Kingsmead School Newsle7er December 2013 In this issue: Student News Sixth Form News House News Sports News Snow Closure Procedure An assessment is made by 7:00am If the site is considered to be unsafe or if we consider that a large number of staff will not be able to travel, arrangements are made to close the school. A message will be placed on the school website, a text sent to all parents who have no(fied school of their current mobile number, a message put on Twi7er and contact is made with local radio sta(ons asking them to put out a no(ce of closure.
A con nuing record of ‘Progress and Achievement’
Christmas Holidays
Kingsmead students keep ge ng be er and be er!
School closes—Friday 20th December 12:00pm
Kingsmead students enjoyed record GCSE English and Maths results in the summer with 63% achieving 5A* - C with English and Maths. This success was mirrored by 94% of students achieving 5A* - C overall. This is a fantas(c achievement, despite a na(onal fall in top grades! The number of top-level performers has ensured that our Sixth Form intake in September reached its highest level ever. This is alongside a record number of students gaining appren(ceships with local employers. Mr Bryant, Headteacher said “We are so proud of this record breaking performance and are delighted to see all of our students making great progress into Higher Educa(on and the world of work. Equally, it is wonderful to see the dedica(on of staff and parents rewarded by this high level of achievement.”
School opens—Monday 6th January 9:50am Future Key Events Wednesday 15th January Y9 Progress Evening Tuesday 21st January Y10 Aim Higher Evening Thursday 30th January Y11 Progress Evening Tuesday 25th February Y10 Progress Evening Tuesday 4th March Y9 Op(ons Evening
Student News Engineering Roadshow Kingsmead recently welcomed the Engineering Construc(on Industry Training Board Theatre Roadshow. The produc(on outlined careers within the Engineering Construc(on Industry at both Appren(ceship and Higher Educa(on levels to selected Y10 and Y11 students. The various career routes were explained through an ac(ng and performance media, with student and staff par(cipa(on included!! The session was organised by Mrs Butler (Careers) and Mr Francis (Teacher of Technology) and provided students with the tools to complete research into further career pathways.
Prefects Rewarded In early December, our prefects were rewarded for all their hard work and commitment to their du(es. Prefects perform many roles in school including lunch(me du(es, organising events and interviewing! Students and staff enjoyed a meal at Spices Bazaar Restaurant in Cannock. Well done to our prefects and thank you for all your hard work!
Kingsmead Students Help Break World Record!! Steven Thompson, Jordan Lefevre and Leah Aldred have made a major contribu(on to a local achievement that has really put our district on the World Map! The students were part of a team of 33 athletes, who took part in the World Marathon Challenge to raise funds for ‘Save the Children’ The challenge involved running the marathon distance of 26.2 miles as a relay race, in sets of 200m at a (me, with each athlete comple(ng 6-7 sets. The team broke the World Record and are currently the World Leaders in this interna(onal event.
Student Uganda Project Trust Hello, I am Kirsty Wilson, and I am in Y13 at Kingsmead studying A Levels in Sport, Health and Sociology. I am hoping to go to University to complete a nursing degree but before that I have been selected to go to Uganda for a year volunteering with a company called ‘Project Trust’. Whilst in Uganda, I will be working in either a Special Needs Educa(on Centre (with children who are deaf and blind) or in a remote primary school, teaching children from the age of 5 English, Maths and Science. This is a great opportunity for me. I will gain first hand experience and it will give me so much more confidence in life and when dealing with different situa(ons. Before I go, I need to raise £5600. To reach this target I have a calendar of fundraising events and ac(vi(es planned. Further details in January! Finally, I would like to thank Mrs Philpo7 for contribu(ng the Kingsmead Staff Charity Christmas Card dona(ons to my appeal this year. Photos of my placement, more informa(on, current events and details of how to donate are shown on my Virgin Giving page please take a look:
Sixth Form Student News Re-furbished Sixth Form Work Area and Common Room. It has been a very busy and enjoyable first term for our Y12 and Y13 students. Y13 came back aOer the summer break, not only to a re-furbished Sixth Form Area, but also with a renewed determina(on to succeed. Meanwhile, the new Y12 students have approached their A Level studies with enthusiasm and a great work ethic. It has been very encouraging to see so many of our Sixth Form at Saturday school and staying late on Thursday evenings, for our newly established twilight study sessions.
