Idaho family 4 2017

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April 2017


Dreaming as a family Build a dream board

Prioritize family time Includes dinners and dates

Summer camp A kid’s own perspective

Responsible children You can raise them

See inside for our…


The Treasure Valley Baseball Season is in full swing! Want your child’s photo on next month’s cover?

Check inside for details!


Contents April 2017


Features Columns Family time: Prioritize it

Why kids like camp:

4 7 5

A camper explains

Kids’ choices: ‘The Broken Record’

Overwhelmed teens: Too much pressure

Responsible kids: Some training tips

Dream boards: A family project


KIDS FIRST!: Miley Miss Questions

11 moMENts:

Editor Gaye Bunderson




Sales & Marketing Kimberly McMullen 208-854-8347

20 Irene’s

Spring spruce-up

Wednesday’s Child: Meet Nathan

12 10 Crafts on a Dime

Distressing furniture

In Each Edition 3

Editor’s Intro Bird’s nest custody

16-19 Family Events Calendar: Family friendly activities & events for April & Early May!

A New Beginning:

Publisher Sterling Media Ltd.

The hold-on zone

8 9


Volume 5, Number 4


Help with adoptions

CAMPS Guide APRIL 2017 | Idaho Family Magazine


Graphic Design Matthew Sanchez Contributors Daniel Bobinski, Rocky Detwiler, Gayla Grace, Patrick Hempfing, Sandy Spurgeon McDaniel, Samantha Stillman, Mary Ann Wilcox and Irene Woodworth Distribution Specialists Idaho Distribution Services

Idaho Family Magazine, published monthly by Sterling Media Ltd., is committed to providing readers with informative and entertaining information to help them in maintaining healthy families and positive lifestyles. It is distributed throughout the valley as a free publication. Idaho Family Magazine does not assume responsibility for statements or opinions expressed by editorial contributors or advertisers. The acceptance of advertising does not constitute an endorsement of the products, services or information. Idaho Family Magazine does not knowingly present any product or service which is fraudulent or misleading in nature. No portion of this magazine may be reproduced without express written consent of the publisher. Reader correspondence and editorial submissions are welcome. Idaho Family Magazine reserves the right to edit or reject all materials submitted. All rights reserved. Copyright 2017 by Sterling Media Ltd.

Editor’s Intro

Bird’s nest: a novel custody arrangement


hild custody arrangements in the wake of divorce can present some sticky situations. One parent gets the kids on certain days of the week and certain holidays, and the other parent gets them on the other days and other holidays. These situations seem to me like the most challenging thing about divorce, though I’ve seen parents pulling it off seamlessly and children functioning well in their new normal. Recently I heard of a very different custody arrangement, one that is actually quite rare but so novel I thought I’d share it with readers. Some of you may have already heard of “bird’s nest custody.” I had not. Bird’s nest custody is presented as a concept that offers big benefits for children of divorce, because they are allowed to stay in the same house — always, no matter which parent has custody of them at any given time. It’s more complicated for the parents, and this is the part that may boggle your mind. Parents live in separate homes but maintain a shared home where the children live. When it is a certain parent’s time — let’s say the father — to have custody of the children, he leaves his separate, private residence and goes and resides in the house where the children are. When his custody time is up, he goes back home and Mom comes to live with the kids. So in other words, the parents get shuffled around rather than the children. Given the financial ramifications of divorce for many people, the reason this custody situation would be so difficult for most families are the costs involved. Three homes must be maintained. Nonetheless, an article at claims “birdnesting” is a concept gaining in popularity. The article (at refers to the arrangement as “childcentric.” The article, updated on October 21, 2016, claims bird’s nest custody may have originated roughly 16 years ago in a Virginia courtroom, when a judge ruled that two children involved in a custody dispute would fare better if allowed to continue to live in their family home (with parents, of course, even though the adults must have been left to struggle with how to arrange that). Court-ordered bird’s nest custody is exceptionally rare…thankfully. There was a 2003 case in Canada wherein a judge insisted two parents stop treating their offspring like Frisbees and imposed a bird’s nest custody arrangement upon them. In some circumstances, bird’s nest custody is requested by parents. Affluent ones, most likely, but people do see some real pluses in the arrangement. For example: • The most obvious: children do not bounce back and forth from home to home.

• Parents may find it easier to communicate in a shared residence, even if it’s just leaving notes for one another. • The same stable, shared rules for all family members living together remain in place. • Children may attend the same schools as pre-divorce, keep the same friends, and participate in the same activities without interruption. • There is a sense that neither parent “lost” in the custody situation, or that one parent got a better, fairer deal than the other. The cons are mostly things parents must deal with (but the divorce WAS their idea, after all). Cons include: • Home maintenance on more than once residence. The cost of caring for one home can stretch a paycheck. There are power bills and property taxes, among other expenses. Who pays the bills when they show up in the mailbox at the shared home, and how will that be divided by two? • And who mows the lawn at the shared residence? Or does the laundry or fixes the broken faucet? Those things need to be decided in advance, since each parent will have a separate residence they must also maintain. • Other relationships — or, how does a divorced parent in a bird’s nest custody situation handle a new significant other in his or her life? Is it all right to have that person in the shared home, or not? A article stated: “It can be more of a challenge for the parents to move on to other relationships themselves. The reason is that the bird’s nest custody living situation will affect how their future partners would need to live, as well.” The only way adults could enter into this arrangement would be if their concerns for their children’s well-being superseded their own, as the grownups are going to face some large challenges. That said, all divorces present some difficulties, of all sizes. Anyone who thinks they would like to try bird’s nest custody should follow the three primary steps outlined at They are: 1. Educate yourselves on the approach. Research how it has benefited other families and how they worked it out to the best effect. 2. Work out a budget to determine how three households can operate efficiently. 3. Draft a plan that includes schedules and guidelines for all the things related to maintaining a home, and boundaries if necessary to avoid awkward situations. Figure out how each parent can have his or her own private spaces at the shared residence. Best of luck. n

— Gaye Bunderson, editor

Children’s Photos Wanted Idaho Family Magazine would love to put your child or children on our cover. All photos should be high quality, sharp and clear, and high resolution of around 300 dpi. Color photos are preferred, and all photos need to be vertical not horizontal. Please identify the children in the photos, the children’s ages, and what Treasure Valley community they reside in. (If chosen for the cover, their last names will not be used.) Send the photos to

On the Cover:

The Treasure Valley Baseball Season is in full swing.

Idaho Family Magazine | APRIL 2017

Devices, dinners and dates

Prioritize family time, strengthen ties ket or unplugging the cable box, I respectfully make the challenge. That said, nature abhors a vacuum, so my he older I get, the more I agree final two points, dinners and dates, will help fill with the definition of modern life any created gaps. being “one thing after another.” Let me start by underscoring the fact that by Sometimes life gets so busy that a saying “dinners,” I don’t mean eating out — I better way to describe it might be, “one thing mean eating in. Together. As a family. Whenoverlapping another.” Deadlines and prioriever possible. No TV on in the background. ties abound, and some activities get pushed No devices at the table. Just a home-cooked back so often they eventually fall off the plate. meal and everyone sitting down together to But there’s one thing I don’t like to let slide, dinner. and that’s time with my family. Maybe you’ve If this is something you already do, hats off experienced the phenomenon: You have a kid, to you! If it’s something you do only once or you blink, and suddenly your little one isn’t so twice a week, may I suggest doing it more Daniel Bobinski little. The time flies by way too fast. often? And if family meals are rare at your So what are some ways to stay engaged as a house, may I suggest trying it? Allow me to family? What are some ways to build great relationships with outline the benefits of families regularly eating their evening your children? There are plenty of answers to that question, meal together, citing research from Columbia and Harvard but I’m going to focus on only three: devices, dinners, and universities, as well as The statisdates. tics are impressive. When families eat together, kids have: Let’s start with devices. You probably know that the ubiqui• Better academic performance tous smart phone easily becomes an obstacle to family inter• Higher self-esteem action. Let me tell you about a person I know who has two • Greater sense of resilience young children. As much as she will tell you otherwise, she • Lower risk of substance abuse prioritizes talking on the phone with her friends over engag• Lower risk of teen pregnancy ing her kids in conversation. Whenever you see her with her • Lower risk of depression children, she’s rarely talking with them, she’s almost always • Lower likelihood of developing eating disorders talking on her phone. • Lower rates of obesity At home, when she’s not on the phone with friends, she’s It’s also a good idea to put any devices in silent mode during almost always texting. Her children will come up to converse the meal. No buzzing. No ringing. No notifications. Make with her, but her focus is clearly on the device in her hand mealtime interactions with family the highest priority. Are you — not her children. She tries hard to act like her kids are not wondering what you’ll talk about? The answer is, “anything.” interrupting her social life, but it’s a thinly veiled effort. If you can’t think of anything, do an Internet search for “101 Now for the sad part. Her kids have figured out that her questions to ask at family dinner.” smart phone is more important to their mom than them. The Finally, let me address dates. And I don’t mean fancy, exkids shrug it off, but it’s easy to see that they feel the neglect. pensive nights on the town, because going out with your kids It’s an easy habit to fall into. Even if it’s not talking or doesn’t have to cost much. The fact that you’re spending time texting, merely surfing the web or getting sucked into games with them means the world to them. on one’s device can become downright addicting. It’s hard to In spring, summer, and fall, going to the park to play Frisbee, focus on a conversation with our children or our spouse when catch, or bocce ball are no-cost options. If you have a dog, our eyes are glued to a screen. you can take the kids and the pup on hiking trails. One of The answer to this dilemma is straightforward, blunt, and my daughter’s favorite daddy-daughter date nights is going to probably obvious: Put down the devices. One family I know Barnes & Noble. We’ll get a drink at the coffee shop and then addressed their growing problem by turning a small basket browse books, sharing our thoughts about cool titles, as well as into their device receptacle. Their house rule? All devices go talking about anything else that crosses our minds. in the basket when you come in the front door. If someone The idea behind decreasing device time and increasing dingets a call on their phone they can answer it, but then the ners and dates is to prioritize time for strengthening relationdevice goes right back in the basket. ships in our families. It’s engaging our children in conversation I have not instituted a basket policy at my house, but I did — getting to know them not as little people who happen to do something about another device that was eating up relalive under our roof, but as individuals with their own thoughts, tionship time, and that’s the TV. Nine years ago I did somefeelings, and ideas about the world around them. Engage thing drastic: I cancelled cable. It was difficult at first, but them. Talk with them, not at them. In other words, minimize after a few months, we found we didn’t miss TV. If we want to the lectures, maximize the questions. Who knows? In addition watch a movie, we pop in a DVD or rent one from an online to loving them, you might just find that you like them, too. n video stream (such as Amazon or Netflix), but no more TV Daniel Bobinski is Director of Family Experience, LLC ( and is co-author shows. as the award-winning Become a Student of Your Students, written with his wife, Jeralynne. Might I suggest, if you think you (or others in your family) Daniel speaks at business and parenting conferences and trains internationally on the subject of are suffering from device addictions, try a two-month trial period of curtailing their use. Whether it’s using a device bas- emotional intelligence. Reach him at (208) 375-5048 or at By Daniel Bobinski


APRIL 2017 | Idaho Family Magazine

Summer camp

Teen talks about value of camp experience By Gayla Grace


athan Cole, 16 years old, has attended camp every year since he was 5. His eyes light up when you ask what he enjoys most about camp. A typical teenage boy who’s not overly expressive, Nathan can quickly list off reasons why he still loves to go to camp. Here are a few benefits from his viewpoint: 1. It’s fun! “Camp is always fun. Sports camp, church camp, day camp or week-long camp — it doesn’t matter, I always have fun when I go to camp,” said Nathan. His preference is to head out with a few kids he already knows, but he says he’s attended a few sports camps where he didn’t know anyone on day one. “The camaraderie happens easily among kids at camps. It doesn’t take long for fun to begin, even with those you’ve just met,” he adds. 2. It takes you away from normal life. Nathan admits that long summer days can get boring. “I like to get away from the routine and experience things I can’t do at home,” he said. “My favorite camp has stuff like zip lines, paddle boats, go carts, paintball, archery, and riflery — things I don’t get to do at home.” With activities like that to keep kids entertained, technology gets left behind and exercise becomes a daily occurrence. 3. You make new friends. “I didn’t have any friends the summer we moved out of state when I was in elementary school,” said Nathan. “I went to a baseball camp that summer and made friends who ended up being in my class the next school year, which helped me adjust to a new school.” Learning to meet new people and easily form friendships is a valuable skill for kids at any age.

individual attention to a particular sport. They help develop an athlete in the game he loves. Competition on the playing field grows stronger as kids move through junior high and high school. 6. You learn to respect different kinds of authority.

