Moms or ice cream? Not a hard choice
Museum Open House Bring the family
Homeschooling You can do it!
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The annual area soccer season will see kids taking to the fields throughout the valley Want your child’s photo on next month’s cover?
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Editor’s Intro
Comparing parents around the world
Contents May 2017
Features Columns Museum of 4 Mining & Geology:
Moms and ice cream
Open House fun
11 Wednesday’s Child:
Meet Gene
Volume 5, Number 5 Publisher Sterling Media Ltd. Editor Gaye Bunderson 208-854-8345 Sales & Marketing Kimberly McMullen 208-854-8347 Graphic Design Matthew Sanchez
Homeschooling: You can do it
Fighing teen anxiety:
In Each Edition
Daniel Bobinski, Patrick Hempfing,
Robert Rhodes, Mary Ann Wilcox
Editor’s Intro Foreign parents
Some strategies
Responsible Children Part 2:
Mom’s uncool language
Gear up for summer:
Fun — and chores
Sandy Spurgeon McDaniel,
Distribution Specialists
9 12-15
Rewards and consequences
‘Mating socks’:
10 16
Family Events Calendar: Family friendly activities & events for May & Early June!
CAMPS Guide II MAY 2017 | Idaho Family Magazine
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Idaho Family Magazine, published monthly by Sterling Media Ltd., is committed to providing readers with informative and entertaining information to help them in maintaining healthy families and positive lifestyles. It is distributed throughout the valley as a free publication. Idaho Family Magazine does not assume responsibility for statements or opinions expressed by editorial contributors or advertisers. The acceptance of advertising does not constitute an endorsement of the products, services or information. Idaho Family Magazine does not knowingly present any product or service which is fraudulent or misleading in nature. No portion of this magazine may be reproduced without express written consent of the publisher. Reader correspondence and editorial submissions are welcome. Idaho Family Magazine reserves the right to edit or reject all materials submitted. All rights reserved. Copyright 2017 by Sterling Media Ltd.
I decided it might be fun to look through the Internet and see how American parents stack up against parents in other countries. What are the differences in parenting styles? The strengths and weaknesses? Of course, as one is doing research, one might happen to stumble upon something that seems pretty outrageous. So I’ll start off with that. Parents in Bali differ from American parents in one particularly profound way: they don’t let their baby’s feet touch the ground until the infant is 105 days old. I got this tidbit of info from a New York Times article dated February 18, 2017, and written by Bryant Rousseau. The headline reads, “In Bali, Babies Are Believed Too Holy to Touch the Earth.” Mr. Rousseau’s lead sentence is so well-written, I’m going to share it. He writes: “Babies on the Indonesian island of Bali don’t start off life on the right foot — or the left.” It seems the newborns are so freshly from the spirit realm, they are deemed to have an aura of sacredness and, hence, should not touch ground. They “deserve to be treated with veneration,” according to the article. Hinduism is the prevailing religion in Bali, and because of that faith’s views on reincarnation, it is thought a baby may be a reborn deceased relative — just one of the reasons they are expected to float above earth for a while. The article quotes Robert Lemelson, an anthropologist at the University of California, Los Angeles. “Before three months, babies are considered holy,” Lemelson said. “Their spirits still belong to the divine and are taken care of by their nyama bajang, or 108 spirits. That’s why people in Bali always try to treat babies like gods.” Of course, as an American, this makes me laugh. I mean, people are entitled to practice whatever religion they want, and I acknowledge babies are special — but deserving of veneration? They sleep, cry and make smelly diapers all day. They can’t even feed themselves. If I’m going to venerate something, it’s gonna have to give me a little more to work with. When a baby’s feet are finally allowed to touch ground, can you imagine what the little critter thinks? “Ah, terra firma at last!” Said no baby ever. The infant probably squiggles his little toes in the dirt, and then wants to eat them. Well, anyway, moving on from Bali... Something that stood out for me as I read through parenting-style articles was the topic of “co-sleeping.” Here, American parents are markedly different than parents in other countries. The topic came up in a May 17, 2013 article written by Christiane Amanpour and titled, “What American Parents Need to Do Better: Lessons from the Rest of the World.” Oddly, it came up while discussing how to create independent children. In the article Amanpour quotes Christine Gross-Loh, author of “Parenting Without Borders: Surprising Lessons Parents Around the World Can Teach Us.” Gross-Loh states: “We like children who can speak their minds and give their own opinions and be their own person. This is part of being independent. But there’s a whole other part that I think we’ve been
neglecting and that’s the idea of self-reliance and self-responsibility. Those are the sorts of ideas that I see being fostered in other countries that are not being fostered as well in the U.S. It’s not our fault. We’ve been told that it’s good to look out for childen and help them out.” Here, she begins to talk about where children sleep at night — perhaps seemingly off-topic, but not. Amanpour states that the idea of producing independent children through allowing them to sleep in the same room as their parents at night may be counterintuitive. But a survey of parents in 100 countries seems to indicate just the opposite. The U.S. was the only country in the survey where children were put in a separate room to sleep; however, it was the children in other countries who seemed to display a greater sense of independence during waking hours. Gross-Loh offered this explanation: “The idea is that when you allow children to be dependent in this way when they are babies, then they can easily move into age-appropriate independence as they get older. And research does show that even American children who were co-sleeping with their parents were more independent in different ways. … In the U.S., we have this tendency to think there are things they can’t handle during the day, but we ask them to do something different at night.” Some of the parenting differences among diverse nations were more quirky than useful, such as the fact that, according to one article, Nordic moms allow their children to nap in subzero weather outside. The mothers consider cold air a benefit to their babies’ health. At least that was what was posited in an article titled, “6 Foreign Parenting Practices Americans Would Call Neglect.” Maybe there’s a bunch of tiny human blocks of ice laying in little strollers all throughout Scandinavia, Finland and Iceland. But I doubt it. If you live in a very cold climate, it may not hurt to start acclimating kids to the chill at a very young age. What do American parents do best? According to Gross-Loh, America beats the rest of the world in one important way: tolerance. “One of the things that was really striking is that we raise tolerant children,” she said. “In a way, it’s necessitated because we live in such a diverse society. But it’s the sort of thing I didn’t see in other cultures.” That’s something to be proud of, American parents. Stay the course on that positive parenting method. We need tolerance now as much as ever. n Sources: q=What+American+Parents+Need+to+Do+Bett er:+Lessons+from+the+Rest+of+the+World&*
— Gaye Bunderson, editor ID A H O
Children’s Sports Photos Wanted Idaho Family Magazine would love to put your child or children on our cover. All photos should be high quality, sharp and clear, and high resolution of around 300 dpi. Color photos are preferred, and all photos need to be vertical not horizontal. Please identify the children in the photos, the children’s ages, and what Treasure Valley community they reside in. (If chosen for the cover, their last names will not be used.) Send the photos to
On the Cover:
The Treasure Valley Soccer Season is in full swing.
Not a hard choice
You can do it!
Bring the family
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Guide II
The annu al area socce r season will see kids the fields taking to througho ut the valle Want your child’ y s photo on next mont h’s cover?
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Idaho Family Magazine | MAY 2017
Mining & Geology
Family fun at a museum? You bet By Gaye Bunderson
The Idaho Museum of Mining and Geology is something of a family affair for Shirley Ewing, and that may be one of the reasons she’s so eager to have other families join in the fun of collecting and learning about rocks. Shirley’s dad, Bill Ewing, was one of the founding members of the Idaho Museum of Mining and Geology. Shirley said that back when her father was first involved, the museum was essentially operating out of a trunk — a trunk full of intriguing rocks and historic mining tools that would be taken around to schools and other places for people to look at. Bill was a veterinarian and member of the Idaho Gem Club. His interest in rocks as a hobby spurred him on to helping launch IMMG in the 1980’s with other like-minded Idahoans, and he served on the board of directors when the museum moved into its current location at 2455 Old Penitentiary Rd. in May of 1992. Shirley’s mother Marge, now in her mid 90s, has maintained her interest in the museum. “She asks, ‘Do more people know about the museum?’,” Shirley said. Shirley is able to confirm that, indeed, more and more people are learning about the Idaho Museum of Mining and Geology. “We now have a sign on the freeway as of last year,” she said. “We increase our visitations by about 1,000 every year.” One of the pivotal ways the museum spikes interest is by holding familyfriendly events. “If we get families involved, we’ll continue to grow,” Shirley said. What the museum has to do is focus on children’s love of hands-on activities that involve rocks and minerals. “Children have such an interest in rocks,” she said. One of the museum’s family-friendly programs is its annual Open House, set this year for Friday, May 12, from noon to 9 p.m., with family activities ending at 6 p.m. At 7 p.m., Dr. Terry Maley will give an hour lecture on the amazing
MAY 2017 | Idaho Family Magazine
geology of Idaho. From 2 to 5:30 p.m., 30-minute guided museum tours and hillside geology hikes will be given. Shirley encourages families to bring their kids to the museum after school gets out; each child who shows up after noon will get a free mineral. The day will also include geode-cracking with a professional pipe cutter. One geode per child will be given out between 3 and 5 p.m. A professional geologist will be on-site all afternoon. Since 2014, IMMG has shared the Open House with the Idaho Botanical Garden, which will be marking National Public Gardens Day. The back gate of the garden will be open, and visitors may walk from the museum to the garden and view both places for free. When visitors take the walk from the museum to the Botanical Garden, they are able to see some of the sites along the way. “It’s awesome back there,” Shirley said. “It’s a fun day to go to that area.” Perhaps the museum’s family friendliest program is its annual Rock Party, set this year for September 17. “We put on a fantastic Rock Party. We had 700 people last year; it is growing,” Shirley said. During the Rock Party, there are activity stations for kids, covering Idaho mining history, fossils and geology. Each child takes home a certificate and a free rock. There are also hillside geology hikes, gold panning and museum minitours. For the past six years, the museum has received a financial grant from the Idaho Humanities Council to support the Rock Party. The museum’s financial support comes through museum memberships and events and its onsite gift shop. “It’s a fantastic gift shop, with items from 50 cents up to 35 dollars. It’s very affordable,” Shirley said. The museum continues to expand its offerings to the public, and that includes field trips, workshops and lectures. It offers educational The Idaho Museum of Mining and Geology on Old Penitenprograms to public tiary Road offers adult and kid-friendly activities during the year that are both fun and educational. In May, the museum school students, Scouts and home- will hold its annual Open House, and each child who shows up after noon will get a free mineral. (Courtesy photo) schoolers.
