Idaho family 8 2017

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Families, 4-H and the fair So much more

Moms & Tech An Unbound program

Parenting styles

Try mixing them

Bully-proof your children Tormentors are everywhere

Love your kids?

Change your behavior

See inside for our…

Back to School


Cover photo: 4-H member Abbey, of Boise, holds her guinea pig and fair ribbon Want your child’s photo on next month’s cover?

Check inside for details!


Contents August 2017


Features Columns

Volume 5, Number 8

Responsible Children Part 4:

4 15 moMENts:

Mom and Son:

6 8

Tooth fairy duty

Parenting styles

4-H, family & the fair: So much more

Moms & Tech:

An Unbound program


20 Manic

Mothering: Am I grown up?



Spider-Man: Homecoming

Departments 7

Wednesday’s Child: Meet Travis

14 Crafts


on a

DIY pot rack

Love your kids?: 11 Change your behavior

Managing the Munchies:


Bullies are everywhere:


Prepare your children

Achieving goals: 21 Think progress, not perfection

Back to School GUIDE

In Each Edition 3

Editor’s Intro Kids & the elderly

12-15 Family Events Calendar:

Family friendly activities & events for August & Early September!

25-31 August 2017 | Idaho Family Magazine

Publisher Sterling Media Ltd. Editor Gaye Bunderson 208-854-8345 Sales & Marketing Kimberly McMullen 208-854-8347 Graphic Design Matthew Sanchez Contributors Daniel Bobinski, Rocky Detwiler, Genny Heikka, Patrick Hempfing, Britton LaTulippe, Ranny Levy, Beth Markley, Sandy Spurgeon McDaniel, Samantha Stillman and Mary Ann Wilcox Distribution Specialists Idaho Distribution Services

Idaho Family Magazine, published monthly by Sterling Media Ltd., is committed to providing readers with informative and entertaining information to help them in maintaining healthy families and positive lifestyles. It is distributed throughout the valley as a free publication. Idaho Family Magazine does not assume responsibility for statements or opinions expressed by editorial contributors or advertisers. The acceptance of advertising does not constitute an endorsement of the products, services or information. Idaho Family Magazine does not knowingly present any product or service which is fraudulent or misleading in nature. No portion of this magazine may be reproduced without express written consent of the publisher. Reader correspondence and editorial submissions are welcome. Idaho Family Magazine reserves the right to edit or reject all materials submitted. All rights reserved. Copyright 2017 by Sterling Media Ltd.

Editor’s Intro

Children and the elderly: a great fit


here’s day care for kids and there’s elder care for old people. You’ll generally find the young and old being looked after in two different places, far apart. Ever thought combining the two would be a good idea? Can you see the little ones and the older ones hanging out in the same facility, something like a “kid care senior nursing home,” all rolled into one? If that sounds outrageous, it isn’t — it’s being tried in some places to positive results. Let’s face it: we don’t really live in a culture where the aged are valued for their wisdom and experience. The beauty of mixing the very young with the very old is that the little ones aren’t as judgmental about things as some of the rest of us. When they look at an older person, that’s all they see: a person. They may have some questions about wrinkles and that sort of thing, but that’s not bad — there’s usually a great story or two behind every wrinkled face. “That wide-eyed acceptance and affection is enormously valuable to the elderly. ‘Feeling worthy — having something of meaning to contribute, everyone needs that,’” according to Lois M. Collins, quoting family psychotherapist Fran Walfish in an article titled, “Young and old together: Why kids and the elderly benefit from close relationships.” Frida Berrigan, in an article titled, “How children and the elderly enrich each other’s lives,” writes: “While the older people are not actually changing diapers or feeding the babies and toddlers, they do feel needed and useful and are often more focused and happy when the little kids are around. In a society that has no place for older people and treats aging like a long and unpleasant illness instead of a natural part of life, that feeling of purpose and belonging is rare, treasured and life-affirming.” People who know a lot more about this topic than I do say it’s not quite as simple as just building a structure and throwing old and young in it together to fend for themselves. Catrin Hedd Jones, a lecturer in dementia studies at Bangor University in the UK who has studied the placement of young and old in the same setting, explains: “Interaction between the generations is not as simple as putting a baby and toddlers’ day care center in a nursing home. It involves planned interaction between elders and college students, schoolchildren, or youngsters of other ages in a variety of settings. … The two groups cannot just be left in a room together; the idea is to build relationships, and help each person benefit from the enthusiasm, knowledge and attitudes of the other.” According to Jones, the kinds of activities the two groups may collectively participate in are very broad — from reading books out loud to collaborating on musical performances or other skillsbased projects. There are a number of combined young people/old people cen-

ters in the U.S. The ONEgeneration Daycare near Los Angeles, for instance, promotes what it calls “intergenerational programming,” offering activities that children and seniors enjoy together. The daycare has found that both age groups like singing songs and playing games. What’s really fun is when the older folks teach the younger ones songs and games from their childhoods, and then the younger folks reciprocate by teaching the elders about tech-based activities they take pleasure in. It would be fun to watch a senior explain to a little one how to engage in an electricity-free, innovative and low-cost game played in the past millennium, and then in turn have the new millennium kid show a senior how to navigate his or her way around a hightech game that can only be played on a device. Though many seniors are already pretty proficient at technology, they’re thrilled to have children take their turn at demonstrating a tech-based challenge. Knowing how much kids enjoy their grandparents, it shouldn’t be too surprising that they’re completely comfortable with those of advanced years. And of course, the older folks adore the ebullient kiddos and receive many blessings from them. Studies even indicate that the mental and physical health of the elderly gets an uptick from the presence of children. (See Jones, who worked on a documentary about the blending of nursery school children with seniors in an adult day care facility, wrote: “After we filmed our documentary, one lady who (lives in) the care facility told me that you don’t think about your age when you are in the company of young children. The little ones brought a new sense of vibrancy and fun to the center, and the focus was no longer on watching time pass but on living in the moment.” Berrigan wrote: “A New York Times article (about ONEgeneration) notes that ‘compared to their peers in traditional preschools, children in intergenerational daycare programs are more patient, express more empathy, exhibit more self-control and have better manners.’” It’s one of those win-win things we seem so darn fond of. Let’s keep experimenting with ways of bringing all kinds of people together, including the “book end” generations of young and old. n

– Gaye Bunderson, editor Sources:

Children’s Sports Photos Wanted Idaho Family Magazine would love to put your child or children on our cover. All photos should be high quality, sharp and clear, and high resolution of around 300 dpi. Color photos are preferred, and all photos need to be vertical not horizontal. Please identify the children in the photos, the children’s ages, and what Treasure Valley community they reside in. (If chosen for the cover, their last names will not be used.) Send the photos to

On the Cover: 4-H member Abbey, of Boise, holds her guinea pig and fair ribbon

Idaho Family Magazine | August 2017

Responsible Children Part 4

Parenting: an ever-changing role By Mary Ann Wilcox


here is a lot of talk these days concerning changes in parenting styles. The two that we hear the most about are “helicopter parenting” (hovering over the child) and “free-range parenting” (letting a child experience life to its fullest with few parental controls). Let me suggest that rather than being on either of these extreme ends of the spectrum that we transition from “helicopter parenting” when a child is in the early stages of development to “free-range parenting” at the time a child reaches adulthood. As a child develops, it is important to change the way we parent to meet their growing needs. Let’s explore each of these transitions. Birth to 1 Year — “Hover & Enjoy”: This is the time when helicopter parenting is at its prime. Parents, especially first-time parents, definitely “hover” — as they should. Parents are in total control of the child’s environment: what he eats, where and when he sleeps, who he is allowed to be around, and the amount of time and exposure he has to the outside world. The child has little say in what goes on in his surroundings, but as his needs are met (immediately, if possible) the child develops a feeling of security. Order and routine are the keys to establishing this security. Neglect during this phase of a child’s life is extremely detrimental to his physical and psychological development. A parent who showers a child with love, attention and time will reap the rewards of a well-adjusted child.

Ages 1-2 Years — “Allow the Child to Help”: As a child transitions from a baby to a child, he

is ready and willing to take on more responsibility. This is the prime time for a child to develop good personal habits of cleanliness and hygiene. As the child develops a more “I want to do it myself ” attitude, parents need to transition from a “hovering parent” to a “supervisory parent.” Consistency and follow-through are very important in establishing habits. Once the habit has been established, the parent can periodically check to make sure good skills and hygiene practices are being followed. A child in this age group is ready and willing to help on a voluntary basis. Capitalize on this willingness — it is inconsistent to refuse to let a child help at 2 and then require it at age 10. This is also the first stage of rebellion, so let him help you when he desires and don’t force it. Otherwise, you will find yourself involved in a power struggle that you can only win by physical force. His concept of work is doing something fun with a parent, especially if it involves water. Because of the child’s concept of work, it is not damaging to redo a job that the child has performed. Because brushing her teeth involves playing with water in the sink, my granddaughter (age 2) will brush her teeth as long as you will let her. In the process of “playing in the water,” she has developed good brushing techniques. The other day I was mopping the floor and she wanted to help. I gave her the mop and directed her to an area of the floor (so she wouldn’t mop the carpet). The interest didn’t last long before she got sidetracked and was on to something else, but allowing her to help allowed

August 2017 | Idaho Family Magazine

her to contribute to the family in a safe and productive way.

