Kingsmead newsletter 2013 07

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Kingsmead Newsle er July 2013 Kingsmead’s 75th Anniversary Summer Fayre Dates for your Diary On Saturday 6th July Kingsmead celebrated its 75th Anniversary by hos-ng a Summer Fayre. The event was supported by students, staff, colleagues and ex-pupils who all worked hard to ensure the day was a success. We were blessed with glorious weather and a fantas-c turn out by parents, students and the local community which resulted in our House Chari-es raising over £3000. This amount will now be shared between the six chari-es; Katharine House, S.N.A.P, Midlands Air Ambulance, Breatheasy, Riding for the Disabled and the Na-onal Memorial Arboretum. Visitors enjoyed a programme of entertainment including performances by ‘Kingsheath’ (Kingsmead and Heath Park Schools) Orchestra, vocalists Erica Shirley, Carenza Langston and Sabrina Chin and local bands ‘Sixth Form Boys’, ‘Wai-ng for Susan’ and ‘School Pop Group’. Gorsemoor Primary School Choir also performed. There were plenty of stalls to relieve our guests of their money too! Coppice House and Mrs Butler tempted would-be fishermen with their ‘Hook A Duck’ game whilst selling sweets and ‘Mocktails’ created by Mrs Fi es’ own hand. Hayes House welcomed par-cipants to ‘Splat the Teacher!!’ Mr Bryant, Mr Allman, Mr Baker and Mr Cole were willing vic-ms who made the stall very popular. Li leton House challenged all to ‘Beat the Goalie!!’ Rhys Bills, Callan Griffin, Olivia Taylor and James Taylor all did an incredible job of keeping the ball out of the net and raising lots of money. Mrs Fowler and students ran a successful tombola stall with a wide range of donated prizes and Becky Mist (ex-student) helped with a ‘Nearest the Pin!’ Uxbridge House also welcomed back ex student Sam Goodall who ran a ‘Kick Up Challenge’. Jessica Turner and Kelly Raybould created fantas-c Nail Art on their very popular stall. Head of Valley House Mr Broomhall tested his market banter on his book stall whilst volunteers and students invited visitors to ‘Pick an Egg!’ or ‘Smash the Monster!’ Wimblebury House were also temp-ng money from pockets with their ‘Splat a Rat’ game and the very popular ‘Name the Bear’ compe--on. A young girl went home very happy with a very large bear!! Refreshment stalls were in abundance. Our guests who enjoyed candy floss, a BBQ, ice cold drinks, hot beverages and cakes of every descrip-on. For the more energe-c there was a bouncy castle and a five-a-side football pitch! Kingsmead’s Pigeon LoP gave visitors the opportunity to see our ‘Royal Pigeons’ whilst Mr Chambers and the boys eagerly awaited the return of some of their pigeons who were actually racing on our Summer Fayre Day. Friends of Hednesford Park and the Newlife charity volunteered their -me to provide us with face pain-ng! An array of animals could be seen around the Fayre!! The day was a huge success and an enjoyable occasion for all involved. Many thanks to all!!

Thursday 18th July—School closes at 2pm. Friday 19th July—School closes at 12pm for Summer Holidays Monday 2nd & Tuesday 3rd September —School closed for staff training. Wednesday 4th September— School opens for Year 7 students at 10am. Wednesday 4th September— School opens for Year 12 registra-on at 9:15am and Year 13 registra-on at 11:15am. Thursday 5th September— School opens for Year 8, 9, 10, 11 and 13 students at 8:50am. Thursday 5th September—Year 12 Induc-on morning ay Keys Park. Kingsmead and Li leworth Archives The Archives Tent at the Fayre was a centre of nostalgia with a selec-on of photographs and folders on display. The original Admissions Books from 1938-1990 was a great hit! Old friends, former students and staff met up to exchange reminiscences, sharing tea and cakes. The Kingsmead Story is now being wri en and will include memories collected at various reunion events over the last few years. Contact Mrs Harrison for further details.

Students News Daniel Skerman was overwhelmingly nominated to dine with the Headteacher last term. Daniel really embraces all that Kingsmead has to offer and can always be relied upon to offer his services whether it is recep-on duty, assis-ng at Parents Evenings, House Council or just running errands to support staff. Well done Daniel on all your achievements this year!

Lewis Byrne has been a commi ed Air Cadet for a number of years. Lewis recently took part in R.A.F. Cosford’s 75th Anniversary celebra-ons. Report by Lewis: “ On the 16th May, I went to RAF Scampton to help set up and see the 75th and final Anniversary. I helped set up the stands and displays and when the show started I got the chance to meet BBC Presenter Dan Snow. There were five planes that flew into and landed at Scampton. They were two Tornado GR4’s, two SpiRires and the marvellous Lancaster Bomber! I also learned about the bouncing bomb!

Year 7 student Olivia Taylor competed in the 2013 Snowboard Cross at the Snowdome , Tamworth on Sunday 8th June. The event hosted 22 compe-tors split into two age groups— U11’s and U15’s. In her first compe--ve race, Olivia achieved fiPh place in the U11’s age group with Olympic Bronze Medallist Alain Baxter presen-ng the awards. Olivia has been snowboarding since February 2012 and quickly caught the eye of the coaches at the Snowdome for her ‘fearless slope style snowboarding!’ Olivia has quickly accelerated to a level that is admired by her peers and coaches and her next step is training for the Na-onal Championship later in 2013. Olivia has the poten-al to achieve high standards and winning performances at snow boarding and may even reach Winter Olympics level one day. Watch out for Liv Taylor!!

It was a fantas-c day and aPer the show we all had the chance to have our photo taken with the SpiRire at sunset.”

Lacey Stevens Lacey has worked extremely hard and -relessly for her House charity Katharine House. Over the last couple of years, Lacey has raised over £700 for the Hospice. In May Lacey was nominated for the pres-gious Cannock Chase Youth Endeavour Award and selected as the winner from a very strong field of candidates. Lacey received her award at a special ceremony and everyone associated with Kingsmead and especially her parents are very proud of her and the fine example she sets.

New Year 7 Intake Kingsmead welcomed our new Year 7 students for their Induc-on Days on Wednesday 26th June and Wednesday 3rd July. Students spent their days enjoying lessons including Art, History, English, Geography, Health and Social Care, Informa-on Technology and PE. An example of some of these taster experiences follow below. During their History lesson students looked at ‘Why we study History?’ with Miss Hughes, Curriculum Leader of History. Students discussed the skills that can be gained from History and explored how evidence can help to find out about people and the past. Miss Hughes said “The students came up with some excellent ideas—really geVng the idea that they have to back up what they think with evidence” Health and Social teacher Mrs Fi es spent the morning teaching some of the students about the importance of hand washing. Students learnt why hands are so important and how bacteria and viruses are picked up and transferred from person to person. Students also had the opportunity to use the ‘Globug’, a UV light box that shows up the germs present. Mrs Fi es congratulated the students who were “very engaged and par-cipated well in all the lessons. They learned that the simple procedure of hand washing is vitally important to keeping themselves and others safe” In Geography, students were set a series of challenges based around countries and ci-es. They enjoyed a game of Geography Bingo followed by a team compe--on of ‘Guess the Flag.” The lesson ended with students re-designing the Union Jack Flag! Mr Cole said “All students worked extremely hard as a team bringing lots of excitement and enthusiasm with them. A big well done to all and see you September!” APer lessons students had the opportunity to meet their Tutor and Tutor Group. Many, many ac-vi-es were arranged throughout the school by Kingsmead staff and students to welcome their new Tutor Group member. Mrs Ryder, Senior Leader said “Well done to the Year 6’s during their Induc-on Days. You all certainly made a great impression and I am already looking forward to mee-ng you again in September.”

My first year at Kingsmead by Georgia Rose (Year 7 student) My first year at Kingsmead has been the most memorable because of all the new sports I have tried, such as hockey, netball and rounders. I will never forget our trip to Shugborough Outdoor Educa-on Centre. We had a week in the snow!! We went sledging and had loads of snowball fights! It was the best trip I have ever been on!! I have had lots of fun projects to work on throughout the year in lots of subjects including Art, History, English and Geography. I have made many, many new friends and I can definitely say this year has been unforge able.

House Informa-on Coppice House Mrs J Davies—Head of House As the school year draws to a close, it is -me for reflec-on; what a lot Coppice House have packed into this year!! It began in September, when we welcomed our new Year 7’s who have se led excellently into the Kingsmead Community. At the other end of the structure Coppice said goodbye to Year 13’s including Head Girl Jodie Taylor, who has done a sterling job represen-ng both Kingsmead and Coppice House. Coppice students have worked -relessly raising funds for their charity SNAP. Students, dressed in bright yellow tee shirts, bag packed in Morrisons and raised money during Kingsmeads Christmas Fayre. We are now looking forward to welcoming SNAP to our end of year achievement assembly. Coppice House bid a fond farewell to four Tutors this year; Miss Kenney, Mr Henderson, Mrs Brear and Mr Cavanagh (new Head of Uxbridge House!) We wish them every success in their new posi-ons and Mrs Brear a happy re-rement. I shall miss them greatly. Wishing all a resRul and enjoyable summer. See you in September Mrs Davies

Hayes House Mr P Bradbury—Head of House With the end of year fast approaching it will soon be -me to reflect on the fantas-c achievements and successes of Hayes students during our Achievement Assembly. However in the mean -me…. Hayes House staff and students took to the catwalk on Wednesday 10th July! The event was organised by students Helena Pickerill, Emily Shaw and Charlo e Hoskins in conjunc-on with Sainsburys’, Cannock. During the evening, over 30 models ‘stru ed their stuff’ in a wide range of Sainsbury’s latest fashions to raise an incredible £711.66 for our charity, the Na-onal Memorial Arboretum. Our audience enjoyed a professional DJ, accessory shop, musical acts and Mr Truby’s running commentary! Fantas-c prizes were also up for grabs on our raffle including a gliding experience! Cupcakes, Nachos and beverages were enjoyed throughout the evening. It was a fantas-c evening that was extremely well a ended by over 150 people. Thank you to all students and staff for their hard work and to everyone for their support. The catwalks of Milan are our next stop! Mr Bradbury

Coppice and Hayes House Photos

House Informa-on Li leton House Mrs K Greenwood—Head of House Well, here we are at the end of another extremely busy but successful year for Li leton House. I can’t believe where the -me has gone!! We have proved once again that we have some Maths geniuses in Li leton House by winning the Numeracy quiz last term. Well done!! Whilst in the Literacy Challenge our Year 8 students took up the Challenge from Year 7. Many of our students completed their booklets and read a number of books. We came a close second to Uxbridge House but Kyle McDonald L-KP won the overall compe--on and £25 Amazon vouchers. A fantas-c achievement! Well done to: Callan Griffin and Rhys Bills who won the Staffordshire Cup with Hednesford Town Football Club U15’s, Kyle Baskeyfield who has been selected to a end Walsall’s Training Academy and Danni Grove who has recently competed and won a Na-onal Dance Compe--on in Wales. She is now the Elite Freestyle Champion in the Youth Category. As you can see we have a talented and hardworking bunch of students and I am extremely proud of all their achievements this year - just as I am proud to be their Head of House. Now all we need to top the year off is to win the House Cup….fingers crossed! Mrs Greenwood Uxbridge House Mr M Cavanagh—Head of House Welcome to the Uxbridge House page of the newsle er! It gives me great pleasure to introduce myself as the new Head of Uxbridge. My name is Mr Cavanagh and I teach Informa-on Technology. I am excited at the prospect of leading my House and I am already proud of my students and the Uxbridge House as a whole. It has been a busy but successful few months at Kingsmead and I fully expect this to con-nue. We won the House Cup last half-term and we are only just behind the lead so far this term! We need to keep working hard and collec-ng those House Points!! Our stalls at the Summer Fayre were highly successful raising funds for our charity, Midlands Air Ambulance and we celebrated a great Sports Day! Our achievement assembly is coming up. The fact that the assembly is an hour long and it will be a real push to get finished in -me, says it all! We have so much to celebrate in Uxbridge and I am delighted to be the Head of such a great House! Well done Uxbridge! Mr Cavanagh