What the museum offers at its best is a glimpse into Idaho’s fascinating mining and geologic history. In January of 2014, the museum launched a Collections Project using PastPerfect software, allowing IMMG to put its displays online. The first collection put online was the Fujii Collection, noted on the museum website at as having “rare and beautiful specimens,” including angel wing agate and zeolite. The collection was donated to IMMG in 1994 by the family of Henry and Fumiko Fujii. “Museum volunteers have begun a multi-year project to inventory and photograph its entire collection, making it viewable online from our website — even for items that are currently in storage. We have begun with the Fujii Collection and moved on to the minerals in our Idaho Regional Rock display cases,” according to information on the website. “It takes us to a more professional level,” Shirley said. The museum is run by a board of directors. Its president is Steve Cox, whose past includes working for engineering firms, performing wildlife analysis for environmental impact studies, and working as a physician specializing in geriatrics for 30 years. Now retired, he was once an IMMG gift shop volunteer and now is the field trip coordinator as well as board president. There are also members-at-large, including Coyote Short, who obtained a geology degree from Boise State and certification as a licensed geologist in Idaho. She oversees Mineral I.D. Friday, during which she helps identify rocks, minerals and fossils brought in by the public. She is known as a “walking encyclopedia” when it comes to geology. Shirley currently serves as chair of the museum’s advisory council, having joined IMMG in 2004 hoping to keep up her father’s work. Formerly a school principal, she spent two years as museum manager and is now supervisor of internships, adviser to the operations coordinator, and a general resource for public relations. Shirley said no matter what your profession, you can enjoy rocks. “Any profession at all can have a hobby in rocks,” she said. “If a person is too busy and harried, they can stop and smell the roses — or stop and examine a rock.” n For more information about the museum, go to or Facebook. The museum is open from noon to 5 p.m. Wednesday through Sunday from April through October.
Idaho Family Magazine | MAY 2017
Prepare kids for adulthood
Teen anxiety
By Daniel Bobinski
By Robert Rhodes
Homeschooling: You can do it; here’s why As much as some people would like us to believe otherwise, our children are our responsibility. And the saying is true: once we become parents, we are parents for the rest of our lives. Even when our children are adults, they are still “our kids.” So one question for us parents is, “What are we doing to prepare our school-age children to be functional, healthy adults?” We teach our kids how to eat, put on their shoes, and ride a bike. This is really no different from teaching them how to add or subtract, how to use a ruler, or how to read. All learning is a simple transfer of knowledge, skills and attitudes. If a parent can teach a child how to put on a shirt, that parent can also teach a child how to read. With the homeschooling convention coming up the first weekend in June (see, I’d like to encourage anyone with school-age children to consider homeschooling. You say you don’t feel up to the task? Not to worry — support groups and co-ops abound. In other words, you don’t have to go it alone. Some might say, “But I’m not certified.” You don’t have to be. What you need is a love for your child and a desire to help him/her grow. Some might say, “But I don’t have a classroom.” You don’t need one. Some of the best conversations happen around the dining room table. Some of the best homeschooling does, too. Some might say, “But I don’t know what curriculum to choose.” No worries; there are lots of people in the homeschooling community who can help, plus the co-ops and support groups are full of parents who’ve asked (and gotten answers for) curriculum questions. Also, some good books along these lines are “The Way We Learn,” by Cynthia Tobias, and “102 Top Picks for Homeschool Curriculum,” by Cathy Duffy. Some might say, “But I can’t afford to spend six hours a day teaching.” Again, you don’t have to. Learning does not have to happen during the same hours as institutional schools. Also, one joy of homeschooling is that the quality of learning is what counts. Did your child learn what you had planned for the day? Great. There’s no need to have “X” hours of class time if your learning objectives have already been met. Some might say, “But I want my kids to be socialized.” Since this is one of the most common reasons people cite in their reluctance to start homeschooling, I’d like to devote the rest of this column to socialization. Essentially, unless you plan on never, ever leaving the house, “socializing” children is not a problem. Let me start by saying that at one time I believed public schools were the only way to go. Having been public schooled myself, and by my own “statistical sample of one,” I was convinced that kids interacting with other
MAY 2017 | Idaho Family Magazine
kids in public-school settings was the best way to prepare them for life. But also let me share something I experienced long before homeschooling was on my radar. In my late 20’s, while working as a youth director at my church, I attended a two-week camp for teens so I could see if it was something I wanted to send my youth to. There were about 100 kids at this two-week camp, and I made it a point to talk with as many as I could to learn why they were at the camp and what they hoped to get out of it. As might be expected, some kids tended to be shyer than others, while some were fully engaged with anyone and everyone around them. I didn’t think much of it, but when I talked with kids about their school environment, I was surprised to learn that roughly one third of them were homeschooled, one third were private schooled, and about one third were public schooled. The big “a-ha” happened when I realized a correlation existed. The kids who were most comfortable in their own skin — the ones who interacted easily with everyone, no matter their age — were typically the kids who were homeschooled. Furthermore, the kids who were more reticent to talk about themselves (or life in general) were mostly those who attended public school. Kids who attended private school tended to be somewhere in between. After realizing that there was more than a casual correlation, I decided to put my theory to the test. I watched the kids I hadn’t talked to yet to see how they interacted with others. And, based on my observation, I would make a guess as to whether they were home, private, or public-schooled. Then I would ask them. I wasn’t right all the time, but about 85 percent of the time I was. This was an amazing discovery, and the fact that these kids didn’t know each other, and they were attending this camp from all over the country, lent credence to my informal study. Since I wasn’t a parent at the time and had no interest in homeschooling, I stuck this “a-ha” in the back of my brain and pretty much forgot about it. But when the time for parenthood arrived and homeschooling was an option, it was a no-brainer for me. Bottom line, homeschooling is a phenomenal opportunity that may seem daunting at first, but it’s not. It’s actually quite fulfilling. I would encourage anyone with school-aged children to look into it and give it serious consideration. After all, if we are going to prepare our children to be functional, healthy adults, who better to do that than us parents — the people who love our children the most. n Daniel Bobinski, M.Ed., is the CEO of, helping teams and individuals learn how to use Emotional Intelligence. He’s also a homeschooling dad, a best-selling author, and a popular speaker at conferences and retreats. Reach him at or 3757606.
