greenhouse gas assessment emissions methodology

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Inter-American Development Bank VPS/ESG TECHNICAL NOTE No. IDB-TN-455

Greenhouse Gas Assessment Emissions Methodology Milena Breisinger

August 2012

Greenhouse Gas Assessment Emissions Methodology

Milena Breisinger

Inter-American Development Bank 2012

Cataloging-in-Publication data provided by the Inter-American Development Bank Felipe Herrera Library Breisinger, Milena. Greenhouse gas emissions assessment methodology / Milena Breisinger. p. cm. — (IDB Technical Note ; 455) Includes bibliographical references. 1. Greenhouse gases. II. Inter-American Development Bank—Evaluation. I. Inter-American Development Bank. Environmental and Social Safeguards Unit. II. Title. III. Series. IDB-TN-455 Jel Codes Q54 C13

The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Inter-American Development Bank, its Board of Directors, or the countries they represent. The unauthorized commercial use of Bank documents is prohibited and may be punishable under the Bank's policies and/or applicable laws. Copyright © 2012 Inter-American Development Bank. All rights reserved; may be freely reproduced for any non-commercial purpose.

This Technical Note was prepared under the direction of the Environmental and Social Safeguards Unit (VPS/ESG) of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). This document provides the methodology prepared and used by IDB to assess the impact of its direct investments loans on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions since 2009. This document was prepared under the supervision of Janine Ferretti, Chief of the Environmental and Social Safeguards Unit (VPS/ESG) by Milena Breisinger. GHG emission calculation tools presented within were developed by SAIC速 under the guidance of Emmanuel Boulet and Milena Breisinger (VPS/ESG). Insightful contributions were provided by Amarilis Netwall (VPS/ESG). IDB appreciates the support from Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH with funds from Bundesministerium fuer Wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ).

August 2012




Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 1


Carbon footprint ...................................................................................................................... 1


Reporting gross and net figures ............................................................................................... 2


Methodology............................................................................................................................ 3


Baseline for Renewable Energy Projects................................................................................. 4


Baseline for energy Efficiency projects................................................................................... 4


Contents of this guidance ........................................................................................................ 6


GHG Emissions from construction.......................................................................................... 7


GHG Emissions from one full year of operation ................................................................... 12Â


Acronyms ADB Asian Development Bank CDM Clean Development Mechanism CO2 Carbon Dioxide DOC Degradable Organic Carbon DOE Department of Energy EE Energy Efficiency EF Emission Factor EPA Environmental Protection Agency FGD Flue Gas Desulfurization GHG Greenhouse Gases GJ Gigajoules GWP Global Warming Potential ha Hectares HHV High Heating Value IDB Inter-American Development Bank IEA International Energy Agency IFI International Finance Institutions IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change km Kilometer kWh Kilowatt Hour LHV Low Heating Value LTO Landing and Takeoff MWh Megawatt Hour RE Renewable Energy ROW Right-of-Way


sqf Square feet sqm Square meter t Tons T&D Transmission and Distribution UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change VKT Vehicle Kilometers Travelled WBCSD World Business Council for Sustainable Development WRI World Resources Institute WWTP Wastewater Treatment Plant


1. INTRODUCTION IDB has assessed the impact on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of its direct investments (investment loans) since 2009. Summaries of these impacts were published for the first time in the Bank’s Sustainability Report 2011. All direct investment projects with emissions, or emissions savings, exceeding 25 kilotons CO2-equivalents (CO2e) per annum have been assessed, with a focus on projects in the seven sectors—energy, industry, agriculture, water and sanitation, transport, urban development, and tourism—that dominate the portfolio GHG emissions footprint. Other sectors are considered to have low or no GHG emissions impact. To avoid double counting, supplementary loans are not included. In the cases of financial intermediaries, policy-based loans, financial emergencies, and the trade finance facilitation program, adequate methodologies have not yet been developed. Since 2006, Directive B.11 of the Bank’s Environment and Safeguards Compliance Policy (OP-703) mandates calculation and reporting of GHG emissions for operations that are expected to produce significant amounts of them.

2. CARBON FOOTPRINT The carbon footprint is expressed in CO2e and consists of the GHGs and their global warming potential (GWP), as shown in Table 1. GHG emissions are determined by multiplying GHG activity data (e.g., gigajoules (GJ) electricity consumption for a furnace) with emission factors (EF) (e.g., CO2–emissions per GJ/natural gas). The unit of measurement is metric tons, and all GHG emissions are converted to tons of CO2e, using the 100-year GWP factors as published in the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in 2007. This allows for the aggregation of all GHG emissions in one single indicator, expressed as the carbon footprint.




Chemical formula

GWP (over 100 years)


Carbon dioxide



Combustion processes




Landfills, coal mining, wastewater treatment, biomass combustion

Nitrous oxide



Agricultural soils and nitric acid production

Hydrofluorocarbons —


Substitutes for ozone-depleting substance, semiconductor manufacturing

Sulfur hexafluoride SF6


Electrical transmission and distribution



Substitutes for ozone-depleting substance, semiconductor manufacturing

3. REPORTING GROSS AND NET FIGURES IDB reports separate numbers for a positive (+) gross and a negative (–) net. Positive (+) gross GHG emissions are significant scope 1 (direct) and scope 2 (associated with the offsite generation of electricity, heat, and steam used by the project and, if calculable, scope 3 (indirect emissions)) CO2e emissions in the geographic boundaries1 of the financed project that are generated during the first year of full operation/production and may include construction emissions averaged over the project lifetime (WRI/ international financial institutions (IFIs) common elements). Negative (–) net GHG reductions of the financed project are quantified relative to a baseline. Direct emissions from within the project boundary together with the estimated emissions associated with the generation of grid electricity used by the project are included in the 1 The project boundary may need to include associated facilities where these exist solely to serve the project. European Investment Bank reports the emissions for the whole project whether it is rehabilitation or capacity increase, resulting sometimes in wider boundaries than the project itself.


assessment. Other upstream emissions associated with the provision of materials used by the project or downstream emissions from the use of the goods and services generated by the project are not included.2 Presenting gross positive emissions and net savings numbers alongside each other allows for a holistic view of the carbon footprint of the activity of an institution. The institution is able to draw attention not only to increases in avoided emissions but also to improvements made on projects with significant emissions. It is important to highlight positive (+) gross GHG emissions figures in order to be transparent and credible and to create an awareness of high-emission projects.

4. METHODOLOGY The methodology used to analyze these investments is based on established international GHG accounting standards developed by the IPCC, the World Resources Institute (WRI), and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD). The tools provide a way to consistently monitor projects approved by the Bank. Sixteen sectoral GHG accounting tools allow the calculation of emissions with varying levels of required data and at various project stages. The “initial review� enables quick estimates of construction and operations emissions during project preparation. This simplified approach is designed to estimate the bulk of emissions from a project using data generally available at the early stages of project development. Data-intensive methods provide more detailed methodologies for estimating construction and operational emissions once the project has been implemented and detailed data are available. For renewable energy, bioenergy, and energy efficiency projects, the tools calculate the emissions that have been avoided. The project GHG emissions are taken as the annual emissions occurring once the project has been fully implemented. Construction emissions are included by averaging them over the lifetime of the project. A detailed table with all the methodologies used appears at the end of this document.

2 Using the definitions adopted by the GHG Protocol of the WBCSD/WRI, direct emissions are termed Scope 1, emissions from grid electricity used are Scope 2, and other upstream and downstream emissions are Scope 3.


