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Timeline How Has Technology Affected “The Shrine”?
Romans began to encourage Christians to develop their own alters so they could create a more personal and deep connection with god (Roberts, 2007)
The Spanish arrived in the Americas and brought many parts of their catholic culture with them seeing a massive rise in the home shrine throughout this area, however this now started the shift away from the traditional purely religious home altar. Now they had begun to evolve as a place to pay respect to past family members (Malcom, 2007)
Japanese Buddhist culture created the Butsudan to protect their religious icons. It soon became law in Japan for these to be kept within a household and was reinforced by police (Malcom, 2003)
The shift that begun in the 1800’s had continued and now home shrines have taken on a life of their own, combining different cultures, religions and practises. Technology is now involved more heavily then ever and some forms of social media are being used as online shrines