Kingsmead Technology College March 2013 In this issue: Na onal Science and Engineering Week Road Safety Bio Graffi
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Ma hew Taylor gains his Black Belt in Mar al Arts Ma hew Taylor from C-JAC undertook his grading for a Black Belt in Mar al Arts Kickboxing on the 10th February 2013. Ma hew successfully passed with an impressive ’A’ grade following a weekend of high intensity exams and fitness tests. Over the two days, Ma hew completed a fitness test on the Saturday which included press ups, sit ups, a 6 mile run and 16 rounds of sparring!! On the Sunday Ma hew displayed all the techniques he has learnt over the last four years he has been par cipa ng in the sport. Ma hew is a keen all round sportsman represen ng his school at Hockey, playing for Hawkins Cricket Club at both Juniors and Adult level alongside his Mar al Arts twice a week. Many congratula ons to Ma hew on a fantas c achievement. Niall Toolan from W-KB passed his St Johns Red First Aid Badge on Thursday 14th March 2013. Niall had to put a pa ent into a recovery posi on, demonstrate CPR, resuscita on techniques and stopping a bleed. Niall can now ’Go On Duty’ at events such as football matches, where he is qualified to administer First Aid . Well done!!
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School Projects and Events We enjoyed a fantas c Na onal Science and Engineering Week. We followed the na onal themes of ‘Inven on and Discovery’ with students devising new business ventures. We also con nued with our own annual theme of ‘The World of Work’ by bringing in a range of professionals to talk to the students about their career paths. Students also enjoyed trips to local businesses, universi es and career fairs. All in all, a superb week which has inspired students in their day to day studies and in the opportuni es that stretch out before them at Kingsmead and beyond. Mr Allman—Deputy Headteacher Cubase workshop in Music Balloon powered car building and racing
Alistair Fawce , a former student who is now studying Music Technology at University ran a series of workshops with Year 10 students to develop their Cubase skills
Year 8 students designed, built and raced balloon powered cars.
Pack a Pringle and Stuff Fashion Experience Session Year 7 Technology students worked on two ac vi es to show innova on and crea vity
A group of Year 9 students worked with Year 10 Tex les students on a fashion-industry related task. Year 9—13 students have par cipated in Pantomime workshops all week in the Drama Department. And Graham Tudor from TRED Theatre Company has been working with Year 8. 10, 11 and 13 in Musical Theatre Workshops.
Teen Tech Event at U oxeter Race Course Mrs Butler, Kingsmead Careers Advisor took ten Year 8 students to a Technology Event at U oxeter Race Course. Here they took part in a variety of ac vi es as part of Na onal Science & Engineering Week. Students worked on a JCB assembly line, looked at 3D Technology for lessons and design an App, which students then had to present on stage.
Loughborough University Visit KS4 GCSE and BTEC sport students visited Loughborough University, where they enjoyed a tour of the campus, field based fitness tes ng and workshops.
Engineering Appren ceship Session Twenty Year 11 students a ended a session in which they gained knowledge of the Engineering sector, advice on comple ng applica on forms and ps on interview skills. Students also discussed their career aspira ons and pathways.
Bio Graffi Project Headteacher, Mr Bryant has commissioned Year 10 and 11 BTEC Art students with the task of crea ng our very own Graffi Art project. This will be implemented on some storage containers on the school site. Students have had to research, create designs and take part in training as part of their assignment. The inspira on for their design is Kingsmead’s new Biomass Boiler. Mr Bryant ini ally met with the students to explain what his requirements were for the project. Students were then responsible for communica ng and liaising with a graffi ar st, who was commissioned to assist them. A visit to our new Biomass Boiler followed and students were shown how the boiler operates using trees and natural resources. This makes for a ’green school’ hea ng system, as it operates on sustainable energy.
New ini a ve launched to recognise students’ posi ve contribu ons in school
Staff and students also visited Cannock Chase, where they researched the use of trees for energy and regenera on.
The following nominated students had lunch with the Head on Thursday 21st March 2013.
A session in the Art Department with their commissioned agent Neil from Aunique Art then followed. Neil and the students discussed their ideas, the research they had completed and began to develop their designs for the Art work. Mr Bryant and Mr Goodall (Site Supervisor) held a Health and Safety session with the students, where all aspects of keeping the students safety during the Graffi work were discussed. This included protec ve clothing and safety training when working at heights. This was followed by a session with Neil where spray pain ng techniques were taught and prac ced. The final design, an accumula on of all the students work was presented to the Headteacher recently and the actual work will begin very shortly. Enterprise at Kingsmead Key Stage 4 Aim Higher Evening This years evening once again encouraged our students to aim high with their aspira ons. Students and parents were introduced to our ‘Raising Achievement Programme’.