Ages 2-5 Years — “Work Hand in Hand with the Child”: Work with the child on all assignments until he has the confidence and ability to do the job well by himself. Hand-in-hand working will take from three months to three years depending on the task. When the task is learned, allow the child to do it himself, but help when requested by the child to do so. A child’s request for help on a task that he has performed successfully many times is often a method of getting your attention, your approval. A child may request your help to assure himself that he is appreciated — don’t help, but compliment him on his ability to perform the task and show appreciation for his contribution. Oftentimes while teaching the child a new skill, we get very excited about each learned step and flood the child with praise. Once the task is learned, we never mention it again. The parenting role at this stage is to show your approval and excitement for new skills learned. This builds self-esteem and a feeling of success and worth. Ages 5-11 — “Supervise the Child”: If basic and daily homemaking skills have been taught between the ages of 2 and 5, weekly tasks should be developed during this growth period. Children become bored if they are always assigned the same mundane job. They feel the work is beneath their dignity and they rebel. Although the child should be expected to continue with his own personal responsibilities, the level of cleaning should change in order to develop higher skills and give the child a sense of challenge. The following steps should be followed to insure self-discipline and full mastery of the skill: 1) You do it while they watch: Teach the child the proper and efficient manner in which to accomplish the task by breaking the task down into a step-by-step procedure. By doing it for them the first time, they can see the level of expectation for the job. 2) They do it while you watch: Carefully supervise each step so that it is done correctly, but don’t do it for the child. 3) Question the child on the job done: Ask the child questions concerning what they have done. Give them a chance to see any corrections that they need to make. Point out anything that they have missed. By doing this the child will internalize the level of expectation. 4) Praise the child: When the final step is completed, compliment the child on the job and point out how everything looks when it is finished correctly. Let him feel the joy and praise of a well-done job. 5) Inspect the completed job: Once the task is learned, reinforce the importance of doing it well by inspecting the job for a period of time. If the job is not done correctly, have the child redo it until it passes inspection. Never do it over yourself. 6) Trust the child: After a period of time, do not inspect but take the child’s word that the job was done correctly. As you make your daily rounds and observe the general appearance of the house, be sure to compliment the child on his skill and the fine job that he did. If he has not performed at the expected level, bring it to his attention and have him practice doing the job so that he can become more proficient. This might seem like a very time-consuming process, but time

taken now will save hours of nagging in the future. Ages 11-14 — “Direct the Child”: The development of a child during early puberty is important for a parent to understand in order to help the child make a smooth transition between childhood and adulthood. During early puberty a child faces a great many changes. In fact it seems to them that nothing is the same. This causes a great deal of frustration. • Physical change: Between the ages of 11 and 13, most girls start their menstrual cycles. This causes bodily changes and a rush of hormones. Their bustlines develop, becoming a source of embarrassment. Their tissues soften, making stomachs pudgy and thighs flabby. Right at a time when they notice boys and want the boys to notice them, girls change from cute little girls to frumpy adolescents. Most boys reach puberty later than girls, usually between the ages of 14 and 16. At the onset of puberty a boy starts a giant growth spurt. Their bones grow faster than their muscles, causing them to become uncoordinated and clumsy. Just when they want to be “big man on campus,” they’re stumbling all over themselves. • Emotional change: With the flood of hormones rushing through the bloodstream, early adolescents face emotional instability. At one moment, they can be in complete control of the situation and at the next moment be in tears for no apparent reason. Just at a time when they want to be grown up and sophisticated, they act like 2-year-olds. Due to these changes, a child’s self-image goes down the drain. It is important for a parent to help the child rebuild his or her confidence by providing support and activities in which a child can succeed. • Structural change: It is unfortunate that at the onset of puberty the school structure that a child is familiar and comfortable with also changes. The child moves from a contained classroom with one teacher to please, to six or seven classrooms with six or seven teachers to respond to. Structure at home usually changes at this point too. Because a child acts more mature and seems to handle more responsibility than before, parents increase the workload. It would be helpful to the child to relieve him of basic daily and weekly cleaning tasks that are not a personal responsibility and use the extra time gained in helping him direct and organize his own life. Ages 14-19 — “Counsel and Support”: During this developmental stage, the level of skills taught at home must meet the maturity level and ability of the child. Deepcleaning skills (the monthly and yearly maintenance tasks and reconstruction activities), managing finances, preparing meals, purchasing clothing and directing after-school activities are excellent for this age group. The adolescent child should not only learn the skill but should learn initiative and a self-starting attitude. The following steps could be helpful in teaching these principles: • Assign the child the task that should be done. • Show him the proper procedures to follow in completing the task. Teach him the ones that you’ve found to work best. • Answer any questions he has concerning the final product, the process, or the completion of the task. • Set up a time period when the job should be completed. This should be a negotiable item depending on the child’s schedule. • Allow the child to do the job his own way. Concentrate on

the final product and not the procedure. As a child completes this growth pattern and becomes an adult, he should be capable of assuming any task required to run a home and feel confident in doing so. Your approach in training a child in this age group is as follows: • Interview the child before school starts and help him set goals for the year in all of his areas of responsibility. • Explain the tasks that you would like him to accept. If the tasks you have in mind are not feasible according to the child’s schedule, then make adjustments. • If the child does not follow through on the assigned tasks that he has accepted, re-evaluate them with him and help him to do the job. • Interview the child as often as necessary following your yearly interview in order to be aware of what the child is doing, what problems he faces, and how well he is doing on his goals. • The more problems, the more interviews. You might need a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly interview to keep communication open. • Make yourself a part of his life. If a child knows how involved you are, he will come to you for counsel instead of another adult — but don’t hover. This is “free-range parenting” at its best. • The interview will help you understand what is important to him and allow you to counsel him appropriately and in a manner that will be acceptable to him. • The more a child is out of the home, the more often the interviews need to be in order to keep in touch. • An interview doesn’t need to be a formal situation. Late night walks, doing dishes together or going for ice cream are some of the best ways to get kids to open up. Understanding the stages of development that a child goes through will eliminate a lot of frustration on the part of both parent and child. Knowing how to parent at each of these stages will ensure that the child develops a good work ethic and your relationship with the child is positive and cooperative. n For more information on these topics, check out my book, “Teaching Children to Work,” available at

Idaho Family Magazine | August 2017

Mom and son

Sitting on the other side of the window were. The mom turns and looks at me through the window. We smile at each other. Maybe she’s thinking how nice it would be to have time alone at a coffee sit here at a coffee shop, typing on shop like I have — just me and my big cup of cofmy computer. Just outside the window, fee and my laptop. Maybe she’s longing for the day there’s a mom with a little boy on her she’ll have a couple of hours to herself too. lap. He sips his chocolate milk from a And yet here I am looking at her on the other straw and leans against her, the sunshine makside of the window, missing the moments she’s ing his blonde curls shine in the morning light. experiencing right now. (Her son just crawled back She runs her fingers through his hair, then up on her lap.) Suddenly I want to go outside and tickles his back, making him laugh. sit down next to her and say, “Enjoy it. Enjoy every He twists to the side, and she kisses his second, because even if it doesn’t always feel like it, forehead. this time is magical.” Then in a flash, he slides off her lap and I want to tell her that what everyone says is true: runs around the patio, a constant motion, as it goes faster than you think. So on the days when most toddlers are. your son is crying and you feel like all you do is An elderly man and his dog walk by, and hold him and carry him around and clean up after the man stops and smiles at the boy. He says Genny Heikka him...hold him closer, kiss his little forehead more, something to the mom and she answers, smiland savor the smell of his sunshine hair and the feel ing too. I can’t hear through the glass, but he’s of his tiny hands in yours. probably asking her how old her son is, or maybe he’s telling her Because sooner than you know it, he’ll be 15 or 17 and he’ll be how cute he is (because he’s precious). too big to crawl up on your lap or snuggle against you while he The boy runs in circles and the man watches, his eyes misty. Maybe he’s remembering when he was a boy, or maybe he’s think- drinks chocolate milk, in the morning light, on the patio of a coffee shop. n ing about his own children, if he has any. Or maybe he’s contemplating the circle of life and how fast time flies. COPYRIGHT © 2014 by Genny Heikka Either way, I can relate. I’m noticing lately that with Luke and Excerpt appears courtesy of Hallway Publishing Katie long past the toddler stage, whenever I see babies or little ones like this, I can’t help but remember how precious those times By Genny Heikka


Help your child overcome math anxiety (NewsUSA)


ere you a math whiz growing up, or did you struggle and feel anxious at the mere mention of math? As a parent, you surely don’t want your child to experience the same thing. “It’s easy to help your child not only excel at math but also enjoy it,” says Raj Valli, the founder of Tabtor Math, a tabletbased math learning program for K-8 children personalized by a dedicated tutor. “Create a math-friendly environment, make math a playful language and participate in an ongoing dialogue about math.” Valli offers the following advice for helping your child enjoy math. • Create a positive environment around math. Since children model the attitudes of those around them, speak positively about math (even hiding your true feelings). Say encouraging phrases like, “It’s really cool that you can use math every day.” Think about math as a language. Because children begin using language when they are very young, they

August 2017 | Idaho Family Magazine

don’t feel the same anxiety about reading and writing as they do about math. To transfer this positive attitude over to math, approach math as a language, rather than as a “problem.” Count things together, measure things together and talk about the numbers involved in any activity you are doing together. Don’t worry too much about getting answers “right” or “wrong.” Instead, help them think through the process of using math aloud, in words. Hold a math “dialogue” centered on everyday activities. Once your child is comfortable with thinking about math in language terms, ask at the supermarket how many cookies are in a package and how your child calculated this answer. She might refer to the size of the package or the size of the cookies inside. Whether right or wrong, it’s important to emphasize the process used in her head to make the guess. This gets her thinking about math as a visual subject involving shape and volume, rather than just as numbers in a line. You might ask an older child how many slices of bread are in a loaf, how thick each slice is and how long the loaf is. Open the package to see how close the estimate was. He will learn to feel comfortable with estimating and will enjoy a conversation with you using math as a focal point. If you set the stage correctly, you’ll find that your child enjoys math more than you did — and then you can relax and enjoy your child’s future success in the classroom. To learn more, go to n

Wednesday’s Child Travis seeks a church-going family The following information is provided by Wednesday’s Child, an organization that helps Idaho foster children find permanent homes. “Hi, I’m Travis. I’m mostly quiet and shy. I like to go camping, fishing and swimming. I also like to work out, ride my bike and play video games. I am interested in playing sports and would like to be part of a team. I like to stay busy and active and I really enjoy being outdoors. I would like parents who will love me and nurture me. I want the rules to be fair, and consequences are okay as long as I understand the reason. I would also like a family that goes to church.” — Travis

Travis is 15 years old and has numerous strengths, including kindness, thoughtfulness, great manners, a sense of humor and a wonderful smile. He thrives on positive attention from adults and is happy most of the time. He is on track to graduate with his class, after which he would like to learn a trade in construction or welding. Travis needs to feel safe, loved, and supported. He needs parents who will validate his feelings and give him the assurance that he can work at his own pace to overcome past experiences and accomplish his goals. n For more information on the Wednesday’s Child Program in Idaho, visit, or contact Shawn White via email at swhite52@ewu. edu or by cell phone at 488-8989 if you have specific questions.