We proudly appointed as our Head Boy and Head Girl this term Jamie Nelson and Beth Grice. This year the standard of applicants was so high we also appointed two depu(es Amie Sleigh and Steven Bird. Y12 have had a series of assemblies guiding them through their aspira(ons and they are already busy preparing for their work placements in July next year. Y13 have been busy preparing University applica(ons and this year we have four applica(ons to Oxford and Cambridge. Good luck to those students and well done for achieving such a high level of a7ainment!! It was great to see so many Y11 students and parents at our recent Sixth Form Informa(on Evening. Applica(ons are flooding in and the Sixth Form team along with Mrs Butler (Careers) are busy suppor(ng our youngsters at this exci(ng stage in their educa(on. However, it’s not all hard work!! We do have a visit to the German Market planned for Wednesday 18th December to reward all our students for the posi(ve effort they have made this term. Mrs Collins Grant Chapman—Y11 Student “The Sixth Form evening gave myself and other Y11 students informa(on regarding our op(ons in Kingsmead’s Sixth Form. I liked the fact, we weren’t pushed down a par(cular path and were freely allowed to visit any subject we wished. All subjects were represented by members of staff who were happy to discuss their courses as well as providing helpful informa(on sheets. The presenta(on provided us with the required steps to apply for Sixth Form as well as good reasons for joining the Partnership.”
Berlin Trip 2013 A group of Y12 and Y13 students leO school in the early hours of a very dark and desolate Monday morning to travel to Berlin. On first visit was to Stasi Prison. It was fascina(ng, with cells and interroga(on rooms set up just as they had been. That evening, we ventured to Checkpoint Charlie, where armed guards would check vehicles in and out of East and West Germany. The next day, we toured Sachsenhausen, a Nazi Concentra(on Camp. A very hard hiRng experience. In the evening, we visited the Glass Dome, built on top of Germany’s Parliament Building. On Wednesday, we went to Wannsee, an area where the Final Solu(on (Holocaust) mee(ngs were held. This was followed by an incredibly moving visit to the Jewish Holocaust Memorial. Our final day was spent in Berlin. We were fortunate to have two very enthusias(c guides, who vividly set out how Berlin has changed from the (mes of the Kaisers to WW2 and the Cold War. We arrived back at Kingsmead later that day, very (red but very aware of how Germany has changed and why Berlin is such a unique city.
House Informa(on Coppice House For Coppice House, the year really kicked off in August as we celebrated the success of the GCSE and A Level results. We were excep(onally proud of our former House Captain Erin, who bagged several A Grades in her GCSEs!! She is con(nuing with her A Level studies here in Kingsmead’s Sixth Form and we will follow her progress keenly. New Year 7 September brought with it plenty of sunshine but also new students to the school in the form of the Y7’s. They looked fantas(c in their new uniform and we are proud to welcome them to Coppice House and Kingsmead. Disco Fever! In October, Coppice celebrated a successful half term’s work by hos(ng the Y7 Disco. All Y7’s were invited and had a good (me, par(cularly taking part in ‘What does the Fox Say?’ As ever, Ms Fi7es was on hand to serve ‘mocktails’ with Mrs Butler on the swee(e stall. A great night was had by all!! Congratula ons! Well done to Amie Sleigh from Coppice House on her appointment as Deputy Head Girl at Kingsmead.“We are so proud of you Amie and know you will do a fantas(c job!” Congratula(ons also to all of our newly elected prefects and to Jay Duffin and Amy Garraton our House Captains, as well as Depu(es Reece Shore and Kayleigh Wright. These students work very hard to help support staff and other students around the school. Christmas Fayre With the end of term looming, Coppice students are busy preparing for their contribu(ons to the annual Christmas Fayre, again organised by Coppice House. We hope to raise much needed funds for our House charity S.N.A.P. (Special Needs Adventure Playground) in Cannock. Yet again, ‘Hook a Duck’ will be making an appearance aOer its popularity in the summer Fayre – however, this (me it will be ‘Ducks on Ice!’ The amount raised will feature in the next edi(on of the Newsle7er accompanied by photographs of our efforts. I am so proud to be the Head of Coppice House and we are all working (relessly to ensure that this term the House Cup will have white ribbons on it. Thank you to all staff, students and parents for their con(nued support.
