IDEA Lab Afterschool Program
Idea Lab ®, Idea Lab Kids ®, Idea Lab STEM academy logo are registered trademarks of Idea Lab LLC. ©Copyright 2016:
IDEA Lab Afterschool Program Q: What are the counselor-to-student ratios? A: The Idea Lab maintains a maximum ratio of 1 counselor to 12 After-schoolers. However, at times it will be lower. Q: What requirements must a counselor meet to work at the Idea Lab? A: As a licensed child-care facility, all our counselors and drivers are fingerprinted, background tested, and CPR/First Aid Certified. Each counselor also goes through Idea Lab training before they work with our After-schoolers. Q: How does the transportation process work? A: A marked Idea Lab van with an Idea Lab driver will be there to receive children from carpool administrators at pick-up. If needed, we will provide booster seats for the After-schoolers. Q: What happens if my child will miss a day? A: If we provide transportation, we ask that a parent notifies the Idea Lab via phone call or e-mail (by noon) if the After-schooler will miss a day. This is VERY IMPORTANT; if a child does not board the van, the driver must locate the child and often this holds up a route. A $25 fee will be incurred if a parent fails to notify the Idea Lab about an absence. Q: What are my enrollment options? A: There are 2 Enrollment Options ● OPTION 1: Select 1 or more enrichment classes to attend per week for a semester. ● OPTION 2: Attend After-school with transportation provided with all daily enrichment classes included in program cost. You can pick options for 3, 4, or 5 days. The days selected must be consistent for all weeks. Q: What are the monthly rates? A: It depends if you are doing Option 1 or Option 2 (see above). Note: There is a 10% Tuition Discount provided for the second sibling enrolled in the program. Not to be combined with any other discounts. Program fees vary by location. Please review the registration link to see prices for the location. Q: What are the New Student Fees? A: There is a $75 annual registration fee for an individual After-schooler or a $100 registration fee for a family. There is also a deposit of $225 that can be applied towards the last month of your child’s tuition with a 30-day written notice.
Idea Lab ®, Idea Lab Kids ®, Idea Lab STEM academy logo are registered trademarks of Idea Lab LLC. ©Copyright 2016:
IDEA Lab Afterschool Program Q: What time is pick up/drop-off? A:
Option 1: Drop-off is 10 minutes prior to class start time. Option 2: The Afterschool Program begins upon pick-up from school.
The Idea Lab closes at 6:30 p.m. Late pickups incur a fee of $1 per minute for the first 5 minutes and $5 per min after that. Note: If a child is left at Idea Lab until 7:30 p.m. and we are unable to reach parents/guardians/emergency contacts, Children’s Protective Services will be contacted. Q: Do you provide snacks? A: We have snack time from 3:15-3:45. Snacks are provided. There is a variable snack menu that includes some of the following: applesauce, baked crackers, fresh fruit and veggies. Q: How will I receive my invoices? A: An automated monthly invoice will be sent to the e-mail address provided. However, you are responsible for paying your fees in a timely manner. Not receiving an invoice is not an acceptable excuse for late payment. Q: What methods are accepted for tuition payment? A:
● A 3% processing fee per transaction will be assessed per child if paying by credit card ● We accept payments by checks or online ● An additional fee of $25 will be applied to your account if payments made after the 3rd of each month. After the 5th of the month an additional fee of $10 per day will be applied to your account.
Q: Is the Idea Lab open on Early Dismissal Days A: If ISD Early Dismissal Days fall on a day that your child normally attends the Idea Lab, we will provide transportation at the early release time. If your child attends a private school, and has different early dismissal days, please arrange with the location coordinator to provide care.
Idea Lab ®, Idea Lab Kids ®, Idea Lab STEM academy logo are registered trademarks of Idea Lab LLC. ©Copyright 2016:
IDEA Lab Afterschool Program Q: Is the Idea Lab open on School Holidays or Teacher Meeting Days? A: For most School Days Off, a themed camp will be offered by Idea Lab. We ask that each camper is registered to reserve their spot. Check with your Coordinator for availability and activity details. These camp days are not included in your monthly tuition. The fee will be added to your account. Full day care for after school students is $35 for the day, 7am -6:30pm. Q: Will my monthly tuition fee change for months with more School Holidays (Spring Break, Fall Break, or Winter Break)? A: Your tuition is based on a full year of enrollment. For your convenience, the tuition is divided into monthly payments. Therefore, unless your pick-up plan changes, your payment will remain the same. Q: What will my child do at the Idea Lab? A: The Idea Lab After-school Program follows a weekly schedule. The classes include everything from homework help to S.T.E.A.M. classes. There is definitely a heavy focus on Science, Technology, Cooking, Art, Gym and more. The lessons are specifically crafted to highlight project-based learning, span multiple subjects, and enhance intrapersonal skills. Q: How do I register my child? A: To secure a spot in our program you are required to fill out an enrollment packet and pay all new student fees. Enrollment packet can be acquired from an Idea Lab staff member or via email. Q: Anything else? A:
● A list of approved people for pick up must be provided to the Afterschool Coordinator. We will ask for photo identification upon pick up. ● We utilize the KidCheck system so parents and drivers can sign in/out After-schoolers. This should be set up prior to the first day of Afterschool. You can adjust settings to notify you when your child is checked in/out. ● The Idea Lab is a nut-free environment. If you send your child to the Lab with snacks or goodies, please keep this in mind. ● Idea Lab works hand in hand with our After-schoolers to provide a healthy, enriching, and safe environment. Therefore, we utilize agreements (Behavior, Technology, and Homework) so our After-schoolers know how they are expected to behave and what they can expect from Idea Lab in return.
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Idea Lab ®, Idea Lab Kids ®, Idea Lab STEM academy logo are registered trademarks of Idea Lab LLC. ©Copyright 2016: