- Phone holder - Smart speaker - Diagon lamp - Bow tie rise
- Diagon chair - Public speaker - Working space
CONTACT INFORMATION: JITLADA JIRACHAISAKUN (MOOK) +66-85-155-0665 jitlada_mook@hotmail.com
PROJECT DESIGN - Retail Shop - Exhibition - Co-working Space - Interior Resident
PHONE HOLDER "STAND-AND-GO" ia a compact wooden phone holder. It is make from Teak wood which is very hard and durable. Simply lay the stand down flat on a level surface and pop your phone into the slot, the phone can be displayed in either portrait or landscape positions. This amazing tool have multiple functions such as, phone holder, earphone keeper, and keychain. User can display thier smartphone to keey and eye on the time, watching videos or to take a picture or video and when they're finished just pop the stand back into your pocket or bag.
SMART SPEAKER Enjoying smart speaker with compact and unique design that fits perfectly to every life style. It is not just a normal speaker but also an effective gadget that make users life smoother by placing it anywhere and everywhere and talk to it. This wireless speaker comes with 360 degree sound surrounding that is able to fill a room with sound in every direction.It is easy to set up with Bluetooth connection and also linked by Apple and Android apps so the user can controll it via mobile or voice command. There is LED light that changes depend on function in used. The speaker also comes with USB port but no volume button. User can adjust volume by rubbing the speaker surface up or down. Also, it is easy to turn on and off by using voice or putting the top part of the speaker. This is helpful to blind or visually impaired users.
DIAGON LAMP Diagon lamp is characterized by diagonal and line that aim to highlight thickness of the wood. The simple slender design structure and refined details make it a modern and chic. The lamp comes in solid oak wood with balancing characteristic. Diagon lamp can be adjusted up and down in three steps to match users different height.
BOW TIE RISE BOW TIE RISE rubber wood monitor stand with multiple storage that perfect for home and office use, waterproof, eco-friendly, smooth hurtlesss edges. This product will enrich your working space style and functionality. The idea product to expand your compact work space and create your own clean and comfortable work station. BOW TIE RISE will help to maintain correct posture while sitting and working at the desk for long period of time which reduce neck and back strain.
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DIAGON CHAIR DESCRIPTION: Diagon chiar is characterised by essential diagonal and clean line, that aimed to hightlight the warmth and thickness of wood. The simple strucutre and refined details make it a modern and elegant comes in solid oak wood that are sure to match your space. The chair can be used in many different situation: in the office, at home, or public spaces such as restaurant.
Public Bench Unique connecting hexagon public bench made of para wood, steel and Formica laminate specially made for department store. It is not just a bench but also a charging station where customers can charge their smartphones or any gadgets using USB ports and universal socket at the middle of each hexagon seat.
WORKING SPACE CONCEPT: A working space made of plywood and aluminum legs with simply design and useful functions. It come with curving corner 180 degree comfortable unique leg rest for ergonomic sitting. Also, there are two side flip store laptops while charging and one long flip is a charging system is well-organised
RETAIL SHOP CIDI BRAND Chanapatana International Design Institute (CIDI) is the design institute which aim to groom a new generation of Thai designers and product to be well-known in the market especially international market. CIDI was originally founded the venerable Luangphor Viriyang Sirintharo, the Lord Abbot of Dhammamongkol Temple. He believe and have faith that Thai people have both witty intelligence and handful of natural resources and skills that are capable in compete in international arena. To become successful designer, people have believe, have faith, and confident in themselves that they can do from their true talent and patient. Moreover, believe and faith are almost the beginning of everything which also the main purpose of establishing CIDI in the first place. Believe that Thai people have capability in compete in international arena by helping of CIDI facilities and international professor without flying aboard and spending less money. The development of design education in Thailand and outstanding step of promoting Thai design to the world class market. 
CIDI products born from believe and faint of people. The retail store is a gateway to help people in terms of emotional feeling and mental support. CIDI aspiration to offer high quality with valuable meaning products that can be use with any situation and genders. We designs, manufactures, and market hand-finished and contemporary jewelry and accessories that made from high quality materials at affordable prices. Our product is go beyond normal jewelry, because of its unique design and meaning. The jewelry will be mainly crystal and stone.
FYI Center located on the corner of the intersection of Rama 4 and Rama 3 road, which it easily to accessible by many different channel for both private and public transportations. One of the most convenience way for those who do not drive to get to FYI center is by MRT Queen Sirikit Center, subway, which the station is in front of the building. FYI center visitors can experience two different mood of surrounding while wandering around the place. Building that facing to Rama 3 or Ratchadaphisek road will see the civilization of the city with modern facilities because of bridge and surrounded buildings. On the other hand, visitors will experience traditional Thai local Klong Toey market that standing opposite of the building that facing toward Rama 4 road.
