The Amazing Acai Berry - How to Determine a Quality Product

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==== ==== Want to lose weight fast and easy? Try the Acai berry method it’s recommended by doctors. ==== ====

Discovering Natures Wonder Food Acai berry is considered the secret gem of the Amazon. As little as five years ago it was difficult if not impossible to find organic acai outside South America. Today, it is prominently carried online and in many health food stores across the United States. The popularity of acai berries for medicinal and health properties has received extensive attention due to the powerful healing and health properties contained within the fruit itself. Concerned About Cancer; Take a Look at Acai Berry With the amount of cancer being diagnosed rapidly on the rise it only makes sense to research natural remedies that can help prevent or cure cancer. A study published in 2006 concluded that pure acai extract was effective at killing human cancers cells in a lab. This University of Florida study has prompted more research in the matter; but in the mean time it makes no sense to wait. Starting an acai berry regime today may substantially help to prevent cancer tomorrow. Discover the Best Type of Acai Berry Products to Purchase Originally, it was was difficult to import or export because it had a quick tendency to rot. As researchers discovered all the amazing qualities of the berries they began seeking alternative methods to preserve the fruit without adding preservatives or chemical additives. This has resulted in the freeze drying of organic acai. Freeze drying the fruit allows it to maintain its high levels of antioxidant and nutritional values without the risk of spoiling. When purchasing acai berry products it is important to read the label to ensure that the brand you are buying was in fact freeze dried and is organic! This will ensure that what you are purchasing is of the highest possible quality of on the market. Beyond The Hype: Acai Berry Revealed Every few years a natural product hits the market and receives tons of advertising, marketing and news reports. Most of these eventually fall short of expectations. That is where acai is completely different. A great deal of pertinent research has been done with regard to the acai berry and it is all completely astonishing. Acai has not only been dubbed the most nutritious fruit of the rainforest it has proven to be one of the most nutritious and health inducing foods available on the planet. The USDA reported conclusively that acai berries have "the highest antioxidant activity of any food reported to date." Considering the importance of antioxidants in reducing cancer risks and heart disease this is no small feat. Even more convincing is that this berry contains anthocyanins and flavonoids, two potent strains of antioxidants and is effective at neutralizing free radicals in the body. Acai Berry Research Stands Behind All Claims Taking the research component one step further, acai has also been measured on the ORAC scale (Oxygen Radical Absorption Capacity) and has tested overwhelmingly on the high end

indicating that it is one of the most effective and powerful antioxidant supplements available today. Few natural products are involved in as many research and test studies as Brazilian acai, which is only further proof that this is a berry to contend with. When you Are Serious About Your Health, Choose Acai Berry Many products on the market make promises that they cannot keep. Acai is proven to not only keep its promises but to add to the overall health and well being that a person who takes it is apt to experience. It can aid in healthy long term weight loss and is packed powerfully with fatty acids and proteins and minerals. For instance, a single serving of the standard acai berry capsules contain B vitamins, vitamin E, substantial fiber, protein and potassium, copper and manganese as well as Omega 3, 6, and 9 fatty acids. Even more impressive is due to the low glycemic index number it is considered completely safe for diabetics to consume as a dietary additive. A Plethora of Benefits with Acai Berry Many people begin taking this superfood for one circumstance and inevitably find out that it has genuinely improved the quality of their health. The health benefits are not limited to weight loss or vitamin supplementation. In fact, many of the other health benefits to the acai may be even more important and long lasting. Listed below are just a few of the benefits research has indicated may stem from acai berry consumption. "Increase Energy "Higher Metabolic Rate "Healthy Weight Loss "Improved Digestion "Improved Vision "Slower Age Related Decline "Reduced Risk of Heart Diseases "Cancer Prevention & Treatment "Healthier Skin, hair & nails "Cholesterol Management "Boosted Immunity The News on Acai Berry will Only Get Better! It is important to bear in mind that acai berry research is new. Studies are consistently finding more and more benefits to the astonishing benefits of acai berry as supplement to out diets. One of the most convenient factors is that acai berry products come in a variety of sources. Whether you prefer acai berry capsules, acai berry juices (usually mixed with cranberry, blueberry or apple) or frozen pureed versions that can be blended into smoothies you are certain to find an easy way to add acai berry to your diet. Where has Acai Berry Been all These Years? As previously stated acai berry has existed for years but was unable to be exported because of its tendency to rot quickly. But this does not mean that acai berry has not been used. As a matter of fact the native South American people have been infusing their diets with acai berry since the beginning of time. The acai palm tree grows in the low lying flood plains of Brazil and Columbia. People in those parts have used acai berry in their medicine cabinets just as we use over the counter medications. Many people have used the oil extract from the berry to treat diarrhea while

others use the grated fruit as a treatment for skin ulcers. Even more interesting is the use of the crushed seeds to safely reduce fever. Today, these trees are widely cultivated. The berries themselves are related to cranberries and blueberries and are similar in size and consistency. Acai berry does have a distinct taste that is a blend of cocoa and berries and has often been used as a flavoring for liquors and desserts. Acai Berry is Easy to Purchase Obviously acai berry is a natural nutrient that is on the leading edge of health care advancement. The studies conclusively indicate that acai berry is a valuable and precious resource that all of us should take advantage of. Now that it is easily available online, there is no reason to continue searching for organic acai berry products that will help maintain long term health.

Emma has spent many years studying the benefits of acai berry She has taken acai berry consistently for three years and is aware first hand what it can do to improve health. Not only has she lost 20 pounds and been able to maintain a healthy weight; she has also experienced renewed energy and vitality. Emma passionately writes about acai berry on a leading website and hopes to inform all people of the wondrous capabilities available with the acai berry. She recently took a trip to the Amazon to see first hand how acai berry is cultivated and was truly excited to be able to pick the fruit directly off the acai palm trees herself.

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==== ==== Want to lose weight fast and easy? Try the Acai berry method it’s recommended by doctors. ==== ====

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