Li leton and Uxbridge House Photos

House Informa-on Valley House Mr R Broomhall—Head of House Hello and welcome to my final update on the work of Valley House this year. The last term has been extremely busy!! In May, we raised £79.34 for our charity Katharine House through the £5 enterprise compe--on. We sold cakes, jewellery and the very popular flying ninja’s as well a ‘Beat the Buzzer’ game! Many thanks to all the students who gave up their lunch-mes over three days to raise the money. As we reach the end of the year, I would like to congratulate Mrs Holmes on her appointment as Head of Wimblebury House and welcome Miss Lewis to Valley House as her replacement. In closing I would like to thank the students of Valley House for all their hard work this year and all the parents for their support. I firmly believe the House system has con-nued to develop throughout the year and I am sure it will con-nue to do so. Wishing everyone a resRul and enjoyable summer break. See you September! Mr Broomhall Wimblebury House Mrs A Holmes—Head of House Having recently taken over as Head of House I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself. I have been a teacher at Kingsmead for 13 years with varying responsibili-es including Lead Prac--oner in Design and Technology and Curriculum Leader for Ci-zenship. I am excited about my new posi-on and hope to take Wimblebury House forward on a posi-ve journey to success. As you are aware Wimblebury students recently voted to change their House Charity to ‘Breatheasy’ and students have been working -relessly to not only raise funds but also raise awareness of the issues that the charity promotes. A small group of students who have a lung condi-on or live with a family member who suffers with one, have made a short piece of film to raise awareness. The film will be shown in our House Assembly and be available to view on our website. Many thanks to Mrs Simmonds, who leads the fundraising projects and the staff and students of Wimblebury House for all their hard work and commitment in this important area. I look forward to more exci-ng projects next term! As we end the term with our Achievement Assembly, I would like all Wimblebury students to reflect on their individual and group successes and consider how they can maintain or improve on those successes in the coming academic year. I wish you all a safe and happy summer holiday and look forward to a fantas-c new academic year. Mrs Holmes

Valley and Wimblebury House Photos

Meet your new House Representa-ves.

House Captains: Amy Garraton and Jay DuďŹƒn Deputy House Captains: Kayleigh Wright and Reece Shore Prefects: Jordan Archer, Aiden Davies, Courtney Davies, Jim Elwell, Ashley Farmer, Tania Pla , Connor Slinger, Megan Smith, Rebecca Walker and Charlo e Williams

House Captains: Helena Pickerill and Luther Williamson Deputy House Captains: Jamie Greenwood and Natasha Williamson Prefects: Danielle Adams, Courtney Bailey, Chloe Bird, Jordan Edwards, Manny Hillier, Laura Greenwood, Josh Mason, Lewis Parry, Chloe S-rling, Rhys Turner,

House Captains: Natasha Tsang and Oliver Parker Deputy House Captains: James Taylor and Charlie Ti ley Prefects: Molly BaskeyďŹ eld, Grant Chapman, Jack Foster, Bethany Jones, Shannon Leadbeater, Sophie Maunders, Oliver Parker, Charli Philpo , Millie Pincombe, Natasha Tsang, Ben Whitehouse and Callum Wilson

House Captains: Lucy Morson and Jordan Warren Deputy House Captains: Chloe Gardner and Charlie Walker Prefects: Ellie Bilson, Anna Bubalo, Ka-e Fern, Chloe Hayward, Cassie Hendon, Ben Marston, Thomas Nash, Ellie-Jayne Ryder, Chloe Smallman, Harry Vincent.

House Captains: Josh Robinson and Alice Sewell Deputy House Captains: Lacey Stevens and Liam Allen Prefects: Ka-e Bailey, Cassie Gilbert, Georgia Hawkins, Charlie Hill, Amber Henderson, Elle McDonagh, Chloe Paddock, Hannah Savvides, Briony Smith, Megan Whitehouse

House Captains: Connor Atkins and Alice Farr Deputy House Captains: Kayleigh Ghent and Liam Pinson Prefects: Kyle Allen, Chelsea Astbury, Lauren Cross, Chanelle Esposito, William James, Bethany Kerr, Sam Millward, Charlo e Stokes, Georgia Stokes, Holly Williams,