Kids grow accustomed to the authorities at home and school. It’s good for them to experience different levels of authority at camp. “The camp counselors are usually teenagers and sometimes kids disrespect them,” said Nathan. “But campers have to understand the counselors’ place of authority, regardless of their age, and consequences for not following the rules.”

7. You gain confidence when you step outside your comfort zone. Camp offers activities not available at home

and kids are encouraged to try them. “Some kids don’t like to experience new things, but camp counselors help them move out of their comfort zone and do it anyway,” Nathan said. Confidence is gained when kids overcome their fears. Nathan says his camp experience will be different this summer. “I’m going as a junior counselor for the first time to the camp I’ve attended since I was in elementary school,” he said. “I’m looking forward to helping young campers get out of their everyday routine and find fun at camp.” n Gayla Grace is a freelance journalist and mom to five who sends her kids to camp every summer.

4. You learn about others and different ways kids live. “I learned to appreciate my own family much more

after finding out about the difficult home life many kids have,” Nathan said. “Campers tend to open up with each other and you find out your own life isn’t so hard.” Kids learn to accept others from different walks of life and appreciate their circumstances as they make friends outside of their everyday people base.


gone to a lot of sports camps that helped me get better at soccer,” Nathan said. “I’ve made the high school soccer team the last two years and I think the camps I’ve attended helped.” Sports camps provide discipline and


5. Sports camps help improve your skills. “I’ve

Idaho Family Magazine | APRIL 2017

Kids’ choices

When sounding like a broken record is good cookie:

By Sandy Spurgeon McDaniel

“But I really want a cookie!” “It is too close to dinner time, so no, you may not have a cookie.” “Just one, Mom, just one little cookie, please!” “It is too close to dinner time, so no, you may not have a cookie.” “But I’m starving and one cookie isn’t going to ruin my dinner.” “It is too close to dinner time, so no, you may not have a cookie.” (crying) “Crying won’t change anything. It is too close to dinner time, so no, you may not have a cookie.” McDaniel

In my March column I talked about how to deal with stealing, lying and bullying. This month, I focus on two ways you can teach your child how to make choices to be safe in an unsafe world.

Broken Record (or, how to say no when you want to say no)

The best way for parents or children to hold the line is with the Broken Record technique. The Broken Record has three parts:


(1) A Kind Statement. The first part is to be

EMPATHETIC. When someone feels heard, that person is less likely to resent your decision. (2) A Bridge. The bridge between the two main sections is the word “and.” We tend to use the word “but” as a bridge; the word “but” erases whatever came before it, such as “I like your shirt, but....” (Bam! The whole compliment is erased.) (3) A Policy Statement. The third part is the phrase you will repeat as many times as the child wants to hear it. The words are your “mean it!” words.



“I love that jacket. It is totally cool. Can I wear it to school tomorrow?” “I’m glad you like my jacket,” (kind statement) “and” (the bridge) “I promised my mother I would never loan out this jacket.” “We don’t need to tell your mother. I can get it from you at school.” “You would look great in this jacket, and I promised my mother I would never loan out this jacket.” “I thought I was your best friend.” “I am your friend, and I promised my mom I would never loan out this jacket.” The trick to being successful with the Broken Record is to be quiet until you have the Policy Statement in your mind. If you rush, you are likely to pick a “wimpy” Policy Statement and will have a hard time holding the line. A quicker version of the Broken Record is to repeat a simple sentence over and over until the child does not want to hear it again. For example, the child is badgering you about wanting a

APRIL 2017 | Idaho Family Magazine

The Broken Record works because it is boring to listen to a calm, collected parent repeat the same sentence over and over and over again. The use of boredom was all I had when I raised my now-grown children. If you ask my children why they minded me (most of the time!) they will say, “It wasn’t worth it not to mind her!”

The Choice Is Yours Game

Rehearse difficult situations with children. In the self-esteem program, Project Self-Esteem, Peggy Bielen and I created a game called, “The Choice is Yours.” The intent of the game was to rehearse difficult life situations with children. For example, one child wants to copy the homework of another child. The child who didn’t play all day on Sunday in order to get the task accomplished does not want to give his/ her classmate the work. What could you do if this happened to you? “The choice seat” is the child who finished the homework. Each member of a classroom or your family has a chance to act out one choice that could be made in responding to this pressure. When all the choices have been written down, the group discusses the pros and cons of making each choice. In the end, each child nods when he/she has in mind which choice would be used if that situation happened to him/ her. Continued on page 10


Mily Miss Questions perfect for curious kids By Ranny Levy

Introduction The collection of stories, Mily Miss Questions: 10 Adventures for Curious Minds, features Mily and her friends as they investigate major life questions. Mily is a funny, curious and uncertain little 9-year-old girl. Like many children her age, she has a great many questions about life, people and the world. She’s never at a loss for words. Whenever a particular situation raises a question, Mily is immediately on the case. From one episode to the next, through everyday situations and without ever favoring a particular point of view, Mily introduces young viewers to the art of questioning and developing an inquiring mind.

Review by Carla, age 12 This DVD is a collection of 2D animated stories that are both educational and entertaining. I like this series because it teaches children to ask questions of things they are curious about. The lead character, Mily, is a girl who asks everyone questions about a variety of stuff, typical things that kids are thinking and about everyday situations. It helps get kids thinking about things that people don’t usually think of. The story takes place around Mily, her family, her friends and


her school. In one episode, Mily wonders where kids were before they were in their mother’s stomach. The show is originally from France. It was adapted for America since it was such a hit in France. I like the style of the animation. The background of each scene of the animation is an actual photo of where it takes place, such as the kitchen. We see an actual photo of a kitchen. The characters’ animation is over the background. I find that cool because I’ve never seen that done before in animation. It’s very unique and rare. The message of this show is to ask questions when you wonder about things. It teaches kids to ask questions even if they seem dumb. If someone doesn’t know something, they have the right to ask. No one should be judged for asking. It also teaches kids to be creative. In one of the episodes, Mily gets bored and doesn’t know what to do. Her friends come up with ideas to keep her from not being bored. They get creative and make games. Something interesting is that the show is diverse, having characters of different ethnicities. My favorite character is Mily’s little sister Lola because she nags Mily in a funny way. She annoys Mily sometimes, but they love each other. I love how she helps Mily with her questions. She may be younger, but she helps Mily a lot. I also liked Mily’s dog since he does a lot of funny things. Mily’s dog helps her become curious about the world. I give this 5 out of 5 stars and recommend it to ages 5 to 10. This DVD is available now. n



Idaho Family Magazine | APRIL 2017

Anxiety & depression

Today’s teens under too much pressure By Robert Rhodes

anxiety disorder receive treatment. So what is behind these statistics and why have anxiety and depression in high school kids been on former colleague of mine with whom the rise since 2012? Teens are inherently reactive I worked in Alaska asked me about and emotional and therefore the biggest variable the kind of teen issues I typically run between generations is the climate in which we are into now that I live in Boise. I told raised. Adolescents today are the post 9/11 generaher anxiety, anxiety and more anxiety! I also told tion and have always had to contend with the threat her depression, depression and more depression! It of terrorism, school shootings or economic fears. perplexed me since a presenting problem of anxiety Whereas in my generation the dream of backpackin Alaska was uncommon. I struggled to make sense ing through Europe was the norm, today’s teens are of the differences until I picked up the October more likely to stay at home and heed State Depart27, 2016 copy of Time magazine to learn that ment warnings about travel abroad. teen anxiety and depression have been on the rise Approximately two-thirds of U.S. school districts since 2012. If you are the parent of a teen, it is a now conduct “active shooter” exercises (according must-read as it outlines in great detail the pressures to the FBI, there were over 25 school shootings in Robert Rhodes today’s adolescents are under. the U.S. between the years 2000 and 2013). Today’s Let me first say a little about depression. I rememteens also witnessed firsthand their parents’ stress as they weathered ber a professor in graduate school stating that anxiety and depresthe severe recession of 2007-2009. sion go hand-in-hand. It makes sense if you consider that excessive There is also the intense pressure to succeed. While we may inianxiety often leads to catastrophic thinking, or as the professor said, tially point to parents as the source of such pressure, a teen I know “digging a deep pessimistic hole for yourself.” explained it another way. He stated that the pressure to succeed is Indeed when listening to an anxious teen, their thoughts are strikpalpable. In the hallways at school, ever-present in casual social seting. It is not uncommon to learn that the fear of doing poorly on a tings, all over social media and, as he concludes, “in every breath we test is followed by worries about their GPA, concerns about whether take.” they will be good enough to be accepted into college, and finally, by Grades, extracurricular activities and standardized tests are interserious concerns around jobs and careers (i.e., “If I don’t get into woven with regular mailings teens begin to receive once they enter college, how will I be able to support myself ?”) And I am not only high school from the likes of colleges, SAT prep classes, scholarship talking about seniors preparing to graduate. These thoughts just as programs and financial aid services. Parents are also caught in this easily may come from a freshman in high school. All triggered by a whirlwind of pressure, and due to the availability of up-to-the-motypical classroom test that most of us took for granted when we were ment progress reports online, they are able to — and frequently do young. — remind their children daily of grades, homework and missing Here are some of the alarming statistics reported in the Time assignments. Whereas we could leave school at school at the end of article based on data collected in 2015 by the National Institute of the day and over the weekend, today’s teens can never escape the Mental Health and the Department of Health and Human Services: pressure to perform. 1) In the U.S., 6.3 million adolescents (30 percent of girls and 20 The last point which demands attention is the role of social media percent of boys) ages 13-18 have had an anxiety disorder. as it pertains to rising teen angst. It is pertinent because teens are the 2) More than 2 million adolescents report experiencing depression heaviest users of social networking sites. Common Sense Media rethat impairs their daily functioning. ports that 75 percent of teens have profiles on social networking sites. 3) Boys are more likely to be anxious than depressed (20.3 percent While there are well-known and accepted benefits from being part have had an anxiety disorder compared to 5.8 percent having a of these sites, the difficulty in self-regulating and the susceptibility to depressive disorder). peer pressure has given birth to concepts such as Facebook depres4) Girls are more likely to experience depression (19.5 percent for sion, sexting, cyberbullying and Internet addiction. Not to mention females compared to 5.8 percent for males). the impact on teen sleep patterns. One teen told me that he strug5) Only about 20 percent of young people with a diagnosable gled in college because of constantly being aware of what he was missing out on socially. HOT AIR BALLOON FLIGHTS At any moment he knew exactly where his friends were and what they were doing. The allure for this young man was too great. Next month we will look at what parents can do to help, as well as strategies teens can use to combat anxiety and depression. n CERTIFIED TEACHERS Over