Strategies for parents and adolescents Over the years, I’ve noticed several trends when it comes to anxious teens and their parents. The first is a reluctance on the part of teens to share their deep-seated thoughts and feelings. Several reasons for this come to mind. The first is embarrassment and shame; how painful it is to acknowledge that anxiety and fear prevent the accomplishment of even small tasks. The second is the general lack of awareness into how debilitating their feelings have become. As one teen told me, “It has been a part of me for so long it seems almost normal.” A third reason is a reluctance to burden their parents; teens often prefer to courageously suffer in silence. A final reason lies in the belief that anxiety protects them. Remember that while it may seem difficult to make sense of their fears, to one who suffers from anxiety, the fears are very real. From the parental viewpoint, parents often have little idea of the extent of their child’s fears until the manifestations are crippling. Then there is the inevitable frustration and feelings of helplessness as they watch their children suffer. This leads to an absolute urgency to resolve the problem. Unfortunately, this urgency often exacerbates the problem. Resolving deep-seated anxiety requires patience and the belief that anxiety can successfully be treated. The world can be overwhelming for today’s teens, so let’s consider some of the strategies both parents and teens can use to combat anxiety and the inevitable depression which accompanies it. For parents, who we know will go to any length to ease their child’s pain, here are several ideas which can help their children right away: 1. Look for warning signs. Are they struggling in school, socially, or are they reluctant to engage in common teen activities? Is their sleep disturbed or are they exhibiting other signs of stress (panic attacks, physical complaints, cutting)? 2. Tune into their emotions. In today’s busy families, it seems all we have time for are discussions around homework, chores and other routine business. Yet sometimes teens provide parents with opportunities to discuss their troubling feelings. Parents should watch for those opportunities and seize them. Remember, anxious teens tend to suffer in silence. 3. Recognize anxiety for what it is: fear. Fear is real. No one can be talked out of it, consequences do not work nor does disappointment or anger on the part of the parent. Instead, step back and ask yourself what is really going on. And then ask them. 4. Avoid simply reassuring your child. The tendency to reassure a child is normal. But for severely anxious children it provides little relief. In fact, it often backfires. The child feels unheard, inadequate and, even worse, the fear still remains. 5. Avoid rescuing your child. Every parent’s instinct is to rescue their child from their fears. Instead, join your child in the pursuit of mastering their fears. 6. Seek professional help if the anxiety is seriously complicating your child’s life. Debilitating anxiety is difficult to address without professional help. Research finds that two accepted treatments are successful when combined. Those would be medication and counseling (“pills plus practice”). Parents and teens are often reluctant to turn to medication; however, a consultation with a medical professional makes sense when anxiety is severe. Coun-
seling provides an opportunity for the teen to learn skills and techniques that can be used to reduce anxiety. There is also a role the teen must play in managing anxiety and, indeed, it is critical that they step up and participate. Here are some guidelines to consider: 1. Do not personalize your anxiety. Accept that anxiety has nothing to do with weakness or personal failure. It is not a poor choice that was made nor does it need to accompany you the rest of your life. 2. Practice healthy habits. Eat well, exercise, socialize and adhere to a reasonable sleep routine. These may seem inconsequential; however, their effects on mental health are proven and powerful. 3. Practice mindfulness. When anxious, we tend to dwell on past failures and future perils. A cloud of pessimism forms over us. Mindfulness is about staying in the present. Identifying and focusing on what is happening in the moment prevents the mind from wandering into perceived past and future failures. 4. Allow your parents to help. Teens are reluctant to invite their parents into their anxious world for many reasons. Parents are the single greatest resource for teens as they travel the path towards mastery. Coincidentally, I met a teenager as I was writing this article. She has been suffering in silence as she contends with extreme social anxiety. She describes her life in heartbreaking terms, filled with misery and distress. I advised her that as she begins this journey to gain control over her life to be patient. Mastery will come. Celebrate small steps, focus on successes and remember that no one has to feel this way forever. n Robert Rhodes has a master of social work from the University of California, Berkeley. He obtained his license as a clinical social worker in 1989. Since then he has worked in multiple settings with children and adolescents. He has been in private practice for the past 16 years. He may be reached at, (208) 900-8500, or
Idaho Family Magazine | MAY 2017
Like ice cream, moms come in flavors By Patrick Hempfing “I love ice cream.” Big scoops, little scoops — many scoops. In a bowl, in a cone, or, if the half-gallon container is almost empty, straight out of the carton. (Sorry, Mom, I know you raised me better.) I don’t discriminate against any flavors; I like them all. Ice cream by itself or smothered with toppings — either is great. Heck, one can even mix in a banana or throw me an ice cream sandwich. I love ice cream! Okay, I actually like ice cream — a lot — but I don’t love it. My wife, Mattie, and I have taught our 12-year-old daughter, Jessie, “We love people, not things.” One of the most-loved people for many of us is Mom. Between the comfort of ice cream and a mother’s love, the choice is obvious. Ice cream melts deliciously, yet quickly, on one’s taste buds and then is gone (except when it lingers, unwelcome, on the waistline). In contrast, a mother’s love lasts forever, and, like ice cream, is something we crave when we don’t feel well. When Jessie was 2 years old, the two of us traveled to visit my parents. Apparently, a spider bit me during my sleep. As I looked at my swollen lip in the bathroom mirror, I had a minor anxiety attack. At 2 a.m., I opted to wake my mother, even though my dad drove the ambulance for the volunteer fire company and had more medical knowledge. I’ll never forget the laughter Mom and I shared over the next hour. I’ll always remember, too, the day 7-year-old Jessie crashed her bike in our driveway, knocking out a loose baby tooth. I immediately assessed the situation, told her she was okay, and handed her my clean handkerchief to wipe her lip. Yet, when I got my crying daughter into the house, she immediately removed my bloody hanky from her mouth and exclaimed, “I want my momma!” To my amazement, a few seconds after she spoke with Momma at work, Jessie’s smile returned as if nothing had happened. Recently, Jessie’s momma needed her own mom. Doctors found a tumor near my wife’s left ear. Luckily, the tumor was benign. However, due to its location near facial nerves, the surgery would become even more complex if it continued to grow, so it needed to come out. Mattie found a doctor who specializes in the procedure about 1,000 miles away from where we live. Her mother not only volunteered to go with her but campaigned to make the trip and stay with her
MAY 2017 | Idaho Family Magazine
throughout the surgery and recovery. I stayed behind to take care of Jessie. Was I disappointed Mattie chose her mom over me? No. I knew her mom would do everything in her power to care for Mattie. She’d interrogate the doctor before the surgery, estimated to take three hours. She’d provide periodic updates to me. Heck, she’d even run into the operating room and dive on the scalpel if that’s what it took to protect her baby. Mattie’s mom called at 8:15 a.m. to report the surgery had begun. About two hours into the operation, she sent a text, “They said everything is going fine but the operation is still continuing.” At 11:46 a.m., 3½ hours into the operation, I texted, “No word yet? It’s time for it to be over!” Mattie’s mom texted right back, “I’m thinking it has been too long.” I responded, “Yes, it has been too long. Let’s try to keep calm. So far, I’ve had a Ho Ho [a chocolate cake with cream filling], a strawberry cream cheese cookie, and a Mr. Goodbar. Ice cream is next!” Why was the surgery taking so long? All kinds of worries raced through my brain. At 12:13 p.m., Mattie’s mom called to say the doctor met with her and the surgery went well. She slept at the hospital with Mattie that night and cared for her at a nearby hotel the entire week until her follow-up doctor appointment. Most of us could think of countless other “Mom to the rescue” stories. It’s probably a good idea to thank them now and then. Ice cream might make the world a sweeter place, at least for a few minutes, but the mother-child bond is forever. Mothers come in a variety of brands, such as Grandmother, Mother-in-Law, and Like-AMother. All of them serve love in lots of flavors — “hugs and kisses,” “listening and advice,” and “home cooking” are three of my favorites. Until next month, remember to cherish the moments. Happy Mother’s Day! n Patrick Hempfing had a 20-year professional career in banking, accounting and auditing before he became a father at age 44. He is now a full-time husband, stay-at-home dad, and writer. Follow Patrick at and on Twitter @PatrickHempfing. If you enjoyed this column, check out Patrick’s first book, “MoMENts: A Dad Holds On.” The book compiles favorite stories and new material and is available for sale on
Responsible Children Part 2
Rewards and consequences for behavior By Mary Ann Wilcox In last month’s article we talked about why it is important to require children to accept work assignments around the house, and how those assignments become a training ground for life. We also discussed the role of parents in establishing a work environment that builds children’s confidence, instills a work ethic that will ensure they are employable as adults and develops an attitude of service. In this article we will present hints on how to accomplish these lofty goals. Being consistent in requiring children to help, setting meaningful deadlines, disciplining effectively and providing rewards and consequences are some of the methods that have proven helpful. Be consistent in requiring children’s help. Even though the type of job may vary from day to day, children should be used to fulfilling some kind of responsibility every day. Once the work routine is broken, it is difficult to get children to cooperate and the complaint cycle comes into play. Decide what you expect and then stick to it. They will accept their assignments as a matter of course. Set deadlines — Meaningful deadlines are one of the most effective tools for developing good work habits because they have a built-in reward and punishment system. Mealtime, playtime and bedtime are transition times that provide natural deadlines that are easy to enforce. Here are some you might want to put into practice: • Everyone is to be dressed, rooms tidy and beds made before they come to breakfast. A child is not allowed to eat until these tasks are completed. If he dawdles, he chances having a cold breakfast, missing breakfast completely, or fixing his own. • Daily chores are to be done before school, play or outside activities. If a child dawdles, he chances being late for school, missing the bus, or having to walk to school. In the case of missing a bus, mother might choose to take the child to school in return for a slight charge, extra work assignments or equal time. Tardiness at school could be handled by having the child miss an activity, or make up the missed time.
• The bathroom must be clean before children are allowed in the tub or must be cleaned before starting another activity. • The house must be free of clutter before stories, activities, TV or video games. Assign each child to pick up 5, 10 or 20 items in a room (depending on the size of the mess). This seems to be the quickest method of handling clutter. Pay for services rendered — Children who have difficulty keeping track of their belongings, or enjoy delegating this responsibility to a parent by default, can be taught the value of work by having to pay for services rendered. A clutter bag or the “big blue bucket” (as I call it) is a helpful incentive in this case. As you find clutter, put it in a grocery sack, tub or box and require payment in either money or extra work for articles retrieved. Be sure that a certain time each week is set aside for the reclamation of all items in the bag. At the appointed time, the bag is sorted, articles paid for, and all items returned to their proper place by the child. This even works with teenagers. A friend of mine got tired of her 16-year-old son leaving his tools all over the driveway when he worked on his car. So one day she picked them all up and made him pay a dollar for each tool he wanted to retrieve. He never left his tools in the driveway again. Rewards — Rewards are an excellent way to show appreciation to your child for the positive things accomplished. The criteria for receiving rewards must be established before the task is assigned; otherwise, a reward becomes a bribe. Treats or rewards are not effective unless they are special. Choose rewards that your family doesn’t usually receive, or make them special by not doing them except as rewards. Any special privilege can become an incentive for work. Listen to your children’s desires and incorporate them into your reward system. Here is a list of rewards that your children might enjoy: • Sleep in sleeping bags • Go for a bike ride with mom or dad
• Play a game with mom or dad • Mom will make your bed, do your dishes, or some other daily responsibility • No work tomorrow • Go to the park • Spend an hour with mom or dad • Go out to lunch • Give money for candy • Buy an ice cream cone • Ask a friend to spend the night • Ask a friend to come to dinner • Spend an hour alone • Pick a special TV program to watch • Go shopping alone or with mom • Stay up later than usual • Take the car • Buy a pair of shoes As skills are learned and habits formed, discontinue extrinsic rewards. Children do not need physical rewards for jobs that have become part of their routine. Transfer these rewards to new skills or habits to be learned. You will find that children will quit asking for the reward when it is time to make the transfer. Consequences — Children who forget to do their work, or do their jobs sloppily, can be charged for your services in time or money, or assigned double duty the next day. Any type of disobedience, carelessness or inconsideration that involves imposition on another’s time can be disciplined by a time exchange. For example: A child makes arrangements to meet you at a specific place, at a specific time. He then decides to go somewhere else without notifying you. You search all over town for the child and an hour later find him at a friend’s. You assign the child the job of washing the car. This job would have taken you one hour to complete. The child takes three hours to complete the job. The child has exchanged the hour you spent looking for him with a job that you could have completed during that time had you not been inconvenienced by his disobedience. n
Idaho Family Magazine | MAY 2017
Doggie bags & sock mating
Wednesday’s Child
By Kimberly McMullen
The following information is provided by Wednesday’s Child, an organization that helps Idaho foster children find permanent families.