Idaho Family Magazine | August 2017

Families, 4-H and the fair

It’s all so much more than it seems By Daniel Bobinski


and you have kids, a local 4-H club could be just what the doctor ordered. Your kids would like it, you would like it, and the chickens would probably like it too. According to Kristi Mire, 4-H Program Coordinator for Ada County, the small animal clubs allow any child aged 5-18 with a pet to participate — even if it’s a goldfish! She told me that when she was young and showing her guinea pig in 4-H, there was a boy in her club that had a tarantula. Dianne Hobbs, 4-H Office Administrator for the Ada County Extension office, says that clubs have all kinds of animals, from reptiles to parakeets, from hedgehogs to hermit crabs, and everything in between. According to the 4-H website, the purpose of small animal projects is for children to learn how to raise a small animal or pet in a home, how to select the right small animal for their circumstances, the proper housing, care, and health needs of urban pets, and how to show a small pet. But, like I said, with 4-H, there are now clubs for just about anything. If you have hobby, there’s probably a club for it.

admit it, I was ignorant. Two years ago, if someone would have asked me what 4-H was, I probably would have said, “I think it has to do with farm animals.” If the person didn’t know about the organization, they might have nodded and moved along. But if someone in 4-H heard my response, they probably would have said, “It’s that, and SOOO much more.” The phrase “so much more” is really an understatement. When you look at everything that 4-H offers families, you will be amazed. Let me start by telling you what happened in Daniel Bobinski our household. When my daughter was 5, she had a guinea pig. She took good care of it, but eventually the creature left to meet its maker. We said our goodbyes, and then my wife and I decided we were done with rodents for a while, so we put the cage in the attic. Around the time my daughter turned 11 she had a track record of being superresponsible. To reward her, we took her to the Humane Society, where she picked out another guinea pig — Mr. Squeakers. Thus, the cage came down from the attic, and we One of the things that impresses me most had an adorable rodent living comfortably in about 4-H is the growth opportunities for our home once again. kids. For example, if children participate in a Not long after that, one of my daughter’s friends club with their dogs, they have to learn about dogs — a fellow guinea pig owner — suggested that my so they can answer questions about dogs asked by daughter get involved in 4-H to learn more about guinea pigs. a judge. Mire says the questions are always age-appropriLittle did I know that guinea pigs are a gateway drug into 4-H, ate, but the slogan of 4-H is, “To make the best better.” In other but I have to say, I’m actually glad they are. After showing her words, kids are always challenged to grow. Mire also says there pig (also known as a “cavy”) at the Western Idaho Fair last year, are project books that guide the kids through what they need to my daughter got the bug and jumped into 4-H with both feet. learn for each project. Since she has interest in becoming a veterinarian, she plugged 4-H kids also participate in monthly organization meetings in into the 4-H vet science program. She also acquired some rabwhich they can fill leadership roles for the club. There are always bits, and she’s learning all about them, too. I am impressed with parents present who’ve been through 4-H’s leadership trainhow much she’s learning, and my wife and I are learning right ing, but it’s the kids who decide what projects they’re going to alongside her. Frankly, it’s pretty cool. offer and what community service projects they will do. Service So how does 4-H work? projects can be anything the kids decide, including going to the 4-H started in the early 1900’s, with universities reaching out animal shelters to clean kennels and take dogs for walks, singing to youth to teach them the new farming technologies of the day. Christmas carols at a retirement center, or even making baby Clubs were formed, and in 1914, a “Cooperative Extension blankets for new moms. System” was created that nationalized 4-H through more than Michele Detwiler, founder of the Spikes and Fur 4-H Club 100 land-grant universities and more than 3,000 county offices. (named after hedgehogs and other small animals), says her club In our state, the University of Idaho Extension is our resource. took all their animals to a retirement home and created a petting Today, 4-H is not only about agriculture. As I said, it’s SOOO zoo for the residents. much more. Today you’ll find 4-H clubs that offer rocketry, Kristin Boehm, founder of Little Explorers 4-H Club, says that robotics and computer sciences. You’ll also find archery, hunt“Community service is a big component.” She says, “The kids ing and fishing. Want to learn photography? They’ve got clubs decide what those activities will be, then we all work together for for that. Baking and cake decorating? Those too. Leather crafts? a common goal to help the community.” Needle crafts? Dutch oven cooking? Scrapbooking? Yes, those For other leadership experience, kids 15 and older can serve as too. And so much more. camp counselors at the many 4-H camps. Boehm’s 17-year old Of course, the traditional animal categories remain. There son, Justin, said he started training for a counselor position sevare clubs that focus on horses, cattle, sheep, pigs and goats, and eral months before the camps. “They were eight- and nine-hour some focus on small animals: dogs, cats, cavies, rabbits, pygmy trainings, sometimes twice a month,” he said. “We learned what goats and poultry. Think about it. If you have backyard chickens to do in various situations.” When I asked Justin what he liked

Club Structures

August 2017 | Idaho Family Magazine

about being in 4-H, he said it was, “The sense of community. We’re all there for each other. If someone needs help, there’s another 4-H family there to help.” Justin was also excited that he gets to teach STEM classes to his group.

The Fairs

County fairs are viewed as the pinnacle climax for those in 4-H. It’s at the fairs that kids get to show their stuff. Everyone who has done a project gets to display it or demonstrate it. All you have to do is walk through the exhibit halls and almost everywhere you look you see 4-H projects. Most county extension offices operate independently and use their own county fairs as the grand finale of their 4-H year, but Canyon and Ada counties have developed a unique, reciprocal relationship. In the Treasure Valley, Canyon County kids can show in the Western Idaho State Fair, and Ada County kids can show in the Canyon County Fair. (The Canyon County Fair took place in July, but the Western Idaho Fair will take place August 18-27. Go to So when you walk through the exhibit halls at any of the fairs, take a look at all the cool 4-H stuff. Like I said, you will be amazed. Yes, there are the animals, but there’s SOOO much more. But be careful. If your children get involved in 4-H, there’s a good chance that your family will get a little closer as you all learn some new things together. n Daniel Bobinski, M.Ed. is the CEO of, helping teams and individuals learn how to use Emotional Intelligence. He’s also a homeschooling dad, a best-selling author, and a popular speaker at conferences and retreats. Reach him at or (208) 375-7606.

4-H Facts 4-H = Head, Heart, Hands and Health

Main Program Areas: STEM & Agriculture Environmental Science Alternative Energy Engineering & Technology Plant & Animal Science Healthy Living Nutrition & Fitness Social & Emotional Well-Being

Citizenship Leadership & Personal Development Community Action Communication & Expressive Arts

To learn more: Ada County 4-H Open House October 2, 6-8 p.m. Expo Idaho Call 208-287-5900 Canyon County 4-H Open House Carrie Johnson Call 208-459-6003

Idaho Family Magazine | August 2017

Moms & Tech

unBound hosts mom-friendly tech event By Gaye Bunderson


tay-at-home moms frequently enjoy getting together with other stay-at-home moms, so unBound, a digital resources branch of the Meridian Library District, created a program with a different twist. It’s called Moms and Tech. Before anyone panics over the word “tech,” be assured the program is a comfortable zone for all women, including those who might just be getting their feet wet in the tech pool. Also, Moms and Tech isn’t entirely just about the many uses of technology. “It’s a lot about community,” program leader Alexandra Johnatakis, a member of the staff at unBound, said. “We discuss employment opportunities, or someone will talk about her son’s band competition. We bond and get to know each other.” Employment opportunities are a key component of the group. “Women tend to be underrepresented in the tech world,” Johnatakis said. “Moms and Tech helps stay-at-home moms get marketable skills.” The program covers a range of technology topics, from writing blogs to posting videos on YouTube. One mom wanted to learn how to use Raspberry Pi to make a digital wall calendar. (From “The Raspberry Pi is a tiny and affordable computer that you can use to learn programming through fun, practical projects.” It is made in the UK.) Johnatakis, who herself was once a stay-at-home mom, said Moms and Tech is a “learning as a community” experience. She said she knows a lot about technology, but if something comes up she’s unsure of, she will research it. “Librarians are really good at research,” Macey Snellson, communication and marketing manager for the Meridian Library District, said. Johnatakis said Moms and Tech adheres to the concept of

Alex Johnatakis holds a horse’s head that was made with a 3-D printer available for public use at unBound in downtown Meridian. Johnatakis leads a Moms & Tech group that helps stay-at-home mothers learn valuable skills for the marketplace or to use just for fun. (Photo by Gaye Bunderson)

10 August 2017 | Idaho Family Magazine

“failing forward” — another way of saying participants learn as much from their failures as from their successes. (“Failing Forward” is the name of a book by John Maxwell, with the subtitle, “Turning Mistakes into Stepping Stones.”) The program for stay-at-home moms used to be called Moms and Code, but the word “code” was a little intimidating, according to Johnatakis. “Coding is the language that tells computers and software what to do,” Snellson explained. “Coding is so much easier than it used to be. Now you get instant feedback.” Children can learn to code at an early age, and unBound and the Silverstone and Cherry Lane branches of the Meridian Library District offer various activities around coding and other technology skills. Mothers are allowed to bring their children to Moms and Tech, and the younger ones are entertained with a story that is related to digital literacy. Among its many services, unBound is helping children cultivate the skills that will be necessary to enhance their quality of life in the future, and that includes both boys and girls. Often boys take to technology more readily than girls, and Snellson said there is a Mighty Maker Girls program at unBound that specifically targets girls so they will not be left behind in education and employment opportunities. (The program is held at 4:30 p.m. on the third Tuesday of each month; registration is required.) Other programs at unBound include Family Make It, held the first and third Saturdays of the month beginning at 11 a.m. Families with childen of all ages are welcome to drop in to “explore the world of making and learning with strong STEAM focus,” according to the Meridian Library District Summer Programs Calendar. (STEAM is an acronym for science, technology, engineering, art, and math.) Another program is Swift Playgrounds, held the second and fourth Saturdays of the month at 2 p.m. Targeted toward children and teens, participants use Apple’s Swift Playgrounds to learn coding concepts and start developing apps and games. Moms and Tech and its companion Maker Storytime program meet the first and third Thursday of the month at 10:30 a.m. A calendar of all programs may be picked up at each library branch or found online at unBound is located at 713 N. Main St. in downtown Meridian. A compact building, it is nonetheless filled with conference space and technology that is available for businesses and entrepreneurial-minded people to utilize. A brief list of the space and equipment includes a 3D Printing Cove open for public use, a Design Lab with four iMacs with Adobe Creative Cloud, a Printer Center, and a Sound Studio. More information about unBound may be found at For specific information about Moms and Tech — an opportunity to learn useful technology skills for free — contact Johnatakis at or 258-2000. n