5. BASELINE FOR RENEWABLE ENERGY PROJECTS Renewable energy (RE) and energy efficiency (EE) are becoming increasingly important in Latin America to help meet the growing demand for energy brought on by rapid economic growth. IDB has estimated that the region could reduce energy consumption by 10 percent over the next 10 years by increasing efficiency using existing technologies.3 For renewable energy and energy efficiency projects, IDB uses a static baseline. Static baseline emission rates such as factor for the country energy mix (national grid factor) do not change over time, while dynamic baseline emission rates modify over time to reflect relevant changes such as in the country grid, economy, etc. Due to many uncertainties about the design phase of a project as well as about the future in general, IDB chose to go with the static approach to ensure consistency in the calculations as well as transparency and traceability. Calculations for RE projects for the IDB are usually done for new plants called Greenfield, such as new plants in the wind, solar, small hydro, or geothermal sector. The renewable energy calculation modules estimate reduced emissions by comparing the generated energy with the national grid default factor as static baseline. The national grid default factors are based on the newest International Energy Agency (IEA) data sheets. This methodology is in line with the approaches taken by the other IFIs. Projects seeking to benefit from the Kyoto Protocol flexibility mechanisms (e.g., the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)) project and baseline emission assessments have to run a separate, more-detailed calculation based on methodologies approved under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

6. BASELINE FOR ENERGY EFFICIENCY PROJECTS Compared with the Greenfield approach for RE projects, only EE is applicable for already existing plants /projects, called Brownfield.


Inter-American Development Bank, Energy Efficiency. IDB Website.,2654.html


IDB added modules to an initial set of GHG tools that calculate the avoided emissions associated with energy efficiency improvements to help quantify avoided emissions of investment projects. EE modules had been added to the cement production, power plant, steel production, wastewater, solid waste, urban development, and tourism tools. The EE calculation approach varies slightly by sector to accommodate each tool’s individual methodologies and data requirements. Generally, the EE calculation modules estimate avoided emissions by comparing the pre-upgrade project configuration with the current, or post-upgrade, configuration. The calculations have two main steps. First, emission intensity is calculated for the project before and after the upgrade. The emission intensity indicates the emissions per unit of output, where output is defined as the physical output of the project, such as tons of steel or cement produced, or another indicator, such as the amount of organic waste treated by a wastewater treatment plant. The emission intensity is calculated by dividing the total emissions by the total output of a project, as illustrated in the following equation: Emission Intensity = (Total Emissions)/(Total Output) Next, the avoided emissions are calculated. Avoided emissions are emissions that would have occurred without the energy efficiency upgrades but that were avoided as a result of the upgrades. They are calculated by multiplying the change in emission intensity by the current output, as illustrated in the following equation: Avoided Emissions = (Intensity Before Upgrade – Intensity After Upgrade) x Output After Upgrade The change in emission intensity and current output are used to calculate avoided emissions in order to show the benefit of the energy efficiency upgrades, regardless of whether overall emissions from a project increase as a result of an increase in total output. For example, EE upgrades at a cement plant lead to increased output and the overall emissions from the plant increase. Since the cement is now produced with fewer emissions per unit (emission intensity), the emissions that would have occurred from producing the same amount of cement at the higher emission intensity constitute the baseline.


7. CONTENTS OF THIS GUIDANCE This document contains guidance for IDB-appointed consultants or in-house practitioners on applying the IDB GHG Assessment Methodology. The methodology outlined seeks to ensure that greenhouse gas emission assessments are carried out in a systematic manner, using data whose sources are documented and recording all assumptions and methods of calculation. However, no generalized methodology can hope to meet the needs of every project; inevitably, users will find occasion where they need to use their own professional judgment. In such instances, any assumptions made and any departures taken from the recommended methods should be recorded. As a general guide, procedures and assumptions that are accepted in the preparation of projects for CDM support will be acceptable for the assessment of IDB projects. This methodology is intended for use on all projects for the purposes of estimating the impact of project implementation on overall GHG emissions and identifying opportunities for GHG reduction during project appraisal. For projects seeking CDM accreditation under the Kyoto Protocol mechanisms, an analysis will be required following protocols approved by the UNFCCC for such projects. These requirements are not covered by this guidance. Recurrent methodologies such as energy consumption during construction or operation are presented only once.


8. GHG EMISSIONS FROM CONSTRUCTION Construction Emissions Land Use Change

Right-of-Way (ROW) Area

Description / Input Data Requirements

This method provides a simplified default approach for estimating emissions based on the area of land cleared and IPCC default values for the amount of above and below ground carbon stocks in various types of vegetation. Note: The Land Use Change section includes a methodology to estimate the area of the ROW cleared for the transmission line. This methodology estimates the area of ROW required for a transmission line using the length and nominal voltage of the line. Since ROW clearing does not affect below ground carbon stocks, these will not be included in land areas for ROWs. Land Cover Type (Above biomass carbon (tC/ha) / Below biomass carbon (tC/ha)): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27.

Natural Forest - Tropical rainforest (141.0/52.2) Natural Forest - Tropical moist deciduous (84.6/18.6) Natural Forest - Tropical dry (61.1/25.7) Natural Forest - Tropical scrubland (32.9/13.2) Natural Forest - Tropical mountain systems (65.8/17.8) Natural Forest - Subtropical humid (103.4/22.7) Natural Forest - Subtropical dry (61.1/25.7) Natural Forest - Subtropical steppe (32.9/10.5) Natural Forest - Subtropical mountain systems (65.8/0.0) Natural Forest - Temperate oceanic (84.6/18.6) Natural Forest - Temperate continental (56.4/14.7) Natural Forest - Temperate mountain systems (47.0/12.2) Natural Forest - Boreal coniferous (23.5/9.2) Natural Forest - Boreal tundra woodland (7.1/2.7) Natural Forest - Boreal mountain systems (14.1/5.5) Plantation Forest - Tropical rain forest (70.5/26.1) Plantation Forest - Tropical moist deciduous forest (56.4/12.4) Plantation Forest - Tropical dry forest (28.2/11.8) Plantation Forest - Tropical scrubland (14.1/5.6) Plantation Forest - Tropical mountain systems (42.3/11.4) Plantation Forest - Subtropical humid forest (65.8/14.5) Plantation Forest - Subtropical dry forest (28.2/11.8) Plantation Forest - Subtropical steppe (14.1/ 4.5) Plantation Forest - Subtropical mountain systems (42.3/0.0) Plantation Forest - Temperate oceanic forest (75.2/16.5) Plantation Forest - Temperate continental forest (47.0/12.2) Plantation Forest - Temperate mountain systems (47.0/12.2)

Calculation Method

CO2 (t) =

/ /

44 12

In case of transmission lines or other activity that do not disturb the below ground carbon stock. CO2 (t) =

2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, Volume 4, Table 4.12 (Natural Forest and Plantation Forest), Table 5.1 (Cropland), and Table 6.4 (Grassland). Degraded and managed pastureland factor from Brazilian Sugarcane Industry Association, Second Letter to California Air Resources Board, 04/17/2009

USDA, Rural Utilities Service, RUS BULLETIN 1724E-203, pg 6. s/UEP_Bulletin_1724E-203.pdf 44/12 to convert from C to CO2

EF Above Ground Biomass Carbon tC/ha


Methodology Source



Construction Emissions

Description / Input Data Requirements 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45.

Building Construction

Calculation Method

Plantation Forest - Boreal coniferous forest (18.8/7.3) Plantation Forest - Boreal tundra woodland (7.1/2.7) Plantation Forest - Boreal mountain systems (14.1/5.5) Cropland - Temperate (all regions), woody biomass (63/0) Cropland - Tropical dry, perennial woody biomass (9/0) Cropland - Tropical moist, perennial woody biomass (21/0) Cropland - Tropical wet, perennial woody biomass (50/0) Cropland - Annual crops (all) (4.7/0) Grassland - Boreal (dry & wet) (0.68/1.6) Grassland - Cold Temperate (dry) (0.68/1.1) Grassland - Cold Temperate (wet) (0.96/1.9) Grassland - Warm Temperate (dry) (0.64/1.1) Grassland - Warm Temperate (wet) (1.08/1.6) Grassland - Tropical (dry) (0.92/1.1) Grassland - Tropical (moist & wet) (2.48/0.6) Settlement – Construction (0/0) Managed Pasture (6.5/0) Degraded Pastureland (1.3/0) Area Cleared (Hectares)

Provides an integrated approach for estimating emissions from building construction activities based on the total area of the buildings or the type and number of buildings being constructed. This method accounts for the embodied GHG emissions that are created through the extraction, processing, transportation, construction, and disposal of building materials as well as emissions created through landscape disturbance (by both soil disturbance and changes in above ground biomass). Surface area of building components Columns and Beams Intermediate Floors Exterior Walls Windows Interior Walls Roofs

Building Type Residential Housing Education Food Sales

Average EF (lbs CO2e/sq ft) 5.298593639 7.758435526 19.1154907 51.15692823 5.689792474 21.29063814

King County Department of Development and Environmental Services in Washington State.

