Monthira Laoitichote

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DESIGN CONCEPT LAWAN collection is inspired by ‘ล’, a Thai consonant which offers playfulness and happiness when thinking about. Lawan collection wants to propose the idea of ‘the beauty of nature’ within these brownish based chairs to deliver users a quality time to feel the breathtaking views and good vibes existing in front of you. 4









‘Aob-Aoon’ is a human-shape container inspired by the essence of family moment. It is made from 100% parawood with simple shape and clear line. With the magnet placed under the hand, AobAoon symbolically act as family members holding their hands together. These vibes create a warm feeling towards users, especially when they have to leave by themselves regardles any circumstances. DIMENSION

ASTELLA DESIGN CONCEPT A task light with an ambition of increasing productivity while enjoy chiling with friends. Astellas is a portable task light which has two main compartments: its charger body and its portable little light.

COMPARTMENTS Built with acrylic, Astella is designed to show the beauty and reflection of acrylic.

USES Portable light with an ability to attach anywhere | Rotateable | Controlled by touch screen at the body

Metal Joinery

USB charging port

Possible functions of Astella

Separated light



Rendering image of Astella with environment 14

SITE ANALYSIS FYI Center is located on the corner of Rama IV and Ratchadaphisek road facing the traditional Klong Toey market and standing close to the heart of Bangkok with various channels to access. This new workplace is embraced by two main thoroughfares of Rama IV and Ratchadapisek Road and an local alley named soi ‘Pai Singto’, which enables people to access the workplace by their cars and motorbikes easily and conveniently. For those who don’t drive or ride, this modern building already provided a comfortable journey ahead by connecting itself with MRT Queen Sirikit Center. People can access this place by just walking from the station. Moreover, bus stops are located around this workplace and there is an octagon flyover connecting people from each side of roads which create a chance for passing by customers to experience this workplace as well.


DESIGN CONCEPT ‘Arcadia by CIDI’ is established as a natural therapy space where customers can experience relaxing atmosphere as well as allow themselves to explore their own creative ideas regarding plant and small garden decoration. Although each user has different background, they do have one thing in common: workplace stress. This retail shop offers customers an opportunity to reduce their stress as well as challenge yourself with unfamiliar area through a natural therapy and gardening.


Business card, apron, paper bag from our retail


Adjacency diagram

Rendering image of interior

‘Arcadia‘ model

Zoning diagram

Circulation diagram

IT’S ALL IN YOUR MIND. DESIGN CONCEPT We as a human face obstacles everyday. Fear greets us and makes us terrify of what lies in the future of uncertainty. However, this Fear is derived from our own imagination and, therefore, we create our own fear and fear itself. ‘It’s all in your mind’ aims to illustrate that Fear is nothing but a mind creation of uncertainty. It is an emptiness that forms into reality by our endless mind. Floorplan

LOCATION is a circular space with 10 x 10 metres. Inside this spherical exhibition, there are divided into three zones with a dome at the center as a landmark. The walls are layering to create a journey of discovering mind and identity


Adjacency program

Rendering image of ‘It’s all in your mind‘ 25


1:75 1:75



1:50 1:75


zone 1 1:75

An entrance with the well-known quote, ‘to be, or not to be’, invites attendees to start rethinking about their journey of life and encourage them to step inside something they don’t know and to encounter with various feelings that could be both positive and negative depends on each expectation.


zone 2 1:75

To illustrate the idea of ‘present’, mirror is used in this zone to represent a reflection of our walk of life. With an intention to recreate the decided moment, this zone aims to reflect what’s on your mind and what’s our thought at this moment.


zone 3 1:75

This remarkable landmark is intended to be a final destination as to portray the fearful events with motion pictures. Attendees can play and familiar with these nervous situations like a peril object dropping from the ceiling and it disappears when coming closer. The objective is to show that a fear in our life are created by our mind whereas there is nothing there in the reality. 27

Inside the ‘Face The Truth‘ zone This zone will make attendees face fear and discover that fear is only formed by their imagination.

Rendering image show the exhibition ocated at the heart of Siam Center. 28

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