Change YOUR behavior

Do you love your children...enough? Do you love your children enough to say, “No, we aren’t spending that kind of money on that at this time.” You can’t grow up having whatever o you love your children? Anyone you want and become a responsible spender. Even who picks up this magazine and a good idea, one that would benefit a child, needs reads the articles within it cares to be calculated off of what is reasonable spendabout being a good parent and ing for your family. I don’t think a child can comdearly loves their children. As I watch many of prehend what it costs to do a sport, be in a play, today’s parents, I wonder if they have the courage or participate in something that requires ongoing to love their children enough to teach them how expenses. The parent needs to draw the line. to successfully and lovingly function in the world. Boundaries need to be set for how many activities Do you love your children enough to create are undertaken, how expensive an activity is, and boundaries and serve consequences? Far too whether participating in activities gives the child many children rule their homes, misusing power any time to be a child. and failing to learn how to respect the inevitable Do you love your children enough to get off boundaries in life. The difficulty is to create a your cell phone and be with them? Everywhere Sandy Spurgeon discipline system that allows a parent to be conI go I see children misbehaving in order to get sistent (no system works without consistency!) and the attention of a parent who is on a cell phone. I see families at empowers the child to make more appropriate choices. To give dinner, the children abandoned by one or both parents using cell you an idea of how one of my discipline strategies (parentingsos. phones. I see a child who was just picked up from school, filled com) works, let’s examine it through the situation of telling your with adventures to be shared, abandoned in the car by a cell child to do something so many times that you become a raving phone mom. Back in the days when we had simple answering maniac. On the McDaniel system, you ask one time. The child machines on our home phones, I had a message on it during the fails to comply. You say, “You are on the Minute Drill,” and the times my children were home: “This is my time with my children. child decides it is not worth it NOT to comply so does what you Leave a message and I will get back to you ASAP.” ask. What children need most is CONNECTION. They need to What “You are on the Minute Drill” means is that the child has feel connected to each parent. Connection requires attentiveone minute to comply with your request, and after the free minute ness — caring about what your child thinks and feels — and a penny goes in a jar with the child’s name on it. Each penny expressed love. Do your children think talking on your cell phone means that 15 minutes will be taken off something fun during the is more important to you than they are? This parenting time will day: a favorite TV program, computer/gadget time, going into pass faster than you realize. BE with your children now! Unlike a the pool, going out to play with friends, playing a family game, movie, you can’t see/do it again; turn off your cell phones, please! etc. There are lots of examples and complete training in my book, Do you love your child enough to get help from those who have “Don’t Feed the Dragon,” on The point is that wisdom and experience? On, I have four books. when it costs too much, a child will change a behavior. My private parenting sessions are tailored for your family. On Do you love your children enough to say, “No, you are not going, you can sign up for my new parenting seminar to do that because you are already too busy.” I was talking to a boy on August 15 (please tell your friends!). Have me come to your this summer who told me about his busy daily schedule, and I said preschool, school, church or club to teach a parenting seminar to him, “I bet you can’t wait to have a day off from all the activi(208-514-4083). n ties!” He responded, “I would be happy to have a day with only For 54 years, Sandy has been an international speaker and recognized authority three activities!” The problem for parents who have two or more on families and children. Author of five books, columnist, founder of parenting(especially more) kids is that classes, practices and games require you to function at top speed all the time. “Hurry up! We are going, she is a resident of Meridian and loves spending time with her three Idaho grandchicks. Semi-retired, she speaks to schools, churches, and MOPS to be late!” becomes a mantra from which the children cringe. groups and provides parent coaching sessions in person and on the phone. By Sandy Spurgeon McDaniel


Idaho Family Magazine | August 2017 11

Managing the munchies

Surprising ways to curb food cravings (NAPSI)


f you ever feel you have a slim chance of losing weight, here are a few facts to consider. First, studies suggest that eating a diet lacking in variety can lead to more food cravings. These may revolve around texture (creamy, crunchy), taste (sweet, salty) or settings (movie theaters, ballparks). The “forbidden fruit” concept alone may be enough to trigger a craving. Before you board up your cupboards, however, there may be simpler ways to curb cravings in the short term that will result in avoiding unwanted weight gain in the long run.

Natural solutions

their overall happiness. Look for products containing Phase 2 at your favorite place to buy supplements. 3) Sniff jasmine: One recent study found that inhaling jasmine (a nonfood odor) reduced chocolate cravings; another showed that smelling a neutral odor diminished other common food cravings. This suggests that smelling something that doesn’t remind you of, or is similar to, food may help you reduce cravings. So springing for some essential jasmine oil and lighting up a jasmine candle may be a good idea. 4) Sleep in: A study from the University of California, Berkeley, suggests that food cravings are more likely in sleep-deprived individuals. The high-level brain regions used for complex judgments and decisions can become impaired by sleep deprivation, while the more primal brain structures that control motivation and desire are amplified. Studies also show that people who regularly get six hours or less of sleep per night not only gain weight more rapidly than those who get eight hours, they also struggle to lose weight long term. n

1) Get nutty: Nuts, specifically walnuts and almonds, are loaded with protein and healthful, appetite-satisfying fats. Not only do they curb cravings, but as a study published in the International Journal of Obesity showed, people who ate a handful of almonds daily for six months lost 18 percent of their body fat. 2) Take happy beans: A clinical study published in Obesity, the official peer-reviewed research journal of The Obesity Society, concluded that sugary food cravings dissipated significantly when participants consumed a specific white kidney bean extract called Phase 2 Carb Controller. The extract, found in many carbohydrate-blocking nutritional supplements, not only gave participants an average sevenpound weight When you’re trying to eat right, nature may offer many ways to combat food loss, but it even boosted cravings. (Photo by NAPSI)

12 August 2017 | Idaho Family Magazine

Bullies are everywhere

Help your children handle tormentors


can’t mock the creature without mocking the Creator. Will you dare call God’s creation garbage? ... I don’t care if all the snot-nosed 9-year-olds in third chool was almost out, with just one grade agree that you are worthless. Do they know month to go before summer break. But better than God? So, hold your head up high. Don’t for one 8-year-old boy, the reprieve did lose heart. School does not last forever, and bullies not come soon enough. After being come and go.” beaten unconscious in a public school bathroom by • Plea to Parents. I’m not trying to terrify his giggling classmates, he went home and hanged parents. Most of our kids will make it through the himself. Again, he was only 8 years old. school year with just a few bumps and bruises. On In the past, when I read stories like this, I didn’t the other hand, we must remain vigilant because take them seriously enough. I saw them as “freak bullying has the power to scar our children for life, accidents” and never imagined that my own chilor worse. dren, or the children of anyone I knew, could be at Talk to your kids, but also beware that the older risk. Yet, according to a 2015 study by the Suicide they get, the less likely they are to confide in you. Prevention Action Network, 1 in 5 children in Talk to teachers, but with the understanding that Britton LaTulippe public school consider suicide and 1 in 10 make an their classes are crowded and a lot of the bullying attempt. flies under their radar. Although those numbers are terrifying, the majority of kids in Talk to other kids who attend the same school. They are more likely school aren’t suicidal. However, just because kids aren’t at their than teachers to know if there’s a problem. breaking point yet doesn’t mean they aren’t being physically or psySelf-defense is a must. Even a few lessons can give your kids the upchologically tormented. per hand in a dangerous situation. If you aren’t familiar with martial A few years ago, I talked about bullying in Sunday school. I asked arts, I recommend Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Yet, even self-defense only goes kids to raise their hands if they had ever been bullied. I expected a so far. What if your kid has multiple attackers, his attackers have few, but what happened shocked me — everyone raised their hands. weapons or are also skilled in martial arts, or their attacks are verbal? When I asked them to share, it was like I opened a floodgate of sorAt the end of the day, when all else fails, parents can’t. Our children row. Some kids shook their heads with tears in their eyes and could hardly talk, while others spoke casually about the most terrible physi- are too valuable. If we find our kids in the cross hairs of aggressive bullies, we have to act. Have a sit-down with the principal. Have a sitcal and verbal assaults, laughing it off as if it were no big deal. down with the bullies and the bullies’ parents, not to attack them, but Then I asked, “Be honest, how many of you have bullied someone to come up with a solution. And if a solution can’t be reached, take else?” Again, every hand went up, some quickly, others more relucyour kid and go. Find another school or homeschool. Whatever burtantly, but they all went up. And this was in Sunday school! den that puts on you, you already know that your kids are worth it. Parents, we have a serious problem on our hands. The question May you have a bully-proofed school year! n isn’t whether your kids will bully or be bullied, but to what extent. Schools can’t stop it; the teachers’ hands are tied. That means it is up Britton LaTulippe is a homeschooling father of six, the owner of Blue Manor’s Online Academy (, author of “Revealing School,” to you to bully-proof your kids. plus the author and illustrator of more than 70 children’s books. You can email When I was in high school I attended an all-male, military boardhim at ing school in Virginia. So, when it comes to bullying, I’ve seen it all. Here are a few of my tips on dealing with bullies: • Ignore It. Really?! You know the old expression, “Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words can make me want to hurt myself.” Okay, that’s not the original version, but it’s my version. Physical violence tears at the body, verbal violence tears at the soul. That doesn’t mean we raise crybabies who fall to pieces whenever they hear an unkind word; but on the other hand, kids who are systematically targeted for public humiliation should not tolerate it. The worst thing we can do is tell kids to “just ignore it.” A kid finds himself upside down with his head in a toilet bowl with the entire school laughing, and our solution is “ignore it.” Really?! I’m sure that is exactly what every parent and teacher would do in the same situation, right? Ignoring bullies results in one of two scenarios: 1. The bullies turn up the heat until ignoring them is impossible. 2. They get bored and find a weaker victim. And I’m sorry, moving the target off one kid’s back onto a weaker kid isn’t exactly the kind of breakthrough solution we are looking for. Bullies have to be confronted and disarmed. Never appeased. Never ignored. • A Lesson for Kids. Here is some of what I told the kids in my Sunday school: “Before you bully someone else, remember, you can’t ridicule the artwork without ridiculing the artist. In the same way, you By Britton LaTulippe

Idaho Family Magazine | August 2017 13

Crafts on a Dime

Hang your pots on a DIY holder Instructions:

By Samantha Stillman


hen my husband and I purchased our starter home, we were not very picky. As long as we could afford it and it did not need too much work, it was in the running. They say hindsight is 20/20 though. At the time, I did not notice that we had no pantry. Over the years, as stuff accumulated and our family grew, I wished every day for one. After finally getting fed up with no counter space and my pots and pans clogging up prime real estate, I started searching for pot racks online. The cheaper ones were running around 60 dollars. That was more than I wanted to pay, so I began googling DIY options. The picture I found online used a copper pipe, but to save even more, we went with a pvc pipe. Afer all was said and done, we made a pot rack for under 30 dollars. There are so many creative ones online that use repurposed items like ladders and bicycle wheels. Hopefully, this craft gets your creative juices flowing!

