs, and be empowered to take massive action in your life and accelerate to the next level. Joshua will be hosting a “Vision To Success” seminar in Saint John this spring during his 2011 Maritime tour.
Visit and connect with Joshua on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, and Youtube, to gain further insight into who Joshua is and what True Life Training can do for you. Subscribe to Joshua’s video blog at JoshHayward. com, where you will get tools, tips and strategies to transform your results. You can also get a free download of Joshua’s e-book, “Ultimate Action - 13 Techniques for Taking Action and Getting Results” Joshua is dedicated to transforming people’s lives and empowering them to live a life of freedom and live a life they love. He is actively involved in the community and donates 10% of all his revenue to Kids Help Phone and various local charities.
Joshua says, “Life is like a tree. Most people focus on the fruits – ‘they’re not big enough’, ‘they’re not juicy enough’, ‘I want more’, but they tend to forget where those fruits come from...they come from the roots. It’s what’s going on in the inner world that creates the outer world. If you want to change the fruits, you must focus on the roots... And I have a ton of fertilizer!”
Reach Joshua directly at Joshua.
True Life Training... Transform Your Life!
Five amazing trainers after another successful event. From left to right: Kane Minkus, Karen Hoyos, Les Brown, Joshua Hayward, Jeff Slayter.
Does your life or business sometimes feel like this article: upside down?
Would you like to be a whole lot more successful, make a whole lot more money and be a whole lot happier? Joshua Hayward’s True Life Training Inc. empowers people to accelerate their life or business to the next level and to make their dreams and goals a reality... “I have been successful at creating a life of abundance that I absolutely love”, says Joshua Hayward, who is taking his experience and knowledge and empowering others to do the same: To discover their dreams and make them a reality. Joshua’s knowledge, passion, and experience expand far beyond his age. He has owned three successful businesses and has worked with the top minds in the personal and business development industry. He now travels all over North America transforming people’s lives and empowering individuals and organizations to realize their true potential and accelerate their life or business to the next level. He enables people to break free of all the limiting beliefs and fears that are holding them back, empowering them to achieve their true greatness. Joshua believes that everything comes down to a mindset. “I help people create the right mindsets in order to get what they want”, says Joshua, and he does this in an energetic and engaging way. He coaches people to challenge themselves and to expand their comfort zones, by offering the specific tools necessary to continually grow.
Joshua is more than a motivational speaker: he is a trainer. “Motivation is not enough … it’s only part of the puzzle. If you motivate someone who is going down hill, they’re just going to go down hill a whole lot faster ... My objective is to stop them, educate them, and then motivate them in the right direction,” says Joshua, whose distinct training style steps away from talking to people; instead he talks with them. His teaching is very interactive where he has participants working in groups, in pairs, and takes volunteers to get oneon-one coaching in front of the room. He teaches using accelerated learning techniques and experiential exercises so that participants learn, ingrain and retain the information. Joshua continually invests a great deal of time and money into his own personal development and education. He has a wealth of experience in his field, and has personally learned from professionals such as Tony Robbins (Author of ‘Unlimited Power’ and ‘Awaken The 1-888-878-6398
Breaking New Ground Ashley Dykeman is helping to build her family’s business – and blazing a trail for women in the energy and heating industry A sea of surprised expressions and raised eyebrows often greet Ashley Dykeman when she steps onto a job site for the first time. As Operations Manager at E-Zee Gas Services Ltd. in Saint John, Dykeman is one of the few young women working in the energy and heating industry, and she absolutely loves it – steel toe work boots and all. “This is a growing industry. It’s very challenging and rewarding, and I’ve met some great people,” she says. “Every single day I take pride in what I do.” E-Zee Gas Services is a bustling familyrun company that was established by Dykeman’s parents, Ed and Jill Zelward, due to the arrival of Enbridge Gas New Brunswick in Saint John. The company supplies, installs and services natural gas and propane equipment for residential 10
and commercial consumers. Ed Zelward, who was an operator at Lantic Sugar for 23 years, decided to try a new career when the sugar refinery closed in 2000. He enrolled himself in the province’s first gas technician course at the community college as he saw the potential in owning his own company with the arrival of natural gas. Ed was the first of his graduating class to obtain his gas license and he launched E-Zee Gas Services in 2002 and hasn’t looked back. With his company growing steadily, Ed asked his daughter to join the family business. “I never imagined I would work in the energy and heating industry,” says Dykeman, who earned a degree in Marketing and Human Resources and planned to work for a marketing firm. “It was a little scary at first because I had so much to learn about the industry,” she says. But the chance to become
an entrepreneur and to help build her family’s business proved to be irresistible and Dykeman came onboard two years ago. Dykeman used her business training to overhaul the company’s administration and develop marketing and long-term business strategies. She learned the technical details of the business by accompanying her father and other technicians to job sites. Having been with the company for over two years now, Dykeman has embraced the entrepreneurial challenges of helping to support the family business. E-Zee Gas began doing installations of natural gas central heating and hot water systems in homes. However, opportunities arose in the commercial market sector and the business quickly earned a reputation as the go-to company for converting commercial
Preparing another of their delicious menu items on their natural gas cooking equipment, Urban Deli, located on King Street, is just one of the many valued restaurant customers converted by E-Zee Gas Services.
