Year 9 Options
Challenge • Achievement • Pride
Contents 4 Guidance and Support
20 Design and Technology – Textiles
Subject Overview
21 Engineering
22 Food and Nutrition
23 French or German
24 Geography
25 Health and Social Care
10 Religion and Ethics
26 History
11 Citizenship
27 Media
12 Art and Design
28 Music
13 Business Studies
29 Physical Education and Sport
14 Child Development
30 Preparation for Working Life
15 Computing
31 Sociology
16 Drama
32 Study Plus
17 Design and Technology – Electronic Products
33 Travel and Tourism
18 Design and Technology – Graphics
35 Summary
34 Next Steps
19 Design and Technology – Resistant Materials
Kingsmead Technology College
Welcome Choosing subject options in Year 9 is a major decision and an exciting opportunity for students. It is vital that choices are only made after the most careful consideration of all the alternatives and future career plans. Some subjects are, of course, compulsory in Year 10 and have to be taken. Where students are given the opportunity to select other courses, it is obviously important to maintain a broad and balanced programme of study in order to keep as many opportunities open as possible for the future. So much in the future depends on students achieving good GCSE results. The more successful each student is, the more choices will be available when considering a career. At Kingsmead we offer a wide range of courses to suit many individual tastes and needs, all of which provide opportunities for students to be successful and help prepare them for adult life. The option process is designed to inform students and parents as fully as possible about choices in Year 10. In this book you will find information about each course that is offered in Year 10. Please read the information carefully and make the most of the opportunities offered to speak with the teaching staff.
Mrs J Mist Senior Leader
Kingsmead Technology College
Guidance and Support
Students will be provided with opportunities to find out about Year 10 and 11 subjects in the course of their normal lessons and assemblies. They should discuss their thoughts with subject staff and take the opportunity to ask them their opinions. Students should think carefully about which subjects they enjoy; remembering that they will be working for two years on each one. It is also important for students to consider where their strengths lie and how good they are at each subject. It makes sense to choose those subjects in which they are likely to perform their best.
Kingsmead employs a Student Support Worker (Mrs J Butler) with a specialism in careers. On Saturday 9th March between 10am and 1pm, Mrs Butler will be available to discuss options and careers with parents and students (no appointment needed). Mrs Butler is also available to discuss career pathways with students, either through her drop-in sessions on Thursday lunchtimes in the library, or via an appointment system during the school day.
Parents can play an invaluable role in helping students to choose appropriate option courses. At the Options Evening (5th March) there will be a formal opportunity for parents to discuss subject preferences. On Review Day (22nd March) parents and students will have the time to gain guidance from their Form Tutors about their possible choices.
Kingsmead Technology College
Subject overview
Most of the courses you will follow in Years 10 and 11 will lead to a GCSE qualification. These are assessed through examinations, controlled assessment and coursework completed during two years of study. BTECs are work-related qualifications which are available in a range of subjects. You may choose to study these courses if you are interested in learning more about a particular sector or industry. They have been designed in collaboration with industry, so they can equip you with the skills and knowledge employers are looking for. There are some subjects which everyone must study (compulsory subjects) because they are important for work and adult life. Some students will be expected to take a language (French or German) and either History or Geography in order to meet the requirements of the new EBacc. Students will be limited to 2 BTECs option choices and will only be able to study one of the Technology related subjects. All students will continue to have their core (non examination) lessons of PE.
Kingsmead Technology College
English, English Language and Literature Exam Board: AQA
Compulsory Subject Why should I study English? English is an essential qualification. You will need this subject at GCSE in order to access College and Sixth form courses and ultimately, your chosen career.
For which career paths would English be suitable for? All of them! However, it is particularly useful for the following: journalism, publicity, market research, teaching, public relations, lawyer.
The majority of students study English only. This course involves the study of a variety of texts from different eras and cultures. It also aims to develop your writing skills and your understanding of non-fiction texts. You will also develop your skills in speaking and listening.
Qualifications available GCSE in English
If you are in Band A, sets 1 & 2, you will study English Language and Literature. This course leads to two separate qualifications and involves the study of spoken language in addition to the study of several literary texts and the development of your writing and speaking skills.
Assessment English:
What skills can I gain from studying English? You will learn how to use words correctly, communicate effectively for an audience and develop a more fluent writing style. You will also develop your skills in analysing texts. Finally, you will learn how to become more articulate and confident communicators.
GCSE in English Language and GCSE English Literature Sets 1& 2 only 40% written exam
English Language: 20% speaking and listening assessment 40% controlled assessment (written work completed in class under exam conditions). English Literature:
20% controlled assessment 80% written exams (2 of them)
Kingsmead Technology College
Mathematics Exam Board: Edexcel
Compulsory Subject Why should I study Maths?
What career paths would Maths be suitable for?
Maths is the subject that underpins the whole of our technological society, from how social network sites manage your profiles to how food arrives from the producers to your supermarkets. This is why colleges and employers ask for students to be capable in Mathematics; it literally plays a part in everything we do!
As stated above every career uses Maths to some degree. Specific careers in which Maths is particularly suitable include: Banking, Insurance, Web Design, Accountancy, Teaching, Surveying, Sciences, Auditing, Retail, Logistics.
What skills can I gain from studying Maths? Apart from the mathematical skills that students may need if they go on to study higher level Maths or to work in a Maths based career, they will also develop the problem solving skills which employers look for in an employee. Everybody needs to have basic numeracy skills to help them to budget their everyday lives.