Supplies needed:

Pvc pipe Chain* Ceiling hooks* S hooks* Paint Saw (optional) *Be sure to check how much weight they can hold before purchasing.

14 August 2017 | Idaho Family Magazine

1. Cut the pvc pipe to your desired length. My example was a 5-foot pipe that I cut down to 3 feet. Paint the pipe whichever color you choose. I chose to go with a silver spray paint that I had left over in my garage. 2. Twist your ceiling hooks into place. Mine are between two lights over my sink. 3. After the paint has dried, slip your S hooks over your pipe. Run the length of chain through the pipe and hang it evenly between your two ceiling hooks. Now you can hang your pots and pans. n

Samantha Stillman is a Treasure Valley crafts instructor and freelance writer. She may be reached at


Tooth fairy duty coming to an end


By Patrick Hempfing s a stay-at-home dad to 12-year-old daughter Jessie, husband to Mattie, and writer, I play many roles. One of my infrequent but treasured roles is about to come to an end — the tooth fairy. I can’t believe my little girl is down to just two baby teeth. Although the tooth fairy part has been fun, getting Jessie’s teeth out has involved lots of unwanted drama. I’m surprised the tooth fairy has had any emotional energy left to do his job. Jessie has always made such a big production when she has loose teeth that I was shocked when she walked into my home office one recent evening with a large molar in her hand and a tissue in her mouth. I had missed not only the preview, but the entire dramatic movie produced by and starring my daughter. I thought, “This is too good to be true! Only two to go.” Little did I realize that, though I may have missed the tooth-pulling drama, the entertainment had yet to begin. Since Mattie was out of town for a couple of days, tooth fairy duties fell solely on me, which in teeth past, hadn’t been a problem. However, Jessie, knowing the identity of the tooth fairy and having only a few more opportunities to play along, wanted to keep things challenging. She achieved her goal. Jessie is a sound sleeper. I think I could crash cymbals above her head and, come morning, she wouldn’t know a musical performance had taken place. On tooth fairy night, I didn’t have cymbals, only a five-dollar bill. There certainly has been inflation since the tooth fairy brought me 25 cents. I snuck into Jessie’s room and gently placed my hand under her pillow and around, over, under, and between numerous stuffed animals. First attempt — nada. Second try — nothing but a monkey’s tail. Third attempt — still no plastic bag with a big molar in it. Jessie had informed me prior to going to bed that she planned to “hide it well.” She did! My texts to Mattie at 11:04 p.m. summed up my situation. “I searched and searched and searched. Love, the defeated tooth fairy.” “She told me she was going to hide it inside one of her stuffed animals, but then thought that would be too hard for the tooth fairy to

find,” Mattie texted back. Not one to give up, I made a final attempt before heading to bed. Strike four! My text to Mattie at 11:23 p.m. read, “The tooth fairy tried one more time. I bumped into the end of her bed. I bumped into her three-way floor lamp. She’s a sound sleeper. I reached under all her pillows and lifted a few stuffed animals. I picked up her pet pillow. Nothing! Then, she groggily opened her eyes and gave me a weak ‘hi’. She held out her hand with the baggie in it. She was holding it! Love, a worn out tooth fairy.” Though this tooth fairy doesn’t carry a wand, my baby tooth collection record was perfect to this point. I made a final attempt at 1:38 a.m. Jessie looked so angelic as her hand rested under her head. I reached under her pillow and performed a thorough search, but for the fifth time came away without the prize. She won. I went to bed. When Jessie awoke in the morning, she asked, “Why didn’t the tooth fairy come?” She stated that after she caught the tooth fairy in action, she made it easier by leaving a small portion of the baggie sticking out from under the pillow. Apparently, she laid on it. That night, Mattie, who had returned from her trip, took her turn as tooth fairy. Mattie waited on the sofa and thought she had it made when Jessie went to the bathroom. She raced into Jessie’s room and searched under the pillows. However, Jessie, expecting her mom would take the opportunity, had taken the baggie containing the molar into the bathroom with her. Later that night, having fallen asleep on the sofa, Mattie woke up and fulfilled her tooth fairy duties. Jessie made five dollars while providing our family with some special memories. Mattie and I are only two baby teeth and ten dollars away from retiring our wings, which is bittersweet. We won’t miss the tooth-pulling drama, but all three of us have cherished the tooth fairy adventures. Maybe I had the prize, much bigger than a molar, all along. Until next month, remember to cherish the moments. n Patrick Hempfing had a 20-year professional career in banking, accounting, and auditing before he became a father at age 44. He is now a full-time husband, stay-at-home dad, and writer. Follow Patrick at and on Twitter @PatrickHempfing.

Idaho Family Magazine | August 2017 15




Planet Shark

Family Slide Nights

— The current exhibit at the Discovery Center of Idaho through September is “Planet Shark: Predator or Prey – The Experience.” (Go to The Discovery Center is located at 131 W. Myrtle St. in Boise. Hours of operation are Monday through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Sunday noon to 5. Call 343-9895 for more information, or visit

Families may enjoy unlimited access to water attractions as the sun sets at Roaring Springs during Friday and Saturday Family Slide Nights from 6 to 10 p.m. through August 26. Go to


Meridian Youth Farmers Market Every Saturday

— The Meridian Youth Farmers Market is held every Saturday from 9 a.m. to noon at the Meridian City Hall Plaza. The market will run through at least the first weekend of September and possibly longer. Half of the vendors at the market are young people ages 5 to 18, with most of them about age 12. The market features fresh produce, baked goods, and art. All are welcome.

Free Parent Education Seminar First and Third Thursday

Brain Balance Achievement Center at 3210 E. Chinden Blvd., #113, in Eagle holds a Free Parent Education Seminar from 7 to 8 p.m. on the first and third Thursdays of every month. Dr. Ray Booth, clinical psychologist, presents information on the topic, “Why Your Child Is Struggling” and answers questions. For more information, contact Executive Director Dawna Booth at 938-1312 or dbooth@

Summer Saturdays at the Watershed Saturdays

The Boise WaterShed will be open on Saturdays this summer in addition to regular business hours. Adults and children are welcome to come explore the exhibit hall or journey through the new River Campus to learn about the watershed through public art, landscaping, nature, and water features. Summer Saturdays will run through August 19 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Also, WaterShed Wednesdays will take place from 10 a.m. to noon through August 9; and WaterShed Weekend will be held August 19 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. The WaterShed is located at 11818 W. Joplin Rd. in Boise. Go to bee.cityofboise. org for more information.

Friday and Saturday Nights

“Movies Under the Stars” Saturdays

Family-friendly “Movies Under the Stars” will be presented at 7 p.m. on the following remaining days and at the following places: August 5, Ivywild Park, 416 W. Ivywild St.; August 12, Fort Boise Park, 155 E. Garrison Rd.; August 19, Julia Davis Park; and August 26, Molenaar Park, 2815 S. Maple Grove Rd. There will be free games for the kids provided by the Boise Parks & Recreation Mobile Recreation Van, including “capture the flag” and “dodgeball.” Movies will be shown on a 30-foot inflatable movie screen. For a complete schedule, go to or call 608-7680.

August and September. Games are played at Memorial Stadium, 5600 N. Glenwood St. in Garden City, and first pitch is at 7:15 p.m. Go to or call 322-5000 for more information.

Blast Off to Mars Tuesday, August 8

People of all ages are invited to Eagle Public Library from 2 to 3 p.m. Tuesday, August 8, to “be” an astronaut and scientist and find out whether or not you could survive a landing on the red planet. Then create a Mars pizza! Go to

Slumber Party Storytime Wednesday, August 9

Kids, slip into your coziest pajamas and attend a fun-filled storytime with milk and cookies from 7 to 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, August 9, at the Silverstone Branch of the Meridian library. For more information, email Ms. Paige or Ms. Brady at or, or call 884-2616.

Kidsfest 2017

Postcrosser’s Club

Kidsfest Idaho 2017 will begin at 7 p.m. Saturday, August 5, at Kleiner Park, 1920 N. Records Way in Meridian. There will be fun activities for the kids, interactive booths, games, and live entertainment. The event is free and family-friendly. Youth services organizations will be highlighted. Go to for more information.

Join staff at Boise Public Library’s main branch for a meeting of the Postcrosser’s Club. Children, teens and adults are welcome to come hear how the club works, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, August 9. Participants may look through examples from all over the world and create their own postcards to send out. For more information, contact Paige Thomas at or call 972-8320.

Saturday, August 5

4-H Week and other events August 7-18

Roaring Springs Water Park will mark 4-H Week August 7-11. Other special weeks and weekends include Military Appreciation Weekend, August 12-13, and Homeschool Week, August 14-18. There will be discounted admission fees for the select groups during the specific days. Go to

Family Movie at Nampa Public Library Tuesday, August 8

Nampa Public Library will present the family movie “Norm from the North” from 2 to 4 p.m. Tuesday, August 8. It’s free for the whole family.

Boise Hawks at home August 8, 9 & 11

The Boise Hawks will play at home Tuesday, August 8, Wednesday, August 9, Friday, August 11, and other days throughout the months of

16 August 2017 | Idaho Family Magazine

Wednesday, August 9

Rascal’s Puppy Coders Thursday, August 10

Children may join Rascal and Ms. Trisha and learn to think like coders from 2 to 3 p.m. Thursday, August 10, at the Silverstone Branch of the Meridian library. Each week, participants learn different new computer science skills like creativity, teamwork and problem-solving through a mix of screen and non-screen techologies. For more information, contact Trisha Mick at or 8842616. Registration is required at http://www.

Flavorful Fairytales Thursday, August 10

Green Eggs and Ham — Enter the world of Dr. Seuss with his classic, “Green Eggs and Ham.” This culinary program will be held from 4:30 to 5: 30 p.m. Thursday, August 10, at the J.U.M.P. Share Studio, 1000 W. Mrytle St. in downtown Boise. Young chefs help with

of Events prepping in the kitchen and then will head to the couches for a cozy story time before we gather at the table for a colorful “brinner”— breakfast for dinner! All ages welcome with a parent. Registration ends August 8. Go to register.

Wondertime! Friday, August 11

Children may join Mr. Travis and Chester the Chimpanzee for a weekly program of stories, puppets, pre-math and STEM skills, music, and movement. Attend the program on Friday, August 11, at the Silverstone Branch of the Meridian library. All ages are welcome, but the program is designed for preschoolers ages 3-5. For more information, contact Mr. Travis at or 884-2616.