Merry Christmas to all from Coppice House Mrs Davies Head of House
Coppice House Fes val of Achievement Award Winners
Ben Hawthorne Outstanding Achievement
Daniel Skerman Outstanding ARtude to Learning
Amy Garraton Outstanding Achievement
Sabrina Chin Outstanding ARtude to Learning
Subject Awards Jenna Wood Dominic Bowman Phoebe Woolley Rebecca Walker Dominique Francis Jessica Fowler Jordan Lefevre Rhiannon Hill William Pickman Thomas Birch Jessica Dale Erin Robinson Ma7hew PaRnson Liam Mason Ryan Rogers-Hinks Louise Ward Rachael Collins
House Informa(on Hayes House It has been an exci(ng term for Hayes House so far!!
Hayes House Fes val of Achievement
For the first (me, we have been crowned House Cup Champions!! We were paid a visit in assembly by Mr Bryant, who announced with great pleasure that Hayes House had won the House Point Compe((on. He then presented our House Captain, Helena Pickerill with the trophy which is now proudly displayed outside the Main Hall.
Rianne Mar n
I knew we could do it and I am very proud of all the hard work and posi(ve aRtudes of Hayes students. Keep it up!!
Outstanding Achievement
Award Winners
Congratula(ons to our new School Council Representa(ves who were voted for by their House peers. KS3 is Rianne Mar(n and KS4 is Laura Greenwood. Sophie Hollyhead Hayes House Council have met twice this term and have been making plans for charity events. The Christmas Fayre is fast approaching and Hayes House are planning a cookie stall (with goodies baked by staff and students), a tombola stall with some fabulous prizes and some challenging ‘Against the Clock’ puzzle ac(vi(es. It promises to be a great fundraising event, not just for Hayes but for all Houses taking part. I am also keen to point out the hard work done by Hayes tutors and their dedica(on to their tutor groups. Students have formed very good rela(onships with their tutors and oOen tell me of the posi(ve atmosphere and interac(on which takes place in the morning, something I frequently see when I pay a visit to tutor groups. We have the talent, determina(on and the ability to go far!! Future plans for Hayes to demonstrate this include a ‘Kingsmeads Got Talent!’ style compe((on, which will no doubt showcase the amazing musical and performing skills of both Hayes House members and Kingsmead students as a whole. Following on from the huge success of the Fashion Show last summer, this event promises to be something not to be missed! Mr Bradbury Head of House House Captain Helena Pickerill, a member of the Y11 netball team recently a ended a County Tournament in Stafford and reports; “On the 9th of November, the Year 11 Netball Team a7ended the Staffordshire County Netball Tournament, where we faced netball at a very high standard. We played to the very best of our ability throughout in spite of the cold, some tough decisions and even some injuries!! The standard of the netball at the tournament was amazing as some of the best teams in the county were represented. Overall, we finished 4th. We were extremely pleased with our final result and how well we played. We had a great (me and are hoping our standard of netball con(nues to improve.”
Outstanding ARtude to Learning
Grace Hewi Outstanding Achievement
Jamie Greenwood Outstanding ARtude to Learning
Subject Awards Tia WhiRngham Ben Marshall Colin Traat Isabella Howe Shannon Barber Laura Greenwood Helena Pickerill Emily Shaw Brandon Meers Jessica ChaRng Lauren Hunt Lewis Kesterton Nathan Banks Charlie Liggins
House Informa(on Li leton House Well here we are at the end of the first term……where has the (me gone? Our House has been working really hard and collec(ng a lot of Vivos in the process (although we are currently in 2nd place, which is below our normal posi(on!)