Extra-Curricular Ac-vi-es ‘Our Day Out’ School Produc:on On Thursday the 27th and Friday 28th of June Kingsmead Drama Department presented a studio produc-on of Willy Russell’s ‘Our Day Out’. The play is about a school trip for pupils in the ‘progress class’ (students who find it hard to read and write) and the highs and lows of being a teenager. The story offers equally funny and serious moments, with both light and dark sides that explore the low aspira-ons and bleak future the students feel lie ahead for each of them. Our students gave a wi y, heart warming performance that communicated a powerful message about the percep-on and place of young people in our world. The response from audiences was fantas-c, praising in par-cular the a en-on to detail and professionalism of the piece. All of these young actors should be highly commended for an outstanding performance, crea-ng deeply rich characters that absorbed the en-re audience and leP all with food for thought! Mr Truby, Teacher of Drama expressed his thanks to all who came to support the students in what for many was their first public performance and said “I am immensely proud of every single student that has been involved in this project. They were an absolute joy to work with! I am sure this is just the beginning of a fantas-c journey for many of these young actors and we will see much more of them in future Kingsmead produc-ons.”

At the end of June, thirteen Year 10 students spent four days in Wales, dodging the rain and the midges in order to train for their Bronze Duke of Edinburgh’s Award with staff, volunteers and myself. Our base for the trip was a hostel in the heart of Snowdonia. The hostel is a three storey terraced house, converted into a self-catering hostel. It’s an ideal base for outdoor ac-vi-es, with the mountains right on the doorstep. The students enjoyed a varied programme of ac-vi-es, including orienteering and camp skills. We had hoped to climb to the top of Moel Siabod but high winds and low cloud forced a change of route. However, it didn’t detract from the day or the sense of achievement students felt. On the Monday and Tuesday, students undertook a two day back-packing expedi-on, accompanied by staff. They had to navigate their way around the hills and footpaths of Snowdonia whilst carrying all their equipment for the overnight camp. With only a few minor errors, all the groups made it to camp in good -me, prepared their meals and discussed the day with the staff. We awoke the next morning to more sunshine! Students hoisted their bags on their backs and set off over the hill towards Dolwyddelan. The assessed expedi-on is planned for the Autumn. I will be leaving Kingsmead in the summer, aPer 15 years running the award here. Miss Lewis will be taking over running the Award. If you would like your child to be involved in the future, please contact Miss Lewis. Mr N. Pollock

Extra-Curricular Ac-vi-es Rome Trip 2013 Ar-cle by Lucy Morson—Year 10 There was an early start for 40 Year 10 students on Monday April 29th 2013 when we arrived to Rocky Park at 2.00am for our muchan-cipated History trip to Italy. Several hours later, we touched down in sunny Naples and began our transfer to the colossal Mount Vesuvius. Admi edly, there were -mes when a few of us must have been in doubt whether we would actually make it to the top but gladly – we all did, and the view of Pompeii and the surrounding area was absolutely spectacular. APer successfully naviga-ng our way back down from the summit of the volcano, we enjoyed a tour of Pompeii and its almost eerie, deserted streets. Following our check-in and a meal at the hotel later on, we had an evening walk through Sorrento before finally geVng to bed for some welldeserved, and believe me, much-needed sleep. On the Tuesday, we arrived in Rome for our visit to the Va-can. Walking through the security to get into the Va-can and taking in the sights that make up this pres-gious place is nothing short of breath-taking - especially Michelangelo’s artwork on the ceiling of the Sis-ne Chapel, the magnificence of which cannot be described. The next day saw a walking tour of Rome, with visits to the Spanish Steps and the Pantheon, among other historic places. We were shepherded by the amazingly enthusias-c tour guide, Richard, who provided an interes-ng and engaging commentary to our aPernoon. In the evening, we visited the Trevi Fountain for ice-creams in the rain, providing a beau-ful backdrop for our last evening on Italian soil. On our final day, we met up with Richard once more, who guided us around the Colosseum and the Roman Forum before we reluctantly boarded the coach to the airport to catch our flight home. The four days we spent in Rome were truly wonderful, incredibly insighRul and I think I speak for the majority when I say that we’d all prefer to s-ll be there now.

