Massimiliano Vari Portfolio 2019

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ThePr i nceRubabr i ci ol e,sonoft he MouseKi ngRodi pane,r eachest he Ki ngdom ofFr ogsbyescapi ngf r om acat . Ther eHemeet st heFr ogPr i nce, Gonf i agot e,andHe’ sconvi ncedt o vi si tt heKi ngdom swi mmi ngont he shoul deroft heot herpr i nce. Unf or t unat el ywhi l eswi mmi nga wi l dwat er snakeappear sandat t acks t het wopr i nces.Gonf i agot egoes under wat ert opr ot ecthi msel f ,f or get t i ng aboutt hemousepr i nce,whodr owns. Af t erl ear ni ngabout t hedeat hoft hePr i nce, t heKi ngofMi cedeci dest odecl ar ewar t ot heFr ogs.Thebat t l ebegi nsandbr i ngs al otofdeat honbot hsi des. Thankst oaheavyr ai nt hewarr eaches t oi t sconcl usi on,l eadi ngt ot he r et r eatoft het woar mi es.

Si mpl e,good,j oyf ulandf unnyandsomet i mest oo nai ve.Ther ear en’ tt r acesofbadness.He’ st hef i r stbor n andt hef ut ur eKi ngoft heFr ogs.

Ear l yConcept s


Mas s i mi l i anoVar i vi s ual devel opmentar t i s t-2Dar t i s t

+393497939216 mv ar i @r ock et mai l . com ht t ps : / / www. l i nk edi n. com/ i n/ mas s i mi l i anovar i 79a931b6/

mas s i mi l i anovar i @car bonmade. com Roma,I t al y


PROFI LE Mynamei sMas s i mi l i ano,Iwasbor ni nRomei n1993. S i ncechi l dhoodI ’ mi nt er es t edi nt hewor l dofar t .Is t ar t ed,asmos tof mycol l eagues ,wi t ht heDi s neymovi esandAni me.F as ci nat edbyt hos e pr oduct i onsIs t ar t eds t udyi ngs t epbys t ept hewor l dbehi ndmyf avor i t e s howsunt i l Ideci dedIwantt owor ki nt heani mat i oni ndus t r y.S oaf t er t heHi ghs chool Iat t endeds omecour s esofdr awi ng,t oi mpr ovemy ar t i s t i cs ki l l s . Ar t i s t s ,books ,movi es ,peopl ear emymai ni ns pi r at i ons .


Dr awi ng

S t or yt el l i ng T eamwor k I l l us t r at or CC

Phot os hopCC

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