Sixth Form Young Enterprise students were acknowledged by Cannock Chase Council in their Spring 2013 publica on. It was in connec on with their project on mobile phone products. They have been marke ng this as part of their Young Enterprise Campaign.
Students also guided their parents through crea ng an inspira onal CV, using the Na onal Careers Service website, looked at University courses and began to plan their route to their dream job.
The students, recently met Cllr Linda Whitehouse at their trade stand in Lichfield. Linda is a Business Mentor for King Group Technologies & Events that promotes the Young Enterprise Scheme.
Lunch with the Head
Megan Whitehouse L-HU for working incredibly hard, being an excellent student, contribu ng to assemblies and fund raising events . Alexandre Rodulfa V-AH for being an excellent role model, hard working and contribu ng to extra-curricular ac vi es. Laura Allsop W-KB for working really hard especially with literacy and being a very worthy student. Charlo e Baker H-CP for her posi ve input as a Sixth Form student in the Tutor Group context. An extremely helpful student. Cassie Hendon U-NT for making excellent progress. She works well above her target grades. Daniel Skerman C-SP for his outstanding contribu on to school and gaining the highest number of Achievement points for his house.
Primary Liaison Since the start of the school year, Kingsmead staff have been involved in many joint Primary School projects. These have included ‘The Enterprise Trophy’ where our IT Department have challenged al our local Primary pupils to create their own App. Mr Higho from the Science Department welcomed Year 5 and 6 from Hazel Slade to a ‘What is Biology?’ lesson. Miss Hughes and the History Department have been teaching Year 5 pupils from St Peters about the Ancient Greeks and Medicine while Mr Stafford from our Art Department enjoyed a fabulous aPernoon ‘Working with Clay’ with Years 3 and 4 from Hazel Slade. All our local Primary Schools were also invited by Mr Redpath, Primary Sports Co-ordinator to a Football Tournament at Rugeley Leisure Centre. The pupils had the opportunity to play on the new 3G Astral Pitch. Following some hard fought matches, St Peters were crowned overall winners.
Many thanks to all staff, pupils and parents for their con nued support with our Primary Liaison Programme.
Primary Transi on Liaison with Primary Schools in prepara on for the transfer of students into Year 7 in September has been on-going throughout the year. It does however, become par cularly busy in the months ahead. Parents will receive a ‘Welcome Pack’ which will include details of induc on days, parents evening, purchasing uniform and much, much more……….
Summer Fayre In 2013 Kingsmead is celebra ng 75 years of secondary educa on. To mark this occasion, we are holding a Community Summer Fayre on Saturday 6th July 2013 from 1pm un l 5pm.
Road Safety Event
Mrs Carolyn Bevan, Staffordshire County Councils Road Safety Officer delivered two dis nct units to Year 7 and 8 students as part of their Ci zenship/PSHE Personal Safety Unit. There will be tradi onal games (run by Year 7 students were taught about minimising the risk to themselves students), a programme of Performing Arts, when walking alongside or crossing roads. Students discussed how to be plant sales, teas, archive displays and other more aware of what was happening around them by not listening to a rac ons. mobile devices, tex ng and playing around on footpaths. Contact school recep on A similar format was presented to Year 8 students except the focus was for further details. on behaviour inside a car and the necessity of wearing a seat belt. As a result of the sessions, each class have been asked to produce a poster/ leaflet that summarises and consolidates what they have learned. A prize, donated by the Road Safety Team will be awarded to the winner. All students will receive VIVOs for their work. This is the third year these sessions have taken place and Mrs Bevan stated that as a result, data shows road related accidents in the area have decreased.