Help, I do not speak my kids’ language! I was a warrior single parent, a helicopter mom, a control freak. It came from a sincere place. I’m a Generation X-er and we are not laid back like our parents were. We have car seats, seat belts, bike helmets, vitamins, and we limit high fructose corn syrup. We have to be safe. I always prided myself on being a hip parent. I thought the Guess Jean-clad girl in my soul could easily relate to teens. As my kids began to think for themselves, I learned I was not as hip as I felt. I figured I would ease into their fast-paced world and could fit in just enough to keep an eye out. I tried to listen to their music, but mine is so much better. They don’t care about falling in love with entire albums; they have iPods with thousands of songs at their fingertips. I thought I had great fashion sense, but the kids crushed that by the 4th grade, when they began to protest everything I bought them with hatred and resentment. What’s wrong with khakis? They didn’t like the best friends I picked out for them and resented my inviting kids over for forced friendships. I will probably have to scrap my plans for arranged marriages. As my kids approached their teen years, it was hard for me to accept the tiny people who worshiped me by default no longer wanted to hang out. I had to lure them out of their caves with food or gifts. I read the books; I knew how to speak their shallow love languages. It was exhausting at times, but the world is big and scary, and someone needed to remind these kids they were lacking frontal lobe completion. As a self-proclaimed “smother,” I was determined to keep up with my kids. I would not let them wander into social media alone and vulnerable. There are predators, chain letters, spam, too many temptations, and I would be there every YouTube video of the way. I breezed into social media. I conquered Myspace. I thought the HTML I learned to change my background meant I was tech savvy — and borderline genius. I was scrolling along nicely one tweet at a time and settled into Facebook just before my kids were old enough to have their own page. At this point, I was confident that my symmetrically decorated Farmville was a sure sign I had my social media wings. I had it all figured out, and then came smart phones! The kids are texting, sharing pictures, fast pictures that disappear? What is Tumbler, and how does one tumble? Do I have to get a G-mail account? I
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like Yahoo. Oh Instagram, I wish there was an Instagrandma version; and please, can someone tell me who the hell Bae is? Maybe Bae can help me. I was blindsided; I could not keep up. I was still stuck on beginner Candy Crush levels, and I do not remember half my passwords. All I could do was SMH (shake my head). Not only had my kids passed me up in social media, they found ways to hide. I tried to mask my ignorance and pretended I was very much aware of their shenanigans: I quickly started Plan B. Let the hovering begin! I stood behind them randomly, I read the computer’s browser history like a sacred journal, and I demanded access to every password. I hijacked their posts, and you bet I responded to that kid who said that thing about that girl’s aunt’s best friend’s cousin. Oh, I went there; I intercepted a few of my daughter’s middle school text wars. I would sneak her phone, and in sheer madness pretended to be her. My daughter didn’t think this was proper. “But, Mom, I don’t talk like that.” I used amazing conflict resolution and created peace amongst people in puberty. And this was somehow a bad thing? I know, that was very “crazy mom,” but my heart was in the right place. Truth is, it was a slow and awkward transition, realizing that in their eyes I am from the “olden days” and that the Guess Jeans teen in my head is now wearing mom jeans. We all hit that glorious place in parenting when we start to sound like our parents. It hits you out of nowhere, and while at first you resist like a cat at bath time, I have to say at 42, I’ve started to embrace my maturity with grace and gratitude, even becoming sentimental about doilies and old family recipes. At this point I am just thankful I can still remember anything and have teeth in my mouth that don’t hurt. I was once working on laundry and I told my then 18-year-old daughter that I mated all the socks. She looked at me in disgust and informed me that socks can’t mate. She pleaded with me to use another term. My niece and I were out to dinner and she giggled in horror when I asked for a doggie bag. She assumed they were going to put her leftovers in a tiny dog poop bag. She kept saying, “Don’t call it that!” I have finally accepted that I do not speak their language, and I am sure my parents felt the same way. I will look forward to the day when we can celebrate our adult brains together and mate socks and laugh about everything I did wrong. n
Gene: a young man of many interests Gene, 16, is a fun young man who finds joy and excitement in almost anything. He likes to have fun at community events and loves surprises — the good kind, of course. He loves Legos and dreams of becoming an architect, owning a firm, and being in charge of building beautiful things. There are many subjects that intrigue Gene and that he enjoys: architecture, engineering, construction, science, math, mythology and history, just to name a few. He likes to play tennis and baseball, and likes football when he gets the opportunity. Gene has recently tried his hand at cooking, which he also enjoys. He likes to make BBQ items, pancakes, and ground-beef dishes. In fact, Gene’s favorite holidays are any that involve food. He doesn’t mind helping out around the house with sweeping, mopping, vacuuming, and taking out the trash. He feels people tend to have high expectations when it comes to doing dishes, so that’s not necessarily his favorite thing to do. Gene wants people in his life who will care and be involved, someone he can do fun things with. He is very imaginative and creative and would like someone who encourages and supports this side of him. He would also like them to be aware of his limitations and to exercise patience. Maintaining important contacts is vital to Gene, particularly with his grandma, sister and brother. Gene has worked hard at overcoming many obstacles and is proud that he is able to remain happy, fun and humorous. When it comes to trusting others, Gene says, “It may take a little while to earn my trust, but once my trust is earned, it can’t be taken away. I would never do that to someone.” Gene’s permanency team is looking for parents who can provide consistency and structure, but who are also flexible and able to pick their battles. Also, Gene would benefit from having an active family that likes sports or any kind of outdoor activities. Gene needs a family that has a positive outlook and is supportive of his goals. He experiences occasional struggles with his peers and would greatly benefit from parents who are able to monitor and guide him through these relationships. The ideal family should be educated or experienced in what it means
to be “trauma-informed,” or be willing to learn about that. Gene needs parents who are able to spend a lot of time with him and show him the unconditional love he needs. n For more information on the Wednesday’s Child Program in Idaho, visit, or contact Recruitment Coordinator Shannon Foust at or 488-8989 if you have specific questions.
Idaho Family Magazine | MAY 2017 11
Free Parent Education Seminar First & Third Thursday
Brain Balance Achievement Center at 3210 E. Chinden Blvd., #113, in Eagle holds a Free Parent Education Seminar from 7 to 8 p.m. on the first and third Thursdays of every month. Dr. Ray Booth, clinical psychologist, presents information on the topic, “Why Your Child Is Struggling” and answers questions. For more information, contact Executive Director Dawna Booth at 938-1312 or dbooth@
Reading at the Refuge First & Third Monday
Preschoolers, kindergartners and their families are invited to Reading at the Refuge every first and third Monday, with the exception of federal holidays, at 10 a.m. and repeating at 2 p.m. at the Deer Flat Wildlife Refuge Visitor Center near Lake Lowell in Nampa. There will be a wildlife-related story, craft-making, and exploring the Visitor Center and trails at the refuge. For more information, go to, email or call 467-9278.
Rodgers & Hammerstein’s “Cinderella” May 5 & 6
The Tony Award-winning Broadway musical will come to Boise May 5-6 at the Morrison Center. Performances will be at 8 p.m. Friday, May 5, and at 2 and 8 p.m. Saturday, May 6. Ticket prices vary from $47 to $70. Go to
Vintage to the Core Market Saturday, May 6
This 4th annual show is set for 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, May 6, at O’Connor Field House in Caldwell. A variety of vendors will be selling vintage, antique, steampunk, farm finds, industrial, boho, jewelry and other items. There will also be a vintage trailer show outside. Admission is $5 at the door. The event is kidfriendly.
3rd Annual What a Girl Wants Expo Saturday, May 6
This multi-vendor, pre-Mother’s Day event is set for 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday, May 6, at the Nampa Elks Lodge, 1116 1st St. S. Free swag bags will be given to the first 25 guests, and there will be a scavenger hunt and raffle for a basketful of goodies. Children are welcome.
CALENDAR of Events Wine and Art in the Park Saturday, May 6
Wineries from Sunny Slope will be offering wine by the glass or bottle while people listen to live music and nibble on unique food offerings, then walk through the park along the Snake River and view the works of more than 40 artists. The free-admission event begins at 11 a.m. Saturday, May 6. Children may attend.
Moxie Club Saturday, May 6
Moxie Club is a social meet-up group for teens and adults with Aspergers or who are on the autism spectrum. The group meets once a month on Saturdays from 1 to 3 p.m. at Awakenings Coffeehouse at 10650 W. Overland in Boise. Meetings for upcoming months will be on May 6, June 3, July 1, August 5 and September 2. The goal of the club is to create a welcoming environment where members can make friends with people who “get” them. Friends and family are also welcome. For more information, call 514-5104.
Build with a Buddy Saturday, May 6
to 4 p.m. May 6-7 at the BUGS barn, 2995 N. Five Mile Rd. Edible plants, garden vegetables, and pollinator plants will be available. Sales benefit the Boise Urban Garden School education program. Go to
Summer Pop-Up Market May 6, 20 & June 3 & 17
There will be homemade crafts and vendors offering products and services during this summertime event set for 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. May 6, May 20, June 3 and June 17 in the Nampa High School parking lot. Admission is free. For more information, call Jennifer at 353-2678.