Kingsmead welcomes Royal Pigeons 60 Years to the day from Queen Elizabeth II’s corona-on in Westminster Abbey, a group of students from Kingsmead travelled to Sandringham Estate to visit the Royal Pigeon LoPs. The visit followed Her Majesty the Queen personally dona-ng two of her own pigeons to Kingsmead’s Pigeon Project and invi-ng the students and myself, LoP Manager, Mr Chambers to visit her private loPs to collect them. Following our arrival at the Estate we were greeted by Peter Farrow, Royal LoP Manager. Peter looks aPer the Royal pigeons on a day to day basis. Kingsmead students Mitch and Jordan enjoyed a guided tour whilst talking to Peter. Following their tour the boys were presented with the pigeons that Her Majesty had donated and shown the special rings that are present on all of the Queen’s birds. The reason they are special is that they are marked with her ini-als ER. No other racing pigeons are issued with these rings apart from Royal birds. Following further refreshments we leP Peter and his wife and visited the local village of Wolferton, where the Royal Train Sta-on is situated. The majority of the workforce from the Sandringham Estate also lived at Wolverton. It is an area full of history and tradi-ons. APer visi-ng the village, we walked around the grounds of Sandringham Estate. We spent -me in the small church, which has been used by the Royal Family for genera-ons and also visited the Norwich Gate, a tradi-onal entrance to the Main House. We went on a tour of the gardens of Sandringham and the Palace itself followed by lunch on the beau-ful lawn of Sandringham Palace. We then took in the displays and artefacts in Sandringham Museum before making the journey home. It was a fantas-c opportunity to be part of Her Majesty’s Diamond Jubilee celebra-ons. It will be a day we will all remember for a long -me.

More News….. Diploma in Child Educa:on Success!! Another successful year for the students studying Level 3 Diploma in Child Educa-on drew to a close on Friday 10th May with their display and coffee morning. Many proud parents and friends of the 18 students joined them to celebrate their superb achievements and excellent results. Numerous students are going on to University from this course to study Early Childhood Studies and Primary Educa-on. Several have already started their jobs in various nurseries whilst others are taking up places in September, or going onto further training. Many congratula-ons to all!! Birmingham University Trip by students Grace Hewi and Natalya Bubalo On June 14th, along with ten other Year 9 students we spent a day at Birmingham University learning about Languages and Sport. Not only did we get to learn about Languages and Sport, we also had the opportunity to meet people from the countries we were learning about and have a look around the University. We thoroughly enjoyed our visit and found the experience different and interes-ng. We learnt a lot throughout the day including how to speak basic phrases in Portuguese; such as gree-ngs and saying where we are from. We were also given the opportunity to learn a new sport called Capoeira, which is a Mar-al Art rela-ng to language. We thank the University for allowing us to visit them, the lecturers for making the day interes-ng and the sports instructors for teaching us a new sport. London Houses of Parliament and Bank of England Visit by Year 9 student Kayleigh Ghent. On Monday 3rd June, a group of selected students visited the Houses of Parliament and the Bank of England with Mrs Holmes, Curriculum Leader for Ci-zenship. APer an early start, we eventually arrived in London. In the morning, we enjoyed a guided tour of the Houses of Parliament but before we were allowed to enter we had to pass their security check!! Whilst in the Houses of Parliament, we learnt a lot of interes-ng facts about the history of the building, the House of Commons and the House of Lords as well as gaining understanding of how the Government works. Following on from the tour, we visited the Bank of England Museum. In the Museum we gained knowledge of how money and the bank has changed over the years. There was also an opportunity to liP a real Gold Bar and complete educa-onal ac-vi-es. Before we leP, we watched a detailed mini film on infla-on and how it affects us in the current day and age. APer a long day, we returned home full of great informa-on to use in our Ci-zenship lessons and day to day life. Some of us then a ended Saturday School to prepare PowerPoint presenta-ons to share with our classmates.

Year 11 Prom 2013 Despite the weather Year 11 students enjoyed their Prom on Thursday 27th June at Cannock Chase Golf Club. They enjoyed a ‘hog roast’, buffet, sweet trolley and a live band! The girls looked stunning and the lads very smart. All the students were commended by the Golf Club for their excellent behaviour. ‘All the very best for the future’ from all at Kingsmead. DVD’s can be collected on results day from Mrs Davies.