506-650-0932 “More and more businesses and homeowners are switching to natural gas,” says Ed Zelward. “It gives them peace of mind, saves them money, and it’s more efficient and environmentally-friendly too.” properties to natural gas. E-Zee Gas has installed natural gas in many of the well known restaurants and businesses in the region. However; with the on-going demand for natural gas systems in both the residential retrofit and new home construction markets, Dykeman has refocused her energy into the Saint John residential market. “More and more businesses and homeowners are switching to natural gas,” says Ed Zelward. “It gives them peace of mind, saves them money, and it’s more efficient and environmentallyfriendly too.” The company’s commitment to excellent customer service and its focus on natural gas sets it apart from the competition, says Dykeman. “We take a lot of pride in what we do,” she says. “We work until the job is done. If our customers are happy, we are happy.” Dykeman is optimistic the company will continue to grow as natural gas becomes more available. Her parents want her to eventually take over the business completely when they are ready to retire. She likes helping to build a successful company in an industry that has such potential. “There are no limits to where the industry will go and what our company can become!”
E-Zee Gas has been working with Kemal Debly of Barsa Ventures Ltd. for 7 years installing gas appliances in his Cambridge Estates homes. The use of natural gas in these beautiful EnerGuide rated homes is generating huge savings for the home owners!
Left to Right: Glenn Gibbons, Stuart Urdang, John Kelley, Andre Welland, Sandra Moon, Jeffrey Scammell, Steven Clark, Terry McKenna, Gordon Dempsey, Amdal Cyr, Jim Flemming, Alex Halassy, Lori Logue, Camille Bordage, Jamie Feenan, Kim Shaw, Kevin Tupper, Chris Dunham, Leslye McVicar, Kathy Curwin, Nicholas Brown, Ann Wakita, Jayne DeMerchant, Peter Milburn, Sunil Rajaram, Kathy Guimond
eradicate polio worldwide. Thanks to Rotarians worldwide, Rotary has been able to contribute nearly $800 million to keep alive the dream of a polio free world.
Shelter Boxes for Haiti
The Rothesay-Kings Rotary Club is a group of like-minded, caring, dedicated individuals who give of our time and talents to improve our local and International communities. We meet regularly to learn, educate and foster a better understanding of the world we live in and how we can make a difference.
Service Through Membership
Rotary International, a global network of community volunteers is one of the largest and most influential international humanitarian service organizations in the world. Rotary was founded on February 23, 1905 in Chicago, Illinois. Today approximately 1.2 million members belong to 33,000 individual clubs in 200 countries. Rotary Clubs carry out a variety of service projects that address critical issues including poverty, hunger, illiteracy, substance abuse, and pollution. Service to youth, especially children at risk, is a major emphasis. Working with and for tomorrow’s leaders, Rotary sponsors service clubs for youth and young adults and offers career development and mentoring programs. The Rothesay-Kings Rotary Club’s international commitments and projects have recently included financial contributions to Rotary Internationals’ Polio Plus Campaign, whose aim is to 12
Last February, a pancake supper was held at St. Marks Church. Proceeds from that as well as additional monetary contributions resulted sending four shelter boxes to Haiti for relief after last year’s earthquake. To date they are still providing shelter from the elements.
Boots & Bikes For Dominican Republic
Recently, the Rothesay Kings Rotary Club became aware of the need for used shoes and bicycles for the less fortunate in the Domincan Republic. This project all came together very quickly. All that was needed was to put the word out in our local community and it took on a life of it’s own. Over 4,000 pairs of shoes, 200 bicycles, vitamins, school supplies, books and an EKG Machine almost filled a 40 foot container - now being used in to La Romana, Dominican Republic.