CO2 (t) = ∑

Average Materials Used per Square Foot Building Space - Buildings Energy Data Book: 7.3 Typical/Average Household Materials Used in the Construction of a 2,272-Square-Foot Single-Family Home, 2000. k_table&TableID=2036&t=xls . See also: NAHB, 2004 Housing Facts, Figures and Trends, Feb. 2004, p. 7 .

CO 2 e Emission Factors - Athena EcoCalculator, Athena Assembly Evaluation Tool v2.3- Vancouver Low Rise Building Assembly, Average Emissions (kg) per square meter. tml CO2 (t) =

Average EF CO2 per Sq Ft 2,272.0 25,580.3 5,553.1

Residential Floor Space per Unit - 2001 Residential Energy Consumption Survey (National Average, 2001), Square footage measurements and comparisons. Commercial Floor Space per Unit - EIA, 2003 Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey


Methodology Source

Construction Emissions

Description / Input Data Requirements Food Service Health Care Lodging Mercantile Retail (Other Than Mall) Enclosed and Strip Malls Office Public Assembly Public Order and Safety Religious Worship Service Warehouse and Storage Other

5,569.0 24,519.4 35,887.3 17,035.0 9,744.9 32,277.0 14,815.5 14,220.2 15,352.1 10,145.9 6,511.3 16,881.1 22,000.0

Calculation Method

Methodology Source (National Average, 2003). Table C3. Consumption and Gross Energy Intensity for Sum of Major Fuels for Non-Mall Buildings, 2003. ed_tables_2003/2003set9/2003excel/c3.xls

CO2 (t) =


For renewable energy projects, life cycle GHG emission analysis of power generation systems: Japanese case, Hiroki Hondo 2005 99Winter2007/Hondo%20%20GHG%20LCA%20for%20power%20gen eration.pdf

Special Case for renewable energy projects To calculate emissions related to the construction of the renewable energy project, select the renewable energy project type and enter the average amount of electricity generated by this project on an annual basis. Default Emission Factors for Construction of Renewable Energy Projects (g- CO2/kWh) Solar Wind Hydroelectric Geothermal Road Pavement

41.1 21.2 9.3 5.3

New Road: The Road Pavement methodology provides an integrated method for estimating emissions from the construction of roadways. Four recent life cycle assessments of the environmental impacts of roads form the basis for the per unit embodied emissions of pavement. Each study is constructed in slightly different ways; however, the aggregate results of the reports represent a reasonable estimate of the GHG emissions that are created from the manufacture of paving materials, construction-related emissions, and maintenance of the pavement over its expected life cycle.

CO2 (t) = Road constructed (sqm) x EF (182.99 per sqm) OR Road rehabilitated (sqm) x EF (8.88 for sqm)

EF per square meter (sqm) = 182.99 Road Rehabilitation: This method is adopted from the King County (Washington State) Department of Development and Environmental Services: SEPA GHG Emissions Worksheet, Version 1.7 12/26/07. This method calculates the emissions from downstream maintenance and repair of the highway. For the King County project, 33 MTCO2e/1000 square feet of pavement was used to compute emissions from road maintenance activities over the 40-year life of the road. This method

King County Department of Development and Environmental Services in Washington State. The methodology is based on four studies: Meil, J. A Life Cycle Perspective on Concrete and Asphalt Roadways: Embodied Primary Energy and Global Warming Potential. 2006. Park, K, Hwang, Y., Seo, S., M.ASCE, and Seo, H. , “Quantitative Assessment of Environmental Impacts on Life Cycle of Highways,� Journal of Construction Engineering and Management , Vol 129, January/February 2003, pp 25-31, (DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9364(2003)129:1(25)). Stripple, H. Life Cycle Assessment of Road. A Pilot Study for Inventory Analysis. Second Revised Edition. IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute Ltd. 2001. Treloar, G., Love, P.E.D., and Crawford, R.H. Hybrid Life-Cycle Inventory for Road Construction



Average Window Size - Energy Information Administration/Housing Characteristics 1993. Appendix B, Quality of the Data. Pg. 5. 3hcf.pdf

Construction Emissions

Description / Input Data Requirements

Calculation Method

Methodology Source and Use. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management. P. 43-49. January/February 2004.

utilizes an equivalent annual emissions factor of 0.825MTCO2e/1000 square feet/year. The square feet numbers were converted into square meters. EF per square meter (sqm) = 8.88 Purchased Energy Consumption

(Electricity Use and Fuel Consumption)

Estimates emissions of CO2, CH4, and N2O from electricity and fuel use purchased for use in project construction or activities based on default emission factors. Custom emission factors can be used if available. Specific heating values for fuels may also be used to provide a more accurate estimate. The emission factors for electricity are countrydependent.

Same method applies to vehicles and equipment used during operation



CH4 EF gCH4/M MBtu

N2O EF gN2O/M MBtu

Natural Gas





Diesel Heavy Fuel Oil LPG/Propane












Estimates CO2, CH4, and N2O emissions from construction vehicles and equipment. This method is used for any construction equipment or vehicles that are not associated with the construction of buildings since these emissions are captured in the Integrated Building Construction methodology described above. This method estimates fuel use emissions from mobile sources based on the type and amount of fuel use or by type of vehicle and total miles traveled if fuel use data are not available. Default CO2, CH4, and N2O emission factors are provided and custom emission factors may be used if available.

kg GHG/Liter Aviation Gasoline Biodiesel/Biodiesel Blend B 100 B 20 B 10 B5







2/ /





2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories. The IPCC values were originally on a NCV (LHV) basis and have been converted to a GCV (HHV) basis using rule of thumb. Gross calorific (higher heating) values are preferred because they are more closely related to the carbon content of fuels than net calorific (lower heating) values.

Fuel Consumption Emission Factors - Source: Energy Information Administration, Documentation for Emissions of Greenhouse Gases in the United States 2003, (May 2005), p.189, web site: on/pdf/0638(2003).pdf. Emission factors for biodiesel blends were calculated using the net (lower) heating value for biodiesel from National Biodiesel Board web site: U_Content_Final_Oct2005.pdf. The gross (higher) heating value was assumed to be 5% higher than the net heating value (see Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories: Reference Manual, p. 1.5, web site: www.ipcc-

CO2 EF kg CO2/l 2.17 0.00 2.12 2.39 2.52


Fuel Use - US EPA, Climate Leaders, Greenhouse Gas Inventory Protocol Core Module Guidance, 2008.

CO2 (t) =

Type of fuel used: Fuel consumption method (stationary combustion)

Electricity Consumption - IEA CO2 Emissions from Fossil Fuel Combustion - 2011 Edition

OR ∑

Fossil Fuel Type

Emissions from vehicles and equipment used during construction

CO2 (t) = Annual amount of electricity used (MWh/year) x EF country or regional electricity grid (based on latest IEA statistics)

Construction Emissions


Vehicle Miles Traveled Data

Description / Input Data Requirements B2 Diesel Fuel (No. 1, 2) Ethanol/Ethanol Blends E 100 E 85 E 10 Motor Gasoline Jet Fuel, Kerosene Propane Residual Fuel (No. 5, 6) LNG LPG Methanol

Calculation Method

2.60 2.65

Emission factors for ethanol blends were calculated using the higher heating value for ethanol from U.S. Department of Energy, Alternative Transportation Fuel Data Center, web site:

0.00 0.35 2.09 2.32 2.50 1.51 3.09 1.17 1.51 1.07


OR Vehicle Miles Traveled Data

Fraction combusted is assumed to be 99 percent.

CO 2 (t) =

Vehicle Miles Traveled Default Factors


Default EF per vehicle type

SF6 emissions from installed electrical

g CO2/mile


g N2O/mile

Motorcycle New small gas/electric hybrid Gasoline light duty automobile LPG light duty automobile Diesel light duty automobile Gasoline vans & pickup truck Gasoline light truck


Diesel light truck Gasoline heavy truck







Diesel heavy truck



Diesel bus


0.0672 N/A




















Ă˜ CO2 Factors - WRI/ WBCSD Greenhouse Gas Protocol Initiative. Average HWY/CITY and small/medium/large vehicle sizes- (mobile) Ă˜ CH4 and N2O Factors - EPA Climate Leaders: ces/mobilesource_guidance.pdf



0.0048 N/A

Estimates SF6 emissions from leaks and other fugitive sources during the installation of electrical equipment.

