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Registration Policies & Procedures
each step. ● The student shall sign the plan, which will be placed in his/her file. The Student has the right to appeal this plan to the Progression Committee. ● The Progression Chair may be in contact with the student twice during each semester to review progress, obtain input from the students’ instructors about the student’s progress twice during each semester, and may require additional meetings with or other forms of communication with the student to monitor the student’s progress. All contacts will be documented and kept in the student’s file. ● The student’s failure to follow through on this plan will result in the student’s being moved to the next level of Progression, which is the holding of a Student Progression Hearing. ● Regardless of if the student follows the plan, the student will be moved to the next level of Progression should the specified concerns fail to be remedied. 2. Student Progression Hearing ● If the student’s performance in the program is deemed deficient (including, but not limited to, having received more than one C as a course grade, etc.), including circumstances in which either or both levels of student progression monitoring have been unsuccessful in helping the student to remedy the identified deficiencies, the Chair of Progression will refer the case to the Progression Committee, which shall hold a Progression Hearing. ● The hearing will require the a endance of the student in ques on, plus either that student’s academic adviser (if the issue relates to coursework) or the student’s adviser or (FCC) (if the issue relates to the Clinical Practicum), plus the Dean, the Director of the program involved, and Dean of Students. The student may invite any relevant party to the Progression Hearing. ● At least one week in advance of this hearing, the student shall write a response to the referral, outlining the student’s view of the difficulty and provide documentation for these assertions. ● The goal of this hearing will be to present the administra on’s concerns, and determine whether the concerns can be remedied, or, if it deems that no reasonable remedy is possible, whether the student’s enrollment status shall be changed.
The outcome of the Student Progression Hearing may fall into one of two categories:
1. Consultation and Remediation: The Progression Committee shall assess the student’s performance, and, if it determines that remediation is possible and desirable, the Progression
Committee shall develop a remediation plan. The plan shall be presented to the student, their advisor, and the Chair of the Progression Committee for signature. All parties must sign this plan with 10 days of the date specified on the plan. The Progression Committee shall determine, as part of the hearing’s outcome, a date by which to evaluate the student’s progress remedying the deficiencies that have been identified.
2. Status Disposition: The student’s performance and remedial actions shall be formally assessed by the Progression Committee, which shall determine the student’s status at ICSW. The outcome of the hearing shall include: extending, altering and monitoring academic probation, intermittence from the program, or dismissal from the program. Please see the “Academic Probation” and “Dismissal from the Program” sections in this manual. The student has the right to appeal the decision of the Progression Committee to the Academic Dean for the following reasons: 1. The student has documented reason to believe that the progression process outlined above has not been followed.