Silver Screen on the Green August 11 & 18

The Nampa Parks & Recreation Department’s annual Silver Screen on the Green program takes place every Friday through August 18 at Optimist Park. The kid-friendly movies are shown for free on a large inflatable screen. If you plan to attend, bring blankets and lawn chairs. Each movie night features concessions and activities, as well as movies, and the fun begins at 8:30 p.m. Remaining movies in August include “Zootopia” on August 11 and “Pete’s Dragon” on August 18. Go to

CableOne Movie Night in Meridian August 11, 18 & 25

August is the last month for CableOne Movie Night in Meridian, with free family-friendly movies under the stars in Settlers Park every Friday beginning at dusk. The schedule for August includes: “BFG,” August 11; “The Jungle Book,” August 18; and “Lego Batman,” August 25. Go to

Month of August & Early September Please send family-related calendar items to

Car wash fundraiser Saturday, August 12

The WinSome Speech & Debate Club will be washing cars from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, August 12, at the Dutch Bros. Coffee at 1181 N. Milwaukee Ave. across from Home Depot. Donations of any size will be accepted. For more information, call 375-5048.

Seismic Idaho Saturday, August 12

Coyote Short will teach children about earthquake activity in Idaho and on Earth from 10 a.m. to noon Saturday, August 12, at the Idaho Museum of Mining and Geology, 2455 Old Penitentiary Rd. in Boise. Ms. Short will also discuss seismic scenarios and how to survive an earthquake. The program is geared toward youth in first grade and up. Pre-registration is required by August 9 by calling Eliza at 571-5720.

31st Annual Nampa Festival of the Arts August 12 & 13

This free 2-day community event will take place from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, August 12, and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday, August 13, at Lakeview Park. There will be more than 190 artisan booths featuring jewelry, painting, sculpture, whimsical yard art, and more. The festival will also be highlighted by live entertainment, food concessions, and free activities for the kids, including a kids’ art booth. Go to

Concerts on Broadway August 12 & 25

End of Summer Blast 2017 Sunday, August 13

Backwoods Promotions will present an End of Summer Blast from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday, August 13, at Settlers Park, 3401 N. Meridian Rd. in Meridian. Bring the entire family for a fun day playing at the park, visiting vendors, and enjoying good food and entertainment.

Summer Children’s Extravaganza Monday, August 14

Completely new for 2017 will be a children’s event for everyone from 8:30 a.m. to noon Monday, August 14, at Our Savior Lutheran Church, 100 N. Mission St. There will be water games, puppets, music, videos, a bounce house, and more. The theme is “Loving God, Loving Others.” For more information, contact Pastor Robin Dugall at (208) 634-5905 or email oslc@ or

STARLAB Experience: Indoor Planetarium — Monday, August 14

Eagle Public Library will host the STARLAB Experience: Indoor Planetarium at various times and days in the meeting room of the library. On Monday, August 14, from 10 to 10:25 a.m., come experience and explore star charts, ancient mythology, and the vast area called “space.” All ages are welcome. Go to libcal.eaglepubliclibrary. org.

Come enjoy music at 33 E. Broadway in Meridian at 7 p.m. Saturday, August 12, and Friday, August 25. The event is free. Go to www.

Opening “Family Night” at Caldwell Night Rodeo —

The Human Library

The 83rd Annual Caldwell Night Rodeo kicks off with “Family Night” at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, August 15, at the Caldwell Night Rodeo Grounds, 2301 Blaine St. Go to

Saturday, August 12

Treasure Valley Public Libraries invites the public to participate in a unique experience where real people are on loan to readers. The special program will take place from 1 to 4 p.m. Saturday, August 12, at Generations Plaza, 804 N. Main St. in Meridian. The Human Library is an organization committed to designing a space for community members to challenge discrimination through dialogue. The experience gives readers a framework to ask difficult questions about stereotypes and prejudices experienced by a diverse array of “books” for a 20- to 30-minute loan. Go to and click on the Community Calendar.

Tuesday, August 15

Atlantic Idea House tours — August 16 – September 16

Interested people are welcome to come tour the Atlantic Idea House at 2108 S. Atlantic St. in Boise. The Atlantic Idea House is a small home owned by the City of Boise that has been renovated with sustainable and energy efficient features to showcase what is possible to improve the energy and water efficiency in your home. The house is open for tours one day a month from now through November. Remaining tour

More Events on Page 18

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CALENDAR of Events

dates and times include: 4 to 6 p.m. Wednesday, August 16; 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, September 16; 4 to 6 p.m. Wednesday, October 25; and 4 to 6 p.m. Wednesday, November 15. For more information, go to http://www.

New clubs at Nampa library Wednesday, August 16

Nampa Public Library has launched two new clubs. One, called simply The Club, is for teens with disabilities. It will meet from 10 to 11 a.m. Wednesday, August 16, in the multipurpose room of the library and will include music, crafts, games, movies, and more. The club is ongoing; go to for more information or call 468-4472. The other club, called The Lego Club, will meet from 4 to 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, August 22. Young people may come and explore the different structures and designs that can be created with Legos. The new monthly program will meet on the fourth Tuesday of every month.

Virtual Reality Drop-In Thursday, August 17

Ever wanted to go deep sea diving, walk a plank, battle Storm Troopers, or be part of a Van Gogh painting? Drop in at the new Library! at Bown Crossing (2153 E. Riverwalk Dr. in Boise) from 3 to 5 p.m. Thursday, August 17, and experience the library’s HTC Vive Virtual Reality equipment. There are other days and times you may come utilize the equipment. For more information, call 972-8360 or go to

Zoe’s Birthday Paw-ty Thursday, August 17

Children and teens may join staff at the Silverstone Branch of the Meridian library as they celebrate beloved therapy dog Zoe’s third birthday from 4 to 5 p.m. Thursday, August 17. There will be pup-cakes and cookies; following refreshments, partygoers may read their favorite books to Zoe. For more information, call 8842616.

Western Idaho Fair August 18 – 27

The Western Idaho Fair kicks off at noon Friday, August 18, and runs through August 27 at Expo Idaho on Glenwood in Garden City. Go to

WaterShed Weekend: Farm to Table Saturday, August 19

The WaterShed’s new River Campus offers a glimpse into agriculture and its importance in the Treasure Valley. Come learn about the benefits of knowing where your food comes from during the August WaterShed Weekend

from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, August 19, at 11818 W. Joplin Rd. Get informed about environmental sustainability, positive impact on local farmers, and healthier food. Also, plan some time to admire the artwork of “A Perfect World” by Reham Aarti, highlighting the many uses of water — including water for agriculture. Create some of your own outdoor art and enjoy the beautiful gardens on the campus. The event is free, and no registration is required. Go to

Master Hardware Engineer: Whack-a-Potato Saturday, August 19

Join Leslie and Orlando from Engineering for Kids to learn how to use potatoes and a version of the classic game “Whack-a-Mole” to engineer your own customized video game controller. This program will be held from 11 a.m. to noon Saturday, August 19, in The Loft at J.U.M.P. on Myrtle Street in downtown Boise. Participants will discover new ways to interact with technology and learn about conductors and insulators using Makey Makey, all while creating unique designs in a fun and collaborative environment. Register at register.

Free Child Car Seat Installation Checkup Thursday, August 24

Four out of five car seats are being used incorrectly. The Meridian Fire Department will host a free Seat Check Up from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Thursday, August 24. The station location will be determined. Call Fire Administration at 888-1234 to schedule an appointment for a car seat checkup.

Warbird Roundup Saturday, August 26

The annual airshow at the Warhawk Air Museum, 201 Municipal Drive in Nampa, will be held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, August 26. This year’s event will feature a P-38 Lightning F4U-1A Corsair and B-25 Mitchell Bomber, as well as other vintage aircraft. The annual event is a big family favorite. For a complete schedule and more information, go to

Latino Fest 2017 Saturday, August 26

The 3rd Annual Latino Fest featuring live music, dance, food, workshops, contests, and painting performances will be held from 4 to 11 p.m. Saturday, August 26, in Boise’s Basque Block, 611 W. Grove St. It’s free to attend, and people of all ages are welcome.

Pooch Party

Saturday, August 26

18 August 2017 | Idaho Family Magazine

Nampa’s 10th Annual Pooch Party Stroll & Splash will be held from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, August 26, at Lakeview Park; $25 per dog includes a walk, swim, t-shirt and doggie gift, with all proceeds benefiting the dog parks in Nampa. For more information or to register, go to

Traditions of Christmas 2017 auditions August 30-31

Local people will sing and dance along with experienced performers during Traditions of Christmas 2017 at the Nampa Civic Center. Vocal and general auditions will be held from 5 to 9 p.m. August 30-31 at the Civic Center. The holiday performances are set for December 15-23. Go to or

Kleiner Park Free Summer Concerts

August 31; September 7, 21; and October 5

Days remain to enjoy the free Thursday night concerts at the Kleiner Park Ampitheater in Meridian. Pre-concert, family-friendly activities run from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m., and the bands take the stage from 6:30 to 8:30. Some of the remaining bands include: Come Together Band, August 31; Simple Ruckus, September 7; Soul Patch, September 21; and B-Town Hitmen, October 5. Go to and click on the Community Calendar.

1st Wednesday Patio Party Wednesday, September 6

This free community event in Eagle takes place at the North Channel Center on the River, just steps from the Greenbelt, from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. on the first Wednesday of each month from through September. Artwork will be on display, and there will be live musical performances. Guitarist Spencer Batt will highlight the September 6 patio party. For more information, call 939-6775.