Li leton House Fes val of Achievement Award Winners
Our Y7’s have se7led in really well and it was great to see so many of them comple(ng their Reading Challenge and bea(ng every other House in the process by bringing back the most completed booklets. The Y7 Li7leton lunch was a great success. Students were treated to cakes and biscuits! Mr Truby and myself enjoyed chaRng to the students about their first term and got to know them a li7le be7er. It was great to hear about the clubs they have joined and the hobbies they enjoy. Lara is a Y7 student in Li leton House and has wri en the following ar cle about her first term at Kingsmead. “My first term here at Kingsmead school was at first a li7le nerve-racking, not knowing my way around or if I was going to make any new friends or not. However, from my first day here, I was made to feel welcome by all students and staff members. My tutor Miss Hughes showed me how get to my next class on a map and I could find my way around within a week. There have been many opportuni(es for me to join sports clubs. I have joined netball, badminton and long-distance running and I have made many new special friends within these clubs. I have also recently applied to become a peer mentor so I can help other new students feel welcome too.” Sophie Spearman is in Year 10 and writes about playing rugby. “I have played rugby for Lichfield since the start of this rugby season, my posi(on is second row. During my (me with Lichfield I was given the chance to trial for Staffs County. I didn't think I would be good enough, but to my surprise and with the help of the fantas(c coaches, I was successful in gaining a place in the County squad. In October this year I took part in my first County Fes(val which involved a series of matches. Our opposi(on included North Midlands, Worcestershire and Leicestershire and to our delight we won, becoming U15 CB Divisional Winners. I find Rugby an exci(ng and enjoyable sport and I like being part of a team. I would recommend rugby to anyone. I have made so many new friends. . . friends for life!” Our Year 11’s have been revising hard and have just sat their Mock GCSE exams. They will pick up their results in January. Good luck to all of them! It is lovely to see so many of our students returning to the Sixth Form and working well with their tutor groups to support the younger students. Li leton House School Council Representa ves Georgia Rose and Sasha Parkes.
We have a number of exci(ng events coming up before we break up for the Christmas Holiday. The annual Christmas Fayre is taking place at lunch(me on the 18th and 19th of December. The aim is to raise as much money as possible for our House Charity ‘Riding For The Disabled’. We are running three stalls; a Christmas biscuits stall, a raffle and an opportunity to have your photo with the House Cup, Santa and the Li7leton Christmas tree! Make sure you bring your pennies to support a good cause!! The Y7’s will be going up to St Peter’s Church on the last day of term for the annual Christmas celebra(on. It is always a lovely end to the term and gets you in the Christmassy mood! I would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!! Mrs Greenwood Head of House
Georgia Rose Outstanding Achievement
Kieran Roberts Outstanding ARtude to Learning
Natasha Tsang Outstanding Achievement
Amelia Pincombe Outstanding ARtude to Learning
Subject Awards Taylor Bayliss Jude Hughes Caitlin Tsang Hannah Baker Louise Maunders Sam Bridges Tasmyn Bri7ain Sco7 McAllister Sophie Maunders Jordan Smith Megan Gallier Daniel Ozumba Ma7hew Olorenshaw Isobel Ma7hews
House Informa(on Uxbridge House Welcome to the Uxbridge page in the Newsle7er! I would first like to say a big, warm welcome to the new Uxbridgians (that is a word!) to Uxbridge House and take this opportunity to say that you have been nothing but a credit to the House. It has been a successful few months for the students of Uxbridge, both in and outside of school. Firstly, two Y8 students, Molly Skelding and Emma Guest sold cakes outside Molly’s house to raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support. Molly and her family sadly lost a close neighbour and friend recently to cancer. The girls, with very li7le help, managed to raise over £150 for the charity. The Cannock Chronicle heard about the fundraising and they featured in this local paper. Their recogni(on did not end there! Local MP Aiden Burley sent a le7er to Molly, via the House of Commons, congratula(ng her on her fantas(c achievement. This is a super example of the kind and generous nature of, not only Uxbridge House students—but of Kingsmead students in general. Our House Council has been busy making prepara(ons for three future events to help raise money for our House charity, the Midlands Air Ambulance. They have organised the running of three stalls at the Christmas Fayre, including the ever popular candy floss machine! Further to this they have also organised an ‘in-school’ Valen(ne’s card postal system where students can send cards to their future loves! We have also set a date of the 4th April to hold a ‘Mother’s Pamper Evening’ where Kingsmead moms and their friends can have an evening of self-indulgence and pampering from a variety of beauty stalls, businesses and beauty therapists. As ever, all the money raised will be donated to the Midlands Air Ambulance. Congratula ons to Dylan O ey (KS3) and Natalya Bubalo (KS4) who have been elected as our School Council Representa ves. They represented our House on November the 20th during the first School Council Mee ng. I would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from both myself and all the staff and students of Uxbridge House! Mr Cavanagh Head of House
Uxbridge House Fes val of Achievement Award Winners
Dylan O ey Outstanding Achievement
Natalya Bubalo Outstanding ARtude to Learning Lauren Roberts Outstanding ARtude to Learning
Jordan Warren Outstanding Achievement
Ellie Ryder Outstanding ARtude to Learning
Subject Awards Amy Newman Jasmine Rainer Emma Guest Callum Warren Freya Walker Natalie Harris Ma7hew Stockdale Niamh Perry James McDonald Megan Duffy Daniella Spi7le Christopher Webster Laura Jones
House Informa(on Valley House Welcome to the first Valley House update for this academic year. Many congratula(ons to all our Fes(val of Achievement winners. The Fes(val, held at the Prince of Wales Theatre, Cannock, is a chance for us as a school to recognise the efforts and hard work of a number of our students. Staff nominate students from all subject areas and Heads of House including myself, have the honour of awarding students for a number of House and Special Awards. Well done to all of you!!