Kingsmead Technology College
Qualification available GCSE in Mathematics (GCSE in Statistics in addition for some students) Assessment 2 examination papers
Science Exam Board: OCR (GCSE), Edexcel (BTEC)
Compulsory Subject Why should I study Science? Science has an impact on all areas of life, from new aspects of phone technology to medical research. The development of new medicines and treatments and how we manage our environment, science is always in the news. Science courses include study of Biology, Chemistry and Physics. This broad range of study will enable you to gain an understanding of the natural world, the science of materials and how the universe works. Science is an experiment based subject and you will use results from your investigations to develop an understanding of the world around you and issues relating to the environment and its sustainability.
What career paths would Science be suitable for? Careers in Engineering, Pharmacy, Medicine, Veterinary Science, Chemistry, Physics, Chemical Engineering, Biosciences, Food & Nutrition, Forestry, Agriculture and Sports Science all require good Science qualifications. However, the skills studied in science are also valued in employment areas such as Accountancy, Finance, Law, Teaching and Television.
What skills can I gain from studying Science? Studying Science will enable you to develop a range of both subject-specific and transferable skills which are valued by both employers and higher educational establishments alike. Tasks such as problem solving, teamwork and evaluation, together with written and discussion based tasks will allow you to build up these highly valued skills.
Assessment GCSE- Examinations and controlled assessment coursework.
Qualifications available OCR Gateway GCSE Science & GCSE Additional Science – 2 GCSEs. BTEC in Applied Science.
BTEC- Assignments and examination.
Kingsmead Technology College
Information Communication Technology Exam Board: OCR
Compulsory Subject Why should I study Information Communication Technology? ICT skills are essential for success in employment and higher education, and are among the fundamental transferable skills required by employers. Cambridge Nationals deliver these skills across the whole range of learning styles and abilities, effectively engaging and inspiring all students to achieve great things. What skills can I gain from studying Information Communication Technology? You will gain transferable skills such as planning, research and analysis, working with others and communicating technical concepts effectively. You will also be introduced to demanding material and skills; encouraging independence and creativity; providing tasks that engage with the most taxing aspects of the National Curriculum (including data handling, modelling and programming).
book and Twitter which they use to keep in touch with customers and as marketing tool for their business. Each of these businesses require employees to manage and develop their sites which provides an excellent opportunity to develop an career in ICT. Qualification available Cambridge National Certificate in ICT Assessment The Cambridge National Certificate in ICT consists of two mandatory units, one of which will be assessed by an examination and the other by coursework and two optional coursework units. The coursework is assessed under controlled assessment conditions.
What career paths would Information Communication Technology be suitable for? Careers in ICT don’t just mean fixing computers anymore; technology builds the foundations for many careers including customer service, web design, web development, marketing and communications. ICT support, graphic designer, video and sound editing. Many businesses now have their own social networking sites including Face
Kingsmead Technology College
Religion and Ethics Exam Board: AQA
Compulsory Subject Why should I study Religion and Ethics? RE GCSE is an opportunity for students to explore issues and questions which are a concern to people in the 21st Century. It contributes to a person’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and allows them to reflect upon religion, life and morality whilst preparing them for life in a multicultural society. Students will consider issues such as poverty, crime, drugs and death. They will study issues related to war, prejudice, animal rights and abortion. What skills can I gain from studying Religion and Ethics? Studying RE will allow you to reflect on moral and ethical issues, providing you with the opportunity to understand other people’s point of view and the reasons for them. You will learn how to construct reasoned arguments and develop respect and tolerance for other people’s beliefs and viewpoints. The course will also provide you with the opportunity to work and co-operate with others.
For which career paths would Religion and Ethics be suitable for? RE can support many career choices including: Teaching, Local Government, Medical and Healthcare, Social Services, Management, Human Resources and Public Services. Qualifications available GCSE in Religious Studies. Ethics, Philosophy and Religion in Society. Assessment Two exams at the end of Y11 – Paper 1 -
Religion and Morality
Paper 2 -
Religion and Life Issues
Kingsmead Technology College
Citizenship Exam Board: OCR
Compulsory Subject Why should I study Citizenship? Citizenship enables you to have a clearer understanding about the world around you and your rights and responsibilities on a local national and international level. It encourages you to actively participate in campaigns that can change people’s lives for the better and gives you the opportunity to play a role in supporting organisations that want to make a difference to those less fortunate. It encourages debate and allows for differences of opinion. What skills can I gain from studying Citizenship? It encourages you to look at a variety of viewpoints on very controversial issues and make informed decisions and develop your own opinions based on facts. It fosters self confidence when discussing world issues. Citizenship explains how to take part in our society. It covers issues such as why should we vote? How do laws get passed? What is the role of the police? How do courts work? Why do we pay tax? What are our rights as consumers? What effect is immigration having on our society? What is the point of the European Union/ United Nations/
Commonwealth? Why should we care about equal opportunities and human rights? What are the effects of global conflict on our rights, the environment and trade? What career paths would Citizenship be suitable for? Citizenship would be an excellent supporting subject for anybody interested in a career in Law, Journalism, working with Charities, Police Officer, Social Worker, Armed Services, Environmental Services, Civil Service, Trading Standards, Politics, Youth Worker, Aid Worker, and Teaching. Qualification available GCSE in Citizenship Assessment 60% controlled assessment usually completed in Year 10 40% written exam completed at the end of Year 11.