Camp Rotary
Camp Rotary is a camp on the shore of Grand Lake. Camp Rotary is a summer camp where a multitude of campers with special needs go to enjoy “the camp experience”. There is a “Diabetic Camp” and also “Camp Goodtime” for children living with cancer or having a history of cancer. Each summer there are some 42 support staff that host roughly 500 campers ranging in age from 7-30 years old that get to call Camp Rotary home. The INSIDE OUT, was born from a great need. There were many but the one
that resonated the loudest was that during rainy days and very hot sunny days that the campers had to remain indoors. Understanding that most of these campers are housebound every day of their lives, due to their mobility and wheel/power chair issues, it pulled on our heart strings to hear that they were yet again staring at 4 walls. So we thought how do we bring the inside out! Hey lets build a huge “picnic shelter”. On May the 19th 2010 the “inside out was no longer a dream it was a reality. Tattoo, a senior councillor with some 6 plus years at Camp Rotary, expressed - “we are so grateful”, “this is perfect and I can’t wait until the campers come and see it”. “ We can fit every camper underneath of it”. Here are some of the other projects the Rothesay Kings Rotary Club have been involved in: Youth Merit Awards to local high school students, SafeGrad at K.V.H.S. Christmas Families, Rotary Girls Choir, KVHS Soccer Field Restoration, Youth Exchanges Breakfast Programs in local schools D.A.R.E. Program, Kindergarten PreReader Kits, Restoration of Renforth Park The Joshua Group, Schools in Afghanistan, Camp Glenburn Looking to make a difference? The Rothesay-Kings Rotary Club meets for Breakfast every Thursday morning from 7:15 to 8:30 at the Kingsway Care Centre, 8 Squires Court (Off Gondola Point Arterial). For further information, please contact Sunil Rajaram – 848-2121 or Gordon Dempsey – 849-1743. We all should be proud of our efforts what a great community we live in!
Your local resource for healing the mind, body and soul.
Premiere issue February 2011
It’s YOUR Life Our FOOD and how
it’s affecting
our health page 3
10 Things You Can Do At Home
to Better
Your Health page 4
Inside “It’s YOUR Life”
Regular Exercise….
Savoury Soup Recipes
A Piece of Cake!
E d i to r ’ s N o te s
Your local resource to healing the mind body and soul
It’s YOUR Life Editor Publisher Printing Graphics Design and Layout Photography Proofreader Mailing/Distribution
Photo by Beaver Smith
Contributing Writers
I want to share with you the reasoning behind the name of the It’s YOUR Life Magazine. Long ago when I was quite young, I was complaining about my circumstances to an older friend of mine. This friend looked at me very sternly and stated “Terri-Ann it’s your life, you choose who you want to be, how you want to feel, not your boss, your teacher, the government or anyone for that matter, YOU DO.” These words still resonate with me and have followed me over the course of my lifetime. Now whenever a friend, a colleague complains about what is wrong with the system, their lives, their relationships, I answer quickly back, “It’s YOUR Life, and you can choose to do whatever you want with it.“ You see, we as a human race have forgotten what our minds are capable of. If I tell myself for long enough that I am not good enough, then after a while I believe it instinctively. As if somehow, somewhere I became less than what I am. This magazine is a way to connect our community, to show that we CAN and WILL make a difference within our own lives and the lives of others. I am grateful for the opportunity to share my vision and passion with you, my community. It is with much love that I send this out to you, and am looking forward to many more publications in the future. Love, Terri-Ann
Terri-Ann Cormier Naturally for Life, Inc/ It’s YOUR Life Media Innovations Media Inc. Alicia Delong As noted Jeff Korentayer Canada Post Target Marketing Allyson McQuinn, Deborah Ferguson, Elaine Shannon, Kim Shaw, Merina Farrell
It’s YOUR Life Media publishes four issues per year and is distributed to homes and businesses through targeted marketing via Canada post in the Greater Saint John area. Please send all inquiries to: Naturally for Life, Inc/It’s YOUR Life Media, 122 Hampton Road, Suite 3, Rothesay NB, E2E 2N5
SUBSCRIBE In addition to our free circulation to more than 27,000 homes and businesses in the Greater Saint John area, we offer subscriptions for $26.95/year. Please send a cheque in the amount + applicable taxes to the address above.
SUBMIT A LETTER TO THE EDITOR Email: With “letter” in the subject line. Letters may be edited for clarity and brevity. email: itsyourlife@bellaliant. com
STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Our pledge to our readers is to bring mindful information about taking charge of your mind, body, and soul. We strive to bring together our communities in a wholesome conscious way. We think outside the box and choose to create our own futures. We attract readers who are engaged and committed to creating a future of continuous growth and education. It’s YOUR Life Media is an eco-conscious company; we choose ecoresponsible practices. Advertisers of products and services are fully and solely responsible for providing accurate and same as advertised information. It’s YOUR Life Media assumes no responsibility for unsolicited material. Opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and advertisers and do not necessarily reflect those of the It’s YOUR Life Magazine publisher, editor, and staff. Contents of It’s YOUR Life Magazine are copyright 2011, all rights reserved. It’s YOUR Life Magazine may not be reproduced, digitalized, shared in whole or in part by any means without written permission of the publisher.
Eco-girl’s notes
Did you know that the average supermarket houses over 47,000 products? Did you also know that the majority of these “foods” can be traced to only a few mass producers? Hmm… so you need to start to wonder – is there really as much variety as we all think? Have we been programmed to want what the packaging says, rather than what the ingredients are? I’m starting to think so!