House Informa on Coppice and Li leton House Photos Coppice House Coppice House had a successful start to the year when it was announced that we had won the House Cup for the previous half term. This is awarded for achieving the most House Points in this period. I am very proud of everyone in Coppice for their fantas c achievement. The day, it was announced, may have been a wash out in terms of the weather, but nothing could dampen the spirits of the victorious Coppice students. Well done Coppice! A number of Coppice students took part in the BTEC Performing Arts produc on of a ‘Midsummer Night’s Dream’ recently. Congratula ons to Jack Brindley and Ian Chin, who landed lead parts. Well done, also to Nathaniel Prendegast for his portrayal of Thisbe, which was excep onally well acted and hilarious at the same me. The suppor ng cast which included Sabrina Chin & Amie Sleigh also worked very hard. Mrs J Davies—Head of House
Li leton House I cannot believe we are at the end of our second term already! A short but very busy term! Thank you to Mrs Lowe & Miss Rosbach who both delivered assemblies this term. Mrs Lowe’s focus was Internet Safety. Students explained the dangers of pos ng videos on line and gave guidance on safety on the world wide web. Miss Rosbach’s focus was ‘Fair Trade’. In this case, students made us aware of how li le of the vast profits of the world wide food market actually go to the producers and growers. Congratula ons to the Li leton students, who have been taking part in the recent Year 8 reading challenge. The aim of this is to improve their reading & English skills. Let’s hope as many Li leton students as possible have completed the challenge, as they will all receive 100 vivo/house points. At the end of January, Year 7 students elected their Sports Captains and Deputy Captains. It was lovely to see so many sporty students puSng themselves forward for the role! Congratula ons to James Chisholm & Olivia Green, our new Captains and James Galvin & Georgia Rose, their Depu es. Finally…… I couldn’t finish off without men oning that Li leton won the ‘half termly cup in the first half of this term. It is great that the hard work of the students has paid off! The cup really does look best in red ribbons!! I really hope we can upgrade this to the ‘House Cup’ at the end of the year. I have every faith!! Mrs Greenwood—Head of House
House Informa on
Uxbridge House As we head towards the close of our second academic term this year at Kingsmead, this is a good me to reflect and celebrate our achievements so far and look forward to next term with our very talented Uxbridge students. Can I say a big thank you to all our Year 7 students, who completed their reading diaries as part of the Literacy focus last term. This not only gave us valuable House Points, but hopefully encouraged our students to get into good reading habits. Year 8 reading diaries are now due in, so watch this space and please con nue to encourage your child to read regularly at home. We have had a number of interes ng assemblies this term, including ‘World Maths Day’ where students were invited to compete in an online Interna onal Maths Challenge. Uxbridge Houses own Probability Game was won by Emily Fowler-Parkes and Maisie Burton. Well done girls!! Perhaps, our most poignant assembly was during ‘Holocaust Week, when all our classes lit candles in memory of Holocaust vic ms. Year 7 student Mia White, deserves a special men on. A talented vocalist, she has recently recorded a CD at a local studio. An Uxbridge Star of the future!! I would like to say a big thank you to our House Captains, Ma hew Stockdale & Bethany Blastock, who do a sterling job looking aPer our Prefect Team. Mrs Collins—Head of House
Hayes House It is a great me to be in Hayes House. Our mo o of Brave, Strong and True could not be more appropriate, as students prepare for the academic challenges that lie ahead. Once again this term, many of our students are achieving a very impressive amount of House Points with some students excelling in their achievements. While these students have done extremely well, they are not alone; many others are doing Hayes proud with their hard work and team spirit. I am very proud to be Head of Hayes House and our students consistently impress me with their enthusiasm, crea vity and desire to do well. I look forward greatly to the forthcoming Fashion Show and Sports Day, which will give Hayes students the chance to showcase even more of their talents. Mr Bradbury—Head of House
Uxbridge and Hayes House Photos
House Informa on
Valley House
Valley and Wimblebury House Photos
I have been highly impressed with the work of Valley students this term and would like to take this opportunity to share some of these achievements with you. Students in V-AH and V-SEW, supported by their tutors, presented an outstanding assembly for Holocaust Memorial Day. At the end of the assembly, eleven candles were lit, one for each Tutor Group and a mul -faith prayer was observed. The assembly was such a success it was shown to all the tutor groups across the school. Although it was a real team effort, Olivia Hall, Alexandrea Rodulfa, Josh Fenn, Josh Robinson, Sam Lee, Jak Miller and Lauren Davison deserve recogni on for their me and effort with the assembly. The approaching term will be a busy one for many students. Year 9 students will be selec ng their op ons and Year 11 students finalising the comple on of coursework and beginning the revision for their summer exams. I have been delighted by the way older students within the tutor groups, have helped to support younger students through these processes. Sixth form students have delivered a presenta on to Year 9 students which explained the op ons process and are planning to deliver a similar presenta on to Year 11 students about revision ps for exam success. The successes and achievements of all Valley students will be recognised and celebrated during their Achievement Assembly on March 26th. Mr Broomhall—Head of House
Wimblebury House It has been another busy term for Wimblebury and as usual the students and tutors have worked incredibly hard throughout. Three of our House members were TV stars recently. Both Sky News and ITV News broadcasted interviews with Jordan and Mitch Worrall and James Wilson, regarding work on the pigeon racing project. This was very exci ng for all involved! Our tutor groups have been involved in the school Literacy compe on. They have designed posters, raising awareness of Literacy issues. The winning posters will be displayed in the Library aPer Easter. Our year 11 students will be leaving soon and I look forward to seeing them at the Prom in June. I also look forward to hearing of their successes when the exam results are published in August. It has been an absolute pleasure working with Wimblebury students and staff. I would like to wish all well for the future, as I will be leaving Kingsmead following Spring Bank Holiday to take up a new post. I have loved my me as Wimblebury House Head and I wish my replacement well. Just make sure we win Sports Day again this year!! Mrs Underwood—Head of House
Wimblebury House Captain Carenza Langston
Ever since Primary School, I have always been interested in being involved in every aspect of school life. From Year 7, myself and my fellow House Captain, James Statham, have thrown ourselves into the full swing of our school council. We have gained a variety of prac cal life skills, democra c knowledge and a wide bank of useful contacts through the council. These contacts alongside the people skills I have gained, have helped me with crea ng and delivering presenta ons, liaising with external companies and fundraising ac vi es for our House Charity, Breathe Easy. I am proud to be Wimblebury House Captain.