“Citizenship makes sense, it is about what is going on in the world”. Kingsmead Technology College
Art & Design
Exam Board: OCR Why should I study Art & Design? If you wish to study a subject which will develop your skills to explore, experiment and communicate your ideas, then choose Art & Design. You will be exposed to a variety of techniques and processes, both 2D & 3D experiences. You will be encouraged to respond personally to a given starting point or theme. Through considered negotiation with your teacher you can ‘put your own stamp’ on the projects set. If you enjoy being creative, have a good imagination and enjoy working practically, then this is the course for you. You will be keen to develop your analytical and research skills, and will be intrigued to find out about the work of other artists and designers. What skills can I gain from studying Art & Design? You will develop your skills to create, develop and present art work. You will be learning how to make observational drawings, understanding light and shadow. You will be introduced to a variety of other materials including pastels, paints, printing processes, wire work and ceramics. You will understand how to develop and refine these processes within an Art and Design Portfolio. You will learn how to identify and use primary and secondary sources correctly. You will see how different creative sources come together and influence each other. You will develop the confidence to experiment with media and materials in
order to communicate your ideas. You will be encouraged to develop the skills you need to work independently, and make decisions to improve your work as the course develops. What career paths would Art & Design be suitable for? The study of art can lead to a broad range of art related careers. This could be Product and 3D design. Fashion or Textile Design, Graphics, Photography, Theatre Design, Architecture and Interior Design, Stage and Theatre work, Hair and Beauty Industry, Fine Art, Teaching and Lecturing, Marketing and Promotion Industries. The possibilities and opportunities are endless. Art is a subject who complements many other areas of the curriculum: it develops skills of analysis, realisation, confidence, motor skills, and communication written and verbal. These are all skills which any employer or further education establishment would value. Qualification available GCSE in Art & Design Assessment 60% Coursework portfolio 40% externally set assignment. The 10 hour practical exam will be undertaken in Year 11. YES
Kingsmead Technology College
Business Studies
Exam Board: Edexcel Why should I study Business Studies? Business and Commerce relates to the buying and selling of goods, services and information - important exchanges in almost any area of life! As the world becomes more dependent on globalised trade and investment, though, the demand for well-trained businesspeople grows stronger. What skills can I gain from studying Business Studies? You would expect to gain the following skills by studying this course: Practical skills including time management, personal organisation and planning together with presentation skills addressing audiences using a variety of media and forms. Personal skills showing evidence of progression will also be used together with interpersonal skills including communication and group work, cognitive skills such as reflection and review of own and others’ performances. What career paths would Business Studies be suitable for? Here are some jobs and industries that you may consider if you study Business Studies. Sales: Sales positions have the potential to be extremely lucrative. Banking and Insurance
are careers needed all over the country, so you will have options about where to live and work. Buyers often are called on to travel all over the world to select goods for the companies for which they work. Marketing Specialist: As a marketing specialist, you will work to promote the company and work on advertising campaigns. Human Resources: As a human resources manager, your job will be to find the best and the brightest people to fill open positions. Human resources managers are also often called upon to resolve interoffice conflicts and ensure resolutions satisfactory to all parties. Small Business Owner: If your goal is to open your own business, then studying business studies will give you the tools you need to both develop a business plan and see that plan through. Qualification available GCSE in Business Studies Assessment You will be assessed over three units all of which are externally assessed written examinations. YES
“Business Studies is a subject where I will be able to use my learning when I leave school no matter what I do. I will either be working within a business or running my own business eventually, either way I now know that I will understand what’s happening much better and so be able to contribute more”. Kingsmead Technology College
Child Development
Exam Board: OCR Why should I study Child Development?
What career paths would Child Development be suitable for?
This is a very interesting course involving learning about families and how family lifestyles affect us, including the different types of family within society. It gives you knowledge and understanding of the stages involved in Preparation for Pregnancy and Birth, including conception.
This course is an excellent one to lead onto the 6th form Level 2 or Level 3 Child Care and Education courses. There are many careers leading on from this, such as Nursery Nurse, Children’s Nurse, Child Minder, Nursery Teacher, Social Worker and Primary School Teacher.
Stages of Child Development and how various influences affect development are considered. The course will develop an awareness of the needs of young children up to the age of 5 years as well as the nutrition and the health of children.
Qualification available
What skills can I gain from studying Child Development? Students will develop a range of skills including good organisation and time management skills by doing the controlled assessment. Also they will gain a good knowledge of types and stages of development of children.
GCSE in Child Development Assessment 60% - Controlled Assessment; comprising of three short tasks in Y10 and one Child Study in Y11. 40% - final exam at the end of Y11.
“I have found this course really interesting and learnt a lot”. 14
Kingsmead Technology College
Exam Board: OCR Why should I study Computing? Are you fascinated by computers? Would you like to write your own software or work on your own project? Maybe you want to be involved in games development or writing the next major app to dominate the market? If so, Computing will be the ideal course to get you started. This course is most likely to be suitable for students who are following the EBacc combination of subjects. What skills can I gain from studying Computing? You will develop an understanding of current and emerging technologies, how they work and apply this knowledge and understanding with some technical skills and an understanding of the use of algorithms in computer programs to solve problems using programming. You will develop computer programs to solve problems, skills to work collaboratively and be able to evaluate the effectiveness of computer programs/solutions and the impact of, and issues related to, the use of computer technology in society.