Our FOOD and how it’s affecting our health.
Teens taller than the typical full grown adult – and we need to ask ourselves – is this normal? Well maybe it’s become our normal – society has made it that way. My opinion is that these young woman are not ready for these drastic changes, they still want to be young girls, NOT women.
In my research over the past few months, I’ve watched movies such as Food, Inc, The Future of Food, and Food Matters, and have read many of articles and books on the food industry today. I did all this to try to gain some sort of understanding on what is going on with our food system. Why it is that packaging and branding have become more popular and important than that of nutrition and substance?
Another problem found throughout my research is that the majority of corporate run farmers are giving large doses of antibiotics to the cattle and chickens. They do this because these animals are kept in such tight quarters that if one had e-coli, all would eventually get it. The problem is yet again, the bacteria within these animals have begun to build up a resistance, and once eaten these antibiotics are passed onto us. It’s no wonder that we as a society have almost become dependent on antibiotics and are having trouble fighting even the simplest of viruses.
Over the decades, simple farmers across North America have gone from owning a few hundred beef cows or chickens to being contracted or bought out by large corporations who have no desire to ever step foot on a farm. These corporations have forced these farmers to have hundreds of thousands of chickens and cows, forced them to take out loan after loan to build buildings specific to taking the very nature of raising these animals down to a science in favor of making more money.
So you may be asking yourself why would simple farmers sell their souls to the devil? Well my answer is simple – because they have no choice! They either comply to make money or are forced out of business. Large corporations basically own these farmers due to debt loads. The average farmer in North America has over $500k in debt.
Did you know a typical chicken takes about 96 days to mature – however new science put in place by these larger corporations has enabled them to make chickens mature in less than 49 days. Video from the movie Food, Inc. shows these chickens unable to develop properly due to lack of muscle and bone density from the increased speed of growth. These chickens were in the thousands, unable to move, forage, and without light for days, weeks and months. Beyond the fact that these chickens are treated unfairly and unable to properly develop, there is something even more disturbing – whatever drugs are given to these chickens to develop them quicker – is now is the bloodstream of mankind.
What upsets me more than anything is what I discovered in my research. In 1972 there were 50,000 FDA Food Safety Inspections; however in 2006 there were only 9164. So it makes me wonder – why when the amount of food in the average supermarket is around 47,000? – are there less inspections?
You see young girls as young as nine developing breasts and starting their menstruation earlier than ever before.
All in all – we need to be selective in what we eat. You now have some knowledge of what is going on with our food system. I encourage you to watch one of these wonderful movies, read a book, or research on the net. You have the choice of what goes into your mouth.
Eat local, buy in season, and read labels! Research and sources: Clean by Alejandro Junger – Publisher: Harperone Food Inc. - Magnolia Pictures & Participant Media Food Matters - The Future of Food – by Morgan Spurlock
Eco Girl is the face and voice of the earth’s eco shop located at 122 Hampton Road, Rothesay, NB. She speaks the truth about our environment, government, and chooses to share her knowledge with the community.
We carry Fair-Trade flowers from EcoFriendly farms
www.Its YOUR Life
Natural Medicine At Arcanum Wholistic Clinic, there are certain questions we go through at the initial consultation with patients to discern whether or not they qualify for homeopathic medicine. Here is a brief outline of some of the things we typically discuss. You can test yourself to see if these are 10 Things that you do at home in order to better your health. If you still suffer symptoms, give us a call, we’re here to help.
Number 1 Drink, drink, drink enough pure pH balanced water! If you can’t drink water from a well or mountain stream, then you will need to properly filter, and remineralize, the water you have. Pure water alone can cure symptoms such as asthma, allergies, arthritis, angina, migraine headaches, hypertension, raised cholesterol, chronic fatigue syndrome, multiple sclerosis, depression, and diabetes. If you are ever thirsty during the day, you are actually suffering the effects of dehydration and need to increase your water intake to approximately 1-2 litres of well-water (avoid chlorinated or fluoridated water as much as possible).
10 Things You Can Do At Home to Better Your Health cycle of restoring our bodies and minds for waking consciousness.
Number 4 Recreation, which also includes exercise, is as critical as any other aspect of regimen. Our spiritual, emotional and physical health is dependent on our capacity to simply be at play! If you think about it, we’ve worked in the fields, ridden horses, or travelled long distances by foot for almost 6,000 years of human history. At no time have we been so sedentary and our physical bodies are not abiding easily to this new way of life. Diseases related to obesity like diabetes, heart, and hyper-tension are at an all-time high!