Congratula(ons to Isobel Cummings and Bethany O’Sullivan who were elected as School Council Representa(ves for Valley House by their peers. They a7ended their first School Council Mee(ng on Wednesday 20th November.
Valley House Fes val of Achievement Award Winners
Dan Robinson Outstanding Achievement
Liam Allen
Our first Valley House Council mee(ng of the year saw students come up with ideas for the Christmas Fayre aimed at raising money for our House Charity ‘Katharine House Hospice’
Outstanding ARtude to Learning
The winning ideas were a raffle with a top prize of £25 and a ’Pick and Mix’ stall. I would like to invite all students to come along to the Main Hall on Wednesday 18th and Thursday 19th December to check out the stalls and support the work of our House Charity.
James Statham
Valley students are con nuing to work hard raising funds for Katharine House.
Outstanding ARtude to Learning
In September, Y11 students Chloe Paddock and Georgia Hawkins took part in the Katharine House Midnight Walk. Combining the sponsorship the girls raised individually, with that donated to them by other Valley House students, over £100 was raised for an excellent cause. On a similar topic, Lacey Stevens will be comple(ng the Katharine House Winter Walk for the third year in a row. The event takes place at Milford Common and walkers of all ages enjoy a 4.5 mile walk through the Shugborough Estate. Having raised over £300 and £400 in the past two years, Lacey’s aim is to raise over £500 this year. I am hopeful that the sponsorship given by students in Valley House will help Lacey reach her target. Valley House is very proud to have Beth Grice, Head Girl within our team! Beth has visited Valley tutor groups to deliver a ‘Choosing Your Op(ons’ presenta(on. As a member of our Sixth Form, Beth provided informa(on regarding subject decisions, further educa(on and career pathways as well as answering any ques(ons. Thank you Beth! I would like to wish everyone connected with Valley House a ‘Merry Christmas’ and hope that 2014 will be another successful year for the students of Valley House. Mr Broomhall Head of House
Paige Merricks Outstanding Achievement
Subject Awards Jai Ramah Talia Ramah Isobel Cummings Casey Jones Josh Sedgley Joshua Robinson Megan Whitehouse Chloe Young Chloe Pritchard Gabrielle Purshouse Kate Toleman Emily Lowe Bethany Grice Paige Moun[ord Andrew Su7on
House Informa(on Wimblebury House I am pleased to say that Wimblebury House has had a very successful first term. On an academic level, prizes were awarded to many Wimblebury students at the ‘Fes(val of Achievement’ at the Prince of Wales Theatre, Cannock. I hope next year even more of our students will be taking to the stage to collect well-deserved prizes.
Wimblebury House Fes val of Achievement Award Winners
James Hesel ne
I would like to take this opportunity to also send congratula(ons to Wimblebury students Jeeven Bahia, Isla Henley, Travis Bishop and Macey Ball. These Y7 students notably completed the Y7 Reading Challenge and gained over 100 House points each.
Outstanding Achievement
Many students were guides and helpers at our recent Open Evening and I received several emails and le7ers from prospec(ve parents, who were so impressed by the maturity of not only Wimblebury students but all Kingsmead students who were involved.
