Kingsmead School Late Procedure to Lesson Late to Period 1
All students must be on site for 8.45am and in lessons at 8.50am when the second bell goes If they arrive after this time they must sign in at resources Class teachers will send students to resources if the they arrive after this time Student will complete a pink slip, hand it to the member of staff in resources for it to be signed Students should return directly to their lesson without causing a disruption Resources staff will enter their late mark on SIMS The student will be issued with a slip to inform their class teacher they were late so they can be admitted to their lesson The slip will also give them a same day lunchtime detention Students will report at the beginning of lunch to room C12 Failure to attend the lunchtime detention will result in a 1 hour detention after school Students will not be detained for medical appointments, but should still sign in and bring their slip to the lunchtime venue to remove them off the detention list Parents will be sent a text message to inform them of their child’s lateness If there is a genuine reason for a child’s lateness we ask parent’s to contact the Attendance Office
Late to lesson (other than period 1)
If a student arrives to lesson after the bell The teacher will mark the student as ‘L’ (late) Two lates in one week will result in a 30 minute whole school detention on a Thursday Repeat offenders who have already had three late detentions in a half term will have the 30 minutes detention increased to an SLT detention If a student has a genuine reason for being late, it is their responsibility to get a note from the member of staff they have been with All late queries should go through the Attendance Office.
CB September 2014
Kingsmead School Planned Absence If a student is going to be off school for a medical appointment we ask that parents give the school at least 48 hours’ notice.
Parents/Carers should complete a pink tear off slip in the student’s planner The student should bring this to the attendance office We ask that parents/carers provide a copy of the appointment card or letter to log against the students ‘M’ code on SIMS We request that a student attends school before and/or after the appointment were possible to avoid missing as little school as possible
To discuss any medical appointments further please contact the Attendance Office.
CB September 2014
Kingsmead School Leave of Absence Request At this time in accordance with Department for Education guidance schools cannot authorise family holidays. If you intend to take you child out of school please complete the form below. Name:
Date of Birth:
Tutor Group:
Percentage attendance to date:
Date of first absence:
Date of last absence:
Number of school days your child will be absent:
Reason for the leave of absence request:
Parent/Carer with parental responsibility
Date: ***For office use only***
Received in school on:
Recorded on SIMS on:
Parent contact by:
Parent contacted on:
CB September 2014
Kingsmead School Request for Medical Evidence In line with guidance from the Department for Education ‘Advice on School Attendance September 2014’ publication, medical evidence will be requested in the following circumstances;
Where a student has had a prolonged absence If a student has attendance below 85% or if they are at risk of falling below 85% attendance To authorise medical appointments in school time
Recommended Evidence
A stamp in the students planner from the medical establishment An appointment card or letter A prescription issued to the student
This will be scanned in school and attached to the students SIMS log to support the student’s absence. Please contact the Attendance Office for further guidance on medical evidence.
CB September 2014