Number 5
Dormition, or sleep, is also instrumental to our health and well-being. In the summer, we need 8-9 hours of uninterrupted sleep and in the winter 9-10 hours in a completely darkened environment. We know that the hormones Melatonin and Serotonin need complete darkness and a good deal of time to fully complete the
Another area we work in is a principled detoxification of your organism. Most of us suffer the effects, unknowingly, from heavy metals, including mercury. When we think of mercury, we tend to think of metal amalgams in teeth that have been used barbarically since the American Civil War of 1812. For example, mercury is contained in everyday things such as: adhesives, air conditioning filters, antiseptics, batteries, body powders, burning newspaper, building materials, calomel lotions, commercial cereals, fabric softeners, insecticides, laxatives, lumber, paints, paper products, Preparation H, and some soft contact lens solutions. Mercury can cause adrenal dysfunction, allergies, hair loss, birth defects, autism, Alzheimer’s, cerebral palsy, anorexia, brain damage, dizziness, drowsiness, eczema, abscesses in the gums, hearing loss, hyperactivity, immune dysfunction, hypothyroidism, kidney damage, migraines, anxiety, nervefibre degeneration, rashes, tremors and suicidal tendencies. In both Canada and the U.S. the allopathic flu-shot contains
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February 2011
Number 2 Nutrition is totally individualized based on certain typologies. A healthy individual will do well to stick close to their Blood Type Diet based on Dr. D’Adamo’s research, Eat Right For Your Type. While there has been controversy over his research, we can affirm his findings based on 30 years of live blood analysis. If you are perpetually fatigued, 10-20 pounds overweight and suffering some mild symptoms, we will recommend further approaches that will balance glandular imbalances, cravings, and addictions.
Number 3
toxic levels of the preservative thimerosal which contains mercury. Mercury is just one of 15 heavy metals that we will safely detoxify our patients from using homeopathic chelation therapy.
Number 6 Geopathic stress affects us all. The word is derived from the Greek words geo (of the earth) and pathos (suffering). Most individuals have felt a sense of uneasiness when walking into someone’s home, place of work, store or even a tract of land. While a location can be altered with decorations or Feng Shui, other aspects are not always as easily alterable. Fault lines, electromagnetic fields, underwater veins, mines, man-made foundations, public utilities (sewage) and certain mineral deposits can contribute to unhealthy sleep patterns, as well as emotional and physical symptoms. If you notice irritability, stiffness, soreness, depression, restlessness and a lack of tolerance, you may need to test your home for geopathic stress.
Number 7 Using principled supplementation based on your individual needs can be a powerful aid. Did you know that you would need to eat 45 bowls of spinach to equal the nutrition of one bowl in 1945? Also, our soils are so deplete, you would need to eat 200 loaves of bread to equal one made at the turn of the last century. Again, keep in mind that you are a very finely mechanized, spiritualized being and that you want to base your self-prescriptions on principle also in this realm. After seeing results from 30 years of research in live blood analysis, I know that herbs and even vitamins can create the illusion of health, or in some cases, even cause harm. It is best if you can derive as much of your nutrition from whole, live, and organic foods as you can.
Number 8
Number 10
Most folks are surprised when I say the true cause of all diseases start in the mind. Our hearts and minds carry a significant burden of unresolved emotions which, over time, produces armoring and rigidification in the body similar to rigamortis. Physical symptoms are really the last phase of the process of emotional and spiritual disturbances that have not been wholly discharged. When we use the homeopathic remedies to walk a person logically back through their timeline of emotional or physical shocks and traumas, they are amazed at how much content still prevails at their core needing to be expunged. The law of cure does not mess around, it will raise for your viewing pleasure, all that still has you puppeted on a set of unconscious strings!
Relax! Take time off and release yourself from the constant lure of work! Bill Cosby said, “I don’t know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody.” He was right! Find a contemplative hobby like writing poetry, painting or photography so that you can access your muse and the more delicate meanderings of your heart and soul, or just nap or meditate on it!
Number 9 Resonant relationships are critical to our emotional health and ecology. In our system of medicine, we define health as being orgastically potent in all aspects of one’s life. Whether that is through resonant union with your Beloved or through the work that reflects your soul’s yearning to know its self, it is critical to surround yourself with loving and nourishing friends and family. False precepts like dogmatic religion that keep a person tied to a toxic marriage bonds only breeds symptoms and disease which happiness and fulfillment do not. As a Physician, I have to conclude that if unhappiness breeds symptoms, that God doesn’t want you to live in abject misery.