Based on the location of FYI Center, there are various target users by observing FYI center and its surroundings. First, the expected customers within the building such as, people who worked in the building, internal staffs, and hotel guests. Office workers will be the majority user in this group. Also, it can be predicted that hotel guest will be mostly business traveler who can to visit corporates office that line along Rama 3 and Rama 4 road, and who came to attend events and conference at Queen Sirikit National Convention Centre (QSNCC) which is on the opposite side. The average age of this group is generally range from young adult to middle age people. Second, external surrounding customers like building visitors, and entrepreneurs traffic that will come from the QSNCC that might have slightly chance to explore the retail shop. Third is by customers who purchase online. One observation that can be analyze from this group is that they might have no time to come to our retail shop, but they want our project. By analyzing the target customer, it will show that majority of the customers will be working ages which mostly middle class and upper class. The main target customers that will come to visit our retail shop is from the internal and supported with external group. 
EXHIBITION EMTINESS HAPPY IS EMPTINESS! Happy is a feeling of joy, pleasure, or good. Happy mean an enjoyable or satisfied state of being. Feeling is an emotional state or reaction. It's also known as showing emotion or sensitivity. Feeling come and feelings go, and feeling are deceiving, therefore, it end up empty.
Exhibition Details The location for the exhibition space is a SIAM CENTER (Department Store in city center, Bangkok), which the size of exhibition space is 10x10 meters. The typology of exhibition space is called "island space"; which the area can be accessed from all side. The purpose of this exhibtions is to show the BEST design work at CIDI. It's an oppurtunity for each student to showcase their project.
The exhibition theme "EMPTINESS"
CO-WORKING SPACE KEEN Concept This project is focusing on adaptive reuse for co-working space in terms of co munity. KEEN aims to start up a co-working space that supports local community by cooperating each other. The collaboration between KEEN and community will not only satisfy clients, but rather make everyone fullled. KEEN means very interested, eager, or wanting (to do) something very much. In other word, KEEN is having or showing eagerness or enthusiasm. Our concept is to let everyone feel KEEN. Community will keen to step up in modern society to do business in dierent ways. When coming to our working space, client will feel keen and produce incredible creative work. KEEN will always keen to encapsulate a good environment place for working, meeting, chatting, and supporting everyone. Also, adaptive reuse have several benefits such as, adaptive reuse reduce cost of production, adaptive reuse help in reduction of environment pollutions, and adaptive reuse creates employment opportunities. 
Provide working facilities 4500
Individual work space Individual work space Terrace
Work Read Study & research Work Read Study research Rest && relax Talk
Computers / Printer / Photocopier / Staple / Scissor / Cutter / Clips / Pens / Ruler / Tape / Glue / Papers / Cabinet Table / Chairs / Plugs / Lamps/ Chairs / Plugs / Table Lamps Table / Chairs / Plugs / Lamps X /FLOOR PLAN FL. G X Table Small plants 1:100 X /SCALE Table Small plants X
Relax & relieve Read
Toilet / Hand soap / Toilet / Hand soap / Mirror / Tissue paper Mirror / Tissue paper
Stair way
Go up and down Observe
Stairs / Vase /CCTV Stairs / Vase /CCTV
SCALE 1:100
fresh air breathing and talk on phones.
These area are located at the second half inside o walk to use the restroom regarding the internal
Design Brief
The design of this site will try to remain the original function of the place which used to be recording studio before. Our design concept are "Wonder, Fresh, Comfort". First, we come up with 'Wonder' because the structure of the building is narrow facade but deep long way into the place. The design will keep users wondering what the next areas are or look like. Secondly, 'Fresh' comes from the idea of using active colors namely blue and green because we want users to avoid boredom from their works. Lastly, it is 'Comfort'. Even though we design to make users feel energetic while they spending their time in this place, we also want them to feel comfortable and relax. So, we plan to use the white-color wall with the beech wood oor as a main color and material.