SF6 (kg/yr) = SF6 nameplate capacity for equipment installed during






CO2 Emissions



Type of vehicle and total miles traveled:


Methodology Source

The Climate Registry: 2009 Electric Power Sector Protocol v1.0

Construction Emissions equipment

Description / Input Data Requirements EF for equipment installed during project construction = 0.15

Calculation Method construction (kg) x EF SF6 equipment installment (0.15)

Methodology Source

9. GHG EMISSIONS FROM ONE FULL YEAR OF OPERATION Agricultural Sector: Livestock Operational Emissions Nitrous Oxide (N2O) Emissions from Fertilizer Use

Description / Input Data Requirements

Estimates emissions occurring from the use of nitrogen-based fertilizer based on the amount of fertilizer used and emission factors for the amount of N2O per unit of nitrogen. N2O (kg) = direct N2O emissions + volatization emissions + runoff emissions

Calculation Method

N2O (kg) = Percent nitrogen (N) in amount of fertilizer (kg/yr) x EF direct (0.9) x kg N2O / kg N (0.02)


Methodology Source

Environmental Protection Agency. 2009. Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks: 1990-2007. Chapter 6. usinventoryreport.html

Percent nitrogen (N) in amount of fertilizer (kg/yr) x EF volatization (0.1)


kg N2O / kg N (0.016)

+ Percent nitrogen (N) in amount of fertilizer (t/yr) x EF runoffs (0.3) Emissions from lime and dolomite application

Limestone and dolomite are sometimes added by land managers to ameliorate acidification. When these compounds come in contact with acid soils, they degrade, thereby generating CO2. The methodology estimates emissions from lime application based on the amount of limestone or dolomite applied and a default emission factor. Custom emission factors may be entered if available.

CO2 (t) = Amount of limestone applied fraction (0.12) CO2 (t) =

Default Factors for Limestone and Dolomite


x kg N2O / kg N (0.008)

x 44/12

(t/yr)) x EF limestone carbon

2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, Volume 4, Section 11.3.1 (based on equation 11.12) 44/12 (to convert CO 2 –C emissions into CO 2)

Agricultural Sector: Livestock Operational Emissions

Description / Input Data Requirements

Calculation Method Amount of dolomite applied (t/yr) x EF dolomite carbon

Applications (fraction carbon)

Nitrous oxide and methane emissions from burning sugarcane crops





fraction (0.13) x 44/12

Estimates emissions from the burning of crop residues based on the amount of crop produced and fraction burned.

CH4 (t) =

amount of dry mass burned per unit sugar cane moist Default Factors for Sugarcane Burning Dry mass burned per unit moist harvested

harvested (0.20863) x EF gCH4/kg burned (2.7) รท1000 0.20863

Combustion Factor (fraction)


CH4 Emission Factor (g/kg burned)


N2O Emission Factor (g/kg burned)


Dairy cattle

kg CH4/head 63

Animal Mass

Annual kg N


per animal



N2O (t) = Annual Crop Production (t/yr)

x fraction burned annually x

amount of dry mass burned per unit sugar cane moist

x EF gN2O /kg burned


































(0.07) รท 1000

CH4 (t) =

t N2O/t N

Other cattle


Dry mass burned per unit moist harvested from RSB GHG Calculation Methodology, RSB-STD-01-003-01 (Version 2.0), pg. 73


Estimates CH4 emissions from enteric fermentation and both CH4 and nitrous oxide N2O emissions from livestock manure management systems based on animal type, using default emission factors. Sitespecific factors may be used if available. Type of Livestock



+ N2O (t) =

2 /


2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, Volume 4, Tables 2.5 (CH4 and N2O from "Agricultural Residues") and Table 2.6

Annual crop production (t/yr) x fraction burned annually x

harvested (0.20863) Emissions from livestock

Methodology Source


2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, Volume 4, Chapter 10. /V4_10_Ch10_Livestock.pdf

Agricultural Sector: Livestock Operational Emissions

Description / Input Data Requirements Mules and Asses




Calculation Method

Methodology Source


Energy Sector: Fossil Fuel Power Plants Operational Emissions Stationary Combustion

Description / Input Data Requirements

Calculation Method

Estimates emissions from the burning of fossil fuels based on the quantity and type of fuel used, heat content, carbon content, and oxidation fraction. Default values are provided for heat content, carbon content, and oxidation fraction based on fuel type. Custom values may be entered for these inputs.

CO2 (t) = Annual amount of electricity produced (MWh/yr) x Plant Heat Rate (MMBtu/MWh) x EF CO2 content coefficient (kg CO2 /MMBtu)

x EF fraction oxidized รท1000

If quantity of fuel used is not known, use heat rate equation.

Fossil Fuel Coal and Coke Anthracite Bituminous Sub-Bituminous Lignite Unspecified (industrial coking) Unspecified (industrial other) Unspecified (electric utility)

CH4 (t) =

Heat Content (HHV) (MMBtu/short ton) 25.09 24.93 17.25 14.21

CO2 Content Coefficient (kg CO2/MMBtu) 103.62 93.46 97.09 96.43

Fraction Oxidized










1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0

Annual amount of electricity produced (MWh/yr) x Plant Heat Rate (MMBtu/MWh) x EF CH4 g/MMBtu) รท1000000

+ N2O (t) = Annual amount of electricity produced (MWh/yr) x Plant Heat Rate (MMBtu/MWh) x EF N2O g/MMBtu รท1000000

Plant Heat Rate MMBtu/MWh:


US EPA, Climate Leaders, Greenhouse Gas Inventory Protocol Core Module Guidance, 2008 Note the ration of the molecular weights of CO2 and C (44/12 or 3.664) have been already factored in the CO2 coefficient

+ CO2 Emission Factors (mass CO2 /fuel energy) for Fossil Fuel Combustion

Methodology Source

Energy Sector: Fossil Fuel Power Plants Operational Emissions

Description / Input Data Requirements

22.05 24.80 (Btu/scf)

Natural Gas_

Petroleum Distillate Fuel Oil (#1, 2, & 4) Residual Fuel Oil (#5 & 6) Kerosene Petroleum Coke LPG (average for fuel use)

Methane and Nitrous Oxide Emissions

95.33 113.67 (kg CO2/MMBtu)

1.0 1.0



(kg CO2/MMBtu)




6.287 5.67 6.024

78.8 72.31 102.12

1.0 1.0 1.0








Coal and Coke






Natural gas



Estimates emissions that occur from the use of limestone and/or soda ash in FGD systems if they are installed at the plant. Emissions are calculated based on the amount of limestone and/or soda ash used.

CO2 (t) = Quantity limestone consumption (t/yr) x (44/100) + quantity soda ash consumption (t/yr)

Estimates emissions of methane and nitrous oxide emitting during fuel combustion based on the energy content of the fuel used and default emissions factors. Custom emission factors may be entered. Emissions of methane and nitrous oxide from combustion are difficult to measure accurately, but fortunately they are relatively small.

x (44/106)

CH4 (t) = Annual amount of electricity produced (MWh/yr) x plant heat rate (MMBtU/MWh) or (GJ/MWh)

x EF g

CH4/(MMBtu/MWh) or (GJ/MWh) / 10000



1029.00 (MMBtu/Barr el)


Flue Gas Desulfurization (FGD) Sorbent Emissions

Methodology Source

CO2 (t) =

Unspecified (residential/comm ercial) Coke

Natural Gas

Calculation Method

US EIA, Technical Guidelines Voluntary Reporting of Greenhouse Gases (1605(b)) Program.

US EIA, Technical Guidelines Voluntary Reporting of Greenhouse Gases (1605(b)) Program.