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APRIL 2017 | Idaho Family Magazine

Robert Rhodes has a master of social work from the University of California, Berkeley. He obtained his license as a clinical social worker in 1989. Since then he has worked in multiple settings with children and adolescents. He has been in private practice for the past 16 years. He may be reached at rrhodes., (208) 900-8500, or

Wednesday’s Child

Nathan’s motto: ‘I’m not going to give up’ The following information is provided by Wednesday’s Child, an organization that helps Idaho foster children find permanent families.


athan is a remarkable young man who is a sophomore in high school. He has had a great start this year in school. He loves gaming and making videos, and he loves being creative. One thing

that is incredibly unique about Nathan is that he loves to make marionettes and is extremely talented at it. Nathan would like a family that can support, encourage, and even help with this creative side of him. He feels it is appropriate for parents to strongly encourage young people to branch out beyond their comfort zone to engage in something that they are talented at but might be reluctant to try. He hopes for a family that not only understands creativity but can see the value and beauty in anything. His advice to others and the motto he lives by is, “Don’t give up…never give up…I’m not going to give up.” Nathan’s permanency team feels that a family with the experience and/or knowledge of trauma-informed parenting, or the willingness to learn, is really important. Along with being trauma-informed, knowledge and/or experience in the area of meeting specific developmental needs would also be very helpful. Nathan will benefit from a family that can meet him where he is at and teach him the life skills he needs as an emerging young adult, while also supporting his creative abilities. More details about Nathan are available on the Wednesday’s Child website at n


For more information on the Wednesday’s Child Program in Idaho, go to or contact Recruitment Coordinator Shannon Foust at or 488-8989 if you have specific questions.

Join us at the Footsteps for Fertility Grant Giving 5k for a chance at a FREE IVF Cycle donated by Idaho Center for Reproductive Medicine and a monetary grant donated by Footsteps for Fertility Foundation May 6th 2017 Veterans Memorial Park 1pm – 4pm 930 Veterans Memorial Pkwy Boise, ID 83703


Please visit for more details and to fill out an application.

IVF Cycle donation only covers the clinic’s in house costs. Grants will not cover the cost of treatment beyond a basic IVF Cycle, medication, blood work, anesthesia, donor sperm, donor eggs, or adopted embryos.

Idaho Family Magazine | APRIL 2017

Kid’s Choices Continued from page 6

Crafts on a Dime

Distressing furniture with petroleum jelly By Samantha Stillman

Peer pressure is enormous! If a child does not have an alternative choice in mind when pressured by a peer, that child is more likely to give in to the peer pressure, even if that decision is not in the child’s best interest. Armed with a choice other than to capitulate, the child can make a better choice. My children would groan when I said, “We are going to play The Choice Is Yours.” I would respond, “There is a long way and a short way to accomplish this; the long way is to fail to participate, which will invite me to give a very long lecture. The short way is to get into the game and get it done.” It is important to realize that 7 percent of children are able to just say no to a difficult situation. The other 93 percent need a way to make an appropriate choice without challenging the ever-present peer pressure. In Project Self-Esteem, we would act out real-life situations, such as, “What would you do if you walked into a party and someone gave you a beer that you did not want to drink?” Or we would tackle, “What would you do if you were in a car with three of your peers and they wanted to take a pill that they say will make you feel good? How could you refrain from taking the pill?” It is essential that children be taught to think about difficult situations before they are asked to face them in real life. The objective of this game is to rehearse making a better choice. It is not a time for a parent to lecture about the morality involved in a choice. The problem to be solved is, “What would you do if someone asked you to steal something in a store and you did not want to do so?” Don’t turn children off with lessons on morality. Those ideas may be taught at another time. n

Shabby chic is very big right now and this project allows you to create the look without one bit of sanding. While my example is small, this works with all sizes of projects. I love the distressed look and without all the mess of sanding, this process makes the whole project that more appealing. Supplies needed: Pic 1 Wood Paint Petroleum jelly Paintbrush Rag Instructions: 1. Since I was working with natu-

ral wood, I painted the edges of the wood with black paint so that a dark color would show up with the distressing. Pic 2 2. After the black has dried, use your finger or a paintbrush to apply Vaseline (or other petroleum jelly) on the edges. Pic 3 3. Begin painting your top coat. For this project, I used white paint on top. Before it dries all the way, dampen a rag and begin slowly wiping the white paint away from the edges. The more petroleum jelly you have on the edge, the chunkier the distressing will look. Pic 4 and 5 n Samantha Stillman is a Treasure Valley crafts instructor and freelance writer. She may be reached at


For 54 years, Sandy McDaniel has been an international speaker and recognized authority on families and children. Author of five books, columnist, founder of, she is a resident of Meridian and loves spending time with her three Idaho grandchicks. Semi-retired, she speaks to schools, churches, and MOPS groups and provides parent coaching sessions in person and on the phone.

10 APRIL 2017 | Idaho Family Magazine



Father discovers his ‘hold-on zone’

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ad, one of my friends from first period said you were cool.” Jessie, my 12-year-old daughter, shared this comment with me, right before I gave a presentation to her sixth-grade creative writing class. I’ve given presentations in board rooms, churches, even to first-grade and second-grade classes, but never to sixth gradPatrick ers. Jessie couldn’t wait for this day. She even began working on a Prezi for me. Prezi is “presentation software that uses motion, zoom, and spatial relationships to bring your ideas to life.” During my accounting career, I brought my ideas to life in audit reports. Sometimes I voluntarily go outside my comfort zone; other times I’m pushed or pulled. Often, it’s Jessie doing the pushing and pulling. I can’t say three, 47-minute classes with approximately 30 students each fell within my comfort zone, especially going into unchartered waters with Prezi. Looking back through my fatherhood days, I’ve concluded the comfort zone has a neighboring area, called the “hold-on zone,” where parents spend a lot of their time. I held on to my stomach contents when Jessie’s doctor delivered her via C-section. Seated by my wife’s head, I never considered peeking over the blue-paper divider where the doctor was performing the operation. I’m confident my comfort zone would have changed to a prone position on the floor had I taken a glance. I visited the hold-on zone again the next day, ironically, because of what Jessie failed to hold onto, which was now filling her diaper. I’d never seen anything like it. I learned later that what I saw was meconium, a mixture of bile, mucus, and amniotic fluid, but at the time I had a different word for it — “Nurse!” It’s okay to ask for help when one hits the outer bounds of his hold-on zone. I’m never in my comfort zone when Jessie is ill. Mattie and I almost took Jessie to the emergency room when she suffered her first ear infection at 14 months old. At age 11, Jessie came down with pneumonia and we did take her to the emergency room. My comfort zone and hospital zones don’t have much overlap. Then there was the time Jessie, age 3, pulled my tennis shorts down in the church elevator. Jessie lost her balance and grabbed the pockets


on each side of my shorts. I wasn’t the only one out of my comfort zone, standing there in my jock strap. I’m sure the mother in the elevator was outside of hers, too. Hold-on zone? Hold on to my shorts! My guess is that the boundaries of my comfort zone will continue to be tested when Jessie’s teenage years arrive. I won’t be in my comfort zone in the passenger seat with Jessie behind Sign Up the wheel of the car. “Hold Hempfing Today For on, Dad!” The Best How will I feel when the Times doorbell rings and a young man with flowers is ready to take Jessie on a date? Will I be in my comfort zone as I sit in the back of her date’s car or in the rear of the movie theater? Probably not, but maybe closer to it than if I let her go alone. Back to my presentation day with Jessie’s middle school creative writing classes. Overall, I thought all three presentations went well and Jessie’s teacher invited me back next semester. As the kids left the classroom, I had a basket of candy (an idea one of Jessie’s classmates suggested) and each sixth grader took a piece. When I drove Jessie home from school later that afternoon, I asked, “How did I do?” Jessie, always honest, responded, “You did half-decent, GET THE Dad.” She suggested I eliminate a few “umms” and make a few tweaks to the Prezi. I thanked QUALITY Jessie for her constructive feedback and said, PROGRAMS “Well, at least I was cool with the first-period YOUR CHILD class.” Jessie responded, “Oh, my friend said you DESERVES were cool because you gave out candy.” Wow, I went from cool to half-decent to cool only because of candy. Whether it’s a comfort zone or the hold-on Gem State zone, this I know: we grow with new experiGymnastics ences. Sometimes we’ll win and be cool. Other times, we’ll be half-decent or worse. Sometimes Academy we might need to ask for help or even fail. I’m confident Jessie will continue to fill my fatherhood days, and a few Prezi presentations, 5420 W. State St. with zooms and motion. Hold-on zone, here I come. But I’ll be okay. I’m keeping a basket of Boise, ID Since 1976 candy nearby. Until next month, remember to cherish the moments. n

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Patrick Hempfing had a 20-year professional career in banking, accounting, and auditing before he became a father at age 44. He is now a full-time husband, stay-at-home dad, and writer. Follow Patrick at and on Twitter @PatrickHempfing.



