Anti-Bullying Policy Audience:
Date of Issue:
Date of Governor Approval: Frequency of Review: Annually Post Holder responsible for Review: Headteacher, Assistant Headteacher/Senco Link with Governance:
Full Governors
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Kingsmead School Anti-Bullying Policy Statement of Intent At Kingsmead School we believe that all students and staff have the right to attend school and the right to feel safe. We are committed to providing a caring, friendly and safe environment for all of our students so they can learn in a relaxed and secure atmosphere. Bullying of any kind is anti-social behaviour and is unacceptable at our college. If bullying does occur, all students should be able to tell and know that incidents will be dealt with promptly and effectively. We are a TELLING school. This means that anyone who knows that bullying is happening is expected to tell the staff.
Why is it important to respond to bullying? Bullying hurts. No one deserves to be a victim of bullying. Everybody has the right to be treated with respect. Schools have a responsibility to respond promptly and effectively to issues of bullying.
Links with the school aims: We will: foster the development of responsible citizens; responsible for themselves and others in the community; provide a safe, orderly, and motivating working environment; have policies and procedures, which ensure the safety of all; foster the development of inter-personal skills, respect for and tolerance of others; promote awareness of moral issues and the development of a personal morality; implement the School rules for conduct and learning for the benefit of the school and community; value individuals and achievement in all areas; provide equal opportunities for all.
The aims and objectives of Kingsmead School in formulating this statement are: To reduce and eradicate, wherever possible, instances in which students and/or staff are subjected to bullying in any form.
To establish appropriate means of providing after-care should an incident of bullying occur and to educate students who are bullying into different ways of behaving. To ensure that all students, parents, staff and governors are aware of this policy and fulfil their obligations.
What is bullying? Bullying is the use of aggression with the intention of hurting another person. Bullying results in pain and distress to the victim. Bullying can be: • Emotional • • • • • •
being unfriendly, excluding, tormenting (e.g. hiding books, threatening gestures) Physical pushing, kicking, hitting, punching or any use of violence Racist racial taunts, graffiti, gestures Sexual unwanted physical contact or sexually abusive comments Homophobic because of, or focussing on the issue of sexuality Verbal name-calling, sarcasm, spreading rumours, teasing Cyber All areas of internet ,such as email & internet chat room misuse Mobile threats by text messaging & calls Misuse of associated technology , e.g. camera &video facilities
Anti-bullying procedure for parents: • The School believes in working in partnership with students and parents. • You can trust us to act in the best interests of your child. • Please feel free to make an appointment to discuss your child’s progress at any time. Parents play a vital role by: • stressing to students the importance of social behaviour and that it is never appropriate to use physical violence or verbal abuse; • reporting any misgivings they have concerning bullying; • actively endorsing and supporting the Bullying Policy;
If you suspect that you child is being bullied you should… • Talk to your child and try to find out what the problem is. • Contact the School and request an appointment to see your child’s Learning Tutor. • You will be spoken to by a member of staff within 24 hours of the first contact. • We will discus the problem with you and design a plan of action to suit the situation.
Signs and Symptoms A child may indicate by signs or behaviour that he or she is being bullied. Adults should be aware of these possible signs and that they should investigate if a child: becomes concerned about travelling to and from School. is unwilling to go to School or begins to truant or feels ill in the morning
changes in behaviour e.g. becomes withdrawn or anxious or aggressive attempts or threatens suicide or runs away cries themself to sleep at night or has nightmares begins to do poorly in school work has possessions, including clothes, which are damaged or " go missing" asks for money or starts stealing money (to pay bully) has dinner or other monies continually "lost" has unexplained cuts or bruises comes home hungry (money/lunch has been stolen) is bullying other children or siblings stops eating is frightened to say what's wrong gives improbable excuses for any of the above is afraid to use the internet or mobile phone is nervous & jumpy when a cyber message is received These signs and behaviours could indicate other problems, but bullying should be considered a possibility and should be investigated.
Procedures 1. Report bullying incidents to staff who will listen and respond in a controlled manner. Remember, there are always two sides to any problem and we must investigate the incident. 2. The bullying behaviour or threats of bullying must be investigated and the bullying stopped quickly. Staff will assess the situation and refer or respond according to agreed procedures. This will include a range of approaches. 3. In cases of serious bullying, the incidents will be recorded by staff and placed in your file. They will be referred to in any reports that we have to write about you. 4. The bully (bullies) may be asked to genuinely apologise. Other consequences may take place. If possible, the students will be reconciled. 5. In serious cases parents should be informed and will be asked to come in to a meeting to discuss the problem. Students may be asked to sign a behaviour contract and/ or be called before School governors. The college will use the sanctions outlined in its behaviour policy, these may include fixed term or even permanent exclusion. 6. If necessary and appropriate, police will be consulted 7. An attempt will be made to help the bully (bullies) change their behaviour. 8. After the incident / incidents have been investigated and dealt with, each case will be monitored to ensure repeated bullying does not take place. Incidents of bullying are recorded, monitored and procedures are evaluated. The data will be used to develop further strategies and effect changes to the School environment where necessary. In order to assess the effectiveness of this Policy, the following standards will be used as a means of measuring performance: variations in number of reported incidents over a given period;
individual incident returns, including nil returns for given periods for different age groups; variations in number of student absences, including post-registration absence, as an indictor of bullying.
Persons covered by this policy All students and staff, whether permanently or temporarily on the School roll, will be covered by this policy. The School and the Local Authority treat bullying among their employees as a potential disciplinary matter.
Prevention We will use various methods for helping children to prevent bullying. As and when appropriate, these may include: • • • • • • • •
writing a set of School rules signing a behaviour contract writing stories or poems or drawing pictures about bullying reading stories about bullying or having them read to a class or assembly making up role-plays having discussions about bullying and why it matters students make suggestions through ‘student voice’ activities strategies are discussed at student achievement meetings, School inclusion panel and senior leadership meetings
This Policy is a living document. As such, it will be periodically updated and reviewed. The process and timescale for review is on an annual basis. If you have any comments to make please email or write to L. Kelly at the main School address.
Communication of the Policy The Policy is communicated regularly in order to ensure that staff, students, parents and governors are continuously aware of the Policy and also individual responsibilities; this is consolidated through regular staff training.
Help Organisations: Students are able to report incidents on the Kingsmead School website: Advisory Centre for Education (ACE) Children's Legal Centre KIDSCAPE Parents Helpline (Mon-Fri, 10-4) Parentline Plus Youth Access Bullying Online
0808 800 5793 0845 345 4345 0845 1 205 204 0808 800 2222 020 8772 9900
Visit the Kidscape website for further support, links and advice.