House Charity and Sports News Charity Updates—A very busy term!! Coppice students have worked relessly on a range of fundraising events for their House charity SNAP. These events formed the basis of an assembly led by the House Captains, their depu es and Community Representa ves, who informed the House how the money would be spent. Hayes House Captain Emily Shaw and her trusty assistant Charlo e Hoskins have been doing a fantas c job raising money for their charity Na onal Memorial Arboretum. The girls have been making and selling key rings and trolley tokens. The two entrepreneurs, along with Helena Pickerill, will be playing a large role in managing the Hayes Charity Fashion Show, which will be taking place in the summer term. Li leton House invited their House charity Riding for the Disabled in to be part of their assembly. The assembly was well planned by Holly Bu erfield, Megan Whitehouse and Sophie Cox and culminated in the presenta on of a £200 cheque. This amount will fund one rider to have weekly riding lessons for a year. Uxbridge House are con nuing to raise money for The Midland Air Ambulance via ongoing ‘Cash for Clothes’ collec ons and charity boxes. Valley House raised £50 for their charity Katharine House through the Christmas Fayre. Students sold Christmas cards and Alexandrea Rodulfa and Rebecca Purchase made and sold jewellery at the event. Wimblebury House had Breathe Easy representa ves into school to present an assembly on their work, illustra ng how the money raised is being used. Addi onally some students are mee ng representa ves in July to discuss further projects. All houses also competed in the Charity Poster compe on. This was to raise awareness of their chari es with tutor groups producing some excellent pieces of work and prizes being awarded for the best examples. The next inter House Challenge will be a Business and Enterprise task. Crea ve thinkers will be needed to produce a business plan explaining how they could invest £5, in order to raise as much money as possible for their charity. Look out for the results aPer the Easter holidays.
Year 11 Students Year 11 students are working hard towards their final controlled assessments, coursework and porVolios. All Heads of House wish all Year 11 examina on students ‘good luck’ in their forthcoming exams this summer. Enjoy your Prom at Cannock Chase Golf Club on Thursday 27th June 7.00—11.00pm
Spor ng Successes Tiegan Kelly represented the Stafford Athle cs Team at a regional compe on in Stoke. Compe ng in the long, triple and ver cal jump as well as the relay 200m and 400m. Lara and Niall Hadlington swam in the Staffordshire County Championship during March. Lara won Bronze in the 100m breaststroke and Niall won Gold in 50m and 100m freestyle and Silver in the 200m breaststroke. Caitlin Tsang took part in the English Gymnas cs Championship finishing a credible 6th overall. Two Year 10 students, Callan Griffin and Rhys Bills, who play for Hednesford Town Under 15s have had a successful season culmina ng in the team reaching the final of the Staffs Cup on May 2nd. Rhys is also currently having a 6 week trial with Wolves Youth Team. Leah Aldred is a star of the future. She is a promising athlete, who recently represented Staffordshire in the Junior Indoor Athle c Championship. Leah a ained a personal best in the long jump and a credible 4th place in the 100m hurdles.
Future Events Year 7 Progress Evening Wednesday 15th May 5.00—7.00pm Year 8 Progress Evening Thursday 23rd May 5.00—7.00pm
Contact informa on Kingsmead Technology College Kings Avenue Hednesford Cannock Staffs WS12 1DH 01543 512455
Sports Day Friday 28th June Y6 Induc on Days Wednesday 26th June & Wednesday 3rd July Y6 Parents Evening Wednesday 3rd July 6.00—7.00pm