By Patrick Hempfing



Idaho Family Magazine | APRIL 2017 11

Responsible children

Guidelines for raising conscientious kids By Mary Ann Wilcox


hy should we even care about teaching our children to mow the lawn, feed the cat, take out the trash or — heaven forbid — cook a meal that doesn’t come in a box? Many parents know and understand the why, but there are pieces to the puzzle that often elude us. Our kids need to be prepared to leave the nest when the time comes. It will happen sooner than you think, so now is the time to prepare them. The ultimate goal is to create a positive and pleasant environment in your home that will encourage open communication, free expression, and a willingness to share in family work. No, it isn’t rocket science, but consider the following as you embark on the journey to building a helpful family. Home is the training ground for life

• When a child is assigned a task to perform in the home, the responsibility for that task is delegated to him. • As he completes the job the way it was expected, he develops dependability. • As he sees work that needs to be done and does it without being asked, he develops initiative. • As he learns to do a job correctly and in the allotted time, he develops perfection and efficiency. Learning these principles at home, through the family work process, will affect his education, his employment, and his ability to parent his own family in the future. Ideals are caught as well as taught. If we cannot provide all the correct examples and skills we want our children to possess (and none of us can), we need to illicit the services of people who can provide these experiences. It takes a village! If a child doesn’t have a comparison, he will be satisfied with what he has. Cause and effect builds confidence

• Work is a very important factor in building a child’s self-esteem. Work allows a child to cause a change, see the effect of his efforts, and realize that he can complete a task — even a difficult one. A child’s confidence grows as he is able to complete more and more difficult projects. • Self-esteem is tied up in our accomplishments; the more responsibility a child accepts, the higher his self-esteem, and the less he does, the lower his self-esteem. (See diagram) • The less you ask of your children, the more complacent they become because they aren’t used to working and feel uncomfortable doing it. Working together builds relationships

Families need to work together in order to have time to play and grow together. A mother cannot be efficient or hardworking enough to keep up with the housework, shopping, cooking and still do meaningful things with her children, unless children help. When children share in the work experience, they

12 APRIL 2017 | Idaho Family Magazine

feel an integral part of the family. The home becomes theirs as well as their parents’. When a family works together, the work gets done quickly and there is time for growth, development and special family experiences. Developing a good working atmosphere

So how do we develop a good working atmosphere? It requires help from two parties: parents and children. Each group has very specific responsibilities in building a good working atmosphere. We’ll start with parents. Parents have a responsibility to develop a positive atmosphere for work within their home. This atmosphere is the nourishment that develops secure, cooperative children. In order to provide this atmosphere, a parent needs to do the following: Allow freedom of expression

• Children express their feelings in whatever way they can to get the desired results. Because we do not listen carefully enough to their frustrations and feelings (particularly when they are little), these expressions are normally negative — whining, crying, tantrums and misbehavior. These negative reactions illicit a quick response by us, so a child learns to act negatively when they are frustrated. • A child believes more of what comes out of his own mouth than what anyone else says about him. Teach your child to say good things about himself. Be a good example so he knows it’s all right. A child’s positive attitude will increase his willingness to work. • Be a positive parent. Concentrate on the good things your children do instead of the bad. Praise their efforts instead of being critical. If you will concentrate on this principle alone, you will be astonished at the increase of love and cooperation in your home. • Show affection openly. Positive touch is one of the most discreet and effective ways to improve a child’s behavior, increase self-image, and strengthen bonds of love. Just by ruffling hair, or touching a shoulder as they pass, you can build strong relationships with your children. • Children need to be cuddled and held a lot when they are small. This helps them feel secure in interpersonal relationships throughout their lives. Some children have a harder time accepting it, so you must be more persistent. Remember, the child who needs love most, rejects it the most. • We also show affection by the amount of quality time we spend with a child. If we respond quickly to a child’s request, we show him that we are never too busy to help those we love the most. Requested time is quality time. • Direct your family. Be consistent in fulfilling your responsibilities in the home. Fulfilling family needs builds confidence and security. Greet children after school with a hug, serve meals on time, always have clean clothes available and provide an orderly

home. Provide a predictable atmosphere by setting rules that let your children know what is acceptable family behavior. Here are a few rules that help: • Eating can be done in the kitchen or family room only. Keep food where it is easily cleaned up. • The living areas of the house are for use by all family members. Any games, toys, etc. used in these rooms are fair game for anyone at any age to play with. • Dressing and undressing should be confined to the bedroom or bathroom. Scattering clothes from one end of the house to the other is uncalled for. • Small toys are confined to the bedroom or playroom where they can be used in privacy and not destroyed by babies and smaller children. Toys with many small pieces are also confined to bedroom use. • Outdoor activities, such as running, chasing or yelling, should be done outside. • Messy projects should be confined to a table or area that is easily cleaned. • Everyone in the family is responsible to clean up their own mess, for keeping their own rooms in order, and for the bathroom they use. Rules are not effective unless you can enforce them. Don’t make too many and keep in mind what you are going to do when they are broken. We will discuss consequences in a later article. Now for the child’s responsibiltity. The children in your home naturally have less responsibility than the parents do. However, they should be required to do more than the bare minimum. Children develop self-esteem and valuable life skills in your home. The more they work in it, the more they will learn and the better they will feel about themselves. Here are a few of their responsibilities: • Invest in the family. In order to feel important and to have the family function smoothly, children need to invest time, energy and money if needed. The more integral a part they play in the inner-workings of the family, the more they will want the family to succeed. The more they invest, the more cooperative, obedient, and helpful they are. Work builds family unity and devotion. • Children should honor their parents. Parents make great


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sacrifices to bring children into the world, to feed, clothe and educate them. Developing gratitude for their blessings develops love for those that bless and serve them. • If we want our children to express their feelings in a positive way, we need to teach them how. The best way to do this is to really listen to our children and respond to them before their frustration rises beyond their control. This allows them to express their feelings objectively. • Children should be obedient. Because parents sacrifice the most and have the greatest investment in the family, they have the right to establish the structure under which the family will operate. It is a child’s responsibility to live in accordance with the expected behavior of his parents. A word on teenagers... It has come to my attention that children between the ages of 13 and 17 develop a temporary condition called “teen-brain-drain.” Most teens are very concerned about what happens to them, but are very mystified as to how their behavior affects other people. They often use the phrases: “That’s not fair!”, “I don’t care”, or (my personal favorite) “What-Ever!” When it seems impossible to get them to participate in work around the house, remember that it has to be about them and that they have to be the one in control. I have found that offering choices is the best way to help them cooperate. For example: When your teen is not willing to help with family housework, give them the entire list of jobs and tell them that you don’t care what they pick, they just have to do one of them. This allows them to pick the job they think is the least amount of work and time but requires them to participate in family work. This is just the first of several articles on teaching your children to work and take increasing responsibilities in your home. In the coming months, we will cover: • Rewards and Consequences • Assessing Work Readiness • A Parent’s Role at Each Stage of Development • Principles of Scheduling • Decorating for Efficiency For more information on these topics, check out my book, “Teaching Children to Work.” available at n


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Idaho Family Magazine | APRIL 2017 13

Build a dream board

The importance of dreaming as a family dreams for my life. My wife and I have our own shared dream board as well, which is filled with pictures of places we want to travel to together, our future dream home, and toys we will own hat do you want to be when someday. you grow up?” is a question What inspires you? What are your dreams most parents ask their children and ambitions? What could you accomplish if at some point. We revel in their you had no limits or could set fear and doubt grandiose answers like astronaut, race car driver, aside? A dream board is where your dreams professional football player, and the next presicome alive and where you play with who you dent of the United States. At what point do some will become. It is a fun way to visualize and adults lose that childlike ability to dream big, verbalize what you will realize. A dream board impractical dreams for their own lives and why do is about what you WILL achieve and who you they choose to settle for less? WILL become. It is a playful way to look into I was fortunate to grow up in a home where the future and visualize ambitions and accomdreaming without limits was encouraged. When plishments that are most important to you. I was 12 years old, I dreamed of owning my own Rocky Detwiler I encourage you and your family to build Yamaha RM 80 motorcycle. With my parents’ encouragement, I found pictures of the yellow dirt bike and posted dream boards. What an amazing opportunity for your family to grow closer as you learn more about each other’s dreams. Each them on my walls so I could look at it every day. I told my dad I individual in the family should have their own dream board. If was going to own that motorcycle within a year. your child is walking and talking, they’re old enough to dream. I lived four miles outside of a small town in rural Idaho so getting a regular job was not an option for me. However, I had a You may choose to make an additional one just for Mom and dream with a visual reminder on my walls, so nothing was going Dad or one for the entire family to share. Here’s how to build your dream boards: to stop me from achieving my goal. I talked to every neighbor 1. Create a list of things you would most like to do. Don’t limit on nearby farms and took every job they offered. I cleaned out yourself. chicken coops, picked rocks from fields, moved irrigation pipe, 2. Define your personal values and beliefs. Take the time to do dug ditches, and saved every penny I earned. It took close to a year, but I’ll never forget the pride, excitement, and elation I felt this right. 3. From the list above, select the things you most want to when I brought my yellow RM 80 motorcycle home. achieve or become in your immediate future. These can be I have continued to dream into my adulthood but instead of simple things or big things. Keep the list manageable. pictures plastered to my walls, I have graduated to a dream 4. Find pictures or inspirational words or pictures that illustrate board. My dream board is a large poster board filled with this new list of ambitions. (Magazines, Pinterest, or Google are pictures and words representing my personal and professional good sources for images.) When you find something, cut it out, print it, or write it down. 5. Create a collage on poster board (or digitally) of your ambitions. It can be crafted however you prefer — structured or free-flowing. It’s your dream board. Perfection is not the goal. 6. Put a date by the images of when you would like to achieve your dream board item. 7. Display the finished board in a visible place. With your dream boards complete, your family can now spend focused time each morning and night looking at and visualizing your future visions. Focus your thoughts on how the things on the boards will happen. Speak about the items on your boards to others. As a family, encourage each other in the pursuit of your dreams. Each member of the family should take action on one thing they can do today to get one step closer to achieving what’s on their board. This is one incredible project that the entire family can work on together. Uplift each other and aspire to dream really big, impossible dreams for your lives. What a treat for your children to see what your dreams and goals are. They’ll gain a greater understanding of why you work so hard. Happy dreaming! n By Rocky Detwiler


Dream boards are a project the entire family can take part in. Each family member may create his or her own dream board or the family may create one together, with everyone’s dreams included. (Photo provided by Rocky & Cheryl Detwiler)

14 APRIL 2017 | Idaho Family Magazine

Rocky Detwiler is the author of “The Samson Effect.” You may contact Rocky at Visit his website at to download his free ebook, “5 Steps to Fit & Healthy” to help you achieve your physical goals in 2017.

A New Beginning

Adoption help and guidance for all involved By Gaye Bunderson


hen Stephanie Pearl and her husband adopted a baby girl from China, Stephanie learned a lot. And what she primarily learned was how little she knew. “I didn’t get any preparation,” she said. She wasn’t informed about attachment between baby and parents nor about cultural awareness, and was left in the dark about what she calls “lifelong adoptionrelated issues.” That motivated Pearl, who is trained in social work, to launch her own adoption agency, called A New Beginning. She started the agency 13 years ago, and it grew to the point she had to keep finding new, bigger spaces to house it. A New Beginning has been located in its current offices at 8660 W. Emerald, Ste. 142, in Boise for five years. Over the past 13 years, Pearl has tweaked and modified and updated her program, teaching adoptive parents all the things she was not informed about, as well as adding new information as needed in the world of modern adoptions. “I’m really happy with the training,” she said. “It’s very thorough,” Tina Kierce, marketing director for A New Beginning, said. A New Beginning encompasses everyone involved in the adoption dynamic: birth mothers (and fathers and grandparents), adoptive parents, and foster children who are looking for permanent homes. The agency offers comprehensive information and assistance. An example of that is what Kierce refers to as a “wrap-around program” in its A New Beginning Pregnancy Service. “We wrap a lot of support around birth moms,” she said. A New Beginning, though a nonprofit, has a paid staff of eight people, including The Barkleys of Idaho became a family through an adoption five social arranged by A New Beginning. (Courtesy photo) workers.