Energy Sector: Fossil Fuel Power Plants Operational Emissions

Description / Input Data Requirements


g CH4/MMBtu

Calculation Method

Methodology Source


g N2O /MMBtu

Coal and Coke






Natural gas



N2O (t) = Annual amount of electricity produced (MWh/yr) x Plant Heat Rate (MMBtU/MWh) or (GJ/MWh)


EF g N2O

(MMBtu/MWh) or (GJ/MWh) / 10000

Energy Sector: Renewable Energy (Solar, Wind, Hydro, Geothermal) Operational Emissions Avoided Electricity Use

Description / Input Data Requirements

Estimates emissions avoided from electricity generation during operation of each renewable project type.

Net (-) CO2 (t) = Annual amount of electricity generated (kWh/yr) x expected losses/station use (fraction) x EF country electricity grid (based on latest IEA statistics)

(for all types of RE)

Maintenance Emission Factors (for all types of RE)

Calculation Method

Provides emission factors to calculate emissions associated with the maintenance of renewable energy projects. Default Emission Factors for Maintenance of Renewable Energy Projects (g- CO2/kWh) Solar 12.3 Wind 8.3

CO2 (t) = Annual amount of electricity generated (kWh/yr) x EF

maintenance of RE projects / 1000000


Methodology Source

Electricity Emission Factor Source: IEA CO2 Emissions from Fossil Fuel Combustion 2011 Edition Life cycle GHG emission analysis of power generation systems: Japanese case, Hiroki Hondo 2005 er2007/Hondo%20%20GHG%20LCA%20for%20power%20generation. pdf

Energy Sector: Renewable Energy (Solar, Wind, Hydro, Geothermal) Operational Emissions

Description / Input Data Requirements Hydroelectric Geothermal

Transmission and Distribution (T&D) of Electricity - Line Losses short version (for all types of RE)

Calculation Method

Methodology Source

1.9 9.7

For RE projects that include transmission with/without distribution, a default T&D loss factor is provided and is currently set to the U.S. average. Default Transmission/Distribution Line Loss Factor Default Transmission Factor 2.0% Default Transmission and Distribution Factor 5.6%

Default loss factor: The Climate Registry: 2009 Electric Power Sector Protocol v1.0

With distribution CO2 (t) = Electricity transmitted through system annually (MWh/yr) x EF country electricity grid

x loss factor (0.056)

Without distribution CO2 (t) = Electricity transmitted through system annually (MWh/yr) x EF country electricity grid x loss factor (0.02)

Fugitive Sulfur Hexafluoride (SF6) Losses from Transmission Equipment (for all types of RE) Method 3

Fugitive Emissions of SF6: Method 3, EIA SF6 Fugitive Emissions Calculation Method. Estimates fugitive SF6 emissions based on total length of transmission lines and a default fugitive emission factor.

Fugitive CO2 and CH4 (Geothermal Only)

Default mass fraction of non-condensable gases (CO2 and CH4) from steam produced in geothermal plants.

SF6 (kg) = Length of Transmission Lines (km) x EF fugitive SF6

Default Fugitive SF6 Emissions Factor (kg-SF6/km) Small Utilities (less than 16,093 transmission 1.001 kilometers) Large Utilities (more than 16,093 transmission 0.58 kilometers)

Average Mass Fraction of CO2 in produced steam Average Mass Fraction of CH4 in produced steam

97.8 % 0.18 %

CO2 (t) = Annual quantity of steam produced (t/yr) x EF fraction of non-condensable gases (97.8)

+ CH4 (t) = Annual quantity of steam produced (t/yr) x EF fraction of non-condensable gases (0.18)

Energy Sector: Transmission Line


The Climate Registry: 2009 Electric Power Sector Protocol v1.0

INEEL, -pK1dMM/10996.pdf

Operational Emissions Transmission Line Losses

Description / Input Data Requirements

Calculation Method

Estimates emissions from electricity consumption from line losses based on the amount of energy flowing into the transmission line, the country and fuel type of the generation source, and a default line loss factor of 2 percent. If the amount of energy into AND out of the line is known, that can be used to calculate a more accurate value. A custom loss factor may be entered if available. Default Transmission/Distribution Line Loss Factor 2.0 % 5.6 %

Default Transmission Factor Default Transmission and Distribution Factor

Methodology Source

CO 2 (t) = Electricity transmitted through system annually (MWh/yr) x EF

Country-specific electricity emission factors: IEA CO2 Emissions from Fossil Fuel Combustion - 2011 Edition

country electricity grid x difference of energy flow IN and OUT of system in %


Default loss factor: The Climate Registry: 2009 Electric Power Sector Protocol v1.0

With distribution CO 2 (t) = Electricity transmitted through system annually (MWh/yr)

x EF

country electricity grid x loss factor (0.056) Without distribution CO 2 (t) = Electricity transmitted through system annually (MWh/yr)

x EF

country electricity grid x loss factor (0.02) Fugitive Emissions of SF6: Method 1, EPA Emissions Quantification Method

Estimates fugitive emissions of SF6 from electrical equipment during operation of transmission and distribution systems based on inventory, acquisition, disbursement, and equipment capacity. This is the most accurate method of calculating SF6 emissions but requires the most data inputs.

SF6 (kg) = Decrease in inventory (SF6 contained in cylinders, NOT electrical equipment) (kg SF6/yr) within one year

The Climate Registry: 2009 Electric Power Sector Protocol v1.0

+ Purchases/Acquisitions of SF6

Sales/Disbursements of SF6

Increase in Nameplate Capacity Fugitive Emissions of SF6: Method 2, IPCC Good Practice Guidance 2000 Default Factors

Estimates fugitive SF6 emissions based on nameplate capacity of SF6 by equipment type and default emission factors. Custom emission factors may be entered if available. Equipment Type per SF6 capacity (kg SF6)

Default EF %

Existing equipment


SF6 (kg) =

IPCC Good Practice Guidance 2000

New nameplate capacity for SF6 by equipment type x EF Sf6 existing equipment (0.02)

+ Retiring nameplate capacity for SF6 by equipment type x EF SF6 retiring equipment (0.95)


Energy Sector: Transmission Line Operational Emissions

Description / Input Data Requirements

Retiring equipment Fugitive Emissions of SF6: Method 3, EIA SF6 Fugitive Emissions Calculation Method

Calculation Method

Methodology Source


Estimates fugitive SF6 emissions based on total length of transmission lines and a default fugitive emission factor.

SF6 (kg) = Length of Transmission Lines (km)

x EF fugitive SF6

The Climate Registry: 2009 Electric Power Sector Protocol v1.0

Default Fugitive SF6 Emissions Factor (kg-SF6/km) Small Utilities (less than 16,093 1.001 transmission kilometers) Large Utilities (more than 16,093 0.58 transmission kilometers)

Energy Sector: Bioenergy Plants Operational Emissions

Description / Input Data Requirements

Calculation Method

Co-Product: Glycerin produced during biodiesel conversion process

This method is based on the US EPA's treatment of glycerin in the Renewable Fuels Standard. The US EPA uses an energy equivalent amount of residual oil as a simplifying assumption to reflect the midrange of possible glycerin uses in terms of GHG credits. EPA believes that this is an appropriate representation of GHG reduction credit across the possible range of uses without necessarily biasing the results toward high or low GHG impact. This method uses an emission factor for residual oil from the US DOE.

Methodology Source

CO 2 (t) =

US EPA, Renewable Fuels Standard (RFS)

Annual liters of Glycerin produced (l/yr) x EF Glycerin / index.htm


Emission Factor: US DOE, Energy Information Administration (EIA). ml

Default Factors for Glycerin (Co-product credit emission factor) kg CO2/ liters Glycerin Co-Product: Surplus Electricity Production


Estimates avoided emissions resulting from surplus biofuel produced electricity delivered to the grid. This electricity displaces grid-produced electricity that would otherwise be purchased to meet energy needs.

CO2 (t) =


Electricity Emission Factor Source: IEA CO2 Emissions from Fossil Fuel Combustion 2011 Edition

Energy Sector: Bioenergy Plants Operational Emissions

Description / Input Data Requirements

Delivered to the Grid

The methodology uses default country-specific IEA grid electricity factors.

Annual Emissions Reductions

Carbon debt is calculated by dividing the annual savings in emissions from biofuel use by the amount of carbon released during the production of the biofuel crop.