Boise’s Got Faith Fun Run and Family Festival Sunday, May 7
Boise’s Got Faith is a community-wide event, now its sixth year, that allows runners and walkers to come together to support two local children battling cancer. It will take place from 1:30 to 4 p.m. Sunday, May 7, in Julia Davis Park. There will be a 5K walk/run, a kids’ “crazy sock” fun run, a silent auction, live entertainment, food, bounce houses, kids’ activities and more. To register, or for more information, go to
All ages are welcome to the Nampa Public Library’s multipurpose room on the first Saturday of the month (May 6) from 10:30 to noon to Build with a Buddy. Kids will bring in a “buddy” to work with them on a variety of building challenges. (Adult “buddies” must accompany their children.) Go to
Open Gaming Lab
Family Movie Time
The in-beTween
Saturday, May 6
Come and enjoy a family movie matinee from 2 to 3:30 p.m. on the first Saturday of every month (May 6) at the Nampa Public Library. Popcorn will be provided. To see what movie is playing, go to
Helping Hand Pet Walk and Fair Saturday, May 6
A special event to raise funds for the Idaho Helping Hand Fund, Meridian Valley Humane Society Canine Rescue, Helping Idaho Dogs and Pet Peace of Mind is set for 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Saturday, May 6, at Julius M. Kleiner Memorial Park in Meridian. A fun run, walk, and pet fair is scheduled, and the whole family is welcome — including dogs. Cost to participate in the fun run or walk is $35 after May 1. Go to
BUGS Plant Sale
Sunday, May 7
The Library! at Collister will host an evening of games, movies and fun for children and teens from 1 to 5 p.m. Sunday, May 7. Call 972-8320 for more information.
Monday, May 8
The Cherry Lane branch of the Meridian library turns the Children’s Conference Room into a safe, comfortable space for kids ages 9-12 to hang out after school. Tweens are invited to the program from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Monday, May 8; staff will be present to encourage positive interactions and instruction when needed. Tweens will have access to video games, board games, arts and crafts, and all kinds of tech and STEM activities. (The program is held other days of the month as well. Call 888-4451 for more information.)
Rainbow Waffles for Teens Monday, May 8
The Victory Branch Library, 10664 W. Victory Rd. in Boise, will hold a fun program for young people ages 12 to 18, beginning at 4:30 p.m. Monday, May 8. Teens will have the opportunity to make beautiful, multi-colored waffles — and eat them. For more information, call 362-0181 or go to
May 6 & 7
Alzheimer’s Support Group Tuesday, May 9
Co-sponsored by the Alzheimer’s Association Greater Idaho Chapter and Eagle Public Library, a support group for individuals and families whose lives are touched by Alzheimer’s will be held from 2 to 3 p.m. Tuesday, May 9, in the conference room of the library. Go to
Tuesday, May 9
Parents, bring your children ages 1-2 to the Cherry Lane branch of the Meridian library for a time of exploring books, dancing, and learning new concepts from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 9. After a storytime, there will be an opportunity for parents and other guardians to get to know one another. This progam is held the second and fifth Tuesdays of the month. Call 8884451 for more information.
Thousand Springs Boat Tour & Shoshone Falls Tuesday, May 9
See the Snake River at the height of color, with spring wildflowers in bloom; enjoy the serene beauty from an enclosed boat. This day-trip with the Nampa Recreation Department will take place from 9:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 9, with departure and return at the Nampa Rec Center. An onboard lunch will be served by Snake River Grill, followed by a drive up backroads to see the grandeur of Shoshone Falls. Cost is $70 per person. For reservations, call 468-5858. (The day-trip will also be offered on May 16.)
Mom & Me: Mother’s Day Fun Tuesday, May 9
The Hidden Springs Branch Library, 5868 W. Hidden Springs Dr. in Boise, will hold a program for kids ages 4 and up and their moms, beginning at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 9. There will be a story, crafts and snacks (provided by the library). Sign-up and registration is requested. Call 229-2665 or go to
Nampa Public Library programs
The Nampa Public Library will hold various youth and family programs throughout the month of May as follows: Reading Tails, 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 9; Pre-Tween Program, 4 to 5 p.m. Monday, May 15; Petco Presents, 4 to 5 p.m. Thursday, May 18; Sensory Storytime, 4:15 to 5 p.m. Monday, May 8 and May 22; Baby & Toddler Storytime, 10:15 to 11 a.m., Tuesdays, May 9, 16 and 23, and Thursdays, May 11, 18 and 25; Preschool Storytime, 10:15 to 11 a.m., Wednesdays, May 10, 17 and 24, and Fridays, May 12, 19 and 26; Right on Target, 10:30 a.m. to noon, Saturday, May 20; and Tween Program, 4 to 5 p.m. Thursday, May 11.
BUGS annual plant sale will be held from 9 a.m.
12 MAY 2017 | Idaho Family Magazine
Month of May & Early June
Fun with Math and Science
Please send family-related calendar items to
Wednesday, May 10
The Hidden Springs Branch Library, 5868 W. Hidden Springs Dr. in Boise, will hold a math and science workshop for parents and their preschoolers ages 3 to 5, beginning at 6 p.m. Wednesday, May 10. Sign-up and registration is required. Call 2292665 or go to
Game Night
Wednesday, May 10
Bring your friends or come solo and meet new people during Game Night at the main branch of Boise Public Library from 6 to 8:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 10. This is a night for teens and adults. Board games are provided by the library, but people may bring their own. The library will also provide some snacks. Go to
Annie, the Musical May 11-13
The Broadway musical “Annie” is coming to the Nampa Civic Center. Performances will be at: 7:30 p.m. Thursday, May 11; 7:30 p.m., Friday May 12; and at 1:30 p.m. and again at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, May 13. Tickets are $22 for adults, $20 for seniors, and $18 for youth. All tickets purchased at the door will be $25. For more ticket information, go to
Ladies’ Night Out Thursday, May 11
The Meridian library is hosting Ladies’ Night Out from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Thursday, May 11, at the Cherry Lane branch. The special night will be held once a month, with snacks, beverages and activities. All adults are welcome. Registration is preferred. Call Amanda at 888-4451 or email her at
School-Age Fun May 11, 18 & 25
Kids ages 5-11 are welcome to come enjoy an hour of fun at Boise Public Library every Thursday (May 11, 18 and 25) from 4 to 5 p.m. The programs are focused on art, science, games and technology. Go to
Hungry Hippos for Teens Thursday, May 11
The Lake Hazel Branch Library, 10489 Lake Hazel Rd. in Boise, will hold a fun program for young people ages 12 to 18, beginning at 4:30 p.m. Thursday, May 11. The event will feature a fastpaced, crazy, life-sized game of Hungry Hungry Hippos — on wheels. For more information, call 297-6700 or go to
Teen Advisory Board Thursday, May 11
The Lake Hazel Branch Library, 10489 Lake Hazel Rd. in Boise, will host a Teen Advisory Board, allowing young people ages 12 to 18 to get behind the scenes at the library and help with important decisions. The board will meet at 7 p.m. Thursday, May 11. For more information, call 297-6700 or go to www.adalib. org/lakehazel. A similar program will be held at 4:30 p.m. Monday, May 15, at the Victory Branch Library, 10664 W. Victory Rd. in Boise. Call 3620181 or go to
Four at Jewett — Friday, May 12
Caldwell Fine Arts will present a performance by Four, featuring four saxophone players who perform jazz favorites and custom compositions, at 7 p.m. Friday, May 12, at Jewett Auditorium on the College of Idaho campus in Caldwell. This will close out the CFA series for 2016-17 until fall. Adult tickets are $10, $15 and $20; student tickets are $5, $8 and $10. To purchase tickets go to or call 459-5275.
Museum Open House Friday, May 12
The Idaho Museum of Mining and Geology, 2455 Old Penitentiary Rd. in Boise, will hold a “Dig into Idaho Geology” Open House from noon to 9 p.m. Friday, May 12. Highlights will include hillside geology hikes and museum mini-tours from 2 to 5:30 p.m. At 7 p.m., a lecture will be given by author and geologist Terry S. Maley for adults and older youth. All children who show up after noon will get a free mineral; there will also be geode-cracking for kids from 3 to 5 p.m. National Public Garden Day will be celebrated at the Idaho Botanical Garden next door to the museum, and the back gate will be open so visitors can go from the museum to the garden, all for free. Go to for more information.
National Public Gardens Day Friday, May 12
The Idaho Botanical Garden will offer free admission in celebration of National Public Gardens Day May 12. The garden, located at 2355 Old Penitentiary Rd. in Boise, will be open to the public from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Plants will be available for purchase in the Garden Store. Go to
Makeiteers Friday, May 12
The Victory Branch Library, 10664 W. Victory Rd. in Boise, will hold a Makeiteers program for young people ages 8 to 12, beginning at 4 p.m. Friday, May 12. There will be hands-on projects that
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CALENDAR of Events encompass science, technology, engineering and math. For more information, call 362-0181 or go to
Foothills Family Day Saturday, May 13
The Jim Hall Foothills Learning Center at 3188 Sunset Peak Rd. in Boise will hold its annual “Sheep in the Foothills!” event beginning at 10 a.m. Saturday, May 13. No pre-registration is necessary. (No pets, please.) Go to bee.cityofboise. org for more information. The next Foothills Family Day will be Family Picnic Day on June 10.
Blue Star Mothers meeting Saturday, May 13
Blue Star Mothers will meet from 10 a.m. to noon Saturday, May 13, in the meeting room at Eagle Public Library. Blue Star Mothers is a nonprofit organization that provides support to mothers who have sons or daughters in active military service. All moms with children in the military are welcome. Go to
Kids Saturday Fun Saturday, May 13
Eagle Public Library will hold a “Mother’s Day Tea and a Craft” program for children from 2 to 3 p.m. Saturday, May 13. The library holds Kid’s Saturday Fun programs most Saturdays of the month. Go to
First Responders in the Park Saturday, May 13
This fun community event will give the public an opportunity to meet the men and women who protect and serve the community and the country and will be held from noon to 4 p.m. Saturday, May 13, at the Memorial Park Bandshell in Caldwell. There will be food, demonstrations, a volleyball match between Caldwell fire and police departments, and a performance by Ballet Folklorico. All ages are welcome.