Allyson McQuinn, DHHP, DMH, JAOH Allyson McQuinn, DHHP, DMH, JAOH is a Doctor of Natural Medicine and co-owner of Arcanum Wholistic Clinic where she treats patients both locally in Rothesay, N.B. and internationally by Skype. After giving birth to a son who showed signs of being in the autism spectrum, and then solving his issues outright, Allyson found her answers for her son’s cure led her to study the 4 year medical program at The Hahnemann College for Heilkunst and Homeopathy. This pursuit led her to write her first book, The Path To Cure: The Whole Art Of Healing which unfolds her son’s heartrending story and answers why his issues resolved. Allyson can be reached at 506-698-9331 or
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Nutrition Why is it that someone who is in their sixties can look like they are forty? Is it the luck of the genes, or are there other factors that contribute? What does aging mean to you? Researchers have asked this question and what contributes to the aging process for years. The results are always varied. Most people do however acknowledge that chronological age and biological age are not the same thing. One’s body can age faster or slower than chronology might dictate. We simply have to examine the overall health and appearance of a group of individuals in their fifties to see the variance in the aging process. Everything from wrinkled skin, joint pain, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and a range of degenerative diseases are associated with the aging process. What factors contribute to longevity? Scientific knowledge and medical intervention sometimes make it possible to add years to our life, but more importantly, how do we ensure better health and vibrancy so we can enjoy our advancing years? Let’s look at the major factors that contribute to the aging process and how we can positively influence it: 1) Heredity definitely plays a part in longevity, but it is not the only factor – and certainly not the singularly dominant one. If you have been blessed with strong genetics be grateful and build upon this. 2) Examine your attitudes about aging. Many people resign themselves to health problems by saying “it’s just my age”. Someone who believes that a certain condition is caused and dictated by age will not be motivated to look for alternatives to deal with it. Very often changes to diet and lifestyle will bring about positive results for many degenerative health conditions. Cellular renewal is happening in our body all the time, some cells live for days and others for months. Why not work to create healthier cells? 3) At the same time take care to protect yourself against “free radicals”. These highly unstable molecular fragments attack healthy cells, thereby accelerating aging and contributing to the development of arterial disease, cancer, and a plethora of other diseases. Take steps to limit damage done by free radicals
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The Chronological and Biological age debate by minimizing or avoiding pollution, exhaust fumes, artificial food coloring, preservatives in foods consumed, and rancid fats. 4) Digestion is of major importance. If you are not properly digesting you are not properly absorbing the essential vitamins and minerals required for a healthy body. Do you experience common symptoms of indigestion, bloating, heartburn, sourness or constipation on a regular basis? If so take the necessary steps to correct the condition because poor digestion overloads the body with toxic byproducts which can compromise one’s health. 5) One of the quickest ways to ‘look your age’ is to maximize your water intake. Remember, by the time you feel thirsty you are already somewhat dehydrated. Ensure you drink several glasses of water throughout the day. Try first thing in the morning to add fresh lemon to a glass of water; this will cleanse the digestive track, liver, and kidneys. 6) Examine the nutrition you are feeding your body. Often we are overloading our body by ingesting substances that provide little or no nutritional benefit. Too much coffee, tea, and alcohol, processed refined denatured foods, i.e. white flour white rice, sugars, soft drinks, etc… Many of these foods we eat actually have a shelf life that could outlive us. Think of how many packaged foods never spoil, they’re full of chemicals and preservatives and could sit on the shelf for years. Get in the habit of reading the ingredients label of any packaged foods you eat. If you cannot pronounce the word it is often a chemical, and if it ends in “ose” it is a sugar. 7) Good health comes from the inside out. Eat a diet consisting of healthy protein (fish, chicken, quinoa, tofu, eggs, cheese, yogurt, etc…), grains, seeds, nuts, legumes (chick peas, lentils, etc…) and brightly colored fruits and vegetables, (remember, the darker the color, generally the higher the nutritional status). Therefore, yes romaine lettuce or spinach is superior to iceberg! Eat healthy oils such as olive, canola, or flax oils. 8) Exercise regularly. Your body thrives on movement. Each morning upon waking try some light stretching while the spine is still relaxed. Incorporate an
February 2011
aerobic activity at least 3 times weekly, try to incorporate some light weight training to help strengthen your muscles and bones. Find an activity you enjoy and do it regularly. 9) Stress ages each of us. In our very busy fast paced life it is critical we take some “down time” to balance ourselves. Build time into your day to sit quietly, listen to music, read, have a hot bath, or simply close your eyes and give your mind a break. Even as little as 15-20 minutes a day will reap benefits. 10) Sleep. Growth and renewal of the human body takes place when we sleep. Try to get 7-8 hours each night. If you have difficulty getting to sleep, or wake up frequently throughout the night try to take calcium and magnesium or melatonin before bedtime. Drinking any liquids much after 8 or 9 p.m. can guarantee trips to the bathroom throughout the night….try to limit this within reason. Remember to laugh and do things that are fun. Often this requires finding the fun in what you are already doing. Laughter releases the feel good hormones and everything always seems better.
Happy Longevity!!