Both Kierce and Pearl describe the staff as passionate and willing to go above and beyond a normal, eight-hour workday when necessary. They are available 24/7. “When a girl comes to us, she has one-on-one attention for anything she needs,” Kierce said. “We are there from when she walks in the door through the birth, the delivery and afterwards. If we don’t have a service, we help them find it.” That may include housing, food and clothing needs. A New Beginning maintains strong connections with hospitals, clinics and individual physicians, as well as an in-house attorney who has provided ongoing legal assistance to the agency for a number of years. Some birth moms stay connected to A New Beginning and help mentor other moms. They are feted with a Birth Mother Day each year just prior to Mother’s Day. Another service provided by A New Beginning is its Youth Advisory Board. The agency is dedicated to finding homes for youth in foster care and in helping young people who are aging out of the foster care system and need help as they face the unknown. Young people previously in foster care are board members and help mentor foster kids who are now where they used to be. “We love helping families and kids in foster care, and we are super passionate for aging-out youth,” Kierce said. Approximately 22-24 infant adoptions take place each year through A New Beginning, with 35-50 birth moms using its services. Some mothers choose to keep their babies. The mothers who choose adoption are “very brave moms who make that decision,” Pearl said. Both the birth moms and the adoptive parents are allowed to read one another’s profiles and select the parents or the mother they are most comfortable and compatible with. The birth mom generally interviews two to three families prior to making her choice; she may have certain preferences, such as wanting a family with no children or of a certain religion or that lives in a rural part of the state. The adoptive parents are entitled to have stipulations as well. “It’s a process of matching them,” Pearl said. Adoptive parents pay all the fees surrounding the birth and the care of the mom. The agency also has a program called A New Beginning Wellness, which is right next door to its home office on Emerald. There, a counselor works with birth families, adoptive families and foster families. A New Beginning is an open adoption program, and Pearl feels that’s the best and healthiest situation for everyone involved. However, open adoption is optional and not mandatory. “We have learned so much,” Pearl said — and the agency is still growing. It is now looking into adding another social worker. “This agency has surpassed my vision and exceeded my dreams for it. I’m excited about it.” The agency has “a big presence” online, said Kierce. For more information, go to or call 939-3865. n

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Idaho Family Magazine | APRIL 2017 15




Family Fun Nights at the Golf Course —

Geeks and Gizmos —

Family Fun Nights are a great way to get the family out on the golf course and save some money. Every Saturday and Sunday after 4 p.m., groups with at least one adult and one child (17 and under) will receive a discounted rate at Centennial Golf Course and Ridgecrest Golf Club. Call 468-5889 or 468-5888 for more information.

Children ages 6-12 are invited to an hour of learning and play with robotics and coding from 4 to 5 p.m. Wednesday, April 5, at the Library! at Cole & Ustick. Call 972-8300 for more information.

Every Saturday & Sunday

Young Discoverers — Wednesday – Friday

This activity time for children ages 3-5 and their guardians includes an age-appropriate story and a science-themed activity and is held from 10:30 to 11 a.m. Wednesday through Friday at the Discovery Center of Idaho. It is free for DCI members or with the cost of admission to the center. Go to

Free Parent Education Seminar — First and Third Thursday

Brain Balance Achievement Center at 3210 E. Chinden Blvd., #113, in Eagle holds a Free Parent Education Seminar from 7 to 8 p.m. on the first and third Thursdays of every month. Dr. Ray Booth, clinical psychologist, presents information on the topic, “Why Your Child Is Struggling” and answers questions. For more information, contact Executive Director Dawna Booth at 938-1312 or

Wednesday, April 5

Storytime with Community Helpers — Wednesday, April 5

During the month of April, Boise Public Library is inviting different “Community Helpers” to come talk about how they help make the community safe. After a special storytime geared toward children of all ages — complete with books, music, singing and movement — everyone will go outside to view the vehicles the Community Helpers use to do their jobs. The helpers on Wednesday, April 5, will be representatives of Republic Services who help keep the community clean. Time is 10:30 to 11 a.m. at the Library! at Collister. For information about other Storytimes with Community Helpers, go to

First Thursday Family Movie Night — Thursday, April 6

Kick off the new month with a fun family movie at the main branch of Boise Public Library from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Thursday, April 6. Call 972-8255 for more information. (Other library branches hold family movie events; go to for more information.)

Reading at the Refuge —

Spring Book Sale —

Preschoolers, kindergartners and their families are invited to Reading at the Refuge every first and third Monday, with the exception of federal holidays, at 10 a.m. and repeating at 2 p.m. at the Deer Flat Wildlife Refuge Visitor Center near Lake Lowell in Nampa. There will be a wildlife-related story, craft-making, and exploring the Visitor Center and trails at the refuge. For more information, go to, email or call 467-9278.

Boise Public Library will hold its annual Spring Book Sale at 762 River St. across from the main branch of the library on the following dates and times: 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Thursday, April 6; 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Friday, April 7; 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, April 8; and half-price day is 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday, April 9. Sale items include hardback and paperback books sorted into 40 categories, at 50 cents for paperbacks and 1 dollar for hardbacks or 9 dollars by-the-bag. Some first editions, oversized books, cookbooks, book sets, local interest books, CDs, LP records, audio books, DVDs, VHS tapes, posters and prints are individually priced. Go to

1st & 3rd Monday

Adoption Information Meeting — April 4 and May 2

A New Beginning Adoption Agency holds free Adoption Information Meetings each month, providing a no-pressure environment for families to learn about adopting infants and children in the U.S. foster care system. Meetings for April and May are set for 6:30 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, April 4, and 6:30 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, May 2. All meetings are held at 8660 W. Emerald, Ste. 142, in Boise. Though the meetings are free, pre-registration is required; call 939-3865 or email

Nampa Public Library programs —

Nampa Public Library holds programs for people of all ages, including a family-friendly street dance. Family programs in April include: Art Endeaver, 4:30 to 6 p.m., April 4; Street Dance 2, 10:30 to 11:30 a.m., April 7; Reading Tails, 3:30 to 4:30 p.m., April 11; and Petco Presents, 4 to 5 p.m., April 20. Programs for children of all ages include: Sensory Storytime, 4:15 to 5 p.m., Mondays, April 10 and 24; Baby/Toddler Storytime, 10:15 to 11 a.m., Tuesdays, April 4, 11, 18 and 25 and on Thursdays, April 6, 13, 20 and 27; Preschool Storytime, from 10:15 to 11 a.m., Wednesdays and Fridays, April 5, 7, 12, 14, 19, 21, 26 and 28; Right on Target, 10:30 a.m. to noon, Saturday, April 14; Tween Program, 4 to 5 p.m., Thursday, April 13; Teen Trivia Club, 5:30 to 6:30 p.m., Thursday, April 27; and Teen Movie Night, 4:30 to 6:30 p.m., Thursday, May 4.

16 APRIL 2017 | Idaho Family Magazine

April 6–9

Fiesta Friday — Friday, April 7

Bring the whole family to explore Hispanic culture through a fun-filled evening with games, crafts, stories and food. All ages are welcome on the first Friday of the month. Plan on attending from 5 to 5:45 p.m. April 7 at the Cherry Lane branch of the Meridian library. Call 888-4451 for more information.

Lake Lowell Marathon — Saturday, April 8

This marathon, half marathon, 10k and 5k will begin at 7 p.m. Saturday, April 8, at Lake Lowell in Nampa. Go to

Spring Bird Bonanza — Saturday, April 8

Foothills Family Day will feature Spring Bird Bonanza at 10 a.m. Saturday, April 8, at the Foothills Learning Center, 3188 Sunset Peak Rd. in Boise. Birds are returning to Hull’s Gulch. Join local ornithologist and bird conservationist, Terry Rich, as he shares the basics of bird identification by sight and song, and then go outside and explore. There will be spring bird crafts and activities, as well as guided birding hikes. Participants may even

of Events

have the chance to see the owls and hawks of the gulch as they prepare for their broods. Go to

Walk MS 2017 — Saturday, April 8

Walk MS is a charity event that helps raise money for research to cure multiple sclerosis. There will be two options — a 1-mile and a 3-mile walk — with opening ceremonies at 9:30 a.m. Saturday, April 8, in Julia Davis Park. The walk will be begin at 10 a.m., with post-walk festivities set for 11 a.m. To register, go to

Open Gym Rock Climbing — Saturdays

Experience indoor climbing the Wings way on more than 20 top rope stations, including a rope ladder, cargo net, tires, and a ladder wall. The gym is beginner-friendly and makes a great date night. The Wings staff will take care of the equipment, and no experience is necessary. The gym is open from 6 to 9 p.m. every Saturday through May for $10 per person. (A release form is required.) Try your hand at climbing April 8, 15, 22 and 29 at Wings, 1875 Century Way in Boise. Go to

Family Storytime and Craft Night — Monday, April 10

Children and families are invited to the main branch of Boise Public Library every Monday evening from 7 to 8 for storytime fun followed by a craft activity. Come to the library April 10 and take part in the free event. (Other branches of the library have similar programs. Go to for more information.)

Baby Bugs — Monday, April 10

Bring your baby to dance to songs, listen to books, and explore new concepts during an engaging playtime from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Monday, April 10, at the Cherry Lane branch of the Meridian library. Parents and other guardians are invited to stay afterwards and get to know one another. The program is recommended for ages 0-18 months, and siblings are welcome. Call 888-4451 for more information.

Sunset Series — Wednesday, April 12

The Foothills Learning Center at 3188 Sunset Peak Rd. in Boise holds a free public lecture on nature-related topics each month. The topic for April is “Idaho Back Country Rescues”; the program will be held from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 12. The event is free, and everyone is welcome. Go to

‘Do the Right’ Day — Wednesday, April 12

The City of Meridian is once again encouraging everyone to perform an act of kindness for a person on their right and then document it on social media with #DoTheRight. The special day is set for April 12.

Search-Finders of Idaho — Thursday, April 13

Search-Finders meets the second Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. at the Children’s Home Society on Warm Springs Avenue in Boise. The meetings are open to all members of the adoption triad, including adoptees, birth parents and adoptive parents. Bring your stories and questions to the April

Month of April & Early May Please send family-related calendar items to 13 meeting. Use the side entrance at Children’s Home Society and go to the second floor.

National Library Week Food Truck Rally — Friday, April 14

Join the Meridian Library District in celebrating National Library Week with a Food Truck Rally at 5 p.m. Friday, April 14, in the parking lot of Meridian City Hall, 33 E. Broadway Ave. There will be music, activities, and fun for the entire family. Call 888-4451, ext. 1231, for more information.

Boise WaterShed River Campus Festival — Saturday, April 15

Join staff at the Boise WaterShed and celebrate the opening of the River Campus, beginning at 10 a.m. Saturday, April 15. Meet the artists who have helped shape the River Campus story about the city’s watershed and create some art of your own. Help plant agricultural areas with Boise Urban Garden School. There will be games, music, food trucks and more. Go to

Family Movie Mania — Monday, April 17

Watch a family-friendly movie, then make a fun craft and enjoy a yummy snack to go with it from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Monday, April 17, at the Cherry Lane branch of the Meridian library. All movies shown will have no higher rating than PG. Call 888-4451 for more information. (Go to for other family movie night events.)

Get Outside! Bird Watching on the River — Tuesday, April 18

Join Sheralynn Bauder of the Jim Hall Foothills Learning Center for an introduction to bird watching from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, April 18, at the Library! at Collister. A short presentation will precede a walk along the Greenbelt to look for and identify local wildlife. All are welcome. Call 9728320 for more information.

Never Grow Up Book Club — Wednesday, April 19

Do you love novels set in dystopian/post-apocalyptic futures? Do you live for love triangles? Do you need that escape into the worlds of Panem, Forks, or Hogwarts? Do you adore Young Adult novels but feel guilty about it since you are a “grown up”? You are not alone! Join Boise Public Library’s book club for adults who love Young Adult novels. Check out a copy from one of the library’s branches or online through Hoopla or Overdrive and attend a book club meeting at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 19, at Leaf Teahouse, 212 N. 9th St. in Boise. Call 972-8255 for more information.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Program: Mother’s Day Picture Frame — Wednesday, April 19

Join Goodwill at the Cherry Lane branch of the Meridian library to take part in family friendly up-cycle projects that will turn everyday thrift store items into new and creative crafts. From 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 19, make an up-cycled Mother’s Day photo frame. Call 888-4451 for more information.