Project Manager , Software Developer, Games Developer, IT Technician, IT Support Analyst (Junior), Technical Support Engineer, System Test Technician, IT Manager - Retail , IT Support Engineer. Qualification available GCSE in Computing Assessment 40% Examination paper - short answer questions and essay type questions. 30% Controlled Assessment - A practical investigative task set by the exam board with a choice of research tasks (approximately 20hrs). 30% Controlled Assessment - This includes programming tasks set by the exam board that enable candidates to design, develop and test a solution to a problem (approximately 20hrs).
What career paths would Computing be suitable for? There are numerous different career paths which you can pursue with your Computing qualification, listed below are just a few:
Kingsmead Technology College
Exam Board: AQA Why should I study Drama? Studying Drama provides a fantastic opportunity to develop your communication skills and explore many genres/styles of theatre performance. 60% of the course is practical based, and written elements are explored practically first. You will have the opportunity to visit the theatre on a regular basis; attending trips to London’s West End and local theatres.
important leadership skills which will hold you in good stead for the future. For which career paths would Drama be suitable? Drama can lead to careers such as an Actor, Director, Writer, Teacher, Drama Therapist. Drama also complements subjects such as English, History, Media, Art and Sociology. Qualifications available
Students will have the opportunity to work with industry professionals on a regular basis. This has involved in recent years sword fighting workshops, UV puppetry and workshops from the Frantic Assembly Theatre Company.
GCSE in Drama
What skills can I gain from studying Drama?
30% Practical - Acting scripted piece
You will improve your performance and communication skills. Learn script writing, directing skills and also look at drama in an industry based context. You will gain
40% Written - Examination
Assessment 30% Practical - Theatre in Education piece
“Always exciting and a new challenge”. 16
Kingsmead Technology College
Design and Technology: Electronic Products Exam Board: Edexcel Why should I study Electronics? GCSE Electronic Products offers you an opportunity to design and make products using electronic circuitry and some resistant materials. If you enjoy problem solving, making things, enjoy Science and Maths, testing your ideas using computers and electronic components/PCBs then, GCSE Electronics is an ideal subject for you. This course is most likely to be suitable for students who are following the EBacc combination of subjects. What skills can I gain from studying Electronics? You will learn how to design simple electronic building blocks and how to link these together to produce more complex, useful circuitry to solve electronic problems. As well as working with electronic components, you will use resistant materials to create protective cases for your circuitry to complete your electronic product. Communicating ideas including Computer Aided Design (CAD), using tools and developing hand skills, as well as a range of industrial processes, you will manufacture a range
of products e.g. shed alarm, sound generator, and lighting units. You will also develop your personal learning and thinking skills! What career paths would Electronic Products be suitable for? Any design related career such as: Product Design, Automotive Design, Tele-communications, Computer Systems Installation and Maintenance, Manufacturing and Engineering Industries. Qualification available GCSE in Design and Technology: Electronic Products Assessment 60% Controlled Assessment - Creative Design and Make Activity (40hrs) 40% Examination - Knowledge and Understanding of Electronic Products (1½hrs) YES
“I like solving problems and my Maths and Science helped me understand some of the exam stuff. I really enjoyed making and testing my circuit and the casing design looks quality!” Kingsmead Technology College
Design and Technology: Graphic Products Exam Board: Edexcel Why should I study Graphics?
What career paths would Graphics be suitable for?
Graphics covers a wide range of products including: packaging, point-of-sale display, creating models for interior design and garden design and 3D product (concept) design. If you enjoy problem solving, making models, using your artistic/drawing skills, being creative and testing your ideas, then Graphic Products is an ideal subject for you.
Any design related career such as: Graphic Design, Product Design, Illustration, Architectural Design, Interior Design and Media.
What skills can I gain from studying Graphics?
Graphics covers a wide range of creative activities based on designing and making products, which are manufactured using materials such as; card, Styrofoam, vinyl and a variety of modelling materials. Communicating ideas using a range of graphic drawing methods and techniques including Computer Aided Design (CAD) is an important part of this course. Using tools and developing hand skills, as well as a range of industrial processes you will manufacture a range of products e.g. perfume bottle and packaging; computer game/DVD packaging. You will also develop your personal learning and thinking skills!
60% Controlled Assessment - Creative Design and Make Activity (40hrs)
Qualification available GCSE in Design and Technology: Graphic Products.
40% Examination - Knowledge and Understanding of Graphic Products (1½hrs) YES
“I really enjoyed producing my own designs for a new brand of perfume, its packaging and advertising, knowing that my work is unique, that no one else has designed it like that before”. 18
Kingsmead Technology College
Design and Technology: Resistant Materials Exam Board: Edexcel Why should I study Resistant Materials?
What career paths would Resistant Materials be suitable for?
GCSE Resistant Materials involves designing and making working products; using wood, metal and plastics. You will design products such as; jewellery storage; computer game and accessory storage; bedside lighting. If you enjoy problem solving, making things that work, using your drawing skills, being creative and testing your ideas, then Resistant Materials is an ideal subject for you.
Any design related career such as: Product Design, Automotive Design, Architectural Design, Landscape Gardening, Manufacturing and Engineering Industries.