Adoption Information Meeting

September 14, October 3, November 7, and December 5

A New Beginning Adoption Agency holds free Adoption Information Meetings each month, providing a no-pressure environment for families to learn about adopting infants, as well as children in the U.S. foster care system. The meetings are held on Tuesdays from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at 8660 W. Emerald, Ste. 142, in Boise. Meeting days for the rest of 2017 are September 14, October 3, November 7, and December 5. Though the meetings are free, preregistration is required; call 939-3865 or email

Solar Eclipse Programs Weiser Viewing of Solar Eclipse

The 2017 solar eclipse — when the moon passes between Earth and the sun — will take place on August 21. The last total solar eclipse occurred in 1991 and will not happen again for seven years. Some communities will be directly in the path of the eclipse, including Weiser, Idaho. The community is roughly one hour and 14 minutes away from Boise and is planning many events and activities; however, a large crowd is anticipated, so if you want to go, make plans as soon as possible. For solar eclipse viewing tips, go to or

Solar Eclipse Programs at Nampa Public Library

Throughout August, Nampa Public Library will present programs around this summer’s much-anticipated solar eclipse. The schedule includes: a presentation by BSU astronomy instructor Brian Jackson, 4 to 6 p.m. Wednesday, August 9; Tween Solar Activity, 4 to 5 p.m. Thursday, August 10; another presentation by BSU astronomy instructor Brian Jackson, 4 to 6 p.m. Tuesday, August 15; and the eclipse viewing event, with special programs from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., Monday, August 21 (free parking in the parking garage to view the solar eclipse on the fourth level from 10:30 to 11:45 a.m.). There will also be Star Labs on the following days and times: 2 to 4:30 p.m. August 21; 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. August 23; 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. August 25; and 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. August 26. Go to

Family Solar Eclipse Event

Children, teens, adults and seniors are welcome to come learn how to view the total solar eclipse. Build a pinhole viewer and learn the science behind the solar exclipse from people in the Astronomical Society. The program will take place from 1 to 2 p.m. Saturday, August 12, at the Cherry Lane Branch of the Meridian library. For more information, call 888-4451.

Storytelling Event: Total Eclipse of the Sun

A special guest storyteller will talk about the myths and stories surrounding eclipses from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, August 16, at the main branch of Boise Public Library. All are welcome. For more information, contact Danielle Boyd at or call 972-8200.

Solar Eclipse Special

Celebrate the 2017 solar eclipse with fun activities at the Idaho Museum of Mining and Geology, 2455 Old Penitentiary Rd. in Boise, from noon to 5 p.m. August 19-20. The event is free. If you are in south-central Idaho, you have the chance to see a partial or total eclipse on August 21 — the first eclipse of the 21st century. The IMMG is also selling eclipse glasses for $2.50 each. For more information, go to or call Eliza at 571-5720.

Solar Eclipse Viewing Party

From 11 a.m. to noon on August 21, join the Silverstone Branch of the Meridian library and listen to a space story, eat cookies, and then watch the eclipse. All are welcome. For more information, call 884-2616.

Idaho Family Magazine | August 2017 19

Manic Mothering

Wake me when it’s time to grow up of money she’s owed. This is not what not being a grownup looks like, you guys. When will I get my act together? My oldest child recently turned 18 and would think it would really be nice to have have graduated from high school recently, if he some notice when a panic attack is due. hadn’t gone on exchange this year. Like something on my calendar, so We’re coming up on a milestone date. When I’d know, for example, that at precisely my dad died, almost 10 years ago, someone 4 a.m. Mountain Time this coming Tuesday I said “I don’t think you’re ever really a grownup would wake up wondering how much longer until you have to deal with the loss of a parent.” we were going to put off replacing the broken I don’t know if I agree, but there is something microwave, followed by letting my brain wander distinctly jarring about losing someone you once down various other rabbit holes that have to do followed around the grocery store begging for a with what is otherwise broken or incomplete in box of Cookie Crisp. my life. Okay, that last point is kind of a bummer, so I might try to get to bed a little earlier if I let’s get back to my kid turning the age of majorknew I had that 4 a.m. thing looming. Maybe Beth Markley ity, shall we? decide to actually get up then, instead of laying Here’s the thing: we all have these benchmark ages by which there, staring into space. I could do some laundry or something. time we tell ourselves, consciously or not, that we’re supposed You know, multitask. to have earned something, or paid our dues, or received recA friend of mine wondered on social media recently whether she was of an age to start feeling like a “grown up,” and whether ognition. I guess the fact those benchmarks exist at all gives us the impression that we’ll feel different when we reach them, for the fact she doesn’t most of the time has something to do with better or for worse. not having kids. How much weight we give those benchmarks is a matter of “Does having children make you feel more adult?” she asked. choice. Whether if, when faced with one, we’re able to pivot in I’m guessing my friend also had one of these unscheduled apour view of the world and our place in it (if necessary), or stuck pointments recently. wallowing in the what ifs at 4 a.m. Anyway, I answered with as resounding a “nope” as one can Take my kid for example, the one who didn’t graduate with his muster without emoji, and moved on. Sometimes I’m just pithy friends because he’s on exchange. Mike and I went to the gradulike that. You’re welcome, Sally. ation ceremony anyway to celebrate with those friends and a few But then I thought about that question all day. As far as I can others we knew who were going to be tossing mortarboards into tell, parenting doesn’t make me feel any more grownup. On the contrary, as a mother of teenagers, I tend to get the regular mes- the air. Afterward, I posted a photo with a snappy “all your friends say sage (subtly and not so subtly) that I’m more of a nincompoop ‘hey!’” caption and tagged Jack. than a bonafide adult. Later I wondered if he’d seen the photo, halfway around the So, would my friend Sally feel more like a grownup if she’d world, celebrating his milestone birthday on a European bus had children? I’m not sure how exactly. Even if your children tour with other exchange students. I wondered if I’d inspired a are too young to roll their eyes at your wisdom and experience, mini-existential crisis in my kid. Maybe his own 4 a.m. appointI’m not sure how having people following you around in the grocery store asking for five dollar boxes of cereal is supposed to ment. He’d postponed graduation, after all. A benchmark. Mortarmake you feel more like an adult. boards. Long speeches. Cheesy photos. All I know is that I’ve spent more time than I thought I would So I messaged him the next morning. Did I bum him out with over the last 20 years in a state of shock that I’m expected to my picture? Was he okay? Homesick? Overcome by FOMO behave responsibly, not wearing clothes that come off of a pile (fear of missing out)? A mom wonders about these things when on the floor, or drinking milk straight from the carton. she doesn’t get her regular dose of eye rolling for so long. There are a few As it happens, he wasn’t bummed or homesick or freaked out. other reasons why He just hadn’t seen the photo. Too busy. As far as how he was my friend’s question stuck with me: feeling, he said, “We all have our paths to take and theirs are different.” No big deal. I just spent the … A way more Robert Frost sentiment than I’d expected. morning looking Besides which, he didn’t have time for mulling over what he for a receipt and might be missing. Mortarboards or no: now have a pile of “I’m in the middle of Paris,” he said. “Duh.” crap on my living Good point, Jack. Or, to use some of my extremely limited room floor and I French vocabulary: Touché. n wonder how anyone can call herself Beth Markley is a humor writer and fundraising consultant who lives in Boise a grownup if she with her husband and two sons. She now writes regularly on her new website, can’t be organized (Dispatches from the Crossroads of ‘Been There Done enough by the age of 48 to keep track That’ and ‘Oughta Know Better’). By Beth Markley


20 August 2017 | Idaho Family Magazine

Progress, not perfection

Real change can sometimes be messy 13-year-olds how to take time each day to “be still,” I asked the students for a report from the past week. Hands went up around the room and o you ever feel like you’re just I anticipated hearing an amazing story of how not good enough? It seems like the meditation had relieved stress or anxiety. I’ve striving for perfection is a necesheard these stories before and I love seeing how sary part of life, at least according small daily tasks can really make a big difference, to our media. Reality television shows starring especially with adolescents. beautiful people, commercials, magazines and I called on the eager boy in the front with his newspapers all remind us how we don’t meahand raised, sure he would validate this very sure up to “perfect.” These messages bombard important daily habit. He proceeded to share everyone in the family, not just the young girls that he sat down for “quiet time” after school and women, although they seem to get hit the this past week. He followed my specific instruchardest. tions and was focusing only on his breathing and This pursuit for perfection holds many people heartbeat, and then he fell asleep. We all shared back from real change in their lives. They set out Rocky Detwiler in his laughter and I reminded myself…progress, with the best of intentions to reach New Years’ not perfection. resolutions or goals at any time during the year. They have a We were able to teach this concept to these students and the plan and know what they need to do in order to reach their proof showed up in their real-life transformations. By the end goal. The pest called “perfection” comes in to thwart their plans of our time together, the quiet students in the back of the room when they slip up in any way. The first time they miss a workout moved to the front seats and boldly engaged in discussions. Also, or cheat on a piece of cake, they accept defeat and lose all hope instead of entering an empty classroom and waiting for the of achieving their goals. students to ramble in, we found the room full of eager students As a transformational expert, this is incredibly difficult for me waiting for us. Our favorite part was seeing the students’ creative to see. I think most people fail to understand that real change is vision boards and the pages they’d written in their gratitude messy. Rarely do people establish new habits in their lives withjournals. The small daily tasks, along with the concept of progout messing up at times. Setbacks are part of the process, and ress, not perfection, helped change these kids’ lives. the battle must first be fought in your mind. As you work towards your goals, remember that focusing on My wife and I routinely train in schools and companies using your progress, not our online program with in-person coaching (see below), which perfection, will bring true, lasting change to your life. Forward challenges individuals to achieve real change in their lives. We progress and perseverance will help you reach any goal you set stress the concept of “progress, not perfection” because we for yourself. n understand that any forward movement is better than nothing Rocky Detwiler is the author of “The Samson Effect.” His goal achievement at all. program is called the Samson Life Challenge. You may contact Rocky at rockyd@ This concept was driven home earlier this spring when we Visit his website at to download his free were working with a local company. We were excited to work ebook, “5 Steps to Fit & Healthy” to help you achieve your physical goals. with the sales staff at this large organization. Self-improvement was important to them, and these were adults who seemed to be at the top of the food chain. The group began our online challenge to establish positive habits in their lives, and we met every two weeks in person for coaching. We were excited to delve into discussion at one of our early meetings and were completely surprised to find that the biggest challenge for this sales staff was drinking enough water on a daily basis. They drank coffee, energy drinks, and soda all day, every day. The hardest task in our challenge for them was drinking water! We started small and focused on progress, not perfection. After three months, they were all improved in all areas of their lives, including drinking more water on a daily basis. A couple of months ago, I was humbly reminded of this concept yet again. My wife and I were working with an amazing group of 13-year-olds at South Junior High School in Boise. Generous local donors, along with the caring support staff at the school, provided our challenge program and coaching to a group of 7th grade students for the final months of the school year. We joined 25 of the best and brightest adolescents weekly during their lunchtime in what we dubbed, “Fun Fridays with Rocky and Friends.” A couple of weeks into our meetings, and after teaching these By Rocky Detwiler


Idaho Family Magazine | August 2017 21


‘Spider-Man: Homecoming’ a great reboot By Ranny Levy


Introduction hrilled by his experience with the Avengers, Peter returns home, where he lives with his Aunt May. Under the watchful eye of his new mentor, Tony Stark, Peter tries to fall back into his normal daily routine, distracted by thoughts of proving himself to be more than just your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. But when the Vulture emerges as a new villain, everything that Peter holds most important will be threatened. See the review of Spider-Man: Homecoming below.


