1 minute read
from IdaHome--July
J U LY/A U G U S T 2020
publisher K AREN DAY karen@idahorem.com
managing editor HE ATHER H A MILTONPOST heather@idahorem.com
art and design KRISTINA CASE kristina@idahorem.com K A LEY BELVA L design@idahorem.com
director of operations and sales manager MARIELLE WESTPHAL admin@idahorem.com
staff photographers K AREN DAY JOHN WEBSTER
Marketing, Sales and Distribution karen@idahorem.com
IdaHome Magazine is publishing by Idaho Real Estate Marketplace P.O. Box 116 Boise, Idaho 83701 208-481-0693
© 2020 IdaHome Magazine. All rights reserved. The opinions expressed by the authors and contributors to IdaHome Magazine are not necessarily those of the editor and publisher.
ON THE COVER Independent and locally-owned & operated, Ralston Group Properties (Ralston Group) challenges the status quo within the real estate industry. This vibrant "boutique" brokerage is grounded in the belief that creating long-term, trust-based relationships and always serving the client’s needs first, is both good business and the right thing to do. Five words define this residential and commercial real estate firm with offices in downtown Boise and Ketchum – Trust + Heart + Experience + Advocates + Thinkers. Their agents are handpicked and represents the very best people in the industry and in the community. Ralston Group…A Tradition of Trust.
Cherie Buckner-Webb is an Idaho State Senator, Executive Coach, speaker, business consultant, strategist, and 5th generation Idahoan. In addition to work in corporate and nonprofit environments, she assists institutions of higher education in the development of diversity curriculum and training and sits on a variety of local and national boards.
Heather Hamilton-Post is a writer and editor in Caldwell. She holds degrees in both agriculture and creative writing and is herself surprised by that. When she’s not writing, catch her at a socially distanced baseball game with her husband and young sons. Find her work across the web and buried in the lit journals you didn’t know you had.
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