Carbon Debt Payoff Time

Calculation Method

Annual amount of biofuel produced / 1/Readings/Fargione2008_biofuel_landclearing.pdf


CO2 (t) carbon payoff time =


Annual operational emissions annual biofuel produced /

Reference Fuel

– operational

emissions + co-product credits


Adapted from Land Clearing and the Biofuel Carbon Debt, Joseph Fargione, et al., Science 319, 1235 (2008)

CO2 (t) annual emissions reductions =

1000 –

The annual emissions savings used for the calculation are based on the operational emissions because that is what is paying off the construction emissions. For example, if ethanol from a sugarcane project reduces CO2 emissions by 300,000 tons each year, but the initial production of the biofuel releases 3 million tons of CO2, that project’s carbon debt would be 10 years.

/ c.asp?PUBS_ID=2143


Carbon Debt Payoff Time=(Carbon Released During Conversion)/(Annual Biofuel Carbon Savings )

Methodology Source

Emission Factor







1000 1000

Industry Sector: Cement Plants Operational Emissions

Description / Input Data Requirements

Calculation Method


Methodology Source

Industry Sector: Cement Plants Operational Emissions Stationary Combustion Fuel Use

Description / Input Data Requirements

Estimates emissions from the burning of fossil fuels at stationary combustion equipment located at the project site based on the type and quantity of fuel used. Custom emissions factors for each fuel may be entered if available.

Calculation Method

CO2 (t) = Annual amount clinker used (t/yr) x plant efficiency (unit energy / unit clinker produced MJ or MMBtu) x EF fuel type used in clinker production / 1000

Methodology Source

Source: 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories. The IPCC values were originally on a NCV (LHV) basis and have been converted to a GCV (HHV) basis using rule of thumb. Gross calorific (higher heating) values are preferred because they are more closely related to the carbon content of fuels than net calorific (lower heating) values.

Process Emissions from the Production of Clinker: Cement Method, UserSpecific Production Data

Estimates process emissions based on the quantity of cement produced, clinker content of the cement, raw material to clinker ratio, and lime content (CaO). Default values for clinker content are provided or a custom value can be entered.

Annual amount cement produced (t/yr) x percentage of clinker ratio/100 x EF calcium oxide (CaO – lime) content of clinker (0.65) x 44/56

Clinker Composition Default Values Component Calcium Oxide (CaO) Content of Clinker Magnesium Oxide (MgO) Content of Clinker

CO2 (t) =


Ratio to CO2





Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories (1997), web site:

Annual amount cement produced (t/yr) x percentage of

World Resources Institute/World Business Council for Sustainable Development, Greenhouse Gas Protocol Initiative (2001), web site:

clinker ratio/100 x EF Magnesium Oxide (MgO)content of

44/56 (Molecular ratio of CO2 to CaO (0.785)


clinker (0.015) x Molecular ratio of CO2 to MgO (1.092)


These method derives from the following sources:

Industry Sector: Iron and Steel Plants Operational Emissions Emissions from Steel Production: Integrated Steel Mill Approach

Description / Input Data Requirements

Estimates total emissions from all aspects of iron and steel production at an integrated facility using a single emission factor. A default factor is provided, but a custom factor may be entered if available.

CO2 (t) = Annual steel produced (t/yr) x EF steel and iron making methods

IPCC, Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, 2006, pp. 4.27, 4.25.

1.46 0.08 1.72 1.06

Estimates emissions from iron and steel production by using amounts of reducing agents, flux, and other materials and it uses material-specific emission factors. MATERIAL-SPECIFIC CARBON CONTENTS FOR IRON & STEEL AND COKE PRODUCTION Process Materials Carbon Content (kg C/kg) Coke Coal Petroleum Coke

0.83 0.67 0.87

Charcoal Coal Tar

0.00 0.62

Coking Coal Fuel Oil Gas Coke Natural Gas Oxygen Steel Furnace Gas Blast Furnace Gas Coke Oven Gas Limestone Dolomite EAF Carbon Electrodes EAF Charge Carbon

0.73 0.86 0.83 0.73 0.35 0.17 0.47 0.12 0.13 0.82 0.83

CO2 (t) = Annual amount of limestone used (t/yr) x EF limestone (0.12) x 3.664 (44/12)

+ Annual amount of dolomite used (t/yr) x EF dolomite (0.13)

x 3.664 (44/12) + ∑


44 12

Annual amount of steel produced (t/yr) x EF steel production


x 3.664 (44/12)

Annual amount of iron production not converted to steel


Methodology Source

CO2 EMISSION FACTORS FOR IRON & STEEL PRODUCTION MT CO2/t of steel Steel and iron making method Emission Factor Basic Oxygen Furnace (BOF) Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) Open Hearth Furnace (OHF) Global Average Factor (65% BOF, 30% EAF, 5% OHF)*

Emissions from Steel Production: Process-Based Approach

Calculation Method

IPCC, Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, 2006, Volume 3, Chapter 4.

Industry Sector: Iron and Steel Plants Operational Emissions

Description / Input Data Requirements Direct Reduced Iron (DRI) Hot Briquetted Iron Purchased Pig Iron Scrap Iron Steel

Calculation Method 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.04 0.01


Methodology Source

x EF direct reduced iron (0.02) x 3.664 (44/12)

Industry Sector: Oil and Gas Systems Operational Emissions

Description / Input Data Requirements

Calculation Method

Methodology Source

Fugitive Emissions from Oil and Gas Operations

Calculates the amount of fugitive emissions from oil and gas operations using the volume of product. It includes CO2, CH4, and N2O emissions. It covers a wide range of oil and gas processes including production, processing, and transportation.

CO2 (t) = Annual Volume (m3/yr) from oil and gas process x EF CO2 (kg/m3)/1000

IPCC 2006 Guidelines, Volume 2, Chapter 4, Table 4.2.5. /V2_4_Ch4_Fugitive_Emissions.pdf

Emission factors for fugitive emissions from oil and gas include venting and flaring. Table was too large to include here.

+ CH4 (t) = Annual Volume (m3/yr) from oil and gas process x EF CH4 (kg/m3)/1000

+ N2O (t) = Annual Volume (m3/yr) from oil and gas process x EF N2O (kg/m3)/1000

Transport Sector: Airports


Operational Emissions

Description / Default emission factors

Calculation Method

Methodology Source

Emissions from Pavement Maintenance Activities

Roads require periodic maintenance to repair potholes, cracks, and other deformations and keep them in safe working order. These maintenance activities generate emissions primarily through fuel consumption of maintenance vehicles and equipment and use of concrete or asphalt for resurfacing. This method calculates the emissions from downstream maintenance and repair of the highway.

See calculation in construction section.

This method is adopted from the King County (Washington State) Department of Development and Environmental Services: SEPA GHG Emissions Worksheet, Version 1.7 12/26/07.

Emissions from Vehicle Traffic

Estimates CO2, CH4, and N2O emissions from vehicle traffic on the new roadway. This method estimates fuel use emissions from mobile sources based on the type and amount of fuel use or by type of vehicle and total miles traveled if fuel use data are not available.

See calculations in construction section.

See methodology in construction section.

Emissions from Electricity Consumption of Airport Lighting and Beacons

Electricity consumption of road lighting and traffic signals generates indirect emissions. This method estimates these indirect emissions based on annual electricity consumption.

CO2 (t) =

Emissions from Aircraft Landing and Takeoff (LTO) Cycles

Domestic flights: GHG CO2 CH4 N2O

Total annual electricity used by airport lighting and beacons (kWh/yr) x EF country electricity grid (based on latest IEA statistics) CO2 (t) =

Default EF kg/LTO 2,680 0.3 0.1




Default EF kg/LTO 7,900 1.5 0.2

Transport Sector: Canals and Ports



International flights: GHG


25 1000

Operational Emissions

Description / Input Data Requirements

Emissions from Fuel Consumption by Tugboat Fleet

Estimates emissions from fuel use by tugboats based on type and amount of fuel used.

