Sika路Design is a well-established Danish company with more than 60 years of experience in production of rattan and woven furniture. We have through time focused on manufacturing and developing products of high quality regarding comfort, design and selection of materials. We are based in the "Old Cider Works" in Rynkeby at Funen, form where we together with our Sister Company Cane-Line distributes our collection to 60 countries all over the world.
Environment and social accountability policy Sika路Design strive to supply sustainable and comfortable quality furniture manufactured with respect for the environment and social accountability. We attempt to improve our efforts on behalf of the environment on an ongoing basis and take responsibility for the people who create our furniture. We aim to minimize the consumption of resources and prevent pollution in our supply chain. Sika路Design do not accept child labour, respect human rights and complies with the SA8000 standard for social accountability, and we demand the same commitment from our suppliers. We focus on design and comfort and also take the environment into account when we choose our raw materials and develop new production methods and products. Sika路Design complies with environmental and labour legislation and demand that our suppliers comply with their legislations within these areas.
Products from Sika-Design are developed and marketed in accordance with our management system for environment and social responsibility ISO 14001/2004 and SA8000/2008. Certified by Bureau Veritas Certification.
TEMPOTEST Sika·Design er indgået i et samarbejde med den italienske tekstilfabrikant Para. Para stoffer er efterbehandlet med teflon, hvilket gør dem olie- og vandafvisende. Hynder leveres i 3 prisklasser.
B450 B452
Sika·Design has entered a cooperation with the Italian textile fabricator Para. Para’s fabric are treated with Teflon which makes it oil and water repellent. Cushions are delivered in 3 price categories.
TEMPOTEST Sika·Design arbeitet mit dem italienischen Textilienhersteller Para zusammen. Durch die Nachbehandlung mit Teflon werden die Stoffe von Para noch hochwertiger, weil sie öl- und wasserabweisende Eigenschaften erhalten. Die Kissen sind in drei verschiedenen Preisklassen lieferbar.
B454 B460 B453 B451
Technical features:
Composition: 100% solution dyed "outdoor" acrylic fibre Impermealility: Water-repellent Colour fastness: > 7/8 Martindale: 17.000 Cycles Pilling: 4 at 2.000 Cycles Finishing: Soil reisistant, oil- and water repellent with Teflon finishing
Cleaning: Handwash at 30 Degrees
Certification: Tempotest PARA fabrics are certified to Oeko-Tex® Standard 100
- kun til Atlas base Versalit bordplader er meget velegnede til aktive miljøer. Belægningen gør at pladen er modstandsdygtig overfor: varme, frost, sol og skarpe genstande.
- only for Atlas base Versalit table tops are resistant towards: heat, frost, sunshine and sharp objects.
- nur für Atlas Base Tischplatten aus Versalit sind: hitze-, frost- und sonnenbeständig, und kann durch scharfe Gegenstände nicht beschädigt werden.
Vore granitplader er af ægte granit. Pladerne er ikke temparaturfølsomme og kan derfor opbevares udenfor hele året.
Our granite tops are real granite. The tops are not sensitive towards temperature changes and can be stored outside all year.
Unsere Granitplatten sind aus echtem Granit. Die Platten sind nicht temperaturempfindlich und lassen sich deshalb ganzjährig im Außenbereich aufbewahren.
Bordpladerne i kunstskifer er fremstillet af naturlige stenprodukter kombineret med specielle bindemidler. Pladerne, der er varme og kuldebestandige, rengøres med almindelige rengøringsmidler. Man kan efterbehandle pladerne et par gange om året med stenolie. Da dette er et materiale, der består af naturmaterialer er der en tolerance på 1-2 mm udsving i tykkelsen af pladerne. Strukturen i overfladen gør dog, at et evt. udsving ikke vil forekomme synligt.
The table tops are artificial slate and are made of natural stone products combined with a special binding material. You can leave it outside all year round and they can be cleaned with regular household cleaning products. If you prefer, you can give the table tops a finish with stone oil before and after the season. Due to the fact that the material consists of natural stone products, there is a tolerance of 1-2 mm in the thickness of the table tops.
Die Tischplatten sind aus künstlichem Schiefer gemacht. Dieser besteht aus Teilen von Stein und einem speziellen Bindemittel. Die Platte kann das ganze Jahr im Freien verwendet werden, und kann mit handelsüblichem Haushaltsreinigungsmittel gepflegt werden. Wenn man sie mit einem Steinöl behandelt, ist sie noch besser vor Flecken geschützt. Weil das Produkt aus natürlichem Stein besteht, kann es zu einer Toleranz in der Materialstärke von 1-2 mm kommen.
Glaspladerne er hærdet glas.
Glass table tops are hardened glass.
Die Glasplatten bestehen aus starkem ESG-Glas.
Teakpladerne leveres ubehandlet og vil med tiden patinere. Ønsker man at behandle teakpladerne, anbefales det at give dem teaktræsolie – derved får træet en mørkere tone. Vores teak er genbrugstræ.
Teak table tops are supplied untreated, and over time will develop patina. If you wish to treat the teak table tops, we recommend you use teak oil – this will naturally make the wood darker. Our teak is recycled.
Die Teakholzplatten sind unbehandelt. Im Laufe der Zeit entsteht eine Patina. Will man die Platte pflegen, emphielt es sich, sie mit Teaköl zu behandlen. Unser Teaktisch besteht aus gebrauchtem Teakholz.
PV80x80G 80x80cm PV80x120G 80x120cm
PVø80G Ø80 cm
P900 90x90 cm
P960 P907
40x92cm 90x75cm
P906 Ø 60 cm P902 Ø100 cm
P300 90x90 cm
P360 P307 P305 P301
40x92cm 90x75cm 90x150cm 90x180cm
P306 Ø 60 cm P302 Ø100 cm P312 Ø120 cm
P9000 90x90 cm P9030 60x60 cm
P9011 P9010 P9600 P9700 P9007 P9001
P064T 72x72 cm only for Atlas base
PT72x120 72x120cm only for Atlas base
40x 45 60x100 38x 88 40x110 90x150 90x180
cm cm cm cm cm cm
P9080 P9002 P9012 P9014
Ø 80 Ø100 Ø120 Ø150
PV80x80S 80x80cm PVø80S Ø80 cm
PO70x70S 70x70cm PO70x120S 70x120cm only for Atlas base only for Atlas base
cm cm cm cm