Aus n Rowe
I am pleased to announce that aOer a close count the following students were elected to represent Wimblebury on the School Council, Todd Rogers for Key Stage 3 and William James for Key Stage 4. They took part in the first School Council mee(ng on 20th November. We had our first House Council mee(ng which was admirably run by the students themselves. Wimblebury Council members are Laura Allsopp, Emily Phillips, Bethany Vaissier, Samantha James, Josh Lilly, Bethany Parrish, Courtney Jackson and Roan Lilly (I just took the Minutes). Issues discussed included:- What to sell at the Christmas Fayre? What to do at the end of term Achievement Assembly? How to get more involved in our House charity, Breatheasy? Talking of our House charity, the House Council elected students to go to St Lukes in Cannock and decorate the Breatheasy Christmas Tree on Wednesday 27th November. They chose Lewis Powell because he gets involved in the charity. Alethea Buck and Scarlet Oakes were also chosen because of their contribu(on to crea(ng the decora(ons. More photographs and an ar(cle can be found on the school website. In addi(on to fundraising our students feel it is very important to raise awareness of the issues of the Breatheasy campaign. They have set up an Asthma Youth Support group. This is open to all pupils in any House who have asthma or who have family members who live with the condi(on. We had our first mee(ng in November and hope to meet once a term. The group is kindly supported by Bev Richardson who is a member at the Breatheasy group in Cannock. Students have been taking responsibility for learning by running sessions in tutor (me. They present to the class on a topic or issue of their choice. This has included celebra(ons such as; Halloween, Bonfire Night and Christmas as well as personal hobbies; holiday experiences and opinions on topical news items. The Sixth Form have discussed what life is like at KS5 and a couple of sessions were spent crea(ng the decora(ons for our charity Christmas tree. I would like to take this opportunity to wish all my Wimblebury students a happy and relaxing Christmas and I extend the same wishes to you the parents and thank you for your con(nuing support. Miss Evans Head of House
Outstanding ARtude to Learning
Hollie Gough Outstanding Achievement
Connor Richards Outstanding ARtude to Learning
Subject Awards Lewis Powell Josh HoldcroO Morgan McKenry Jay Boora Bethany Hayward Joshua Lilly Kayleigh Ghent Scarle7 Oakes Thomas Green Allan Lane Kyle Allen Georgia Stokes Hayley Stokes Abbie Broadbent Ka(e Atkins Carenza Langston Annmarie Hill
Primary Liaison Since September, we have welcomed many of our feeder schools into Kingsmead for sessions organised and delivered by Kingsmead staff. The primary links programme gives pupils the opportunity to spend (me at Kingsmead, meet many of our staff and to ensure the transi(on from Y6 to Y7 is as smooth as possible. During October, Y6 West Hill pupils were involved in improving their ICT skills whilst Y5 pupils (also from West Hill) became Crime Scene Inves(gators to solve the mystery of ‘Who stole Mr Reynolds Laptop?’ In November, it was the turn of Y4, who led by Miss Brant (Teacher of Technology) made some very scary Monsters!! Y5 from St Peters got to grips with ‘What is Physics?’ led by Mr Skurr (Lead Prac(oner) during October, followed by Y6, who took part in the infamous ‘X Factor’ compe((on, rehearsing with Kingsmead students and performing their pieces to win the coveted prize. Heath Hayes pupils have begun an extended Geography ‘Rainforest’ Project with Mr Cole (Teacher of Geography). Gorsemoor Y6 students, led by Miss Hughes (Curriculum Leader History) and Miss Baylay (Teacher of History) have been developing their Literacy skills through topic work based on World War 1. All pupils will be given a copy of ’War Horse’ to further foster a love of reading. As well as Literacy skills, Miss Kemp (Teacher of Maths) has been pushing the boundaries in Numeracy and led a very challenging aOernoon focusing on percentages with Y6. Mrs Bedford (Curriculum Leader RE) and Miss Frazer (Teacher of RE) have enjoyed working with Y5 and Y6 pupils from Hazel Slade and finding out about ‘Religions and our Community.’ New to our primary links programme this year is Drama. Miss Keyte (Curriculum Leader Drama) and Mr Truby (Teacher of Drama) have led lively and fun workshops for Y5 and Y6 pupils from Five ways, Pye Green Valley and Heath Hayes primary schools. It is obvious from the feedback, they can’t wait for more!! We are delighted to work with Pye Green Valley this year. Mr Ryder (Teacher of English) enjoyed teaching Y6 the finer points of grammar and Miss Hughes, had a lovely (me with Y5 during the ’Ro7en Romans’ lesson!! We are looking forward to many more sessions over the coming year and further visits from West Hill, Five Ways and Heath Hayes before Christmas.