Review by Ryan, age 13

Spider-Man: Homecoming is the greatest reboot that ever happened in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. This is a clever and incredibly funny film. It takes place two months after Captain America: Civil War. Spider-Man wants to become part of the Avengers, however Tony Stark thinks he isn’t ready because he is a child and still needs to learn from his mistakes. Peter Parker tries to juggle being a high school kid with being a hero. Also in

this film, Peter tries to stop a group of men from selling dangerous weapons to people. I love this film for the characters and their banter. Tom Holland makes Spider-Man, the teenager, very loveable and relatable. I like how they show Spider-Man as a bit immature and relaxed, unlike other films where Peter is too serious and the films feel pretty dark and grim. My favorite character is Ned (Jacob Batalon) because he asks Peter so many questions about Spider-Man and that makes it really funny to watch. Robert Downey Jr.’s portrayal of Iron Man mentoring Peter is quite wonderful. Iron Man helps him but he doesn’t take the focus away from Spider-Man. Spider-Man’s constant banter in this film is also quite amusing. This film makes certain that Spider-Man can stand on his own in another sequel. There is one thing I did not like about this film and that is the storyline about his crush. It really doesn’t develop and it seems that it is only there as filler. Besides that, the film is great. I give this film 5 out of 5 stars and recommend it to ages 8 to 18. I think adults might like this as well. This film does contain intense scenes and some inappropriate language, making it unsuitable for younger viewers. This is a “know your kid” movie. I recommend it to people who like action, adventure, comedy, films based on books and family movies. n

Tom Holland plays Spider-Man in the current installment of the ongoing Spider-Man movie series. (Photo courtesy of Marvel Cinematic Universe)

22 August 2017 | Idaho Family Magazine


On the next few pages enjoy a listing of local companies that will help your family get back to school! Advertisers in this section appear in bold. ACADEMIC ENRICHMENT Brain Balance 3210 E. Chinden Blvd. Ste. #113, Eagle 377-3559 Chatterbox Pediatric Therapy Center 320 11th Ave. S. #204, Nampa 7091 W. Emerald St., Boise 466-1077 or 898-1368

Coopalo Learning Center Specializing in Dyslexia 484-3816 LearningRX Center – Boise West 1910 N. Lakes Place, Meridian 258-2077 Music Lingua Foreign Language for Kids 571-1713 Tutor Doctor 372 S. Eagle Rd. #346, Eagle 914-6344

AFTER-SCHOOL ACTIVITIES Aquarium of Boise 64 N. Cole Rd., Boise 375-1932

Aqua Tots Swim Schools 3116 E. State St. #180, Eagle 938-9300 Ballet Idaho and Academy 501 S. 8th St., Boise 343-0556

Idaho Family Magazine | August 2017 23

Back to School Bodies In Motion 729 W. Diamond St., Boise 381-0587 Bronco Elite Gymnastics 106 E. 48th St., Garden City 389-9005 Capital City Ballet Center 9140 W. Emerald St. #109, Boise 378-9752 Dance Allegro Academy 3015 W. McMillan Rd. #105, Meridian 258-3599 Dance Arts Academy 2989 Copper Point Dr., Meridian 345-4832

24 August 2017 | Idaho Family Magazine

Back to School The Front Climbing Club 3235 W. Chinden Blvd., Boise 345-7625 Gem State Gymnastics Academy 5420 W. State St., Boise 853-3220 Girl Scouts of Silver Sage 377-2011 Idaho IceWorld 7072 S. Eisenman Rd., Boise 608-7716 Idaho Tennis Association 1076 N. Cole Rd., Boise 322-5150 Irish Dance Idaho 1909 Wildwood Way, Boise 323-7590

Meridian 855-0167 Treasure Valley Youth & Children’s Theater 703 N. Main St., Meridian 287-8828 Treasure Valley Family YMCA Youth Tri-Club: 344-5501 ext. 223 Youth Sports: youthsports@ymcatvidaho. org Child Development, Before and After School Programs: 344-5502 ext. 414 Teen Leaders, Youth Government, Arts & Sciences: Tumble Time Gymnastics 1379 N. Cloverdale Rd., Boise 375-0063 Wings Center 1875 Century Way, Boise

Master’s Academy Chess Programs 3085 N. Cole Rd., Boise 562-9785 Music Center Studios 12516 W. Fairview Ave., Ste. B, Boise 861-6056 Musical Kids 8370 Southside Blvd., Nampa 466-4560 Pat Harris School of Dance/Broadway Dance Center 1225 McKinney, Boise 893 E. Boise Ave., Boise 375-3255 and 342-6123 Pinz Bowling Center 1385 S. Blue Marlin Ln., Meridian 898-0900 Treasure Valley Ballet Academy 1545 E. Leighfield Dr., Ste. 150,

Idaho Family Magazine | August 2017 25

Back to School 376-3641

CHILD CARE/PRESCHOOLS A Step Ahead Preschool 3348 N. Meridian Rd., Meridian 473-2420

Boiseko Ikastola-The Basque Preschool 1955 Broadway Ave., Boise 343-4234 Boise State University Children’s Center 1830 W. Beacon St., Boise 426-4404 Born to Succeed Early Care and Education Center 4770 N. Shamrock Ave., Boise 658-5561

Giraffe Laugh Early Learning Center 901 W. Resseguie, Boise (Child Care Center) 342-1239 1191 W. Grand Ave., Boise 424-3387 3641 N. Market Lane, Boise 954-5459 Leap Ahead Preschool 227 E. Fairview Ave., Meridian 378-6524

Cooperative Preschool 21 N. Latah St., Boise 342-7479

Kids Are Special People 717 N. 11th St., Boise 343-8441

Gem State Gymnastics Academy 5420 W. State St., Boise 853-3220

Kids Choice Child Care Center and Preschool 2170 S. Broadway Ave., Boise 343-7550 2210 W. Everest Lane, Meridian 888-7540 Caspari Montessori Institute 9626 W. Victory Rd., Boise 562-1420 New Horizon Academy 1830 N. Meridian Rd., Meridian 887-3880 12692 W. LaSalle St., Boise 376-2690 11978 W. Ustick Rd., Boise 323-8900 155 E. Boise Ave., Boise 386-9108 Polaris Learning Center 1323 Iron Eagle Dr., Eagle 938-9830 1096 E. Fairview Ave., Meridian 629-7451 6224 Birch Lane, Nampa 466-1322 School Age Club also located in Eagle Puentes Spanish Preschool and Daycare 1605 S. Phillippi, Boise 344-4270

26 August 2017 | Idaho Family Magazine

Back to School GUIDE R House Child Care 2185 Hill Rd., Boise 343-8188 Treasure Valley Family YMCA Youth Tri-Club: 344-5501 ext. 223 Youth Sports: Child Development, Before and After School Programs: 3445502 ext. 414 Teen Leaders, Youth Government, Arts & Sciences: Tumble Time Gymnastics 1379 N. Cloverdale Rd., Boise 375-0063 Wesleyan Preschool & Kindergarten 717 N. 11th St., Boise 343-3778 Wings Center 1875 Century Way, Boise 376-3641

202 E. 42nd St., Garden City 426-9840 Boise School District 8169 W. Victory Rd., Boise 854-4000 Challenger School 5551 W. Bloom St., Boise 338-9500 2020 W. Everest Ln., Meridian 846-8888 Cloverdale Montessori School 12255 W. Goldenrod Ave., Boise 322-1200 Cole Valley Christian Schools Elementary Campus: 8775 Ustick Rd., Boise 375-3571


Ambrose School 6100 N. Locust Grove Rd., Meridian 323-3888 Anser Charter School

Idaho Family Magazine | August 2017 27

Back to School Secondary Campus: 200 E. Carlton Ave., Meridian 947-1212 College of Western Idaho--CWI Early Childhood Education Program 562-3483 Eagle Adventist Christian School 538 W. State St., Eagle 939-5544 Eagle’s Wings Preschool 651 N. Eagle Rd., Eagle 939-1351 Idaho Digital Learning Academy 300 W. Fort St., Boise 342-0207 Idaho Distance Education Academy—I-DEA

28 August 2017 | Idaho Family Magazine

Back to School 8620 W. Emerald, Ste. 190, Boise (866) 447-1047 Idaho Virtual Academy 1965 S. Eagle Rd., Meridian (866) 339-9065 INSPIRE, the Idaho Connections Academy 600 Steelhead Way #164, Boise 322-4002 Lakewood Montessori 133 E. Linden St., Boise 331-3888 Montessori Academy 1400 N. Park Ln., Eagle 939-6333 Mount Parnassus Classical Academy

Idaho Family Magazine | August 2017 29

Back to School 20 N. Latah, Boise 343-6219 Music Lingua Foreign Language for Kids 571-1713 Nampa Christian Schools 466-8451 Northview Montessori Preschool and Accelerated Kindergarten 7670 W. Northview St., Boise 322-0152 ParkCenter Montessori 649 E. ParkCenter Blvd., Boise 344-0004 Riverstone International School 5521 E. Warm Springs Ave., Boise 424-5000 St. Joseph’s Catholic School

30 August 2017 | Idaho Family Magazine

825 W. Fort St., Boise 342-4909 The Preschool & Kindergarten at Ten Mile Christian Church 3500 W. Franklin Rd., Meridian 888-3101 Village Charter School 219 N. Roosevelt St., Boise 336-2000


Advanced Therapy Care 68 S. Baltic Place, Meridian 898-0988 Anacker Clinic of Chiropractic 300 Main St., Ste. 103, Boise 287-2299 1560 N. Crestmont, Ste. E., Meridian 288-1776

Back to School GUIDE Chatterbox Pediatric Therapy Center 7091 W. Emerald St., Boise 898-1368 320 11th Ave. South, Nampa 466-1077

Children’s Therapy Place Boise, Nampa, Emmett, Meridian/Eagle 323-8888 Community Connections, Inc. 1675 S. Maple Grove Rd., Boise 377-9814 Idaho Pediatric Therapy Clinic 13895 W. Wainwright Dr., Boise 939-3334 Kaleidoscope Pediatric Therapy 7211 Franklin Rd., Boise 375-4200

Idaho Family Magazine | August 2017 31

32 August 2017 | Idaho Family Magazine

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