Calculation Method

Methodology Source

CO2 (t) =

Mobile Sources:

Annual fuel used by tugboat fleet during operation of lock system (gallons or liters/yr) x EF

CO2 Factors - WRI/ WBCSD Greenhouse Gas Protocol Initiative. Average HWY/CITY and small/medium/large vehicle sizes (mobile) CH4 and N2O Factors - EPA Climate Leaders:

Emissions from Increased Canal Traffic

Estimates emissions from increased canal traffic based on fuel consumption by ships. This is considered a Scope 3 emission source, however, it is included here since it represents a significant source of ongoing operational emissions from a project of this type.

CO2 (t) =

US EPA Climate Leaders, Mobile Combustion Sources - Guidance, May 2008. Table A-6.

Annual fuel used from shipping activity (l/yr)

x associated

emission factor +

CH4 (t) = specific fuel consumption factor (efficiency factor) activity


x associated emission factor CH4

+ N2O (t) = Specific fuel consumption factor (efficiency factor)


activity x associated emission factor N2O

Transport Sector: Road Construction and Rehabilitation Operational Emissions

Description / Input Data Requirements

Calculation Method


Methodology Source

Transport Sector: Road Construction and Rehabilitation Operational Emissions

Description / Input Data Requirements

Calculation Method

Methodology Source

Emissions from Road Maintenance Activities

See calculation and methodology in the construction section.

Emissions from Electricity Consumption of Street Lighting

Estimates emissions from electricity use by street lighting and traffic signals. This is assumed to be a very small source of emissions.

CO2 (t) =

IEA CO 2 Emissions from Fossil Fuel Combustion ‐ 2011 Edition

Emissions from Vehicle Traffic (Scope 3)

The methodology used to calculate Scope 3 emissions from vehicles using new or improved roads is adapted from a previously established transport emissions evaluation tool developed by the Asian Development Bank (ADB). Scope 3 estimates are based on three distinct categories of traffic that may exist on a new or improved road: • Vehicles using the existing road before the improvement (existing) • Vehicles that shifted to the new or improved road from other roads (existing) • Vehicles that otherwise would not have made a trip at all without the new or improved road (induced)

CO2 (t) =

Specifically for rural roads Differentiated between: 1. New rural roads 2. Rehabilitated rural roads

Road elasticity rural road 0.25 Road elasticity for urban roads 0.8 Road roughness fuel economy adjustment: Road Roughness (m/km) 2


Annual amount of electricity used (MWh/yr) x EF country electricity grid (based on latest IEA statistics)

[CO2 emissions (t/yr) of existing traffic before the project (road itself (only in case of rehabilitation) +shifted VKT from alternate routes)]

‐ [CO2 emission (t/yr) of traffic from new/rehabilitated road (road itself + induced traffic)

Factor 1


Description • Airport Runways / Super Highways • New Pavement with no imperfections • New pavement with few surface imperfections • Older Pavement with no imperfections

To be able to calculate emissions from road and induced traffic you need to have data from shifted VKT, induced VKT, road roughness fuel economy adjustment etc. Induced traffic (new road):

26 ADB Evaluation Study, Methodology for Transport Emissions, Evaluation Model for Projects, July 2010. n/Knowledge‐Briefs/REG/EKB‐REG‐2010‐ 16/methodology.pdf

Transport Sector: Road Construction and Rehabilitation Operational Emissions

Description / Input Data Requirements





















• Older Pavement with surface imperfections • Well maintained unpaved road • Older Pavement with frequent surface imperfections • Maintained unpaved road • Older Pavement with minor depressions • Maintained unpaved road with frequent surface imperfections • Older Pavement with minor depressions • Maintained unpaved road with frequent minor depressions • Maintained unpaved road with shallow depressions • Damaged Pavements • Rough unpaved roads • Maintained unpaved road with frequent shallow depressions • Damaged Pavements with frequent minor depressions • Rough unpaved roads with frequent minor depressions • Maintained unpaved road with frequent shallow depressions, some deep depressions • Damaged Pavements with frequent minor and shallow depressions • Rough unpaved roads with frequent minor and shallow depressions • Damaged Pavements with frequent shallow depressions, some deep • Rough unpaved roads with frequent shallow depressions • Rough unpaved roads with frequent shallow depressions, some deep • Rough unpaved roads with frequent shallow and deep depressions

Calculation Method


Induced traffic (rehabilitated road):



Shifted VKT From Alternate Routes (rehabilitated roads): Annual VKT after project implementation ‐ Annual VKT before project implementation – induced traffic Shifted VKT From Alternate Routes (new roads): Annual VKT after project implementation ‐ induced traffic CO2 (t) Alternate Routes before the project for new or rehabilitated roads= Shifted VKT x (1+percentage of VKT saved) x percentage of vehicle type x road roughness fuel economy adjustment / 1000000 CO2 (t) of traffic on the road after project: Shifted VKT after project (= total VKT after‐ induced traffic) x percentage of vehicle fleet type x road roughness fuel economy adjustment after project implementation/ 1000000 CO2 induced traffic after project:


Methodology Source

Transport Sector: Road Construction and Rehabilitation Operational Emissions

Description / Input Data Requirements





• Rough unpaved roads with frequent deep depressions • Rough unpaved roads with erosion gullies and frequent deep depressions

Vehicle Capacity by Type Vehicle Type 2 wheeler 3 wheeler Passenger cars Light commercial vehicle Buses Heavy commercial vehicles

Avg Capacity 0.5 1.0 1.0 1.5 3.0 3.0

Vehicle Emission Factors by Type Vehicle Type 2 wheeler 3 wheeler Passenger cars Light commercial vehicle Buses Heavy commercial vehicles

Calculation Method Induced traffic VKT x percentage of vehicle fleet type x road roughness fuel economy adjustment after project implementation / 1000000 CO2 (t) traffic on the road before the project= Annual VKT on the road before the project x percentage of vehicle flees type x road roughness fuel economy adjustment /1000000 Emission factor for Road roughness and speed adjustment : 1/ [1/emission factor of vehicle fleet type x (1+ average speed fuel economy adjustment) x road roughness fuel economy adjustment)]

kg/l 2.416 2.416 2.448 2.582 2.582 2.582

Tourism Sector/ Urban Development and Housing


Methodology Source

Operational Emissions

Description / Input Data Requirements

Emissions from Hotel/Resort Stays

Estimates emissions based on a default factor for electricity use from hotel rooms. A custom factor can be used if available.

Calculation Method

CO2 (t) =

Climate Neutral Network

Default Hotel Room Electricity Usage Room Type kWh Usage Units Standard 20 kWh/room/night Upscale 40 kWh/room/night

Methodology Source p

Electricity Use from Streetlights only

Estimates emissions from electricity used by streetlights. This methodology should be used If street lighting is a major component of an urban development project. The general electricity use methodology may be used in conjunction to estimate emissions from other electricity use.

CO2 (t) = Installed Watts (Number of Bulbs x Bulb wattage) x hours per day of usage x 365 x EF country electricity grid (based on latest IEA statistics)/1000

Electricity Emission Factor Source: IEA CO2 Emissions from Fossil Fuel Combustion ‐ 2011 Edition _Desc.asp?PUBS_ID=2143

Water and Sanitation Sector: Wastewater Operational Emissions Emissions from Wastewater Treatment Lagoons

Description / Input Data Requirements

Estimates fugitive methane emissions from the aerobic or anaerobic digestion of the organic matter during the wastewater treatment process. This method also estimates fugitive nitrous oxide emissions from the nitrogen content in the effluent. ESTIMATED BOD5 VALUES IN DOMESTIC WASTEWATER FOR SELECTED REGIONS AND COUNTRIES Country/Region BOD(5) (g/person/day) Brazil 50 Other Latin America 40

CH4 (t) = Population served by WWTP x EF BOD (kg BOD/person/day) x 365 (days))

x EF methane correction factor x maximum CH4 producing capacity (kg CH4/kg BOD) by type of treatment/discharge

Type of Waste discharge:

Type of Treatment/Discharge

Calculation Method

Methane Correction Factor

Maximum CH4 Producing

OR CH4 (t) =


Methodology Source

IPCC, Waste ‐ available at http://www.ipcc‐

Water and Sanitation Sector: Wastewater Operational Emissions

Description / Input Data Requirements Capacity kg CH4/kg BOD Untreated - Sea, river, and lake discharge



Untreated - Stagnant Sewer















0.8 0.5

0.6 0.6









Untreated - Flowing Sewer (open or closed) Treated-Centralized, aerobic treatment plant (well-managed) Treated-Centralized, aerobic treatment plant (overloaded) Treated-Anaerobic digester for sludge (excludes CH4 capture) Treated-Anaerobic reactor (excludes CH4 capture) Treated-Anaerobic shallow lagoon (<2m) Treated-Anaerobic deep lagoon (>2m) Treated-Septic System Treated-Latrine (3-5 users, dry climate, above water table) Treated-Latrine (Many users, dry climate, above water table) Treated-Latrine (Wet climate/flush water use, below ground water table) Treated-Latrine (Regular sediment removal for fertilizer)

Calculation Method

Methodology Source

Total annual BOD Load (BOD5 load (kg BOD5/day) x 365 (days)

x EF methane correction factor x maximum CH4 producing capacity (kg CH4/kg BOD) by type of treatment/discharge

Emissions from Digester Gas

Estimates emissions from digester gas combustion by either using the daily average output of gas from the plant or, if this is unavailable, the population served by the water treatment facility. This estimate incorporates default factors or user‐defined project‐ specific factors for percent methane in the digester gas, combustion efficiency, heat content, and CO2 and N2O emission factors.