More Events on Page 18 Idaho Family Magazine | APRIL 2017 17

CALENDAR of Events Oregon Trail Reserve Hike — Thursday, April 20

Get to know your hometown backyard as the Foothills Learning Center teams with the Idaho Conservation League to offer an Oregon Trail Reserve short hiking tour beginning at 4:30 p.m. Thursday, April 20. This event is part of a Hiking Series presented year-round on the third Thursday of the month. All hikes are no more than 3 miles long, and are free and family-friendly. Pre-registration is required by calling 345-6933, ext. 16. Go to

Hells Canyon Jet Boat Adventure — Thursday, April 20

Hells Canyon Adventures will provide a jet boat tour of the canyon, allowing participants to enjoy the scenery in the canyon and the wildlife that lives there. This boat tour for all ages will include lunch and will be an enjoyable and relaxing experience. The tour will be held from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Thursday, April 20, with departure and return to the Nampa Rec Center. Cost is $85. For more information, call 468-5858 or go to

Teen Science & Engineering Cafe — Thursday, April 20

Teens in 7th through 12th grades are welcome to attend a new kind of science and engineering club where they get to call the shots. They’ll meet and network with scientists and professors in fields that interest them — and there will be food, too. For our first cafe, Dr. Eric Hayden from BSU will discuss engineering bacteria for bio-remediation efforts from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Thursday, April 20, at the main branch of Boise Public Library. Call 972-8212 for more information.

Music on the Terrace — Thursday, April 20

Continued from page 17

Center. Try Me! classes are set for 9:15 a.m. to 12:35 p.m., and the Wellness Fair is set for 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. For more information, call 4685858 or go to

Clothing Swap at the Library — Saturday, April 22

Bring a bag of gently used clothing, shoes, and accessories to swap with your friends and neighbors from 3 to 5 p.m. Saturday, April 22, at the Cherry Lane branch of the Meridian library. All sizes are welcome, including men’s, women’s, children’s and babies’ clothes. Call 888-4451 for more information.

Unplug and Be Outside — April 24-29

The Meridian Parks and Recreation Department will offer a week of free activities during Unplug and Be Outside April 24-29. Be active and play! A full schedule of events and activity details will be online at www.

Women of the World — Friday, April 28

Caldwell Fine Arts will present a performance by Women of the World, four women from Italy, Japan, Haiti and India, at 7 p.m. Friday, April 28, at Jewett Auditorium on the College of Idaho campus in Caldwell. The women blend their voices in over 29 languages in a cappella arrangements from across the globe. Adult tickets are $10, $15 and $20; student tickets are $5, $8 and $10. To purchase tickets go to or call 459-5275.

Boys & Girls Clubs of Ada County Wild West Auction — Friday, April 28

The Idaho Songwriters Association and the Friends of Nampa Public Library present a free concert series on the third Thursday of the month from April to September on the Nampa Public Library Terrace. The music is presented from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. The program on April 20 will be presented by the Micah Stevens Trio, a college-aged group of performers. They will play original compositions and bring a Moment of Inspiration to the spring event. Go to

This 17th annual event will begin at 5:30 p.m. Friday, April 28, at Boise Centre. The Wild West Auction for Kids is held every spring and is one of the Treasure Valley’s premier events, raising critical operating funds for the Boys & Girls Clubs of Ada County. The auction brings together Idaho’s “A list” of businesses, community leaders, and club friends for a spectacular dining experience, live entertainment, and a “wild and crazy” auction. Go to

Ballet Idaho – Peter Pan —

Eagle Yappy Hour —

Ballet Idaho will present “Peter Pan,” beginning at 8 p.m. Friday, April 21, and at 2 and 8 p.m. Saturday, April 22, at the Morrison Center. Come take a magical adventure to Neverland and witness incredible flying effects, beautiful dancing, and spectacular costumes and sets. Tickets range from $38, $43 or $58. Go to or

Join the City of Eagle Parks and Recreation from 5 to 7 p.m. Friday, April 28, at Merrill Park for Yappy Hour. Socialize with citizens and their dogs in a dog-friendly environment at the pop-up dog park at Reid Merrill Park. Grab a beverage, hang out, and “get yappy.” The event is free. For more information, call 489-8763 or email

April 21 & 22

Friday, April 28

Week of the Young Child Celebration —

USA Gymastics Championships —

Saturday, April 22

National Week of the Young Child will be celebrated from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, April 22, at the Idaho Botanical Garden. This is a free, family-friendly outdoor event, with something for the whole family, fun for kids birth to 8 years, and valuable community resources for parents. Learn about summer camps, after-school programs, early literacy, healthful eating, and child care; enjoy crafts, kids’ zumba, rodeo and obstacle courses, and more. The event is put on by the Idaho Association for the Education of Young Children; go to

Open House & Wellness Fair — Saturday, April 22

This spring kickoff event will open with free admission beginning at 8 a.m. and running to 7 p.m. Saturday, April 22, at the Nampa Recreation

18 June 2016 | Idaho Family Magazine

April 28-30

The USA Gymnastics Championships will be held from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. April 28-30 at CenturyLink Arena, 233 S. Capitol Blvd. in Boise. These are the Level 9 Western Championships. For more information, go to

Kids Fun Fest — Saturday, April 29

Idaho’s 4th Annual Kids Fun Fest will be held from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, April 29, at Expo Idaho in Boise. Come get the latest information, products and services for babies, kids, teens and parents. Admission is $6 for adults, with children 6 and under free.

Family Fun Pet Expo — Saturday, April 29

This fun-filled family event will take place from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, April 29, at Expo Idaho. Highlights will include pet products, pet services, pet contests, traditional family pets and a variety of rare and beautiful animals. Admission is $6 for adults, with children 6 and under free.

Girls Day Out — Saturday, April 29

Attend the 2nd Annual Girls Day Out from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, April 29, at Expo Idaho. The ultimate lifestyle event, Girls Day Out features all the needs and interests of women under one roof, including an array of products and services related to beauty, fashion, nutrition, fitness, travel, financial planning and more. Admission is $5 for adults, with kids 6 and under free.

Family Movie Time — Saturday, May 6

Come and enjoy a family movie matinee from 2 to 3:30 p.m. on the first Saturday of every month (May 6) at the Nampa Public Library. Popcorn will be provided. To see what movie is playing, go to

BUGS Plant Sale — May 6–7

BUGS annual plant sale will be held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. May 6-7 at the BUGS barn, 2995 N. Five Mile Rd. Edible plants, garden vegetables, and pollinator plants will be available. Sales benefit the Boise Urban Garden School education program. Go to

Experience Idaho Expo —

Helping Hand Pet Walk and Fair —

The 11th Annual Experience Idaho Expo is set for 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, April 29, at Expo Idaho. Come learn about and see all that Idaho has to offer. Admission is $6 for adults, with children 6 and under free.

A special event to raise funds for the Idaho Helping Hand Fund, Meridian Valley Humane Society Canine Rescue, Helping Idaho Dogs and Pet Peace of Mind is set for 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Saturday, May 6, at Julius M. Kleiner Memorial Park in Meridian. A fun run, walk, and pet fair is scheduled, and the whole family is welcome — including dogs. Cost to participate in the fun run or walk is $30, or $35 after May 1. Go to

Saturday, April 29

Treasure Valley Kite Festival — Saturday, April 29

This free, fourth annual event will be held from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, April 29, in Kleiner Park, right behind The Village in Meridian. There will be free kites for kids while supplies last. There will be competitions with prizes, as well as food and entertainment. Go to

3rd Annual Pooch Pageant — Sunday, April 30

This family-friendly event is a fundraiser for the Idaho Humane Society’s Pet Food Pantry and will take place from 1 to 4 p.m. Sunday, April 30, at the Wyndham Garden Conference Center, 3300 S. Vista Ave. in Boise. General admission is $2. For more information about attending the event, or about entering your dog in the “beauty” pageant, go to

Boise Philharmonic Youth Orchestra Spring Concert — Monday, May 1

This annual event will take place Monday, May 1, at the Morrison Center. For program, ticket and other information as it becomes available, go to

Culinary Walkabout — Tuesday, May 4

This annual fundraiser mixes amazing food with a competition between talented area chefs to help raise money for Metro Meals on Wheels. It is set for May 4 at Boise Centre. For more information as it becomes available, go to

Rodgers & Hammerstein’s “Cinderella” — May 5–6

The Tony Award-winning Broadway musical will come to Boise May 5-6 at the Morrison Center. Performances will be at 8 p.m. Friday, May 5, and at 2 and 8 p.m. Saturday, May 6. Ticket prices vary from $47 to $70. Go to

Build with a Buddy — Saturday, May 6

All ages are welcome to the Nampa Public Library’s multipurpose room on the third Saturday of the month (May 6) from 10:30 to noon to Build with a Buddy. Kids will bring in a “buddy” to work with them on a variety of building challenges. (Adult “buddies” must accompany their children.) Go to

Saturday, May 6

“Aim High; Rise Above” — Sunday, May 7

Courageous Kids Climbing will host “Aim High; Rise Above” from 10 a.m. to noon Sunday, May 7. This is a tour event with Idaho Air National Guard that is for legally blind high school students only. For more information, contact Jeff Riechmann at

Easter Egg Fun

Eagle Trail EggXtravaganza — This alternative to the traditional egg scramble will be presented by Eagle Parks & Rec and the Eagle Lions Club. Kids will search for eggs along the paths and trails of Eagle, with the opportunity to win prizes and enjoy free activities and games. Start times will be staggered from 10 a.m. to noon Saturday, April 8, beginning at 600 S. Rivershore Ln. in Eagle. Pre-registration is not required; just show up for the free fun. For more information, go to or call 489-8763. Easter EGGstravaganza — Zoo Boise will host its annual Easter EGGstravaganza from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, April 8. (Last admission: 4:30.) Join the Easter Bunny for “egg-citing” activities, including egg scrambles for 30,000 pieces of candy, plus activities like face painting and special enrichments for the animals. Admission for adults is $7, kids 3-11 are $4.25, seniors 62 and over are $4.50, and children 2 and under are free. Go to Spring Fling at O’Connor Field House — Bring the entire family and enjoy an Easter egg hunt, scavenger hunt, local vendors, raffles, and much more. This free event is set for 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, April 15, at O’Connor Field House, 2207 Blaine St. in Caldwell. For more information, call 353-2678. Flashlight Easter Egg Hunt — The Nampa Parks & Recreation Department has added a twist to the traditional Easter egg hunt, with a chance to hunt in the dark. Children ages 13-17 are welcome to participate in the Flashlight Easter Egg Hunt from 8 to 9:30 p.m. Saturday, April 15, in the Nampa Rec Center park. Admission is $3 per person. Bring your own flashlight. For more information, call 468-5858 or go to namparecreation. org. Easter Egg Swim — Walmart and the Nampa Rec Center will hold an Easter Egg Swim from 1 to 3 p.m. Saturday, April 15. There will be sinkable and floatable eggs. Kayaks will be available for use, and the diving well will be open. (Children will be required to pass a swim test before using the kayaks or diving well.) For more information, call 468-5858 or go to

