1 minute read
Whistleblower Policy
questions, significant opinions of the Office, and other information regarding FERPA at our Website as follows: www.ed.gov/policy/gen/guid/fpco/index.html
If, after reading this guidance document, you have questions regarding FERPA which are not addressed here, you may write to the Office at the following address: Family Policy Compliance Office U.S. Department of Education 400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20202‐8520
If any employee, faculty member or student reasonably believes that some policy, practice or activity of ICSW is in violation of law, public policy or accreditation standards, that person should file a written complaint with the President, Academic Dean or the Board Chair. That person is protected from retaliation for bringing such an alleged violation to the attention of the President, Academic Dean or Board Chair. ICSW will also not retaliate against an employee, faculty member or student who in good faith discloses or threatens to disclose alleged violations of law, public policy or accreditation standards to a public body or an accrediting organization.