What skills can I gain from studying Resistant Materials?
60% Controlled Assessment - Creative Design and Make Activity (40hrs)
GCSE Resistant Materials covers a wide range of creative activities based on designing and making products, which are manufactured using materials such as; MDF, Plywood, Aluminium, Acrylic. Communicating ideas using a range of graphic drawing methods and techniques including Computer Aided Design (CAD) is an important part of this course. Using tools and developing hand skills, as well as a range of industrial processes, you will manufacture a range of products e.g. a storage unit for X Box Games or a storage unit to keep and organise your jewellery. You will also develop your personal learning and thinking skills!
Qualification available GCSE in Design and Technology: Resistant Materials Assessment
40% Examination - Knowledge and Understanding of Resistant Materials (1½hrs) YES
“I like using my hands and tools to make something I thought of, it’s great! You have to be able to draw a bit though and there’s quite a bit of stuff to write and learn for the exam. It’s not all making”. Kingsmead Technology College
Design and Technology: Textiles Exam Board: Edexcel Why should I study Textiles? GCSE Textiles covers a wide range of products including, soft toys, soft furnishings (interior design), fashion accessories, fashion garments. If you enjoy problem solving, designing textile products of the future, being creative/ artistic, investigating textiles and making products, using/ wearing and testing your ideas, then Textiles is an ideal subject for you. What skills can I gain from studying Textiles?
processes, you will manufacture a range of products e.g. children’s soft toys; fashion clothes and accessories; interior design items. You will also develop your personal learning and thinking skills! What career paths would Textiles be suitable for? Any design related career such as: Product Design, Fashion Illustration, Interior Design, Fashion Design, Textile Fabric and Surface Design. Qualification available
During this course, you will cover a range of creative activities, based on designing and making products, which are manufactured using a variety of fabric materials and construction methods. You will look at how modern, smart and sustainable materials are increasingly used to create new and exciting fashion products. Communicating ideas using a range of graphic drawing methods and techniques including Computer Aided Design (CAD) is an integral part of this course. Using tools and developing hand skills, as well as a range of industrial
GCSE in Design and Technology: Textiles Assessment 60% Controlled Assessment - Creative Design and Make Activity (40hrs) 40% Examination - Knowledge and Understanding of Electronic Products (1½hrs) YES
“Creating my own fashion items has been really exciting and made me want to go on and take courses which will allow me to follow my ambition of working in the fashion industry”. 20
Kingsmead Technology College
Exam Board: Edexcel Why should I study Engineering? In this course, you will discover the world of engineering. You will investigate the processes used to manufacture modern products within different engineering sectors. You will investigate the materials and production processes used to manufacture a product such as a ‘Stunt Scooter’ and write a report on your findings. You will learn about some of the causes and effects of equipment failure plan a maintenance activity and carry out a maintenance activity safely on an engineering product. If you enjoy taking things apart and putting them back together to see how they work and making new things which work, using tools and equipment whilst also using computers to draw and design, then Engineering could be just the subject for you. What skills can I gain from studying Engineering? BTEC Engineering covers a wide range of activities based on investigating and making products, which are manufactured using materials such as; Plywood, Aluminium or Acrylic. You will develop basic skills in Computer Aided
Design (CAD). Using tools and developing hand skills, as well as a range of industrial processes you will manufacture a range of engineered products. You will also develop your Personal Learning and Thinking Skills! What career paths would BTEC Engineering be suitable for? A first step towards a career in engineering or manufacturing e.g. maintenance engineer, fabricator, sheet metal worker, machinist, electronics maintenance, fitter, vehicle technician, CAD draught person, or parts consultant. Qualification available BTEC in Engineering Assessment A number of assignments from four units: The Engineered World, Investigating an Engineered Product, Engineering Maintenance and Computer Aided Engineering. 25% - online test. YES
“I think this course is good, I get assessed in a different way and I can try to get a higher grade by making my work better as I go along. I want a job in an engineering company, and maybe get an apprenticeship”. Kingsmead Technology College
Food and Nutrition
Exam Board: OCR Why should I study Food and Nutrition?
What career paths would Food and Nutrition be suitable for?
This is a very interesting course which involves learning about a wide range of foods and related topics. These include, how products are made, nutrition and health, balanced diets and food choices.
This course is an excellent one to lead onto a range of different careers including becoming a Chef or numerous jobs in catering and the Food Service Industry. You could also follow a career in retailing (such as Marks and Spencer, Sainsbury or Waitrose) or become a Cake Decorator. Additionally there are lots of opportunities for further training for careers in Teaching, Food Product Development, Dietetics or to become a Food Scientist.
You will also learn about food preparation, food processing, food safety and preservation. What skills can I gain from studying Food and Nutrition? You will develop a wide variety of practical skills doing lots of practical work and making a variety of different types of dishes, using a range of techniques. Students will gain a range of skills which include, increasing knowledge of foods and the nutrients they provide. In addition, good levels of organisation and time management skills will be developed during practical sessions as well as through doing the controlled assessment. You will have opportunities to improve your self-confidence and gain a pride in producing work of a high standard.