Idaho Family Magazine | APRIL 2017 19

Irene’s Insights

Spring updates to spruce up your home By Irene Woodworth

alike. I try to include them in various key places that are often noticed by my guests. 5. Choose some special locations. Your fireplace mantle, coffee tables, sofa tables or unique bookpring has arrived. Official day: March shelves can also be another feature for your spring 20. It was a colder winter than usual in décor. It is fun to put an element of surprise in Boise this year, and I am looking forward creating these small vignettes to signify this seasonal to some warmer weather. Aren’t you? change. It does not take long to do some spring seasonal 6. Accent pillows can really add some charm on decorating in your home to put you in a more fesyour sofa. I have seen some with words, spring colors, tive mood for Easter and the change of seasons. I or a bunny or two imprinted on them. They will put will share some simple and easy steps in achieving a a smile on your face! captivating color palette that will lift anyone’s mood. 7. Stagger the height as you decorate. It is also a Starting point: Whether you like an organic great idea to use either raised cake plates you have natural-looking style, whimsical, contemporary or either purchased or made from simple dollar store traditional décor, there is something that will work items to display your décor. Books or gift boxes work for you. First, I usually go through some of my Irene Woodworth well, too. This will create more interest for viewing. seasonal stored décor and check it out. I may find a 8. How about decorating your guest bathroom? You can change sale item I purchased the previous year that will be fun to use. If I out your towels and décor to signify this newer season. You can even need something else, I go to my local thrift store. There are plenty change out your shower curtain if possible to match the lighter seasonal of simple fun décor items at a fraction of the cost of big box stores. Sometimes you will find dollar bins at your local craft store to pique time. 9. Special rooms: Now that winter is gone I usually change out my your interest. Of course, the Dollar Tree will have some fun items bedding in my master bedroom to a softer, lighter décor to lighten the that will add that little something to spur your imagination and mood from the darker winter bedding. It puts me in a good mood when creativity. I see this every day. Do not forget about your guest bedroom, especially Tips for Springtime Decorating if you will be entertaining guests. A simple Easter basket will do wonders for your guests when they visit. 1. Start with your entry that greets your family and visitors alike. 10. Do not forget to do something fun in your patio or backyard that Use some springtime décor by hanging a wreath on your front door, a potted plant near your entry or some artificial greenery with a bunny or signifies warmer weather. Just uncovering some of your patio furniture does wonders for your morale. Even though there still may be some two next to it. How about using an umbrella with some spring flowers rain showers, it is very inviting to have some occasional outdoor dining. and ribbon as an unexpected wreath on your front door? Do not forget 11. If some of your décor has faded through the seasons, just buy a to change out your floor mat to signify this new season. can of spray paint in your favorite color to update a metal can or pot. 2. Next, think about creating a spring tablescape on your dining or Just a little pop of color goes a long way. kitchen table or both. Some color schemes can include the softer pastel 12. I also like to find and purchase some fun placemats or a table color combinations of robin’s egg blue with cream or white, navy or runner for indoors and outdoors. There are some seasonal water-repelpurple accented with yellows. Or you may choose the vibrant color lent fabrics that work well for your outdoor entertaining. It is amazing tones of red, yellow, pink, or blue teal. Even though we may not have what you can find to match your mood and to add to your springtime fresh flowers blooming yet, such as tulips, daffodils or crocus, they can enjoyment. always be purchased at the grocery store to I am going to do some indoor herb gardencheer up any room. ing this year. Hopefully, I will keep those herbs 3. Think about using interesting containalive. I usually do not have a green thumb, but I ers. You can use various white ceramic am going to try it this year in my nook near my pitchers and fill them up with some springoutside window. Fresh herbs have such a vibrant time flowers. I like to use one color of and wonderful scent that makes you eager to use flowers or shrubs and make a statement. Or those wonderful-smelling herbs to make a great if you prefer the rustic farmhouse look, you meal for all. Fresh greenery always is a symbol of can use some simple mason jars and line growth and a new season for us to anticipate. them up in the center of the table with other You can do a little or a lot to welcome this new fresh flowers to match your décor. An old season. Whatever you do, do something that metal watering can adds a little reminder of brings you some creativity, color and joy in your yesterday. little or big house. It will make a difference for 4. Use your favorite collections. Perhaps your family and visitors alike. Happy spring to you have a collection of various types of all! n rabbits, chicks, eggs, birds or crosses. You can create a fun little Easter basket with Irene Woodworth is known as “Idaho’s Color Lady” grass and use some of those collectibles that and is founder and CEO of Redesign Boise. She add that special springtime look. I have a col- There are some beautiful ways to decorate the interior is a national redesign award winner, motivational lection of some fabric bunny rabbits that are and exterior of your home for very little money. The rustic watering can shown here now has a fresh spring just charming, and I never get tired of them look with just the addition of flowers, eggs, greenery, and speaker, certified redesigner and color consultant, and instructor on redesign and color. She has a degree in since they put a smile on me and my guests ribbon. (Photo from


20 APRIL 2017 | Idaho Family Magazine



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Idaho Family Magazine | APRIL 2017 21

CAMPS Guide Ada County 4-H Summer Day Camps 5880 Glenwood St., Boise 83714 287-5900 Advanced Gymnastics 16161 N. 20th Ave., Nampa 83687 468-9292 All Day @ SimBale Sports Summer Camp Downtown Boise Locations 426-0871 or 412-5669 Back Gate Studio Art Camps Dry Creek Mercantile-Hidden Springs and Rolling Hills Charter School-Boise 818-489-2272

Ballet Idaho Summer Programs 501 S. 8th St., Ste. A., Boise 83702 Bluebird Quilt Studio 311 14th Ave. S., Nampa 83651 467-4148 Bodies In Motion 729 W. Diamond St., Boise 83705 381-0587 Boise WaterShed 11818 W. Joplin Rd., Boise 83714 608-7300 Bogus Basin Nordic Team 996-0754

Boise Art Museum 670 Julia Davis Dr., Boise 83702 345-8330 Boise Dance Alliance Junior and Senior Summer Camp 2475 S. Apple St., Ste. 104, Boise 83706 703-4627 Boise Hawks Baseball Club 5600 N. Glenwood St., Boise 83714 322-5000 Boise Parks and Recreation 1104 Royal Blvd., Boise 83706 608-7600 Boise Racquet & Swim Club 1116 N. Cole Rd., Boise 83704 376-1052


Ballet Folklorico Mexico Lindo 1224 1st St. S., #204, Nampa 83651


22 APRIL 2017 | Idaho Family Magazine

CAMPS Guide Boise State University Department of Kinesiology Summer Youth Sports Program 1910 University Dr., Boise 83725 426-1509 Boise State University Academic/Adventure Summer Day Camp 426-1006 Boise State University Summer Literacy Academy 1910 University Dr., Boise 83726 literacy-center/summer-literacy-academy/ 426-2702 Boise Urban Garden School (BUGS) 2995 N. Five Mile Rd., Boise 83713 376-3006 Born To Succeed Early Care & Education Center 4770 N. Shamrock Ave., Boise 83713 658-5561 Boys & Girls Clubs of Ada County 911 N. Meridian Rd., Meridian 83642 888-5392 610 E. 42nd St., Garden City 83714 376-4960 610 N. School Ave., Kuna 83634 954-5034 Broadway Dance Center 893 E. Boise Ave., Boise 83706 342-6123 Bronco Elite Summer Day Camp 1187 W. River St., Boise 83702 389-9005

Building Blocks Idaho Boise 284-2444 Bullbots Lego Robotics Summer Camps Mountain View High School 2000 S. Millennium Way, Meridian 83642 855-4059 Cabin, The 801 S. Capitol Blvd., Boise 83702 331-8000 Caldwell Parks & Recreation 618 Irving St., Caldwell 83605 455-3060 Camp Meadowood Springs (541) 276-2752


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2017 FCA Sports Camps


Idaho Family Magazine | APRIL 2017 23

CAMPS Guide Camp Invention (855) 235-8656 Capital City Ballet Center 9140 W. Emerald St., #109, Boise 83704 378-9752 Capital Educators FCU, Camp Millionaire 275 S. Stratford Dr., Meridian 83642 884-0150 Cascade Raft & Kayak Kids Camp Fun Main Payette River 793-2221

Center Stage Boise 220-1610 Ceramica 1002 S. Vista Ave., Boise 83705 342-3822 Challenger School 2020 W. Everest Lane, Meridian 83646 846-8888 5551 W. Bloom St., Boise 83703 338-9500 Club Kid Summer Camp at Wings Center 1875 Century Way, Boise 83709 376-3641

Cross of Christ Soccer Camp 11655 W. McMillan Rd., Boise 83713 375-3992 Dance Arts Academy 2989 Copper Point Dr., Meridian 83642 345-4832 Dance Unlimited 11489 W. Fairview Ave., Boise 83713 322-8082 Danik Gymnastics 547 S. Locust Grove Rd., Meridian 83642 846-8311 Deer Flat National Wildlife Refuge Visitor Center



Cathedral Pines Summer Camps

Ketchum 83340 726-5007

24 APRIL 2017 | Idaho Family Magazine

CAMPS Guide Biodiversity Basics Camp Desert Detectives Camp 13751 Upper Embankment Rd., Nampa 83686 467-9278 Discovery Center of Idaho 131 W. Myrtle St., Boise 83702 343-9895 Dreamhaven Ranch Eagle, Idaho 83616 830-2705 Dream River Ranch (Horse Camp) 8894 Martha Ave., Mountain Home 83647 796-2228 Eagle Adventist Christian School 538 W. State St., Eagle 83616 939-5544 Eagle Parks & Recreation 489-8763 Eagle Performing Arts Center 1125 E. State St., Eagle 83616 338-4633

Engineering Summer Camps – STEMbusUSA 855-445-3942 Environmental Resource Center’s EcoCamp 471 N. Washington Ave., Ketchum 83340 726-4333 Fellowship of Christian Athletes Camp NW Nazarene University, Nampa 697-1051 First Tee of Idaho Treasure Valley 938-3411 Foothills Learning Center 3188 Sunset Peak Rd., Boise 83702 493-2530 Framework Learning 1102 N. 21st St., Boise 83702 890-0008 Friends For Life Camp

4775 W. Dorman St., Boise 83705 342-3508 Friendship Celebration Preschool 765 W. Chinden Blvd., Meridian 83646 288-2404 Galena Lodge Youth Adventure Camp Ketchum 83340 726-4010 Gem State Gymnastics Day Camp 5420 W. State St., Boise 83703 853-3220 Giraffe Laugh Early Learning Center – School-Age Summer Program 1617 N. 24th St., Boise 83702 Randi at 383-4274 Girl Scouts of Silver Sage Council Camp Alice Pittenger, McCall 377-2011 Hall International Academy for Arts & Humanities 957-7024


Edwards Greenhouse

4106 Sand Creek St., Boise 83703 342-7548

Idaho Family Magazine | APRIL 2017 25

CAMPS Guide HSBCamps Treasure Valley 720-1904 Idaho Botanical Garden 2355 Old Penitentiary Rd., Boise 83712 343-8649