Deborah Ferguson is a Registered Nutritional Consultant practicing in Rothesay, N.B. To contact please phone 506) 847-7049, or visit her website:
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Fitness Most Canadians are overweight, not because they eat too much but because they don’t exercise enough. A staggering fact is that 95-98% of people who go on a weight loss program without regular exercise will regain the weight. That’s nearly 100%! The key to healthy living and weight loss is a lifestyle of regular endurance, flexibility and strength activities. The benefits of regular activity are so life-altering that if someone were to hand these to you as a present, you would think it was the greatest gift never to be parted with. The good news is that they are free and there for the taking! They include: better health, weight control, feeling more energetic, toned physique, improved strength, cardio and flexibility, relaxation and reduced stress, improved sleep and sex life, stronger bones, better posture and balance, better self-esteem and reduction in your risk of heart disease, obesity, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, stroke, depression, colon cancer and adult-onset diabetes….just to name a few! Why wouldn’t you want to PostcardstoMockup:Layout jump in and have all these for the rest of 1 your life? You can and it can start today. Health Canada has made this easy by following its guidelines for Adults in its Physical Activity Guide for Healthy Active Living available at 1. Endurance Activities: (4-7 days per week) The goal is to accumulate 20-60 minutes of physical activity everyday to stay healthy or improve your health. The activity does not have to be hard and can be done in a minimum of 10 minute segments throughout the day. Start slowly then build as your strength and cardio improves. A little is good but more is better to help you achieve greater health benefits. The time depends on the effort. Light activities such as light walking, easy gardening, house cleaning, golfing (without a cart), etc… should be done for a minimum of 60 minutes. Moderate activities such as brisk walking, biking, swimming, water aerobics, dancing, etc…should be done for a minimum of 30-60 minutes.
Regular Exercise…. A Piece of Cake! Lastly, Vigorous activities such as aerobics, jogging, spin classes, boot camps, fast swimming, hockey, etc… should be done for a minimum of 20-30 minutes. A long-term goal of 60 minutes of endurance exercise everyday would give you the greatest health benefits. 2. Flexibility Activities (4-7 days a week) Regular stretching will improve your quality of life by keeping your joints mobile, reducing the risk of injury and helping you maintain independence as you age. Some ways to improve flexibility include, stretching, Yoga, yard work, T’ai Chi and mopping the floor (who knew!) Ideally, stretching should be done at the end of your work-out. Muscles should be warmed up for at least 7-10 minutes first. Hold each stretch for a minimum of 10-30 seconds. 3. Strength Activities (2-4 days a week) Regular strength training can improve your posture, help your muscles and bones stay strong and help prevent osteoporosis. The goal is to work the upper and lower body, opposing muscle groups and a core-strengthening program. Activities for strength include: climbing stairs, 10/21/09 PM Page 11 yard work, piling wood, heavy1:18 raking and
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backpacking, etc…Weight training is extremely effective and should be done under the advice of a fitness professional when you are starting out. Fitness should be fun and not hurt! Grab a friend, check out a class, play in the yard with your kids, go for a walk, take up a new sport, shovel the walkway, take the stairs, go dancing, join a learn to run group, etc… and make fitness a part of your everyday. Just think of the endless calorie burning opportunities. You truly can have your cake and eat it too! Merina Farrell is a Nutritionist (B.A.Sc.), Personal Trainer, Bootcamp Leader, Motivational Speaker and Wellness Coach. She trains uptown or in Quispamsis where she has her own wellness studio Merina has great success in helping her clients reach their goals. For more information contact her at merinafarrell@gmail. com or go to
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Recipes Soups and stews are the very essence of food in a pot. There are few foods that are more comforting and satisfying, not to mention a powerhouse of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. A soup can be a light and elegant first course, a rib-sticking meal-in-a-pot, or a refreshing cooler in the summer. And of course, one of the best qualities in a soup is that it can be made ahead in large quantities and for the most part frozen for a later time when our busy schedules do not permit us to cook fresh. The best homemade soups rely on a good stock or broth for incredible flavour. Stocks come in numerous varieties – from making your own or purchasing. Most supermarkets carry an assortment of canned broths, including chicken, vegetable and beef. There are great varieties that are lowfat, low-sodium and organic. Fat free broth is healthful, but it’s just as easy to remove the fat from a canned broth yourself. Simply freeze the unopened can of broth for 1-2 hours. Open and easily skim off the layer of fat. Powders and cubes are convenient but a liquid broth has typically more flavour. When making fish soups, bottled clam juice is a handy substitute for homemade fish stock. Storing and Freezing Soup Soups should be cooled quickly before storing or freezing. Emerge stock pot in a cold water bath in sink. Stir occasionally for 30 minutes to release heat. Store in airtight containers, leaving headspace for expansion. Most soups can be frozen for up to three months. Be sure to taste when reheating and adjusting of seasonings may be required.