6th Annual Angel Walk Classic Car Show Saturday, May 13
A fundraiser for the Angel Walk Children’s Medical Fund, this classic car show will be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, May 13, in downtown Homedale. Also planned are a 5K fun run and walk, as well as a breakfast at the Homedale Senior Center. For more information, go to or call Michelle at (208) 941-4163.
Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure Boise Saturday, May 13
The 19th Annual Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure, to raise funds to fight cancer, will be held Saturday, May 13, beginning and ending at Albertsons HQ at 250 E. Parkcenter Blvd. in Boise. The registration tent opens at 7:30 a.m.; the
race begins at 9 a.m. For more information, go to
Mother’s Day Brunch at the Zoo Sunday, May 14
Join Zoo Boise for its annual Mother’s Day Brunch from 9 to 10 a.m. Sunday, May 14. Guests will be treated to a buffet breakfast, animal presentation, zookeeper talk, and a special gift for mothers. Then, moms and their families will have the rest of the day to explore the zoo. Reservations are required. Go to
STEM Lab at the Library Monday, May 15
The Lake Hazel Branch Library, 10489 Lake Hazel Rd. in Boise, welcomes kids ages 5 to 12 to come participate in hands-on activities focusing on problem-based learning that builds critical thinking skills and creates future innovators. The program will begin at 4:30 p.m. Monday, May 15. For more information, call 297-6700 or go to www.
Parenting presentation Tuesday, May 16
Parenting expert Sandy Spurgeon McDaniel will speak from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 16, at the Meridian St. Luke’s. For more information, go to McDaniel speaks to MOPS groups and helps Army and National Guard deployed soldiers’ families with parenting.
Curious Cubs
Wednesday, May 17
Curious Cubs (children 3-4 years old) may develop social and communication skills as they dance, sing, laugh and learn through great stories and music among their peers from 10 to 10:30 a.m. Wednesday, May 17, at the Cherry Lane branch of the Meridian library. Call Kathleen at 888-4451 for more information, or email her kathleen@mld. org.
Mesa Reserve Hike Thursday, May 18
Get to know your hometown backyard as the Foothills Learning Center teams with the Idaho Conservation League to offer a Mesa Reserve short hiking tour beginning at 4:30 p.m. Thursday, May 18. This event is part of a Hiking Series presented year-round on the third Thursday of the month. All hikes are no more than 3 miles long, and are free and family-friendly. Pre-registration is required by calling 345-6933, ext. 16. Go to bee.
Music on the Terrace Thursday, May 18
The Idaho Songwriters Association and the Friends of the Nampa Public Library present a Music on the Terrace program on the third Thursday of the month from April to September. BFD (Bud Gudmundson, Fonny Davidson and Divit Cordoza)
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will perform blues, folk, melodic rock and old school country swing from 6:30 to 8: 30 p.m. May 18 on the Terrace at the library. All are welcome.
Tabletop Games for Teens Thursday, May 18
The Lake Hazel Branch Library, 10489 Lake Hazel Rd. in Boise, will hold a fun program for young people ages 12 to 18, beginning at 4:30 p.m. Thursday, May 18. The event will feature fastpaced, hilarious tabletop games like Superfight, Game of Things, and Exploding Kittens. For more information, call 297-6700 or go to www.adalib. org/lakehazel.
A Night of Magic Friday, May 19
The Playhouse Events & Dinner Theater, 8001 Fairview Ave. in Boise, will host a family-friendly night of magic and comedy with the Dangerously Dexterous Farrell Dillon on Friday, May 19. Doors will open at 6:30 p.m. for dinner and at 7:30 for the show, which will start at 8 p.m. Tickets start at $8 and are available at or by calling 779-0092.
Courageous Kids Climbing Saturday, May 20
Courageous Kids Climbing will host a free climbing event for children and adults with special needs from 10 a.m. to noon Saturday, May 20, at Camp Pinewood in McCall. This will include a “Boulder-Dash” in which local boulderers will be spending the afternoon scrambling on boulders around the lake; this is a free event as well and will start around 1 p.m. For more information, contact Jeff Riechmann at
Paws in the Park Dog Fair Saturday, May 20
This free event will be held from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, May 20, at Storey Bark Park in Meridian. During the event, dog owners may get free, 1-year dog licenses. There will also be vendors, music, games, prizes, food and more. (Take a vet receipt or proof your dog has been spayed or neutered. A leash will be required in the fair area.)
WaterShed Weekend Saturday, May 20
WaterShed Weekend, a program for the whole family, will present a Public Works Week Celebration. Come to the WaterShed from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, May 20, and learn about all the services you depend on every day. Learn about curbside composting, the geothermal system, and Boise River monitoring. Compete in a recyle relay and more. Go to for more information.
Continued from page 13 Sunday, May 21, at the El Korah Shrine Temple, 1118 W. Idaho St. in downtown Boise. Along with the car show, there will be an auction, raffle, live band, funhouse, and breakfast and lunch. Donations accepted.
Saturday, June 3. Kick off the summer swim season at Lakeview Waterpark or Lincoln Pool for free. The event will be highlighted by water safety and education booths, as well as swimming activities. Go to
This event is not just for volunteer painters. It is also open to the community to come join NeighborWorks Boise’s celebration of 35 years of beautifying homes and neighborhoods. The kickoff will be held from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, May 20, at Sherwin Williams, 2680 E. Fairview Ave., Meridian. There will be food, entertainment and activities for the whole family. Call 888-3551 for more information.
First Thursday Family Movie Night
Idaho Watercolor Society juried show
Kick off a new month with a fun family movie night from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Thursday, June 1, at Boise Public Library. The whole family is welcome. Go to
Kids to Parks Day
Adoption Information Meeting
Watercolor artists from throughout Idaho will have their works on display June 3-28 at the Boise State SubGallery on the second floor of the Student Union Building. The family-friendly show will be open for viewing each day from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. The show will feature 50 high-quality paintings. Go to
Communities such as Meridian will mark Kids to Parks Day on Saturday, May 20. To learn more about this initiative from the National Park Trust, go to To find Meridian parks, visit http://www.meridiancity. org/parks_rec.aspx?id=2686.
A New Beginning Adoption Agency holds free Adoption Information Meetings each month, providing a no-pressure environment for families to learn about adopting infants, and children in the U.S. foster care system. Meetings for June and July are set for 6:30 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, June 6, and 6:30 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, July 11. All meetings are held at 8660 W. Emerald, Ste. 142, in Boise. Though the meetings are free, pre-registration is required; call 939-3865 or email admin@adoptanewbeginning. org.
Paint the Town 2017 Kickoff Event Saturday, May 20
Saturday, May 20
Family Fun Nights Kickoff Saturday, May 20
A Family Fun Nights Kickoff will be held from 3 to 6 p.m. Saturday, May 20, at Ridgecrest Golf Club on the Wee-9. This free event to launch the annual summer family golf program will feature free range balls for the kids, a bounce house, food and fun games. Family Fun Nights are a great way to get the family out on the golf course and save some money. Call 468-5888 for more information.
Robotics Group Saturday, May 20
The Victory Branch Library, 10664 W. Victory Rd. in Boise, will hold a Robotics Group program for young people ages 10 and up, beginning at 11 a.m. Saturday, May 20. Participants will learn electrical and mechanical engineering concepts, along with computer programming, in the robot building process. All materials will be provided. For more information, call 362-0181 or go to www.adalib. org/victory.
Junie B. Jones at the Morrison Center Sunday, May 21
Thursday, June 1
Tuesday, June 6
CableOne Movie Night in Meridian Friday, June 2
This summer will mark the 11th season of CableOne Movie Night in Meridian, with free familyfriendly movies under the stars in Settlers Park every Friday beginning at dusk during June, July and August. The first movie in June will be “Moana” on June 2. “Pete’s Dragon” will follow on June 9.
Summer Reading Kick-Off Saturday, June 3
The Velma V Morrison Family Theatre Series will present “Junie B. Jones – Junie B.’s Essential Survival Guide to School” from 2 to 3:30 p.m. Sunday, May 21, at the Morrison Center. The show is recommended for children in grades K-5. Tickets are $10 and are available at 1E0050AD8ABF114A?brand=morrisoncenter.
Nampa Public Library will kick off its summer reading program, “Reading Is Magic,” from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, June 3. Sign-ups for the program run from June 3 until July 1. Other libraries in the valley hold summer reading programs; check your local library for more information. Avoid “summer slump” and get your children involved in reading throughout the summer months.
Benefit for Shriners Hospitals
Summer Splashtacular
Sunday, May 21
Barons Car Show, a benefit for the El Korah Patient Travel Fund to the Shriners Hospitals for Children, will be held from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Saturday, June 3
Nampa Parks & Recreation’s 4th Annual Summer Splashtacular will be held from 1 to 4:45 p.m.
June 3-28
Courageous Kids Climbing Sunday, June 4
On Sunday, June 4, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., Courageous Kids Climbing will be setting up a slackline and roasting hot dogs at Our Savior Lutheran Church, 100 N. Mission St. in McCall. The public is welcome. For more information, email or visit Courageous Kids Climbing on Facebook. All CKC events are offered free of charge to any child with special needs. The group is able to accommodate most children with special needs. All kids wear a safety harness (except when bouldering). CKC has worked with both physically and intellectually challenged kids.