Qualification available GCSE in Food and Nutrition. Assessment 60% Controlled Assessment - 3 Short tasks in Y10 and 1 Food Study in Y11. 40% final exam at the end of Y11. YES
“You get to cook lots of dishes and gain a range of new skills. Although there is coursework it is still enjoyable�. 22
Kingsmead Technology College
French or German
Exam Board: OCR Why should I study French or German? A GCSE qualification in a modern language is a vital qualification to have in twenty-first century Britain, respected greatly by employers and higher-education establishments alike. There is currently a shortage of young people with good language skills in this country, so a qualification in French or German really helps you to stand out from the crowd and get ahead when it is time to move on! What skills can I gain from studying French or German? Studying a modern language offers the chance to improve both oral and written communication skills, as well as develop cultural understanding – vital in 21st century Britain. For which career paths would French or German be suitable for?
tourism, but also the less obvious options like law or journalism. Our big UK companies are also multi-nationals, operating across the world and constantly seeking employees with the language skills necessary to drive the business forward. Even smaller, more local businesses benefit from having people with good language skills. With languages, the business world is your oyster! Qualifications available GCSE in French or German Assessment Controlled assessments are carried out during the course in writing and speaking and these account for 60% of the course. The remaining 40% is divided between reading and listening which are examined at the end of year 11. YES
Having a qualification in French or German will open a multitude of career opportunities to young people today. There are the obvious choices, of course, like travel or
“ I really enjoy learning about life for young people in Germany - and how things are different for them”. Kingsmead Technology College
Exam Board: Edexcel Why should I study Geography?
What career paths would Geography be suitable for?
This course builds upon the detailed understanding that you already have about the world, beginning with your local area. This starting point will then lead to an in depth study of wider aspects of Geography, both physical and human, from local to global. Your understanding of the world will be stretched and challenged in relation to interrelationships that exist across the globe. Your knowledge and skills will be developed to help prepare you for further study and the world of work.
Geography teaches students a wide-range of useful skills for the work place. Employers value the wide-ranging computer, research, and analytical skills that geography students bring to work as employees. Careers in the following areas would be ideal to apply your skills: Media, Local Government, Countryside Management, Property, the Armed Forces, Finance and Personnel Work.
What skills can I gain from studying Geography? The course will allow you to improve your knowledge and understanding of geographical concepts and appreciate the relevance of these concepts to our changing world. It should develop a framework of spatial awareness in which to appreciate the importance of the location of places and environments from local to global. It will allow you to appreciate the differences and similarities between people’s views of the world, its environments, societies and cultures. You will develop and apply your learning to the real world through fieldwork and other out of classroom learning.
Qualification available GCSE in Geography Assessment 25% Controlled Assessment tasks including a 2000 word assessment 50% Examination (1hr 45min) 25% Written paper - This will assessing geographical skills such as map skills and analysis. YES
Kingsmead Technology College
Health and Social Care
Exam Board: Edexcel Why should I study Health and Social Care? Health and Social Care is designed to give students an insight into the work of Health and Social Care professionals and the needs that people have when they are being cared for during illness or old age. This subject will give you the opportunity to gain specific knowledge, understanding and skills that are relevant to a career in the field of Health and Social Care and for life in general. What skills can I gain from studying Health and Social Care? It will develop communication skills in order to form effective relationships and work cooperatively with other professionals. Interpersonal skills will also be developed which are vital to support people who require care. Students will have the opportunity to gain an understanding of policies and procedures to safeguard vulnerable groups in society who are most at risk of abuse and how to work in a way to promote anti-discrimination and inclusion. Health, safety and security within care settings is also vital and students will learn how to investigate and avoid potential hazards and minimise risks through conducting risk assessments.
What career paths would Health and Social Care be suitable for? Health and Social Care is an ideal subject for entry to careers such as Nursing, Midwifery, Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Early Years or Primary Teaching and Social Work. Qualification available BTEC in Health and Social Care Assessment The course is internally assessed and externally checked. It is made up of 4 individual units, 2 of which are compulsory. Each unit is made up of a number of assessments which are completed in class. YES
“Health and Social Care is an enjoyable subject.You learn different skills and qualities such as how to communicate with others and how to empower people�. Kingsmead Technology College
Exam Board: OCR Why should I study History? When you study Medicine through Time be prepared for the full works: Blood, gore and the occasional amputation! Learn how we have developed from chiselling holes into skulls to let out evil spirits, to state of the art heart surgery. We’ll also study when surgery meant patients having to be held down or punched rather than having an anaesthetic. This course will also let you find out all about how and why a man called Adolf Hitler was able to become leader of one of the most powerful countries in the world. How did this once penniless tramp become Germany’s most feared man? You will learn how! What skills can I gain from studying History? You can gain a whole range of transferable skills. There are the obvious skills such as knowing how to research and to synthesise information from a number of sources. You will be able to evaluate a range of evidence, weighing it up so you can construct logical arguments. In History you will gain the valuable skill of seeing both sides of an argument and then reaching balanced conclusions. Your communication skills will be developed and improved. All of this is very useful in the ‘big wide world’. What career paths would History be suitable for? The study of people is at the heart of History – this understanding is very useful in the ‘people professions’,
from Receptionists, Hairdressers and Beauticians, to Teachers, the Health Service, Social Work and Personnel. History requires extended, logical, reasoned debate in writing. It is essential for any job which requires writing reports, the Civil Service, Law, Journalism etc. Historical skills such as understanding cause and consequence, change and continuity etc., are essential in any job which requires analysis and strategy – which includes jobs such as the Army, Advertising, Medicine, Banking and Accountancy. So, really, History is an ideal and important basis for any career. Its skills are so varied that many employers value the study of History. Qualification available: GCSE in History Assessment: 45% Written examination - Study in Development and Study in Depth (2 hrs) 30% Written examination - Historical Source Investigation (1½ hrs) 25% Controlled assessment - History Around Us YES
Kingsmead Technology College
Exam Board: Edexcel Why should I study Media? The world around us is changing at a dazzling pace, driven by developments in technology. At the forefront of this is the media world. The ability to understand how this world works and how it creates meaning and how it influences our lives is becoming increasingly important.