Beef & Vegetable Soup with Rice 500 grams lean ground beef 4 large carrots, diced 2 large onions, chopped 4 stalks celery, diced 4 sweet red bell pepper, diced 4 cloves garlic, minced 5 ml. Dried rosemary, crumbled 2 ml. Dried thyme 2 ml. Each sea salt and fresh black pepper 3 litres beef stock 750 ml. water 300 ml. Brown rice 500 ml. Frozen peas 25 ml. Lemon juice In a large pot, sauté beef over medium-high heat, breaking up with spoon, until no longer pink, about 8 minutes; drain off fat.
Savoury Soups
Add carrots, onions, celery, red pepper, garlic, rosemary, thyme, salt and pepper; fry, stirring occasionally, until onions are softened, about 5 minutes. Add stock, water and rice; bring to boil. Cover, reduce heat and simmer until rice is tender, approx. 45 minutes. Add peas and lemon juice; return to simmer. Add more water if necessary to make 20 cups. Makes 20 servings Approx. 126 calories, 4 grams fat (1 gm. Sat. fat) 15 grams carb, 2 grams, fibre
especially for anyone who is lactose intolerant. Here is a delicious hearty soup that would make a satisfying evening meal with a green salad and some whole grain crusty bread. Garnishing Soups As delicious as soup is, it can be enhanced by an added splash of fresh herbs, parmesan cheese, croutons, or crumbled bacon.
Soups with cream, milk or eggs typically do not freeze well. They will curdle when reheated. That being said, a number of vegetable based soups can be pureed using a hand-held blender to create the consistency of being creamed without the added fat and
Pureed vegetable soups are often topped with a drizzle of heavy cream or in the instance that it could benefit from a hint of acidity, can be topped with a dollop of sour cream or cream fraiche.
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February 2011
To your health! Kim Shaw
Chef/Distributor of Xocaithe Healthy Chocolate Kim Shaw LOVES food. The oldest of five, she often cooked for her siblings in her teens and often conversations would turn to recipes, entertaining and cooking in social environments. Kim was introduced to an amazing business opportunity and her favorite food - CHOCOLATE in early 2007. This is no ordinary chocolate – it is Xocai –The Healthy Chocolate
Reflexology Foot Care
Barbara Gillcrist R.N.C.R.
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Organizing On the path of self growth there are many layers of beliefs and ways of thinking and being that are peeled away to reveal the true self. The layers involve elements from the past and present that affect how you move forward into the future you are dreaming of. One of the layers that hold many people back is disorganization and excess of clutter.
Organization is the foundation of all growth. This is something that all the great philosophers and spiritual teachers know and live by. In their work the answers are there if you are ready to hear the lesson… when the student is ready the teacher arrives…and yes, without clutter. In the book “Change your Thoughts Change your Life” Dr Wayne Dyer interprets the Tao Te Ching. Dr Dyer shares an interpretation that for the rest of the world makes this 5000 year old teaching by Lao-tzu very easy to absorb. In the 77th verse it says…”when it is surplus, it reduces; when it is deficient, it increases.” It is asking us to put surpluses back into the world to decrease deficiencies that exist elsewhere. Think about what you have too much of that you can share. Is your home overflowing with things that are no longer useful or beautiful to you? Do you have an excess of time in your schedule that you can share in a meaningful way, like volunteering at a local school? Do you have an abundance of love and energy that is ready to be shared?
Organization is the foundation of all growth surrounding yourself with?” The universe loves order …a chaotic external world is a reflection of a chaotic inner world.
Are you living in a swirl of chaos? If clutter and disorganization are an outward sign of stuck energy, then now is the time to have a close look at where the chaos shows up in your life. This clutter can show up: in your home as an excess of stuff, in your office as too much paper, schedules that are overflowing and cause great stress, or in relationships that have run their course however you keep hanging on. By freeing up space in your home, calendar and life you are allowing space to exist. The moments between are the ones that are needed the most, however, they also cause the greatest fear. In order to receive any more into your life you have to let go of what is no longer serving you. Winter is typically a time of hibernation and an optimal time to clean out the nest. Take the next few months to investigate where the clutter and disorganization are showing up and you will be ready for the rebirth season of Spring.
Elaine Shannon TPO (Trained professional organizer) is local entrepreneur who has been in business since 2003. She has had the pleasure of sharing her expertise in the Productivity/Time Management field with individuals and audiences from Vancouver to Cape Town South. As an international speaker, Elaine gets to feed her need to travel and meet new people. Elaine has been recognized as a leader in the industry through her election to the POC board in 2005, speaking at the 2007 POC conference in Vancouver as well as the POAA South African conference in Johannesburg in 2008. She also loves to spend her time supporting and promoting the Women in Business Initiative (ACOC-CBDC) and other local mentoring programs.
People who practice Feng Shui, an ancient Chinese system of aesthetics, will tell you that eliminating clutter is the most important first step in bringing peace, serenity and simplicity into your life. If you want simplicity and peace then you need to create an environment that supports that desire. By eliminating the things in your life that are no giving you energy but taking it away, you will open up space for things, people and events that will bring great joy and energy.
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