Car Manufacturing at West Hill Mr Francis (Teacher of Technology) visited Year 6 students at West Hill primary to manufacture their own cars!! Pupils were introduced to the concept of assembly lines and how car manufacturers take a series of basic parts and fit them together to make a car. This included a lot of s(cking and hammering! Y6 were given the task of ‘being a robot’ and manufacturing their own toy from a series of basic component parts. Then it was race (me!! Pupils went head to head to see who had made the best car!! Pupils rolled their car down a ramp and the vehicle that travelled the longest distance won! Pupils said “It was a really fun ac(vity. We enjoyed making the cars and working with Mr Francis.”
Primary Liaison Programme
Sports News House Badminton Tournament 2013
Kingsmead Hockey Success!! On Wednesday 20th November, Kingsmead Boys Indoor Hockey Team qualified for the Regional Round of the England Hockey Indoor Championship for the second (me in as many years. Kingsmead started their campaign with a 0—0 result against Lichfield Hockey Club. The lads played some good hockey and our goal keeper Aidan Stone made some excellent saves! Secondly, we played Queen Marys Grammar school, who narrowly beat us 1—0 in last years outdoor compe((on. However, this year was to be a different result!! Goals from Jamie Greenwood and Daniel Robinson made the score 4—0 at the final whistle. We were now top of our group, which led to a semi-final against The Friary from Lichfield. Previous encounters had always been close and this match was no excep(on. The Lichfield side came close on several occasions but our team defended well! We scored the crucial County and District Players opening goal with 2 minutes to go and 15 seconds before the final whistle we scored again to book our place in the Regional U14 County Football Squad Round. Dominic Bowman Mr Chambers Tanaka Katsukunya Congratula(ons to Laura Greenwood and Josh Tolley Ellie Ryder who have recently been selected Ryan Davies to represent the U16 County Netball Team U12 District Football Squad and to Alice Sewell for gaining a place in the Jacob de Lecq le Montais Regional Squad. The girls all play for Kingsmead and enjoyed a successful season last year alongside a netball tour to Malta.
U14 Girls County Football Squad
KS3 Boys 1st—Wimblebury 2nd—Li7leton 3rd—Valley 4th—Coppice 5th—Hayes 6th—Uxbridge KS3 Girls 1st—Li7leton & Wimblebury 3rd—Valley 4th—Hayes 5th—Uxbridge 6th—Coppice KS4 Boys 1st—Hayes 2nd—Li7leton 3rd—Coppice 4th—Uxbridge 5th—Valley 6th—Coppice
Molly Bruton
Tournament Winners!! Congratula(ons to the Y8 and Y9 Girls Football Team who won the Cannock & District School Sports Partnership 7-a-side Tournament in November. The girls beat Hagley Park in the Final 6—2 and are currently unbeaten!!
Boys District Results Y7 5-a-side Football Runners-up
Congratula(ons to Roan Lilly who recently gained his Black Belt. Further belts were awarded to Kieran Roberts— Purple with one stripe and Owyn Roberts—Brown with two white stripes.
1st—Hayes 2nd—Li7leton 3rd—Wimblebury
Y9 6-a-side Football Winners Girls District Results
Karate Successes
KS4 Girls
Y7 5-a-side Football Winners
4th—Uxbridge 5th—Valley 6th—Coppice Notable Performances Daniel Robinson Kezia Robinson
Y7 Hockey Winners
Laura Greenwood Jamie Greenwood
Contact informa(on Kingsmead School Kings Avenue Hednesford Cannock Staffs WS12 1DH 01543 512455 Whats happening at Kingsmead? Visit our website: Download our APP: Available from Googleplay and Apple Store Follow us on Twi er: @KingsmeadOnline Receive our Parent Bulle n: Email us: parentbulle