Annual Ten Mile Trail Challenge June 10 & 11
Test your riding skills on a natural trail course with obstacles for both young and old as the Ten Mile Riding Club presents its annual Trail Challenge beginning at 8 a.m. June 10-11 at 3455 E. Columbia Rd. in Meridian. Cost is $30 for a single rider or $90 for family members in the same household. Go to
National Red Rose Day
Sunday, June 11
Free to the public, National Red Rose Day will be celebrated from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday, June 11, at Settlers Park in Meridian. Take the whole family for a fun day at the park, with vendors, good food and entertainment.
Girl Scout Camps June 11- August 11
The Girl Scouts of Silver Sage will hold summer camps from June 11 through August 11. From Muggle Magic to Princess in Paradise, from Camp Kitniss to Cast-Iron Chef Cookoff, there’s something for every girl. Camp dates vary. Not a Girl Scout? Not a problem. Get help registering by calling 377-2011 or logging on to
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Gearing up for summer
Playtime counts, but chores must be done By Sandy Spurgeon McDaniel The hectic, often insane, scheduling necessary to keep all family members fulfilling their winter commitments suddenly stops when summer vacation begins. Too many kids then become over-scheduled with sports activities, and with that comes the pressure to “do it right” instead of just have fun! With fewer things on the schedule comes lethargy, no desire to help or do anything and an increased attachment to electronic instruments. Summer is a great time for children to take responsibility for some of the chores necessary to run a home. Call it training for their independence day. They need to know how to clean a house. Write down all the chores for housekeeping. Divide them up, including the parents’ chores (father mows the lawn, mother shops and cooks). There is vacuuming, dusting, bathrooms, weed picking, washing the car(s), emptying the dishwasher, to name a few chores that children can do. Every day each child needs to contribute something to the upkeep of the home; this needs to be done before they can have free time. In addition, each child (from age 4) can fold their own laundry and put it away. From age 9 or 10, I recommend teaching a child HOW to wash clothes (separate colors, etc.) and have them do their own wash. If you have two teenagers, they will put off doing their wash until the last minute, usually Sunday night, then fight over the machines. Have a sign-up sheet. Have a timer on a cord so the child will be notified when wash needs to move to dryer and then from dryer to his or her room to be folded and put away. I found that small trash cans make wonderful clothes hampers and are large enough for bulkier boy stuff. You can leave weed picking as the consequence for not doing an assigned chore. Forgot one chore, get two chores! The main thing to do is to have a consequence that catches the child’s attention so the parent isn’t a nag! nag! nagger! to get the chores done. Every Saturday morning was chore time at the McDaniel home. Cleaning out the garage was their least favorite on the list, and whittling away at the mess lessened the need to sell our home and move! One of the things your children need to know how to do is cook. One night a week, a child learns how to cook the meal for dinner
by assisting mom. Get a folder or a box, write out the ingredients on paper or an index card, as well as the foods served with the main dish, and keep track of all cooking lessons. This activity needs to be positive in order for the child to want to continue doing it. There will be messes and mistakes. Mistakes are the way we learn. Messes can be cleaned up, and the key to successful teaching is patience. Lastly, it is vital you contain the amount of time a child spends on electronic stuff each day. Create a “library” where you have the cell phone, chord to the TV or iPad, and have the children check the items out. If each child has eight squares representing 15 minutes each, they can purchase up to two hours of use. I will write my next column on the degree of damage being done to children (and adults) from addiction to the media. Suffice it to say that your child needs to go outside and play, build things, do Legos, do crafts and play board games — and there are always the chores to be done. Summer is for kids to relax and to play. Our summers are getting shorter and shorter, so be sure and put “down time” on their to-do list. This is the only summer you will have with this child (these children) at this age. Spend time with each child. Listen to their dreams and they will share their fears. Accept them as they are and let up on always correcting them. Let them share their world with you (which they will do if you don’t judge them), and love, love, love them! You have been given the blessing of being a parent, the architect of a human being’s life. The investment of “down” time with them helps them to feel valued and appreciated; those are two pillars on which a child will build his/her self-esteem. This time isn’t sure to make the most of it now. n
Hear Sandy speak from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 16. She will also be speaking later in the year on August 15 and November 28. Pre-register and find each location at For 54 years, Sandy has been an international speaker and recognized authority on families and children. Author of five books, columnist, founder of, she is a resident of Meridian and loves spending time with her three Idaho grandchicks. Semi-retired, she speaks to schools, churches, and MOPS groups and provides parent coaching sessions in person and on the phone.
CAMPS Guide II Advertisers in this guide are listed in bold. Ada County 4-H Summer Day Camps 5880 Glenwood St., Boise 83714 287-5900 Advanced Gymnastics 16161 N. 20th Ave., Nampa 83687 468-9292 All Day @ SimBale Sports Summer Camp Downtown Boise Locations
16 MAY 2017 | Idaho Family Magazine
426-0871 or 412-5669 Back Gate Studio Art Camps Dry Creek Mercantile-Hidden Springs and Rolling Hills Charter SchoolBoise 818-489-2272 backgatestudioboise Ballet Folklorico Mexico Lindo
1224 1st St. S., #204, Nampa 83651 353-0966 Ballet Idaho Summer Programs 501 S. 8th St., Ste. A., Boise 83702 Bluebird Quilt Studio 311 14th Ave. S., Nampa 83651 467-4148 Bodies In Motion 729 W. Diamond St., Boise 83705 381-0587 Boise WaterShed 11818 W. Joplin Rd., Boise 83714 608-7300 Bogus Basin Nordic Team
Idaho Family Magazine | MAY 2017 17
CAMPS Guide II 996-0754 Boise Art Museum 670 Julia Davis Dr., Boise 83702 345-8330 Boise Dance Alliance Junior and Senior Summer Camp 2475 S. Apple St., Ste. 104, Boise 83706 703-4627 Boise Hawks Baseball Club 5600 N. Glenwood St., Boise 83714 322-5000 Boise Parks and Recreation 1104 Royal Blvd., Boise 83706 608-7600 Boise Racquet & Swim Club 1116 N. Cole Rd., Boise 83704 376-1052 Boise State University Department of Kinesiology Summer Youth Sports Program 1910 University Dr., Boise 83725 426-1509 Boise State University Academic/Adventure Summer Day Camp 426-1006 summeracademy/ Boise State University Summer Literacy Academy 1910 University Dr., Boise 83726 literacy/literacy-center/summer-literacy-academy/ 426-2702 Boise Urban Garden School (BUGS) 2995 N. Five Mile Rd., Boise 83713 376-3006 boiseurbangardenschool. org Born To Succeed Early Care & Education Center 4770 N. Shamrock Ave., Boise 83713 658-5561 Boys & Girls Clubs of Ada County 911 N. Meridian Rd., Meridian 83642 888-5392 610 E. 42nd St., Garden City 83714 376-4960 610 N. School Ave., Kuna 83634 954-5034 Broadway Dance Center 893 E. Boise Ave., Boise 83706 342-6123 broadwaydanceandevents. com
Bronco Elite Summer Day Camp 1187 W. River St., Boise 83702 389-9005 Building Blocks Idaho Boise 284-2444 Bullbots Lego Robotics Summer Camps Mountain View High School 2000 S. Millennium Way, Meridian 83642 855-4059 Cabin, The 801 S. Capitol Blvd., Boise 83702 331-8000 Caldwell Parks & Recreation 618 Irving St., Caldwell 83605 455-3060 Camp Meadowood Springs (541) 276-2752 Camp Invention (855) 235-8656 Capital City Ballet Center 9140 W. Emerald St., #109, Boise 83704
378-9752 Capital Educators FCU, Camp Millionaire 275 S. Stratford Dr., Meridian 83642 884-0150 Cascade Raft & Kayak Kids Camp Fun Main Payette River 793-2221 Cathedral Pines Summer Camps Ketchum 83340 726-5007 Center Stage Boise 220-1610 Ceramica 1002 S. Vista Ave., Boise 83705 342-3822 Challenger School 2020 W. Everest Lane, Meridian 83646 846-8888 5551 W. Bloom St., Boise 83703 338-9500 Club Kid Summer Camp at Wings Center 1875 Century Way, Boise 83709 376-3641
CAMPS Guide II ComedySportz Boise Improv Camp 4619 Emerald St., Boise 83706 991-4746
343-9895 Dreamhaven Ranch Eagle, Idaho 83616 830-2705