Sports Day Results Students enjoyed a packed Sports Week. Teams from years 7, 8, 9 and 10 ba led it out in Football, Badminton and Rounders matches and the week was rounded off with Sports Day on Friday 28th June where all years took to the field to compete in track and field events. The compe-tors were well supported by their House teams! Results: 1st —Hayes


2nd—Li leton




Notable performances: Hayes students: Year 7: Rianne Mar-n won the 100m and 200m whilst Natasha Talbot came second in the Shot Put. Callum White first in the 200m and Harry Lyons triumphed in the Shot Put. Year 8: Amy Lynk took top spot in the Javelin and Molly Hudson leapt to victory in the Long Jump. Year 9: Rachel Cumberledge won both the 100m and 200m, Natasha Williams won the Shot Put, Remi Flavell came first in the 1500m and Jamie Greenwood won the Javelin. Year 10: Chloe Bird won the 400m and Andy Hollyhead secured victory in the 1500m. Li leton students: Year 7: Boys won the 100m Relay. Uxbridge students: Year 7: Josh Walker won the 100m and James Wood came 2nd in the Javelin. Amy Newman came 2nd in both the 800m and 1500m. Year 8: Leah Aldred won the 100m and 200m! Cerys Berrow won the Shot Put and Patrick Owen the 100m. Callum Warren took top spot in the 800m and Dyaln O ey threw his way to victory in the Javelin. Year 9: Fern Nelson performed brilliantly to win the Javelin, Lauren Hylton came 1st in the Long Jump and Owen Aldred won the 200m. Year 10: Ellie Ryder secured wins in both the Discus and Shot Put, Ben Lewis came 2nd in the Javelin. Valley students: Year 7: Josh Fenn came 2nd in the Discus, Reece Morton 3rd in the 200m and Jake Smith 3rd in the 800m. Both 4 x 100m Relay squads came 2nd. Year 8: Tom Pearce won the 1500m. Cameron Pringle came 2nd in the Discus. Year 10: Steven Thompson won the Long Jump and Connor Smith the Triple Jump. Alice Sewell won the 200m and Lauren Russell came 1st in the Long jump and 2nd in the Triple Jump. Wimblebury students: Year 7: Isabelle Copland came 2nd in the Shot Put and the Discus. Year 8: Success for Amber Poole in the Discus and 2nd place for Beth Haywood in the Javelin. Year 8 boys won the 4 x 100m Relay. Year 9: Mitchell Holmes secured 2nd place in the 200m and Kye Gardiner came 2nd in the Shot Put. Millie Rogers finished 2nd in the 100m and the girls won the Relay. Year 10: Jack Styles threw his way to victory in the Javelin and Dylan Boora came 2nd in the 200m and 3rd in the 100m. Connor Atkins came 2nd in the Triple Jump and the Relay team won!

Victor and Victrix Ludorum

Badminton, Football and Rounders Winning Teams!! Year 7 Badminton: Hayes House Football: Li leton House Rounders: Coppice House Year 8 Badminton: Valley House Football: Wimblebury House Rounders: Li leton House Year 9 Badminton: Hayes House Football: Hayes House Rounders: Coppice House Year 10 Badminton: Uxbridge House Football: Wimblebury House Rounders: Uxbridge House

This is awarded to the compe-tor from each year group who gained the most points from three individual events. Year 7: Molly Bruton and Taylor Bayliss. Year 8: Abigail Malcolm and Daniel Robinson. Year 9: Lauren Hylton and Tom Green. Year 10: Laura Greenwood and Jordan Lefevre

‘The Friends of Hednesford Park Carnival!!’ Saturday 17th August 2013 11:00am—4:00pm

Future Events Y12 Partnership Evening Wednesday 11th September 6:30pm —7:30pm Open Evening Thursday 26th September 6:00pm —8:00pm

At the Park!

Contact informa-on

Y11 Partnership Evening Tuesday 1st October 6:00pm —7:00pm

Kingsmead School

Y7 Partnership Evening Thursday 10th October 6:00pm —7:00pm Y8 Partnership Evening Tuesday 15th October 6:00pm —7:00pm

Kings Avenue Hednesford

Fes-val of Achievement Tuesday 22nd October 7:00pm —9:00pm

Cannock Staffs

Y10 Partnership Evening Wednesday 6th November 6:00pm —7:00pm

WS12 1DH 01543 512455

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