1076 N. Cole Rd., Boise 83704 322-5150 Idaho Youth Soccer Association 8030 Emerald St., Ste. 175, Boise 83704 336-5256

12516 W. Fairview Ave., Boise 83713 861-6056 Lakewood Montessori 133 E. Linden St., Boise 83706 331-3888

Idaho Cheer 2755 Beverly St., Boise 83709 861-6387

Juniper Mountain Outfitters 21292 Main St., Greenleaf 83626 454-1322

Lee Pesky Learning Center 3324 Elder St., Boise 83705 333-0008

Idaho IceWorld 7072 S. Eisenman, Boise 83716 608-7716

Just For Kids/Boise School District 8169 W. Victory Rd., Boise 83705 854-6720

Luther Heights Bible Camp Ketchum 774-3556

Idaho Martial Arts 1580 E. State St., Suite 102, Eagle 83616 863-3673 Idaho Museum of Mining & Geology Geo-Camp for Kids 2455 Old Penitentiary Rd., Boise 83712 368-9876

Key Leader Camp Utah-Idaho District Kiwanis Foundation 412-4903

Marianne’s Swim School 1542 W. Sandy Court, Meridian 83642 939-8248

Kids Choice Summer Camp 2210 W. Everest Lane, Meridian 83646 888-7540 2170 S. Broadway Ave., Boise 343-7550

MDT Workshop Located at Cole Valley Christian School 200 E. Carlton Ave., Meridian 83642 283-9207 or 871-3634

Kids on Keys Piano Camp Esther Simplot Academy 466-4560

Idaho Tennis Association

Kindermusik/Music Center Studios

Meadowood Springs Camp PO Box 1025, Pendleton, Oregon 97801 (541) 276-2752


Idaho Shakespeare Festival Boise 336-9221

26 APRIL 2017 | Idaho Family Magazine

CAMPS Guide Meridian Music and Arts Summer Camps 934 E. 5th St., Meridian 83642 412-4748

Nampa Recreation Center 131 Constitution Way, Nampa 83686 468-5858

Meridian Parks & Recreation 33 E. Broadway Ave., Meridian 83642 888-3579

New Horizon Academy-Camp Discovery 1830 N. Meridian Rd., Meridian 83646 887-3880 12692 W. LaSalle St., Boise 83713 376-2690 11978 W. Ustick Rd., Boise 83713 323-8900 155 E. Boise Ave., Boise 83706 386-9108

Meridian Police Activities League (PAL) 870 E. Franklin Rd., Meridian 83642 888-6030 Morrison Center Summer Performance Camps BSU Campus 426-1110 Mountain West Gymnastics 60 N. Cole Rd., Boise 83704 869-1693 Nampa ATA Martial Arts 2108 Caldwell Blvd., Ste. 117, Nampa 83651 283-0772

Operation Military Kids Summer Camp University of Idaho 4-H 334-2328 or 334-2332 Ore-Ida Boy Scout Council 8901 Franklin Rd., Boise 83709 376-4411 Outdoor Ministries, Camp Perkins Alturas Creek Road near Stanley 83278

Northview Montessori Preschool & Kindergarten 7670 W. Northview St., Boise 83704 322-0152 Paradise Point Camp 2755 Eastside Dr., McCall 83638 345-4440 Parkside School 1017 E. Park Blvd., Boise 83712 283-2777 Pat Harris School of Dance 1225 McKinney St., Boise 83704 375-3255 PCS Edventures Lab 345 Bobwhite Ct., Ste. 200, Boise 83706 343-3110, ext. 102 94 N. Fisher Park Lane, Eagle 83616 343-3110, ext. 102 Pierce Park Greens Junior Clinics 5812 N. Pierce Park Lane, Boise 83714 853-3302


Nampa Civic Center Summer Arts 311 Third St. South, Nampa 83651 468-5500

Opera Idaho Summer Camp 513 S. 8th St., Boise 83702 345-3531


Idaho Family Magazine | APRIL 2017 27


Pilgrim Cove Camp & Conference Center 1075 Plymouth Rd., McCall 83638 634-5555 Pinewood Camp Retreat & Conference Center 300 N. Mission St., McCall 83638 634-5598

Puentes Language Programs Puentes Spanish School 1605 S. Phillippi St., Boise 83705 344-4270



Parent Education Nights 1st & 3rd Thursday @ 7pm

April 6th & 20th, May 4th & 18th

FREE Parent Ed Seminar by Ray Booth, Ph D call to register (or RSVP please)

Rose Hill Montessori Summer Camp 4603 Albion St., Boise 83705 385-7674 Sacajawea Interpretive, Cultural & Educational Center 2 miles east of Salmon, Hwy. 28 756-1188 Salvation Army Nampa Youth Center 403 12th Ave. S. Nampa 83631 467-6586 4-2017

Polaris Learning Center 1323 E. Iron Eagle Dr., Eagle 83616 938-9830 6224 Birch Lane, Nampa 83687 466-1322

Riverstone International School 5521 E. Warm Springs Ave., Boise 83716 424-5000

Quaker Hill Camp & Conference Center 1440 Warren Wagon Rd., McCall 83638 634-2083 quakerhillcamp. org Reuseum, The 3131 W. Chinden Blvd., Garden City 83714 375-7507 Rising Stars Performing Arts Camps 11505 W. Fairview Ave., Boise 83713 921-6651 idahorisingstars. com

Individual results may vary. Our advertising features actual parent testimonials.

28 APRIL 2017 | Idaho Family Magazine

CAMPS Guide Sawtooth Camp 2320 Fleck Summit Rd., Fairfield 83327 (800) 593-7539 Shiloh Bible Conference (Shiloh Bible Camp) 13165 Gestrin Rd., Donnelly 83610 325-8239 Social Essence—Modern Manners For Kids Treasure Valley 631-0576 Stepping Stones Children’s Center 12228 W. Bridger Bay Drive, Star 83669 286-9362 Super Kids’ Quest Camps & Skill Thrill Grade School Camp The Little Gym of Eagle/Meridian 3210 E. Chinden Blvd., Ste. 120, Eagle 83616 938-6185 Treasure Valley Ballet Academy Summer Dance Camps 1545 E. Leighfield Dr., Ste. 150, Meridian 83646 855-0167 Treasure Valley Children’s Theater 703 N. Main St., Meridian 83642 287-8828 Treasure Valley Family Signing 559-6042 Treasure Valley Institute for Children’s Arts 1406 W. Eastman St., Boise 83702 344-2220 Treasure Valley YMCA Youth Day Camps Caldwell Family YMCA—454-9622 Downtown Family YMCA—344-5501 Homecourt Y—855-5711 West Family YMCA—377-9622 Trinity Pines Camps and Conference Center 349 Cabarton Road, Cascade 83611 382-6200 U & Me Camp Horsethief Reservoir 870-8000 Ultimate Karate & Jiu-Jitsu

68 E. Fairview Ave., Meridian 83642 846-9119 Urban Ascent 308 S. 25th St., Boise 83702 363-7325 Xpressions Dance Academy 16175 High Desert St., Nampa 83687 466-1229 Young At Art 1304 E. Boise Ave., Boise 83706 345-7207 Vellotti’s Chess School 2913 36th St., Boise 83703 713-2486 Wesleyan Preschool & Kindergarten 717 N. 11th St. Boise 83702 343-3778 Y Camp at Horsethief Reservoir Valley, ID 83611 345-5501 Zoo Boise Summer Camp 355 Julia Davis Dr., Boise 83702 608-7760

A unique summer camp experience for children with social learning or communication challenges. For ages 6-14

Where Horses Abound Hope Can Be Found!

Age appropriate Camp Activities Include:

Summer Ranch Camp

Horse Power Classes

1 week camp available in June & July A complete fun filled ranch experience! Only $320

Eight Week classes to Introduce and develop children’s horsemanship & leadership skills with Horses. 3 different class levels offered. Only $295

For dates and details call Susan at 208-830-2706 or visit 4-2017

(541) 276-2752

P.O. Box 1025 • Pendleton, OR 97801


Come have fun at Dreamhaven RANCH this summer!

• Zip lines • Adventure Courses • Swimming • Nature Walks • Canoeing • Mini Golf • Campfires • Arts & Crafts • Sports • Many More FLEXIBLE PAYMENT PLANS AVAILABLE

Idaho Family Magazine | APRIL 2017 29


1045 S. Ancona Ave., Ste. 140, Eagle 83616 286-1078


Children’s Therapy Place Inc. Boise, Nampa, Emmett 323-8888

Advancing Adventures in Communications Campus of NW Nazarene University 489-5066 AdVenture Teen Summer Camp 608-7680

Coopalo Learning Center 1602 West Hays Street, Suite 304, Boise 83702 484-3816

American Cancer Society’s Camp Rainbow Gold 216 W. Jefferson, Boise 83702 350-6435

Glory Children Academy Boise Idaho Adaptive Cheer 2755 Beverly St., Ste. 103, Boise 83709 861-6387

Camp Hodia Altruas Lake in Sawtooth Mountains 891-1023, ext. 0

Idaho Youth Adaptive Sports Camp

Camp Meadowood Springs 77650 Meadowood Rd., Weston, Oregon 97886 (541) 276-2572

Muscular Dystrophy Association

Chatterbox Speech & Language Center 7091 W. Emerald St., Boise 83704 898-1368 320 11th Ave. S., #204, Nampa 83651 466-1077

Ride For Joy Therapeutic Riding Program 4909 W. Idaho Blvd., Emmett 83617 365-0671 Seastrand Swim School 10050 W. Crown Dr., Boise 83709 362-6649 4-2017

Camp River Run

2017 Summer camps for children with diabetes

Shooting Stars Day Camp

June 14th–17th for kids ages 4 to 8

Kids Camp

July 30th-Aug. 5th for kids entering 3rd–7th grade in the fall

Wilderness Camp – Rafting Trip – July 5th-10th for teens ages 13–19

Wilderness Camp

Teen Camp

June 25th-July 1st for kids entering 8th–12th grade in the fall


– Backpacking Trip – July 19th-23rd for teens ages 15–19

To learn more about our mission, how to donate or to register for camp


No child turned away due to inability to pay. Ask us about our financial aid.

30 APRIL 2017 | Idaho Family Magazine

CAMPS Guide Boise Art Museum................................................................. 5

Idaho Botanical Garden...................................................... 31

BSU Dept. of Kinesiology.................................................... 23

Idaho Cheer....................................................................... 24

The Cabin........................................................................... 21 Camp Meadowood Springs.................................................. 29

Idaho Shakespeare Festival................................................. 32

Camp Hodia....................................................................... 30

Kids Choice Summer Camp.................................................. 26

Cascade Raft & Kayak......................................................... 30

Lakewood Montessori......................................................... 27

Dreamhaven Ranch............................................................ 29

Nampa Recreation Center..................................................... 5

Eagle Adventist Christian School.......................................... 21 Fellowship of Christian Athletes Camp.................................. 23

Northview Montessori Preschool & Kindergarten.................. 24

Giraffe Laugh Early Learning Center.................................... 28

Polaris Learning Center......................................................... 6


Paradise Point Camp........................................................... 31


Gem State Gymnastics Day Camp........................................ 11

Idaho Family Magazine | APRIL 2017 31 4-2017

32 APRIL 2017 | Idaho Family Magazine

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