If you are particularly interested in the media sector, careers in the industry can be specialist, requiring specific technical and craft skills. However, there is also a recognised need for transferable skills and knowledge as developments in technology and the growth of freelance work blur the edges of previously distinct sectors.
What skills can I gain from studying Media?
Qualification available
Studying Media will help you to develop key skills such as investigation, analysis, interpretation, evaluation, communication and project management. You will gain an insight in to the processes involved in creating a variety of media.
BTEC in Creative Media Production
What career paths would Media be suitable for? The skills that you will learn in Creative Media Production will be useful to you in a number of careers; Teaching, Journalism, working in the media industry and even the business world.
Assessment The course is internally assessed and externally verified. It is made up of 4 individual units, 2 of which are compulsory. Each unit is made up of a number of assessments which are completed in class. YES
“Let’s you be creative and bring your own interests to class”.
Kingsmead Technology College
Exam Board: OCR Why should I study Music?
For which career paths would Music be suitable?
You will have opportunities to develop your practical skills on your chosen instrument and will, of course, be expected to practice regularly. Creativity is a key aspect of music and you will enjoy using ICT to compose your own music. You will listen to a diverse range of musical styles and learn about the history of music. Music is a great subject to study if you enjoy performing music either alone or as part of an ensemble. If you enjoy playing and composing music, wish to work in a creative vibrant environment and maybe want to study it further, then music could be a good choice for you.
Popular or classical music routes into performing, composing, teaching or studio work. GCSE Music also provides a pathway to music degrees and music technology at Post 16.
What skills can I gain from studying Music?
A creative task and listening exam at the end of the 2 years.
You will gain practical performance skills on your chosen instrument, as well as compositional skills using ICT. You will develop an understanding and appreciation of a variety of genres and theory of music.
Qualifications available GCSE in Music Assessment A solo and an ensemble performance, and 2 compositions across the 2 years.
“There is a variety of activities and the mix of practical with theory lessons makes it very interesting.We feel confident about what we learn and achieve. It certainly develops creativity”. 28
Kingsmead Technology College
Physical Education/Sport
Exam Board: OCR GCSE PE or Edexcel BTEC Sport Why should I study Sport/Physical Education? Sport is fun and practical. It gets students out of the classroom for a few extra hours a week and allows them to improve their health and well-being as well as be more competent in certain sports. This course will cover many aspects of sport from physiological aspects such as bones and muscles, to social aspects such as why certain people take part in sport more than others. The feedback from previous years has been that whilst the course is challenging, it has been one of the most interesting and fun subjects to do. What skills can I gain from studying Sport/Physical Education? Sport and Physical Education requires students to be independent, leaders and good organisers. If they’re not at the start they definitely will be by the end! The students will be covering a plethora of topic areas, including Physiology, Psychology of Sport, Nutrition, Fitness Testing, Training Methods and Components of Fitness. What career paths would Sport/Physical Education be suitable for? Physical Education and Sport is a good subject for entry to A-Level and Level 3 BTEC, before moving onto such degree courses as Sport and Exercise Science, Teaching
Kingsmead Technology College
Physical Education at Secondary, Primary Teaching, Sports Development Officers, Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Leisure Management, Medicine as well as being suitable for other non-specific courses. Physical Education is also suitable for those wishing to go into the Armed Forces, Police or Fire Brigade. Qualification available GCSE PE or BTEC Sport What is the main difference between BTEC Sport and GCSE PE and which one is best for my child? BTEC is an ongoing assessment covering some aspects of sport. GCSE PE is assessed on how good you are at Sport/ Coaching and an end of year test based on the content of the course. If they are good at a number of sports/ activities (4 or more) and retain information well they should choose GCSE PE. Assessment GCSE PE – 1 Exam (40%), 2 pieces of coursework (10%), 4 sports/activities (50%) BTEC Sport – 1 Exam 25%, 3 internally assessed units (75%) YES
Preparation for Working Life Exam Board: AQA Why should I study Preparation for Working Life? This qualification aims to give students the skills, knowledge and understanding which will prepare them for working life, helping them to gain entry into work, training and further education and develop their future careers as confident individuals who are able to contribute positively to society. This course is most likely to be suitable for students who are not following the EBacc combination of subjects.
It also provides a foundation for a range of career pathways and equips the student with CV, application form and letter writing skills as well as interview skills which will be essential for their future progression. Qualification available Entry Level Certificate Level 1/2 Certificate Assessment
What skills can I gain from studying Preparation for Working Life?
Entry Level 50% Externally set assessments 50% Teacher devised assessment tasks
Students are able to gain knowledge of finance, enterprise, working practices and how businesses are organised and run.