Cross of Christ Soccer Camp 11655 W. McMillan Rd., Boise 83713 375-3992
Dream River Ranch (Horse Camp) 8894 Martha Ave., Mountain Home 83647 796-2228
Dance Arts Academy 2989 Copper Point Dr., Meridian 83642 345-4832
Eagle Adventist Christian School 538 W. State St., Eagle 83616 939-5544
Dance Unlimited 11489 W. Fairview Ave., Boise 83713 322-8082 Danik Gymnastics 547 S. Locust Grove Rd., Meridian 83642 846-8311 Deer Flat National Wildlife Refuge Visitor Center Biodiversity Basics Camp Desert Detectives Camp 13751 Upper Embankment Rd., Nampa 83686 467-9278 Discovery Center of Idaho 131 W. Myrtle St., Boise 83702
Eagle Parks & Recreation 489-8763 Eagle Performing Arts Center 1125 E. State St., Eagle 83616 338-4633 Edwards Greenhouse 4106 Sand Creek St., Boise 83703 342-7548 Engineering Summer Camps – STEMbusUSA 855-445-3942 camps.discovertechnology. org Environmental Resource Center’s EcoCamp 471 N. Washington Ave., Ketchum 83340 726-4333 Fellowship of Christian Athletes Camp NW Nazarene University, Nampa 697-1051 First Tee of Idaho
Treasure Valley 938-3411 Foothills Learning Center 3188 Sunset Peak Rd., Boise 83702 493-2530 Framework Learning 1102 N. 21st St., Boise 83702 890-0008 Friends For Life Camp 4775 W. Dorman St., Boise 83705 342-3508 Friendship Celebration Preschool 765 W. Chinden Blvd., Meridian 83646 288-2404
Camps 1167 E. Iron Eagle Drive, Eagle 83616 957-7024 HSBCamps Treasure Valley 720-1904 Idaho Botanical Garden 2355 Old Penitentiary Rd., Boise 83712 343-8649 Idaho Cheer 2755 Beverly St., Boise 83709 861-6387 Idaho IceWorld 7072 S. Eisenman, Boise 83716 608-7716
Galena Lodge Youth Adventure Camp Ketchum 83340 726-4010
Idaho Martial Arts 1580 E. State St., Suite 102, Eagle 83616 863-3673
Gem State Gymnastics Day Camp 5420 W. State St., Boise 83703 853-3220
Idaho Museum of Mining & Geology Geo-Camp for Kids 2455 Old Penitentiary Rd., Boise 83712 368-9876
Giraffe Laugh Early Learning Center – School-Age Summer Program 1617 N. 24th St., Boise 83702 Randi at 3834274
Idaho Shakespeare Festival Boise
Girl Scouts of Silver Sage Council Camp Alice Pittenger, McCall 377-2011 Hall International Academy of the Arts Summer
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CAMPS Guide II 336-9221 Idaho Tennis Association 1076 N. Cole Rd., Boise 83704 322-5150 Idaho Youth Soccer Association 8030 Emerald St., Ste. 175, Boise 83704 336-5256 Juniper Mountain Outfitters 21292 Main St., Greenleaf 83626 454-1322 junipermountainoutfitters. com Just For Kids/Boise School District 8169 W. Victory Rd., Boise 83705 854-6720 Key Leader Camp Utah-Idaho District Kiwanis Foundation 412-4903 Kids Choice Summer Camp 2210 W. Everest Lane, Meridian 83646 888-7540 2170 S. Broadway Ave., Boise 343-7550 Kids on Keys Piano Camp Esther Simplot Academy 466-4560 Kindermusik/Music Center Studios 12516 W. Fairview Ave., Boise 83713 861-6056
Lakewood Montessori 133 E. Linden St., Boise 83706 331-3888 Lee Pesky Learning Center 3324 Elder St., Boise 83705 333-0008 Luther Heights Bible Camp Ketchum 774-3556 Marianne’s Swim School 1542 W. Sandy Court, Meridian 83642 939-8248 MDT Workshop Located at Cole Valley Christian School 200 E. Carlton Ave., Meridian 83642
283-9207 or 871-3634 Meadowood Springs Camp PO Box 1025, Pendleton, Oregon 97801 (541) 276-2752 Meridian Music and Arts Summer Camps 934 E. 5th St., Meridian 83642 412-4748 Meridian Parks & Recreation 33 E. Broadway Ave., Meridian 83642 888-3579 Meridian Police Activities League (PAL) 870 E. Franklin Rd., Merid-
CAMPS Guide II ian 83642 888-6030 Morrison Center Summer Performance Camps BSU Campus 426-1110 Mountain West Gymnastics 60 N. Cole Rd., Boise 83704 869-1693 Nampa ATA Martial Arts 2108 Caldwell Blvd., Ste. 117, Nampa 83651 283-0772 Nampa Civic Center Summer Arts 311 Third St. South, Nampa 83651 468-5500 Nampa Recreation Center 131 Constitution Way, Nampa 83686 468-5858 nampaparksandrecreation. org New Horizon AcademyCamp Discovery 1830 N. Meridian Rd., Meridian 83646
20 MAY 2017 | Idaho Family Magazine
887-3880 12692 W. LaSalle St., Boise 83713 376-2690 11978 W. Ustick Rd., Boise 83713 323-8900 155 E. Boise Ave., Boise 83706 386-9108 Opera Idaho Summer Camp 513 S. 8th St., Boise 83702 345-3531 Operation Military Kids Summer Camp University of Idaho 4-H 334-2328 or 334-2332 programs/omk/omkcamps Ore-Ida Boy Scout Council 8901 Franklin Rd., Boise 83709 376-4411 Outdoor Ministries, Camp Perkins Alturas Creek Road near Stanley 83278 788-0897
Northview Montessori Preschool & Kindergarten 7670 W. Northview St., Boise 83704 322-0152 Paradise Point Camp 2755 Eastside Dr., McCall 83638 345-4440 paradise.episcopalidaho. org Parkside School 1017 E. Park Blvd., Boise 83712 283-2777 Pat Harris School of Dance 1225 McKinney St., Boise 83704 375-3255 PCS Edventures Lab 345 Bobwhite Ct., Ste. 200, Boise 83706 343-3110, ext. 102 94 N. Fisher Park Lane, Eagle 83616 343-3110, ext. 102 Pierce Park Greens Junior Clinics 5812 N. Pierce Park Lane,
Boise 83714 853-3302 Pilgrim Cove Camp & Conference Center 1075 Plymouth Rd., McCall 83638 634-5555 Pinewood Camp Retreat & Conference Center 300 N. Mission St., McCall 83638 634-5598 Polaris Learning Center 1323 E. Iron Eagle Dr., Eagle 83616 938-9830 6224 Birch Lane, Nampa 83687 466-1322 Puentes Language Programs Puentes Spanish School 1605 S. Phillippi St., Boise 83705 344-4270 Quaker Hill Camp & Conference Center 1440 Warren Wagon Rd.,
Idaho Family Magazine | MAY 2017 21
CAMPS Guide II McCall 83638 634-2083 quakerhillcamp. org Reuseum, The 3131 W. Chinden Blvd., Garden City 83714 375-7507 Rising Stars Performing Arts Camps 11505 W. Fairview Ave., Boise 83713 921-6651 idahorisingstars. com Riverstone International School 5521 E. Warm Springs Ave., Boise 83716 424-5000 riverstoneschool. org Rose Hill Montessori Summer Camp 4603 Albion St., Boise 83705 385-7674 Sacajawea Interpretive, Cultural & Educational Center 2 miles east of Salmon, Hwy. 28 756-1188 Salvation Army Nampa Youth Center 403 12th Ave. S. Nampa 83631 467-6586 Sawtooth Camp 2320 Fleck Summit Rd., Fairfield
22 MAY 2017 | Idaho Family Magazine
83327 (800) 593-7539 Shiloh Bible Conference (Shiloh Bible Camp) 13165 Gestrin Rd., Donnelly 83610 325-8239 Social Essence—Modern Manners For Kids Treasure Valley 631-0576 Stepping Stones Children’s Center 12228 W. Bridger Bay Drive, Star 83669 286-9362 steppingstoneschildcenter. com Super Kids’ Quest Camps & Skill Thrill Grade School Camp The Little Gym of Eagle/ Meridian 3210 E. Chinden Blvd., Ste. 120, Eagle 83616 938-6185 Treasure Valley Ballet Academy Summer Dance Camps 1545 E. Leighfield Dr., Ste. 150, Meridian 83646 855-0167 Treasure Valley Children’s Theater 703 N. Main St., Meridian 83642 287-8828 Treasure Valley Family Signing 559-6042 treasurevalleyfamilysigning. com Treasure Valley Institute for Children’s Arts 1406 W. Eastman St., Boise 83702 344-2220
Treasure Valley YMCA Youth Day Camps Caldwell Family YMCA— 454-9622 Downtown Family YMCA— 344-5501 Homecourt Y—855-5711 West Family YMCA—3779622 Trinity Pines Camps and Conference Center 349 Cabarton Road, Cascade 83611 382-6200 U & Me Camp Horsethief Reservoir 870-8000 Ultimate Karate & Jiu-Jitsu 68 E. Fairview Ave., Meridian 83642 846-9119
CAMPS Guide II 345-5501 Zoo Boise Summer Camp 355 Julia Davis Dr., Boise 83702 608-7760 SPECIAL NEEDS CAMPS Advancing Adventures in Communications Campus of NW Nazarene University 489-5066 AdVenture Teen Summer Camp 608-7680 American Cancer Society’s Camp Rainbow Gold 216 W. Jefferson, Boise 83702 350-6435 Camp Hodia Altruas Lake in Sawtooth Mountains 891-1023, ext. 0
Urban Ascent 308 S. 25th St., Boise 83702 363-7325
Camp Meadowood Springs 77650 Meadowood Rd., Weston, Oregon 97886 (541) 276-2572 Chatterbox Speech & Language Center 7091 W. Emerald St., Boise 83704 898-1368 320 11th Ave. S., #204, Nampa 83651 466-1077 Camp River Run 1045 S. Ancona Ave., Ste. 140, Eagle 83616 286-1078 Children’s Therapy Place Inc. Boise, Nampa, Emmett 323-8888 Coopalo Learning Center 1602 West Hays Street, Suite 304, Boise 83702
484-3816 Glory Children Academy Boise Idaho Adaptive Cheer 2755 Beverly St., Ste. 103, Boise 83709 861-6387 Idaho Youth Adaptive Sports Camp Muscular Dystrophy Association Ride For Joy Therapeutic Riding Program 4909 W. Idaho Blvd., Emmett 83617 365-0671 Seastrand Swim School 10050 W. Crown Dr., Boise 83709 362-6649
Xpressions Dance Academy 16175 High Desert St., Nampa 83687 466-1229 xpressionsdanceacademy. com Young At Art 1304 E. Boise Ave., Boise 83706 345-7207 Vellotti’s Chess School 2913 36th St., Boise 83703 713-2486 Wesleyan Preschool & Kindergarten 717 N. 11th St. Boise 83702 343-3778 wesleyanpreschoolboise. com Y Camp at Horsethief Reservoir Valley, ID 83611
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24 MAY 2017 | Idaho Family Magazine