Letter to Lt. Vance in Sandy Hook

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Lt. Vance, Earlier this year I happened to acquire a rather intriguing video. This video was taken at St. Rose of Lima School on the 14th of December, 2012, very early in the morning before the alleged Sandy Hook Elementary shooting occurred. This video quite clearly details the same children, who you fictitiously claimed were murdered by Adam Lanza, being sodomized and then ritualistically sacrificed (executed) by a group of quite prominent and influential Free Masons. I'll bet you are awfully curious as to who took that footage. I'll save that surprise for later but I'll give you a hint, they are directly related to the pedophile ring and it's someone you would least expect. I'm assuming the lock­down drill at Sandy Hook Elementary was the perfect cover to transport the children's corpses and stage the shooting. I'm also assuming Adam Lanza was a long time victim of this pedo­ring, and I'm guessing you and your Mason buddies had to tie up the “loose” ends by murdering Lanza and his mother because you were afraid they were going to blow the whistle on your little kid­diddling parties. The staged photos released with the street sign misspelled "Dickinson" (Dick­In­Son) was a charming touch as well. I'll bet the propping of the Bushmaster rifle at the scene to help sway public consensus in favor of further gun control was the icing on the cake. Sound about right? I thought so. It's taken me quite some time to positively identify every adult in that video, but I do now possess everyone's name, home address, and phone number that was involved in the rape and murder of those kids. I am also very close to having a full list of everyone involved in the set up and cover up for this false flag event, including those FBI perverts. Don't feel left out, I have your information available for release as well for all your hard work on this one. So, Lieutenant, or should I say “Lie­tenant” Vance, we have ourselves a little predicament. Seeing as how you sick fuckers pretty much own and control law enforcement these days, that leaves me with little choice as to how I should handle this evidence. Indeed, the most prudent course of action is to release it simultaneously to every alternative media organization as well as publish it under a multitude of anonymous accounts on the internet for the viral effect. It will be a tidal wave of truth washing away the sordid tale of bull­shit you have woven. How will you ever 'circumnavigate' through that mess? This leaves you and your fellow conspirators with two options, of which I would most certainly appreciate an answer on before proceeding: 1. Would you like to convene a press conference first and disclose the full truth yourselves before I make it public knowledge? You might retain a miniscule amount of dignity in this instance. 2. Would you like to remain silent and just have me release the video, names, and data to let you face the wrath of the American people without any warning? I understand that you are most likely just another chump in the pyramid and will need to consult with your superiors for an answer, but if you would like to present those choices to your pedo­buddies and reply with what direction they would like to proceed, please let me know. If I do not hear back from you, I will assume that you all have chosen alternative number two, and so will it be. If you thought Hiram Abiff was a 'rejected' stone, wait until you see what the American people do to you and your pervert friends for this atrocity. Best of luck,


Dick In Son?

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . …...Nope, DickEnson

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