Level 1/2 (Short Course) 80% Written paper (external assessment) 20% Coursework (internal assessment)
The course also enables students to gain employability skills, such as the ability to problem solve, to communicate effectively and to work well in a team. What career paths would Preparation for Working Life be suitable for? The qualification provides a suitable foundation for further study in related subjects such as citizenship and areas of Sociology and Business Studies.
Level 1/2 (Full Course) 100% Written paper (external assessment) YES
Kingsmead Technology College
Exam Board: WJEC Why should I study Sociology? Sociology is a subject that looks at the modern world in a different way. It attempts to challenge everyday assumptions about human life. Have you ever wondered why in every town and city there are both wealthy and poor neighbourhoods, why it is women and not men who tend to do the bulk of the housework and childcare, why overall girls achieve far better exam results than boys, why the police tend to target young people, or why the Sun outsells all other newspapers? If you have then Sociology might well be the subject for you. The course provides an introduction to the study of society and aims to give students a critical appreciation and understanding of contemporary society. The course is suitable for students who have a broad interest in social issues. This course is most likely to be suitable for students who are following the EBacc combination of subjects. What skills can I gain from studying Sociology? Sociology is the study of society. The world in which we live is at times strange, but always fascinating. Sociology aims to develop an analytical and critical understanding
of society by considering some of the key institutions in society. Sociologists question our everyday existence and ask questions such as, why do some people commit crime and others not? Does the television influence how we see the world? What career paths would Sociology be suitable for? Sociology is a good general subject and can be combined with sciences or art subjects. Sociology will support a career in a wide range of areas, including human resources, social & welfare work, police, local government, advertising and management. The analytical skills developed in this course are particularly valued by employers. Qualification available GCSE in Sociology Assessment Two 1½ hour exams YES
“You learn a lot about life and how people behave. Hard work but worth it” Kingsmead Technology College
Study Plus
Exam Board: Edexcel Why should I study Study Plus?
Qualification available
This option allows us to continue supporting students with additional English and Maths without disrupting their other curriculum subjects. This course is aimed at students that have received additional support during their time at KS3.
Functional skills level 1 and 2 Assessments On screen assessments
What skills can I gain from studying Study Plus? Functional literacy i.e. reading, writing and speaking skill.
Numeracy skills including analysis and interpretation of data. What career paths would Study Plus be suitable for? This option will help you demonstrate that you have the necessary functional and life skills that future colleges and employers require.
Kingsmead Technology College
Travel and Tourism
Exam Board: AQA Why should I study Travel and Tourism? The rationale for the Travel and Tourism course is to inspire and enthuse you to consider a career in the travel and tourism sector. It gives you the opportunity to gain broad knowledge and understanding of, and develop skills in, the travel and tourism sector. What skills can I gain from studying Travel and Tourism? As well as knowledge and skills you will acquire in the travel and tourism sector, your personal learning and thinking skills will be developed, as will opportunities to develop your numeracy and literacy skills.
wide range of posts across the travel and tourism sector; for example in travel agencies, visitor attractions and accommodation. Qualification available BTEC in Travel and Tourism Assessment The units of study will be internally assessed. There is an external examination which will be 1 hour in duration. This will be externally marked. YES
What career paths would Travel and Tourism be suitable for? This course will support progression to a more specialised level 3 vocational qualification such as the Edexcel BTEC Level 3 National in Travel and Tourism, or an academic course such as GCE in Travel and Tourism, or a BTEC Apprenticeship in Travel Services. It gives you the potential opportunity, in due course, to enter employment within a
Kingsmead Technology College
Next Steps
You have completed the options book and are well on the way to choosing the right subjects for you. Your parents should have been able to discuss this with you as well and if they haven’t been involved, you should talk to them about it now.
Key Dates
So far you have narrowed down to a list of possible subjects. The next step is to use the online options web page to make some selections.
Tuesday 5th March
Due to the logistics of writing the timetable we cannot guarantee all of your first choices. We ask you to make six choices. We will do our best to give you the four options you want as long as you have chosen appropriately using this book to guide you. We cannot guarantee that every subject will run at this stage as each subject needs enough students to make a viable class.
Wednesday 27th February Please ensure we receive all returns for Options Evening by this date. Options Evening for parents. Saturday 9th March Career Guidance 10am – 1pm Library 11th March – 15th March Signed books can be given to Learning Tutors. Students receive options books back from Learning Tutors and are given access to the website options page. Friday 22th March Review Day Wednesday 27th March Website options page closes. All options must be complete by this date.
Kingsmead Technology College
Please ensure that you and your parents sign below and give your book to your Learning Tutor. Once you get it back you will be able to access the website. Subjects
Art and Design
Business Studies
Child Development
D&T - Electronic Products
D&T - Graphics
D&T - Resistant Materials
D&T - Textiles
Food and Nutrition
French or German
Health and Social Care
Physical Education or Sport
Preparation for Working Life
Study Plus
Travel and Tourism
I have worked carefully through this options book and completed all of it. Signed
Tutor Group
(student) I am aware of the work my son/daughter has completed in this book and discussed it with him/her. Date Signed (person with parental responsibility)
Kingsmead Technology College
Kingsmead Technology College Kings Avenue, Hednesford, Cannock, Staffordshire. WS12 1DH Headteacher: Mr I Bryant Telephone: (+44) 01543 512455 Fax: (+44) 01543 512481 E-mail:
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Kingsmead Technology College