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Auto owner insurance is required by law in every state in America, but it doesn't have to be expensive. Here are a few things that you can do that can make your insurance less expensive. Now first, lets explain the difference between cheap and inexpensive. You can get cheap insurance rather easily, but this insurance is pretty much useless. You do not want to sacrifice coverage for price. Here are a few ways to get the coverage that you need, while at the same time making your auto owner insurance more affordable. Drive safely. The best way is, of course, by driving safely. Almost all insurance companies are going to check your driving history before they give you a policy. There are going to check for any accidents, or moving violations. If you have a clean record, you will be able to get your policy at a much cheaper rate. If you have had an accident, your rate might be more expensive. However, if you drive safely from then on, you will be able to lower it. Drive a safe vehicle. Another way that you can lower the price of your auto owner insurance is by driving a safe vehicle. Insurance companies like to insure vehicles like minivans, because they are less likely to be driven recklessly. If you have a safe vehicle, you will save money. If you drive a sports car, or another vehicle that is likely to be driven fast and recklessly, you should expect to pay more. Drive a mildly colored car. Some people don't believe that this is true, but then why do they always ask for the color of your car? It is because hot colored cars like red and yellow are more prone to drive fast, and attract more tickets. Buying a darker shade for your vehicle, will keep your price down.
Justin Dreyfuss is a blogger, former insurance agent, and an expert on auto owner insurance. Click this link to read honest recommendations and practical tips at his site: Auto Insurance Quotes
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Justin_W._Dreyfuss
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