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Surveys How Does This Work Contribute To The
An online survey was conducted of 33 Australian residents based in Melbourne and Sydney. Participants identified as both male and female, with ages ranging from 17 to 56 and a range of chosen religions.
In this survey participants were asked a range of questions about their worshiping practising both religious and non-religious. The questions then shifted more to the technology habits of the participants, both on their general and social media usage. By allowing participants to acknowledge the amount of time they spend daily on their phones along with their unwillingness to give it up it was seen if they would consider it a shrine or if the negative stigma society has created would stop them from doing this. The results of this survey along with the questions are as following:
Why do you practise within the home? Is there a sense of guilt that you feel encourages you to practise at home? 5 responses
It’s the most accessible place to practise if you don’t go to church, not really
Not at all. It’s just been a habit every Sunday I read one passage from the bible. Nothing to do with guilt. Just something I’ve Been brought up with.
I practice because my parents drive it. I guess it makes them a better Catholic if they do practice.
Because my religion provides me great encouragement and peace. Also I want to worship Jehovah our god
Do you have any form of non-religious shrines within the home and how often do you interact with these? 33 Responses
No X 30 Responses
Sound system that I love to sit down and listen to
Shrine of sporting trophies, I see from a distance everyday but I look at it closely aprox once a month
We do not have shrines or idols as they distract worship of God, we would then be worshipping that idol
Do you use any of these forms of social media to pay respect to a person, place or thing? 33 Responses
No X 23 Responses
In all things I wish to glorify God however my accounts are not religious based, they are me based
Yes – Instagram for family, Anzac day and places
Yes – by keeping in touch with my family overseas
Yes – my deceased dad every now and again
Yes, if there is a post about tragedy I’ll react or comment or post to pay respect
Sometimes X 2 Responses
Yes – personal interactions, liking posts about friends activities
Yes for birthdays
Yes, I personally don’t post pictures of people who have passed on social media yet but if someone close to me was to pass I would, and a lot of people post throwbacks on their wall and I feel like that is paying respect to a place and a memory
How do you think technology and the relationship it has with users will evolve? 33 Responses
Get worse
Will become more co-dependent
People will soon be working from home. Going into work won’t be needed.
People growing up will also worship Instagram more and try be Instagram famous rather than finding full time work etc.
Will become more and more reliable
I think it will become even more integrated with our lives
We will become even more reliant on it
Technology is a way to contact friends and family and is reshaping the way daily tasks are conducted, as we are able to do many more activities on our devices we are constantly using them which has created a stronger bond with them and most people couldn’t survive without them and as we become more dependent on them as they evolve, the relationship will evolve
Not well at the current rate
Sociality is moving towards being incapable of functioning without these forms of technology. Eventually it will become an unavoidable, essential part of all aspects of life.
I think as my generation continues technology will continue to advance and the amount of time people spend on it every day will increase. The first iPhone was released in 2007 and 13 years from now there will be something else that doesn’t exist today.
How do you think technology and the relationship it has with users will evolve? 33 Responses
People are already dependant on technology, it will be impossible to be disconnected from some form of technology, it is needed in order to be part of the community and complete daily activities. I think people will be more reliant on technology than ever before with it being able to perform more and more functions of daily living, when these devices break down or fail it may be concerning that people may not know how to perform these tasks otherwise.
Will continue to grow stronger and more important in everyday lives and worshipping
I think somehow people will increase their relationship with technology and it will become more efficient in order to better meet its users needs
I think that users will become even more reliant on technology and real social interactions will become rarer and rarer
Continuing change in the way humans connect and interact
It will continue to become further integrated into our lives but more as a tool than something that is worshipped, could be used to allow people to practice religion or worship in a different way but I don’t think it the technology is what is being worshipped.
I think that technology will always be prevalent in modern day society, however as children learn from the mistakes of their parents, this generation will soon learn from those before it and too much social media use can be devastating for both physical and mental health and parents in the future will make a conscious effort to reduce screen time of children and teenagers. Therefore developers of software must also adapt their products to become more user friendly without staring blindly into a screen. Work technology however may evolve to become more user friendly at home so that people don’t need to travel to and from their work office as often creating a more efficient society.
People are and will become more dependent on technology over time
How do you think technology and the relationship it has with users will evolve? 33 Responses
I think technology will continue to attempt to answer as many questions and solve as many problems as possible for its users, but at some point the users will lose interest in the need of answered questions and seek the journey again.
For society its becoming the norm. Personally i am less interested and use technology for work and would rather call or meet in person.
We will only become more dependant on it into the future.
100% no can live without social media
Dependance on machines will increase
Technology will take over watch out for the robots
More interactive
As time goes on I think we will only become more dependent on technology and many won’t be able to complete simple things without it
Reliant and overdependent
Everything will become online - now that Covid has happen, it has shown you can pretty much do anything online.
People will become more dependent on it as it connects us to others and provides entertainment and information
It will only get closer intertwined
Generally the use of phones for young people are beyond close. They are seemingly becoming closer and closer to them. Maybe one day the two will merge. It will continue to create a virtual world - one in which we obsess over
As seen from the answers above religious practises are not as common as they once might’ve been. While there is not one answer for this, some say it is because they are given the choice while others contribute it to the internet and the abundance of questions and theories it sparks (Emerging Technologies, 2014). Nevertheless while religion in participants was not common the immense use of technology was.
Figure 10 Table of Texters All participants use some form of technology and social media platform for both work/school and entertainment purposes. Participants have identified to spending most of their day on their phones and being unwilling to give these up.
It should also be noted that social media was specified by 30% of participants of somewhere where they like to use this as an online forum to commemorate a person, place, or thing.
Table of Texters, by TechCOmmuters, 2020, (https://www.techcommuters.com/best-phone-usage-tracker-apps-for-android-iphone/)
Table of Texters, by TechCOmmuters, 2020, (https://www.techcommuters.com/best-phone-usage-tracker-apps-for-android-iphone/)