From incomplete combustion CH4 (t) = Percentage of captured/flared digester gas (kg) of total emissions from wastewater treatment lagoons (m3/year) x EF CH4 combustion efficiency (0.99)


IPCC, Waste ‐ available at http://www.ipcc‐ Local Government Operations Protocol For the quantification and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions inventories. Version 1.0, September 2008. These

Water and Sanitation Sector: Wastewater Operational Emissions

Description / Input Data Requirements

Calculation Method + N2O (t) = Percentage of captured/flared digester gas (kg) of total generation digester gas (m3/year) (WWTP x EF biogas generation (1 ft3/person/day) x 0.0283 (conversion from ft3 to m3) ) x 365 (days)

Methodology Source methodologies are adapted for use by local governments from Section 6.2.2 of the 1996 IPCC Guidelines and Section 8.2 of the US EPA Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks (1990‐2006). http://www.ipcc‐

x EF heat content of biogas (Btu /m3) /1000000

x EF N2O (0.1)/1000 N2O emissions

Estimates emissions from advanced centralized wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) with controlled nitrification and denitrification and emissions from wastewater effluent discharged to aquatic environments (rivers, streams, lakes)

Direct Emissions from advanced centralized WWTPs with controlled nitrification and denitrification N2O (t) =

IPCC 2006, Volume 5, Chapter 6. http://www.ipcc‐ me5/V5_6_Ch6_Wastewater.pdf

Total population served by advanced centralized WWTP

x EF (g N2O /person/yr) 3.2 Indirect Emissions from wastewater effluent discharged to aquatic environments (rivers, streams, lakes) N2O (t) = Default total nitrogen in effluent (kg N/yr)x EF (kg N2O ‐ N/kg N) 0.005 Purchased Electricity

Estimates emissions from electricity use during wastewater treatment plant operations.

See calculation in construction section.

Electricity Emission Factor Source: IEA CO2 Emissions from Fossil Fuel Combustion ‐ 2011 Edition


Water and Sanitation Sector: Wastewater Operational Emissions Water Supply: Emissions from Purchased Electricity

Description / Input Data Requirements

Estimates emissions generated from the supply of water as a result of the project

electricity for water supplied per m x EF i country 3

electricity grid


Methodology Source

Electricity Factor: Average of factors from several different sources, including:

CO2 (t) = Annual volume of water supplied ( m3/yr) x EF i

Default Electricity Factor 0.404752997

Calculation Method

The Alliance to Save Energy, Water Program (Mexico’s Monclova water project, Mexico_Monclova_Water_071010%20final%20edi ted.pdf ; Veracruz, Mexico project , uz_mexico.pdf ; Pune, India: ndia.pdf ) Managing Wet Weather with Green Infrastructure, Municipal Handbook: Rainwater Harvesting Policies. Prepared by the Low Impact Development Center (EPA‐833‐F‐08‐010) Uploads/site300/Municipal%20rainwater%20har vesting.pdf U.S. Water Supply and Distribution, University of Michigan Center for Sustainable Systems,‐17.pdf

Water and Sanitation Sector: Solid Waste Operational Emissions CH4 Emissions from Landfill Operations

Description / Input Data Requirements

Calculation Method

This method is based on a mass of waste disposed, the estimated amount of degradable organic carbon (DOC) content of the waste based on waste type, and the oxidation rate. It does not incorporate any time factors into the methodology. Rather, this methodology assumes that all potential

CH4 (t) = Percentage of waste type by weight x EF DOC


Methodology Source

2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories. Volume 5.

Water and Sanitation Sector: Solid Waste Operational Emissions

Description / Input Data Requirements

Calculation Method

CH4 is released from waste in the year that the waste is disposed of. Although this is not what actually occurs, it gives a reasonable estimate of the current year’s emissions if the amount and composition of the waste disposed of has been relatively constant over the previous several years. If, however, there have been significant changes in the rate of waste disposal, a more detailed method of estimating emissions is recommended, such as the Tier 2 or Tier 3 method in the 2006 IPCC Guidelines.

Degradable Organic Carbon that Decomposes (DOCf)

Waste types:

methane correction factor associated with type of

annually (t/yr) x EF CH4 fraction value for



x solid waste disposal x EF CH4 fraction value for

IPCC Default DOC Fractions by Waste Type Waste Type Food waste Garden Paper Wood and straw Textiles Disposable nappies Sewage sludge Rubber Bulk MSW waste Industrial waste

content (fraction) x total mass of waste disposed

Methodology Source

Fraction of CH4 in Generated Landfill Gas (F) (0.5) DOC Content (fraction) 0.15 0.2 0.4 0.43 0.24 0.24 0.05 0.39 0.18 0.15

Fossil Carbon (fraction) 0 0 0.01 0 0.2 0.1 0 0.2

‐ Amount of CH4 captured (t/yr)

Type of solid waste disposal site Waste Disposal Classification and Methane Correction Factors DefaultValues Managed – anaerobic Managed – semi-aerobic Unmanaged – deep ( >5 m waste) Unmanaged – shallow (<5 m waste) Uncategorized SWDS

Incineration of Waste

1.0 0.5 0.8 0.4 0.6

This method estimates the CH4 and N2O emissions associated with the incineration of municipal solid waste from a combination of up to four

CH4 (t) = Annual amount of waste incinerated (t/yr) x EF


2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories. Volume 5.

Water and Sanitation Sector: Solid Waste Operational Emissions

Description / Input Data Requirements different incineration technologies, including continuous incineration, semi‐continuous incineration, batch type incineration, and open burning of waste. The methodology uses the amount of waste incinerated and default CH4 and N2O emission factors. Types of incineration: IPCC Default CH4 and N2O Factors for Incineration of Municipal Solid Waste N2O EF (kg/ton CH4 EF (kg/ton waste) waste) Type of Incineration technology Continuous incineration - Stoker 0.0002 0.050 Continuous incineration Fluidized Bed 0 0.050 Semi-continuous incineration Stoker 0.006 0.050 Semi-continuous incineration Fluidized Bed 0.188 0.050 Batch type incineration - Stoker 0.060 0.060 Batch type incineration - Fluidized Bed 0.237 0.060 Open Burning of Waste 6.50 0.150

Calculation Method

Methodology Source

incineration technology

Chapter 5.


N2O (t) =


Annual amount of waste incinerated (t/yr) x EF i incineration technology

Fuel Use from Transportation of Waste

Estimates CO2, CH4, and N2O emissions associated with the transportation of waste to landfills. This method estimates fuel use emissions from mobile sources based on the type and amount of fuel use or by type of vehicle and total miles traveled if fuel use data are not available. Default CO2, CH4, and N2O emission factors are provided, and custom emission factors may be used if available.

See calculation for fuel use in construction section.

CH4 and N2O Factors ‐ EPA Climate Leaders:


CO2 Factors ‐ WRI/ WBCSD Greenhouse Gas Protocol Initiative. Average HWY/CITY and small/medium/large vehicle sizes‐‐ tools (mobile)

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