side. notnot to change the structure of the side.ItItisisdesigned designed to change the structure rooms studio because the the old functi roomsfrom fromrecording recording studio because old fu have on on walls thatthat can keep the sound havethe thematerials materials walls can keep the theroom. room. think is suitable for insidethe inside WeWe think thatthat it isitsuitable for grou meetingfunction. function.So, So,wewe remain functioi meeting remain thethe oldold functions new environment. new environment. This area is located at the third floor on the left-han side. It is easily accessible because the location side. It is easily accessible because the location s stairway is directly lead users to come to this room first. It facilitates users to finish their works easiler quicker working at typical cafes or their home workingthan at typical cafes or their homes. Users can Users can utilzes manay provided such as b manay provided services such asservices photocopying, photocopying, faxing and ma ing stationary,borrowing faxing andstationary, many more. more. Thisarea areaisisdesigned designedtotobuild buildeffective effectiveworking working This ment on theironown having invidual desks desk and environment theirby own byhaving having invidual environment on their own by invidual desks and located at the top of the builing fourth floor. and located at the top of the builing - fourth floor. have awho focus on their works, studies, readings, Userswho want have focus ontheir their works, etc Users want totohave aafocus on works, to spend their time on this area. studies,readings, readings,etc. etc.prefer prefertotospend spendtheir theirtime timeon on studies, FLOOR PLAN FL. G 4500
Table / Chairs / Board / Cabinet / Shelves / Plugs
activities to entertain Thisenvir is works users need from someboredom. kind of fun that creative because we believe that creative works need some kind area of funis environment flowfloor the better This located at thetothird on theideas. right-h
Work Train Present Brain storm
Rest Exercise Have creative idea
Work station
chit chat. it can turns into the public activities, This area is opened for boosting energy and Board game/ Boxing This area is opened boosting energy and creatin relaxing. It needs to forcontain numerou accessories / Wii games some great new ideas to users locating at the third It has various games and some sporting activ / VDO gameusers. machine That's it's huge. floor. Itwhy hasusers various games and some entertain from boredom. This sporting is because we
Same function
façade which has roughly 5 metre width. All users need to enter to this co-working space from this area. This area is located on the left of the first floor and some few staff to provide information about using Playroom services to all users not only walk-in, but also telephone and online. Moreover, these staff take care of the service's payment as a front desk to the coThis area is more than half of the first floor because it can host several workshops, small events, creative Group seminars and many more. When haing no those meeting public activities, it can turns into the big playground for relaxing. It needs to contain numerous visitorsroom and
Project Site
The site requirements for this adaptive reuse for co-working space project is the abandon building that is not too big or small which needed to located in the city center that have local community to be connected, and easy to access. The chosen site for KEEN co-working space project is perfectly match with the requirement in which is located at "Sathorn Business Park" project. It which located on South Sathorn Road that is the original Bangkok city. Sathorn district is in the central Bangkok, Thailand. It is an important transportation link that connected between old (Thonburi) and new (Pha Nakorn) Bangkok city. KEEN is next to BTS Wongwien-Yai Station exit 1, located within 10 minute ride or 3 BTS stops to the heart of Center Business District (CBD). This prime location also line within walking distance it nearby Charoenrat and Taksin road which have one of the oldest community in the area. Due to this prime and satisfy suitable location, KEEN can both engaged with local community and attached the target customers in CBD with the most easy accessible ways. 
Design Concept Regarding the narrow, but long commercial building structure, the design should be carefully considered. However, it is seen as a challenge for having people inte acted to each other very well. So, the concept of this co-working space is inspired by a tile-matching puzzle video game, originally designed and programmed by Russian game designer Alexey Pajitnov because the shapes of dierent small pieces and sizes in this game can perfectly t each other or interlock the whole space with the dierent design. Focusing on the interior space, the idea ignites us to design something that can make people share a good relationship with each other, because we believe that design can shape people's behavior. When people have interaction with each other, they basically need to begin the face to face conversation. The easiest step that we can start is to design something that build their environment to be like that.
Design Concept Therefore, we will use interlocking design both horizontal and vertical structure of building to make the most of it. We mostly plan to layout the built-in interlocking furniture each oor as a horizon to create some more interaction's opportunity. We can create the way that people will be treated by our concept. As for the other tangible designs, they turn to be similar as graphic interlocking design decoration on wall leading people to have interaction with their surroundings, the dierent layers of light on the ceiling that are designed to get along with the wall. To make the concept design a little more exciting, we think about lifting the floor on the first floor because the dierent steps layer from the original oor can mean the separation of zoning without any solid partition and this will also make people feel movement environment. In addition, the color scheme, planned to use is the active colors namely blue and green shades which basically create a feeling of refreshment. 
Design Concept The materials are being used, generally make people feel comfortable, relax and warm to stay; for instant, light natural wood and white color wall. For intangible concept of this project is the use of space, each program in this project can be used more than one function depend on the situation and user. We want people to fully recharged and a have productive day with the interior environment. All in all, we bring these ideas to be design concept of our co-working space.
INTERIOR RESIDENT IDEO O2 This project IDEO O2 is located near BTS Bang Na station and can be reached from the main road. This project has a concept of 'A New Urban Oasis' which is a spacious area of three residential buildings with extensive green space, 700meters bike track, and connecting lagoon pool. Inside the project, fitness center, co-working space, and varieties of facilities are provided. Room type D1 with two bedrooms and comfort gathering space is our project design.
IDEO O2 The main interior theme of this resident are minimal and modern. The advantage of mini mal and modern interior architecture are to bring in additional natural light and utilize a combination of simple designed furnishing and accessories. The users will be comfort able and calm in this room.
JITLADA JIRACHAISAKUN (MOOK) +66-85-155-0665 jitlada_mook@hotmail.com